birthdayboy-ilu · 2 months
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Old meme + blk sephiroth
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k9wa · 3 months
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⠀ — “you get all excited for me to fix you up and call you a good boy.”
⠀ OR
⠀ — a sensitive spot during a repair leaves him melting into your callused little hands.
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⚠︎ mechanic!reader, so much flirting im kind of sick, he whimpers i have an agenda, this is like 90% dialogue sorry, he wants u sooo bad. wc 1k, from this req.
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“y’know darlin,” boothill managed to breathe out through a taut jaw and clenched teeth. “you bein’ this close ain’t exactly helpin’ me focus none.”
your fingers were slow, careful, precise as they pushed a few tiny wires apart, giving view deeper inside the little panel on boothill’s throat.
the position you two stood in was one all too familiar, boothill perched on your workbench with you between his thighs— the only new variables being your face way closer than he’s used to and your fingers proding around in his surprisingly sensitive wires.
it was an…odd sensation, to say the least. a small unpleasant stinging that simultaneously stimulated a rather pleasant shiver up his back with every small poke.
“time and place, cowboy.”
you responded quietly, tone a little flat with your tease from concentration.
“can’t help lettin’ my mind— wander, can i now?” his breath hitched a bit as you nicked a particularly touchy wire.
“if you let me finish this,” you lifted your head enough to meet his eyes, free hand gently smoothing out the crease in his brow. “i’ll let you show me just how wild your imagination can get.”
boothill bit back a scruff chuckle at that. 
“that enough incentive for you to sit still?”
“well, i reckon that’s plent— mmgh!”
a pair of mechanical hands tightly grab onto your hips as his shoulders tense, a knee-jerk result of your tweezers finding the out of place wire you’d been looking around for.
your hands paused, opting to ignore the way he audibly whimpered for raising your gaze a second time to check on him.
“you hangin’ in there?”
boothill’s fingers flexed as they held onto you, relaxing from squeezing your pants to a more gentle cradle of your hips.
“you know,” he swallowed thickly— as if his throat could even dry out, likely just a natural reflex— “you got a way of makin’ fixin’ me up feel real special.”
the slight waver to his voice isn’t lost on your ears— it was quite loud in them, actually.
“i’m hangin’ in fine, don’t worry your pretty head none.”
carefully retracting your tweezers, you stood up straight enough to lightly push his hat up, giving view to his face and cupping your hand over a blue-hued cheek.
“wanna take a break?” 
he nearly had to clutch his chest with the gentle concern that laced your tone.
boothill knew he was flushed, was purposefully avoiding looking you in the eye because a few pokes to some sensitive spots had him sliding his hands to your waist like a lifeline— not that what he could distantly feel of your skin against the synthesised nerves of his palms weren’t doing much to cool him off anyway. but he did…relax, somewhat. 
he always enjoyed when you’d touch his face, getting to feel all the unique little details of you; the gentle drum of your pulse and the little calluses from your tools. it somehow always manages to make the tension in his body ebb away, draining with an exhale that lightly fans against your wrist.
he shook his head with a quiet clear of his throat— another unnecessary function that served more as a tick than anything.
“nah, nah i’m alright.” he assured. it didn’t make him any less embarrassed to be having such a reaction. 
big bad criminal until you get a little too fudgin’ touchy, apparently.
“let’s just get this finished up, yeah? maybe we can move onto somethin’ more pleasant.”
your thumb gave two gentle taps to his cheekbone before it pulled away, reaching for your tweezers for the nth time.
“that’s my boy.”
oh how boothill’s chest bloomed at the simple praise, the endearing ‘my’ that slipped in with it licking up his ribs and curling to rest along where a drumming heart should have been.
“jus’ be gentle with me, will ya sugar plum?”
“you know i've always got ya.”
each plug or untangle of a little yellow or red cable had his systems humming, fingers occasionally curling into your hips every time a little surge left him biting his cheek a little harder.
“we’re almost done,” your voice is icing on an already cavity-inducing cake, though he’ll gladly take a toothache if it’s for you. “just a little longer.”
boothill was going fist to fist and losing with the urge to completely melt under your deft fingers.
“…keep talkin’ to me,” he requested with a murmurmurmur, cautious not to move too much. “helps me stay on t—” he had to bite back another whimper, cheek going between his teeth and eyes going to the ceiling. “—task.”
boothill didn’t miss the little tug of your lips.
“you know, you do this thing when you get shy.” you mused quietly, breath meeting the shell of his ear. “you bite your cheek ‘n look away. it’s cute.”
boothill couldn’t help but let out a breathy chuckle at your deduction. he tried to regain some of his composure, though the colour in his cheeks continued to betray him.
“i don’t know ‘bout shy,” he rumbled, keeping his voice steady as he could. “but i’ll take cute if it means i get to hear you keep sweet talkin’ me. keep this up and i might start enjoyin’ these repairs a lil too much.”
his voice was a little strained, though still held his usual humour.
“like you don’t love em already.” you teased back, gently closing the panel on his neck as it re-sealed with a small hiss. “you get all excited for me to fix you up, call you a good boy and send you on your merry way.”
“i’m still waitin’ on that last bit, y’know?”
you shook your head, popping his hat off his head and placing it on your own.
“good boy,” you pinched his cheek endearingly. “you’re all done. do you want a lolipop too?”
“think i deserve somethin’ a lil sweeter than a lolipop, don’t you sugar?” boothill’s face unknowingly deepens at the sight of you in his hat, brave words betrayed by a nervous tap in his finger and more blue to the apples of his cheeks.
“we’ll save it for when you’ve got a real booboo,” you took his hat off, using the brim to lightly tilt his chin up and give him a tender kiss on the cheek. for such a heavy hunk of metal, he nearly began to float.
“but there’s something to hold your sweet tooth for now.”
“y..yeah, sweet pea?”
“you’re overheating.”
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luminberry · 2 years
Can I get a short maw-centric drabble? I'm feeling the TEEF vibes tonight, if you don't mind~
Hell yeah u can bruh, tho knowing me its not gonna be short...
borrowing stuffins lad Jasper for this! (dw i asked ahead of time =w=)
"Jasper stop frettin bout it so much..I already told ya I don't mind helpin ya out with this. It'll keep ya from snatchin someone on accident."
"Ngh..ya'll sure, Ah mean real sure bout this?? Don't feel right ta me..what if Ah hurt ya?? Ah'd feel lower than a dang snakes belly if Ah nicked ya or somethin."
"Jasper, yer worryin way too much bout this..Just open 'er up and I'll take care of tha rest alright? Ya look more wound up than a spring..Jus trust me a lil big fella."
"But-but still Zeke...just worried Ah might do somethin to ya'll, don't like this M4g nonsense messin with mah head.."
The newly M4gnified Jasper gently fretted with his now tiny in comparison friend between two now clawed massive hands. He didn't want to be this damn big in the first place..he didn't mind being able to not have damn urges to grab and devour the first grunt he laid eyes on when his stomach was empty for too long. Zeke and Bull had mentioned after the change there were several side effects..eating smaller coworkers seemed to be the most notorious for more animalistc M4gs like himself and Bull.
Zeke had offered to step in and help however he could when the urges got too strong for him to resist, which was unfortunately growing more and more frequent the longer Jasper tried putting it off. He honestly wasn't comfortable with the entire thing...He had just barely gotten used to letting Bull tuck him away and now this happened. He didn't want to hurt his smaller friend or anyone else on accident however either so now here the two sat.
"It'll get better tha more ya practice Jasp..Least until we can figure out a way ta turn ya back or somethin..Doc mentioned there was a glitch with respawn lately so once that's fixed I'm sure he'll get ya sorted out. Till then we jus gotta make due."
He appreciated Zeke being so optimistic despite...despite more or less nearly always getting gulped down by one of the other M4gs or someone else. Might of been why he was so casual about letting him get this damn urge taken care of.
Speaking of urges, he could feel his damn mouth starting to drool more the longer he held Zeke this close. The scent of coffee coming from the smaller cowboy was unfairly delicious, a warm drink would of helped settle his nerves right about now.
"...Dangit all..Fine fine, lemme get it over with before Ah back out again. Jus-just be careful okay? Lemme know if ya'll need me ta open up or somethin."
"Jus open up a lil wider there and tilt yer hand up a bit more-yeah thats it. Hold er steady Jasp."
Jasper had closed his eyes the moment he opened his mouth wide enough, somehow this just made every move Zeke made more intense to him.
He felt two warm soles slide over his tongue a brief moment, he would of been disgusted had Zeke not cleaned himself off before even letting Jasper scoop him up a few moments earlier. He could faintly still taste the soap as Zeke scooted deeper into his open maw.
The slightly bitter taste of coffee started to roll over his senses, a few splashes of cream and sugar as well? Not his usual cup of choice but here it somehow worked deliciously. His little meal gently pushed itself deeper into his waiting maw, tiny hands briefly gripping his bottom teeth to push himself deep enough to lay flat against his tongue. Mouth now pleasantly full he pulled both it and his treat back inside and carefully closed his jaws shut around both, swallowing shallowly to let that fantastic flavor slide down his throat.
Eyes still closed he found himself humming faintly around the treat he now had, he couldn't remember fully now why he had been hesitant when they tasted so delicious! Jasper began to shift them about after a moment or two, tasting every last inch of the other he could get to. The whole experience was making him drool excessively, forcing him to catch the treats hands gently between his teeth and gulp several times around them until he felt satisfied that neither of them would drown just yet.
He'd happily savor this one, they were surprisingly relaxed tucked between his fangs and readily let themselves be shifted and moved to whatever position he wanted them in. Such a willing snack he couldn't help but think to himself, Jasper couldn't help the deep baritone rumble from starting up deep in his chest the longer he played with his food.
Zeke meanwhile was having a interesting experience of his own behind Jaspers pearly whites. He had started out on his back intially since..it was the most comfortable position for him to be eaten. He had figured Jasper would let him slide back after a moment or two..Only to find himself being gently rolled around by that massive tongue.
He was flipped over and pressed to the roof of his friends mouth, pinned against those sharp teeth again and again..And even had his arms pinched delicately between those massive fangs before the mouth flexed and gulped all around him, squishing him repeatedly before the intense pressure lessened and the whole process began anew. Zeke was thoroughly soaked and Jasper was lost in his own happy world if the sudden skull rattling purrs were any indication.
Zeke tried to call out to Jasper and see if he wanted a break, only to have that tongue muffle his attempts again and again. He could only hope Jasper would give him a break sooner or later right?
Any attempts to move or pry open Jaspers mouth to give a signal were thwarted with a harsh pin to the roof of the mouth and several more long gulps, several of which were beginning to leave Zekes legs a little too close to the back of the throat..and any attempts to move back to safety were proven useless as Jasper unconsciously began to tilt his head back..
"Uh, Jasper ya gonna let me back out big fella? ...Hello? Ya'll said ya weren't gonna sw-"
Jasper swallowed hard as he felt his snack eventually start to tickle the back of his throat..He had teased himself enough and let things take their natural course. One more hard swallow was all it took to send his treat down to his stomach, hands coming up to feel the small form vanish entirely inside of him.
Letting out a deep satisfied sigh, Jasper relaxed and felt his food settle in that strangely wonderful way down in his core that only live snacks could do.
Jasper felt his head slowly clearing from the weird blissful fog he had gotten lost in the moment he felt his "food" shift inside.
"...Ah did it again huh..? Damnitall..ya'll alright in there Zeke? Shoot Ah didn't mean ta swallow ya down like that..."
"Yer alright Jasp! Just wasn't expectin all that.."
"....sorry..Wasn't myself jus then. Knew this was a bad idea from tha start."
"Jasper I told ya'll it was alright, I'm still in one piece in here. Ya can let me back out just as easy right?"
"..Ah suppose so yeah. Might need ta find Bull though ta help."
"Well if ya wanna go find him I ain't really goin anywhere. Ya did good though big guy, didn't hurt me one bit."
"This ain't quite somethin ta celebrate but if ya'll say so..Jus sit tight and I'll go find Bull."
Zeke sighed in his new surroundings as he felt Jasper start to move, might be stuck in there for a few more minutes. Not that he minded, something about being treated so gently was a...interesting experience to him. As a minor reward he stroked the nearest wall he was laid against, feeling the muscles around him immediately tense up before a soft purr met his ears.
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petboymart · 3 years
could you do a fic about kitty!suna and kitty!reader if you can?
sigh, it’s morning and I’m bored ,, here ,, for u my loves
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“nyaah.. rinnnn my ears are sensitive!” you whined, as rin ignored you, running his sandpaper tongue across your soft ears again.
you lay in your cozy kitty bed, rin laying next to you as he lazily groomed you. his hands rubbed your stomach, but they slowly inched down your body. you mewled, and he only shushed you, licking your ears and neck softly.
“c’mon pretty.. i’ve been helpin’ you out all the time, how bout you help me out, hm?” he asked, and you nodded with a whimper.
carefully, rin pushed your soft cotton panties to the side, pushing his fingers into your hole as you whimpered.
rin always took good care of you, always made you feel good. you mewled when he began thrusting his fingers in and out of you, adding more to stretch you open for his cock.
he still lapped at your ears and neck, knowing how sensitive they were as you squealer when he started biting and sucking on your neck.
“rin! marks theres gonna be marks! owner will-“
“not do anything, calm down pretty, trust me.” he cut you off, and you relaxed. yeah, you could trust rin.
soon there was the burning feeling in the pit of your stomach, as you bit your lip.
“rin gonna- I’m gonna cum rin!” you whined, and he smirked, encouraging you to cum all over his fingers, which you did.
“good kitty, now just sit back and let me take care of you, sweetheart.”
of course, rin was always so good to you.
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shurisneakers · 4 years
shut in [1]
Summary: When your high profile mission goes terribly wrong, you’re forced to hide in a safehouse with a man you’ve never met before. With seemingly nowhere else to go, you’re forced to work together to figure out who is trying to have you assassinated before it’s too late. (Sam Wilson x Gender Neutral Reader)
Warnings: cursing, violence, guns, death
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: greetings. i have returned with a series that i have actually finished writing beforehand so i just have to post the chapters and yes this means i will not let this go incomplete  shoutout to my bitch @midnightsunfae​ for putting up w me mwah lov u if i’ve completely butchered sam’s character, tell me so i can delete my entire account pls and thanks 
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Shut In Masterlist || Main Masterlist
“Alexander Pierce.” The file fell on the table with a resounding thud.
“What about him?”
“I want him dead.”
The house stood tall; obnoxious, almost, with loud embellishments of gold. It screamed wealth spent lavishly and without any reasonable thought.
Also it was ugly.
You scaled the gate, landing on the gravel silently. There were no security measures that you could see beyond the automated entry and CCTV whose light wasn’t blinking. Must have been a power outage. An unlikely coincidence, but it just made your job easier.
You made a move towards the side of the house, staying close to the trees that lined the driveway, out of the direct line of sight of the house’s front door. 
His car was parked outside; a swanky looking race car kept outside just for show. He was definitely at home.
A window at the side of the mansion was left slightly ajar. A quick sweep up the side of the house proved that the rest of them were shut.
Your eyebrow quirked up in suspicion, quickly taking a look around to see if you were being watched. For a few seconds the world didn’t seem to move, eerily silent other than the rustling of leaves.
Pierce was clearly the flagbearer of home security.
You stuffed your gun into the waistband of your pants, freeing both your hands to tug yourself into the room.
Your gun found its way into your hand once more as you scanned the room. He wasn’t on the bed. You deemed the silence as an indicator to safely to move ahead. 
So far it seemed easy.
Too easy?
Ransone’s body was spread across his chair, leisurely stroking at his stubble. His other hand thrummed rhythmically at the timber in front of him. His eyes were glazed over; physically present but mind wandering elsewhere.
You waited for him to explain further, knowing better than to interrupt his train of thought.
He had the strangest penchant for drama and theatre. From what you could gather of the dim light in the room and his stance, he had just watched The Godfather. Again.
“Do you know how long it took me to build this business?” His words sounded like a musing, akin to a private thought he was letting you in on. “This empire, Y/N?”
“Twenty three years.” Your arms were crossed behind you, a sign of discipline he demanded from all members of the organisation. 
“And I haven’t gotten there by being the neighbourhood church boy.” He gestured to one of the two men beside him, a rifle strung across their back at the ready. One of them-- Rumlow--  stepped forward, lighting a cigar and handing it to him.
He took a long drag, taking his time to exhale, flicking at the cigar to get rid of the loose ash. If he just got to the point, you could have left about twenty minutes ago.
“I’ve done terrible things,” he admitted, “but you know? I won’t be blamed for them. A bit of collateral damage was inevitable.”
His chair swayed from side to side as his feet thumped at the table. It annoyed you endlessly. You never told him.
“And you know how I feel about collateral damage, right?”
“Show no mercy.”
The house was silent, except for the faint sound of the television some distance away. You wouldn’t have been able to see if not for the moonlight that illuminated the space through the large windows.
Your gun pressed tightly to your side, you made your way down the open hallway. As you passed by the kitchen, the ticking of the timer on the oven made you pause. The oven itself wasn’t on but the clock was still ticking.
