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Rules are post gifs from your 10 favorite shows without naming them, then tag 10 people. Thank you @gleedyke and @justgleekout for the tag. I chose the gifs before I copy-pasted the tags and Tumblr is being meanie and won't allow me to put this text ABOVE the gifs.
Alas, I don't know who's already done this, cause I was kinda offline for the week, so uh I'm doing the "anyone who wants to is tagged" cop-out here!
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pastanest · 2 years
A/N: unbelievably, this is the first actual piece of Doctor Who writing not counting the dogshit on my wattpad account we’ll all pretend that doesnt exist fr so please be nice x
Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve x gender neutral!reader
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The Doctor x Short!Reader
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- is cheeky about it but not outright mean, unless he’s in one of his God-humans-are-the-fucking-worst moods
“Honestly, it’s like you idiots are TRYING to wipe your own planet out of existence, and you, well, you can't even reach the top of your own cupboards! What use are any of you?!”
- you’re literally on his side and think the human race sucks but ok go off, way to throw us all under the bus lol
- he’ll apologize afterwards if you’re clearly upset or if he thinks he went too far
- most of the time it’s very lighthearted jabs at your height
- always waits a few seconds before helping you reach something because he thinks it’s funny and also very sweet but he won't dare admit that
- as much as he convinces himself and everyone he encounters that your height is solely something he finds hilarious on occasion, he can't help feeling a little more protective of you, like your smaller form makes you more likely to break
- very much still recovering from the Time War, he’s prone to overthinking disaster scenarios, especially when it comes to you
“Stay behind me. These creatures can't be trusted at the best of times.”
- but you always find a way to spin it into something more lighthearted, to ease his mind
“I’m a smaller target than you, so I like my chances! Perhaps it’s you that should stay behind me?”
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- won't make fun unless he knows for a fact you’re comfortable with it
- as soon as he finds out you are, he makes jokes only in a very lighthearted way
- also comes up with cute nicknames to use when you’ve done something that’s impressed him, like saved a civilization or two while he was busy being broody and hot or something
“Oh, you little star!”
- generally speaking, he doesnt really care about your height, but he does find it endearing
- he’ll never see it as a point of weakness
- if he ever finds you struggling to reach something or down in the dumps about clothes not fitting you right because of your smaller proportions, he’s always right there to lift your chin back up and remind you of the wonderful person you are, that your stature holds no sway over how brilliant you are, especially not to him
“Some of the most mighty species in all the galaxies are the smallest ones you’ll find, some don't even have physical bodies big enough to detect with the human eye! Each and every one is perfectly unique in their own way, and you are no different. The stars you’ve seen in the night skies all your life, are they any less magical for appearing so small?”
“Exactly! And, you know, the more humans I meet, the more I realize how similar you are to Time Lords.”
“In what way?”
- and then he’s grinning down at you, all giddy about getting to use the line he loves hearing more than any other
“You’re all so much bigger on the inside.”
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- will make a joke about your height to test the water
- if your reaction tells him you’re not okay with it, he’ll feel guilty for the rest of eternity and never do it again
- but if you laugh with him or roll your eyes with a smile, he’ll grin like he’s accomplished something great, cracked some impossible code, and he will wear that like a badge of honor
- regardless of the fact you’ve made it clear he is allowed to make fun of your height, if anyone else does it in front of him, he doesn't like it
“Well, surely the smallest one should be sent in first, their loss would be the least noticeable!”
- and the Doctor is straight up, clapping his hands together and pointing in all directions as he lays out the plan of action very clearly to all involved, ending it by pointing at the man who dared make fun of you
“Now, you. From what I gather, jokes are supposed to be funny- supposed to land laughs with the nearest crowd; clearly you missed that memo, but that’s fine. Depending on (Y/N)’s reaction to your poor excuse for a joke, I’ve got a snowglobe with a blackhole suspended within it that I think you’d fit just perfectly in. (Y/N)?”
- the man looks terrified, and you try your best to refrain from laughing at him as you raise an eyebrow in dramatic silence
“Jury’s still out, see if he survives this first.”
the Doctor claps his hands again. “Cool! I’m never saying that again, but it would be very uncool of me to have to trap you inside a snowglobe that would tear you atom from atom in a continuous, brutal cycle, so consider that a warning.”
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- takes the ABSOLUTE piss, don't ever think he won't
- will 110% pretend he can't see you and stare right over your head
- will 1000% make up short-based nicknames all the time
“Hello there, Short Round.”
“Really showing your age with that one.”
“Oh, what was that? A tiny and insignificant mouse, or perhaps it was the wind, arguing with me?”
- you’d think in all his whimsical, magical, time-travelling glory with his constant bustling about and his mind going a mile a minute in the most erratic fashion possible, he wouldn't notice your height, let alone find the time to make a joke in literally any setting, but oh boy, does he
“Is everyone clear on their roles in my carefully laid out plan, because I know that the accent can be difficult, but if I have to explain it again I think I’d rather do everything myself and you can all sit here with (Y/N) and applaud me when I get back.”
“Wait, sit here with me? Why aren't I coming with you?!”
“Because you’re-”
- he gestures to you with his hands, up and down, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and you’re sighing because you already know what he’s referring to
“What does my height have to do with anything?!”
“You’re all compact, like a foldable deckchair or one of those raincoats that turns into a conveniently sized pouch. It’s frankly distracting and my pockets are full so you cant sit in any of them.”
- he never laughs at his own jokes but sometimes he makes you WHEEZE with the inventive short jokes he comes up with
- similarly to Nine, though, he also can't help viewing you as more breakable, not only because you’re a human, but a very short one, too
- despite him completely understanding the biology of humans, he is convinced that a papercut on you is the same as an average-sized person getting stabbed
- so yes, he takes the piss at absolutely every chance he gets, but if he sees someone else trip you up by accident or hand you a piece of paper and it cuts your finger in the most barely noticeable way, he will be a GRUMP
- consider the paper in your hands stolen, read very passive aggressively, then scrunched up into a ball, possibly chewed or ripped apart or even thrown on the floor and stamped on
- consider the person who accidentally hurt you the subject of his rage until they are out of his sight. every time they speak, they’re met with a “Shut it!”
- and you’re like “Doctor, there’s really no need-”
“That IMBECILE tripped you up approximately 3 AND A HALF HOURS AGO, and you think I’m overreacting? You could have DIED!”
- such a drama queen
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Could you do one with 4,31, and 38
Context: Adam, Lucifer and the rest of the gang are having dinner and someone (maybe alastor) puts angelic poison in Adams tea in an attempt to kill him. Lucifer is quick to “accidentally” knock it over before Adam could drink it, leading it to spill on adam.
(Bonus if Lucifer has a stern talk with alastor, all protective style)
4. “When did you fall out of love with me?” “That’s the thing: I never fell out of love with you. You’re the one who fell out of love with me.”
31. “You need to stop being such a dramatic bitch.” “It’s the only way I can entertain myself, okay? Now piss off and leave me be.” 
38. “Remember when you said you’d catch me when I fell? Well, you’re a fucking liar. Figuratively and literally. Now I’m hospitalised and also emotionally scarred. I hope you’re fucking happy about that.” 
Oh ho ho!! I love me some protective Lucifer and Alastor being an antagonizing little shit >:)
Charlie had prepared a beautiful meal for everyone at the hotel. She made a roast with all the veggies you could eat.
Adam was waiting on water to boil so he could have tea with his dinner. "Come on and eat Adam, it'll get cold before the kettle is ready." Lucifer said as he walked with his own plate.
Adam looked between him and the food and yeah, he didn't want to eat cold fucking food. He grabbed his dinner and sat down beside Lucifer and Angel. After a while if eating and talking, Adam remembered his tea. "Shit, my tea."
"No worries, I made some for myself as well. Here you go." Alastor handed Adam a mug of green tea, his smile anything but innocent.
Adam looked at him questioningly. "Um, thanks I guess?" Since when did this Bambi freak go out of his way for Adam?
"Oh don't thank me. Just drink up before it's cold." Like your corpse will be, Alastor thought sinisterly. He hoped he used enough angelic poison.
Adam couldn't feel any heat coming from the mug, he stuck his finger in it and frowned. "It's already cold asshole." He sucked the tea off his finger and grimaced. Did he put fucking sugar in it? Cause it was super sweet.
Lucifer got to looking at Adams tea, his eyes shifted to Alastor who was just waiting for the fallen angel to drink it. When he looked back he saw it.
It would be nearly impossible to see, but the way the light hit his tea Lucifer saw the golden shine that sat on top of the liquid. Angelic poison.
Lucifer's eyes widened in horror as Adam lifted the mug to his lips. "Don't!" He slapped the mug out of Adams hand, making the tea spill all over Adam.
"AHH! What the fuck!?" Adam jolted up and glared, the cold liquid soaking into his clothes.
"Look, I'm sorry but there was posion in your fucking tea!" Lucifer said as he handed Adam a napkin.
Adam snatched the napkin and tried in vain to clean himself up. "Poison, the fuck are you...." He suddenly felt dizzy, the room started to spin. Adam sat back down and held his head in his hands. If there was poison in his tea, he licked his finger which meant....
"Don't feel well?" Alastor mocked, he may have only gotten a drop but it could be enough to make him terminally ill.
"Fuck off." Lucifer hissed as he put his arms around Adam. "I gotta take him to the fucking hospital. Come on ba- buddy." Lucifer corrected himself. When Adam only groaned and didn't move, he cursed and picked the sinner up in his arms and ran through a portal to the hospital.
Adam didn't know how long he was out, but when he came to he was in a hospital bed with all the tubes anyone could possibly have sticking out of him. "For fuck sakes."
"Thank fuck you're awake." Lucifer sighed in relief from his seat beside Adam's bed. "The doctors weren't sure when you'd wake up."
"Don't you mean 'if' I wake up? Angelic poison is no fucking joke. One big gulp and my insides would have fucking melted and poured out of all my holes." Adam ranted, yeah okay maybe not that bad but still!
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “You need to stop being such a dramatic bitch.”
Adam scoffed and folded his arms. “It’s the only way I can entertain myself, okay? Now piss off and leave me be.” Adam shifted to look away from Lucifer, Woah what medicine were they giving him everything felt funny, like he was kinda high.
"I'm not leaving you alone Adam, you could have died."
"I realize that. Thank you for not letting me die a horrible death." Adam still didn't look at him.
"It would have been a permanent death!"
"Like you care!" Adam finally looked at Lucifer, eyes a blaze.
This took Lucifer aback. "If I didn't fucking care I wouldn't have brought you here, asshole! I fucking love you!"
Adam bit his lip to keep it from quivering. "No you don't...."
“Remember when you said you’d catch me when I fell? Well, you’re a fucking liar. Figuratively and literally. Now I’m hospitalised and also emotionally scarred. I hope you’re fucking happy about that.” Adam spat as he held tears back. "You never fucking loved me, hell you barely even like me." Hate fucking wasn't love.
"Adam." Lucifer took his hand in his. "I've always loved you."
"Yeah right."
“When did you fall out of love with me?” Lucifer asked, fearing the answer.
Adam looked away, eyes wet. “That’s the thing: I never fell out of love with you. You’re the one who fell out of love with me.”
"That's not true! I never stopped loving you. Adam," Lucifer used his other hand to cup Adam's face and make him look at him. "I've always loved you. I'm sorry I made you feel any different." They placed their foreheads together looking into each other's eyes. "Let me prove it."
Adam searched his eyes for any trace of a lie. "Fine, but this is the last time I will ever trust you with feelings like this." He melted when Lucifer kissed him softly.
"I promise to protect you and your heart."
"Alastor!" Lucifer stomped over to the deer demon. The hospital wanted to keep Adam overnight just to make sure he was okay.
"Lucifer, what do I owe the-" Alastor was shoved into the wall behind him.
"You've got some fucking nerve trying to posion him like that." He growled, his eyes going wholly red.
"He's fine isn't he? What's the matter, worried your boy toy wouldn't make it?" Alastor winced when a hand wrapped around his neck.
Lucifer let his full demon form come out. "Listen here you Bambi reject, radio fucker. You so much as even LOOK at Adam wrong from now on and I'll make you drink a whole fucking bottle of angelic poison. Nobody, and I fucking mean NOBODY fucks with the people I love."
Alastor winced in pain but his smile widened. "You love him, huh?"
"Yeah I do. He's the love of my life and no one will come between us again. Stay away from him." Lucifer dropped Alastor and walked away.
Alastor held his throat and smirked. Interesting, very interesting.
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infiniteeight8 · 8 months
Ironstrange: outsider POV, like a gossip blog or fangirls (positive spin preferred).
If the way I describe this fan group seems a little dated, that’s because the last time I was active in a fan group (in the sense of daily discussions and events and such; I’ve never stopped reading and writing) was eight years ago and I was old fashioned even then. So just assume this OC is like me—she stuck with what she knew and liked and there were, happily, people who felt the same.
This may start out feeling a bit iffy on the spin, but I promise it’s going a good way.
It’s also over 700 words and I still feel like I didn’t quite get a solid outsider POV going. I like it, I just don’t know if it got the feeling that I love in Outsider POV fics when I read them. 
Daria has been running the Iron Man Forever fan page since the beginning. 15 years of following Iron Man’s adventures, organizing meetups, and squeeing over new developments in Tony Stark’s life. Iron Man Forever survived the schism prompted by Tony getting together with Pepper Potts, and it survived The Snap, and it survived the schism prompted by Tony and Pepper’s divorce. After coming through all of that, if not intact, then at least still active and proud, Daria is determined that it’ll survive Tony’s new relationship with Doctor Strange, too.
Admittedly, this one is starting rougher than the others. There’s a disappointingly substantial group of fans who seem to have forgotten that Tony has always been bisexual, and that getting married didn’t change that. Daria and her moderators have already had to ban a bunch of bigots.
Personally, Daria hasn’t decided where she falls on the Strange Situation yet. She’s always thought that the best relationships were complementary, where the people involved bring different strengths to the table. Doctor Strange seems… Well, as far as Daria can tell from a fan’s distance, he’s a lot like Tony.
She’s in her favorite coffee shop, fortifying herself with a brownie and some hot chocolate before diving into the moderation queue for the site’s discussion board, when Tony Stark and Stephen Strange walk in the door.
Daria’s mouth drops open so far that a bite of brownie actually falls out. Quickly closing her mouth and wiping it with a napkin, she can’t help staring. Everyone else is also staring. This is not Tony Stark’s usual neighborhood. Is it Doctor Strange’s? It doesn’t seem likely, given all the staring. Daria prays fiercely that everyone here will be chill about it. If some idiot runs them off…
There’s no way Tony and Strange have failed to notice the reaction to their entrance, but they pretend they don’t, instead joining the end of the line like they’re any other customers. After one more frozen moment, conversations and activity in the shop start up again, if maybe a bit more muted than before. Daria drops her gaze to her laptop, but the screen doesn’t register; she’s straining her ears for their conversation.
“We are taught, rather stringently, that relics aren’t to be used frivolously,” Strange is saying. 
“Okay, but the Cloak isn’t any old relic, are they?” Tony says. “They think for themselves.”
“Yes,” Strange confirms. “Athough not all mystics would agree.”
Daria swallows an exclamation and makes a note to contact Sean over at Dedicated Doctor Strange. They probably have all kinds of theories about the Cloak, and here she’s getting confirmation directly from the source!
“Wait, really?” The two of them pause briefly to order from the barista working the line. “Isn’t it kind of obvious? I mean, I’ve seen the Cloak arguing with you.”
