alchemistdetective · 1 year
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meowsgirldrawing · 8 months
Tough Week (Papa Mammon-Obey Me)
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Mammon being a good papa basically.
Word Count: 1,865
Mentions of other kids, slight poly of MC but can be interpreted as whatever wanted. Mentions of GN MC but gets called Mom
Other kids for reference- Here
Masterlist- Here
AO3 Link- Here
Varya can feel her eye twitch, her knuckles ache from how hard she grips her cane. Her siblings all tease her in their own ways for having one at 26 but at this point, it’s her only lifeline with how utterly chaotic her siblings can be.
It's been a tough week..
Varya can feel her eye twitch, her knuckles ache from how hard she grips her cane. Her siblings all tease her in their own ways for having one at 26 but at this point, it’s her only lifeline with how utterly chaotic her siblings can be. 
It’s been a tough week.
First she finds out River and Ryder pulled Rhomb into some pranks, thus getting them all detention with her having to attend a basic hearing on their collective punishment. And on top of having to make one on the spot herself to appease Lucifer. “You’re the oldest, you have to keep them in line.” Thankfully Rhomb will be graduating soon, otherwise she might lose another decade on her life.
Adding to that, the next day she had to look for a missing Quinn, only to find him in one of the worst sets of town in the Lust ring, just ending a motorcycle race. It wouldn’t be so bad if she ended up walking in on him in a scuffle with one of the other bikers, them pissed they got beat by one of the Avatars’ kids. She’s usually fine with her siblings taking on their own battles, they need tough skin in Devildom anyway. But they just had to waste her time more by the biker making a lewd comment about her right in front of her dear, protective, little brother. 
Yeah, another punishment had to be made on the spot.
The day after that had her in the human realm with her calmer parent, MC and the youngest, Frankie. After some negotiations as usual about the human realm sending more exchange students to Devildom as per Lord Diavolo’s request, she was dragged to a party per Frankie’s request. She never minds parties, not really. Her father brought her to many in the Fall when she was around 18ish. 
Yet, her content mood went to downright sour as she noticed some human punk making too many moves on her younger sister. The men in her life were always respectful, save for some flirting in front of her and her siblings with their ‘mother’. So you can imagine how many seconds she was close to revealing her demon form. Thankfully Frankie wasn’t allowed to drink yet, because many drunk teens went on booing her, calling her names like ‘prude’ or ‘old woman’ as she yanked her sister out of the house and into her silver ride. 
Frankie’s apology hug did help lesson the headache that night but still.
Many similar instances occur for the rest of the week. The twins pulling more pranks. Ending up in an awkward position as Lucifer and Satan fought about a mundane thing. Lilly and Diavolo’s heir forcing her into an improve shopping trip despite wanting 5 minutes to herself. Having to make up more punishments when she could care less of what her siblings do for this once. And even when she got some time to herself, she had to deal with some low-life demons undermining her desperately at the casino. Unfortunately leading her to teach them why she’s considered the strongest, most powerful spawn of the Lords of Devildom. 
She’s had a tough week, and she needs a break.
Ignoring another phone call from Lucifer, Varya stuffs her DDD into her skirt pocket, slides her cane out of the passenger seat it was previously thrown carelessly into, and opens up her silver ride. 
It snaps shut with a harsh bang, and her heels click against the concrete as she makes her way to the building. Workers under her father wave or call greetings to her, used to her occasional visits, and she waves back, perhaps a bit more shortly than the wontoned. Her everyday smile a-tad tight more straight.
Through an elevator ride and passing several doors, she makes her way to the main office. Her father’s office. 
She hears his voice, deduces he’s either in a meeting or chatting up the phone by his tone, and knocks before sliding in and hanging on the side. Before she would hang outside, but right now, she needs to see him sooner.
Her back rests on the wall, her smile tight and as patient as she can make it.
“Yeah, well demand is comin’ soon with tha season so we need ta get goin’, Shilk.” Mammon’s nails tap on the desk, his wedding ring glinting in the forever red and purplish hues that filter in the giant glass. He looks up from his hard look into the client chair before him and nods his greeting. Varya bows her head lightly, her long, white hair falling over her shoulder.
“Ok, ok. I got it. I’ll have tha data send ta ya by the end of the week. Just make it snappy, Shilk.” His words pushy, but his tone a touch playful. He ends the call with a short bye, see ya later, before spinning towards his kid with a growing grin. 
“ Lil Treasure!” He smirks, “Long time no see, eh? Miss yer old man much?”
“Please.” Her eyes roll, playing his game as easy as pie. “I only came to check up on you, Mother wanted to come see you earlier this week but the exchange program discussions continues to keep them on Earth.” 
He hums, he misses his human too. Behind continuous operations of his ever-growing business and working behind the scenes for RAD, he’s barely had time to see them or their daughter. Speaking of…
“I heard you overtook a new territory this week!” He laughs, carefree as a demon can when talking about territory wars and power growth. It’s been a hot minute for himself to do so, but you don’t even have to look at the older demon to know he’s very damn proud his kid is just about following in his boots. Or Heels in her matter.
“Varya Morningstar- Daughter of Greed- overtakes the Newbon territory in a matter of 2 days, all with a winning smile present.” He recalls the headline he saw, whistling at the end.
 “Someone must’ve pissed you off.” Her eyes squint and join her smirk at his snicker.
“Well, I suppose when someone stares at your upper chest area a little too much while simultaneously telling you that betting your worth is the utmost impossible, it can be noted as irritating.” Her sharp canines shine. 
“That’s my girl!” He cheers, wondering closer. “Don’t let anyone tell you shit, yer my kid after all!”
Varya’s expression doesn’t fall but Mammon still notices anyway, “I hope I could always do so..yet it seems only Lucifer could continue to do so.”
A flash of understanding comes across his face as his head tilts. He doesn’t come across as pitiful, she may be his daughter but she was raised around the Avatar of Pride, but his hand comes to her shoulder, his brow sad/solemnly amused. “He’s really wailing into ya, aint he?”
“As if dealing with my siblings isn’t enough cannon fodder.” Her smile stays up as her shoulders tense, “I understand I am the eldest, but I can’t control every action they make. I haven’t a clue as to why he expects the opposite.”
“That’s Lucifer for ya, kiddo.” His thumb rubs light circles into her half-jacket. “Always wants people on their best behavior, even tried havin’ yer mom help out but they ended up just indulging in us more times than many.”
“But they are all of age now.” It’s rare to see his kid so upset, for years she always had a vacant expression on her face, and it wasn’t until she became older did she start having a smile everywhere, even when she was as pissed as an unsatisfied tyrant. It was her tool against fellow demons, what helped her use her ability as the eldest spawn of the 7 Lords of Devildom and rise to power on her own. People can’t tell how or what she plans, feels, anything. 
But Mammon knows, possibly the only one after his human that does. 
She’s had a tough week.
And now the cracks are finally making their way to the surface. Her smile is tight, no joy present. 
“Frankie may be in her mid teens, but she is old enough and smart enough to know how to handle herself!” Her voice wavers, not loud, at the end. “Why….why must I be the one to keep their un-needed leash? Why must I be turnin’ and throwin’ what I need to do for the day to the wind just to stop some silly prank the boys wanna do? They’ll learn why not to do it, right?”
She breathes, usually blue eyes flaring gold for a second. 
She turns silent then lifts to pinch her brow. “Apologies, Father, I came to take a breather but not to-”
Now he acts, now he wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his chest. “Oh shut it. Yer tired and you got a right to rant.” She tries to push back, not allowing such a ‘weak’ moment but Mammon doesn’t let her. If anything, he pulls her tighter, hand on her head, carding his fingers into her ponytail with a snicker. 
“Shushshushshush” His fingers emaphzie his motion, twirling strands or two, messing it from it’s pristine, soft and straight line down her back. “My baby needs a break-”
“Father!” Her cheeks flush, claws digging into his jacket. Her eyes, one closed from being squished into his chest, beat wide at the door. A tinge of fear stomachs. “The door-”
“It’s locked.” He huffs, his blue iris rolling, and he hooks his chin on her head, “Just breathe and hug yer old man, will ya? It’s awkward with yer hands all dangling like they are now.”
Theres a moment pausing the scene, her staring at the door, the more demonic side of her yelling at her to push him and off an leave! He’s useless! To go back to her newly established territory and start working again. Demons don’t cry!
Then there’s the small human part of her, tiny and hidden away, only meant for rare moments. Rare moments like this one..
She takes in a breath, sharp and cold numbing. 
Then melts. 
Her body goes from straight, rigid, awkwardly tight in Mammon’s hold to a full damn puddle, swift and flashing from one to the other like the transition between 5 year old her holding her 1st little brother for the first time of many to the 26 year old self who’s constantly being batted every which way and that, all while holding her greatest, carefully constructed weapon up high for everyone to see.
Even that falls too, especially that. Her smile drifts until the expensive jacket Mammon adorns wipes it away and welcomes her spilling tears instead.
Mammon has a smile that isn’t full of joy but still as kind, pressing a small kiss to her matching hair and planting his cheek into it. He sways them back and forth as Varya silently unravels, hands clutching his back, claws digging deep but thankfully not tearing.
Varya’s had a tough week. But at least she has her dad’s hugs to break that fall.
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
KATIE APPRECIATION ASK!!! talk about whatever you want to share :)
ooh talk about whatever....
well I'm still rotating THIS rage in my head so. here! Have it!
Hate watched the new descendants movie with my friends at our sleepover last night and just. WHERE IS THE THIRD ACT OF THAT MOVIE???
Like listen. I was expecting it to be a descendants movie and in many ways it was and the actresses were great and I have separate opinions about how they handled all the music stuff (it was a little too music-video-y I think? but that's all different) but holy cow I hated nothing more than the PLOT STRUCTURE!!!
spoiler warning if you care
Okay so there's no reason for the mad hatter to even show the time travel device to red in the first place? He just pulls it out and then goes oh no you're not mature enough for this. He also specifically mentions the butterfly effect, which will not end up impacting anything at all!!!!!
And for some reason they let the Queen of Hearts come with Red to her orientation to the school? Like it was great seeing Uma again for sure. But like why is she running things that way. In the original descendants only the kids come over for a reason. Because OH WHAT A SURPRISE, you let the evil person through and they STARTED DOING EVIL!!! Whaaat? Why did they even let the Queen of Hearts come with her in the first place?!?!
So then Red decides to use that time machine to go back in time! And she accidentally takes Chloe and now they've got to stop a bad thing from happening at a school dance--wait can we talk about that
they really couldn't think of a better villain origin story for the queen of hearts than "I got pranked at a school dance as a kid and it made me realize love doesn't do anything good for anyone?" and then we don't EVER get to know what the prank was?!?!
So anyway they're trying to stop that from happening and I thought it was interesting that they got Cinderella grounded because that's one of those butterfly effect things. What will happen because Cinderella wasn't able to go to the dance that day? Will it impact the future at all? (It won't. useless plot point, actually)
So they're like "wow she's so nice, let's keep that bad prank from happening so she'll stay nice and not become an evil queen of wonderland!!! :DDD" and then they go and they keep the bullies from getting their hands on the magic cookbook and they're like "that will keep them from going to the dance and doing whatever weird prank thing would make her turn evil!"
so then they go back to the future
and it worked
that's it. it just worked. Their initial situation to the initial conflict just WORKED and then the story was over. And the solution was TIME TRAVEL. They specifically mentioned the butterfly effect and yet there WAS NO BUTTERFLY EFFECT!!!
Why was there a specific moment in time to go back to anyway? Like why is Red still going to the school at this exact moment in time? Why is that gathering happening? Red should have already been going to that school because Wonderland wouldn't have been barred off for years?!?! Like......WHAT?!?!
The movie feels like it just cuts off. It feels like we get to the part where there's supposed to be a BAM, it actually didn't work, or BAM you messed with time and now you've messed with the future in a weird way, or literally any more conflict development, and instead the credits rolled
like ew. terrible storytelling.
terrible choreography too.
At least the actors were really talented. Props to them (*snapping for the amazing actors because they didn't deserve what this poorly done story, script and choreography put their skills through*)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
I see you liking the snippets and I like my token idea so……
*slides a token down onto the table and flies away!!*
The token reads:
This is a PLEASE RAMBLE ABOUT ANYTHING token. Can be used multiple times but ‘Beckyu’ would like you to ramble about some writing :3
damn it i had part of this filled out and didn't save it to drafts so the page reloaded and i lost all of it </3 ANYWAY yes i did! snippets are a lovely treat :3
AHHDBFDS thank you for free rambling privileges :DDD what to use this token on? i gotta decide very care- tiny workers.
ig au talk counts as writing? yeah...???? i'd say yes. just 'cause. i have a few hcs & scenarios that i haven't gotten the opportunity to post so this ask is just simply amazing >:D
hhh first off i had a idea from all the worldbuilding questions recently and basically i wanted to take that one stream george did (i think it was his ice bath stream?) where he did a prank call to tommy and everyone was yelling at him because he was doing WAY too good a job at acting genuine and put it into this universe. except it isn't really a prank call,, basically tommy and quackity sneak off and steal boss's card & phone while he's not there and and persuade george into calling the companies that specialize in tiny versions of their products specifically for the park and ordering just a TON of things,,,, they get in SO much trouble for that LMAOOO
anyway tubbo one time got his hands on bees during the summer, got on friendship level with them (somehow he managed to just..not get stung?) and brought one into benchtrio's shared home-esque thingy (idk what to call it). tommy was PISSED so he decided to bring in a spider to even the score out. ranboo got so close to moving out :')
ranboo and tubbo unofficially got married one time when a kid decided that the two of them were just perfect for fill-in bride and groom dolls
quackity and ranboo are the kinds of people to look at a lost phone and ask "is anyone gonna take that?" and not wait for an answer. hc that they stole a phone and instead of returning it to customer service, they tried all the combinations they could before it got locked. for three years.
the staff members just constantly steal things! and they have possibly one of the best excuses ever, "i'm borrowing it!" like it's on-theme for them. they can just say they're working and putting on a show when they get caught (although they do eventually have to return it upon the guests' request :()
during the whole protestor fiasco, that was one of the rare times that boss got stuff for the staff. from some website (idk which i didn't think that far) he orders tiny earbuds for everyone bc the group has continued into the night before. and the worst thing about them is they will NOT listen to the workers. whenever someone tries to explain that technically they can leave whenever they want, they just think they're being forced to say that. so it's a whooooole long process before the water-balloon thing eventually happens and scares them off for a bit.
