revvelations an change
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Prince Eridan ‘Clams’ Ampora 80 swweeps on Novv.23.2020M!A- None Once, you were exiled. Then, you were loved, cherished, by those you cared about. Your life hasn't been easy. But through it all, you always thought somewhat highly of yourself. You are Eridan Ampora and no one had better forget it. Currently you reside in a lighthouse off a cliff in a new world. You live here with your moirail, Meenah, and your combined family, wrigglers, pets, friends, and the occasional Captor dropping by. You're doing pretty good. You've been working on some house-hold tasks, most of which involve some form of woodworking, surprisingly. It's a good hobby to have picked up. Each day, you put yourself to work making your lighthouse home just a little bit better for your family. Some of your self worth has been restored to you by your lovely friends. Thanks to them, you again feel princely. With princely goddamn horns, too. [Just updated this url in March of 2018- Any broken links, please report!
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
1) tall or short
2) shy/quiet or loud/outgoing (introvert or extrovert) ?
3) rude or polite
4) weird or Normal
5) funny or serious
6) intimidating or friendly
7) negative or postitive
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
i am flabberghasted 
the fuck- howw does it evven wwork
howw does it make noise like that isn’t that pike a fuckin
there we go now we’re on the 2ame page
ii can 2ee why you’d liike them, though iit2 not liike, my giig
mo2tly becau2e of 2ome bad memoriie2
ii dont hone2tly really know what mu2iic ii liike, iit2 ju2t whatever ii happen two fancy at any giiven tiime, random 2hiit that tiickle2 me or hiit2 me ju2t riight
although anythiing by the floppatron ii2 fuckiing great
by… the wwhat? is that a band oar
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
there we go now we’re on the 2ame page
ii can 2ee why you’d liike them, though iit2 not liike, my giig
mo2tly becau2e of 2ome bad memoriie2
ii dont hone2tly really know what mu2iic ii liike, iit2 ju2t whatever ii happen two fancy at any giiven tiime, random 2hiit that tiickle2 me or hiit2 me ju2t riight
although anythiing by the floppatron ii2 fuckiing great
by... the wwhat? is that a band oar
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
oh, shit
yeah uhh saury, mostly, i really like the fuckers an it’s stupid early
ain’t evven gotten outta my chair yet, got meen sleepin wwith her head in my lap like a fucking godsend
anyway lets see uhhh
i like them all, firstly, because of the wway they sound, rye wwhiskey because it details a vvery common problem i used to havve an occassionally havve a little trouble wwith, there are some vvery relatable lines in it like “I’ll eat wwhen i’m hungry, i’ll drink wwhen I’m dry, if the hard times don’t kill me I’ll lay dowwn an die”. 
there are pike three different vversions of it too, pike it’s originally a ranchin song but i think somewwhere along the line a sea shanty vversion was made 
old maui i just
fuck wwhere do i begin wwith this one
it hits a tone in my pumper that i thought i’d lost. the lyrics are poignant an the vversion i listen to is beautifully harmonized 
my favvorite part of the lyrics is uh
Once more we sail with a northerly gale Through the ice and wind and rain. Them coconut fronds, them tropical lands We soon shall see again. Our stu'n's'l booms is carried away What care we for that sound? A living gale is after us, Thank God we're homeward bound.
i dunno its really just a good one an possibly my favvorite. 
then y’got santiana wwhich is just a fuckin classic bout a clipper ship an a general named taylor, the lyrics don’t evvoke the same emotions in me as old maui does but the tune is a right good one t’sing to
i’m gonna be right realistic wwith you but i ain’t got the foggiest fuckin idea of howw to explain a sea shanty to you other than the seafarin workin song 
commonly sung by sailors, about sailin, monstrous beasts, or lovers, to interrupt the monotony of a day out on the wwaters an provvide some pleasure amidst it, most of them were themselvves monotonous or long but had a hard, rhythmic beat to them an wwere rather easy to remember 
recently gettin famous because a people singin them on singin apps an makin vvideos to them an such because most a them are haunting an beautiful an look, since it’s probably the best example, go look up “Wellerman” by ‘The Longest Johns’, then come back here an tell me wwhat you found an wwhat you think
okay tiime out ii already 2aiid ii know what 2hantiie2 are and have even heard 2ome of them, ii meant more what are the2e 2ong2 liike why do you liike them, liike you ju2t went at me liike ii’d recogniize all the2e name2 and ii had no iidea what any of them 2ound liike, but 2ure ii’ll giive that a lii2ten
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
that is, first a all, interestin an rather theatrical, I’ve heard stuff such as that beshore but nevver quite uh
thought of it as “metal”. it’s still quite good though. 