Strange chuckles. “The Cloak doesn’t suffer fools. They rejected several partners before me. Even the Ancient One called them fickle. I suspect it’s easier to pretend there’s some metaphysical incompatibility than to admit that it just didn’t like them.”
“Fickle,” Tony snorts derisively. Daria risks looking up and catches Tony and Strange exchanging a look that’s… Well, it’s got a lot of layers. Warmth, understanding, amusement, pain. Somehow, despite The Snap, they have history. 
Tony continues after they’ve stepped aside to wait for their order. “All I’m saying is, it’s not frivolous to go flying with a friend. Ask them sometime; maybe they’d have fun.”
Strange makes a thoughtful noise. “You make a good point,” he says. He pauses and Daria looks over again. Tony is watching the barista work, but Strange is looking at Tony, his expression almost soft. “Would you like to come with us?”
Tony looks over at that, obviously surprised. “You’d want me to?”
“Yes,” Strange says. “Assuming you don’t mind slowing down for us.”
Tony smiles. “Never,” he promises. 
The barista calls their names. Tony carries both drinks to the condiment station and doctors both cups. When he’s secured the lids, he hands one to Doctor Strange. It shakes visibly in Strange’s hand, but with the lid on, nothing spills. Daria looks down again, somehow embarrassed at looking even though neither of them had seemed to think twice about the small accommodation.
“Well, then,” Strange says, settling a hand in the small of Tony’s back as they weave their way through tables to the exit, “it’s a date.”
When they’re safely gone, Daria has to cover her mouth with both hands to stifle the squee. She knows exactly where she falls on the Strange Situation now.
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giyrut-girlie · 4 months
(queer) jews in my phone i need help/love
this is a long ass post im so sorry lmfao, im putting it in under the cut to save you all but also if people have head space pls read <3
on friday night, i found myself the last of the shabbat guests (who weren't staying the night) at the Rabbi's house. i had asked my housemate to pick me up at 10:30, but everyone else left before 10.
the kids and rabbi's wife had gone to bed, so it was me, the Rabbi, and two older frum guys who stay over shabbat most weeks to be closer to shul.
for some context, earlier in the evening one of these guys had asked another dinner guest (a med student who I'm good friends with, she's a year or two younger than me) whether trans issues came up in her study. the two of us youngins made brief "help me" eye contact and she answered saying that yes, they did cover trans issues given that as a doctor she will, at some point or another, treat trans patients. the subject was changed, but the room was a bit tense.
so: 10pm, i'm sitting at the table, a little tipsy from all the wine, just hanging out until my ride comes.
the rabbi says "hey ella, i have a question for you now that everyone else (by which he means the not-so-frum people) is gone." and i Just Knew what he was about to ask.
i won't go into extreme detail about the actual conversation, but to sum it up: I was asked my opinion on trans folk, i said that i am supportive and do in fact believe trans people about their identities and was Shut All The Way Down. if i cited statistics i was told that actually they'd seen the opposite, if i tried to explain a study i was familiar with, i was told that they didn't think that was true. i actually don't know how i stayed calm, bc my mind and body were telling me that i was Unsafe basically the entire time (thanks anxiety disorder really did me a solid there /s).
eventually 10:30 rolled around and i had a get out of jail free to skip the rest of that fuck awful conversation, and my housemate was very nice to listen to my debriefing. while talking to her i came to the realisation that one of the main factors in the disagreement was that the rabbi didn't actually value the wisdom of any cultures/teachings/histories outside of judaism. if I talked about sistergirls of the torres strait, or māhū of hawai'i, that was dismissed essentially as goyische nonsense.
this whole conversation has been a Fucking Downer for my mental health. i actually broke shabbat (beyond my usual one melacha to be in the clear and sneaky housemate taxi service) that night bc my thoughts were racing too much to sleep without putting on some comfort media.
but beyond the mental health stuff (though probably actually very related) i've found myself really struggling with judaism since friday night. having my rabbi, who has been helping me through conversion, and who i have really valued as a teacher, and the only two other frum people in the community be so overtly transphobic all at once has really taken me for a spin. like, my rabbi is a lubavitcher, i knew that he was going to be fairly conservative about some stuff, but he literally told me that he only uses the correct pronouns for one of our community members as a "personal favour", and essentially told me that she was good evidence against trans acceptance bc nothing she could ever do would ever make her not a man (and you better believe this involved a lot of comments about her appearance)
to put the icing on the cake, when i dropped off his kids today (i nanny for them once a week), he handed me a book that upon research is basically the jk rowling talking point bible. he said to me that it was a really good book for me to read and that it might help fight some of the "mob mentality" (interesting term for scientific consensus but okay)
(also i had actually looked up my own citations from the discussion later and found myself to be very much correct in my recitation of statistics, but you better believe i wasn't petty enough to forward them on)
ANYWAY if anyone is still reading i'm fucking bummed and super anxious about interacting with my community, my conversion, finding the balance between really truly wanting to pursue an orthodox lifestyle and also being queer myself etc etc
i live in a really small jewish community and can't really leave until i finish my degree in 2026, so i can't exactly just find a more accepting rabbi or shul.
anyone have any advice, or just some solidarity for feeling shitty in this space? love u jews in my phone xx
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scoops404 · 12 days
↻ dream for honestly any part of anagnorosis
↻FLIP FLOP:send me a scene from one of my fics and I’ll describe or write it from another character’s POV!
Under the cut!
He knows before the call comes through that it's not good news. Truthfully, he's had a plane ticket in his cart for the last twenty minutes just ready to push pay while he waits to hear from Sapnap. It's just--there's something wrong. George has been blowing hot and cold, endlessly needy and shameless about it and then closed off and tight lipped, but they've always done well with distance. And this time, the distance has been good for them. They've been talking more in the last two weeks than they have since before they hooked up.
It's been... well, it's been alarming in some ways because Dream sees the parallels to the last time they were like this--the last time in London when George was majorly depressed but wouldn't accept it or talk about it or do anything but the exact directions Dream would give him in order to stay alive: eat, shower, sleep, work.
Maybe he shouldn't have gone to LA. Maybe he should have stayed and forced George to talk to him. But he knows how George gets when he thinks he's cornered. It's one step forward and ten steps back.
"Dream," Sapnap says when he picks up. "Bro, you gotta--it's bad. You gotta come home."
"Nick, what's--what's wrong?" Dream asks, and then a sick feeling comes over him. He can hear a siren in the background and he just knows that it's George. "Did he--did he hurt himself?"
"No," Sapnap says quickly, he sounds a bit distracted. "No, he didn't. He--but he's hurt. I found him in his bathroom unconscious."
"Nick?" Dream says and--oh god, his voice is--he can hear how raw he sounds. He feels like a child again--no control over the situation and on the other side of the country from his--from the love of his life. From George, who needs him.
God, he's been so stupid.
"Come home," Sapnap says with authority in his voice. For once, Dream listens to it. "I'm going with him to the hospital. I'll keep you updated."
"Okay," Dream says and hangs up. He presses purchase and then he pulls up his Uber app. There's no time.
He pays for inflight wifi so that he can get and respond to Sapnap's sporadic texts. Dream also sends his mom over to the hospital, a tearful phone call in the Uber that he hopes no one ever leaks.
Five hours. He has to be on this plane for five hours while George--while George is in pain. Unconscious. What could have caused him to pass out? Dream's brain jumps from undiagnosed brain tumor to cancer to an intruder in their home to low blood sugar from now eating enough. He keeps himself off of reddit, off of webMD because that's--for once he knows that's not helpful. He can't watch any movies, he can't listen to music. He just sits there, rawdogging it, mind spinning over and over and trying to keep the panic at bay.
What would he even do in a world without George?
When the plane lands, Dream's not embarrassed about pushing and shoving to the front of the line to deplane. he has no carryon, no bag to pick up in baggage claim, he's going to sprint to the uber line and then go straight to the hospital.
Panting in the back of the Uber, he finds a text from his mom saying the doctors won't talk to her or Sapnap, but she thinks they'll talk to him. Sapnap told them something that means they'll share info with Dream, and he wants to give Sapnap the biggest hug in the world when he sees him. Fuck, he's a bad liar but his friend comes through when it counts.
"Good luck, man," the Uber driver says when Dream jumps out of the car. Maybe picking someone up at the airport and dropping them at the hospital is a glaring sign that the person in your backseat isn't doing all that well. Dream thanks him perfunctorily.
His mom finds him at the front door and brings him to the nurse station to explain who he is.
"Ah, the father," she says sagely and then starts pulling him into a room.
He turns to ask his mother what the nurse means and her eyes are tearful, a sad smile on her face and he realizes--oh. He's the father.
He's someone's father?
George is here and Dream is a father and that means...
He's never been great at math, not like George, not on tests or theoretical things that don't matter. But this? He can do that math.
"We need to know your son's name," the nurse says in a no nonsense tone and Dream almost blacks out.
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A Strange Sort of Family
hi, resident evil fandom, i'd like to throw my hat in the ring
look, i don't even really go here, the fandom mold just got into my brain and would not fucking leave. this is my first time writing any of these characters so if they feel a bit rocky, please forgive me. my media analysis brain has been spinning nonstop since we started the resident evil brain rot and ho boy would I love to sink my teeth into a proper horror fic but! i don't know if i'm there yet so i figured i'd start a bit easier for me :)
also--we all know there's no way ethan's just gone from the franchise now, right? like, sure, he's dead, but he died like 30 minutes into re7 and that didn't fucking stop him
ALSO also big shoutout to @dragonsareaqueerthing and @greenninjagal-blog for the encouragement to actaully make the words go :) hopefully i'll be spending more time in this fandom now that I've got that ball rolling
Read on Ao3
Warnings: talk about events of shadows of rose dlc, nothing explicit, bullying
Pairings: implied ethan/mia/chris, but Ethan & Rose is the focus
Word Count: 10,919
You'd think after about 16 years of being treated like a child and the most powerful bioweapon the world has ever seen, you might get used to it.
Not even slightly.
Sometimes a family is a molded bioweapon, a traumatized agent, a former bioterrorist, and a series of golden, sparkly words. Sometimes family is decorating your room with your mother, sometimes family is hugging a pillow because your dad isn't here anymore. Sometimes family is training too hard and going out for ice cream, sometimes family is a dinner where your parents won't stop teasing you.
Or, five times Ethan Winters was there for his daughter, and one time Rosemary Winters was there for her father.
You'd think after about 16 years of being treated like a child and the most powerful bioweapon the world has ever seen, you might get used to it.
Not even slightly.
Okay, well, maybe slightly, but only in the way she's able to shake off some of the lesser things that would've made her really upset before. She's no longer threatening the lives of the agents that call her Eveline, to her face or behind her back when they think she can't hear them. Even when she really, really wants to. Small victories.
But despite her best efforts, she still returns to the cell block of a room—Chris had been so insistent that it wasn't a cell, but it was all concrete walls and a tiny window and a camera that she knows is in the corner—and curls up on her bed, jamming her headphones in and refusing to engage with the outside world until she could summon up the resolve to impersonate a normal person again.
Today had been no exception.
Rose throws her backpack onto her desk chair and slings her hat over the hook, kicking her shoes off and collapsing face-first onto the bed with a groan. More tests today, always more fucking tests. Didn't they have every inch of her shitty, moldy body cataloged by now? She has half a mind to start making shit up when they ask her the same stupid questions. 'How are you feeling today, Rose?' Oh, you know, just getting stuck with more needles than a fucking porcupine, how do you fucking think I'm feeling? Yeah, no, no homicidal instincts yet, just had one murderous thought the other day when I was imagining mold eating the bitch who called me a charity case. Although I did go to the park after I snuck away from that asshole you have tailing me on Tuesdays to see if I could amass a mushroom army, how was your day?
A small laugh leaves her throat at the thought of the doctor's face if she actually did say that, but then she'd probably have two assholes tailing her until they deemed her 'no longer a risk.' God, they were supposed to be these super highly trained agents, then why the fuck do they suck ass at being subtle?
Turns out, even having mold superpowers means she still has to breathe like a normal person, so she drags her face up from the bed and doesn't even bother to fully get up to inchworm up to the pillows. She mashes her face against the slightly cold surface—honestly, the best part about this prison-cell-ass room was that the air conditioning was always on Arctic, so her pillows were always cold—and grabs her phone, squinting at the notifications.
One from school saying her group project deadline was coming up…something from some shopping website she'd logged onto out of pure boredom three weeks ago…and a text from Chris.
Rose sits up a little more and opens the text. "Overseas this week…sorry I'll miss the—you fucking dick!"
Of course Chris is working this weekend, of course he's not gonna be fucking here to take her to the cemetery—great, that means another two hours of bus rides until she can actually go see her dad. She swears he does this on purpose sometimes, how often does he actually need to go overseas for 'work?' And it's not like anyone else here would be able to take her, she's learned her fucking lesson about asking them for anything more than more fucking food. Not bothering to stifle her groan, she flops back onto the bed, only for her phone to clatter out of her hand and onto the floor.
Great. Now she has to move again to pick it up.
She decides that moving is actually not what she's going to do right now, letting one arm hang over the edge of the bed, her cheek scrunched awkwardly against the lip of the mattress. She tucks her face against the collar of her jacket and rubs her thumb against the ring on her finger.
"Sorry it's gonna take me longer," she mumbles, "I really wanted to spend longer with you this time."
Her eyes widen when gold sparkling words appear on the floor next to her phone.
it's okay
"What the—" she whips around to look at the door, closed tightly, and jerks back— "how—"
The words are still there. The words are still etched into the floor, right next to her phone. She should check if they're on the camera—no, they can fucking hack into her phone whenever they want, and she doesn't—she can't—if this really is—
Rose swallows the lump in her throat as the words shift and change.
you ok?
"I—what—how are—" she swallows again, camera in the corner of the room, "uh, M-Michael?"
A pause as the words reform: sure
"I mean, I—I know," she says quickly, "I know what—I know what this is, I…I remember, it's just…"
camera, I know
"How is this possible?" she whispers, not daring to move from her haphazard scramble up the bed, "I thought you were—I mean, at the end, when we, uh, did the thing, it seemed like you were…that you were going again."
The words sparkle again as she grips the sleeve of her jacket—his jacket.
apparently i'm bad at it
"Bad at what?"
staying dead
Another laugh chokes its way out of her throat and she reaches out without thinking about it, just to touch the words. They glow a little bit brighter as she touches them and the tips of her fingers glow. Almost as an afterthought, she grabs her phone and shoves it behind her, hopefully muffling the microphone and at the very least, getting its cameras away from her dad.
Her dad. Those are her dad's words, that's her dad, he's here, he's here.
"Are you—is this…are you really here?"
sort of, as the golden words swirl around, part of you
"What do you mean, 'part of me?'"
not a scientist
"You're the only other m—person like me I know, I'm sure it'll be fine." She can almost hear the little huff of laughter as the golden sparkles swirl again. It seems like it's the same as it was when she was in there, with her dad only able to say a few words at a time.
i'm part of the mold, just like you, we're sharing a part right now
"Are you always sharing a part with me?"
i wish i could, and she feels her chest hurt a little bit, takes energy
"I guess that makes sense." Her arm begins to ache from being so stretched out. "I really miss you."
i miss you too sweetie
Fuck, she's 16, she should not be getting this choked up over her dad calling her 'sweetie,' but fuck it, she's a mold person and her dad's dead, she's allowed to sniffle a little when those words glow warmly under her fingers. Some hysterical part of her wonders if he'd be able to give her a tissue or a hanky the way he gave her guns and chem fluid in there, but she scrubs at her nose with her sleeve and decides that it's enough right now that he's here, in her room, still calling her sweetie.
