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screechingplant · 9 months ago
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hockeylvr59 · 6 years ago
Proving Your Worth part 2 || Jonathan Toews
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: Here’s part two. Let me know what you think.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1864
Song Included: Lights Down Low by MAX
Outfit in this chapter:
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After Jonathan brought you home, you didn’t see him for the next two weeks. It wasn’t that you were avoiding him, you were just both busy with your jobs and you had taken a few days off of work after finding out some life-changing news. Turns out what your boss thought was the flu was really just your first encounter with morning sickness...you were pregnant. Of course, while a lot of people would be shocked and scared, you were completely overcome with emotion and overjoyed. After all, this is what you had wanted since you were just a teenager who was far too young to even be thinking about becoming a mother.
You were sitting at your desk on a Friday afternoon in mid-October when you heard a knock on your office door that caused you to turn. Looking up, you were suprised to find Jonathan standing there.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Toews?” You questioned clicking and unclicking your pen a few times as you shifted to face him more fully.
“A few of the guys were going out tonight, to relax, have a few drinks...any interest in joining us?” He propositioned, taking you completely by surprise. After a moment of thought, you brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and nodded.
“Sure, but I’ll be a designated driver, not really in much of a drinking mood.” Really you weren’t going to drink because of the baby but you definitely didn’t know Jonathan well enough to want to share all of your personal business when you hadn’t told anyone else yet.
When the guys had decided to go out, it was Jonathan’s suggestion that they invite you to join them. He wasn’t sure why he suddenly wanted to spend time with you but after dropping off the ginger ale and crackers, seeing you curled up on the couch stirred something inside of him. You’d looked utterly miserable but your wet hair had signaled that you’d showered while he was gone and your Hawks sweatshirt was now paired with a pair of tiny shorts that he could barely see the edge of underneath the shirt.
So, after practice he’d made his way back to the UC and walked down the halls until he reached your office, knocking firmly on your door. Before he could even fully decide what to say, the invitation was out there and he was waiting for your response. He quickly swallowed the lump in his throat that appeared when you brushed a single segment of hair back behind your ear and found himself grinning when you agreed to go as long as you could be one of the designated drivers.
“I don’t think any of the guys will complain about that. I’ll text you the address of the club?”
After giving Jonathan your number to text the address to, you worked to finish up the rest of your workload for the day before gathering your things and heading out just a bit early at 4:30. You figured that they weren’t planning on getting together right away but you certainly weren’t the type to frequent clubs so you needed to try and figure out what the hell to wear. Three hours after leaving work you were finishing up a piece of pizza as you waited for your curling iron to heat up. You’d thrown a pair of jeans on as well as a grey and gold sweater. Jonathan had assured you that the club you were going to was more of a bar/lounge and less of a dance club so you felt at least a little more secure in your clothing choice.
Loose curls and a light coat of makeup applied, you grabbed the few things you would need before stopping in the kitchen and taking myyour prenatal vitamins. You really did need to get going if you were going to be there on time but you knew if you didn’t do it now you would likely forget, and well the baby inside of you needed all the nutrients you could provide to grow healthy and strong.
The last thing you did before leaving was throw on your black boots before grabbing your keys from the doorway and heading down to your car. You really didn’t like to drive in a city as big as Chicago but seeing as it was past rush hour and the address you’d been given was a decent distance away you knew it was a better option than the ‘L’, plus you would have to get drunk hockey players home somehow.
Jonathan had gotten to the bar shortly before nine and reserved a table. It wasn’t long until Kaner, Saad, and Seabs had joined him at the table, drinks in hand. Since he was the one that had invited you, he offered to drive as well, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable. As usual, the guys were giving him crap about how he needed to get out more when he saw you looking around the club before slowly making your way to the table.
As you approached, his jaw almost dropped and he swallowed hard. It was evident that your makeup was light and the fact that you were still completely stunning threw him for a loop. While he was taking in your appearance, he noticed that you seemed nervous and so he quickly stood up, motioning for you to come closer and hugging you gently.
“Hey...glad you made it! You know all of the guys right?”