i'm kinda debating having dream live in florida the first time he visits the park because like i had a hc that their sleep schedules are synced like how they had it irl for a bit,, but i realized that wouldn't really work if they were in the same area. so maybe dream lives in florida, goes to england for a vacation, goes to the park, meets george, wants to go back and when he does brings sap to meet george, and then they eventually move there. so george and dream could have matching sleep schedules in the time when dream doesn't live there and it pissed everyone off to have george be awake at 5 am on the phone with dream 😭
this isn't specific to the park and is in fact completely random but i'm thinking like having wil use tommy as a playing piece when he's playing a board game like monopoly or smth LMAO, maybe the same for phil & tech with kristin & tubbo/quackity,,, idk it is so random but it just popped into my head dsfjfsj'
i want the protestor fiasco to feel like a specific community episode (basic crisis room decorum) where super early in the morning they all have to meet at the school to discuss something that could like damage the reputation of their school and the vibes of it are just so bunker-esque like they were super dramatic and there were whiteboards all over the place with deep lighting,, i want it to feel very dramatic like that lmao---like they send out groups to borrow food meanwhile some of the team sticks back to build the water balloon catapult and map designs for it or designs for other things to help them. they have phones up on the wall like a messaging board between boss n others LMAOOOO it's a whole operation and i LOVE thinking of the vibes for it KGDFS
on the days where wil takes tommy, clingy, benchtrio, etc. home for some sleepover-esque thingy he always ends up having to wake up at the most ridiculous hours to take tommy to work. so i present the idea of them bringing an rc car to wil's place so tommy can just drive on the sidewalk to work in the morning LMAO
hmm now i ran out of my note ideas so i gotta scrape the walls of my brain to think of some stuff ajdgjfd hmmmmm i wonder if any normal borrower(s) would come to the park, like just to visit with a human to see how accurate they got it, just for fun :0
^^ maybe that could be the origin of the protestor fiasco. borrower visits park, gets to see behind the scenes of it per the tiny workers' requests, sees how "unfortunate" their situation is and gets their human to try and organize some type of protest. then it becomes something HUGE. and the borrower that started it all is just with the human pretty much the entire time. maybe borrower sneaks in to try and sneak the crew out, to which they can't find em because they're in the bunker having a grand time making plans to demolish them,,,,,, looooots of miscommunication!!
okay that is all bc i am neglecting assignments to write this so YES have all of these. lots of tiny worker rambles bc this au is my beloved atm <333
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Okay so I was going to go on a whole rant about FNaF fansongs and why they have permanently altered how I see certain characters or phrases but it amounted to incomprehensible screeching inside my head so instead I'm going to rate the ones on my playlist of favorites
Welcome Back (Tryhardninja) - Sister location so automatically at least 7/10 but adding points for catchyness and the fact it feels underrated so 9/10!
Nightmare By Design (Tryhardninja) - Aibheiwbf. It feels so angry yet slightly remorseful but it's so so angry and-. Anyways 9/10
Dream Your Dream (Tryhardninja) - Solid 7/10. Not my favorite but a good listen if you want something calming yet with a backstory!
Unfixable (Dagames) - 8/10. It's for sister location and it's fairly underrated and it's on the same feeling level as Nightmare By Design
Below The Surface (Griffnilla) - You've probably heard at least some of this. Catchy, feels like the entirety of SL is sings. 7/10.
Glitchtrap (Rockit Music) - catchy, it's okay. Not much to say in my opinion. 5/10.
Don't Forget (Tryhardninja) - If you know this one I am hugging you. I have not met another person who knows this in the wild. 7/10, good melody and it captures an idea of how the souls feel.
Daddy's Little Monsters (Tryhardninja) - This one is like the opposite of Nightmare By Design but the same because it's less angry but so so much more desperate. 9/10.
Look At Me Now (Tryhardninja, Groundbreaking) - Perfect representation of the anger some of the souls feel. 8/10.
Please Stand By (NightCove_thefox) - LOLBIT SONG!! It's 6/10 for me, not bad but I like others better.
In Your Eyes Now (NightCove_thefox) - You've probably heard this one but hey, it's a good song. I like it. 7/10.
One of Us (NightCove-thefox) - You've almost deffently heard this one before. 9/10.
Labyrinth (CG5 +various other artists) - Gonna be honest I'm not the biggest fan of this one but hey, it's pretty cool I guess. 6/10.
Springtrap Finale (Groundbreaking) - Not good characterization of characters but like, it's fun to listen to. 7/10.
Just an Attraction (Tryhardninja) - All the vibes. 9/10.
Disconnected (Tryhardninja) - Interesting take on the Henry vs William thing because it's in Henry's pov. It's cool, very catchy. 7/10.
Salvaged (Natewantstobattle) - All I can say is *keyboard smash* because the is one of three natewantstobattle songs that have permentially altered the way I think. 10/10.
We Don't Bite (JT Music) - Good fnaf 4 song. Catchy and fun to listen to. 6/10.
No More (Natewantstobattle) - The only normal nightguard POV song I will listen to. It has permanently changed the way I think. 10/10.
It's Been So Long (TLT) - It's been memed to hell and back but it still sounds good. 8/10.
You Belong Here (JT Music) - 8/10 purely because it's funny but alo dark.
I've Got No Time (TLT) - You've also probably heard this one before but who cares it's fun. 7/10.
A Child Like You (I cannot find who it's by, if anyone knows I'd appreciate it!) - One of the most underrated songs out there. 9/10.
Save Me (Tryhardninja, Not a Robot) - Good Charlie POV! 8/10!
Break The Cycle (Tryhardninja) - The better version of Labyrinth. 9/10.
It's Me (Tryhardninja) - One of the OG fansongs, still good to listen to. 8/10.
The Puppet Song (Tryhardninja) - 10000/10. The song has altered the way I think and it will make me cry if I think about it.
When The Curtain Falls (Rockit Music) - Funtime Foxy song :DDD 7/10!
Bring Us Home (Tryhardninja) - I feel like people know this song but not the title. It's pretty cool. 6/10
Five Nights At Freddy's (TLT) - The real OG. 8/10.
Like It Or Not (CG5, Dawko) - Upbeat yet dark and it pulls it off so well. Good FNaF song. 7/10.
Mr. Fazbear (Groundbreaking) - Not my favorite characterization of Freddy but the song is worth a listen. 9/10.
Die In A Fire (TLT) - angry. I cannot tell if it's a person or an animatronic singing. 7/10.
The Mangle (Groundbreaking) - MANGLE SONG! MANGLE SONG! IT'S REALLY FUN! 9/10
Darkest Desire (DHeusta, Dawko) - Honestly no comment. It's cool and I like the story. 6/10.
It Doesn't Matter (Rockit Music) - 4th wall breaks and also sister location. 9/10 because it's really underrated.
Never Coming Home (Not a Robot) - Good. Elisabeth. Characterization!!! Catchy!!!! 8/10!!!
I'm The Purple Guy (Dagames) - Good good I like it. 7/10.
Nightmare (Natewantstobattle) - The 3rd natewantstobattle song that altered how I think. Brain doesn't have words. 100/10.
Follow Me (Tryhardninja) - I cannot hear the words 'follow me' anymore I just think of this song. 9/10.
We Want Out (Dagames) - Shaking the song rapidly. I love it. 10/10.
The Foxy Song (Groundbreaking) - FOXY SONG! Like the 3rd fan song I ever heard. 9/10.
Enjoy The Show (Natewantstobattle) - 10/10. So fucking underrated give it some love. All four natewantstobattle songs I like make me go feral when I listen to them.
Make This Puppet Proud (Adam Hoek) - Now this is a characterization of the Puppet that I don't see as much as I'd like. I adore how the Puppet is protrayed in this song, caring and willing to protect the souls, and ready to kill whoever hurt them. 10/10.
Chica (Groundbreaking) - My favorite Chica themed song!! 8/10!
I Can't Fix You (TLT) - more of a Mangle song then Circus Baby imo. Still good tho. 7/10.
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hoodedpanda333 · 3 years
The boys react to MC falling asleep on their shoulder while watching a movie.
(I'm 3/3 on the sleeping head canons. I write these when I'm super tired so perhaps my subconscious is telling me something? Nah!)
At first he stiffens at the sudden contact
Once he realizes what's happening, his signature smirk snakes its way onto his face
He supposes he could allow you to rest for a bit
He certainly doesn't wish to be the one waking you up
Won't hesitate to pull you closer to him
You'd be more comfortable with your head in his lap
So that's where he puts you
He's careful not to wake you up
Is no longer paying attention to the movie
After all
What scene could be better than the one before him?
Literally jumps when you're head makes contact with his shoulder
Makes his surprised sound, you know the one
Tries to play it off like it's nothing
Everybody can clearly see he is struggling™
His eyes keep darting between you and the screen
His hands are so fidgety that he eventually pulls out his DDD in order to distract himself
He keeps coughing so he can hide his blush with his hand
Never wants this moment to end but holy hell MC how do you expect him to be ok after this???
Wasn't really watching the movie anyway
Too busy playing his NinDevil Switch (idk) to look up at the screen
That all changes when the fire nation attacks
And by fire nation, I mean Levi's fiery red face
The second he feels you on his shoulder he is gone
No Levi here, nope
Just a life sized cardboard cutout he got from some human world convention in Tokyo
No but really
It's hard to tell the difference with how still he is
Without moving a muscle he looks at your sleeping face
Bad idea
He isn't sure what he's supposed to do in this situation
What would The Lord of Shadows do at a time like this????
Please stop cozying up to him like that MC, you're killing him!!!
The movie was boring him anyway so he was, of course, reading instead
He didn't even notice you laying your head on his shoulder
Upon feeling the weight, he just assumed you were reading along with him
He starts to whisper the story aloud to you
Loud enough for you to hear him
But quiet enough so he didn't disturb the others
It makes it halfway through the rest of the book before he hears your soft breaths
He steals a glance and can't help the light blush that comes over his face when he sees you sound asleep
He's unsure if you had been asleep the whole time or not
He hopes him reading was soothing enough for you to fall asleep
He continues reading the story to himself
Absentmindedly, his hand begins to pet your head
His focus is too shot to continue reading
His mind too busy imaging him reading you to sleep every night
Oh no
MC you fool!
The second your head rests on Asmo's shoulder, your peaceful sleep was as good as gone
He immediately scoops you up and sits you in his lap
The rest of the night he is just gushing about how cute you looked
At some point he goes off about getting a pair of matching…
We'll just call them Pj's
Eventually he starts nuzzling against you
He's so warm and soft, no wonder you fell asleep on him
You'd honestly do it again–
He squeezes you in the midst of your thoughts
Or...maybe not
Can you blame him, though?
Already on his fourth bowl, Beelzebub is more interested in his popcorn than anything on the screen
Ever had the argument of what snacks belong at a movie theater?
Beel just says "yes"
And yet, somehow, even with all the scents and flavors around him
He instantly recognizes yours
When you rest your head on his bicep (he's a tall boi ok?) he thinks you're asking for some food
It takes him eating the share he put aside for you before he notices you're asleep
He's just so precious ok
He immediately picks you up and carries you to your room
He gently places you in your bed
Before he leaves, however, he's stopped by a sleepy little tug on his tank top
Chuckling, he lays beside you
He's too nervous to hold you in fear of crushing you accidentally
So instead he decides to continue his binge with the snacks he took with him
After all, carrying someone works up quite the appetite
Would you be surprised to hear that he was asleep?
It's already super late and sitting next to Belphie always makes you slightly tired due to his demonic influence
That and the face that his pillow is against your arm
And he always looks so cozy
Just watching him was enough to cause you to drift away
You're head rests against his
The cow patterned pillow is barely enough for the two of you to share
You're both sound asleep with the remaining brothers watching you
Perhaps feeling their jealousy, Belphie grins and pulls you closer to him
Amazing what he can do in his sleep
The un/datables
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goldentsum · 4 years
omgg can u do the idol reader thirst post with osamu, futakuchi, iwa, and sakusa 😳😳💓
━ thirst post with idol! reader - aces/wingspikers ver
CHARACTERS: azumane asahi, tanaka ryunosuke, miya osamu, futakuchi kenji, iwaizumi hajime, and sakusa kiyoomi
GENRE: suggestive themes, crack
AUTHOR’S NOTE: you guys really like them thirst posts huh but do not fret cus same HAHAHHA i hope you like this~ <3 my braincells are slowly decreasing :DDD
setters ver. | captains ver. | middleblockers ver. | libero ver. | spin-off ver. | spin-off 2
━ asahi ♡
he’s lowkey with being thirsty and people usually think he likes you because he’s a fashion designer and that you have the body type Asahi wants to dress up. 
That’s true though, Asahi would do anything to dress you up in lingerie oho~ 
He already has a lot of different sets he would do anything just for you to wear 
[simping_for.yn]: Can you just imagine (y/n) wearing a baby pink lingerie? i think i just short-circuited D: she would look so good with pink D: so innocent and soft D:
━ tanaka ♡
there’s a lot of dirty guys in hq and Tanaka is one of them bUT HE would never disrespect you like that! He may be horny but you are worth more than just another addition on his spank bank doesn’t mean he wouldn’t though
When he first saw you, he was in high school, and growing up with you was just a whole rollercoaster ride. he remembers the smol young you who would blush and giggle when your group members or other people compliment you
NOW, you were a whole WOMAN! A GODDESS!! You’re a whole buffet and you really turned sinful like that huh....
[prayingso.ynwould_kickme]: i definitely remember smol (y/n) with pastel clothes on... WHAT IS THIS?! A SHORT BODYCON DRESS? YES MA’AM! PLEASE STEP ON ME!! 🤤🤤
━ osamu ♡
ah, the quiet twin. yes. perfection. damn girl, you must’ve saved a whole ass country in your past life to have this gorgeous man thirsting over you... sana ol
he knew your group when he was staying up late at youtube like it’s not a school night and he was HOOKED! THE CHOREO! THE VISUALS! THE VOCALS! THE RAPPING! SHOOKTH
Osamu might be quiet irl but on his twitter, tHIS BOI IS LOUD AND HORNY ON MAIN--! You were the rapper of your group and you can really spit fire and he was simping harder than ever! 
[hard_formy.babygirl.yn]: the way she spits fire hm yes thank you. its a fact and she eVEN SAID IT! SHE CAN MAKE ANYONE CUM WITH JUST THE WAY SHE SPIT! 
