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screechingplant · 9 months ago
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Buy me a Ko-fi ☕💗
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enwoso · 10 months ago
PUPPY LOVE || alessia russo
*i don’t want anyone to think i haven’t forgotten about anyone’s request, i’ve started/planned all those that have been sent in and i’m slowly getting through them, and some should be posted by the end of the week! but thank you for the support on my last fics. i love and appreciate you all<33*
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you loved your birthday.
some people you knew hated the thought of being born in january, as they saw it as a depressing and cold month. the fact it was right after christmas and all the festivities had died down. but you, you loved it.
after christmas and new year it gave you something to be excited for. having your birthday in the first week of january wasn't all too bad, christmas lights still lingered in the streets as well as small hints of christmas left behind. it all brought a huge smile to your face.
the sun peering though the crack in the curtains as alessia laid draped over you, her arm stretched across your body as her face was hidden in your neck. not wanting to disturb the blonde, you lay looking at the ceiling as your fingers rubbed through her hair.
not long after the blonde began to stir, moving a little as her face became a little more clear as a smile appeared on your face. brushing the loose blonde hairs that had escaped her low bun she had slept in, out of her face.
her head moving a little so you could not see her and the small smile that was on her lips, "happy birthday, tesoro" she mumbled her eyes still shut as she placed a gentle and sleep kiss on you neck. "i love you"
"thank you, lessi. i love you too" you turned to move the blonde so that you were both now facing each other instead of her lying on top of you, a few grumbles coming from the blonde as you moved her that she was already comfy.
looking at her, her eyes just beginning to open slightly as she rubbed them as they adjusted to the light that was beaming into the room. grinning as she pulled you closer back into her embrace, the tips of your noses touching.
a few moments of silence happen, before you close the gap. attaching your lips to the blondes. it was slow and soft the kiss, full of love. her hands found your waist, her fingertips warm as they drew tiny little circle on your hips. pulling away, not before pecking your lips a few more times making you giggle as she smiled.
"hope your ready for today to be all about you?" she whispered as your eyebrows raised, she had been telling you that she had been planning your birthday for weeks but unfortunately for you, you hadn't been able to drag out of her what she had planned.
usually you could push a few buttons and the blonde would crack, telling you her plans but this time she had been determined to keep it a secret making you even more curious about what she had planned.
"mhm and what does that entail?" you asked, as the blonde just smiled not saying a word instead kissing your cheek and pulling the covers off her. grabbing her phone from the bedside table leaving the bed cold as she reached the doorway.
"you just have a shower, get ready and when you come down all will be revealed" she sung out as you narrowed your eyes.
"i don't like all this secrecy from you russo!"
after having a nice slow get ready, you were finally making your way down the stairs, voices getting louder with each step you took. reaching the bottom to see the whole of your lounge decorated, balloons scattering the floor and a big happy birthday sign on the wall with a balloon arch going over the top of it.
being in shock of how much effort had gone into the decoration of the room, you hadn't even processed the fact that alessia's family and your family were sitting in the living room.
"happy birthday teeny! gio yelled, hearing alessia's parents and yours say it too but his standing out and being the loudest pulling you out from your day dream.
the nickname coming from your height difference not only from him but also your girlfriend. you being a few inches small then her.
"how long did this even take you to do?" you asked the blonde as she came over, flapping her brother on the way for the teasing comment as she wrapped you up in a hug. "oh i did this last night after you had gone to sleep!" she whispered in your ear.
"you look beautiful by the way" she kissed your cheek pulling away from the hug, as you went over to your parents saying your hellos to them as well as alessia's parents and brothers.
falling into conversation, as well as eating breakfast that your parents had brought for you. the morning going off to a lovely start surrounded by the people you love as you moved onto opening your presents as you were beginning to get bored of listening to giorgio ask when you were going to open them.
the younger russo brother insisting that you opened the one of him and luca first, it being a bottle of perfume which you had been wanting for some time, "woah, you guys shouldn't have" you sat with the box in your hand, standing up to hug the two of them in thanks.
"we had a little help from someone on which one to buy" luca said flashing a smile to alessia as you grinned.
"thank you!
moving onto your parents who had gotten you tickets to see a concert in london that you had been wanting to go to and alessia's parents getting you a weekend spa trip away, for you and alessia to enjoy one weekend when you both were off.
which left alessia who passed you a bag, moving the tissue paper from the top - revealing a small white bag and inside was a jewellery box. opening it there was a small dainty bracelet with a heart charm dangling from it. "here, look it has my initials on it and the. there's yours" your girlfriend pointed to the two letters AR and then to yours which was right next to hers.
"oh lessi you shouldn't have" you pouted, leaning over to wrap her in a hug, pecking her lips a few times as you pulled back from the hug. before wrapping her in a tighter hug.
"thank you lessi" you whispered as you hugged her, awhs being heard around the room from both familys. the blonde smiling, kissing you cheek a few times before you let go.
"i have one more thing for you.." alessia grinned as she reached down beside where she was sat, getting a small round box out that had a pretty bow on it. your brows furrowed as you looked down admiring the gifts the blonde had already gotten you wondering what more could you need from her. "here" the blonde said handing you the small round gift box.
opening the box left you even more confused, a small bright green fuzzy tennis ball - smaller than your regular tennis ball. you looked to the blonde who was sitting next to you a nervous laugh escaping you.
"i know i said i wanted a new hobby but- we, we both know i'm rubbish at sports!" you giggled not really understanding the gift looking at the russo brothers and her parents for any sort of hint of what the gift meant.
"it's not for you silly!" alessia was the one to laugh this time, leaving you to try and follow along with the riddles, "then who?" you hesitantly laughed, as the blonde stood up not saying a word and leaving the room coming back seconds later.
"for this little one!" alessia beamed, in her arms a small dark brown puppy. you sat in shock, no words could be found as the happy tears began to well in your eyes. as the blonde got closer, she placed the small puppy in your arms a red blanket covering it too keep it warm.
"no way- is this ours.. to keep?" you stuttered, your voice betraying you as you tried not to let the tears spill.
"of course, he's our little fur baby" alessia grinned as she sat next to you in her original seat, stroking the puppy on the head as you sat in utter awh.
you had been pestering the blonde for months now, about getting a dog. spending countless hours during a night time trying to convince her why having a dog would be a good idea but the answer was always, 'we both don't have time for a dog'
you had even got as far as one time drawing up a schedule of how a dog would fit into your schedule to show the blonde that it was possible to have a little puppy in your life but the answer was always the same.
"what you gonna call him then?" gio yelled over, as you looked up from your little fur baby. thought taking over you, "snoopy." you nodded out loud as everyone looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"yeah, snoopy. he suits it" you said, it sounded as if you were trying to convince yourself but also everyone in the room. "snoopy it is then!" alessia confirmed, smiling at you who was looking down at the puppy with so much love.
the rest of the day was spent with you having snoopy in your arms or cuddling with the little puppy or watching him as he napped making sure that he wasn't woken.
the two of you had bonded for life, he was your little child. that evening was spent with you cuddling with less as you watched a film she had let you pick as you cuddled with snoopy however both you and snoopy fell asleep within the first five minutes.
and there was no better way to end a perfect birthday.
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liked by bethmead and 820,741 others
alessia if i ever loose them both, at least i know if i find one i’ll find the other cause there never apart!
comments -
bethmead a new friend for myle!
-> alessia can’t wait to introduce them🥹
ellatoone y/n finally got you to cave then?
-> alessia she did, love our little man snoopy!!
-> yourusername best birthday present ever!
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stancestanomaly · 5 months ago
Horse Riding lesson! 🐴
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Wrote a short scene for this cause my mind wouldn't stop replaying it over and over while I worked this.
Struggling against the rag that bound his hands behind his back, he tried to ignore the chuckle from the man who put him in this position. "Stanley! Y'know this was not what I was referring to when I asked for your assistance when learning to ride a horse!"
"Aww, sug'r~" Stan's throaty purr sent a wave of heat up Ford's spine. "This is gonna help ya, you hafta learn to stay on yer mount if ya gonna be ridin' it."
"Then why must I be in your lap, instead of practicing on an actual horse? And why do you insist on chewing on that?"
"Becuz darlin' it's like chewing gum in a way." Stan pinched the wheat between his teeth. "And the last time you tried to ride a horse, you ended up in the horse's trough. Remember?"
"Don't remind me," Ford groaned as another chuckle tumbled from his brother. "But I don't see how your argument counters, the fact that I can't practice on a real horse."
"N' all honesty, I'm all the practice yur gonna need. Y'know I got all the horsepower." He ran his hands up Ford's thighs as he moved to give his butt a squeeze. "I mean, I know yur buns do~"
"St-Stanely," Ford gritted his teeth, as blood rushed across his face.
"Wha? Ain't like I'm lyin', I can still hear yur pretty voice singin' my name as we fucked n' the barn." Caressing his twin's sides as the memory replayed.
"And I still remember all the prude language that left your mouth too," Ford grumbled at the strong hands that danced along his trunk and ushered forth another wave of satisfying warmth.
"N' I still remember how disheveled yur hair was while your face was redder than that time ma got mad at us for playin' in mud after she just washed our clothes."
"I also remember dad chasing us because they were our good clothes too," he smiled as the sound of Stan's laughter rang in the air, like music to his ears. He listened to the tune a little longer before he cleared his throat. "So about my lesson, are you gonna help me or not?"
"Sure am darlin'," Stan spat out the wheat before he leaned up to capture his brother's lips. Stan strummed Ford's cords, drawing out lustful melodic moans as he stuck his tongue into Ford's mouth. Joining in on the song libidinous desires. He bucked his hips to usher out another chorus of bubbling lust between them.
Pausing their record, Stan drew back to get a look at Ford as he panted through closed eyes with a cherry-red bridge stretching across his face. Admiring how the sunset streaming through the widow panted his brother's features.
"I say we take this to the bedroom," Stan purred, tightening his hold on his brother. He stood up from the couch, tossing his brother over his shoulder. "Alrighty cowboy, let's go give ya that lesson~" Smacking his brother's butt as he sauntered to their room.
"St-Stanley, w-wait, this isn't what I was referring to!" He squirmed, as he was carried out of the den, up the stairs, and down the hall toward their room.
"Stanleeeyyy!" Ford shouted as the bedroom door was shut and locked behind them.
Had a ton of fun writing that, lol. This is my second time drawing ranch life/cowboy 30!stans. (Honestly, I should draw them more often. Because Stan's with that hair is doing something for me🥵.) The first time I drew them was two years ago for another set of Halloween stancest drawings I did. The drawings. I had liked this au idea so much that I wrote a fic about it but never actually finished it😅 So maybe I'll do that sometime soon... Anyway, have some ranch life stancest! 🧡🤎
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daydream-cement · 2 years ago
By The Pool (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
A little Saturday fun by the pool.
Author's Note: Thank you to @alexusonfire for reading this one over for me :) I hope y'all enjoy!
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Each day of the summer, Larissa would be out back of your home tanning the day away, only stopping to get in the pool, feed herself, or take a work call. Today, the headmistress was delighted in the fact that it was a Saturday, meaning you would be home to spend the day with her. 
In light of you being home, the shapeshifter tied on her skimpiest bikini and walked out to the pool area with a book and tanning oil in one hand and a towel in the other. The blonde piled her hair high on her head in a tight bun as she stood before her luxurious beach chair. 
Stretching out on the cushy, circular beach chair, Larissa peered over her sunglasses towards the little outdoor workout area you had created for herself. You were in the middle of your workout and Larissa couldn’t be more pleased with the view. 
Larissa pushed the sunglasses higher on her nose and lazily turned her head, allowing herself to fully gawk at you. Her mouth watered at the sight of your shoulder muscles working under your tank top. 
It had only been a few months since the two started dating and Larissa couldn’t get enough of you. Her hips rose and fell on the beach chair as images from the past evening and morning raced through the platinum blonde’s mind. Your lips moving down her stomach… The shapeshifter’s hands gripping your shoulders as you work the strap in and out… Your hands pushing the headmistress’s legs back as far as they could go…
She felt insatiable. She wanted more from you, but Larissa opted for the route of seduction rather than straight up calling you to leave your workout in exchange for sex. 
Readjusting herself on the beach chair, Larissa flipped to lay flat on her stomach and reached behind herself to pull the strings of her bikini top and bottoms loose. She even went as far to move the fabric of the bottoms off her ass so as to expose the lips of her pussy if one were to look at just the right angle. The blonde felt herself growing wet at the exposure she felt and she could only hope to be dripping wet by the time you took notice and began touching her.
You had taken notice. You were aware of Larissa’s presence outside as soon as she exited the home and had been watching her from the corner of your eye the whole time. It wasn’t until the strings came loose that you couldn’t tear your gaze away from the blonde. 
Larissa tucked her towel under her head and closed her eyes, pretending to nap as she was actually daydreaming about your touch. The image of you looking up at her with sweet eyes as your mouth and hands were attached to the headmistress’s breasts continued flashing in the woman’s mind. 
Your workout wasn’t quite over, but your legs had carried you toward the blonde without much conscious thought. You would have snuck up on Larissa if it wasn’t for your trance-like state making you unaware of the bottle of tanning oil on the ground. You knocked it over and stumbled, drawing Larissa’s eyes open and bringing a smile to the blonde’s face.
“Hi, darling. Everything okay?” The headmistress’s tone was as sweet as sugarcane. Her big doe eyes looked over the tops of her glasses at you as she pushed herself up on her elbows, exposing more bare cleavage to you. 
You gaped for a moment, searching for words as your brain malfunctioned from your girlfriend’s sweet words, face, and body. Larissa noticed your affectionate leering and smiled, her hand reaching up to tug at the hem of your tank top. You quickly shifted to your knees, ready to hear whatever the headmistress was about to say. 
The shapeshifter giggled at the way you fawned over her and she took your face in her hand when you were close enough, she drew you in close to press a soft kiss to your lips. When she parted, her whisper was low in register, her eyes dark with desire, “Would you put some sunscreen on me, darling? I wouldn’t want to burn.”
Your rapid nod came first, and then your words, “Mm, yes.”
“Thank you, dear.” The blonde giggled more at your dream-like state and snatched the toppled sunscreen from the ground and handed it over. 
With the sunscreen in hand, you crawled onto the beach chair and surveyed Larissa’s body. You were working to remember every curve, dip, and mark. Its every feature was a work of art to you.
Dripping a copious amount of lotion onto the headmistress’s back, you set aside the bottle and began smearing it, delighting in the feeling of her body against your fingertips. You took your time massaging it into Larissa’s skin and had to bite back a smirk when the blonde whimpered as you massaged her shoulders.
Larissa’s already lightly tanned back was mesmerizingly shiney from the lotion and you were growing overwhelmed from her increasing desire. Everything about Larissa was so soft, from her demeanor to her body, which only made you feel weaker for this woman. the shapeshifter could ask for the world and you would work endlessly to give it to her.
More lotion was poured onto the headmistress’s lower back and you gave into some of your urges as you allowed your hands to linger on the blonde’s ass. You massaged the globes, drifting her hands towards Larissa’s cunt before drawing them back again. Regardless of the increasingly sexual touches, the headmistress kept her breathing calm while a little smile grew on her face.
“You are so beautiful...” You trailed off, your hands manhandling your girlfriend’s ass. 
“And I’m all yours.” Larissa muttered into the cushion of her chair as her hips lifted up off the chair into your hands. 
You seized her opportunity and shifted your grip to the headmistress’s hips, pushing them higher with verbal direction for the blonde. “Lift your hips for me. I may have missed a spot.”
Doing as she was told, the headmistress pushed her knees forward and raised her hips off the chair, pressing her shoulders and face into the cushion beneath her. The feeling of your hands shifting back down the backs of her thighs sent a shiver down the shapeshifter’s spine. She was entirely exposed to you and the blonde could have sworn she felt your hot breath against her cunt. 
With Larissa’s hips high in the air, you lowered your face to the headmistress’s bare cunt and swiped your tongue up the blonde’s slit. The shapeshifter gasped at the wonderfully familiar feeling of your tongue dipping in and out of her dripping hole before swirling around her clit. The blonde was mewling with every stroke of your tongue, her hands holding the cushion in a steadfast grip. 
“Oh, darling. Oh, baby... That- Oh, it feels so- Hnng...” The blonde’s chest was heaving as she whimpered and cried out. Her eyes fluttered shut and she began rocking against your tongue to fuck herself. 
As soon as the headmistress’s greedy hips began rolling against your face, you pulled away, seeking to assert your dominance over the needy blonde which only earned a frustrated groan from your girlfriend. 