She almost recognizes it the second time, a tug in her gut. Given that she's got her hands over her face and is currently doing a fabulous impression of an angry seal, it'd be harder for her to see it. Still, she can't help the dumb smile on her face when she rolls over.
bad day?
"Oh, you know," she mumbles, "just your average day of being a human guinea pig."
She snorts, clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle it. "You know I get a look at their notes sometimes? That's what they call you, just your initials."
surprised they're still talking about me
"What do you mean? Of course they're still talking about you, you're the—" she cuts herself off. The golden sparkles swirl.
i'm the what?
"Never mind."
The floorboards wait expectantly, but she twists the ring around her finger, chewing on her lip. After another moment, new words appear.
can i help?
"With what? With the tests?"
with you
Another tug in her gut, this time at the fact that she can't actually remember the last time someone asked after her, not their biggest liability or their most dangerous weapon. She props herself up on the cold pillows—thank you, government AC—and sighs. "I'm just really tired."
i bet
"Like—are they bored? What do they get out of sticking me with the same needle fifty different times? And it's not like they talk to me about anything, they just look at each other and then fake-smile at me and they tell me 'you're doing great,' like I'm supposed to know what that means. And the other people aren't any better! They keep trying to train me how to do a thing but they're not—it's not like they tell me why we're doing something or what I'm supposed to be doing instead, they just tell me I'm wrong and that's it."
that sucks
She huffs. "You have no idea."
After a moment, though, she realizes that might not actually be true. From what little she's actually managed to get Chris to tell her, and what she can learn from Mom, they were both held in BSAA's quarantine for ages before they moved over to Romania. And if Mom knew about Dad's…not-aliveness way before he did, then they must've done some sort of tests on him too.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Did they, um, did they test you too?"
The floorboards stay empty for a minute, but it feels more like he's thinking than it does him avoiding the question. Sure enough, after another moment, words start appearing again.
they did, they didn't tell me anything either, just that i was lucky
"Lucky how?"
to have made it, even when i didn't
"You did, though," she mumbles, fiddling with the ring again, "you—this part of you made it. Chris told me, Mom told me. You…even after you were…gone the first time, you…you came back. The important parts of you, they came back."
and i'm grateful for it, for you
"You're gonna make me cry," she mutters, scrunching up a little tighter.
i love you Rosie
"Shut up." It's empty and they both know it. A few extra sparkles swirl around and she could swear he's laughing. "I love you too."
Sunlight streams in through her tiny window and she finds herself looking at the way the leaves on the tree dapple the shadow across the floor. Part of her dad's words are still glowing. She looks at the nightstand, bare except for her charger and alarm clock, then over at the desk where her school stuff is, then at the dresser. She reaches out and touches the metal bedframe. It's cold underneath her fingers.
what's wrong?
"Nothing." The words remain and she sighs. "I'm just being mopey."
you're allowed to mope
"Someone at school said something today," she says before she can think better of it, and she winces at how young she sounds.
"Not really, it wasn't even really about me, I just—it's stupid."
if you're upset it's not stupid
"They were just talking about this thing they got for their room, okay?" Embarrassment makes her curl her fingers into the loose fabric of her jacket. "It's this mirror thing that hooks up to your phone and lets you play music and stuff from there. They were just talking about it and I thought—see, I told you it was stupid."
There's another pause. The breeze rustles the leaves outside. The shadows dance over the walls.
do you want it?
"Not really…I don't like mirrors that much anyway. And it's not like they'd let me just have another thing that connects to the Internet in here." She glances at the alarm clock. "I barely got them to let me get a laptop for school stuff. I don't think they've got a 'Mold Bioweapon Allowance' in their budget."
The silence grows thoughtful. She turns her head to look at the floorboards again, watching the few sparkles there swirl around.
it's your room, they say finally, it should feel like it
Rose scoffs. "What am I supposed to do, walk up and ask them to sponsor a shopping trip?"
why not?
"They're not gonna do that. They're just gonna brush me off again or tell me they're busy."
you've tried?
"I told you, I barely managed to get a laptop, which is something I need to be able to do schoolwork or anything, even have a taste of what being normal is like. And even then I had to argue for like, ages, and I had to get one of my teachers to write an email saying that it's necessary." She swats the white pillowcase, bitterness seeping into her words. "Everything else isn't necessary. They're all about practicality, like I'm just some other expense they have to deal with."
what about Chris? or Mom?
"Chris isn't here. He's always off somewhere doing something or he's here glaring at me like I'm some stupid new recruit that he doesn't want to have to train. And Mom's…I don't want to bother her, you know? She's got her own life now."
she's your mom, come the words almost before she's done speaking, she'd want to know
Rose sighs, sitting up to lean against the headboard. She twists the ring around and around her finger, chewing on her lip. "I don't know. Sometimes it feels like she's…like she doesn't want to know."
Another pause. What her dad had said before, about them sharing a part of the mold—she can feel something in her chest. An emotion that isn't quite hers, something like a deep and exasperated sadness. It's faint, not quite enough to put words there, but she can tell when she needs to look back down at the floor.
she does love you, let her
"Okay. I'll try."
thank you
"Would you come shopping with me?" she asks, even when she knows the answer. "If you could?"
The room gets a little happier as the sparkles swirl around.
i'd spend all day with you
"What did you want to have in your room? When you were my age?"
"A telescope?" She laughs. "Did you want to be an astronaut?"
astronaut ew
She laughs again and the sunlight seems a little brighter.
She meets Mom at a coffee shop near the big bookstore downtown. She's not wearing Dad's jacket—it still feels weird to do, even after Mom's said it's fine—but she has his ring on a necklace under her shirt. Mom waves her over to a table in the corner, nodding to the smoothie already waiting.
"Pineapple mango," she says as Rose sits down, "your favorite."
"Thanks, Mom." She takes a big drink, savoring the weird feeling the pineapple leaves on her tongue. "How're you?"
"I'm okay. Work's been getting busy again recently with the month's end rush." Mom swirls her straw around her coffee. "Did I tell you about this new thing our boss is trying to make us do?"
"No, what?"
"Apparently some young CEO in the area made it big on corporate social media about 'team building exercises,'" and Rose is already groaning in sympathy, "so he sent out this survey this past week about what activity we'd rather do."
"What were the options?"
"This group painting class thing, where we all paint the same picture—"
"Like in kindergarten?"
"Like in kindergarten," Mom agrees, "there's a bar-arcade place that's just opened up on the West Side that does private events, and then there's a good old-fashioned work dinner."
Rose makes a face. "That's it? No, like, crazy obstacle courses, or escape rooms, or anything?"
"We barely had the budget for the normal year-end stuff."
"So what did you vote for?"
"I ended up voting for the painting, actually—"
"What? Mom, that's so lame."
"Hey!" She jokingly flicks a napkin at Rose. "Lamer than the most awkward dinner you can imagine or sitting and drinking for a whole evening?"
"Isn't that what adults do? You sit and drink and talk?"
Mom sighs, shaking her head as they both laugh. "Yeah, well, I figured it might be better if we tried to do something that wasn't just sitting and drinking."
"I guess."
"Besides, I'm still missing something for the bathroom upstairs. Maybe I'll hang up whatever I manage to make there," she adds, winking at Rose.
It's supposed to be a joke at how bad at art she is—really, even Chris looked at her stick figures and struggled to find something nice to say, and Mom just laughed it off—but Rose's smile fades and she shuffles a little in the chair. She drinks more of her smoothie. Dad's words turn over and over in her head.
"Hey, Mom?"
"Would you…" She fights the urge to reach for the ring. "Would you help me decorate my room?"
Mom's brow furrows. "At my house?"
"N-no, my…my room at the compound. It's stupid, never mind."
"It's not stupid, Rose," Mom says, picking up her coffee, "I'm just—I guess I'm just surprised. Most teens don't really want their parents anywhere near their rooms."
"Yeah, well, forget it."
A car drives by. Despite herself, she reaches for the ring anyway. Something warm pulses in her chest.
"It's just," she manages, "I don't really have anything in there. It's just the military stuff."
Mom's coffee cup hits the table with a thud. "What do you mean you don't have anything in there?"
"I mean, there's just a dresser, a desk, and a bed. And my little side table thing. They didn't really give me any—"
"How much time do you have?"
Rose blinks. "Huh?"
"How much time before you have to get back?" Mom's already getting up and putting the lid back on her coffee. "We're not that far from the big stores and I have my car."
"I, uh, I think I have a few hours, so—" she scrambles up too, reaching to grab Mom's arm— "wait, you're really okay with doing this?"
Mom pauses for a moment, then reaches out and covers Rose's hand with hers. "You're my daughter, Rosie, I'd love to help you decorate your room."
A lump appears in her throat and she swallows it down. "Thank you."
"Come on," Mom grins, "what are you thinking you want?"
"Uh, I was thinking maybe like a whiteboard? That way I could write down stuff that I might forget? Or like—a magnetic one so I could stick stuff to it?" She gets into Mom's car and they start driving. "Or a corkboard—I've seen a lot of people pin like, pictures and stuff to a corkboard on their walls."
"What if you get both? A corkboard to put pictures and cute stuff and then a whiteboard to write on?"
"I also want a lamp. The normal lights just make my head hurt. And they buzz, you know?"
"Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about. It's like the world's most annoying crickets, isn't it?"
"And there's no, like, in between! It's either no light at all or—"
"Or my eyes are being scorched out, that's right."
They pull into the parking lot of the store and get out, still bouncing ideas back and forth. Mom grabs a cart and they head straight for the stationary section and they spend about five minutes talking about the different corkboards and whiteboards. Then Rose decides she wants magnets so she can stick stuff to the whiteboard, then Mom spots a cute set of push pins, and then another mom and daughter walk by with one of those fancy photo printers that print out pictures from your phone like Polaroids, and they just have to get Rose one of those.
As they pick out lamps and wall decor and sheets that actually have some color, she's struck by how normal this is. She's with her mom. They're shopping for stuff for her room. They're freaking out over the pillows that have little penguins on them. She's actually smiling and laughing and she's excited. She can't wait to get back and put all this stuff in her room.
She just…wishes Dad could be here too.
"I think I'd prefer the yellow lampshade, but it's up to you." Mom looks up from the shelf to notice she's gone quiet. "Hey, what's going on?"
"Nothing, nothing," she says quickly, wiping surreptitiously at her face, "…just…I kinda wish Dad was here too."
Mom's fingers stutter on the box and for a moment, she thinks she's going to see those walls go up again, the ones that always go up when she tries to talk about Dad, but then Mom puts the box down and rubs at her wedding ring. She still wears it sometimes. Rose reaches for Dad's, under her shirt.
"I wish he was here too, Rosie," Mom says quietly, "he'd be so proud of you."
Rose swallows, and her eyes catch on a tiny monkey LED lamp further down the shelf. She picks it up. "I think he'd vote for this one, don't you?"
A hint of fond exasperation comes to Mom's face. "God, did I ever tell you what happened when he found out that you loved that little monkey you got when you were still a baby? He tried to buy everything monkey-themed he could find because he thought you might like it."
"Wait, really?"
"I had to get Chris to help me talk him out of buying an entire monkey crib for you."
Rose puts the monkey lamp in the cart. Mom smiles and they keep walking. They end up spending way more than she thought they'd be and sheepishly tries to put some stuff back, but Mom won't hear a word of it and bags everything up.
"Chris can help cover the cost if he's so worried about it," she declares as they pull back up to the meeting spot where the car is supposed to take Rose back to the compound, "anyway, all of this should have been done years ago."
"Thanks, Mom," Rose says, "I had fun."
"We should definitely do it again. I'll help you decorate your college dorm too."
Rose smiles and gets out of the car. It fades a bit when she sees Paul again, leaning against the side of the van with his arms crossed. She turns her back deliberately on him and goes to help Mom get all the bags out of the trunk.
"You're late," Paul says, like he has any right to sound like a smug, condescending asshole.
"By like five minutes. Open the trunk."
"What's all that?"
"Stuff. For my room."
"Well, I—hey!" Paul finally moves when Mom just opens the trunk and starts putting the bags inside.
"You must be the agent Rose told me about," Mom says, her voice saccharine as she dusts off her hands, "is that right, honey?"
"Yeah," she mumbles, "that's him."
"Paul," he says, "Ms. Winters."
"Mia." Mom holds out her hand and he takes it, Rose peering at them from under the brim of her hat. Her eyes widen when Mom yanks Paul closer to her, her smile fading as she hisses in his ear. "Call my daughter Eveline again and I'll break your nose, are we clear?"
Paul jerks in surprise, before turning his head slightly. "Stand down, it's fine, I can handle it."
"You can't afford to make a scene in such a public place," Mom says, her voice still perfectly even, "and Chris won't risk harming me or Rose. So you can start treating my daughter like a person or I can break your nose right now and Chris can clean up your mess."
Rose can't stop her snort as Paul sheepishly walks back to the front of the car and gets in. Mom watches him go before she turns around and says, loud enough for him to hear, "Make sure you send me pictures when you get it the way you want it, okay?"
"I will."
"And if you decide you want anything else, we'll get it next time."
"Thanks, Mom. I love you."
"I love you too, Rosie." She glares once more in Paul's direction before she walks back to her car.
Rose doesn't stop smirking as Paul drives them back to the compound. He slinks off with his tail between his legs after helping her get all her stuff into her room. She can't cover up the camera—and let them know she knows about it—but she can play her music out loud as she decorates, hanging up the little plants they found and pinning a few photos to her new corkboard. It still strikes her how normal all of this is, dancing to her music and putting up all of her new things, finally collapsing onto her now-colorful blankets with a laugh.
She texts a few photos to Mom, who responds with gushing reviews and excited emojis, before she rolls onto her side to look at the floor.
"What do you think?"
The words only take a second to appear.
it's beautiful, sweetie
"You were right," she murmurs, "it was really nice to let Mom take care of me a bit."
i'm glad
"Oh! I forgot to show you the best part!" Rose jumps off the bed and goes over to the far wall, switching on the fairy lights she hung from the ceiling amidst a bunch of fake vines. "Now the camera will just think the glowing is from the lights!"
Golden sparkles swirl beneath the soft glow.
you're so smart
"I mean," she blusters, trying not to show how pleased she is, "I was just tired of lying down to talk to you all the time."
i see, still clever
"Thanks." After a moment, she reaches over and picks up the little monkey lamp and her stuffed monkey, safely hidden beneath her pillows. "Mom told me you wanted to buy a monkey crib for me."
it would go with the onesie
"You got me a monkey onesie?"
mom has pictures
"I'll have to ask her next time." She chews on her lip, running her fingers over the seams of the monkey's ear. "I wish you could've been there."
me too
"Mom threatened to break Paul's nose if he was rude to me again." The light swirls as Dad laughs and she laughs too. "I'd kick him in the nuts too."
that's my girl
"Stupid fucking dickhead," she spits as she slams the door, throwing her backpack onto the chair so hard it scrapes across the floor. "Fucking asshole! I'll fucking rip his head off, the fucking bastard!"
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a tiny sparkle from the floorboards, and she stomps over to the lights, turning them on. Almost immediately, golden words swirl up.
what happened?
"Your buddy Chris fucking happened!" Rose throws herself onto the bed and punches the pillow. "He keeps treating me like I'm some—some fucking gun that only he knows how to fire and I'm fucking sick of it!"
It had been especially bad today, too. Chris apparently woke up and decided yeah, today's the day I'm gonna be a total fucking asshole for no goddamn reason. He started them out sparring, which he never does, he always has them warm up first because it's important not to strain yourself, except apparently not today when she was thrown against the fucking ground three times before she could even open her mouth long enough to say hi.
