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novelcain · 2 years
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*goes back and sees this post was made 20 hrs ago*
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sirompp · 1 year
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i-post-posts · 1 year
Super bored so I decided to block all my bot followers and then I just decided to look through the blogs that follow me and about 90% haven't posted in the last year. Most of those haven't in several. It's kinda sad tbh
0 notes
dollerinna · 3 months
( black noir x gn!crime analyst reader )
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summary: after a long day of work, you try to unwind by watching your comfort show, but your solitude is interrupted by yet another visit from noir, who seems to be finding more and more excuses to spend time with you… (includes a C.AI bot as part 2 below!)
wordcount: 2k
tags: brief mention of NSFW pop-up ads, nerdy n’ socially awkward reader, noir’s disdain for almond joys but he makes up for it at the end <3
It had been a long day at the crime analytics office in Vought. As the sun began to set, exhaustion crept over you after reviewing incident report after report. Your eyes strained from the blue glare of your computer screen. You knew you had promised your boss you would organize the ever-growing database, but the tiny voice of procrastination was pleading for rest before your overworked brain turned into a pile of mush.
Rather than more paperwork—you, being the slacker of all slackers in this department, decided a well-deserved break was in order. And what better way to recharge than turning off the noggin and filling it with good ol’ fashioned mindless entertainment?
With a few tired clicks of your mouse, you booted up your go-to streaming site, which was none other than 123movies. Scrolling through the options, your cursor hovered over the play button of your favorite trashy drama. The kind of cheesy, perfectly predictable melodrama spun from the worst of amateur YA plots. It was practically comfort food for your fatigued mind, just what you needed to loosen up after the mental marathon that was this long day.
As the opening credits began to roll, your computer began to whir and hiss like an overtaxed engine, emitting gusts of unusually hot air from the vents. Suddenly, its screen slowed to a sluggish crawl, cluttered with a barrage of not-so-savory pop-up ads. Barely a minute in, the pixels already scrambled to form images better to left unseen—half naked women in risqué yet tacky mermaid-like attire, claiming they were ‘just around the corner and ready for a good aquatic fuck.’
First of all, what the absolute living hell is an “aquatic fuck”??
Did you even want to know? And most importantly, what happened to the ad blocker you installed just the other day? Judging by the contents, you had a sneaking suspicion that slimy, sea-dwelling degenerate, The Deep, had tampered with your computer… yet again.
“For the love of-… what’s with all these pop-up ads?” you muttered under your breath as excessively explicit ads crowded out the episode. Your eyes darted furtively around the room to check for wandering glances, hoping against hope that none of your coworkers had noticed the unwanted filth invading your screen. Heart pounding, you squeezed your chair closer to your monitor into a makeshift barricade, shielding the display as best you could while hastily clicking away at the intrusive ads.
As you hurriedly closed the remaining windows, an ominous shadow fell across the screen. Dreading what—or who—might be behind you, you slowly swiveled your chair around to find Black Noir's stoic stare boring into your own.
You stifled a yelp as you instinctively clutched the armrests, catching yourself on the edge of your seat before an ungainly spill to the floor. Noir had a way of materializing without warning, and it never failed to unnerve.
“N-Noir!” you managed, inwardly cringing as your voice broke on his name. “Fancy seeing you in these parts. I was just taking a quick break and y’know- stretching ‘em brain cells.” You tried for a lighthearted chuckle, but it emerged as more of a strained squeak that faded into an anxious hum.
With a jerky flurry of clicks and the browser minimized from view, whatever dignity you still retained disappearing along with it. All that did remain was you praying to the heavens above that he hadn't noticed its questionable contents (even if he most definitely had and simply chose not to comment)
When Noir offered no response, you of course charmingly barreled ahead in your frazzled daze. “But anyways, s-sorry about that… how uh, can I help you today?” your words tumbled out in a breathless rush, punctuated by a shrill laugh you hoped disguised the mortification simmering beneath.
Noir cocked his head, observing you with that same silent intensity. You fidgeted, hands twisting in knotted discomfort, the heat in your ears now engulfing your entire face. Was it the invasive pop-ups that had you squirming in your seat? Or the fact he could snuff out your existence faster than you can say “workers’ comp”?
Either way, beneath the weight of his stare, you already felt as if you were some peculiar, freakish creature pinned for study, rather than some bumbling employee just trying to unwind and watch their comfort show.
And to him, you indeed were a fascinating, bizarre little human.
Mercifully, Noir chose to extend a folder toward you, putting an end to your somewhat pathetic withering. You accepted it with a wordless nod, nearly sagging in your chair as tension drained from your shoulders.
Whirling towards the familiar clutter of your desk once more, you pretended absorption in the folder’s material, hoping this signaled Noir’s leave. After all, has anyone seen the state of you? It certainly wasn’t a flattering one. Yet from the corner of your eye, you detected no movement, no receding footsteps—his shadowy form remained statuesquely in place.
Believe it or not, this has been becoming a thing, a growing habit of late—and a suspicious one at that. Lately his breaks had grown longer, minutes lengthening to quarters of an hour, all spent hovering at your desk as you worked. However, his focus was solely on watching and observing you. He never exhibited a hint of thought or motive for his reason there, only leaving you with questions that seemed to multiply by each and every visit.
Noir, on the other hand, was somehow utterly convinced that you and him were two peas in a tightly-knit pod. He swore you two were best of buds for life—even if "life" so far had only amounted to the past two weeks' worth of half-hour stretches where he silently observed your work from the corner.
Ironically, you didn’t have the slightest inkling of how he really felt. Instead, you always assumed that he, like most supes, regarded you as little more than a puny mortal—a fragile, near-useless sack of flesh and bones whose skull he was one misstep away from caving in with bare hands.
But nope, Noir was simply here to bless you, the nerdy but cute crime analyst, with his presence—his rather… unsettling presence.
The familiar hush settled as you reluctantly returned focus to the task at hand. Hocus-pocus-focus, you chanted mentally, peeling away the last shreds of stray thoughts to tap into the zone of productivity. Unfurling the dossier Noir provided, you began sifting through documents for insight on his purpose in approaching you. Meanwhile, a flick of movement in the edge of your vision revealed Noir's attention veer off course, the almond joy perched beside your keyboard capturing his notice.
You tensed, hocus-pocus-focus breaking, all too aware of past disappearances of snacks in these briefings. Sure enough, his hand drifted noiselessly toward the candy bar, no doubt spurred by ingrained impulse to dispose of it per his usual custom. But you'd grown wise to his methods by now.
Not again, you sighed inwardly, snatching the almond joy and cradling it protectively as if it were your dear, beloved child.
Noir made no move to withdraw, palm outstretched expectantly. You frowned, struggling to keep frustration at bay. "Please, come on- not this time!.. It's my last one for the day." Brows pinching, your tone threatened to rise before steadying with a slow and calm inhale. No use losing composure over candy, no matter the principle. So all you could do was peer beseechingly at Noir in silent appeal, legs jittering restlessly under your desk in building apprehension.
