#AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
sm-techved · 4 months
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marsdevs · 8 months
Accelerated Mobile Pages WordPress
Pages that load faster rank higher, have fewer bounce rates and have happier site visitors. Google deployed various technologies to increase speed, including accelerated mobile pages, or AMP. It was a big thing when it was initially debuted. Many prominent sites, including Twitter & Google, insisted it was permanent. However, there has been less discussion about AMP in recent years. Google discreetly deleted the AMP indicator from search results in 2021. What's going on with AMP? Is it still applicable in 2024? Why is it available in the first place? In this blog MarsDevs presents a guide on building accelerated mobile pages for the WordPress site in 2024!
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sophia1993 · 9 months
5 Key Points About Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) - Synergos
Sure, you could have the best designers, writers, and SEO strategists on board to help you build viral-worthy content, but you would still have to battle technology and its many constraints. From content that loads too slowly, to addressing the needs of adaptivity, and right down to ever changing search engine algorithms. Digital Marketers and Content Publishers must constantly keep all these variables in mind while creating online campaigns – NOT ANYMORE! Well, not to the degree that we did earlier anyway.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) have been making the rounds for a few months now. Not only are they a quicker way to load content online, but they are also the default preference for Google Search Results. So, what are Accelerated Mobile Pages, better known as AMP, all about?!
1. Accelerated Mobile Pages are FAST!
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) prioritizes content over any other media. What this means for a digital marketer or online publisher is simple – your audience no longer has to wait. An Accelerated Mobile Page is built to suit the needs of publishers and companies who regularly put up copy heavy content online. Web pages usually take a couple of seconds to load content, the longer the wait the higher the chances are of readers abandoning the link. But unlike usual Javascript based web apps and webpages, AMP based web pages load content before they load heavier media such as videos or pictures.
2. They do wonders for your SEO!
Accelerated Mobile Pages meet two of the most important criteria for optimised search results – They are incredibly fast to load and are mobile compatible. As AMP gets optimised further, what online publishers can expect is better rated Search Engine listings for websites and web apps developed with AMP.
3. Enhanced Promotion
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introduceofficial · 1 year
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Nedir ve Nasıl Kullanılır?
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Nedir ve Nasıl Kullanılır? AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Nedir: Mobil cihazlar, internete erişim için giderek daha fazla kullanılmaktadır. Ancak, bazen yavaş internet bağlantıları veya ağır web sayfaları nedeniyle kullanıcılar hızlı bir web deneyimi yaşayamayabilirler. İşte bu noktada AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) devreye girer. Bu makalede, AMP’nin ne olduğunu ve…
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View On WordPress
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businesssinfo · 1 year
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AMP is an open source HTML framework developed by the AMP Open Source Project. It was originally created by Google as a competitor to Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News. AMP is optimized for mobile web browsing and intended to help webpages load faster. Trioticz,  one of the best Website Development Company in Chennai we will help you in building the best Accelerated Mobile Pages for your website. 
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zara902 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Technical SEO: Best Practices for Website Optimization
Learn how to improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages with these ten essential technical SEO best practices. From optimizing site speed and using SSL to fixing broken links and optimizing meta descriptions, this comprehensive guide will help you outrank your competitors and establish a strong online presence. Don't miss out on these crucial tips for improving your website's search engine rankings.
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oliverribeiromkt · 2 years
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) o que é e como Ativar o AMP em seu Blog n...
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dheeraj-official · 2 years
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): What, Why, Pros, Cons
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As increasing the speed of the internet, the expectations of the people about serving pages quickly also increasing.
In today’s date, almost all bloggers want to make their website fast. And which is actually right because Google don’t promote any slow website.
Actually the reason behind this is Google don’t want to disappoint it’s users by providing slow websites or low quality content.
Lots of bloggers uses plugins in their websites to boost the speed.
AMP is also one of the type of Technology which every blogger want to implement on their blogs or websites in order to boost loading speed.