“Relax, Larissa...” You chuckled, voice teasingly condescending as you pulled the headmistress’s hips back to the cushion. In an instant, you continued teasing Larissa by putting more lotion on your hands to rub into her legs. 
Larissa’s cunt was aching for your touch as you continued applying lotion  to the blonde’s seemingly endless legs. She had fallen apart and felt entirely helpless as she squirmed and rutted against the beach chair, desperately seeking relief for the coil that had begun tightening in her abdomen. It wasn’t helping the headmistress’s growing desperation whenever your hands trailed back up her legs, thumbs swiping over her pussy lips before drifting back down once more. 
You noticed the lotion across Larissa’s back and shoulders had seemed to set in, so you cooed to your love, “Flip over for me... We need to make sure your tan is even.”
“O-okay.” The blonde whimpered, turning onto her back and settling her legs on either side of you. The headmistress’s gaze was intense and pleading, but your gaze was stuck on Larissa’s breasts which had been exposed by the blonde turning over. 
You crawled up Larissa’s body, your mouth ghosting over the blonde’s stomach to land at the space between her breasts. There was no hiding your ulterior motives any longer - you craved the headmistress far too much. Your lotioned hands squeezed at your girlfriend’s breasts as you pressed sweet kisses up and down the shapeshifter’s sternum. 
While the headmistress craved you no less, an adoring smile graced her lips as she raised a hand to the back of your head. Her hand tangled in your hair, scratching at your scalp with her manicured nails and enjoying the silky texture of your hair. She watched your eyes flutter shut as you became momentarily distracted in the comforting position you often fell asleep in when you reclined on the couch together. 
“Mmm... I love you...” You hummed, enjoying the comforting position for a moment longer before drawing yourself down your girlfriend’s body to finish what you started. From the softness of her tummy to the hypnotic curve of her hips, you savored every picturesque view before settling between her legs. 
“And I love you, sweethe- Oh...” Larissa swiftly cut herself off at the feeling of you burying your face in the blonde’s cunt. 
Each time you ate her out, the headmistress was shocked by the intensity in which you took care of her. Your arms slipped around Larissa’s thighs and held them tight, preventing the blonde from moving too much beneath you. It was always a mystery how you could bury yourself in Larissa’s cunt and only come up for air when the headmistress was writhing and begging for reprieve. 
You focused in on Larissa’s clit, swirling and sucking at the bundle of nerves repeatedly. In response to the great deal of stimulation, the headmistress’s hands shot between her legs and buried in your hair, holding your head in place for her to grind against your mouth. 
The moans that escaped the blonde were soft and airy: absolute music to your ears. 
“Honey...” The headmistress gasped as her back arched, earning a growl from you. With a firm hand on the blonde’s stomach, you pushed the headmistress flat against the cushion. Neither of you realized, but a wet spot beneath Larissa had begun to form as a result of your saliva and the headmistress’s juices. 
It was too much for the shapeshifter to handle. With a wordless groan, Larissa’s chest heaved from her orgasm and she had been sent over the edge with a flick of your skilled tongue.
The headmistress took no time to recover as she quickly sat up and captured your face with her hands, drawing you towards her. The blonde giggled at the sight of the slick shine from your nose to her chin and she swiped the towel from behind herself to wipe away the fluids. 
“Aren’t you cute?” Larissa breathed as she pulled your face to her own, allowing her tongue to mingle with yours to taste herself. She urged you into her lap with slender fingers gripping your thighs. 
You both remained in that chair for the remainder of the morning, exchanging sweet kisses, caresses, and orgasms, knowing it was the perfect way to spend a Saturday.  
Taglist: @charymobile, @bri-sonat, @weemswife, @smutuniversesblog, @opheliauniverse, @teashock, @enchantressb, @alex-nyx, @renravens, @whenyouhaveanobsession, @scream-queenlover, @shyladyfan, @lilfartbox1, @rubberduckiesbathing, @mcufanisme, @peanutbutterprincess, @larissaoftarthweems, @sicklygrlsicklygrl, @lvinhs, @myzzjolanda, @principal-weems09, @xuukoo, @brienneswife, @dumbasslesbi, @oculusalien, @sweetderacine, @giogwensversion,@milciak, @gela123, @thevillagegay, @katiemcgrathsbitch1, @naomi-m3ndez, @mysaviorfalsegod, @h-doodles, @salems-spaghettios, @imgayforwoman69, @bychrissi, @alexusonfire, @weemssapphic
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orderforbrian · 2 years ago
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Day 6 - Time Travel for @jonmartinweek!
im late again but only bc i drew waayyy too much for this lol - i couldnt help it tho i really love those kid-centric aus where jon and martin's future kids come visit their s1 selves - they're just full of so many cute moments and little jokes 🤭 i'm also just a sucker for anything jmart kid related. plus watching s1 jon and martin, who have budged hardly an inch past absolute loathing, grapple with the fact they not only get married in the future but have KIDS too is soooooooo good 😆they get to talking and realize "oh god you really are my ideal partner ohno OHHH NOO"
[Start ID: Multiple images of Jon and Martin from The Magnus Archives as well as their future children for an AU. Jon is a thin Persian man with dark, curly hair streaked with grey and rectangular glasses. Martin is a fat, mixed Polish/Korean man with dark brown, wavy hair, browline glasses, and a beauty mark by his lip. 1st image: Jon and Martin are sitting at a wedding table decorated with flowers, a plate with half eaten cake, and a green napkin. Jon is wearing a white shirt with a dark green bowtie, his hair is slicked back into a low bun with some styled stray hairs. His black suit jacket covers the chair behind him. He has light beard and a gold column earring. Martin is wearing a white shirt with a dark blue bowtie, his hair is styled back as well and he wears a gold diamond drop earring. They sit side by side, noses almost touching - Jon smiles wholesomely at Martin, holding up a coupe glass of champagne, and Martin smiles back with his eyes closed, left hand resting around the base of his own coupe glass. Jon's left hand sits on top of Martin's, each hand has a gold band on the ring finger. The drawing looks like a polaroid, Jon's handwriting at the bottom says "Jonathan and Martin Blackwood-Sims. June 27th, 2023." Martin has placed a red heart sticker and written "J+M" in blue marker on the photo. 2nd image: Jon and Martin are older and pose with their children on their backs. Their children, Mina and Jules, have dark, curly hair like Jon's, Mina has a beauty mark by his right eye and Jules has one on her left lower cheek. In this image Mina has her hair tied back into two pigtails and is smiling with one tooth gone. She wears overalls with a scalloped shirt, a sensory bracelet on her right wrist, and sneakers. She is riding on Martin's back, gripping his shirt with one hand and lifting up the other one behind his head, laughing loudly. Martin side eyes her with mirth, his hair is more choppy and down past his shoulders, he has a patchy beard, and wears a simple lined shirt. In this image, Jules has her hair tied back into a ponytail and is wearing a t-shirt, jean shorts and sneakers with a star on them. She sticks her tongue out towards the camera and winks one eye, both her arms are laced around Jon's neck. Jon's hair is past his ears and he has a fully grown mustache and beard, he wears a collared short sleeve shirt. Underneath ths photo Jon writes "Picnic after 2nd year primary. Mina (7) Jules (8)." Martin has drawn a yellow sun and written in blue marker "too old!!" and a crying face. 3rd image: Mina and Jules (off frame) hold up multiple photographs to younger Jon and Martin (season 1). Martin is wearing a collared shirt and his hair is side parted, cut just past his ears. Jon has his hair slicked back aside from a couple large curls at the front and wears a suit jacket, collared shirt, tie, and vest. Martin and Jon stare down at the photos with flustered surprise, confusion, and disbelief, both blushing. Martin pinches one of the photos with his right hand. Jon holds his glasses in his right hand.
4th image is a 7 panel comic. Mina and Jules both wear glasses and school uniforms with a backpack, Mina wearing a tie and vest, her hair done in two braids, and Jules wearing a collared shirt and tie, her hair in a bob with two clips. 1st panel: Jules outstretches her hand while looking angry at Mina who is looking away with a huff. "We would've gotten here way sooner if you didn't have to stop and pet that dumb dog!!". 2nd panel: Jon crosses his arms and sneers at Martin, who is looking unimpressed and annoyed and holding a tea mug. "They get that from you...". 3rd panel: Mina points at Jules and retorts "Well if you weren't so impatient we wouldn't have gotten caught, stupid!!". 4th panel: Martin lifts up the tea mug to take a sip and shoots back to Jon, who frowns, "They get that from you...". 5th panel: Mina and Jules yell at each other with closed eyes and hunched shoulders, "UGH!!! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS ARGUING WITH ME!!!". 6th panel: A simplified drawing of Jon and Martin, one speech bubble connecting both of them saying "They get that from you". 7th panel: Jon and Martin whip around and stare at each other with offended anger, saying "ME?!".
5th image is of Mina and Jules in full color. They have the same descriptions as in the comic, the school uniform is a purple gray, the skirts plaid. Mina wears a green colored sensory bracelet and Jules wears a blue colored one. Mina has a nervous frown, a couple sweat marks coming off her head, while Jules smiles with quiet confidence, a couple gold sparkles by her head. They hold hands in the middle, Jules is slightly taller than Mina. Above Mina are the following words: Mina (Mia) *younger sibling *a bit shy *fave color is green *loves when Dad does her hair. Above Jules are the following words: Julia (Jules) *older (by 11 months) *more adventurous *fave color is blue *loves when Baba buys her ice cream. End ID.]
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raindropren · 4 months ago
Some Hermit(+rats) sketches(+Plus the rambles I'm required to write about them)!
going from the ones I like the most to the ones that look more like doodles then sketches lolsie
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A Joel! I wanted to try my hand at a S!10 Joel! I've been watching him for quite abit now and He's become one of my favorite hermits(an unsurprisingly long list ngl) :3 Also I found the Animator PerryRata a bit ago and I love how skrunkly they draw everyone, especially Joel, lol. I also have a ton of Joel headcanons from back during empires! He's made of clay and he can form his own body like you would a clay sculpture :D It's my headcanon for why his physical body changes without the use of outside "mods" He's also just a funky silly guy, and I really like how I drew this. Also the tanuki headcanons really fun, to me it's more, raccoon, but it can be either at this point :P
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A Jevin! I'll admit I haven't watched him much, but I really wanted to try my hand at drawing a slime character who actually,,, like,,, looks like slime,,, instead of,,, really human with slime bits, lol. I also had a certain body type in mind so ya! I have few headcanons for him but I've thought alittle about how his slime body would work in my AU, so that's fun!
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A Non-Hermit! A Garbage Rat Oli! Specifically season 2 Rats tho, lol! I very clearly just wanted to try my hand at drawing a rat on two legs, Garbage's very all over the place in the sketch. The lines are messy and that was kinda on purpose(Garbage whole look and personality is messy and I wanted to kinda,,, feel that in the art and design,, lol) also I was completely going from memory at some points :p
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A non-hermit! A Rat Shubble! I don't remember what her like, thing was(like the titles most rats seem to have) but I do know she's lovely and I missed her. I was at my sister house, taking a break from craving pumpkins, and thought about the fact that Oli thought she,,, turned into,, a pumpkin, so I decided to draw her lol! I was trying to keep her cuter then Oli, alittle more put together, and I think I conveyed that at least alittle bit, :3 (also her outfits are so easy, Shubble please never change your outfits from the sweater + overall combo, Complicated outfits are my downfall LOL /lh)
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A Etho! This was probably one of the better Etho sketches I did while trying to figure out what the hell his design's deal was ;w; I was having a very hard time but I think the eyes saved it on this one, it looks cute compared to some others! lol! also I gave him a little braid for no reason other then "cute!" lolsie
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A second Joel! Secret life specially! I just wanted to draw him in a hoodie, I like drawing hoodies :] I'll make a slightly more complicated design later, but I like how he's just, in a hoodie, that season lol
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A second Jevin! Frogger time!!! :O It's Jevin in that frog costume(drawn from memory instead of actually looking so it probably looks really wrong lol) I just really wanted to draw him again :]
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A Gem! I was drawing newer peeps so I drew gem as like, a easier thing to doodle :'3 Also I had forgotten her hair buns in past sketches,,, oops
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A Pearl! This ones much older than the others(as in, It's on the same page as the meme's with Pearl and Tim Drake lol), I just didn't find it good enough to post sadly ;w; It's a first try at Postmaster Pearl, from memory of course xP She's very cute but I don't think I tried even slightly on this one. you can tell cause I forgot a surprising amount.
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and, Lastly, two more Etho's! I think these are cute, I'm just not proud of them at all, might not even look like Etho! but I still like them more then some of the others on that page,,,, They're silly, but not very good ;w;
Welp! That's it! I've been basically collecting my mcyt doodles to post, cause I don't deem a sketch or two alone, good enough to post :'] A hand full amount of doodles is enough for me tho, lol.
I'm real glad I've been expanding the number of hermits i've drawn tho! Yippeee!!
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crsssie · 6 months ago
from one admirer to another : christmas
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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Dearest Leon,
I wondered long and hard while writing this letter regarding what I should write back to you. You're quite a romantic, you know? You call me someone who views life with rose-tinted glasses, yet you send me flowers once every other week through delivery and call me every night that you can. In fact, it's gotten to a point that Ada had come back to the flowers for a quick visit and physically recoiled at the flowers. I do a pretty good job keeping them alive, so I've attached a polaroid of every flower that's still alive. (I also have one of Sesame Bun)
I wonder what it was about you that drew me in too. I find myself thinking of you more and more these days, rereading your letters to me and the absolute embarrassing gushing over me you had done, and I think back to when we kissed on New Years last year. You're a great kisser, you know that? I miss that about you a lot. I should've kissed you goodbye when you moved.
That makes it sound a little like I only love you because you're a good kisser, huh? Oh, right. I love you. I had a three-hour-long dramatic monologue in my apartment around all of the furniture while holding Sesame to my face, scoffing at myself over the fact that I would ever entertain such thoughts. But, the more I talked, the more I realized that maybe I do love you. Wow, what a change in roles, huh?
Your manager said what? That's absurd to me. You must really love me, huh? Well, I'll play into the image of you being in love by being just as in love, alright? Not that I'll need to play the role all that much once we start dating. (Is that presumptuous of me? I have agreed to date you, right?)
I admire you very much, you know? I find it incredible that you had started in law enforcement and now you're in the modeling industry as a supermodel. I know you think it was a little coward-like of you to escape the corruption rather than fight it head on, but you're flourishing no matter where you go. I find it amazing that you're so smart and think so fast. I really admire that, you know?
So, having said all that. Yes, I will go out with you. Please treat me well, Leon.
Hope this letter finds you before me, your admirer ᰔ
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Leon blinks at the boxes piled outside of the apartment next to his, raising a brow as he steps into the elevator to go down to grab mail, humming. A neighbor. How fun.
Maybe he should go over and introduce himself after they settle in? Maybe he'll meet the neighbor after everything is settled down. It's a nice little apartment complex, so it would take a bit. If he remembers right, next door was the loft. Must be someone who likes climbing up and down, then.
Your letter sits in his hand comfortably as he cuts it open, careful not to accidentally damage the contents of it. A flurry of polaroids are pulled out by him, his flower deliveries visible one after the other, and a final one of Sesame Bun.
The boxes in the background of the images catch his eye, and he raises a brow. You're moving? Packing up? Sunshine barks for his daily walk, and Leon pulls out the letter, ruffling the dog's fur as he does a quick read.
Sunshine barks at the door, and Leon puts the letter down, faint smell of your perfume on the tips of his fingers as he reaches for the door, blinking slowly at the bouquet that greets him instead.
"Delivery from... an admirer?" You peek from behind the bouquet, and Leon gasps, reaching behind the flowers to engulf you in his arms, engulfing you in himself as you laugh, cheeks warm as Leon squeezes you, pulling back slightly to stare at you, hands flying to your face to map out your features, eyes gleaming as he smiles at you.
"Hi." He breathes.
"Hi." You grin. "Delivery for... Leon?"
"I missed you."
"I missed you too." You hum. Can I have a kiss?"
You reach up for Leon's face, and he obliges, lips pressed to yours sweetly as he squeezes you, lashes fluttering you let the flowers fall to the ground to wrap both your arms around his neck.
Leon only pulls away when he's sure he's going to pass out.
"So? What are you doing here in the big city?"
"The flowers are a housewarming gift. You owe me one now." You grin, keys on your finger as Leon blinks.
"Oh, Oh. We're neighbors?"
"Come over sometime?"
"Anytime." He picks you up, spinning you as he presses his forehead to yours.
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prev letter : masterlist : epilogue
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mar3ggiata · 7 months ago
professional help, c12. No shoes.
