mxrtified777 · 10 months
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so many thoughts. head is unbelievably full
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starrixle · 8 months
simpbur headcanon dump ♡
a bunch of random headcanons for simpbur that i thought of !! (all under the cut because there is a lot...)
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his birthday is december 11 and his height is 5'4 (this is actually canon but im including it anyways)
he goes by he/they/she (in order of preference). he's genderfluid, but more masc aligned. he is also bisexual and horribly closeted (the closet is as clear as glass)
he is neurodivergent, he also suffers from lots of anxiety. he is very anti-social
he and liliana (the e-girl) were both just not great for each other. it was not just simp being toxic to the e girl, but she was toxic to him as well to a certain extent. she isnt a bad person, and neither was simpbur, they were just a pair that wouldnt work out
part of the reason why simpbur is so insecure abt himself is bc liliana tends to be a judgemental person. she has standards that simp didnt meet, and that made him go into the mindset of changing himself to suit what she liked. however, this failed and they ended up breaking things off instead
his breakup with liliana destroyed simpbur's mental health, especially with him being a very fragile person to begin with. this is where his obsession began due to still having a very strong attachment with what he once had with her, along with having extreme jealousy over the thought of her being successful in life with someone other than him
his favorite vape flavor is bubblegum. he would smoke cigarettes, but he doesn't like the smell, and he just prefers vapes
he is horrible with being responsible with his money. even though he struggles to pay rent and works a minimum wage job, he usually spends his money on games and anime stuff
types with stuff like uwu, owo, :3, :<, XD, ^_^, (*≧з≦), etc.
used to live with his mom, but now he lives in a tiny apartment on his own. it's not very well kept or clean, and he often just throws his junk around everywhere since he never has the energy to clean the place up. the only place he bothers (kinda) decorating is his bedroom
cries over small things easily, like when he gets a paper cut, stubs his toe, when his food order is wrong, etc.
can't handle spicy foods whatsoever
he has a shoe box full of random stuff he stole from liliana, such as pens she used, her clothes, trash, hair, etc.
kicks ass at competitive games, such as first person shooter games. he is a chronically online gamer and he lowkey acts toxic sometimes while gaming
he sometimes just goes "gg :3" in the chat whenever he manages to dominate the game. he doesnt like using vc bc he doesnt really like his voice, so he usually sticks to typing, esp bc hes a pretty fast typer (100+ wpm)
he collects a ton of anime figures. usually leaves things in their packaging. he cringed whenever liliana took them out of the packaging, since she didn't understand why he left them in the box instead of taking them out
he blasts music at full volume, especially while gaming. he listens to a lot of vocaloid, breakcore, krushclub, hyperpop, indie rock, etc.
his diet consists of fast food, take out, ramen, microwaved food, soda, snacks, anything that's unhealthy
he usually hides his figure with thick, oversized clothing
he doesn't usually express his style much outside in public, but he likes experimenting a lot with outfits at home, especially ones that aren't typically masculine
he's secretly a furry and has a fursona. he usually acts as if he thinks furries or cringe, but he would have anon alt accounts where he'd look at furries online and talk about how cute they are
his feelings towards his body changes depending on his mood. although he doesn't completely mind being assigned amab, he does wish he looked more feminine, or at the very least androgynous
at a certain point in his life, he denied his femininity and attempted to retain a super masculine appearance and personality. it didn't make him happy, instead it made him more insecure
coming to terms with being not cishet was extremely difficult. he was in denial that he was bisexual, and even more in denial he wasn't a cisgender man. altho he's grown to slowly be more comfortable with his identity, he's still struggling to accept himself
he switches from being masculine and feminine a lot. other times he simply just does not want to be perceived and would avoid people
he loves the idea of romance and intimacy, but the actual act of doing romantic/intimate things freaks him out. he craves for love, but he's terrified to act on it, especially with his last relationship with liliana failing
he posts rants/vents about his thoughts anonymously online on places like reddit
he grew to be good at stalking, even learning strategies to keep himself hidden or quiet, along with learning how to unlock windows or doors. he thought he was insane for doing it at first, but he's grown more used to it being a routine
his eyes are actually dark brown. i just draw them pink because it's just an artistic choice i like in his design
he has sharp canine teeth
he says "im gonna kms :3" and makes all kinds of self-deprecating jokes very often
he often writes random songs in his diary and sings to himself/plays guitar in his room. it's very comforting for him, as its a form of coping
even tho he dislikes his voice, he's very good at singing (insert the entirety of the e-girl trilogy here)
if i ever come up with more headcanons i will make another post as a part 2 !! this guy is constantly living rent free in my mind 24/7 i am so perfectly sane about simpbur i swear. completely. 100%. *eye twitching*
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
Bottled Joy continues to not give AF. 😂😂😂
I said i wouldn’t make another post about them cause to me it’s case closed and they really have that bias. but these ones are too good to not share and archive. cause maybe one day the wind will change and either wyb does not endorse them anymore or their social media manager or whatever will stop with pro-cpf posts.
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P1: It’s so obvious. Red and Green which is their colors and that turtle plushie ( squirtle from pokemon ) which is closely associated to turtles. We call ourselves turtles and that specific character is used in CPF memes. It also doesn’t help that Bottled Joy attended YH family concert and they probably saw the red and green headband light signs used. Also someone brought yellow turtle signs. The track playing also had the words good view or what a view— which could be referring to that lovely view or red green and yellow from last night’s event.