A bowl was kept on the marble island separating the rest of the hall from the kitchen. A pair of car keys lay mangled among a couple of dollar bills and loose change like he threw it in carelessly. 
Continuing further down the hall, you came to the realisation that it culminated in a room that faced his backyard. Only a single glass sheet acted as a barrier between him and the outdoors.
You could hear the show getting louder, hidden from your line of sight by the couch in front of it.
Pierce’s head faced away from you and towards the only light source in the room. He hadn’t heard you come in.
From what you could see, he was asleep. Head slumped slightly, arm slinked over the backrest and no other movement.
It wasn’t actually a TV, just an iPad on its loudest setting with Netflix playing what looked like Horrible Bosses. A man with exquisite taste, obviously.
You took one step at a time, slowly making your way towards the couch until you were just a step or two behind him. You raised your arm, pressing your gun to the back of his head.
“Show no mercy,” he repeated, the corner of his mouth turning upward as he looked at you.
You wanted to shift under his stare. Your muscles were beginning to feel a dull burn, a sign that you had been standing still for too long. 
“So tell me, after all my effort-” he stuck his bottom lip out mockingly- “should I let my fucking company get destroyed by one person?”
His hand harshly slammed down on the table as he lurched forward in his chair, eyes seething.
You nearly jumped at his sudden change in demeanour, knuckles tightening in anticipation.
“Tell me, boys, how far do I tolerate liars?” His stare didn’t waver, looking straight into your eyes.
“You don’t.” Their voices were eerily synchronised. You wondered if they ever rehearsed together. Probably did.
“Lovely.” Ransone smiled, leaning back in his chair. “I don’t.”
“Liars?” Your voice had risen by an octave or two, your surprise catching you off guard.
“Someone has been sneaking information to Serpentine for nearly two years.” A chill ran down your spine, the muscles in your jaw tightening. “They’ve been growing exponentially and someone’s been helpin’ them do it.”
Only someone didn’t fear death would turn their back on him. Someone who had nothing to lose.
“We have reason to believe it’s Pierce.”
A moment passed where you expected him to wake up, turn around and look at you so that you could deliver Ransone’s message to him, a quippy one liner about betrayal or something.
But he didn’t.
Instead, his head shifted under the pressure of your gun, falling over as if it was weightless.
Your face pulled into a frown as you made your way to the front of the couch swiftly, gun still held tightly in front of you.
Your shadow dimmed the light that fell on him from the iPad, but it was impossible to deny.
A single gunshot to the front of his head. Eyes wide open, red from the lack of moisture. The blood around him painted a gory scene that was impossible to notice from behind.
“What the-” you murmured, lowering your arm.
“I can tolerate one mistake. Everyone deserves that.” Ransone shrugged offhandedly. “But this isn’t the first one he’s made.”
“So you want him gone.”
“That would be lovely, yes.” He relaxed into his chair once again, taking another hit from his cigar.
“Why do you want me to do it?” you asked, eyebrows knitted together. Generally he would send you for something more high-profile. Raids, infiltrations. These kinds of hits were what you left behind years ago.
“A spy has security from the ones they’re working for. It’s possibly more dangerous.” His feet found its way onto the table, one over the other as he stretched back. “And I’m not sure my other agent can make it.”
“Thanks,” you spoke monotonously. “Glad to know I’m your first choice.”
“Don’t take it personally.” He dismissed it with a wave of his hand. “He probably won’t show.” 
His sleeve fell slightly to reveal a sliver of his tattoo. A spider, the symbol of his authority.
Each of his employees had a web inked on their skin that grew with each passing year of their service. It was how you identified each other in passing.
“You have an opening on Friday. His house help leaves at 8 sharp and he’s alone.”
You nodded, picking up the file in front of him, avoiding his fingers that had returned to thrumming on the tabletop. You acknowledged the two men beside him before making your way toward the door.
This house was all the way across the country. No wonder he gave you a bit more time as compared to usual to prepare.
“It’ll be done.”
The sound of a gun clicking away from you made the hair on your neck stand up.
You sprung up, arms extended in front of you instinctively towards the sound.
Even in the dim light of the room, you could see a man standing a few feet away from you. His hand held a glock, aimed towards you.
Neither of you said a word. Time stood still for all you cared. The only indication that it didn’t was that Horrible Bosses was still playing.
“Who the fuck are you?” you finally asked, voice surprisingly calm for the adrenaline that was spiking through your body.
“Who are you?” he questioned in retaliation, tone curt.
“I asked first.” You wondered if he could see you roll your eyes.
He didn’t reply, obviously.
A beat passed and you almost forgot the dead body that lay near your knees. Almost. It didn’t help that his fingers were nearly touching your leg like some kind of pervert; not that you could blame him for it this time.
“Did you kill him?” he finally relented, mentioning towards him quickly with a tug of his shoulder.
“What-” You recoiled, head slightly jerking back in disbelief. “No. Didn’t you?”
“He was like this when I got here.” He paused, and you let him speak. “And then you came in; thought you were comin’ back to check.”
“I just got here.”
“I can’t confirm that.” His answer was instantaneous, almost cutting you off before you finished.
“And I can’t confirm you didn’t kill him.” You took a step away from Pierce, never breaking his gaze. “The odds are kinda against you here.”
“I didn’t kill him.” He only took a step toward you, making you stop where you were. He wasn’t going to let you get out of this.
“What a compelling argument,” you drawled sarcastically. “Then what are you doing here?”
“Cookin’ him dinner,” he snapped back quickly in a manner that would usually make you smile if it weren’t for the situation you were in presently. “What do you think?”
“Who sent you?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Why did they send you?”
“I can’t tell you that either.”
“Then give me a reason why I shouldn’t pull this trigger right now.”
“You first.”
It was a shame you had to kill him. You found his resilience fun.
“Well, it was pleasant-” You were cut off by the sound of a bullet whizzing past your head. It struck the vase next to the couch, instantly exploding into hundreds of shards.
“Did you just fucking shoot at me?” you yelled, swiftly raising your gun so that it was pointed at his forehead.
But he wasn’t looking at you. He was looking at the large glass, too distracted to pay heed to what you were saying.
You slowly followed his line of sight to the window.
A large fracture in the glass surrounded a small hole, nearly invisible from your distance if you weren’t looking hard enough.
You looked back at him to find him staring at you.
A split second later the glass sheet shattered, sending the pieces all over the room. You launched yourself behind the couch heavily, avoiding the barrage of bullets being shot your way.
From the corner of your eye you could see the man dive to take cover behind the couch with you.
“What the fuck?” you asked loudly, back pressed against the backrest as various items shattered around you. “Who the hell are these guys?”
“The shittiest bodyguards ever.” He looked over his shoulder but slid back down again when a shot nearly missed his face.
You didn’t even know where to shoot; the bullets just seemed to be coming from the shadows of the trees.
Taking a moment to assess the man breathing hard next to you. He was tall and muscular, a tight fighting shirt stretching across his chest. His hair was cropped, eyes dark with what looked like irritation more than anger. Hot.
Your attention was drawn to a trail of blood left on his forehead as he wiped at it with his forearm, him seemingly unaware of it.
“Dude, I think you got grazed.”
He looked at you questioningly. You pointed at his arm with your shoulder. His eyes dropped to it, letting out a string of curses as he tugged his sleeve back to look at the wound.
He didn’t have to pull it back much before the sight of a familiar design greeted you.
A spider web. Drawn intricately with the lines stretching delicately across his skin like lace.
A tattoo.
“You work for Ransone?” None of this made sense. Why were there two of you on the same mission? Who was this guy? Was he supposed to be here?
You didn’t wait for his answer, pulling your sleeve back to reveal the same tattoo, smaller in size, but indicative enough.
He took a second to process. You could almost see the gears turning in his head.
“Great,” he finally said as a bullet lodged itself in the wall you were facing, bitterness lacing his words. “It’s a set up.”
“Oh, one more thing, Y/N.”
You spun on your heel to look at him. A devilish smile grew on his face.
“Remember- we don’t tolerate liars.”
You stared at him, not uttering a word, waiting for him to make his point.
“So make sure you let him know that.” His smile only grew as you turned around and walked out the door, letting it shut behind you.
The crunching of feet over glass made you look over your shoulder, only to quickly retract before your head was blown off.
They were wearing ski masks and all black tactical suits, leaving not even an inch of their skin uncovered.
“I count four or five. There may be more,” the man next to you said slowly.
“You take the ones on the left, I’ll take right,” you instructed, seeing him nod his head. You didn’t even know his name but apparently you were working together now. 
You gave a small countdown before pivoting on your knee to face them, eyes already set on your target.
Firing off two shots, you saw the first one fall to the floor, soon accompanied by his teammate as you shot a round at his forehead.
Four were down, counting the bodies next to them on the floor, but the bullets didn’t stop firing at you. They clearly were in a much larger number than you anticipated.
You weren’t sure how many more bullets the couch could absorb. The both of you were basically sitting ducks; who knew how many more were out there. You had limited ammo because you didn’t expect a fucking SWAT team when you came to kill one man.
“We need to go,” he voiced your exact concern.
“Yep,” you grunted, shifting to reload your gun from the spare ammo in your pocket.
You didn’t know how to get out of here considering that you didn’t bring your own-
“I got a plan,” you said. He looked at you inquisitively. “You know the window in the west bedroom, hall dead-end?”
He nodded. Perhaps he was the one who left it open when he arrived.
“On the count of three, make a run for it.” You winced as a bullet tore through the fabric of the couch, right near where your shoulder was a second ago.
“We can’t outrun them,” he hissed, quickly shooting behind him before rejoining you on the floor.
“Trust me.” Bold ask. You wondered if he would.
“I don’t.”
“Do it anyway.”
You didn’t really care if he didn’t. At least you’d get out.
“One.” You shifted to sit on your knee. You could see him sit still, not joining you.
“Two.” Your gun was pressed to your side, at the ready.
“Three.” Like an athlete in a race you took off, not daring to look behind you even once as shots rode the air, narrowly missing your body.
You almost didn’t hear his groan and a small “Fuckin’ hell” before heavy footsteps ran behind you.
You smiled triumphantly, until you remembered the both of you were being followed, at least four more shooters hot on your heels.
You shot a single shot behind you, hearing someone wheeze before a loud thump of a body hitting the floor. Hopefully it wasn’t the guy you were with, but you couldn’t find it in your to care much if it was.
You raced past the numerous rooms you passed on the way here before it suddenly widened into the open kitchen.
Your body moved in autopilot, a detour in the form of a quick skip as you reached over and grabbed the contents of the bowl on the counter, fumbling to hold onto the car keys as loose change fell to the floor.
The oven timer went off, not for long before you heard its door splinter into pieces as someone shot at it in annoyance.
You took a sharp right into the room, followed by the man who took the time to kick the door shut behind him, buying you maybe a second or two of time.
You nearly flung yourself out of the window, the gravel not exactly providing the softest landing as you scrambled to open the door of the car.
“Get in!” you yelled at him as he obliged, yanking the door and jumping into the passenger seat. You threw the few dollars you had caught hold of by mistake on the floor of the car.
You could hear the door of the room being kicked open, and what seemed like angry shouting as the window cracked, leaving nothing in its wake.
You revved the engine, slamming the accelerator with as much power as you could. The car lurched backwards, and you cursed, switching gears to go forward. 
The harsh sound of metal on metal followed you as they shot at whatever they could. You prayed they wouldn’t accidentally hit the wheel or gas tank. They didn’t exactly seem like the best in the business, having missed most of their shots. 
“Go go go!” The guy beside you was holding on to his seat tightly for support.
The car broke through the rusty gates. You cringed at the dent on the hood, but didn’t slow down even for a second as you wove through trees of the estate, not losing speed even as you got onto the highway.
Silence befell the both of you for a good amount of time, but not enough time to process what had just happened. Your adrenaline was still high as you drove well above the speed limit. 
Your next step was unclear.
You were in a car with a complete stranger. You weren’t sure if you were injured somewhere. You didn’t even know where you were driving to.
“Alright,” he cleared his throat. “What the hell was that?
Part 2
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saintobio · 4 years
i really was wishing for haru to make an appearance and he did 😭 i don't know what that entails now but it's high time rin be jealous for once, if he is. i hope he his. haru seems like a great guy.
and sophia is something huh. she kinda deserves a slap or two. and rin what is up with you showing you care for yn now? ugh i just hate him rn. but osamu supremacy!! 💚 and kita, atsumu and aran this chapter.
i feel so bad for yn. like the heartbreak. it must be tough. but girl haru is there now, and asher, find asher! ugh it's so good. thank you for that chapter!! looking forward to the next one! i hope you're doing well. 💕
thanks sm!! i’m very glad you liked it and thank you for sending this through <3
Anonymous said
All thought process left my mind as SOON as I read "Haru..."
Yes... the king is HERE, eat shit Suna!
But forreal.... Sophia... what a bitch omfg.
And Suna... literally what the fuck is going on with him... this hot and cold bullshit is seriously giving me whiplash 😭
And Osamu.... he is best boi always the better twin, and i am glad Atsumu apologized but i need more than one pack of m&ms 😤
Great chapter, as always!!! It made me kinda sad but I was getting more frustrated than anything 😭 NOW WHERE IS ASHER
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Anonymous said
hold up... wait... it's time FOR A FUCKIN CELEBRATION.
Also wtf... Sophia acts so high and mighty until the mention of the letters. Why wont y/n take the opportunity to taunt her like bitch u stole my man and doesnt living a lie of a relationship hurt more than when the truth is finally revealed? I guess not, makes me wanna tell him even if he wont believe me... I'd fuckin help them become more off than on cuz ya rlly hurt my girl y/n 🤷🏻‍♀️ ya dug yer own grave missy and were just helpin ya lower ur fuckin casket down 💀 also... tell me y/n ain't infected... um.
Also can they just leave me girl alone like... wtf Suna. Leave her the fuck alone, like you've hurt her enough... I'm so fuckin tired of this guy's mood swings like choose ur fuckin only option rather than the one that was never an option in the first place. 😤
Sorry for the lil rant but anyway amazing chapter as always ☺️
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sorry i’ve compiled this, i hope i don’t mind as they sound similar :’D thank you nonnies!! your rants were very enjoyable to read
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Harry Hook x reader - Misunderstanding
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goofygirl05 on wattpad
um could u make one with reader getting into a fight with Harry bc he ditched her on her bday to hook up but in reality he had a gift for her and some time passed and reader finds Harry drunk and they confess their feelings
you are the daughter of the queen of hearts
 you cant believe it, he left, he left you alone on your birthday to hook up, hook up with some random broad, and your sister no less!!
It hurt, you weren’t dating him but it hurt, you have been in love with him since you were 12, now today you turned 17, 6 years, 6 years of staring sadly as he flirted with uma, chased others skirts(and some pants), and the most he did with you was act friendly.
Harry hook, the son of captain hook ditched you on your 17th birthday to hook up with Cora, your sister!! The first daughter of the queen of hearts (refrences~).
your mother owned a hair salon and a jewelry shop.
But that’s not important.
What was important is that you were waiting at the chip shop, waiting for harry for three hours, when you asked gil where he was, he had said “oh he's with Cora, I think they were doing it or something”
Your heart shattered, harry…harry had abandoned you…for your own sister, who bullied your relentlessly and had stolen all of your previous boyfriends (you were only with them for flings, but she stole them anyway)?
Harry would rather be with that witch than you, who had always treated him with kindness, who had cared for him when he had gone through a bad night with his dad, who had helped him when he had gotten the stomach flu.
He dropped all of that, for your bitch of a sister.
You stayed silent, not responding to either gil or uma, your anger boiling to the top.
Then HE entered.
He locked eyes with you, smiled and strutted over to you. You glared, making him stop.
“love, why are yeh lookin at meh like tha’ “ he furrowed his brows, looking confused. “Why?” you seethed, standing from the table making the stool you were sitting on fall to the ground, making harry flinch. “because you left me alone on my birthday to hook up with my fucking sister!!!!” you screamed Harry's eyes widened, still looking confused, but you didn’t fall for it.
“love, wait, what are ye-“
“don’t give me that crap Hook!! You let me sit here for hours wondering where you were, only to find out you were fucking my bitch ass sister!!”
“love please”
You had the attention of the other patrons now, all wide-eyed and brows raised at the argument.
“just let me explain-“
“(y/n) please it isn-“
“DON’T TALK TO ME, WHY DON’T YOU JUST GO FUCK SOME SKANK, OU SEEM TO BE GOOD AT THAT” tears streamed down your face, and you ran past harry, out the chip shop doors, and to your hideout.
You heard harry call after you, pleading for you to come back. But you didn’t listen, you just continued to run.
Hours later, you heard a slam at the door, and you slowly sat up from your bed, wiping the tears from your cheeks, grasping your steel bat from the nightstand.
You suddenly opened the door and yelped when a tall heavy figure collapsed on you, rum and ocean filling your senses.
“what the”
“why *hic* why won’ ye’ let me, expln meself loove”
Harry hook was in your arms, drunk, face flushed red and tears in his eyes. “I didn’t hoo’k up with yer sista, she was-*hic* she was helpin meh pick yer pre-present”
A clumsy drunk hand dug into his coat pocket, bringing out a flat box, and pressing it to your chest.
