aintmyjewelry · 7 months
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round 1 of food has been set out 🫡
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 3
Even though has vigilantes they Batfam drive several different vehicles, most of them don’t have a license or got it late. Steph,Cass,Duke, and Damian don’t have licenses. Dick,Tim, and Barbara have licensed, Jason has a fake license due to the fact he and Bruce were supposed to declare him not dead but both have forgotten and he just gets Barbara to update it if it expires.
Speaking of cars I feel like those that can drive have favorite or one specific vehicle that use.
Bruce drives an all grey Lamborghini or a red Porsche.
Dick has a older Porsche in green.
Barbara had a yellow buggy when she was younger but now she has a black SUV.
Tim usually takes one of Bruce’s Mercedes.
Jason has two motorcycles and a older impala he fixed up in his spare time.
Damian likes to paint his sisters nails, he finds it calming. Stephanie is his favorite, Cass only likes her nails painted sometimes not all the time and Babs picks at her nails when she’s stressed. Stephanie let’s him pick the color and the just sit in his room while he paints.
Bruce has a large collection of alcohol but he himself doesn’t drink.
Alfred has a notebook with a contact for each family member in case they won’t listen to him or needs help. Bruce has Clark, Dick has Wally, Jason has Roy, Tim has Conner, Damian has Jon, and Barbara has Dinah. If plan A fails he’ll call plan B for any of them. Diana.
Tim has Hypoglycemia.
Dick has the most tattoos. It’s only five and their all small.
Bruce can’t stand the smell of gasoline it reminds him of when he lost Jason.
Alfred will order pizza once a month. One to give him a break and two because no eats the same pizza so he has order everyone their own whole pizza. It goes as followed.
Bruce doesn’t really like pizza that much but he eat what kind Alfred orders him, Dick is a Hawaii pizza Guy pineapple and all, Jason likes Buffalo chicken pizza, Tim likes pepperoni, Damian of course gets vegetarian, Duke what pepperoni and nothing else, Stephanie like plain cheese, Cass likes Pepperoni and and black olives, Barbara likes Supreme,and Alfred doesn’t like pizza he likes the cheesy garlic bread or flatbread pizza.
Personally I think of Jason has either half Latino and Italian or Puerto Rican, Tim has Korean American.
In that same vein, I see the Batfamily in this height range: Jason is 6’2-6’3, Bruce is 6’2,Alfred is 6’1, Duke is 6’0, Dick is 5’11, Barbara is 5’10, Stephanie and Cassandra are 5’9,Tim is 5’8, Damian is 5’5.
Also, we all know Tim is Bi,Selina is Bi and Kate is a lesbian. I see the other Bats as different sexual orientation as well. Dick is Pan, Jason is Asexual, Stephanie is Pan, Cass and Damian are both Aromatic, Duke is straight, and Barbara is Bicurious but is comfortable to enough to appreciate beautiful women. Bruce is Bi and just doesn’t know it yet.
Cass is very good a tending to different hairstyles and textures. She braids Babs,Steph and Dick’s hair. She’s also helps Damian and Bruce with their hair due to over styling it putting to much product in their hair. She also cuts Dick’s hair when it gets to long and greasy.
Duke is very good baking and his sweets are high on everyone’s lists like Alfred.
Stephanie definitely is the Big Sister Damian always needed. She pranks him, teases him about his crushes, but she also leaves her apartment window unlocked for Damian to enter at anytime of the night when he feels overwhelmed and doesn’t want to go to Bludhaven. She takes him to his favorite art supply store in Gotham Heights, and even gifts him stuff for his next project.
Tim is definitely the lost child of Dick and Barbara. Even though the two aren’t together and have different relationships(another head cannon), Tim is pretty much their child of divorce. They both have check his location to make sure he’s not trying to burn down LexCorp, or if he hasn’t left is room for three days straight Tim might find it strange that all tech disabled except for his phone but it’s reprogrammed to only call Barbara and only then will she fix it devices. Dick will just randomly enter Tim’s office at Wayne Enterprises and will mess with his stuff while Tim’s on a zoom meeting. And once he’s done he will ask Tim what’s their plans for lunch.
Selina and Talia both will make random trips to Wayne Manor to check on their children. Selina has threatened Bruce’s life numerous times for shouting at Dick or Duke. Bruce has woken up in the middle of the night to a dagger drawn to his throat he knows it’s Talia and all she says is, “Don’t make me have to have this talk again beloved, I’d hate for poor Alfred to have to clean up your room.”
Tim and Damian both hate mint chocolate chip ice cream. Cass finds it enjoyable and will help eat their portions if she needs to.
Duke taught Damian how to play Spades, and in return Damian taught him to paint so he could paint his girlfriend a gift for their anniversary.
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feral-ffa · 2 years
Chonkers is a totally original casual dining concept where you can order sliders, wings, fries, and other tasty bites and get served by a cute fat catboy! (or dogboy or bunnyboy)
Clad in tight white tank tops and orange shorts, the Chonkers waitstaff are so friendly, they just might be convinced to eat right off your plate ;)
cast of characters
In this episode... bunnyboy Timothy has a tummyache after eating too much. He asks the chef, who's been harboring a crush on him, for a belly rub.
Tags: stuffing aftercare, burps & hicups, belly rub, gluttony, soft feedism word count: ~1300
As soon as the rush came, it was over.
Mopping sweat from her brow, gloo stepped back from the hot stoves and stepped out to the server alley for a breather.
Nathan passed her in a whirl of feathers, bobbing his head as he went out the delivery entrance to vape.
No sooner had the door closed behind him, Gloo heard heavy footfalls approaching from the front of house. Nermal, looking sweaty and angrier than usual, stomped over to the pass, with Timothy in tow.
"It's not like this is the first time I've told you or anything! There is no reason to finish someone's entree for free! Maybe, like, a wing, if they tip well. For the whole meal, you gotta give something more than just 20%."
Timothy, who looked pained and even bigger than usual, seemed to ignore Nermal's rant as they stopped in front of Gloo.
"How am I supposed to make money if you're giving services away for free? Timothy? Do I make myself clear?"
"Oh god..." Timothy rubbed his noticeably distended belly. "I'm so bloated." He let out a pitiful hiccup and Gloo's eyes lingered on the swell of his normally soft belly. She tried to will away the blood she felt rushing to her cheeks.
Nermal did his little hair swish/eye roll combo in her direction, as if to say 'see what happens when you don't listen to me?'
"What did he eat?" Gloo asked, throat dry.
"2 classic sliders, a buffalo slider, 2 slices of pepperoni flatbread, half a chicken alfredo flatbread, -those are nasty, you should know better- a lot of fries, 5 potato skins, not sure how many hot honey boneless wings -also gross-."
"And half a pitcher of Schmo lite," Timothy added with another hiccup. One hand rested on his belly and the other held his untied pocket apron to his side.
"Yeaaah." Nermal glanced at his manicured nails. "Anyway Caesar said you could get him fixed up. ...Or sent home if he's gonna keep giving it up for free," he added under his breath as he turned to shimmy away back to the dining rooms.
Caesar, waiting for Nermal at the end of the alley, shot Gloo a look that said "Don't say I never did anything for you."
Gloo returned her attention to Timothy, who didn't look so hot. Ordinarily, Timothy's belly hung low enough to cover the front of his orange uniform shorts, but today his bloated tummy puffed out farther than usual in front of him, softly gurgling. He was occasionally letting out pained hiccups between his labored breathing and his snug uniform top was riding up over his midsection.
"Ceasar said you give good belly rubs, Gloo. I could really use one."
Gloo flushed. She had helped the waitstaff get a burp out once or twice, but it had always felt more like a friendly favor. This was, well... she caught his eyes again, looking pitiful under his sweaty brow.
"Geez Timothy. You can't just clean up after an 8-top like that." Gloo adjusted her ponytail before going to grab a deli tub from the kitchen. When she returned, she swatted Timothy's chubby hand away from the fry bowl in the service window. "Hey, save it for the customers."
"But your fries are so good!"
She knew that he knew what everybody knew: she just reheated the same frozen food that every single Chonkers location served. Timothy was still the only one to compliment her on it though.
"They're frozen fries, you know that." She filled the tub with coke from the fountain.
