devils-reign · 4 months
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crushedgraham · 1 year
Headcanons for female reader who’s dating Mercy and Widowmaker when reader is sick? :)
Poly! Mercy x Widowmaker x Sick Gf
i didn't know if you meant poly or separate so i just did poly 🥲
update: IM SO SORRY IM TAKING SO LONG WITH REQUESTS, im getting kinda busy with school but i promise to have most requests done on the weekend!
babe you're literally dating a world renowned doctor.
you'll be getting the BEST treatments on the market
but that also means she won't have much time to take care of you...
she can take like 2 days off at most
which is why she writes out long, intricate instructions on how to take care of you for amélie
in my opinion amélie thinks sickness is disgusting.
like whenever you have a crunchy cough or you throw up, she'll have to physically hold back from making a disgusted face
but she pushes through for you
amélie wont spend that much time in the same room as you because she doesn't want to get sick, but she will occasionally come into your room to check up on you
(i feel like her immune systems much weaker now that her heart beats so slowly)
whenever she does visit you, she sends a short text to angela to keep her informed
she may seem cold and nonchalant about your sickness but when she thinks your asleep, she'll sit on the edge of the bed and kiss stroke your sweaty hair
amélie will press her cool palm to your forehead in hopes of relieving your fever
seeing you so weak and broken down sends an ache deep into her heart
she'll complain to angela about how she can barely sleep in a bed with others, especially when one's "infested with diseases" but when the angel comes back from work shes welcomed with the sight of amélies arm wrapped protectively around your waist to keep the fever away as you two sleep soundly
angelas heart Explodes.
after carefully renewing the cool towel on your forehead and checking your temperature, she'll start taking pictures of you two from EVERY angle
her pictures aren't really the best but it's cute!
she makes it her lockscreen and she'll open her phone in between shifts just to look at the picture with a love sick smile
once shes all cleaned up, she'll slide into bed in one of your oversized t-shirts and whisper a small "goodnight liebling, goodnight schatz"
in the morning, angela's exhausted since she usually sleeps in after long shifts but she forces herself to get up so she can take care of you
she sits up in bed for a good amount of time just trying to gather all of her energy to get out bed
but before she can move another muscle, a cool hand is on her wrist, gently tugging her back
"rest. i can take care of her"
the angel eagerly lays back into the bed and knocks out almost instantly
though she wakes up only about an hour later to the smell of burning...chicken??
she quickly rushes to the source of the smell until shes face to face with amélie who's scrubbing away at a blackened pot
empty cans of chicken noodle soup litter the counters
amélie turns around with the burnt pot in her hand and a sponge in the other and they just stare at each other for a moment
"do not say anything."
"i didnt plan to, how about we grab breakfast at that café you love so much?"
"oui, ange"
they walk to the nearby café together, talking about how their days went
yeah...at least you got delicious pastries to make up for those...
liebling - darling
schatz - treasure
ange - angel
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
Happy Saturday :) Counted the days today see how far off we are. 73 days till s6. Still awhile away but glad to have something to look forward to. Not a ton of moments in this one but what we do get is good. Always is with them having crumbs or massive moments tis a delight. Do get to see Tim in sexy leader mode. Always gets my engine revving ha
4x15 Hit List
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We start off with the clown saying 'Hi' to Lucy. She asks if he got her emails? He babbles on about not reading them yet. Cause they pertain to coddling felons. (asshat...)He then jumps the gun and calls her his GF. Lucy is not about it. I love her calling him out on it. The clown tries to defend his answer but Lucy cuts it off. Not allowing the convo to go any further. It’s almost like he’s not worth it Lucy…. Or just a relationship of convenience....Instead of digging deeper into that she presses on about the judicial system.
How he could make a difference with the position he’s in. Chris asks why she didn’t go to law school then? Her answer is classic. Because her parents wanted her to LOL The clown starts telling her she should go to law school. Leave being a cop and the violence behind. It’s funny or more annoying really. Both Chris and Ashley wanting them to leave being a cop behind. Something that so dear and important to them. An intricate piece of who they are. Oh the reasons these people are wrong for them is plentiful.
They truly pick the polar opposites for themselves this season. Before the clown leaves he asks her if she really wasn’t ok with him calling her his GF? Lucy deflects once again. Saying it’s fine if she can call him her ‘Work in progress. ’ Easy love, your commitment issues are showing…Amazing how in s5 with Tim she doesn’t hesitate…. *sigh* The clown is an annoying speed bump on our journey to that moment.
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We first catch our couple rolling in their shop. Lucy looking out the window. Pensive look written on her face. Tim notes this silence and says she’s been quiet. So funny this man who would get so irritated by her talking and personal stuff notes this. We know that wall is demolished so when he doesn’t have that he misses it. i.e. this moment.
We all know he secretly loves their shop talks at this point. She came barreling into his life like a chatty sunshine filled wrecking ball. Knocking his high wall down to rubble. With it gone he’s used to it now and craves it honestly. Especially when it’s absent. He’s the one to break the silence in this moment not Lucy. It’s the little things I love so much. Look at our Tim.
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Once the silence has been broken Lucy asks her question. Asking Tim if he thinks she’d be a good lawyer? Doesn’t waste a second before telling her No LMAO Her face in the second gif haha She’s so offended. Tim sees this and follows up with saying it's a compliment. Lucy tries to defend it by saying Wesley’s a lawyer. ‘We’ like Wesley. Heh who is this 'We' eh Lucy? Talking like an old married couple. What else is new? Haha I love it Tim fires right back with the same ‘We’ below. This is making me giddy. I see you guys and I’m happy about it.
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Tim makes the point they only accept Wesley cause they fear Lopez. I mean where’s the lie? LOL If there is one other woman (other than Lucy) who can put the fear of God into Tim it’s Angela Lopez haha Also his disdain for lawyers explains his extra dislike of Chris the clown. Already doesn’t like the guy. Him being a lawyer isn’t scoring him any extra points with Tim.
Nevertheless she is amused by her husband antics about this. Written all over her face. Damn they cute. Lucy continues on about making change. That a progressive DA can change a lot more than they can. Tim stops her. Says they’re not there to make change. Their job is to catch criminals. If she wants to become a crusader for change tells her to become a billionaire. Then she can eradicate poverty.
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Before their convo can go any further they see a car pull up speeding. It cuts them off and opens fire on the vehicle next to it. They pull up to the car and the poor driver is already dead. There was nothing they could've done for her. She’s so young it’s sad to see. Lopez pulls up to their scene after its in progress. Asks what happened? All they have right now is a drive by for info. She tells them that the key into why she was shot at will be in ID'ing her.
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Tim takes over for Grey so he can go testify in his case. It’s his first stint as Watch Commander. Already off the a rocky and hectic start. Nolan also had a victim this morning. Man blatantly poisoned in the lobby. He died waiting for help. They connect the two through the fact they were both witnesses to a massive case. Tim lets them know it’s the same case Grey is about to testify for… I do love seeing him in that chair. Everyone coming to him because he's acting commander. He wears it well.
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Tim comes to see Grey at the hospital. He just barely survived his attack. The scene in the garage is intense. It's a throw back to when Nolan killed his suspect back in S1. We can see the worry on Tim's face before he walks over to Wade. He does his best to put his worry away before coming up. The worry is still evident though. Especially through out their interaction. This man has been a rock and a mentor for Tim. To see Grey shaken up like this is hitting him hard.
I love Tim coming up calm and patting his leg. Trying to reassure him. He then does what he does best and takes control of the situation. Lets him know everything is squared away. That all he needs to focus on now is getting better. Wade asks who she was? He tells her a hitter for Matteo Rubio. The man he was set to testify against. They think that she was also the shooter for the drive by.
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Tim goes into sexy sergeant mode. Reports back to his crew who are waiting for news. They discuss what happened and if the threat is over. Nolan doesn’t think so since the person who killed his victim was a man. Tim sends Lucy to the DA with Angela to get the witness list. See if they can prevent anymore deaths. He then directs everyone else in that take charge tone of his. Yum. Everyone turning to him for guidance and respecting everything he's saying. I love it sfm.
He wants round the clock security for Grey. Then advices Nolan on how to be there for Wade. Going from strong leader to teacher in the blink of an eye. Getting me all hot and bothered Sergeant Bradford. *fan-self* Tim says he’s going to try and ID the deceased shooter. That way he can find out who she was partnered with and catch this other threat.
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The trip to the DA is fruitless. Del Monte won’t share the confidential witness list. Says unless they have credible evidence he isn’t sharing anything. That they handle witness protection for a reason. Angela is fiery af with Del Monte. Saying they’re doing a bang up job LOL I love her so much. This is why Tim fears her haha
Chris tries to catch them before they leave. Angela allows a minute for them to chat in private. He hands her the list. Lucy immediately tries to hand it back. He follows it up telling Lucy that she can’t say where she got it from. He’ll be fired if she does. Maybe then don’t do that and put her in this position clown…
Acting like he's doing her this big favor but also letting her know how it could damage him. Trying to be the big hero but it comes off as anything but that IMO. Like look at me and what I'm going to possibly sacrifice. You'll owe me if this works out. Putz. Lucy’s moral compass winning out though. Tim would be so proud. Telling him they can’t become criminals to catch one. That they’ll find another way. My girl. I love it. Angela interrupts says they ID’d Grey’s shooter.
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We return to our ship on a stakeout. They found the place she has been staying at. Waiting to gain entrance to their shooters home. Tim coming up asking if there has been any movement? Lucy reports no. What I love here is the lack of space. This whole season it's not a concept they understand. I love it sfm. He closes the gap and she doesn’t even notice. It’s just their natural rhythm at this point. Magnetically drawn to one another. Could he be any closer to her?
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Once they’re inside they notice her associate isn’t there. They don’t have a name attached to him yet. All they had was this house and it’s empty. Lucy asks Tim if he smells smoke? He says yes. Being the smart cookie she is saying it’s a little hot outside for a fire….The theme for lack of person space continue as they examine the fireplace. Looks like they just missed him. He bailed and burned their paper trail before he took off.