They could clearly get away from red & green, but adding that turtle in the middle is the nail in the coffin. There is really no room for other interpretation here as far as i know. 🙃
P2: The Guangdian themed bottle and WYB green-black themed one together and their laces seem to be holding hands. Lol. So it’s not enough that this pair is featured together, they have look really close. like a couple. hmmmmm.. very interesting….
P3: Again, Guangdian themed bottle with the small green cup ( also at some point with the red one ). but the important here is the bgm, which is a pretty popular one, but it’s also one that GG sang in the 2020 NYE. It’s a cpf favorite because there is a candy that WYB seems to be singing the backing vocals so for them to choose it is 👀. and well knowing their history, it’s easy to think that this was deliberate.
P4: throwing a purple colored bottle. lol. I didn’t want to include this but it (kinda) shows how much they know about the fandom. I don’t endorse hatred towards their co-stars no matter how problematic we think they are but you all know who cpfs “hate” that loves this color. 😂😂🍆🍆
Anyway, if this is a marketing strategy or whatever— it is definitely working and people are paying attention to the douyin account at the very least. I love how, whoever is doing this knows a decent amount of fandom cpns and what would make us react.
I hope WYB continues to work with them in the years to come!!!! <3
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laf-outloud · 8 months
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___nezuko.kashii___ Jared Padalecki noticed me at comic con and said he liked my shirt! I am still freaking out about it and can’t believe I got it on video. I was in shock during the video and was at a loss for words but I feel so lucky because this happened to me! I am so happy that I got to meet him and take a picture with him! He’s such a nice guy! Once I wasn’t in shock anymore I told him that I loved him when we saw each other again in the photo op🫶🏻 My favorite character from Supernatural Sam Winchester🫶🏻
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___nezuko.kashii___ This picture with Jared Padalecki deserves it’s own post☺️ My favorite character from Supernatural Sam Winchester!🫶🏻
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cindylou929 All of the @cw_supernatural people we met yesterday at @abqcomcon . I’m pretty sure @daveh303925 planned to do this with my photo-op with @jaredpadalecki the whole time. He jumped into the pic at the very last minute! Jared was genuinely just a super nice guy!!!
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page.j.nn Me: “Thank you🥹” him: “no thank you🤗”😭😭😭😭😭 I GOT TO MEET A WINCHESTER!!! THE JARED FREAKING PADALECKI!!! I grew up watching Supernatural and I finally got to meet him 😭🔥 LITERALLY THE BEST DAY EVER 😭 that’s 1/3 members I have yet to meet from the franchise ✨✨✨(also I do know him from GG but I’ve been into SN longer)😅
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jalensalas Yesterday was so surreal! I met Jared Padalecki aka Sam Winchester, someone who I’ve admired for many years! He was so kind and sweet and when I asked if I could get a big hug, his response was “I LOVE a big hug!”
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g_knee There are so many words and I am kinda at a loss for them! Yesterday I hugged #JaredPadalecki at @ABQComCon. He is kind and attentive and welcoming. Idk. It was awesome! Thanks for the encouragement #SPNFamily !
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hollyjwilson2 There’s something so special that happened with this one🥰 Love this dude♥️
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hollyjwilson2 Last but definitely not least is the SPN group with baby op. There so many experiences that I’ll hold close to my heart and I’ll never let my light be dimmed. Thank you for coming along with me💜
Special thanks to Holly for sharing so much of her comic con experience with the fandom! Especially the fact that Walker's coming back in April!
(And yes, the first photo's not a closeup, but it's Christopher Lloyd and Jared in the same shot!!!)
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jaynosurname · 9 months
(110) Deltatraveler Section 3: Hell’s Forest
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Everything in this section was fantastic and worth the wait. There's one thing I'm mixed on, but besides that, I enjoyed my time with this.
The writing for the main three is on point as always. I love what they did with Kris. Section 3's best moments heavily involve them, and I'm very excited to see where they go from here, especially after the ending.
I also like that this isn't a one-to-one Snowdin remake, unlike the ruins in Section 1. Things were changed, and even entirely new areas were made, like the dark forest. Also, the ways to spare enemies changed significantly due to the monsters in this world, being... well more monstrous. You even have to do Papyrus's puzzles now.
Speaking of Papyrus, I adore this take of Fell Paps. The scene with him at the end of the section after sparing the section boss is great. I kinda wished he was the section boss instead of, well… this au’s Sans, who as a character, I'm very mixed with.
To get to the point, he's just too evil. I don't mind the idea of him being more bloodthirsty, but it's almost comical how much of a piece of shit he is. The moment he taunts Susie about killing this world's version of her, WHO, BY THE WAY, WOULD HAVE BEEN A KID, killed any empathy I had for him.
Again, I know it's an au, but I wished we got a bit of context on how he got like this. From what Papyrus states there was a point in time where he was more normal, so what changed? Maybe my feelings about him will change as more of his past gets revealed in GG!Underfell, but right now he's my least favorite thing about this Section.
Buuuuuut his boss fight is fun, and his boss theme slaps, so all is forgiven I suppose.
I think that's all I wanted to say about this section. It's good, and while I’m not fond of this au's Sans, most people seem to not mind him, so give it a go. Maybe you'll end up liking him more than I did.
I'm very excited to play the next section whenever it comes out. No rush, of course. Take as much time as you need developers!!
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teddypickerry · 5 months
Hiiiii! What are your least favorite ships?
hi angel baby :) not sure if you mean of all time but gonna assume you mean gg since that’s literally what my account has become (slutting out for jess).