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: Ancora, Ancora, Ancora, Mina.
abstract: every time I look back at this chapter I smile a little. just a little. it's cause I'm Jude, Simon would never say he smiled. I think it was a turning point for us, you know? Something switched at some point. try not to get too worked up reading this cause i know for a fact he was thinking some indecent thoughts, aye… enjoy.
He looked at her move around the room, getting in position to dance. She looked like a wolf hunting for a bunny. He was the bunny. He looked at her legs, in pink tights. Her defined muscles were flexing visibly at each movement. On her feet, shiny satin pointe shoes. She had a black leotard on, he could see her ribs when she arched her back to crack it. She had a skirt, black as well and short, didn't do a good job at hiding the top part of her legs. He looked at the gentle curve of her hips. He could see multiple tattoos on her arms. A dagger on her left forearm, what looked like an old car doodle on the other arm. She had a lavender flower tattoo on the skin between her breasts. There was a drawing of a house on fire, it looked like it was on fire. A tarot card. Death.
She was looking at herself in the mirror, she stomped her foot on the ground a few times. Those shoes sounded heavy. She raised herself on pointe, wiggling her feet together. She looked like she was trying to remember the steps. Her arms draw figures in the air, she looked like a sorceress. She kept changing directions, switching positions. He wished he could snap pictures of her every time she fixed her head straight, or moved her leg, or arched her back. She had a concentrated expression, her mouth slightly open. She put her weight on her right leg and raised herself on pointe, turning on one foot. Two turns, he counted. She looked lost in thought again, she had her back to him. Her leotard left her back exposed, the fabric low on her behind. She had a beautiful spine tattoo, which he was terribly impressed from. It was a flower, the stem extender on her spine. It opened with big petals near her shoulder blades and at the base of her neck. From that position, she swung one of her legs up, her muscles flexing. She held up her leg for a few seconds, then proceeded to connect her toe to her knee cap. He could have stayed frozen in that position looking at her for days. He imagined himself waking towards her, caging her waist with his hands, feeling the fabric that covered her legs, feeling her bare back with his fingertips. He imagined himself dancing with her and effortlessly lifting her up, her arms around his neck, her chest against his own.
He wanted to feel the pearly sweat on her forehead, the hair that fell from her bun on her neck, ear her quick laboured breaths. He could have sworn she was floating, her feet never really touching the ground. Her arms drew beautiful circles in the air. He let his eyes wonder and take in all of her, like she was going to vanish like a fever dream. From the tip of her pointy nails, her shoulders, the curve of her ass, her thighs and those pointe shoes. Her eyes were fixated on her reflection, in a deep state of focus. He waited until she looked like she was done, she was breathing heavily from a few jumps she had repeated until she got them perfect like she wanted. He watched her dip one hand in the space between her breasts to fix her leotard which was sticking with sweat, that was when he decided he could not watch her anymore. He timidly took a step forward and knocked on the door frame.
She jumped and turned towards him, startled. When she realised it was him, she covered her mouth with her perfect little hand, fuck Jude what are you doing to me? '*Maronn, m'e fatt fa' o giall…'* she said. He could't understand what she said, but he thought she meant 'you scared the living shit out of me.' 'Sorry?' he replied, still standing by the door. She shook her head. How long has he been watching? She felt incredibly exposed. That stupid skirt didn't cover anything, she felt like she wanted to rip his eyes out for seeing her in that state. She was covered in sweat, she probably stank, her bun was falling apart cause she took out all the pins that were piercing her scalp. 'I'm serious, you can't do that to people, I thought I was going to piss myself.' It made him smile, she was so unserious, yet her expression was still of pure shock. He threw his hands in the air in an apologetic way. He took a step in the room, but she raised an hand.
'No shoes', she instructed. He rolled his eyes but complied. 'What are you doing here?' She was sitting down next to her bag, untying her laces. He stepped close to her in his socks, looking down at where she was sitting. 'I wanted to know how it went with that girl…' he said. She looked up before removing her point shoe. He wanted to know? So he took a car at seven in the evening, and drove all the way to her ballet school, he even remembered where it was located, just to ask about updates on the bullying situation. He still had a mask on. So he always covered his face, why? 'Oh… all good, I solved it.' I heard, he thought. She removed her toe pads, hissing in pain. He crunched down, looking at her foot. Her toe was bleeding, there was redness all over her skin, blue veins popping out. The shape of the shoe was imprinted on her skin from wearing it for a long time. It wasn't an amazing sight, he had to admit. 'What's that?' he asked pointing at the blue second skin patches she had on her foot. She had secured them with scotch tape. 'Second skin… for blisters' she answered. She threw away the dirty patches along with the tape and took a look at her bleeding toe. She fished a bandaid out of her bag and continued with her other foot, which was as terrifying as the first one. He had his scars and she had hers then. Signs of the battlefield. It made him wonder how her face never showed discomfort, while she was dancing.
'Doesn't it hurt? The shoe', he asked. She gave him a little smile. She wasn't wearing as much make up as usual, her lashes looked natural, arched upwards, her skin was glistening with sweat, now that he was closer he could see her freckles better, one on the side of her nose, one on her cheek. She handed him a pointe shoe. 'Feel how hard it is' she said, then proceeded to take the other one and tap it on the ground. 'I stand on this for hours, barefoot'. He squished the shoe between his fingers, feeling the hard tip. Impressive. Was it wood inside? Or cement? 'Why are you really here?' She stood up, and so did he. She was tiny without her precious high boots. Standing barefoot in front of him, barely dressed, he decided she was 5'2''. I could crush you with a finger, he thought. He could wrap his hand around her torso, circling her whole waist. She was frowning, looking up at him like a deer caught in headlights. She wasn't scared, she just stood in between him and the mirror. One step foreword, I would crush and you'd be trapped. 'I told you, I wanted to know how yesterday's situation ended.' It wasn't a total lie. It made him feel awkward, seeing her embarrassed and he wanted to believe her apologies were sincere. He was annoyed yesterday, he had to admit. He knew she couldn't leave Gemma alone out there, it was just inconvenient timing. He didn't want to be in that situation, he made a mistake entering that car to begin with. His feet had dragged him to one of the cars, he drove all the way to the school, he saw it open, lights on. He saw bodies moving on the first floor, he saw young girls in ballet attire. He saw her through the windows. He looked at her walking in between them, her judging eyes. He couldn't pick up on what she was saying but he was sure her words cut like knifes. The way her lips moved, her expression dark. He imagined her loving control, loving the idea of being in charge and telling her students what they had to do. And when they failed. She looked at him, she was studying him. 'You don't look like the type to gossip', she rested both her hands on her hips. 'You don't know the first thing about me… Alba.'
There he said it. I know you now. Her expression quickly shifted, her eyes wide in shock. He could smell her fear. What the fuck, how? She felt compromised. She felt like he was entering her safe space uninvited. She felt violated. I have to pack my things and leave again. 'How…' she spoke, but a voice called for her from the changing rooms. It was another teacher, jazz class. 'Alba I'm done here, I'll see you Friday!' She quickly shouted back that she was on her way out, her eyes still fixated on his, trying to depict why he knew her fake name. He was amused. 'I heard Gemma say it on her way out', he explained. She looked like she was about to panic. Either punch him, run away or stab him in the neck with a hair pin. She still didn't feel at ease, even though the explanation made sense. It's not the real one, he thought he figured it out, he doesn't know it's fake. It's fine, let him believe he found it, it's fake. She tried to change the subject. 'Did you eat yet?'
'I wanna go eat.'
A tiny pause. 'Burger?'
Now, did it take long to convince him to go eat with her? No. Was he still debating while driving her to the nearest burger place he could think of? Yes. Of course. He made the same mistake twice, which was being in a confined space with her. So close he could feel her breath, see the hair on her arms. This wasn't his life at all. He could't remember the last time he went out to a restaurant with a girl, he rarely went out with his teammates, let alone someone else. What even was she to him, a coworker? He would normally be at the base, doing some paperwork, studying the next mission. He would normally be caged in his office, or his room with a book and a cigarette. That was his normal. It wasn't normal to think about her, to visit her office, to want to talk to her. The fact is, he really wasn't thinking when he was with her. He wan't pondering his decisions, he wasn't considering implications, he just did what he wanted. He didn't feel like he needed to be ready to fight, and that would most definitely get him killed sooner or later. And he wanted to know her, cause she seemed so full of shit all the time, it had to be an act. He thought she was a time bomb. She created such a halo of mystery around her, he needed to know. She didn't belong there, she was there for a specific reason, why?
They sat down at a table for two, far from the entrance, which he was grateful for. He didn't like going out in public. He had a grey balaclava on, plain grey no print. He kept the hood of his shirt on his head and sat with his shoulders to the restaurant. She had changed, before going out. She went into the changing rooms, quickly refreshed herself in the toilet. Thank God she had deodorant with her. She stripped of her leotard and tights, her outfit wasn't really going to be elegant. She put on sweats and an oversized jumper, she had running shoes on. She tried to fix her hair, ended up letting them fall on her shoulders. She looked at the menu, or better pretended to look at the menu. She was looking at him. It didn't sound right at all, he was lying to her. He was there for a specific reason. She kept thinking at him in the truck, trying to remember which way the dance school was. Did you look it up online? Did you remember from last night, did you think about last night? They stayed silent until they came to take their order. He ordered a burger with bacon and onions, she went with a cheeseburger with hot sauce. When the waitress left they were alone again, looking at each other with serious faces without saying a word. It felt like they were studying each other. They were Trojans and Achaeans. Alba was a female version of Achilles, son of Thetis and Peleus. The hero of grief and sorrow. The hero of rage. The rage that made him famous, the same rage that killed him. Simon was Hector. Son of Priam, king of Troy. The proctor of the city. The first of the soldiers, the greatest. Loved by his people, ready to serve them. Alba had read and translated a good portion of the Iliad at school. Spoiler alert, Achilles kills Hector in a horrifying way and drags his naked body around Troy.
'Why are you looking at me like that?' he was the first to speak. She scoffed. Sorry Simon, I was thinking about tying your leg to my chariot and dragging you around naked. 'Because I think you're full of shit.' She replied. He tilted his head downwards.
'You're the one that's hiding her identity.'
'Says the guy with the face mask.'
'Well, I know your name now.'
'Oh scary, I can start crying if you want.'
They looked at each other for a few more seconds in silence. I could do this all day, that's what he thought. 'If you came here just to tell me to stop with the Al-Jareena stuff I got the message.' He stopped her, 'I know, it's fine', he said. She closed her mouth. You wanna talk Simon, talk. He looked like he was finding the right words, he looked like he was struggling. She understood. He wanted to let her know he wasn't mad for forcing him into her car. He looked for her, drove 30 minutes to see her and tell her. 'Okay…' she said, her voice soft 'Thanks.' She took a sip of water from her glass. He was tense in his chair. She thought this wasn't really his comfort zone, he didn't strike her as the social type. With them, only 4 tables were full. It was a Thursday, not much fun going on in the city. She was glad, she looked like she had just ran a marathon and fished her clothes from a trashcan. Typical Thursday outfit.
'Alba', he said. She felt a shiver travel down her spine. She had almost forgot. Her name. She crossed her arms agains her chest and sighed, sitting back in her chair, waiting for him to speak.
'Tell me about The Pilgrimage.'
notes: I LOVE THEM
notes: 'Maronn, m'e fatt fa' o giall…' Naples dialect for: 'My god you made me piss myself', to use when you're scared.
notes: Trojans and Achaeans (Greeks) fought the Trojan war in the Iliad (Homer). Alba is definitely a greek mythology fan. as you might have gathered she is, in fact, Italian. in the Italian school system, there is a particular set of studies that revolve around Greek and Latin mythology, literature, history and translations. she went to that school and to this day dreams about the last conversation between Hector and his wife Andromache which is, trust me, an heart wrenching goodbye from the husband. expect more mythology Easter eggs ehehe.
noted: alba's back tattoo is a thistle flower
@ghostlythots @sweetfemmefatal @natxpat @chavarriakeren647 @ravenmoore14 @farther-than-pleiades @internallyscreamings @hwromi @atoxicrat @cuti3maddi3 @deafeningkittenblaze @its-celeste @serene-hills @lexidoll12 @poohkie90 @lunatiquess
@warmedbythebody @katzykat @iristhemuse @azkza @keiraslayz @abbyandermine @jennyjencakes @dest-nai @corset-briefs @nutze-kekse @ilytsukiw @b3anspr0ut
@pondsblog @missyouzoe @fallenkitten @bigauthorrascalturkey @bethtay @angelynn-nicole @starluv @stargirlisworld @giyuuslittleslut @impossiblecupcakelight
@rkrivees-blog @ghosts-hoe @kam1snotverysmart @gauky76 @freyjaaasstuff @spicyspicyliving @scottpilgrimvsmyfists @courtney0-0 @shinchanboi @darling006 @my-therapist-hates-me
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zarasu · 2 years ago
Lesbingqiu, black widow
Luo Binghe's husband hadn't been dead for two weeks when she met her next target.
It was at one of the parties her connection to her late husband got her an invitation to. "You shouldn't be alone after such a sudden loss," it said.
So Binghe threw on her best black dress, attached a black veil to her hair (long enough to get the point across, but certainly short enough to not cover her face), and painted her eyes black to distract from the lack of eye-bags.
She had lured in more than just a few potential husbands with the tragic widow look before.
When she arrived, the party was already in full swing. Nonetheless, her kind hostess took the time to greet her and express her condolences. (Naive, said a little voice in the back of Binghe's head that she quickly squashed.)
It didn’t take long until she was approached by others, all repeating the same dreary sentiments she had heard a hundred times before. Bored, she let her eyes wander over their clothes, estimating their monthly income.
In the drudge of generic 'thank you's and 'it was just so unexpected's, her attention drifted a bit, until she was suddenly brought back to reality by an overly familiar hand on her arm.
"It must be hard, all alone now," a sleazy voice sounded from beside her and Binghe looked up at a man with too much gel in his hair and a greedy look in his eyes. "Without a strong man in your life to support you. How are you holding up?"
With a practiced eye, Binghe took him in. The suit he was wearing was meant to look expensive, but the fabrics could not conceal the fact that it was off-the-peg. The Rolex on his wrist, as well, was an imitation rather than the real thing.
Binghe drew into herself slightly, away from him, and fixed a tight smile on her face. "I'm holding up alright, thank you."
Apparently, he was dumb as brick as well, because he completely ignored the silent cues and only invaded her personal space further.
Binghe rolled her eyes. She would have driven him off by now, if his behaviour didn’t play perfectly into her plans. She was already playing the tragic victim role, might as well give a heroic knight the opportunity to save her from something more tangible.
"It's best to distract oneself in a situation like that," he continued, and Binghe's smile grew even tighter. "I have a weekend house in-"
"So that is what society has come to," a cold voice came from behind them.
Startled, both Binghe and the man turned around. There, Shen Qingqiu stood, looking at them cooly over a glass of white wine.
Binghe's stomach swooped in nervousness. Shen Qingqiu was... something of an important figure in high society.
The fact that she was the heir to a big corporation was one reason for her popularity. The other, though, was undoubtedly her icy beauty, her flawless manners, and her cutting intellect.
She didn’t disappoint today either, with her gleaming, green silk suit and her shiny dark hair done up in a clever bun.
Binghe had always taken care to avoid her, certain that the other woman's sharp eyes would see right through her facade. Now, however, she was pinned, no way to escape.
Binghe’s palms grew clammy.
Shen Qingqiu continued: "Since when is it the done thing to prey on a grieving woman, I wonder?"
It took Binghe a few seconds of confusion until she realised that Shen Qingqiu's cold stare wasn’t directed at her at all, but at the man next to her.
The man in question seemed to be equally frozen in surprise.
Finally, Shen Qingqiu said slowly but firmly: "Take your hand off her arm."
He flinched and took his hand off her as if he'd been burned. Then, he gave an awkward laugh and excused himself before hurrying away.
Binghe looked after him for a second, wishing she could do the same. Now that she was alone with Shen Qingqiu, what would the other woman say? Or maybe worse; what unspoken knowledge would Binghe find in her eyes?
She tried to brace herself, getting ready for whatever was to come.
Of all the things that could happen, she didn’t expect to suddenly feel two gentle, elegant hands on her shoulders. The scent of green tea and sage met her nose and Binghe froze in surprise.
"Are you quite alright," Shen Qingqiu asked softly, looking down at her with concern in her dark eyes. There was none of the dismissive contempt there that Binghe had expected to see.
"What an unpleasant person," she added and frowned towards where the man had vanished.
With a quick wave, she called a waiter, took one of the glasses of wine from the tray and pressed it into Binghe's hand.