Hey there, this is Dheeraj Patidar, presenting a new article on What is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
Keep reading this articles till the end because in this post you will get to know some interesting things about Mobile Accelerated Pages.
What is Mobile Accelerated Pages (AMP)?
Mobile accelerated pages or AMP is the open-source project developed in order to improve websites loading speed for mobile & tablet devices.
AMP works by making copies of your web pages, and store them into the Google Server, to make serving process fast as possible.
This technology is beneficial for mobile users because rather then delivering all stuff AMP technology serves only the most useful content and images to the user so websites take less loading time.
Initially the page of the AMP website appears in the SERPs, followed by the AMP symbol. However, the AMP icon has been dropped by Google recently, and many experts say that AMP is almost dead.
What is the goal of AMP project?
The main goal of AMP is to provide a better experience to the user by delivering content fast as possible.
Google always try to serve high speed website to it’s users. Infact speed is a ranking factor.
The main goal of AMP project is to increase the page speed.
How does Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) work?
Read More…
Original Credit: www.dheerajpatidar.com
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projetosdigitais · 5 months
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No mundo digital de hoje, o tráfego web desempenha um papel crucial no sucesso de qualquer negócio online. Neste artigo, vamos explorar estratégias eficazes e as tendências mais recentes para aumentar a visibilidade online e atrair mais visitantes para o seu site.
Importância do Tráfego Web
O tráfego web não se trata apenas de números, mas sim de oportunidades. Mais tráfego significa mais chances de conversões, leads e interações com o público-alvo. Entender como atrair e manter um fluxo constante de visitantes é fundamental para o crescimento e a sustentabilidade de qualquer negócio online.
Estratégias para Aumentar o Tráfego
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
O SEO é uma das estratégias mais poderosas para aumentar o tráfego orgânico do seu site. Isso envolve a otimização de conteúdo, meta descrições, tags alt em imagens e a criação de backlinks relevantes. Além disso, a pesquisa de palavras-chave e a análise da concorrência são fundamentais para identificar oportunidades de otimização.
2. Marketing de Conteúdo
Criar conteúdo relevante, útil e atualizado é essencial para atrair visitantes e construir autoridade e confiança com seu público-alvo. Isso inclui blogs, vídeos, infográficos e outros formatos de conteúdo. Além de criar conteúdo de qualidade, é importante promovê-lo de forma estratégica nas redes sociais, por meio de email marketing e colaborações com influenciadores.
3 . Redes Sociais
As redes sociais são um canal poderoso para promover seu conteúdo e interagir com seu público. Utilize plataformas como Facebook, Instagram, Twitter e LinkedIn para compartilhar seu conteúdo, criar engajamento com seus seguidores e alcançar novos públicos por meio de anúncios segmentados. A produção de conteúdo exclusivo para cada plataforma e a utilização de hashtags relevantes são práticas eficazes para aumentar a visibilidade.
4 . Publicidade Online
Investir em campanhas de anúncios pagos, como Google Ads, Facebook Ads e redes de anúncios sociais, pode aumentar rapidamente o tráfego para seu site. Segmentação precisa com base em dados demográficos, comportamentais e de interesse, juntamente com a utilização de técnicas de retargeting, são estratégias que garantem um melhor retorno sobre o investimento em publicidade online.
5. Email Marketing
Manter uma lista de assinantes e enviar regularmente conteúdo interessante e personalizado pode direcionar tráfego qualificado para seu site. Segmentação com base em comportamento de navegação, histórico de compras e preferências dos assinantes, aliada a automação de campanhas, são abordagens que maximizam a eficácia do email marketing na geração de tráfego e conversões.
Tendências Emergentes
1. Mobile First Indexing
Com o aumento do uso de dispositivos móveis, otimizar seu site para experiências móveis é essencial para atrair tráfego e melhorar a classificação nos mecanismos de busca. Adoção de design responsivo, carregamento rápido de páginas, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) e recursos de geolocalização são práticas que garantem uma experiência aprimorada para os usuários móveis.