+ 1. rogan. this is definitely a controversial take, which is what i’ve done for just about my whole life so i’m ready! logan and rory are probably the best and worst relationship in the show. it doesn’t make any fucking sense, i know. they seemed the healthiest at times but in general i’ve never been able to get behind them. even when wee 13 year old me watched it for the first time. logan brings out the worst in rory. he doesn’t challenge her, he makes her feel like she needs to settle, and encourages her departure from yale. he just never understood her in my eyes. he never got the driven girl or respected her. they were turning into what rory never wanted to be. and oh yeah, logan’s a dick.
+ 2. paris/francie. who the fuck wrote that fan fiction? this is why i fear AO3. okay but the tension was there, the competitiveness was there. i digress, PARISANDFRANCIE4LIFE.
+ 3. balcony buddies. JUST BECAUSE YOU PROCREATE WITH SOMEONE DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED TO BE WITH THEM. lorelai’s age regressed ass needed to stop going back to her first fuck. and that’s the truth. side note: christopher only playing daddy when he wanted to go back to lorelai??? how did they never comprehend that???
+ 4. rory/dean. do rory and dean not have a ship name? why could i not think of anything? anyways, the only reason i didn’t rant about my amish haircuted boy first is because as BAD as it was, it was kind of sweet in the beginning. as the number one dean hater, i hate saying this. dean was the WORST. and anyone who supports a man who cheats on his wife and gets mad at her, can unkindly leave my class. the door is open bitch! butttt before the donna reed, before the **madness**, they were kind of sweet. for like maybe two episodes. he was a cute first crush that brought out something other than academics for her. but if they wouldn’t have gotten back together the first time (or the second time) i might genuinely enjoy their innocent first relationship.
+ 5. max/lorelai. um. the man proposed mid argument a couple months into their relationship. not sure what else to say except he and lorelai just didn’t fit. you knew they weren’t going to last. there wasn’t one scene they had where i was sure of it my first time watching. maybe they could’ve much later on if lorelai had matured (which obviously she didn’t, thanks ASP).
~ honorable mentions! ~
+ jess & shane - i doubt she even knew his last name. there’s literally nothing to say except why?
+ paris & prof. fleming - yuck.
+ luke & nicole - WHY. THE. FUCK.
+ luke & rachel - the lack of chemistry is astounding. jess had more chemistry with that apple in his magic trick. rachel and lorelai however? ;)
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls- Season 2, Episode 16, "There's The Rub", aka A Sheer Masterpiece of GilmoreDom, AKA The Gilmore Geller Mariano Trio, And Everything is Right With The World Until Forrester Shows Up, Part 4
I realized I’ve been spelling Dean's last name wrong all this time (it's only one R, not two) but I'm going to keep misspelling it on purpose because it's what he fucking deserves, frankly. You can find parts 1-3 and all other episodes I've recapped in my pinned post. Leggo.
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All of the purest and most heartwarming episodes & scenes are the ones that take place outside of Shit's Hollow. Emily and Lorelai at the spa. The Bangles Concert. The time the Dragonfly Inn crew+ Rory and Emily went to a drag show. That time Lane and Rory went to Madelyn & Louise's party and Lane danced with Henry. Various scenes that take place at the mall. Rory's trip to New York City to see Jess (MY FAVORITE EPISODE). The time Jess, his uncle and his stepfather took him to see some naked mud wrestling (ah, family bonding).
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It does not get any better than this, people. Let us all bask in this warm, peaceful glow, the smell of french fries, the sound of gentle literary debate, the absence of Dean, Lorelai and all of the other loudmouths of Shit's Hollow, who are safely (if temporarily) contained in secondary locations. *breathes in* Ahhhhhh.
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Person: Hey ThoughtsWhileWatching, what day of the week is it? Me: Idk but I will never forget the weird way Milo held this can of salt
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The fact that a friendship between Paris and Jess wasn't allowed to develop past this episode, in large part due to Dean Ruins Everything Forrester, was another one of AmyShermanPalladino's high crimes she needs to answer to. (and let's not even start on how a nice little friendship based on a shared interest in music could have formed with Lane but AmyShermanPalladino decided to make Lane salty at Jess for no reason until literally the last episode before he splits from Rory. I remember a scene in a later episode where Lane tries to run away to New York to meet up with her band but when she gets there she finds she's lost and in over her head I wanted her to get in contact with Jess so badly so she could have stayed with him or he could have helped her out. Speaking of salty.
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He's so frigging cute, my heart hurts. Ow. The phone rings in the Gilly Girl household and this is one of the many times I wish I was still a GG virgin and didn't already know it was Dean the Serial Killer on the other end.
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Someone who is already violating her boundaries by inviting himself over, knowing full well she wanted to spend the night alone, is totally going to double-super-duper respect-her-boundaries if she says no to this additional boundary violation. Asking her permission, that's rich. And Dean the Abuser totally won't triple violate her boundaries when he finds out her circumstances changed and she ended up spending her time with someone other than him. This is going to go just swell.
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Oh god, she's still wearing the Quarter on a String and it's even uglier than I could have imagined! You can finally see it well in the harsh light of the Gilmore Kitchen. I still need an extreme closeup. D: I know you want to be alone but I just want to stop by for a minute and say hello. Actually, what I meant to say was, fuck you Rory, even though you told me repeatedly you wanted to be alone I'm coming over anyway because I'm an abusive piece of shit. R: But you just said hi.