As they check the remains of the burnt paperwork. Tim joins her and leans close as they inspect what’s left. No need for it but I’m happy for it haha He physically can’t help it. Tim saying there isn’t much to work with. Lucy being the bad ass she is finds something. A name Kellen Myers. Just what they needed. A huge crack in the case courtesy of our girl.
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We find out that name was of a paralegal who sold the list to their shooter. Angela breaks down this dude quickly. It's amazing to watch her in action. He easily collapses under the pressure. Says he didn’t know anyone would get killed. Tells her he gave the name of the witnesses and the DA. Idk how this dude thought they would just play nice with them all. Idiot. Probably why they picked him.
Tim and Lucy race to the DA office. Phone lines are down and they know their next target is them. Unfortunately they save his clown ass and Del Monte (would’ve saved us a lot of trouble had this guy succeeded haha) Guess them being together did get us pouty, pining Tim in S5 so it’s not a total loss her dating him lol
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Lucy checks in on the clown after everything is settled. She then asks him why he really wanted to give her the list? To me Chris was one big manipulative red flag. (Also clueless as hell at the same time. Enigma of ugh.)He never did anything because it was the right thing to do. It was because he was trying to impress her. Pleading the 5th and all that for the list. Just like Tyler's deal in 4x11. He did it because it was to impress Lucy. To get in her good graces.
So once again with this moment he did it for the sake of impressing her. Not because it was the right thing to do. Nothing like Tim. I’ve said this before they both went for people who were the polar opposite of who they really wanted in s4. I dislike Chris so much and he lasts the longest bleh. I don't like either Ashley or Chris but I dislike Chris more. Love the actor to bits he's a sweetheart. Chris though? blah. Pretty low content ep for them but next one will more than make up for it.
Side notes-non Chenford
The SL with Grey and Nolan is really good. I may give Nolan a hard time cause well he is a putz most times ha but I do enjoy how he and Grey have grown professionally and personally.
Aaron’s plain clothes day is ROUGH to say the least with running into Patrick’s dad…
Thank you so very much to those who continue to be on this review journey with me. By liking, commenting and reblogging these ❤️ you’re the all the best. See you in 4x16 :)
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windshield91 · 6 months
A person is entitled to feel whatever situation provoked inside them & process things their own way. But they can't force their partner to deal the same way.
Lucy attitude toward this situation irked me. It was more 'me' than 'what's up with Tim' or 'Us'
"Telling me you're alive is not optional" -Lucy
1. Isn't that a little hypocrite? She spent time undercover without contact and Tim has to live with the possibility. And she can't handle his 36 hours of radio silent even if he said he'll call when he could and didn't give a specific time.
2. She kept going on about her feelings (they're valid) but wasn't the right time, without knowing what's going on and She knows he is reliable. So go off on him like that? He is safe in front of her and she made her point with her first words.
3. She was worried about him and the first thing she said was telling him what to do other than asking where he is been?
"I can't tell you." - Tim
1. Can Lucy share everything that happened undercover with him? No, there are secrets. And even in patrol to protect her partner.
2. It's not just his story to tell. And wouldn't Army operations need clearance.
"Because even telling you can put you at risk with the department." -Tim
1. He told her it's Serious and Career jeopardising. Why wasn't that enough to her for now? He seemed stressed and with the same clothes so why not give him time to rest and collect himself before demanding all answers.
2. She asked him to leave. Okay, maybe the situation provoked something deep. But she acted like he's a perp not her boyfriend. Kept pressing for answers when he was looking for comfort.
"He says if he tells me what's going on, I could get fired" -Lucy
1. She thought of herself first, so went to Nolan, a subordinate but if she thought big picture wasn't Angela a better option? being Tim friend and can reason with him if needed.
2. He basically told her it's so serious but she pulled Nolan in this mess, giving him info that might harm Tim if IA asked. What if she put him in danger? What if Nolan felt obligated to report what they found? Or to lie for them?
3. She didn't respect him and went behind his back again. Didn't she get mad when he did that saying she can handle herself and would ask for his help if she needed it?
"I'm being a good girlfriend and trusting my man" -Lucy
Seriously, After trying to find out and telling Nolan his privacy. Why didn't she trust him to handle that and he would come to her if he needed her help? Just be a supportive gf? He wanted her comfort but she didn't give him that making it seems like she just want the action.
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See, this is the frustrating thing. Catradora COULD'VE been good enemies to lovers but, like someone wrote elsewhere, if both of them thought that the other was brainwashed.
"Catra, what the Horde is doing is wrong! Come with me, we'll escape together!" "What? No! Did the princesses brainwash you? Oh no they brainwashed you. Look, I'll just bring you back home and it'll all be okay."
"Catra still believes that the Horde is doing the right thing. I need to defeat her but I don't want to hurt her too badly." "Adora still believes that the Princesses aren't the villains here. I need to defeat her but I don't want to hurt her too badly."
Cue whole episodes of vaguely piney battles where both of them are holding back and eyeing each other longingly.
(Someone wrote somewhere that the incest could've been avoided if Adora was raised by Hordak and Catra by SW. This would also tie Hordak's and Adora's arcs together via "okay so I was born to become a weapon/soldier but fuck that I'm so much more than that.")
Princess prom allowing them to temporarily forget about the conflict and have fun like they used to. The dance is more reciprocal than "Catra smirking down at clearly uncomfortable Adora."
Shadow Weaver: alright, Catra, you suck at bringing Adora back. Let's just brainwash- uuuh, I mean magically undo the brainwashing the princesses did to her and bring her home. "But I don't wanna brainwash he-" DID I STUTTER.
Catra targeting Glimmer and Bow bc she perceives them as fake friends who have brainwashed Adora. All the spiel about "they don't really care about you they care about She-Ra's power" isn't manipulation, but something she genuinely believes.
Catra advancing at force captain and taking on more power, but in the process gradually realising that what the Horde is doing IS wrong. Cue an internal crisis because oops, everything she's known all her life is a lie. No, no! She refuses to accept that (Aka breakdown time) and kickstarts the faulty portal.
The portal Catra is twisted and deeply unlike herself, at her absolute and utter worst.
Post-Portal, Catra wakes up and, instead of doubling down, realises that she made a MASSIVE FUCK OFF MISTAKE and spends all of season 4 working on her redemption arc, having moral crises, beginning to feel more and more terrible about the past 3 seasons.
She joins the alliance at the end of s4 (gasp, cliffhanger!) and the rest do the cast slowly grow to trust her throughout the season. That's when she realises that Adora really wasn't brainwashed and APOLOGISES for all the things she did and thought.
"Hey Catra?" "Yeah?" "It's good to have you back." [cue blushing as C and A realise how badly they missed each other now that they have no more reasons to fight]
Catra being gradually incorporated into the best friend squad and she, Bow AND Glimmer all help Adora break through HPrime's virus thingy in a parallel to season 1 where Adora is supported by ALL her friends, not just her gf.
Hooray, the evil is defeated! Uh, what now? Okay, either they come to the conclusions that they lcoe each other separately and confess after HPrime's been defeated and there's nothing in their way anymore, or there's like a mid-combat confession played for laughs like "this is mad sweet of you but we don't have time for this!" "WE MIGHT NOT SURVIVE TO HAVE THE TIME LATER" and a tender moment after the battle where maybe Catra is patching Adora up in contrast of all the times they spent beating the crap out of each other.
Shit, Bow could tentatively give her tips on how to be a good friend!
She'd have a harder time with Glimmer because Glimmer never forgave her for the Angela thing, but Catra tries and feels bad and maybe even begs her for forgiveness. (please, I didn't know it would come to that. You can punch me if you want.) And feeling genuine remorse. (My mother figure was shit. Yours looked okay. I'm really sorry for taking that away from you.) Etc etc
This really isn't a hard character arc to plot, Nate. Look, I did it in like 15 minutes while dicking around at work. Easy peasy.
this! all of this.
(also i was the one who suggested the idea of hordak being adora's parental figure)
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Why are you watching me your posts are always relevant to my situation..
Sylvia and Angela headcanons?
yea i actually watch everyone who interacts w me i place lil cameras on them, hope u dont mind!!
•angela sees sylvia as like the fun aunt or better yet, older sister, shes the only girl in her world and she doesnt have any girl friends and gere comes dally w sylvia
•it works bc sylvias always wanted a lil sister!!
•tim has an odd feeling about their relationship, he doesnt want sylvia around angela bc lord know what shes teaching the girl but i think tim understands that angel needs a female guidance somewhere, cause their mother sure as hell aint it
•curly actually doesnt mind, guaranteed he thinks its weird that its dallys on and off again gf so maybe he questions it a tad, cause like whag could they possibly have to say to each other, but who is he to judge, angelas alright so hes alright
•i keep forgetting that i hc sylvia as haitian too so let me make it clear that angela would find sylvia speaking kreyòl to her very comforting, its not the best bc she wasnt born in haiti but angela doesn't care, as long as sylvia keeps calling her “zanj” she’ll be fine
•a good chunk of angelas stuff is actually from sylvia, partially hand me downs, partially clothes she bought for her
•i think a lot of ppl judge them and thats a good reason of why they gravitate towards each other, nobody else rlly gets it but them
•ik they rant to each other about their love lives, or rlly just their lives in general, them shits is a MESS they need an outsiders perspective to tell them if theyre going crazy, and look as much as they love each other, they wont always tell the other what they wanna hear, theyre very upfront ppl
•however they would butt heads from time to time, as i said, theyre like sisters, its only natrual
•i truly cannot explain this to u, but them having a heart to heart kinda reminds me of its raining somewhere else from undertale
•when dally comes over w sylvia, sylvia is usually upstairs w angela until dally calls her down or is kicked out
•they kiss each others cheeks everytime they see each other
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imaginespazzi · 7 months
Hey pookie,
First off, since you achieved your goal of keeping part 2 shorter, imma try to do the same with this ask! So here goes my thoughts on part 2:
I should have already known as soon as I saw the lyric/song you chose that this was gonna hurt bad, but I still was not prepared for how bad. Side note: I listened to Happier while I was reading it for the second time – I do not recommend if you don’t want your heart to break even more.
