#Abby And Luka
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sk8girl59 · 23 days ago
ER (1994-2009) 14.14 Owner Of A Broken Heart (Deleted Scene)
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docjen · 4 months ago
It’s been awhile. Sorry gang.
I think I forgot to mention the unhinged psychopath who LITERALLY WROTE AN ABBY/LUKA FIC WHERE LUKA KILLS ABBY DURING SEX BECAUSE HE THINKS SHE IS FANTASIZING ABOUT CARTER and used a fake account meant to impersonate ME “Sportsmedicineismyhobby”. (This is the fake account, not my actual one, which is clearly displayed, they used it because they know I’m a sports med physician). This is what our once cozy and happy fandom has come to. Even the OG fandom wasn’t this bad (and it was sometimes BAD).
I do not “hate” Carter, just to make that VERY clear once again. I actually love that dufus, and especially love his friendships with fellow dufus’s Luka and Benton. Anyways. Will I give an honest review saying that characters are written out of character in a SHIP FIC TAGGED IN A DIFFERENT SHIP’S TAGS? Absolutely. But apparently this makes me a “bully”. 🙄
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Did I mention this same person has literally sent death threats through Ao3, and nothing has been done? I got a warning for literally saying “these characters are out of character” on a story, yet others are allowed to to send me death threats through DM, LITERALLY tell me to kill myself and/or “I hope you get murdered” in public comments on MY fics (I’m not the only one they’ve done this to), and also literally impersonate me. I love you, Ao3, but get your fucking shit together.
Abby is me in this gif. ISTG.
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docjen · 10 months ago
They are perfect.
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ABBY/LUKA + height difference
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noahwhyle · 3 months ago
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the emergency room at COUNTY GENERAL
"Is it always this busy on Christmas eve? Like the malls the day after Thanksgiving."
ER S04E10 "Do You See What I See?" (1997) ER S05E10 "The Miracle Worker" (1998) ER S06E09 "How the Finch Stole Christmas" (1999) ER S07E09 "The Greatest of Gifts" (2000) ER S08E10 "I'll Be Home for Christmas" (2001) ER S09E10 "Hindsight" (2002) ER S10E10 "Makemba" (2003)
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monpetitchattriste · 7 months ago
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So I have this story idea for this art and I doubt I will ever be able to find the time to write it.
I call it my Orange au (not because of adriens shoes)
And yes it's based in the anime Orange.
Maybe if people are interested in hearing about I can make little post about my ideas and the characters backsrorys.
There will be a lot of hurt/comfort and overcoming personal struggles. And romance. (Hehehe)
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 4 months ago
One of my favorite scenes, big reason, is Sydney opening up and Carmy experiencing pain for Sydney.
But another thing the scene points out is they these two are not platonic. If they are the type of friends that epitomize a platonic relationship with a work family that feels closer than a family, he would know this about Sydney. Yet, he doesn’t. Syd still holds back when it comes to Carmy.
To be fair, she held back about her mom with Marcus too. But now that it’s clear that Marcus and Sydney have a platonic relationship, there’s an ease in their getting to know one another. Currently, based on what the show has presented, we see Carmy trying to get to know Sydney, who remains reserved about her mother until she can't find a way to put her guard up.
That's the dance with these two Sydney puts her guard up Carmy tries to get to know her- how is that friendship or how is that even what Donna says in season 4? That they're closer than family family?
Maybe because we are just getting started next season on Sydney and Carmy becoming closer?
But really Why is it so difficult for them to hang out and party together? Why is Carmy so hurt by the realization that in not focusing on the restaurant, he's missing out on knowinh Sydney? If it's really about friendship, why are there so many barriers preventing it from developing?
Why is there jealousy? Distrust? The longing to trust and open up instead of just doing it? Why is it so difficult for Carmy and Sydney to talk about their deceased loved ones, unlike the conversations that Natalie and Richie have, or the ones Ebra and Tina share?
Why is it so difficult for Sydney and Carmy to have a conversation like Tina and Marcus did in season 3, episode 9, where they can truly check in with each other and exchange ideas?
It's not platonic, and as of now, I have nothing to show that for Sydney work, family - Carmy is closer to her than family.
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Spit sisters
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60west-bfu-who99 · 1 month ago
I was trying to figure out why I don't trust Luka kovac from ER and at first I thought it was just because the actor was the BigBad in Timeless (a show I've seen once and liked but I haven't seen in years) it's where I originally recognized him from. This made sense to me. He was a BigBad villain in that show.
But I'm rewatching leverage for the first time in a couple years. And he's played by the same actor as DAMIEN FUCKING MONROE ??
No wonder I hate him. He made Eliot Spencer do the worst things he's ever done in his life. LUKA? And I have to watch him be happy with Abby? It should have been Carter. Tbh
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ineffablecabbage · 1 day ago
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John Truman Carter III Text Posts, Part V: The Messy Edition
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bellark · 3 months ago
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sk8girl59 · 23 days ago
ER (1994-2009)
14.14 Owner Of A Broken Heart (Deleted Scene)
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docjen · 10 months ago
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Same dicks in the ER fandom, different day (and 4,358 sock accounts). 🙄 If you didn’t seek out the stuff you claim to hate, you wouldn’t see it. It’s really not all that hard.
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bookdork1 · 2 years ago
i just love how *right* it feels when abby wakes up with luka in 12x08 and their hands are still intertwined and she’s laying against his arm and he’s really peacefully asleep and she’s just kind of stunned looking at him and its just so clear that wow, this is what they’ve both needed for a while and then she tries to unsuccessfully sneak out and luka just laughs and invites her for pancakes and its just. so. perfect. aksljfsjfs and then the episode ends with them having such a grown up conversation about how they value each other too much as a friend to risk losing them over a fling but they are both so, so obviously not saying what they mean, that this already doesn’t feel like a fling and when they walk away what do we get but the classic one looking back and then away just as the other looks back and then away moments of exquisite torture! gah! i love this ep
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cameronhcwes · 11 days ago
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7.15 | 13.01
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noahwhyle · 1 month ago
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ER + V-Day text posts
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meowmeowgrrrl123 · 7 months ago
Guys look I know ER came out in the late 90s but I’ve been watching it with my mom and like. It’s so so good.
I’m in the middle of S10 and like. The thing happened.
How am I supposed to go on knowing my favorite character died a horrible fiery death by the thing he feared the most? And then NO ONE went to his memorial service??
I looked it up and the actor said that the character had just run its course but like!!!!!!! No!!! I want more!! Please! Why are you so emotionally stunted!!! What happened to you bbg!!! Why were you so mean!!!!
His character was such a jerk and bc of that I don’t think the show runners even wanted to put time and energy into exploring his character further. It just feels like such a disservice to him. Sigh.
I’m sad. I want more of him.
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