#AND I will get an autograph on top of that XD
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amuseoffyre · 3 months ago
Fyre's Convention Adventures - Day 3 - A Great and Terrible Acte of Piracie 😁
A bonus surprise on the last day was that we got gifted a cast photograph and there was a second session of autographs for the people who had missed them on Saturday, but also for everyone else to get a second round :)
Since we’d come out of the last panels, I was piled high with my muppety crew and figured it would be a nice last chance to let the squad see them. Honestly, no ulterior motives going in, which made all that came next all the more delightful :D
Nathan was the first table and could see how many of the squad I was juggling and said it was fantastic that I’d brought them down for the con itself because “they’ve brought everyone so much joy”.
Rhys had a little giggle at the next table when he saw me coming with a pal bearing Calypso because between the photo, the sack of mups, the general goodie bag and everything else, I was quite the pack mule.
Con, Vico and Kristian, however, had been so very excited about the muppets at the fanmeet and photo session that I figured I would have each of theirs out when I got to their tables and then, alas, I was assailed by marauding pirates and came home empty handed XD
Me, with Izzy muppet on my arm: by the way, I was wondering if you’d like me to ship him to you, since you’re off to the US tomorrow Con: o.0 Con: wait, you were serious about giving him to me? Me: I mean, if you want him– Con: *wheechs Izzy right off my hand and into his arms, cradling him like a baby* Con: Everyone go home, this is all I’ll be doing now Me: 😂 That’ll be a yes then XD Con: :D :D :D
He leaned over to show his handler Izzy’s poseable hands, which were arranged to flip the bird and solemnly told him “That’s my favourite bit”. After my hype-man told him I was undercharging for commissions, he told me “yeah, charge more for your commissions” and I can’t not now, can I?
Needless to say I was a bit giggly and vibrating in place after that, because technically, I didn’t give anyone anything (first rule of the con – don’t give guests things directly) and by the time I got to Vico, I hadn’t been given a smack on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper for breaking the rules.
They were so giddy to see Jim muppet again.
Me: I was serious about you having them if you want them Vico: O.O Vico, to their handler: 
 can I
 do that? Vico’s handler: *shrugs a bit* Me: If I just
 lay it on this table, it would be very bad if something happened or someone
 took it. So bad. Vico, giggling like a fiend: *bats Jim off the table and down beside their chair* OH NO. IT’S GONE Me: OH NOOOO. I HAVE BEEN ROBBED. SOMEONE HAS THIEVED ME. HOW SAD. Vico: Noooooo :D :D :D Me: *flips another of the Jim costumes over the table, down beside the mup* Vico: OMG IT CHANGES CLOTHES!?!?! :D :D :D :D
And, of course, Calypso, my grand lady. I made her especially for Kristian since most of my muppet designs have a very narrow neck and I wasn’t sure if he would be able to put his hand in it. Instead, I’d redesigned and rebuilt her from the base up, with a wider opening in the back of her head and making her free-standing as well. Top of head to bottom of her skirt, she’s around a metre compared to the rest who are about 50cm.
He gave her such a doting look when I got to him and hell, if I could be banditted by 2, why not make it a hat trick :D
Him: she’s so gorgeous Me, keeping an eye on his handler: I can’t technically
 give her to you, but hypothetically, if someone stol– Kristian: *across the table with both arms and has her gone and out of sight beside him in a blink* :D Me: Oh nooo :D Kristian, catching my hands and squeezing them: Thank you *so* much for this :) Me: Absolutely my pleasure :)
Nothing like ending the weekend by being robbed by pirates :D
According to a pal who was stewarding, when they finished Con had Izzy whispering in his ear and then carried him out the room, level with his shoulder, and Kristian told Nathan off for almost standing on Calypso then made him carry her :D
I can’t express the sheer dizzying joy of experiencing their excitement and delight with my lil crew and how eagerly they tilted into to full silly play with them. I know the cast have been liking them on IG when I post them but this was another level and I am so utterly overwhelmed by it. Every so often, I think about it and have a happy little giggle about it all.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years ago
Meeting Aaron Dismuke & John Barrowman (ComicCon)
Okay, SO! I just got home from ComicCon. First of all, yes. I did, in fact, get a chance to meet Aaron Dismuke - Tamaki, Lucifer, Professor Moriarty, and more. First of all, MY GOD THE MAN IS TALL. O_O Second of all, he was absolutely darling. Even before I got to him, I learned how nice he was: two young ladies wanted a picture and autograph, but the card reader at his booth was malfunctioning. He told them, very sincerely, that if he couldn’t get the card reader working in a short time, he’d let them have their signatures and pics for free. (That did not happen; they got the device working again...oooonly for it to malfunction once more immediately after. Go figure. :P ) In fact, multiple times during my encounter with him, he pointed out that he felt the prices for the convention were MUCH too high.  Once I did meet him...it only got so much better. I asked him what his favorite part of playing William in MTP was...and he got so excited he SLAMMED the book I’d brought for him to sign shut before going into this spiel about everything he loved about the show. I may be paraphrasing slightly, but I think it went like this... “So, when I was a teenager, I actually had this fantasy - I used it for a school paper - about how, if someone were to kill the ten richest people in the world, and then keep doing that every month...what would happen? How would the world be better or worse? Would this eventually lead to a better place? William’s ‘Eat the Rich’ Philosophy isn’t EXACTLY the same, but it tapped into that old fantasy, and so it was actually more personal for me. Plus, I really love his attitude: anger is actually an emotion I don’t find easy in my repertoire - I don’t really get angry much in real life, I don’t think - and it was interesting to play a character who, no matter what happened, NEVER gets angry. Or, you know, never EXHIBITS how angry he is. He keeps everything level. Plus, it’s a classic character from some classic stories, so that was just cool!” After all this, he signed my book (”Catch Me If You Can, Mr. Holmes.” - A. Dismuke, Moriarty) and then I decided to be a bit more daring. I asked him if it would be allowed for me to take a video recording of him saying that same famous line. He responded that it was allowed, but he would have to charge me for it. “How much?” “I don’t know, the price is probably dumb...tell you what. For you? Thirty dollars.” I SLAPPED THOSE BILLS DOWN, BOI. He then asked for me to put my phone in selfie mode, and proceeded to record not only him saying the lines, but an almost two-minute spiel of him talking about the dialect and how he actually had to change his pronunciation of “Holmes” slightly during the show, because apparently someone joked that the way he said that name “sounded like a Minecraft character.” I sure as heck wasn’t gonna stop him.  THEN, we took the picture...and in the past, people I’ve taken photos with at the Con usually just sort of smile for the camera. There’s nothing wrong with that, naturally, I wouldn’t ask for otherwise. But he actually wanted to do something special, so he came up with us posing with him reading the manga, while myself - in costume and character as Holmes - peered at the book through my magnifying glass. He and the person taking the photo cracked up and we had to take the picture a second time because it came out all blurry the first time. XD TO TOP ALL THAT OFF...later, I passed by his booth, and he was still there. I called out to him: “Professor! We meet again!” He bowed. BOWED, I SAY! Naturally, I am elated by all of that. (Also, I still have more to share, but I’m putting a Keep Reading at this point because I think meeting Dismuke is the part you all want to know most about, and this is clearly going to be a long post. LOL)
SO...Aaron Dismuke wasn’t the only person I met today. I also got to meet John Barrowman - Jack Harkness from Doctor Who & Torchwood, Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, Merlyn from Arrow, etc. For him, I brought along a DVD collection of all the episodes for the 9th and 10th Doctors - those were the seasons Jack appeared in.  This encounter was much shorter, but it was still no less enjoyable. He was also amazing; he talked to everyone in line as if they were people he’d met before, and was well-acquainted with, no matter who they were, what they were dressed as, etc. When I got up to him and asked for his signature, I also asked him, “what’s a role you’ve always wanted to play that you haven’t yet?” He paused then responded: “To be honest, I don’t think about that. See, if it’s a role I’ve always wanted to play, then that would mean it’s a role that already exists, and that somebody else has already done before. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but what I REALLY love most is playing a character who is completely new, and being able to bring my own originality into the part.” An interesting philosophy I found both noble and unique. Then came the pictures...and yes, pictures, because he took four of them. We took one of us just smiling for the camera, then another of the same (”just to be safe”), then a “sassy” picture (I looked more...weird than sassy, ha ha), and finally a “silly and ugly” picture. All around awesome. <3 Beyond those meetings, lots of fun was otherwise had. Bought a lot of cool goodies from the shops (nothing anime-related, so not sure how much of it you guys would be interested in; might share more info there with friends in private), and I took a lot of photos of some really cool costumes. A lot of people really liked my Sherlock Holmes cosplay, I was surprised and happy to find! One encounter I MUST share before I close this message out: right after meeting both Dismuke and Barrowman, I ran into a cosplayer...of William!  “Professor!” I called out. “What are the odds?” I think they were even more happy to see Holmes than I was to see Moriarty! They were with a couple of non-costumed friends, who commented that they hadn’t expected to meet any other Moriarty fans there...and then asked to confirm if I was one. I responded by pulling out my copy of the manga from my bag. This only got them more excited, and they remarked, “You must be so ready to meet Aaron Dismuke!” I grinned and revealed I’d already gotten the autograph. I’m pretty sure the squeal they let out might have broken the sound barrier.  We took a photo with each other, each holding our copy of the manga’s first volume. Of all the people I took photos with/of that day - from comic book characters, to My Hero Academia cosplays, to the Addams Family, to Alice in Wonderland characters, to Scooby-Doo, to the 11th Doctor, AND STILL MANY MORE...that was by far the most joyous. “I mark this day with a white stone.”