“i-I was looking fer the perfect one-i-you need *hic* the bestest one or it-it wouldn’t be worthy of yeh”
Harry collapsed against the wall, sniffing and rubbing his face.
“im-so*hic* sorry about leaving yeh the wait love I just *hic*-just wanted it teh be a surprise”
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It was a simple ruby necklace, with a gold chain and when you picked it up, you felt a carving on the back, turning you saw wording.
You gasped,
I love you my queen
And below the ruby gem was a small note saying
Be mine?
Tears dripped down your face, looking at Harry, curled up on the floor.
“i-*sob* I love yeh so much love, im-im so sorry I *hic* left yeh all alone i-I” he babbled, tears dripping down his cheeks.
You kneeled down in front of him, carefully taking his hands, which clutched onto yours tightly.
“harry” you spoke slowly, his bloodshot eyes locked with yours, hope shining in his dim blue eyes “you're not sober, let's get you some water and sleep, and then we can talk about this in the morning, okay?”
Harry let out a few stuttered breaths, before nodding slightly and letting you help him up from the floor.
“come on, ooof, god your heavy, there we go”
You flopped harry onto your bed, undoing his boots and tossing them behind you, letting drunk emotional harry undo his belts, which he chucked at the wall.
You grabbed one of your rare un-opened water bottles, and cracked it open, handing it to harry, who downed it easily.
Harry sniffed, and buried his face in your pillow, smiling as your scent filled his senses. “smel’s like yeh”
He mumbled, cuddling the pillow.
You stared at him as he fell asleep, snoring as he did.
You would deal with this bullshit in the morning, you were exhausted after the drama of the day.
Harry's soft voice woke you up, sniffing, you sat up from the couch, locking eyes with Harry's ocean blue ones, staring at you in confusion and worry.
“um, can-can we talk about yesterday?” he mumbled, eyes flicking down to his hands, which were fiddling with the belts sewed into his pants.
“harry” you sighed, he froze, peeking up at you through his eyelids. “I…” you stopped, biting your lip, Harry's shoulders slumped.
“Okay, I get it, ill go”
Harry started to stand when you stood up quickly and grabbed the box holding the necklace.
“do you mean it?”
Harry slowly started to turn red, eyes flitting around the room, mouth opening and closing.
“i-i…yes” harry gave in, looking humiliated, “I know, im so fucking stupid teh think tha’ I would stand a chance with yeh, and that you never want anything teh do with meh ever aga-mpph!”
You surged forward, catching Harry's lips with yours, shutting him up. Harry froze, stiff and unsure, before melting into the kiss, eye fluttering closed, hand coming up to cup your cheek.
Soon your lungs screamed at you to pull away and breath, so you did, a trail of spit still connecting you and harry. Harry's eyes were still closed, his breath stuttery and heavy.
“harry” you whispered, Harry's eyes fluttered open, locking directly with yours.
“I love you too”
His eyes brightened, the dim ocean blue becoming bright as if the sun was shining directly through the waves.
He was like a puppy, his leg twitching like it did when he was nervous and didn’t have his hook.
“you mean it?!”
You smiled, leaning forward and wrapping your arms around his neck, his arms surrounding your torso tightly.
“I do, Im in love with you harry hook.”
You heard harry laugh excitedly, standing up with you and spinning you around.
--the end--
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straykidmagines · 5 years
17 with jisung please??
➫ note: jshsjdb i rlly felt soft abt this uwu i hope u enjoy!! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ and srry it took long— thank u @breynselsyoulostbecuzofskz for helpin me out again wkejkwneje
↳ … this is for those who just want to feel all soft and uwu.
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masterlist ¦ #17 ❝ i just want to cuddle, what’s wrong with that? ❞
[16:21PM] “so to know the value of a number n given the function—”
“yeah yeah i get it already, and math sucks, can we just study about literature?” jisung cuts you off from explaining algebra shit that i don’t know and nobody cares about, putting up a cute pouty face at you.
you sighed, rubbing your temples. you don’t need to ask why jisung was inside your bedroom as you are probably tutoring him about at least a subject you’re good at, which is math. it’s just that he’s getting pretty low grades at this subject and he needs your help, hence if his grade won’t raise up a bit, his parents would confiscate his xbox (and he doesn’t want that to happen, ever).
“jisung, i’m here to teach you math just as you asked me to, not damn literature ok?” you then proceeded to write an example problem for him to solve. he just stared at the numbers on your notebook, utterly looking at it as a gibberish he could not decipher, but what he noticed was your cute handwriting that made him awe.
he scooted his chair closer to yours, and leaned over to your notes to take a closer look at it. “you have a cute handwriting for a grumpy person like you,” he comments, which earned him a light pinch on his hear. “ow ow ow! okay, sorry! anything but the ear!”
you narrowed your eyes at him and hissed, “solve this,” you say, then stood up from your chair, seeing that your plate that contained biscuits just a moments ago were gone empty. “i’ll get some more snacks — and don’t you ever think of slacking off,”
jisung just muttered a small yeah as he watch your retreating figure close your bedroom door before you. he rested his head on his palm, staring at the seemingly … wet window. “oh, it’s raining,”
as you headed outside your room, you went to your kitchen and you put some plentiful amounts of oreos on your plate, getting two milk cartons from your fridge. you balanced them all in your arms, going back in your room.
what you didn’t expect when you return was seeing jisung — on your bed, under your blankets, snuggling your favorite stuffed toy, and wearing your- his hoodie (that he may have been left it on your house when he requested for you to teach him about physics not too long ago; you forgot to return it to him but when you did, he said that it’s already yours.)
“oh hey y/n, sorry for barging into your closet, i just missed wearing my— i mean your hoodie,”
“what do you think you’re doing, aren’t you supposed to finish the problem i gave you?” you say, placing the food you brought on your desk then sitting down on the corner of your bed.
“it’s raining,” jisung replies bluntly, snuggling deeper in your blankets making himself warm in it. your cheeks tainted pink at this, you thought it was so cute.
“i just wanna cuddle, what’s wrong with that?” he says in a cute manner, sticking his bottom lip out.
you tried to resist his adorableness by putting up a blank face. “whats the relevance of cuddling and raining that you wouldn’t answer your maths?”
he didn’t answer, but when he did, you face palmed at his reply. “… it’s raining,”
you gave up at him and decided to do your homework that is still due until next week, shoving oreos and milk into your mouth. while you were preoccupied by doing this, the male behind you kept on rolling and shifting positions on your bed, making some small noises — obviously trying to get your attention.
“y/nnnnnnn, y/n, y/n y/n y/nnnn,” still, you focused at your work and ignored him. he whined, still chanting your name as if it was his religion but no avail. you plug in your airpods and put on some lo-fi music on it, fully eradicating his presence bugging you.
jisung scratched his head while pouting, he bit his lower lip; then a light bulb appeared on his brain. he smirked, grabbing a blanket then wrapping it around you swiftly, lifting you from your seat and carrying you to your bed. you shrieked, cursing his name as he stifle giggles. he hugged your body, that’s wrapped around your cozy blanket, tightly around his strong arms.
your face flushed beet red, feeling all jittery inside. your heart beating in an abnormal pace, shivering as you felt his breaths fan your neck.
“y/n,” he spoke and you let out a small squeak. he giggled, nuzzling his face on your hair. you let yourself melt into the hug but as moments pass, your body stiffened, feeling kind of uncomfortable from your position. so you turned around, facing jisung and — almost, well, kind of did — your lips brushed with him, accidentally.
“i- uh i’m-” due to this, yours and his eyes widened in surprise. being flustered and all, you tried to yank yourself out from his grip but resulting him to pry you even more to his body.
he stared at your eyes as you tried to avoid it but he cupped your face telling you to look at him, and you did. “our first kiss didn’t end up so well so,” he leaned in, closing the gap between your lips. you melted from the warmth you’ve been feeling on your own lips.
it was cozy and warm, you always wanted this to happen — to feel warm; and cuddling jisung under the crying skies was the warmest thing you’ve ever felt.
“ sometimes, all you need is a blanket and me under the raining clouds, ” — HANdsome, jisung.
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Pieces of the People We Love, Part 7. (The Borderlands Series)
Description: Not many people had the chance to see a vault or to mean anything in the world of Pandora. Will a hardly built relationship in the loneliness of the desert have the potential to change anything in the world of anarchy and chaos - or will the friends try to murder each other? 
Part Summary: Scooter tries to ask Janey for a little favor, but she's rather persistent about not doing anything he wants from her. But then you realized that if he's not going, you will have a Walrus-like pain in the ass.
Warnings: A lot of guns, violence, reader is a tough badass - not a vault hunter tho. They’re badass and don’t give a fuck. And Scooter is a dumb bitch, as always. All Psychos and Fanatics are various Vine references - oh, what luck that reader can understand them since she is friends with Bandits.
Word count: 1.8 K
Tagging: @notaliteraltoad​ @nemodoren​
Series master list:  H E R E
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They let you have a good, long sleep on a bed which wasn't shaking, so nothing could wake you up. You were snoring in the bedroom while the others had a debate - even Rayray and Blindy decided to stay there with the others.
Why did you go to sleep? Because you didn't give the slightest fuck about what plan Scooter wants to come up with. Whatever he'll say he wants to do, or at least what Janey says, you'll have to do everything. So, please, if nobody needed you - they could go fuck themselves.
When you hazily woke up and stood up on your legs, you heard them talking about what they intended to do.
"Scooter." - Janey said quietly and looked at him. They were obviously going through some plans, Scooter told her his vision and Janey didn't... Agreed with that. Was it... Was it a ray of hope for you? You took a deep breath and listened to their small meeting. - "I can't do that for ya, pal. Ya, remember the last time? I made ya a rocket and yo ass blew up in space."
You took another small breath in. Janey was the person who constructed the rocket that killed him? Obviously, he told you why he died in the first place, but he never ever mentioned in Janey Springs in the first place. This shit was getting really interesting in your opinion. Slowly, you controlled your metal arm whole spying on them even further.
"Janey, this one's different. I know ya don't have best feelin' about any of this and I can't blame ya, but my family's in danger." - Scooter answered her as honestly as he could, tapping his finger on something. - "I'll take ya with us if it is what ya want. I need your help."
"How did ma help helped ya last time, hm?" - Janey scoffed ironically. You finally joined the room, searching for some coffee while listening to their conversation. - "That plan and schemes are great... But I just don't have a good feeling about any of what ya want. And it'll be really expansive."
Oh no, you moaned angrily. Janey was starting to her aboard with Scooter's idea. No. There were very few fuck ups that could meet you on the way and Janey actually agreeing with Scooter was one of them. As soon as she would say yes, it was the ending of your world. You looked like a deer in car's headlights, even Athena chuckled at the sight of you.
"I think it's really dumb and dangerous." - You mumbled when everyone looked at you.
"THAT HURT LIKE A BUTTCHEEK ON A STICK." - Rayray yelled looking at you. Why did he have to be so rude? You opened up your mouth, having a short blackout of the brain. Calling you lazy and scared? Did he know who he was talking to? That motherfucker.
"Fuck you too, dude. I'm not lazy or afraid or too old, as you're implying. I just think that all of this is just a bunch of bullshit. What sane person would actually want to do this? Hm?" - You asked Rayray back so angrily, that Blindy stood up in front of him to cover the boy up in case you would want to get physical. - “And don't you tell me that the adventure bullshit Walrus told you had excited you that much.”
"Adam." - Rayray muttered out quietly, looking away from you. Nobody except you, Rayray and Blindy knew what the hell was going on, but the conversation was just too catchy to ignore. You put your palm into the back pocket on your sweats and walked to the table, looking at the plans with a furrow. It was particularly hard to ignore Rayray's comment, but somehow, you managed to. 
You listened to their bickering for a few more minutes before a painfully obvious fact hit you. Scooter needed to persuade Janey, no matter the cost. You would give her your metal arm - because if she wouldn't accept the plan, you could go shoot your head off. If you hadn't done it, Walrus would. 
You stood there for another few minutes, lost in your thoughts - a hundred ways of you being killed by peter and his men just crossed your mind - they could burn you alive, throw a grenade at you, shoot you to pieces, they could do anything they wanted. And Peter, that sly bitch, knew how expansive New-U can be. You hadn't that kind of cash, that was the only thing you could be sure of.
“You sure that you can't do anything about this?” - You asked and rose your eyebrows, staring Janey down. You weren't present in the last ten minutes, so now everyone shut up again and looked at you. - “I mean, when I take the whole situation from a few different points of view, it makes sense. I guess it isn't that much of a bad plan?” - You shrugged your shoulders. Blindy was about to ask something, but your elbow harshly hit his side and his ribs. That made the man immediately shut up and look in front of him. 
“Weren't ya strictly against anything we plan to do?” - Janey asked back with a frown. Without any second thought, you nodded, trying to look as innocent as you could. 
“A sudden change of heart and mind, what should I say?” - You shrugged your shoulder and dramatically took a sip from the cup. - “It's a good plan. And I heard that there's no better technician on the whole Pandora. If anyone is capable of bringing this masterpiece to live, it's you.”
“Ya, I would say so. But just as ya said, it's also dumb and irresponsible, practically too dangerous to even think of...” - Janey started to tell you the arguments that were against building another rocket. You couldn't agree more, but your lips just pressed together into a distressed smile as you tried to keep your mouth shut.
“Just forget about what I've said. I was sleepy and as Scooterboy here had said, I'm also hotheaded and my thoughts change like the weather.” - You answered with pain. Everyone who stood around the table could say that you're lying and that you don't believe a single word that fell out of your mouth. - “I can help with smaller things including circuits and shit, I'm pretty handy with this shit.” 
“LOOK AT ALL THOSE CHICKEN.” - Rayray answered and you chuckled with a nod. That boy could speak for shit, but his artistic talents were almost undeniable.
“Of course you can decorate it and paint it. We have no-one who would do it better.” - You smiled and left the table. Janey followed you to the small room where you slept previously. 
“Did ya feel bad for what da bandit boi said?” - Janey asked silently, closing the doors. You looked like a lot of things, but you definitely didn't look like a person who would change their opinion that easily. She knew people like you - except the temper issues, you and Athena seemed to be extremely alike. - “It is a shitty idea, I couldn't agree more.” 
“No. I really think we should build it, Springs.” - You mumbled back and looked at Scooter through a small crack between the doorframe. - “Scooter thinks that he has to do this. And I need to do this as well, otherwise, I don't have to wake tomorrow.”
“Are ya two part of some dirty business?” - Janey sat down on the bed and looked you in the eyes. You looked back with confusion. - “I mean, sure, ya look like a tough gal I don't want to mess around with, but Scooter? No.”
“Listen, Janey. This is my only chance to live long enough to see tomorrow, alrite? I don't care what would I have to get for you. Just build him the damn rocket, send us to space, and for fuck's sake, let us get killed. I don't give a damn.” - You licked your lips and looked at her again, this time not leaving her for a long time. - “I've done some nasty things back at where I'm from. And this is the redemption I got.”
“I can build it, without a problem, man, but... Do ya realize that ye will be helpin' Scooter savin' the others after that?” - Janey got up from the bed. - “This isn't ya last stop.”   
“I know.” - You sighed and smiled at her as you watched her leaving. She didn't know you, she had absolutely no need to trust you or to listen to you, yet she did. And if you were aboard with idea, even if everyone practically pushed you to agree, and if you looked like a trustworthy and capable of protecting your and Scooter's ass, she knew that she could do it. She could build the damn rocket and lunch you to space. 
“I have one condition.” - She told everyone as soon as she left the damn room, putting her hands on her lips. - “Athena and I are comin' with ya. if anythin' happens, this time, Imma be there to repair it.” 
And with that, the big project had started - the big rocket building under the lead of Janey Springs herself. For an unknown reason, she had everything you needed to build that monstrosity - and when she hadn't got something, she called some mysterious dude and the parts were delivered on her doorstep. 
It was almost scary - you could see how much is Scooter happy and the look in Janey's eyes was unmistakable. And they were a great team as well. You were there to help them with the electrical circuits while Athena and the boys dragged around all of the stuff that Janey and Scooter needed. Once Rayray was done with the painting, you all received some upgraded clothes. 
Scooter had the Crimson raiders logo on his t-shirt, Athena on her shield, Blindy had one on the back of his jacket and you... Well...
“For real, Ray?” - You looked at him while thinking about murdering him on the spot. Ray shrugged his shoulders and stood next to you while watching the logo sprayed on the back of some sweatpants - directly on the spot where your ass was supposed to be. - “That's so fucking sexist that I can even find words of disappointment, you dumb schmuck.” - You mumbled quietly before shushing him from the room to change the clothes. 
Now, there was only the last thing to do - to take off and hope you won't blow up on the way to space.