Binghe took a sip without looking. It was red wine. Abruptly, she recalled the question and cleared her throat.
"I'm alright now," she said quietly. Then, she remembered herself and looked up at Shen Qingqiu through her eyelashes. "That is, thanks to you. That really was a bit of an uncomfortable situation you helped me out of, so... thank you."
Instead of answering, Shen Qingqiu just swallowed audibly and, with fascinated disbelief, Binghe watched as Shen Qingqiu's eyes flitted from her eyes to her lips for a second.
No way, she thought, nervousness and confusion giving way to a slow, incredulous delight.
"It was no problem," Shen Qingqiu said, seconds too late to be natural. It seemed she realised it too because a faint blush spread over her beautiful face. She looked away, then, and Binghe realised she was desperately casting around for something to say.
When her gaze fell on Binghe's black veil, she jolted a little. "Ah, I can't believe I forgot to say this before but, my condolences to you."
Binghe needed only a second to calculate her plan of action. It wasn’t hard to decide.
With all her years of training, she made tears rise to her eyes to give them a glazed look and turned her head away a little to hide her apparent bout of sadness, baring her neck in the process.
"I haven't really come to terms with it yet," she whispered. "I keep suddenly remembering that he's... well," she gave a choked, sad laugh. "It catches me by surprise every time."
With wide, reddened eyes, she looked up, and Shen Qingqiu's hand reflexively came up to touch Binghe before she caught herself.
"It must be very hard," Shen Qingqiu agreed quietly, almost awkwardly. "If there's anything I can do for you, please tell me."
Binghe smiled faintly. "You have already done so much for me, I'm not going to ask you for more."
Shen Qingqiu's face took on a very determined expression and, seemingly forgetting that she had just stopped herself from touching Binghe, she gently put a hand on her elbow. "Please, I'd be more than happy to help in whatever way I can."
Shyly, Binghe ducked her head. "As horrible as he was, that man was right that the thing I need most right now is just some company."
Shen Qingqiu frowned at her concernedly. "Do you have any family left? Friends?"
"I'm afraid everyone I could call a friend was my husband's friend first. They have their own grief to deal with," Binghe said quietly, intentionally ignoring the question about family.
"Well, that's no good." Shen Qingqiu's lips pressed together firmly. "I insist that you come visit me tomorrow. Or whenever you have time. It's no good to be all by yourself in that house, surrounded by memories."
Binghe fidgeted, hesitating. She kept the wild smile that wanted to break free in her chest, near her heart, where it belonged.
"I don’t want to be a bother, but if you insist?"
"I insist," Shen Qingqiu agreed and brought her hand up to squeeze her shoulder possessively.
Binghe looked up at her and finally allowed the smile to reach her face, just a little. "Alright then."
She had found her next target.
(With Binghe's skillful manipulations and Shen Qingqiu's urge to do right by her, they get married within the year. Binghe decides to wait a bit longer this time to kill her new spouse, not wanting to draw too much attention.)
(After five years, Binghe decides that there's no real reason to kill Shen Qingqiu just yet. She gives Binghe everything she wants and Binghe really hasn't found anyone who would be a better spouse since they got married.)
(After twenty years, Binghe decides that she's really gotten too old to be an effective black widow anymore. Instead, she plans a twenty year anniversary holiday for them and gives her wife her deserved good morning kiss, relief making her heart feel light.)
(They live happily ever after.)
The end~
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jarofstyles · 2 years ago
Reaper 8
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
another lovely update for you, a little more background, a little more drama
Check out our Patreon for early access and exclusive writing!
warnings: reaper's explicit rage, kinda fluffy tbh, age gap talks, she calls him daddy once, smut
wc: 12.5k
The stillness of the morning was something Harry had grown to love. Growing up in London, he was used to the sound of sirens and raindrops against the window panes of his council flat. It was opposite to the serenity of his desert oasis. Sure the heat took some getting used to at first, but there was nowhere in the world he’d rather be.
When his mum shipped him off to his aunt’s house in the States at 13, he thought he’d never forgive her for taking away everything he knew. He was left to fend for himself out here, but it seems the fresh start was a blessing in disguise. A blessing that saved his miserable, twisted life.
Harry tried his best not to move as he shifted awake, not wanting to wake the sweet sleeping Bunny in his arms. She was snuggled so comfortably against his chest, arms, and legs clinging to him. The longer she slept the more time she spent away from this reality where she didn’t feel entirely safe. Harry wasn’t sure how he slept at night knowing that.
His lips brushed her forehead as she shifted in her sleep, a sweet little sigh leaving her swollen lips as she sunk further into his warmth. His throat tightened as he realized just how comfortable she was with him.
He still felt the guilt coursing through him. The fact he had made himself stay far, far away from her and pushed her away because he had been worried about caving and giving into this exact want? To the point where she probably didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell him someone was bothering her? It stung. His intentions in staying a respectable distance had been good but he had hurt her in the long run.
She had always been a favorite of his, long before the feelings had changed and things had shifted to a romantic gaze. It was more so on her side admittedly at first, but at age 19 when she had come back from her second year of college and he had seen her again, seen the woman she had become instead of sweet little Bunny who drew with chalk and showed him the cupcakes she decorated? It had spooked him entirely and he had taken major steps back. He knew it had hurt her back then and he had tried to keep the big brother type of thing but it was never like that for her.
For her, she saw him as a friend. Someone she looked up to and loved. And then it was more. He knew she had a little crush but never imagined it had actually flourished into the feelings she was expressing now.
He was being selfish now. Hogging her and indulging in the fantasy of laying in bed with her like she was his girlfriend. Pressing a few kisses to the crown of her head as her nude back was stroked by his hand, her peaceful expression reminding him exactly why he needed to be careful.
Each and every day he felt the anger in him brew. The anger towards himself and this stalker, this man who thought he had any claim in the woman he wanted to keep.
Whilst Harry was deep in thought Bunny had long since woken up, far too busy enjoying the tenderness he was offering her. She at first thought it was reserved for special occasions, during their most intimate moments. Though once it came, it never faded. He was tender even when it wasn’t necessary and to her, that meant far more.
Harry noticed a shift in her breathing but chose to keep quiet. He really shouldn’t indulge like this.
It was too late. It’s been too late.
“You trying to trick me, bun?” Harry rasped, breaking through the silence a few moments later. He placed another gentle kiss on her forehead, resting his cheek against the top of her head. “You must be tired, why don’t you sleep a little more?” His words were met immediately with a shake of her head.
“Don’t wanna,” Y/N mumbled against his chest, “Not when you’re awake.” Bunny knew how cheesy it sounded. She couldn’t help how she felt. Her body pushed forward against his, asking him to lay flat on his back so she could climb to lay on top of him.
“What do you wanna do today?” She asked, letting out a tiny yawn before resting her cheek back against his chest. “Cause I’m guessing I’m not going to class.”
His smile could be felt on her head as she melted into him. It wasn’t fair. It really wasn’t. Harry made her heart beat so hard and her stomach clench with the giddy swirls and he always seemed so… calm. Collected. Even when he was being sweet. She wished sometimes she had more control over her reactions with him because it was almost embarrassing.
“Mm.. as much as I want to keep you locked in here and in this bed?” He laid back and placed his arm back around her, fingers tangling with the ends of her hair. “I think I should let you go back. It isn’t… I don’t want him to think he’s won. That he’s backing you into a corner. Y’know?” He felt her nod against his chest.
“Yeah. I’m just getting spoiled spending the days with you.” Her tired voice made him want to pull her up for a kiss, but she was seemingly comfortable so he settled on a squeeze to her hip.
“Me too, baby. Me too.” The pet name had slipped out again, not in the context of sex, and it had her reeling. Hearing him call her such soft things had her feeling giddy.
“So I can go to classes? Are… you’re gonna be sitting out there?” She hoped he would. Harry made her feel the safest she had ever felt in her life.
“Yeah. And Kid is going to go inside with you. I talked to Viper about it and he’s a good one. A little younger than you, but he’s never pulled any bullshit.”
“Kid huh?” She giggled, “No, I shouldn’t judge based on the nickname. I’m sure he’s dangerous.” Y/N said more to herself than to Harry. She let her eyes fall closed again with a sigh, focusing in on Harry’s heartbeat to ground her. It had quickly become one of her favorite things to do.
“Okay, so that means I have to get up like…. Now.” She whined towards the end of the sentence, expressing clear distress on her face. She didn’t want to get up, but she’d do it. Y/N really did love going to her classes. Turning her head, she pressed a few kisses to his chest with a sweet hum. “Not yet though.”
Their morning kiss was far more important at the moment.
The two of them had felt undeniably closer after last night. Feelings on high, there were no hesitations anymore. At least not from Y/N. If she didn’t think it’d freak him out she would have told him she loved him by now.
“I’m going to shower. Do NOT,” She pressed a finger to his nose, “because I will give in and I will be late and please don’t make it hard for me.” Bunny pouted, pecking his lips a few more times before lifting herself out of bed.
“I was about to come with you, so you’re very lucky you gave me that warning.” He said with a snicker, sitting up and stretching as he watched her walk to the bathroom and shut the door.
God damn. He was in so much fucking trouble with her. He could see himself having this view every single morning, except following her inside the bathroom and holding her there for quite a while. Making her late.
One of the good things about the reputation of the club was that people didn’t fuck with its members or their women. Their lovers. Whatever. They had privileges and connections and weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. Harry was happy that would extend to Y/N.
The black tee shirt was lazily thrown on his shirtless form, going to his dresser and putting his rings back on the allotted finger.
He hoped that she would be out of the shower soon. She really would be late if she didn’t hurry.
“Can you grab me a banana or something please!” Y/N called to him as she hurriedly tugged on some jeans. Although Harry did make a face at the thought of her not having a proper meal in her belly, he knew they didn’t have time for a real breakfast.
“I have a break at 12, I’ll come out and bring you some of whatever we make, okay? I don’t want you to be hungry waiting for me either.” It was a perk of culinary school, there was always something to eat if you were hungry. Of course, she wanted to make sure he had something in his system to keep him alert.
“I’m ready, just need to put on my shoes.” Bunny checked the clock, 8:32 am. Class started at 9. “Okay, we need to go!” She pulled her tote bag over her shoulder, opening the door only to be met with a sinister surprise.
A bag from the shop they were at yesterday.
“Harry,” Y/N's voice did nothing to hide her shock. She knew for a fact he had not put it there, hell, how could anyone have put it there?
Harry knew by her voice that something was wrong. His alarms hackled, grabbing his gun and unlocking the safety, shoving her away from the door and raising the gun.
There was no one there but a familiar shopping bag, the hair on the back of his neck standing up as he pushed Bunny back and kicked the bag. Just in case something was explosive, he covered the door frame with his body but there were no movement- only fabric spilling out of the bag.
He looked up at her with furrowed brows, deciding it was safe to grab the bag and bring it inside. There were no good moves at this point. No one ordered anything here and the sick feeling in his stomach had him aware of just who this was from.
“Bunny, back up.” He ordered, taking the bag and opening it up to see the pink fabric was… an older worn pair of panties? With a white piece of paper attached to it with scratchy writing.
“Did you forget my invite? I thought we were going to have fun together, but it seems you’re too busy being a whore for that scum. I can hear you right now. He’s not a good man, Y/N. I will get rid of him for you.”
For once, Harry felt blindsided.
How could this happen? He brought her here because it was secure and safe. He had made sure of that when he moved in. Someone was getting fired today if not murdered. He needed to control himself, he couldn’t act on these feelings now. His priority was Bunny.
“We are going now.” Harry spoke calmly, locking his apartment though at this point, he might as well leave it open. Ridiculous that he even had to do this, had to fix this, had to think on his feet so much when she should be safe here. He didn’t want to bark orders at her, but he was livid. Anything could set him off right now and he didn’t have time for the rage.
Harry kept her close to his body as they made their way to his bike. The bag was still in his hand, he didn’t think it was something Y/N should see. Not yet anyway. He folded the bag in half and shoved it into the compartment under his seat. Everything was moving so fast, he didn’t realize he was barely saying a word to Y/N.
“Here.” He mumbled, helping her with the helmet as usual. “Hold on tight, bun.”
“I need everyone to open their ears and listen very fucking closely— this fucking roach got into my building!” Harry could not hold back his anger anymore, not in the comfort of the clubhouse.
Everyone had heard his bike roar as they pulled into the lot. It was still early in the morning, they weren’t expecting anyone till at least midday. They knew it could only mean one thing.
Viper had been the first to greet them, immediately looking to Bunny to see how she was handling it. To his surprise, she seemed calm and relatively relaxed. It definitely hadn’t hit her yet.
“How?” Wiz asked with a raised brow. “You live at a pretty secure place.”
Harry shot him a look. “If I fucking knew, I’d have the thing dismembered by now.” His voice was a low growl. Harry’s whole body screamed danger, he was on edge and his stance was tight. “I’m not keeping her there when he could bypass the guard at the front. Which- I hope someone has a shovel ready because that one needs a shallow grave too, later.
Anyone who allowed this to happen would die. He could see the blood now. It would be the only thing that could make him feel better.
“How do you know it was him?” Viper tried to be reasonable, knowing that despite Harry being normally rational in those terms- he was paranoid when it came to Bunny. Anyone with eyes could see he cared for her.
“I have proof.” He yanked the bag out of his pocket and handed it to him. “That’s from a store we went to yesterday. The son of a bitch was following us. Don’t open that out here.” He warned. Anyone else seeing those panties would make him start screaming.
Viper’s brows flashed up when he saw the name of the shop on the bag. He’d bought his wife a few things from there before, this wasn’t a minor offense.
“I’m guessing it’s the underwear he took from her house the first time, it’s in there with another note.” Harry nodded towards the bag, “I’ll skin him alive. He thinks he can threaten me?” It’s that part of the note that really got to him. There was no doubt that he would be able to kill the fucker, but to have Bunny see it? To think she wasn’t safe with him? It’d be the death of him he was sure.
“You two are welcome to stay here in the meantime. You aren’t going back there anytime soon, little rabbit.” Viper turned to Bunny, he didn’t hesitate to offer them their guest room. It was Harry’s room at first anyway. “I’ll have Mia sort it out for you, Wiz? I think you and Reaper should head back there… bring Kid with you, he’s got a good eye. Get whatever you need for the week and bring it back here. You know she’s safe here.”
Bunny knew better than to comment, this wasn’t the time. Harry was rightfully fuming, he was not in the headspace to be there for her now and she knew that. In fact, this time she wasn’t as spacey— it’s as if she knew something would happen to taint the wonderful mood she’d been in. The awareness of having a full-time stalker had fully settled in.
Harry turned to her. He was trying, that was what mattered. She could see on his face he remembered last time, his solid body stalking up to her and taking her chin in his hand.
“I’m going to take care of it, Bunny.” He said quietly. His eyes still weren’t all there- she could tell his brain was still not really able to fully be there for her but the attempt was there. “M’gonna kill him.”
His lips covered hers roughly, kissing her hard. In front of all the brothers, it was very telling where they stood now. Harry wouldn’t just kiss anyone, his grip on her possessive as he let it linger on the only sweetness he could focus on.
“Text me what you need, yeah? I’ll grab your school shit. We’re taking a truck to grab some shit. Wiz will look at the security systems and we’ll install better ones later but… you’re safe here.” He thumbed over her cheek.  “Viper will introduce you to Mia. I’ve got to go.”
“Be safe, okay?” Y/N wrapped her hand around his wrist, dragging her thumb over the back of his hand that was on her cheek. She leaned into his touch some more, turning her head to press a kiss to the palm of his hand. “I’ll see you later. I’m okay, I promise.” And she really was. She was surprising herself, though it was definitely just a trauma response. Thankfully, she had Viper here to help.
“Man, he’s a fucking nerd,” Wiz grumbled with annoyance as he searched through the footage, noticing how clean the time cuts had been. There was only a certain time frame it could have been if he’d heard them fucking. “It was still light outside— he’s got some balls I give him that.”
“I’ll feed them to Rover if he even thinks of coming back here again.” Harry spat, not in the mood for jokes. This creep was getting on Harry’s last nerve and he didn’t have many, to begin with.
“Look— you said you got back around 4, yeah? There is a cut from 4:38 to 5. Either he was here for a while or he’s trying to throw us off.” Wiz explained, wanting to see if he had forgotten any cameras.
“He has to be insane. Because there’s no way he knows of us… knows of Reaper’s reputation and is still choosing to go after his girl.” Kid said quietly, pushing his sunglasses up.
The man’s rage could be felt in the place, his body nearly vibrating with anger. Harry knew it was better to have left her there. He didn’t like how this situation was making him feel. It was worrying him a bit. Yes- he snapped many times, he was bloodthirsty and he killed people, he did it without a second thought if the conditions were right, the crime was bad enough. But this was slow burning. Edging. Boiling his rage more and more each day.