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putschki1969 · 2 years ago
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Yuki Kajiura New Album  「PARADE」Details Revealed
Finally we have a tracklist for this upcoming release!
FictionJunction ALBUM「PARADE」
【Release date】 2023/04/19
【Product specifications】
First Press Limited Edition (CDBlu-ray) ïż„ 6,600 VVCL 2147~2148
Regular Edition (CD) ïż„ 3,300 VVCL 2149
Pre-order link: https://fictionjunction.lnk.to/0419AL_parade
【Tracklist】 ■DISC1: CD 01. Prologue 02. ă“ăšăźă»ă‹ă‚„ă‚ă‚‰ă‹ă„ (Koto no Hoka Yawarakai) 03. ć€œć…‰ćĄ—æ–™ feat. ASCA (Yakƍ toryƍ) 04. Beginning 05. ă‚‚ă†ć›ăźă“ăšă‚’èŠ‹ăŸăăȘい feat. rito (Mƍ Kimi no Koto wo Mitakunai) 06. æ«‚ă€€feat. Aimer (Kai) 07. è’Œç©čăźăƒ•ă‚Ąăƒłăƒ•ă‚ĄăƒŒăƒŹ feat. 藍äș•ă‚šă‚€ăƒ«&ASCA&ReoNa (SƍkyĆ« no fanfāre) ”SAO” 10th Anniversary Theme Song 08. ć…«æœˆăźă‚Șăƒ«ă‚Źăƒł feat. LINO LEIA (Hachigatsu no Organ) 09. それは氏さăȘ慉ぼようăȘ feat. KEIKO (Sore ha ChÄ«sana Hikari no you na) 10. from the edge feat. LiSA ”Demon Slayer” Ending Theme 11. moonlight melody 12. äž–ç•ŒăźæžœăŠ feat. ç”ćŸŽă‚ąă‚€ăƒ©(Sekai no hate) 13. Parade
M 01,02,04,11,13 feat. KAORI/KEIKO/YURIKO KAIDA/Joelle
■DISC2: Blu-ray ăƒ»ă€ŒParade」Music Video ăƒ»ă€ŒYuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#16Sing a Song Tourïœžă€ 01. overture 02. Beginning 03. èš˜æ†¶ăźæŁź 04. Distance 05. Fields of hope 06. 漝石 07. ć‡±æ­Œ 08. moonlight melody 09. ăČべりごべ 10. 玄束 11. èŠ±ăźć”„ 12. I beg you 13. wonderland 14. æ˜„ăŻă‚†ă 15. eternal blue 16. stone cold 17. ăƒŠăƒĄăƒŽăƒ„ăƒă‚” 18. ç›źèŠšă‚ 19. zodiacal sign 20. maybe tomorrow
Ohhh, very excited about this release (despite the abundance of artists I do not care for XD). We are actually getting a music video for “Parade” which is a brand new track! I LOVE FictionJunction’s version of “Beginning” so I am happy to see it included here. Not expecting much from “Prologue” but I am definitely looking forward toÂ â€œă“ăšăźă»ă‹ă‚„ă‚ă‚‰ă‹ă„â€œÂ  (which is another new song as far as I know? According to YK, Keiko likes to call this song “cinnamon roll-chan so I am guessing it is ultra sweet?). “それは氏さăȘ慉ぼようăȘ” still hasn’t grown on me but it’s great that Keiko is getting her very own solo track alongside high-profile artists such as LiSA and Aimer. More power to her, YAY!  
The Blu-ray content isn’t too exciting considering that all of this was broadcast on Streaming+ already but hey, I don’t mind having an official release for it.
『30th Anniversary FictionJunction Station Fan Club TalkLive vol.#2』Additional Tokyo Performances
On top of the already announced fan club exclusive events, there will be four additional performances taking place in the Tokyo area. 
[Tokyo additional performance] May 28 (Sun) TIAT SKY HALL, Tokyo 1st Stage: Open 12:15 / Start 13:00 Talk & Live & autograph session (★ FC members only) 2nd Stage: Open 16:15 / Start 17:00 Talk & Live & autograph session (★ FC members only) June 17 (Sat) TIAT SKY HALL, Tokyo 1st Stage: Open 12:15 / Start 13:00 Talk & Live & autograph session (★ FC members only) 2nd Stage: Open 16:15 / Start 17:00 Talk & Live & autograph session (★ FC members only) https://www.tiatskyhall.jp
Source: https://fictionjunction.com/information/9699/
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nani-nonny · 1 year ago
CH 12 OF WDS!!!
And am now worried a bit in the first part when the 3 were out especially to blue's case; blue is still worried and probably more insecure now because of the loss of his arm, i hope spending more time with CJ and F!LEO - and ghost april - will help him get better to stand on his legs again.
Am so surprised when i read they went to get pizza puff from meat sweat! Like aren't they worried it can be poisoned? Is that what you meant when you wrote " he talked kindly " to him?
The gang come back home and damn am enjoying how the 3 are like mama and her little ducklings.
Splinter caught them and am thinking about metal gear's bad end sounds " sneak? Sneak! SNEAK!! "
I don't know if it was F!leo's plan but bringing out the other snacks for his dad was smart! And when splinter said " you're my favorite " i just laughed at how blue and purple reacted XD
" Leonardo smiles at Casey as he sneaks into the kitchen and holds back his laugh when he sees Blue looking at him in pure disbelief " I LAUGHED SO FUCKING HARD!! BRUH THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL!!
" handing each one a piece of candy he snuck out of the gift bag for Splinter " Yo!! Isn't that what grandparents do?!đŸ€Ł
Also when splinter scolded them wasn't only yellow and red on it? And for how long the 3 went out? How many hours?
" he hands Red a small plush unicorn that was hidden in a gap in his prosthetic shoulder. " BRO IS A WHOLE INVENTORY GAME!!! WHAT'S NEXT?! BAZOOKA UNDER YOUR ARMPIT?!?/J
1st, i awe when i heard blue said that purple had been eyeing the keychain i was like 'Aww!'. 2nd, i laughed when he said " you're forgiven! " xD
“I tried to get Stone’s autograph for the photo, but he almost had a heart attack seeing me.” lmfao i will just wish he didn't crash their date xd
WDS F!Leo wins the award for best dad of the day!
When splinter shouted at leo i was like 'Did he knew all along?!', and when he pat orange was that like an approval that he really adopted him??đŸ€Ł
I just felt immediately guilt when i knew CJ and blue were left to defend themselves against splinter's scolding XD and leo really won the kids over by presents
" The elder slider opens his heavy eyelids and looks down to see Blue outstretched on his plastron as the teen rests on him " YO I REMEMBERED WHEN YOU TALKED ABOUT HOW TGE PEEPAWS VANISHED SND TELEPORTED TO 'I'm blue' FIC!!