"Yeah but you mix the two different kinds of fry salt we have together and- HIC"
"Okay, okay, let's get you back out there." Gloo pushed the cup of coke onto his hands. "Only a couple sips."
Timothy got a couple gulps down before whimpering again and leaning his head back. "I really should not have eaten all that, I just couldn't help myself. And they did tip well. I meant to only have a little." He gingerly rested a hand on top of his gut. "I don't think this is helping."
"We just need enough to make a bubble." Gloo took the container back and put it on the service window before stepping behind Timothy and lacing her hands around his front.
She could grab her wrists while encircling him in her arms, but only barely.
"You gonna give it to me from behind, huh?" A teasing tone cuts through Timothy's pained voice.
"How else am I supposed to get leverage? Stand up straight."
Timothy snapped to attention and Gloo leaned in, squeezing his belly in her arms. The smell of sweat and chicken wings and 3-in-1 shampoo wafted into her face.
"How's this feel?" She pressed her palms into his bloated tummy, methodically moving from left to right and back again across the top of his gut, jiggling the firm mass slightly as she went.
"Aaah, be gentle," Timothy whined. "Wait, I think... h-UURP!" He smacked his lips. "I'm, still, uhh..."
"I don't think that was all of it," Gloo muttered, trying not to shiver from how close and warm he was.
"I should just ask to go home, like Nermal said." Timothy lolled his head back in despair, bonking gloo on the top of hers. "Woops, sorry."
She was glad he couldn't see her blush. "Weren't you just asking for more hours yesterday? You big baby." She went back to rubbing his tummy. A few gurgles sounded from his overpacked stomach.
While he continued to whimper, Gloo had to resist the temptation to let her hands travel up to squeeze his plump moobs, or wander down to explore his lower belly rolls. Timothy was the biggest of the Chonkers waitstaff by about 70 pounds, and it showed. Where the other waiters were fast their feet despite their stature, Timothy was slower, jigglier, doughier. This made him a pretty popular waiter through no doing of his own, but his popularity seemed to bewilder him; Gloo was sure he only worked here for free food.
"Nermal was right," Timothy sighed, interrupting Gloo's longing inner montage. "It was good though. Well most of it was. It's kind of hard for me to stop once I get going."
"Yeah, I know." Gloo continued kneading his bloated upper belly, enjoying the moans and whimpers he let out when she pushed on his packed-tight stomach.
Shortly, a gurgle, then...
"BUUUUUUURP! Oouugh..."
"That sounded like it." Gloo released her grasp on Timothy's belly and he lolled his head back again, in relief this time. When their heads made contact, he snapped up and turned to face her.
 "Oh man, that's soooo much better. I'm still pretty full, but..." He trailed off, rubbing his belly. "Are your services available for rent? I could have used your help, like 3 times this week already."
Gloo could no longer resist the heat creeping up her face, but she played it cool. "Sure, text me anytime," she replied with an eye roll. "Now get outta here so you can get a table."
"OK, but let me finish this real quick." Timothy reached for the deli tub of coke that had been abandoned on the window. Gloo was too fast, though, and grabbed it before he could.
"No more soda or else we're gonna have to start this all over again! In fact, no eating or drinking for the rest of your shift."
"I mean it!" Gloo tried not to stare too long at his pouty face.
"Timothy!" Digby, the host's voice rang out from the end of the alley. "If you're not going home early, I have a table!"
"Coming, Digby!" Timothy yelled before turning back to Gloo. "Thanks Gluey, you're a miracle worker."
"A-anytime." Gloo could only stare as he tied his order pad pocket back on, slipping the strings under his burgeoning belly apron, and turned to waddle back out to the dining room.
As if on cue, the noise of the ticket printer started up again just as she saw the last of Timothy's flabby cheeks under his orange shorts.
Gloo sighed and stepped back into the kitchen.
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menuandprice · 2 years
TGI Friday’s Endless Apps Review
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If you’re a fan of enjoying savory appetizers in a fun environment, what could be better than Endless Apps at TGI Friday’s? “Endless Apps” refers to limitless appetizers, and TGI Friday’s has a vast range of tasty appetizers that you can either enjoy before your meal or in place of a meal. The franchise has offered this deal for a limited time on more than one occasion, and it’s a welcomed addition to the menu – as most endless, bottomless, unlimited deals would be. While your tastebuds are warming up, let’s dig into this TGI Friday’s Endless Apps Review.
History and Inspiration
Crave-worthy appetizers have been a part of TGI Fridays since the beginning. The franchise introduced the Endless Apps deal for “people who don’t like to see a good time end.” You can pick out one appetizer, then another, then another until your heart and tummy are content. With this deal, customers can order unlimited refills. It was launched in 2019 for a limited time, but the deal was so popular that TGI Friday’s announced that the deal has made a comeback, and this time, it’s here to stay.
Types of TGI Friday’s Endless Apps
Unfortunately, not all of the appetizers listed in TGI Friday’s menu aren’t available in the Endless Apps deal. Only a few selected appetizers from the actual menu and a few other added items are available. These include the following: Mozzarella Sticks Boneless Buffalo Wings Loaded potato skins BBQ chicken flatbread Pan-seared potstickers Green bean fries Sesame Chicken strips Meatballs  Fried pickles TGI Friday’s Endless Apps Review Can’t decide which appetizer to choose? That’s the beauty of this deal – you can order more than one item. You’ll likely be allowed only to order one item at a time, but that gives you enough time to decide your ordering strategy. Do you order the newer items first and work your way backward to the classics? Do you order alphabetically? Do you opt for a more adventurous approach? Close your eyes and point at the menu. As the deal suggests, the possibilities are endless.
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1.      Taste and Texture The Endless Apps are all delicious- I know, I’ve tried each of them. They’re all rich in flavor and packed with savory ingredients, mostly fried and saucy. My only complaint would be that every once in a while, something tastes like it’s been sitting in the kitchen too long, or it was re-heated. I’ve noticed this more with the loaded potato skins- almost as if they’ve been re-cooked or overcooked. I can overlook this as long as they’re loaded with cheese, bacon, and sour cream, which they are, but in a case such as this, my next order would be something less “heavy” and dense. The buffalo wings are always a great choice- the chicken is juicy and tender, and each piece is drenched in sauce. The Sesame Jack Chicken Strips are also on my list of favorites. Golden brown chicken breast strips are coated with crispy Japanese panko breadcrumbs and toasted sesame seeds, then tossed in their famous Jack Daniel’s sauce. I love this sauce with its sweet, barbeque flavors. Overall, I’d say you can’t go wrong with any of the choices. 2. Are they healthy? Ordering the Endless Apps is like a party for your tastebuds, and like most parties, the food is delicious and non-nutritious. Most of the items are full of carbs, calories, and sodium. For example, the Boneless Buffalo Wings soaked in the sauce has 1,190 calories and 4,450 mg of sodium. You might think the crispy Green Bean Fries would be a better choice, but those come with 900 calories and 1,720 mg of sodium. The Fried Pickles only have 110 calories, but be careful if you start dipping them in rich sauces. If you’re looking for healthy, you might skip the appetizers altogether and go for a Cobb Salad (also savory and filling). 3. Are they Worth it? Some restaurants only offer their special deals on certain days or during specific hours. However, TGI Friday’s offers its Endless Apps all day, every day, even though it was previously only available from 9 PM to closing. Now you can pop in any time to get this deal, so it’s like Happy Hour every hour, every day. The options are some of my top favorites, my kids and friends enjoy them, and the price is unbeatable. This is a fantastic deal, and it’s definitely worth it.
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Photo by TGI Fridays   Final Verdict For just $10, you can have endless refills and a wide array of choices, which makes this an incredible deal. The fact that you can order it any time any day makes it even sweeter. Paired with a $5 cocktail during Happy Hour, and you’re set. 