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anyway now that ive been in the fandom for a bit i think its time i called myself out and say that i. Love shiniida
hear me out. neutral good, disaster bi iida with true neutral, functional gay shinsou? we stan.
like just consider for a second. shinsou goes to talk with midoriya to get some closure abt their fight in the sports festival and obv talking to midoriya means having to be near his two besties iida and uraraka
anyway midoriya draws shinsou in like the sun he is and so he ends up kinda friends with iida and uraraka as well. along the line they become full-fledged friends esp when he starts doing extra training w them in addition to the training hes gettin from aizawa so he can “”keep up with you hero course nerds”” (in his own words)
anyway so he starts hangin out with the izucrew more and consequently. iida.
iida is the mom/dad friend (depends on his mood that day which one he is) so he usually organizes some hangouts that r also study groups. and now that shinsou is his friend, iida invites him as well
im thinkin eventually iida and shinsou figure out that iida has a strong suit in math but is weak in language, but shinsou is vice versa, so they decide to arrange extra study sessions so they can get the extra tutoring they feel they need
and finally,,,,the pining™ begins
im honestly not quite sure How they fall for each other or how long it would take buuuuuuut……,.,.
iida would definitely admire shinsou’s drive and determination and i feel he’d be rlly charmed by him once he got passed shinsou’s distant, kinda hostile first impression. like once he got passed shinsou’s kinda defenses and saw the tired, funky dude he is that loves cats and sweaters, iida’s poor bi heart wouldnt stand a chance, not even a second. iida would definitely think shinsou’s love for cats/all things cute is adorable. also i think iida would be exasperated w shinsou’s hair but like in the Fondest Way possible. at first he’s like “shinsou u gotta try to brush ur hair!” and shinsou is like “u can try it wont do anything” and hes right it Doesnt. but eventually the messy style grows on iida and he finds he wants to run his hands thro it,,,also iida at first kinda doesnt get shinsou’s sense of humor but he eventually learns to love it
shinsou on the other hand would be softly disgruntled abt how iida cares for him with what i call the Aggressive Affection. cause iida is just like “shinsou! its past 12 am! i would advise you get some rest now” and he wont stop badgering him until shinsou at least turns off his phone and like “shinsou! i made u breakfast bc u slept in late! u can eat it while we walk to class together!” and hands him some cute lil breakfast thing that keeps shinsou’s hands warm while they walk in the morning air. and at first shinsou is like “bruh” but eventually knowing that iida cares so much makes him feel all warm inside,,,,,, and shinsou Would 100 percent find iida’s chopping motions and general gestures he makes when he talks Adorable As Fuck. and he thinks its sweet that iida cares so much abt helpin him academically as well as heroically
anyway i think shinsou would realize his feelings first bc iida is,,,a disaster,,,and he would freak the fuck out becuz oh shit thats quite the distraction from becoming a hero student
iida notices when shinsou starts to avoid him and he gets really sad :[ and it rlly starts to bother him so he tries asking shinsou what he did wrong but shinsou is always in a flustered panic and its like “OHHH LOOK AT THE TIME GOT,,,GENERAL DEPARTMENT THINGS TO DO,,,,GOTTA GO BYE IIDA” so when asking shinsou doesnt work iida tries to ask his friends if they can think of anything but theyre just as confused as he is bc they didnt even realize shinsou was distancing himself. this just makes iida feel even worse bc that means its Just Him that shinsou’s avoiding so its Clear that he did do smth wrong
eventually he calls tensei abt it and tensei kinda calms him down abt it thank you tensei
meanwhile aizawa is like “what,,,is wrong with my child” bc hes not dumb hes observant as hell and he knows shinsou’s been acting kinda skittish lately esp during training so eventually after training one day aizawa sits him down and is like “im not letting u leave until u tell me why ur so freaked out lately” shinsou tries to fight to escape but aizawa is a Pro Hero and shinsou has only been training for a couple months now so he doesnt make it lmfao rip eventually shinsou gets out that he has a crush (how embarrassing poor guy probably wanted to spontaneously combust when he admitted it) and that he doesnt know what to do with it and aizawa is just like “wow mood”
no but really aizawa calls up mic and is like “hi yes hello ur the distinguished gay in this relationship can u give our dumb son some advice”
so mic swoops in and probably embarrasses shinsou a lil bit but overall shinsou accepts his feelings a little more after the talk so thats Something thanks mic
anyway so this pining goes on for a while longer with iida feeling :[ and shinsou feeling bad but like not knowing what to do dkjfjkf. like after the talk w mic it isnt nearly as bad as it was but shinsou’s still awkward and iida can still tell smth abt their relationship has gotten a little stilted :[ but then the joint training exercise happens and its reveled that shinsou is GOING INTO THE HERO COURSE BABEY!!!!!!!
iida is So Excited that he lifts our boy up and spins him around!!! and shinsou is so FUCKING gay he doesnt know how to function once hes put back on the ground smfh so much for being a functional gay huh shinsou
anyway iida starts apologizing profusely like “im so sorry shinsou my excitement just got the better of me and i hope i didnt make you uncomfortable but im so happy for you-!” and shinsou’s like “im in love with you” iida probably passes out lbr
no but both FREAK OUT over that confession and like its so fucking funny bc it was in front of EVERYONE and aizawa just fucking facepalms bc god why does his dumb kid have to take after him so much smh
anyway EVENTUALLY iida and shinsou calm down and before shinsou can Sprint the Fuck Away, iida is like “i!!!!! love you too!!! not as just a friend!!!” and shinsou hides his face in his mask/capture weapon and iida is just kinda bashfully holding his helmet close to his chest and HHH I LOVE MY BOYS………….
anyway they talk and shinsou is like “yeah so im sorry for being weird this past month and a half its because feelings” and iida is like “OHHHH i thought i did something wrong omg” and so they clear that up w each other and start dating. and they are. Adorable. THE couples’ goals in the izucrew. u wish u were as cute as them
iida reading on the couch w shinsou layin down on him?? iida reading TO him while he’s layin down on him in an attempt to help lull him to sleep??? oh my fucking god. thats so good. shinsou brings snacks to their study dates (and theyre actually iida’s idea of regularly scheduled dates someone help shinsou djkfjk) to make sure that they both actually get some food in them. TRAINING TOGETHER,…,..both get v flustered at first but then they get used to it,,im soft
just….my boys….thank you for your consideration. uhh stan shiniida
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hysterialevi · 5 years
When the Devil Cries pt. 28
Fanfic summary: (NO SPOILERS IN THIS STORY) After arriving in Saint Denis, Arthur ends up falling in love with a seemingly innocent pianist, only to find himself in a battle with one of the most notorious outlaws to ever emerge from America. Now, between working for Dutch and robbing money for the gang, Arthur has to also protect the man he loves as the two of them try to find their freedom.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan/Male OC
Author’s note: Sorry about the longer wait for this chapter, guys. I hit a bit of a writer’s block with this one, but I hope you enjoy it now that it’s done! Also, real quick, I wanted to thank you all for the support you’ve been showing me on this story. I’m still getting messages from you saying how much you’re liking the fic and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it. It really makes this worthwhile :)
Previous chapter
This story is also on AO3
From Arthur’s POV
Finishing my drawing of this camp, I flipped to the next page and began writing a few words on it, hopin’ to scribble down some of my thoughts while I had the opportunity to relax for a moment.
The new camp wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be -- considerin’ Micah picked it -- but despite all of his assurances, something still felt...off...about the area.
I couldn’t quite place it, but when the caravan arrived at Beaver Hollow, one o’ the first things I noticed was the multiple bloodstains decorating our new home. Micah insisted it weren’t nothing to worry about -- and Dutch seemed more than okay with settling down here -- but it was still pretty obvious that someone else had been livin’ here before we moved in. 
The dried bloodstains, the ominous cave, the random crates of weapons and dynamite that were left behind by the previous owners...it was clear that this wasn’t exactly a “sanctuary.” And there was also the fact that most of the locals avoided Beaver Hollow like the goddamned plague.
I had no idea what made this place so portentous, but regardless of whatever dangers we was gonna have to deal with out here, Beaver Hollow was still a helluva lot better than Shady Belle. It may not’ve had a big manor for us to sleep in, but it also weren’t riddled with old bullet holes, gators, marshlands, and for the first time in a while, we actually had some fresh air to breathe.
Perhaps we’d make a home of this place yet. I just hoped it wouldn’t be for very long.
Putting my pencil down, I shut the journal closed and slipped it back into my satchel, only to be stopped mid-action when I overheard some commotion goin’ on at Pearson’s wagon.
It didn’t look like Pearson himself was involved with whatever was happening, but Eddie had just brought in a deer carcass and was now arguing with Micah at the moment. Things were still civil, and I doubted Eddie would let it escalate too much, but I listened in anyways, hopin’ to at least hear something that would give me a good enough reason to strangle Micah if need be.
“--and Dutch said you was gonna be useful,” Micah retorted, gesturing to the deer. “Look at this thing. It’s almost as skinny as you. Who the hell’s this gonna feed? Jack?”
Eddie sighed in annoyance, stabbing his knife into a wooden table. “Well, I don’t see you feeding anyone. When was the last time you went out hunting in the woods?”
The other man chuckled in a condescending tone, pointing to his head. “I’m too busy helpin’ Dutch come up with plans. Someone’s gotta help the old man, after all, now that Hosea’s gone. He just needs a little...guidance. But we all have to pull our weight, Ryan. We all have to earn our keep. At least...” Micah glanced over at Uncle, “...that was the idea.”
Yanking his knife out the table, Eddie took hold of the deer and started skinnin’ it, doing his absolute best to ignore Micah.
“If you think you can do better, be my guest. Now, shut up and go bother someone else. I have to get this thing ready for Pearson.”
Micah laughed at that and began sauntering in Dutch’s direction, wavin’ a casual goodbye to Eddie as he took his leave.
“Whatever you say, Ryan.”
Waiting for the man to disappear from sight, Tilly suddenly joined the conversation once Micah was outta earshot and tried to reassure Eddie, holdin’ her book close to her chest as she spoke.
“Don’t listen to him, Eddie,” she encouraged. “We all see the work you’re doin’ for this gang. I know Arthur certainly does.”
The pianist softened his voice slightly and wiped some sweat off his brow, taking a break from the skinning.
“Thanks, Tilly...but Micah’s right. This deer hardly has any meat on it. In fact, most of the animals in this region don’t. It’s rare to see a healthy buck in these parts.”
The woman let out a concerned breath. “I hope not. We got a lotta mouths to feed. Anyway...I’ll let you get back to work. And I probably should too, before Grimshaw threatens to tan my hide again.”
Returnin’ to their chores, Tilly wandered to a different part of the camp while Eddie stayed behind and continued slicing at the deer, causing me to walk over to him now that he was by himself.
I didn’t know what the hell Micah’s problem was with Eddie, but it seemed as if things had grown more tense between ‘em over the past few days. I mean, nobody in the gang was particularly fond of Micah anyways, but it felt especially uncomfortable when those two were near each other. 
Fortunately however, I was around camp most of the time, so Micah usually left Eddie alone. Though I still couldn’t help but wonder where this sudden hatred was comin’ from. Was it ‘cause Eddie was the youngest? Was it because he was close with me? I really didn’t know. Maybe the boy would have some answers.
Walkin’ up behind the pianist, I peeked over his shoulder and displayed a small smile, hoping to cheer him up a little.
“You okay, Eddie?” I asked. “What was that all about?”
Turning around to face me, Eddie stood up from the ground and squinted as the sun hit his eyes, makin’ him look even more annoyed than before.
“Oh, it’s nothing...” he brushed off. “It’s just -- the camp was running low on food so, I went to go hunting earlier, but...” Eddie glanced at the deer, “I dunno, Arthur. This place is strange. All the animals...they look sick. They’re so...weak and fragile.”
I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I was fishin’ at the Elysian Pool the other day. Caught a nice pike...but the bastard looked like it had been dead for a week already.”
Eddie cleaned his hands with a rag. “That’s what I’m talking about. Everything looks diseased here. Even the people. Have you been to Butcher Creek yet? The residents there are even worse than the deer.” The pianist let out an uneasy sigh. “You don’t...you don’t suppose there could be some illness going around Roanoke Ridge?”
I rubbed the back of my neck. “I certainly hope not. Our people are hungry already. Last thing we need’s for them to be sick, too.”
“Then we should stop eating the animals here altogether. We’d be safer sticking to the canned foods, but that stuff costs money. Which is another thing we’re low on.”
I paused out of confusion. “What? What happened to the money we just robbed from the riverboat?”
Eddie shrugged. “I don’t know. Apparently, Dutch has stashed most of it away somewhere...in a...secret box, or something.”
A scoff escaped me. “Ah, o’ course. He does that with every camp. Just to make sure our money’s safe. But...hey, tell you what. Why don’t you keep skinnin’ that deer, and I’ll head into town? Buy some more provisions. Also see if I can’t find another place to hit in Annesburg.”
The boy quickly put a hand on my chest, stoppin’ me in my tracks.
“Wait, don’t go alone. I’d feel better knowing you were with someone.”
I briefly scanned the camp with my eyes, choosing a partner to come with me.
“Alright,” I agreed. “What about Sadie?”
Eddie chuckled. “Well, she might start another shootout if there are any O’Driscolls in town, but at least I know you’ll be in good hands. Just...be careful, okay? Both of you.”
“Of course.”
Sayin’ goodbye, the pianist pecked a short kiss on my cheek and playfully patted my face, making me turn a bit red since most of the gang could see us here.
“Eddie--!” I mumbled awkwardly. The other man did nothing but laugh.
“Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Anyways,” he gestured outta the camp, “I’ll let you go. Stay safe.”
Nodding at Eddie in response, I began headin’ to the camp’s entrance and called for Sadie along the way, urging her to join me.
“Mrs. Adler!” I exclaimed. “You free? Could use a hand.”
The woman happily accompanied me and followed along at a brisk pace, clearly eager to get outta this dreary forest.
“Sure. What we doing?”
“Nothin’ fancy. Just picking up some supplies in town, lookin’ for tips to investigate. You know the drill.”
Sadie smirked. “Didn’t think you’d ever go shoppin’ with me again after what happened in Rhodes.”
I climbed onto one of the gang’s wagons and helped her onto the seat, taking hold of the reins as a chortle escaped me.
“Oh, you know me, Mrs. Adler. Chaos has a habit o’ finding me anyway. May as well have a friend along when it comes.”
Ridin’ into the gloomy town, Sadie and I already started to see gigantic clouds of smoke blanketing the factories in the distance as they blocked out the white sun and darkened the settlement below, shrouding everything in shadows.
It felt like the entire place was covered in coal dust, and all around me, I could hear folk coughin’ up a storm as they breathed in the toxic air, powerless to prevent the damage they was causing to their lungs. 
And if they weren’t workin’ for the mines, most of the people here preferred to stay inside their drab lil’ houses as a way to escape from all the crime littering the streets. 
As for the ones who were outside though, they all looked lifeless and completely devoid of any vigor. It was like no one here had seen the sun in decades, and judgin’ by the condition of most of Annesburg’s residents, I doubted there was gonna be any money for us to steal.
Well...I still hoped we’d at least find something. 
The gang had been struggling even more ever since that incident with Rodrick, and if we didn’t find a decent score to take soon...we weren’t gonna last for very much longer. It was now or never. We’d have to rob someone eventually...or die off.
“So...” Sadie said, observin’ the dead town, “...any ideas on where to start in a god-awful place like this, Mister Morgan?”
I scoffed, bringing the wagon to a stop. “The exit, probably. Still worth a look though. I imagine these factories require a whole lotta money to stay up and running. Someone’s gotta be funding them.”
She climbed down from the wagon. “True. Well, why don’t you get to searching? In the meantime, I’ll head to the general store and buy some provisions for the camp.”
“Sounds good. I’ll meet you back here in a while. Oh, and Mrs. Adler?”
The woman quirked a brow at me. “Yeah?”
I sighed. “...Keep that gun holstered, will you?”
Sadie snickered playfully. “What kind of a woman do you think I am?”
I chuckled, waving her goodbye. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never met another like you.”
Wanderin’ around Annesburg’s muddy streets, I carefully investigated the different establishments in this place and listened closely to every group of strangers I passed, hoping to overhear any sorta tip or lead.
So far, it sounded as if the only building worth checkin’ out in this hellhole was the gunsmith. Apparently, the people in this town took better care of their firearms than they did themselves. Spent all their money stockin’ up on weapons and ammo, and didn’t have much need for anything else. 
I supposed it only made sense with the ridiculous amount of crime in Annesburg, but at the same time, I wasn’t too fond of the idea of robbin’ the only guy in this town who had an entire shop full of guns. There had to be something else.
Hugging a corner, I found myself roamin’ towards the harbor as the smell of salt water hit my nose, and an impressive display of boats came into view. I could hear seagulls cawing, boat engines humming, waves splashing against the pier, and most importantly, an interesting discussion seemed to be taking place among the people there.
I took a step back and concealed myself behind a wall, eavesdropping on the conversation.
“I believe I’ve made myself more than clear, Mister Rose. I have no intentions on getting involved with yet another gang. I have enough problems with outlaws as is.”
I froze. Did that man just say Mister Rose? As in Atticus Rose? 
I couldn’t goddamned believe it. What the hell was that bastard doing here?
Peeking around the corner, I squinted through the sunlight and caught a glimpse of the two men participatin’ in this meeting, only to find -- not one -- but two familiar faces talking near one of the boats.
Atticus was here, alright. 
And so was Leviticus Cornwall.
“I would encourage you to reconsider, Mister Cornwall,” Atticus said lowly, his tone drenched in venom. “We may stand on opposite sides of the law, but we share the same goal.”