Or maybe ask what the hell crawled up his ass that morning.
And then he kept fucking looking at her like he was disappointed! Like it was her fault she wasn't expecting to be slammed up against the wall or pinned to the ground by a man fucking three times her size and then grunted at when she winced in pain because that fucking hurt, you asshole! And he kept on saying these stupid little comments that just made her angrier and angrier and then he had the gall to be like hey, you need to get a handle on your emotions like he wasn't pushing every single fucking button he knew she had!
You need to be sharper, he'd said like he had any right to try and be reasonable as he almost dislocated her fucking shoulder, emotions make you sloppy.
Yeah, well, he could try being sharper when he was being bullied for no fucking reason.
And when she'd finally screamed at him that she was done, that she didn't want to fucking do this anymore, he had the fucking audacity, the nerve to scoff and cross his arms and tell her that no, she wasn't done, she was only done when he said she was done. And yeah, she hadn't really made the decision to rush at him after that, her body did that on its own, but he literally just tossed her aside like a fucking doll and then said she wasn't leaving until she could do the fucking stupid thing he wanted her to.
She tried. She really fucking did.
But she couldn't do it.
And Chris kept refusing to help, saying he'd been training her for so long already, that he'd wash her out if she were any other recruit—to which she'd screamed that she wasn't, so why the fuck was he being like this? And he didn't fucking answer! He just told her to try it again and he kept making her angrier and angrier and she could tell Chris was getting angry too which just made hers worse because what fucking right did he have to be mad at her? What the fuck did she do to him?
It ended really badly. She'd gotten so mad she'd thrown herself at him again, not caring about proper technique or what was smart or anything, she just went for him. He grappled her, obviously, and that was supposed to be their tap-out, fight's-over thing, but she hadn't stopped. She'd scratched him and punched him and kicked him even when he growled at her to yield, and when that didn't work, she'd bit him.
Chris fucking wrenched her off of him and threw her across the room and she heard three guns click.
They'd glared at each other, Chris holding his arm like it was a fucking biohazard, and then he'd stalked off without a word while agents forcibly shoved her back to her room.
She's panting by the time she finishes, glaring a hole in the wall right below where the words normally appear. Her hands still tingle from where she'd hit the walls and the pillows. She looks up when she sees the familiar swirl.
you shouldn't have bitten him
The anger surges up her arms and she clenches her fists. "That's all you have to say? No 'I'm sorry he was such a dick, Rose?' 'You didn't deserve that?' You're fucking defending him?"
i didn't say that
"I just told you that your friend, the person you told to watch over me and keep me safe was fucking bullying me for no goddamn reason and the only thing you can say is that I shouldn't have defended myself?" Betrayal steeps vehemence into her words. Her nails bite into her palms. "I'm fucking glad I bit him!"
he's trying to help
"How in the fuck is he trying to help," she cries, "by being as bad as the bullies in school? By treating me like a freak that needs to be kept muzzled and on a leash?"
you did bite him
She picks up one of the pillows and hurls it at the wall. It hits with a pathetic thwap and falls limply to the floor. It only makes her angrier when she sees the words calm down when the lights stop shaking.
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! You're supposed to be on my side!"
i am
She barks out a humorless laugh and picks up the pillow, throwing it back on the bed. "You're not on my side, you're on his. I don't need you lecturing me too. Just leave me alone."
More golden words swirl as she turns away, throwing herself onto the bed and curling up tightly around her stuffed monkey. She chokes around the lump in her throat and wills herself not to cry. She'd almost cried in front of Chris today already, she won't give either of them the satisfaction of seeing her cry now. She won't, she won't, she won't! It's not fucking fair that Chris did that. It's not fucking fair that he gets to act however the fuck he wants and then she's the only one punished for it. He gets to go all over the fucking world and only see her when it's convenient to him and he gets to be an asshole about it.
Dad's not even alive.
A sob chokes out before she can stop it, and then it's too late. She's blubbering like she's a stupid fucking baby again and she can hear the echoes of their voices in her ears. All alone, poor freak Rose, crying like a baby who doesn't get her way. She's so weird, she's so stupid, she can't do it. She's useless, she's not strong enough. Just go away. No one wants you here. No one wants you. No matter how hard she presses her hands to her ears, they won't fucking shut up!
Maybe she should've fucking kept the purifying crystal. Maybe she should've left with no powers and had a normal fucking life. Maybe she should've just left her dad to—
As soon as the thought threatens to cross her mind, she recoils from it. Guilt and anger war in her gut as she nearly grows sick. How could she fucking think that? After all he'd done to save her, protect her, how could she think about something like that, even if it was in a fit of rage?
A strangled noise escapes her throat and the bruises and injuries from her humiliating 'sparring session' abruptly make themselves known. Her body screams in pain; her shoulders ache, the bruise on her ribs throbs, and her jaw feels like it's about to explode. She has the hysterical impulse to bite herself and she wonders if it would hurt more than everything else. Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpses a glow coming from the floorboards now and she curls up tighter, burying her face in the monkey's tummy. Fuck it, she's been called overly emotional and childish enough times already, she may as well throw her tantrum properly.
It's like falling into the Megamycete again; she has no idea how long she lies there, wallowing in her own emotional turmoil. Flashes of the bullies, of Chris's stupid fucking face, of watching herself get tossed around and left behind…even stranger things like massive castles filled with screams and horror, creepy old houses that just feel like tombs, deep water and clanking metal, all filled with whispers of freak, dangerous, stupid child, not good enough. Everything is too loud and too quiet and she just wants it to be over.
When she finally manages to rouse herself from whatever malaise she'd fallen into, the sun has long set. Her clock shows that it's close to 10—that would explain why her stomach is trying to dig a hole in her intestines. The anger fled unknown hours ago, leaving her weary and wrung out. In its absence, she no longer feels like the bioweapon that she's supposed to be, only the scared and lonely child. It's cold. She's hungry.
There's still a soft golden glow coming from over the side of the bed.
Her lip wobbles. She doesn't want to face the consequences of yelling at her dad and throwing a pillow at him, but she can't stop the blooming warmth that he didn't leave. She crawls to the edge of the bed and peeks over.
i'm sorry Rose
She sniffles and rubs her cheek on the sheets. "'M sorry too."
you were right, i should've been on your side
"You're always on my side," she mumbles, "I know you are."
She sniffles again and tucks the monkey under her chin. "Why was Chris so mean today? Did I do something wrong?"
i don't think so, sometimes he's just like that
"Why?" She's ignoring how much she sounds like a baby, thank you. "It's not fair."
no it's not sweetie
Rose closes her eyes, basking in the soft glow of her dad's comfort. "Was he ever mean to you when you were training?"
"What did you do?"
broke his nose once
It startles a laugh out of her. "You what? Wait, what happened?"
he was being an asshole, so i punched him
She giggles again, both at the image of Chris's surprised face with a broken nose and at the fact that her dad got so angry with Chris that he punched him hard enough. A few more golden sparkles surround the words before they change again.
you shouldn't try it though
"Aw," she complains, mostly for show, "but you did it."
do as i say not as i do
She's quiet. After a moment, she lets her arm hang down to touch the words again. They glow gently. "I don't like fighting with you."
me neither
"I'm sorry. I was being a brat."
The words swirl up quicker than she's ever seen.
you were upset at something unfair, not a being a brat
She sniffles again, reaching over to grab a hanky and blow her nose with a sharp honk. She throws it over to the laundry basket and lies back down. The words have changed.
if you need to hear it, i forgive you
"I forgive you too."
She nestles up against the pillows. "Will you stay until I go to sleep?"
of course sweetie, i love you
Mostly Rose doesn't dream. She'll close her eyes and open them again and it will be hours later and it's time to get up. Most of the time when she does dream, it's weird half-memories that aren't hers mixed with something she does actually remember. She has dreams of a house with a red chimney being taken apart by little robotic goats, or of a crocodile swimming through a swamp filled with dead crows, or of bugs crawling over test tubes and dirty flasks. Some of them make sense when she digs into the files she's not really supposed to have access to, some of them don't.
On rare, awful occasions, she has nightmares.
She's been curled up and unmoving for who knows how long, desperately trying to feign sleep. The mold in her keeps prickling like there's something else in the room, watching her, just waiting for a sign that she's awake to pounce. Her white-knuckled grip hasn't wavered either. She dares hardly breathe; even though her rational brain knows there's nothing there, there can't be anything there, her entire body is screaming. She can feel the milky sweat beginning to ooze from her palms.
Something creaks.
She goes stiff as a board.
A creak, a groan, a rumble as the air conditioning turns on and she forces herself to relax, cracking open one eye to see that yes, this is just her room, there's nothing to be afraid of here, she's fine.
Her eyes land on the switch to the fairy lights.
The small and whimpering part of her lunges for them, for the warm glow of the light, her dad's words, in lieu of running to her parents' bed to be comforted. The other part hisses that the second she moves, whatever's lurking in the dark will strike. The monkey wheezes as she tightens her grip, staring at the innocuous plastic box hanging against the wall.
With a sudden burst, she launches herself from the bed, slapping the button, and curling back up beneath the safety of the blankets.
Immediately, the soft warm light chases away the worst of the shadows and she can peek over her shoulder to assure herself that yes, nothing is there, she's safe in her room, everything's okay. Golden sparkles are already swirling, a quiet inquisitiveness filling that one empty part in her chest as she lies back down. He's rotated his words so she can read them easily.
what's the matter, sweetie?
"Nightmare," she whispers, more into her pillow than anything else.
i'm sorry
She curls up tighter, trying to pull the blankets up almost over her head. The sweat's almost ruined her monkey—she's going to have to wash it again—and she wipes her hands on the sheet. The absence of it hits the cold air and she shivers, hunching tighter in the covers and sniffling. A sudden and sharp ache sears through her chest and she shudders, harder this time, only the top of her nose peeking out over the comforter. She's so cold. Not in the way where she can pile more blankets on and it'll go away—she could put the whole world on top of her and she would still be cold. This horrible, achy, exhausting cold that seeps into her bones and makes her want to cry.
what can i do?
"You said in your—in your letter," she hiccups, "that you'd hold me when I had nightmares, and—and sing to me until I went back to sleep."
But the words on her wall are just words and words can't hold anybody.
She wants a fucking hug, goddamnit. No one touches her anymore, not unless they're running some stupid test, or sparring, or escorting her roughly down the hallway like some—some prisoner. The last time someone touched her and it wasn't that it was Mom, telling her she'd help decorate her room and that was so long ago, everyone else just—just—
"I want to go home," she sobs and it lands like a dead weight in the still room.
what do you mean?
"I want to go home, I want to go back to that house you showed—showed me when I was in there, where you—where your memories are and I can actually h-hear you and it's warm an'—an' safe, and you love me," she cries, not caring that it's the middle of the night and she's talking to a wall, "no one here loves me. No one loves me, the doctors think I'm some—some experiment that's run too—too long and the agents all think I'm a l-liability and Mom's not here because she gave me up and Chris h-hates me."
he doesn't hate you sweetie
"He does! He does, he does, I can feel it." She hugs her monkey tightly to her chest. "He h-hates me for being the reason you're not—you're not here anymore and he hates me for reminding him that you're dead and he hates me for—for being like this and—and—and—!"
But he's not here and she can't hear him shushing her and she's all alone in her cold, dark room and she wants to go home.
don't cry, Rosie, it's gonna be okay sweetie
"It's not. 'S not okay."
The wall doesn't move for a moment, then it swirls again.
scoot back, i'm going to try something
Frowning, she does, shuffling awkwardly back until she's on the far side of the bed. The golden light swirls around for another second, before it writes itself on one of the pillows.
hug me
i'm right here sweetie, i love you so much
With trembling fingers, she reaches for the pillow, touching the words with a soft gasp as they glow warmly against her still-slick palms. A sob of disbelief leaves her throat and she bundles it to her chest, burying her face in it. A soft scratching and buzzing fills her ears as more words write themselves across the pillow, but she doesn't pull her face away to read them. Not when this is the closest thing to hugging her dad she's been since she was in the deepest stratum of the Megamycete, crying over his dying body. Not when she's still so cold and the words are so, so warm. She tucks her face into the crook of the pillow's embrace and she cries.
The words don't stop writing themselves over and over and if she focuses hard enough, it almost sounds like her dad is humming.
She falls into a light sleep, not willing to miss a moment of actually being so close to her dad, soothed by his presence. Soon, light has begun to break through the window, the auto timer on the lights long since activated to switch them off. The pillow is all gross from a mixture of drool, snot, and tears, and she sheepishly tries to wipe it away when a small glow comes from underneath.
it's okay
"It's kinda gross."
my privilege, i'm your dad
ew, remember?
A watery smile. "Thanks."
i love you so much, i'm so proud of you
"I love you too," she mumbles back, curling her arms around the pillow. Another set of words writes itself and she leans back.
do you really think Chris hates you?
"I don't know. He…he looks at me like he can't sometimes. Or like he's waiting for me to…I don't know, turn crazy or bad or like he's waiting for me to turn into you, almost." She rubs her fingers over the pillowcase. "He used to be nicer."
have you spoken since?
She doesn't need to ask what he's talking about. "No. He's been out of town again. He's supposed to be back, um…"
She leans over to check her phone, eyes widening when she sees the date.
"Uh, today. Shit, I actually think we're supposed to have a training thing today."
Before more words can write themselves, there's a knock on her door. She freezes, phone still in her hand, pillow clutched close.
"Rose?" Fuck. "It's Chris. Can I come in?"
be brave, says the last flutter of words before her dad vanishes, i love you
Chris opens the door. Rose tugs on her dad's jacket over her pajamas and clutches the pillow in her lap. She doesn't look at him. He moves around a little in the doorway before he shuts it with a click. After a moment, the bed dips and groans under his weight and she sneaks a glance at his arm. Her bite mark is still there.
"Surprised they let you walk around before that healed."
"You didn't even break the skin."
It's probably meant to come off in a way that means she doesn't have to worry about it, but it stings anyway. She turns away again.
A car drives by outside.
"I owe you an apology," Chris says finally, his voice low and gruff, "I shouldn't have been so harsh. I'm sorry."
She doesn't reply, but she shifts to face the window instead of the wall.
"There's been talk of getting you moved to another squad," he continues, and her stomach drops—is Chris leaving too?— "and I thought…if I could prove that you were good with us, that we had it all under control, then they'd drop it. Leave you alone."
At the rustle as he shifts, she glances over at him. His jaw works and his hand twitches on his knee.
"I thought…" He trails off, then scoffs at himself, shaking his head. "I don't know what I thought."
He turns to meet her gaze and her gut clenches at the obvious guilt and remorse she can see there. She swallows.
"You were mean." Her voice comes out a lot smaller than she'd hoped. She swallows and tries again. "I thought you hated me."
"I don't hate you, Rose," he says in a rush, turning to face her, "please don't think that."
"So you're not trying to get rid of me?"
"Shit, Rose, no, I'm not trying to get rid of you. You're—I think Mia'd kill me if I tried, no, I'm just—" he takes a breath— "I'm just trying to keep you safe, okay?"
"Then you should've said something! I would've trained harder if I knew—we could've—I would've done something else, did I do something wrong?"
"No," he insists, shaking his head, "no, you didn't do anything wrong."
Relief begins to pool warily in her chest. Her grip on the pillow loosens and she scoots a little closer. "I'm sorry I bit you."
He shakes his head again. "It's fine. You, uh, you have good bite strength."
"Good bite strength?"