I know I said I wanted Paige to suffer… WELL I TAKE IT BACK- my favourite blonde has suffered enough 😭
Her entire drunken monologue about what she would have done if it was her that took Azzi on a date- fuuuuuck I can’t- but oh man it was so well written and so heartbreaking.
And then oh- that last part and when she realised that it wasn’t her that Azzi was looking for (although I still believe that subconsciously, it was a certain blonde that she was searching for in the crowd)
ZOE WHEN I CATCH YOU 🫵 (you did nothing wrong, BUT STILL)
I did let out a lil giggle tho (In between my crying) at blondie running into a wall cos she was so desperate to get away 🤭
Side note: the first scene was top tier; I just love Paige and the Fudds interactions and Azzi and Drew interactions 🫂
Side note 2: Angela being chosen as one of the menace teammates, I see the vision truly, she would be that girl lmao
Favourite line/quote: “she’s who you were supposed to be…” 💔
So overall, my heart was as cracked as paige's screen protector was by the end of it, and I just want blondie to finally get to take her bestie out on their dream date. BUT I do love angst so maybe I can handle just a tiny bit more suffering (I guess I’m taking back my earlier takeback), sorry paige 🙈
Thoughts on what’s to come (potentially):
I know I said in a previous ask that in my mind, summer breaks are when it gets especially messy and seeing as we’re up to a summer break in the timeline, oof bestie I can’t wait to see what you have in store for them (and us).
Also, the first meeting between Zoe and Paige- I know that would be explosive, like Paige would just be constantly trying to prove that she knows Azzi best 👀
“you don’t even know the things I said to her before she left for LA. And she’s still here” – another teaser of that fight, ugh I so desperately wanna know, but also not know, what she actually did say that night.
As always, thank you for this incredible story. I was so prepared (well, not really but I could have been) to wait at least a couple weeks for this part cos ya know we never wanna pressure you and I know you still got actual life to deal with, so the fact that you put this out ONE WEEK later - we don’t deserve you, truly. 🥺
Ok omg lemme wrap this up now, and ignore the part where I said I’d try to keep this ask short(er) because I’m pretty sure this is my longest one yet? I’m sorry – the key word there was obviously: try.
Much love always 💗
Hi bestie <3
Please I love your long asks, don't ever stop.
Fun fact I was torn between using Ed Sheeran's Happier or Oliviia Rodrigo's Happier (does she mean you forgot about me) but also kind of wanted to use The 1 (if my wishes came true, it would have been you).
I KNEW YOU (and everybody else) WOULD FLIP THE MINUTE I GAVE Y'ALL SAD PAIGE like y'all love her too much (me af) 😭
We're gonna come back to Azzi and her searching the crowds during the game next chapter (also just gonna add here, the anon asking if Azzi knows Paige was at the game, she doesn't...yet)
WAIT okay, do we want Zoe to be a good kind gf or no? Cause I have two ways this could go lol
Poor Angela caught some strays. It was between her and Emily Bessoir and I was like nah Angela fits better, so I'm glad you agree babe
Aww babes I'm sorry to break you like Paige's screen protector 💀 (is this a bad time to tell you that it very much is not getting better anytime soon so hopefully you can handle a lot more than little)
Mini confession, I also don't actually know what the argument before Azzi left for UCLA actually was...very much a work in progress oops-
Let's see if I can actually stick to my weekly timelines (hmmmm)
Love you always pookie 💗
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Random 5x05 thoughts (I know I’m Late to the celebration)
- Regarding Ashy and Tim’s Breakup (Good Riddance)
Ashy breaking up with Tim
My first thoughts were against Ashy breaking it off with Tim, but now I have come to accept that it was her, and I’m not mad at it. It’s finally done. I have seen many different perspectives and all are valid. Just thought I’d offer my take.
Ashy was either really oblivious or so narcissistic that she didn’t see Lucy as a threat. I mean, the signs have blatantly been there since the beginning. Not sure how she missed them. To be fair , we didn’t get enough background on her, in order to confirm or deny Lucy factored into her reasoning for breaking up with Tim. Her actual, displayed reasoning for the breakup was out of left field, and I had the same initial thoughts as some others, why date a cop in the first place, if you couldn’t handle being with one long term. After some thought, I came up with something that I haven’t seen discussed here yet. Now, I am not making any excuses for her, and the cold way she ended things, but I am trying to make sense of the breakup on her end. I think that maybe Tim being hurt and going into emergency surgery, may have triggered repressed, childhood trauma, regarding her dad. Our reactions/ responses to trauma/ reliving trauma, can sometimes be irrational and spontaneous. That trigger may have sent her into a tailspin, hence her talking about retirement, and not allowing time to pass before ending their relationship. She didn’t want to relive those feelings she and her mother went through when she was a child.
Tim Not being the one to break up with Ashy
I am curious and forgive me for maybe missing something, because I only rewatch Chenford scenes, but when did Tim ever reference or say that it would be an end all, be all (Dealbreaker), in his relationship, if his significant other did not want to marry or have kids? I only remember him saying that he thought he’d have kids by now, and he and Isabel talked about it. He did express surprise/ a little disappointment when Ashy revealed she didn’t want that, but I thought it was because most people are shocked/ surprised/ a little disappointed when a woman expresses that sentiment, as if it is taboo. I personally don’t think that was a main factor or reasoning to end his relationship with her, unless it is still what he really wants.
The main factor(s) that should have had him end that relationship, is the emotional and almost physical cheating with Lucy. Also, how Ashy was subtly manipulating him to conform to her wants and needs, instead of allowing him to be himself, with a little compromise. It also seems, to me at least, Tim was still very much of the mindset that he was in the early stages of dating, and they weren’t as exclusive to him, as they were to her. She said she loves him 🤮; he didn’t say it back. On screen canon tells me that he doesn’t love her. He also told Angela he’s dating Ashley in 5x01, even though he’s called her his GF, other times. (When is dating no longer dating? How long have they even been together, a year? Aaron finished his FTO program in that time. Isn’t it 18 months altogether?)
Was it fair for Tim to lead Ashy on? No, but he probably looked at their relationship, as a safety net, and because he didn’t follow through with the physical cheating, he most likely thought he could focus all his energy/efforts in his relationship with her, grow to love her, and get over his burgeoning feelings for Lucy. I don’t think him not ending things with Ashy, means he doesn’t have feelings for/ love Lucy. To him, Lucy has already moved on, with Chrispy. Logically, why forfeit any chance at potentially being happy? A lot of people settle, when they can’t be with the one they truly love. Yes, he is a man of honor, and what he was doing is quite the opposite of being honorable, but sometimes honorable people can have lapses in judgement, and make mistakes, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. That’s an internal struggle he could be dealing with/ trying to rationalize, under the surface. We won’t know, until it is said aloud, if ever.
Side note: Just thinking about why Tim was outlandishly considering retirement, and the only reasoning I can come up with, aside from him humoring Ashy, was that he was also factoring in a potential solution to the superior/senior officer roadblock that is preventing him from being with Lucy. 👀
I loved this episode and have many thoughts, about it. I’ll prob make another post solely about Lucy and Tim❤️. This is too long. Thank you for sticking with me til the end if you made it this far.
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smizzy · 2 years
Being Angela's sibling and dating El
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mannn im finna whip dis hoe
angela having a soft spot 4 u cus ur her sibling
but shes not kissing up ur ass 24/7
just mildly picking on you
it was all well until you saw a brown short haired girl getting laughed at by your sister and her friends
you didn't say anything knowing how Angela was, but you made a mental note to make sure to look out for that same girl
as time went by she started telling you more and more about the same girl
stories about how she treats her, jokes made in class about her, names being thrown around
you found out her name was Jane and her brother Will both coming from outta state
she was cute you'd give her that
you wanted to talk to her, maybe more
yeah Angela's mischievous actions ticked you off day by day
but during those days you were getting closer to Will meaning also getting closer to Jane too
on the first day you talked to both of them you told them you swore you weren't like your sister
They were on the fence still more so Jane and ofc u don't blame them after the image your sister technically gave you both
But Angela started noticing you staring out for someone during school
or saying you have something for school and spending less and less time with her
not too long after Will, Jonathan, Joyce started noticing when you were brought up she have a reddish pink tint appear on her face with the most adorable blushing smile
it's just so easy to see how much she's into you
and they think it's the most cutest thing ever
the incident at the roller-rink left you stunned but you couldn't say she didn't deserve the hit.....
days pass and you get even more close with Jane, maybe even little flirty remarks, you were in deep babe
After school you heard loud snickering knowing what was happening already, you walked over to Jane helping her up and picking up her dropped belongings and putting them back in her bag
"just give it up already Angela, she's clearly desperate now just spare all of us the time"
it was the first time you ever stood up for Jane
Angela had to make sure she wasn't trippin fr
she scraped her chin with a scratch on her cheek so thinking it was good idea you told her to sit still as you go find any type of first aid in the Hopper-Byers house
As you began treating her she asked you in a low soft voice why you did what you did back at school
you couldn't say anything, like your words were stuck in your mouth
not cus of how scared you were to admit how you felt, but the closeness of face to face ratio
"y/n" you hesitantly moved your eyes up to hers
And in a quick movement she placed her lips right on yours mking you burn up, you dropped the cotton ball and place you hand in hers until you realized what was happening and you pulled away
"I don't care" she said after the sudden quick step back "Honestly I don't care when it comes to being with you, ever since we met it's just been you on my mind"
from there on you knew he rest would be history
the Byers family loving to have you over anytime even on school nights
photos! photos! photos!!!
she feels the most purest love with you
Angela treating her a little nicer day after day when she's over at your house
meaning she'll stop bothering her at school
your gf has the most thanks to give to you from finally getting Angela off her back to winning the most fantastic, affectionate, loving, kind, charming, cool, stunning, humbled, sexy, hilarious girlfriend of all time
you make her feel all mushy whenever you guys kiss
wishing hopper and everyone in Hawkins would meet you
teaching her how to cook and bake
y/n shrine in her room
stick drawings of you both with everyday accessories and hearts around with blushing cheeks is a must 24/7
thinking about a future with you
if eleven gets something from the store she's getting one for y/n you best believe that mate
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violetmac · 7 years
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Okay. I’ll try.
