hayaku14 · 2 years
(Long ask, I apologize!)
-💌 A thought for your French Kaito HC/AU(?):
Shinichi Kudou can't speak French. English? Yes. French? No.
Kaitou Kuroba on the other hand can. He's a cheeky bastard with many confusing, ulterior motives. At the beginning of their odd new friendship, Kuroba introduces Shinichi to others as "Mon Copain" (My boyfriend) and "Mon Mari!" (My husband). Shinichi is very confused and is slightly concerned with Kaito mocking him as he can't understand his French. Till' the lovely day he decides to translate it by using audio translation (resaying Kaito's phrases, so to speak.) He'sis even MORE confused when the definition arrives. He calls Kaito in frustration begging him to tell him what the fuck it means because all of the translations are wrong, "boyfriend" and "husband" don't seem like an entertaining mockery.
Kaito laughs softly into the phone and responds with "But you are, aren't you? Mon copain means boyfriend, the translations aren't wrong. Unless you want them to be." And Shinichi swears he can hear Kaito pouting on the other end.
He becomes incredibly embarrassed and irritated.
"You think you can call me your boyfriend and not even ask me out?" He's breathless and flustered and he hangs up on Kaito.
...They're dating now. :)
TD;LR: French asshole Kaito. They're dating now. Sort of.
"You think you can call me your boyfriend and not even ask me out?"
I LOVE THIS LINE LMAOOOOOO. I love hopelessly in love kaishin still snarking at each other.
I find it hilarious that Shinichi in your scenario decided that Kaito's french must've been wrong cause no way would he call him those if he knew LOL
Honestly though, I think Shinichi won't even let a second go by of him not knowing whatever tf Kaito said in french that he didn't know so he'll probably look it up immediately and be like, "Oh he must be fucking with me. Just the usual teasing, nothing serious."
But then it goes on and it frustrates Shinichi because he's seriously in love with Kaito and, "How dare this man casually call me his boyfriend in french as if he doesn't know I would google the translation the second he's out of the room." Shinichi knows that Kaito knows that he knows what it means but Kaito still continues to call him that. It's like putting a big sign on things Shinichi wants but can't have. So at some point Shinichi snaps in frustration which has Kaito all confused and then it continues to the rest of the scenario you said lol
Shinichi all pissed saying, "You think you can call me your boyfriend and not even ask me out?" is just so funny to think about lol
Also Kaito having whiplash cause every time he called Shinichi 'Mon copain' or 'Mon mari' he'd blush and Kaito thought for sure he liked it only for Kaito to find out that it actually pissed Shinichi off lol
They just really need to talk 😂
THANK YOU ANON!!! Sorry for the late reply....I do that....a lot.....*sweats*
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mobius-m-mobius · 5 months
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#so unserious 😂💖
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i-just-like-crk · 2 months
Let us scream into the void for our batshit insane jester into the void together-
What do you think about Shadow Milk Cookie who once had a lover during his days as a cookie free from corruption, and when that day comes where he wreaks havoc onto Earthbread, his lover stood against him and lives freely during his imprisonment.
To see their fragments in the present, whether it's their name or their achievement as one of the cookies who went against a beast... Or to know how they're known as a cookie who loves a beast until their end.
(can I be 🍡 anon?)
Shadow Milk Cookie does not take your betrayal well.
Not agreeing with his philosophies is one thing, but acting out against him— helping those wretched witches seal him away— he won’t forget it. He stews in his rage, replays the moments of your treachery over and over again. He doesn’t blame you, he blames the witches. Those cowardly, despicable, rotten farces of gods. You are incredibly misguided by them, that’s all it is. You just need a little shove in the right direction, and once he escapes, he’ll happily provide that.
While Shadow Milk Cookie does not think you are at fault, he does believe that your actions warrant some sort of punishment. He pours himself over this during his imprisonment; ways to get back at you, make you suffer a little before he feels you’ve earned his forgiveness. Nothing he thinks of ever feels severe enough, there is nothing you could possibly do to mend his broken heart. (Perhaps if you stay by his side; spend the rest of eternity repenting and groveling, proving your loyalty and remorse, never estranging yourself from him again… maybe then, he’ll consider taking pity on you.)
After he breaks free from imprisonment, he’s all smiles and theatrics. Naturally, it’s a deceptive cover. Beneath his conniving grin is a deep-seated resentment. He tears the silver tree asunder with a manic smile and a burning desire for revenge. There are many things he intends to reclaim:
First of all, the other half of his soul jam.
He’ll run circles around that false little hero— as he finds that Pure Vanilla is surprisingly susceptible to corruption. It’s an excellent warm-up after laying dormant for so long, and Shadow Milk Cookie intends on enjoying every second of that thief’s descent into madness.
