aceistheplace86 · 2 days
Strawberry & Pine Pt.5
(I think I am going to end this story here soon. But for now, you get some cute stuff) (I made Stan cheesy. I am not sorry.)
Stan had been getting closer to Julie during their time working at the shack and working on the portal together. He eventually admitted to himself that he was falling for her. He hadn’t been able to admit those feelings to her.
“You alright out here Stanley?” A soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
Stan had been sitting on the porch outside just trying to get his thoughts together. He was really starting to like Julie, he found himself always wanting to be around her and never wanted her to go home at the end of the day. But he couldn’t get himself to be brave enough to tell her, he felt he had too much going on, too much baggage. He didn’t feel good enough for her.
“Oh, yeah I’m alright” He glanced over at Julie who was leaning in the doorway. “The twins give you any trouble?”
Dipper and Mable had gone to bed but not before asking Julie to tell them a story. Mable was really the one asking but Julie knew Dipper was listening once she started talking about the Loch Ness “monster”
“They’re all settled down, hope you don’t mind I told them about Nessie,” She says sitting down next to him on the couch.
Stan sighed “I don’t enjoy the fact that the kids know about the weird stuff that goes on here, but I know they already know a lot. They’re doing good at protecting each other”
Julie put a hand on his arm “You’re doing good at protecting them too Stanley” She whispers softly.
He looks at her, finding himself taking notice of her eyes again. She had pretty eyes, she was pretty, and she smelled like Strawberries. It wasn’t a sickly sweet, she smelled comforting.
God he was going crazy.
“Y’know Ford wrote a lot about you” He whispered. Why on earth did he bring up his brother to her? That was not a flirting technique in the slightest.
Julie seemed shocked but nodded slowly “Yeah I know” She looks back out ahead of her, sinking back into the couch. “He liked to study me, my powers, my strengths and weaknesses”
Stan kept looking at her even when she looked away. He didn’t say anything, he just wanted her to keep talking.
“At first it was nice, I thought I had a friend” She shakes her head “But I started to realize he didn’t see me like that. He just saw me as apart of his research.”
“I see you” Stan whispered, the words falling out of his mouth faster than he could realize what he had just said.
Julie looked over at him “What?”
She was looking at him again and he felt like a kid with a high school crush. His brain. Could. Not. Work. “I uhm” He stuttered “You know cause, I’m not that old, despite what Dipper says when I’m driving” He let out an awkward laugh and quickly looked away from her.
He could see out of the corner of his eyes that she was just looking at him “Stanley” She whispers softly. He’s kind of hoping that she will force him to talk about whatever the hell that was, to talk about his feelings. Something.
But she didn’t. “I should probably get going” She stood up from the couch “You should get some sleep here soon”
Stan watched her stand, he felt like he was about to lose his only chance. He didn’t think he would be this brave tomorrow. “Julie wait” He patted the couch when she turned to look at him. Once she took a seat he sighed heavily. “We’ve been doing great work with the portal” he said slowly.
She was just looking at him patiently, not a hint of judgment or annoyance on her face. “And I know soon we’ll get that thing turned on. A-and I like spending time with you, y’know, you’re a hard worker here at the Shack and-and you get along real well with the kids” He rubbed the back of his neck “My brother wrote a lot about your magical talent but I uh, I think I got lucky getting to know you as a person” He groaned and ran his hand down his face “That sounds real lame” he mumbled.
“It’s not lame, Stanley” She says with a small smile on her face. “I think you might be the first person to make an effort to treat me like a person”
He moved his hand and looked at her confused “Whaddya mean?”
“Well everyone knows about me and my magic, so that is their focus. I get it, it’s cool to have a Gravity Falls "anomaly" do fun magic and not try and attack the town, but after a while, it gets frustrating to only be known as a witch” She shrugs “But you have never once asked me to be apart of the Mystery Shack's attraction, and I know that would bring in tourists” She chuckled “But you made me strawberry pancakes my first morning here, you offered me a room and you took time to decorate it with my favorite color”
Stan shrugs “Mable has a lot of pink and she likes to decorate”
Julie just laughs “But you care Stanley. You’re sweet to me, You didn’t even ask me to use my magic to help with the portal, I just did it.”
“Yeah, I dunno how much magic you can use before you get tired or somethin’ and I didn’t want to wear you out cleaning up a mess you didn’t make”
“See, you’re real sweet to me” She continues “I knew that even when your brother talked about you, even though he was upset it was hard for him to convince himself, or even me, that you were the bad guy”
“He talked about me?”
Julie nodded. “Ford is a stubborn shit but he cares.” She rolls her eyes slightly “he just doesn’t really show it well”
Stan nodded and thought about it for a moment “I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you this without sounding like some love struck teenager” He rubbed the back of his neck “But I don’t think that’s possible because you make me feel like that again. Like how I used to be before all of this” he waves his hands and looks around “went down” He looks at her “I like being around you Julie. I-“ He just nodded slowly.
“I like you too Stanley” She says sitting back with him. “Hey I’ve been thinking of a good way to scam tourists”
“Oh yeah?” he leans back against the couch and pulled her into his side “Whats that?”
Julie comfortably snuggled into his side “You get people to pay money to enter a drawing to win a prize, you get everyone all excited and you make them think that the more they pay the better chance they have at winning” She continued “The twist. All that they’ll win is a shirt that says ‘I entered the Mystery Mania Raffle and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’”
Stan busted out laughing, tossing his head back “That’s a good one! Real smart” He kissed the top of her head “I like that”
The two of them stayed out there all night, talking about ways to trick tourists, some of his funnier crimes and eventually about what life was like before Gravity Falls, and what might happen after this portal gets fixed.
Mable and Dipper found them asleep together the next morning. Mable has pictures.
(I hope you enjoyed this! The next part is gonna be sad. Yay!)
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colddeepwater · 1 month
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The fact that TBoB confirmed that Mable is more mentally mature than dipper and is AWARE of that and is always trying to protect dipper is just heart breaking
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
hi!! could you maybe write for being the younger sibling of dipper and mabel? maybe the reader is like, 9/10 y.o i wonder what they're sibling relationships would be as well as they're relationship with stan and ford
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They say a bond between twins is a bond unlike any other, but didn’t mean that dipper or Mabel cared about you any less then they did each other, you were their baby sibling and they were always going to have your back no matter what.
Dipper would be the protective older brother who’s sometimes come across as strict and would often forbid you from joining him and Mabel on monster hunts, stating that you were too young to be doing something as dangerous as hunting monsters.
You’d naturally respond with the fact that technically he and Mabel were also too young to be going head on into monster hunting too, so thereby making the statement redundant and him look like a hypocrite. To which Dipper would agree with you on but still would tell you it was too dangerous for you, he only wants to keep you safe but you had too much of a stubborn spirit to be easily swayed into staying put.
Mabel on the other hand was the chill sibling who’d let you join in the monster hunting any day because she didn’t want you feeling left out. After all it was kinda a family thing to hunt the unknown of gravity falls at this point, so she didn’t see why you shouldn’t come along with her and Dipper because as long as you had the journal with you, you were fine.
You tend to argue with dipper more than Mabel but that’s because dipper tended to take himself too seriously as your older brother while Mabel doesn’t take herself seriously enough. So whenever you and dipper did argue, Mabel tended to be the peace keeper between the two of you or use Waddles as a distraction from your arguing to come together.
Despite all this you, Dipper and Mabel were loyal and faithful to one another that there wasn’t anything any of you wouldn’t do for the other.
Dipper would give up everything to keep you and Mabel safe as he knew you and her would do the same and you did on multiple occasions, saving each other’s lives and so on. You all headed into the unknown together, never once thinking of leaving the other behind because if one of you were to go down, the other two would rush to your side and pick you back up.
You helped dipper decode stuff and listen to him drone on about Wendy from time to time while playing dungeons, dungeons and emore dungeons with him and Grunkle Ford.
You’d help Mabel bedazzle everything in sight and spend time with her, Candy and Grenda on the odd occasion of doing karaoke with her and grunkle Stan whenever the occasion calls for a bit of fun.
You were best friends with Dipper and Mabel as much as you were siblings and that was the best kind of relationship you had.
Also if Mabel had waddles then you have a pet raccoon or maybe an axolotl like Ford once did.
If dipper was similar to Ford
And if Mabel was similar to Stanley
Then you were the perfect balance of both of them. Stubborn and sometimes silly like Stan but curious and observant like Ford.
Stan and Ford could clearly see bits and pieces of themselves in you like they could with Dipper and Mabel, with the only difference being that you weren’t a twin nor had a twin but that didn’t stop either Grunkle from wanting to spend time with you.
They had to play rock, paper, scissors against one another to see who’d get to spend time with you first, only for Stan to come out the victor.
Stan would teach you how to box first and foremost so that if anyone tried anything with you, they’d get decked in the face from a vicious right hook. He just wants you to be able to protect yourself even if you were only 9/10 it didn’t make a difference to him really.
Teaches you on how to con people out of their money, lie effortlessly and make quick get aways or even how to get out of handcuffs without trying. Did he once give you a fishing hat with your name stitched on it for the soul purpose of taking you fishing with him when Dipper was with Ford and Mabel was with Candy and Grenda? Yes, he wanted something only you and him could do together that was just yours and his.
Cuz it was either that or commit arson and or property damage to other competitors.
Now with Ford he’ll probably have you be outside with him and documenting strange looking mushrooms and or flowers that you’d come across. It sounds boring but it’s quite fun if you came across fairies and the like, however the moment Ford sees that you were about to fall into a Fae trap, he’s picking you up and getting you as far away from it as he could.