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saintapoptosis · 3 years
Dark Entries: A Goth Music Overview
The tags on that aux cord post are really grinding my gears on this Monday evening so I’m making it my responsibility to educate people on this site as to what goth music actually is. I know this is going to get on some people’s nerves and generate some discourse because the “what is goth?” debate never seems to end, but at the end of the day I’m just some stranger on the internet who’s not even old enough to be in most goth clubs in my country. This is just my interpretation and explanation of it all for the curious. 
The long and short of it is that goth is a music based subculture. there’s no requirement to being goth other than listening to the music- which seems to be what’s confusing a surprisingly high people on this site. i’m not going to judge you for calling mother mother or my chemical romance goth up until this point. the subculture is largely underground and obscure by nature. Popular legend has it that the goth scene was born in 1979 when British rock band Bauhaus released the nine-minute long single Bela Lugosi’s Dead, but if you ask me that oversimplifies how it all started and isn’t even their best classic goth song. Goth is better understood as a progression from the punk explosion of the late 70s to what came after: the aptly named post-punk genre and beyond. Goth wasn’t the only genre that came from post-punk- new wave, shoegaze, and most alternative rock as we know it did too! Post-punk (British post-punk specifically) was and continues to be a lot of things compared to punk: noisier, faster, slower, stripped-down, more “intellectual”, weirder, and more emotional than early punk rock (the early British goth scene was also heavily linked to one particular club in London called the Batcave which just makes sense). Bands like Joy Division, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, the Cure and the Sisters of Mercy also brought a dark, gloomy feel to the experimental do-it-yourself attitude of post-punk and are widely considered to be the founding gothic rock bands. Groups like Xmal Deutschland, Clan of Xymox, Sex Gang Children, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, and Pink Turns Blue are also hugely important to understanding the sound of the early scene (as well as the look) but didn’t achieve the same mainstream success.
But to make matters more complicated, there’s more than one goth “genre” because none of this is simple and no one agrees on this stuff in the scene. The usual laundry list of “goth” genres is as follows: gothic/goth rock, post-punk (widely contested ), darkwave, ethereal wave, deathrock, coldwave, and sometimes industrial. Angela Benedict explains it well in this video. Deathrock in particular is interesting because it was basically the “American version” of goth music and subculture for a long time and is widely called “too punk for goth and too goth for punk”. Darkwave and industrial are products of the scene getting its start in the early 80s when synthesizers became commercially available. Whether or not industrial in particular counts as “goth” or not is one of the quickest ways to start a fight among goths and also because nobody seems to be able to agree on what’s “real” industrial music. Metal isn’t widely considered to be goth music proper but I have yet to meet a goth who doesn’t like at least a little bit of metal. Historically that crossover didn’t really happen until metal started getting more creative as well (after all, the 80s were the golden age of fratty hair metal and toxic masculinity and neither of those things mesh well with goth style and sensibilities). 
Now that I’m done rambling about the early history of the goth scene, here’s some short answers to the inevitable goth faqs:
Isn’t goth also about aesthetic and fashion?
Yes, but they can’t be fully separated from the music and community. The music generally inspires the fashion and we really like copying the outfits, hair, and makeup of musicians. Goths don’t own in dressing in all black and there’s plenty of goths out there who don’t “dress like it” (including myself and MANY goth and post-punk musicians).
Are you all satanists/pagans/witches? Are you all kinky?
More often than the average person but it’s more a consequence of being in a counterculture community than anything else. Goth and alternative women aren’t your fetish or your future “big titty goth gf”. We just like a certain style of music and just happen to dress weirdly sometimes.
Why don’t more people know that goth is about music?
Goth music generally doesn’t sell well because so much of it is too abrasive or weird and most artists are pretty far underground. Goth musicians also had a habit of denying involvement with “the goth scene” early on and goths, punks, metalheads, and emos are generally lumped together in mainstream media. Gothic fashion is much easier to rip off and sell than the subculture itself is. You (and more likely than not) your parents have probably heard and enjoyed semi-“goth” music before if you like Depeche Mode or The Cure.
How do I get into the goth subculture? 
Listen to the music. Spotify’s Dark and Gothic playlist is surprisingly good and I’m partial to this massive Spotify user-created playlist of old and new bands and this mix on Youtube with lesser-known bangers. Goth music varies widely but a fuckton of it is made to be danced to because we hang out in clubs a lot of the time. The map below isn’t quite accurate but may be able to help you find your local community be it a club or a nonprofit organization! It’s fine to be confused and it’s perfectly alright to ease into it slowly without worrying about how to dress. 
Where’s Your Goth At? A Worldwide Map of Goth Clubs and Events
Why do you guys like vampires so much?
They represent the pain and suffering of the human experience in a way that humans don’t plus Anne Rice’s Interview With the Vampire came out in the 80s and Bauhaus and David Bowie were in a movie about vampires. They also just straight up look cool.
More resources:
Before Bauhaus: How Goth Became Goth - a history of the dark music that paved the way for the scene. this channel has a couple more goth history videos.
Poseurs, Elitists, and Goth - a good explanation for why listening to goth music matters as well as why being a hardass about listening to the “right” goth music sucks. also very entertaining and made by @cadaverkelly who’s posted a TON of goth music on this site and has an entire channel dedicated to the subculture. 
The Music of the Goth Subculture: Postmodernism and Aesthetics - an academic paper for nerds like me to parse through that has a ton of context and analysis on the goth movement and its origins.
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anime-kia · 3 years
(Not much of a warning, but I guess swearing and minor spoilers if you haven't already watched BP [It's slightly altered tho] And Erik's ex gf's name is gonna be Angela... mmmh, thats it...)
Relationship: Erik (as himself) x University Student Reader
This is not how you planned on spending your Friday night... Eyes blindfolded, arms and legs tied together and your body bouncing as the vehicle hit every bump in the road. Potholes were the worst! 
"Where the hell are you taking me?" Your voice seethed with fear and rage.
"Don't worry about it, Princess." His sly voice reassured you, a smirk surely graced his lips.
It all started in your African Studies Class, with your professor, Dr. Sylvia Awolo. A very intelligent and successful woman, who was very kind as well. She was calculated, proper and well spoken. Also, your favourite professor. Going to a smaller university was definitely the best option as you reaped all the benefits. Better relationships, better marks, and a peace of mind. 
"Your assignment for this week is to go to the museum and write a report about an artifact or painting you saw that really caught your interest. Sure this seems like an easy assignment, but I need quality reports with background research and thorough opinions of that piece." 
The students collected their belongings and headed for the door when the clock hit 2:30.
"Make sure I don't get doubles, talk to your peers and see what everyone is doing!" She called as the last student left. You, however, stayed behind to get a few pointers on this assignment. "(Y/n), how can I help you, dear?"
"The usual, I want to make sure this paper exceeds your expectations."
She leaned forward in her arm chair, resting her clasped hands on the ebony desk, "You always do that, I don't see what the difference is."
"Yes, but I feel like it's a bit too easy."
She chuckled, "So you want a challenge? Alright, how about this; tell me an interesting fact about whatever thing you chose to write on. And not something I can easily Google. Tell me it's history and context, and if you really want to go above an beyond, make it oral. Oral history is much more exciting than what is written down nowadays."
You thought for a moment, "Looks like I have to network this weekend..."
"Not at all, if you just so happen to bump into someone at the museum, like a historian per say, then you can interview them."
An enthusiasm lighter was sparked,"...Alright, this paper is gonna be great, you'll see. Later, Miss." You grabbed your laptop bag and headed for your dorm.
You shared a dorm with Sandra Leavens, a Jamaican girl straight from the beautiful island. She was dark skinned, average height and had an athletic-curvy figure. 
"So how was African Studies? They tellin' you da truth or da white mans truth?" She asked while taking an apple out of the fridge. Sandra is someone you would call woke. And not fake woke, she knew a lot more than people who declared their 'wokeness'. Her father being a Rastafarian was surely a contributing factor to her knowledge.
"It was good, and I'm sure it's the truth, truth. We got this assignment where we have to write a report about something at the museum, like an artifact or a painting."
"Dat sounds easy." It was amusing the way she tried to hide her accent, but it slipped every now and then.
"Yeah, but you already know I like to do the most."
"You're a scholar, ain't nothing wrong with dat."
You smiled at her words, "I'm gonna go shower now." 
"If I'm plaiting your hair, make sure you wash it."
"Alright, Sandra." You called back to her as you retreated into your room.
"Ow!" You grabbed the top of your head. 
"What? You have tender scalp?" Sandra lifted her eyebrow.
"Nah, you just yanked on my hair too hard." 
"My bad." She sarcastically commented. 
"Anyway, how many braids are left?"
"Mmmh... Bout three."
You mentally sighed in relief and returned your attention back onto whatever movie was being shown on BET.
Sandra was braiding (or as she would say, plaiting) your hair into cornrows with extensions, each braid alternating from big to small. 
It was a Thursday night, and tomorrow you had no classes. You decided to take that opportunity to start your assignment, as you already made plans to visit your family for the long weekend. 
"...And, done." She released the last braid and let it fall onto your back. "Lemme get my lighter."
"Aight," You ran your fingers over each braid, feeling the pattern. There were seven, four big, three small, and you could even feel how neat her parts were. 
She came back, opening a window. She took each braid, lighting the ends to preserve them from  opening, cut off the access and oiled your scalp.
You both cleaned up whatever mess was made before going to sleep.
 "I'm goin' to bed now, goodnight. Make sure you say your prayers."
You giggled, "Yes mama. Goodnight."
In the morning, you got up, showered and brushed your teeth. You decided to add a few gold hair cuffs to the larger braids. And of course sleeping was difficult, due to the soreness of you scalp. 