Unfortunately, you found no signs of leniency in his obscured face—only his hand beckoning relentlessly for the almond joy. You plea was once again met with stony resolve, as if he was internally distressed by the mere presence of it. What was he? Deathly allergic to almond joys or something?
With a resigned breath, you delivered the almond joy towards Noir's waiting glove, unable to hide the disappointment dimming your features. Your lips curled into a slight pout, gaze sinking heavy into your lap at being parted from the treat. Though Noir was never one for words, it really didn’t take a rocket scientist to see you felt bullied into submission by his demands. At the end of the day, what power did a measly analyst like yourself hold against one of the Seven? As your fingers uncurled, releasing the candy into Noir's grasp, you couldn't help but feel a bit put upon, even if that wasn’t his intention at all.
Noir was well aware of the upset feelings his request had caused, so in an attempt to remedy the situation, his arm was sent in a backwards reach for the notepad he often used to communicate. However, he found himself at a loss as words eluded him, his thoughts swirling in frustrating circles of “What should I even say?”—muddled and incoherent. For a moment he stared at you, mask betraying no emotion as he grappled to find the right words, despite the prick of guilt nibbling at his conscience. Then, lacking any better option, he simply tossed the offending candy into the trash, perhaps with more force than intended.
Clearly, socializing was not Noir’s strong suit.
With no further acknowledgment, Noir spun on his heel and marched away. You watched his retreating, rigid form with discomfort clenching your insides, eyes falling onto the lonely candy discarded in the trash, its colorful wrapper mocking your current disheartened state.
Wearily, you turned away from the almond joy, redirecting your attention toward the computer as a means to divert your now soured mood. Maximizing the browser, you hoped that your planned show may have had time to load during the interaction. But upon inspecting the screen, you found the video remained stubbornly stalled, stuck on buffering dots and refusing to roll despite the minutes passed.
Just. Peachy.
One (super)human encounter had sucked the very life source out of your dog-tired body, and now this. It was really shaping up to be one of those days.
Thoroughly worn out, you gently laid your head down onto the desk, pillowing it against the crook of your folded arms as eyelids slid shut. All you craved was to simply sleep away the remaining time until you could finally escape this wretched shift and retreat to the sanctuary of your home sweet home.
As your shift wound down to its end, you were finally stirring from your slumber. Rubbing the sleep from your bleary eyes, your blurred vision sharpened to show your colleagues had long since departed while you were snoozing away.
Rising and squaring your shoulders, you began to gather your belongings in preparation to leave as well. Once you had collected everything and lifted to your feet, something in the far corner of your desk caught your eye. Approaching for a closer look in the dim lighting, the fuzzy outline gradually came into focus—a cluttered collection of Hershey's Kisses, their jumbled placement grouped to form the shape of a heart.
You blinked in bewilderment, rubbing your eyes once more to ensure you weren't imagining things. Stepping closer, you spotted a sticky note nestled within the heart of chocolates, scrawled upon in a crude, blocky hand. At first, you assumed it was some silly prank from one of your coworkers, but you knew you recognized the handwriting anywhere—it was Noir's.
Gingerly, you plucked the sticky note from the desk, lifting it to your line of sight to read the message. “Kisses taste better than almond joys…Sorry.” you read softly, your voice trailing off as confusion crept in.
Designed as a very apparent flirty gesture, the intent behind the note and chocolates still managed to whoosh straight over your head. As always seemed the case, even the most painfully obvious social cues could so easily evade your understanding—this proving no exception.
You slipped the sticky note into your pocket, then selected a foil-wrapped Kiss from the pile. Gently rolling the chocolate between your fingers, you unwrapped it and popped one into your mouth. You took time to savor its light cream filling beneath a smooth outer shell, face crinkling in thought and head tilting as you considered your verdict. “Eh… I’d beg to differ.” you mused with a shrug, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you took your leave from the office.
Pssst- likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated in this household and keep me motivated! <3
a C.AI bot as your very own part 2 where you thank Noir the following day:
a/n: saw somewhere that kisses don’t contain nuts but then I also saw someone else say they actually do??? So let’s just pretend the kisses Noir chose are completely nut-free for the sake of the plot 😭
also, the reader is very much based off Anika if it wasn’t obvious enough haha! She’s so y/n coded 😤💗
♡ divider credits: @/ianrkives
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maryland-no-rabies · 27 days
Tumblr (for newbies):
Reblogging ≠ reposting. You aren't stealing content by reblogging it, it's basically a 'group share' button. It also helps give artists/posts attention and you can reblog to interact with people. Reblog things you like.
Reblog bait. You can reblog it, but if a mutual hates reblog bait, you may tag it with 'reblog bait'. Or, find a tag with your mutual to put on posts they don't like, and block the tag under the 'content you see' tab in settings.
If someone reblogs your post, and you like their reblog, you just liked your own post.
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See my name? This is a gimmick. If a Tumblr says 'officially-(company/country/state)' then it's probably a gimmick! Check their content first because there are a few actual brand blogs, like Grammarly!
You can only make 250 posts (per email) on an account per day. This is called 'post limit' or 'PL'. I am currently on account 2, because I post too much. You may or may not hit post limit in your lifetime.
You can create as many sideblogs as you want, but you cannot like, follow, or send asks as a sideblog, and if you do so, it'll show up as from your main.
Nobody can see your main from your sideblog, so you can have as many followers on your gimmick and none of them on your main
You will see gimmicks. A lot. It's fun.
You can interact with a gimmick as a non-gimmick
As a tumblr user, you have anon powers. You can turn any/most gimmicks into a pretty princess by typing something like '*turns you into a pretty princess*' into their ask box.
Nobody will be mad at you for making a gimmick. At all. There are like, 4 Jesus gimmicks. And it's great.
Tag a mutuals post with '10k to me', 'future 10k', '10k', or 'this will have 10k' for some fun chaos :3
Submit posts to PM Seymour's discord for MORE fun chaos
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It reminds me of poetry
You can post whatever you want and you will find your people
Block people who make you uncomfortable and report bots for spam.
Welcome to Tumblr
Do what you want forever
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martinluvrr · 4 months
⋅˚₊‧ paige x fem!physio
⋅˚₊‧ summary: the new physio of the Uconn Wbb has caught the eye of their golden player, but it seems Paige has become a little... crush crazy.
⋅˚₊‧ warnings: hoping none
⋅˚₊‧ duayaps: i hateee thisss but its been sitting in my drafts so i finally finished it 😭
⋅˚₊‧ nav ||
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"AND BEFORE YOU TAKE THE PILLS MAKE SURE YOU ATE SOME FOOD" I said to Azzi. It's been about 2 weeks since I started working with her, the Uconn medical staff have been nothing but welcoming.
At first, I didn't know what I was getting myself into, where I come from basketball isn't a big enough thing the way football is ( soccer ). I also didn't spend that much tie on social media, but as soon as I opened tiktok, tons of edits filled my page, most about Uconn and other teams. There were especially edits of Uconn's number five.
Paige Bueckers.