TBC (too be continue)
*evil hand rubbing* F!Leo is home at least, for real this time, so he finally gets to witness how everyone was doing in his absence
And yes, “kindly asked” refers to scaring the crap out of Meat Sweats, even slightly threatening the pig mutant into giving F!Leo what he wants hahaha! If the kids were in any kind of danger, F!Leo would be on top of that immediately
It was definitely part of his plan to bribe Splinter with all the food he brought home hahaha! He’s a Leo, he can easily predict how his family will react and that doesn’t exclude Splinter! He knew they were out for too long when he saw the sun setting
And what was it? “Triple betrayal!”
Splinter definitely got Yellow and Red to spill the beans for why F!Leo, Blue and Jr were missing so everyone knew by the time the trio of duckies came home
WDS F!Leo best papa! I’m speaking it into existence, writing it into existence!
And F!Leo doesn’t plan on adopting Lil Orange, the head pat was just because he can’t resist the lil round guy
WDS has an I’m Blue reference!!! *plastic toy horns blast from every angle* /j
Anyways, lots of silly moments in this chapter hahah! I’m glad you liked them! They made me smile a lot when I wrote them, I even snuck some moments I’ve had with my own siblings hahah
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fff777 · 1 year ago
Finally watched the Invincible Youth videos
Episode 1
I watched the teaser "interview" videos that each of the members did and they were all talking about joining a dance competition.
They're trying to film it like a reality show, as opposed to typical idol variety content, which I think could be interesting.
Any problem there is, Sicheng calls for Kun-ge.
Actor Sicheng sneaking into Hendery's homework. I know it's about the dance competition but they set up a second plot for this. Like there was absolutely no need but this is fun now I want to know what's going on lol.
Ten roleplaying as an American transfer student.
Kun: Speak some English for us. Ten: Can you understand it though? Kind of a burn.
Oh yeah I remember now, Ten's interview had a whole ass subplot where he wanted to join the competition to show his crush that he was actually cool and a good dancer lol. Sicheng thinks it's romantic.
Ten: Give me 10 seconds, because my name is Ten haha
Oh no now Ten is adding ANOTHER subplot where he was actually Captain Kun's fan.
The way Hendery tried to be dramatic by turning around and going "I want you" like he's a judge on the Voice.
The way Hendery is manspreading right now.
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Kun's the one who's worried because he's like "what if he's actually joining the team only because he wants my autograph and he wants to eat with me??" You know these guys are famous because of their massive trust issues about getting close with fans.
Xiao Dejun, another fan.
Xiaojun getting teary eyed about his dreamz.
Hendery and Winwin are so chill about letting people in while Kun's the one who's all scrutinizing and shit.
The way Hendery was biting his lip before Dejun even began
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Don't laugh, don't laugh
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Crying from Dejun's ~*~PASSION~*~
I wonder how much of that Dejun planned and practised lmfao.
It's the way Dejun sings his entire accompanying track himself while dancing XD Also the Michael Jackson impression XD Someone's been hanging out with Haechan
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I don't think I've seen this dance of Kun's that now both Ten and Dejun have performed but it is certainly the in joke right now among the team
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Kun: We'll call you :)
Hendery being ç‡ć„œäœ ! XD
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Dejun left with a final hearteu, definitely a fan
Yangyang also roleplaying as an American transfer student.
Yangyang ALSO bringing up Kun's dance video
Sicheng and Hendery getting with the "ć€ȘćŻæ†ć•Š!!" agenda wrt Yangyang's story.
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The light green rug that the guys stand on keep getting wrinkled and bunched up because they're dancing on top of it.
LOL Yangyang just making constant unmoving eye contact with Qian Kun.
The way Hendery says 氍 like he's just speaking Cantonese lol.
Sicheng and Hendery trying to convince Kun that he's being a hardass :3
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Oooh Hendery's applying for a transfer? The plot thickenssss
Dejun: I can dance ALL of the Latin dances
Ten showing off his long legs from ballet and Dejun showing off his waist from dancing Latin dance XD
Ten feeling up Dejun's ass (real)
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Btw ever since I saw Ten with the ponytail I thought he looked so cute with that hairstyle :3
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Yangyang relaying the gossip he heard to Ten and Dejun.
I did see a short video (tiktok?) before of WayV in front of a screen saying something like the second annual Weishen High School dance competition (or something like that) and I wonder if that is related to this.
The man, the legend
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Dejun's over the top reactions XD He's building his variety arsenal, isn't he
They're dancing to Nectar heh.
Yangyang and Kun were sooo enjoying it when Kun was correcting Yangyang's dancing.
WayV rings!!!
Thought Ten was just wearing a normal hoodie underneath his blazer. Nope. Sleeveless Balenciaga hoodie.
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Ooh ok plot tension. XiaoTenYang keep messing up the dance and Kun is like ugh guys come on while Sicheng and Hendery are like it's ok, let's try again!
Trust Kun to do the lecturing ^^;;
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Dance is not ready, team is in shambles
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Yangyang let slip that Hendery wanted to switch schools and Kun was like u wot m8?
LMAO they have the ads underneath like kdramas except they're all fake ads XD
Weishen Senior High as the location sponsor
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WayVlicious as the food sponsor
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Zhenni Uniform Store as the clothing sponsor
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WayZenNi as official sponsors
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Episode 2
Hendery being like who fucking told you?! at Yangyang
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Yo Hendery is speaking from the heart here. Yeah it's acting, but if I was thinking about a situation where I had to leave my friends not of my own choice, I think I could conjure up some tears.
Sicheng breaking character because of the stolen valour XD Xiaojun was like "look, Kun, did you take this photo for him?" in an attempt to mend the relationship between Kun and Hendery and Sicheng was like "that photo was taken by ME!!!!!!!"
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They're going to win with the power of friendship and competition!!!
Getting their game faces on
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Yangyang putting foundation on Dejun's chest and abs
Omfg Kun inspecting his face
The guys primping Hendery to help his nerves
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Hendery: ç­‰æœƒćŻä»„ć—Ž? Kun: ćŻä»„ć•Š! æˆ‘ć€‘æœ‰ć•„äžèĄŒć•Š? Kun is such a parent lol.
Xiaohen :3
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They let him do his dance during Nectar ToT
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Dejun doing his Michael Jackson routine during the dance lmfao
So they just had Hendery play two roles lol
Yangyang unmasked
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LOL we get a conclusion to the Ten crush saga in which the girl likes a teammate instead ToT
And then with the power of the narrative Hendery doesn't have to change schools lol
LOL a scout had sought Dejun but...for a dog model
Ten: I've been learning ballet since I was 3, for 10 years. Sicheng: You're only 13 years old?
Kun and Sicheng sharing headphones :3 (that aren't plugged in, if you see the other end lol)
Kun kept throwing the food AT Yangyang instead of throwing it up for Yangyang to catch lmao
The guys could NOT hold it in when Kun and Hendery had their big argument scene
The way ALL of them kept turning around because they couldn't stop laughing X'D
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Oh man this was soooo fun. It reminded me a bit of Dream's blind dating show where there was a rough story line but they mostly improvised. In this case, there was a harder story line and they made it more like a drama with a story than just a few static cameras. I hope WayV gets to do more stuff like this because it was so fun!!!!!!
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tangledbea · 3 years ago
A’ight, no one bit my casual hints that I wanted someone to ask me about the Tangled art that’s not on my walls, so here’s a post of it anyway. XD
A little backstory: Whenever I go to Disneyland, I always stop by Wonderground in Downtown Disney, and if there’s any new Tangled art that I particularly like, I’ll buy a print (if I have a the money/space) or a postcard (if I do not). This has resulted in a collection of lovely Disney-sanctioned Tangled art that is not up on my walls.
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On the left is a high-quality print of concept art by David Goetz, which was given out to everyone who walked through the door at a specific screening of Tangled at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood (I really want to get a frame that actually fits it at some point). On the right is by the artist Noah, though I don’t know the title of it. I’ve had it for a long time.
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This is an (admittedly black market XD) print of the Thomas Kinkade Studios Tangled painting.