He hoped Bunny wasn’t there when he found the guy. No one would be able to stop him from killing him with his bare hands. Nothing could. He wouldn’t stop until he was sure the thing was dead.
“I mean… hacking into security cameras isn’t difficult for a novice once you’ve got access to the deck. But my question is… who let him into the security booth? Because there’s no way an amateur could do this from their own computer.” Wiz looked at him.
“When do your security switch shifts?” Kid piped up. “If he’s watching Bunny it’s possible that he’s been watching this place for a while and knows the shifts. He could have worked it to a way where he messed with a guard or became familiar with them.”
“Kid, how about you go down there and do some investigating.“ Harry would do it himself had he been in a calmer state of mind. Kid was younger and had a kind face, they wouldn’t think anything of it. At the minute Harry was packing Bunny’s essentials, trying to ground himself through the sound of Wiz clicking away on his laptop. He couldn’t trust himself to do anything else, not when he was so on edge.
“Gotcha!” Wiz smacked the desk with delight, zooming in on the one place he knew the guy wouldn’t think to look. “Parking garage cams, how I love you so!” Wiz sing songed, “Come here, both of you.” He stopped Kid in his tracks to the door.
The footage wasn’t the best quality, but it was obvious that someone had stopped to look in Harry’s car. The figure had a toolbox with him, a hat covering his head. Maintenance, a believable disguise.
“This fucker— He did the same thing with his hand when he checked Bunny’s car in the lot.” Wiz pulled up the footage side by side. The hand going up, the way his back hunched.
Harry was deadly silent as he watched, his hands gripping the tabletop so hard that his knuckles were white. The son of a bitch. He didn’t have enough degrading words for him.
There was unfiltered audacity from this motherfucker. He had no fear. None at all, and it made Harry so angry that he could spit. He could maim. He was going to ruin this man and wipe him off this earth. “I’ve never looked forward to ending a life so much in my lifetime.” He murmured quietly, letting the anger fester. It would fuel him later.
Wiz looked at Harry with concern. “Brother… I know it’s hard right now. We’re going to get him. We won’t let him get Bunny.”
“I know,” Harry said simply. “I’m going to track down this fucker the moment I get even a hint of a lead.” He turned and went back to their bedroom. Theirs. It really was at this point, with her stuff all over. Hair ties on his dresser and her makeup in his bathroom. Her slippers were next to his house shoes, her cardigan over his armchair in the corner. Her fake lashes on her nightstand that sometimes he got spooked by and thought were spiders. It made her crack up the time she had caught his jump. She had become a staple in his home and now it felt unsafe.
He hated this.
“I know you will. Without a doubt, we always do. Bunny is a special girl, she gets you, bro. Gotta make sure you keep yourself calm for her. When you do see him? Do what you do best, but right now… We gotta focus.” Wiz had seen Harry in far worse states, though he’d never heard him say he looked forward to killing someone.
Was this the Reaper in love? Even he was afraid to get in his way. The only thing letting Wiz know he was still sane and not too far gone was his tone of voice. He had never seen him so focused while feeling his rage. What spell had the little Bunny put on him?
Harry took a few deep breaths, Wiz was right. He knew he was, but Harry’s anger knew no bounds. He’d spent his whole life trying to control it, trying to find ways to release it. First, it was sex, then it was drugs, and now it was killing.
“Man, I need a fat fucking spliff.”
Bunny was in her own head, smiling softly at Mia as she chatted to her while they set up Harry’s old room at the clubhouse.
“So I had one of the guys run to Target to grab some fresh sheets and pillows for you guys. I don’t want you to sleep on the gross ones.” She wrinkled her nose. Her hand was going inside the drawers, wiping out the surfaces with disinfectant wipes. The clubhouse was raunchy and not suitable for couple living, but she was doing her best to help Bunny adjust.
She nodded. “Thank you, Mia. Really. I’m usually a lot more talkative, I promise. I’m just a little shaken up.” She felt bad she wasn’t meeting her at her best. It wasn’t personal and her fear was the girl thinks of her as rude or standoffish but she only really wanted Harry right now.
“Please.” She scoffed. “I didn’t mutter more than a yes or no for the first 2 months I was here. If anyone understands being overwhelmed... it’s me. It’s not something I’ve been through myself, your situation… but I know how scary it is to feel out of control of your life and that someone else is pulling the strings. You’re really lucky you’ve got Reaper.” Mia threw the last wipe in the trash bag.
“He’s scary, really, but he’s nice. He isn’t… he doesn’t harass women, he is the first one to put someone in line if they’re being disrespectful to a woman here. The guys here are decent to me but they still are a bit… insensitive at times.”
“Yeah, I can imagine.” Y/N let out a sad chuckle, knowing how difficult it must be to be surrounded by these men all the time. Her comment about Harry did warm her heart, she knew this fact about him, but to hear it confirmed by someone who had no motive was comforting.
“He um… he told me about you, that my brother and my dad were on the mission of helping you.” Bunny knew she didn’t have to say anything else, Mia would know exactly what she had been referencing. “I know you weren’t in the state to meet them properly before things all went to shit, but I’ve known Harry a long time. He’s always been a nice guy at heart.” It was still odd for her to call him Reaper. She didn’t think she ever could. “Don’t tell him I said that though!”
Mia let out a giggle at her last statement, taking a look around the room to see what she could do next.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” She offered a warm smile, “I heard you were a chef.” Mia enjoyed cooking, but the girls in the kitchen were far more skilled than she was. “You have to teach me!”
“I’d love to. Do you have stuff here?” She asked curiously. She was hungry. Her banana had been abandoned in her bag and she could go for some real food.
Shit. She had to email her professors, too.
“I think we should. I’ll go and check.” The knock at the door was Viper, his charming smile making Y/N feel a bit more at ease.
“Delivery.” He opened the door with the three target bags overstuffed, Y/N crossing the room to grab one of them. “I’m glad you two are getting along. Reaper texted me saying he’s on his way back and to have a joint set up for him because he needs it.” He chuckled, placing a few prerolls down on the nightstand. “He used to stay in here when he was younger. It’s his story to tell but after he fell into some shit that was going to actually get him killed, he came here for a while. I saved it and made sure it was blocked off from recreational use.”
The nasty sex that happened in the clubhouse.
“Thank you so much.” Bunny smiled up at him, starting to search through the bag. “Oooo you got me fudge stripes?!” They were Sterling’s favorite, but everyone knew that Bunny was the one who introduced them to him. “You’re the best!” She went to give him a quick hug before moving to make the bed.
“No problem, little rabbit. Listen,” Viper started, “I’m sure you know he’s pissed right now. You seem to know just how to handle him, but he’s very unpredictable at times and I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“He’d never hurt me.” Bunny defended instantly, she had full confidence in the fact.
“I’m not saying he will. I’m saying, if you ever feel unsafe, don’t stay quiet.” Viper’s tone was serious. He had known Harry for a very long time and he admittedly had never seen him so enamored. Anger, much like lust and love, were strong emotions that Reaper didn’t have much experience with containing. “Remember, I’m here to protect you too.” It’s what her father had asked of him.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but the kitchen is just about to start making lunch so if you wanna take over, now is the time,” Mia confirmed as she stepped into the room. She thought it looked rather charming now that she’d cleaned it up a bit. Not the best, but better than it’s looked in years.
“Right well, duty calls. Tell Harry I’ll be in the kitchen. I’m sure he’ll want some time on his own.” Y/N walked past Viper with a closed lipped smile, still feeling strange after his warning.
Harry walked inside and immediately searched for her. The only person that could keep him remotely sane at the moment.
“Where’s my girl?” He grunted at the group playing cards.
“In the kitchen with Mia. The girl knows where she belong-” Harry had his gun out and the safety clicked off before he could finish the sentence.
“Watch your fucking mouth when you talk about her.” He growled. One wrong move and Harry could snap. Today was not the day, not in the slightest. “I’ll make sure you don’t get any of the shit she’s making.” He knocked the gun against his temple before putting the safety back on and stalking towards the kitchen, hearing an offhand comment about him being pussy whipped. He didn’t care. Maybe he was.
It was good fucking pussy.
He felt a little sliver of relaxation when he saw her in her element. She had an old apron on as she bustled across the kitchen. It was an industrial kitchen that they’d invested in for the large clubhouse parties they had, and his Bunny was obviously loving it. A happy smile on her face as she had her phone connected to a playlist and she chatted with Mia. A bit of cocoa powder was on her neck, the smell of some sort of baked good in the air.
“Told you! It’s not that bad. You taught me tacos and I taught you Lava cupcakes that won’t deflate.” Mia grinned, bumping her hip against Y/N. Harry watched as his girl turned back towards the stove to stir, his body gravitating towards her without any accord of his mind.
Arms wrapped around her from behind, his face hiding in her neck as he engulfed her in a hold. “Smells good.” Was all he was able to say, pressing a kiss to her neck as she stood frozen for a moment. She only relaxed when she realized who it was.
“How do you move so quietly?” Y/N asked as she placed her hands over his biceps. They were her favorite, so smooth and strong and covered in tattoos. She waited a few moments for him to pull his head from her neck but he didn’t budge. It seems he really needed it.
Y/N continued to stir the raspberry compote on the stove, moving it off the heat so it wouldn’t burn while she was loving on her man.
“You okay, baby?” She cooed, taking the moment to turn around and wrap her arms around him in a tight hug. Y/N knew he’d feel comfortable stepping out of his Reaper headspace in the confines of the kitchen. The women were happy to see the man so love-struck.
“Mia cleaned up your old room for us. Fresh sheets, everything’s been wiped down… Viper left some pre-rolls on the bedside table for us.” Bunny felt a sense of relief wash over her now that he was back and safe with her. “Lunch is just about ready, but we don’t have to eat with everyone if you’d rather have some quiet time.”
“Yeah, I’d like to eat just with you. If that’s okay with you.” He didn’t want to cut off her social time but he needed to be alone with her. To just observe her for a bit. Last time he had shut off from her, made her upset and this time he didn’t want even a tiny sliver of that happening. He was trying his best.
There was no such thing as good company for Reaper when he was in this sort of mood. His head was a wreck of nerves because… well, his girl was in trouble. A girl he didn’t deserve, one he had entangled himself with so deeply that he knew he was going to be in a lot of damn trouble with later in. But for now? He was going to take every little moment,  every little ‘baby’ whispered just to him and hold it as close as he could.
“Okay.” She said with her best reassuring smile. As much as she was terrified, she knew Harry had it covered. Perhaps it was a bit naive of her, but seeing how fired up he got in regard to her own safety made her feel even more connected to the man. He cared, he was going to take care of it. Even with the residual stomach ache she had of the dumbass daring to break into their safe spot, no matter how disgusting she felt about the fact he was watching…. She felt safe with Harry.
She turned her head up and pressed a kiss to his jaw, rubbing her nose against him. “Let me make us a few plates. Mia can handle the rest.”
Hesitantly, Harry let her pull away from him to get their food. Only a few more minutes and they could retreat to their room for some peace and quiet. Just how Harry liked it. He couldn’t believe he was back to staying at this hell hole. That she would have to stay here after finally settling in at his place.
He felt like he was doing a terrible job at keeping her safe and secure and it was wearing down on him a bit. Is this what the fucker wanted? He was so tired of thinking about him. He just wanted her.
“Almost done, one second baby.” Bunny’s voice tore him from his thoughts, thank fuck for her. Honestly. “Okay, Viper said he put a little fridge in there for us so we have drinks. Do you need anything else while we are here?”
Y/N had a feeling that once they were in that room they wouldn’t want to come back out unless it was completely necessary. The two of them needed to decompress for a few hours at the very least.
Choosing not to speak, Harry nodded his head no and instead took the plates from her hands.
“I’ll see you later Mia, thanks so much for everything! I’ll see you later, enjoy your lunch!” Y/N grabbed a few cupcakes, utensils, and napkins allowing Harry to lead the way back to their room.
The room was a blast from the past. Sure, he had crashed here a few times since getting his own places but to be staying here for a bit…. It was a weird feeling.
Sitting on the edge of the bed after they finished their food, he watched Y/N go through her bags that he had brought. He didn’t know how long it would take to get the new security system in but he knew that he needed to prepare for anything.
“Did I get everything?” He rasped, her head popping to the side as she nodded. Standing back up and walking over to stand between his legs. Her hands raked through his hair as he rested his head on her breasts, hands settling on her hips as he took a deep breath. He had seemingly forgotten to do that all day, but her touch reminded him that he needed to calm down a little bit.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered into the air. “My place should have been a place to be safe and instead, it was somewhere else he had gotten close. I got too distracted with you and I just….” He shook his head against her. “It makes me so angry.”
“Shhh… listen to me,” Y/N let her nails scratch against his scalp to calm him. “Don’t blame yourself for this, it’s not your fault… you had a security system and seemingly good guards for years, how could you have known this would happen?” This was all obvious to her, but he was not thinking clearly. He was blaming himself because he had promised to protect her and he had control issues.
“I know you’re angry, very angry. As you should be, it’s fucked up that he managed to get into your building and we had to go elsewhere. But I’m safe, I’m with you… we can’t let him think he can get away with this.” Bunny leaned her head down to kiss the crown of his head.
“We knew things would start happening once we provoked him, we can’t act surprised that he’s responding… it’s just, scary that he’s so persistent. I don’t think it’s smart to doubt him. He could really do anything. I’m the one he wants, so as long as someone is with me, I can’t get hurt.”
“You’re always safe with me. As soon as I get my hands on him, he’s going to die, Y/N.” He used her full name, making her blink a few times. He didn’t use it all that often and this was a serious use, making her tilt her head down at him.
“I’m telling you… the moment I get my hands on this man, turn the other way. Run. Do not stand and watch or try and pull me off. Okay? I won’t….” He swallows the lump in his throat. “I can’t be stopped when I get the chance. I’ve killed people before, but I want to watch the life drain from his eyes. I want to watch his fear. Make him beg for mercy and not give it to him because that’s what he deserves.” His breathing picked up, Harry stood up and moved away from her.
“I’m going to tear him apart. I don’t want you to see me like that because it’s… I won’t stop. He’s threatened you, scared you, stalked you? He’s hiding behind cowardly notes, he’s trying to act like he’s smarter than us… I want to burn him alive but that’s too easy of a fucking death. I want to gut him.” He was getting worked up again. “And you’re not going to want to be with me after that. I get that. I’m not easy to be around. I won’t let him get to you. I can’t. I’d rather get shot than let him be alone with you.”
It was clear that once Harry got wrapped up in his own thoughts it was hard for him to calm down. Spending so much time with him, she’d learned some of his triggers and ways to get him to relax.
“You don’t have to justify yourself, Harry. I know what you’re going to do to him, you have been very vocal about it… I haven’t stopped you.” Any sane person would be terrified of him, but it seemed Y/N was too desensitized to all of it. It didn’t phase her that he wanted to kill this man, she felt his anger was justified. Was that fucked up? If she was strong enough to do it herself, she probably would.
“Why are you so sure I’m not going to want to be with you after he’s gone?” Bunny took a few steps closer to him, letting her hands slip under his shirt some skin to skin contact. “Are you forgetting how long I’ve been waiting for this? How long I’ve known that you’re dangerous? Harry, if I didn’t want to be here and if I didn’t want you, I would not be kissing you the way that I do when I do.”
Harry felt himself calm a bit with her hands on his skin, taking a breath as she rubbed his body gently. Her reassurance that she wouldn’t want to leave after he killed him was nice but he didn’t fully believe it. Thank god she was here. She handled things miles better than anyone else would.
“I suppose so.” He replied, responding to her touch by pulling her in and hugging her body to his own. It was easier with her to express things physically. He let out a sigh, trying to collect himself from his outburst.
He didn’t want to explain all the other reasons she would leave to her at the moment. He didn’t want to ruin any time he could have with her. “Remind me…. How long you’ve wanted me?” His lips pecked hers, wanting to be reminded and soaked back in that glow of knowing he wasn’t the only one with pining issues. “Tell me about that. We never talked about it and I need my mind off of this other stuff… I have been neglecting you and we should just relax.” He felt so scattered, so uncontrolled it was infuriating. He needed to focus on her to pull it all in.
She noted the switch up and chose not to say anything, instead melting into the kisses he was giving her. He was right, now wasn’t the time to worry about the future. Right now, they needed to focus on the moment. Y/N could definitely do that.
“Mhmmm,” She hummed against his lips, “Why don’t we get comfy and smoke those j’s and talk about it? I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” Bunny seemed to know the way to his heart, the smile on his face made her giggle. He was really that easy.