Just like Stan, Ford wanted something that was just for you and him, sure he and Dipper go monster hunting, and he and Mabel dressed up as witches once, but he wanted something he could do with just you.
You’d bond over the fact that you both had/have a pet axolotl.
You and Ford probably took a break from your joint documenting to make flower crowns for one another while having a small picnic in the woods. It was peaceful and relaxing to you but Ford was keeping an eye out to make sure nothing would disturb your little picnic, while looking as menacingly as he could with a cute flower crown on his head.
If you both found a flower that was never seen before, you can bet your ass that Ford is naming it after you, no questions asked.
Stan and Ford are just as protective of you as they are the twins and they can and will step in between you and whoever is making you uncomfortable, all the while keeping you safely behind them as Stan whips out his brass knuckles and Ford shows off the gun on his hip in a silent threat.
Nobody messes with their family and they’ll make sure that message is loud and clear.
Bonus; Bill would probably try to manipulate you into thinking that neither dipper, Mabel, Stan or Ford cared about you cuz twins will look out for each other always but you were the spare sibling that gets forgotten, Insisting Stan and Ford’s brother as reason as to why but you knew your family better then a sentient one eyed triangle did and know that your family would always come through for you time and time again.
And they have and they always will no matter what.
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thicctails · 1 month
what do euclid and scalene think of stan and ford in your au? also your au is cool
That's a great question!
Short answer: Stan is their blatant favorite, and they're not really sure how to feel about their son's ex situationship but they're not overly fond of him.
Long answer:
At first, the two of them weren't quite sure of what to think of Stan. The twins were being sent to stay with him for the summer so their parents could scream at each other without having to worry about also feeding their children, but neither of them really knew too much about the man, aside from the fact that he'd been a brilliant researcher and lived in the middle of the woods.
Quickly, they discovered that, while he wasn't the most attentive guardian ever, he cared a great deal about the twins, and would show it in his own way, like keeping Mabel stocked up on yarn, or always making sure Dipper's cuts were cleaned. They decide that they like Stan, though Euclid does occasionally pull small, harmless pranks on him. It's been a while since he's gotten the chance to joke around, after all.
The portal incident almost makes them lose faith in him completely, they're terrified of something causing this dimension to burn, and they urge Mabel to shut the device down. The two of them worsen their injuries when they try and pull themselves into the third dimension when Mabel lets go of the button and floats towards the portal, but neither of them get fully out of the 2D plane by the time the portal fully activates. This leaves them very exposed and vulnerable to the figure that comes out of the portal.
Ford comes out of the portal angry and scared, having just gotten into a fight with a strangely panicked Bill. He's bleeding from a set of gouged claw wounds on his arm from where the demon tried to make him hold still, and he had to tear himself away when he saw the open portal. The sight that greets him is one that seems like a twisted nightmare brought to life, with his brother close to what looks like some strange, bootleg versions of Bill. Stan looks ecstatic to see him, but he's still kneeling near the... Things and oh God there are children down here-
Needless to say, Ford doesn't hesitate to raise his quantum destabilizer and bark at his twin to get himself and the children the hell away from the horrifying, half 2D/half 3D monsters that are lying on his basement floor.
To his dismay (but not surprise) Stan ignores him. Actually, he goes beyond ignoring him and actively puts himself in the line of fire. The children are quick to follow, with the young boy shoving the girl behind him as she asks Stan who he is.
A gopher man that Ford hadn't previously noticed faints when Stan tells them.
Apparently, those children are Ford's grand niece and nephew, and the primary colors from hell are their... Friends? Guardians? They certainly seem to be very protective of the children, because the second Ford approaches them, they bristle and make a sound that reminds Ford of tv static. Their resemblance to Bill is uncanny, and he wants to ask them about him, but he decides to hold off on it when the red one's remaining eye turns into a whirring mouth of teeth.
Euclid and Scalene do their best to keep the twins well away from Ford, fully agreeing with Stan that the man is dangerous. The conman is now firmly set in their good graces now that he saved their lives, and once their everything stops hurting and they learn that Ford plans to evict Stan at the end of the summer, they go out of their way to make things hard for Ford. Trying to use any technology? Nope, Euclid has decided that it will not be working today. Try to write in your journal? Scalene has taken the letters and arranged them into an image of a middle finger.
Unfortunately, Dipper still looks at Ford like he hung the stars and actively ignores the Cipher's warnings not to engage with him, Mabel still is trying to find a way to measure him so she can knit him a "Get Along" sweater, and Stan, despite his anger, still wants to reconnect with his brother.
Their favorite humans are obsessed with this scruffy owl man and it drives them nuts.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Naoko kirino, Yuri (Doki Doki), Shouko Komi, in a relationship with a reader who can see and talk to ghosts and other supernatural things and constantly gives them amulets for protection
S/O can see supernaturals
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Naoko, Yuri, Shouko ]
[ Gravity Falls ] [ Pumpkin Night ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Komi can't communicate ]
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hehehe I like how you think A-chan ~
can you believe that i had the same idea some time ago!? Waaaa hahaha
I hope you like it as much as I did ❤️
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Dipper Pinnes
At the start of the relasionship Dipper can be pretty awkward and nervous, even when he knows you like him just the way he is he can't help but be kinda flustered by the thought of actually being in a relationship
Sharing with you the information of the diary that he had found is really important for him, is just that he is too excited by everything that says on that diary that he doesn't really thought it could be dangerous or anything
The fact that you actually believe him about what the diary says it was enough for him to get incredibly excited and start talking non-stop about everything there is in the diary, all that he had saw and that had uncovered, he is just too excited that someone is finally taking him serious (if he already knows Standford then he will talk about everything he had teach him too), he will probably apologize and stop at some point, embarrassed for doing it
Even when he had seen a lot of strange things already he is really surprised that you had seen them too, specially since he needs the diary to get to know about all of this. Dipper will be initialy unsure and nervous about it but he slowly gets used to the idea and start to ask you a lot of things about it, he wants to know everything! since when you know the supernaturals, how did you find out, how had been your experiences with them, what you had learn from them and specially if you know things that aren't on the diary (although, that will be incredibly surprising)
If you say that you had bad past experiences with supernaturals, saying that they had put you in danger or were a threaten he is imediatly worried, he tries to ask you for more details without being pushy or potentialy trigger bad memories for you, he wants to know the details because he wants to be able to protect you if any creature tries to attack you again. In the other hand, if you say that you had pretty good experiences with them and even that you are friends with them he is really surprised, this wasn't what he expected but is way better than being in danger, that will make him really curious again, wanting to know how that could be posible
In Dipper grows a little bit of a feeling of wanting to protect you, his experiences with this kind of creatures haven't being the best, there are good times but still he can't help but worry sometimes, he tries to study the diary and be ready for whatever it can came but if you teach him how to do amulets of protection or teach him how to avoid conflict he will accept it right away, it help him feel more at easy to know that you know how to defend yourself and that he can help you too
If you gift him amulets of protection or give him advice for him to stay safe he will be pretty flustered by it, not matter if you do it just once or do it frecuently it flustered him the thought of you being worried about him and actually taking time of your day to make something to protect him (he will say a million of thanks and probably try to find something to give it to you that is as meaningful as what you gave him)
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Mabel Pinnes
Mabel is really excited to be in a relationship, is easy for her to be atracted to someone and at first it was simple atraction but as the time pass and you two get to know better the feeling grows to be stronger and more stubborn, that is how you two end up in a relationship
She likes to share everything she does with you because is what she is, she likes to drag you in her little adventures and play with you a lot, is probably that you end up covered in colors and brilliantine from time to time
Just as she loves being herself with you and drag you in what she is doing she wants for you to feel free to be your true self with her too (but sometimes she ends up hogging the time), she always asks you for your opinion and what you like and dislike, even when it doesn't seem like it she keep you in mind a lot for a lot of things
Finding out that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals creatures is pretty surprising and a little strange for her (even if you don't try to hide it normally), is something she expected from his brother but not from her partner, is strange but it won't take her much time to believe it and accept it! She actually take it pretty normal and will praise your hability if you feel insecure or uncomfortable for it
Mabel isn't too interested in knowing about the supernaturals but is totally willing to heard your stories if you want to share them with her but be ready for her doing a lot of comments and jokes about it, she may even ask the silliest things about it
If you had bad past experiences with the supernaturals or had even been in danger before she will immediatly get worried and sad, saying sorry and offering you comfort, and later she will ask his brother if there is anything she can do to help you. If you actually get along with them or even be their friend she will laugh at it, totally something she didn't expected but is amazing nonetheless
Mabel will totally introduce you to his brother and tell you about the diary and how he is amased by supernaturals too, what could lead you to spend a lot of time together, she is happy for it but it doesn't take her much time before being bothered by it and even jealous, she will try to separate the two of you to be able to spend time with both without the supernaturals things
If you ever gift her things that can help and protect her from supernatural she thanks you a lot, she find it like a pretty cute gift, even when is more probably that she doesn't fully understand for what it is, althought she probably wil ask if she can decorate it or have one full of colors and brightness (probably even do one for you in that way, imitating the one you give her, it probably won't protect you since she doesn't fully know how it works but she does it from her heart)
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Wendy Corduroy
Getting into a relationship with Wendy isn't too difficult, she normally doesn't care too much as long as she feel atracted to you, although the more time you two spend together the closer you grow and you start to be more important to her
She likes to talk to you about what she is in, she is always telling you the funny stories that she has with her friends, family and sometimes even in her work (whenever you weren't involved on the mess with them), also she likes when you tell her things of you too but isn't going to force you to talk and just wait until you want to share something with her
Its not a secret that Gravity Falls can be a really strange village although she doesn't pay much attention to those things, so the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals she won't believe you at first, she probably will only laugh and agree sarcastically thinking that you may be trying to prank her or even scare her, but as you insist or even seem serious about it she will ask you if you are actually being serious with it
Despite her first reaction it doesn't take her much time before she finally believes you, she is pretty interested in you stories about your past experiences with them, although she is pretty lay back with it too, she is really interested but if you don't feel comfortable talking about that she won't be mad or anything, she can wait until you are ready (but she will playfuly tell you that isn't fair to let her with the excitement and curiosity)
If you have bad past experiences with the supernaturals Wendy will be a little worried about you but is more focused on comforting you and promising that you don't have nothing to worry about because you have her and she will protect you from any supernatural! In the other hand, if you have good past experiences with them she will laugh at it because she find it hilarious, she will be even more curious about hearing your stories and may even ask if you could introduce her your friends
She isn't going to talk much about it, is more likely that you two talk about it if you are the one bringing up the topic but whenever you do talk about it she is paying a lot of attention, truly interested on what are you telling her (sometimes she gets distracted but tries to always put attention)
If you ever make her amulets she will find it a rather cute gesture, she will call you adorable in the moment you give it to her and will actually conserve it, she may don't carry it with her all the time but she keep it as something special for her
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Naoko Kirino
It doesn't take her much time before falling in love, and once it happens Naoko is pretty open with her feeling, she is pretty playful and affectionate with you before start dating but once you start a relasionship she becomes even more affectionate and clingy
Naoko can be pretty playful and tease you from time to time, is the way she is, however she isn't someone who judge others, she has her own bizarre liking and is seen like a weirdo for others, so she prefers to don't judge and she just accept you the way you are, besides she loves you the way you are
She has her own weird liking and she is pretty energetic, Naoko likes to drag you around whenever she is excited to do something, as well she will like to know a lot of you and probably ask you constantly about you and your opinion, so is probably that she gets to know about your hability earlier in the relasionship
When you tell her that you can see and even interact with ghosts and other supernaturals she is imediatly excited, she ask you twice only to confirm that she had heard you right, Naoko will believe you and accept you with this talent right away, she doesn't even try to hide how excited she is for all of this so there will not be the slightest doubt about she seeing you as weirdo or something
Naoko wants to know everything about it and she will ask you right away, if you don't feel comfortable or even overwhelmed by it she apologize with a smile in her face, she didn't mean to, however she will insist on hearing your stories about the supernaturals you had met, if you are hesitant to talk about it she will make efforts to make you feel comfortable enough to tell her and when you finally do it she will pay a lot of attention to what you tell her
Naoko is specially interested on the bizarre details, how they died, how was their life, how they look and if they have any power she wants to know what kind of power they have (and if she can see it it will be amazing)
If you had bad past experiences with them she will be sorry for you and a little worried, she loves all of this but if it is going to put you in danger it would be better if you two avoid it, she loves you more than those stories. In the case that you had good experiences or even get along with them she will ask even more about your experiences, she find it incredibly interesting!