The girl was attractive. And she had the confidence to prove it. Me and Paige had very little contact together , but even if it was for a second, for some odd reason, my stomach was filled with butterflies.
"Thank you again" Azzi's sweet voice said. I turned around to look at the girl, after she underwent surgery for tearing her ACL during practice last November, there was still a little pain in the leg, but nothing that should stop her from rejoining the team in January. Of course, left out from not being in the action.
"No problem and please be careful ,i dont wanna se you anymore, you're boring' I jokingly said to her, she let out a laugh. I heard a chuckle behind me, when I turned, there in all her glory, number five.
"Hi Paige" I muttered, suddenly becoming shy.
"Hey" She said grinning. "Soooooo..."
"Paige" I said sternly, hiding my smile. "What are you doing here?"
"I-I was just checking up on Azzi" She told me, cracking a small smile at Azzi. I hoped the disappointed wasn't showing in my face, the delusional part in me was hoping she just came to see me.
"Well she's all yours"
"Coach" Nika yelled, suddenly at Geno. "I don't feel so good"
"What happened?" Geno questioned her, making her sit down. She was fine 10 minutes ago.
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up" She said, staring at the ground. Coach felt Paige come beside him. "You okay?" Paige asked, Nika shook her head.
"Maybe we should call Y/N" Paige said, Nika nodded. Geno looked at the both of them, did they hit their head?
"Y/N's a physio, she doesn't deal with stomach problems" He explained, then he heard a cackle come from behind them. KK.
Now he got it, just before Nika came up to him, she was talking with Paige and KK, the three of them whispering amongst one another. Knowing Paige and her little crush, he could figure out that she put Nika up to this.
"Try telling me that again after suicides, maybe i'll believe it then" He said,trying to hide his smile, both Nika and Paige groaned. KK struggled to hide her laugh, scratch that, she didn't even hide it.
"Girl Boo, maybe next time" She said to Paige, laughing.
Practice was over, and everybody was tired. Most of them half a sleep, including Paige. While they were used to their morning practices, Paige had a late night.
"Nah I'm going pick up something from Y/N real quick" She hard Aubrey say. Hearing Y/N name, Paige was awake real quick.
" I'll come with you" She offered, the locker suddenly filled with laughs. Her teammate agreed but not before teasing her with the rest. After getting ready, both of the Uconn basketball players made their way to the medical wing, Paige was nervous, she was always nervous to see Y/N. Suddenly feeling insecure, Paige smelled herself, stressing because she's sweaty. She heard her teammate laugh. "Bro relax" Aubrey reassured her.
When they finally stood in front of Y/N's office door, when Aubrey saw that Paige was still in a bit of a daze, she took the honor of knocking on the office door. When they both heard a sweet voice yelling come in, they followed her orders.
"Oh Hi" I said surprised to see both of them here. Aubrey replied greeting me back, but Paige, just stood there staring at her, grinning like a maniac. "Hi P" I said to her.
"Hey" she replied. Before i could ask what she was doing here, Aubrey caught my attention, asking about her meds and if she could take lighter ones. I replied to all her questions, asking if she was feeling okay or if she needed a checkup. While i talked to Aubrey, i could feel Paige's eyes on me at the side of my head.
As Aubrey left, i expected for Paige to follow her, but the blonde didn't move. "P, do you need something?" i asked her.
"there's this party tonight , you should stop by"
Was Paige inviting you as a date? no.
"Okay, text me the details and i'll think about it" i kinda accepted her invite. Tonight i already made plans with my roommate, i don't think its a good idea to cancel those just because i want to see my crush. I also didn't want my hopes to be up.
While Y/N thought about that, Paige was beaming with excitement on the inside, if Y/N did show up tonight. this was going to be the night where she made her move.
She didn't show, she. didn't. show.
In Y/N's head, she didn't think not being at that party was a big deal. she assumed Paige was just being nice inviting her and she definitely didn't know that P was disappointed.
Today they had normal hard practices, and today was actually the final time Paige tried to get Y/N's attention. no like actually the last time.
As she dribbled the ball, suddenly she dropped the ball, and dramatically fell to the ground. Ice let out a laugh, but while she knew what Paige's plan was, Geno and Y/N didn't.
I gasped, seeing Paige suddenly on the ground, she was fine literally 10seconds ago. Quickly running over, followed by the rest of the coaching staff.
“Can u get up by yourself?”
“I can try”
okay good sign, good sign. it’s not broken.
“To my office” I instructed both Nika and Paige. While holding on to Paige, giving her a bit of support.
When we arrived, I made Paige lay down. And started testing her knee. It seemed fine, actually perfect.
“Maybe we should get another opinion, I don’t think my brains working properly”
I can’t seem to find out whats wrong, she says her knee hurts, but the tests i did make her look perfect.
“Ummm Alright” i heard her hesitate. Her voice slightly nervous.
“Are you… not injured?”
“Kinda” She answered.
I furrowed my eyebrows, making me think back. Maybe she didn’t want the pressure or she just wanted an excuse out of practice.
“Paige if you are using this to get out of practice well you’ve got another thing comi-”
“Im using this as an excuse to see you” She cut you off.
“I’ve literally been giving you hints all year and you’re telling me you didnt know i liked you?”
“Well no” I answered honestly. When i finally met her eyes, a small smile took over my face. Her sad face turned hopeful.
“I like you too P” i said “You couldve just asked me out and this wouldn’t have had to happen”
“Don’t even try to turn this on me ma” she started ranting, you just laughed and stood there watching. Okay so you weren’t delusional.
767 notes · View notes
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transformers synergize
A covert Autobot mission to transport the Allspark off Cybertron goes array after a Decepticon ambush destroys the Ark, splitting it in half and sending it and its crew plummeting to the planet below. Waking up an unknown amount of time later, the remaining Autobots find themselves stranded on a strange alien planet called "Earth." Prowl, being the highest-ranking bot still on the Ark, takes the lead. Now all the Autobots have to do is find the missing crew members, the other half of the Ark, and the Allspark while also finding a way to get back in contact with Cybertron. Of course, all while needing to ration their energon and fend off both a small group of Decepticons and a mysterious group of techno-organics they’ve come to call the Insecticons, with all three groups of bots seeming to be looking for similar things, and none of them are looking to compromise.
cybertronian lore
• cybertronian sounds https://www.tumblr.com/transformers-synergize/741930288135946240/do-they-purr?source=share
• optic color lore https://www.tumblr.com/transformers-synergize/736700669097050112/do-you-have-any-red-optic-autobots-or-blue-optic?source=share
•em feild lore https://www.tumblr.com/transformers-synergize/736064010597941248/this-was-made-for-a-fan-community-i-am-working-on?source=share
• cybertronians and colnisaition https://www.tumblr.com/transformers-synergize/739155118667251712/robots-in-disguise?source=share
• hopefully, one day lol
artist and main writer kray-zay
helper @hazydaisyislazy
more info stuff below
why I haven't answered your ask
• the answer would be a spoiler
• I have nothing interesting to say
• I forgot I got the ask
• I'm still working on a response (Possibility with art)
Some of the older stuff on the blog is out of date. Take it with a grain of salt, some major changes have happened since the first draft like the Insecticons being the main threat at the start instead of the Decepticons, along with a reduced cast. The starting cast of bots is 6. More will be added over time, so if one of your favs who had a redesign before isn't on the poster, they may appear later.