…. rock vversions a sea shanties. are you fuckin. wwhat. sorry for the late reply i just had to take a fuckin moment an process wwhatevver the fuck you just said…
though uh… huh. wwonder if meen wwould like that genre… got a favvorite one or ww/e you wwere listenin to?
thii2 one wa2 really good, and II wa2 wrong thii2 ii2 called piirate metal
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
i’m gonna be right realistic wwith you but i ain’t got the foggiest fuckin idea of howw to explain a sea shanty to you other than the seafarin workin song 
commonly sung by sailors, about sailin, monstrous beasts, or lovers, to interrupt the monotony of a day out on the wwaters an provvide some pleasure amidst it, most of them were themselvves monotonous or long but had a hard, rhythmic beat to them an wwere rather easy to remember 
recently gettin famous because a people singin them on singin apps an makin vvideos to them an such because most a them are haunting an beautiful an look, since it’s probably the best example, go look up “Wellerman” by ‘The Longest Johns’, then come back here an tell me wwhat you found an wwhat you think
oh, pike aboat space piratin an such i assume.
my personal favvorites are rye wwhiskey, old maui, an santiana. got a couple others i like too such as leavve her johnny an bully in the alley but those are the main three if i had to pick em.
an wwellerman but evveryone lovves wwellerman, perfect example of a shanty.
did you knoww that in the song “tonguin” doesnt refer to wwhat people think it means?
thii2 ii2 completely iincomprehen2iible congratulatiion2
no iit wa2 a miilliiatry ve22el at the tiime.
ii have no iidea what any of the2e 2ong2 are do you thiink you could liike
..expand on thii2 a liittle?
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
oh, pike aboat space piratin an such i assume.
my personal favvorites are rye wwhiskey, old maui, an santiana. got a couple others i like too such as leavve her johnny an bully in the alley but those are the main three if i had to pick em.
an wwellerman but evveryone lovves wwellerman, perfect example of a shanty.
did you knoww that in the song "tonguin" doesnt refer to wwhat people think it means?
i knoww its ass o clock in the fuckin mornin but no takers? cmon someone ask me aboat my favvorite shanties an sea-singin songs
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
.... rock vversions a sea shanties. are you fuckin. wwhat. sorry for the late reply i just had to take a fuckin moment an process wwhatevver the fuck you just said...
though uh... huh. wwonder if meen wwould like that genre... got a favvorite one or ww/e you wwere listenin to?
oh reely? its a pretty common one too but i ain’t a fan of it perchsonally, too fastpaced for me, i’m more a likin the slow an steady ones wwith good beats.
oh an wwhat DO you do wwith a drunken sailor?
y'put him in bed wwith the captains daughter a course, hahah. ZZ3B)
2omeone 2howed me 2ome liike, rock ver2iion2 of 2ea 2hantiie2 pretty recently but II don’t know the word2 two tho2e, they were good though II liiked them
II donno about 2low,,
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
i knoww its ass o clock in the fuckin mornin but no takers? cmon someone ask me aboat my favvorite shanties an sea-singin songs
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
oh reely? its a pretty common one too but i ain't a fan of it perchsonally, too fastpaced for me, i'm more a likin the slow an steady ones wwith good beats.
oh an wwhat DO you do wwith a drunken sailor?
y'put him in bed wwith the captains daughter a course, hahah. ZZ3B)
It's nice t'see shanties are becomin a wwee bit more uh
i keep seein wwellerman croppin up now...
wwonder if any a you can go a guessin my favvorites?
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
It's nice t'see shanties are becomin a wwee bit more uh
i keep seein wwellerman croppin up now...
wwonder if any a you can go a guessin my favvorites?
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trouvvaille · 4 years ago
there’s something about the sight of steps leading down into the water. it feels like the ocean telling me to come home
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trouvvaille · 5 years ago
i wwant evveryone to knoww meenah fell asleep immediately in my lap holdin my hand an if i try to movve evven the slightest bit, her grip increases 
i fuckin lovve this gill
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trouvvaille · 5 years ago
It’s no information that isn’t public. You seem paranoid, why is that?
if its public wwhy are you askin me then
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trouvvaille · 5 years ago
You two are very cute. You seem very protective of her over a simple question.
thats cause questions aint often simple an are followwed by more trouble than they’re wworth
case in point, you ready to jump dowwn my throat for protectin my moirail’s privvate information about her privvate life 
wwhats it to you if she sleeps good or bad?
i aint trustin you greyfaces as far as i can throww you
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trouvvaille · 5 years ago
simple answwer bein that she can't noww come on ovver here an get ready for the forehead smoochin
hey look whos up <>
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trouvvaille · 5 years ago
Does your moirail? Have trouble sleeping often? How long have you been together?
first of all that ain’t none a your fuckin business an second of all... about... three swweeps. or around fivve an a half human years thereaboats
i aint keepin track i just lovve the fuck troutta her an time just passes, simple as that
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