Leviticus let out an amused scoff and addressed one of his employees, hardly listenin’ to Atticus as he ordered his workers around. 
“What, money? Well, I can assure you, Mister Rose, that everyone in America shares that goal. Janson! Send a telegram to Goldberg in New York. Tell him I won’t borrow at more than three point two percent...”
“Yes, sir.”
“...And double the security on the stagecoach coming in from West Elizabeth! It’ll be two days before it arrives, and I don’t want anyone laying a single finger on it before it reaches Annesburg!”
“Right away, sir!”
Atticus stood by patiently and thoroughly observed the businessman, his expression barely changing as Cornwall brought his attention back to him.
“Like I said,” Leviticus continued, “outlaws are already making a mockery of me, and I’ve spent a considerable fortune trying to help those...useless Pinkertons find them! The last thing I need is to cross paths with another criminal. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Mister Rose...” the man straightened his tie and began walking away, “I have many things to attend to. Good day.”
But Atticus wasn’t done yet. He simply stayed put and carried on with the discussion, bringin’ up a topic he knew Leviticus wouldn’t be able to ignore.
“Things more important than Dutch van der Linde?”
Cornwall paused at that and glanced over his shoulder, suddenly interested in what Atticus had to say.
“...Van der Linde?” He repeated. “Why? You know something about him?”
Atticus linked his hands together behind his back. “I know he’s in this area. And I also know that now is the perfect time to strike. Dutch is weaker than he’s ever been, Mister Cornwall, but it seems that even now, the law fails to apprehend him. Why not let someone outside the law take him down?”
Leviticus slowly found himself slinkin’ back into the conversation due to Atticus’ persistence and eyed the man up-and-down, his curiosity now piqued. 
“Alright, Mister Rose...” he granted, “you have my attention.”
Atticus stepped closer to Cornwall, almost unable to hide the victorious smirk creepin’ onto his face as he proposed an idea.
Before I could listen to anymore of what they were sayin’ however, someone else suddenly snuck up behind me, causin’ me to instantly reach for my gun.
“Relax!” They whispered in an alarmed tone. “It’s just me. Sadie.”
I sighed out of relief. “Jesus, Sadie. I coulda killed you. What’re you doin’ here?”
She smirked. “I was gonna ask you the same thing. What you listenin’ to?”
Tilting my head in Cornwall’s direction, I averted Sadie’s focus to the pier.
“Both Rose and Cornwall are in town.”
Her eyes widened at the news. “The hell? Ah, shit.”
“Yeah,” I replied. “It sounds like they’re teamin’ up against Dutch. They both want him dead.
Sadie shook her head, muttering to herself. “...Son-of-a-bitch. Why is that we can’t take one step without Atticus or his gang showin’ up?”
“I don’t know, but we gotta let Dutch know what’s goin’ on. C’mon, we should head back to camp...before either of them figures out we’re here.”
Mrs. Adler followed me. “I’m right behind you.”
Storming back into camp, Sadie got to work on delivering the provisions to Pearson while I hurried over to Dutch and Micah, admittedly a bit shaken now that I knew Atticus was nearby.
At first, I dismissed Micah’s idea of there bein’ a rat in the gang, but after seeing how quickly Rose seemed to move -- especially when it came to interfering with our plans -- I couldn’t help but concede that he might’ve had a point.
Who would sell us out like that? I mean, sure, not everyone in the gang always saw eye-to-eye with Dutch, but I highly doubted any of them would go as far as to betrayin’ us. 
It couldn’t be Marston. Dutch was like a father to him, same as me. It couldn’t be Williamson either. He practically worshipped the man. And it sure as hell weren’t Eddie. This gang was the closest thing to a family he had left. He wouldn’t risk our lives like that.
I supposed that’d be another question for another time. Right now, I just needed to inform Dutch on what the hell was happening between Atticus and Cornwall, and hopefully, convince him to lay low.
“Dutch!” I called out, approaching his tent.
The man stepped out from the shade and walked up to me, eager to see if I had learned anything as Micah tagged along. 
“Arthur! There you are. Eddie said you was lookin’ for a tip in Annesburg. You find anything useful?”
I hesitated. “...Well, yes, but--”
“--Let’s hear it, then!”
I breezed through the subject, wantin’ to get straight to the point. “...There’s gonna be a stagecoach comin’ from West Elizabeth in two days. I dunno what’s in it, but apparently it’s gonna be under heavy guard. Must be something valuable.”
Dutch picked up on my anxious tone. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
I stuttered for a moment, unsure of how to deliver the news. “...This stagecoach belongs to Leviticus Cornwall, Dutch. He’s in town. And so is Atticus. They’re both here.”
The spark in the other man’s gaze instantly vanished at that and I could see his brow crinkling in anger, leadin’ me to worry about how he was gonna react.
“...Is that so?” He questioned darkly, his jaw clenching.
“Unfortunately.” I confirmed. “I saw ‘em with my own two eyes. They wanna kill you, Dutch. It’s what they said.”
Glancing at Micah for a second as he processed the situation, Dutch nodded in an assured manner before turnin’ back to me, clearly not taking this as seriously as I expected him to.
“Then I guess we’re gonna be visiting an old friend,” he said with a grin. “You said the coach arrives in two days?”
An irritated sigh escaped me. “We can’t be robbin’ no Leviticus Cornwall stagecoach, Dutch!”
“Why not?”
I spread my arms out, gesturing to the entire camp. “We have enough attention on us already! We rob someone as big as Leviticus, and all we’ll be doing is signing our death warrant. If we wanna leave this country, we gotta do it as quietly as possible.”
Micah hopped into the conversation, pointing an accusatory finger at me. “Oh, what’s happened to you, Morgan? I thought you was a tough boy. Not one of those...gentlemen...trying to protect his ridin’ clothes. But now look at you. You’ve turned yella.”
He chuckled, lookin’ at Dutch. “It’s like I said, boss. That Ryan boy is makin’ him soft.”
I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “All I know is that we’ve lost three of our men in no less than a few weeks. Hosea, Lenny, Strauss -- we keep goin’ on like this and I guarantee we’re gonna lose more.”
Micah put a hand on Dutch’s shoulder. “No, no, no, no. If we wanna leave this country, see, we gotta make a whole lotta noise, Dutch. Think of it as a smoke bomb. While everyone else is all confused and distracted by this mayhem, we’ll just slip away as if nothing happened! Easy as that.”
I glowered at him. “You’re a fool if you think that, Bell. Dutch?”
Staring at the ground in concentration, Dutch considered his options while the two of us waited for a decision, already somewhat suspicious of whose advice he was gonna go with. 
I knew Dutch and Leviticus had a bad history with each other -- and truth be told, I wasn’t fond of the man neither -- but I never thought he’d be so reckless as to consider Micah’s plan of robbing the stagecoach. 
Lord only knew how many men would be guardin’ it. And on top of that, we didn’t even know what the coach was goddamned carrying in the first place! The cargo might’ve been valuable to Cornwall, but was it valuable to us? As far as I was concerned, it could’ve been worth shit. But clearly, that didn’t matter to Dutch. All he cared about right now was takin’ revenge on those he hated, and part of me feared I was slowly makin’ my way onto that list.
I just prayed he would come to his senses soon. For all our sakes.
“Get ready, boys...” Dutch announced, causin’ me to tilt my head in disappointment as he smiled deviously.
“...We’re gonna be rich.”
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drawn-to-space · 7 years
New Year, New Discoveries  (part 1)
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It was new Year’s Eve, Yumi decided to spend some time with Ren and G for the occasion. She knew her brother and the rest of his band wouldn’t be able to come as they usually never were available and threw special concerts for the occasion to try to get themselves better known, as well as getting more money. But, it was fine. Since she hasn’t spent Christmas with Ren, though, she thought it was a great idea to have some activities during the Eve and the New Year.
G didn’t know much about Ren, as much as Yumi talks about her. He only hoped she wasn’t as odd as her brother of his odd group. But, then again, it wouldn’t be too bad. They were pretty nice, after all, and she also seemed pretty nice, as far as Yumi told him.
However, Yumi had too many ideas, what could she choose from?
“Hmmm... maybe we could go ice skating? I haven’t a while... and ramen? I wanted to go to that monster place... Oooh! We could even go to the Japanese festival nearby! I should wear a kimono...-” she thought out loud *Hey, you know I’m starting to wonder if you remembered that I’m here too. he said, cutting her, jokingly. “Aaah! I-I forgot y-you were... u-um...”
She flushed, she hates it when she talks to herself like that. At least, he didn’t seem to mind that much as he was chuckling. 
*Eheheh, it’s fine. But, y’know you can just ask her, which things she’d be okay in doing. I’m good with everything, though. You come up with pretty fun stuff to do. he gave her a thumbs up. “Y-yeah, I’ll do that. A-and... thanks.” she bows her head, shyly. *Oh, and one more thing. What’s a... “kimono”? he askes, tilting his head. “... Y-You don’t know??” she asks, surprised. *No...? “W-well, it’s kind of- it’s- like a... aah, fuck, just- here.”
She gave him her phone, showing a picture and definition of a kimono.
*Ooooh! That’s what that’s called. Y’know you could’ve said that it’s “a Japanese dress” and I would’ve gotten that. he chuckles. “W-well, I’m really bad at explaining things so...” *Heh, it’s okay. But... you’re gonna buy something that expensive?? “W-what? No! I already have one! It was a gift from... my grandfather... w-when he passed away.”she explained, with a saddened tone in her voice.
Fuck, he didn’t mean to bring the mood down. She was really happy too. Dammit, he fucked it up.
*Shit, sorry, I-I didn’t mean to- “N-no, it’s fine. It’s not like you knew. Besides… it was a long time ago.”
Despite her trying to reassure him, her sad expression remained, looking at the ground and possibly thinking about her grandfather. To top it off, although G does not know this, Yumi considered her grandfather as her only real family, besides her brother, Yoru.
The few seconds of silence felt like an eternity. It’s not often that G saw her this sad, it broke his soul. He really wanted to give her a hug or… some sort of comfort. He hesitated for a bit, he isn’t usually very comfortable with initiating physical affection and he didn’t know if she would be. In the end, though, he decided to go through with it anyway. He just couldn’t leave her like that.
She didn’t exactly know how to react, her arm was reflexively placed between the two of them. She was so shocked that he hugged her that her cheeks turned a deep red. She was glad that he was comforting her, but it was still very VERY embarrassing. Hugging a skeleton was… very strange. The feeling was mutual. Well, maybe it’s a little unfair, considering he’s never hugged anyone before.
It didn’t take long before the hug was stopped. It seemed like G was also blushing a little but, seeing Yumi completely red made him even more embarrassed about it. They fell into another awkward silence.
“U-u-um… I-I’m going to call Ren.” she finally said, embarrassed. *O-okay. he replied, awkwardly. “A-and, um… t-thanks.” *Uh-… it’s no problem.
After another short awkward silence, she headed to her room to start getting ready and also call Ren back. Fucking hell, why does it always have to be so awkward? Damn the both of them for being socially awkward.
Ren accepted all of the activities, except the ice-skating. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know how to skate. It didn’t help that G had told Yumi, last minute, that he didn’t know how to either. Even if he didn’t mind still going, neither of the two women wanted to risk Ren or G getting hurt. So, I’m the afternoon they all met up at a popular Monster-owned Japanese restaurant that was both a sushi and ramen bar. Thus, they ordered a stack of sushi and they each had a ramen bowl. Even though Yumi wasn’t sure if they should order that much food because they may not be able to afford it, Ren insisted on paying the entirety of their meal.
“You’re way too nice, Ren… let me, at least, pay half!” Yumi insists. //“No, no, there’s no way I’m gonna let ye do tha’. This is just a repayment for not bein’ able to go ice-ska-in’. Besides, I’m way olda then ye, ye need yer cash! “B-but, it’s fine! I can-” //“I’m no’ takin’ no fer an answa. I’m payin’. An’ don’t even think abou’ repayin’ me.” she says, commandingly. “… O-okay.” she gave up. //“Good… Anywho, it’s nice ta meet ya, lad. What was ye name again?” she asks, turning to G. *… Uh-it’s ‘G’. //“Aaah, yes. I remember now. So yer the one makin’ Yumi’s lunches fer work, aye?” *Well, yeah, sometimes. he admits. //“Good, good, ye know it’s not often men cook for their ladies, y'know?” she smiles. *T-their ladies?? he asks, shyly. “Reeen!! How many times do I have to tell you! It’s not like that!” she scolds, embarrassed. //“Keeeheeheeheheheh! I know, I know. Just let me tease the lad a little, will ya?”
Their attention was cut off from the conversation to the waiter who brought their food. They thanked the waiter and immediately started to eat. It was unbelievably good. However, it seemed like Ren had one more comment to say about their previous conversation.
//“But, y'know… I really am grateful you’re helpin’ with the cookin’, since she’s no’ exactly the best chef out there.” she giggles. “Heeey!” Yumi pouts, despite knowing the truth. *Eheh, well… it’s the least I could do, really. Since she’s letting me stay for free and all. //“You’re right abou’ tha’, keeheeheh. Oh! Tha’ reminds me. I really should thank ya fer takin’ care of her when she was sick the other day! That was so kind of ya. But, ya should’ve told me, I would’ve done it and ya wouldn’t lose yer job!” she scolds him a little. *It’s really not a problem. The job was shit anyway. Uh- sorry. //“Kehhheeheeha! No problem lad, I don’t mind. But, then. I should treat you!”she smiles, enthusiastic. *N-no, that’s not- “Ren, NO! You’re already paying for all of our meals!” protests Yumi. //“Oh, come on, Yumi, it won’t kill me! I’ll buy you some crepes! I know a good place near where we’re headin’ too!” she insists. “THOSE ARE EXPENSIVE, REN.” she rejects, louder. //“Oh, shush, ye! I’m talkin’ to the lad. So, what do ye say?” she turns around towards G.
This wasn’t exactly a comfortable situation he was put in. On one hand, a woman he didn’t really know was tempting him into buying sweets for him. On the other, his friend was begging him with threatening eyes not to accept the offer for a good reason. However, he couldn’t resist, damn him for being a sweet tooth, despite not buying any very often. He could really go for a crepe, right now, and the woman did not seem like the type to let it go if ever he refuses. Besides, this will be the only time he lets someone do this.
*… Well… alright. he gives in. //“Yesss!” shouts Ren, cheerfully. “Goddammit, G!” *Sorry! I can’t resist… besides, I have a feeling she won’t leave me alone for this. “… Yeah, you’re right. Ren gets pretty intense for stuff like this.” sighs Yumi. //“Heey! I’m only being nice.” “ Ren, we both know you just want some crepes AND be nice.” she grins. //“Keheeheehaha! Ya got me there.” she laughs, caught in her act.
Seeing that he looked confused about what they were talking about, Yumi decided to briefly explain. It seemed like he wasn’t the only horrible sweet tooth in the group. Ren had a bad habit of, whenever a friend did something good she would treat them and herself some expensive sweets. Even though it doesn’t happen often, it does worry Yumi, sometimes, as she knows how hard it is for a monster to make money. Even though the Planetarium they work at thankfully doesn’t do that sort of thing and pays everyone equally, she still worries.
After their meal and crepes, it was finally time to head to the festival. By the time they walked towards the park the festival was located in, G had the time to be a little less awkward with Yumi’s friend. They had a strange dynamic, like sisters or mother and daughter, maybe a mix of the two. It was nice to see them interact, however, he was always caught off guard when they wanted him to join in their conversation. He should be used to it by now since it was the same with her brother’s band, yet, he couldn’t help but be stumped every time.
Despite joining a little in the giggling fit Ren was having, whenever that happened, Yumi was still a little confused as to why he always reacted that way. He was her friend, wouldn’t it be normal if she wanted him to be friends with her friends? Then again, maybe he was shy, which seems, sort of, out of character but, not impossible. She didn’t completely know him, after all, since it’s only been a month that they’ve known each other. However, he didn’t seem to mind her gesture, which made her happy that she could help him make more friends, after whatever happened to him before he was homeless.
As they approached the park, they stopped at a nearby small building where were public bathrooms inside. Yumi decided it was a good idea to change herself now, as she has forgotten to do so after they ate. Ren accompanied her to help her with her kimono, which is understandably hard to put on with one arm. However, G had waited for ten minutes and they still haven’t come out of the bathroom. He was starting to get impatient, shaking his leg as he sat down on a nearby bench and his soul, for some strange reason, was beating harder than usual. Was he excited? Worried? Frustrated for waiting for so long? He wasn’t sure and that bothered him. Finally, five minutes later Ren had come outside, looking apologetic. At least nothing bad happened. He walked up to her and wanted to ask where was Yumi, but she cut him off before he had the chance.