Then, once that’s out of the way, he’ll come for his silly, misguided, deceitful little lover next.
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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"You're a miracle, TK Strand. My miracle. And the greatest adventure of my life."
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pjsk-headcanons · 13 days
Characters with a Miku binder:
Ichika (duh)
(Shiho doesn't have a Miku binder but she has a phenny one)
(Haruka also doesn't have a Miku one but she has one)
Akito (neither Akito nor An knows the other has it)
Mafuyu (Mizuki made one for the rest of niigo as a joke but Kanade and Mafuyu kept it, Kanade bc she said it was practical and Mafuyu bc of gender reasons)
-anon anon (sorry for disappearing, uni, tests and deadlines are getting me)
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sweet-marigold · 4 months
But yeah bunny butt also includes fuzzy tail but also Fizzy butt
Sorry for my achillean wants, but Fizzy is top notch - Zee
Anywho i have drawn bunny fizz before and i will again cuz hes so bunny coded
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the-kingshound · 4 months
Warning inane ramble incoming, it’ll probably be annoying I apologize. (*_ _)人 I spent the last several days reading every post here. I managed to convince myself to start liking some (sorry about that I’m sure it was annoying to get all those notifications) I have this weird thing where I get nervous about liking older posts cuz I mean it’s been a long time and it’s unprompted so that’s weird right? It feels weird like I’m doing something wrong or I’m being annoying, I considered reblogging too but somehow that felt worse? Sorry I am not good with social rules they confuse me both on and offline Idk my brain is wrong and I’m just a nervous socially anxious snail. (>﹏<)
Anyways just wanted to gush about how much I love it here and I’m never leaving (´꒳`) ♡ First and foremost Yniol has a special place in my heart they will forever be my favorite bestie (*^ω^)人(^ω^*), yes I am biased as my partner is grey and though they don’t play IFs they were thrilled to learn about your character! Also your writing is just phenomenal, your fans are fun and creative, your characters give such warm and positive energy I love them so much they’re perfect, the inclusivity is such chefs kiss ( ´ з `) 🤌🏻✨, the angst is delicious, the fluff is so sweet and comforting, the spice is ... very blush-worthy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄). This has been a journey I laughed, I cried, I giggled, and I blushed and I have enjoyed every bit of it from pasta discourse to Moldien cult wars to Arthur bunnies, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Now my mind is gonna be filled with Arthurian stuff for months my maladaptive daydreaming is having the time of its life I have a road trip next week and I’m so looking forward to just staring out a window for 6+hours while my Hound's just alternating daydream adventures with the cast o(≧▽≦)o. Also speaking of your amazingly wonderful, sweet, and supportive cast I have decided my (though I love them all) favorite poly pairings are Arthur/Morien and whole crew polycule I’d sell my soul for those but I 100% understand why you can’t really do that. I don’t think I have the endurance in me to code a single poly no matter how much I wish it so the fact you’re doing any let alone several is just god tier you are awe inspiring.
Alas I have rambled far far to much I wish I could be more eloquent in expressing just how much I enjoyed experiencing all of this but for now this is the best I can do (╥ω╥). Thank you for sharing your wonderful work it’s truly a gift to experience. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ I wish you wealth, health, and all the best in all your creative endeavors. -🐌
No, please please do not apologize. You made my entire week <3 This ask is straight up going into the folder where i keep my motivation to write and to be just a little proud of my work, thank you so so much for sending it.
For anyone having the same thoughts about liking or reblogging old posts: please do it. When I see the notifications, get very giddy and pleased, and I hope you are enjoying the food. Liking, and especially reblogging things, even more so if you add tags and reactons, not only fills me with glee but it also reminds me of old asks that I want to reblog again for new followers. So yeah, I love it, please feel free to go on a liking/reblogging spree!
You are so relatable for the maladaptive daydreaming (this game was absolutely born out of my own mental movies), I wish I could speed up the writing and editing for the next update so you can read it while you travel but I'm afraid it's a lost cause (I have been working on things, even now, but I am currently rewriting like half of it and while it is way better it takes sooo much time and energy). Knowing my characters and story are in someone's thoughts it the best kind of reward I need. I will never likely monetise this game, so this is the thing I wish to leave people with, and I hope the characters can be comforting and keep you company <3
You have no idea how much I would love to write the full polycule... maybe one day :,) But don't lose hope for the Arthur/Morien poly yet, as I decided to cancel the Gwyar/Morien poly and now I have a potentially free slot. In any case, awww, please know that this ask made me so happy today and will be in my thoughts as tkh is in yours.