━ futakuchi ♡
futacoochie. yes, thank you for coming to my ted talk. aNYWAY--!! he’s lowkey a fuckboy not gonna lie because he’s currently simping over you to pay any attention or commit to other girls 
yOU ARE HIS ONE AND ONLY QUEEN! and he will fight anyone who tries to swerve into your lane.
usually he’s a cold dude and leaves a trail of broken hearts along his way but with you, he’s a whole baby. he’s all 🥺 with you
[yn_bestgirl.inthewholeworld]: the world ain't fair... i just want (y/n)’s pussy... is that too much to ask? please let me take care of you, (y/n), or just spit on me. whatever you want to do first 😔
━ iwaizumi ♡
daddy iwa 🥺 he’s still a bit shy about his obsession with you and your group but if ANYONE disrespects you, he will knock that asshole out so hard that they’ll be sleeping for a month. he gets triggered if anyone talks shit about you, your group, or your music!
Iwaizumi gets all defensive and will rant about how perfect you are and no one can stop him. Oikawa knew the consequence and he wasn’t even talking shit, the tol boi just mentioned that someone was talking shit on twitter but he got the ranting instead...
he’s a soft stan! he gets all flustered when you giggle and all. bUT BUT!!! when you turn into a little devil like there’s some switch in your brain, he gets attacked. and he’s shookth but he’s living for it! 
[ynismy_princess]: i’m a soft stan. no doubt about that bUT WHEN EVERYONE ELSE IS BEING A HARD STAN ON MY TL, HOW TF AM I SUPPOSED TO STAY SOFT?? There’s a bdsm edit of (y/n) circulating around my tl and it won’t go away.... is this a calling that I should just be a hard stan and imagine (y/n) being gagged and tied up? i accept then.
━ sakusa ♡
another daddy 🥺 this man just release big dick energy like it’s nobody’s business--.. He doesn’t know how he got tangled up with your group but he’s not really complaining when he found someone being an intellectual for once (you)
you are the eldest of the group and the mom, you do all sorts of cleaning and cooking because you enjoy it. You’re the one with the medicine and the disinfectant all prepared which makes Sakusa nod in approval. 
after a bit of admiring you and you guys’ same idea in cleanliness, Sakusa started seeing you a bit differently... He wonders how you’ll look all covered with cum, sweat, and saliva... opp- he’s hard tf? 
[mother.ynismykink]: i know for sure that i am repulsed with filth or any other dirty thing. but, thinking about (y/n) all dirty and stained with cum and sweat and spit just might be my newly found obsession. she is the only person i will tolerate being dirty so any asshole on my tl can fuck off.
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inviouswriting · 3 years
We Are Happy For You.
Simeon x Fem!Reader
Continuation to my series.
Smut - with fluff and some world building. 
You feel something touch your face, and you tug the blanket that covers you up over your face. There is a shift and the blanket is tugged down and the touch on your face repeats, a feather light touch. One that has you shrugging it off, you bury your face into the chest in front of you.
Instead of Simeon trying to tease your face again, you feel that same feather light touch along an ear. You press your ear to his chest, leaving the other exposed to his teasing. Simeon chuckles light, that usual one he emits when he is mischievous. 
“Let me sleep! Simeon...” You weren’t on food duty for the morning, so that meant you could sleep in, till Lucifer called for you to join or miss out on a meal. 
“Hmm... but I want to see your face.” You give into his polite demand, you turn your face to look up at him, snuggling closer into his side. Memories of the previous night earn a blush when you feel skin to skin beneath the blankets. You roam hands over his chest, you note he has really soft skin.
“There is my girl. You are stunning this morning.” You bury your face into his neck at his compliments. 
“You’re being sweet again...” You mention, and Simeon hums happy at this, moving to tug you on top of him. You pull the blanket with you, leaving only your feet to stick out at the end. Simeon’s arms around your waist resting his hands on your back as you raise up propping your head on your hands to look at your angel.
“Can you blame me? I can do this everyday.” You simply lay on top of Simeon, your legs on either side of his almost straddling him but your waist sits a couple inches higher than his.
“Reminds me... how are you feeling Simeon? You mentioned..” Simeon sees the concern in your eyes.
“It’s a dull ache now, the worse of it has yet to happen.. I can trust you to be at my side when it happens?” You nod and press your forehead to Simeon’s nuzzling him affectionately. He hums when you rub his face and into his hair soaking up the attention you shower on him.
You begin to sit up and jump when you shift to sit on his lap. You eye Simeon, and he is sheepish casting his gaze to the side, his face flushing pink when you realize.
“Sorry, your hands just feel so good.” As you sit up fully, the blanket being shrugged off, you get a good look at your angel underneath you. His face still red from observing your nude form this way. You take mercy on him, your eyes roam over his torso muscular and toned from his arms and chest. You lean over him for your DDD to check the time, and note you still have enough time before anyone nosey would wander by your door.
“It’s okay, I like it that you are showing your desires more. Do you want me to take care of you?” You offer with a subtle push of your hips against his. You had shifted enough so that his erection was centered under your folds. The light grinding you do, he feels good rubbing between them.
“Please... I’ve been... wanting to do this before you were awake.” You press the flat of your hand to his face and let him lean against it. You lift your hips and Simeon reaches between you two to guide himself into you. A satisfied sigh out of the falling angel.
You make quick movements of yourself, raising and lowering to ride him. Simeon’s hands go to your waist guiding you to roll your hips to sink down on him further.
Simeon raises up enough to press kisses along your neck, nipping and moaning into the soft flesh as he wraps his arms around you. You allow him to adjust you both so you can wrap your legs at his waist and he sits in a way that feels so much more intimate. He is deeper, and you bury your face into his shoulder whimpering from how intense it feels.
“Endure me a bit longer my lamb..” You listen to him as he delivers a series of rough thrusts. One hits deep and you see stars.
“Simeon! Again there! Please!” He feels even better, and he notes that this spot he thrusts against has you drenching his cock in juices. You toss your head back at the pleasure washing through your body, Simeon watches you lose yourself to him. If you peeked at his face, his expression is lost in his own pleasure at seeing you so blissful, and him causing that feeling.
Your body feels alight, almost on fire itself. You felt so different in these last few sessions with him, you have been loving him with your entire being. Holding onto him, and he listens to you.
Simeon glides into you alot easier, and realizes you had cum on him. You didn’t even register you had done so, your body wanting more of the angel, even as he leans you down onto your back. He raises your waist and drives himself harder into you. 
You grip the blanket beneath you as the angle Simeon has you in lets him hit your g-spot repeatedly. Simeon uses one hand to rub your clit as he moves. The motions he makes rolling his hips up as you meet his rocking yours back to feel his fingers circle and pinch light.
Your mind fuzzy and blank till your hands grip the blankets tighter and fully orgasm. A series of cries mixed with Simeon’s name, and panted moans. The gush of fluid against Simeon’s waist and how you clench around him tight making it hard for him to thrust through as he spends himself next to your cervix pressing as close as he gets.
Simeon sits down, still connected to you, he can’t pull free just yet till you relax. He enjoys the warmth surrounding him, but he enjoys the sight of you blissed out and panting even more.
When your mind comes back you look to your angel who smiles warm. You then feel embarrassed about how soaked your sheets are. You cover your face upon realization Simeon saw you lose absolute control of yourself.
“You are beautiful... you know that right? Don’t hide.” Simeon tugs your hands away from your face, he moves to lie on top of you. You feel his hands gentle as they tug yours, he sees how red your face is, and only kisses you sweetly.
“I... we... you... you saw me make such an embarrassing face..” You reach for the end of the blanket to cover your face creating a barrier between you and Simeon. He laughs at your shyness. You were not this shy the previous night or when you teased him with that apron. 
“It is only me that sees you make that face too. Let me see you.” He cups your face, peppering kisses all over. It was your turn to soak up his attention he dotes on you. You adjust your legs a little and realize he is still connected. You feel your face heated up, and Simeon moves to pull out finally after you relaxed enough.
You both bask together a little longer before the time when Lucifer usually wakes up and roams occurs. You and Simeon steal away into a shower together, playfully splashing the other, and sitting together once you washed each other thoroughly.
You strip your bed of its covers and sheets to have them done later. You would ask Asmodeus for spare sheets, being one you trust for the reason “why” yours were soiled. 
You get the message from Satan to hurry downstairs for breakfast, you and Simeon take a breath together before joining them.
“Simeon? I didn’t know you dropped by.” Lucifer comments, you sit next to your angel and the open spot where Beelzebub sits. Lucifer is fully aware of your relationship with the angel. He has spent his time warning you of events that can and may happen as a result. Other than that he does not meddle and lets you both experience love for yourselves.
“I came by last night, and stayed over.” He is honest, and Lucifer reads between the lines of what it meant. The few at the table, Satan, Beelzebub and Asmodeus. Mammon and Belphie have yet to arrive being late risers. Leviathan probably not at all, he was doing a raid night for one of his games.
“I could tell you everything you already know, Simeon. Just be careful and take care of her. She chose you, and we’ll do our best to protect you both from repercussions.”  Lucifer says, and you both nod.
“Thank you.” You swat Beelzebubs hands away from yours and Simeon’s plates, guarding it with a spoon. Simeon leans against you, he felt warm to you, perhaps a little too warm. You would tug him aside later.
Asmodeus looks at you and Simeon, a knowing grin on his face. For why you both seem so tired this morning. You eye him weary, in warning. You expected more lectures from Lucifer about your relationship with Simeon. Yet he understood the place, he was probably the best one to talk to later about Simeon’s falling. Yet you wonder if he would revert back to being protective over Simeon or you to tell Simeon he is better off stopping to preserve his rank and grace.
Another thought creeps into your mind, what would Luke say to all of this. You were staring at your plate absentminded enough for Beelzebub to steal a few pieces of food before Simeon swats his hand with the back of a spoon.
The falling angel can tell you are thinking about the effects of what is happening, who you might be making angry, or disappointed. Simeon doesn’t chide you this time in front of others. Your feelings are valid in it, you and him both could face persecution, you more than him.
Satan looks between you two, keeping personal comments to himself, this was not the time to be sarcastic with such a serious expression on your normally smiling face.
Asmodeus on the other hand had moved his chair to the other side of you, and took up one of your hands to inspect your hands. Satisfied still with his color of choice. His touch broke you out of your thoughts, and you see him look to your eyes, a quiet hum in question. His eyes drift to your neck and you see the smirk on his face.
“You should come by my room before you head off to RAD. I have something for you.” He notes how many hickies are left, almost hard to believe that Simeon is capable of marking so much skin. Yet these were over the span of a few days when you had your sleepover with the angel.
“Okay, I need a favor anyways.” You smile back as Asmodeus leans on you and rubs his face to your shoulder. Needing the little bit of affection from one of his pact keepers before he sees Solomon to fill more of that need.
Simeon doesn’t mind the affection, specially when Asmodeus moves over to him to seek out head pats. Simeon lets Asmodeus lean on him, if you or him would ever be open to a polyamorous relationship the first that comes to mind is Asmodeus without question. That was a conversation for when you two decide to invite someone else into your intimate space. Right now that was not an option when you and Simeon still needed to explore each other and grow.
You had finally finished your food, letting Beelzebub take the remainder happily rather than keep fighting him off. You could always take a few more snacks from the cafeteria. Or Luke might give you something before class, he usually does knowing Beelzebub.
Soon you were seated on a chair in front of Asmodeus’ vanity with the lust demon tugging the collar down of your top. Simeon sat on the edge of Asmodeus’ bed watching the exchange.
“Simeon really went crazy here. He needs to be mindful not to mark your lovely skin so much.” You tilt your head so Asmodeus can apply a lotion to them to help ease the bruising left, and covers it with make up to avoid questioning stares from people who are not aware of your sexual relationship with Simeon yet. Asmodeus casting a stare over to the angel whose eyes were transfixed on a wall nearby. A dark blush on his face.
“He did, and I’ll make sure to have him leave them where... they’re not easily seen.” Asmodeus gives an amused hum, as he finishes the application.
“There that should do. Now you had a favor for me?” You look at his eyes, seeing the way they gleam.
“Um.. yes. I need some sheets for my bed...” You look away sheepish and Asmodeus catches on. 
“Ah, until yours are clean right? I can give you a set I don’t care for anymore.” Asmodeus doesn’t need to ask, or pry further. He also rather just give you a set knowing that the nature of your relationship is much more intimate rather than expecting sheets he knows you and Simeon slept on together. 
“Thank you.” You beam at Asmodeus, he goes through his closet and comes back with two sets. A deep blue and a cream colored set. 
“I do have a request as a payment though. You must get me some wicked cupcakes from Barbatos. I absolutely love the ones he makes. He manages to make them with this lemon rose buttercream I just can’t get enough of.” Asmodeus clasps his hands together looking at you hopeful.
“I think that can be managed.” You look over at Simeon.
“Easy, I can give him more Celestial Pure Tea.” Barbatos can’t refuse that trade with it being a favorite. Asmodeus smiles warm, and sees you two out of the room after supplying the sheets.
You and Simeon go back into your room to make the bed, in time before you wander out to RAD together. After putting your blankets back on top, you find yourself snared by Simeon, and the falling angel walks you backwards till you fall on top of the bed with him over you. 
“Simeon!?” A kiss pressed to your lips, and Simeon hugging you to him as he climbs over the top of you. You realize he is wearing the clothes he wore last night. He feels warm to your touch, and you smooth your hands up into his hair to rub. You feel along the sides of his head, feeling two nubs forming. You wonder when those started.
“Let me kiss you please. My head.. keep rubbing it please?” You let him do as he pleases, your hands massaging his head around the spots you found. Finding him pushing closer, he felt too warm, and you could feel him burying his face into the softness of your cheek.
“Are you hurting?” You check on him, and feel little kisses along your cheek. 
“I won’t lie... it hurts alot right now. Your hands though... they feel nice right now... cold to my head.” You brush a hand on his forehead feeling it burning, you want to see his face, but Simeon keeps it buried into your neck not wanting you to see him grimacing or pained.
Your angel does turn his face to press repeated kisses to your lips. You reach a hand down the front of his abdomen, and he stops your hand from slipping below the hem of his pants.