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R: But I look like a mess. I'm not pretty. You wouldn't recognize me. D: Fuck you I'm coming over.
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Dean Forrester is a straight up horror movie villain or at the very least the villain in a bad Lifetime movie/cautionary tale about an abusive boyfriend. Gilmore Girls really is a 7 year long Lifetime movie. (for the youngn's, Lifetime Network was a tv network primarily targeting women, something akin to the current Hallmark channel, and although they had their share of wholesome movies like HC they also produced dozens of low budget movies about men who stalked and abused women) TWWGG's Memory: "Hey TWWGG, remember in 2020 when 4 years had passed since you had watched Gilmore Girls for the 1st time, and you wanted to watch it again during the pandemic, and halfway through the 1st season you said to your best friend, "boy howdy I'm glad Dean finally leaves after Jess and Rory start dating" and she said "I hate to tell you this but Dean is around untl the middle of season 5, and also Jess leaves at the end of season 3" and all the color drained from your face and your whole world crumbled to pieces?" TWGGG's Memory Replying to Her Memory: Yes. I remember.
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This "Dean not taking no for an answer" is terribly frightening and disturbing. My skin just prickled. When you take into account the fear and sheer desperation in Rory's voice it gets even worse. I feel like I should be putting trigger warnings on these scenes or something?
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But what? But why? FUCK YOU DEAN FORRESTER!!
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Thats true, you're not ruining her night. You're ruining her life and you're ruining everything you touch. The sidewalk you're walking on doesn't even want your smelly shoes walking on it. You are Dean the Ruiner. You make this show unwatchable. I hate you. Look how proud of himself this motherfucker looks. "I just violated Rory's boundaries. I violated them so hard. I'm gonna barge into her house without her consent and yell at her in front of her friends. She’s gonna love me so much. I'm such a good Dean. Yeah." Dean's holding a bag of something that we're supposed to believe is a pint of ice cream. But this is Dean so it's probably a human head on ice and not ice cream. "Ice cream" is just serial killer lingo for "human remains."
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gear-project · 5 days
Once again touching on the Survey, if you were the brains behind GG Strive, what future aspects of the game would you want to see? You're the boss, so spare no expense and leave no idea out!
That's a tough call... I can't really say I know much of the production talent involved to state their true potential as game developers, much less who else they outsource to, but assuming they did:
Most likely my favorite callbacks would be mechanics from Guilty Gear Isuka: namely:
--Boost Mode (Action Quest Adventure Mode, similar to Granblue Fantasy Versus, but in a beat-em-up setting, similar to Street Fighter 6's World Tour Mode). Journey by yourself or with Online allies, defeat random enemies or a powerful Gear boss! Some rewards will be hidden away if you look carefully.
--Robo Ky Factory (considering the fact you could make your own Street Fighter character in SF6, Robo Ky Factory did something VERY similar in the past, although it was limited to RK as a character... imagine taking that idea and just letting people run wild with it and make any character, robot, Gear, or human or Demihuman they wanted). Borrow moves from their fave characters, grab whatever items/buffs and stuff they need to fulfill quests and objectives, and so on.
--Isuka Mode (Crossed Swords Crossbill Free-for-All): Similar in concept to Team of 3 with its' 3 on 3 tag in system, only this time it's a game where 4 players play in a single field all at once (similar to Smash Bros, they can work in Teams of 2 or 3 on 1, and only the last one will be left standing). The Lane system could partially return, letting players escape from being cornered, back attacks are allowed, knocking opponents in to the background or foreground, or even the NEXT AREA... even for players who are surrounded on all sides, they would have a Positive Bonus granted to them and have an Automatic Gold Burst as an emergency tactic to fall on.
--Medals of Millionaires (M.O.M. Mode): Similar to Robo-Ky Factory, but built around Survival and earning Medals... grind hard and get rewards. Defeat strong foes, unlock new items and powers (which can later be added to the Extra Menu). Even if you lose, it's not the end, you can keep playing till you find what you're looking for!
--Guilty Gear Generations (Legacy mode): This mode will bring back all classic gameplay mechanics and concepts from previous games and even old attacks characters used to have... the idea being that every character's fighting style will evolve to its absolute theoretical peak in this mode. The only limits would be the rules set by the players themselves (GG Mode, GGX Mode, GGXXR, GGXXAC, GG2, GGXrd, and even Strive would be options). Instant Kills will take many forms in this mode, be warned! This is the mode that features EX versions of all your favorite attacks from older games.
--Extra Menu: Did we miss anything? Was M.O.M. or Survival Mode not enough? Want to have powers like a Vampire? Want to auto-parry everyone's attacks? Want infinite Tension? That's what this mode is for. Build your own Tournament Rules, build your favorite battle conditions, play online or offline and come up with any scenario you wish. Works with GG Generations Mode and Isuka Mode as long as fellow players agree to the online match.
Basically, I think Guilty Gear boils down to a lot of this... add as many characters as you think would be fun, but it won't be complete without some aspects of these basic ideas... or at least, that's my broad take.
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How I thought the tourney was gonna go (and how incredibly, incredibly wrong I was)
So for anyone who was following me at the beginning of this tournament, you'd know that I actually went and filled out my own bracket with the contenders and it was roughly 2/3 of who I thought would actually win, and 1/3 my own personal bias of who I wanted to win. Well now that the tournament's over, let's compare my thoughts versus the actual bracket and get a chuckle over just how much I got wrong!