Please have a lovely day and a lovely week and also a very lovely trip! Thank you again so so much!!
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cuties-in-codices · 10 months
Where do you find these manuscripts? Is it like a website or do you find it randomly??
hey, thanks for the curiosity! lenghty answer below the cut :)
medieval manuscripts are typically owned by libraries and showcased on the library's websites. so one thing i do is i randomly browse those digitized manuscript collections (like the collections of the bavarian state library or the bodleian libraries, to name just two), which everybody can do for free without any special access. some digital collections provide more useful tools than others (like search functions, filters, annotations on each manuscript). if they don't, the process of wading through numerous non-illustrated manuscripts before i find an illustrated one at all can be quite tedious.
there are databases which help to navigate the vast sea of manuscripts. the one i couldn't live without personally use the most is called KdIH (Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters). it's a project which aims to list all illustrated medieval manuscripts written in german dialects. the KdIH provides descriptions of the contents of each manuscript (with a focus on the illustrations), and if there's a digital reproduction of a manuscript available anywhere, the KdIH usually links to it. the KdIH is an invaluable tool for me because of its focus on illustrated manuscripts, because of the informations it provides for each manuscript, and because of its useful search function (once you've gotten over the initial confusion of how to navigate the website). the downside is that it includes only german manuscripts, which is one of the main reasons for the over-representation of german manuscripts on my blog (sorry about that).
another important database for german manuscripts in general (i.e. not just illustrated ones) is the handschriftencensus, which catalogues information regarding the entirety of german language manuscripts of the middle ages, and also links to the digital reproductions of each manuscript.
then there are simply considerable snowball effects. if you do even just superficial research on any medieval topic at all (say, if you open the wikipedia article on alchemy), you will inevitably stumble upon mentions of specific illustrated manuscripts. the next step is to simply search for a digital copy of the manuscript in question (this part can sometimes be easier said than done, especially when you're coming from wikipedia). one thing to keep in mind is that a manuscript illustration seldom comes alone - so every hint to any illustration at all is a greatly valuable one (if you do what i do lol). there's always gonna be something interesting in any given illustrated manuscript. (sidenote: one very effective 'cheat code' would be to simply go through all manuscripts that other online hobbyist archivers of manuscript illustrations have gone through before - like @discardingimages on tumblr - but some kind of 'professional pride' detains me from doing so. that's just a kind of stubbornness though. like, i want to find my material more or less on my own, not just the images but also the manuscripts, and i apply arbitrary rules to my search as to what exactly that means.)
whatever tool or strategy i use to find specific illustrated manuscripts-- in the end, one unavoidable step is to actually manually skim through the (digitized) manuscript. i usually have at least a quick look at every single illustrated page, and i download or screenshot everything that is interesting to me. this process can take up to an hour per manuscript.
in conclusion, i'd say that finding cool illuminated manuscripts is much simpler than i would have thought before i started this blog. there are so many of them out there and they're basically just 'hidden in plain side', it's really astounding. finding the manuscripts doesn't require special skills, just some basic experience with/knowledge of the tools available. the reason i'm able to post interesting images almost daily is just that i spend a lot of time doing all of this, going through manuscripts, curating this blog, etc. i find a lot of comfort in it, i learn a lot along the way, and i immensely enjoy people's engagement with my posts. so that's that :)
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daydreamerwonderkid · 3 months
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There's a romcom going on in my inbox.
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dailykarin · 25 days
How about Karin and Daan being an old bickering married couple in the 1970s or 1980s
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day 30 karin: they're going to a termina contestant reunion and looking cute while at it
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qstea · 2 years
: oaoaoao it's 🌷 again,, sry if I request too much I'm having brainrots !! can I request ink, dream, error and nightmare w/ an s/o that designs clothes now and then to entertain themselves ?? tyy <44
✦ - Ink!Sans
| - OMG no way…
| - He loves designing clothes as well! Mostly through painting them onto others and making new outfits out of his ink for other people! So he finds that you design clothes and he’s fucking ECSTATIC. hopping up and down and begging to see your designs.
| - literally won’t stop pestering you until you 1. get distracted which leads to Ink stealing your little sketched designs and squealing loudly as he stares down at them with a happy expression or 2. he pokes you so much that you just give up hiding your designs or 3. show him as soon as he starts to get annoying.
| - definitely going to want to help you with designs. He’s very creative and he comes up with cool outfits all the time, so he’s hoping you’ll let him.
