cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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not that we didn't already Know belos was full of shit, but it's even funnier knowing the titan was still alive the whole time and probably judging him
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sourscratched · 7 months
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quick comix of the little creatures
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miquellaslily · 1 year
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In the night light, do you still feel your pain? For the valor you waited never came If you were able, would you go change the past To mend a faux pas with one last chance? And I might know of our future But then you still control the past Only you know if you'll be together tonight
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egophiliac · 2 months
innocently logging in to look at the Twst schedule for May like
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pucksandpower · 2 months
Fred Vasseur wore a McLaren cap to celebrate Lando Norris’ win in Miami. Zak Brown returned the favor and wore a (signed) Ferrari cap today.
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daredevil-vagabond · 1 month
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...Forest walls and starry ceilings... - Harpy Hare, Yaelokre
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imsilay · 6 months
i’m fucking SCREAMING
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these type of kisses. like he couldn’t get enough of you. like when he grabs you and pulls you back into kiss even if you gasp for air. he just can’t stop once he started to kiss you, he’s addicted. and his kisses aren’t too rough. he just begs to feel any part of you against his lips so he could worship you properly.
and then
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these type of hugs when he squeezes you onto his body and won’t let go. he just can’t. so he pulls you onto his lap and holds you until his stress and anxiety melts away.
but if he does the combo of that. then i’m dead.
(please delete pinterest from my phone cus i can’t stop_(:_」∠)_ i have at least 12 boards for desperate looking men T-T)
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lucdoodle · 4 months
a lil animatic about Vox and Alastor (song: "Obsessed With You" by The Orion Experience)
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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lore accurate chuuya canonically drives a 2006 sparkly barbie motorcycle
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webonchin · 6 months
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First of all thank you all soooo soo much for following or just liking my art, support means alot to me , second you are all so talented and so sweet! even if you don't create content you are all so cool!! Yes you reading this ,you are so cool!! And for last...
Happy new year's eve, may all your dreams come true!
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Steddie brainrot continues to worsen to a concerning degree but here's a crack idea that is absolutely sending me:
Famous Spicy Six in which Jonathon is a director who decides to work on a passion project: a Scooby-Doo movie. His ideal cast is as follows:
Nancy Wheeler (investigative journalist with a few special appearances on crime dramas) as Daphne Blake
Argyle (an actor with a habit of playing small parts; he acts only because he thinks it's fun, so he's not concerned with significant roles) as Shaggy Rogers
Robin Buckley (a well-known voice actor who is more well-known for her social media posts and clap-backs) as Velma Dinkley
Steve Harrington (basketball star who is also more well-known for his social media clap-backs and for being Corroded Coffin's number one fan) as Fred Jones
Eddie Munson (frontman for Corroded Coffin, an insanely popular metal/punk/rock band and "infamous" for unashamedly posting Steve Harrington thirst tweets) as the voice of Scooby-Doo
Corroded Coffin is also creating an entirely new, original soundtrack for the movie
And because I think it's funnier this way, this is also an AU where the Upside Down still happened, so Jonathon just calls his friends up and is like "Okay, so hear me out"
The absolute insanity that breaks out when both the movie and cast are announced because nobody can figure out how Jonathon managed to convince all these powerhouses to join his movie.
The further screaming online after one of the movie promo interviews where a reporter asks how they all agreed to the movie and Nancy hits them with, "Well, Jonathon asked, and he never asks for anything."
Which leads to the discovery that they all knew each other in high school, and the reporter jokingly asks if that means they've all dated each other, too, which leads to Eddie jumping in with absolute delight like, "Well, that's a funny story, there. See, Stevie here dated Nancy, who then dated Jonathon when they broke up, who then dated Argyle after they broke up. And I thought Stevie and Robin were dating, so I was very confused when I saw Robin and Nancy kissing. But then I found out that Robin was a true-blue lesbian, which meant Stevie here was open for the taking, and we've been banging ever since."
and Steve is just sitting there, head in his hands while Robin cackles and decides to tell the reporter all about Steve's "fuck I have a crush on Eddie" crisis
This interview, of course, leads to even more freaking out online and comments like "I know I asked for poly Scooby gang, but this is ridiculous," and "I can't believe that in this, the year of our lord 20xx, ScoobyXFreddy became a canon ship," and "if I had a nickel for every romantic relationship the Scooby gang actors have had with each other, I'd have five nickels, which is way more than any of us fucking expected to have," and "suddenly Eddie Munson's thirst tweets make a lot more sense, but can we talk about Steve Harrington's CC tweets now," and "everyone say thank you to Eddie Munson for revealing that mess of a relationship map," and "finally, the canon lesbian velma and daphne we deserve"
The movie is a box office hit, btw, and bloopers from filming roll with the credits, among which is Eddie Munson making Steve Harrington lose his shit laughing on set while dressed in a Scooby Doo onesie and singing Corroded Coffin songs with his Scooby Voice
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doe-prince · 9 months
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Lately my dreams have been bloody
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ygamiraito · 4 days
they just dont make sentient computers like this little devil anymore
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lovereadandwrite · 27 days
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“I shall protect you, & you alone… even if…you stand as the last person on this earth”
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scalefeathers · 7 months
So I was rewatching the first episode of Blue Eye Samurai and I noticed this time that near the end we get these three moments back to back to back:
First, Mizu letting down their hair
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Then Akemi putting up her hair
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And then there's Taigen.
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kaereth · 1 year
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Family Resemblance / Belos Death Squad unite
I had to draw all their ulta forms together bc dang, designs!!
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