This post gets updated as stuff gets added to the blog, so if you're viewing a reblogged version, it may be out of date. Check the blog to see any new links or info added.
938 notes · View notes
megumifuckmeguro · 11 months
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I write like a bot but Its the ultimate fic guys!!! thanks for all the interactions I’ve seen every single reblog and comment ahhh anyway its uh….kind of difficult to write about a state of mind without it sounding boring and conclusive, so i hope i did my idea justice lol ill be writing for geto suguru @huthaa ��� sukuna and nanami in part 2!!
I couldn’t write balls, its too funny
none of them used their raw power!!! They would never!!!!
Gojo Satoru
“Oh your my sweetheart aren’t you?” Gojo teases, his touches light and gently grazing, he taps his long thick cock on your pussy, his urethra leaking pre-cum on your clit as he smears it further with his cockhead, he may be teasing but you know he’s eager, “ugh fuck” he blurts out like he didn’t mean to, “i wanna fuck you like i’ve always want to” his demeanour shifts, he throws his head back glaring at the ceiling, hissing and puffing above you almost like he’s contemplating while absent-mindedly stimulating your hard clit and lips with his wet swollen urethra opening, pressing harder and harder, “i can take it Satoru, please please, fuck me how ever you like!” He looks down at your desperate body, bucking up at his cock and shaking for him to do something, anything, grinning he taunted “nah you cant” you glared at him almost betrayed, he glares back at you smirking, you were about to open you mouth when he suddenly plunges his hard cock deep into you, your cervix springs back and forth as you feel Gojo’s pubes and pelvis meet your entrance, his hips snap again, he enjoys the way your face contorts from innocent need to surprise and pleasure, “you crying yet sweetheart?” He rams into you again, and again, slap slap slap, his cock molding and stretching your insides as he pushes you into a mating press to reach even deeper, imprisoning you until you can make him cum in your pussy. His breaths are laboured, his thrusts are sporadic, indecisive, did he regret going full force on you? He fixates his eyes on you, reading you for any uncomfortablility, any sign of pain he’s causing you “ack yourgonna make me cum doll” his voice crack’s slightly, he looks down at you attempting to hold out his confidence and teasing with a grin but you feel his cock pulsate violently against your cervix, signalling that he’s close to release. “FUCK FUCK FUCK” he groans and strains while emptying his load deep in you, feeling the heat of his cum spread to your thighs and stomach, he pulls out slowly above you, a string of cum snaps between you both, “that was amazing Satoru, i told you i could take it!” You huff proudly, he looks at you almost trying not to laugh “i wasn’t even trying “
Choso Kamo
His hair unravels slowly, a hair tie slides down his back as half his hair dishevels into a long knotted mess, you grab onto it to keep it out of his face as he erratically moves in and out of you “im sorry, ack-fuck im so sorry, am I hurting you?” His attempt at checking up on you fails yet his tone is remorseful and pleading, pleading for you to be able to take him and let him give you everything he can. You can feel the bed shake aggressively underneath you, the lampshade on the bed side table vibrates in vigour, threatening to fall, as it does to Choso’s hard deep thrusts, it smashes on the floor darkening the room, it seems this was a wake up call for Choso as he pauses in slight shock, “was i too rough?” His deep voice softened with concern, he brings his large hand to your small cheek and caresses it softly, a sudden guilt pierces him as he slowly embraces you, his head placed gently on to your neck and chest, his breath tickles your hot skin as he mutters “I’m sorry my love, i don’t know how to control myself when I’m in these moments with you” you cradle his head in your arms and brush his hair slowly, you lift his head up and meet his eyes with love and understanding. That look alone made him cum inside you.
Toji Fushiguro
It was after-killing-a-sorcerer-sex Toji loved the most, he was always rough with you, but fucking you after he just got paid?
“Nah woman you would die like the monkey i just killed* he was usually callous and stoic during sex but in him you found the loving concern of self restraint, his gaze softened “yer gonna regret this doll” you continued staring into his merciless eyes, challenging him “heh” he huffed and smirked as he pushes your legs far apart to make space for himself, he slides his thick cock inside you slowly, you attempt to see it enter but he swiftly pushes your head back and pulls on your hair, he starts moving long and hard, taking his cock fully out and piercing it back into you over and over, quickly a ring of cum oozes between your pussy and his cock which he notices “your spilling yourself on me already sweet girl?” But he doesn’t stop nor slow down, his strong arms hold your legs into place, unable to move or squirm, suddenly he lifts you up from the bed and carries you by the legs, he spreads them once again and pushes his thick hard cock into you from below, you grip his broad shoulders tightly as he fucks you standing. He bites your shoulder lightly, but plunges his cock underneath, you feel so entirely full as you scratch and moan into his ear, you cum on his cock dripping down his length and dampening his pubes and the floor, yet he drags your lips up the head of his cock and slams you down again to meet testes. “You cum so easily but this is nothin doll” he continues slamming himself into you “you wanna see some real fuckin violence darlin? ill show you the corpse of the weak ass sorcerer i just killed once I’m done” he fucks you with his ego.
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dailyfigures · 5 months
Welcome to the Official DailyFigures Bootleg Spotting Guide™!!!!
here are the steps that i like to use! each step does have exceptions so just keep going down the list until you're 100% sure!
1. where are you buying the figure?
if you're buying from a trusted figure store there is no need to worry. sites like amiami, solaris, nin-nin game, good smile company, crunchyroll store, etc. do not sell bootlegs. if you're buying from ebay or similar sites, an individual seller, a local store, etc. you need to be a little more careful. 
2. does the figure have a bootleg?
not every figure has a bootleg made of it! check myfigurecollection to make sure.
example ;
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rapunzel miku has a bootleg, better check well before buying! vampire miku doesn't have a bootleg (yet?), you're good to go!
3. is the figure ridiculously cheap?
if the figure is extremely cheap for no apparent reason, it's probably a bootleg.
example ; 
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this is a bootleg. no one in their right mind would pay 150 bucks for a real figure and sell it for 8.
4. is the figure being sold from china?
almost all bootlegs (apart from people reselling their bootlegs) are produced and sold in china. obviously there are real collectors selling real figures living in china too so there are exceptions, but i'd be careful if you're inexperienced.
example ;
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almost all the bootleg sellers on ebay are located in china.
5. how are the seller's reviews?
if it's an individual seller you can ask them for proof of past sales. if it's a reseller website like ebay you can check the reviews on their profile. some bootleg sellers use bots to give themselves overly positive reviews. be wary of accounts with a lot of sales and somehow 100% positive reviews!
example ;
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this ebay seller sells bootlegs and has 100% positive reviews.
6. how do the pictures of the figure look?
there's 3 options ;
☆ the figure looks like an obvious bootleg in the picture (unsure how to tell? we'll get to that!) -> it's a bootleg.
