#yumi kizui
black-owl-arts · 1 year
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Yumi's makeover!
I haven't drawn Yumi in a while and I've been thinking about making her a little more neon/space punk. This is kind of like a profile pic for her.
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drawn-to-space · 2 years
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I forgot to post this yesterday, but I drew Yumi in a FF14 monk outfit I found!
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black-owl-nebula · 2 years
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New Year! New Yumi!
Wanted to freshen up Yumi's look because I started getting tired of her hair a bit;;; But I like this hairstyle so much!
There might be old art I finish of her with her old hair, but I'm transitioning into making this her new design!
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two-in-one-skele · 6 years
A REALLY SAD AND BAD DRABBLE!! Yes, I should be writing and finishing Purple Bones but SHOOSH it’s late, and my brain is making up some SAD SHIT!
Unfortunately, this is kind of(?) spoilers for PB, but also it’s kind of an AU thing where I thought “What if Yumi and Gill rebecame friends before he liked/if he never met Rony and everything went wrong?” and uuuhhhhh this monstrosity happened.
It’s been a little while since they’ve apologized to each other, but things were still a little awkward. He might’ve not told her, but it was a little obvious that he still had, at least, lingering feelings for her. But, neither of them wanted to let a good friendship get ruined because of something like that. 
They often hung out together with either Ren or Grizelda, whom Yumi was fascinated by with her prophetic abilities. They made it an unspoken rule to try to mostly hang out with other people when they hung out together. Despite the occasional awkwardness, they still had a lot of fun together. They were so glad they re-became friends, they couldn’t admit that they missed each other out loud, but it was definitely clear for the both of them. ¸
They just wish that they could be normal friends.
Yumi was feeling particularly depressed today, she had a not-so-great note on her last exam and it was stressing her out. In truth, she was slowly degrading, the further she was in her session, and now she actually failed. She was in a panic and since her brother was unavailable (it was also late) she decided to text Gill about it.
G-man: *Is it really that bad? 梟: I FAILED G! I was already starting to decline and now I... maybe I just can’t do it... G-man: *Come on, Yumi... don’t say shit like that, you KNOW you can get a doctorate degree! 梟: I dunno... I dunno anymore! Like... maybe I would be fine if I just failed this one and my other notes, but I’m already doing badly and now THIS G-man: *Yumi, breathe. 梟: I can’t... G-man: *I don’t like seein’ you like this... do you want me to come over?  梟: No that would be... a bad idea. It’s late and I don’t want to burden you with this, I just wanted to talk and complain how much of a failure I fucking am instead of getting over it and just doing better... G-man: *I can literally come here in 2 mins 梟: Its fine, it’s fine! I’m fine! I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have talked about this, I’m just being stupid, I don’t want to burden you with my bullshit! G-man: *You’re not... and it’s too late. I’m comin’
Before she could finish typing in another rejection to the idea, the door buzzed four times in an immediately recognizable sequence. She knew he lived kind of nearby but she had forgotten that he could literally teleport here. She hesitates on letting him in, staring at the door while she’s sitting on her sofa.
The door buzzes again in the same sequence. She still doesn’t budge.
G-man: *Y’know, I can teleport into your house too? 梟: I know... G-man: *Yumi, let me in. 梟: Wait- I’m really not presentable right now! G-man: *Yumi, I don’t care, that doesn’t matter right now 梟: Not like that! I mean I’m literally pants-less with a way-too-big camisole exposing 70% of my breasts! G-man: *Oh...... I’ll wait
Why did she have to say that in that much detail? Now he’s imagining it. He tries his best to remove that perverted image from his head.
After a few minutes, Gill starts to become a little impatient and worried about what she was doing. It can’t possibly take that long to change clothes. He texts her to ask if she was done yet. She doesn’t respond. He even waits a few more minutes, but she doesn’t respond. He texts her again.
G-man: *Yumi? G-man: *Yumi, if you think I’m mad for waiting, I don’t mind. Just please answer, I’m worried.