"Yeah. Your contact's really good." He gestures to the bite mark on his arm. "Got all of them in there too."
"Thanks," she says, laughing a little. Chris smiles and it's a bit easier to breathe. She gives herself a shake. "So, what's today? Weapons, sparring, how to punch boulders?"
"Actually, I, uh, thought we'd go get ice cream."
Rose pauses, looking up at him, blinking as if she'd heard wrong. "Ice cream?"
"Weather's gonna get cold soon, the good place around the corner's gonna close." He shrugs. "Been craving it."
"Yeah…yeah, ice cream sounds good."
And before she can think too much of it, she throws herself at him and hugs him for all she's worth. She feels him stutter, not quite sure what to do, and then his arms slowly wrap around her, holding her just as tightly. And oh, she's on fire, Chris is big and warm and solid and he's holding her like she's something special and she's gonna fucking cry her eyes out if she stays here a moment longer and she's gonna die if she lets go. Chris lets out a noise of dismay when she sniffles and scoops her up, like she's a little kid again, holding her in his lap and now she's making a mess of his shoulder too.
She could swear she feels Dad smile.
"I'm telling you," Rose says as she lounges on her bed, "you're wrong about the cover. It's actually pretty good."
i like the classics
"Yeah, well, you're old and boring, so that makes sense."
The sight of the old-fashioned emoticon frowny face makes her burst out laughing. "Oh my god, that's so lame. I don't think I've seen someone use that in years."
it's a classic!
"You gotta get with the times!"
totes dope fam
Rose winces at the immense amount of psychic damage those three words dealt, her neck protesting as she almost cringes it out of alignment. "No, D—Michael, just no."
She tosses the pillow playfully at the wall again, laughing when another frowny face appears on both it and the wall. "Aww, okay, I'm sorry, here."
She picks it up and cuddles it and the frowny face turns to a smiley face. Lying back down, grin still on her face, she toys with his ring. It's gotten shinier from all the rubbing, except where she ties the cord around it so she can wear it as a necklace. She turns it this way and that, watching the sunlight glint off of it. As she does, she catches sight of the engraving on the inside.
Always and forever.
"Do you want me to tell Mom and Chris about you?"
The words swirl for a moment.
up to you
She pushes herself to sit up, propped on one elbow. The ring glistens as she slides it back onto her finger, turning it to and fro. "I don't know. It feels bad keeping something like this from them, but I want to be selfish about it too, you know? I kind of like having you all to myself."
it's not selfish
"And what if Chris thinks it's bad?" She twists the ring harder. "What if he tries to take you away from me?"
i won't let that happen
Her shoulders drop a little and she picks up the pillow again, cuddling into it. A few words write themselves across it just so she can feel their warmth and she rubs her cheek against it. "Don't you miss them?"
all the time
A melancholy that isn't hers hangs in her chest and she squeezes the pillow again. "Then should I? They miss you too, you know. I think they'd be happy to, you know, hear from you again."
The words fade and the wall glows again as he thinks. She lets him have his time, rubbing the ring back and forth, listening to the slight rattle it makes as it spins around her too-small finger. When she hears the familiar soft scratch again, she looks up.
they're happy now, i don't want to ruin that
"They're not happy," she can't help but say, "they still miss you."
content, then
"You wouldn't be ruining anything," she argues, "I thought—I thought I'd never get to see you again after I got out of there. The day I heard you again? That was the happiest moment of my life."
mine too sweetie, or my un-life i guess
The words glow brighter as her fingertips glow too. She gets up and lays her hand against the wall, smiling as their powers dance together. "I really think they'd be happy."
A pulse of warmth runs up her arm to her chest as the words shift once more.
when you think the time is right
"I'll tell you, I promise."
i'm so proud of you, Rose, i love you so much
"I love you too."
That time doesn't come on their terms, though, because that would be easy. No, instead it's when she and Chris are over at Mom's house for dinner and Chris asks a question out of nowhere that almost makes her spit all over the table.
"What?" Mom asks as Rose glares a hole in Chris's stupid forehead.
"I said," Chris says like an unrepentant asshole, "who's Michael?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Rose mutters, staring down at her lap.
"I was coming to get you for training last week and you were talking to someone called Michael." Chris takes a bite of steak and talks with his mouth full, like an asshole. "So who is he?"
Mom elbows her, winking. "Someone you like?"
"What? Ew, gross, no!"
Chris and Mom just laugh and Mom elbows her again. "Don't worry, I was your age once too. That's how I reacted when my mom asked me about my crush."
"Michael isn't my crush!"
"Boyfriend, then?"
"No, he's not my—" she covers her face and sighs. "He's not my boyfriend, he's not my crush, he's not someone from school, happy?"
"So who is he?"
Well, fuck it, no time like the present. She pushes back from the table, muttering about using the bathroom. They wait until she's halfway up the stairs to start talking again, their voices low in that way where she knows they're still talking about her, but she pays them no mind as she goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. She braces her hands on either side of the sink and takes a deep breath.
"I'm guessing you heard all that."
The words swirl up right below the mirror.
"I mean, it's not like we'll get a better opportunity."
probably not
"Are you ready?"
are you?
She rubs at the chip in the linoleum and turns on the cold water, just to make sure there's no milky sweat on her hands. "I'm nervous."
me too
"No matter what happens," she says firmly, "no matter what they do or say, I'm here for you, okay? I've got your back. I love you."
i'm so proud of you, sweetie, i love you too
The words glow cheerfully against the weird tile pattern and she reaches out to touch them. They share a moment before the words fade and she takes a deep breath, squaring her shoulders in the mirror and nodding to herself. "Right. Let's do this."
She marches back downstairs and Mom and Chris do a horrible job of pretending not to be nosy and expectant. She sits back down and folds her hands in her lap.
"I'll tell you who Michael is," she begins, "but you have to promise not to tell anyone else."
"I promise, honey," Mom says, miming zipping her lips shut.
"Chris, you promise too."
Chris looks at her for a moment like he's going to disagree, then he winces as Mom kicks him under the table. "I promise too."
"Good." She takes another breath and reaches for the ring around her neck. The second she brings it out from under her shirt, Chris's silverware clatters against the plate and Mom inhales sharply.
"Rose," she says shakily, "where did you get that?"
"Before I said yes to joining you," Rose says, "I met K outside the lab. He told me there might be a way to get rid of my powers for good."
Chris frowns. "K never said anything like that to me, what do you—"
"I'm getting there. He took me to the lab where there was a piece of the Megamycete, and said that—"
"He what?"
"Will you both just listen to me?" The two of them quiet down. "Thank you. So, like I was saying, he took me to see the piece of it and said that there was a purifying crystal that Miranda discovered that could take the mold out of someone. All I had to do was look through the Megamycete's index of consciousness to see if I could find it."
"That's incredibly dangerous, Rose," Mom says quietly, and Chris looks like he's trying to strangle his fork. "Please tell me you didn't—"
"I wanted them gone," she interrupts, looking at her Mom, "they were—I was just a freak with no friends. Someone offered me the chance to be normal, are you telling me you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were a teenager?"
Mom looks at her for a long moment, but she doesn't disagree. Rose squeezes the ring and keeps going.
"It wasn't that easy, obviously. It was…really hard. And really scary. I had to fight my way through these, like, twisted versions of the places in Miranda's village, like that big castle and the creepy doll house, and there were all these versions of me that kept getting killed and tortured, I fought a version of Eveline too—"
"Rose," Chris tries to say but she doesn't let him.
"—but I had help," she continues. "There was something helping me. It helped me figure out where to go, what to do, gave me a gun and taught me how to use it. There were these glowing words that would appear when I needed them most and it…it was like having a guardian angel."
"Michael," Chris says, and she nods.
"Yeah, I called him Michael. He—he kept trying to get me to leave, said that it wasn't safe, but I wanted to find the crystal and so he helped me. And then we found out K wasn't actually K and it was all a trap set by Miranda—"
"It was what?"
Chris is already getting up. "Is she still in there? Do we need to—"
"Sit down, Chris, it's fine, we beat her. She's dead now, like, really, actually dead. She crystalized and turned to dust, I saw it."
His face still looks like he ate a lemon, but Chris sits slowly back down. He exchanges a worried look with Mom and she puts her hand on Rose's shoulder. "You said 'we?'"
"Me and Michael." She looks down at the ring and turns it over in her hand. "Until I found out who he really was."
Mom gasps, a small and shuddery thing. She holds her hand over her mouth and stares at Rose. "Ethan."
Chris makes a noise too as Rose nods. "Yeah. It was him the whole time. He…he protected me. From Miranda, from Eveline, from everything."
"He loved you so much, honey," Mom whispers, her eyes growing wet, "he never stopped loving you."
"He showed me our house in Romania," and to her horror, she can feel her voice growing thick too, "with all his memories. I heard his voice, Mom, he—he wrote me a letter, did you know?"
"Yes," Mom says, trying not to sob, clutching her shoulder, "yeah, honey, I know. He cried so much while he was writing it, he wanted you to get old enough to read it with him, oh, Rose…"
She swipes a hand under her nose and turns to Chris, who's doing that big, tough, I'm-too-manly-for-my-emotions-right-now thing and reaches for him too. After a moment, his hand turns and covers hers. He's trembling. "He taught me how to fight, Chris. We—we fought together. He shot the monsters in the face with a shotgun and gave me his power so I could kill Miranda, once and for all."
Chris swallows heavily. "Your dad was…he was one of the best men I've ever known, Rosie. He would be so proud of you." He sniffs. "You said he shot them in the face with a shotgun?"
"Yeah, that sounds like Ethan, alright." Mom laughs and it sort of sounds like a sob but she and Chris are smiling now, so it's okay. Chris looks back at her and nods a few times. "So you were talking to him, then?"
"Yeah. When you walked by on Tuesday, I think it was…yeah, we were arguing about whether the original Blade Runner was better than 2049." She wrinkles her nose. "He said the original was better but I like the remake."
Chris frowns. "What do you mean, he said—"
The words scrawl over Mom's dining table, illuminating their faces.
i like the classics, that's all
Rose would laugh at the way Chris almost falls out of his chair if his hand and Mom's weren't trembling. She looks at Mom, who stares at the glowing words, and at Chris, who looks like he's about to be sick.
Mom breaks the silence first. "…Ethan?"
The words move, now right next to her forgotten plate.
hi honey
bad at staying dead?
Mom's breath leaves her like she's been punched in the gut. "Oh, Ethan, I—I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry—"
breathe, it's okay
She squeezes Mom's hand as she takes a few shaky breaths. "What—how is this possible?"
"We're both part of the mold," Rose says when Mom looks to her, "he's…he's using my part right now, we're sort of sharing it."
told her i'm not a scientist, figured you'd get it :)
"No one uses those anymore," Mom mumbles and Rose whispers a quiet told you so! as the smiley turns to a frowny for a moment, before the words change again.
i know it's been hard, i'll always love you
"Oh, Ethan," Mom whispers, reaching out to touch the words. She gasps as a flicker of warmth pulses through them and Rose squeezes her hand again. "I miss you."
i miss you too
Another glow flickers up next to Chris, who startles and stares down at the words in shock.
you too
"E-Ethan, I—" he cuts himself off as the words swirl again.
thank you for taking care of my daughter
Chris swallows heavily. "She's incredible, Ethan. You should be proud of her."
always am
"I'm sorry," Chris whispers, and something in Rose's gut clenches at how close to tears he looks too, "if I'd been faster, we could've gotten you out of there, we could've…"
it's okay, Chris, we're all okay
"You're dead."
i died in 2017, doing pretty well considering
"He is really bad at staying dead," Rose adds, "Miranda said so too. You should've seen her, she was so mad at us."
Chris looks like he's having a hard time deciding whether he wants to laugh or cry. The sparkles swirl again.
she's a fighter, she gets that from you too
His free hand jerks and Rose squeezes the one in hers. "You can touch, Chris, he won't bite. That's my thing."
it won't hurt, promise
Chris takes a deep breath and slowly touches the words. His breath leaves him in a rush as they glow warmly under his fingers. Rose smiles as she feels the mold connect all of them there, in that moment, through her and Ethan. Some part of her clicks into place. As if he can feel it too, which he probably can, another set of words appears in front of her.
we're so proud of you, Rosie
"Yeah, yeah," she mumbles as she feels heat rush to her cheeks, "shut up."
no :)
Mom laughs. "We finally have all three of us together again and you want us to not tell you how proud we are of you?"
"They've got a point, Rosie."
"I'll break your nose!"
"No, no," Mom says as Chris squawks, even though she's still smiling, "no breaking Chris's nose."
even if he deserves it
As they all laugh together, Ethan's words still glowing in the warm, quiet house, Rose sits back in her chair and twists her dad's ring around her finger. Sure, being a mold bioweapon teenager was weird, but if this is the family she gets to have because of it, it can't be all bad.
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zippy-reacts · 27 days
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 94
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I really like this cover art! I can't put my finger on it, but there's a certain je ne sais quoi about this art that really identifies it as belonging to a British comic.
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Oh okay, cover art was by Elson, explains why I liked it then. Anyway, we see once again that the price of StC is being raised. I've said before I feel StC is expensive, especially in comparison to late 2000s era Beano, but I suppose when you compare it to something more comtemporary like IDW Sonic it's a good price? Then again, who knows how it stacks up when you account for inflation. Annnnnd final note about this image - I wonder if that sonic spinner toy works like a fidget spinner?
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It might be because this is a whole different planet from Mobius, but it feels really odd that we're seeing like… Disney-esque dog humans as secondary and background characters rather than more traditional anthromorphic animals.
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Anyway, professor dude turned into reverse colour scheme Hulk. They're not even hiding it, his name is literally Bulk.
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Ah yes, Sonic's "spin really really fast to solve any problem" tactic! Haven't seen that one in a good few issues.
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Lol that's some pretty good snark.
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Hey, that's pretty close to my main blog's URL!
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Hmm. Starting to get Totally Spies vibes.
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Nice monochrome colouring! And it's pretty interesting to see Vector characterised as being smart in this way, even if the explaination does sound like it fits right in with Classic era Doctor Who lmao
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A review of Fighting Vipers, and look, there's Honey! I bet this reviewer never would've guessed that character with later be connected to the Sonic series
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Ooooooh! Did not expect to be introduced to Ebony and Pyjamas today! I am quite aware these two are fan-favourites. Btw, I'm loving that outfit Ebony is wearing, never seen art of her wearing anything modern and casual like that before.
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Ok! I guess she can change her outfit instantly! But man, I can already see that people must've fallen in love with this character quickly, just this one panel is great show of personality.
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You have my heart, Ms Ebony <3
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I haven't really brought it up much, but for a good while by this point, StC has become more or less just a Sonic comic (jeez, who would imagine considering it's name). The only other Sega comics they do anymore is the occassional run of Decap Attack comics. I guess out of all of them this one must've been a favourite among readers.
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I about to make a joke sugguesting Johnny's drink is alcoholic, but I wonder how old he actually is? Legal drinking age is 18 so he could potentially be old enough? But even if he wasn't, the UK is not exactly know for having teenagers who always follow drinking laws.
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Gonna file this one under "sentences that sound a lot more racist if we weren't talking about animals"
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It's kinda funny that Knuckles just like… randomly has a pet dinosaur now. …oh my god this issue is from 1997 so means Underground (released 1999) wasn't the first one to give him a dinosaur for no reason.
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You know what mate? I'd be pissed off too.
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A third of the back page which is otherwise dedicated to reminding you when the next issue releases? oh god yeah, such a waste of space. Totally unbelivable. 🙄
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The word of a kid who probably also enjoys burning ants under a magnifying glass.