“Later please. We’ll be late or won’t make it out of the room if you touch me now.” You look into his eyes, and see the blue irises taking an almost greener look to them. He nods to your question in your eyes that this is part of his falling. The pain and fever. The knots forming on his head were horns. Still hidden by hair, outward he looks no different. Unless you look closer to his face.
Simeon takes a larger breath of air, and sighs in relief, as the wave subsides. He needed your affection most, you wonder if he was slightly jealous of Asmodeus when he sought your affection. Simeon knows Asmo to be affectionate like that, but you are in a closed relationship with Simeon. You would remember to not do that in front of your angel as he needs you more.
Simeon gets up and helps you up pulling you into a full embrace. It feels different than his usual hugs, like he is afraid to let go, that you’ll slip away from his hands.
“May I be selfish?” You hear his question, you look up as his gloved hand touches the side of your face thumb rubbing your cheek affectionately.
“I think you are allowed to be.” You see him smile.
“Can I stay another night with you? I can’t face Luke tonight, I know... I’ll change tonight. I also need to tell him today. Will you help me break this news to him? Please... be understanding of his feelings, he might say some things that will be hurtful. I was in charge of him, and I let him down in a way.” You can see his eyes downcast at the idea of disappointing Luke this way. Simeon had been thinking about him as much as you have been. How will the cherub take it, with his feelings towards demons, and still growing to learn and accept them. This might undo everything Simeon worked for.
“Of course I will be there and you can stay. We should tell Lucifer first... and Diavolo.” You know you can’t hide the falling from Lucifer, he has already sensed it, he just wants you to tell him and not keep it secret, per your bond with the fallen. He wants you to seek him out when things are hard like this. Diavolo needs to know to be ready to barter with the heavens about Simeon. That Simeon belongs to the Devildom now, and as a resident to be safe from their judgements and possible try for execution. You are willing to give up returning to the human world as an exchange.
“Agreed... Diavolo last though? I need to prepare myself for talking with him.” Simeon lowers his head for more head rubbing. You run your hands through his hair and enjoy the little appreciative sounds out of him.
“You really enjoy this.” You see him light up with a blush.
“Well.. your hands feel so nice. They’re healing to me.” You keep your hands rubbing while Simeon takes repeated kisses, feverish ones, if you two didn’t have to make an appearance at RAD you would stay and be with him. Let him seek the comfort he really needs from you without prying eyes, questions about being late, or missing days because you are helping Simeon through a spell.
The last few kisses Simeon leaves on your lips leaves your head spinning, and you realize you two have been lost in time that you hear footsteps outside the door. The footfalls you know well in Lucifer’s.
“Don’t be late you two. You should get going.” You disentangle from Simeon and poke your head out of the door gazing up at Lucifer, he has his arms folded eying you weary.
“We won’t be late.” His eyes lower then raise to the crack in the door to see Simeon behind you with his ever present smile. Lucifer studying both of you.
“If you need anything let me know.” You look over your shoulder and open the door more for Lucifer, inviting him in. He sees the silent invitation and walks in. He looks Simeon over, the falling angel casts his gaze to the side, avoiding Lucifer’s scrutinizing stare. He was being read in his demeanor.
“It’s begun, hasn’t it?” His voice is not chastising, or sorrowful. Stating a fact, wistful almost.
“You can tell?” You question.
“Of course I can tell. I knew from breakfast.” Simeon raises his gaze.
“I figured you would tell me on your own time. When you could trust me with this information.” Lucifer approaches Simeon and places his hands on either side of his head. He feels the knots for horns, and gives him a head rub of his own.
“What do we do then?” Your question comes out trying to figure out how to help Simeon through the boughs of pain and fevers.
“The only things that can be done is, he repents and seeks out Michael, or he accepts his fall and we’ll just have to make room for him here in House of Lamentations. I want you to talk to Diavolo and Barbatos before you speak to anyone else about it. How many others know about it?” Lucifer asks looking at you.
“Asmodeus knows. I confided in him last night.” Lucifer nods slightly.
“He’ll thankfully keep something like this a secret. Now, go straight to Diavolo after here. He needs to know. The more you keep it a secret the worse it will be.” Lucifer instructs and you snap straight to attention at his words knowing it is an order to do so.
“Right!” Simeon nods, he wanted to tell Luke next, but Lucifer is right, the further he gets, the more it is hard to hide it from anyone. Luke would have to be told after Diavolo and Barbatos. Chances are like Lucifer they already know. Barbatos would without fail. Diavolo, it is hard to keep anything from him for long. He’s more like Lucifer, he wants you to come to him when you have problems and seek his consult out on your own than when things get worse. Such like the events of Belphegore.
You and Simeon leave together out of the room. Lucifer calls out to both of you.
“Whatever happens, know this. We’re happy for you. We’ll do whatever necessary to protect you both.” You give him a soft smile, before Lucifer shoos you off to go talk to Diavolo.
“One more thing.” You look over your shoulder, almost frustrated at being stalled longer.
“Yes?” You ask.
“Please be sure to keep the noise you make down at night. It was hard focusing on paperwork hearing you both.” Lucifer smirks when both of your faces turn bright pink. You were about to say something when Simeon ushers you out pushing you before anything more can be said.
You both prepare yourselves mentally to talk to Diavolo. You hope he will be understanding and helpful of your plights.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
umpah umpah! smau
↪︎ bokuto x f!reader x iwaizumi
[033] — epilogue!
masterlist | prev. | next
a/n: this is definitely not my best writing cause my brain was going brr the entire time i was writing this, but i honestly can’t believed i have finished yet another smau! 🥳 ✨if i’m being completely honest this smau took a complete turn to what i was initially planning,, but it ended up not being that bad. i certainly feel like this smau would’ve been a lot better if i didn’t have school preoccupying me 24/7, but i’m still really proud of this. thank you guys for reading and dealing with this messy, messy smau!! ☺️
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a year flew by faster than you had hoped. Two weeks turned into a month, a month turned into six, and six months turned into a year. A lot of things can happen within a year. Hell, a shit ton of things can happen within six months, yet here you were, all glammed up in your best dress at the move premiere of love cemetery.
you hadn’t felt this nervous in ages. the quickening of your pulse, the rapidly beating heart, to your pals that perspired as the seconds ticked on by. akaashi stood by you this whole time as your gaze keeps looking over to the guest list as if it were to magically change if you were too look away for one second. akaashi had been by your side, your moral support and the absolute backbone of your sanity the moment you and the team landed in los angeles a year ago. he noticed everything about you. he was one of your best friends, how could he not notice the way you were suddenly quiet and not excited right now?
he laid a careful hand on the small of your back to comfort you, leaning over to the same list of guests you were worrying about. “are you worried about who i invited again?”
“i’m more worried they’re not coming.” you confess without a single beat missed.
“oh, they will,” he assured you confidently. there was even a rising smirk in his expression when he let go of you, “have a little bit of faith in me will you? i was the one who got you back in touch with them.”
you huff playfully, rolling your eyes as you recalled the strange feeling of isolation over six months ago when you landed in la. it was in no doubt the longest flight of your life, lasting a good fifteen hours if you counted the two hour layover in hawaii due to reckless turbulence (it was one of the scariest flights in your life too). you had read their texts then, drowning in the sudden downpour of emotions when you read their words, i love you.
it almost didn’t seem real. you swore it had to have been the fatigue playing games on you as you couldn’t sleep for the life of you on the plane. yeah, maybe that was it, you excused. you were so desperate for their messages to be a figment of your imagination, you literally tried everything—turning your phone on and off, asking sugawara for eye droplets, and even ignored it until you were back on the plane and landed in los angeles. it had to be fake, please be fake. yet, in the back of your head you knew damn well it wasn’t.
there was a plaguing thought within you, one that’s so destructive and degenerative that you hated the fact you thought this way. but it wasn’t like you could help it. insecurity was a troublesome venom that coursed through your veins everyday and there didn’t seem to be an antidote to your own self-destruction. 
you loved them both, but you weren’t entirely sure if you had enough love to give for the both of them, let alone one. iwaizumi and bokuto’s feelings confused you to the core. you broke their hearts, yet how could they still love you so dearly?
you didn’t know the answer nor did you have time to even find it.
the film crew stayed in los angeles for two weeks and filmed over the course of that time period. days were filled with twelve hour shoots and a tight film schedule. being the author of the work itself, you were a major part of the production alongside the director. he trusted your vision and you’d often find yourself staying on set the entire day while kaori and the rest of the ddd team felt like they were on vacation. your only free time during that time was the ten minute holy grails in between takes that you were able to check social media.
you simply didn’t have the time to think about them. and yet they were like haunting ghosts that followed you relentlessly. every time you checked twitter or instagram, you would see every post, every tweet, every story. all of which would send your heart spiraling and tugging.
you missed them. but it wasn’t like you could do anything about it. you couldn’t possibly strike up conversation with any of them after completely ignoring their calls and texts for weeks. you had to have an odd amount of audacity to do that, and you simply didn’t have the guts to do so. if anything, the only lasting form of communication between you and the boys was the ringing notification that you liked each other’s posts.
it was quite the sad reality.
the film set then transferred to new york city, where the next two weeks would be filled with yet another plethora of twelve hour work days. fortunately for you, the rest of the ddd team were pulling a bit more of their weight, helping you on the creative side of things, yet still having the time to do all the fun touristy things whilst in the city.
you could remember the way your heart lit up seeing iwaizumi and bokuto’s names beneath who saw your story. it was a video of you and your team at the lady liberty statue. in it, kaori and yuko were chomping down on gigantic $2 street hot dogs, sugawara was yelling at semi for getting in the way of his film camera, while akaashi was complaining that the wind kept knocking down his green lady liberty hat.
it was strange thinking how fast things can change. within the first week, you were always up for an adventure in the city when the days were filled with work, but as the week progressed, your social meter decreased more and more. 
loneliness hit you then. it was a peculiar type of loneliness, the type that you felt alone despite being surrounded by your closest friends and working on your dream project. you figured you were just homesick the way everyone else was getting all ready for a night out going bar hopping while you sat in the living room of your hotel room in your pajamas.
“are you sure you don’t want to come with us, (y/n)?” kaori asked you, concern washing over her slightly as you flickered her a tired look. 
you shook your head, a small smile of gratitude melting upon your lips. “no, you guys go on ahead and have fun.”
your friends could only give you a look. they knew why you were being like this and they knew damn well it wasn’t homesickness. semi specifically threw you a look that’s meant to be teasing and oddly persuasive. “it’s been over a month, this can be a chance for you to finally meet someone new!” he exclaimed optimistically.
what was stopping you, anyway? it was clear nothing was, yet you still held yourself back. homesickness couldn’t possibly be to reason for it either. why are am i being like this?
“it’s okay, i’m with akaashi,” you decline once more, “he’ll keep me company.”
“alright then, join us once you feel like moving on.” says yuko with a hint of venom in her tone. you couldn’t blame her for saying that though as it was the harsh reality of it all.
your friends filed out the door, closing it in a thud and once again you felt alone. isolated as if you were in a void of your own silent thoughts that even the loud murmurs coming from the television wasn’t enough to drown out your shallow inhibitions. 
the night continued on like this for a few hours. eating snacks in the dark living room with the remote in your hand, flipping channels every five minutes as your running thoughts couldn’t keep your attention span still. it felt like you were missing something, a part of yourself that you couldn’t exactly pinpoint. you thought of all of the possibilities why you felt like there was a void in your heart, yet the only thing you could properly convince yourself on was that you just missed home. but was that really all that you had missed?
you thoughts are interrupted by steps approaching you. akaashi walks into the living room, flicking on the switches and causing you to grimace at the bright lights. your eyes stung slightly as they adjusted from being in the dark for too long.
“where are you going?” you ask akaashi as you noticed his dressed up attire.
“i got done with all the paperwork and emails,” he answers while he fixes the collar of his dress shirt, “i’m deciding to have some fun tonight with the rest of the group. are you still up for it? i’ll wait for you to get ready if you want.”
the thought occurred within you that you should agree. that the possibility of this unexplainable feeling of isolation you were feeling would disappear if you were to just say yes and go. but as self-destructive as you were on yourself, you continued to hold yourself back—hesitant and always second guessing your actions.
you open your mouth slightly, but you ultimately just shook your head no.
akaashi lets out a sigh. he was genuinely hoping you would come around sooner or later. granted, it had been over a month since you guys left japan and he figured you would be over everything by now, but that obviously wasn’t the case. “you might be receiving a call soon... i suggest you should answer it.”
confusion flushed over your expression, giving him a strange look. but before you could even utter a single question to him, akaashi was already up and out the door.
he left you in a wake of curiosity for the rest of the night. it was nearing one in the morning and you still hadn’t yet received a phone call. it honestly sounded incredibly ominous that you grew a tad bit nervous. there were only so many possibilities on who would call, but it would actually infuriate you if akaashi was just joking around. but then again, akaashi isn’t the type to play something childish like that unless it was kaori or semi’s idea. regardless, the thought kept you awake as you eyes practically weighed like cinder blocks at this point.
you couldn’t believe you wait for two hours for a phone call that might not even happ—it shocked you at first, the ringing of your obnoxious ring tone and the buzzing of the vibrations on the table.
furrowing your brows as you reached over, a gasp left you the moment you read the contact name. your slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your shock. your hand shook from the growing bundle of nerves in your gut as you hesitate.
the name ‘kou’ shined brightly against your face, coaxing you to answer as if your thumb wasn’t frozen the accept button. out of all the possibilities on who would be calling you tonight, it just had to be him. it wasn’t like you opposed talking to bokuto. if anything, you had spent countless of sleepless nights wondering if you should finally answer that text of his. yet no matter how many different messages you have typed, none of them ever saw the light of day. a hurricane of stupid conversation starters and ice breakers swarmed in your head, all messy and disorganized that if you didn’t just suck it up and answered, you would’ve probably missed a chance to reconnect with him.
fuck it, you thought as you accepted the call.
“(y/n)!” bokuto called out to you, sending your heart running thousands of miles an hour. it had been ages since you heard your name come out of his mouth, “how’ve you been? a little birdy told me you needed a little company.”
you had to hold yourself back from smiling too much as you could already feel your cheeks ache. you wanted to scoff and perhaps groan at the sudden embarrassment of what akaashi could’ve told him. “bo—” you started, but is immediately cut off.
yet another familiar voice emitted from bokuto’s line, almost as if they were shouting, “you’re supposed to say that i’m here too, idiot!”
the volleyball player chuckles, “oh sorry, iwa-chan! here.” muffles and cups clanking against each other travel through to line to what you assume is bokuto handing his phone over to iwaizumi.