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The one on the left is by Gabby Zapata and is called “You Are My New Dream”. The one on the right is not Disney-sanctioned (that I know of) and unfortunately, I don’t remember who drew it. I’ve had it for years, safely pressed between cardboard.
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This one is by Ashley Taylor and is called “Daydreaming in the Tower”.
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This one is by Whitney Pollett and is called “Ever Had a Dream”. I particularly love the paint on her cheeks and the flowers in her hair.
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This one is by Bill Robinson and is called “Lantern Love Song.” You’d better believe I always got pieces when Eugene was included.
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Top row: “Everyone Has a Dream” by Jeremiah Ketner, “Her Hair” by Scott Campbell and Nei Bottom row: “Lovely Lanterns in Lavender” by Whitney Pollett (I really like her work), “A Starry Night” by Eunjung Jun Kim
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Starting at the top left and spiraling inward: “Color Pop Gleam and Glow” by Gabby Zapata, “Tangled” by the Thomas Kinkade Gallery, a greeting card-sized print of the Disney Fairytale Designer Collection art, a preprinted autographed “Secret Santa” card from Rapunzel at WDW, a Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom warrior spell “Flynn Rider’s Flying Frying Pan” card (I used to have the Maximus one, but for the life of me, I have no idea what happened to it, which upsets me very much), a preprinted autographed Valentine’s Day card from Rapunzel and Flynn Eugene at WDW.
I also have a (genuinely) small collection of greeting cards with art I particularly like.
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And this is not from Wonderground, but from Gallery Nucleus, and is by Joey Chou.
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gonnahackyourheart · 2 years ago
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Longest Tag: 69 characters
#right? they're all anxions but still need to have regular photoshoots
My Top Posts in 2022:
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(get it, it’s a gif of aurora)
Phil x MC; group x MC
Word count: 799 Reading time: 00:03:11 (says Hemingwayapp)
A/N: I know the ending is rushed, but I didn’t know what to do with it.
(not the one im proud of, just getting it ot after a year)
You’d thought that Duskwood would welcome me with open arms. That I’d step out of the bus into sunny town and go and surprise my friends with a visit. No. It was pouring, the bus was late and my friends weren’t answering.
When I stepped onto the sidewalk near the town’s square, it was already dark. I hid in the opposite house’s entrance and checked my phone. Still no text. I didn’t tell anyone about my trip, I thought I’d surprise them. They planned to go to Aurora tonight, which seemed like a good opportunity to see everyone. So I decided to go right to the bar and try to find them there. Navigating through the town wasn’t that difficult, I had the town's map well memorised. I was in front of the bar in no time.
It was pretty busy at Aurora. I removed my wet coat at the entrance and looked around. There was no familiar face. Except one tall figure behind the bar. I wanted to ignore him and squeeze past him unnoticed, but as on cue, he turned his head towards the door. His shit-eating grin showed that he recognized me immediately. Well, he could know where everybody was.
He served a drink and walked over to me. “Hello beautiful. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “Hi Phil. I heard these woods are great for hikes, thought I’d try it.” “Let me know if you need someone to keep you company. Want a drink?” I nodded. He went away before I could say what I wanted. He was back in seconds. “On the house.” He winked at me as he put a drink in front of me. “How did I deserve that?” I asked. “You came all this way to visit me. I am flattered.” “Wow, am I that see-through?” I asked and sipped the drink. He correctly guessed what I liked, which was impressive. “Do you know where Jessy is?” “She’s in the booth in the corner with everybody else. She didn’t say you were coming” “Because she doesn’t know. You are not fighting anymore?” “We are working on it.” His eyes drifted off behind me for a moment. “I hope it’s not the last time I see you. You still owe me an autograph,” he reminded me of our last and only chat. I didn't have a chance to answer, because someone's arms wrapped around me. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you let me now?” “Jessy!” I gasped and hugged her back. “I wrote to you when I was near Duskwood, but nobody answered.” “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn't check my phone all evening. I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone!” “Wait, I don't want to leave my bag behind,” you pointed towards your backpack at the foot of the stool. She turned to Phil: “Hey, can they leave their bag in the back room?” Phil shrugged. “Fine with me.” “Great!” Jessy exclaimed, grabbed my bag and my hand, and pulled me towards the nearby door. “See you later,“ I threw in Phils direction. “Looking forward to it,” he gave me another wink and turned back to other customers.
It was more quiet in the backroom. Jessy put my bag next to the table. ”Don’t worry, it’s safe here. I hope Phil didn’t bother you.” “We barely talked.” She turned to me and grabbed my hands. “I am really happy you're here,” she beamed at me. “It’s so strange to see you before me. Now you are not only speech bubble anymore” “Well, you should get used to it, I wanna be here for two weeks.” I grinned at her. “That’s awesome.” She squeezed my hands. “But now you have to meet others.”
She led me into the back booth. Richy spotted us first and hopped out of his seat to spin me around. And then I traveled from his arms to another, greeting with everyone. They found me a seat in the middle. The conversation was light spirited from the start, nobody wanted to discuss events of the last two weeks. I felt very comfortable, right in the middle of their teasing and playful bickering. Richy was the one who dragged me onto the dancing floor. We chatted and danced till morning. Or rather Arora's closing hour, which was around one in the morning.
During the night I stole a glance towards the bar, to find Phil looking at me milliseconds later, smiling. ‘This trip will be interesting’ I tought. Then I averted my gaze back to the group. I was so grateful that I could be there with everyone. Sun smiled upon me, despite the rain.
3 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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Jake đŸ€—
4 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
MC, after chatting to a new man is available
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7 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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What is with Donfort siblings and wanting help from me, calm down guys, there's three of you and only one of me! Gimme a break
7 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
MC, after chatting to a new man is available
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11 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years ago
This is kinda dumb but
 Do you ever see the Toon Patrol maybe being a fan of a celebrity? Could be either toon or human, but like a singer of some sorts that fits their style. Possibly a singer that just sings songs about gangsters if that makes sense
That's not dumb!
I can see Smartass definitely having a thing with like, Joe Pesci or something! Like if you put on a Pesci movie he'll be on the couch and demand everyone be quiet. And if you gift him with something autographed by him then he will keep it whether he likes you or not. Also he takes his job seriously but if you're, like, his S/O or one of the other weasels and you bribe him to stay home with a Pesci movie... he'll perhaps give in ^^ And thats saying something I promise!! XD
I imagine Greasy has, like, a top 15? And they are all beautiful women- of course. Jessica is on it.
Wheezy is like Smartass, except he has a thing for Clint Eastwood (Cowboys). If someone hands him chewing tobacco to tide him over because he cant smoke somewhere, he'll be like 'Alright, if Clint Eastwood can live like this I guess I can give it a try.'
For Psycho... hm... I don't know, I think he would've liked Bob Ross XD I can imagine him kicking anyone already watching TV off the couch and stealing the remote when Bob Ross is scheduled and his eyes being glued to the screen until its over again. Anyone who tries to interrupt is getting cut, but that also means this is a great way to distract him XD (Now I wanna gift him with a Bob Ross mug or something!! ^^)
And for Stupid I can see him, being the adorable dummy he is, considering a fictional character to be a real celebrity. Like some Toon's TV persona. For example, Baby Herman- I noticed most Toon's act the same off and on camera, with him as an exception (Acting like a real baby on camera, but an old man in real life). I don't think Stupid would care for Baby Herman's character, particularly, but just imagine another Toon's TV-Persona- someone smart and funny like Bugs Bunny ^^ I hope that makes sense??? 😅
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thotsforvillainrights · 3 years ago
I really hesitated to make this request, I hope you don’t mind that you can write Geten headcanons with a professional heroine girlfriend (admire my bad English xd-) don’t forget to take care of yourself and be healthy
(It’s not bad English omg! Sorry your ask has been stuck in purgatory with the others! I think I’ve been experiencing burn-out or writers block or something. Anyway, enough about me!)
~Geten’s Hero S/O~
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-He honestly never imagined he’d be dating a professional hero but here he was. In fact, he never even imagined he’d be dating anyone to begin with. He hasn’t had a crush on anyone since he was just a little boy. The older he got, the more he focused on training and honing his skills for the glory and the honor of the Meta Liberation Army. So much so that he skipped high school and college and completely dedicated himself towards his cause. That was until he met you. 