“God, could you get any more perfect?” She was right, this would do just the trick.
Bunny took this time to strip down out of the outfit she put on this morning, deciding to stay nude rather than put on a shirt. Sure, it could lead to other things, but she mostly just wanted to be able to feel him.
Y/N climbed into the fresh sheets, humming to herself in relief. Sure it wasn’t as cozy as his bedroom, but it didn’t matter where they were as long as she was with him.
“Baby.” His mouth dried as he turned around, seeing her naked body crawl into the bed. He was quick to make sure the door was locked before giving her a brow, his cock twitching pathetically.
He was a fool. A fool for her, as strange as it may seem. Just a mere flash of her body had him ready to go- but it wasn’t time for that yet. He needed to relax for a moment. Chill out.
“I will be taking advantage of your nakedness in a little while.” He warned, stripping his shirt off and climbing in with her. The lighter sparked up as he lit up, taking a drag and exhaling heavily.
Fuck, he needed this shit.
“Get to puffing and talking, little girl. I want to hear about you pining after me.”
“Okay okay so,” Y/N took a few pulls from the joint as he passed it to her, “I um… I don’t really know when it started to be completely honest.” She tried to think back to a time before she had a crush on him, but it seemed it was instant. “I think at first I was just being the shy little sister, I thought you were handsome and cool and I was obviously younger so I was embarrassed.”
She was 10 years old when she first met Harry. The 16 year old was getting into all kinds of trouble around town, it was a blessing that Viper took him in as an early prospect. It was there at the clubhouse that he had met Sterling and the two hit it off instantly.
“It was just a crush, I genuinely thought it would go away… but as I got older it was harder to ignore. Especially because you were always so nice to me and you just, you didn’t treat me like Sterling did? You always listened even if you thought what I was saying was silly, I never felt like I was annoying you. Maybe I was but—” Bunny began tracing shapes on his chest, only pausing when it was her turn to take a hit.
“But there was this one day I remember, I was 17, I was so horny— I purposely put on a tiny little bikini and laid out by the pool just so you’d look. I think that was the first time I actually planned to try and seduce you.” She laughed thinking back, but he wanted the truth. Didn’t he? “I was so embarrassed after that, I tried to forget about it so it wouldn’t haunt me in college, but it did.”
Harry laughed with her, wincing at her admission. God, it was a little hard to hear only because he certainly wasn’t looking at her back then- but it felt good to know he had been the object of her affections for quite a long time.
“I have to admit… I wasn’t looking at you that way. I think I ended up telling you to cover up because you were close to flashing us.” He shook his head, feeling bad now knowing how she had felt.
“I could tell you had a bit of a crush but I didn’t know it went to that level. I thought you were trying to mess around and make fun of me for that stuff.” He took the joint from her, inhaling his own before letting go. He watched the smoke billow above their heads. “So how long did it last, that crush? Did it get worse or just kind of stay the same?”
Obviously, she had to have felt something for him again now that they were doing… this. Whatever this was. A relationship, maybe? He wasn’t positive. He wanted that, sure, but he didn’t want to be assuming of it and make a fool out of himself. “I remember that one time when you were 19, turning 20 and you crawled into my lap and were really close to me. I thought you were fucking around because you kept giggling but now I’m thinking maybe you weren’t.” She had played off his rejection well if she wasn’t serious.
“Oh, that?” She remembered that night very vividly despite the alcohol in her system. She only remembered because it involved him. How he had shut her down with hunger in his eyes. “I definitely wasn’t fucking with you then… the way you were looking at me I thought you wanted me to, it’s actually why I had the balls to do it in the first place.”
Her in her tiny dress, feeling nervous as ever even with the liquid courage in her system. He looked so good sitting on the couch, he hadn’t stopped watching her all night with those eyes.
“I was really embarrassed after that too, I swore I wouldn’t do it again. But I still had feelings for you.” Y/N tapped the spliff against the ashtray, taking another puff before continuing.
“Do you remember that night when you picked me up from work at the ice cream place?” That was the night that changed everything.
-four years prior-
She had been wincing at the tight grip Josh had on her, his stronger hand tugging her towards his car. “You need to just fucking listen to me, Y/N. Fuck. You’re supposed to be good.” He huffed, eyes dark.
3 years her senior, the 20 year old preyed upon a freshly 17 year old Y/N from their part time job. She was eager to please people and make them happy, bending to their whims as a newly formed adult usually was.
“You’re hurting me, Josh. Stop.” She said weakly, trying to dig her heels in the ground but he yanked again causing her to whimper. His grip burned, twisting the skin- and then it was gone.
A thud of a body hitting metal and a dark growl of a voice filled the air instead, her throbbing wrist cradled to her chest as wide eyes took in Harry’s taller form holding her boyfriend by the neck.
“Like to prey on young girls, huh? Like to abuse them? You piece of shit.” He spit, fist cocking back and nailing him right in the cheek. A yelp sounded from the weaker man, a pathetic ‘stop’ coming from him lips.
“Stop? Stop?” He laughed maliciously, hitting him again. “Don’t think you listened when she asked. So why should I?” He jostled him again. “Huh? Scum of the earth.”
Sterling had texted Harry to pick Bunny up from work that evening. It was a standard procedure, but he’d been running late on an assignment Viper sent him on. So of course, he called the only other person he’d trust with his sister.
Harry himself was running late having just closed shop on the other side of town, but you better believe he was going to make it to get her in time. Or so was the plan.
He hadn’t expected this.
“No—!” Josh’s words were silenced as Harry shoved his face against the hood of the car. He was angry. He’d seen the bruises on her arms before, thought she was just clumsy, but now he’d seen proof that wasn’t the case. It was worse.
“Shut the fuck up,” Harry growled, his grip so tight he swore he could have cracked his skull with his bare hands. “You’re gonna listen to me closely, yeah? Gonna quit this job, gonna stay the fuck away from Y/N, and if I ever hear you’ve done anything to hurt her or any other girls again— I will not hesitate to make you disappear.”
“You can’t d-do this!” The guy tried, but Harry lifted his knee up to nail him in the testicles. A real sob came out of the piece of shit making him roll his eyes.
“I can and I will. I’ll dismember your body piece by piece and have your hand delivered to your family and the rest scattered around town. No one will find you, and if they do? They won’t say shit. You think you’re strong and manly for putting your hands on a woman?” He slammed his face further into the car. “You’re not. You’re a pathetic, worthless piece of shit that doesn’t deserve even a second of a girl like her’s time. If I see you around her, there is no second warning. The only reason you aren’t dead right now is because I don’t have time to clean up the mess.”
He released him and watched him fall to the ground, kicking his side before going to Y/N. “C’mon, Bunny. You won’t see this sad excuse of a boy again.” He placed his hand on her back and lead her toward his truck. “You okay?”
For a second Bunny didn’t move.
She couldn’t believe what she had witnessed. It all happened so quickly but as always, Harry was there at the right time. Y/N never really thought much of Josh’s aggression, but tonight she had seen a side of him she felt terrified of.
Josh, insisting she come over to his house after work despite it being a school night, was not taking no for an answer. The poor girl was tired and honestly just wanted to go to bed, but Josh had other plans for them. Plans Harry had thankfully cut short.
“Y-yeah. I’m okay,” Bunny nodded, taking in deep breaths as she walked to the car. She didn’t want to seem weak, didn’t want to admit she was wrong for previously defending her boyfriend who was so ready to ignore her boundaries. They’d all warned her about him before.
It was then in that moment that Bunny came to the realization she wasn’t quite over her crush on Harry. If anything it just got so much more intense.
He stood up for her, protected her, told her she deserved better, told her she was a good girl. She had always felt safest and most comfortable with Harry, in ways she could never be with Sterling. Sterling was tough on her, had expectations, at times he wasn’t so kind about it— but he meant well.
Harry was patient with her, Harry always made sure she was okay and read between the lines. He took the time to compliment her on things that she cared about. He made her feel seen and valued.
“Thank you,” Was all she could think to say. “Thank you for coming to help me and thank you for um… getting rid of him.” Y/N looked at him with a slightly pained gaze. She wasn’t the object of his affection as much as she made herself out to be in her head. She’d never find anyone else like him, but she could try.
-end of flashback-
“I do. I should have killed him then.” He grunted, messing with the ends of her hair as she smoked. “I hated all your boyfriends. They weren’t good enough for you. Wasn’t even jealousy, though now I could make them disappear for having touched you at all. They simply weren’t.”
Bunny had terrible taste in men but she also got taken advantage of for her sweet nature. They thought of her as a pushover. And she sort of was until she decided to grow a backbone and was dumped for it, leaving her single for quite a bit.
“I thought of you as a kid for quite a while. You were. I watched you grow up. Didn’t start seeing you as a woman until around that time anyway. You coming home from uni and you were about to turn 20… such a pretty little thing. You developed and held yourself differently… you just blossomed. I’d always been fond of you but never like this.”
“Yeah?” Y/N couldn’t stop her smile, a giggle erupting the more his words settled in. “I’d just broken up with Ian. I was so pissed off he just up and decided to move and didn’t even bother telling me.” She rolled her eyes, “But I was in my revenge era when I came back… I honestly didn’t think that’s what would work.”
Years of trying to get him to see her in the way she’d seen him and the moment she let go he was on to her. A light bulb went off in her mind, letting him finish the joint, before deciding to recreate the evening they were discussing now.
“Was sitting like this,” Bunny trailed off as she straddled his lap, her hands resting against his bare chest. He still had boxers on, but the thin fabric was doing very little for them.
He rose his brow as she straddled his lap. God, he was sexy. Y/N looked down at him as his head was propped up, his long hair pushed out of his face and smoke leaving his lips as he put the rest of the joint into the ashtray.
“Yeah… you caught me off guard back then.” His voice was raspier from smoking, his hands laying on her thighs as she perched herself on top of him. Her nude body exposed to him was a sight to see. His nails gently ran down the skin of her upper thighs, watching as she checked him out.
“What was your plan that night, princess?” He questioned. “You seemed so determined. Played it off as a joke but it wasn’t. And you certainly weren’t naked but… almost. Slutty little dress you had on. I like this view better.”
“Was gonna kiss you,” Y/N hummed at the thought, moving her arms around his neck to lean in closer. “Wanted to ask you why you were looking at me like that… but you stopped me before I even got to.” The girl pouted a bit.
“I was hoping if I got really lucky, you’d take me to my room and fuck me.” Y/N’s eyes were glossy, both from the weed and the lust. Bunny could never quite explain how strongly attracted she was to him, but surely he could tell with how touchy she was with him. “I would have taken your cock right on that couch if you let me… you looked so good too.” Her mouth watered as she remembered the silky white button up contrasting against his sun kissed skin.
Bunny leaned down to kiss his jaw, dipping down to kiss at his neck. It was then that she had the confidence to bite down, giving him a taste of his own medicine and marking him.
“Wanted everyone to know you were mine…” She remembered how her friends kept asking her who he was. How she had to remind them of her crush and how she barely trusted her one friend after the stunt she wanted to pull.
“Hmm… was I?” He questioned, sliding his hands up over her hips, letting out a pleased sigh as she kissed on him. This was hot. The guilt had been too much that day, the idea of his best friend’s little sister being a grown woman and being attracted to her having taken up too much space in his brain… but now? Now he didn’t care anymore.
His hands burned a trail on her body, finding her ass and cupping each side in his palms as her lips crawled over his skin. “Was I yours? Naughty fucking girl. You’ve been filthy this whole time… talking about taking my cock right on that couch. In front of everyone?” He pulled a hand away from the hot flesh, flattening his palm and bringing it down to spank her. He felt her jolt, his hand coming back down to soothe the sting.
“Can’t believe you’ve been gagging for my cock for this long.” He chuckled, the heat of her cunt felt through the fabric of his briefs. “Slut. Jealous, silly little slut.”
She gasped against his skin, settling back into his rough touch as he began to knead the stinging skin. Bunny could only groan, pulling away from his neck with a pop.
“You got me that bracelet…” Y/N licked the string of spit her mouth had left, admiring the mark she’d created. Bunny was proud of herself, he looked so handsome like this. Covered in ink and her bites. “I still have it you know? It’s my favorite.”
The bracelet was hard to miss, she wore it every day and took it off whenever it was time to cook. He noticed it of course but figured she just really liked the style or something.
“Only thing better than that is having your hand as a necklace.” Y/N loved whenever he touched her neck and stomach. It made her whole body tingle, his warm grip always made her melt right into him.
It was a weird combination of fondness and arousal that hit him when she spoke about it. The bracelet had been something to mark her as his? That hadn’t been the intended use but he wasn’t mad about it. If anything; it soothed the possessive beast that was being fed by how much she loved to say she was his.
He removed one of his hands from her ass and pressed his fingers to the sides of her neck, applying just s little pressure to it to make her gasp. “My sweet little Bunny.” He sighed, sitting up with her still snug on his lap. “You’re driving me crazy, y’know that? You love my hand around your neck... being claimed? Marking my neck up like that too, I’ve got to wonder if you’re just as bad as I am.” He pecked her lips, pulling apart and keeping himself an inch apart. She tried to lean forward for more but he shook his head, smiling at the neediness.
“You’re already making a mess on me. Can’t give you too many kisses or you’ll soak straight through.”
“You’re enjoying this? Hmm?” Bunny gave him a massive stroke to the ego, she wondered what else she could get him to reveal. “Tell me more about that night… what did you want to do?” She couldn’t have been the only one thinking about it.
“Kept telling me you’ve been holding yourself back, wanna hear all about it.” Y/N needed to know just what he’d been thinking. It was still a mystery just what he liked, he’d kept things tame with her and followed her lead. It made her wonder what things were tucked away in his mind. The fantasies specifically reserved for her.
Y/N continued melting into his touch, slowly and painfully moving her hips over him to tease them both. It was unspoken the way they were both trying to see who would break first. She hoped neither of them did.
“What do you think, Pet? Think I didn’t want to steal you away and take you right in your bedroom, hold your mouth quiet while I fucked you? I did. It made me feel so fucking guilty. You’re younger than me. Legal for a few years but made me feel so bad about wanting to find out how you taste.”
He had the moral dilemma for a while now, finally giving in and breaking when she stayed with him. She was a grown woman now and she had initiated, she was keeping herself as his girl, wearing the title proudly whenever and wherever she could.
“Then you’d show up to these things in those tiny little shorts and those bra tops… acted like a brat in front of me. Flirting with men you shouldn’t have. Calling me for a ride. You think I wasn’t two seconds away from spanking your ass until it was sore the next morning?” He grit his teeth as he remembered her lacy little tops and her shorts that drove him mad. “Now look at you. Naked in my lap, grinding on me. Letting me smoke you up. You’re a big girl now, aren’t you darling?” His thumb stroked over the side of her throat, pulling her face back towards him. “I’ve barely done half of what I want to do with you.”
The thought made her shiver with need, she couldn’t wait for him to feel comfortable enough to take her whenever he wanted. She loved his needy streaks, the way his hands wrapped around her as a form of comfort. How his breathing was more controlled and his body went limp in her hold.
“Mmmm, perfect for you no? I know just what you like.” She teased, attempting to push forward to kiss him again. “Like that I like to tease, you like me being a good girl, but you love that I’m bad hmm?” Y/N always gave Harry just the perfect amount of pushback. She wasn’t exactly a pushover but submitted to him nicely.
“Are you gonna let me fuck you how I want one day?” She asked curiously, this position on top of him was rather comfortable. Bunny knew she could show him just how good she could make the both of them feel.
“I’ll make you feel so good, Daddy.”
“Of course, I am, baby.” He swallowed, stroking over her bare skin. “M’gonna let you do what you want one day. I love when you’re a bad girl just for me. My sweet little Angel turned a bit filthy.”
Their kiss was wet as he felt her rub on him, the heat of her cunt directly over his cock. It felt really fucking good. Just having her on his lap, rocking on him as he stroked her and played with her body, tasting her tongue… he could do this forever.
It was such a stark difference from how he was with anyone else. It was just an in and out. With his girl, though? He wanted to savor each and everything. Sure, he rushed sometimes… but times like this, he savored each and every little bit as she spoke to him with her raspy sex voice.
“What’s the way you want, baby? How do you want to fuck? Don’t be shy.” He bit on her lip, making her gasp at the slight sting. “Tell me.”
“You’re so impatient, baby.” She cooed, pushing his hair back behind his ear. Bunny loved that she had something to grip on to, tugging at the hair by the nape of his neck. “I wanted so long for this, why would I spoil my fun?” Her bratty side was often out around him.
She felt safe enough to challenge him, knew deep down he could never really deny her. It had always been this way when she used to hang around him when her father was mentoring him in mechanics.