✦ - Dream!Sans
| - oh. Neat.
| - Dream doesn’t really know how to design clothes, and his outfit was just kind of made up out of the blue with what he had on him at the moment. Wouldn’t mind taking a look at what you made and maybe even offering some tips and tricks all while complimenting your work.
| - He thinks you’re very talented for designing stuff like that, so he speaks highly of your work and the amount of positivity radiating off of you when you listen to his praises or just sketching away is just *mwah* he’s so in love with it.
| - tbh Dream thinks it’s so wholesome that you do it just to entertain yourself. what other things do you do to entertain yourself? can you automatically learn and adapt from then on and get an even more vast set of talents and skills? he’s so interested in you it’s kind of crazy.
✦ - Error!Sans
| - honestly I think they just started loving you even more.
| - they just watch you working on your newest design and they are just so entranced by your designing skills. they’re definitely going to just awkwardly look over your shoulder when you aren’t paying attention or sneak glances over to you direction to see how much progress you made.
| - when you’re done designing and quenched your boredom, they immediately go over to take your designs and make them into actual clothes. this is the exact reason they were so happy to see you enjoying clothing design.
| - if you end up making any clothing blueprints and concepts for them, they may actually fucking explode. Will no doubt make the concepts into a real piece of clothing and may end up wearing it as their usual clothes. would love to see your reaction to seeing all your creations come to life.
✦ - Nightmare!Sans
| - Huh? Oh, okay.
| - Doesn’t really care all that much, they’ll check out your design planning and give a few recommendations to improve it, then move along their day. Totally fine with it, actually makes them a bit confused yet curious on how you do it.
| - May ask questions here and there just to satisfy their curiosity. Besides that, go enjoy yourself, I guess.
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
feel like Patrick’s the type of guys to want you to sit on his face but you’re shy and scared to put all you weight on him and it’s making him mad so he grips you by the ass and starts sucking your clit until you physically can’t hold yourself up and collapse on his face and he finally eats you out like a man starved
Patrick Zweig loves pussy so much. He doesn’t gaf about breathing, he just wants a face full of pussy and your clit pulsing on his tongue <3 just wants to drink you up and fuck you with his tongue and have you ride his face like a fucking toy <3
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
Heey! :D
What do you think about Hinazumi? Koizumi × Hinata? I would be very happy if you draw them one day 💞
When I got this ask it was close to the release date of Tears of the Kingdom and I had to decide to either write something or do a doodle but I’ve always wanted to draw a lovey dovey couples selfie sort of thing and like HOW COULD I PASS UP THAT CHANCE WITH THE PERFECT PAIR TO DO SO!
It’s not much but they say a picture is worth a thousand words right?
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eskawrites · 5 months
Literate lover side of me: fantastic prose. never been done. beautiful characterizations.
Intrusive yucky lesbian caveman thoughts: when are they going to kiss. kissing leads to fucking and im having the yucky lesbian thoughts and i need them to fuck. i need them to need each other carnally.
i'm going to assume this is about the nancy pov in which case. uh. i have bad news for you
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pjsk-headcanons · 26 days
I feel like if we take the nene splatoon hc to its limit we get a nene splatoon au of her as agent 3/captn 3 and i think it would be interesting. like, does she get over her stage fright not through a robot but by defeating Octavio in front of thousands of people? does she still join wxs? who would the other agents be? (Sorry for rambling in the ask box lol)
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miilkybnn · 1 year
Hi- me again, aka 🪶
But I have to go out of my way and say it-
The way you draw Roach remind me of those old Disney Princess toys- specifically the Ariel one- not the actual toy- but the rubber tail
Oh so sparkly and chewable. I’d spend hours gnawing on that bad boy-
Roach just- he just seems so chewable and squeaky between my teeth the way you draw him-
And your Simon! Oh lord- Simon would be any sort of Barbie or monster high shoe- another thing I used to chew on with no regret-
And Soap- he’d be a Barbie’s fingers- yet another chewable thing-
This may all sound weird, and my apologies, truly- I’m pretty sure I’ve got something other than a brain in my head- and I grew up with a really bad oral fixation- but your art just seems so chewable /pos
Kinda makes me wanna just gnaw on their fingers….
Maybe I am special in the head-
ANYWAYS!!! Love your art, love everything you do, take care of yourself- you deserve it!
As always, your favourite anon, 🪶
you have to understand, I read this the day you sent it and i could have answered it the same day but I kept it in my inbox because I would continually go back to re-read it because it made me so HAPPY (I have made peace parting with this ask by ss it and adding it to my happy folder)
i too love chewing and gnawing on things that should not be chewed and gnawed on and also, I know EXACTLY what Disney doll you're talking about because I would chew on that as well 😭 cannot tell you how many of my plastic should-not-be-in-mouth toys were demolished by me (Polly Pocket clothing never stood a chance)
Anyways, before this drags on into a wall of text
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for my favorite 🪶
have fun chewing!!! <3
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