2. Busca por Voz
Com assistentes virtuais como Alexa e Google Assistant, a otimização para busca por voz está se tornando cada vez mais relevante. Perguntas e respostas diretas, conteúdo otimizado para palavras-chave de cauda longa e aprimoramento da usabilidade em dispositivos de voz são estratégias importantes para se destacar na busca por voz e atrair tráfego qualificado.
3. Inteligência Artificial e Machine Learning
Ferramentas avançadas de análise e personalização baseadas em IA podem melhorar a experiência do usuário, oferecer recomendações personalizadas e aumentar a eficácia das estratégias de tráfego. O uso de chatbots para interação em tempo real, a análise preditiva de comportamento do usuário e a personalização dinâmica de conteúdo são exemplos de como a IA está revolucionando a geração de tráfego web.
Perguntas Frequentes sobre Estratégias de Tráfego Web
Como a análise de dados pode contribuir para a otimização do tráfego web?
A análise de dados é fundamental para entender o comportamento dos visitantes, identificar padrões de uso, medir o desempenho de campanhas e tomar decisões estratégicas para aprimorar a experiência do usuário e aumentar a eficácia das estratégias de tráfego.
2. Qual é a importância de uma estratégia de conteúdo personalizada para atrair tráfego qualificado?
Uma estratégia de conteúdo personalizada leva em consideração as preferências e interesses específicos do público-alvo, criando conteúdo relevante e atrativo que ressoa com os visitantes, aumentando a taxa de engajamento e conversão.
3. Como a integração de diferentes canais de marketing contribui para o aumento do tráfego web?
A integração de canais, como SEO, redes sociais, email marketing e publicidade online, cria uma abordagem holística e coesa que amplia o alcance, fortalece a presença digital e proporciona uma experiência consistente aos usuários em diferentes plataformas.
4. Quais são as métricas-chave para avaliar o sucesso das estratégias de tráfego web?
Métricas como tráfego total, taxa de conversão, taxa de rejeição, tempo médio na página, origens de tráfego e ROI (Return on Investment) são essenciais para avaliar a eficácia das estratégias, identificar áreas de melhoria e tomar decisões informadas para otimização contínua.
5. Como a experiência do usuário impacta diretamente o tráfego web?
Uma experiência do usuário positiva, com navegação intuitiva, carregamento rápido de páginas, design responsivo e conteúdo relevante, incentiva os visitantes a permanecerem no site por mais tempo, explorarem mais páginas e retornarem com frequência, aumentando assim o tráfego e a fidelização.
6. Quais são os desafios mais comuns na geração de tráfego web e como superá-los?
Desafios como concorrência acirrada, mudanças nos algoritmos de busca, saturação de conteúdo e adaptação às novas tecnologias exigem estratégias flexíveis, inovação constante e análise de tendências para se manter relevante e competitivo no ambiente online.
7. Como a segmentação de público-alvo pode influenciar na geração de tráfego qualificado?
A segmentação permite direcionar mensagens e conteúdo específicos para diferentes segmentos de público com base em características demográficas, comportamentais e de interesse, aumentando a relevância e eficácia das comunicações e atraindo tráfego mais qualificado e propenso a converter.
8. Quais são as tendências futuras que podem impactar significativamente o tráfego web?
Tendências como inteligência artificial, realidade aumentada, busca por voz avançada, personalização em tempo real e experiências imersivas estão moldando o futuro do tráfego web, oferecendo novas oportunidades e desafios para profissionais de marketing e empresas online.
9. Como a sustentabilidade e responsabilidade social podem influenciar as estratégias de tráfego web?
O engajamento com questões ambientais, sociais e de governança (ESG) está se tornando cada vez mais relevante para consumidores e empresas. Estratégias que demonstram compromisso com a sustentabilidade e responsabilidade social podem atrair um público engajado e consciente, gerando tráfego qualificado e lealdade à marca.