“Yeah. It’s kind of my job…” You replied, your tone of voice signaling that your words were meant as a teasing quip. Kaner commented on how he didn’t think he’d ever seen you not in work clothes and Jonathan couldn’t help but smirk.
“Clearly you’ve never passed her office after a game, I’m pretty sure she’s always in a Hawks jersey.” He threw out there bumping his shoulder against yours gently as you moved to sit back down in the booth.
“What can I say...it’s my second favorite color palette. I have to say I much prefer you in red, white, and navy there Brandon.”
The moment you made the comment, the guys all looked at you like you had a third head and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Relax...I’m only kidding, I can’t stand the Jackets.” You proclaimed, throwing your hands up defensively. “After all, they really do suck...talk about choking when it’s all on the line.” Your parents were currently living about an hour south of Columbus but you hadn’t grown up as a Blue Jackets fan, they didn’t even exist until you were seven years old.
Motioning for Jonathan to slide out of the booth you rolled my eyes. “I’m going to go get a bottle of water, want anything?” While all of the guys there had drinks, Jon’s hand was empty and while he’d said he’d also serve as a designated driver, he could at least have water or tea or something.
“Water sounds great.” He agreed and you slid through the crowds to the bar, quickly ordering two bottles before sliding a five dollar bill across the counter to cover the cost. Returning to the table you passed him the second bottle before smiling at the song that came over the radio. While you were gone, Patrick and Brandon had gone to find girls and Anisomov and Wingels had joined the table in their place.
Jonathan shifted to let you into his side and you couldn’t help but giggle at some of the stories that were being told.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You murmured just relaxing and trying to take in the situation you’d found yourself in. About twenty minutes later, one of your favorite new songs came over the speakers and you looked down at your empty water bottle. “So..which one of you wants to dance with me?” You teased, certain that at least one of them would take you up on the offer.
To your surprise, it was Jonathan again who motioned for you to lead the way and once you were pressed back to front on the crowded floor his hands moved to rest on your hips.
“Are you having fun?” He asked you, and you couldn’t help but tilt your head back as you nodded, your hips moving slowly in his grasp. Singing along to the words softly, you just enjoyed the feel of his body heat though it was clear that he was not a dancer, something that made you appreciate the moment even more.
“I promise you that no one else will ever treat you better
And if you don't believe me, please see I don't need no effort
All you gotta do is flip that switch before we bed-up”
When you had asked someone to dance with you Jonathan wasn’t about to let the chance to touch you pass him by even if he wasn’t the best dancer. You had quickly found a spot on the floor and your hips moved slowly, fluidly as his hands rested on them. Soon your soft voice reached his ears as you sang along and his pulse pounded through his veins in reaction. Hearing the phrase ‘bed-up’ leave your mouth forced him to bite back a groan because even without any alcohol you were sending his head spinning in directions he hadn’t expected.
You were always so professional and seeing this side of you had Jonathan wanting to know more. His grip tightened on your hips a bit as you finished off the song and as you were heading back to the table your eyes went wide and suddenly you’d slipped out from your spot at his side, dashing toward the bathroom.
A creeping feeling entered Jonthan’s mind before it all hit him like a ton of bricks and he found himself following after you, waiting outside the bathroom until you returned, your hair pulled back into a ponytail and your eyes sunken slightly. The moment you saw him you looked away and unconsciously he reached out to you, motioning for you to follow him outside.
Standing in the cool alley he shoved his hands into his pockets before looking down, his gaze staring holes into the pavement. “You’re pregnant aren’t you?” Enough of his teammate's wives had gone through the experience for him to put the pieces together. You’d offered to come but didn’t want to drink and this was the second time in two weeks that he’d seen you thrown up. There was nothing but the sounds of the street filling the air between you until you eventually turned your head to look up at him.
“Yes.” You breathed, a mixture of fear and relief in your tone. “I...I can explain if you want, but not until we get all the guys home safe.”
Jonathan wasn’t sure how he felt about your admittance that you were expecting. Had he really been that off the mark when he was reading you the past few weeks? You were having a baby and that had to mean that you were involved with someone right?
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