Still no response.
G-man: *Yumi, seriously, don’t leave me hangin like this G-man: *This isn’t funny, I’m really worried G-man: *Just please answer G-man: *Please, don’t fuckin do this
No answer. 
G-man: *i’m comin in i don’t fuckin care G-man: *you’d better haven’t done anything stupid or i fuckin swear
Without hesitation, but with a lot of nervousness, he teleports into her living room. It was empty and dim lighted. Well, there were no lights open, other than a night light plugged in, in the wall separating the kitchen from the living room. He immediately walks towards the room hallway, but no lights are on. No one in the bathroom and no one in the computer room. She must still be in her room then. As soon as he says that he hears muffled sobbing coming from her room. He sighs, relieved, knowing that she’s okay, excluding feeling like shit and crying. 
He hesitates but gently knocks the door. A small gasp is heard from the other side and the sobbing stops, replaced by the sounds of sniffling.
“G-Gill?” she sniffles. *Yeah... Sorry, you wouldn’t answer so I panicked and let myself in. “I-I’m sorry...” her voice cracks. *Look... I-I want to help you feel better, but if you don’t want me there I- “N-No! I just... I’m sorry... I didn’t mean to... my phone is... in the living room. So I-I didn’t hear it!” she explains. *Oh... but, it’s fine. “I-I’m sorry... I-I didn’t mean to...” he sobbed. *Don’t cry Yumi it’s-... just... can you let me in? he asks, feeling his soul tighten at the sound of her sobbing. “N-No... I’m fine...” she wept and sniffled. *You’re not-... Are you dressed? “I-I’m dressed... but don’t-!”
Too late, he opens the door of her room and she is sitting hunched over on her bed, hiding her face with her hand. She’s wearing an oversized grey Kirby shirt and black sweatpants, her hair is an absolute mess like she’s been pulling at it. She doesn’t move, he doesn’t move. She doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t say anything. They stay awkwardly like that for a while.
He wants to say something, but he doesn’t have anything to say. He hesitantly takes one step forward and she doesn’t say anything but sinks more into herself, slightly putting herself into a ball more. He can’t tell if she’s still crying, so he approaches her a little more confidently, as she doesn’t seem to want to refuse his comfort. Still, her lack of movement makes him only speculate.
*... Yumi? he asked softly.
Just calling her name was enough to say a lot of things, most that he couldn’t say out loud, but that was definitely felt through the tone of his voice. But, most of all, it was obvious that he was asking permission to give her comfort. She didn’t say anything, she rolled into herself, even more, squeezing her hand on her face. He leans back a little, feeling a little rejected until he hears a small hiccup coming from her.
Wheather that was a permission or not, he couldn’t stand there anymore. He quickly climbed onto the bed and hugged her, placing her head under his chin, caressing her hair and back. She started crying again, starting from small sobs to somewhat loud bawling. He kept encouraging her that she can do it, even if her score has been lowering, reassuring her that things were going to be fine. He didn’t know if she’d ever stop crying, with how much she was going at it. But, he’d rather she’d cry for hours and let it all out than she bottles it all inside to only show weakness when she’s alone. He knows her enough to know that she was probably doing that this whole time.
They stayed like that for maybe 10 minutes and she was starting to calm down, most of her sobbing was sniffly hiccups. For some reason, he started to feel tired, then remembered that it was pretty late. The only thing that kept him from passing out was that she suddenly spoke up through her shaky breath. 
“T-Thanks, Gill... for staying like that for so long...” she sniffled. *It’s no problem, Yumi. Anythin’ for you. he tiredly admits.
On top of her eyes, her cheeks are even redder, she took a small glance towards him, but then dug her face a little more into his upper chest. He caught the non-verbal signs of her embarrassment and realized how awkward what he just revealed was. They let each other go, too awkward to keep hugging each other, anymore.
He was a little tired, so he wasn’t exactly thinking straight. Or rather, he’s not as good at saying things in a less embarrassing way. He can only be completely honest or else it’ll sound even worse if he starts thinking about it too much.