10. Qual é o papel das comunidades online e influenciadores na geração de tráfego e engajamento?
Comunidades online e influenciadores têm um papel significativo na amplificação de mensagens, compartilhamento de conteúdo e criação de conexões autênticas com o público. Parcerias estratégicas e participação ativa em comunidades relevantes podem impulsionar o tráfego e o reconhecimento da marca.
O tráfego web é a essência do sucesso online. Ao implementar estratégias eficazes e acompanhar as tendências emergentes, você pode aumentar significativamente a visibilidade do seu site, atrair mais visitantes qualificados e alcançar seus objetivos de negócio de forma consistente.
Quer alcançar o sucesso com Estratégias de Tráfego Web? Conte com a nossa expertise para ajudar o seu negócio! Entre em contato com a gente!
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ChatGPT X Google: Uma comparação detalhada
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ronytuhinseoexpert · 8 months
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A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Optimize Your Website Speed for a Perfect 99/100 Score
🚀 Boost Your Website Speed with This Step-by-Step Guide! 🚀Hey everyone! Are you ready to supercharge your website? 🌐 In today's digital world, having a lightning-fast website is crucial for success. That's why I'm excited to share a step-by-step guide on optimizing your website speed and achieving a perfect 99/100 score! 📈
1. Start with a Speed Test: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to analyze your website's current speed performance. This will give you a baseline to work from.
2. Optimize photos: To minimize file size without compromising quality, compress and resize photos. This may have a major effect on loading times.
3. Minify JavaScript and CSS: To minimize file sizes, eliminate extraneous characters and spaces from your code. This might enhance user experience and speed up the loading of your website.
4. Turn on Browser Caching: Use browser caching to save static files, including CSS and graphics, so that a visitor to your site doesn't have to reload them.
5. Content Delivery Network (CDN): Consider using a CDN to distribute your website's files across multiple servers worldwide. This can dramatically decrease load times for users across different locations.
6. Make Use of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): AMP may be used to make mobile-friendly versions of your website that load more quickly, increasing both user engagement and overall speed.
7. Reduce Server Response Time: Optimize your server's performance and eliminate any bottlenecks that could slow down your website.
8. Monitor and Test Regularly: Monitor your website's speed performance and adjust as needed. Testing and continuous optimization are vital to maintaining a fast-loading website.
By taking these simple measures, you can dramatically increase the speed of your website and give users a flawless surfing experience. Recall that a quicker website can improve your search engine rankings and increase user satisfaction! 🌼
So, what are you waiting for? Let's optimize those websites and aim for that perfect 99/100 speed score! Feel free to share your tips and experiences in the comments below. Together, let's speed up the web!  
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leads-view · 8 months
SEO for AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
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As mobile usage continues its upward trend, it's crucial for businesses and digital marketers to ensure a seamless browsing experience across all devices – especially on mobile. One solution to achieve this is implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), developed to provide lightning-quick load times and a superior mobile browsing experience. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and SEO best practices for AMP, and how it can help boost your website's mobile search performance
What is AMP?
Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open-source project launched by Google in 2015 aimed at improving the mobile web experience. AMP enables content to load almost instantaneously, providing a smooth and user-friendly browsing experience on mobile devices. AMP accomplishes this by using a simplified version of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure fast loading and rendering, prioritizing text content and eliminating elements that might slow down a webpage.
Benefits of AMP for SEO
Implementing AMP for your website has several potential benefits for SEO: Improved Mobile User Experience: A faster loading website increases user satisfaction, which can directly impact metrics like click-through rates (CTR), session durations, and bounce rates. Increased Visibility in Google SERP: Google shows an AMP icon next to pages in search results, which can boost click-through rates by reassuring users of a fast loading experience. Support for Google's Mobile-First Indexing: With mobile-first indexing, Google predominantly uses the mobile version of your content for indexing and ranking. AMP can ensure your mobile version is fast-loading and user-friendly. Potential Impact on Search Rankings: Although AMP isn't a direct ranking factor, it positively influences site speed and user experience, which are essential factors in Google's algorithm.