Naoko wants to experience it too so she will ask you if she can see and interact with them too, if she can she ask you to please let her meet the ones you already know or that are your friends, even if she can't directly see them she will like to see you interact with them and will ask you what they are saying
If you ever gift her a protection amulet she will find the gesture rather cute and loving, she promise you to always carry the amulet with her and always tell you that it did protect her even when she has not encountered any danger or didn't even worked
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To get to be in a relationship with Yuri she had to be comfortable around you first, she suffer from a really bad social anxiety so she needs to feel calm and safe around you, once that happens is pretty obvious and even in a relationship Yuri will slowly win some confidence and will be able to express herself more
Yuri has a like for horror and bizarre things, she likes it and loves reading books of that kind however she doesn't like sharing that with all people, but since she trust you and loves you she will like to share that like with you since is important for her, she will satisfied if you just accept her but actually being interested on it or understand her liking will make her incredibly happy
Yuri isn't someone who will judge you or doubt you, specially if you accept her without asking, she feels like is only fair so in the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals and even interact with them she will accept you and won't judge, it take her a moment to fully process it and a while to get used to the idea but she assure you that she trust you and doesn't think you are weird or anything
The thought of you talking with ghosts will wander around Yuri's mind for a while before she win the courage to ask you about it, she is a little unsure if it will be alright for her to talk about it (specially is you don't talk much about it yourself) and when she finally does ask you she is really curious about it, she want to heard all you are willing to share with her
Yuri wants to heard all the stories about your past experiences with supernaturals but is a little nervous, not wanting to trigger something on you or bringing you bad memories by accident so she tries to be as subtle as posible with the topic as long as she can, until she is sure is okay for you to talk about it
If you had bad past experiences with them she will feel really bad about it, she gets nervous at the thought of you possibly being in danger and she will try to bring you some comfort, probably will try to avoid talking about it from then. However, if you have good experiences, may even having a good relationship with the supernaturals then Yuri will grow even more curious and want to heard all your stories, but will be shy while asking you about it
Yuri wants to know all you are willing to share with her, however her curiosity is really big so as she grows more comfortable and is sure it is okay she will start asking for more details, either about the supernatural or for what you felt, she may try to hide her excitment over the topic but if you know her well you can notice her inmense curiousity
If you ever gift her something like a protection amulet she will see it as a really loving gesture from you, is a really special gift for her and she tries to take proper care of it and carry it everywhere since is for protection, she really hopes she never gets into the situation where she have to use it because she doesn't want to be in danger and because she will like to keep it
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Shouko Komi
It would take while for you two to get into a relationship for how anxious Shouko is, and, also it take her a while to realice her feelings, however when you two start dating Shouko is incredibly excited, wanting to do a lot of things with you but still feel a little bit nervous
In Itan Private High School almost all the students have peculiar personalities, everyone has their own talent or unique quirks that make the school always interesting, so having a student that can see ghosts and other kind of supernaturals isn't strange to think (however it could be that people won't believe you at first and brush it off if you try to tell them)
Shouko slowly get more comfortable with you and get even excited about the idea of letting you know more about her and she getting to know more about you so from time to time she motivate you to share your thoughts and opinions with her just as she tries to do it too!
Getting to know that you can see and even talk to ghosts and other supernaturals is something completely shocking for her, it take Shoko a moment to fully process and comprehend what you had tell her and when she does she will get incredibly worried in a second, she has a lot of things she wants to ask you about it but she is too nervous
She doesn't say that she wants to know more but is pretty obvious by her body language, but all her nervousness is obvious too, she is scare about it because she immediatly think that you may be in danger or that the supernaturals threaten you somehow
If you actually had bad past experiences with them she will just become even more worried about you and probably will like to stay by your side, clinging onto you for a while in hopes that she help you to avoid it or at least comfort you. In the other hand, if you had good past experiences with them she will feel more relief about it but still it will take her a long time to don't feel anxious about supernaturals and your safety
Shouko isn't exactly excited to heard your stories with supernaturals but doesn't has the strength to tell you to don't tell her, although she doesn't mind hearing silly and even funny stories, the ones that aren't scary or about you being in danger
If you ever make her and amulet for protecting she will be between being flustered and scare, she find it a really sweet gesture but she is scare about why does she need an amulet for protection? Although, if it is an amulet more for good luck or to keep away supernaturals (because you know how anxious she gets about them) she will feel touched by the gesture and may try to make something for you too (even when she has no idea of what she could do for you)
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alexxness · 7 days
A thread on how I'd portray Gravity Falls x The Last of Us (Part 1) [I was bored last night]
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This post is based on @eerizon recent Gravity Falls x TLOU drawing :P
First of all, the artist above totally saw my (and everyone else's) vision, bc I also thought about this idea, but I wanted to wait for someone else to draw it
So now, I'm just gonna write down who would be who in this universe just for fun (feel free to drop your own ideas too)
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Starting off with: Stan as Joel
It's logical and makes total sense!!
Two father figures who lost someone in their lives get attached to some who didn't have good impressions at first, and protects them with their lives
I'm still trying to figure who'd be Sarah though..
Dipper and Mabel as Ellie
I'd like to highlight Mabel the most, bc it also makes sense that Stan gets more attached to her, and later saves her from her death at the hospital (which means she'd be the one immune to the infection)
As for Dipper, he'd be most important for Part 2
Dipper could be the one figuring out that Stan broke the siblings' trust/promise, when he discovers that he lied about Mabel being useless to the cure of the infection
He'd also get revenge for Stan's death as well
For obvious reasons, Ford would be Tommy
Their relationship with their brothers is very similar, and I'm pretty darn sure that Ford would do the exact same thing that Tommy did when Joel died
They're extremely good shots, and ✨ survivors ✨
Eda (from The Owl House) as Tess is an interesting idea, and I love it
The fact that Eda gets infected, is a pretty good replacement for her curse, and I just love that concept rahhhh
I ain't 100% sure, but I think Wendy as Bill could be an interesting idea
She's a survivalist, and she would absolutely rule making traps like Bill's
Frank could be one of her exes or something, idk haven't thought enough about it yet 😭
This is another one I haven't thought through at 100%, but once again, Fiddleford as Maria could also be a cool concept
Sure, who wouldn't want a partner telling all the probabilities of things that could happen if this and that occurred, right?
Took me a while to figure this one out... This wouldn't be a sibling situation, but a partner one--
I think Blubs as Henry and Durland as Sam is sad, but also an interesting idea
It's a dark turn to take for these two sillies, and I'm sorry for this :(
[Human]Bill would be David for sure (but he wouldn't be a PDFFile omgoshh)
The simple logic is bc he tricks both Dipper and Mabel, and tries to kill them to feed his gang
(which he technically does this during Weirdmageddon [he offers Dipper as a snack to 8-Ball and Teeth])
Blind Ivan would be the perfect fit for Marlene
This basically makes the Society of the Blind Eye, the new Fireflies, which is actually pretty cool
Pacifica would probably take Riley's role
She's besties with the twins, and wants to be free from her parents (as usual)
Who's gonna kiss her later at the abandoned mall?? Dipper or Mabel? You decide!!