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TGI Friday’s Endless Apps Nutrition Facts
Below is the calorie count for the appetizers available with this deal. For a complete nutritional list, visit TGI Friday’s nutrition page. Mozzarella Sticks – 1,100 calories Boneless Buffalo Wings – 1,190 calories Loaded potato skins – 1,430 calories BBQ chicken flatbread – 460 calories Pan-seared potstickers – 590 calories Green bean fries – 900 calories Sesame Jack Chicken strips – 1,090 calories Meatballs – 790 calories Fried pickles – 110 calories
TGI Friday’s Endless Apps Pricing
TGI Friday’s Endless Apps are only $10 per person. Considering each appetizer on its own is between $9 and $12, it’s quite a deal. You likely won’t be permitted to order one Endless App and feed a table of 4 to 5 people, but if there are just one or two people in your party, you might get away with one order. Just be sure to tip your waitstaff very well! If you’d like to keep up with all the special deals and promos going on, be sure to join TGIFriday’s Rewards program. What do you think about our TGI Friday’s Endless Apps Review? Have you tried the Endless Apps deal? Which choice has been your favorite? Do you like to order one of each? Or do you prefer one dish over the others? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.   The post TGI Friday’s Endless Apps Review appeared first on Fast Food Menu Prices. Read the full article
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wjbsart · 3 years
A complete, very long list of all GBoard-combinable emojis because I can't find one anywhere.
Ok so for those who haven't seen my stuff (or have only seen my Bionicle posts), I sometimes emoji mashup redraws, with the recent fourth one using GBoard-based fusions. Frustratingly, there's no actual list of fusion-compatible emojis, so I'll attempt to compile them, in a list below the "Read More" thing:
Green/▢ = compatible with fusion Blue/△ = only works with certain emojis Red/◯ = not compatible with fusion
Also, since other people's terms for specific emojis might not match up with mine, I recommend using CTRL+F and then doing this to find the specific emoji you're looking for. This list is in the order presented in GBoard's Emoji menu. Some of them will be generic unicode symbols, I don't know how to change that, sorry for the inconvenience. Also, I won't aknowledge multi-category Emoji.
Smileys and Emoticons
😀Open-mouthed smile▢
😃Wide-eyed smile▢
😄Closed-eyed smile▢
😁Closed-eyed grin▢
😅Sweating smile▢
😙Kissing, closed eyes▢
😚Kissing, blushing▢
😘Kissing, winking w/ heart▢
🥰Surrounded by hearts▢
🥳Noisemaker and party-hat▢
☺Blushing, smiling▢
😏Looking off to the side▢
🤭Hand over mouth▢
😶Nightmare fuel Mouthless▢
😋Licking lips▢
😛Tongue out▢
😝Tongue out, eyes closed▢
😜Tongue out, winking▢
🤪Tongue out, wide-eyed▢
🙄Rolling eyes▢
😡Angry, red▢
🙁Frown but less▢
😳AWOOGA Flushed▢
😰Distraught, sweating▢
😧Distraught, shocked▢
😦Distraught, neutral▢
😮Open mouth▢
😯Open mouth, surprised▢
🤯Your head asplode Mind blown▢
😢Crying, single tear▢
😥Crying, less sad▢
😪Sleeping but different?▢
🌛Left-facing moon▢
🌜Right-facing moon▢
🌚New moon face◯
🌝Full moon face◯
🌞The sun▢
😷Masked up▢
🤠yee haw▢
👽Ayy lmao Alien▢
😈Demon 1▢
👿Demon 2▢
☠Skull and crossbones▢
💫Star with trail▢
🌟Star with bits▢
💢Anime anger symbol◯
💦Sweat Droplets▢
🎉Party popper▢
🎊Confetti ball▢
😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾Literally all the "cat in different emotions" emojis▢
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤Literally all the coloured hearts△
♥Heart suit▢
💘Heart with arrow▢
💝Heart with ribbon▢
💖Shiny heart▢
💗Growing heart▢
💓Beating heart▢
💞Swirling hearts▢
💕Two hearts▢
💌Love letter▢
💟Heart in square▢
❣Heart exclamation mark▢
💔Broken heart▢
👥Two silhouettes◯
🗣Talking silhouette◯
👃👂🦶🦵💪👍👎👏🙌👐Every other body part and hand gesture, seriously this isn't even all of them◯
Seriously, I don't know why none of the people-category emojis are Fusion-compatible. Let's just move on.◯
Animals and Nature
💐Bunch of flowers▢
🥀Wilted rose◯
🌺Hibiscus flower◯
🌸Cherry blossom▢
💮White flower◯
🍂Falling leaves◯
🍁Maple leaf◯
🌾Rice plants◯
🍃Falling leaves again◯
☘3-leaf clover◯
🍀4-leaf clover◯
🌴Palm tree◯
🌳Deciduous tree◯
🌲Coniferous tree▢
🏞National park◯
🌀Tornado symbol◯
🌁Foggy scene◯
☃Snowman (with snow)▢
⛄Snowman (without snow)▢
🏔Mountain with snow◯
🏝Desert island◯
🌅Sunrise/set (water)◯
🌄Sunrise/set (mountains)◯
🌤Sun with cloud◯
⛅Sun and cloud◯
🌥Cloud with sun◯
🌦Sun and cloud with rain◯
☔Umbrella with rain◯
🌙Crescent Moon◯
🌠Shooting star▢
🌌Milky Way◯
🌆City in the evening▢
🌃City at night▢
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘The moon◯
🙈🙉🙊🐵Monkeys, wise or not▢
🦁Lion face▢
🐯Tiger face◯
🐱Cat face▢
🐶Dog face◯
🐺Wolf face◯
🐻Bear face▢
🐨Koala face▢
🐼Panda face▢
🐹Hamster face◯
🐭Mouse face◯
🐰Rabbit face▢
🦊Fox face◯
🦝Raccoon face◯
🐮Cow face◯
🐷Pig face▢
🐽Pig nose▢
🐗Boar head◯
🦓Zebra head◯
🦄Unicorn head▢
🐴Horse head◯
🐸Frog face◯
🐲Dragon head◯
🐃Water buffalo◯
🐿Squirrel (why does the squirrel of all things have a Unicode symbol?)◯
🐠Tropical fish◯
🐛"Bug" yeah sure ok◯
Food and Drink
🍎Red apple◯
🍏Green apple◯
🍠Sweet potato◯
🍳Frying pan◯
🥚Egg (somehow)◯
🍗Chicken leg◯
🍖Anime meat◯
🥙Stuffed flatbread◯
🍲Pot of food◯
🍤Fried prawn◯
🥡Takeaway container◯
🍚Cooked rice◯
🍙Jelly Donut Rice ball◯
🍘Rice cracker◯
🥠Fortune cookie◯
🥮Moon cake◯
🍧Shave ice◯
🍨Ice cream◯
🍦See above◯
🍰Cake slice◯
🍮Custard mate what kinda custard have you been eating, this is clearly a créme caramel◯
🎂Birthday cake▢
🍬Boiled sweet◯
🥤Soft drink◯
🍼Baby bottle◯
🍵Green tea◯
🍻Beers, plural◯
🥂Champagne glasses◯
🍷Red red wine◯
🍴Knife and fork▢
🔪Kitchen knife◯
Travel and Places
🛑🎡Everything from the stop sign to Ferris wheel◯
🎠Merry-go-round horse▢
🎪🏕Everything from circus tent to campsite◯
🌇City at sunset yes I'm surprised as you are▢
🛤Train tracks◯
🗾Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's beautifuul!◯
🌐Globe with meridian lines▢
💺Plane seat◯
Activities and Events
🧨Dynamite Firecracker◯
🧧Red envelope◯
🎐Wind chime◯
🎏Fish streamers◯
🎎Japanese dolls (that's what the emoji's called, don't @ me with the actual name for them)◯
🎑Moon viewing ceremony◯
🎍Pine decoration◯
🎄Christmas tree▢
🥌Curling stone◯
🛷Rosebud Sled◯
🎣Fishing rod▢
🎽Running shirt◯
🥋Martial arts uniform◯
🥊Boxing glove◯
🧩Puzzle piece◯
👾Videogame alien◯
🎰Slot machine◯
🎴Flower playing card◯
🀄Mahjong tile◯
🎩Top hat◯
🎚🎛🎙📻Assorted audio stuff◯
🎥Film camera◯
🎭Comedy and tragedy masks◯
📱🧻Everything from smartphone to toilet roll◯
🧸Teddy bear▢
🧷🧢Everything from safety pin to baseball cap◯
🎒💍Everything from backpack to ring◯
💄👓Everything from lipstick to glasses◯
🥽📁Everything from goggles to folder◯
🗞🔎Everything from rolled-up newspaper to right-pointing magnifying glass◯
🔮Crystal ball▢
🧿🔓Everything from Nazar amulet to open lock◯
There are no compatible non-repeated Emoji here.◯
Aaaaand none here either.◯
Feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong.