SEO Best Practices for AMP Implementation
To get the most from your AMP implementation, consider these SEO best practices:
1. Maintain Content Parity
Ensure the content on your AMP and non-AMP pages is consistent. Google may not display your AMP page if it detects significant content disparities between the two versions. Ensuring content parity also contributes to a positive user experience by providing consistent information across different devices.
2. Refrain from Blocking Resources
Avoid disallowing or blocking resources that are required for Google to crawl and render your AMP content. Avoid hiding content behind tabs, accordions, or other interactive elements that require user interaction.
3. Use Structured Data
Implement structured data markup in compliance with Google's guidelines. Properly formatted structured data helps Google better understand your content and may qualify your content to appear as rich results in the SERPs.
4. Maintain Canonical Links
Ensure AMP pages feature a canonical link to the non-AMP version of the existing content. The non-AMP version should also feature a link identifying its AMP counterpart using the `amphtml` attribute.
5. Optimize Images
Compress images and use the appropriate file format, like `WebP` to reduce loading time. Consider using the `amp-img` tag for better image optimization and a faster-loading AMP page.
6. Analyze Performance
Use analytics tools such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your AMP performance. Regularly track key metrics, identify areas of improvement, and ensure your AMP pages are indexed correctly.
Integrating AMP for your website can significantly improve the mobile browsing experience, potentially boosting your SEO performance as a result. By focusing on user experience, content parity, structured data, and other best practices highlighted in this blog, you could harness the benefits AMP offers and boost your mobile search presence. Keep in mind that AMP should be one part of your overall SEO strategy, and it should be integrated alongside other crucial mobile optimization techniques.
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sameke1-blog · 11 months
Navigating the Mobile-First Indexing Revolution in 2023: You’re Definitive Guide
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The digital landscape is an ever-evolving realm, and in 2023, one thing is abundantly clear – mobile is king. With the advent of Mobile-First Indexing, the way websites are ranked by search engines has undergone a profound transformation. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the Mobile-First Indexing landscape, provide you with a "mobile-first indexing checklist," delve into "mobile SEO best practices," and uncover the critical "mobile ranking factors." Along the way, we'll add a dash of human touch to help you truly grasp the significance of this seismic shift.
The Mobile-First Indexing Revolution
What is Mobile-First Indexing?
Mobile-First Indexing is Google's response to the mobile-centric digital age. Traditionally, Google primarily crawled and indexed desktop versions of websites, using that data to determine rankings for both desktop and mobile searches. However, the rise of mobile usage led to a fundamental change – Google began prioritizing the mobile version of a website for indexing and ranking. This means that a website's mobile version now takes precedence in search results, making mobile optimization more critical than ever.
Why Does Mobile-First Indexing Matter?
Mobile-First Indexing matters for several compelling reasons:
User-Centric Approach: It aligns with the user-centric trend, as more people access the internet via mobile devices than ever before.
Improved User Experience: Mobile-First Indexing encourages website owners to enhance the mobile experience, resulting in faster-loading pages and improved usability.
Better Rankings: Websites that perform well on mobile devices are more likely to rank higher in search results, increasing organic traffic.
Mobile-First Indexing Checklist
Embarking on a Mobile-First Indexing journey requires a meticulous approach. Here's a checklist to help you navigate this transformative process:
1. Mobile-Friendly Design:
Ensure your website employs a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, from smartphones to tablets.
2. Speed Matters:
Optimize your site's loading speed on mobile devices. Compress images, minify CSS and JavaScript, and leverage browser caching to reduce load times.
3. Mobile SEO Best Practices:
Implement on-page SEO techniques tailored for mobile devices, including optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and headers for mobile users.
4. Mobile Content:
Make sure your mobile site contains the same valuable content as the desktop version, including text, images, videos, and infographics.