Unfortunately yeah, she gets infected-- And she's never seen again :'D
And for last but not least... Bud as Jerry
Seems like a logical reason, right?? Kinda makes sense...
Hmm... I wonder who's going after Stan after this...
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And that's it for my Part 1 ideas!!
I can drop your opinions/ideas, I'll be happy to read them and discuss with all of you!!
I might make a post about Part 2 eventually, so stay tuned if you're interested
Have a good day/night, everyone!!
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princesspastel8 · 2 months
Chapter 7: "You know what you did!"
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Dipper POV
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There he is. My whole reason for breathing......fuck he looks just how I imagine. His skin is dark and tan, his hair golden with a mixture of brown, his body...tone and shaped, God his lips...and his one eye. I chuckle at the eye patch over his left eye. I begin walking towards Bill but stop mid step.
"Dipper no! Stay away from him!" I hear grunkle Ford shout.
I roll my eyes, turning around to meet his disapproving glare. I chuckle. "Of course, my joy has to be ruined by Mr. Killjoy himself." I joke.
Bill laughs and holds a thumbs up while spinning his cane with his free hand. "Good one, pinetree!"
I glance at Bill, smiling brightly for once. "Thank you, Bill. I learn from the best." I wink.
"D-Dipper....how could you?...D-Did you really kill Pacifica?"
"And Robbie?! Dipper, why would you kill my husband?!"
Bill and I both burst into fits of laughter. "Wow, redhead, you're more stupid than I thought! But what can you expect from a meatsack like you?"
My laughter calms as I look at the two hysterical women. "My my Wendy. Robbie must have fucked a few of your brain cells out. He was cheating on you. And with Tembry. I still have no idea how you miss that one." I chuckle.
Wendy shakes her head in disbelief. "Robbie would not cheat on me!"
I roll my eyes and look at Bill. "Mind showing her some proof then."
"Sure, pinetree!" Bill said as a hologram screen appears on the ground in front of everyone.
It showed Robbie making out with Tembry. I smirk, noticing myself behind the tree near them. "Ah yes... here's my favorite part." I said while watching myself kill them.
Mable and Wendy are sobbing messes while Stan and Ford stand in disbelief. I can't help but laugh at this beautiful sight of misery.
Mable starts walking towards me, but both Stan and Ford stop her. "Wh-why Dipper?! Why would you do something like this?! You're my brother! We're supposed to always be there for each other! How could you betray your family like this?! H-How could you betray me like this?!"
My bright smile quickly turns into a dark frown. Bill senses the anger rolling off of me in waves. He places a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down, but I shrug him off. Bill sighs, "You've done it now shooting star." He said while taking a few steps back from me.
"How could I? Supposed to always be there for each other?! That's rich coming from you, you know that?! Ever since we left gravity falls and gotten into high school, you completely changed! Your friends were more important! Boys that would always treat you like shit were more important! You would always get upset with me whenever I tried to protect you! And that day....oh God that day....I will never forgive you. You let him take me. Y-you let him do those things to me! You let him harass me! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME MABLE!" I place my hands on my face as my body begins to tremble. "I-If it wasn't for Bill....he would've raped me. Hehe...but its fine! It's all perfect! Because I killed him. Oooooooooooooh, the sound of his screams. The way he begged! You should've seen it, Mable! I bet you wouldn't want to be with him after knowing how much of a coward he was!" I laugh. "You've always been mom and dad's favorite, you know? I did everything I could to get them to notice how great of a son they had. Never failed a test. Passed all of my classes. Straight A's.....and yet...they couldn't look past the fact that their only son didn't like spots, never had a girlfriend, and to top it all off! -is gay. But it's whatever. I killed them, too."
Mable mouth dropped in shock. "Y-you....you what?" She whispers, barely audible to hear.
"Huh? What was that? You're normally loud and cheerful, Mable....I wonder where all of that went." I chuckle darkly. "Besides, you're useless to me. I don't need you, Mable. All I need is Bill... he's all I ever needed." I smile widely as I pull out my pistol and aim it at her. "I want you to deny everything I said... go ahead. Do it. Lie to them. Lie to the only friends and family you have left! Please do it...I've been dying to get your blood on my hands...."
Stan, Ford, and Wendy quickly stand in front of Mable protectively, and I laugh. "Oh, how could I almost forget?! You're their favorite, too! You've always been everyone's favorite! I'll kill you...I'll kill each and every one of you..."
Bill steps in between everyone with a smile. "now now as much as I'm enjoying this little show, these meatsacks could be of some use to us pinetree. Especially sixxter over there." He leans to whisper in my ear. "You forgot the rift pinetree. And the equation." He points out.
I look at him and sigh loudly. "Right....The two key components..." I put my pistol back inside my bag and pick it up. "Let's go, Bill." I said, turning my back to everyone.
"D-Dipper!....please I'm sorry!" Mable cries.
I turn my head. "I think you're a little late for that. Burn in hell with the rest of them." I said as Bill places a hand on my shoulder.
"Well, that was a great show, but it's time for us to go! Remember, reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold, bye!!" And with that, the two of us disappear into my secret place within the forest.
I sigh heavily, walking towards the first tree I see. I drop my bag to the ground as I begin punching it. My knuckles are now bloody, but I don't care. Any physical pain is better than the storm inside my mind and heart. "Stupid... stupid stupid...STUPID-"
I'm interrupted by Bill. He grabs my hands and turns me around so that I'm facing him. "Whoa there! As much as I enjoy the sight of pain and suffering,...witnessing yours is a bit...dull??" He said as if questioning his own emotions.
I roll my eyes and pull away from him. "Jee, thanks for your kind words, Bill."
"Why are you mad at me? I can't help that I find your pain a little.... boring? What words do you meatsacks use?....uughhhh!" He groans in frustration.
"Since you're struggling with using words, use actions, Bill. You're a idiot sometimes." I said while staring down at my blood knuckles.
Bill frowns and gently grabs my hands. He pulls them up to his face and slowly licks the blood from my knuckles. "Enough action for you, pinetree?" He chuckles.
My face quickly heats up with blush as I open my mouth, trying to speak, but no words come out. I can't help but watch him....and get a little turned on.
Bill stops and snaps his fingers, making bandages appear around my wounds. He smiles wickedly and spins around on his cane. "So pinetree! Any plans on how we're going to get the rift?"
I shake my head to rid myself out of my daze. I cough to clear my throat, looking away from him. "Simple. We trick Mable again."
"Tricking shooting star for the second time? How are we going to do that?" He questions with a playful frown.
I smile, sitting down on the flower filled ground. I pull out my journal and point to the instructions. "Mable is completely heartbroken. She'll do anything to get her old life back. Simply offer Mable land again, but this time, offer her to see the loved ones I killed."
"Not bad, pinetree, not bad at all!" He cheers.
"Of course, it's not a bad plan. I thought of it. So once you take control over Mable's body, you use this code to get into Ford's lab. It's located on the far end to the right. It isn't hard to miss. We need to hurry. And if things go south, I have a backup plan."
"Which is my nerdy pinetree?"
"I remember when I almost got myself killed by clones of well... myself when I was twelve.....I rather not tell you why I-"
"It was for the red head, wasn't it?" He questions with shock in his tone, which he's faking.
I glare at him. "Shut it. I was stupid. Anyways, I could clone myself and create a distraction for Mable and everyone else. I'm sure Ford had left over unicorn hair from the first time. And if he already placed it around the shack, then you might not be able to go inside. Even with being inside Mable's body. The spell blocks out magic of any kind, so..." I said while reading over the plans I had set for years now.
Bill loses his balance from standing on top of his cane and falls on top of me. He looks at me with a devilish smirk, leaning to close to my face. "My bad pinetree. I'm still getting used to this form."
I blush heavily, looking away from me. "I-Its fine, just get off s-so we can discuss more plans....." I said harshly.
"Enough about these plans! We're going to get the rift, but not right now. Let's do something fun first."
I raise an eyebrow. You never know with Bill when it comes to his definition of 'fun'. "Uh....what kind of fun?"
He leans in closer to my lips. "I want to...try what Those meatsacks were doing in the woods, you know... before you killed them."
My eyes widen as I shake my head. "N-not now, Bill! As much as I want to...w-we can't. We have important th-things to do-....mmmm!.....mhhmmm~"
Bill cuts me off with his sweet, plum lips. He pulls away, still itches from my lips. "You think too much. Think a little less. I do it all the time, and I turned out fine!"
I look at him blankly. "I doubt that -....aahh~" I moan as Bill creases my half harden length over my clothes.
"Such sass...and a smart mouth." He hums, sliding his tongue into my mouth and sworls it around mine.
I whimper as I move my hips, wanting more friction with his hand. He bites my bottom lip, holding my waist in place. "I decided when you're allowed to move." He growls with his teeth tugging at my bottom lip.
I moan as a response, and he smiles, sliding his tongue back into my mouth. His taste is so sweet...for a murdering dream demon. I wrap my tongue around his, feeling him pin my arms above my head. He pulls away, giving me air to breathe.
"B-Bill...." I whine, wanting so badly to move my hips against his.
"Yes, pinetree?" He hums against my neck before biting down, sucking against my skin.
"Aaahhhh~ bill... I want you..." I beg, moaning at the feeling of his lips against my neck.
"You already have me." He whispers into my ear, using his free hand to rub against my newly formed hickey. "Now everyone will know that you belong to me. Understood?" He said before biting and fanning his breath into my ear.