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foodbytesback · 2 years
Has Panera Gone Too Far?
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This week, I went to my local Panera with the intent to lounge around for an hour or 2 and crank out a post about how McDonald’s is doing another Szechuan Sauce promotion. [Spoiler alert: you have to order on the app to get it, in a move to not only incentivize app usage but also to minimize the number of Rick & Morty nerds yelling at McDonald’s employees.  That’s it.  That’s the post.]  Upon entry, I noticed extensive signage for something that, up until that point, had gone completely under my radar.
Panera now does chicken sandwiches.
Now, obviously, Panera has had sandwiches with chicken in them for a while now.  But I’m talking about the chicken sandwiches that have been trending throughout the fast food industry for the past 3 years.  Of course, Paneras don’t have fryers in them, so the chicken cutlets are seared and sous-vide-ed (and presumably re-sous-vide-ed alongside the soups and mac & cheese for service).  They’re available in 2 flavors, “The Signature Take” (garlic aioli, parmesan crisps, greens) and “ The Spicy Take” (fried spicy pickles, buffalo sauce, garlic aioli again), both on brioche buns. 
Here’s my spicy take: why are they doing this.
I feel like Panera’s been on a slippery slope away from their core competencies over the course of the past few years.  Mainly, being a place that soccer moms and retirees (and me, apparently) go to lounge around for an hour or 2 and gossip (or write this), grazing on pastries or attempting to strategize the best way to eat soup in a bread bowl (how do I tear apart the empty bowl without getting residual soup on my hands). Sure, Panera started off 2020 strong (pandemic withstanding) with the Panera+ coffee subscription, which, being redeemable every 4 hours, encourages guests to draw out their visits as long as possible. But, in my opinion, they began to move away from this in 2021 when they introduced flatbread pizzas.  While the flatbread still tied into the “Bread” aspect of the chain (which was dropped from their name entirely at around the same time, so I guess that point is moot anyways), it didn’t really feel like a good fit with their target demographic.  Like, sure, some of the soccer moms might look at “flatbreads” as a healthier alternative to pizza (... somehow?), but pretty much anyone looking at these would say, “ah, this is a pizza.  Panera makes pizza now, I guess.”
Which, of course, brings us back to the present.  Panera wants to now cash in on the chicken sandwich trend.  You know, that thing that all the fast food places are doing.   Is this the image that Panera wants to cultivate?  Since the sandwiches aren’t actually fried, are they trying to be the “healthy” alternative?  None of the ads I’ve seen so far seem to be suggesting that.  In fact, the cutlets in the pictures are “seared” so darkly that they seem to really want you to think that they’re fried.  
Ever since that “scandal” a few years back where a Panera employee revealed on TikTok that all their soups and mac & cheese are boiled in a bag, ruining the illusion that everything was being made fresh to order, Panera’s been slowly losing its grip on its brand positioning of “the fresh, healthy alternative to fast food,” where you’re actively encouraged to take as long as you want.  I mean, yes, obviously the pandemic has hindered people’s ability to loiter.  But these recent moves to try to recover just come off as… desperate?  I doubt they’ll do any real harm to their reputation in the long run, but seriously, Panera, it’s ok for you to just be Panera.  You don’t have to be the latest in a long line of chains to do the chicken sandwich thing.
Ok, I need to get out of here, I can’t take anymore constantly looking over my shoulder while trash-talking Panera from inside a Panera. 
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thanidiel · 5 years
Big Bang Theory
Yes, she clearly recalls the moment in which her world grew into something expansive, and wide, and freeing.
She had scoffed at such sense before, had seen it before, in the way it manifested in Eldest Brother. The way his eyes grew and his brows lessened their dire weight after he began to attend school in the Village Down The Water. 
He’d rush up the twisting roads when he came back home every week’s end, dirtying the clean blue of the clothing that Mother had stitched herself from the cloth they had bartered last summer with rice slurry. His sparse whiskers collected sweat like the fat droplets of dew that came in from the mountain sky every morning.
Yes, she remembers that. And she remembers how he’d throw down the cross of his legs onto the kitchen mat like a soldier making himself welcome, swallow down the thick strips of rice noodles set in front of him, lick down his chops until every bit of the chicken fat and soy sauce dissipated. Then he’d pull off his school tunic, walk bare into the paddies, and perform what work there was to be done with frenetic spirit.
And after that, once the sun slept and once they had rubbed garlic onto their flatbread and ate their fermented eggs; once Father began to chew his stick of sugar cane and once Mother bared her dark breast to Third Sister - Eldest Brother would pull them all together with something conspiratorial. All of them: her, Second Brother, Third Brother, and Second Sister. They would sit together in the light of the fire, and Eldest Brother would insist upon a thorough, if condensed, curriculum of what had been learned the week previous. It was these days that she saw a joy in his lips and eyes that never quite reached him in times after. 
She took it in readily, as she had always taken all that had come to her, but she did not realise what it was in that joy until one night, when the Kou had demanded so much coin and food from her family that Father could no longer pay for schooling - she and Eldest Brother had spirited to town with their saved allowances. There, in the orange sun, they had bought sticky and dried persimmons and sucked on those furiously in their cheeks, washing it down with syrupy plum-wine they had excused as buying for Father. 
There, in the cool night, sprawled out and hidden in the barley fields on the outskirts, her red-cheeked sibling turned to her.
“First Sister– Hui.”
A pause fell here, so needed it was. The eventual thought came out of him like a frog’s croak; a bubble of mucus slowly blowing out of the buffalo’s nose and bursting.
“Do you think I will die like this? Doing the same work as everyone before us?”
“Who am I to read the future? That’s why you were in the books.”
“And now the Kou have taken everything from me.”
“Don’t say that. You don’t know who else is around.”
“It’s true though, I wasn’t supposed to be the one to take up Father’s work. Now it looks like five of us are going to be divvied up with the rice paddies. Scraps and heritage.”
“Five? Third Sister is sickly, but not weak. Morbid, much? She’s almost to her first year.”
Another pause. She watched Eldest Brother play out the mannerisms of their Father, chasing the gulp of wine with the thunderous smack of his lips and the roll of his fat tongue around his gums and lips. He punctuated the start of his words with a loud sigh of satisfaction.
“You are the brightest, the capable one. Everything points to it. That’s why Father hasn’t accepted any offers for you yet - not until he has made a trip to the city. You’re the only one of us that reached for the gil on your Zhuazhou, you know.”
She remembers snorting at that, “So I’m bright because some stupid tradition says that I’m a money-grubber?”
“Good with money, rather. Smart. A business-woman. And what else could someone look for in a wife?”
“A wife that’s interested in sticks,” shot out easily. She and Eldest Brother were the closest of any of their siblings, nothing was kept from the other. She remembers how that came out too. They had been wandering the town together one evening when the work was little and Eldest Brother had been irritated with the sharp tongue she had driven off his flirtatious friends with - until she had spat onto the rich soil below their feet and declared she’d bleed like the rivers before ever accepting any man’s gaze upon her. After that, he was shocked in his silence. His apology was using the last month of his allowance to buy her a dusty, pale, mooncake rich with duck yolk.
“A luxury, yeah?” He dismissed so easily; as everything Eldest Brother ever did. Then he fixed her with a drunken severity. The bulb of muscle betwixt his brows jutted out like an oranda’s head, 
“You have a natural intellect like the tigers down the river, the rest of us are nothing beyond what we already are without that schooling. You’re going to be the one that makes it out of here, Hui.”
She remembers that she did not conceive how to reply to that. They swallowed the engulfing silence, of which was a grieving of the truth and all of its touch, with the rest of the bottle. After that, there was a blur of resting and intoxication that ended in Father dragging them onto their knees over a scattering of grain. Once they had cried out all of their repentance, they had gathered every dusty piece and returned it to the sacks else they would waste even more on that night.
It was only some months after that where the burden of the Kou squashed the dreams of their Father. A festival, she remembers. A festival that brought some handfuls of peoples of the Steppes, and the Sea, and Doma to their humble village. Meagre, and she recalls the way elders collected of festivals one thousand times the size of it when Doma ruled Doma, but ironically freer in these times than the south where the Kou rested their hand more heavily.