*A-Anyway.... are you okay now, though? he asks shyly, worried. “Y-Yeah... I just...” she sighs *What’s wrong? “It’s fine, I’m just... I’m probably just being stupid and oversensitive...” *You’re not! I mean... I know you’re sensitive but... if you’re reactin’ so strongly then maybe there’s somethin’ deeper than just you bein’ worried about your grades.  “Y-Yeah... probably...”
There was an awkward pause before she sighed and tears started falling again.
“I just... being an astronomer is my one dream, Gill... and now I’m starting to think that maybe it's too hard for me... m-maybe I’m not as smart as I thought I was!” she admitted, tearing up *But, you- “Maybe not as much as I’m required to be!” she loudly interrupted. *... “I’m sorry, I didn’t... it’s just that it’s the only thing that I’ve got... the only motivation I have... the only thing I really wanna do... the only thing I can do... at least, I thought it was.” she admitted, depressed. *... But, I don’t think that’s true, though. You can do so many things, anything that you would put your mind to. he reassures her “Well, maybe that’s just another way of saying that I’m too stubborn to face the fact that I can’t do something, just because I’ve worked so hard... and maybe I finally have...” *Yumi, I didn’t- “I know... it’s not you, it’s me...”
They fell into another awkward silence. 
“I’m just being stupid, aren’t I...?” *You’re not, Yumi. he bluntly denies. “I am! I’m overreacting because I know it’s my own fault! All I gotta do is get over myself and just fucking do better... I’m not even overall failing my class. I’m just whining, complaining and overall being an oversensitive stupid idiot because I can... because I’ll know you’ll listen to my stupid rants and I know you’ll try everything to cheer me up...” she admits, whimpering. *I... I mean, that’s pretty normal, isn’t it? You’re feeling down and sayin’ things that aren’t really true or exaggerated because you’re not feelin’ well... but... that’s what friends are for, right? he reassures her. “We aren’t normal friends, Gill... and you know that... ” she avoids his gaze. *... “Like... I don’t even get it.”  *What don’t you get? he asks, confused. “I don’t even fucking know why you like a stupid crybaby like me...”
He didn’t know how to respond to that. Or rather, he knew how, but he didn’t know where to even start or if he should even start. He couldn’t help but blush at just the idea of what he could say. But, since he wasn’t saying anything, she was a little worried that maybe she went too far. She lifted her head up towards him, only to see that he was embarrassed about what he was thinking, which also made her flush red.
*... You’re not being fair, at all, Yumi. he finally said. “I know... I-I’m sorry.” she shyly apologizes. *What am I even supposed to say? I... I have too many things to say. I-I don’t even know if I should say them. “I-I’m sorry...” she felt even more ashamed of herself, tears welling up, curling into herself.
He kinda felt bad, he didn’t mean to make her feel bad about it. He put a hand on her shoulder, her existant one. She looked up to see him apologize by the expression on his face. She looks back down, still feeling ashamed, he notices it and gently lifts her head back up so he could see how sincere he is. Though it embarrasses her even more, she gets the memo, looking more flustered about what he’s doing than being ashamed of herself. 
She still can’t look at him straight in the eyes, though, they’re too close to each other. He notices this and almost lets go of her, but she stops him. She sheepishly gratefully smiles at him and he immediately turns blue. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but steal a kiss from her, giving her a quick peck on her lips. 
She was definitely caught off guard, eyes wide and her face completely red. For a moment, she even looked angry, it wasn’t fair, after all. Then again, she wasn’t being fair either. But, for some reason, she wanted to kiss him back. No, she knew why she was being selfish again, she wanted more comfort from him. She liked it, she liked him, but she didn’t like him like he liked her, she didn’t love him like he did. She didn’t love him.
Somehow, he knew this, he could read it on her face, he’s seen it before. She didn’t look pleading, far from it, it looked more like she should avoid it, that they should avoid it like any normal person would. But he didn’t, they didn’t.