-There weren’t too many villain attacks on Deika considering the city was so closely knit with everyone. However, every once in a while, a psycho finds their way into the community with no other purpose other than to seek chaos. Unfortunately that was happening while Geten was trying to complete the most mundane tasks/running errands. He was fully prepped to take the villain down himself out of sheer annoyance for being interrupted but you had already beaten him to it. You were a hero passing through on your way to another mission when you heard whispers of no good scheming coming from the alleyways. 
-During your entire fight (which was a piece of cake for you), Geten couldn’t take his eyes off your even if he tried to do so. Your stance, your form, your determination, and that little smirk you did because you knew you were going to win. Hell, even your technique was incredible to him! It’s hard to say what got into him when you stopped to do autographs for the nearby citizens. He walked himself right over there and got your autograph too. He still keeps that autograph buried deep in his things. Of course you still bring it up even now as a way to tease him but he sweeps it off in annoyance.
-Sparring matches are a thing between you two fairly often. You challenge each other to better yourselves. He can tend to get competitive and you’re overly (yet rightfully) cocky when it comes to these things. You didn’t gain your fame from nothing! The matches end up always tiring you both out but you’ll be right back at it again next week. 
-He tries his best to keep out of the public eye when the press gets heavy on you. Since you moved to Deika with him, you brought a pretty good amount of attention on the city. It was difficult to have a simple outing when you would be swarmed by cameras minutes later. Things worked out better when they got bored with taking pictures of your everyday life. You stuck to battling outside the city so the press followed you there. You’d return home after a long day of work and he’d be waiting there for you like always.
-He once went on a mission with you so he could see you fight again. It was almost worth it had he not almost died from the power of the fight. At this point he was wondering how you weren’t in the top 10 list of heroes. You were ranked around 14 or 15 but he thinks you deserve spot number one. Every once in a while he talks about it/complains to the others of the MLA, which is odd considering he’s not that type of person. What can he say? He’s so in love with you. I doubt that would change even if you were a civilian.   
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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primlydialanguish · 3 years ago
Jay for the ask game? ^^
Jay! I actually do have an autographed photo of Jay, courtesy of my best friend! And thank you so much for the ask!
So, long story short, my sister and I collaborate on Descendants, and Jay is largely her character to control and not mine, so most of this is hers, but here we go.
Canon or OC: Canon
Full name: Jay (no last name)
Birthday: June 8th, (and operating with D1 being in 2015,) 1999
Parents/guardians/siblings: Jafar, and an OC mother, Kirstin. In our stories, the Isle family trees all get kind of tangled up, you see, and Kirstin has a daughter, who is Jay’s half sister, Jett. So, Jafar, Kirstin, and Jett.
Top pairings: Hear me out, but again, my sister put me on this one and I can't unsee it; Jay/Chad. I know, but when we write for Chad, it's very much not canon compliant, and it's her top ship so we end up writing it a lot and I do really enjoy it. Second is Jay x Audrey. Don't @ me, I actually really like Audrey xD and then finally, Jay x Chad x Audrey.
Random headcanons: Jay was the Core4 member who spent the most time on the Wharf growing up. Also, if he was near the Wharf and got caught or got in trouble, he was often taken to James Hook, who wasn't sure himself why everyone always thought Jay was his problem, other than the fact that he and Harry often got into that trouble together. Also, I'm pretty sure this is less 'headcanon' and more 'definitely hinted at' but the phone that Jay has in D1 that he stole is absolutely Chad’s missing phone. I also like to think that Jay and Jafar have more love for each other than is let on in the movies.
Favorite AUs: The Isle Born Kids are taken to Auradon when they're younger, and are moved off the Isle periodically in bunches. There's a lot of potential in Auradon AUs.
When I think they're at their best: I really like Jay in D2, when he's interacting with Mal. Mal and Jay's friendship and love for each other is very important to me.
Extended canon I love: Mal's Spellbook; Jay, first of all, gushes about Audrey in the first half, and spends the second half being protective of Carlos and Evie. I genuinely find him so cute in that book.
Do I like this character: Absolutely, I do.
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jaalismyhusband · 4 years ago
Magical apple
Title: Magical apple
Pairings: Chris Evans x f!reader
Warnings: RPF, tooth-rotting, cheesy stuff, me not knowing where to put commas (yikes XD)
Wordcount: 1.7k
A/N: Hi, everyone! *ehm* this was supposed to be a drabble, but I snapped. Thanks to my brain for the prompt, this was a very pleasant dream to dream, buddy. Anyways! Hope you enjoy this floofy piece, because I’ve got a hella angsty WiP series about Geralt a.k.a. the butcher of my heart. Thanks for reading!!  
beta’d by @6crazyboutcruise9​
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You were working as a professor at the local university. You always knew, that forcing students to attend your classes was no way to make them like you and actually listen. No, you had to engage with them outside of the class too. So, you focused not only on the lectures, but on the out-of-school activities as well. That meant organizing some charity work, workshops, debates with interesting people and so on.
To say you were shocked when you booked Chris Evans for one of the debates, would be an understatement. You were even more nervous than your students, but you couldn’t let it show.  Being the ever-supporting professor, you reassured them that they will do just fine, because they were your smart students after all. They seemed to relax a bit at that.
Encouraged, you all went to greet Mr. Evans and you offered him a coffee, which he was quick to accept. You could sense he was upset about something, but it wasn’t your place to ask him what’s wrong. Soon after your interaction, he was ushered on the stage by another professor, who shoved a microphone in his hand, wishing him good luck.
The lecture went splendidly, now it was time for an autograph session, where students could get their own three minutes with Mr. Evans. One of your colleagues announced it and students were quick to form a line.
It seemed like it went on and on for hours, but Mr. Evans was somehow still polite to every single person. Even if the questions were repetitive, he answered them with patience. You were near him, just in case he needed something. However, you were a single woman as well, so from time to time your eyes may or may not have lingered on him longer, than they should’ve.
You mentally scolded yourself and focused on the actual questions he was being asked. You were proud of your students for coming up with the interesting, difficult, philosophical and even some weird questions. Thankfully, they hadn’t asked about personal things, until they did. The line was coming to an end and now it was mostly students from other classes, even other schools. You could tell those questions were bothering Mr. Evans and it was only adding to his frustration.
“Next!” you called. There was only one person left, a young girl.
“Finally!” she huffed as she came up to Mr. Evans. “So, I don’t have time for you, I only want you to give my number to Tom Holland.” With that she dropped a piece of paper on the table in front of him, turned on her heels and left. Without saying hi, please or bye. He looked almost frozen as he tried to take in what had just happened. You wanted to comfort him somehow, but his manager had already asked to follow him. You watched them leave next door, where you had previously set up a kind of a break room for him.
An idea popped up in your mind. You went to your cabinet and made him a fresh coffee. You were impatient and excited to have only as much as five minutes alone with him. You poured the coffee in the take-it-to-go cup and hurried to the next room. Just as you neared the door, they opened and you saw his manager leave, meaning you would, indeed, be alone with him. Perfect, you thought as you entered.
He was leaning back in the chair, with his hair all fluffy. Your eyes ran over his face, finding his brows adorably scrunched above his closed eyes, his beard trimmed neatly. A cozy looking blue sweater hid his muscled torso and the dark jeans hugged his thighs, rushing bunch of sinful thoughts through your mind.
“Are you going to say something or just keep staring?” his deep voice startled you from your daydream. You mumbled a quick apology and tried to hide the creeping blush on your face.
“Mr. Evans, I noticed your first coffee went cold, so I thought I’d make you a fresh one.” You offered him a warm smile along with the cup.
“Y/N, right? Thanks, that’s very considerate of you. And, please, call me Chris.” You swore he winked at you just before bringing the cup to his mouth, taking a sip of the steamy beverage. You felt your face heating up again and you squirmed under his gaze.