Under the cut to prevent dash clutter
So for reference, here is the actual bracket:
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And here's what MY bracket was:
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Can you uh. Can you see a few um. Discrepancies.
Let's go over some of my favorite things I got wrong:
Overall, my left side of the bracket wasn't too bad! I figured Kris would get pretty far, and predicted they'd get to the final four!!
I sent a few predictions to my bestie and like while I was wrong that Darcy would go far, I DID predict Omori wouldn't make it till the very end! I just didn't think it'd be Harrier that'd take him out
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RIP Uendo system I really thought they'd go further than this 😔
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The right side of the bracket... hoo boy
Listen, sorry Shallan fans, but I knew absolutely nothing about this character prior to running this tournament, I have immense respect for her now but like. At the time I didn't even know about her, let alone her fans would be so dedicated to coming out for her sweep. GG!
ENA... MAN... Okay to be fair I knew this one would be close.
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I honestly thought ENA would pull through... admittedly I also thought it'd be hilarious if the finals ended up being Eda vs ENA for funny name stuff. But man! I even got Mob going to the final four wrong!!!!!
The bottom right I didn't do too bad! Of course I never would have guessed the Blitzwing/Mikoto tie but overall I did okay in that corner!
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I DID think Blitzy and Ingo would go further than they ended up going but still!
So yeah. I got a lot of the early matches pretty well, but I lost my finalists in round 1 so I was basically doomed from the start XD Well hey, at least know that this is pretty solid evidence that I didn't rig any of these votes JBSDJKBFKSJDBFKJB
Bonus: My bracket, but scored as if it were a March Madness tournament
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I would have scored 61.5 points if this was scored like a March Madness tournament... which is not TERRIBLE but it still FAR from great XD
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Hope a GG prompt is okay! Luke and Lorelai having a kid somewhere between s7 and AYITL. Emily and Richard visit (in the hospital or at home after baby's born) and get to spend time with their other grandchild, just all around Gilmore/Danes family fluff. I always loved the softer moments in the show when Lorelai and her parents got along <3
Katherine Miriam Danes is born during a blizzard.
Because of course she is, so Emily and Richard don't to see her the day she's born, but a few days later when the roads are clear enough to get from Hartford to Stars Hollow.
Lorelai is actually a little shocked that they deigned to come to her house for Friday Night Dinner, not forcing she and Luke and April and Rory to travel with a three-day-old newborn in the cold, thank god.
Luke cooks up a storm, and for once, he goes pretty fancy, at least for him. Brussel sprouts roasted with Bacon. Roasted chicken with saffron butter. Potatoes au gratin. He's not the best at baked goods, so Sookie sent along an earl gray cake with chocolate and lavender frosting (A favorite of Rory's).
Emily and Richard Gilmore, while often not the most emotive people in the world, seem...thrilled, actually, to be grandparents yet again.
"It's quite a lovely name," Emily tells her daughter. "I thought you would pick something wild like Moondust."
"Luke vetoed that one," Lorelai grins.
They converted Rory's old room into Katie's new nursery, which had caused some high emotions, but ultimately was the only choice in a two-bedroom house that had already had work done on it, and Emily sits on the loveseat next to the crib, holding her granddaughter, as Richard stands over her, gazing down at Katie's little face.
"She's a very thoughtful looking baby," Richard remarks. "She has very intelligent eyes."
"Oh, well, I'm glad I got that right at least," Lorelai jokes.
"Have you started looking at preschools?" Emily asks.
"No. She's three days old."
"Lorelai, really."
"Mom, she's three days old, she's going to go to Stars Hollow elementary, and we'll go from there. If she's smart like Rory and April and can handle heavier academics, then we'll talk."
Emily huffs. "Fine."
Rory pops her head in then, grinning. "Dinner's just about ready."
"Well, it certainly smells good," Richard tells her.
"Oh, yeah, Luke went all out," Rory tells him. "He spent all last week tracking down saffron for saffron butter."
Emily looks impressed. "Well, then I suppose we'll have a proper dinner."
"Except for Katie," Lorelai says. "She's still on the teet."
"You did not just say teet in front of your parents," Rory agonizes.
"I did. I'm only a little sorry."
Emily rolls her eyes, getting to her feet and gently handing Katie to Richard. "It's your turn."
Richard takes the baby readily, gazing down at her proudly. "Another fine addition to the family."
Lorelai smiles, a little emotional. "She certainly is."
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VF Lance HCs
It's been a little bit since my last HC list, but I want to write down what I've got on my second favorite blorbo, also because I can't remember if I did one for him already
This got long, so for dash purposes the hcs are under the cut <3
He's an orphan > basically taking from i believe both the comics and V3D, Lance lived on a colony planet. One day a space pirate raid happened and killed everyone in the small village he lived in except for Lance, he did try to get home when he saw it happen but fire errupted and blocked him from getting back. It kinda turned out to be a good thing because any pirates on the ground completely missed him, almost like the fire had protected him
He was in the adoption system until joining the military > Since he was technically an Earth citizen, he was taken back to Earth to be put in the system, he bounced around homes a lot because of the trouble he'd cause or straight up because people thought he was too broken to be a good kid to care for. Eventually, at 16, the GA offered him a place and a way to get revenge for the raid, so he didn't even hesitate on taking up the offer
He's anti-military > Lance isn't stupid, he was in the system for a long time and because he bounced so often he learned to read people well. He knew the GA was taking advantage of him and his grief but he didn't care as long as he got what he wanted. Unrelated to him though he publicly hates the military because of how unnecessary it is most of the time and because the GG itself is a shit organization
He's part alien > Coming from a colony planet, it's no surprise more than just humans were there to settle. Lance doesn't know what species he's a part of but he knows it was far back enough that the family members he knew about didn't look like anything but human. Though he does have his suspisions even though he never says it out loud because his ear shape looks oh so familiar to one of the alien races he is in contact with a lot
He has a sixth sense > Now Lance doesn't really have tangible evidence of it but it's a hell of a coincidence for his gut to tell him something is wrong and be right about it every single time. Even the force (as cadets) didn't believe it at first until it kept happening, he has debated on opening a psychic stall to get easy cash.