He slowly leaned in and she followed, closing her eyes earlier than he did, gently pressing his “lips” onto hers. He slightly backed away for a moment, checking for visual cues from her saying that this was okay. Well, it wasn’t but, anyway. She opened her eyes slightly, wondering why they stopped, only to awkwardly look down, clearly looking unsure if this was right but definitely consenting. Even he hesitated for a moment, but felt too much of an urge to kiss her more.
So he did.
He kissed her a little harder, which made her let out a small shocked squeak, though she didn’t mind. Another came soon after, slower, gentler. Another, even slower, even gentler, so on and so forth, only broken by the sound of satisfied sighs in between. 
It wasn’t until he had slipped his tongue that things started to get a little more heated. The kisses becoming faster, with fewer breaks and less time to take a breath. Sloppier, crazier, nobody knowing what to do with their hands, with themselves. Thinking about it less, not even being able to think about it, becoming drunk on their own desires or maybe lightheaded from the lack of being able to breathe.
They don’t know when or how but, at some point, they were toppled onto her bed. They took that moment to breathe, mostlyYumi, as Gill doesn’t actually need to. She didn’t even notice how her glasses were barely holding onto her face, during this whole charade, until now, her hair looking twice as messier than before. Gill didn’t look messy, but his jacket was only inside his right arm, not remembering why or when did he even take it off.
They stared awkwardly at each other, as if just realizing what they did. But it didn’t take long for him to kiss her again, though hesitant. But, in the middle of a third one, she stops him, pushing him away for good this time. They both sit up.
“I-I-I’m s-sorry... I-I just-... I-I can’t do this... w-we can’t do this.” *But- “N-No. This... T-This isn’t right Gill.I-I don't... I don’t like you that way a-and... I-I’m feeling like I’m just benefiting from you... m-manipulating you... j-just... being a huge h-hypocrite.” she admits. *Y-You’re not! I... I’m consenting in this, aren’t I? “T-That doesn’t matter! I-I don’t think you realize how... how painful this might be in the future. That I just absorb your love and affection a-and... I give you nothing in return. At least, n-not what you really want.”she explains, depressingly. *... I...  “We can’t... I can’t! I don’t... I-I don’t want to hurt you l-like last time...” *I didn’t understand your feelings last time! I know this is one-sided and I know that- “No, Gill, I-I can’t... I’d be a bad love interest, even friend with benefits and even more so a friend. I’m all of those already...” she says, tears welling up. *You’re not! “I AM!” she yelled.
For a moment there was a panic of being heard by the people downstairs. When there was no sound of anyone awakened, they fell into a depressing silence. Her tears started falling again, and she sniffles back a response.
“This is toxic, Gill... and I don’t want to hurt you. But... that’s all I’ve been doing... even if it isn’t on purpose. Like... I-I’m not even sure we should be friends anymore...” she sniffles. *No- Yumi... please don’t. “I’m being serious Gill.... maybe.... maybe we shouldn’t see each other anymore.” tears started overflowing her eyes. *Yumi- “I don’t want this either, G! I just... I don’t wanna hurt you... I don’t wanna hurt you anymore. It’s for your own good.... at least until you get over me... at least that.” she insists, smiling through her tears. *Yumi.... please. he started to get teary-eyed himself. “I-I’m sorry... just go... d-don’t make it any harder for me...” *... C-Can... Can I have one more? he asked, holding back a tear.
She hesitated, but she ended up nodding back at him. He gave her a gentle kiss on the corner of her mouth, bittersweet. They didn’t say another word to each other as he left through the door. Somehow, the gentleness of the door shutting down made it more heartbreaking. 
As soon as that door closed, they immediately let out all of their gutwrenching sadness to maybe never seeing each other again.