Though for play and worship, the underlying spirit of festival and foreign visitors was ultimately business. She remembers the unprecedented flow of gil from the house, Father opening his doors to all newcomers, and the way Mother and Second Sister worked for days beforehand to stack pretty parcels of mooncake stuffed with winter melon for the coming meetings. 
The mornings and afternoons were a flurry of touch, and sickness, and nothing but the flow of the Hingan they spoke below the mountains. Old, rounded, women touched her here, there, and everywhere; moving her jaw and brushing their thumbs across her cheekbones and twisting her hand over to trace her palm lines. And her lower back strained from the repetition of tea ceremony after tea ceremony she had been made to perform for both them, and their husbands, and their prospective sons.
The criticisms burned where they were laid. For the families of fishery and soil, she was too pale and delicate. For the merchants, some remarked that she was too dark and course, while others proclaimed she did not demonstrate a sufficiently practical character. The rare presence of the neighboring Raen clucked their tongues and declared her etiquette unpracticed and unsuitable to their kinsmen at home. Roegadyn pointed out the markers of ill birth in her body.
And the offers seared her soil evermoreso than the rejections. The sell-out magistrate of their village made an appearance and had plainly offered to take her out of Father’s hands as Third Wife. She remembers thinking how Eldest and Second Brother would have whipped his skin into curls for his arrogant gluttony, had they been present. Another offer was even more debasing than that - Kha had visited the family as well and placed offer as concubine, for even they would not suffer to pass heritage through non-Auri offspring. Though the one that flared her heat the most was a Kou-Decurio who had demanded to take her above all visitors, as she were such a ‘pretty girl.’
All of this, she bore silently. Finally, it was after the second week where Father and Mother released her to contemplate her future, daring not to refuse the Kou, and giving her the last days of the festival freely. 
It was there where the world truly expanded, that she remembers oh-so clearly.
There was a special visitor - a truly special visitor. A landowner from Hingashi’s famed port-city, who had paid the Ruby Tithe for the purposes of business with the Kou that could not be handled within Hingashi’s limits. They said she had come there to survey the qualities of the mountainous land between Doma and the neighboring Steppes.
She managed to convince the village girls to settle close to where the visitor was purported to be, and they huddled over their collective plate of sugar cake with furtive glances and furtive ears.
The first apparent thing was that this visitor, this woman, possessed beauty and wealth beyond anything any of the girls had seen before. 
Yes; that is a stark image in her mind to this day. The flowing silks on her person were dyed bright, with colours those of Yanxia could not think to replicate with gil or their own raw materials. Her hair was blacker, much blacker than their’s, and thin and sleek in opposition to what sprouted from their heads. Her eyes, too, shone with green like the waters instead of their brown eyes. And whereas their faces grew square, this woman possessed delicate, rounded, features. Servants and a palanquin rested nearby as she spoke with the elders; an obedient wushi behind her left side.
Something changed in her, watching that woman and hearing her haggle between the Kou and magistrate for contract of the village’s export. Or, in a most precise description, something resonated in her. It was a truly awe-inspiring affair; observing that woman. She had an arrogant manner in her, this Hui understood. The surety and dominance she exuded as the village men, red-eared like jujube fruit, ketou to her twisted an ache of want under her breast. And when she spoke of the culture of this distant Kugane, of the wealth and freedom apparently in every nook and cranny of its streets, Hui breathed it in like a caged bird set by the window. So righteously envious was Hui of this perfumed niang that her companions yanked her away with a twist of fingers along the cartilage of her ear.
That was the moment; those other girls too late in the rescue of their friend. That was the expansive breath that changed everything. It was as though she were a child with caul, freed by an attentive midwife - Eldest Brother was right. 
She was better than this, how ought she not reach for more?
This Kugane, this ziyou, if it were to breed women like this stranger as purported, then that is what she would aspire for. That is the thought that rang, and brayed, through her mind with every step that tore her farther away from that woman.
Opportunity knocks at the door only but once; she would pluck this fruit of her mind before the cold took it away.
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darkarfs · 2 years
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Today at work drove me completely feral. You really would have assumed I was going to shit in my hand and try to run around asking for high-fives. Someone asked for my help and I just started barking. Someone else complained to me and I said "above my paygrade, sir! For an extra $10 I will CRY after listening!" I played dead. I lied and told someone else I wrote "You Get What You Give" by the New Radicals. I told someone else that my mask was for their own safety because I have a swarm of yellowjackets under it and they're as unhappy about it as I am. I told another guy in a tank top that if he wanted sleeves with his meal, I could add them at no charge.
I was a whirling dervish. I was nervous, happy, silly and most importantly, I was as weird as I wanted to be and I'll admit it, I missed it. I laughed, burped, barked, whistled and had not a whole care in the world other than "do what you need to, survival mode activate!"
I told myself that regardless of how my day went, I was ordering a buffalo chicken flatbread with a Diet Coke on the side to enjoy the Amphibia finale. I just did, and I feel GREAT about every decision I made today.
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scoopsd-blog · 5 years
Top Five Spots to Watch The Super Bowl LIV
The big game is coming up and whether you’re a Chiefs fan or a 49ers fan, you need the perfect place to watch all the action. With so many different options here in San Diego, we figured we would make it easier and do the research for you. Whether you are looking for a dive bar, something more upscale or a place with an outdoor patio, we’ve got you covered with these five fabulous spots to watch the Super Bowl this Sunday.  
1. Home & Away - Old Town
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This is the year for Home & Away in Old Town to shine. It’s the best Chiefs bar in San Diego and Chiefs fans don’t play around. Serving up house-smoked BBQ pork and chicken along with wings, killer burgers and totchos, this spot has the biggest outdoor patio this side of Kansas City and tons of TVs to catch all the action of the big game. Boasting 22 craft beers and a full bar, you’ll have everything you need to celebrate when your team wins. 
“Wow love this place we watched a playoff game and they play the game loud and clear. Food is amazing get the grilled cheese you will love it. Drinks are amazing and fast. Lots of help behind the bar. Such a fun place to watch a game.” - Whitney from Yelp
2. Barley Mash - Downtown
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Barley Mash was named one of the best spots to watch the Super Bowl by Sports Illustrated last year and nothing much has changed in 12 months. With 30 craft brews and a full bar, as well as barley infused flatbreads, they’ve got you covered as far as food and libations go. Watch the game on multiple large TVs from communal tables just make sure to get here early to claim a spot because it’s first-come, first-serve. 
“Barleymash is that perfect business that has figured out the balance of restaurant/bar/sports. The menu has just about something for everyone and their ability to transform from a place that you can enjoy a high-quality meal with a peaceful (but not boring/sleepy) atmosphere to THE SPOT to be for the Sunday NFL games - truly impressive” - Brad from Yelp
3. Sidecar - Bay Park
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Sidecar in Bay Park is a dive bar with heart. It’s known for serving up tasty drinks at great prices and is a Colt’s bar to boot. If you are looking for a laid back spot to watch the big game, this is your place. While they don’t have food served from the bar, they regularly have a taco cart out front and a sweet parking lot with plenty of room (San Diegans know how rare this is). 
“Love this bar. It's not a high-class bar but it's nice to hang out away from busy areas. I specifically come here for the Colts NFL games as it is the San Diego colts bar. It's a great group to watch with.” - Joshua from Yelp
4. Smoking Gun - Downtown
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The Smoking Gun is a neighborhood bar and restaurant in the Gaslamp. Their southern-inspired food and extensive beer list make it a great spot to park yourself for Sunday’s game. Multiple TVs, a full bar and beer list and all sorts of food options, they are offering specials all day including, all-you-can-eat wings for $18 and $9 22 oz. steins of beer along with other specials.  
“It looked cool from the outside and it's a Sunday and we all wanted to catch the football games. Def recommend for football Sundays! We will definitely be coming back I ordered the Buffalo chicken sandwich and my boyfriend ordered the Smoked brisket sand wish and they are both amazing!” - Ashley from Yelp
5. Draft Republic - La Jolla
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Draft Republic in La Jolla is the perfect spot to catch the Super Bowl if you are North Coastal SD. Offering innovative, American cuisine a full bar and a large craft tap list this spot also has games to keep the kiddos entertained while you watch the game. For Sunday, they are putting the game up on a 100-inch projection screen and are offering social hour special all day long to celebrate the big game.