☆ the seller only uses the official promotional pics and none of their own -> suspicious. there's no way to visually check the figure so this is very risky.
☆ the figure looks good in the pictures that the seller took -> either this is good news OR the seller stole these pictures from someone else and will send you a bootleg. a red flag is using pics with bad quality and multiple different backgrounds/lighting (they stole the pictures from multiple different people). make sure to reverse image search their pictures!
7. how do you recognise a bootleg just from looking at it?
let's say you're looking at an ad and maybe the lighting is a little vague so you're just not fully sure whether the figure looks right or not. here's what we do!
1. get a picture of a bootleg of the figure in question which you can find on myfigurecollection (figure page -> pictures -> bootlegs).
2. get a picture of the real figure, preferably a user picture since promotional pics can look a little better than the real product. (figure page -> pictures -> figures).
3. pick some details that are clearly different between the original and the bootleg.
4. get a picture from the ad you're unsure about. check the details you've just picked. does it match the bootleg or the real figure? there we go!
example ;
these are user pictures of a real miku figure and a bootleg where i circled the differences i picked. in this case; the way her hair flows, the direction the pink flowers grow in and the length of the stem of the yellow rose.
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here are two pictures i found in two different ads of this figure. i circles the differences i picked; the first pic has long straighter hair, pink flowers growing to the left direction and a yellow rose with longer stem. this is real! the right pic has shorter curled up hair, pink flowers growing straight down and a yellow rose with a very short stem. this is a bootleg!
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thank you for reading my guide!!! i am by no means an expert, these are just the steps i like to use myself and i am absolutely open to suggestions and questions! :)
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eilaafterhours · 10 months
Patience [Grim | Casper]
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Content: AFAB Reader, Light Dom/Sub, Blindfolds, Restraints, Men Crying, Cowgirl Position, Pet Names, POV Second Person, Reader-Insert
Pronouns: None (AFAB)
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
Remember: I’ll block you if I catch your ageless or under age (not 18+) ass in my activity :)
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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"How...how much longer must I remain like...this?"
The two of you had gotten into an argument about patience. He made the proclamation that he was leagues more patient than you, and instead of refuting him, you instead offered a challenge.  
You turned your attention to your partner, smiling at his flushed features. 
He was on your bed, spread wide on his knees. His arms were bound behind his back, and a blindfold hid his gaze. His entire body was coated in a thin layer of sweat, certain parts of his body flushed beautifully red.
Especially the head of his weeping cock.
You swiped the creamy slick away with your thumb, relishing in the way his hips bucked. 
"Ah, so needy..." You rested your clean hand on his cheek, "Open."
He did as he was told. Tilting his head up a bit, tongue lolling out. You placed your thumb on his tongue, and he closed around it immediately, sucking it clean.
"You cleaned it so good." You ran a hand through his hair, removing the blindfold in the process. "Hi there, pretty boy."
"S-sunshine..." His eyelids fluttered close, a curtain of white standing out against the deep red on his checks. "Please."
"Has your patience run thin, Casper?" His teeth caught his bottom lip, "Do you want me to help you?"
You moved to straddle him, sighing through your nose as the weight of his heavy cock settled against your stomach. 
The contact made him squirm a bit, "Ah—un...!"
You wedged your hand between your bodies, wrapping it firmly around his shaft. "Should I let you fuck my hand like this?" 
"Mmm..." You were sure that he was getting caught up in the fantasy, not even realizing that he had begun fucking your hand. 
You let him go for a bit, letting his moans go from soft and airy to restrained and from his throat. 
He was so close. 
You gave him a firm squeeze. 
He stopped moving. 
"So you're the only one who can get off? Naughty boy."
"I'm—fuck—sorry!" Tears slipped down his cheeks. 
"Ah, I've gone too far." You kissed them away. "And you've done so good for me."
He finally opened his eyes to look at you, "Have I?"
You nodded, giving him a soft kiss. "And now it's time for your reward."
You lifted your hips, lining yourself up, then lowered yourself on his cock. Both of you threw your heads back at the sudden heat and fullness. 
Very quickly did the two of you lose yourselves in the chase for ecstasy. He didn't last very long, but that didn't matter because the look on his face and the feeling of his cum filling you, being pushed in and out of you from you bouncing on his dick had you barreling into your own release. 
Once you had caught your breath, you undid the binds from around his arms. You squeaked as they immediately found your waist, dragging you down with him as he let his body go to exhaustion. You let him, resting your head on his chest as his chin nestled on the top of your head.
"So...who's got more patience than whom?" You asked.
"...I'd say it's a tie."
You shot up. "How is it a tie?"
"I may have been tested, but as the proctor, you gave into your lust and came very shortly after me." He smirked.
"Well, I wasn't being tested, so it doesn't matter."
"It does."
"Does not!"
"It does."
And it went like that for a short while longer until the sticky feeling between your legs became too uncomfortable and a bath was more important than who was right. 
Oh well, you'd just have to test him again. 
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I don't have much to say, actually. This is my comeback, and it's in a new fandom, um….yeah.
Welp, enjoy!
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cnovelartreblogs · 2 years
C-Novels Available in English Translation
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A few weeks ago, a few of my danmei-loving friends and I got to talking about how much there is that we want to read, but that none of us have been very organized about keeping track of titles, fantranslation links, etc.
So, we decided to make a spreadsheet.
AND to combine every link we'd each separately stashed around on that spreadsheet.
The result is a list of 102 titles (currently 96 are danmei, 5 are baihe, and 1 is gen, reflecting our personal interests/preferences) with links to translations, some complete, some not. (as of 2/20/23)
Love C-Novels? Especially danmei? Looking for something to read? Check it out!
Some notes:
This is specifically for English translations from Chinese titles. Though some of the links do include other works (for example, some translators also do Japanese, and some Carrds list fantranslations in multiple languages), we're English speakers who are interested in Chinese novels, so we focused on that.
Currently, this is mostly basic information (titles, authors, links), with no summaries, genre tags, etc. We hope to ultimately expand it but that will be a lot of work and the information is already available at the provided NovelUpdates links, so we encourage you to use those.
We make no claims that this list is exhaustive; while the first sheet lists the resources we had collectively already gathered, there's a second sheet with things we know of and intend to add.
We'll try to keep links and such up-to-date but if you spot a problem please let me know!
Know of something that's not on the main list OR on the "to add" page? Please do send the info my way! Comments or ask box stuff will help.
Note that to actually access the fantranslations, you'll often need to take additional action to read them - you may need to request access, or get a password, etc. How to get this access is usually included on the pages.
Known official translations are listed. We will not link fantranslations for titles that are out officially in English. Don't send them. Don't ask for them. We won't help you pirate these titles.
(ADDED): I have also now added carrds for works that I could find carrds for, and added a third sheet, with carrds for authors. (I looked for every title and author and added the ones I could locate; Google asked if I was a bot at least 6 times lmao). Carrds are often good for summaries, information about the characters, and especially trigger warnings, so they're worth checking out! (ADDED MORE): I also added NovelUpdates links for all authors, so people can see a full list of their other works even if they don't have Carrds.