Leaning on the wall, you let him enjoy his coffee in silence. You used the moment to gather all molecules of bravery in you to ask him: “I don’t mean to be nosy, but you seemed distressed earlier
“You mean even before that cherry on top of the autograph session? I guess, I’m not as good of an actor as I thought I was.” You appreciated him trying to lift the mood, but something about his face expression told you, he didn’t want you to let it go.
“No need to put on a brave face, here. I’ll tell you what, Chris. There’s a really nice park near here. Aaand I’ve been told I’m a good listener. So, what do you say to a walk? If you don’t mind me being so forward, of course.” You seemed to realize your words too late, as they already hung heavy in the air. You just asked THE Chris Evans out. An unnerving silence occurred as you awaited his answer.
“Why the hell not,” he sighed.
“Perfect,” you smiled at him. “Let me just get my things and I’ll meet you outside in 5.” With that you left, still unable to believe you were about to hang out with literally a man of your dreams.
As promised, you joined him in front of the building and led him to the park. You spent those few minutes getting to know each other a little bit and, if you weren’t any wiser, you would have said that Chris was flirting with you.  
You arrived to the park, taking a stroll, admiring the blooming flowers. It was a warm spring afternoon, summer was just around the corner. You arrived to a small secluded spot with a table and benches on either side.
“This is where I spend my lunch breaks. It’s my special place.” You smiled, reminiscing of all the times you got lost in a book, ate your favourite food, hell, even cried over bad days in this very spot.
“I’m honoured,” joked Chris. You playfully smacked his arm and ordered him to sit down. He caught you off guard when he chose a seat next to you, rather than the opposite one.
“I can’t tell you how many bad days have been eliminated here. This place is indeed magical. You wanna try?”
“Sure.” He proceeded to tell you about his rough past days. As you were listening, you found yourself hanging on every word he said, you seemed almost bewitched by his soothing voice. You didn’t have to force yourself to listen, you simply did. It was so easy to get lost in the conversation with him, even though it wasn’t about pleasant topic.
“Sometimes, I just want to be an ordinary person like everyone else and not have to deal with people like that girl, for example. Gosh, I don’t know why, but that really got under my skin.” He finished his rant and you reassured, that it’s fine to feel that way.
“That girl was probably just the breaking point, I wouldn’t fuss ‘bout her. Here,” you reached into your bag and pulled out an apple, “this will make you feel better.” You placed it in front of him, and nudged him to take a bite.
“An apple?” he burst out laughing. Your cheeks were hot by now, no doubt.
“It’s a
 Magical apple?” that only seemed to make him laugh more, as he leaned back in his seat, touching his chest. If you weren’t upset about him laughing at your offering, you would’ve found the gesture cute.
It was a yummy looking apple, though. If he isn’t going to eat it, then I will, you thought as you reached for the apple. However, he must’ve changed his mind, because he, too, reached for it, making your hands touch. You felt like in a scene from a romcom, as you felt a spark when your fingers brushed against each other.
You were too flustered to say anything, when he gave you a heart-melting smile. He seemed to lean in. When did he get so close?!
” you whispered, your mouth dry, all of a sudden. He shushed you and pecked your lips, leaving you even more flustered. Your ears were burning, and you immediately pulled your hands to cover your face, leaving the apple unguarded.
“Got it!” he triumphantly said and took a bite of the apple, exaggerating the moans: “Mhm, you said this was magical?”
“Not fair, sir! You used your charm to distract me!” you played along, pouting.
“Hm, you think I’m charming?” he seemed amused by how shy you were and how easy it was to get you flustered.
“Shut up, you know what I meant.” You huffed in defeat as you crossed your arms on your chest. Chris only smirked as he finished the apple.
After a while you shivered, the warm afternoon turned into a chilly night. Neither of you noticed, too enthralled in each other.
Chris didn’t miss how you hugged your arms, desperately trying to warm yourself up.
“You’re cold?” It was more a statement, than a question, but you still nodded, anyway. He took off his sweater, leaving him only in a plain white short-sleeve.
“Here, put it on.” He grabbed your arms, to pull them up, in order to dress you.
“No, really, it’s fine. You don’t have to do this.” You whined, but it fell on deaf ears. Chris dressed you in his sweater and you had no say in it. To be honest, you weren’t about to complain. Musky smell with hints of cedarwood engulfed you and you almost snuggled into the sweater more, but stopped yourself at the last moment, not wanting to be weird.
“Thanks,” you shyly said, as you took in his broad shoulders and big arms. Arms, that were totally bare, because of you.
“Ohmygod! You’ll get cold!” Without thinking you hugged him tightly, only for him to wrap his arms around your small frame.
“As long as you’re with me, I’ll never get cold,” he whispered into your hair, after he left a small kiss on your temple.
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talkwithmarcy · 4 years ago
Youtubers, step away from the underage fans!
Ok, before I start this post, I just wanna say first, in no way am I judging or telling someone how to make a living or their interest in what type of job their in. What I’m going to be critiquing in this post is a youtuber or an influencers’ way of INTERACTING with their fans.
Now this is suppose to be a simple concept, right? You either give them a picture, autograph, fulfill a commission, etc. However some people overstep that boundary, and it led them to utter shit. I’m talking about people who interacts sexually with their fans. And considering how big the internet is, some of these fans are underage, and interacting with them in such a way led to these influencers to be called a groomer or predator, whether they know a fan is underage or not.
This topic came around when I made a youtube video about a va (voice acting) youtuber, he was accused of doing some horrible stuff with his fans and friends, and one of them was manipulating and grooming underage girls. However, after doing an interview with this guy, me and my friend found some closure to some cases, open to new arguments for the unsolved ones and also find possibilities that some of the cases could be untrue. What I see as the main reason for the majority of the cases was because this youtuber was not very careful when it comes to interacting with his fans or providing fan-service.
This led to broken promises, mistreatment towards discord mods and closer friends, and then the grooming accusations. The youtuber admitted to being irresponsible and lazy when it comes to fulfilling tasks, and he admitted to being quite arrogant and boastful about being a huge youtuber.
But here I’m talking specifically about the grooming accusations. This is all because he was so full of himself of being a player and irresistible with his fans, he had no problem fooling around with them. His channel is composed of quite provocative content, and the audios are just straight up audio porn in his patreon. There’s no secret that some of the fans are heavily into that sort of stuff and they have no problem having a closer relationship with the youtuber if he initiates it. And because some fans are underage, I think the interactions can count as illegal.
All of this could’ve been avoided if he didn’t interact sexually on a personal level with his fans. I’m not gonna judge him for making provocative content because 1). he is an adult, he can make non-kid friendly content if he wants to, as long as it’s not hurting and disrespecting anyone, 2). if making these type of content is the more popular way for him to make a living in youtube, go ahead. The problem is that he brings this to a personal level with his fans, instead of keeping it on a business level. 
I understand if you want to make your fans happy, but there is a more responsible and appropriate way to interact with them. And if you say, “well, they are not happy with it, they like talking about no-nos and that kind of stuff, otherwise, they are not interested in me”, then tell them to screw off. Especially if they are underage and you are an adult, you should know better, and have some self-respect.
A good example of this is an incident of where I communicated with a youtuber named Aramin Audios. To bring you up to speed, there was another va youtuber, let’s call him Pink, who was accused of being a groomer to his girlfriend, but after researching a bit, me and my friends found that this is false and the people who accused him of so made the accusations out of anger and jumping to conclusions.
Now in response to this, Aramin wants to avoid this accusations to happen to him and he wants his community to be safer for his younger audience. That seems like a great thing to do, right? BUT, he thinks the best way to achieve that is to delete his discord server and build a new one, where it is reserved for patreons only, where he will discuss the nsfw content they want in their patreon requests. Me and my friend were confused by this because, in a way, it’s like a punishment for the underage fans for the youtubers’ irresponsible way of interacting with them. And the way he announced that he was gonna do this is as if he is putting the blame on Pink, this made us worried whether upset fans are gonna went after Pink or not after this.
However, we were more confused on his WAY of fixing this problem. I guess people will have a different opinion on this, but based on what Aramin wants and how he worded his request for his community, it seems like he was trying really hard to make it safe for the younger audience. So we asked him, if he was so worried about effecting kids with his provocative content, why not just age-restrict his videos? Of course, the answer is because he still wants to make a living and the content in his channel is still sfw, so it shouldn’t be age-restricted.
