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lunebits · 2 years ago
ap class tips
for those in ap classes who are struggling. also for those who aren't really. whatever.
just as an intro to my qualifications:
i go to a stem high school (will be graduating next sem!) where all the classes are already advanced as is (our ap classes are also taught differently!) i've taken a total of 10 ap classes during my time, and while that isn't as much as others, i'd say i have a pretty good spread of ap classes i took!
general ap class tips
remember that the ultimate goal for you taking this course is to take the exam and get a 4/5 (reach for that 5!). yes, the grade is important, but that score at the end after that exam might save anywhere from $600-$1200+ in college. so focus your energy on that exam once the exams are encroaching!
make friends in your ap classes. trauma bonding is real (/j) so making friends that will help you study or might save you when you accidentally forgot is key.
and while they all say "study a bit every night!" that's hard to do. the rule of thumb here for every class will be in the categorized sections, so don't worry (i gotchu!!)
ap math (calc ab/bc, stat, physics, chem, etc.)
i personally didn't take physics or chem bc i didn't want to, but i did take bc and got a 5 (yes, i'm so proud)!
rule of thumb for studying at home: do your homework everyday and actually take the time to understand what the hell you're doing. understand what the process is behind solving the problem. be able to pull out the variables. practice, practice, practice. also, this is one of those subjects where it's actually worth it to study it at home everyday.
ANOTHER RULE: practice tests. these math exams are about stamina and speed. if you can solve a problem, great! but now here comes 20 more screaming your name. but, if you can get the timing down before your exam, that's even better. so go waste your saturday afternoon at that mock exam if you need to. another saturday will come in time anyway. ask your teacher for mock exams. get that practice workbook. whatever it takes. get the timing in your hand.
just as a quote from my teacher, "life is about choices, and we are all busy people." don't waste your time doing something that'll waste your time. even if you can't remember it, that's okay. just keep moving and score more points somewhere else. and also, do the easy route. only memorize the easy route.
math is about patterns. patterns rule math. extract that pattern out of that problem, memorize it, and you'll be just fine.
FRQS WILL HURT YOUR BRAIN AND THAT'S OKAY! collegeboard has a very specific way it wants you to answer these questions. the best way to learn the format is to do so many frqs your hands hurt. because in any exam that involves math, you genuinely need to do better on the frqs. they'll land you more points. yes, the mcq might get you that 5, but the frqs become the basic 3 or 4 that you need. your teacher will hopefully teach you the format, but if they don't, the collegeboard ap website has all the past frqs they've ever made.
YOU WILL BE OKAY. I PROMISE. make sure that if you cry, you understand your disappointment then move on to a larger action plan.
ap histories/humanities (art history, u.s history, euro, world, etc.)
i've taken all the histories that my school offers (apush, euro, apwh, apah, etc.)
rule of thumb: don't study at home unless there's a test coming up or you're bad at putting stuff in order.
GET YOUR WRITING SKILLS DOWN PAT. this is the thing that'll get you the most points. that mcq section is a killer, but doing 3-6 (looking at you apah exam) right after might just kill you. so please, get your stamina up. just write. just keep writing.
timeline shit for history. because when it comes down to it, knowing the sequence of events and knowing the events themselves are more important than dates or whatever.
if you're worried about coherency in your writing, jot down a small pre-writing list.
memorize every single rubric. luckily, the dbq/leq rubric is the same across apush, apwh, and euro. you'll get away with just memorizing the two. the apah rubric is a little different, and the ap lit rubric is a little different. just memorize them as best you can.
when writing, cater to your reader. make things easy to spot and easy to grade. they'll give you a higher score if they can clearly see where things are.
just practice mcqs. all the stimulus will have something you can pull out of it (unless it's like apah where you're meant to memorize the works). but every question will have an answer that's in the passage. practice finding that answer. (this one is still really hard)
all these tests are tests of stamina. and sometimes, they're on the same goddamn day because collegeboard hates love us. just keep going. grab a snack. rest your eyes, go.
essays are the bane of everyone’s existence in ap courses because you’re on this strict rubric and have this mythical complexity/sophistication point that you need to give your hopes and dreams of achieving. BUT. but. you’ll be okay. especially for exams like the ap lit/apah exam, you get to come in knowing at least a bit of the exam (for ap lit, a good part of the frq weight. for apah, 90% of the test). TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT!! know a novel inside and out. know the works inside and out. you’ll be okay. stretch your hands, breathe, write.
ap sciences (bio, physics, chem, psych, econ)
i've personally taken bio and both econs, but these are all concept based, so the same general tips apply.
rule of thumb: if you don't understand it in class, you need to study it at home asap. seriously. because you sure as hell won’t be able to put it together during class the next day. whats good though is that there’s so many resources online (esp videos!!) for all the ap sciences that it’s actually crazy.
read your textbook. science is great with a textbook in your hand. you don't even need to read the whole thing. just skim through it to add information to your class notes. most times that works.