He dyed his hair ginger > In my redesign of him I did give him ginger hair but I've decided to change that. Feeling like he had no control in his life during the 5 years working with Wade, he impulsively dyed his hair ginger. Hunk and Pidge laughed at him but it was pay back for laughing at Pidge's new haircut that made him look even shorter than before
He's a wine mom to the cadets > It's no secret he's tired of the cadets pulling stupid stunts, especially the kind of stunts HE did when he was only a few years older than them. Those kids drive him to alcoholism but goddamn does he worry about and love them a lot. He didn't want to bring the cadets into the fight so early but the only consolation he gets is that there's seasoned superiors to help them out compared to his own team being alone and forced to figure it out themselves
He's an alcoholic and nicotine dependent > Lance would rather not talk about when he started smoking, but he got started drink the same way every other teen who grew up to become an alcoholic did, underage drinking at parties. Eventually, he got so tired of the shit the academy would do to him that he drank and smoke as a release, which started him on his addition for both. Now being back on Arus, he still does both but he's been trying to quit smoking at least, mainly because of Pidge and Allura and now including the cadets. He and Keith still drink a lot together though so that isn't going away soon
He flirts for fun > Lance had originally flirted to hopefully start a relationship with someone or just to get lucky tbh, but eventually he got tired of it. Now he just flirts because he likes the reactions but he never intends to make anything seriously go down. The only people he ever actively flirts with are his team (sans cadets obvs) because they know he doesn't mean it and they even flirt back for the hell of it sometimes
He plays piano > this man SUCKS at every other instrument other than piano, he doesn't know what it is that makes him terrible at it but after he learned piano he's made sure not to get too rusty every once in a while. Sometimes he and Pidge do duets on the grand piano that the castle has in one of its rooms, it's one of their ways of bonding since Pidge is the only other person who knows how to play
Lance has a passion for teaching > He absolutely loves to teach, while working in the garrison as a flight instructor it was one of the few things he actualy enjoyed, the paperwork much less. He discovered this when first training Allura to be a pilot and member of the lion force, his nack for noticing the small things helped guide her to being the force of unruly ocean she is today. This is also the reason he's the cadets main mentor, he knows what to get done and even if the paperwork is boring the cirriculum is fitted to work with him as well
He has a slight pyrokinetic power > This only manifested after the pilots had died in their lions during their comet episode in dotu. The lions themselves had revived each of their pilots and with that, they all became forever tied to each other. A side affect of this is access to some mystical abilities, for Lance he accidentally sets things on fire, legitimately he doesn't know how to control it. Plus if he gets worked up about something, the immediate area around him has its temperature spike. He also has more access to the lions magical abilities but that's kinda unrelated as everyone else has that too.
I have a ton more that I both can and can't remember but I'll stop it at this, i'll probably make another and link this one to it
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jakeperalta · 2 years
obsessed with that rory gifset you just posted!!! such an interesting thing to notice and just further cements my complete lack of understanding of why so many people ship rory and jess. i don’t even dislike jess as much as i did the first couple times i watched gg, now it’s just genuine confusion as to why people think they should be together lol they were an awful couple and he directly does more things in season 3 to upset rory than dean or logan do in their entire runs on the show. then he continues to be just as shitty of a person when they see each other in season 4, and while he obviously gets better after that rory clearly has no interest in him romantically and is just so far over him and what he can offer her gahhh literati is like my least favorite ship ever because i just can’t see it at all!!!! if i wasn’t aware that it was the fan favorite ship i would just assume everyone that watches the show hates him and thinks they’re better off as friends because that seems like the clear message the show gives me i just don’t understand it
thanks!! I'd forgotten about the comment she makes at the start of s3 about how it's exciting to not know how someone might act until I saw it earlier and immediately thought of those other two scenes like oh girl :(
I think the third scene from that set in the aftermath of the party really just cements for me why I wanted her out of that relationship (and why I respect her never going back to him). like when she says she hates how she feels and how she acts because of him and she doesn't know if he's mad because she didn't want to have sex and she's embarrassed to be the girl that lets her boyfriend treat her like dirt. it just makes me want to give her a hug 😭😭 but the good thing that comes out of it is what she learns from it – without the s3 learning curve I'm not sure s5 rory would've been so quick to go to logan like "this casual dating thing is not working for me" as soon as she realised she could be falling into the trap of sitting at home hoping he'll call again
which is why I can appreciate that relationship's role in the show/rory's life but I was absolutely baffled to learn it's the fan favourite couple 😂
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
GG asks for you, my friend:
3-5 unpopular opinions you have about the show?
How would you rank the seasons from your favorite to least favorite?
Three favorite platonic relationships?
Five favorite Dair scenes?
Five favorite characters - in order from your favorite to elast favorite?
Have fun!