//“Hey, sorry, lad. I took so look because I wanted ta make a few tweaks with her outfit.” she chuckles awkwardly. *Tweaks? Well, where is- “R-Ren, I really don’t think this is nece-”
There she was. Her hair neatly tied in two small buns with a flower brooch on one side, a magnolia. She wore a royal blue kimono, simple, with magnolias growing from the bottom to her knees, some on the top of her sleeves, and a white obi. She didn’t even wear any makeup, other than a transparent gloss that seemed to have been forced on her by Ren, considering he knew how much she hated wearing any. It wasn’t that much of a change and yet… it hit him… hard. Not like a punch in the gut, more like a truck. Like a truck filled with butterflies crashed directly into his ribs. Painful, fluttery, ticklish and, most of all, sudden. He stiffed his entire body and reflexively gripped his shirt to try to ease it. But, he has no time to stop himself from blushing furiously, fixated on her, eyes widened. He’s had fluttery feelings before but, not to this extent. Why did he have such a strong reaction to this? He didn’t get it and before he could think further, he was brought back to reality by Ren’s laughter.
//“Kehheeheehehehahaha! Oh Asgore, I didn’t think ye’d react so strongly! Keheh, what’s the matter, lad? Too pretty to speak?” she teased him.
However, technically, she wasn’t wrong. He kept his mouth half opened and closing it multiple times, about to speak up, but never doing so. In reality, he just didn’t know what to say or what to do about this, still shocked by his own reaction. It didn’t help that Yumi didn’t seem very happy about this. While still blushing and looking down, she looked almost… angry? Or, something similar, at least. He wasn’t sure if he should even say or do anything, with her face like that. After he fully decided to not say a word, she spoke up, a few seconds afterwards.
“I’m going to take this off…” //“Wha-?? But why? Ye look so pretty with yer hair like that!” she asked, confused “I don’t care… I can’t.”
She stormed back in the bathroom with Ren following behind her, begging not to change back or undo whatever she did. However, Yumi did not listen, untying her hair and vigorously rubbing her lips with the sink’s water to remove the gloss. She wasn’t going to take off her kimono or hair brooch, but she didn’t want any of the extra pamperings.
//“Yumi, why!? This doesn’t make any sense, what yer doin’! Ye were really-” “I don’t care! I don’t want to be pretty… it doesn’t matter.” she cut her off, almost shouting. //“I don’t understand…” “I don’t want to be pretty! It’s useless! Being pretty… only brings bad things. I don’t want it to be the only thing I’m good for…” she explains. //“Wha?? Yumi, what are you-!?” “I’d rather just be normal, just average, nothing particular… just me. My mother, she only thought I was- I was only…” she started sobbing. //“Okay, okay, ssshhhhhh… it’s okay. I’m sorry, I completely forgot about that. I’m so sorry, Yumi.” she hugged her, comforting her.
They stayed like that for a little bit. G could only hear the muffled ruckus and sobs from the building, but it broke his soul nonetheless, despite not understanding the situation nor hearing what they were talking about.
Thankfully, it didn’t take too long afterward for her Yumi to calm down and come out of the bathroom with Ren by her side. She apologized to G, whom he immediately stopped her from doing so and apologized. Everyone was apologizing to each other and denying the other’s fault, it was strange. However, all was forgiven and they went back to enjoying their time at the festival. Strangely enough, her “un-pampering” herself didn’t change a thing. He still caught himself glancing at her, from time to time. Soul, still fluttery but, at least, at a normal pace.
They managed to lighten up the mood by doing some of the activities like fish bouncing, shooting targets with a toy gun and prize games, there were also shows such as plays and parasol juggling. They had a great time for hours. Gill even managed to win a cat-shaped body pillow, while Yumi won a few small Japanese ornaments. Ren, however, didn’t win anything, as she is pretty bad at games and not very lucky, but it still didn’t stop her from enjoying her time. They also enjoyed the strange form of play that Yumi explained it was called “Rakujo”, a one-person play where every character was played by one person. Her grandfather did this form of play, which she enjoyed very much.
Gill was happy to learn a little more about the Japanese culture, so was Ren, but she knew a lot more than Gill, who didn’t know much more past their clothes, food and anime. It was a great experience and it was one of those times where he honestly was thankful that he could exist to see this. Even “they” were awed by it. In fact, he didn’t even realize, until now, that he hasn’t smoked at all, today, probably because they were having too much fun.
However their time was cut short, or so it seemed. Soon, it was the countdown and they headed by the small lake in the huge park to see the fireworks. After heading to some drinks in a vending machine nearby, Ren left them to go take some snacks in a stand, further away, before it started. It gave them a moment to talk a little, without being interrupted or teased on by Ren.
“So… this is your first time, right? Celebrating the new years, I mean.” she asks, smiling warmly. *Yeah. I mean, especially a Japanese style one. he smiled back, turning to her. “Was it… fun? I hope my sudden break down didn’t ruin the mood.” her smile falls a little *No, no. It’s fine, Yumi. Besides… “… besides??” she repeats for him to continue. *I still had a ton of fun with you and… anyways, you still look cute.” she chuckles shyly a little.
In an instant, she was completely red, turning away and trying to hide her face with her hand. She didn’t expect him to say that at all, she didn’t even understand why would he even say that. She had nothing special other than the brooch and her kimono. She looked just as usual, right? She doesn’t get it. Him, despite chuckling earlier, he became a ball of embarrassment when she became so red. If course, he expected her to be a little embarrassed, but not this much. They didn’t say anything to each other for a good minute, until G finally spoke up, again.
*U-uhh… s-sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you that much. I just meant it as a friendly way, y-y'know? he scratches his face nervously. “I-It’s f-fine. A-and… u-u-ummm thanks… f-for the compliment.” she stutters, still not looking at him. *N-no, problem. he chuckles, embarrassed. //“Ooooo, gettin’ lovey-dovey behind my back so I don’t tease ye ‘till the end of time, I see?”
Awful timing for Ren to appear, right now. However, neither of them said anything, they only glanced at each other while G simply quietly scratched his face and Yumi sighed, annoyed. It seemed like not saying did the trick, considering Ren immediately tried to take a non-serious tone.
//“Come on, now. I was only jokin’! Ye two are no fun.” she pouted jokingly.
Despite looking annoyed, a few seconds ago, Yumi raised a brow and had a small grin on her face, despite still looking a little embarrassed. Although he was confused for a moment, he did eventually understand that they were joking and even started chuckling himself. Right now, that sister-motherly relationship they had shown even more, but before he could comment on it, their intention was elsewhere. The countdown was starting.
They all shouted, with everyone else, the last ten seconds of the countdown. When they reached “one”, fireworks started shooting up in the sky, exploding in different shapes, sized and colors, people around them screaming “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” as loud as they could. Yumi and Ren were ecstatic, cheering and laughing as fireworks lit up the sky. G was in awe in front of this amazing show of lights, mouth gaping open and eye sockets wide. When Yumi turned around to make a “cheer” for the New Year, she was surprised to see him so amazed by this but, a warm and gleeful smile beamed across her face.l, she poked him with her can. When he turned around a flutter flashed across his ribs, as he saw the smile she had.
“Never seen fireworks before?” she asks, still smiling. *What?? he couldn’t hear her with all the noise.
She approached him closer to where his ear would be. She could not see this, but a hint of blue had formed on his cheekbones at the gesture.
“I said: Never seen fireworks before??” she spoke a little louder. *N-no. he shook his head. “Well, I can see that you like them!” she laughs, moving away. *Y-Yeah! This is really cool. he smiled a bit awkwardly. //“Sweet Prince Asriel, KISS ALREADY!” *“WHAT?” they both shouted, not hearing what Ren said. //“Nevermind!” she giggles. “Anyway, let’s do a toast! For the New Year!” she says, turning back to G, enthusiastic. //“Good idea!” *Uh, sure. Uhh… happy New Year?? //“HAPPY NEW YEAR!!”Ren screams even louder. “H-Yeah! Ching, ching!” she laughs, clinging her can on G’s. //“Ching, ching!” Ren repeats, doing the same thing.
Confused, he still followed their motion, he guessed that it was simply what they said before cheering. It was odd, but it made him laugh. Honestly, they were happy that it turned out so well, minus the small issue in the beginning. They were having so much fun. However, it did not last long.
Ren had to leave as she was supposed to work, the day after, albeit, it was in the afternoon, she still wanted to get as much sleep as possible. It was fine for them, however, Yumi had one more stop to go to, before they head home. G had asked her multiple times where were they going, but she insisted to keep it a secret. His brow would’ve raised if he had any and her mischievous grin only made him more curious.
Once they arrived at destination, which wasn’t more than five minutes away by walking, they stopped at stairs that leads to… somewhere. Where? G didn’t know, but by Yumi’s gesture, he could guess that she was about to answer.
“Here we are!” she says, waving her hand towards the stairs. *And here is…? “Wakaba Temple!” *Huh. Sooo... why are we at a temple?he asks, curious. “Well- it’s tradition to go wish for something after the New Year! Well… normally, it’s the morning after, but I got a shift tomorrow too.” she chuckles awkwardly. *… I see. “I-Is that okay? If we go I mean.” she says, worried and unconfident about herself. *Yeah, sure. I was just wondering why didn’t you just do it another day but… I guess that’s your tradition, so I didn’t see the point of asking why. Sorry if I sounded like i was… disinterested? I was just thinking. he reassures her. “O-oh, ok! I was a little worried.” she sighs a little, relieved. *Ah, my bad. But, no, I’m actually pretty uh… happy, that you’re showin’ me all your traditions and stuff. It’s pretty cool. he smiles. “No problem! I’m really glad.” she smiles back brightly. *A-anyway, let’s go.
Another flutter. Honestly, he’s going to have to get that checked, he doesn’t understand this odd feeling in his ribs. Should he ask her? No, he was too hesitant to. Besides, it’s not like he felt sick or anything, although, it could be a pre-reaction to a strange sickness. It wasn’t like she would know, anyway, since she’s human and all. He decided to keep it to himself. Before he knew it, they arrived on the top of the long stares, where a small temple greeted them.
It was very dark, since there wasn’t much light in the area, but there clearly was some sort of rope with huge bells in the middle and small objects hanging from the side of some kind of wooden cabinet. Yumi approached the area where the rope was, glancing back to him to come with her. Something seemed familiar, like he’s seen this before, most probably in an anime. Upon approaching the area, he could distinguish small colored papers hanging from the nearby small trees. He felt like an idiot to think they were leaves, they are in the middle of winter. Before he could ask about them though, a loud but pleasant ring of bells cut his thoughts. Yumi was shaking the rope. She “clapped” on her shoulder, twice, then silence filled the area. He now understood that she was praying.
During their silence, the sudden urge to smoke came over him. He didn’t want to smoke near a sacred place, though. However, it seemed like there were ash dispensers nearby. In the end, he gave in and went to the smoking area, he didn’t smoke all day, anyway. As he was smoking, all he could hear was the wind and the sound of footsteps. Wait- but, there were more than one and they weren’t going for him. Before he knew it, unfamiliar grunts and hitting noises were heard but one voice stood out: Yumi’s. She screamed his name.
He ran back to where she was, but it was too late. Even though some of them were beaten up by her, somehow, but a few of them got a hold of her, knife to her throat. They were monsters, probably some stupid fucking radical gang that think they’re just. Do they realize they’re just as bad as humans?
”G…!” she calls him again, as she noticed him. *Let her fucking GO!
They were surprised to see another monster, they called him a “traitor" that he “shouldn’t defend cruel disgusting humans like her”. Of course, he calls bullshit, he knows better than anyone that she’s not like that, she helped him so much, after all, more than he deserved. They laugh, question if he's “her boyfriend" even go as far as saying “She’s probably just manipulating him”. Honestly, he doesn’t even bother saying anything, they’re too far up their own ass to reason with them. But… what can he even do without risking her from getting hurt? He could use his blue magic and bones, but they risk either hurting her or his own attacks would. Thankfully, “they” have a solution.
It has been a little while since he’s heard the voices speak, this much, at least. They explained to him about “Gaster Blasters”. It was the only way. However, he’s never summoned these things before, but they did sound familiar. Just as asked, he focused his negative thoughts, his anger onto a form, to see somewhere deep in the Void, in himself, something. Something powerful.
The thugs who had Yumi hostage seemed to be bored with G simply standing there. To provoke him, they pushed the knife on her neck, even more, causing to make a small cut, bleeding out a little, she barely uttered a hiss. However, it only fueled his summon, even more, his eyes, even the blind one, was burning, flickering between yellow and blue. He didn’t even realize it, but the Blasters were already summoned. The only reason he looked at his side was because the thugs looked horrified, even Yumi was shocked. As if he’s done this before, with a snap of fingers and wave of a hand, the Blasters had followed orders to attack the group, Yumi excluded. The bastard holding Yumi, however, was Blued and violently pushed away on one of the bigger trees. The others were either tackled by or barely dodged the lasers of the Blasters. It didn’t actually matter though, his intention wasn’t to kill them.
After knocking out some more bastards, Yumi ran towards G, so they could teleport out of here. Unfortunately, one of them, who wasn’t KO’ed, threw magic needles at her, which landed on her back. She didn’t even make a sound other than a sharp "gurk”, falling to the ground, right in front of G. He froze, completely shocked, rage boiling up inside of him. The thug snickered, thinking that they were done, however, it only accentuated G’s rage.
He gripped his first firmly, the pain in his eyes were hurting, even more, especially his dead one, and the pain was growing, so much so that, at some point, he couldn’t bear it. He put his hand on his blind one and felt something kind of like liquid coming out of it, as he pulled away, his hand was smeared with red. Blood!?
As he looked back on the thugs, they were cowering in fear. He was confused by this. Why would they fear someone who looked like he was bleeding? Then, a light shined behind him, a big one and very hot, like a big laser was going to shoot behind him. He turned around to the ominous presence to see a giant Gaster Blaster, terrifying and just HUGE, ready to fire. Suddenly, someone grabbed him, making him stumble a bit.
“G-G, STOP!”
Strangely enough, it made the Blaster miss as well. The thugs managed to avoid the laser, as it shot. However, the damage around them was unbelievable, it passed through the trees nearby but, thankfully barely missed the shrine. He didn’t even notice who was trying to stop him. However, the Blaster was ready to shoot again.
“G, p-please! I-I dunno… w-whats going on but…ngh… s-STOP!”
This time, they tackled him to the ground. The fall made him more conscious of his surroundings, it also made the Blaster shoot in the air missing the thugs completely. He calmed down when he finally recognized who was calling out to him. Obviously, it was Yumi, he isn’t sure how he couldn’t recognize her voice or her face when he was right in front of him, well, on him now. He was conscious the whole time, but it was as if he was “seeing red” too much to even realize what he was doing.
Before he knew it, the Blasters had disappeared and the thugs had fled. Yumi was breathing painfully. The needles were gone but she was still very clearly wounded, she was bleeding.
*Y-Yumi? Yumi, are you okay!? Oh, fuck, I’m s-sorry. I-I dunno what happened! I-I just- “I-It’s okay... y-you lost control, it’s... urk... i-it’s not your fault... and I-I’ll live... I-I just... w-want to go home.” she sobbed a little. *I-I’m not sure if we can teleport you home... are you sure you’re okay? he hesitated. “I-I’m fine...! It’s the fastest way anyway...” *O-Okay.
With that, he did as he was asked. She did get hurt a little by teleporting there, but it wasn’t much, however, she did get to half her HP, mostly because she didn’t expect the attack. 
*Alright, you should get changed, I’ll get the stuff to patch you up, just- “Wait- what?? No!” she refused. *W-what do you mean “no”? he asks, confused. “I-I can do this myself!” she insisted. *You- it’s on your back, Yumi! L-Look, I know it’s a little awkward that I’m going to see the back of your bra, but- “N-No! I-I mean... there’s th-that too b-but... I don’t... want you to see, my back.” she explained. *Why?? “... Just... promise you won’t say anything.” *I’m not sure I understand. “I don’t really want to talk about it... just... please, G.” she pleaded. *... O-Okay, I promise.
He wasn’t sure what other reason would she specifically not want him to see her back but, the way she was saying it, it was probably related to a bad memory. He didn’t know what he needed to prepare himself mentally for, but it worried him a little. What was he going to see on her back?
A few minutes later, after she changed into her pajamas, she came back with a health kit that had everything she could need to patch herself up. She sat on the sofa, giving him her back. He took out the stuff he needed while she took off her top and used it to cover her front. When he looked up again to start mending her wounds, he was shocked and understood why she was so reluctant to let him and insistent doing it herself.
Her back was filled with scars, varying from old bruises marks to small cuts. He promised not to say anything, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to. He wanted to ask her so many things. Why was she harmed so much? What caused this? Who did this!? It made him so angry a bit of DT leaked out of his blind eye. He let out a small pained grunt, covering his eye.
“A-are you okay?” she asked shyly, a little worried. *Yeah... just... something in my eye socket.
He calmed down a bit, his eyes feeling normal, continuing on mending her. He poured the alcohol on a small towel and rubbed it on her back. She was hissing and wincing a lot.
*I’m sorry, sorry. I have to. “I-I know, I know... i-it’s okay. It just burns.”
Still, he tried to be more gentle, despite not doing much of a difference. However, he was very quick, it barely took more then five minutes to mend her wounds and tape absorbent bandages on them. He healed her a little, but he’s shit at it, so it wasn’t much. She was still a little squirmish.