Before picking an outfit, you checked the weather. It was currently 16°C/60°F and would heat up to 20°C/68°F in the afternoon. 
A sweater, jeans and sneakers should be fine... You pulled out an oversized blush pink sweater, light blue skinny jeans and white Nikes. You carried your black mini backpack, placing your phone, wallet, keys, notepad and pen, a pack of gum, hand sanitizer and hand lotion in it.
Before leaving, you checked to see if Sandra overslept. She hated doing that, so whenever you got up, you'd wake her up because she had earlier classes and you were okay with waking up early. 
"Sandra?" You knocked on her door. "...Sandra?" You knocked once again. You figured that she probably already left out.
As a thanks for your hair, you slipped a thank you card under her door with $50 in it. She never asked you to pay her, but she didn't have to do your hair. With all the expenses that university already provided, finding a stylist who charges more than $90 was not on your priority list.
You left the dorm, and went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. 
A strawberry, mango smoothie sounds perfect right now.
You washed the fruits, cut them into smaller slices, and tossed them into the blender with coconut water, ice and a single scoop of vanilla ice cream. You toasted a bagel, an spread cream cheese over top. You checked your rose gold Apple watch for the time: 9:47. There were twenty minutes before the next bus came in. 
Luckily, the museum was not far from the university. It was a ten minute bus ride, and you could catch it right outside of your dorm. Sure you had a car, but you'd rather to sightsee, as you weren't from this state. Despite you being here for almost two years, it was like you'd see something new everyday, whether it be the people or the buildings.
You bit into your bagel, when suddenly your phone lit up. It was a text from your mom.
Mom: Good morning hon, what time are you getting here?
You: Morning! I should be there by 8 tonight, as long as traffic runs good.
Mom: Ok. Wyd today?
You: I'm going to the museum for a project
Mom: What's it about?
You: I'll tell you when I get home, I gtg now
Mom: Alright baby, have fun
You: See ya later
Too bad that wasn't going to happen...
You sat at the back of the bus, earphones in and tuned yourself out. Although you enjoyed taking this bus, an occasional unstable person would get on... There were all kinds of them: 'The world is going to end' preachers, crackheads, drunkards, pimps, flirts, you name it.
An old man offered to be your sugar daddy one time... You could only thank Bast that your stop was next.
Finally you arrived at the museum, feeling as eager as a child in an amusement park. Your university offered free museum membership to the students taking any history or art related class, and how could you turn that offer down? It was a win-win situation.
There was no thought, you knew exactly which exhibit you wanted to go to, that being the African exhibit. Though the museum was gigantic and had many famous artifacts and sculptures in it, nothing excited you more than seeing what your ancestors originally produced and invented without the use of advanced technology.
The exhibit wasn't crowded today, but you did notice a few security guards and an occasional person who passed through this exhibit to get to the other. You took advantage of the vast room, examining each artifact, writing a brief note and sneaking a few pictures of them while the guards weren't looking.
A specific artifact had caught your eye, a Nigerian Yoruba beaded crown. Decorated in blue, white, yellow and red beads. It appeared to have a face with many birds hanging on the sides and one seated on the very top. The base of the crown had long beads hanging down. You read the sign, taking notes. You had so many questions about it: Who wore it? What purpose does it serve? Who made it?
While in thought, a pair of eyes watched you carefully. You turned your head and noticed a handsome African American male who had smirk on his face. You could faintly see gold shinning off of his canines. 
How had you not noticed him before? Surely he was standing there the whole time... 
He sported gold framed glasses that were clearly for style, a white t-shirt, jeans jacket lined with fur, black designer jeans, two beaded necklaces and black Timberlands. To add to the edgy look, his hair was neatly styled in dreads with a fade.
Flirting wasn't really your thing, and also you were too occupied with getting this assignment out the way. You briefly smiled at him and went right back to your thoughts, while taking notes.
I wonder... If I sketched this out, could that assure me bonus marks? Ugh who am I kidding, drawing each bead would be the death of my hand. 
"Good morning..." The clicking of heels brought you out of your thoughts, "...How can I help you?" A lady dressed in business attire, holding a cup of the museum brand coffee approached the male that was eyeing you down.
"I'm just checkin' out these artifacts. You're the expert?" His voice was a lot more smooth than you expected, calming too.
"Ah, you could say that." She replied with a hint of awkwardness in her tone, sipping the coffee. 
"They're beautiful." He said admiring each artifact, then casting his eyes towards you.
If your chocolate skin was much lighter, surely the heat in your cheeks would've been exposed.
Great, a handsome stranger just flirted with me...
They returned back to their conversation. You wouldn't call yourself nosy, but you couldn't help listening to what they had to say as they went around the room, discussing each artifact and where it was from. He had quite the extensive knowledge too. Maybe this was your opportunity to interview the both of them. You listened carefully to the experts from a distance, jotting down notes and snapping a few pictures.
The museum director looked sick, despite her efforts of trying to hide it. 
"Now... Tell me bout this one." He pointed to a display case, holding what appeared to be some kind of hammer.
She was now clutching her stomach lightly, "Also from Benin, seventh century, mph, Fula Tribe I believe."
He slightly shook his head, "Nah."
She began to take deeper breaths, "I beg your pardon?"
"It was taken by British soldiers in Benin," He corrected her as you stood there dumbfounded, "But it's from Wakanda and it's made out of Vibranium." You gasped quietly, and he chuckled "Don't trip, imma take it off your hands for you."
This was starting to get weird... Should you leave or stay... You still weren't finished with your project, and you really wanted to ask them if they had time for an interview, but the tension in the room grew rapidly.
"These items aren't for sale." 
"How do you think ya ancestors got these?" He turned to face her. 
Ooop, let her know. You mentally cheered. 
"You think they paid a fair price? Or did they take it, like they took everything else."
Oh shit, it's getting personal. 
"Sir, I'm going to have to a-ask you to leave." She was barely able to say.
He took a step closer to her, quietly saying something that you couldn't make out, and it was clearly offensive due to her gasp.
One of the security guards finally stepped in, pulling him away from the museum director. She collapsed onto the ground, causing everyone to rush over.
"Aye, somebody send help!" He called out.
You were going to see if she was alright, but the men already surrounded her and they were calling for help, plus you didn't want to get caught up in a mess that would keep you in the museum longer than necessary. So you decided it was best for you to let the professionals handle the situation and take your leave.
Two medics were rushing in with a stretcher. They went straight to the lady, but as you were a foot away from the next exhibit (which was conveniently empty), you heard a pop. And then another one, and another followed by the sound of bodies dropping.
No... T-they couldn't be...
 You turned around to see what was transpiring. To your disgust, it was exactly what you thought of. The two medics were holding onto some kind of pistol with silencers attached on the ends, surrounded by the bodies of the guards and the museum director. Only one man was left standing, and yourself of course, but they weren't paying any attention to you.
"Hey, come here." The man with grey hair said to the last guard, "Come here, come here." The poor man slowly shuffled towards him, "It's okay, you can go. But just don't tell anyone, alright." He winked at him, sending a curt smile.
You quietly tried to shuffle away but unfortunately for you, that idiot decided to run in your direction and he was popped right in the back of his skull, collapsing onto you.
You loudly choked, as you both hit the floor.
"Bro, why you aint just shoot him right here?" 
"Cuz it's better to leave the crime scene more spread out. Makes it look like amateurs."
You pried him off of you and tried to scamper away on your hands and knees, but a voice stopped your from doing so. 
"What do we have here?" The same murder questioned with a hearty laugh.
Dammit! I'm gonna die. You panicked, Why me?! Tears threatening to leave your eyes.
"We can't have any witnesses, sorry Darling." He aimed at you.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
"Aye, wait a minute." The same male from before interrupted, saving your life.
"Don't shoot her."
The man aiming at you looked baffled, "Are you serious?"
"Yeah... She's coming with us."
You gasped, "W-what?! N-no I can't!"
"It wasn't a question, Princess." He simply stated.
After destroying the lovely exhibit, taking away the precious artifacts, they escorted you outside. Your chances of escaping these large hulking men were slim to none, so you didn't even bother trying. 
"I-I'm not going." You resisted, sitting on the ground.
Suddenly you were being violently dragged upwards by the collar of your sweater, restricting your breathing. 
"Get up, bitch." Now it was a female voice that was making the demands. 
You look behind and notice that she was the same girl who was serving drinks and snacks at the front of the exhibit.
Is everyone undercover these days?!
"Babe, she's deadweight. Lemme just shoot her right here?" 
"Nah, and lower your voice. She might come in handy."
You heard her growl and she released your collar, causing you to stumble forward. 
Asshole. You rubbed your sore neck.
While the men were distracted loading up the vehicle, you looked down the street to see if this was your chance. Unfortunately, everywhere was empty. Not a person in sight... It wasn't even that early.
"Don't even think about it." She grabbed you by the collar again.
"L-let go!" 
She leaned in closer to your ear, "Maybe I should just kill you right here, right now. All I have to say is that it was an accident." She pulled tighter on your collar.
The men were loading up the final items and your time to escape was running out. With all of your might, you took your elbow, ramming it into her stomach and she instantly let go of you, wheezing in pain. Then you uppercutted her in the jaw and took off sprinting. You were sure you heard the sound of cracking and you couldn't decide if that was your knuckle or her. Thank God for older brothers am I right? All those fighting sessions you would have with them came in handy.
"ARGH, YOU STUPID BITCH!" She screamed out.
"HELP M- Ahh!" Before you could finish your sentence, you felt something sharp stab you in the back of your left leg. You looked down and noticed a needle... 
Wait... This can't be a sedative. Oh no, they're trying to kidnap me! 
It was working quickly, your leg left was starting to become numb. Desperate to get away, you used your good leg and two working arms to crawl, but the effects of the drug were getting to each limb and your eyesight was becoming blurry. 
"I told you, it wasn't a question." Giant arms picked you up, and you were slung over his shoulder. 
"W-what do you w-want from m-me." Your speech slurred, eyes barely staying open.
"You'll see."
That didn't answer your question at all... He could use you for prostitution, rape, to test drugs, who knows... But you were too sleepy to think.