I whimper, nodding my head. "Yes, Bill.."
He pulls away, jumping up to his feet with a smile. He holds his hand out, his cane floating to him. He grabs it, leaning forward with his hands. "Now.....what was that plan again?" He asks innocently with a playful smirk.
I sit up with a frown, blush covering my whole face. I glare at him, kicking his cane out of his hands, enjoying him falling flat on his face. I stand up and kick him over, placing my foot on his chest.
"Bill...if you ever tease me like that again, I swear I'll -"
"You'll what pinetree?" He mocks, his smirk taunting me.
I lean down, grabbing him by his tie and pulling him itches away from my face. "I'll make you regret placing that mark on me. I know everything about you Bill....do you seriously want to take my words lightly? I don't make threats. I deliver promises."
He yelps and quickly nods his head. "Ok, ok! No more teasing."
"Now that's a good little dream, demon." I said before kissing his forehead, letting go of his tie and throwing him back to the ground. "Enough time wasting. Let's go give our final goodbyes to 'the pines family'."
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fantasyinvader · 5 months
With the last few points in mind, we can see how SS, AM and VW are may be somewhat radical from a Japanese POV.
In SS, Byleth's leadership goes against a very common mentality in Japan where it's viewed as wrong to give people money they did not earn, even when that person is in dire straights. In fact, begging for money is actually illegal over there. So with that in mind, Byleth focusing on reconstruction of Fodlan in addition to the Japanese text saying he supported “every soul” in a motherly-fashion, it does point to Byleth's rule being one that looked out for the people.
It also has elements associated with oudou, considering the Sword of the Creator's Japanese name the Sword of the Emperor of Heaven. Emperor of Heaven is term for the Jade Emperor, the deity that oversees Heaven's mandate (Mazu, the Emperess of Heaven, is commonly depicted in red robes... but she's associated with water as a sea goddess, not fire. She's also said to be an incarnation of the Jade Woman of Marvelous Deeds, and associated with a star in the big dipper, who is said to oversee all aspects of life and death and help those who call upon her. So, Edelgard's color scheme itself might be a red herring, as Sothis is the one associated with water). Byleth judged Edelgard as unworthy of following, rejecting her and in turn leading the Black Eagles to do the same. They no longer bend the knee to their emperor simply because she is their emperor, they take a stand against her actions and work to remove her from power. And this is consistent for them regardless of whether Byleth taught their House or recruited them to another House, not joining Edelgard is tied to their character development (see Ferdinand and Caspar's paralogues not being available in Flower).
Dimitri takes Byleth's supporting the poor a few steps further, believing change has to come from the people and giving them a voice in politics while at the same time supporting them. He empowers the masses, and on top of that even has focus on improving relations with foreign nations (whereas the Japanese text indicates Edelgard begins invading other countries). Dimitri is also meant to represent oudou himself, a benevolent ruler justly governing the people.
Claude also identifies Edelgard's rule as oudou, stops her, but then puts Byleth and his version of oudou in charge of Fodlan. I think the best way to put how Claude is radical is, to put it bluntly, fuck the past and fuck the traditions associated with it.
Claude's goal in coming to Fodlan was to learn from it in order to change Almyra, and he got that in Verdant Wind. He begins transforming his homeland into a trading powerhouse, works with the Church in order to bridge the two nations, and can even introduce magic to his country in one ending. On top of that, people have noted that he embodied a very negative stereotype of his people in Hopes, so his character growth proved beneficial. He's no longer the type who will flee to save his own life rather than protecting his people, he stops trying to manipulate everyone and instead work with them as well.
When applied to Fodlan, it's not saying that the Church is bad. It still continues to exist, but now the false history of Fodlan has been corrected. People now know what the past really was, not some glamorized image of it from the Agarthans nor the story told as part of a peace treaty. The Church is still going to be there, helping to rebuild Fodlan after the slate was wiped clean, free to spread it's messages without having to also recite falsehoods that can give people mixed messages. And on top of that, there's also support for other faiths and customs to be brought in, accepted and learned from. The game really drives home it's the dawn of a new era for a reason.
So, we have that. Meanwhile Edelgard trying to set the clock back on Fodlan, spouting ideals informed by Agarthan manipulations, and trying to conquer the world... this is all supposed to be tyranny according to the devs. SS, AM and VW all support some form of progress whereas Flower, once you see through the cracks and get to know Edelgard, is supposed to be regression. To return to old ways, old traditions, that the Church put a stop to for good reason.
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areallyhappyperson · 18 days
Evil gravity falls idea: during the portal scene where Mabel says I trust you she gets sucked in like Fiddleford and swaps places with Stanford
And Dipper and Ford would both ostracize Stan for doing what they see as the stupidest decision possible. This of course pushes Dipper to become much closer to Ford and as the summer continues the brothers Pines don't grow closer together. Stan is kicked out and Dipper takes the apprenticeship.
Seeing no other options Stan goes on the road and tries once again to look for his next biggest idea, but is haunted by the fact that he may have killed his great niece. He is once again fully cut off from his family and while he has the money he received from the mystery shack he is Stan Pines once again.
Dipper follows Ford's footsteps and learns more about Gravity Falls. His parents of course say yes that their child can take a homeschooling with the guy who HAS 12 PHDS. Dipper starts to follow all too well and he begins to delve deeper and deeper. The two start to find more about the Nightmare Realm, but at least it is safe from Bill's hands.... unless they didn't have unicorn hair. While the two are great in their problem solving they were never able to even summon the gate as Grenda and Candy stopped talking to Dipper when he revealed he let Mabel get killed. Dipper and Ford continue to try and work as they cut more and more people out for acting too Bill-ish. Dippers mind is scanned and he is protected from Bill, but there are other dangers to be found.
And finally our dear Mabel. Of course Bill didn't initially know that she was in the Nightmare dimension, but it was only a matter of time before he found out. It doesn't take two braincells to figure out a place called the Nightmare Dimension was probably home to some nasty people. What does take a lot of skill is evading Bill and talking with refugees. With only her will and her creativity Mabel starts to do her best making it along in the nightmare dimension. She grows a hate for her trusting and kind nature as it was the exact thing that likely got her family killed. The portal did exactly what Dipper and her head said it would. She would of course try to stay positive, but how long can you stay positive when, you're pretty sure, no one is coming to save you. She tries to get in contact with people, but after a long time of hoping there is nothing in the end. Ford says it is too dangerous to open the portal again and Dipper never can push himself enough to open it. Not to mention the fuel it requires.
Though bad ends don't just end. The world continues on. Bill realizes just how close he is to getting this portal open. He knows how gullible Mabel can be and so he finally makes deals with the remaining Pines. Mabel was easier. He just had to tell her a half truth of promising he would not open the portal himself or personally invade using the portal if she joined his side and said a few words, but Stan was harder. He was a con man and the world's greatest one at that. Bill would have to do something he never realized was so hard. He would have to tell a whole truth. It was the one thing that Stan would never be able to figure out. He just had to give Stan what he wanted. He wanted to pilot Stan's body for 30 minutes and then he would make Stan a god in Weirdmaggeddon. He would give Stanley everything he ever wanted with no extra cost. He wanted to preserve his own life and make their universe something he thought would be greater.
At the lowest point in his life Stanley finally says yes and the convergence at the Mystery Shack begins. Mabel is ready to slip through and set the portal to the highest setting as Stanley drives back to confront his brother. Bill takes over just outside of the Mystery Shack and disables Ford immediately before threatening to kill Dipper and doing what he needs to to break the dimensional rift.
Is this anything y’all I would love to hear ideas or if I am doing this fanfic thing correctly
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thefourchimes · 1 year
the potential of gravity falls and stranger things together...
for the stranger weirder au, imagine the chaos of the group that is the party+co and the mystery crew
from the kids to the teens to the adults, all the groupings just have the potential to be so much
here be the some thoughts for them because yes:
star twins immediately vibe with the party <3
more girls' night!!
more dnd campaigns!!
dustin and dipper smart cap buddies
party drifting apart fuels the fear and conflict even more in dipper and mabel vs the future
will and dipper "knows the feeling of being possessed" buddies
mabel and max being essentially taken hostage by the big bads AND are put through illusions bullshit
el would be persuaded by mabel to use her powers for arcade games
dipper would be fascinated and mabel would be in awe of el's powers
el learns so much of the world through the star twins as well <33
lots more competition with arcade games in general with the kids
the kids riding their bikes together!!
still unsure about gideon in general but imagine erica putting him in his place
will hangs around in the shack a lot because jonathan works there, and he's really fascinated by the attractions in the mystery shack
dustin would likely get attached to ford
post redemption pacifica will deck angela in the face <3
max, argyle, and the star twins talking about cali related things with the rest being unable to relate
soos loves hanging out with all his dudes
soos, max, and dustin knowing what it feels like without a father
the teens learn that college isn't the end all be all from the stan twins
jonathan and soos talk a lot as coworkers—and the latter is always able to help the former relax
steve gets a crush on wendy—this is gonna be a deja vu moment for him considering yknow
nancy and stan talk about guilt of past and stupid mistakes
nancy is taught and given advice on how to do illegal things and get away with it (plus gun usage) by stan
robin and wendy bonding over being queer in small towns in unspecified time of late 20th century
robbie gets punched and slightly beat up by one of the st teens (likely nancy or steve) for picking on the kids
robin and robbie is gonna be confusing when said aloud and they both hate it
argyle and soos besties heck yes
joyce and stan having an understanding with one another about protecting their loved ones no matter what
joyce mayhaps putting ford in his place since his head is still up his ass for a while ASHFIUASHf
joyce is always nice to mcgucket and tries to talk to him, but it's a hit or a miss at times
hopper is tired of seeing stan's face (usually to try and arrest him)
also when it gets to that point, hopper and stan have a silent rivalry for being jonathan's father figure (but they work together to beat lonnie up)
once they can kind of put their disagreements aside, stan teaches hopper how to bond with the kids
hopper is also tired of trying to wrangle mcgucket
hopper doesn't know what to think of ford, especially with the fact that stan had so easily slipped in and pretended to be the man for years
murray and stan making deals mayhaps??