*Does it hurt?  “N-no it just feels... weird.” *Ah... that’s normal. Plus, I’m not very good at healing. he admits. “H-How come? Y-You’re very good at magic, though?” she asks, confused. *Well... it’s a little different... and a long story, that I don’t want to get into either. he explains vaguely. “O-Oh... s-sorry.” *Nah, it’s fine. A-anyway, you’re all set. “O-Okay.”
She painfully but quickly put her shirt back on and gets up for the sofa turning towards him after attaching her last button. She was still a little worried about him.
“A-are you sure you’re okay, G?” she asks one more time. *I’ll be fine... I’m not the one who’s hurt, am I? he chuckled tiredly. “I-I know, b-but...” *It’s okay, Yumi... I’ll just... sleep it off... I’m really tired. “O-Oh... s-sorry.” *No, it’s fine. he shook his hand and head reassuringly. “... W-Well... Good Night, then.” she said, hesitantly, smiling warmly. *Good Night...
Even with his exhausted expression, he tried his best to smile back at her. With worry painted all over her face, she doesn’t ask for more and headed to her room. This was going to be a rough night.
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trouvvaille · 7 years
Clams; Talk to your moirail.
brackishbarracuda [BB] began trolling lonelySeahorse [LS] at 5-44 AM BB- 3B* lonelySeahorse- Yesterday at 5-45 AM Hey u I uh I gotta talk to u brackishBarracuda- Yesterday at 5-46 AM well thats yeah aight whats up clams
lonelySeahorse- Today at 2-38 AM I miss my kids. Can we get them back... Please? Its too quiet. I wworry. I mean I'm sure dirk takes god care of them i just uh Need them So Yeah brackishBarracuda- Today at 2-56 AM i can bring em back to visit clams but look i know its quiet and it fucking sucks and i miss them too i still dont feel like theyre safe here love and no dirk dont do shit dave keeps em have you seen dirk with a kid its hilarious lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-41 AM I mean pike I dont doubt it but i wwant to see em Wwho are wwe hiding from noww I thought condy wwas not an issue anymore or somethin Is it sal brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-51 AM no shes still a fucking thing there were two problems but the orginal ones still there lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-51 AM godamnit howw about if wwe just movve not forevver brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-51 AM thats lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-51 AM but pike to loz's brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-52 AM love thats not the problem lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-52 AM or i knoww brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-52 AM she doesnt know where we are its me wanting to give fel and her fam someplace to go lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-52 AM i just wwant to put up solutions and feel like im helpin ZZ3B( brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-52 AM i could kiss you you know i kno its naut been easy bein with me lately or ever lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-53 AM some nights are easier than others <> the 24 hours after u cut off chos arm noww that was rough shit evverything else compared to that is pike cuttin through a cloud its just the fuckin brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-54 AM im sorry lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-54 AM its gamzee all the fuck ovver again u knoww what they say third times the charm brackishBarracuda- Today at 6-54 AM 3B( lonelySeahorse- Today at 6-54 AM ZZ3B* just kinda fuckin i unno i almost got enough of ur biolum for u to bathe in ivve started movvin them to one a the tanks ur gonna have to pike... sleep in it or just sit in there ww ur palmhusk and blog for hours ill uh join u if u wwant i dunno if the tank'd hold tho but i can put them in the big one if i take archie out lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-03 AM you uh you'll be okay u knoww its hard but you'll pull through it wwasn't ur fault you knoww that right i think i think u should spend some tide with kad u knoww they'll help u feel better brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-13 AM how the fuck wasnt it my fault clams i love you but the knife was in my hand lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-13 AM kads alwways good for a pickmeup did you knoww the knife wwas in ur hand brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-15 AM i remember picking it up lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-15 AM wwe are not responsible for our instincts they wwere responsible for aya and they hurt her and you hurt them in turn both of these wwere wwrong but neither more than the other both of them wwill scar and both of them are traumatized you wwere angry brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-18 AM stop making excuses for me lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-18 AM im not makin excuses for you it was everyones fault thats wwhat im tryin to get at cho was responsible for ayas wwellbein an they should not havve had her in the same room as a psion wwho couldn't control their powwers and you wwere supposed to do the right thing but you didn't you cut off their arm and ran awway and that is your fuckin fault but im not makin excuses for you because fuckin honestly at this point wwhat good is that shit going to do anyone you wwant to talk to them again? talk to vvis? sal? then you gotta fuckin accept that it wwas an accident and evvery single one a you wwas at fault, evven sal, evven vvis three fuckin adults in that house and not one a them coulda been wwatchin her wwith cho? bullshit its your fault but it ain't entirely yours either you knoww i havve nightmares about it and i wwasn't evven fuckin there howws that brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-22 AM what what are they about lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-22 AM that doesn't matter read wwhat i said abovve brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-22 AM it does i read it lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-22 AM yeah why brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-22 AM this matters lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-23 AM whys it matter to you so you can beat yourself up more aboat it? brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-23 AM whys it matter to me clams i am your fucking moirail it matters please lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-32 AM and as your owwn moirail i don't think you should beat yourself up ovver nightmares i havve caused by things that wwere your fault because i knoww you wwill and i don't wwant that y you got enough on your plate brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-33 AM baby please lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-33 AM tell me wwhy you're insecure then i wwill brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-33 AM which part lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-33 AM in general wwhy are you so insecure about yourself you hurt someone big fuckin wwhoop you bleww up your planet and you didn't really care about cho anywway you tried to i knoww but you didn't is it just because you lost sal? because you think you'vve lost vvis? brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-35 AM i am trying to be better clams and yes its because of that lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-35 AM once upon a time you told me u lovved me just as i am hemoism and all brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-35 AM i dont loose people well lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-35 AM and im here to tell you the same fuckin thing i dont care if u cut off my owwn fuckin arm i wwill lovve you until the day my essence dissolvves into nothing and i cease to havve the capacity to hold lovve in my soul i lovve you regardless of wwhat you do wwhose arm you chop off wwho you lose or wwhy you lose them i lovve you meen not wwhat you do or wwhat you say but because of wwho you fuckin are a free thinker wwho doesn't hold back, wwho wwould dance in the moonlight wwith her girlfriends, wwho tells people they're pretty af and means it wwithout it bein empty. ur home to me evven if you become someone you dislike you don't need to change and be "better" for me to like u i already like you vis already likes you sal liked you and so did chosis yes there are things you can improvve yes there are things you can't improvve but here and noww wwith all your insecurities and wwhen you falter, wwhen ur candle is loww, i am still here for you and don't u fuckin forget it i am your moirail and eridan fuckin ampora aight and i am right fuckin pale for the roughest, prettiest diamond i'vve evver fuckin seen brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-40 AM i love you lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-42 AM noww about those nightmares its really quite simple vvis has nightmares if wwe're sleepin at the same time wwe share em thats it thats the wwhole explanation brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-43 AM do you know what those are about or look i just want to know where hes viewin himself in relation okay is just me being dangerous is it him just watchin is it him eelin like he could have stopped me and cant like i dont care what it is i just want to know lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-44 AM hes conflicted because he lovves both of you and he thinks you hold animosity towwards him if he showws too much support for chosis and not for you thats wwhat i can glean the recurrin theme is the classic "choice" dream u knoww u can only Savve One an all that chos his kurloz, lovve, pike i don't know if you get it more wwhen i put it that wway or its pike if i personally chopped off loz's arm wwhile you wwatched thats just howw he feels an it's basically just that he doesn't fuckin knoww howw to feel i think he just needs time but thats my fuckin answer to evverythin brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-47 AM fuck lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-47 AM does that put it into more perspectivve or brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-48 AM yeah actually i fuck lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-48 AM yeah yeah im glad that helps brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-50 AM clams what have i fucking done lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-53 AM you chopped off the arm of your inclade, your moirails matesprit, wwho he has twwo eggs wwith and plans to swwap rings wwith, in defense of said matesprit's negligance towwards your owwn child wwith your dead matesprit, wwhich resulted in possibly lifelong scarrin and trauma due to their said negligance defense? offense somethin pike that you uh also faught ur best friend and bloodied him up a bit and noww he doesn't wwant to speak wwith you i guess thats wworth mentionin i mean if u ask me sal and u needed a break anywway brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-55 AM i dont like breaks clams i like fixing shit or getting it over with i like shit in the air not festering i like honest real fucking answers and not hiding behind shit and lying to yourself and im fucked lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-56 AM okay so u knoww howw i compared chosis to kurloz there right, for vvis noww i need you to think a me or actually think a kad if u cut off kads arm and lil sal wwas there wwatchin an the twwo a you fought brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-57 AM i wouldnt be alive clams lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-57 AM see to me that says sal still fuckin lovves you brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-58 AM he shouldnt lonelySeahorse- Today at 7-58 AM no he shouldn't but he does evven if he aint realize it yet he just needs time maybe you could send him a couple of anon asks to see howw he feels about it evveryonce in a wwhile brackishBarracuda- Today at 7-59 AM he doesnt deserve the shit i bring to his doorstep clams he deserves people who are gonna make him happy and that aint been me for a while lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-01 AM then i guess u got an oppurtunity here but u gotta ask urself howw happy is he gonna be wwith you gone howw happy are you gonna be wwith him gone the twwo a you are older than me and you you do fuckin realize that right pike you'vve been together since before u evven met me hell probs before rez or fangs or around that time he's the only one left besides cro and tuna wwho knowws You so if you wwant to leavve him thats up to you he's already made his choice but i fuckin promise you in twwo months he's gonna be wwaitin to see if you'll try to get back in his life and fuckin honestly i'd be disappointed if you didn't an he wwould be too and you fuckin knoww it don't kid urself howw many times has he hurt us howw many fuckin times has he hurt me put vvis through a wwall broke my nose gavve you scars but howw many times did he come back, huh or helped you evven if u twwo wwere havvin trouble you think a that brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-06 AM i miss him i miss who we were lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-06 AM wwhen did it change wwhat happened wwhy brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-06 AM i dont know i dont fucking know lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-07 AM i do you wwant to knoww? brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-07 AM why naut lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-07 AM wwhen he finally stopped puttin you up on that pedestal wwhen he finally had to come to grips wwith the fact u wweren't and are not perfect wwhen he finally had to fuckin realize that you are not his rescuer but his friend he put u up on a throne and u didn't wwant it and he couldn't see that and evvery single fuckin time you twwo fought it wwas because u didn't see eye to eye because you wwere still twwenty feet abovve him, to him cho thought it too wwe wwere talkin they said sal wwas upset because "he lost his rock" an i said buddy if u think meenah wwas his rock ur wwrong" because u wweren't and if u think that you're wwrong a rope throwwn to him maybe givven him hope givven him a friend but somethin to hold onto wwhen the lights go out nah u wwere his lighthouse like u are mine you light the wway but he doesn't cling to u wwith his problems he clings to cho and YOU fuckin knoww that and you need to stop thinkin that cho isn't fuckin wworthy or somethin of bein sals moirail an also simultaneously thinkin that u gotta measure up to chosis wwith sal are you pale for salinx? no? then you ain't gotta brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-12 AM i was once i know you remember lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-12 AM yeah and i wwas flushed for u once too its hard to stop those feelins but u just gotta grit ur teeth and go at it brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-13 AM i mean im naut anymore but yeah lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-14 AM just in case, i gotta say it stop bein fuckin envious of wwhat they got an the fact that sal is tellin cho evverythin an not u brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-15 AM i fucking hate myself for it but i cant even tell you youre fucking wrong lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-19 AM i knoww just you knoww stop it nerd <> brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-19 AM look they werent fucking worthy when i met them just to be straight with you lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-19 AM but you aint givven them the chance since u think i dont knoww that they bruised me, pushed me ovver brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-20 AM im naut done lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-20 AM aight im wwaitin tho brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-22 AM chosis wasnt shit when i met them but if i can stand back away from my own shit for two seconds theyve grown a hell of a lot they grew into it which idk is probably the point or something just cause i couldnt sea it and i can admit that to you but trying to say that to anybody else pisses me off ive got problems the point im making is that they arent a bad kid and clearly they take decent fuckin care a sally an sal them i was just idk i reely dont like thinking aboat this lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-26 AM yeah wwhale suck it up and talk to me about it ZZ3B\ brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-27 AM ive p much made my point theyre betta than they were and im recognizing that ive known that for a while lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-27 AM but u still assumed they wwere the one wwho hurt aya brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-28 AM when i got there there was all of two people and i knew it was sal i jumped to a conclusion an it was the wrong one lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-29 AM yeah but u wwere alwwavves more heart than head brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-30 AM yeah for betta oar worse lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-31 AM this just happens to be one a the wworse ... you'll be okay and so wwill sal, and so wwill cho, and so wwill vvis, and aya too it just takes time an lovve an determination don't givve up on them aight? lovve u <> brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-32 AM i love you too <> just so fucking much clams lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-32 AM ZZ3B* brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-33 AM i couldnt tell you if i tried you are my rock you know no pedestal no rope no lighthouse lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-37 AM yeah i do brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-37 AM youre my rock lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-37 AM ur my rock and my lighthouse brackishBarracuda- Today at 8-37 AM where i build home lonelySeahorse- Today at 8-37 AM ur my evverythin ... what are u gonna do brackishBarracuda - Today at 8:41 AM whatever i have to lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:42 AM yeah? brackishBarracuda - Today at 8:46 AM as fuckin always lonelySeahorse - Today at 8:47 AM come on more than that brackishBarracuda- Today at 8:49 AM i dont know clams but im naut givin up lonelySeahorse- Today at 8:49 AM good <> brackishBarracuda - Today at 8:50 AM <>
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 8]
And here we are at the end. I hope you’ve all been enjoying the ride, because it’s about to get a whole lot weirder in this, the final chapter.
Warnings this time around: a whole lot of drug use, some underage drinking, DUI but it’s okay because Tiaa is a vampire, bestiality, and an attempted sexual assault. Also did I mention drug use? There’s a lot of drug use.
Recap: Tiaa met a panda bear named Snoofles on her way to school (please don’t think too hard about this) and learned that she can now talk to animals, among other abilities. Thanks to a vague new ability of hers, she accidentally made her mean classmate Lauren get struck by lightning while they were in a verbal spat. Edward finally decided to leave Bella for Tiaa and the two celebrated by having sex in the middle of the school. Bella walked in on them and got upset.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
hey guys sory its been so long since an update, i hav been so busy latley. sooooo..i had a fight with my old beta but i have a new 1 now an she is helpin me byut she is on vacaton this wk and next so i promise i will sort the spellin mistaks out wen i can!
Did she refuse to beta your fic after you stole her poster of Gerard Way?
Chapter 8 - the Kidnap
I sat alone in the changes rooms, i was all most naked and looked awsome with my exotic lithely hair falling down over my face like a curtan of soft yellow cream with bits of purple in it but I didnt care how beautifull or eqxisite I was any more. 
Tiaa doesn’t care how beautiful she is, but she had to start the sentence off by reminding us all how beautiful she is. And that she looks awesome. And her hair is exotic.
Whatever that means.
Edward was gone. he had left to follow Bella to stop her from killin herself and i was SO mad. 
Wait, are you mad Edward is attempting to prevent Bella from committing suicide?
how coud he leave me like that after sayin bella was a cow and he didnt like her no more? 
That doesn’t mean he’s fine with letting her make attempts on her own life, Tiaa.
I was pissed! and the tears were falling down my face like a tepid summer rain of misery and woe. 
I love this goddamn sentence.
So i went home and skipped school and sat in my room in my black corset and leather panties and i smoked some drugs and started to weep. 
To be fair, this is a really solid stoner-goth aesthetic she has going.
…wait, hold up, leather panties? 
Leather panties?
dave came in and made a big smiley face.
He’s in a really good mood for someone whose brother was murdered hours ago.
"hi tiaa! I didnt no you were home! how was school today?" (he didnt notice i was smokin drugs he thougt my cigarete of pot was a chapstick)
Okay, for the sake of argument, I’ll buy that Dave visually mistook a spliff for chapstick… but can he not smell that she’s smoking weed?
"it sucks!my life sucks and i want to DIE!" i scremed and my eyes glitered with beauty.
Love how Tiaa is suicidal but still needs to make sure we know how pretty she is at all times. Reminds me of the bit in “My Immortal” where Enoby was flirting while sobbing.
"u teenagers and ur problems, LOL!" he said laughing a lot, and i knew he thougt i was just some silly kid wineing about homework and dumb boys and stuff. 
Well, replace “homework” with “getting raped by the relative of a caregiver, turning into a vampire, and accidentally seriously injuring a classmate” and Dave’s on the money.
he didnt no i had killed a man and lost the love off my life and had made lauren get hit by lighting and that all the kids at school thougt i was a freak becase my face and bodys were so diffrent from everyone elses.
Do I really need to tell this girl to stop humanizing her rapist? She killed him in self-defense! It was one hundred percent justified! C’mon, Tiaa, don’t be so hard on yourself.
Also, nobody cares about Lauren.
"dave your a good person but ur SO FUCKIN DUMB! YOU ASSHOLE!" i shouted at him and i threw my ashtray at his head WITHOUT TOUCHING IT (i could make stuff move when i was angry now...it was so weird! why did this have too happen to me!)
Well, yeah, that is weird, but I don’t get the woe-is-me attitude about it. Telekinesis is a really cool ability. Also, turns out Dave is literally so dumb that you can be an obvious nonhuman smoking weed in bed while screaming about wanting to die and he’ll take you for an ordinary teenage girl holding a tube of chapstick.