You didn't know when, but you KO'd very soon.
Your body flew up and right back down, hard, immediately waking you up. 
Ouch! What the hell was that? And why is it so dark?
"Aye bruh, avoid the potholes! Ain't no seatbelt back here."
That same voice from the museum... OH SHIT, THAT WAS REAL?!
You tried to move your arms and legs, but they were both restrained.
"Mmmmph." You tried to speak, but your mouth was covered in duct tape. 
Oh for fucks sake!
"Looks like someones awake." Whatever was covering your face was soon lifted off of your head. 
Your eyes met with the same ones that made you blush back at the museum. He leaned in, peeling the duct tape off of lips, carefully. It still hurt. You winced as it finally came out, feeling the need to rub your lips, but you couldn't of course...
"Who are you?" You asked.
"Wow, straightforward I see." He smirked. "I'm Erik. And no need to introduce yourself, (y/n)."
How the hell does he know my name?
You could hear a growl, which was coming from the girl from earlier.
He chuckled, "Don't mind Angela."
"Why the fuck would you tell her my name?" She barked at him.
"Damn baby, relax. We're all friends here."
"Fuck that." You said this time, "I need to get home."
"Yeah, that's not happening."
"Why not?"
"If I tell you why, then I'd have to kill you."
"Fucking cliche." You rolled your eyes. 
"Tell her so I can kill the bitch right now." Angela spoke up.
"You know what, slut?" 
Damn, she's sure fiery for someone who just got off those sedatives. Erik thought to himself.
"Big talk for a bitch who's tied up."
"Aight, that's enough. Come here." He pulled Angela into his lap, kissing her neck in order to calm her down.
You rolled your eyes at the ridiculous couple.
It felt like you were trapped in there for a day, though likely that wasn't the case. Angela had fallen asleep and Erik was still wide awake, admiring his new mask.
You heard a familiar ringtone coming from your backpack which was resting by his foot. He placed the mask between him and Angela so it wouldn't fall and went through your bag, pulling out the phone. His stoic expression soon turned into an amused one while looking at the screen.
"Whoa there, Sandy Cheeks?" While reading the caller ID, he chuckled at the picture that appeared on the lock screen.
It was an inside joke you had with Sandra. You both went to the beach last summer spending the weekend. She wore a sexy bikini, showing off all of her curves, not to mention her enormous booty. After coming out of the ocean, she sat in the sand without a care in the world. But when she got up, her bum was covered in sand, so you thought it would be funny to snap a pic and change her name and photo in your contacts. That's how she got the nickname.
"My roommate! Let me talk to her." 
He glanced at you for a moment, and shook his head, declining your offer. "Nah."
"Wh-what do you mean, nah?"
"We can't have you slippin' up. Cuz if you tell her, imma have to put a bullet through your pretty little head, and I'm not in the mood for that." 
Well that was brutally honest...
"I won't say shit. I-I just wanna talk to someone I know." 
"Sorry, Princess. Not gonna happen."
With a sigh, you closed your eyes and prayed that this was just a nightmare.
Tires screeched and the van halted to a stop. The sudden motion jolted you out of your sleep.
You looked around, hoping that this was a nightmare and you were back in your dorm. But by the looks of it, you were still in the back of the vehicle...
"Dammit." You whispered to yourself. Due to the lack of motion in your muscles and joints caused by the ropes, your body was painfully sore. A slight shift felt like two hundred pushups without any breaking in between.
"Rise and shine." Erik shuffled around you, grabbing what looked like a sack.
"Where the hell are you taking me?" 
He placed it back over your head. "Don't worry about it, Princess."
"And why the hell do you keep calling me Princess?"
"You'll find out soon enough. For now, you're staying here."
"Well I can't see where here is." You mocked him. 
My parents must be worried sick, I told them I was coming home and now here I am... (Wherever here is) Kidnapped, unaware of my surrounds, or what the time of day it even is...
"That's the point." You felt your body being tossed over his shoulder. You heard him mumble something in a different language, Xhosa if you weren't mistaken. Something about Wakanda, a Bride and becoming King... 
"This is where she's staying, and none of y'all touch her. If she slips up, I'll be the one to handle it." Erik said with an abrasive tone. 
You were being held in a small room, that mimicked a prison cell, minus the toilet and the metal bars. 
"Why don't you just kill me instead?" You asked, arms folded across your chest.
He chuckled, "Because (y/n), I have plans. As long as you stick to them, you'll be aight."
"I have to stick to shit that I'm oblivious to? How does that make any sense?"
"Feisty one, aren't you?"
"Well, I actually did have plans before all of you decided to ruin them. I have a family I'd like to see who are probably worried sick about me. Not to mention, my fuckin' assignment!"
Despite the room being dimly lit, the gold on his teeth flashed when he opened his mouth to laugh, "When this is over, you ain't gotta worry bout none of that."
"You're talking like you know me."
"They do say it's a small world." He chuckled and exited the room.
You sighed, frustrated and tired. 
Who the hell is he, and what does he want from me?
Possible part 2 coming up! This chapter was randomly inspired, the idea kinda just popped into my head. The only reason I'm kind of hesitant on making part 2 is because I feel like it's gonna be cliche... But I'll write it anyway and if I like it, I'll publish it. 
Thanks for reading!
(Start/Finish: May 16-18, 2018)
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mymegumi · 3 years
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inspired by cass & rissie !! just a little reminder that i love you guys even if i don’t say it enough <3 tbh also these are not ordered at all, i’m jus looking at my following list 🥲
cass ↬ @aitarose :: hey stinky, i’m literally on a call with you rn and angela as i type this and you’re arguing over moblit for some reason. idk who this man is but i do know that i really adore you beyond words. you’re like another me and i like that i can be real with you and get an honest answer about what i say. you’re absolutely one of the most honest and erm.. not kind but real people and i just think it’s been a breath of fresh air being your friend.
angela ↬ @gellysticks :: hey bestie! i love you even though you have a p*ss kink and tbh i’m fine w it i guess. anyways, you’re one of the funniest people i’ve ever met and listening to you talk about tsukishima or hamilton is really funny. i love you even though you really grind my gears sometimes and i have to kill an angela dog when you won’t give me the good room :) regardless, talking to you is always a good time with you around and i love that about you.
lina ↬ @nekomabvc :: hey stinky, i am so sorry to start this on a negative note but wtf is your minecraft house 😄 that shit is WACK. anyways, lemme kiss you bc i love you and you’re absolutely one of my favorite people on this app. your humor is similar to mine and listening to you talk is so much fun. i like that we can just vibe on the call and relax without needing to talk or anything. you’re down to earth and i can’t wait to get closer hehe.
ly ↬ @kyotarou :: my little baka 😩🖐 i love you so much, and you’re so fucking funny. some of the shit you say is out of pocket but it’s funny, and also bestie PLS do not play mc all days of the hours because that was so concerning. anyways i am so invested in your selfship lore and in all of the things you tell me. i am so happy we got close and i’m always willing to be your kyoken <3
aria ↬ @hikariakaashi :: my sweet angel idk how tf you put up w all of us. we’re literally insane. i love you so much and i’m so glad that you’re around to even all of us out. lemme kith you and make sure you’re always taken care of. even if the iwa angst you just posted wrecked me for some reason. anyways, i adore you and you’re definitely the akaashi to our bo & kuroo !
rissie ↬ @levbug :: my wittwe baby. you are so out of pocket all the time and y’know what, that shit vibes w me all the time. i absolutely love you and i cannot wait to continue bugging you and accepting your out of pocket asks all the time. you’re adorable and i cannot wait to talk to you again you sweetie.
soph ↬ @sophiashortcake :: soph. my oldest mutual on tumblr so far, i absolutely adore you and i cannot wait to meet you in person. you’re a wonderful friend and i couldn’t have asked for a better person to talk abt trampstamps with, and honestly, you could do so much better than gojo or tsukishima tbh. anyways, lemme kiss you and i just. i love you so much. there aren’t words that could describe how grateful i am to have met you and to have been able to get close with you.
nova ↬ @colossalnova :: miss nova! you’re so wonderful and i am so grateful soph introduced us and we were able to vibe so well when we got shoved into the group chat together. you’re the love of my life and i wish you were closer so we could kiss and be hot gfs instead of dating our yt boyfriends. i love you and i am so always going to be the one to beta your fics or even just run sprints at fucking midnight or one am. i love you always.
lex ↬ @hajimine :: bestie, i don’t even know how we got close but i am so grateful we did. i love you sosososo much and i’m so sorry we lost communication for a bit there and honestly, i’m grateful cause i don’t wanna lose you as a friend. you’re a wonderful person with a kind soul and it’s just so lovely to know we can be friends like this. you’re amazing and just such a perfect person in all the best ways. let me kith you over the phone when i can bc i’m bad at texting sighs.
jade ↬ @iwaizoom :: my hot alt gf, i love you sososo much, you’re so amazing. thank you for being there for me at three am to just talk and listen to me be sad and telling me to not listen to sad music. i’m still surprised that helped tbh. but anyways us chem majors must stick together and i know for a fact we’s be hot gfs. i love you sososo much and thank god for us getting close cause idk wtf i’d do without you. i love you always, miss jade, and let me kiss you when you can.
erika ↬ @honeykeigo :: i love you eri 🥺 i just wanted to let you know that you’re absolutely one of the kindest souls i’ve met on here. you are constantly reaching out and making sure that i know i’m loved in the disc server and i just. i always always appreciate it. you’re beyond kind and i just wanted to let you know that i see all the work you do for others and it makes my heart melt knowing that i can consider you a friend. please know i’m always here for you and i love you so so much.
thalia ↬ @wak4tosh1 :: MY SWEET COTTAGECORE WIFE. i love you so much. tbh idek how we became friends or how we continue to be so close but i’m not mad about it. you’re wonderful and kind and always accept my brainrots. i love you so much and i appreciate the fuck out of you and letting me scream in your inbox all the time. i am always gonna be happy you’re so welcoming and it makes my heart warm thinking about you. kithes and love to you, baby, you’re amazing.