“uh... hi.” his voice sounded deeper than usual.
“hi iwa, how have you been?” you chuckle, finding his sudden shyness absolutely adorable.
“good, good. i’ve uhh... missed you.”
“i do too.”
“yeah, yeah, you miss me most though right?” bokuto’s loud voice thunders through the call.
the juxtaposition of how daftly different they were was something you could never get enough of. perhaps it was at that moment you finally understood your loneliness through their bickering. you were in fact homesick, but the home that you were thinking of wasn’t what you were missing the most. you suppose the home you missed was them. they were your home.
you let out an amused laugh, “right.”
“that’s good because iwaizumi and i should be mad at you for ghosting us for the past month, but we understand since akaashi explained to us already.”
your eyes suddenly widen into saucers, panicking what he could have possibly said. “what did he tell you?”
“everything,” bo sings.
you audibly groan in embarrassment, throwing your head back onto the couch in retaliation. you were glad they couldn’t see how flushed and red your cheeks were right now as they even extended out to the tips of your ears.
“you know it would’ve been easier to say that you love the both of us and didn’t want to choose right?” iwaizumi points out in between your panic.
“exactly!” cuts in bokuto, “besides we don’t sharing you, you know. who knew you were such a prude, (y/n).” you could practically hear the smirk in his voice as you couldn’t stop the heat from spreading any further from your face.
now you were really glad they weren’t able to see you at that moment. if they did, you would’ve died from the embarrassment then and there. “give me a break, i was too embarrassed to ask,” you mutter, fearing that they could hear how fast your heart was beating through the call.
“ask what?” iwaizumi teases, “ask if you could date the both of us?”
you were internally screaming at this point. everything that you didn’t think was going to happen, happened all within five minutes and you honestly couldn’t believe it. you were pinching yourself as if you were in a dream, yet no matter how hard you squeezed, this was actually happening. “shut up!” was all you could say.
“even if you did ask... it’s not like we could ever say no to you, (y/n).” says bokuto, his words so enticing that you weren’t sure if you’re heart can handle any more of this.
his words left you absolutely speechless. you honestly didn’t know what to say at this point.
"i’m fine with it and bokuto’s fine with it.” iwaizumi says, “it’s just a matter if you’re willing.” 
bokuto then leans forward towards his phone, “so what do you say, (y/n)?”
you swallowed the lump of nerves forming into your throat as the one question you never thought you would ever be asked was right in front of you. and yet you still hesitated despite everything that had just happened. you loved them both, so why weren’t you answering?
a few beats of silence passed before your gained the courage to push out the the very words, “... i’ll think about it.”
“boo! that’s lame!” bokuto shouts.
“i’ll give you guys an answer when i get back home.” you add, hoping to ease the disappointment they were probably feeling at that very moment.
“that won’t be for another few months, though.” iwaizumi deadpans that you could practically see the pout on both of their faces. “but we’ll promise to wait for you, (y/n).”
and so they waited for you to come back home, but you never did. schedules misaligned even when you were finally back home in tokyo. bokuto was getting progressively more busy now that the olympics were coming up and iwaizumi was just as busy, if not busier with the amount of athletes he had to take care of. there was even a constant flying back and forth from tokyo to los angeles for the film, all of which lasted for a few weeks at a time and you swear your couldn’t catch a break.
this went on for months with the only contact between you and the boys were from texting and phone calls that ended up shorter than you anticipated. and now a year had past since you left and this very movie premiere would be the first time you have seen iwaizumi and bokuto for the first time in a year.
this was so ironic how this all played out. you haven’t even realized you already reached the end of the red carpet when an interviewer calls out your name, microphone in hand and a camera pointed directly at your face.
“ms. (y/l/n)!” the woman shouts over the ruckus of snapping photos and other interviewers asking questions to the actors behind you. “there has been rumors going around about your dating life. are you dating msby’s bokuto koutarou or their athletic trainer iwaizumi hajime, who has been getting a lot of attention from stan twitter just recently! could you share some insight on your live life as love cemetery’s creator?”
“um,” you start, not sure how to answer the question as you nervous chuckled, “that’s a secret i’m afraid i can’t tell.”
before the woman could ask you any other questions, you walked away from the carpet and rushed towards the banquet hall. thankfully, akaashi and kaori was nearby and gratefully took your place in the interview without a second thought.
you let out a relieved sigh as much of the noise from the premiere died down as the only people inside the banquet hall were movie critics, the film crew, and other celebrities who were invited. by now, no one in this room would have the audacity to ask you such a personal question which caused weights to fall off your shoulder. you honestly should be used to those types of questions right now as a webtoon author that literally writes romance, but it always catches you off guard when you least expect it. honestly, you were just glad you didn’t slip up.
as a small little reward for yourself, you grab a flute of champagne from the refreshment table, decorated all fancy that you even hesitated to mess up the display. you turn around to face the growing crowd of mingling individuals, talking and laughing amongst each other as you sipped your drink gently. but as you watch you feel a presence on either side of you, both of which sent your heart soaring and a smile to appeared on your cherry colored lips. you didn’t even have to look them up and down to see how handsome they both looked. to think they were all yours.
“so what did you tell that interviewer?” bokuto asks nonchalantly as if he could just get away from a proper greeting. you were surprised he didn’t just engulfed you into his arms then and there.
instead, you opted to play along, “about what?” you tested with a smirk.
“the question about who you’re dating,” iwaizumi adds in from your other side.
you shrug, taking a sip of your champagne, “you guys probably wouldn’t like the answer i gave her.” you could feel the brazen stares bokuto and iwaizumi were giving each other—competitive and oddly provoking.
“she probably said she was dating me,” bokuto hums in response, confidence radiating off him that it caused you to scoff.
“i doubt it,” debates iwaizumi, giving him the same energy. “she probably said she was dating me.”
“actually,” you cut in before the two could possibly start bickering with each other, “i remember specifically saying that i’d thinking about it.” 
the boys give you a look, downing their drinks as if they were like the shots they swallowed many nights ago at that bar. it was as if they were trying to win your over again like your feelings had changed since then. 
“oh yeah?” bokuto starts, inching closer towards you while iwaizumi rested his arm on the table behind you.
“so what do you think, (y/n)?” says iwaizumi.
they both towered over you, just inches away from your body, but you didn’t cower or back away. if anything there was a playful smirk inevitably resting upon your lips.
now this, was going to be fun.
fun facts! —
sugawara has five rolls of film he had to get developed once they wrapped filming in osaka, each roll is from each city they went to for filming
iwaizumi and bokuto became really close friends when y/n left for la as they bonded over getting ghosted
bc of this,, bokuto posted a pic of him and iwa on his instagram and it got lots of attention that iwa went viral on stan twitter
taglist: (closed!)
@moonlightaangel @elianetsantana @k4tiepie @memorableminds @wheeshllumi @suhkusa @kitsunetea @airybby @noeminemi @truly-a-snitch @keichan @cosmicmermaid25 @bap-kingdom @saturnfarie @kwdflash @ennos-baby @dinablossom @chrisrue15 @seikamuzu @nestlevanilla @chasekudo @yammmers @pixcldust @iwaizluv @h0ngh0ngh0ng @emogrils @tiredandkindaoverworked @tsumue @underratedmage @bokutosuwus @kellesvt @unstableye @oh-tapeworm @scrappyfka @alittlebitofrain @mxngy @tpwkatsumu @atsumuwoah @macchiatoast @dicerawr @kageyamasbabygorl @some-random-stranger-007 @vhskenma @wntrmn @little-plants @stargirlara @kissungjae @je11yfishwriter @sbaepsae @apollochjld
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
(Bonus) The Undateables + their reaction to you having a nightmare
Since some people were interested, I went ahead and wrote reactions for the rest of the characters too!
[The Demon Brothers’ Reactions]
The Demon Prince may not act it, but he’s typically quite busy.
Even in the middle of hosting the humans, angels, and demon brothers in his home for the night, he’s forced to split his time between his duties, and being a proper host.
Unfortunately, balancing these tasks causes him to be awake until quite late--3am, to be exact.
By then, the castle has gone quiet. The voices of his guests have faded--indicating their slumber. However--
Diavolo pauses when he walks past one of many lounges, and spots you curled up at one end of a couch--the flames from the fireplace flickering in your glazed over eyes.
You look exhausted, and yet, you’re battling yourself to stay awake.
“Y/N,” he speaks softly, padding into the room. You jump--wide eyes flitting to him with worry.
“I-I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be roaming around this late--”
“No, no, I do not mind,” he says with a small chuckle, seating himself on the couch beside you. He flashes you a gentle smile. “I was simply surprised to see you here. Why are you up so late?”
“I...,” he sees your cheeks go pink, and your eyes move to stare at the fireplace once more. “I had a bad dream...”
Clearly, you’re a little embarrassed to be admitting to him that something like a scary dream is what’s keeping you from going back to bed, but Diavolo is nothing but understanding.
“Ahhh, I hate when nightmares get in the way of a good nights rest.” He frowns and crosses his arms--glancing up at the ceiling as he ponders what he can do to help.
“If you don’t mind, I’d be more than happy to stay the night with you. I know having the comfort of another person nearby can be helpful.”
You can tell from his kind demeanor that he has no motive aside from genuinely trying to help you, and you get all warm inside.
You’d never have imagined receiving an offer like this from a literal Demon Prince, but...”I think I would like that.”
Nodding, Diavolo is quick to swoop you into his arms. With barely a sliver of his power, he manages to teleport you back into your room, and you blink in surprise as he sets you in bed, and then seats himself beside you.
“Sleep, Y/N,” you feel his hand against your hair, and suddenly your eyelids feel quite heavy. Within seconds, you’re fast asleep (you’re not sure if he had used more of his power, or if it’s just because the Demon Prince is so damn comforting, but either way, you’re out like a light)
True to his word, Diavolo stays with you the whole night, and you wake up in the morning to find his arm loosely curled around your torso.
The demon butler tends to get up early in order to prepare for the day.
He sees to it that things are prepared for his Lord, and any guests. Today, he’ll need to prepare breakfast for the exchange students as well.
His Lord had invited them to stay the night after a casual check-in on their experience in the Devildom had turned into a night of drinking and tale-telling.
It’s just past 5AM when Barbatos makes his way into the kitchen. However, he quickly realizes that he’s not alone.
You’re sat in a window nook in the corner of the room, a cup of coffee cradled between your hands as you stare out into the yard.
“Y/N,” he speaks your name whilst approaching, and Barbatos watches you blink out of your haze--your eyes shifting over to look at him.
“I’d say good morning, but I get the feeling you haven’t gotten much sleep,” he comments with good nature, smiling pleasantly. The corner of your lips twitch. “Do you have a hangover?”
It’s not like your group had been overly zealous the night before, but perhaps you’re easily affected by alcohol.
“No, just a nightmare,” you say with a sigh, taking another sip from your coffee. Barbatos eye’s lighten with sympathy.
“May I join you?”
You nod, scooting over to make room for him. He seats himself beside you, crossing his legs, and looking over to you pleasantly.
“At the very least, I can help you take your mind off of it. I have some time before I need to start preparing breakfast.”
“Thank you, Barbatos.”
The two of you chat for a while, talking about things that don’t really matter. Barbatos is careful to keep the questions and topics simple, and his efforts seem to pay off, because at some point, your words begin to slur.
Your body slumps, head landing onto his shoulder, and Barbatos pauses.
He was hoping to help you get back to sleep, but he hadn’t expected you to fall asleep on him.
Unfortunately, he’s grown to have a soft spot for you, and doesn’t have the heart to move.
Sighing, he leans himself against the window frame and closes his eyes.
Diavolo finds the two of you asleep together in the nook two hours later, and is sure to take many, many pictures before he decides to wake you up.
The angel is drawn out of his sleep by a small cry.
Rubbing at his eyes, he glances over to his DDD and sees that it’s just past 2AM. That’s strange. Usually he has no trouble sleeping soundly--
Eyes widening, Simeon suddenly remembers that he’s not alone tonight. You’re curled beneath a blanket on the couch in his dorm room. He and the other residents of Purgatory Hall had invited you over for a movie night, and you’d ended up opting to stay the night.
So, of course, Simeon had offered to let you room with him. (Like a proper gentleman).
However, now it unfortunately seems like you’re having a nightmare.
Flinging himself out of bed, Simeon hurriedly makes his way to your side. He cups your warm face with his hand, frowning as he he spots the tears blotting the corners of your eyes.
“Y/N,” he calls your name softly, but it’s enough to draw you from your dream.
Inhaling a deep breath, your eyes shoot open. You jolt to sit up, and immediately Simeon is holding you--drawing a hand between your shoulder blades as he attempts to comfort you.
“Shhh, you’re okay,” he coos, and your hands lift to grip against his shirt. Your heart is still racing, but him being there is a huge relief.
“Thank you,” you sigh after a few long minutes, and you feel Simeon shake his head. If it was in his power, he would have loved to protect you from bad dreams in the first place.
“Would you....would you mind joining me in the bed?” he asks, his cheeks feeling a little warm as he leans back to look at you. He places a hand against his neck, feeling a little foolish. “I would feel better if you were close. I don’t want you to have another bad dream.”
For a moment, you can only stare--processing everything he’s just said. Then, you smile, and nod your head. “Sure, Simeon. I would like that too.”
Relieved, Simeon beams at you, and you gasp quietly as he scoops you into his arms.
Moments later, you find yourself beneath his sheets, with the Angel tucked tightly against your back. 
“Is this okay?” you nod at his question, relaxing against him. Simeon relaxes as well, allowing his eyes to close.
Knowing that the angel is nearby, you manage to get back to sleep. And in the morning, you wake up with Simeon’s arms hugged around your waist.
The sorcerer is on his way home from the House of Lamentation in the wee hours of the morning when he walks past your room, and notices that the door is ajar.
Pausing, he curiously glances inside. Your bed is messy--covers thrown to the side, and pillow on the floor beside the bed. 
A little worried, Solomon double checks his DDD. It’s only 4am. Where would you be?
“Solomon?” your quiet voice rings out from behind him, and he turns to find you standing a short way up the hall. Your arms are hugged to your chest, cold sweat beading on your brow.
“Are you alright?” he asks, frowning. “I got worried when I saw your door open.”