Don't forget to thank and respect translators, and honor their wishes! Without fantranslators, we wouldn't have all this amazing stuff to read in English, so THANK YOU FANTRANSLATORS!
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rheiple · 9 months
He's Super Shy, Super Shy
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▪︎SUMMARY↦ You’d think he’s avoiding you, but if he is then why is he watching you?
▪︎WARNING/s↦ None
▪︎CHARACTER/s↦ Moon, Reader, lil bits of Sun
▪︎WORD COUNT↦ 1769
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▪︎AUTHOR'S NOTE↦ This Fic is inspired by the song called “Talk to you” by Ricky Montgomery. You should check out his other songs to, it’s such a banger!!
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There he goes again, leaving him to talk to you.
Moon, as quiet as a mouse, lifted himself up with his trusty hook and stayed at the ceiling. He observed how his Sunny counter part keeps chatting your ears off. You don’t seem to mind though, even butting in sometimes to speak out your thoughts.
He lets out a quiet sigh. He admires Sun, being able to socialize with anyone, and everyone liking his extroverted personality. He may be a clean freak, but he’s also very creative. Having no trouble to talk to anyone with anything on his mechanical mind. He likes that.
He also wished he had that ability.
At first, he didn’t really care. He had no one to talk to besides his other half. Almost everyone is scared to talk to him, much less even be in his presence. It stings, but just a little bit. It’s not like socializing is a necessity anyways.
His ruby eyes scanned your unique features. Unintentionally saving every detail to his data bank.
You… You make it seem like a need.
He noticed that your quite a chatter box whenever you “talk" to him during his repairs. The first time he met you. When he accidentally fell really high up, because his cable snapped. He had to shut down his body to save some energy. However he could still hear whatever's happening to his surroundings. He could also feel sensations, able to identify something that touched him. He felt like he had what you humans call a ‘coma’.
At first he was angered at being rough handled by a bunch of sweaty, and possibly grimy old hands. Getting strapped at what he knows is the cylinder repair station. He heard them talking, more so complaining about their job. But then they eventually got out.
It was silent for a moment, until a sound of someone entering the chamber ruined the quietness.
He didn’t expected to have gentle hands cupping his face.
He surprised himself that he welcomed the feeling of their soft and warm palms.
“Oh you poor guy. I’ll get you fixed in no time!”
He wanted to follow their hands again. He heard clicks and clanks of tools they needed to use. He felt their hands on his chest plate, opening up his case to replace it.
He didn’t really knew what happened after that. Floating in and out of consciousness because he was almost out of energy. He wanted to save up just so he could at least see you and maybe meet you again sometime. He could only bask in to your careful touch.
Time flies so fast he noticed. He was instantly greeted with darkness when he gained control on his body. He looks at the human responsible of fixing him.
….Hmm, how peculiar.
He’d never seem you before, are you perhaps a new hire? He doesn’t have your information yet. Are you only a mechanic that they called in?
He gave his face plate a little spin. And he sees you grinning triumphantly at the action. With your hands on your hips and your chest puffed up, you proudly boasted about your handiwork. You introduced yourself to him. Funny human. Why bother telling him your name, isn’t he just a bot to you? You even held out your hand for him to shake.
You’re strange. But he likes it for some reason. Maybe it’s because he is also weird.
He amused you by shaking your hand, and telling you his name.
“Moon huh? Classic name.”
“..Thank you..”
A ringtone emits from your best pocket. He turned his face plate upside down.
He waited for you to bid your goodbye to someone on the phone. And you looked at him with a smile. “Well Moon, you’re good to go! You’re cable is already getting worked on. I hope to see you around!”
He watched you left him for the outside.
He needed to know, after encountering you he waited and waited, hoped even to get to meet you again. Every time you enter this Plex he observed you during his free time. He wanted to know if you remembered what you told him. But did you even remembered him? He hoped so.
There are times you take a glance inside the Daycare. And he would be also there, but he’s hiding from you instead of approaching you, like what his brother self is doing.
He doesn’t understand himself. Why is he hesitant on approaching you? Is it because he’s afraid? Of what exactly, you’re the one who had the guts to act casual with him on your first meeting. So why?
Now that he thought hard about it, he… Didn’t know what to say if he were to come up at you. He doesn’t think you’d appreciate it if he just, stared at you. What do people say to start conversations? How’s the weather down there? Real nice.
He decided, it’d be much better to just admire you from afar like right now to save the both of you from his awkwardness.
He looks at Sun with a slight frown. While he admired his alter self, he also couldn’t help but envy him at the same time. He was given the ability to be a natural talker, he wished that they could’ve just have the same personality chip, so instead of watching the two of you he’d be also there at the table. Chatting along with you two.
He saw you bidding farewell, the other doing at same, but with a hug. His hands twitched, wanting to hug you like he did.
The solar animatronic went to the Daycare, and the lunar bot followed suit.
Upon opening the Daycare doors, He called out to him to come down the ceiling. He obliged as they noticed that the Daycare is in a messy state.
He focused on wiping down the kiddie tables with a clean wet range while he stacked up those big cylinder blocks. “So… when are ya stop acting like creep and start talking to them like a normal person?”
Moon clicked his tongue in annoyance. “I don’t appreciate being insulted.”
“Oh c'mon! But you know it’s true! Aren’t you tired of waiting for them to come up to you to talk to you? Make the first move! All you have to do is greet them, ask how they’ve been, and then ask about whatever you want to know about them. It’s easy as one, two, three – even a toddler would be able to follow!”
He grumbled, tucking in the chair. “Not as easy as you think it is…”
Sun lets out a tired sigh. “I could help you by introducing you to them, but then I’ll leave you two be. I’ll watch over you two from afar, to coach you up if you think you need help! How does that sound Moonie?”
The moon lets out a thoughtful hum. He, wasn’t sure if he’ll be able to do well. But he supposes it’s better than just watching. Going out of his comfort zone doesn’t sound so bad if it means being able to be friends with you.
He decided, rather than letting fate decide he’ll control it, just to meet you soon.
He can’t do it.
He’ll just let fate decide when you two could meet again, he wouldn’t mind waiting for years to happen. He’s a patient bot, he has the patience of a saint just for you.
He could feel the force from his back, that force being Sun trying to push him towards you. Who’s currently eating at one of the benches at the cafeteria.
Sun grunted in annoyance. “hngg, it’s now or never Moonie. Just go talk to them already!”
He pushed himself back just as harder. “You told me you’ll introduce me to them!...” He whispered yelled.
“I have to go help Vanessa- to-to locate a lost kid at arcade!”
“..Let’s switch..”
With all his might, he put all of his energy into pushing him. ”No!..Yo-you go talk to them..now!”
You saw him walking towards you. Well, it wasn’t really walking, it’s like someone pushed him towards you. You didn’t see who it was, but you guessed it was another animatronic. There’s no way a human would be able to push him that hard.