mcgucket murray duo omg HAFSUIHAISF
murray's suspicious of ford the first time he meets him ("kgb? government??")
and that's only a few of what our little grp who's building this au has discovered and explored omg 😭
if you wanna know more...don't be shy, go and ask away AHSFUIAHSF 👀
tagging @sunflowersand-bees @itsanotheridiot because they helped me compile and add more in this list, ty guys <3
along with @laurienotteddy @lovefrom-theother-side @willelfanpage @she-wont-miss who are always sending me their thoughts and/or watching me go insane in that thread
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its-malarkey · 11 months
I’ve been randomly consumed by the concept of an LMK Gravity Falls AU (thanks to YouTube comments) Here’s what I’ve got so far:
MK- Dipper
Mei- Mabel
Macaque- Stan
Wukong- Ford
Red Son- Pacifica
DBK and PIF- the Northwest parents
Spider Queen- Gideon (I’m so sorry Queen 😔 but you do both build a mech and serve the main antagonist before turning against them and also exist mostly as a minor annoyance aside from your one big moment)
LBD- Bill
Sandy, Tang, and Pigsy all kind of vaguely fulfill the concept of Soos, Wendy, and Stan but not so much in a story manner
-MK finds the staff (which had been left behind much like the Journals, except Macaque left it where it was because he couldn’t lift it) and unlocks his powers in messy and chaotic ways so he and Mei train on FFM with Macaque
-Macaque is pretending to be the Monkey King, claiming he “started going by Mac around mortals, might be easier for all of us if you called me that too”
-MK and Mei get into various demon-related shenanigans thanks to MK being Monkey King’s successor. Macaque himself rarely shows up to help with those unless they’re in actual danger because he doesn’t want it getting out that the Monkey King is missing and that the Six-Eared Macaque is impersonating him
-Macaque: “I can’t lift the staff or use my Monkey King powers anymore because I passed them on to you. Heh, it’s okay, gold never was my color anyway”
-he and Wukong had their big falling out under the mountain, and after that, they didn’t see each other for ages. LBD grabbed a hold on Wukong’s mind during a thoughtless, impulsive move of his, and while she can’t quite possess him without her full power, she can feed his negative emotions and whisper thoughts into his head. He knows this and calls out to Macaque for help with “a curse” without explaining why (as usual)
-Macaque, the simp he is, arrives to help and immediately gets met with an LBDified angry Wukong ready to kill him. Mac, confused and upset, can’t keep up with a full-powered not-holding-back Wukong, and loses his eye. He panickedly pulls him into a shadow portal that he can’t control because his powers are going haywire with his panic and fear. He’s been dreading Wukong’s return, but in recent years, he’s gotten concerned and been trying to locate him because if Wukong hasn’t returned after this long, could he be… gone?
-Wukong chooses to spend time hunting down information on how to end LBD instead of returning, and he gathers the rings of Samadhi. He returns to FFM where he senses Mei (ya know, descendant of Ao Lie and all that), only to find Macaque fighting with a strange kid filled with Wukong’s own glowing light and power. Immediately assuming the worst, he jumps into the “fight” to stop it
-Mac is terrified, and Wukong is just terribly confused because he doesn’t know why he’s THAT afraid of him, the two haven’t even seen each other since their big argument… right?
-MK and Mei jump in to protect Mac and Wukong is, again, terribly confused
-MK: “Who the heck are you?”
Wukong: “Uh… I’m the Monkey King. You have my powers, don’t you know who I am??”
MK: “What? Nah, Mac’s the Monkey King”
(Macaque is very stealthily trying to escape)
Wukong, just befuddled: “Wh— no, I’m the Monkey King. Indisputably. Always have been.”
Mei, who was a little suspicious anyway but still liked Mac: “Prove it. Pick up MK’s staff.”
Wukong: (smirking) “Easy.” (It is in fact very easy) “See, kiddo?”
MK: (jaw-dropped, turning to Mac, who suddenly looks very guilty) “You LIED TO ME??”
Mac, rubbing the back of his neck: “Well—“
MK: “Dammit, I should’ve known Mac didn’t make any sense as a nickname. If you’re not Monkey King, who even are you??”
Wukong, before Mac can say anything: “His name is Macaque. Well, the Six-Eared Macaque is his full name, but— he’s definitely not the Monkey King. He’s a trickster, but,” (baring his teeth) “I never thought he’d stoop to stealing my identity.” (He looks at Macaque, who’s frozen) “Lazy identity theft, at that. What the hell have you been doing with my name, Macaque? Dammit, it’s been YEARS. How petty can you GET?!”
Macaque, finding his voice to be angry: “PETTY?! You TOOK MY EYE!”
-Wukong is, again, as always, confused because he would remember doing that… right? And Mac doesn’t elaborate and they continue bickering (with escalation) until Mei and MK break it up and explain what Macaque has been doing with them and how he hasn’t done anything evil and has, in fact, only been good
-Wukong settles down and decides he wants claim on training his successor which sparks an argument until they agree to compromise. Wukong, as typical, doesn’t tell anyone about the Samadhi fire. They end up bickering a lot during training
-LBD finds them anyway and starts the ritual and kidnaps Mei
-after getting Mei back, they have to all work together to beat her using the Samadhi fire, and they end up having to use it on her while she’s inside of a vessel that isn’t the child she was possessing (because no children murder). Macaque makes the sacrifice in Wukong’s place
-I’m not sure how it ends, but Macaque does come back :))
-the end, it’s 3:30AM and I have many more thoughts but am so so eepy
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xiyouyanyi · 4 months
JotG S2: The Ramifications
-SWK didn't leave MK to go on a vacation. Well, he tried to say so, but MK interrupted him and asked him if he could go to the Celestial Realm instead, to check on the two immortals who helped them out. And he was like "Yep, that just happened to be my first stop!"
"I don't want them to be in trouble. They…okay, one of them isn't the nicest person, but she still helped me out. Hopefully they won't. But if they do get into trouble, would you like, help them back? For me?" "Sure bud, don't worry. I'll keep an eye out."
-In truth, he got a summon from Thunder Bureau, and proceeded to spend most of S2 lying skillfully in court, trying to conceal his disciple's existence from prying eyes and get a lighter sentence for their helpers, while also bringing attention to the more urgent issue that was LBD.
-He paid a visit to Kui Mulang, now imprisoned inside a much more secure cell, with Thunder Nails stabbed through his shoulder blades. A harsh exchange ensued: SWK pried for intel about Ivory Lady the Ghostly Immortal, Kui Mulang responded with a series of mockeries and scathing remarks, before tossing out this bombshell. 
"I'll tell you everything I know, if you tell me what happened to my children." The Wood Wolf Star said, eyes hidden under the shadow casted by his messy, blood-soaked mane. "The Great Sage is capable of some exquisite destruction, but I do not believe, for a second, that he is a child killer." "...Even if they are alive, do you seriously think you can still get back into their lives? That they'll ever want you in their lives, after what you'd done to their mother?"  "Ah, so they are alive." "..." "I'm not asking where they are. Only what happened to them." Kui Mulang continued. "In exchange, you get to know all about that ghastly acquaintance of mine. Deal?"
-The Dumpling Destruction episode got slightly adjusted to suit the new "court case" scenario: it wasn't the Four Devarajas’ fault, but one of the Four Thunder Generals——Deng, Xin, Zhang, Tao.
-See, having a bunch of thunder and lightning-wielding guys be both judges, lawyers, SWAT teams, and executioners tend to make your average court case…quite heated.
-And during one of those heated arguments that lasted from the Thunder Bureau official halls all the way to the dining room next door, someone imbued their breakfast with Thunderfire and threw it at the other guy, who dodged just in time; the flaming dumpling flew out of the window and fell through the clouds, straight toward the Lower Realm.
-Like, it was still regular dumpling-sized, but that wasn't gonna matter because Thunderfire was more high-grade explosives than flames, and the impact was still enough to flatten half of the city. 
-In fact, searching for this tiny, free-falling object just made the mission even harder, and the first thing people noticed on the ground wasn't the dumpling, but the roaring thunder that accompanied dozens of winged generals as they combed through the sky, desperately looking for the offending object on Lord Wen's orders.
-SWK told MK what all the fuss was about via astral projection, then went back to breaking up the fight in the dining hall, because yes, after casually tossing a mini-nuke out of the window, these four were still engaging in their violent legal debate. 
-Lord Wen wondered, for the billionth time in his life, if one of the Taisui gods or someone in the Dipper Mansion really had it out for him, then sighed and ordered Hanzhi's temporary release, just so the Wind Bureau could assist in the search too.
-Mei, being part of the West Sea dragon clan, was obliged to help out any Celestial Bureaus involved in weather creation by virtue of an ancient accord. She wasn't too happy about it, as MK and Tang set off to find something in FFM's vault that could create a protective barrier over the city, in case the others all failed their spot checks.
-I'm making some tweaks to the treasures we are collecting, mostly by replacing them with ones from FSYY. Instead of the Demon-revealing Mirror, we have the Yin-Yang Mirror(阴阳镜) of Chijing Zi, and instead of the Crimson Jimweed, we are looking for the Chaihu Grass of Shennong.
