shytheatrekid · 18 hours
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kris in skirt
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shytheatrekid · 18 hours
This could be me, but AO3 is down
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life imitates art
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shytheatrekid · 18 hours
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i saw some people drawing their favs with their wardrobe, so heres donnie in some of my clothes!
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shytheatrekid · 18 hours
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.
reblog to spread this version
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
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The way the second ao3 is down we all flock to tumblr
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
Me: Is ao3 down? *opens tumblr*
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Me: Oh, yeah it is
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
My husband (AO3) has left for battle (went down for maintenance). Please send your thoughts and prays during this trying time. I can only hope that he will return soon (it will come back on) and the battle will not drag on (be any delays). Now, if you will pardon me I must go comfort my children (fics) and assure them that their father will live.
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
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MY BELOVED (ao3) HAS GONE TO WAR (maintenance) AND I DONT KNOW WHEN THEY WILL RETURN (10 hours so 3am)
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shytheatrekid · 22 hours
AO3 is down for the day and I'm expected to just survive???
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shytheatrekid · 1 day
Queer 👏 people 👏 are 👏 not 👏 all 👏 fucking 👏 activists 👏
Stop quizzing us on queer history and asking us questions we aren’t qualified to answer about the world and about politics and about our identities
Stop trying to back us into a corner so you can justify your discrimination on the basis that we don’t know what we’re talking about or can’t “defend” ourselves to you
Stop treating every queer person that stands up and says “I want to be treated like a person” as if they’re an activist
Cut that bullshit out
Marginalised people just want to exist and be happy
I don’t know everything, and that doesn’t make me undeserving of your respect or my human rights you fucker
I don’t even owe you the stuff I do know- I still am entitled to basic fucking respect
TLDR; Queer people shouldn’t have to be historians or scientists for you to not be a fucking dick
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shytheatrekid · 1 day
omg my friends always tell I'm scary because I'm always guessing movie plots, and is so funny because for me it's just the obvious movie formula
Predicting Film Plots and 4 Other Examples of Autistic Pattern Seeking
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shytheatrekid · 1 day
What generation is Damian because it would be fucking hilarious is he decided he wanted to be Gen Alpha, and googles all the slang and pop culture references so he can act like ‘a kid’
Random low-level goon: You will never beat me!
Damian, a sword-wielding 12yr old in spandex: you think your the rizzler with level ten Gyatt, it’s giving delulu, it’s giving insane- no cap all fax no printer? Get a job you broke ass joker rip off
Tim who came to help: ahaha- What
Damian, slightly surprised: what the sigma?!
Batman: huh
Batman*sweating*: you died…and..came back?
Jason, who got revived and immediately did way too much research in modern day slang in an attempt to fit in, proper Elle woods style: what like it’s hard?
Damian (in the background): Facts!! No cap!!
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shytheatrekid · 1 day
2012! Raph when two alternative versions of his family are dumped into his dimension and he suddenly finds himself dealing with three Mikeys:
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He is not having a good time.
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shytheatrekid · 1 day
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