Omg! Tytyty
1. Unpopular opinion #1: I’m not really a serenate shipper but I don’t hate them either. I talked about it here
Unpopular opinion #2: Vanessa is overhated af. She has her flaws don’t get me wrong but it’s annoying when ppl act like she’s satan but make excuses for chuck and Blair (I love Blair don’t get me wrong). The worst thing I can think about that she did aside from the s4 shit was stealing Jenny’s letter and she told Nate the truth and apologized to Jenny.
Unpopular opinion #3: I feel like some stans don’t seem to get Blair. Either she’s glorified and they act like her treating people like trash is iconic or they put her meanness on the same level as Chuck’s rapey ness. Like fuck you B DESERVES BETTER THAN CHUCKIE THE BITCH
2. I didn’t watch the whole show but I saw clips of the later seasons: S2>S1>S4-5>>>>S3>>>>>>>S6. I was tempted to put s3 over s4-s5 because of vanderbaizen, Olivia, Georgina, Vanessa, and the overall vibes but I just love Dair sfm and they deserved better.
3. Blairena, Date, Danessa, Jenny x Eric, Cyrus x Blair, Lily x Serena, Eleanor x Blair (lol I have way more than 3)
4. Their first kiss in s4, with Blair just pulling him in and saying “for crying out loud humphrey!”, the scene where Blair tells dan that Chuck doesn’t have her heart anymore and her saying his name, them on the met steps, elevator sex, them in the s3 premiere at the party and getting ready, and them tearing up and Blair’s reaction to the Vanessa-Dan-Liv threesome.
5. Vanessa, Dan, Blair, Nate, Jenny (tho they’re equal for me). I also love Serena, Carter, Lily, Georgina. The only character I hate with a burning passion is Chuck.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Yellow time :D I’m watching Oli
Depression starting to set in but NOT IF ITS OLI TIME
This team is so powerful it’s not even funny
“You like my fit baby girl?” wow the way Oli can say that without me wincing in sheer discomfort is so impressive actually
Oh god Oli’s desktop ;-;
They’re energy is so good!!
“AAAAA!!! ITS ETHO!!!!!” Is that Shadoune??😂😂😂
Pirates smp is also my favorite anime, so true
Rocket Spleef
“No pressure guys because it’s first game” “But also we want to win, we wanna win, right?” The vibes here are great
Yo they’re popping off!!!
First place!!! Thems my bois!!!!
Them predicting yellow vs red finale after the first game 👀
Hole in the Wall
Oli the adhd king, we stan
Jordan top five!!!!
Jordan is just so silly /pos
He got out because he was picking music, that’s my streamer
Fruit point out the “it’s not blue it’s left” is so real 😂
Shadoune doubting his sot ability and Oli saying no <3
Scuffed was so fun
“That’s the Spanish guy :(“ Shadoune threatening Ollie in spanish is so… /pos
Everyone offering Fruit stuff and him just being “eh, I’m good” we aspire for that level of simultaneous confidence and humility
That mosh pit is wild
Shadoune’s laugh at Ollie falling out of the world, their rivalry is everything to me, actually
Noooo oli 😭😭😭
Everyone just being awed at Fruit popping off is so <333
Shadoune 4th!!!!!!
My streamers say to ask for forgiveness not permission pogchamp
Oli igl arc <3
That was a bit rough
Meltdown is so punishing it’s just miserable for the bottom few teams every time :/
But hey, consistency!!!! Oli got 32nd, 32nd, and 31st
“Yeah, we love the close final so we can stress more” so true Shadoune, based
Grid runners is a solid middle of the pack game, Fruit is so real
Oli wanting a parkour tag finale sure is a take but go off king
Jordan’s rant about MCC tridents is so /pos
Battle Box
“Just in time to win!!” Love Shadoune’s energy
I totally thought Oli was gonna die there lol
Shadoune’s kill on Krinios was so good, came down to the last hit, such a good first round
Shadoune popping off!!!!
Oh my gosh they’re doing so great!!!
Fruit 15 kills no deaths??????
Jordan 0 kills 0 deaths is so impressive actually, what the heck
Ace Race
Eurobeat Revenge by Captain Sparklez 😂😂😂
Fruit having Ant’s run on his second monitor is so funny you guys
Oli doesn’t know the lyrics?? Smh my head…
Oli and Fruit holding hands in top ten my beloved
Fruit, Oli, and Shadoune 5th, 6th, and 7th??????? Absolute kings!!!!
Calling Punz a “B-tier little baby boy” 😂😂😂😂
Aw rip, dropping from tenth to fifteenth at the very end was so rough :/
Imagine if they didn’t get last in meltdown, they would’ve been too powerful
Grid Runners
Their team really doesn’t have much of a hierarchy, I love them
That pyramid <333
“Come on girlies, let’s go” - Oli Orionsound to his fellow cishet men, iconic
Oh no the redstone room 😭😭😭
“We could always throw in dodgebolt” 😐
Fruit closing in on the 4K individual????? It’s possible!!!!!!
Jordan’s deadpan “Do you guys genuinely want parkour tag?” killed me, he’s so based for that
Sands of Time
“I don’t know my wests and rights” 😂😂😂
Oli not reacting at all to the new sound is so iconic, actually
“I might ask you to come back, Fruit, and you shall obey” “But I don’t want to” it’s the audible frowns face for me lol
That was scary for a second there, oh my gosh
The boys are in dodgebolt!!!!