We also questioned on the new server he was planning to make because 1). from what I know, he is not that active in his old server anyways, so what’s the point? 2). from what he says, it will be no different, they will just discuss more r18 topics with his patrons and 3). this can be upsetting for fans who are JUST as loyal as the patreon fans. He explains that he thinks that it will be safer because minors lie in the internet, and it’s more secure when people make an account on patreon. True, maybe patreon is more strict but it is proven that people can still lie about their age in patreon. So me and my friend suggested to him, why not just age-restrict your videos or try to change your content a bit, because sfw that’s not automatically mean kid-friendly and from the way he was acting, this was his main worry.
The weird thing that happened was that my friend, let’s call her Lady, is a bit more closer to Aramin, because she was also a youtuber and he watches her stuff before. However, when Lady tried to explain how Aramin’s way of achieving all this didn’t make sense, the fans there agreed. But as soon as Aramin came, they did a complete 180. And of course, I’m not close with Aramin, right? there’s nothing wrong if he gets a bit defensive, but when me and Lady asked him the questions and give him suggestions for a better way to achieve he wants. He became demeaning to the point where he acts like he didn’t know who Lady is, and he treated her as if she is too young and too dumb to understand what he was saying. And they were roughly the same age.
Also, in that chat, some fans told me to scroll to reread what they were talking about, but the thing is I want to hear from Aramin’s word. However, after some exchange, it seems like Aramin doesn’t actually want his community to be minor-free, and he mostly blame that it’s the kids fault for lying about their age and parents are not monitoring they’re kids. So I asked him, “But you’re the one who wants to make your channel minor-free, this is based on what you want, so why won’t you yourself actually take the precautions?” and he responded with, “I’m not gonna entertain this, because you won’t scroll up, you obviously don’t care.” Good defense, Aramin.
So he may say he wants his community to be safer for minors, and he did this because of other youtubers who are exposed as groomers and predators, but he doesn’t actually practice what he preach. He just wants to be seen as taking action for the better.
But anyways, it seems like he didn’t wanna budge or give any good reason anytime soon, so me and Lady gave up. Lady told me after that conversation, he immediately deleted the server XD and the cherry on top is that he made a response to this in twitter and oh boy, there is so many things wrong with this tweet.
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Where do I start with this?
First off, we’re talking about what he is doing with his server, so when he says he wants to protect minors from predators that could join his server, Aramin, that just brings the question, what kind of people you allow to reside in your server and how do you act with your fans? And it says a lot when you felt the NEED to make an r18 server with your fans.
Second, apparently Aramin was badly injured when I told him sfw does not mean kid-friendly. I wasn’t trying to make a ‘gotcha’ moment, Aramin, I was just stating something. But since you are so heavily affected by that, sorry I hurt your feelings I guess.
Third, I agree to scolding kids for lying about their age online and watching what they’re not suppose to watch. However, recommending that kids should just stay in Youtube Kids is just not right. Youtube Kids is specifically for kids who are at the age of 4-12, so a minor as young as 13-15 can watch your stuff. And it is also known that there’s still inappropriate content that is still posted in Youtube Kids, because they were fooled by the kid-friendly thumbnail and Youtube doesn’t actually check if the content is safe or not. And to just say, “well, they should just stay in Youtube Kids”, that’s an ignorant thing to say. Tell me guys, how young were you when you first watch or witness something that is not considered kid-friendly? Whether by accident or on purpose.
Fourth, what nice thing of him to say, “it is the parents’ fault for not monitoring what their children sees on the internet 24/7.” Yeah, it’s the parents fault, guys, it’s not like they have jobs or any house activities they have to do to take care of their kids. It’s their fault for not breathing down on their children’s neck every time they see a screen. And from him saying he doesn’t wanna stop his source of income because of the parents, Aramin, you’re basically saying, “I don’t support and I would never recommend minors watching my videos and I want my community to be safer for minors.....but I’ll still make money from minors watching my shit anyways, thank you very much.”
And finally, keep in mind, me and my friend did not bash nor insult Aramin while we were talking to him. We did not call him a predator, bad person, or whatever. But apparently something as simple as asking questions, even though you are confused for a good reason, counts as attacking or tearing someone down according to Aramin.
So yeah, overall, Aramin just comes off as a whiny brat, and this response just comes off as him going
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“These people are confused, and they’re asking questions and giving me suggestions! It’s the worse thing ever, WHY CAN’T THEY SEE I’M A GOOD PERSON?”
Anyways, at the end of this post, I want to make this clear, whether your content is inappropriate or not, or your patreon is 18+ or not, I don’t care. The problem is if you actually interact with your fans in such a way. It’s asking for trouble and even if you don’t mean to interact with underage fans in such a way, it is still YOUR irresponsibility to act that way AT ALL with any age with your fans, who are also mostly complete strangers to you, especially when you are aware that minors might watch your stuff.
Just because you act in a certain way in your channel, does not mean you should act the same in person to your fans. We may saw Dakota Johnson’s boobs in Fifty Shades of Grey, but that wouldn’t mean it would be acceptable for her to flash her fans during a meet-and-greet.
Yes, it is the fault of the kids for lying about their age online or if they watch something they’re not suppose to, but in the end, YOU’RE the influencer. You are the one with the channel, you are the one who can fix what they watch or at the very least, make the situation a little more appropriate.
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arctimon · 4 years ago
The following represents dialogue that is not final and is subject to change.
The group turned to where Fred was pointing to. The line of people were already staring to circle around the makeshift monument, and right at the top, from what Hiro could see on the viewscreens, was some sort of hammer. The camera was zoomed in enough so that he could see the finer details: the long, leather handle handle and a shiny metal protector with leather strap lazily hanging on the end. The head was stone, weathered to almost oblivion, with some sort of writing on the sides that he couldn't make out.
Hiro didn't understand why Fred was worked up about it. But this was also Fred, so no doubt he would tell everyone in about two seconds.
“...The Hammer of the Gods.”
Yup. There it was.
“OK, I'll bite, since Fred is off in Fantasy Land,” Go Go said, glancing at Olivia. “What happens when someone is deemed 'worthy' or whatever?”
“I don't know.” She looked up at Go Go, still fanning Fred's reddening face. “I don't think anyone really does. I follow The Collection as much as Fred does, and I can't recall an instance where anyone was able to lift it. There's rumors for sure; they range from tickets for life to autographs and everything in between. Someone online even said you could pick one single piece of The Collection to take home with you. But everyone agrees..”
She cast a wistful look up at the hammer.
“It's the pinnacle of comic book memorabilia. And people would give an arm and a leg just to touch it, much less lift it.”
“So let me guess. Knucklehead is going to try to get in line and-”
She motioned to where Fred had been last and noticed it was vacant. She looked up to see Fred making a beeline for the end of the queue. “Aaaand he's already way ahead of me.”
----- “I shall have it! You have played a worthy game, but there is nothing that you can do to stop me! I will have it! All of it! No one will stand in my way, not even your haphazard recruitment of heroes!” -----
“It has been a very long time since I have heard the roar of its thunder. The blinding flash of its lightning. The energy that it brings forth...it is unlike anything that has been and will be made.” She looked off into the distance, away from her newcomer. “Perhaps it was for the best that it was lost.” ----- “But I must warn you.” Their hands hung in the air, mere inches away from the glowing light. “This power is not meant to be trifled with. If it is bestowed upon you, then it must only be used in the most dire of consequences. The bleakest of circumstances. When all other options have been exhausted. Only the bravest of souls and the purest of minds can use this without becoming corrupted. So I ask you, young one...” Her eyes danced in the light as she stared them down. “Do you still wish to accept this gift...and perhaps all of the misfortune it may bring?"