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buildarocketboys · 3 years
8 and 12 for the autism asks?
Woops, sorry anon, you gave me the opportunity to infodump about autistic!Nathan and I'm afraid I took it lol
8. If you have any, what are your special interests?
Honestly at the moment it's probably mostly just Heroes (and specifically Nathan and Peter Petrelli lol). Like I usually say cooking/baking but somewhere in the past few months that's kind of faded out a bit and I don't love doing as much as I did, which is a shame. Apart from that I've kind of been having fairly short-lived hyperfixations (I'm currently watching season 4 of Glee after stopping at s3 last year, which was probably the wisest place to end but never mind).
12. Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
Aha...see my previous post. But I'm gonna give a rundown on why I headcanon Nathan as autistic, because I think it's a headcanon with a lot of evidence:
- Fake smile/exaggerated facial expressions
- makes weird/awkward comments/jokes (gifset)
- Stims (even though he masks a lot) (gifset)
- Scripting (gifset) - also his career/s as lawyer/politician are ones that involve a lot of talking/interacting with people but a. They're things that you can probably script/practice a lot of, go over every scenario etc and b. Nathan sucks as a politician lol. Like he can deliver a speech OK, but he was gonna lose (and knows he's going to lose) when he's running for Congress which is why Linderman has to kidnap Micah to fix the vote and also he literally only becomes Senator in s3 bc the Governor sees him having a mental breakdown on TV and obviously thinks 'this guy will be so easy to manipulate'
- Echolalia (there are several examples of Nathan repeating back something someone's already said to him, I think my favourite is in the s1 finale when Claire tells him that "the future isn't written in stone" and he repeats that back to her later when he flies in to have his Big Damn Moment
- Tripping over his words/words running into each other (gifset)
- Black and white thinking ie in Haiti when he's like ‘If I don’t save the world I’m basically evil’
- on the other hand, difficulty knowing what the right thing to do is, relying on other people to tell him - His whole ‘what is right/why can’t I tell the difference speech’/asking Peter what he should do
- in .07% - difficulty comprehending/empathising with a large amount of people/finds empathy difficult for people he doesn’t know/care about - I have a fairly developed headcanon that's pretty much canon about Nathan's Big Damn Moment saving Peter/New York really being entirely bc of Peter and his empathy for him (and knowing/being told by Claire how much it'll kill him to be responsible for the deaths of millions of people, since Peter has a hyperempathetic streak bigger than he is) - but yeah, that. (Actually I might make a post about this bc there's a fair amount of detail in it that's basically what I take from what we're actually given in canon and I think it would make a nice piece of meta. I talk about it with Anni all the time.
- despite not exactly being the most honest/moral person, Nathan's also really not that good at lying, especially when he has to do so spontaneously/improvise. Family brunch is probably the best example of this
- the people that Nathan most vibes with (as in, makes a real connection with that isn't shallow and based on him masking and trying so hard to fit in) in the show are characters that are either neurodivergent/mentally ill in canon or who I headcanon as neurodivergent/autistic: Nathan+Hiro (who I also headcanon as autistic), Nathan+Matt [who's canonically dyslexic], Nathan+Niki [DID(/multipersonality disorder lol, which is obviously poorly handled by the show but still, the mentally ill/ND vibes)], Nathan+Peter obvs. Claire's probably the only one who doesn't fit this but a. They don't vibe immediately, Claire takes a while to actually understand him and b. Claire's best friend is Zach and her S4 gf is Gretchen. Both of whom have incredibly autistic vibes. Claire is basically the ND equivalent of a fag hag (in the nicest possible way - I love her)
- kind of a sad/horrible one, but when Arthur says ‘I made you’ to Nathan in s3 it really gives me Lovaas being like with an autistic person you have to build the person from the ground up gross dehumanising vibes. Arthur is the worst lol
- Is actually extremely emotional (and a lot of his actions are extremely emotionally motivated - for better and for worse) e.g. Angela talking about him being ‘overly theatrical wrt Kelly’s death/calling him a sap, and him not even being able to look at the photo Meredith shows him of Claire (that whole scene really shows how hard he tries to mask his emotionality to his own detriment; he can barely look at the photo bc it's so much, and then he doesn't get Meredith to call Claire back - even though he basically came down to Texas to meet her - because he doesn't know how to handle his emotions about finally meeting the daughter he thought was dead without losing it)
- Obsessiveness (the hundreds of photos of Peter thing+him literally calling himself obsessive)
- Mostly blank/unemotional facial expression and relatively monotone voice even when talking about/in extremely emotional situations (e.g. I’m not leaving you Peter). His voice *does* show emotion sometimes but only in really intense situations and even then rarely (I think this is partly masking, partly his natural expression)
- Doesn’t like touch (apart from if it's Peter/someone else he feels safe with) especially when emotional (gifset) also his and Claire's hug in s1 is extremely awkward lol
- Burnout/losing control of his life (s2 and also kind of s3 - Nathan's a mess). Basically all the mentally ill Nathan stuff - side effects of autistic burnout/masking for basically all his life
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roselevesque · 4 years
My best friend @maryqua292 who's never watched She-Ra and only knows little bits talks about the characters - PART 1
"Hello, Adora ( Catra voice )" she writes as I get traumatic flashbacks from that
She is gay for her
"But so is everyone" she adds
Big sword lesbian girlfriend
Fan of her shoulder pads
Would let Adora murder her
Disaster gay
Much ripped jeans
Bratty bottom
Gives off Hot Topic energy
My bf somehow knows the Applesauce Meowmeow joke
"Sparkly Sparkly cute lady!"
QUEEN ( literally and figuratively )
Loves the space aesthetic with her outfit
My bf is basically in lover with her
"Thicc thighs for days"
Best non-problematic male character
Belly window👀👀
Loves characters who can use a bow and arrows
Shadow Weaver
Bad mom
Cool aesthethic tho
"Was bad at some point then became good?..."
Knows she's a princess, but has no idea of what
She's in love with her also
Heard she's a cutie
Isn't sure if the scorpian arms thing is an aesthethic choice or a medical condition
Leo Valdez and Pidge from Voltron
Bff material
Loves her hair
A badass
Crazy genius
"Glimmer's mom! Angela or sum sh*t"
Sad because her wings aren't made of feathers
"And I heard there's a Yue situation?"
Sad because she's not as sparkly as her daughter
Loves her style
Percy Jackson energy
Sass queen
"Everyone is thirsty for her. Pun intended"
Sea Hawk
Big pirate energy
"Goes well with the mermaid energy Mermista has going on"
Reckless dumbass
Jock energy
Bisexual disaster
"Scorpia's gf"
Very cute
Wife material
Persephone vibes
Double Trouble
She's simping hard over everything
Somehow doesn't know they are nonbinary, I apologise
Light Hope
Gadget lady
"She looks like a robot...but could also not be a robot and just have an aesthetic"
Very pointy
Reminds her of Blue Diamond
"Is the chest part broken? Is it damaged?"
Catra's cat
Wants to pet
"She can teleport?"
Would die for this cat
And for the owner of the cat
"But why does a cat own a cat?
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Perfect (To Me)
One commission done for a person who wishes to remain anonymous! My instructions were Pharah (nb they/them)/Symmetra, making love, and Symmetra with a big futuristic strap on. I made this super fluffy and cute!
(Older content)
Summary:  In which your gf wants to feel herself dicking you down so she spends good money for a good dick JUST to feel you cum around her.
Reblogs > Likes
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!!!
Fandom: Overwatch
Relationship: Pharah/Symmetra
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Pharah is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns and has a vulva, fluff, making love, lingerie, it’s p cute nothing hard at all!
Words: 2.7k
The relationship had developed seemingly out of the blue for the both of them.
Fareeha was a person who stuck to what they had decided was their family and was quite firm in their belief of justice as a whole system. After losing their crew in a fight, Satya understood why they would feel such a way, and yet...Just another element that stood out from their two persons.
You had Satya, on the other hand. Order and righteousness were in her blood. She grew up in a world of order and knew that her mind had worked differently. Hence why Fareeha now often struggled with even putting dishes away when Satya was oh so particular about what order they were stacked in and where they went. Not that any of that was an issue, once they could communicate properly to each other what was comfortable.
Perhaps Satya had ended up learning to love Fareeha’s loud laughter during briefings in Overwatch meetings. Or maybe the way they were firm and took charge of situations they deemed too dangerous for solo operations.
Perhaps Fareeha had learned to love Satya’s rare, breath taking beams of a smile and her soft laughter. Or maybe, just maybe, they ended up butting heads so often that when they were forced to work with each other, they got to learn the flaws from the inside out.
~ Rest is under the cut~
However, their relationship started was an enigma among the Overwatch’s personnel. Bets were placed out of curiosity on HOW it had all happened, but Satya and Fareeha would be the ones who knew for sure. And in the end, nothing changed how it began, as long as it never ended.
It didn’t appear it WOULD end, but then again, two different perspectives were never seen. Satya liked to keep it quiet, whilst Fareeha preferred to exclaim about their girlfriend in delight quite often.
Though, what everyone deemed as certainly true was that Satya learned to love Fareeha’s booming laugh. Judging by, of course, the way she would hide her smile in her palm when it could be heard.
Often heard throughout their shared room in the compound. A sound that used to make her jump now made a smile blossom across her lips as she worked on folding laundry just the way she liked it, or when she was reading a book on the couch and waiting for Fareeha to come stalking in and explain why the laughter.
The same to Fareeha, when they had gently come out to Satya about pronoun preferences and how they would like to be addressed. They had worried if the sudden switch would make her upset- ever fussy about sudden changes without prior discussion- but Satya had been nothing but accepting, so long as Fareeha still made dinner like they SAID they would that night.
Fareeha had learned that once sharing a room there were a few things that they could not do UNLESS they watched Satya perform them first and learned just how to do it. Folding laundry would be one, where all shirts needed to be folded particularly and placed color coded in the drawers. An easy enough job that they had taken up after watching, much to Satya’s delight.
It was always good to put an effort into each other’s perspectives.