Jordan calling Shadoune Capitan Peru :))
Fruit’s “Oh my god, Oli, you are so funny” after his dodge 😂
Fruit just not getting to play, oh my gosh
Jordan expressing frustration of Fruit’s behalf, true friendship fr
Rip, gg!! Congrats to Gumi and Ponk for their first win!!!
And with that, Oli is officially no longer an anchor, he’s a B-tier at least
“Thanks for being so nice, I just need to have a moment real quick” *walks away and screams*
“Shadoune is so nice!! They’re all nice, but I’d never met Shadoune before, Shadoune’s the coolest” so true!!!!
Oli and Jojo <333
Good times, good vibes :))
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midnight---hollow · 2 years
I think it’s really interesting how owl house plays with death. I’ve been thinking about flapjack and the concept of them getting revived and I honestly don’t think they will, since one of the shows themes is about death grief and legacy. I just want to throw my two cents into the mix with how we see this play out multiple times in the show
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First we have manny, a character we only see in photos but has been there since the start. He was from what we can assume to be, kind hearted funny a goofball and geek. he had such a big role in the story since without him luz wouldn’t be who she is, he taught luz to be herself and to enjoy the things she does. He is the one that gave her the good witch azura books which played such a big role to her as a source of comfort and a special interest. The so many parts of the story happen because of how luz was shaped and while we will never meet him and he will never return we know so much of him and he is so important.
Caleb is literally the catalyst to to everything that happened in the owl house just cus he wanted to be a witches babygirl. The entire story is shaped by him from both the villains and the main characters. He is in everything in the story. His death probably drove Philip into more delusions and into believing he was in the right, who while this was entirely his fault was still stricken by grief and disparity that he continued to create dozens of clones in his likeness to fill that hole in his heart. He is probably most very likely a claw thorn ancestor and it is very likely that he is part of why palismen now look more like human animals. We see him in luz as a human finding acceptance in a world of witches, and in his own literal clones that have each spread their own legacies after death and hunter who is still carving his spot in history. Again another character who will never come back but what they leave behind remains
Of course there is the literally land they are walking on that is known as the Titian. I don’t completely know/understand their history with the collector but it will probably be explained in eps 2 and or 3 but being a god like figure and the ground everyone walks on as well as the face of the villains propaganda (I speak to the Titian ass buffoonery)
I would also like to mention the golden guard before hunter. While not nearly as much is known about them as everyone else I’ve Mentioned they still played a big role on Darius and hunter. They where Darius’s mentor and if I had to make assumptions probably shaped how people viewed hunter. The coven head all probably worked with or at least was on terms with the gg and seeing how Darius talked about him he probably was very respectable since they where seen as a strong witch. We know that Darius’s past with the gg led to his neglect/distaste from hunter, I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened to the other officials in the coven. Most likely not to that extent but it would probably be souring to see a once respectable coven spot that was above your own get taken by a child that is related to the emperor (Darius speaks as if there was no family ties between the emperor and past gg while it seems to be common knowledge to the coven higher ups that hunter is related to belos) 
Throughout the story we see character that play important roles to the story and pave the way for said story. This is a story that has some of its most important characters having been killed off multiple years before the story even begins. It’s a story that shows us death is permanent but side effects of our actions are always prevalent. While I wish flapjack didn’t die and really wish they where still here I think it wouldn’t fit with the story to revive them. While the thought of revival seems good on paper, for it to be canon hunter will have to stoop to Philips level and chase after the fleeting image of someone while ignoring what they left behind and while I’m all for an arc like that (love me some favorite character suffrage) we don’t have time for that in two episodes so I personally don’t think it’s gonna happen (also if it where to happen it would probably end with again the reminder of death being permanent and that no matter how we want it to be they will never come back). They are dead and we and the characters have to live with that and learn to move on. We don’t know what legacy flapjack will leave but we do know that whatever path they do carve will be one that will probably make us all smile sadly at our tv screens
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Ps this isn’t me saying the reincarnation idea is bad, again I love it and wish it would make sense in canon. The fics about it make me smile and feel happy way more then they should. I’m just saying why I don’t think it will happen in canon because of themes and such :p
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justalonelybitch · 2 years
- My favorite gg song changes all the time! it's so hard to choose 🥺. recently I've been really into Snowy by itzy!
- I don't own many Yunjin pcs 😔, so it's hard to let go of, but if that's what it takes... 🥺
- He's a small dog! Terrier mix. full of happiness but a bit empty in the brain area
- 5, 3" (I'm sure this is short by most standards? 😭)
- Have you watched Smile? I was told it's really scary, but haven't watched it yet (date opportunity 🙈)
I've been following you for a while now, and after seeing how you interact with others you seem like a chaotic, fun, loving person! I was lured in by your vibes ☺️
(To answer bonus questions from your reviewers:
1) I'm not tall 😭
2) I own several photocards, the ones I have the most of are itzy, twice, blackpink, girls' generation, but I also own some le sserafim, stayc, aespa, ive, nmixx, kep1er, dreamcatcher, red velvet)
Mine changes at least five times a day so that's fine! Also very good song, you passed that part!! Lil bit of classical vibes.
It's okay, you can keep them! Someone else offered! Now we can both have Yunjijn pcs.
I love smol dogs 🐶
Wait how many centimeters?? I wanna know if I'm taller or smaller. It's gonna be close.
I have not watched that, sounds like fun!
Damn anon, you're making a strong argument in your favor! Glad to know I have good vibes 😊
Reviewers what do we think??
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