“I do, however,” She trailed off, placing wet kisses on his neck. “Want to use your cock to the fullest, ride you to my heart's content, keep you deep inside me…”
Her skin was on fire at his touch, hips still moving agonizingly slow. She could take this, tease them both till they snapped.
“Use me?”
Harry had been aware of the fact that she dirty minded since they’d started this whole thing. She had been eager and needy, always giving him what he wanted. It wasn’t a shock she was waiting on her own turn to use him. He loved how she touched him, how she raked her nails down his neck and sucked bruises onto the most sensitive parts of his skin. He had met his match in a lot of ways with Bunny.
“Fuck.” He grunted, hand gripping her hip as she rocked her cunt over his clothed cock. Over and over again, teasing him with each brush. He could feel her begin to seep through the fabric, the slickness of her cunt making a mess of his briefs and he didn’t give a single fuck about it. In fact, he encouraged it. “You can have it. Can have me whenever you want. I’ll give you what you want.”
She didn’t even know the extent that went to.
“Whenever I want?” Bunny smiled against his skin, nipping another bite to match so it matched the other side. “You’ll let me do whatever I want?” Y/N pulled back to look at him, her hand still gripping at his hair. Her eyes searched his, breathing heavily from the torturous hip movements.
Harry’s eyes were glossy, mind a bit hazy from the joint, he was so focused on his pleasure that he truly didn’t care how he got it. He wasn’t one to feel shy, especially not around her. Not when she opened herself up to him so well, the sweet thing.
“Whatever you want.” His hand gripped her skin tighter, forcing her to further down onto his cock. The weight of his hand was guiding her hips to speed up. A steady pace, but nothing too fast.
“Would you beg for me?” She countered, “Just how much self-control do you have?” Y/N created enough resistance with her hips to make him whine. She only felt like she could get away with this because he was so relaxed in this moment. He was truly free of thought and focused entirely on her and her alone.
“Fuck, yeah.” He groaned as he felt her move harder on top of him. It was a bit odd, how good it felt. Anything with Y/N felt incredible, but he hadn’t done this sort of thing in so long. He certainly didn’t remember it feeling this good.
Maybe it was just her.
Her fingers tugged at his hair a bit and her cunt rubbed over his prick, the added friction of the fabric made him weak. He was so far gone for her as it was, mix the intoxication and her naked body with the feelings he had been growing for her? It was a recipe for his devotion.
“I’ll do whatever y’want, baby. You’re perfect.” He slurred, lifting his knees a bit as she rocked on him, the hips moving at a faster pace and making his cock twitch against her. “Please, baby. My pretty girl…. Keep talkin’. You sound so hot.” His eyes hooded as she gripped his hair tighter, moving his face up as she pinned him with her eyes.
God, that did something to him.
A smug smile appeared on her face as she stared down at him, leaning forward to sponge a few loving kisses to his lips. The big and scary Reaper was melting in her hands, giving in to her in ways she’s positive no one else had experienced. He was so malleable for her.
“You look so good for me right now, so hard too… It’s taking everything in me not to sink down and fully soak your cock.” The time would come for that, but right now she was enjoying the little bubble of tension. She had never been so horny that she could cum with dry sex alone, not since she was a teenager anyway.
“And how would you feel if I….” She trailed off, her hand moving to cradle his neck the way he had always done with her. “S’ that alright?” She leaned forward for a kiss once again. “Just like you own me, I own you. Don’t forget that.” While her grip was much more gentle, she kept her tone firm.
By no means did she see him ever submitting to her, but she’d hoped she could get him to a space where he could let go. Fully. Where he could relax into her grip and let her love on him and his body the way he had always done for her.
“So handsome, so strong.” She cooed, “You’re so fucking sexy. Even when you’re mad.”
“Fuck.” His eyes rolled back as he felt the hand wrap around his throat. Anyone else would be pinned to the ground if they tried it- but she was right. She did own him. Heart, soul, and apparently, his cock. He loved how she wasn’t afraid of him. Harry knew he would do anything in his power to prevent her from ever fearing him. It may be hard, but he was motivated to keep it.
Her words of praise were whispered against his skin as she kissed over his jaw, his hands helping her move. The fingertips dug into her waist and she loved the slight sting of it, how he groaned and she could feel it against her palm.
“Just keep rubbing like that. Shit, it’ll make me cum if you don’t stop.” It was almost embarrassing. He hadn’t had dry sex, dry humped, in ages. But he supposed this wasn’t so dry. Her cunt was keeping the fabric damp.
“I intend to.” Bunny wanted nothing more than to feel his cum leak through his boxers. Of course, she would rather it be inside of her, but this had become hotter than she had ever imagined.
“Can you get it all wet for me? Want it to be sticky, said you liked it messy hmm?” Y/N was on a roll, grinding down a bit harder now as she felt her own pleasure begin to stir. “God, love how you fall apart for me. Only me.” She moaned out, “Wanna see your face when you make your mess.”
Y/N wasn’t sure where this was coming from but she couldn’t seem to get her mind off of the idea. She loved the sounds he made for her, the way his eyes looked so far gone, he was desperate for her to give him this release. She wanted nothing more than to give it to him. To please him.
Harry was pretty positive he couldn’t deny her of much of anything. Not when she spoke in that pretty little croon, grinding her wet cunt right up on him and making him feel a bit out of control all over again. She was the only one capable of getting him to this state.
“You’re….” He grunted, not finishing his sentence as she moved on him, her fingers squeezing just a bit on the sides of his neck. It made it a bit more difficult to breathe, a rush hitting him as her lips brushed his jaw and her rolling hips hit him just right, it sent him over the edge.
“Fuck.” He rasped, a deep moan erupting from his throat as he began to make a mess of his briefs. Sticky cum coating the fabric as she continued to grind on him. It wasn’t something he would have suggested himself- but fuck, did it feel good.
The mix of shame and pleasure was oddly satisfying. She had wanted him to do this but he had been insistent on making her cum first most of the time. He wanted to take care of her, make Bunny feel like a priority.
“That’s it,” Bunny wasn’t quite done with him, feeling the wetness on his boxers every time she pushed up. “Perfect.” He really was. The way his lips parted, head lulling back against the rusty bed frame. “Sound so good. I’m so close.”
Y/N felt her cunt twitch, his panting was music to her ears. His skin was covered in a thin layer of sweat, body limp and relaxed. It was so hot to see him like this, completely in his element with no guard up. Just Harry, raw and pure.
“I’m close, baby,” Bunny whined, moving her thumb over his lips just before kissing them. “Just watching you— fuck.” Her hips snapped up sharply as a wave of pleasure hit. “Does it feel good? Looks like it does, tell me what you like.” Bunny was insistent.
“Feels fucking great.” He laughed, eyes glazed as he watched her rock over him. He was a bit sensitive but he didn’t care, watching her pleasure. Bunny deserved to cum.
“Like when you get desperate for me… when you beg. Rubbing that clit all over my cock. Love watching you fall apart.” His voice was raspy, hands gripping her sides and helping her move a bit harder on him. “S’sensitive but I love it. Love feeling you rub on me, taking your pleasure. You do it for me…‘I want t’do it for you, baby.”
Y/N hadn’t heard him talk like this before. Being kind of whimpery and sweet and feeling his desperation for her orgasm. She loved every single bit, eating it up.
“We’re making such a mess. I want you to clean it with your tongue, want you t’suck it. Don’t want you to waste a bit of my cum. It should be inside of you.”
“I will— I wanna,” Bunny was so close she could barely think straight. A delicious feeling was bubbling in her tummy, urging her to keep grinding over him. The patch she had created had doubled in size, every movement bringing the fabric down just enough to see the slickness beneath his waistband.
“Ah fuck,” She squeezed her eyes shut, holding her breath as the pleasure erupted. As if her nickname had been chosen for this very moment, she felt like a bunny the way she was desperately chasing for more.
It was overwhelming, but she couldn’t stop. The feeling was far too good and the look in his eyes was one she wanted etched into her memory forever.
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acesw · 1 year ago
new year, new angst
happy new years yall, if there is information that i never dropped here its the fact that im highly biased towards vertin and sonetto's relationship and i feel like i should drop a little scenario i wrote for the sake of it. its how i celebrate as an angst dweller :)
questions and questions. - A.D.
I didn't understand back then. I did not see you much after the incident, after Ms. Z had brought you back from the outside, drenched in rain. I would have gone to you if it were not for the guards that swarmed you both. You were the only one that came back. Why? Where did the others go? Did something happen to them? To you? What did you see in the outside?
I got the answer to my first few questions the following morning. When you came back, you did not talk for days; Did the things you would normally avoid. It was unlike of you, and I could not tell at that time if I felt relief or remorse. You didn't come up to me until the last night we saw each other up close.
On the night you left, you asked me to fix your hair, which was also an odd request. You normally didn't like doing this, but didn't exactly hate it either. (Perhaps I noticed too late that the reason you didn't hate it was because I was the one doing them.) I helped tie it into that rough and messy half-bun you only began to warm up to; I know you did, as it was the only way you could ever really stay still. You would talk about the frogs and the bugs you found near George the Oak, but you didn't. Not that night. Not in a time of wounds forced to be left unrefined by the white hands. When I made sure that the half-bun looked like the flowers you drew on your papers, you got off my bed and left with most of your things.
Why did you have to leave the dorm in such haste? Even left the toffees and pebbles on your night desk. I kept it for you when I thought you'd come back sooner. The frog was here, too. It croaked and whistled, jumping around the dorm and scaring the other girls. Then the janitor took it out the day after you left. And eventually I hid away the pebbles, ate the toffees. I accepted that I wouldn't feel the warmth of rough hands, showing me pieces of the outside for a long time to come.
There were no answers to the rest of my questions until graduation, and I saw you for the first time in a while. Your hair is fully tied to a side bun, the tiny freckles had faded, your hands rested on the hat on your lap. You wore an intricate suit that even I would have never guessed fitted you. You stood out amongst the black and white crowd as an indigo pawn. You looked far older, mature for our age; As if you had graduated years before. But I still saw the softness in your face, the baby face still made you look like the reckless child you were long ago. You looked…elegant and mysterious. Were you the same deskmate I grew up with all these years?
You graduated with us. A "special student'" like the principal called you once. They announced that you had become the first "Timekeeper" in the Foundation, a title of reverence and importance. You tipped your hat forward and placed your closed fist on your chest, finally speaking. "May the peace be with us." Those were the first words I heard in your low, gentle, and firm voice.
After that, you disappeared. Worked diligently, but left no trace around the Foundation until you came back to report weekly. We never spoke to each other until that fateful week in London, and the time that passed after that. Back then I did not understand what that title meant, but I do now. It sparked new questions full of wonder. And that wonder came with its concerns.
What did you really see outside? In the "Storm"? How much more did you lose? What will it take to break from the weight of the world on your shoulders? When will you realize it's okay to be vulnerable again?
More and more questions arise the more you shroud yourself into melancholic mystery. Perhaps, as time passes, all these will be answered and land into place.
But for now, I just want to spend more time with you, and rebuild what we lost. Make up for what could've been and discover new things together again.
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piratefishmama · 2 years ago
Beware the Thorns | Part 2
(a NSFW multi-part ficlet)
Steve’s plane landed right on schedule at quarter-past seven, he was out of the airport by half-past. He didn’t have his own private jet, but he flew first class, so the process always ran a little smoother for him. Private jets, while cool, only drew unwanted attention to him and his private life.
He didn’t need random save the planet protesters and tree huggers trawling through his business to write stupid magazine articles and twitter posts calling him out for shit. He didn’t need to be under a magnifying glass for stupid reasons. Too much to hide.
He was home by just gone eight. A little late but not by much, bags in hand he felt the weight just… ease from his shoulders as he reached his door, music drifting from within, one of his old vinyl’s, old lounge singer type tracks, smooth.
He wondered if they’d been playing all evening, or if he’d switched them on just before eight.
He wondered if this was really what Eddie would be listening to if it weren’t for the fact that he knew one of his main clients were coming home. He swiped his key through the lock, a card key, Eddie had one too because hilariously enough… he trusted him.
Maybe it was the feelings, clouding his judgement, but he trusted Eddie with everything, his wallet, his home, his belongings, everything. The only thing Eddie didn’t know about him… was the entire scope of his job, but Eddie didn’t need to know about his job, Eddie didn’t even ask about his job, wasn’t his business, an he loved that about him.
He wasn’t curious, or if he was, he didn’t let it slip into his work life, he didn’t probe, perhaps that was why Steve felt so… comfortable with the man, why he’d allowed himself to dip his toes into the potential of having feelings for him before diving in headfirst into syrupy molasses forgetting that shit, syrup was really hard to swim through.
Eddie was safe, harmless, perfect, and he could cook.
The smells that greeted him as he opened the door were nothing short of mouth-watering, he’d been given food on the plane, but it wasn’t a five-star meal given it wasn’t exactly a long flight, long enough for snacks, not long enough for a hot meal.
His stomach rumbled in hunger at the promise of a good meal.
The receipt for the shopping he’d done was on the table, weighted down by a glass egg-shaped paper weight with a swirling helix pattern of yellow and blue, a dash of purple in the right light mixing within it.
He didn’t spend much by Steve’s standards but still managed to get what looked to be a full weeks’ worth of shopping done.
Eddie wasn’t “rich” outside of his job. Steve had long since figured that out with how easily he sought out bargains, deals, and offers in shops, he knew how to and WOULD save money where he could, he didn’t come from wealth, wasn’t brought up with it, but he seamlessly slid himself into it.
He placed his bag by the door, it was just dirty clothes, toiletries and a small, albeit expensive gift for Eddie.
Couldn’t go anywhere without buying him SOMETHING, he’d always see things in shop windows, pretty jewellery, clothes, cologne, even a box of extremely expensive chocolates at one point, they had a hint of cherry liqueur to them, Eddie’s favourite, the moans his beautiful brunette had made while popping one into his mouth, fuck he’d never been so hard so fast in his life.
It was EMBARRASSING how fast his boner had just sprung to life, Viagra who? Who needs little blue pills when you have Eddie Munson moaning around a bite sized piece of artisanal chocolate?
He’d dropped to his knees without hesitation and given Eddie something else to moan about.
“Is that you, baby?” Speak of his beautiful little devil, Steve leaned his head around the doorway which lead through into the large, galley kitchen, hair held in a soft, messy bun, ringlets of wispy curls framing his face, so very soft, as though he’d gotten out of the shower an hour or so ago and blow dried.
The sliver of pale, creamy skin atop collar bone showing beneath his shirt, the top three buttons undone leaving the collar to slide down onto his shoulder.
Fuck he was parched.
Eddie was wearing one of HIS shirts, Eddie always did say they felt nice against his skin and Steve wasn’t exactly about to deny him wearing his clothing. It was intimate… it added to the fantasy, the illusion that this was all real.
That Eddie truly was his, that he was his perfect little housewife waiting for him to come home after a long, mentally draining business trip, wearing his clothes… listening to his music, making his dinner… that was the dream life right there.
Honestly though any life with Eddie in it was pretty much the dream at that point.
“Yeah… it’s me, what’re you cooking?” He pulled his tie from his collar, loosening it bit by bit until he could just yank it off over his head, both tie and coat thrown onto the couch.
“Dinner” was his predictable answer, earning a snort of a laugh from Steve, so sassy, he loved it. Damn, he loved him, he loved the smile that always accompanied his sass, the twinkle of mischief in his huge Bambi eyes, how he always made it look so real.
“Alright smart ass” Eddie slipped back into the kitchen, prompting Steve to follow him, rounding the corner “what are you making Foooo—oh…” fuck parched, was there a word for thirstier than parched? If there was, he didn’t know it, couldn’t think of it either, because all the blood in his brain rushed south so very quickly.
Eddie wasn’t wearing anything below the belt, just the shirt, which on himself, was the perfect fit, tailored specifically to his stocky frame, but on Eddie, all lean muscle as he was, draped on his narrower shoulders, it was baggy, a bit loose, long, the line of the bottom hem hanging just below his ass but still showing the curve of his cheeks.
Long, creamy… strong legs, the natural curve of his waist invisible, but holy fuck Steve knew it was there, hiding it didn’t make him any less excited to see it, to run his hands over it, to hold his hips tight against him.
He’d let this man take him for all he had if it’d make him happy.
He smiled over his shoulder, a small, sly little grin that had Steve’s heart thud heavily against his ribcage, butterflies take flight in his stomach, he felt like a teenager with his first crush. This was what he wanted to come home too, this was ALWAYS what he wanted to come home to.