The next was that knick knacks COULD be placed, but if they did, Satya would rearrange them on whatever surface to what she saw was comfortably balanced. Little quirks that stood out to Fareeha, but they only once poked fun at it and watched Satya grow worried and they never spoke out about the quirks again.
Then on Satya’s hand, she had to learn that Fareeha liked to place things on the walls. Pictures of family, friends, and their own photographs. None of the picture frames matched, nor lined up correctly, but the joy on their face anytime they set up a new one was quickly overruled as more important.
But all in all? The unlikely couple was happy, healthy, and if you asked their local Overwatch doctor, Angela?
Sexually active.
Very sexually active, much to everyone- AND Fareeha’s surprise.
Satya did not like mess. Their shared home was kept rather tidy with both people inside working to ensure that. So, it was quite the surprise to Fareeha to find out that Satya actually LIKED the mess that sex provided.
As long as said mess wasn’t something actually filthy and she could have a shower after, it seemed things like drool and cum didn’t bother her.
In fact, Fareeha would dare say that Satya LIKED the mess sex brought.
Something they had teased her about in the past when Satya had eagerly bought a strap on with a cum tube attached and filled Fareeha to the brim with it and very well near made them go cross eyed. But that toy was dropped in the end when Satya had pulled out, eagerly spread their lower lips to watch the cum leak out.
Only to realize that she had not prepared and it got all over the bed, due to her miscalculations and forgetting a towel.
A night that still made Fareeha laugh when their girlfriend had cried out, “No!” In a distraught tone and proceeded to gather the cum lube with her fingers and shove them RIGHT into Fareeha, to prevent any from getting onto the bed, without much of a graceful warning.
And a night that Satya, would kindly like to never be brought up again.
However, after Satya had expressed her disappointment in the past that the toys she had bought did not bring herself pleasure; Though perfectly delighted to see Fareeha’s eyes cross in pleasure and watch them struggle to be quiet when she touched them. Sometimes she wanted to feel something with it as well. So, she did some digging.
And it seemed she found just what she wanted when Fareeha had received a text of an image of a box sitting on their bed, perfectly centered, with a vague but noticeable outline of what it could possibly be. With a little blue heart as the text portion. And, of course in proper Satya fashion, an added ‘I will see you home safely.’ almost like a threat, or a promise for that matter.
“Whatcha got there?” McCree’s voice brings Fareeha back from their thoughts, jumping and shutting off their phone despite nothing truly explicit being on the screen. He sits across from them at the table, half eaten plates in front of the both of them from a bonding outing. A wicked grin is brought to his lips, eyes narrowing in a familiar playfulness. “Satya got ya a lil present?”
“It is none of your business.” Fareeha huffs in response, warmed cheeks already flushing as they rest their elbow on the table so they can rest their burning cheek in their palm and cast their gaze away from his. “...Yes, there is a gift waiting at home.” They grumble, knowing he would just somehow wiggle it out of them regardless.
A hearty laugh erupts from his lips, gently nudging their leg under the table with his boot. “A gift, huh?” Only to be responded to with a slight adjustment of Fareeha’s hand so they may extend their middle finger towards him.
Another booming laugh erupts from their booth as Fareeha considers kicking him in the shin under the table.
At home, Fareeha finds that all the lights are off save for the candles lit in the corner of the living room on the tables and the light peering down the hall nearby towards the bedroom. They quietly toe out of their shoes at the door, setting the sneakers off to the side as they begin towards the bedroom.
“Satya?” They call gently, just as they swing into the bedroom and find what they’re looking for.
Their stunning girlfriend is sitting upon the bed. A blue lacy bralette with a plunge neck rests upon her torso with a matching set of panties tossed to the floor in a rare case of recklessness. Around her hips is a black strap, dipping downwards to the slope of a beautiful bright blue cock. It looked like it was made of hard light with how it glowed. It was large, had to be as thick as Fareeha’s wrist and about eight inches long.  
Satya always did like watching them struggle with larger things.
Overdressed for the occasion and flustered, their cheeks burn when they realize why it looks like it’s made of hard light once Satya runs a hand down her curve and over the underside of the cock. Able to watch her bite her lower lip in pleasure as her hips tilt forward just the smallest bit.
She could feel that. She could feel herself TOUCH what is surely an artifical dick.
“Hi,” Fareeha finally starts, licking their suddenly dry lips as their eyes flutter, trying to get a hold of the situation. “D-do you w-” Starting as their hands fiddle at the bottom of their tight tanktop, eyes stuck between staying on Satya’s coy little smirk and the bright blue cock-
“Clothes off.” Satya starts, making a motion with her bright white left arm, seeming to reflect the colors off the cock attached to her. But when Fareeha starts to eagerly shift out of their flannel button up and pull off their tanktop, she gives a pointed look and they catch a whine in their throat as they take to dropping them in the laundry basket nearby.
When they get a small smile, they know that was the right answer.
“Come. I want to make love to you tonight- properly.” Satya begins again, her voice low and hands beckoning Fareeha closer- who oh so eagerly trots across the room into her arms, now bare of clothing, for a welcoming embrace. Hands cup their cheeks, drawing them into a soft kiss that leads to Fareeha in her lap with one flesh hand and the other almost metallic to explore over their toned body.
A loud whimper erupts from Fareeha’s lips as four lubricated fingers work into their body. Their hands are resting up by their head, clutching at the pillows as their head tips back and a sharp huff leaves their full lips.
A soft chuckle from their partner only makes them whine again, especially when Satya’s thumb presses against their clit and begins rubbing it again in soft circles. Keeping them heavily interested without too much pressure.
“Satya,” They try again desperately for the third time, ���Please, please, just- just do it. Please?” Their voice shakes, barely able to open their eyes to peer up at their partner.
Satya, as always, is absolutely beautiful above them. Patient as ever with her left hand gently holding their hip to keep them from humping up into her palm, a soft smirk upon her sharp lips. Her hair in a beautiful braid is pulled over one shoulder, only a bit frazzled from when Fareeha had eagerly clutched at her for more kisses a few moments ago.
“Just do what exactly?” She leads with a curious hum just as she twists her fingers inside of their tight cunt, curling them upwards and watching as her poor sweetheart’s body jerks with pleasure. Their lips part, abs tightening and flexing, their head throwing back once more just as Satya retracts her fingers.
She wipes them on a towel left on the bed before resting her palm back over Fareeha’s mound to let them hump upwards with no pressure. An act that quietly tells them that they need to ask properly- and kindly.
“Shit-” They hiss out, rolling their hips up to no avail. Satya always liked when they asked nicely, they knew this game all too well. She liked the begging, the whining, when they rutted against her like a starved animal-
It was humiliating at times.
“Please fuck me?” They try again, peeking open their eyes half lidded to watch that soft smirk turn into a smile instead. Right answer. “Satya, I can’t take anymore-”
“You should have said so in the first place.” Satya teases, stroking her hands over their strong thighs that flex under her very touch. She soon reaches underneath, scooting forward and letting their legs rest around her waist comfortably as she reaches to the side to get more lubricant on her hand.
“Let me,” Fareeha is quick to pause her, grabbing the bottle and squirting a good amount in their hand. It wasn’t everyday that Satya could actually FEEL them do this but...
Wrapping a hand around the head proves that Satya can most certainly feel it when her breath intakes briefly. Thrilled by the result, they quickly take to sliding their hand around her cock, stroking in firm grips until Satya’s breath is shallow and she’s humping into their palm.
“Ah- no, no, I do not want t-to take any more time.” Satya finally manages to breathe out, gently shooing their strokes away until they can press on the top. Her cock catches on the rim of their pussy and Satya has to take a moment to admire when the head begins to push in. Whilst Fareeha’s head throws back, brow creasing with effort to relax, Satya can’t help but coo under her breath.
“How beautiful,” She murmurs, strained as she watches this bright, blue cock get enveloped in the warmth of her partner. How their lower lips spread open around her like a flower, barren of hair except for the mound where curls rest. A perfect cunt, in Satya’s opinion, with longer labia that blossomed open like a flower and their clit resting heavy and exposed. “How perfect.”
They’re quick to respond to the praise with a soft groan in their throat. It takes but a moment to slide in, both Satya huffing from foreign pleasure and Fareeha whining with eagerness to get a move on.
“You are insatiable.” Satya laughs out gently, resting her arms on either side of their head so she can nose into the crook of their neck. Fingers gently knit into Fareeha’s soft hair, only lightly grabbing to keep them in place as she begins to move her hips. The first few thrusts are long and shallow, eager to hump back into her partner as the new pleasure stirs in her abdomen.
Fareeha is much louder than herself, while they whine, huff, and moan, Satya instead sighs into their ear. More eager to kiss upon their flesh and letting her breath hitch than focusing on making noise.
It isn’t until they begin to hump their hips back up into hers does Satya really start to feel it. Becoming a bit hungrier, more desperate to shove her cock right back into the tight heat around her until she’s practically humping them. Fareeha doesn’t seem to mind, in fact, they seem to take it better. Their strong legs lock behind hers, hooking behind her thighs so that she’s forced to stay locked mostly inside. Only able to move her hips a little.
The sensation causes perfect friction to Fareeha’s clit, as well as keeping her huge cock inside of them. The double feeling of being stuffed and rubbed against making their nails scratch along Satya’s back, whimpering and murmuring into her shoulder desperately before they seize up and cry out as their orgasm wracks their frame.
Fareeha had always looked beautiful when cumming, so lovely as they fluttered around a toy or her fingers.
But now? Oh, Satya can feel how perfect they are. Fluttering and squeezing around her cock and making Satya make a rare sound of a high pitched gasp, her hips slamming deep into them and a low groan leaving her lips as she cums with small jerks to both the toy and her hips.
Satisfied, Fareeha slowly unlocks their legs, huffing and panting as Satya sits up and carefully pulls out. Making a motion to spread their lower lips apart to see how sloppy and wet she fucked them.
A small smile finds its way to her lips, stroking her fingers over their fat clit and watching eagerly as their head twists to the side and they whine.
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