He sees your eye widen. “Moon was it? Good day to you.”
The tall animatronic fiddled with his hat.
There was a pause for a moment, but you broke it by asking if he wanted to take a seat beside you. He seemed so nervous. But you’d be lying if you said you didn’t found it cute. He took a seat beside you and you began eating your lunch.
…It was quiet, yet you didn’t mind. You didn’t want to talk while your mouth was full. Moon however, seem to be on edge with the silence. You asked him if he’s alright, and he said he was fine. His tense slowly faded away as time passed.
He only waited for you to finish your food. When you bit off the last bits of your lunch, you went to drink fizzy faz you bought earlier. Seeing this as the right time, he asked you how your day went, and you responded well. You asked his day was going and he replied the same thing.
You asked him how his job is being a daycare attendant, and he replied with honesty. Telling you how most of the time it was ok, but the rest of the time it was very difficult.
As time went on, he noticed that you were taking the lead of the conversation. Did you noticed that he was nervous talking to you? You don’t seem to mind his quiet nature. He feels relaxed just by just being the listener between the two of you.
He made a witty comment on your story, and his circuits heated up when you laughed in joy. “Haha! I didn’t know you had that in ya Moonie!”
He too didn’t know. But he knows it’s because of you. He made you laugh, it was so pretty. It’s like having the same feeling of a fan hearing their favorite singer sing. Is this what Sun felt when he makes everyone around them smile brightly? He wanted this to last.
Seeing you and him chatting away, Sun puffed his chest out in pride. “Ugh!...Finally, now that wasn’t so hard now was it?”
Vanessa called for his assistance with carrying two big loaded carts. She asked him what was he talking about.
“Oh nothin’! Just cheering on a fool in love!”
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
I’m apart of the ‘frequent nosebleeds when it’s dry AF’ club, and I know it has to be dry as a motherfucker in Neveda, so how would the TFP bots react if one (or Primus forbid all three) of the kids got a (or multiple) nosebleed because of dry air?
I feel you on the nosebleed thing. Dry areas SUCK. As for the reactions of the bots? Well-
Ratchet would take a moment to notice, but once he notices one or more of the children clutching their noses to try and stem the bleeding, he's going to assume the worst. Having never seen a human BLEED FROM THEIR FACIAL ORAFACES, he wouldn't take it well. When a Cybertronian is leaking energon from the intake or optics, it means something has gone horribly wrong with something in the processors or internal components. That fact does not translate well for his view on the children's situation. He would likely drag the kid in question over to the medical berth and hastily begin preparing everything under the sun just in case he needs to perform emergency surgery.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack wouldn't panic immediately, but seeing the sheer amount of blood leaking from the kid in question, they would start to worry. Red is a very bright color, and it tends to look a lot worse than it is. Especially on such a small person. They would do their best to be strong for the child, if only so that whoever it is doesn't worry. But they would be quietly rushing to call up June for fear of losing one of the kids to strange blood loss.
Arcee's reaction would be similarity mature. Her focus would be on keeping the kid with the nose bleed calm. She's seen mecha drop dead on the battlefield because they panicked and bled out faster. So her entire focus would be on distracting and comforting in her own gruff way. She would be the one providing new tissues and yelling at Smokescreen and Bumblebee so that they can go make themselves useful.
Smokescreen and Bumblebee would quickly follow Arcee's lead and help whichever kid(s) are not experiencing the nose bleed. Damage control is their role, and they would do a rather poor job at not showing their worry. Most of their efforts would revolve around preparing to have to give horrible news in the event things go south. Ultra Magnus would, as always, be ready to go with funeral preparations and a speech ready to honor the fallen. Optimus would TRY to make himself useful, but at most he would start trying to get ahold of Agent Fowler and hastily dig through the human internet for some sort of guide regarding what to do to help the child in question before death becomes inevitable.
The team would be organized and controlled. They've dealt with death before, albeit amongst their own kind more than anything else. Moving with practiced precision, they would do what they could to be prepared for any scenario until June or Fowler can explain and the whole team can relax.
If Ratchet checked on the child in question repeatedly over the following days, not a spark said anything. None would say so aloud, but the fear of losing one of the children is strong.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Uh hi, this my first ever resquest, and i'm sorry if things don't make sense, english is not my first language.
Could i get tfp bot buddy who has shadow powers(like can turn into one and use them as portals), has the appearance of nightmares and is close to Ultra Magnus(dunno if is platonic, familial or romantic)?
They kinda been living as Ultra Magnus shadow since forever and help him on missions,tasks or just anything, but in one of their missions, the decepticons maneged to reallyyy hurt buddy and buddy, not wanting to die, retreated to Ultra Magnus shadow and went into stasis to heal but Ultra Magnus didn't knew that and thought that buddy had perished.
Only now on earth did buddy finally wakes up.
Could i get reactions from the team or something like that if not, that's okay :) also love your writing
Magnus was so close to having a spark attack when he saw Buddy pop out of his shadow the first time they used their powers, that's for sure.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy with shadow manipulation and being Ultra Magnus's Amica Endura
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy met Magnus through Optimus.
He introduced them to Magnus during the earlier years of the war as his Second in Command.
Magnus just thought he was getting to know another coworker.
A couple missions later, several late-night conversations and some free time later they become Amica Endura.
“You know you never did tell HOW you became Amica with Commander shoulder pads over there. Was it a bet you loss?”--Wheeljack
“No bets were lost Wheeljack. We became Amica out of our own choice and free will. Nothing else to do with it.”--Buddy
Buddy loves to prank Magnus with their shadow powers.
Magnus does not find this funny… but he does find it a bit endearing after a while.
Being an Outlier was rare to find in this world.
Even rarer to find after the war broke out.
So many had been the first ones targeted at the beginning of the war there were barely anymore left.
It was a risk putting Buddy in the Wrecker’s, but so far it brought greater success to the unit than any point in their formation.
“Freeze Autobot scum!”—Random Decepticon
Buddy putting their servo in the air almost mockingly.
“There’s three of you and one of me… what ever shall I do?”--Buddy
Buddy’s servos start glowing a bit.
“Have you met my Amica?”--Buddy
“Why would we—”—Random Con
Magnus takes out the three mechs after appearing from behind thanks to Buddy’s shadow powers.
“That was brutal!”--Buddy
Magnus fixes his blaster a bit.
“I hate when you put yourself in these situations.”--Magnus
“Its in the job description Mags.”--Buddy
“Buddy we’ve been over this.”--Magnus
“And we’ve been over this too.”--Buddy
“First one that takes out five Cons has to buy the other a drink.”--Buddy
“If you insist.”--Magnus
Buddy has defiantly used their powers to get Magnus to sneak up on unsuspecting troops.
Magnus is always there for Buddy when they overexert themselves and need someone to watch over their back.
One trip left Buddy badly injured.
They saw Magnus’s backside as he was trying to find them in the rubble of the exploding base.
They tried to call for him, but they could barely keep their optics open.
His shadow was the closest thing they could reach so they snuck into his shadow.
With a quick nap, their wounds would get healed in no time.