“Shit, baby… do you have any idea what you do to me?” Another smile was sent his way, wider with the flash of pearly whites and dimpled cheeks.
“You like?” He pressed a hand to his hip and smoothly slid the fabric up, inching it higher and higher until Steve felt like the air had been punched out of his lungs. “Got you a present, sweetheart.” Sitting snug at the centre of his lower back, just above the cleft of his perfectly curved cheeks, was a flimsy, lacy piece of black fabric which thinned and disappeared between his cheeks.
Steve gulped audibly. He wasn’t just wearing the shirt.
He didn’t get more than a foot closer to the other man before a wooden spoon was pressed against the centre of his chest, the handle held firmly in Eddie’s hand, his beautiful chocolate irises alight with playful mischief. “Ah ah” he chirped, a wide grin set upon his lips “shower first, go, dinner will be ready by the time you get out.”
“Eddiiieeee” he was a grown-ass man who not five hours earlier had cleaned blood from his hands and sent ruined clothing coated in the evidence of his crimes to be incinerated and he was absolutely whining about being kept away from touching his little minx by the end of a spoon. “At least join me?”
“And risk dinner burning?” Not a hope in hell then, Eddie was PROUD when it came to his cooking, all his meals were perfect, delicious, filling, orgasmic level moan worthy in regard to taste, he was just… gifted at everything he did. Mainly because he tried so very hard to be, because that was his job. Free time was spent learning things he could use to impress his clients. Cooking was one of them. Part of the boyfriend package. “Off you go, shower” reluctantly, Steve turned toward the doorway to do as he was told. He didn’t want to upset his baby by not doing as he was told. Eddie always did enjoy being in control of everything outside of the bedroom, only when back hit sheets, did he happily give away that control, he liked giving it up then, and only then. “And no jerking it, if I hear one groan… no dessert.”
He was being punished; this was the gods getting back at him for making an example of that man.
This was his immediate karma, his beautiful escort threatening to revoke sex privileges if he jerked it in the shower. Damnit. Shoulders slumped, head hung low he trudged out of the kitchen, a pout on his lips that’d suit a teenager or a prepubescent child far more than a grown man.
This was fine, totally fine, he just had to FORGET that Eddie was in his kitchen in nothing but a lacy black thong and one of his more expensive shirts, cooking his dinner like some kind of sexy housewife.
Just had to completely wipe it from his mind, be zen.
“Good boy” he heard the teasing sing song call as he continued his trek to the bathroom, the pout deepened, he was a good boy to his man, he liked being a good boy, he liked being TOLD he was a good boy, didn’t make the sting any less painful knowing his beautiful lover wasn’t going to be joining him in the shower.
Fuck, he’d missed him, maybe he should have told him to start dinner after he got home, rather than let him have it ready for around his arrival, at least then he’d have gotten to pull him into the shower. As it stood though, he resigned himself to the shower for one, shedding his clothes and placing them neatly into the hamper.
Eddie had cleaned up, not a lot, but he knew Steve liked a clean home, so he cared enough to put things away when he saw them out of place.
A good little housewife.
“If only he cared a little less about burning dinner…” Steve murmured to himself as he switched the water on warm, steam rising almost immediately, taking only seconds to heat up. “S’not like we couldn’t order take out or something if it burned” okay no, he’d definitely say no to takeout.
Eddie didn’t DO takeout as far as Steve was aware, if you didn’t make it, you don’t eat it, whereas Steve had a whole drawer in his kitchen dedicated to take out menus. To Eddie it was an unnecessary spend, could get half a week’s shop with some takeout prices!
Eddie was good for him, yes… just forget about the thong, forget about the shirt barely covering his ass, focus on the soft, the wholesome parts of Eddie’s presence.
The warmth in his smile whenever he saw him, the teasing lit to his tone of voice as if he’d long since grown comfortable around him, familiar in the way long term lovers do, the way he moved around his kitchen as if it were his own space, his own kitchen.
He focused on that as he stepped under the spray, let the water wash away the stiff ache in his muscles from sitting in a plane for over an hour.
Eddie had left some of his cinnamon scented soaps in the shower the last time he was there, peering around the shower door, he was pleased to find Eddie’s toothbrush in the holder next to his own as well.
Just while Eddie was there, Steve smiled, he could pretend Eddie lived there too.
Part 4
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finitehearts · 1 year ago
Better Together - Nanami x gn reader
Things may not always go smoothly, but they always seem to be better when Nanami is with you. | Written as a secret santa gift for @bas-writes Dec 2023. It was such a joy to write this, I love writing Nanami, and love feeding your Nanamin needs <3 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 1.1k words | nanami x gender neutral reader | soft fluff | ao3 link
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Nanami sighed. Today, it seemed an unnamed force was here to try to spoil the day. He should have just taken the day off entirely once he got the unfortunate news: his favorite bakery didn’t have the pastries he usually picked. Some mix up had caused them to be short of the crucial ingredients. At the suggestion of the baker, he had picked some substitutes, but the weight of the pastries in the bag felt odd in his grasp as he walked to the park to meet you.
He definitely should have seen it coming when there was a strange couple sitting at his usual bench, oblivious to the fact they had stolen his seat. It had practically been worn down to perfectly match your ass prints from when you two sat together there. Didn’t they know it was rude to steal someone else’s bench? Although it wasn’t really yours or his, it was public property.
But still, who else came to this part of the park so early in the morning? It was in a secluded area, but with few routes in and out. It was rare to be disturbed here, since it was away from the busy main areas, making it the perfect place for you two to go on a date. Though come to think of it, the seclusion was likely what drew the couple in as well.
There was a bench a few meters away if he wanted to stay in the same area, but it was perched at the wrong angle and he hated to sit on it, let alone have some company besides you and the birds, so he would have to find another bench elsewhere.
The next best choice of benches was far less superior, but it was still on the quiet end of the park, where the birds wouldn’t be spooked while you fed them. With a quick text sent to you explaining the unfortunate situation, he settled down and waited for you.
It wasn’t long until he spotted you wandering along the path, trying to decipher his directions on your phone and holding a carrier with drinks in your free hand. He stood and lifted a hand, calling out to you, “Y/N!”
You looked around, searching for the source of his voice until you made eye contact, and smiled as you came over to join him. However, you gave him a quizzical look as you sat down together and traded drinks and food.
“Kento, what did your text mean? ‘Our previous arrangement for our date has gone awry. Head northwest of our usual spot, I have found other tolerable arrangements in the meantime.’”
“First, the bakery didn’t have our buns. Then, someone was using our bench. So, I had to find another.”
“This bench is just as good,” You snorted softly and took a taste of the substitute pastry. “Mm, tastes good! Have you tried it yet?” He shook his head but pulled his out to try. Meanwhile, you pulled your bag of birdseed from your bag and started scattering it. Although the pigeons seemed surprised to find you both in a different spot than usual, it only took them a bit longer than usual to gather and start pecking at the food.
Nanami took a bite of the wrong pastry and—you were right, it was delicious, the baker had recommended him well—one pigeon in particular caught his eye. It was larger and fluffier than any of the others, and was ignoring the bird feed, instead eyeing the pastry in his hands. Nanami took a handful of seed and tossed it in front of him, before taking another bite. It pecked at the seed a little before staring back at him, tilting its little head. In his haste to find a new bench, he had forgotten his most important rule: eat before you feed the birds.
“This isn’t for you,” Nanami pointed out to him. “I just gave you perfectly good seed.”
The pigeon waddled forward, unimpressed by the offering or his words.
“This has no nutritional value for you.” He sipped his coffee and furrowed his brow a little. The shameless pigeon fluttered its wings and landed in his lap, eyes on its intended prize in his hands. You froze and stared, then started laughing as he held his food up and away from this little creature.
“You’re as shameless as Gojo.” Nanami shook his head and reached into the bag, offering some seed out in the palm of his hand and shoved the last of the pastry in his mouth.
The pigeon tilted its head back and forth several times, as if accusing him of the highest crimes of not sharing, then finally acquiesced, pecking at the offered seed. Nanami chuckled softly then tossed the last of the seed to the ground, and the pigeon fluttered after the appropriate food.
“Kento, you should have told me!” He raised an eyebrow at you. “I didn’t know you were a Disney princess.” You laughed and teased. He softly shook his head but couldn’t hide his small smile as he sipped on his coffee.
A small rustle caught his attention, and anything he might have had to say had to wait a moment. Nanami set down his coffee and rose with a soft groan, carefully creeping forward and snatching a piece of plastic from the same large pigeon’s beak. Trust a bird to be curious if something small and shiny was edible.
“This isn’t edible either,” he scolded, tucking the trash into his pocket and rose with another groan, sounding much older than he actually was. He straightened and brushed off his coat, tidying any wrinkles that felt wrong, until he realized he felt your eyes on him.
“Educating the pigeons, hm?”
“Pigeons are little dumbasses.” He maintained. “They don’t realize what they can and can’t eat, just peck at anything that seems to be an edible size.”
You smiled and rose to stand by him, watching the birds peck through the grass at your feet.
“You’re a cutie, you know.”
Nanami felt his cheeks heat up, grateful to hide behind his sunglasses and cursing his Danish genes. “Is that so?”
“It is.” You leaned in close and pecked the tip of his nose, causing his cheeks to redden even further.
He cleared his throat to try and collect himself and ducked around to grab the bag of seed. He took your hands and poured some seed into them, and some into his own. Together, you scattered the last of the seed, watching the birds flutter at your feet. It seemed that perhaps today was not ruined. Things were always good when he was with you.
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mstrchu · 2 years ago
is nezha eternally 12?
yeah he is he told me himself in a t&t parking lot
12 is an arbitrary number. if you're looking for a source that literally says the exact phrase "nezha is eternally 12" you're uhh probably not going to find one. you're also probably not going to find a source that outright states that he grew into an adult. i think the reason 12 has become a popular number is because it sort of straddles that point between true childhood and adolescence, but again, it's arbitrary.
in fsyy, nezha is 7 when the whole thing with ao bing and returning his flesh and bones to his parents happens, which as far as I'm aware is the last time that an exact age is given for him in that particular novel. fsyy is also not the end all be all of "canon", but it did have significant implications for both practiced religion and literature (1, ch.5). sangren also notes that 7 being the age given is important.
i've only read about half of jttw so far, but don't think any physical or chronological age is stated for him, except that sun wukong calls him "小哥" (little guy/young man/etc.) when they first meet lol.
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(a couple of nezhas from this copy of fsyy)
but the exact number of 12 isn't the point behind the statement. imo the idea behind the sentiment is that nezha is culturally perceived as a child. he is metaphorically and literally associated with and representative of the traits and struggles of childhood. he is "the most popular and classic cultural image of child personification in the literature of China" (2). the portrayal of the child - what traits they embody, which authorities they subvert, how their agency develops and affects the world around them - will change with the sociopolitical environment of the country, and portrayals of nezha have always changed along with it, for the reason that his image is inextricable from that of a child's (3, 4). he is a representation, reflection, and symbolization of the youth.
(some media puts more emphasis than this on others, i.e. the songs used for the '03 cartoon opening and closing, which really emphasize him being little, being young (少年), and being the same age the presumably child singer (他的年纪跟我一般大) lol)
(this paper looks at the appearance of nezha in various medias for the past ~100 years, including adult portrayals, although it does make the assumption that adult actor = adult character and girl actor = girl character which is.. not really correct imo… also it includes 1979 nezha naohai as part of its 'adult image' era which is ????? so i would take its conclusions with a grain of salt and just look at its descriptions.)
you're also going to get a different answer if you look at it from a more religious viewpoint. as far as i know, he has religious iconography as both a child and as an adult, but his appearance is much more varied and doesn't necessarily have the same collective set of easily recognizable traits. here are some posts with artwork and statues of nezha (interspersed with some of hong hai'er): x y z.
however, the thing is that i don't think many modern adaptations can make the claim that they drew from a religious iconography basis more than they drew from the most popular cultural image of nezha. i then wish they would be more cognizant of the fact that, in the source from which they drew, nezha is most widely recognized as a kid, and treat that with respect.
obviously nezha is not always portrayed as a child. nezha is not always anything, there are just recurring visual and thematic elements that make him a cohesive and recognizable figure, i.e. the twin buns, the iconic weapons, the lotus imagery. being a child or a youth is also one of these things, and its significance, imo, is well analysed and documented.
at the end of the day this answer is only so long-winded because it's the internet. go text your parents and ask them how old they think nezha is.
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bitterkarmaa · 1 year ago
HI HELLO i had another lil idea for Eclipse and Rays where he reads him a story! I wrote it as an experimental warm up so it's just a fluffy quick thing gjfg
It was a slow day. At least for Eclipse. He was currently down in the theatre, mindlessly fiddling with a rubix cube as he waited for Rays to finish his rumaging through the Lost and Found in the basement area.
The others were busy as usual, Sun in the daycare with Lunar, Moon out doing whatever and Bloodmoon were currently out in the woods to expel some pent up energy. While the bloodstone had been doing its job at keeping the bloodlust at bay, the twins still got antsy if not allowed to stay active.
Peforming in the theatre was usually enough, but today they wanted to run around more in an open space. And if any unfortunate hikers happened to be around then.. well Eclipse had the towels and clean up supplies at the ready just in case.
A small soft voice caught Eclipse's attention breaking him from his idle thoughts and the no complete cube, turning to look at Rays who was standing with a little book in hand. So he was finished already?
Rays flinched and drew in on himself a little. 'I… I found something. I was wondering if you would be… able to read it for me?'
The smaller animatronic timidly held up the book for Eclipse to see better. He squinted at it for a moment, and raised an eyebrow.
'Tales of Peter Rabbit?' he asked, trying his best to keep the faint incredulous tone from his words. 'You want me to read you a book for children?'
Rays looked down at the book, an expression of uncertainty growing on his scarred face. 'It has nice pictures… I'd like to know the story behind them. I-If it's not too much trouble..'
Eclipse sighed, pocketing the cube. 'No it's fine. I can do that. You all done then?'
A small nod. 'Alright. Lets head back up.'
Eclipse was thankful that the secret doorway leading to the room had been refurbished for use. The sounds of the kids playing in the daycare was loud and Eclipse was not in the mood for the headache.
Plus Rays was seeming a bit more skittish today, if the way he jolted at a distant childs scream of playful joy was anything to go by.
Either way, they made it back to the room without issue. As they entered, Rays scuttled on over to his little corner, grabbing an extra blanket before plopping onto one of Lunar's giant beanbags.
Eclipse soon followed, and settled down next to to the yellow animatronic who offered Eclipse the extra blanket. Ah so that's why he went and grabbed it despite already having one draped around his shoulders. He accepted it anyway, placing it over his legs instead.
'Alright, hand me the book.'
Rays complied and Eclipse inspected it for a moment as Rays settled in by his side. A quick flip through the pages did confirm to Eclipse that it did in fact have some nice art.
He had been expecting brightly coloured cartoon animals like most modern day kids stuff. These ones were more realistic and earthy toned in colour. Not bad. Easier on the eyes at least. Or… eye in his case.
'Ready?' He asked. Rays nodded and plopped his chin onto Eclipse's arm, his mismatched eyes staring eagerly at the little blue book. Eclipse snorted softly, allowing his other arm to wrap around the smaller animatronic as he began reading.
'Then old Mrs. Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella, to the baker's. She bought a loaf of brown bread and five currant buns.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries;
But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden and squeezed under the gate!'
'…What a little asshole.'
‘Or eye in his case’
‘What a little asshole’
I love this so much. They make me so happy. I want to pick them up in my hands and squish them like sponges. I want to shake them around like toys. Eclipse reading to Rays is my entire life now and I thank you for this scrumptious meal.
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unrepentantweirdo · 1 year ago
Finally, some Fallout Fanart.
I’m still kind of hesitant to post it, because I am my own worst enemy/critic about nearly everything. But I promised that 2024 would be the Year of No Bullshit, and that includes putting myself out there.
Fun fact about Weirdo: once upon a time, I was a fine arts major. Switched majors after I got tired of being told what to draw all the time. (Stifled my creativity, didn’t pick up a pencil for a year.)
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These were based on off of pictures of old film stills or romantic poses I found online. I’ll go through and dig them out of my phone if anyone wants to see them. I like Andi’s face on the top left the most.
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Little prouder of this one.
And lastly, thanks to inspiration from @happyhappysparkle, I drew a Deacon at 2 am.
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I feel like I still have a ways to go in improving on my drawing, it’d been a long time since I have drawn this much. For now, I think I’m going to stick to improving my proportions. Next will probably be hands or clothing, because those are two problem areas I’ve always had.
Hope you enjoy these!
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As a bonus, here’s some brioche buns I made today to make breakfast sandwiches later.
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