-Since the full Yin-Yang Mirror is too OP, in this AU, it was split into its white and red halves: the white half can insta-kill anything with a soul, the red half can revive whatever the white half killed, and FFM's vault only got the red one, which was useless on its own.
-Also, instead of Guanyin's vase, the treasure they were looking for was a crystalline vase containing the Divine Water of Triple Light(三光神水)——a substance that could transform ordinary water into a self-regenerating magical barrier, also from FSYY.
-But Tang, who thought "that other God-Demon novel" was boring and not as well-written as JTTW (true), didn't know that. He still found it despite looking for the wrong vase the entire time, while pursued by Spider Queen's minions; a truly incredible feat. 
-The Thunderfire-imbued dumpling was found by Mei and neutralized safely in midair via Hanzhi's tornado, seconds after the Divine Water barrier went up.
-All four Thunder Generals received fifty lashes, on top of the beatdown they received from SWK. Hanzhi, being the natural gossiper she was, revealed her "on parole until mission's over" situation, as well as SWK's involvement in the court case to Mei.
-Of course, Mei told MK, which…only added to his guilt and anxiety. Come Minor Scale, this also changed LBD's approach: instead of telling him that SWK left because he picked the wrong successor, she focused on how his mentor had to clean up his mess, that maybe SWK didn't tell him all the truth for a good reason——he just couldn't be trusted with it.
-One question remained: why was LBD trying to rebuild the Bone Mech, when it could no longer be a vessel for one of the Ten Kings post-deification, and even if it could, the dead Shang kings would not have answered the calls of anyone who wasn't a direct descendant of theirs?
-Because it is less about the soul they are pulling out of the Underworld, and more about creating a passage between the world of the living and the dead, which is why she needed the staff.
-As Yu the Great's extendable ruler, not only can it change its size and length at will, it can also command the Water element as a whole——including the water of the Underworld rivers, the Nine Springs.
-So LBD is using the Bone Mech to create a canal between the two realms, then using the staff to draw the Nine Springs through. Which, like everything Underworld, is the purest Yin-aligned substance you can find, and reacts with Yang-aligned energy in unusual ways: in this case, it creates a living, growing ice that encases Yang-aligned entities upon contact.
-This is how the Ice Hells are constructed: every wall, every floor, is made of condemned souls of the deceased. But unlike in the Underworld, where the flow of Yang energy is predictable, controllable, and quite weak in strength, when the same water enters the mortal realm where Yang energy is so abundant, it just grows and grows and insta-freezes everything it touches.
-With the reverse-flooding also came tons of ghosts, finally escaping their confinement in the Eighteen Hells, but honestly, that was the least of everyone's worries. 
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ladylynse · 7 months
Gravity falls and star vs the forces of evil
Dipper x janna
Word magic
Okay. I misread this in my email. I got the GF/SvtFoE part. And I almost got the ship. But somehow I got 'Evil!Dipper' instead of just 'Dipper' and I wrote that before re-reading this so uh. Bonus three sentences under the cut, I guess?
Sometimes, Dipper still couldn’t believe it had started as simply as it had—“You shouldn’t be able to do that,” she’d said from the shadows, nearly causing him to jump out of his skin and successfully causing him to flub the fire spell he’d been trying out on his would-be campfire, leaving his fingertips coated with ashes instead of sparks—but Janna….
Janna hadn’t laughed at him for believing what he did, hadn’t tried to explain it away, and hadn’t run when she’d realized it was truly magic he wielded and not magic tricks; she’d grinned and asked him to teach her.
She was better at it than he was, and she would rub in that little fact at every opportunity and then some, but the friendly competition helped him improve more than his studying alone ever had, and she…she made him better in a different way, too, and not just when it came to research—even if that’s all he told Mabel the two of them were doing, though he was well aware from her flat look that she didn’t buy it for a second.
see more fics | crossovers 
Bonus: Janna/Evil!Dipper
Janna wasn’t fooling herself; she knew about the part of Dipper that he tried to keep hidden from her and her friends, the part that had Tom frowning at him behind his back, Jackie raising her eyebrows at Janna whenever Dipper wasn’t looking, Marco acting even more protective of everyone than usual, and Star hesitating a split second before offering a smile after a not-quite-joking remark on Dipper’s part.
That part, however well or poorly hidden, connected to Dipper’s past—though all Janna had managed to ferret out so far was that he had a sister he teasingly called Shooting Star—but it was also, unquestioningly, related to magic.
Dipper, despite what Star had done, could still do magic, still had a functioning spell book, or a least a journal with spells in it that seemed more reliable than Star’s spells had ever been, and maybe Janna just found the allure of magic intoxicating, maybe she was drawn to him because he was wielding a power no one else could, maybe she had kissed him that first time simply to get a closer look at the book he’d tried to hide from her when she’d walked in on him without knocking—but the thrill of this, whatever this was, had her seeking more, and he hadn’t turned her away yet.
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jacky-rubou · 1 year
I totally agree with you on the fan episode, the way they portrayed Ford made me feel uncomfy. Like they did good on mostly everything else but Ford was not in character.
Anyway just thought to say it cus I thought I was the only one! Have a lovely day :)
He was so off. It felt like they just did not have a good grasp on who he is as a character and just used their apparent bias against him when writing him. Everything was a gotcha against him. Everything he did and said was shoved in as 'proof' he's horrible. Even though Ford would never do or say what they made him do and say. It felt forced. The literal victim of the memory gun, who had an incredibly difficult time even erasing Stan's memory when he needed to, would not even dare think of erasing the memories of the niblings he loves dearly. Not even if they found out about the Rift. Not even then.
it screws up the reunion between him and Fiddleford, which is about the worst thing they could've done. It's like they weren't paying attention when Ford showed signs of deep regret when it came to Fiddleford (I'm sorry Fiddleford on the mind reader, his whole, self deprecating 'you must hate me' schtick at their real reunion) and pretended that he would somehow still be a bitch to him after all the years of guilt weighing on him or something.
The creator replied to a comment asking when it took place and they said it was 'probably just before DaMtF' and all I wanna say is the fact that Ford was so outwardly distrustful of Mabel to an incredibly abrasive degree was just... so wrong. Ford literally trusted her with the unicorn hair mission like, a couple days ago if that's when this took place, you'd think he'd remember trusting her then. But now he's suddenly not trusting her at all?? But now he's acting as if she's not the good person he literally told to her face that she was?? Ford's using Dipper for his loyalty and being a manipulative ass now??? wtf dude.
Not to mention, the fact the episode is basically ragging on him for having trust issues after a literal demon damaged his ability to trust easily and he had to trust only himself for years in the portal to survive because trusting the wrong person could literally have gotten him killed out there, ignoring how much trauma this man has faced in regards to trust and pretending that Ford should trust practical strangers (Soos and Wendy mainly) with the fate of the world right away or he's horrible for trying to protect his family from being Bill's targets. And then not letting any character show any sympathy for his trust issues and the narrative rewards them for guilt tripping Ford for something he needs time and patience to recover from by forcing him to apologize for not trusting them (I'd kinda agree with apologizing for being the bitch he was in this episode, but not the trust issues, though the fact he was bitchier here than in canon doesn't paint any favors either). You don't just 'get over' trust issues like that.
anyway, I could probably rant all day about how awful this version of Ford really was, but I do not care to think about this time waster of an episode any longer. and I don't wanna have to watch it again to clear up my points. thanks for the solidarity in this trying time of being a Ford fan.
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sanchoyo · 2 years
arc v 15-22 thoughts!!
-i forgot to say it last post, but i really really love the first op! and the ost in general is rly rly good. going to be very sad when they change the op eventually (prob around the ep 25-35 mark im guessing?) -its so funny yuya doesnt wear his school uniform at all except kinda slinging the jacket over his shoulders. all the other male students have pants that match their jacket! but fuck it hes the protag, he can wear his cargos I guess! -tbh glad shingo pointed out its unfair only yuya has pendulum cards, lol. true. (the fact yuya is upset reiji had them was bullshit! u have protag privilege! u dont even know where the cards came from! be more concerned about that!)