because the questions are concept based, the mcq/frqs are a little hard to get used to. SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS: don’t ignore your responsibilities and learn what these questions look like.
flashcards. USE FLASHCARDS. so much of science is not only understanding concepts but applying them. to apply them, you need to know them by heart. and to know them by heart means flashcards to drill yourself.
and speaking of applying your knowledge, you need to take things slowly. approach questions with this framework: 1) read the problem + understand what concept it’s asking about. 2) pull out that information from your sexy brain. 3) solve the problem based on what you can remember. to truly understand, include a lot of examples in your notes. AND MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHY AND HOW THEY WORK. the why and the how are more important than the what.
misc tips 🌷
burnout is inevitable if you don’t manage your time correctly. there’s people online that can explain how to manage your energy more than me so please go watch them instead lmfao
try your best to stay on your schedule. the more you push your tasks to this arbitrary tomorrow, the more you absolutely won’t do them.
honey, you need to bring a snack and a water bottle to those exams, you get like a 10 minute break that isn’t enough for the mental taxation (without representation) that happens on those exams. they’re brutal.
the classes themselves are not as bad you think. i promise. most of the time, you’ll actually have fun. and it’s really cool to be learning at a college level. so keep at it! the moment you hate something, the moment you begin to stop trying as hard and your grades start slipping. keep finding the next thing to delude yourself into enjoying (/hj).
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enashinonome · 1 month ago
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jjcocker · 1 month ago
gente comassim A pudimP voltoy e agora ela.etrans. tanbem MEUDEUSS EUTO FELIZ COM A VOLYA DELA EU TO ??CNOGSUSO TAMBEM PQ JA FAZ UM TEMPINHO
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capobegone · 11 months ago
Hello chat I have officially finished one out of my 2 AP exams💖 AP Lit is in 2 days and then perhaps I can crawl out from beneath the depths of my study cave and start writing again
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coffeeflavored-tears · 2 years ago
i need to play minecraft so bad you don’t understand i need to
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strawberrynova · 2 years ago
did you know ap exams are evil 🤨🤨🤨🤨
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anthenasikes · 2 years ago
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mysticpandakid · 1 month ago
PySpark Online Training | Learn Apache Spark at AccentFuture
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Looking to master PySpark? Join AccentFuture's PySpark online training and gain hands-on experience with Apache Spark, Hadoop Spark, and big data processing. Our expert-led PySpark course covers everything from Spark fundamentals to real-time data processing. Get Apache Spark certification and boost your career in big data analytics. Enroll now!
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melodiccudgels · 5 months ago
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shuksstuff-blog · 5 months ago
Menjubo Madam
Hubungan aku dengan Madam ni mcm pasangan bercinta juga, kadang dia punya moody, letih juga nk melayan pe'el org tua ni, Ada sekali tu terkantoi, aku bawak awek office lunch, dijadikan cerita, naik kereta Audi yg dia belikan utk aku, memang ribut melandalah jawabnya. Aku igtkan dia dh fly ke KK, follow up dgn master payment disana, jadi aku curi2 la ngejas awek office bangunan sebelah, dua tiga kali mcm ada respond, jd bermodalkan Audi, manatau dapat merasa pepek muda. Belum smpat lunch, What App masuk, "I' ll Kill You", 'I know what you do!" dpt msg dr Madam, Ahh sudah, bisik hati aku, apahal pulak org tua ni,.   Selang beberapa minit, call in masuk,. aku swipe reject, nk makan kot. Dia call lg, aku swipe reject lg.
Selesai lunch, plan aku nk memantat dgn awek ni, tak jadi hari ni, kene lah postpone, jd aku trus drive blk office, hantar juga awek office sebelah. Aku melangkah masuk office aku je, Madam berdiri didepan meja aku, smbil tgnnya memeluk tubuhnya yg menampakkan tetek selambak dia tu. "Shut the door!" dgn nada yg tinggi, aku perasan staff2 lain terkejut dgn nada madam, sblm ni dia sorg yg peramah, jarang nk tggikan suara. Aku berjalan ke arah kerusi aku, dan duduk. "What wrong hunny?", nadaku yg rendah niat memujuk madam. "Dont you even 'hunny hunny' with me!, where are you going with that Bitch?!" aku agak terkedu bila madam berbahasakan begitu. Aku pun respond dgn baik, "I dont get it? who is the Bitch? i dont understand madam?". "Well the Bitch you taking to lunch just now!". "I see, are you jealouse with the "bitch" madam? and didnt you know who is the bitch rite now?"