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lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
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The next photograph shows Willow and Gus, and wow, remember when Gus was that short? And we didn't know he had a Tragic Backstory?
Anyways, based on the background, I’d say this memory is from season one, episode 18, Agony of a Witch, That wall looks like the inside of Belos’ castle, meaning we’re going out of chronological order, since the last photo/memory is clearly from Grom.
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The penultimate photo shows the Grudgby match from Wing it Like Witches, with Amity, Luz, and Willow challenging Amelia, Boscha, and Cat.
(see what I did there? I wrote their names in alphabetical order!)
The Collector butts in and says they want to try Grudgby, which reminded me that I should be listening to what Luz is talking about instead of pausing every second take screenshots and point out what episode they’re from.
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To my surprise, we didn’t get to see the Grom photo, but head straight over to the Grudgby field at Hexside, and Eda gets to have her boomer moment.
Eda: ”When I was your age, I had to walk to and from school in the snow! And it was uphill both ways!”
Also, ah… you okay in the background there, Collector? Are you feeling left out buddy? Sad because you don’t have a loving family?
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Luz: ”Now there’s a spin-off I’d watch!”
About Eda and Lilith’s Grudgby careers? I mean… I guess? Make that a spin-off prequel about young version of all the characters, Eda, Lilith, Raine, Alador, Odalia, Darius, the other Coven Heads, Principal Bump, etc. Could be a good way to add some personality to some of these characters that we know literally nothing about. I was actually working on a fanfic kinda like that a while back, but I kinda gave up on it, but I think I had some neat ideas with it. Like a chapter where Darius met the Golden Guard that became his mentor, a chapter where Vitimir, after being bullied in school, poisons the entire school with a garlic potion, a chapter explaining why Adrian Graye Vernworth changed his name to Adrian Grey, and a chapter where Hettie Cutburn turns out to be a Victor Frankenstein-esque mad doctor who helped resurrect the basilisks… and the reason why she wears that stupid hat is because one of them escaped and clawed her face to shreds.
I was kinda skeptical about a prequel spin-off at first, but the more I think about it, the more potential I see in it. Maybe there could even be an episode where young Eda runs into Camila and Manny during a visit to the Human Realm, that’d be neat. Just have Eda be in disguise or something so Camila doesn’t recognize her later and it’ll be fun.
…shoot, now I kinda wanna read a fic with that premise. Hey, you! People on the internet! Make it happen!
Anyway… whatcha lookin’ at there, Collector?
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He’s looking at Mattholomule, Jerbo, and, uh… Moon Girl. I was just about to say too that they’re very close to Hexside where a bunch of survivors were hiding.
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It sounds like ANF. After Tillie copied from season 2 for book 1, I wouldn't put it past her to copy from the games again.
I'm gonna have to disagree. Like okay... I can't lie, I'm actually annoyed right now with twdg fans and the comic, so I'm sorry that I'm about to go on a little rant.
Y'all are reeeeally out here making me defend the comic by tossing around accusations that Tillie copied/stole/ripped off other things when I don't believe that's the case. You realize you're making that judgment of "Book Two sounds like ANF" based on a four sentence description, right? and trying to spin it as "Tillie's just copying from the games" based on four sentences? Book Two isn't out yet, we know so little about it!
Hell, Book One barely has anything in common with S2! What it does have is surface level! The most they have in common is taking place at a ski lodge, there's snow, there's walkers and murder, but the plots are not the same. Believe me, I read Book One NINE TIMES, I know what the plot is! It wasn't copied from S2.
Book One is about Clementine and friends building houses before the evil twin decides to be evil for next to no reason and then the remaining three escape in a plane. S2 is about Clementine dealing with incompetent adults, then getting kidnapped and brought to another group, it becomes a prison escape game for an episode, then Rebecca has a baby and the story becomes about Kenny losing his shit after everything that's happened. Just because there's a ski lodge [which btw is in only ONE episode of S2 whereas Book One it's the main location] and snow in both of them doesn't mean they're the same.
By that logic, I guess S2 copied from the 2010 horror movie Frozen, which takes place at a ski lodge and has a lot of snow and is about survival.... never mind that the movie is about people stuck on a chairlift after the resort shuts down for the night and isn't a zombie movie.
And y'know what?
This is ANF's steam description: "When family is all you have left…how far will you go to protect it? After society was ripped apart by undead hands, pockets of civilization emerge from the chaos. But at what cost? Can the living be trusted on this new frontier? As Javier, a young man determined to find the family taken from him, you meet a young girl who has experienced her own unimaginable loss. Her name is Clementine, and your fates are bound together in a story where every choice you make could be your last."
Here's what we have for Clementine Book Two: "Clementine and her new friends are rescued by an island community led by an enigmatic doctor called Miss Morro, but just as Clementine's scars are finally beginning to heal, she discovers dark secrets that threaten to tear her new life apart. Can Miss Morro be trusted? What about the rest of the islanders? And just how far will Clementine go to protect the ones she loves?"
The only similarities in these descriptions is "how far will you go to protect loved ones" and "can these people be trusted" which I don't know if y'all are aware of this, but those are very common phrases within descriptions of pieces of media. You could apply both of those two the rest of the games, too:
How far is Lee willing go to protect Clementine/Can the group Lee meets be trusted? How far is Clementine willing to go to protect her friends/Can the cabin group be trusted? How far is Clementine willing to go to protect AJ/Can the Ericson crew be trusted?
Hell, you can apply it to Book One: How far is Clementine willing to go to protect her new friends/Can the twins be trusted?
It's faux deep media analysis all for the sake of discrediting Tillie over a comic you don't like. I hate the comic but I will defend Tillie, okay. Hate the comic all you want, but don't make shit up to convince everyone, "hey not only is it a bad comic but it's also STOLEN."
And when Book Two comes out, if it does share striking similarities to ANF that are undeniable, then we'll talk. But right now, the damn thing isn't even out, no one has read it, please stop doubling down that it's copied from ANF based on a basic four sentence description and nothing else. I understand you hate it and WANT it to be morally bad so that you feel better but please stop.
Again, I can't believe I'm defending the damn comic trilogy. Know that I am laughing... but it's a very sad laugh, like one would make after spilling soup in their lap and now everyone's looking at them and they just gotta laugh but really, they're just slowly slumping in their chair and hoping hell opens a portal for them....... blegh.
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lianahayze · 1 year
Shadow and the Midnight Misery: Chapter 4
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Welcome to chapter 4, my lovelies! If you missed chapter 3 or want to catch up from the beginning, you can find my masterlist here. Chapter 4 is below the cut!
Chapter Four: Garver Institute
The Garver Institute is sunny. When I’d walked in about two hours ago, it had been the first thing I’d noticed. Sure, I’d noticed the doctors and nurses. I’d noticed the excess amount of identification I’d had to provide. I’d noticed everything I’d had to surrender at intake. I’d noticed a lot of things, sure, but there was something about all the large windows that really stuck with me.
It’s like they’re trying to create artificial happiness.
As I walk through the hallway, all I want to go back to my room. That's right: my room.
Not only do I have to talk to fucking doctors, but I must be isolated while I do it. I hate it and contested it when they first looked through my bags looking for "drug paraphernalia" but it hadn't stopped them. They'd practically upturned my bag, digging through my belongings with a fine-tooth comb. Had I brought anything with me? No, I hadn't been stupid enough to waste the money I'd spent, but I also don't see myself here long term. A few days, that's what they'd told me. A few days if I cooperate.
I'm not by myself as I walk down the hall. Beside me is Dr. Norris. She's not forcing me to speak, which I'm grateful for, but she thought a walk would be nice before we formally meet in her office.
Truth be told, I'm glad I'll be working with her instead of Dr. Dorian. He was as bland as a box of chalk, and if I had to spend any extended amount of time alone in a room with him, that "cooperation" they'd so desperately wanted wasn't going to happen. Older men, especially men who are decades older, just make my skin crawl.
Finishing up our walk, Dr. Norris leads me to her office. The flowy green skirt she's wearing swishes around her knees, and I find myself staring at it for a moment. Maybe it's the fact that I didn't smoke or take a bump this morning, but my eyes have been easily distracted all day.
Dr. Norris shuts the door behind us. She invites me to sit down, and she goes behind the desk. The wheels of her chair spin against the floor as she sits down and starts her computer.
"So, Shadow," she says, "what do you think about Garver Institute so far?"
What do I think? Well, from what I can tell, Garver seems to be designed with a specific clientele in mind, and that clientele is me. I don't even want to know the bill for my stay, but, based off the immaculate upkeep, the large trees and bushes, and the fact that there are cameras everywhere, I'm willing to bet I'm not the only famous person here. Everything just looks so... luxurious.
It could almost be mistake for a spa or a resort for anyone who didn’t know better.
"It's nice for people who need it, I guess." Even though I don’t need to, I smooth out my jeans. I pick at the rips in the knees, widening them.
"So you don't think you need it?"
I look up. "Huh?"
"You said it's good for people who need it," she says. "Do you mean it's good for you or other people?"
"Well, it's..." I'm not sure if she's trying to get me to say something specific. I decide on my words carefully. "I think you all know what you're doing here." I smile. Yeah, that will work.
"And what are we doing here?"
That smile falls. "Uh, helping people?" I sound unsure of myself.
"it's okay, Shadow. You can relax." She begins typing on her computer. "There are no wrong answers here."
I listen to the keys for a moment. "But you're here to help people, right?"
"That's what we try to do, yes. But it requires effort from all parties involved."
"So what do you think I need help with?"
She stopped typing and looked at me. Leaning back, she says, "That’s a good question for me to ask you, actually. What do you think you need help with?"
"Honestly, your guess is as good as mine."
"You don't know why you're here?"
"I mean, my band is acting stupid."
"That's right; you're in a band. What's it called?"
" The Midnight Misery." I pause, wondering if she's still just trying to get to know me or if the session has officially started. "We're, uh, like an alternative band."
"It's not my type of music, but I think I've heard of you."
"It's a lot of grunge, mostly," I continue. "But Wyatt, our guitar player, can come up with these sick riffs. His music taste is mostly stuck in the 80s, so stuff like that." The knot in my stomach that I didn't even realize was there begins to loosen. "We have a good time. Well, we used to have a good time."
"Hmm. What about the rest of the band?"
"They're all good. I got lucky with them, I guess."
"Do they smoke and drink, too?"
"Yeah." I pause. “But not all the time. It's part of the lifestyle, but we know when to take it easy."
"What lifestyle?"
"You know."
"No, I don't,” she says, “maybe you could explain it?"
Her face is blank. I'm not sure if she's just pretending to be clueless or if she genuinely doesn't know, but I decide to indulge her.
"There's a lot of partying. It just comes with being in a band. We buckle down when the time comes, though. Can't party without putting in the work first."
"That's a good attitude to have. It'll help you be very successful." I'm glad she thinks so. "And the cocaine?"
I'm tempted to say, "What about it?" but bite my tongue. I'm not going to lie about it, though, so I say, "I've been using for a few years now. They knew about it. actually, they've known about it for a while." And they've never had a problem with it until now.
That's what makes no sense about this entire thing. If they have such an issue with me occasionally doing coke, why haven't they brought it up before? Why not just mention it instead of staging a full-on intervention?
"How often do you use cocaine?"
"On average. It's just a normal week when you're not doing anything out of the ordinary."
"But my life isn't ordinary." She gives me a look. "Most people aren't musicians. They have normal jobs."
"Ah." Dr. Norris nods. "Well, normal for you, then. How often do you think you're on cocaine during a normal week for you?"
I cross my legs as I think about it. Continuing to pick at the holes in my jeans, I'm not sure how to answer her. It's not like I’m high all the time, and my consumption isn’t excessive. Most of the time I do one or two lines in a go. Do I sometimes go back for more? Sure, but it's not like I’m demolishing a full plate in one sitting.
"Not that much."
"How much would you say you're spending a week on your habit?"
My eyes narrow. Theres something about calling it a "habit" that irks me. Some people like to have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning; I like a line of coke. Really, there isn't much difference.
Still, I ballpark a number. "1 to 2 k." She nods, repeating what I’ve said. "But I don’t use all of it myself. I go to a lot of parties and we, um, share." I’d much rather share my stuff than rely on favors from someone else. Unless I know the person, I can’t verify where they get their drugs from, and I'm not trying to inhale something that’s been cut with who knows what.
At least I’m safe in that regard.
"Have you ever done a detox before?" she asks. "Even an informal one on your own?"
Why would I detox something that isn't a problem? "I'm gone a few days without it, if that's what you mean."
"And the weed and alcohol?"
I wonder if I tell her the weed is medical if she'd buy it? "I really only drink a couple of times a week."
"How many servings would you say you have throughout the week?"
I shrug. Honestly, I can't even answer her. Sure, a "shot" is an official size, but it's hard to keep those uniform when your bartenders are your friends. "I'd say I go hard twice a week."
"Do you smoke every day?"
I nod. "Yeah, just about."
"Vaping?" I shake my head. "That's good. There are studies that show vaping THC might be worse on your lungs than rolling weed into a joint. So, what do you think we should do?" I ask her what she means. "Are you comfortable with quitting everything?"
I practically choke on the air as she says it. "The weed's not harming anyone," I insist. "It relaxes me. Good way to start my morning."
"So you only do it in the mornings?"
Well, not only, but... "Sometimes I can't sleep at night and it helps."
"Okay. This is good, Shadow. Honesty really does help."
Glad I'm saying at least some of the right things.
"Let me see." She stares at the computer screen. "I believe you're with us for seventy-two hours. Does that sound correct to you?"
I shrug. Maybe it's right. With Dr. Dorian by my side, I had "willfully" brought myself here. The guys had been here too, and they'd signed some papers. So, I guess I’d agreed to seventy-hour hours, but, without actually having read the paperwork, I didn’t know for sure.
"After that, we'll do a full evaluation to see if a 5250 is warranted."
"Yeah, I'm trying to--" Suddenly the numbers reach my brain. A 5250. Why does that sound so familiar? I try to wrack my brain but come up empty handed. "Remind me what that is again?"
"It's similar to the 5150." Her voice is calm and straight-forward. As if trying to gage my response, she looks me straight in the eyes.
It takes me a moment, but when I finally realize what’s going on, rage fill my body.
"Wait, I thought I was allowed to leave whenever. I came here voluntarily!"
"No, Shadow. You came here with Dr. Dorian."
"Yeah, but I walked myself in!"
"You were deemed a danger by the other individuals that accompanied you in."
A danger? A fucking danger?
I've heard of 5150. It's how they keep people who are a danger to society locked away for a couple of days while they're being evaluated. I'm not a danger to myself, let alone society. What the fuck is going on?
"Your alcoholism is stated as the reasoning on the paperwork. Do you not agree with that?"
But I'm not even an alcoholic! What the hell?
"I thought I was here because of the drugs, not the drinking."
"In my opinion so far, it could be cumulative, but--"
"I'm not trying to hurt anyone! I guess I’ve hurt the band, but not like that. Not physically, I mean. They're just mad that I'm sometimes late for practice. And there were a couple of shows that..." I shake my head. "Never mind. The point is I'm not a danger to anyone."
"No, Shadow, you're not understanding." Really? It seems pretty black and white it me. "You're not here because you're a danger to others. You're here because you're a danger to yourself."
Her words piece through me, causing my breath to leave my chest. A danger to myself? I'm not suicidal, if that's what she's trying to say. There have been times where I'd rather die than let certain things happen to me, but full-on suicidal? No way. Absolutely not.