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So you all know that i took my persona and changed her last name and backstory to make her as a UT OC on @drawn-to-space , but what you didn't know (or did) is that i also put my alternate self, Yoru, and put it as my UT OC's actual twin brother, Yoru Kizui! I'm not going to do a bio or him, but I am going to say that he has a band! in fact, I need to finish designing them soon! OH! and i also forgot to mention his powers! he has a yellow soul (his hair is actually originally blond but he colored it) so he can cast ultrasounds, that act as both hypnotic sounds and sound barriers!
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black-owl-arts · 2 years
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Yumi - Eritan Odyssey Pugilist
Drawing for one of my friends! I haven't played the game personally but it was a funny outfit to put Yumi in. She's not happy about it though lol
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black-owl-nebula · 2 years
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Technically, it's not everything I drew this year but it's everything I finished lol
Hopefully next year I'll draw more!
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drawn-to-space · 3 years
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Probably the hardest pose I've ever done;;;; this is supposed to be a redraw of my old Jet Set Radio Yumi drawing.
Idk when I'll finish this but I'm probably gonna tweak a few things so that's why I posted the sketch. Also, once in done, I'll put the comparison for my old drawing.
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drawn-to-space · 3 years
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Drew Yumi as a Magical Girl for no particular reason. I was gonna do something with it but ended up not having any ideas and losing interest;;;;; still like the design though.
Oh and of course her obligatory annoying mascot lmao
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drawn-to-space · 4 years
👏 for a subordinate or mini-boss they might have
If she had someone I don't think it would be a miniboss bit more like a co-op type of thing. Basically because it would be her twin brother, Yoru, that would most likely join her in a double team. He doesn't fight much in general like she does (because martial arts and all), but he's definitely provite a lot of support and distractions like illusions and things like that.
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drawn-to-space · 5 years
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I've been listening to a lot of Miku covers of other English songs and it inspired me to make a Vocaloid version of Yumi, just for fun. I mean, considering how she used to be the lead singer of Star Gazers (her brother's band), it's not too far fetched lmao. Her "other arm" is kind of a hologram, basically.
Maybe I'll make a version of Yoru as a Vocaloid too >:3c
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drawn-to-space · 5 years
I was talking with my friends about how much we hate Godot after me catching up with watching a Let's Play for PW and it gave me some insp to create a PW style of Yumi's battle theme. I'll probably also draw her as a PW character. Probably a lawyer.
Anyway, I hope you like it!
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drawn-to-space · 5 years
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[GalacticPurplePaint] posted a picture:
"Hung out with my brother today! I thought it was a really nice picture so I wanted to show it! I talk about him a lot but I dont post many pictures of him and me. Probably because I don't like posting pictures of myself in general;;;"
"Anyway, my friend Ren took the picture! Now you can probably see how we're twins, even if we have a couple differences lol"
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drawn-to-space · 5 years
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It wasn't a phase afterall lmao
Both Yumi and I were tired of her usual Absolutely Fashionless simple bland nerdy outfits so, now she's going back to her roots. At least, when she's going out lol. She won't dress like this super often, but she's going to start making a little effort.
This is partial self-insert because I went into a reverse punk-phase. As in, I always dressed punk-ish, but during my teens (which is almost over, since I'll be 20 soon) I started being No-Style Gamer-bro and that needs to stop. I'm an adult now and I gotta dress better. Even if it's still in my usual masculine-ish style, it doesn't mean I have to dress like I haven't been outside in several weeks and forgot what fashion sense is. Looking androgynous doesn't mean looking like an Absolute Distaster jrhdhhrhj
Anyway, enough ranting. I'm going to have fun coming up with more clothes that she'd actually wear that look nice.
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drawn-to-space · 5 years
Wanted to try drawing Yumi as realistically as possible and this is the result! I'm pretty proud of this! 😊
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drawn-to-space · 5 years
Yumi’s Duplex Map
Self-explanatory. I used Room Sketcher for this! Look it up, it's very useful! This isn’t 100% accurate because the site is a little limited with furniture, but ts pretty close! And I’m too lazy to draw it rdthcfhcfg
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More detailed 3D pictures of the inside Under Cut:
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Guest/Computer/Training/Music room:
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