“Love this place! Lots of games for the kids! Great place to hang out with friends! Anna was our server and was awesome! We will definitely be back!” - Goober from Yelp
There you have it! Five awesome places to watch Sunday’s Super Bowl. Let us know if you have a great Super Bowl spot that we missed in the comments!
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scorpionc · 5 years
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One aspect of the full menu at @sprucestreetgarden is the "Street Fries" selections. @s_j_mcdowall and I chose the "4th Street" fries which are waffle fries topped with zesty buffalo chicken, pepper jack cheese and a bleu cheese aioli. Amazing flavors and great combination of ingredients. As with the lamb flatbread, the fries could have been a little more crispy. I like my fries a little on the under-cooked side, normally but when all these ingredients are on here, they need to be a little more crispy. It could have been the cheese and buffalo sauce. But, still, the lack-of-crispiness didn't deter from the flavors. This was a good choice for us, as well. We dug it. We saw several other of the Street Fries selections that we'd love to try. (at Spruce Street Garden - Craft Tavern) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OJ2zBgegw/?igshid=qnq360v3oyu9
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68584-blog · 7 years
How many different Subway sandwiches can you have?
I had subway for lunch and I was thinking about how many different sandwiches you can have and so when I went home I did a bit of thinking and maths. The subway menu I used is the US online menu ( they didn’t have a UK one).
Assuming that:
you have no allergies, intolerance or dislike for certain foods
you can only have one bread and one meat
Bread options (13 options): 
9-Grain Wheat
Multi-grain Flatbread 
Italian Herbs & Cheese
Hearty Italian
9-Grain Honey Oat
Jalapeno Cheese
Monterey Cheddar
Parmesan Oregano
Roasted Garlic
Rosemary & Sea Salt
Rye Bread
Meat options (16 options):
Autumn Carved Turkey
Black Forest Ham
Chicken & Bacon Ranch Melt
Cold Cut Combo
Italian B.M.T.®
Meatball Marinara
Oven Roasted Chicken
Roast Beef
Rotisserie-Style Chicken
Spicy Italian
Steak & Cheese
Subway Club®
Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki
Classic Tuna
Turkey Breast
Veggie Delite®
Cheese options (8 options):
Monterey Cheddar
Toasted options (2 options):
Not Toasted
Salad options (14 options):
Green Peppers
Red Onions
Banana Peppers
Black Olives
Sweet Peppers
Sauce options (17 options):
Chipotle Southwest
Light Mayonnaise
Regular Mayonnaise
Subway® Vinaigrette
Sweet Onion
Creamy Italian
Golden Italian
Honey Mustard
Savory Caesar
Tzatziki Cucumber
So the total amount of options would be:
13 x 16 x 28 x 2 x 214 x 217 = 540909824
≈ 5.4 x 108
If you ate subway for lunch and dinner everyday it would take:
540909824 /(365.25 x 2) = 740465.19
≈ 7.4 x 105 years
To eat all the combinations
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morethanafoodie · 5 years
Last fall we spent a long weekend with friends in Orlando.
Mythos – Universal Orlando: There are a ton of food options in Orlando. There are a ton of food options at the theme parks. While visiting, convenience often is preferred over waiting in line for the restaurants. While I would have preferred The Kitchen at the Hard Rock or Emeril’s Tchoup Chop, this day we decided that we would eat at Mythos. Located in The Lost Continent section of Islands of Adventure right near the entrance to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  It’s website boasts the winning several awards, including “Best Theme Park Restaurant.’ We booked on Open Table and were able to walk right in without a wait.
Mythos Filet
Buffalo BBQ Fried Chicken Wrap.
The service was decent, the chairs were ungodly heavy, but the food overall was solid. Conclusion: A good place to stop for a decent meal at Islands of Adventure. Make a reservation and avoid the wait, especially during peak hours.
Deets: Mythos, The Lost Continent, Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, Orlando, Florida
Cafe Tu Tu Tango: We stopped here based on a recommendation of a good friend who travels frequently to Orlando. He loves Cafe Tu Tu Tango and knew that we would enjoy it too. Inside you will find an eclectic fusion of artists at work creating original pieces of art while surrounded by diners enjoying their dinner.
One of the delectable items I had on the Cafe’s menu was the Duck Confit Salad. Interestingly enough, when it arrived I didn’t expect it to be more of a flatbread with a salad on top. However, the description on the menu was accurate “Dried cranberries, goat cheese, pine nuts, balsamic vinaigrette; on caramelized onion flatbread.” I must have just been thrown by the word “salad.” Regardless, it did not matter. After my first bite I was in heaven. It was amazing. The onion flatbread was hot and crispy. The duck was juicy and tender. Everything on this dish worked together to make me a very happy man. Chad was lucky to get a bite of this one. As I type, my mouth is watering. Conclusion: A must stop just for this flatbread if nothing else… well the drinks, and the art, and the dancing. Just go.
Deets: Cafe Tu Tu Tango, 8625 International Drive, Orlando, Florida
We took a day trip to Cocoa Beach. A shorter trip from Orlando than the famous Clearwater Beach, but  for a guy from the land locked Midwest it was great. A great day on a beautiful beach.
Cocoa Beach Tips
1. Check out Lori Wilson State Park for free parking, restrooms, and easy access to the beach.
2. Research your food options and business hours before you get to your destination. Especially if you are on a tight time frame. We were going to enjoy lunch at Jazzy’s Mainly Lobster. We arrived and find it closed for the day due to some bad info on the internet. Have a back up plan.
3. Check out the huge Ron Jon Surf Shop, they have a huge selection for all your beach needs. A huge selection of Toms and OluKai footwear.
4. Dolphins. We were lucky enough to spot some while eating lunch at the Sunset Waterfront Grill & Bar on the river side of the island.
More adventures to come…
Catching up on the blog, Tavel: Orlando http://wp.me/p1j3JZ-YI #orlando #cocoabeach Last fall we spent a long weekend with friends in Orlando. Mythos - Universal Orlando: There are a ton of food options in Orlando.
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ghoulleviathan · 5 years
Do you have to take stairs or an elevator to get to your house? Not really, just the small step up into the back door. What do you usually order at Subway? Hmm, usually a flatbread six-inch with either ham & swiss with mayo, or buffalo chicken with pepperjack and ranch. Did an alarm wake you up this morning? Nope. How long is your mother’s hair? No clue. Haven’t seen my mom since September 2018. Is there any particular place you’d like to vacation to next? I dunno, maybe Virginia or Myrtle Beach.
What is your beer of choice, if any? Yuengling. Did you share a bed with anyone last night? Kameron, for a short while. Do you know anyone who volunteers regularly? I think so, just not off the top of my head. How many surveys have you taken today, including this one? 2, so far. What have you done today? Not much, really. How’s your heart? It’s beating. I’m getting tired of being nice to people who don’t deserve it. Whose chore is it to clean the bathrooms in your house? I tend to. Have you ever ruined a nice pair of shoes, and how? Probably by walking through something disgusting.  What time is it right now? 1:07PM. What time did you fall asleep last night, roughly? First time was 12ish, then woke up at 1:30am, didn’t go back to sleep until 2:15am, woke back up at 3:30am until 5:45am, then back to sleep until 8:30am. Who were the last friends you went to hang out with? It’s been a few years since I’ve hung out with any friends. How many chairs are in the room you’re currently in? 4. What do you think of Angelina Jolie? I don’t think about her. Have you texted a relative in the past week? Today, yeah. Are you doing anything important today? Nope. Just have a home showing again. If I were to bring you any type of food right now, what would you pick? Either sushi (avocado cucumber) or a steak power bowl from Taco Bell. When did you move into the house you’re currently living in? June 1, 2018.
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eathealthylivefree · 6 years
100 Easy Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes
Refer to this collection of Easy Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes throughout the year to keep dinner interesting for your family.