5. Structured Data:
Use schema markup to provide search engines with structured data, helping them understand your content and display rich snippets.
6. Test on Mobile Devices:
Regularly test your website's performance on various mobile devices and browsers to identify and rectify any issues promptly.
7. Mobile Sitemaps:
Create and submit a mobile sitemap to Google Search Console to ensure all mobile pages are indexed correctly.
8. Optimize for Local Search:
If you have a physical location, optimize your site for local search, ensuring mobile users can easily find your business.
9. Monitor Mobile Usability:
Keep a close eye on Google Search Console for mobile usability issues and resolve them promptly.
Mobile SEO Best Practices
To excel in the era of Mobile-First Indexing, you need to embrace these Mobile SEO best practices:
1. Mobile-Responsive Design:
Invest in a mobile-responsive design that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes. This ensures a consistent user experience across devices.
2. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages):
Consider implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages to create faster-loading, streamlined versions of your content, ideal for mobile users.
3. Optimize Images:
Compress and optimize images for mobile devices to reduce page load times without compromising quality.
4. Mobile-Friendly Navigation:
Simplify navigation menus and use mobile-friendly navigation elements, such as hamburger menus, to enhance user experience.
5. Local SEO Optimization:
If you have a physical business presence, optimize your website for local search by including location-specific keywords and information.
6. Voice Search Optimization:
As voice search becomes more prevalent, optimize your content for natural language queries and long-tail keywords.
7. User Experience Matters:
Prioritize a seamless user experience on mobile devices. Ensure that buttons are easily clickable, fonts are legible, and pop-ups are minimal.
Critical Mobile Ranking Factors
Understanding the key factors that influence mobile rankings is essential. Here are some critical mobile ranking factors to consider:
1. Page Speed:
Fast-loading pages are paramount. Google prioritizes websites that load quickly on mobile devices to improve user experience.
2. Mobile-Friendly Design:
Websites with responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes are favored by search engines.
3. Mobile Usability:
User-friendly mobile experiences, including easy navigation and legible text, contribute to better rankings.
4. Quality Content:
High-quality, relevant content that satisfies user intent is crucial for mobile rankings.
5. Mobile-Friendly Pop-Ups:
Avoid intrusive pop-ups that can disrupt the user experience on mobile devices.
6. Mobile Crawlability:
Ensure that Googlebot can crawl your mobile website without issues, including access to CSS and JavaScript files.
7. Mobile Interstitials:
Limit the use of interstitials or pop-ups that cover the main content, as these can negatively impact rankings.
As we delve into the intricacies of Mobile-First Indexing, it's vital to remember that behind the algorithms and data points are real people – your audience. The shift towards mobile-centric indexing is driven by the evolving habits and preferences of users who rely on mobile devices for information, entertainment, and connection.
Imagine a user on a busy morning commute, searching for a nearby coffee shop to grab a quick cup of joe. Your website, optimized for Mobile-First Indexing, loads swiftly, provides clear directions, and displays enticing images of steaming coffee cups. In this scenario, Mobile-First Indexing isn't just an algorithmic change; it's an opportunity to connect with users when they need you the most.
In 2023, your website's success hinges on its mobile performance. By following the Mobile-First Indexing checklist, embracing Mobile SEO best practices, and understanding the critical mobile ranking factors, you can position your site at the forefront of the mobile revolution. It's not just about appeasing algorithms; it's about delivering an exceptional mobile experience to the people who matter most – your audience. So, get ready to conquer Mobile-First Indexing, and let your website shine in the mobile spotlight!