“I...I had a nightmare, and...,” you motion behind you, still looking a little dazed. “Went for a short walk to try and ground myself...what are you doing here?”
“Asmo,” he says simply, not explaining further. After all, right now he’s more concerned about you.
Stepping forward, he reaches out and rests his palm on your hair. The contact makes you glance up at him, and he can see how tired you are. Your body needs more rest, but you’re too scared of falling asleep again.
“I know a spell that might help,” he says, a little mirth in his voice, and before you can ask, you feel his lips press against your forehead.
You freeze in surprise, and punch him lightly in the stomach when you hear his laughter.
“Asshole,” you push him aside and trudge back into your room. However, Solomon follows you--watching as you pick up your sheets and rearrange yourself back on your bed.
Once you’re settled, he joins you--sitting against the edge of the mattress.
“Would you like if I stayed?”
His voice is tender--understanding in his eyes as he regards you. As much as you hate him for that little move earlier, you can’t lie to yourself--you’d feel better if he stuck around.
“You can use my shower,” you mumble, rolling over and showing your back to him. “I don’t want you getting my sheets dirty.”
“Rude,” he comments, but nonetheless stands and moves to use your bathroom. You hear him turn the water on, and by the time Solomon reemerges into your bedroom, you’re fast asleep.
He ends up snuggling in beside you anyway. 
The next morning, Asmo spots him sneaking through the front doors at 9am, and is very confused.
(Bonus!) Luke:
When Luke notices you tossing and turning, he’s quick to jump to his feet and move to check on you.
You’d fallen asleep in the Purgatory Hall common area after a study session, but he and the others had decided to let you be. 
Eventually, Simeon and Solomon had gone to do their own thing, but Luke had stayed behind to greet you once you were through with your nap.
Unfortunately, it seems your nap has turned into a nightmare.
“Y/N!” he’s a little frantic with worry as he calls for you--his hands gripping your shoulders and attempting to shake you awake.
It works, and after a few seconds your eyes slide open--hand raising to press at your heart as you regain your sense of reality.
“Are you okay?” he hangs close to your side, his hands hovering near you. He’s never dealt with someone having a nightmare before, so he’s a little anxious. He wants to help you in any way that he can.
“I-I’m fine, Luke,” you flash him a half-hearted smile that makes his chest ache. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep...”
“It’s okay! We wanted you to rest!”
The angel presses to his feet, his hands fisting at his sides. He feels useless right now, and that bothers him.
“Ah! Simeon knows a celestial realm recipe for some calling tea! I’ll get him to teach me!”
He turns and starts to run from the room, but ends up pausing, and turning back to look at you. After a moment of internal debate, he darts back over to the couch and throws himself at you.
You grunt as his body weight lands against your chest--the tiny angel giving you a tight squeeze.
Then, he pulls back with pink cheeks, and scurries away.
You’re left sitting there in shock, but after a few moments, you laugh.
You feel a little better already.  
[The Demon Brothers’ Reactions]
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dawn8080 · 3 years
How about an MC who doesn't like telling people it's their bday because they don't like big parties or people making a fuss over it, and the brothers come to know it's their bday on the day itself? (Obey me Headcannon please :3)
MC who hates celebrating their birthday
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(Big thanks to @obey-me-rules-my-life-now for the request!)
MC has never been one to celebrate their birthday. Parties were big celebrations, and big celebrations meant people in masses. So, to avoid having to face a party, embarrassment and disappointment, they told no one. They never brought up the topic and when a brother did, they shut it down. All too soon, the dreaded day approached. How will each brother react?
He knew when MC’s birthday was. He read their file after all. But when MC never mentioned their birthday, the thought faded from his mind.
Lucifer could tell something was off; MC was being snappy and moody to everyone, including himself.
MC was extra snappy after yet another failed plan of making money that they were dragged into and wanted to be left alone in their room. However, Lucifer knew to address their snappiness and moodiness.
When Lucifer knocked on MC’s door, it was met with a grumpy “Go away”
Lucifer growled under his breath, “MC, we need to discuss your recent behavior.”
“There’s no reason. Now leave me alone.”
Knowing that MC wasn’t willing to tell him, he went back into his office, to do more paperwork.
After hours of working on paperwork, he took a moments break to look at his DDD, lighting up with notifications.
Diavolo: So Lucifer, how was today? Good, I’ll suppose?
Lucifer: What’s makes you say that?
Barbatos: Have you forgotten?
Lucifer: Forgotten what?
Diavolo: Today is MC’s birthday! Have you forgotten?
Lucifer understood all at once what had happened, and went to confront them about it.
When confronted, MC shrugged their shoulders and said, “So? It’s just another day. It marks another year of my existence. It just makes me feel older.”
Understanding where they were coming from, he sighed and said, “You’re still a guest here in the House of Lamination and as long as your in this exchange program, we are responsible for your safety and comfort. That being said,” as he takes MC hands, “Could I at least interest you in a dinner?”
MC looked calculating for a few seconds before saying “I guess just a dinner would be nice...”
Mammon was never trusted with any of MC’s personal information (understandably so). And he knew he and his brothers could be a bit too much sometimes! So he didn’t really question it when MC started getting a bit grumpier than usual.
It wasn’t until MC came home one day after a failed money making scheme, throwing their book bag at the wall and stomping to their room.
He immediately was concerned and was knocking on their door, begging to be let in. After 30 minuets of being told no, he stayed silent, but outside their door.
Soon, when he heard their shower running, he walked into their room to see what was so wrong.
He didn’t notice anything wierd until he looked at their phone, light up with notifications from their human relatives.
Curiosity got the best of him as he wandered over and read their screen. To say he was shocked is an understatement when he read how many Happy Birthday texts MC received.
MC then entered the room to see Mammon on their phone, which resulted in Mammon getting kicked out of the bedroom.
Mammon stood outside in shock; humans loved their birthdays, so why were they so grumpy? And more importantly, why didn’t the human tell the GREAT Mammon that it was their birthday?!
He went straight to Lucifer, head spinning in confusion.
After barging in and questioning Lucifer, he realized that maybe going through their phone wasn’t the best idea...
...or at least that’s what he realized as he hung from the ceiling in front of Lucifers office again.
MC was walking downtown he hallway when they heard, “Yo! Human! Come give me a hand!”
MC helped him, but then quickly started leaving. Before they could though, Mammon took their hand and said, “Now wait a minuet. Why didn’t you tell me today is you birth-”
MC quickly spun and held their free hand over his mouth to shush him. “Don’t speak of this day to anyone! Or I swear, Goldie will have a friend called Paper Shredder.”
Mammon moved their hand and said, “I already asked Lucifer if he knew. He did, no surprise. But why didn’t you tell me?”
MC then dropped their hands to their sides and said, “I just don’t like my birthday. I don’t like celebrating it.”
Mammon sighed, as if defeated. Then he brightened up again. “How about we just watch movies then?! You don’t need to say it’s a special occasion to watch movies with the GREAT Mammon!”
MC sighed, smiling lightly. “I guess it wouldn’t be weird, huh?” They then smirked suddenly, “Now how about Resident Evil-”
MC’s grumpiness really caught him off-guard. They were almost never grumpy, yet they’ve been acting this way for an entire week.
He heard the loud clash of a book bag hitting a wall and angry footsteps down the hallway, near his room. He peaked his head out of his room, only to see an angry/grumpy MC storming past him.
Ignoring him completely.
That... didn’t feel right. They always acknowledged him in one way or another.
So, rather than leaving his precious room, he grabbed his phone and started spamming MC questions.
Levi: MC?
Levi: Are you okay?
Levi: Hey, answer the phone!
He quickly realized they weren’t responding although he knew they saw the texts.
He sighed dejectedly. Who would want to talk to a gross, yucky otaku like him anyways?
As he kept wallowing in self-pity, he heard his phone ding with a text. He was reading the text in an instant, hopes falling with it.
MC: I have to cancel game night. Maybe next week?
Levi knew they never rescheduled his game and anime hang out sessions. Concerned, he headed over to their room for answers.
Levi knocked, and realized the door was open. But there was no MC. He glanced around the room and saw their homework on their desk, already completed.
He then sat on the foot of their bed, playing mobile games until MC came back. Where he would confront MC about the birthday.
That’s when he booted up one of the Devildom games that MC loved. Suddenly, it piped up with a notice on his login.
It was his mutuals friends birthday.
He covered his shock and set up a surprise for MC.
40 minuets later, MC came back into their room, only to see Levi sitting in front of his monitor, playing anime, while he was cuddling his Ruri-Chan body pillow.
To say they were surprised was an understatement, but before anything could be said, Levi dragged them down next to him.
“Hey, why couldn’t I know about your birthday?” Levi frowned and asked.
“I... just don’t like celebrating. Is that why you’re here?”
Levi shakes his head and offers a second head set labeled “Player 2” and MC accepts it.
“I just want to watch anime with you tonight. Maybe we can game next week?”
Satan could’ve gotten his hands on your background, but he just had that golden opportunity to prank Lucifer too...! He, of course, chose priority.
He knew MC were moody before they did; becoming a master of masks made him very perceptive of others emotions.
He offered help with de-stressing and with homework, thinking that was the issue.
He did not think that his books would eventually be thrown into a wall as MC stormed to their room only days later.
He was furious at the treatment of the books that he lent, and went to confront MC about their behavior towards everyone.
He didn’t expect to hear the tail end of a call MC was having with relatives back home.
“Yes Mom, thank you. I’ll have a good birthday, now bye.” MC hung up the phone, tired out of their mind.
Satan stepped in, knocking on the door lightly. Though still shocked from the news he just received, he knew that he needed to stay silent. For now.
“MC, you threw your books in the doorway. They have been lended to you and you could damage them that way.”
“I’m sorry. I won’t be so careless next time.” MC replied, running a hand down their face in exhaustion.
Satan smiled and said, “You damaged the books I lent you. You could make up for that.”
MC audibly gulped, worried what they had to do.
Satan continued, “You could work in Hells Kitchen tomorrow to replace them? Or, you could stay here and read for a bit, if stress or unwanted events seems to be the issue.”
MC looked up, shocked. Then they smiled. “I prefer option 2 the most. Thank you.”
The two of them then sat side by side, reading books until MC fell asleep.
“Goodnight, MC. Have sweet dreams.”
Asmodeus didn’t understand why you were so moody and sassy so suddenly. He, too, figured it was due to stress, so he scheduled a self care night... on your birthday.
He knew the stress should be causing break outs so when he saw the first sign of acne, he practically screamed.
But we all know the gossipy demons habits. The day at RAD had been normal, until the walk home.
MC was walking faster than the others, and was radiating annoyance.
Asmodeus followed you as fast as he could, hoping to do the self care session before homework.
He didn’t expect you to walk so fast either. He was sweating slightly and had to redo his make up.
As he walked into your room, he saw you toss a letter into a nearby trash bin.
He was about to question it as MC said, “It’s nothing, Asmo. It’s fine.”
MC then smiled, letting him do the self care session and offering to do homework with him so it was “less stressing”.
However, as MC left to go get their abandoned books in the main hall, he couldn’t help but peek at the envelope, addressed from MC’a family.
Shock was very evident on Asmo’s face as MC walked in. Knowing what convorsation was to come from the party-loving demon, they shut the door.
“Asmo, I can explain-”
“MC, honey, it’s your birthday?! No one knew!” Asmo sounded distressed and MC awkwardly patted his shoulder.
“It’s fine Asmo. I just don’t like celebrating my birthday. It makes me feel... old.”
Asmo nodded, trying to understand. Some people just didn’t flaunt their age.
Asmo then sighed. “At least let us do something fun for your birthday then. Ooh, you can tell me how old you are!”
“Nope. Never telling my age.”
Asmo deflated like a kicked puppy, only for MC to pipe up.
“Asmo, we could watch silly movies if you want.”
He smiled and hugged MC.
“Thank you, MC. Now, what genre do we watch?”
He knew you were upset about something. And it upset him. So while you were moody, Beel was trying to cheer you up.
Did you not eat enough? Were you getting too little sleep? Were you getting to stressed? Poor boy just wanted to help.
Which is why he was carrying a plate of MC’s favorite food to their room, while he munched on his own snacks.
When he got to their room, he realized that they’d locked themself inside. He knocked on the doors and MC opened them minuets later.
Seeing their favorite food, MC instantly smiled.
And then froze.
“Wait, how did you know what today is?”
Beelzebub was confused and tilted his head to the side. “What is today?”
MC realized that he was trying to just be kind.
“Oh, nothing! Uh, thank you for the food.”
Beel wouldn’t let this drop so he followed MC into their room as they carried their food in, munching on his snacks while looking around.
“MC, what is today?”
MC sighed and said “Today is my.... birthday. But I don’t like celebrating it. Makes me feel too old, you know?”
He actually didn’t but knew that humans lives were much different.
“Well, we don’t have to celebrate it, but knowing would have been nice.” He looked upset and MC instantly regretted it.
“It’s okay Beel! Really.” MC smiled warmly at him. They walked over and hugged the big demon before going back to their food.
Beel sighed and said, “Can we cuddle tonight?”
MC turned, shocked. He didn’t specifically ask for cuddles often, so this was unexpected. MC instantly asked, “Because it’s my birthday?”
Beel shook his head.
“I really like cuddling with you.”
He was honestly annoyed at MC’s behavior. And worried. But if anyone asked, he was annoyed at it.
He was shocked- but still tired. So he pushed MC over slightly and layer down next to them.
Him popping up in MCs room was honestly a normal thing. They’d do whatever they were doing and Belphie would claim their bed.
So when he slunk to their room, he didn’t expect to see them in their bed.
As he was falling asleep, he heard MC’s phone start ringing. She had set her ringtone from the human world to be berry annoying.
He picked up the phone and said, “They’re asleep.” Before he could hang up, he heard them yell, “Tell her we said happy birthday!”
He was confused. MC had been acting bratty... because it was their birthday?
He decided he needed a well-deserved nap first and that he’d handle it when he woke up.
They were both woke up a few hours later for dinner, and afterwards, MC retreated back to their room again.
Belphie snuck back into their bed, waiting for MC to finish their homework.
When MC finished, Belphie looked at them and said “Happy birthday.”
As MC spluttered and tried asking how he knew, he rolled his eyes and said, “You had family that called.”
Belphie was by MCs side now, as they had been walking over to the bed during this ordeal.
“MC, I don’t need your reasoning for not telling me your birthday, but I hope I’ll be told next year?”