Pictured Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Oven Braised Chicken Cacciatore with Rosemary, Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken (Diethood), Cashew Chicken (Dinners Dishes & Desserts), Saucy Barbecue Chicken Meatballs, Chicken Massaman Curry (Savory Simple), Roasted Balsamic Chicken with Artichoke (Taste Love and Nourish), Quinoa Crusted Chicken with Goat Cheese (Food Faith Fitness), Slow Cooker Chicken and Wild Rice Soup (Two Peas and Their Pod), Crockpot Jamaican Spiced Chicken Stew, Turkey Shepherds Pie, Skinny Chicken Fettucine Alfredo (Diethood), Indian Spiced Grilled Chicken (The Lemon Bowl), Chicken & Basil Pomodoro Zucchini Pasta (Inspiralized), Crockpot Turkey Bolognese, Chopped Mexican Chicken Salad (Shockingly Delicious), Easy Herb Spiced Roasted Chicken
School starts in two days here, and I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m going to make for dinner once all the after-school activities start kicking in. So, to help me and you out, I’ve put together a huge collection of Easy Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes with the help of my blogger friends that we can all refer to during the school year.
Chicken is one of the most versatile proteins – you can roast it, grill it, braise it, and use it in place of ground beef in almost any recipe. Leftover chicken (grilled or roasted) can also be repurposed and made into another meal.
I’ve organized this collection of recipes by cooking technique to make it easier for you to pick and choose what works best for you.
Note: Most of these recipes are gluten-free or gluten-free adaptable (substitute gluten-free breadcrumbs or panko crumbs for regular breadcrumbs/panko crumbs; gluten-free flour mix for regular flour). If you have any recipes you want to try that you’re unsure of, just leave me a comment and I’ll try to help convert it to gluten-free for you.
Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes: Chicken Recipes Cooked in the Oven
Pictured Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Easy Herb Spiced Roasted Chicken, Oven Braised Chicken Cacciatore with Rosemary, Roasted Balsamic Chicken with Artichoke (Taste Love and Nourish), Gluten-Free Baked Chicken Tenders (An Edible Mosaic), Quinoa Crusted Chicken with Goat Cheese (Food Faith Fitness)
One Pan Roasted Chicken and Vegetables, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Easy Herb Spiced Roasted Chicken, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Oven Braised Chicken Cacciatore with Rosemary, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Easy Caramelized Chicken with Green Olives, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Roasted Balsamic Chicken with Artichoke, Taste Love and Nourish
Baked Chicken Tenders (gluten-free), An Edible Mosaic
Pretzel Crusted Chicken Fingers, Overtime Cook
Crispy Rosemary Sriracha Chicken Thighs, All Day I Dream About Food
Spinach and Feta Stuffed Chicken, Skinnytaste
Tangy Oven Barbecue Chicken, From Valerie’s Kitchen
Chicken Enchilada Quinoa Casserole, Marla Meridith
Spiced Chicken Thighs, Dinners Dishes & Desserts
Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas, A Cedar Spoon
Lemon Rosemary Roasted Chicken and Red Potatoes, A Cedar Spoon
Quinoa Crusted Chicken with Goat Cheese, Food Faith Fitness
Chicken Fajita Quinoa Bake, Two Healthy Kitchens
Baked Chicken Flautas, Crumb
Roast Chicken Legs with Olives and Lemon, Crumb
Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole, The Law Student’s Wife
Low Fat Oven Fried Chicken, Erren’s Kitchen
Spicy Baked “Fried” Chicken, Amy’s Healthy Baking
Spiced Honey Brushed Chicken Thighs, Creative Culinary
Crispy Baked General Tso’s Chicken, Chocolate Moosey
Mustard Roasted Chicken, The View From Great Island
  Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes: Chicken Recipes Cooked on the Stove
Pictured Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Easy Five Spice Braised Chicken, Cashew Chicken (Dinners Dishes & Desserts), Chicken & Basil Pomodoro Zucchini Pasta (Inspiralized), Skinny Chicken Fettucine Alfredo (Diethood), Chicken Massaman Curry (Savory Simple)
One Pot Chicken and Chorizo Paella, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Easy Five Spice Braised Chicken, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Easy Braised Balsamic & Herb Chicken, Cookin’ Canuck
Chicken Massaman Curry, Savory Simple
Easy Thai Peanut Chicken Curry, Food For My Family
One Pot Chicken Dinner, This American Bite
Braised Chicken with Golden Beets and Kale, This American Bite
Chicken & Basil Pomodoro Zucchini Pasta, Inspiralized
Zucchini Noodles with Chicken, Feta and Spinach, Inspiralized
Teriyaki Chicken, Bok Choy and Corn Zucchini Noodles, Inspiralized
Cashew Chicken, Dinners Dishes & Desserts
Honey Garlic Ginger Chicken, Running To The Kitchen
Honey Orange Sesame Chicken, Running To The Kitchen
Za’atar Spiced Chicken and Bell Pepper Sandwiches with Labneh, An Edible Mosaic
Lemon Ginger Chicken Thighs, Renee’s Kitchen Adventures
Creamy Chicken with White Wine and Mushrooms, Jew Hungry
Deep Breath Chicken, Jew Hungry
Chicken Saltimbocca, Renee’s Kitchen Adventures
Southwest Chicken Skillet, Pernickety Plates
Chicken Broccoli Shells, Diethood
Skinny Chicken Fettucine Alfredo, Diethood
Honey Mustard Chicken Stir Fry, Food Faith Fitness
Chicken Fried Rice, Or Whatever You Do
Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowl, Or Whatever You Do
Creamy Chicken and Broccoli Over Rice, Pressure Cooking Today
Five Minute Chicken Beet Walnut Saute, Apron Strings
Chicken and Saffron Rice, Erren’s Kitchen
Skinny BBQ Bacon Chicken Burgers, Amy’s Healthy Baking
Chicken with Snow Peas, The View From Great Island
Easy Weeknight Chicken Piccata, The View From Great Island
Cajun Blackened Chicken, Flavor Mosaic
  Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes: Grilled Chicken Recipes
Pictured Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Spice Rubbed Grilled Chicken Wings, Indian Spiced Grilled Chicken (The Lemon Bowl), Apricot Barbecue Chicken (The Healthy Maven), Fajita Spiced Beer Can Chicken
Spice Rubbed Grilled Chicken Wings, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Fajita Spiced Beer Can Chicken, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Indian Spiced Grilled Chicken, The Lemon Bowl
Grilled California Chicken, Life Tastes Good
Honey Soy Glazed Chicken, Steamy Kitchen
Chipotle Lime Grilled Chicken, All Day I Dream About Food
Grilled Greek Chicken Thighs with Lemon Parmesan Orzo, Renee’s Kitchen Adventures
Grilled Moroccan Chicken Kebabs, Renee’s Kitchen Adventures
Grilled Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, Life Tastes Good
Apricot Barbecue Chicken, The Healthy Maven
Grilled Chicken Fajitas, Annie’s Eats
Ranch Chicken Taco Salad, Food Faith Fitness
Buttermilk Sriracha Chicken Burgers, The Creekside Cook
Bourbon Marinated Chicken Kebabs, Call Me PMC
Citrus Marinated Chicken, Call Me PMC
Honey Lime Chicken Skewers, The Corner Kitchen
  Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes: Recipes Using Leftover Chicken
(great for leftover grilled chicken or rotisserie chicken)
Pictured Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Chopped Mexican Chicken Salad (Shockingly Delicious), Cheddar Chicken Quinoa Bake (Running To The Kitchen), Triple Cheese Chicken Pasta Bake, Asian Salad Hummus Flatbread with Chicken (Nutmeg Nanny)
Triple Cheese Chicken Pasta Bake, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Cold Asian Noodles with Peanut Sauce, Chicken and Vegetables, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Cheddar Chicken Quinoa Bake, Running To The Kitchen
Leftover Chicken Lasagna Roll with Sun-dried Tomatoes & Spinach, Cookin’ Canuck
Chicken Caesar Salad, Dinners Dishes & Desserts
Chopped Mexican Chicken Salad, Shockingly Delicious
Asian Salad Hummus Flatbread with Chicken, Nutmeg Nanny
Chicken Avocado Pitas, The Cookie Rookie
Skinny Chicken Salad Sliders, The Cookie Rookie
Crunchy Sweet Chicken Salad Sandwiches, From Valerie’s Kitchen
Chicken Sweet Potato Quesadillas, Taste and Tell
Broccoli Pesto Chicken with Pasta, Dizzy Busy and Hungry
Curried Chicken and Rice Casserole, A Cedar Spoon
Healthy Shredded Chicken Burrito Bowl, The Corner Kitchen
Mango Avocado Quinoa Chicken Salad, Cupcakes and Kale Chips
For more recipes using leftover chicken, check out these 40+ Healthy Recipes Using Leftover Chicken
Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes: Ground Chicken/Turkey Recipes