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upto24 · 7 years
AMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages)はGoogle検索からモバイルで高速表示されるのが非常に便利だと思う。
Tumblrはウェブのカスタマイズの詳細設定の「Google AMPを有効にする」のボタンで切り替えられるけれども実際に見てみると記事の本文に挿入された画像がはみ出してしまう。手動でたぶんamp-imgのタグを記載しないと駄目なのかも知れない。デザインが崩れるのは避けたいので、TumblrでAMPを使うならば記事の本文に画像は挿入しないか、専用のタグを手動で記載するかの選択を迫られる。
Super Leakの検索エンジンのデータをSearch Consoleで確認すると持ち直して来ていて微妙に上がっている。
楽しみが増えた。Super Leakのサイト評価が上がればリンクを貼っている他の所有サイトもページランクや著者のオーソリティーで良い影響を受けるはずだ。
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businesssinfo · 1 year
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AMP is Accelerated Mobile Pages is a technique that is used in mobile browsers. This coding is to optimize the mobile browsing. This is same as HTML. On the base of HTML AMP is implemented. To show the variations AMP coding will have AMP-HTML intended to the webpages. So this technique will help the loading of the results very quickly and efficiently. Third –party AMP plugins are used by many different content management systems and the JavaScript library is provided for developers by AMP while third party JavaScript is restricted. This service was implemented in February 2016. AMP is implemented currently in various Television channels like CNN, ABC, Fox News and The Washington Post. The editor and publisher of CNN says that AMP and Facebook are the two excellent tools to explore the vibrant ecosystem and competitive signs. CNN is Google AMP’s launch partner so, the articles are published instantly on facebook after deciding about the strategies, timing and workflow. Thus AMP brings the importance and prioritize the TV channels or the products where it is used. Hence, the same technology is used for ABC, Fox News and The Washington Post TV Channels.
Creating AMP HTML
Start up: The document should start up with . The coding consists of top-level tags like and . The tags like are optional in HTML but here in AMP HTML these two are mandatory. will be the first child of tag and the second child is tag. This portion will let this webpage to access the JavaScript Library. The very next part of AMP HTML is to link the exact HTML version file if any of the HTML file should be linked with this as a support. If no HTML file is needed to support this then this file will point to itself. Then the head tag consists of animation properties, embedding any multimedia file. Certain format is followed for such embedding. The other important property is Schema.org defined on the head tag. Schema.org is not mandatory for AMP but still it helps in content distribution and will result well while surfing the internet.
Including Images: The method of including images in HTML is followed here also with small variation
Modifying Layout: The layout can be modified using CSS properties. The same is embedding in the tag. Every AMP page shall have only one embedded stylesheet with some restrictions and elements to have explicit size set from get-go.
Preview and Validate: Preview can be done as usual HTML file. To validate, the file can be opened directly in the browser using open menu. Sometimes XML Http request does not allow certain elements to work. The other way of validating this page is to use local web server like Apache 2 or Nginx. AMP HTML file is validated by opening it in the browser. Then the developer should add “#development=1” to the URL. Then open the Chrome Dev Tools console and after that validation errors are checked.
Prepare for Discovery and Distribution: In some situations both AMP and non-AMP versions of the same article is needed to avoid situational technical pull downs. To pair the non-AMP and AMP files together, tag in the section is used. This is done to share the non AMP information to AMP page and vice versa. If no non AMP file is available then the link should be given it the file itself named as canonical link.
Publishing web page: After testing the whole file, it should be published. This makes the file to view in the internet and become useful.
Thus these are the simple methods to develop the websites. The technically stuffed employers of the Website Development Company in Coimbatore will know all these technical updates and are well versed in developing efficient websites. Small and strong techniques like AMP are gained by the developers of Web designing companies in Coimbatore. Hence, the web development companies in Coimbatore will produces many websites that are competitive all over the country.
Trioticz,  one of the best Website Development Company in Chennai we will help you in building the best Accelerated Mobile Pages for your website. We are also here to support your business digitally you can definitely contact us for all your one business needs.