-shingo in general is kinda a Silly Guy and I like him more each time we see him. kinda just wanna see him and yuzu interact more too…when she yelled at him. and he still came up to tell yuya to stop eating gross infront of a 'lady'…hes a feminist king! -LMAO STRONG ISHIMA QUIT TO GO TRAIN OVERSEAS AFTER LOSING TO A 14 YR OLD. feel so bad for that guy ngl hope he comes back at some point -ok how did i not notice the xyz course student at lds has a big dipper head piece/star theme….thats SUCH a funny detail in reference to zexal? pls. not going to remember this charas name bc masumi is clearly the leader of their lil pack but I love it -very cool yuzu gets her own rival (assuming masumi will be?) and training arc moment, but also, she should already KNOW fusion! her dad! is a duel teacher! -sora being lke 'is this allowed? is this allowed?' when helping yuzu..LMAO whos boots are u licking. be an ally to yuzu and HELP her if she wants it -yuzu having a magical accessory like all the main ygo charas!! tbh shes the main character. To Me -yuyas mom having a million pets is SO CUTE. finally a protag with pets. and who is a clown. relatable. tho i dont like him rushing his mom to make pancakes or being fussy abt breakfast!! ur 14 dude just make ur own pancakes if u want some!!! good god
-the lil gang of kids that follow yuya around i am trying sooo hard not to be annoyed by them but by god are they annoying me anyway -MICHIOOOOO IS SO CUTE. FRECKLES. ALSO HE KNOWS HOW TO COOK!!! i love seeing hobbies outside of dueling in ygo lol. also his fans being housewives is like, kind of uncomfortable? his cards are cute tho, love the food theme. truly character of all time (I can already tell we'll probably never see him again RIP i hate ygo for making me attached to minor charas) -god this is so fucked up. duelists on motorcycles and xyz duelists shouldnt be fighitng they should be kissing -sora eating breakfast lunch and dinner at yuyas is so funny. freeloader king. but why did he put chocolate on sardines. what the fuck! -aaaaah yuzu not wanting to learn fusion from her dad is bc she feels like a burden to his school and feels protective over it? god her plight to get stronger and her mystery bracelet stuff IS SO much more interesting than w/e yuya's 'i have to duel 5 ppl to get in a tournament to become a pro' stuff is! shes fr the protag in my heart! -oh My God theyre putting people In The Cards. yugi grampa moment! reiji is SO chill about it like 'oh huh. ppl got sealed into cards. well, cant fix it just yet. huh. anyway. lets start working on that I Guess.' LIKE DUDE. sweet that he seems to actually care but hes SO calm -reiji's moms snake shoes fuck severely -reiji defending yuyas honor to the congressman dude is so sweet. he doesnt really KNOW yuya isnt behind any of the attacks (but like, we Know he Isnt) -…yuya admitted hes bad at science and math! a ygo protag whos bad at math!!! the duel disks must do damage calculation automatically lol, thank god for that -'yuya doesnt even know merci!!!!' boy hes not about to know mercy in this duel shut up. why would he need to know random french phrases theyre in japan arent they -ok. the whole thing nico told yuya 'its your JOB to make ppl happy as a pro, you HAVE to go beyond expectations'…feels very apt to compare this to a parasocial celeb type relationship situation. ppl always expect him to be Happy and Entertain them (and to an extent hes always playing into it…) it rly feels like a bad extension of the 'laugh when u want to cry!' emotional suppression and masking and it feels BAD man. feels like its going nowhere good! -yuzu and soras friendship is growing on me SO Much im gonna be SO mad when hes outed as a snake -masumi and yuzu moment!!!! gay asf to have a rival!!!! but god yuzu rly is being the protag for ME. she has a bff (sora) and a rival!!! dude!!! yuya ya girl is stealing the show for me!!!
- im sick of these MEN KNOCKING HER OUT OF THE WAY (LITRALLY THIS TIME) AAAH!!!! BITCH GO AWAY I WANTED TO SEE THE GIRLS DUEL!!! (syun?? ute??? these have to be mispellings of their names right. i googled them and its shun and yuto. which. yu name. 3rd protag after yuzu and yuya. better to call them this than 'emo yuya' lol) -anyway shun got punched in the stomach by yuto and CRUMBLED like a wet paper bag and yuto tossed him over his shoulder LMAO. and sora challenges him of course. HEAVEN FORBID we let yuzu duel here. christ she almost got to duel!!! we were so close!!! her bracelet seems to be just teleporting xyz boy all over the place -mieru and cathy would be besties omg her vibes! spooky lil tarot girl! (also, to enter the same tournament as yuya I assume shes at least 12-13 despite looking like. 9-10…right…since the younger kids made the comment they couldnt enter bc of their age…so her crush on yuya isnt actually So Weird right…sighs at anime always making girls look weirdly young) -BUT MIERU FOR REAL USING YGO CARDS FOR TAROT READINGS IS OBJECTIVELY HILARIOUS JKDKJAHKJN OK GIRL!!! i want her to read my fortune or whatever like tell me what house my suns are in -'your future is wrapped in darkness' no shit hes a ygo protag! ofc he will go thru some shit! itll be fiiiine in the end tho girl im not worried. (she continues to hammer in the fact hes doomed and draws the tower for him LMAO)
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goldnn-harry · 3 years
i’ve been wanting to write this for a while, so lets see how it turns out:)
(ps, harry is 18 and y/n is 17)
i haven't forgotten about your guys' requests! i'm trying to get to them i promise, but i have a lot right now and i also have tons of school! however i really love all of them, i love what you guys come up with
y/n looked over to her window when she started hearing tapping noises coming from it. expecting to see a bird, she frowned when she didn't see anything. hesitantly, she walked to her window, opened it and looked down.
“oh my god, harry?!” she whisper-yelled.
harry grinned at her, tiny rocks in his hands, and motioned for her to come out.
“no no, no way. you need to go home harry, my mom will kill you.”
“she's sleeping, isn't she? besides, that's not very christian of her,” he grinned.
y/n’s mom was a very christian woman. this meant she absolutely hated the idea of boyfriends. especially harry. with his tattoos, and slightly long hair, y/n’s  mother couldn’t hate him more.
y/n had been very clear with the fact that she didn't care what her mother thought and that she would continue to date harry as she pleased, because it was her decision and not her mother’s. that didn't mean that she hated harry any less though. and if she saw harry, right there, outside her daughter’s window at 11pm at night she would absolutely lose it.
“yes harry, she is sleeping but she could wake up you know.”
“come on love, just put pillows under your blanket and jump down. she won't wake up,” harry said. he knew she wanted to come, he wouldn't force her if she didn't.
y/n chewed on her lip. she wanted nothing more than to jump down and escape with harry for the night, but the consequences if her mother found out would be terrible. 
“we’ll be back by 2, right?”
“we can even make it 1 if you’d like.” harry smiled.
she smiled nervously at him. “fine, give me a second.”
her heart was beating ridiculously quickly, but she knew this was worth it. yes her mother would be livid if she found out, but y/n knew she couldn't let what's left of her teenage years go to waste because of what her mother would think. many teens sneak out, and she wanted to be a part of them.
she disappeared out of harry’s eyesight as she changed into some slightly more presentable clothing. she grabbed her phone and peered down the window again.
“you'll catch me?”
“of course i will.”
y/n nodded, not giving it much thought before she jumped out. she squeezed her eyes shut and braced for a hard impact, but all she felt was harry’s soft chest.
“told you i’d catch you.” he whispered and kissed her. 
y/n blushed, still getting flustered by something as small as a kiss even after 2 years with harry.
he set her down and took her hand. 
“where are we going?” she asked. 
harry motioned to the small bag on his shoulder, “i thought we could go stargazing.”
“that sounds perfect.”
the couple walked in silence for a few minutes until they reached the field they'd grown accustomed to. they walked over to the tree they always sat by and set their things down. 
harry pulled out a thin sheet from his backpack and laid it across the soft grass.
“look,” y/n said softly, “it’s still there.” she lightly touched the tree, right where their initials were carved. they'd done it on their one year anniversary. “i thought it'd would've disappeared by now.”
“ ‘course it didn't, it was there last week.” harry smiled and kissed her cheek. “come on, lets lay.”
he took her hand and laid down, pulling on her hand slightly to get her to do the same. she smiled and did what he wanted.
harry pulled her close, kissing her temple as he did so.
“look, the big dipper.” she pointed at the sky, looking over at harry to make sure he was seeing it.
“orion,” he said as he pointed to another one.
“they’re all so beautiful,” she said after they'd named all the constellations they could find.
“yes they are.” 
y/n looked over at harry, expecting him to be looking at the sky, but instead he was looking at her. 
harry leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth. “you’re so beautiful y/n.” he whispered. he didn't let her respond, pressing another kiss to her mouth this time.
“i love you,” he said between kisses.
“i love you too.” she mumbled.
harry elevated himself slightly by propping his head up his arm, giving him a better angle to kiss her.
soft kisses soon turned into a makeout session, harry on top of y/n, his hands cradling her face.
after a couple minutes, he pulled away. “mm- what's wrong?” she asked.
he layed back down by her and turned to his side, brushing the hair out of her flushed face.
“i’m not having sex with you in a field, my love.”
y/n’s eyes widened. truth is, her and harry had had sex before. it was the morning after their one year anniversary. y/n had spent the night over at harry’s house (she told her mom she was sleeping over at a friend’s) and it sort of just happened. despite both of them enjoying it, they had agreed to not do it again. they didn't want to risk getting pregnant, and besides, they wouldn't even have time to do it, since they barely hung out in a setting where sex could be possible. they usually had very few, short dates, because of y/n having to sneak around.
so when harry said that, it'd surprised her. 
“did you really think that'd lead to sex?”
“i don't know, it.. felt like it was going to.”
she swallowed, “do you want to have sex?” y/n remembered enjoying it very well, and she remembered how amazing it was, but she also remembered how scared she was for the next month, wondering if some how she had gotten pregnant. 
they were very careful and used protection, but things happened, and with her luck she’d probably end up getting pregnant. but luckily, she didn't.
harry sighed. “of course i do. i want to do everything with you. but, i know why we never did it again, and i’m okay with that.”
“oh. so you're not mad at me or anything right? for not having sex with you?”
“no darling, of course not.” he hesitated, choosing his next words carefully. “but do you really want to live like this all the time? missing out on things and having to sneak around, all because of your mother?” his words were soft, caring and tender. as if he spoke any harsher, glass would break.
y/n looked away, “no.. i turn 18 in a couple months. i’ll be able to do whatever i want then.”
“baby, do you really think that when you turn 18 your mom will let you do what you want?” 
“i- yes. i’ll be an adult.”
“yes, you will be. but you'll be an adult living under her roof.”
she swallowed. she hadn't thought of that. she just figured that when she  turned 18 her mother would have to let her do what she wanted. but harry was right. as long as she lived under her roof, her mother would have control over her.
“i don't know harry.” she said weakly.
“i hate that you have to go through this.”
“it’s not your fault.”
“it’s still not fair, y/n. your mom is a monster that doesn’t care about you.”
harry’s words were harsh, but they were right.
she turned on her side and looked at him. “i know h,” she said softly.
he sighed. “lets just enjoy the night.”
“i agree,” she murmured and cuddled closer to his side.
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