Pictured Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Chinese Chicken Lettuce Cups (The Lemon Bowl), Saucy Barbecue Chicken Meatballs, Gluten-Free Barbecue Meatloaf Muffins, Turkey Shepherds Pie
Turkey Taco Bean Enchiladas, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Buffalo Chicken Burgers, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Gluten-Free Barbecue Meatloaf Muffins, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Saucy Barbecue Chicken Meatballs, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Turkey Shepherds Pie, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Tikka Masala Meatballs, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Turkey Asian Lettuce Wraps, Fifteen Spatulas
Ground Turkey Low-Carb Enchilada Casserole, Kalyn’s Kitchen
Cowboy Turkey Meatloaf, The Perfect Pantry
Caribbean Mango Chicken Burgers, The Snappy Gourmet
Chinese Chicken Lettuce Cups, The Lemon Bowl
Chicken Meatballs, Leite’s Culinaria
Healthier Buffalo Chicken Sloppy Joes, Cupcakes and Kale Chips
Buffalo Chicken Shepherd’s Pie, Cupcakes and Kale Chips
  Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes: Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes
Pictured Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Crockpot Turkey Bolognese, Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken (Diethood), Crockpot Black Bean Turkey Chili, Crockpot Jamaican Spiced Chicken Stew
Slow Cooker Chicken Vegetable Stew, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Chicken Curry, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Crockpot Jamaican Spiced Chicken Stew, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Crockpot Turkey Bolognese, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Crockpot Barbecue Pulled Chicken, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Crockpot Black Bean Turkey Chili, Jeanette’s Healthy Living
Slow Cooker Chicken and Wild Rice Soup, Two Peas and Their Pod
Crockpot Honey Sesame Chicken, The Comfort of Cooking
Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken, Diethood
Crockpot Balsamic Chicken, Sugar-Free Mom
Crockpot BBQ Chicken Sandwiches with Zucchini Slaw, Jew Hungry
Slow Cooker Greek Chicken Tacos, Farm Fresh Eats
3 Ingredient Crock-Pot Chicken Tacos, Two Healthy Kitchens
Crock-Pot North Carolina BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches, Two Healthy Kitchens
Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken Caprese, The Law Student’s Wife
Sesame Chicken – Crockpot Style, Creative Culinary
Slow Cooker Apple Cider Pulled Chicken Sandwiches , Cupcakes and Kale Chips
What’s your go-to chicken recipe? I’d love to hear.
I hope you’ve found this roundup for Easy Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes helpful! Don’t forget to pin this post to refer to throughout the school year.
The post 100 Easy Healthy Back-To-School Chicken Recipes appeared first on Jeanette's Healthy Living.
from Jeanette's Healthy Living https://ift.tt/2MDbefe
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sloan01 · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.cooksutopia.com/25-healthy-superbowl-recipes/
25 Healthy Superbowl Recipes
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The Super Bowl is quickly approaching and if you are like me, you are already planning your menu. We are huge Patriots fans around here. I grew up outside of Boston so it’s fun to see the hometown boys doing so well. This week I wanted to provide a number of my favorite recipes for parties, entertaining, and in my opinion perfect for the Superbowl. There are more than five I just couldn’t hold myself back. I also plan on cooking way too much and may have to start invite strangers if I can’t limit the snacks I want to make. What are you serving for the Super Bowl?
Pepperoni Pineapple and Jalapeno Pizzas, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 280 calories
Barbecue Meatloaf Muffins: 3 Freestyle SmartPoints,104 calories
Skinny Queso: 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 75 calories
Skinny Egg Rolls: 1 Freestyle SmartPoints, 90 calories
Shrimp Scapi Flatbread, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 270 calories
Ranch BLT Paasta Salad, 5 Freestyle SmartPoints, 187 calories
Macaroni and Cheese Cupcakes: 4 Freestyle SmartPoints, 130 calories
Skinny Spanakopita: 3 Freestyle SmartPoints for 3, 80 calories
Chili Shrimp: 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 197 calories
Mustard Pretzel Chicken Fingers: 1 Freestyle SmartPoints, 124 calories
Spinach and Artichoke Pizza, 361 calories, 10 Freestyle SmartPoints (whole pizza)
Lasagna Cupcakes: 3 Freestyle SmartPoints, 112 calories
Portobello Mini Pizzas: 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 67 calories
Healthy Greek Nachos, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 340 calories
Slow Cooker Pepperoni Pizza Chili, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 329 calories
Baked Garlic Parmesan Zucchini Fries, 4 Freestyle SmartPoints, 140 calories
Cilanro White Bean Hummus, 1 Freestyle SmartPoints, 96 calories
Chili Con Queso, 1 Frestyle SmartPoints, 64 calories
Chipotle Black Bean Stuffed Mushrooms, 3 Freestyle SmartPoints, 219 calories
Creamy Artichoke Dip with Jalapenos, 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 71 calories
Spicy Cheddar Corn Dip, 3 Freestyle Smartpoints, 107 calories
Bang Bang Chicken, 3 Freestyle SmartPoints, 263 calories
Cheesy “Fried” Mozzarella Bites, 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 102 calories
Steak and Cheese Stuffed Peppers, 5 Freestyle SmartPoints, 246 calories
Buffalo Ranch Chicken Fingers, 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 197 calories
Calories , Total Fat g, Total Carbohydrate g, Protein g, Serving Size
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mgjansen81 · 7 years
25 Healthy Superbowl Recipes
New Post has been published on https://makesomethingtasty.com/25-healthy-superbowl-recipes/
25 Healthy Superbowl Recipes
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The Super Bowl is quickly approaching and if you are like me, you are already planning your menu. We are huge Patriots fans around here. I grew up outside of Boston so it’s fun to see the hometown boys doing so well. This week I wanted to provide a number of my favorite recipes for parties, entertaining, and in my opinion perfect for the Superbowl. There are more than five I just couldn’t hold myself back. I also plan on cooking way too much and may have to start invite strangers if I can’t limit the snacks I want to make. What are you serving for the Super Bowl?
Pepperoni Pineapple and Jalapeno Pizzas, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 280 calories
Barbecue Meatloaf Muffins: 3 Freestyle SmartPoints,104 calories
Skinny Queso: 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 75 calories
Skinny Egg Rolls: 1 Freestyle SmartPoints, 90 calories
Shrimp Scapi Flatbread, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 270 calories
Ranch BLT Paasta Salad, 5 Freestyle SmartPoints, 187 calories
Macaroni and Cheese Cupcakes: 4 Freestyle SmartPoints, 130 calories
Skinny Spanakopita: 3 Freestyle SmartPoints for 3, 80 calories
Chili Shrimp: 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 197 calories
Mustard Pretzel Chicken Fingers: 1 Freestyle SmartPoints, 124 calories
Spinach and Artichoke Pizza, 361 calories, 10 Freestyle SmartPoints (whole pizza)
Lasagna Cupcakes: 3 Freestyle SmartPoints, 112 calories
Portobello Mini Pizzas: 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 67 calories
Healthy Greek Nachos, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 340 calories
Slow Cooker Pepperoni Pizza Chili, 7 Freestyle SmartPoints, 329 calories
Baked Garlic Parmesan Zucchini Fries, 4 Freestyle SmartPoints, 140 calories
Cilanro White Bean Hummus, 1 Freestyle SmartPoints, 96 calories
Chili Con Queso, 1 Frestyle SmartPoints, 64 calories
Chipotle Black Bean Stuffed Mushrooms, 3 Freestyle SmartPoints, 219 calories
Creamy Artichoke Dip with Jalapenos, 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 71 calories
Spicy Cheddar Corn Dip, 3 Freestyle Smartpoints, 107 calories
Bang Bang Chicken, 3 Freestyle SmartPoints, 263 calories
Cheesy “Fried” Mozzarella Bites, 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 102 calories
Steak and Cheese Stuffed Peppers, 5 Freestyle SmartPoints, 246 calories
Buffalo Ranch Chicken Fingers, 2 Freestyle SmartPoints, 197 calories
Calories , Total Fat g, Total Carbohydrate g, Protein g, Serving Size
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