So now you guys now what I’ve been working on for the past few days, and I am actually really happy with how this turned out.  But I still can’t draw.  Remember that. But onto the rest of the notes. The hammer is purposefully bigger than everyone's hands for a few reasons. One, because I wanted everyone to notice all of the shiny little details. Two, because someone may have accidentally drawn it too big and didn't feel like redrawing it smaller. Three...because shut up, that why. XD When drawing the BH6 version of Mjolnir, I didn't want to just copy the movie version or comic version and be done with it.  I wanted it to be unique.  I did borrow a lot from the MCU's one (mainly the handle), but the inscription is purely from the comics and the runes on the sides borrow from the Elder Futhark runic alphabet, something that will be commented on by one of the geniuses at some point in this story. It represents, as Olivia said, the shining crown of the Big Hero 6 world's comic nerd fandom. I don't want to give too much away for Artifact, but I can say a couple of things: 1.) Olivia is in it.  This is my first real attempt at writing her, so this should be interesting, if nothing else. 2.) This will be a one-shot, not a multi-chaptered story.  But it will be a long one, perhaps even longer than any one-shot I've had to date. 3.) No, I will not say who the woman is in the dialogue above.  Or who she's talking to.  That is a spoiler.  The mere fact that I'm saying it's a woman may be too much on its own. 4.) The story is still in progress.  I need to finish Continuity II before anything else. But you guys are more than welcome to take guess as to who will be worthy enough to wield the Hammer... *points to the hands in the drawing* Because it will be one of them. But before I go, there is one tiny little thing that eagle-eyed watchers may notice about one of the people in here.  And before you say anything, it's not a mistake. It's intentional.
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putschki1969 · 4 years ago
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Wakana Tower Records Release Event
Source  1 | Source 2 | Source 3 | Source 4 | Source 5 | Source 6 | Source 7 | Source 8 | Source 9
Will try to do some live commenting on this post. Unfortunately the video will not be archived so I have no way of saving the footage T_T Need to do my best to treasure this! It’s like a throwback to last year when I got to celebrate Wakana’s  birthday with her at the Winter Live. Now I get to celebrate her birthday with her again. SO HAPPY!!
A little introduction and we are already starting with the mini live
æ™‚ă«ăŻæ˜”ăźè©±ă‚’ (Toki ni wa Mukashi no Hanashi wo)
She read a few messages in the chat
搛をぼせど (Kimi wo Nosete)
Wakana is shocked to find out that the masks she designed as live goods are already pretty much sold out. She will try to figure something out to offer more. She drew the hippos which are her live motif.
BANZAI!!!! She read my comment!! I said I was watching from Vienna. She was super surprised and almost shocked to hear that. She waved enthusiastically at the screen and was like, “eh??! The place of Sachertorte and Vienna Boys Choir??!!” Ahhhhhhh! I am deceased.
ă‚„ă€ă‚‰ăźè¶łéŸłăźăƒăƒ©ăƒŒăƒ‰ (Yatsura No Ashioto No Ballade)
She will post another picture of her Queen of Night tonight because it BLOOMED again (maybe in celebration of her birthday? XD EDIT: Turns out it was another one of her flowers that bloomed :P). She apologised multiple times that the video would not be archived. Then she got to the floor on all fours. I think it was to demonstrate how she prevents static electricity but I am not sure.
Get Wild [Awwww, she forgot her lines in the beginning  Poor baby was so embarrassed, took her a while to digest this. Sin -who was on the piano- tried to motivate her by playing a few notes but she was too distraught. She hid her face and turned her back to us for a few seconds in order to compose herself. But then she was back to her old self and SLAYED!]
If someone (followers, lurkers, anyone?) was taking part in the event and able to record it (unlike me), PLEASE send me the video! I will be forever grateful!
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Tweet by Wakana staff
Instagram post by Wakana
Today we did an online release event for『Wakana CoversAnime ‌ Accompanying me on keyboard was Hashimoto Shin (Sin)-san who did  the arrangments and vocals direction for my album. ✎ Thanks to Tower Records we were able to stream liveđŸ€—âœš Thank you to everyone who has sent me messages congratulating me for my album release and wishing me a happy birthday✎ When I got up this morning my dendrobium was surprisingly in full bloom even though it typically only bloom in spring🙌✹ It feels like even my plants wanted to congratulate me so that made me super happyđŸ„°
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phoenix-manga · 5 years ago
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What NRC Does in the School Festival [Part 1]
Riddle can appreciate the planning that went to the event. He tries to compose himself but sometimes fails because everything looked so entertaining. His favorite place to be is the Futterwacken dorm where they serve a variety of sweets and tea. The dorm also has singing flowers which makes Riddle ask one of the students how to grow on for the Heartslabyul dorm.
Ace and Deuce are running around trying all the activities they could find. They make it a competition and keep track of the score. Also, I assume that Ace can be a bit shy when it comes to girls. So maybe he’d have trouble trying to look manly and talk to one of the students. They think he’s cute tho because his face turns red as a rose. 
Trey goes to the galleries and exhibitions first. He appreciates the talents and skills the DCA students portray, he might drop in to see some stage performance too. Also he gets a lot of looks from the girls because he’s such a gentleman.
Cater takes loads of pictures and chat up the students there (what a flirt XD). He favors the aesthetic so he might stand around the decorated entrance before even taking a step inside. Everything is just themed to every detail he HAS to immortalize it in his phone.
Aight, ya’ll ain’t gonna deny that Azul is a theater nerd! He sings and has a stage for karaoke in the Monstro Lounge so of course he’s going to check the performances first! He’ll get snacks on the way too. The DCA stage plays have always been spectacular and he applauds the students who worked on their roles. He especially liked plays where there is one girl who plays the role of male leads perfectly. He has this feeling that he should talk to her but she always disappears without a trace. He won’t pursue though.
The twins are walking about and checking out the booths that interest them. They do check out the band performances though, Floyd likes instruments and would often request certain musical pieces everytime. One of the band members even let him play one of their instruments after wards. (DCA students are wholesome folks) Don’t tell anyone but they do have a tote bag filled with merch of the school idol units they like. If they get to have an autograph from the idols I’m sure Floyd would faint and Jade would just put a hand on his back to keep him from falling.
First off, one thing to note about DCA is the individually designed uniforms of the students. Everything is catered to one’s personal taste in clothing, meaning there is a variety of styles. The school event is what makes Vil look forward to visiting. He’d linger on a spot for a bit to observe the student’s sense of style. Not one student looks a bit unfashionable in his eyes. He feels like he’s in heaven and would lament on why wasn’t he sent here instead. He also explores booths that sell perfume made by the top students in the alchemy class. Even asks for the recipe on how to recreate it. He likes the school even more that he has found a rival (*ahem Evonie *ahem but she didn’t agree to the rivalry thing)
Epel hangs about in a more quiet place after buying some apple sweets. He sits near a place where you can feed swans and ducks. Sometimes small animals would linger near him and he wouldn’t know what to make of it. He just hopes it doesn’t have rabies.
Of course, with all the pretty students you can expect Rook to chat with the ones who catch his eye. Asking them where they got their style and all that stuff. The students call him prince charming because he looks like the fairytale prince with his hat. It got solidified when he was spotted near the stables trying out to ride on the white horse. He is second to Vil when it comes to the students admiring them. He relishes in the attention he gets and it boosts his ego.
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adragoninshiningarmour · 5 years ago
To Omegamon: Apparently you're the most popular Digimon, with the top three being Omegamon, War Greymon (you're doubly popular XD), and Dukemon. With that in mind, how do you deal with fame when you're out casually?
Omegamon: Urgh, n-not again... Err... I really don’t understand why I keep winning these things...
Rest of the Royal Knights: ...ÂŹ.ÂŹ...
Omegamon: How do I deal with the fame? Well... It can be difficult, especially when going to a crowded city. I prefer to go with Alphamon or Dukemon or one of the others. It’s much easier to handle swarms that way. Typically, I’ll just try to sign a few autographs and then make a quick escape. But sometimes the crowds of fans can be... overwhelming...
Dukemon: Sometimes Omegamon has to hide behind one of us to avoid getting swarmed. xD The poor guy’s just not suited for the popularity that he has.
Alphamon: We typically have to draw the attention to ourselves so that Omegamon can make his escape.
Omegamon: *sighs* ...I really don’t think I’m particularly worthy of such recognition.
Alphamon: Oh, I don’t know. Everybody loves a dashing white knight. *winks*
Dukemon: That’s for sure. -wo
Omegamon: ÂŹ////ÂŹ;
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