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ms-blogs · 2 years
Unlocking the Potential of Google Web Stories: A Guide to Making Money
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Google web stories are a mobile-focused, immersive storytelling format designed to deliver visually-rich and interactive content to audiences. With Google web stories, publishers, bloggers, and brands can create and publish short-form, vertical, full-screen stories with a tap-through experience that users can swipe through on their mobile devices. This format was designed to compete with popular social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok, which have revolutionized the way audiences consume and interact with visual content.Google web stories were initially launched as part of the AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) project in 2018, but they were recently rebranded and introduced as a standalone feature in Google search and Discover. Web stories can appear as a carousel of content in Google search results and Discover, providing a new opportunity for publishers and brands to reach and engage with their audiences. With the growing popularity of web stories, content creators have started exploring ways to monetize their content and make money using Google web stories.
Here are some ways to make money using Google web stories:
1.AdvertisementsThe most common way to monetize web stories is through advertisements. Publishers and brands can place ads within their stories to generate revenue. Advertisements can be in the form of banner ads, video ads, or sponsored content. Google AdSense is the most popular ad network that publishers use to monetize their web stories. Publishers can sign up for Google AdSense and place ads within their stories to earn revenue based on clicks and impressions. However, it's essential to note that Google has specific guidelines regarding ad placement, and publishers need to ensure they comply with these guidelines to avoid any violations that can result in suspension of their accounts. Read more
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40+ Semantic SEO Checklist
Leave a Comment / Knowledgebase / By Nasir Uddin Shamim
This 40+ point Semantic SEO checklist covers everything you need to improve your website’s search visibility and user experience. From creating topic clusters and using structured data markup to optimizing for search intent and leveraging long-tail keywords, this guide will help you master the art of Semantic SEO. By following these practical steps, you can enhance your content’s relevance, improve rankings, and provide a better experience for your audience. Perfect for businesses and content creators looking to boost their SEO efforts!
Semantic SEO ChecklistDetailsConduct Competitor ResearchAnalyze competitors’ content for semantic relevanceCreate Cornerstone ContentDevelop in-depth content around core topicsUse Natural Language ProcessingWrite content optimized for natural language understandingFocus on User Intent in ContentAlign content with specific user search intents Include Synonyms for KeywordsUse keyword synonyms to broaden semantic relevanceOptimize for Featured SnippetsStructure content to answer direct queries for featured snippetsCreate In-Depth GuidesWrite long-form content covering topics comprehensivelyEnsure Mobile OptimizationMake sure content is optimized for mobile search experienceUse Breadcrumb NavigationAdd breadcrumb trails to improve user navigation and SEOImplement AMP for Mobile PagesEnable Accelerated Mobile Pages for faster mobile load timesUtilize Heading Tags CorrectlyUse H1, H2, and H3 tags appropriately for better structureStructure Content into SectionsOrganize content into clear, scannable sectionsInclude Semantic Keywords in URLsUse semantically relevant keywords in page URLsIncorporate Contextual LinksAdd internal links that provide context and add valueUse Google’s People Also Ask DataAnswer related questions in your contentOptimize Meta Tags for SemanticsEnsure meta descriptions reflect the semantic focus of the contentFocus on Localized Semantic SEOTailor content for local searches using semantic elementsAdd Glossary SectionsCreate glossary sections to explain key termsImplement Pagination MarkupUse pagination schema for large multi-page contentFocus on Search Query VariationsCreate content that covers variations of search queriesTarget Voice Search QueriesOptimize for conversational queries for voice searchEnsure Content DepthProvide deep insights and analysis on topicsStructure Data for E-CommerceImplement structured data for products and reviewsOptimize for Image SearchUse structured data for images to enhance visibilityKeep Content FreshRegularly update content to stay relevantBuild Topic-Specific FAQsCreate FAQs around specific topics for better user engagementImplement Video MarkupUse video schema to enhance visibility in search resultsFocus on Semantic ClarityEnsure content is clear and well-structured semanticallyUtilize Action-Oriented CTAsUse clear, action-driven CTAs that align with semantic intentCreate Case StudiesWrite case studies that focus on relevant topics for semantic SEOBuild Trust with Author PagesHighlight content authors and their expertise to build credibility
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