Pertengkaran kami agak lama, cumanya lain staff tak la dgr sgt apa yg kami bertengkar. "I give you everything, anything, then you did this to me?" smbil mengalir airmatanya, suara yg menengkin td, kini dh redha. Aku memegang bahu madam, aku urut2kan supaya lebih tenang. "I know you love me rite?", smbil madam menggangguk tunduk, mukanya masih malu melihat aku. Aku mengaku yg aku ada keluar lunch dgn ex girlfriend aku dlu, walhal bukan pun, awek tu baru aku nk mencuba nasib. "Then what is she so special to you?" balas madam "you already touch all of me rite?". "Dont get mad when im telling you the truth, can you?" tnya aku kepada madam, dia hanya menggangguk saja. "Okay, she gave me all her hole, not only pussy". "Then let me give it to you also!, you want it now?" mencelah madam. Hatiku makin riang apabila umpan utk anal madam berjaya. "If that thing are special, why on earth you want to give rite now?, dont you want to take trip, only with me?" smbil memeluk madam, dia kini mendongan memandang aku, melebarkan senyumannya, dan kiss bibir aku, "i'll booked flight ticket now, we heading tmw". Oh senangnya bisik hati aku
Entah apa si madam ni discuss dgn boss aku, boss aku call, "Tmr, assist madam to Langkawi, this week im still at Bangkok, see you next Monday". belum smpat aku kata okay, dia letak fon. Sesampai saja kami di Airport Langkawi, ada kereta pick up kami terus ke Datai Hotel, dh macam honeymoon dgn madam kali ni di Langkawi, selesai check in, kami berangkat ke Cable Car, melayan la si madam berpimpin tgn, sebelah malamnya pulak, aku hanya bwk madam ke Rasta Hut Chenang, sesambil madam meneguk whiskey, aku dapatkan Weed, sebalut dua di bar, madam pun kian mabuk, aku ajak madam blk bilik.
Sesampai di bilik, madam terlalu horny, dlm lift pun dh meraba btg aku. Dilondehnya seluar aku, madam mencari btg nikmatnya utk diisap. Weed yg aku kena ni boleh tahan dengungnya, btg aku makin mencanak bila diisap rakus oleh madam, madam yg tanpa seurat benang masih hot dan bergetah, aku baringkan madam di katil, lidah aku laju mencari pussy, sesmbil aku memasukkan jari ke lubang jubur madam, masih dara, boss aku mesti tak reti anal. "Ahh, ahh ahh, plss fuck me babe" rayu madam bila pussynya terlalu becak dan stim. Batangku merodok pussy madam, menyentak2 madam dikerjakan aku, madam yg terkulai membiarkan saja aku meratah tubuhnya, seakan akan menurut nafsukunmenghambakan dirinya. Aku meminta madam menonggeng utk doggy, Clup clup clup, pussy madam menerima tujahan dr batang aku, terkemut2 pussy madam, dan akhirnya, aku melumurkan air pussy madam di lubang juburnya, batangku menekan kedalam jubur madam, madam tersentak "ahh, sakit". keluh madam, kian lama sakitnya hilang, rengekkan madam kini lain dari rengek bila pussy nya di tujah, kali ini lebih ganas bunyinya. "Arhg arghh arhgh, it fit baby, arhhh arhhh" moaning dr madam membuatkan aku hilang keruan. Sentakan demi sentakan btg aku, jubur madam semakin longlai, madam hanya akur dia diliwat ganas oleh staffnya, aku memancutkan benihku ke dlm lubang jubur madam, madam terdampar, dan aku menindihnya, batang masih lg dikemut2 oleh jubur madam.. kami berdua tertidur.
Sesedarnya aku, madam masih tidur, mungkin kepenatan, aku mencari stok weed smlm, smbil balut dibalcony, madam dgn shower robe, memeluk aku dr belakang, terasa panas tetek madam dibelakang aku. Madam mencium leher aku, meraba2 badan aku, bila aku pusing mengadap dia, btg aku dh terpacak. "Woaaa, always hard yaa, wait ya i need to take shower first". smbil mencuit btg aku. Madam meluru ke bathroom, punggungnya melentok2 semasa jalan, geram je aku tgk, tak padan dgn berumur, nafsu makcik cina ni masih berdarah muda, mungkin boss aku tak pernah melayan mcm aku, pancut je tido, pancut je tido.. Madam hanya berendam di dlm bathtub, aku berdiri disebelahnya, dicapai btg aku, terus masuk mulut dan hisap. Aksi kami di bathroom berlarutan, btgku hanya mensasar lubang jubur madam, akan tetapi, pussy madam aku rodok dgn jari hingga berlendir, barulah aku mula menujah jubur madam. Nafas madam semakin liar, juburnya tidak lagi mampu menahan tusukan btgku, dn akhirnya madam climax, pussynya memancut2 air dn meleleh di pehanya d keaddan madam berdiri dan menonggeng menahan di basin toilet, kaki madam longlai kesedapan, aku menahan dr madam jatuh, aku smbung fick jubur madam, "Arghh, arghh, arghh, baby cum in me baby" rakus rengekan madam. Aku menghaburkan mani aku lagi ditempat yg bukan sepatuynya.. Madam tak berhenti kemut kesedapan, badan madam berpeluh2 akibat pertarungan kami berdua.
To be continue..
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