"I'm not drinking and doing drugs because I'm trying to kill myself." Just saying "kill myself" out loud makes my mouth dry.
"No, that's not what I'm saying." It's not? I exhale sharply. "I think your friends are worried that you might accidentally harm yourself. That's all. You're lucky you have such caring friends."
I purse my lips. "That's all"? She makes it sound so simple, like I'd just missed a meal or something. "Don't forget to eat breakfast. Studies show it's an important part of your day." That's the tone she's said it in, like all of this is just a recommendation.
But if all of this is just a recommendation, then why am I here?
"I think there's been a mix-up. I don't know why they did this, but I don’t need to be here. Not like this."
My chest feels tight. I'm beginning to wish that I would have tried to sneak some drugs in. My body is shaking and I either need a drink or a joint--stat. My skin is crawling and I feel hot. My legs are shaking violently as I tap my heels against the floor.
"It's okay that you feel that way." Her voice is still so calm and nonchalant that it’s eerie. Why is she so calm, acting like this is no big deal? "I'm not telling you that you'll be here indefinitely, just for the next three days."
Isn't that the same thing?
"I can't just sign some paperwork, or something?"
She shakes her head. "No, that's not how that works. You didn't sign yourself in, so you can't sign yourself out."
Well, that's total BS. "What can I do, then?"
"You can work with me over the next couple of days. Once the three days are up, I'll do a re-evaluation to determine if you're safe to go home."
I was afraid she'd say something like that, but it wasn't what I meant. "So what will you be looking for?" I ask.
She takes a moment before answering. "There’s not an official checklist. We'll meet up a couple of times a day, we'll chat, I'll see how you adjust here by talking to the rest of the staff, and, if I think you're well enough, I'll create a plan for your discharge. If, for your own safety, you'll be here longer, we'll come up with an extended in-patient treatment program."
The thought of being here for more than the three days makes me nauseous. "So I just... answer your questions and be nice to everyone?"
"It's a bit more complicated than that, but to put it in the simplest terms, yes."
I put my face in my hands. I feel sick, like I'm about to throw up. If I ever get out here--no, when I do get out of here--I'm going to kill them. I'm absolutely going to kill them. They put me in here to save the band? Ha, by the time I get out, there's not going to be a band to save.
"Does all of this make sense, Shadow?"
"Huh?" I pull my hands down from my face and look across the desk at Dr. Norris. "Um, yeah. I guess." It's taking everything to my power to not grab the paperweight next to me and hurl it across the table. Throwing a fit isn’t something that I often do, but, right about now, I desperately want to.
I exhale. "Yeah, I get it."
She smiles. "Good. That means for the rest of the day, you're on your own. Did they give you the meal schedule? You know what time meals will be served?”
I nod. Though I doubt I’ll be eating, I remember them saying something about mealtimes during intake.
"Excellent. Feel free to walk around the grounds but remember that you'll have to check in every hour."
"It's just so we can keep track of you, make sure you’re adjusting alright. Tomorrow it'll be every two hours." My breathing keeps increasing. This is going to be an absolute nightmare. "One other thing, you're not on any legally prescribed medications, are you?" I shake my head. "Good. We wouldn't accidentally want you detoxing from that." She stands. "Well, unless you have any questions..."
I have several, none of which I can actually get from my brain to my lips. I shake my head slightly, starting to get up. My legs wobble as I stand up, and I have to press my palms against the chair to prevent myself from falling. Dr. Norris notices, and says,
"Be careful. Are you okay to stand; do you need some water?"
The thing I need isn't water. Forcing myself to compose myself, I shake my head. "I'm alright. I just..." I shake my head again. I'm not even able to come up with a good excuse.
As I leave her office, Dr. Norris says something to me, but I'm not able to hear it. There's a buzzing noise in my ears, and my vision keeps switching to black. I keep myself upright just long enough to wave at her. The moment her door closes, I collapse against the wall, my body slowing dragging down against it.
My chest continues tightening, and no gasp of air that I take makes it better. I feel like I'm drowning, unable to calm myself down.
My fingertips start to tingle, and my heart bounces hard enough to just about crack my ribs. I'm alone in the hall, and I don't know what would be worse: being alone and with no one to comfort me, or someone turning the corner and seeing me.
Eventually, I'm able to get myself up. How long I'm on the floor I don't know, but, as I get my feet, all I want to do is take off my clothes. I'm hot and dizzy, and I have to blink several times for my vision to slide back to normal. I cough over and over again. I'm wheezing, but, after several attempts, I'm able to get it over control.
My feet drag as I make my way back to my room. Luckily, I don't run into anyone. My hands shake as I open the door, push myself inside, and slam the door behind me.
For a moment, all I do is stand there. It's quiet, but the screaming in my head is loud. I can't silence it, and, needing to get it out, I walk over to the bed. I stare down at it. The pillows look flat, and the covers are tucked in so tightly that I’ll probably struggle to put them back when it’s time for bed. Not that it even matters, though, because the bed looks ridiculously uncomfortable. I'd probably be better off sleeping on the floor.
Calmly, I walk into the bathroom. There's a toilet and shower and sink. Like everything else in this place, it's cleaned impossibly well. I reach for one of the small bottles on the sink. I turn it over in my hand. My eyes scan the words, but none of it reaches my brain. I look at myself in the mirror; a spilt second later, I'm throwing things at my reflection.
First it's the small bottle in my hand. Then the second one. Then the third one. I find a hair dryer and throw that, too. It doesn't break the mirror, but it makes a loud sound.
I storm back out into the bedroom. I open my bag onto the bed. There isn't much for me to sort through, and I quickly found what I was looking for. I grabbed my makeup bag and unzipped it. I hastily took out anything that I was at least somewhat heavy. Going back into the bathroom, I continue throwing things.
My mascara. My blush. My foundation. Anything that will ricochet off the floor and walls is fair game. I want to scream--I want to punch a hole in the wall--but, with this being the best I can do, I let the destruction consume me, not caring what breaks or who hears.
When it is all over, my foundation is splattered all over the floor, the glass bottle broken. I'd thrown the hairdryer so many times that parts of it have chipped. My heart is still thumping, and I'm still enraged, but I feel better. I feel... like something is actually in my control.
Taking a deep breath, I begin to clean everything up. Leaving it for housekeeping will only arise suspicion. Methodically, I pick up everything. One by one, I place the shards of glass into my hand and then into the trashcan. I don't know if they'll check my trash, but, right now, I'm so focused on just cleaning everything up that I don't really think about it.
After all, hiding things? Cleaning up messes? It's probably the only thing I'm good at.
Thoughts? Let me know what you think here. Hope you're having a wonderful day!
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writing-for-marvel · 3 years
We Could Have Had It All
Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: Promises were made, none were kept.
Request: Anonymous - original request here
Prompt: “Do you even love me anymore?” - in bold
Warnings: angst, no happy endings here, dysfunctional relationship, end of relationship, swearing, wound to the hand & blood
Word count: 2.6k
A/N: so I’ve combined this request with @strwbrrybucky’s writing challenge thank you Rhi for hosting this
And as per the request, based on the song Rolling in the Deep by Adele - I did a bit of digging before writing this and to ‘roll in the deep’ with someone is a British saying to have someone’s back no matter what - so this is my angsty spin on that
Dividers by @maysdigitalarts
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“Do you even love me anymore?”
When you truly love someone, they shouldn’t have to question the existence of that love, they should be able to feel it radiating off you like warmth from the sun.
But here you were, holding your heart in front of you on a silver platter, painfully unaware if Steve Rogers, the man you had become accustomed to describing as the love of your life, would embrace your heart with tenderness, or shatter it irreparably into a thousand pieces.
You waited for him to speak with bated breath, waited to hear him deny that your worst fears had indeed come true.
But those comforting words didn’t come.
He looked at you with foreign eyes - not the faithful, trustworthy ocean blue ones you fell in love with, but harsh, darkened ones which had you questioning if you even knew him at all anymore.
The Steve Rogers you fell in love with was an honest to a fault, fiercely loyal man, who assured you his love for you would never die.
But how could you continue to believe in the sincerity of those words when he broke so many promises?
Promise one: I promise to make time for you.
Your hair was styled to perfection, make-up immaculately applied, the new dress you bought specifically for this occasion showed just the right amount of skin to elevate Steve’s heart rate but was also suitable for the classy restaurant you made a reservation at.
You looked stunning. You felt sexy.
But he should have been home more than two hours ago.
By now your table reservation would have been passed onto another couple to enjoy, while you nervously paced in your living room, tears burning behind your eyes, frantically calling every person, god and Avenger you could think of that might know where he could be.
The main drawback of dating an Avenger, one who was as noble and self-sacrificing as Steve Rogers, was that at any sign of danger he’d be there, throwing his Super Soldier body in the line of fire to save everyone he could, which meant at any moment, without so much as a goodbye, he could just be gone.
He wasn’t invincible, even though at times you suspected he thought he was.
By the time the front door finally swung open, tears mixed with mascara were running down your face in inky rivers, high heels long discarded, tossed somewhere haphazardly beside the couch and a half empty bottle of red wine stood open on the coffee table that you hadn’t bothered to get a glass for.
“Hey sweetheart.” Relief poured over you as you studied him from across the room. He appeared uninjured, completely healthy, as if he had just returned from a late night stroll.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, it was just a little bank robbery. Tony said he had it covered, but I was in the vicinity.” Steve said offhandedly as he walked up to you and palmed the smooth material of your dress around your hips.
“Wait-” You held your hand up as if you were Doctor Strange and could halt time, stopping Steve from leaning in to kiss you. “Tony didn’t actually need your help? You chose to go with him?” Steve looked sheepish, as if he only just realised he said something he perhaps shouldn't have.
“Well… I mean, technically.” There was a lilt to his voice which made him sound guilty.
Your stomach flipped at the thought that he had knowingly put you under this stress. That he told you this date night was time for just the two of you in your busy schedules, yet he had so willingly bailed on you.
“So you oh so generously volunteered to help, when they didn’t actually need you, knowing I would be here waiting for you? Worrying about you all goddamn night? You didn’t even text me to let me know what was happening! Are you just purposely torturing me now?” The relief which had washed over you like a cold shower before was now turning to steam as hot resentment bubbled in your chest. “Do you even remember what today is?”
You could see the cogs turning in his mind, taking in your expensive dress and the makeup you applied heavier than usual. Your heart sank through the pit of your stomach that he even had to think about it.
The moment where it clicked was evident on his face, as clear as if a lightbulb was turned on.
Your second anniversary.
“Darling, if I-”
“Save it.” You snapped before heading down the hall to your shared bedroom, muttering curse words as you struggled to undo the zipper on the back of your dress by yourself, frustrated tears pouring from the corners of your eyes.
That night, Steve didn’t join you in bed.
Promise two: I promise to never take my anger out on you.
Steve was having a bad day.
It was evident from the way he slammed the front door shut when he got home, from the angry scream he let out in the shower when you asked him to cool off and the incensed glare he gave you as he walked into the kitchen after you patiently waited to discuss what was bothering him.
You ran your hands over his shoulders, lightly massaging the tense muscles, but before you could work your way down his back, he shrugged you off, grumbling at your touch.
Brushing the interaction off as him just purely being frustrated at the day, you decided to make his favourite drink: a Southside. Garnishing with a mint leaf you had grown yourself in your hanging herb garden, you put a smile on your face as you brought it to Steve.
Even though he couldn’t get tipsy from it, you knew he enjoyed the taste. It reminded him of when he would go out with Bucky in the 40’s and his smaller frame could get drunk off one glass. The thought usually relaxed him, tugging a small smile from the corners of his mouth. Well, on most days it would. But today wasn’t most days.
Without warning, Steve took the glass from your offering hand and slammed it onto the coffee table with so much force it completely shattered in his palm. Blood seeped slowly out of the cuts, pooling at his wrist, and dripped to the floor. He didn’t even flinch in pain.
You rushed to the kitchen to get him a towel, or anything you could find to soak up the blood. What on earth had gotten into him? It seemed so out of character for him to be so outwardly fuming - he would usually let it simmer inside his chest and you’d have to coax an explanation out of him.
“Can you please just tell me what the problem is?” You went to wrap a towel around his hand, to put pressure on the gashes to stop the flow of blood, but he harshly grabbed it from you, pushing you away as he did the work himself.
“You, you’re the problem! For the love of god can you just fuck off?” You had never heard him so exasperated before, and not only was he furious, he was directing all his anger at you.
“Look, I’m sorry you had a shitty day, but I’m just trying to help, you don’t have to get mad at me.” You stated, completely baffled by both his behaviour, and his reasoning behind it. You had barely interacted this morning before he went for his sunrise run and he was already vexed by the time he returned home, after spending his day wholly separate from you.
“Well you ain’t helping. You're just making shit worse.” He couldn’t even find it in him to look at you as he stood abruptly and shouldered past you roughly, deliberately, as he made his way to the bathroom.
You knew there must be an overarching reason as to why he was so upset, but it left you feeling empty that he chose to take his rage out on you rather than let you be his confidant.
Steve slept in the guest bedroom that night too.
Promise three: I promise to always be honest with you.
Steve entered your shared apartment, placing his keys on the little hook by the door with a pleased smile on his face and a skip to his step you hadn’t seen from him in a while.
“You saw her again, didn’t you?” Your tone was far more accusatory than you had planned, but perhaps, deep down, you didn’t want to hold back - you wanted him to feel the hurt which was consuming your entire body at that moment.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said in his best innocent tone, placing a quick, chaste kiss to your hairline which did absolutely nothing to abate the swirling anger in your chest. In fact, his words lit a fire beneath your existing fury, only making you more irate with him.
“Don’t treat me like I’m an idiot, and definitely don’t lie to me again. Nat told me you visited the retirement home this afternoon.” Surprise filled his eyes as he quickly turned to look back at you. He clearly hadn’t expected you to know where he had wandered off to after work.
“Okay… yes, I saw Peggy.” He finally conceded. Even though this wasn’t new information, his confirmation was like a plunging knife to the heart.
You dropped your head, closed your eyes and sighed, gathering the strength to continue with this conversation, one that was overly repetitive at this point.
“We've talked about this before, yet you keep doing it - don’t you understand how it upsets me?” Your voice came out much softer this time, vulnerable, exposed, and weary.
“You’re the one who doesn’t understand - she’s the only person left from my old life, who knew me in the 40’s, before the serum. Are you really mad that I’m trying to hold onto that?” His voice was in contrast to yours; loud, demanding and pitiless. He had a repulsed look in his eye now, as was becoming more frequent in your recent interactions, that made your stomach churn.
“Steve, you know I want you to keep a connection to that part of your life! What I don’t appreciate is you seeing your ex-love in secret and then lying to me when I ask you.” You personally didn’t think it was too much to ask to know when Steve was spending time with her - when you met him, she had been the love of his life. That was, until you were. At least, that’s what he told you. You weren’t so sure anymore.
“What does it matter? I don’t have to tell you about every interaction I have with my friends.” After all the conversations you had about this very topic, you couldn’t believe he still didn’t recognise why this decidedly troubled you.
“But can’t you see how lying about it, keeping it a secret from me, makes me think it does mean more than just friendship to you?”
He scoffed, actually scoffed, in response to your words.
“Do you still love her?” The question had been bothering you for a while, but you had never brought it up, knowing it would only further agitate him. Now, the doubt weighed on your chest so heavily you could barely breathe, and asking the question was a necessity to be able to suck oxygen into your lungs.
“I think you heard me loud and clear.” His eyes narrowed and if you didn’t know any better you would have sworn he despised you.
“Don’t be delirious.” Perhaps you didn’t know any better.