MC nods, smiling lightly.
“MC, will you watch the stars with me?”
(Aah, this took longer than expected!! I hope it’s what was expected)
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Warnings: mentions of rape, non-con, kidnapping, usage of sleeping drugs
Pairing(s): Diavolo x F!reader, the brothers, lucifer x F!reader
Authors note: im fucking pissed at Solmare and Diavolo right now so I decided to continue this and give Diavolo some much deserved pain.
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You hated him. You hated him so much. He was so confusing, too, which makes you feel even worse. One moment he’s ordering you around like the little puppy that he believes you are, and the next you’re in his arms and he’s comforting you. It messed with your emotions and your head and you didn’t know if you wanted more of it or to lock yourself away. At this rate, even Cerberus’ slobber was better than being tossed around like that, but you wouldn’t dare say that out loud because Diavolo would actually take you back down there if he was given the chance, no remorse or guilt evident. After last night, part of you even believed that he only did this for show, to gain your trust and then beat it back down. You hated how he felt, but you hated even more how much your body seemed to enjoy it. He wasn’t ugly to look at either, so seeing him on top of you, you couldn’t even be disgusted by it, not fully at least. “I’ll never love you!” You winced at the memory, feeling the sting from the slap he delivered right after your words. If only someone actually cared about that. 
Right now, your bed was empty and it reminded you on the first night you slept together with him, where he forced himself on you, and then left you alone in an unfamiliar room the next morning. You didn’t need to get up to know that the room door was locked, much like it had been the first night, but you did need to get up to try and wash yourself. You had long given up on the crying; tears only spurted him on and gave him a reason to further break you. Instead, you started to feel numb. The angels never came to save you, no matter how much you prayed to them, and you started to believe that God couldn’t give two flying feathers about you. Sadly, you couldn’t turn to the Devil in his absence. You didn’t even know where Diavolo was right now; at least in the beginning, he’d be so kind to tell you he was in his office or off with Barbatos somewhere, you know, anything. Should you know where he was right now? A good wife knows where her husband is, no? But then again, this wasn’t a normal marriage. 
You allowed yourself to fill up the bathtub with hot water and plenty of bubbles. Your legs ached, your abdomen ached, and you could feel his leftover cum drip from between your legs. Part of you didn’t care anymore, but another part was, thankfully, still disgusted by the action and rational enough to get in the tub to try and wash it off. If there was one thing that you thoroughly enjoyed about this castle, as silly as it sounds, it was this giant gold bathtub, that seemingly swallowed you up and let you hide beneath the bubbles. The hot water brought relaxation to your sore muscles and the bubbles just made you happy; just a little bit of happiness in a world God has long forgotten. “I’m sorry…” You apologized to yourself, washing over your body as gently as you could while still getting rid of anything he left on you the night before. You owed your body, your soul, yourself that apology… it helped you think straight. You also spoke it to Lucifer, silently, for lying to him, for leaving him, for not giving him the chance to help you, although you doubted that he truly could. 
“I accept your apology.” Your body immediately stiffened at his voice, but you refused to turn your head, keeping your hands moving by continuing to wash yourself. Diavolo, for whatever reason, was so certain that you’re just not broken enough yet to fully submit yourself to a husband, specifically him. That’s what last night was about, a struggle to prove his reign over you and sadly, momentarily, he had won. You didn’t speak back to him, keeping your eyes on your hands’ movements in hopes that he would soon get bored and leave again. What is it with him always barging in when you’re in the bathroom? “No Good Morning? Where are your manners?” He chuckled, although you knew better than to believe it, knowing that he was annoyed already. He positioned himself behind you, pinking up the sponge to clean over your back, but honestly you were just thankful that he didn’t try to join you in the bath. There was space between you right now, and although it was just the rim of the bathtub, and honestly not that much, it brought you some sort of comfort. 
“I won’t be here today,” then why is he? “I’m sure you enjoy that,” you do, “but Michael scheduled a meeting with me.” Michael? “You know of Michael, do you not?” Yes, but you don’t like the way this is going, “I’d love to have you there. As the Queen, My Queen, you should be there, but he insisted on it just being us,” what a bummer, “that’s why I’m sad to announce that you’ll be here for your day. I made sure to have Barbatos ready to comply with your every request and need, “ how wonderful. The shady butler. “I hope that’s to your liking.” You felt him move again, presumably standing back up, but his eyes were still on you, “can I at least have a good morning?” It almost seemed normal right there. Just a regular couple trying to make up after a regular couple’s fight, but this isn’t a regular couple thing, so you shook your head. Diavolo grew angry, but he opted for a sigh instead, reminding you, “this could all be easy on you, yet you choose to make it more difficult. I can’t keep giving you a warning and let you get away. Think about your actions before you force me to do something both of us will regret.” You hated the thought of something even worse happening, but you still didn’t dare look at him, only slightly turning your head instead. 
“Good morning… have a good day….” The words sounded forced, even a bit scared, but Diavolo smiled at them, ever so softly, and then he moved back closer again, turning your head a bit with his hand, forcing you to look up at him, “was that so hard?” Yes. He leaned in to kiss your head softly, not your lips, just a loving kiss to the forehead, that once again, almost felt too normal, too nice. “Have a good day as well.” He didn’t push it. He didn’t force anything else. He left it at that and then he left completely, leaving you alone in the bathtub, in the bathroom, in the castle, with only yourself as a companion. “Michael, huh…? Wonder if he ever heard my prayers…”
Lucifer waited. He waited a long time, asking Beel to go in first. Honestly the whole plan was absurd and he doubted he could pull it off on many occasions. Barbatos was everywhere and even with the spell he placed on himself and Leviathan, everyone else was in danger. Leviathan managed to spy out the castle by hacking into the cameras and they were incredibly lucky when they saw Diavolo leave, albeit by himself which meant that Barbatos was still inside and presumably watching your every move. That’s why they send Beel. He could easily disguise himself as wanting some of Barbatos’ food and Lucifer watched as the younger managed to slip inside the castle’s walls. Of course, none of the others were actually at the castle yet; that’d be too risky. They send Beel ahead while they watch from the safety of Levi’s computers, making sure everything goes according to plan. 
“What are you doing here, Beelzebub? Tea?” Beel nodded happily, holding his hand to grab the cup from Barbatos, quickly thinking of a fool proof reason. “I know you’re busy… but at the buffet, you know, during the wedding, you had these crab cakes…” “You want me to make you some, don’t you?” Beel blushed softly, nodding while taking a sip of his tea, “yes please… I can’t stop thinking about them. Everything you make is delicious, but I think that was my favorite.” Barbatos actually found himself smiling. Beel was always one of his favorite test tasters because although the demon liked everything, he still gave really good feedback. “Very well. I just delivered breakfast to the Queen so I have some free time before lunch. Perhaps she will enjoy them as well if we make her some.” Beel’s eyes seemed to sparkle and he quickly nodded, “you’ll let me help? May I come with you when you deliver them?” Barbatos eyes Beelzebub for a while, thinking about his request before walking over to the fridge to get the ingredients out, “yes and no. You can help me, but My Lord is currently not at home and thus I can’t allow anyone else near the Queen. You understand, don’t you?” It was a bummer, to say the least, but Beel knew that he actually couldn’t see you anyway. He’s supposed to keep Barbatos distracted. “You may write a note, though.” and that was all he needed. 
While Beel did his best to keep Barbatos occupied, Lucifer and the rest were on the move. Even Satan helped out willingly and Belphegor finally arose from his slumber to help Lucifer out with this. They all missed you more than you could imagine so teaming up for them was a no brainer. You meant a lot to all of them. “Oh this is so exciting!!” “You think we can sell her ring?” “We need to watch out for the guards outside.” Only the last one really mattered to Lucifer. Perks of having wings is that you could fly. Downside was that the brothers without wings had to be carried. He currently carried Leviathan and only because the third born had access to the cameras on his DDD. “I know a blindspot to the castle. None of the guards go there. The old King, Diavolo’s father, used to take his torture games back there and none of the guards particularly like it.” Levi nodded, turning his head to look up at Lucifer, “good good...you think this is a good idea?” Lucifer looked down at Levi, his face unreadable, “no, but I have to get her out of there.” 
It was hard to fly as a group and not get spotted but somehow, by some form of miracle, they managed to land on the castle’s roof, crawling around to find the balcony connected to Diavolo’s chambers, where he knew you’d be at. For once in a few millennia, he silently prayed that Beel is keeping Barbatos busy so they have enough time, “you’re good to go in…” Levi looked at him worriedly, and even Satan shot him a quick glance that held something more than disapproval. All of them were worried, not just for you, but also for Lucifer. One wrong move and he could get caught, and sadly, no matter how close Diavolo likes to pretend they are, this wouldn’t end well for him. “Thank you… I trust you have my back.” Lucifer knew he could rely on them. Whenever it came down to it, his brothers were loyal and protective, just as he is to them. With that in mind, and fear in his heart, he dared open the balcony windows. 
Immediately, a strong smell of your scent along with Diavolo’s entered his nostrils and he both loved and hated it. He missed you, a lot more than he allows himself to admit. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a cloth, laced with drugs to keep you quiet and unconscious while he and his brothers do the rest. He hated doing this, truly, but he can’t risk doing anything wrong, not with this, not when it comes to you. Sounds are coming from the bathroom and for a moment he feared Diavolo was still around, but it was just your sweet voice he heard. His heart ached; he hated this. “I’m sorry, Darling…. Please forgive me…” he’s whispering to himself, finding the courage to make his way to the door and slowly open it. 
Steam from the bathroom along with your cent and the sight of your naked body met him and he’s quick to hold the cloth up to your nose. You struggled, obviously scared, but he wraps his arms tightly around you, “ssh… it’s okay.” “Lu!.....” the drugs worked quick and he silently thanked them for it, wrapping his coat around your naked body before draining the tub and turning off the light, trying to make it seem like you either did something dumb or left willingly. Lucifer couldn’t look at you too long, the pain bearing too much. So, he picked you up swiftly and flew out, motioning for the rest of his brothers to follow quickly after, leaving the balcony doors open. 
Lucifer knew that what he had just done was far beyond what Belphegor did, far beyond treason against the now King. This was life threatening, this was unimaginable suffering, but most of all,
this was a call for war.
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witheringvoice · 2 years
Ocean Waves + Love: Another Poem About It//Two poems I rediscovered in my notes app
The ocean is so pretty.
Not as much as women, but still pretty.
I'm pretty big gay sometimes.
The waves take my worries.
The wind calms my thoughts.
My head becomes completely empty.
My happiness succeeds all that I thought was possible.
I thought my depression took over.
But this bright big smile I can't contain.
Not even if I bite my lip or my cheek or hold my mouth closed.
I don't think I even want to.
And the colors, oh the colors.
During sunset, sunrise.
I fucking love water.
It's even beautiful when it isn't.
As long as it's sparkling and existing, it's breathtaking.
I love it and it's beautiful.
When we were on the ferry, I could feel the vibration of the waves.
It made me so happy, so giddy.
I loved it so much.
I just wish to stare into space at the water.
I love it so much, it's so pretty.
Water please, take all my worries and fear away.
Take my panic, bring me smiles and giggles.
Take away the confusing emotions I have.
I wish I was a wave in the ocean.
Goodnight, the water.
Goodnight, my love.
Ocean waves.
Technically waves in general...but yeah! Also finally started watching jujutsu kaisen, very good, and started out a bit predictable. I have odd expectations, but so far, I'm enjoying it, significantly since the predictability is dimming :DDD
I'm scared of it.
I'm scared of the theoretical fantastical things that could happen.
I'm scared of the likely, normal things too.
I'm scared of the lowest lows and the highest highs.
I'm scared of finding who I think is the one and being torn apart.
I'm scared of finding the right one and losing them.
I'm scared of the idea of getting into a fight.
I'm scared of having to open up if I flinch or expose too much of my wounded heart.
I'm scared of letting someone in and dragging them so much deeper than anyone else has ever seen.
I'm scared of hurting them, even more than I could anyone else.
I'm scared of scarring someone else.
Of burning them, of having to let them go.
I'm scared of having to let them close.
And most of all, scared of never feeling it.
Or just never getting the full experience with that feeling.
I'm terrified, petrified of everything love-related.
Though when I was a child, it was all I wanted.
I knew it wasn't needed nor would it ever be the main focus.
But it was always a hope, maybe because I knew I lack those feelings.
Now, I'm so scared, but that hope remains slightly.
I'd rather have friends to rely on.
Those ones you get so close you just tackle them and chill.
The ones you have late nights with.
That you can sing and dance with, no care in the world.
From movies and books and shows, and some people's realities.
The ones I can only hope of meeting.
And if I did, I'd never want to let them go.
I don't think I'm strong enough to have that either.
That, I'm even scared of.
Every high comes with a low.
And honestly, I'm scared of both.
The highs and the lows equally terrify me.
Wish I could live without that fear, but I can't.
I am just scared of it in all forms.
Ah yes, another love poem, well, about the concept of love anyway lol
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Moth spa day part 3: returning the favor
Childe is happy and his head is all fuzzy from being spoiled the whole night, but its your turn! You selfless little bundle of care deserves something back!
So childe does the same, taking care of your hair and skin, decorating you in cute accessories and nail polish, just overall taking care of you just as you did for him. (Bc i wanna be spoiled too :((( )
my dear, i just finished working for several hours and this is so perfect to read when i'm tired thank you :DDD
and YES!!!!! you don't really expect anything in return, you pampered him because you love him so much, but the next day when you happen to be particularly tired from work Childe appears and tugs you into his room (which he keeps full of blankets and pillows to make nests with) and sits you down on a bunch of soft covers. he brings out the same supplies you used to pamper HIM (he watched where you put them so sneaky!!!) and trills- he wants to repay you for being so sweet and taking such good care of him by doing the same for you!!! the whole day is filled with him handling you so gently and carefully, and whenever you try to do any work he grumbles at you and shakes his head. at one point when you try to get up anyways he huffs and plops his head down on your lap!!! can't get up now can you!!
so soft and in love i adore this akjadnjsa
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obeymeasks · 4 years
Leviathan x DOM!GN!Reader
Leviathan is annoyed at M/C and ignoring them, so they decide to go to his room and uncover what’s going on...
N-S-F-W under cut! Tread carefully, adventurer..