Magnus thought that Buddy had died in the explosion after coming back to the base for regrouping.
He checked all other places they set rendezvous points and in none of the places did he even find a trace of Buddy.
Magnus could see it in the optics of his Wrecker’s that the war was about to turn bloodier than it was now that Buddy was gone.
Hopefully things would get better…
Hope was the last thing they had.
Timeskip to Magnus being on Earth…
Buddy finally feels ready to get out of the shadow.
Yeah, it took a while to finally get healed, but they are sure they are ready now.
By their calculations they missed about a couple weeks in the war. Things couldn’t have changed that much.
Magnus is arguing with Wheeljack when Bulkhead sees something wrong with Magnus’s shadow.
“Hey guys, shadows aren’t supposed to do that right?”--Bulkhead
Miko looks from the perch.
“Wow! Wheeljack made Magnus so mad his shadow gained sentience!”--Miko
In a blink there is a bot laying on the floor rubbing their helm.
“Urgh! Never doing that again… hey Mags when did we get better lighting—Mags?”--Buddy
Ultra Magnus stares at Buddy with wide optics.
“By the Allspark! Buddy is that you?!”—Wheeljack
“Who’s that?”--Miko
Buddy moves their helm a bit and spots Wheeljack.
“Wheeljack? I thought you left cycles ago—Hey!”--Buddy
Bulkhead scoops Buddy from behind giving them a crushing hug.
“Bulkhead!? I thought you left to team Prime? Magnus? Magnus what’s going on?”—Buddy
“Seriously who’s that?”--Miko
Magnus remains still just staring at Buddy like a ghost.
Buddy gets out of Bulkhead’s grip stumbling a bit until they reach their Amica with a worried look on their face.
“Mags? Are you okay?”--Buddy
“I…I thought you had perished in the explosion. I looked everywhere…”--Magnus
Buddy scratches their helm a bit.
“Yeah, I got injured pretty badly back there. Your shadow was the closest thing I could reach and… well…”--Buddy
“So, this entire time you’ve been in Ultra Magnus’s shadow?”--Wheeljack
Buddy furies their optics a bit.
“You’re making this sound like I was gone for millennia. I was just gone for a couple of weeks most.”—Buddy
Magnus gives them a sad smile.
“…You never were good at your calculations Buddy.”--Magnus
Magnus puts a servo on his Amica’s shoulder.
Buddy finally looks over at Miko.
“Who’s this?”--Buddy
“I’m Miko! Welcome to Earth!”--Miko
Buddy’s optics widen.
“How long was I in there!?”—Buddy
Optimus walks into the room with some of the reports.
“Ultra Magnus where—Buddy?”--Optimus
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doll3tt33 · 10 months
╰➜ ⊹ ࣪ ˖┆soon to be inactive┆⊹ ࣪ ˖
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she/her 𝜗𝜚 libra ☉ libra ☾ sag ↑ 𝜗𝜚 will come back to occasionally post and drop off a bot of the evans if I make any 𝜗𝜚 still a colin girlie
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my most recent fic/hc! - my haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets ❥ colin zabel
everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer ❥ colin zabel
‘cause when you know you know ❥ colin zabel
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my most recent c.ai bot! - playing dangerous ❥ colin zabel
a day in the life of a cleaner for homelander ❥ homelander
check your window, he’s at your window ❥ tate langdon
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Goodbye for now! ♡
Requests are closed cuz I’m moving on with other interests, so this account wont be as active anymore. might come back one day.
a lil’ info:
• If you’re under 18, then it means this place isn’t for you and YA BETTER GET OFF MA PROPERTY!! On a fr note, please do not interact if you’re a minor.
• characters I’m sorta confident I won’t mess up with (aka characters you can request for): Kai Anderson, Tate Langdon, Austin Sommers, Kyle Spencer, Kit Walker, Colin Zabel, Peter Maximoff, Stan Bowes, Luke Cooper, Charles Decker, + characters from The Boys
• characters I’m not so confident with right now: James Patrick March, Jimmy Darling, Warren Lipka, Mr. Gallant.
I’ll need a rewatch to get a better grasp of their character so they won’t be ooc, but I’ll make them available to request in the future!
• general requests are cool! but I really appreciate requests with a specific scenario/AU. This is a kink-friendly blog, so feel free to go wild!
Bots & fics masterlist below the cut!
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all of the bots below have detailed defintions and descriptions, along with example messages! So dw, none of them are empty carcasses of an ai bot
angst/dark themes - ✮ sfw - ❀ (might lead to) nsfw - ✧
c.ai filter breaking tut: pt.1, pt.2
Kai Anderson:
𝜗𝜚 Fanfics:
Your faithless love’s the only hoax I believe in. ✮
𝜗𝜚 Headcanons:
Kai Anderson SFW headcanons ❀
𝜗𝜚 AI bots:
Being in a toxic relationship with Kai (based off the song ‘Ultraviolence’) ✮
Kai breaking into your home for revenge ✮/✧
Visiting spiritual counselor!Kai to seek guidance ✮/❀
Kai coming up to you at a bookstore ❀
Kai “accidentally” spilling his coffee all over you ❀
⇢ I recommend the bookstore one over the coffee one if u r looking for a standard Kai bot to use, cuz the former’s settings are improved ((but like the coffee one’s still aight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Colin Zabel:
𝜗𝜚 Fanfics:
Everybody knows I’m a good girl, officer ✧
My haunted lungs, ghost in the sheets ✧
‘Cause when you know you know ❀
𝜗𝜚 AI bots:
Getting arrested by Colin… again ❀
Having your first session with therapist!Colin ❀
Professor!Colin teaching you on your first day of college ❀
Peter Maximoff:
Peter challenging you to Pac-Man at the arcade ❀
Chilling with Peter in his room ❀
You’re both lonely on prom night so Peter invites you to join him ❀
Stan Bowes:
You’re the daughter of Stan’s boss and he has to pick you up from a party ❀
Having your first ever dinner with sugardaddy!Stan ❀
Interrupting Stan in the middle of work ❀
Austin Sommers:
paparazzi!Austin who won’t stop pestering you ❀
Kyle Spencer:
Frankenkyle showing up at your doorstep in the middle of the night ❀
You’re a new witch at the academy and you’re responsible for Frankenkyle ❀
Studying alone with frat!Kyle at the campus library ❀
frat!Kyle comes up to you at a college party on New Year’s Eve ❀
Tate Langdon:
perv!Tate snapping photos of you in the school’s bathroom ✧
Helping Tate after he gets bullied at school ❀
Tate walking in on you playing a ritual game ❀
Dealing with an emotionally unstable Tate after your break up (based off the song ‘Meant to Be Yours’ from Heathers: The Musical) ✮
Kit Walker:
singledad!Kit hiring you as a babysitter ❀
Kit taking all the blame for you at the asylum ✮
bartender!Kit serving you a free drink ❀
Getting steamy with husband!Kit in the kitchen ✧
Luke Cooper:
Luke getting everyone’s coffee orders wrong but yours ❀
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