"haha, i guess your right" he laughed (he thougt i was joking, i wasnt spoiled or anythin) 
…so did the ashtray miss?
"its so nice havin you hear tiana, your so pretty. i swear your even prettier than before! 
I can’t help but feel that the amount Dave and Marie compliment Tiaa on her looks borders on inappropriate, considering she is sixteen and they are her foster parents. 
and i think your boobs hav grown!" 
Case in point.
"yeh i no they are like an E cup now" i said.
I guess it’s a good thing she’s a vampire, then, since I’m pretty sure vampires can’t get back problems.
Wait. Can vampires get high? Does being high feel different if you’re a vampire?
Dave smiled and patted me on the head and left.
That Dave!
I was so sick of bein treated like a kid and no one listenin to me that i got up and got dresed in a long black dress and took some pills (of drugs) and went out to the local nightclub which was called Pablo NIghtmare - it was a goth club were all the cool people went in forks. 
Listen, I don’t know Washington State, but in my neck of the woods small towns don’t have goth nightclubs. 
I love that she specified the pills were drugs, in case we thought they were sugar pills or something. 
bella probably had never even heard of it, LOL! 
If there is a goth nightclub in your small town, I guarantee you everyone has heard of it.
i met snoofles on the way and he came with me. 
You’re taking the panda out clubbing?
we went to the club and got drinks and started dancing to the heavy metal music. 
…I’m starting to get very confused about Snoofles. My initial impression was that he’s a regular panda bear, but Tiaa is able to communicate with him because she’s a vampire and can talk to all animals now. But I don’t think ordinary pandas go to clubs, get drinks, and dance to heavy metal music.
Although I’ve never met one, so I could be wrong.
ppl there stared at us cos i was so diffrerent looking and Snoofles was a panda, but we didnt care we were havin so much fun we were SO drunk and had taken a lot of drugs so my head was fuzzy like there was snow everywhere.
I adore the similes in this fic. No idea what Tiaa is on but I definitely know what the author means by feeling like there’s snow everywhere in your head.
"hi your called Tiana arent you? I am Jasper and I go to your school" said Jasper Cullen who was tall with blond curly hair like straw only soft and nice and not dry. 
So… not like straw, then.
he was tall. 
Yeah, you mentioned.
he was wearin a black pulover and red metal pointy shoes. (AN - haha, that descripton sounded beter in my head, OH WELL!)
No, it’s good, I dig it. Simple goth on top, bling on the bottom, may or may not be wearing pants? It’s a look.
"hey whatever" i said. "why arent you with that girl i all ways see you with?
"you mean my GF alice," he said and locked soddenly very sad and started to cry and bite down hard on his lips.
"what is wrong Jasper?" i said
"the problem is i dont love her like she loves me. i am gay, and thats wrong, and i feel so horible about it!" 
Of course he’s gay. Look at his outfit! Look at those shoes! I can’t even see him for real and my gaydar is going wild.
"theres nothing bad about bein gay u no" i said. 
"REALLY?" he sed, and looked chocked with his mouth open.
Good on Tiaa for being an ally. I love how Jasper reacts as though he’s never considered the possibility that his gayness might be alright. He’s a vampire too and has been alive for well over a century, so that’s a lot of internalized homophobia… but he’s also been around to witness the entire modern LGBT rights movement, so you’d think he might have gotten the “it’s okay to be gay” message before.
"yeah, its proper normal and Snoofles is gay and everything" i said and Snoofles waved and Jasper waves back. 
If you just got a bad feeling about what might happen next, trust your fucking instincts.
he smiled and we all stared dancing together and Jasper gave us some of his drugs.
I really wanna know what they’ve been taking, because even though Tiaa isn’t human I feel like anyone who can get high should have to worry about drug interactions. Weed and alcohol is fine, but aside from that I have no idea what the hell Tiaa is on except that she described it as “pills” and a lot of drugs that come in pill form do not play nice with alcohol. She probably isn’t going to fry her liver or anything like that given that she’s essentially undead, but I doubt she’s immune to having a bad trip.
we had a relay good time and jasper met another gay guy called Vince and we all got in Snoofleses car at the end of the night and i drove around while the others all had sex in the back of the car. 
A note: At this point in the story I quite literally had to stop the MST for a bit so I could pour myself a very stiff drink. 
The panda has a car. The panda is having a threesome with a vampire and a human in the back of his car while another vampire drives it. This is treated as normal because the panda and his two human(oid) sexual partners happen to all be gay.
Like, I’d normally feel pretty weird about the “promiscuous gay” stereotype being invoked, but I’m way too busy feeling weird that the author thinks it’s normal for gay guys to want to screw a panda because the panda happens to be gay too. Also, keep in mind Snoofles can only talk to Tiaa — the dudes he’s having sex with can’t understand him. I’m gonna say a panda who behaves like a human and owns a car is probably capable of consenting, but I still feel mighty weird about the idea that two dudes who perceive Snoofles as an ordinary, non-talking panda would want to have a threesome with him.
I guess the promiscuity aspect isn’t even bad considering how Tiaa and Edward have been acting with each other throughout the fic. The bestiality, though, I have trouble overlooking.
(i was drunk but cos i was a vampire it was ok to drive i had beter reflex than humans!)
Sure, but do you even know how to drive? In most states, it’s not legal to get a learner’s permit until you’re Tiaa’s age, so we’re not talking “experienced driver with superhuman reflexes,” we’re talking “superhuman reflexes, but on somebody who quite possibly has never sat in the driver’s seat of a car before.”
but soddenly somethin jumped into the road infront of us and i had to stop the car and get out. there was a man standin in the middle of the road he was tall and mussely and had black hair like the black feathers of a raven in the black darkness. 
But was his black hair like the black feathers of a black raven in the black darkness? I just want to be clear on the color.
he was good looking but he looked so angry i got out my samurai sword (i often have it with me!) but somone jammed up behind me and tore it from me, there were like ten people all grabbing my body in the darkness and they put a thing over my face so i coudnt see and they tied me up! 
Oh, of course, her samurai sword. Yep. Been with her the whole time.
Jasper Snoofles and Vince were too busy doing gay sex on each other to notice, i cud hear them grunting and humping and having orgasms on each other - it was so cute but now was SO not the time! 
She’s being attacked by a group of ten or more people, who have overpowered her, restrained her, and blindfolded her, in the middle of the road. Three people (well, a person, a vampire, and a panda) are present and they don’t notice this happening at all.
Like… I know they’re all intoxicated and, uh, otherwise occupied at the moment, but did they not at least pause to notice Tiaa slamming on the brakes to avoid colliding with a stranger in the road?
The men who had caught me took me away and somethin hit me over the head and i was unconshous.
when i awoken i found myself in a small dark room and the tall mussel man was in front of me. i was strip down to my underwear and i was chained to a chair with some metal chains and i coudnt move.
Tiaa has superhuman strength and reflexes. She has telekinetic abilities. She can affect objects and people by touching them. 
Yet she can’t get out of being chained to a chair?
I call BS.
She sounds like Wheatley from “ITS MY LIFE!” now.
"I AM JACOB...THE WEREWOLF KING!" he yelled with his eyes rolling around in his face - he looked so mad and CRAZY!
Jacob’s a big dude who can turn into a wolf, but he’s also about fifteen and just learning about the whole werewolf thing, so I doubt he’d be “king” of anything. Also Tiaa could take him easy.
"NOOOOOOO!" I scremed and i try to broke myself free but i was under so many heavy chains so i looked into his wagging face insted.
I don’t know why she reacted so negatively to Jacob’s response. There is a longstanding vampire/werewolf feud in the Twilight universe, but Tiaa is very newly turned and shouldn’t know about any of that yet. Learning your kidnapper is a werewolf sucks, but if you’re already a vampire you’ve got an edge too.
"Watt do u want from me? why am i here?" i say and i started to cry.
"YOU MUST BE PUNISHED FOR WHAT YOU DID TO BELLA SWAN!" he shreeked and the drool was sloapping down his face just like rain only thick and foam-like. 
So… not like rain, then.
I’ve got to change this blog’s name right away. I don’t know what I was thinking naming it “The Half-World” when I could have named it “The Half-Bread.”
Also, hold up — what did Tiaa do to Bella? Is this just about “stealing” Edward? Jacob and Edward aren’t exactly buddy-buddy, and if Bella’s single Jacob has a chance with her, so if anything I think he owes Tiaa a thank-you.
Well, this really does speak for itself.
This dude was insane, he was so angery he was jumpin up and down. 
Sounds like my second-grade teacher. She was the daughter of a well-known Republican senator and she had to resign after she tied a kid to a chair with a jump rope. True story.
But something he said had caugt my attention .
Good job on the punctuation.
"What do u mean my mom was a whitch?" I said.
What do you think he meant, genius?
I guess this does explain Tiaa’s extra powers, but, I have to say, I don’t think Jacob gets to criticize anyone else for being freaky when he can turn into a wolf.
Of corse! It all made sense now! 
It didn’t all make sense. There’s still an interspecies gay threesome that needs explaining.
I was so shocked I fainted,
and also got my periods and commas mixed up,
When i woke up Jacob was in front of me and he was NAKED! He was smilling in a proper creepy way and looked totaly weird like a greasy frog thing and his male genital item was not nice like edwards it was like a horible wet mushroom.
Honest to god I love these similes. 
he stroked my knee with it and i gapsed. whatt was he going to do to me! 
I think I have an idea, actually.
but sudenly before he coud come any closer the door of the room we were in burst open!
Here to save the day! And to end the fic, because this is it for “Forbiden Fruit”: BeckyMac666 left us all on a cliffhanger, so we’ll never know what happens.
I do genuinely love this fanfic. I love how it’s written, I love the similes, I love the purple prose and the melodramatic tone, and I love my girl Tiaa. It’s a truly fantastic badfic, and I’m happy I got to introduce others to it, too.
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cmrnfry · 8 years
hey, so I'm p sure I followed you a while back when we were in the same fandom((s)??? idk) but I still follow you now bc you seem really cool and you post a lot of pretty anime gifs. anyway I was just wondering what akira was about bc I've never seen it, and it looks really interesting so i'm wondering if I should check it out. so what's like, the basic rundown of the plot? thank you for helpin me out
sure!!! i’ll give a Vague description of the movie.. but not th manga cause its rlly long and even though the movie will probably be harder to follow w/o having read the manga, it’s a big commitment u kno. so um i’m gonna be vague so i don’t spoil much even tho i’ve been reblogging a million gifs. also i’m on mobile so idk how to put it under a cut i am So Sorry BUT:
so obvi it’s after world war III but it turns out the war was actually caused by a child who was taken in after being discovered to have psychic abilities, then tested on heavily for having the potential to be extremely powerful, n then losing control and basically becoming a meat sack of power and , Hng, Exploding. but with him there were like . fuck . twenty? HNGG I GUESS twenty other kids like him but tht didnt have the same Power? I Guess ? idk how to explain it but these kids were discovered, secretly tested on in hopes for being used in the military, then one of them EXPLODED !! AND THAT KID WAS NAMED AKIRA AAAA anyway so That Happens but the shitheads who tested on him still had to keep all the Experiments a secret so they covered it up w/ the War Excuse. but guess WHAT! they still kept the kids and gave them their medicine and kept them secret and theyre not even kids anymore? its been like 30yrs? and only three of them survived the explosion ITS FUCKED theyre wrinkly and little but they each have their own little powers its great. thats the BackStory I Guess that wasn’t explained in the movie. im worried i got some of that wrong but i havent read it in its entirety in a long time so (SHRUGS) CANT BLAME ME OK LOL
ok but like the thing abt the Powers the children have is tht iirc its like passed down thru generations or smth ? im gonna act confidentsososo Basically the movie is abt a biker gang of 15/16yr old kids? 16/17? theyre our main characters. they have no parents but they have Cool Bikes. the main members that we Get To Know r kaneda (the leader), yamagata, kaisuke, and tetsuo! there r other members but fuck them i guess. so we follow them as one of the members (tetsuo!) comes into contact with one of the three little kids (i call them kids but theyre not) who tried to escape from the nursery all three of them are kept in. so tetsuo crashes his motorcycle into the guy and explodes and hes like HHHUYGGHHYYUUGG u kno. layin on th groundso now the Government Ppl who were comin to get the wrinkly buddy back in his nursery home see that tetsuo touched his Power n were like well fuck bring him in too lolso they TOOK TETSUO AAHH and kaneda’s like NO!!! and they do little brain tests on him and give him shots and pills and shit n they see, woah, would u look at that?, he has the potential to become as powerful as akira!!!!!!!! SO UH LETS FUCK HIM Up n try again w the whole capturing-god’s-power thing cause we’re selfish pigs Just don’t let him explode this time!!!!
so that’s uh the basic plot theres also kei she’s cool but is pretty useless in the movie so fuck her too i gue
but um! if u end up watching the movie and wanting to read the manga then here is me trying to convince u to: a shit ton more character development, a shit ton more kei i mean a SHITE ton, a shit ton more kaisuke, more kaori we love kaori, n characters tht didnt make it to the movie that are … So good
also the manga ends up taking place between like Two completely different and surreal aesthetics while the movie gives you.. just one . if you care
but ya thats me rambling about akira im sorry if it doesnt make sense!!!!! thank u for taking interest its a long movie But its very dear to me and its beautiful and funny and tragic and it’ll make u angry but also glad and its good????its a masterpiece so i hope u watch it lol
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fromanartistsheart2 · 5 years
Inspired by
"13 Reasons Why" Response [From the Other Side] by Anderson Burrus
Wall of tears that I never held back
I never dreamed things would ever get this bad
I hate the week even more than the weekend
But the pain won't stop even when I fall asleep
The clock is blarin' get up
I open up my eyes
The smile on my face is how I try to disguise...
Or that nobody buys
Cuz some still see the signs
Cuz I've never been good @ convincin' them I'm fine
Plannin' for Sa-tur-day
'Cause that's the way I can handle it
Break down w/ depression
Run away to hide it from them
Already claimed my social life
Pushing people away from me
I look into the future
And there's nothing w/out my kids n it
I wanna get a place for us then get my babies back
Now I struggle to accept the fact
I prob'ly never will
Lots of people will miss me
I never was a burden
So it wasn't really truth inside
It was only disservice
That makes me nervous
Cuz I don't wanna end my life
Thinkin' my babies growin' up w/out their mommy
Husband might find out & since I don't wanna hurt him like that
I've scrolled thru my contacts & I've looked for a friend to call
Putting down the phone wondrin' how many lives I've touched
They don't know how to help me
'Cuz they've bottled theirs up
Most my life ignored me
Say they don't wanna hear it
Tell me I'm not suicidal,
I'm just a fuckin' drama queen
Choke down the pills prescribed
Don't feel any dif-fer-ent
But take that whole bottle?
I'd b Hellbound not Heavensent
I don't think that's the answer
Cause I really wanna live
But whatever happens afterwards
Has got to be better...
Has got to be better
It has got to be better
That's how it is when u cant think
That's when it'll happen
When u act, not think
Said I was bi-polar
Needed help
Instead of helpin' me out
Dad pushed me to the brink
Those thoughts of doin' dumb shit
Just rolled 'round n my brain
That's when I realized that my life went down the drain
Grab the phone to call my man
And he got there n time
Girl n high school
Guess she couldn't take it
During art class w/ razors
She decided to cut...
Heard someone say she was "one of the lucky"
I've fought a mental battle and trust me, it isn't easy
I went to the ther-a-py
I've went for 2 years
I talked to them alot and
they didn't really speak
I am depressed but getting better
At least I hope he's right
Every single day
I fight w/ all my fuckin' might
I won't forget the moments
The entire time I get to spend w/ my kids
Y didn't more reach out
Since they think I'm broken?
I'd do anything for someone
And I don't even know them
My tears have been flowin'
But they aren't all for one
I have cried for my family
I have cried for my friends
If u really cared about me
Where were u when I called?
That's y I hope u see suicide for what it is...
It's selfish
Yeah that sounds cruel
Sounds like I'm trying to paint a target on a victim
But I know what anxiety is like
It's easy blamin' the disease
People need u
People really do love u for who u r
Makes u feel at fault
But no one really does blame u
The minute that u end it all
U destroy them
Believe me I've seen the effects
My family went thru it
My aunt Ashley tried to do it
When we were only in high school
B/c now I am happy
But I never would've known
True love really does exist,
& Life can b really beautiful
I know for some it ain't
And it really fuckin' stinks
And I don't know the
Answer to that yet
But it's not giving in
It's not dyin' n your bed
Pills make u dead
U can't handle the strife
But to others u give new life
So fight & do what is right
Fuck your list of reasons
B/c once u end it all, you're done
There's no 2nd season
But that's how others depict it
Misrepresent it
As a way to get away
As a way to get notariety
But after a couple months,
And most ppl start movin' on
And your RIP hashtag on Facebook quits trendin'
But the ones who loved u
Their sufferin' ain't ended
Cuz your death was catastrophic
Could it have been prevented?
U leave them brokenhearted
They're up worrying all night
Wish they could do something to make it right
Copyright From A Poet's Heart
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