It was weird. Normally you would walk home with Leviathan every day after classes ended at RAD, but today he wasn’t there waiting for you outside like he usually was, wide-eyed and eager to talk all about the latest game he was playing or anime he was watching. You decided it was nothing; that maybe Levi left early to pick up an early release of something or had to stay after to study for the upcoming exams. Either way, you brush it off, and go home.
It’s your turn to help prepare dinner tonight, along with Belphegor. He isn’t too helpful-every now and again you find him starting to snooze off instead of cutting up the ingredients, but at least it’s not Beel-he makes preparing dinner almost impossible. When dinner is ready and everyone comes to the table, you save a spot for Levi next to you, but he never shows up. Now you’re a bit concerned. You decide to text him.
hey, aren’t you coming to dinner?
As you eat, you check your DDD for an answer, but no response. You check again as you finish up and see that he read your message 10 minutes ago.  That asshole, you think. Where does he get off ignoring my messages like that?
After dinner is done, you don’t even bother helping clean up. Instead, you stand up, push your chair in irritably, and walk to Levi’s room. When you get to his door, you push it open without knocking. Leviathan is sitting in his chair, playing a videogame in the dark. You can practically hear the music blasting through his headphones. He notices you come in, but doesn’t turn to look at you. Instead, he focuses even harder on his game. “Why are you ignoring me?” you ask, but then realize he probably can’t even hear you. You stomp over to his desk and stand beside him.
He pushes one headphone off his ear and bitterly asks, “What do you want, M/C?”
“Why have you been ignoring me all day?” you ask again, this time a little less sternly. When he doesn’t answer, you lean down closer to him until he blushes hard and pulls away from you, removing his headphones entirely and pausing his game.
“S-stop it, you’re too close!” he yells, covering his face to hide his blush.
“You’re being a brat,” you tell him, and grab his wrist. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Why? Y-you wouldn’t care anyway-I’m just a loser! Go hang out with my brothers more or something!”
“What are you talking about?” You grab Levi’s other hand and pull it away from his face. It’s fun to see him squirm, and you love teasing him to get him all blushy and embarrassed.
“..These past few days you’ve only been hanging out with Satan or Belphie or-“ he starts to murmur.
“Levi, I had to make dinner with Belphie tonight-you know that. And Satan-come on, we’ve just been studying for the exams coming up.” Levi didn’t respond, but his face was still red and he was still pouting, not meeting your eyes. A small smile grew on your face. “Are you that jealous of them, huh? Jealous that they got to spend time with me?”
“Sh-shut up,” he whispers. “Why would I be jealous of normies like them?”
You laugh a bit to yourself. Leviathan has always been so adorable, so cute when he’s flustered. Ever since you came to the Devildom, you’ve been so attracted to his shyness and how he fidgets when he gets nervous. It has kept you up at night, tossing and turning in your room, thinking about his little whines and the face he makes when he’s embarrassed. It… does things to you. Your mind starts to wander as you feel the warmth from his hands on yours, and you look up to him with lidded eyes. He must notice your sudden change in mood because he furrows his eyebrows and starts to look confused.
“M/C-what-why are you looking at me like that?”
“You know, the whole time I was with them I was thinking of you,” you whisper to him, now kneeling before him in his chair. He immediately turns even brighter red and starts stammering his words.
“S-stop lying! Yo-you wouldn’t think of me, I’m just a gross otaku!”
You reach up to brush some stray hairs out of his eyes and he shuts them reflexively. “It’s true, Levi. In fact, it hasn’t just been with them. I think about you all the time… I can’t help it. You’re always on my mind.”
“W-what?” he opens his eyes, and meets your gaze, still nervous.
“I think about touching you every day. About feeling your body under mine and watching your face as it-“
“-as it twists in pleasure. Don’t you think about it too, Leviathan? About me touching you? I see the way you look at me sometimes-with an insatiable hunger.” Your hand begins to move down his chest, toward his pants. “Tell me what you think about,” you order.
Levi gulps and starts to breathe heavy. “D-do you really mean that? You really-you’re attracted to me? Me?”
“Of course, Levi,” you answer with a smile. Your eyes trail down his body. "I want to do so much with you. So much to you. Will you let me?” You look back up at the demon brother.
His eyes widen considerably, and he nods, nose and cheeks still tinted with a light dusting of red.
You don’t waste a second. Getting up, you tell him to stand, which he immediately complies to, and you run your hands down his body, grabbing at jacket and sliding it off his shoulders. Leaning in to kiss him, you graze his lips gently and whisper, “Tell me what you think about.”
“That’s-that’s so embarrassing…” Your eyes meet his, and you look at him sternly, almost implying that it was not a question, but an order to be obeyed. He resumes, almost desperately. “You, M/C. I-I think of you and y-your hands on my body and I think of you making me-making me…” he trails off and you stop your hands roaming his body.
“Making you what, Levi?” You try to coax it out of him, brushing your lips against his again.
His eyes avert yours. “Making me cum…”
Snickering, you peck his lips. “I’ll make you cum, but first you have to be a good boy for me, okay?” After he nods, you quickly push him backwards onto the floor. He stumbles a bit, eliciting a small whine from his mouth, which almost drives you mad with lust. You bend down, and kneel over him, placing each hand on the sides of his head. Your lips meet again, but this time the kiss is more desperate-passionate. Slipping your tongue inside his mouth, Levi moans softly. Using your elbow to steady yourself, your left hand travels down his torso and finds its way under his shirt. His stomach is hard and warm, and your body begins to burn with need-need to touch him and feel him more. You pull his shirt off and toss it across the room. Placing your hands back on him, they slide up to his chest as your lips return to his.
You massage his chest, coaxing moan after moan from him, which in turn stimulates you. You’re practically throbbing-you could devour him instantly now, but you’d rather savor this moment. Savor his little whimpers and cries and the feeling of his body against yours, the taste of his lips and his hands gripping your arms.
You both pull away for a second to catch your breath, and Levi pants heavily. “Hah… uh… M/C… are you sure you want me?” His eyes plead up to yours, and you almost melt from how cute he looks. It takes all the restraint in your body not to fuck him on the spot.
“Levi,” you start, and your hand trails down to his pants. “I’ve never been more sure about anything. Do you want this?”
He wastes no time, nodding vigorously as you begin to pull his pants down and massage him through his boxers. In response, his hands clench around your arms tighter and he lets out a loud moan, like he’s been pent up for ages and is just now getting a semblance of release. After he feels hard enough, you pull his member out from his boxers and slowly begin to jerk him off. It’s easy for you to get a good motion due to his cock being slick with precum already. Poor thing is so horny. He wants to cum so bad.
“You can’t cum until I say you can,” you tell him, and lean in for another kiss. He gives in to you so easily, matching your pace with only a slight awkwardness -either from nervousness or inexperience. Each pump of his cock in your hand provokes a small gasp or whimper from his mouth. “Ah- M/C – ah- it feels s-so good – ah!” He begins to thrust into your hand, and you can tell from the shakiness of his legs that he’s close to climax already. You quickly remove your hand and stop kissing him. He moans loudly in response. “Ah- you-you can’t stop like that.”
“I told you you can’t cum until I say so. Did I ever say you could?” You place your thumb on his lips, and he parts his mouth for you. Pressing against his tongue, you turn his head slowly to the side to mimic a ‘no’.
“A’m thorry,” he whimpers through your grip, but you’re not satisfied.
“You have to be a good boy, Levi. Show me you have restraint and I won’t punish you~” Slowly, you move to kiss the crook of his neck, sucking and biting gently. Meanwhile, your hands explore his body, gliding down his lean but strong arms, gently playing with his nipples, and running across his abs. They’ve always looked so delicious when he’s in his demon form. You move down to his collarbone, peppering him with kisses and small bites as you make your way to his chest, then his stomach, down to his pelvis. By now his whimpers and moans are so loud that any passerby in the hall outside could easily hear them. But you don’t care-the louder he is the more it turns you on. God, you love seeing him turn into a whimpering mess.
You lick at his skin, and he jerks his hips up in response to the sudden feeling. “P-please, M/C, I can’t take that- I-I won’t be able to control myself!”
You laugh against his skin and watch as his cock twitches and throbs for attention – it needs to be touched almost as bad as you do. But you’ve handled this before and Levi isn’t quite ready for everything you want to do to him tonight, so you’ll save it for later. Instead, you lick up his body, back to his chest and lean up to kiss his again, your hands still pinning him down. You hate to admit it-but you get off on teasing him-nothing is hotter than making him beg.
Suddenly you notice his hands aren’t on you anymore, and you look to notice that they’ve wandered to his cock, pumping it in the rhythm of your kisses. He’s surprised when you grab his wrists and pin them above his head. “What did I say? You cum when I say! Not when you want!”
“I’m sorry M/C! I-I can’t wait it just feels so good. P-please don’t stop touching me. You pinning me down like this-I can’t control myself. Y-you’re trying to kill me!”
“You brat,” you whisper, and kiss him deeper. With your right hand you hold his arms down. You’re pretty strong-but it’s hard to pin a demon of suck high rank. Regardless, you hold him steady with your right hand as your left moves down to touch him again. You return where you left off, pumping up and down at a fast speed. The sounds that fill the room feel almost too vulgar- the slapping of wet skin, Levi’s little moans and cries of pleasure, your ragged breathing.
It doesn’t take long for you two to find a rhythm again. The mixture of the taste of his lips and tongue on yours, combined with the feeling of his cock easily sliding through the grip of your hand as he jerks his hips in a desperate attempt to maximize his pleasure-it’s all too much. You might lose yourself if this keeps up. You retract from his kiss and begin to stare into his golden eyes. His hair is slick with sweat and stuck to his forehead, cheeks flushed with blush, and wet lips parted in a desperate plead to kiss him again. Instead you watch as he gasps and whines as a response of your touch.
“Ah-AH-uh-M/C-pl-please – I can’t – anymore, please.”
“That’s okay, Levi. Cum for me,” you tell him, tightening the grip on his cock and pumping even faster and harder. Levi almost screams in reaction to your increased speed and you silence him  with the deepest, most passionate kiss you’ve given him tonight. With that, he comes undone, whimpering into your lips, and unravels in your hand. His thrusts grow random and slow as he cums into your hand, his seed landing on your sleeve and dripping down his throbbing cock. You pump him a few more times to provoke a few more whimpers before you break the kiss. Leviathan stares up at you, lust clouding his eyes as he attempts to catch his breath.
“Good boy, Levi,” you say, and kiss his forehead. You release your grip on his wrists and move your hand to cup his cheek, kissing him gently and lovingly.
Between breaths and kisses Levi manages to mutter out, “Ah-hah… M/C… I love you.”
“I love you, too, Levi. Tomorrow we’ll have even more fun <3.”
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actualbird · 3 years
Gonna leave my comments on the latest fic here instead of ao3, hope it's fine!
Starting off strong with that second paragraoh already hurting me in the heart. Never have I seen such a painful yet accurate description of Luke, and it hurts.
fhkxjg Peanut shitting on Luke's bed. Best threat I've ever seen, and it worked! Kind of! If you pretend!
Luke taking down his entire combat class on his own is terrifying. Now I fear Luke too.
Shifting the repetition from "and yet he follows" to "try" hurts my soul. Luke has gone through so, so much, and he keeps trying and trying to continue onwards. He deserves to rest for once.
Oh boy drunk Luke is a hilarious mess. I burst out laughing when he started singing. "The song he's singing is from the 90s. He's not okay." only made it worse. I absolutely adore Aaron in this.
Aaron cares! He should get a raise for this, I'm pretty sure Luke has risen his blood pressure a concerning amount.
Luke feeding stray cats melts my heart. How people still think he's horrifying after that I'll never know, Luke needs a group of friends to feed cats with.
I love that Angie just knows disaster means Luke at this point, it speaks volumes on how many times this exact scenario has happened.
Oh my god Luke's still singing. Go Luke go, this is the best thing I've ever read.
Ah, the angst is back. Luke fearing Ria being scared of him hurts. Thank goodness she isn't in canon, I don't want to know how he would've reacted if Ria/mc had pushed him away after learning of his work.
Luke called Aaron dad!!!! He's absolutely not wrong, Aaron is best dad. Besides, Luke needs a father figure in nsb.
Just like all your other fics, I adored reading this. I've always loved reading the main cast's interactions with the side characters they're close to, and this was a lovely fic for Aaron and Luke.
HI, MILKYWAAAAAAAYYY :DDD. leaving ur comments for the fic here is totes fine and waaAAAAHHH THIS ASK MADE MY NIGHT LAST NIGHT
im rlly glad you liked the second paragraph!!! that was actually something i added like, just a few hours before posting. it wasnt in my outline originally, but i wanted to like. give a more solid context to aaron's protectiveness adding onto his dad-ish tendencies. luke got into all this before he could even get a driver's license. aaron could not leave him
kbkJBKJSFS i recently read the first part of SSR Twinkling Eyes and peanut knows how to be a rascal when needed!
luke tries :((((. it's one of the key things i see in him as a character, hes always trying his best to achieve the goodness he has in his head. problem is, that image of goodness in his head is skewed towards him devaluing himself. but once he gets it through his head that theres a better way, one that involves being kind to himself, he tries his damndest.
glad drunk!luke was fun to see be a mess kJBSKDJFKDJFS. drunk!luke in future cn server canon inspired me but i took it like, wayyyy further. i wanted to make him sing more songs, i wanted WONDERWALL IN HERE, but i couldnt make it fit kjbkas
writing aaron's wife who i pulled into existence is super fun!!! if aaron is the swiss army knife dad that can be multi-dad to his actual child and his pseudo son who he just adopted, i like to think mrs. angie yishmir is swiss army knife multi-mom
and i named aaron's daughter for reasons. (reasons being: mayhaps a follow up fic of the dinner and maya bosses luke around to let her put a lot of bright colorful bows in his hair)
tHANK GOODNESS MC IS A CHAMP AND NOT SCARED OF LUKE AS WELLLLLLLL. in Lost Gold, the whole overarching thing of luke wanting to always be the person mc wants followed by mc inevitably seeing luke nearly slit a dude's throat (rmr how that happened? WILD....) and she was still mostly unphased like, "hey, no matter what, you'll always be luke to me" I HAVE EMOTIONS. luke has nothing to worry about, about this. but luke is great at worrying anyway kasbkfjsa
luke pearce: you are my daaaaaad, boogie woogie woogie
thank you so so much for this ask, milkyway!!! im rlly happy u enjoyed the fic :')
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