Like the rock of a cliff face battered by harsh wind and rough seas, your trust in him was eroding with every word which fell from his lips.
He hadn’t denied his feelings for her, and as you glared at each other, painstaking silence mixing with deceit in the thick air, he never contradicted your words in spite of having plenty of opportunity to do so.
Promise four: I promise to always love you.
“Do you even love me anymore?”
Suffocating silence continued to fill the air surrounding you, waiting with a heavy heart for the words you desperately wanted to hear, but were convinced wouldn’t fall from his lips. Preparing as best you could for the searing pain in your chest which came with a shattered heart, you searched his face for any sign that he would finally provide you an answer.
“How can you even ask that?” An all too familiar indignant tone consumed his voice, a drop of venom poisoning his gaze.
“You didn’t answer my question.” You quickly followed up, but it again took him a moment of pause to answer, as if gathering the will to say it.
“Yes, I love you.” He said with utterly no conviction behind his words. The phrase sounded like a chore, as if it were something he was obligated to say rather than wanted to. They were the words you wanted to hear, but not the way you wanted him to say it, which was just as heartbreaking as not saying them at all.
“Then how come I don’t believe you?” Actions speak louder than words, and his actions were hoarsely screaming that he didn’t love you, at least, not any more.
Steve apparently didn't have a response to this as he simply stared at you, a semblance of panic in his eyes.
His silence was all the answer you needed, as it seemed was a common occurrence with him recently. At this point you were tired of the lies, exhausted at wanting him to reciprocate the effort and care you put into the relationship, only to be disappointed time and time again.
A sharp pain speared your chest, as if your heart was actually splitting in two.
You knew it was illogical to want someone who didn’t love you, but you couldn’t help but think back to all the memories early in your relationship where you could have sworn he really did love you.
The gentle caresses, affectionate kisses, nights spent in each other’s arms whispering words of devotion against each other’s bare skin - you couldn’t believe it was all a lie. You yearned for the kind and charming Steve Rogers you fell in love with two years ago, not this stranger in your living room staring at you with hostility.
How had it gone so wrong? How did it end up like this?
You sighed heavily, trying your best to ignore the unabating discomfort in your chest and the hot tears escaping the corners of your eyes. Maybe now it didn’t matter how you ended up here, it simply mattered how you moved on from it.
“At the end of the day, I can’t make you love me, as much as I wish you did.” You stated, looking into his azure eyes one last time. They no longer provided the solace you had once felt when searching for and finding them in a crowded room, the feeling now was closer to sorrow, heartache.
You turned around and even though it pained you beyond belief and every muscle in your body was begging you to, pleading you to, you refused to look back at him as you walked out.
Out of the apartment.
Out of his life.
For good.
We could have had it all, if only you kept your promises.
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Permanent taglist: @imagining-harrypotter @tripletstephaniescp @asgardwinter @demonpoxballad @nagygreta @libbymouse @mayasreadingnook @thecraziestcrayon @hallecarey1 @sea040561 @chrisfucksblog @thelastpyle @ju5tyna20 @smallmercies33 @buckys-left-middle-finger @moongoddessmox @coolbeans32 @foreverindreamlandd
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crankynewt · 4 years
Life Could Be a Dream - Chapter 2
Live in Living Colour Series Masterlist
Summary: (Y/N) slowly begins to remember their life with “Pietro” before WestView as they move through the decades, but sometimes knowledge is a curse rather than a blessing.
Pairing: Pietro (Peter) Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning: WandaVision Episode 6 spoilers! Read at your own risk!
Author’s Note: Here’s the highly requested second part to Be Okay! You don’t have to read it to understand this story, but it does fill in the gap during the 80s episode and give a little more context into the reader’s mind. Also, the reader’s powers and Halloween costume are highly based off of Starlight from the boys even though I did my best to make it gender neutral, but that’s what I kinda envisioned!
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(Not My Gif!)
Your hips swayed as you danced around the kitchen, the sound of The Chords’ “Life Could Be a Dream” filled the room from the record player in the corner your beloved vinyl was spinning on. Chopping pineapple for the jell-o in the bundt mold beside you, you hummed along to the familiar tune as your feet shuffled back and forth on the checkered floor.
A whooshing sound and light breeze behind you tore your attention away from the task at hand. Turning around quickly, you were met with the smiling face of your loving boyfriend, relaxing in a chair with his feet propped up against the kitchen table. His dark jeans were complimented by a letterman jacket adorning his shoulders, his shades of grey complimenting your own and those surrounding the both of you.
“My partner and their impeccable taste in music.” He smirked, arms crossed behind his head.
“My boyfriend and his faster-than-a-bullet superspeed.” You retorted, shuffling over to your man and giving him a playful smack on the leg. “Feet off the table! We’ve gotta eat here in a few hours!”
Pietro whooshed once again, this time with one hand in your waist while the other held yours, finally slowing down enough to gently rock you to the music. Life really could be a dream, and you were experiencing it first-hand.
“What is happening? Where did this come from?!” Agent Woo asked, watching the dancing couple sway as a hexagon framed the image and the words ‘Pietro(Y/N)’ shone across the screen.
“I don’t know! When Wanda recast Pietro an extra broadcast started from inside the hex and this is what the channel’s playing.” Darcy explained, taking a sip of her long awaited coffee as the end credits began to roll. “She must have somehow created another storyline for them.”
“But, wait… Didn’t somebody say that (Y/L/N) went missing before the blip?” Monica commented, pointing at your smiling face on the screen.
“Last I heard was that they got beamed up on that spaceship in New York with Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, but nobody’s seen them since.” Jimmy added, crossing his arms with a furrowed brow.
“Well wherever they were, they’re back in action.”
You woke up with a gasp, shooting straight up as a cold sweat adorned your body. Your nightmare had been something that you couldn’t believe your mind had imagined, it was so real, so dark… 
You had been on a strange planet surrounded by shades or orange and red, weirdly dressed people fighting all around you. At the centre of it all was this purple giant, a metallic glove adorning his hand as he fought the group of you away. 
Before you knew what you were doing you were rushing towards him, hand raised as a tingling feeling ran down your arm while golden light formed around your hand. But your attack was to no avail as with a clench of his fist the giant had opened a red hole in front of you and you began free falling.
“What? What is it?” Pietro grumbled, slowly waking up at your sudden outburst. He sat up as well, rubbing his hand on your lower back soothingly. 
“It was just a dream, babe.” You brushed it off, turning to face Pietro and leaning closer towards him. His eyes still held worry and a bit of disbelief as you played it off, but rather than argue, he just held you close as the two of you laid back down until sleep took it’s hold once more. 
“How much longer ‘till he calls?” Darcy whined, spinning in her chair as the boredom of watching reruns overtook her. You and Peter had just finished your ‘80s episode, meaning that the two of you had just reunited with Wanda and Vision.
“Don’t worry, he’ll call.” Monica replied, and as if on cue the name ‘Jimmy Woo’ was flashing upon her phone screen. She was quick to answer and eagerly pressed the device to her ear. “Woo? What’d your guy say?”
“Scott said that (Y/N) hasn’t been seen since they were on a planet called Titan fighting Thanos. Stark apparently told him that they got tossed in some hole he opened and they couldn’t get them back.” Jimmy explained, the sound of a car moving filling the background as he was already on his way back from talking to Lang.
“You don’t think that he sent her to wherever this new Pietro came from, do you?” Monica responded, Darcy shrugging her shoulders in response.
“I mean, it’s well within the realm of possibilities?” 
“What are you boys doing?” You called from the bottom of the stairs to where Pietro and the twins were playing some video game on the tv, laughing and shouting as they shot at each other. “Piet, why aren’t you in your costume?”
Your boyfriend finally turned to face you and your Halloween costume had his jaw quite literally dropping. You adorned a white costume with a golden star and accents on the front, meanwhile your cape was white with countless smaller stars decorating it’s entirety.
“Wow! Babe, you look… Wow!” He ogled, speeding over to you as his eyes took in your costumed appearance. He ignored your question, Wanda having to bug her brother once more for him to drag Tommy with him to make their matching Quicksilver costumes, their hair slicked up on the sides in an odd way.
Before you knew it the five of you were making your way down the street bustling with costumed kids. Pietro and Wanda were a couple steps ahead of you with the twins, you making the decision to take a minute to appreciate your domestic life while the siblings caught up.
“Unleash hell, demon spawn!” Pietro yelled as the twins went running off to fill their buckets with candy. You weren’t trying to eavesdrop, however you weren’t very far behind them and neither twin was making any effort to speak quietly.
“Do you remember when we were at the orphanage when mom and dad died?” She asked, the duo stopping to talk to each other in the middle of the busy road. While you didn’t intend to stop yourself, the sudden confusion that struck your mind left you no other choice.
Orphanage? Why would Peter have ever been in an orphanage when both his parents were still alive?  Wait, Peter? Where was all this coming from?
Suddenly your life was quite literally flashing before your eyes. Getting your powers, joining the Avengers, falling through the portal to another reality, meeting the X-Men… Oh, and Peter. Your relationship with Peter came back in moments, from your first meeting to the day he kissed you after you almost died on a mission. And how could you ever have forgotten your wedding day?! 
“Peter?” You asked out loud. Whether you were calling out to the man who you now remember to be your husband or questioning the memories that you had just regained you weren’t sure.
Your sudden comment caused Peter/Pietro to scoff in disbelief and furrow his brows, meanwhile Wanda’s expression darkened as her eyes glared daggers into your head. 
“Did you just call me Peter?” He asked incredulously, but his face quickly softened as he saw the fear in your eyes. You were utterly dumbfounded, How did you get back here? Last thing you remembered was being at the school, then all of a sudden you were living in some sit-com town.
“Why doesn’t he remember me? Wanda, what have you done?” Your voice wavered, your gaze shifting from Peter to Wanda, who would have already murdered you if looks could kill.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Her eyes flashed red, meanwhile Peter was standing there as if everything around him was completely normal.
“I think you do. Don’t make me do this, Wanda.” Your eyes began glowing as well. There was no way this would be ending well.
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kats-baku1999 · 3 years
Hidden Secrets, Part Two.
wait I can’t believe you guys actually like part one (read that here) I was so insecure about posting it. I’m glad, I’m so glad. Everyone was asking for Bakugo’s suffering so here it is…
warnings: I won’t even lie to you all, I have father problems, so this writing hit a little close to home. if in any way you think it’ll hurt or upset you, please don’t read any further okay? mentions of cheating and sex too. also there is some momo slander. I am so sorry.
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It was as if the entire world stopped spinning for a second. Kirishima took a step in front of you and Haru, standing chest to chest with Bakugo. Bakugo glared at him, before looking at you. Every ounce of anger you felt towards him began bubbling up. There was so much you wanted to say. So much you wanted to scream at him. You couldn’t yet though, not in front of Haru.
“Kirishima, will you take Haru to your office? I know how excited he has been to see it since the renovation,” You forced a smile, and looked at your son who’s middle brow was creased, which was a for sure sign he was worrying about something, “It’s alright Ru, I will come meet you in there soon,”
“Yeah, come on little monster, I have a huge TV in there now!” Kirishima’s tone did not match the glare on his face, “The conference room is open you two,”
“Thank you Ei, have fun sweetheart,” Haru released himself from you, and let Kirishima take him. He perked his head back over Kirishima’s shoulder and gave you a small wave with his tiny little hand. You forced another smile and waved back, before turning around to face your ex boyfriend. His face was still frozen in shock, as he watched his old best friend walk off with the tiny little human.
“Please tell me what the fuck-”
“Go to the conference room, now.” You snapped and stomped away from him. Bakugo followed after, the boots of his hero costume echoing on the floor of the lobby. He clicked the door behind him as soon as he was in the same room as you.
“So did you just plan on never fucking telling me I had a kid?!” Bakugo yelled, his voice echoing. You turned around and glared at him, “When the fuck did you even find out you were pregnant?”
“Oh, I found out a few days before I found out you were cheating on me,” You laughed dryly, “I was going to tell you that night, but I got a little side tracked,”
“Bullshit absolute bullshit, you should have told me!” Bakugo yelled, not backing down, “Four fucking years! Four!”
“Cut the bullshit Bakugo, I came to your office two weeks before he was born, I ran into Momo and she said you would call me, that night I get a simple text that says you wanted nothing to do with him,” You yelled, jabbing a finger into his chest, “Then you just mysteriously move away with Momo, and no one hears from you, and now you are in Kirishima’s office demanding to know things?!”
“What the fuck are you talk about?! What text?!” Bakugo yelled, grabbing your hand and moving it away from him, “I just found out about the kid today! You still haven’t even confirmed that he was mine?!”
“Take one fucking look at him and tell me he isn’t yours, the only thing that even convinced me he might be from some magical conception is that he is so sensitive and caring!”
“(Y/N) what fucking messages? We haven’t talked since the night you left?” Bakugo’s voice lowered, “I promise you, if I would have known about him I would have, I would have-”
“What? Come back to me? Be with me?” Your voice was monotone and cold, he felt like he was talking to a stranger. A stranger that hates him.
“I mean, yeah maybe, or at least I would’ve been there for his first steps, words, breath, just anything,” Bakugo’s anger was subsiding for the first time in years, “Momo, that day, I know what you’re talking about, because she told me that her and I would never be happy as long as we were here,”
“Oh wow, so the person who you cheated on me with was also a liar, what a shock,” You scoffed, “Sorry, I’m sorry, I heard about her and Todoroki, and their affair,”
Bakugo paused for a second, shocked by your apology. Also by the fact that you even knew. It wasn’t public knowledge yet, considering it just happened two weeks ago. That was the one reason Kirishima was even acknowledging his presence again. He was the one who found them together, and despite his anger towards him, at one point Bakugo was his best friend. So he called him, told him to come to the bar he was at. When Bakugo got there, he found Momo practically on top of Todoroki. A poor, still oblivious, Todoroki who was convinced that Momo had left Bakugo. That she had called off their two year engagement.
“I didn’t realize Kirishima told you, still don’t know how he failed to mention my son-”
“Hey, don’t do that okay? Be mad at me for not trying harder, but don’t be mad at Kirishima, he knew if he would have said anything he wouldn’t have been able to see Haru anymore,” You sat down in one of the chairs, “To be honest, I had just planned on you never finding out,”
“That isn’t fair (Y/n), he is my son.” Bakugo’s tone of voice was frustrated and angry. He didn’t want to be mad at you, he knew he couldn’t be mad at you.
“No, he is my son, mine, I’ve done everything, I was there for all of the bruises and scratches, for when he got into my hair gel to try and make himself look like Kirishima, for his birthdays and Christmases, you weren’t there,” You snapped, “Sharing his genetics does not make him your son,”
“No but you don’t get to hold this shit against me, it wasn’t my fault,” Bakugo fired back.
“You’re the one who fucked her,” You sneered. Standing up again, running your hand through your hair, “You cheated on me with her, you chose her over me, you don’t get to be the victim here either, I don’t even get to be the victim, the only person who deserves to even act like the victim is my son,”
“I’m here now, I know now, and I want nothing more but than to get to know him,” Bakugo looked at you with pleading eyes, “To be apart of his life, of your life,”
“I don’t know, I can’t just tell him that you’re his dad, he has been asking for the past year, and he has so much more going on already,” You laughed, “He doesn’t have his quirk yet, it’s becoming evident that he might not ever have his quirk, so how do I tell him that his dad is the number one hero, and a person he idolizes?”
“So you’ve faulted me because my ex fiancé was a psychopath who didn’t think I needed to know about my son, and now because I’m the number one hero- wait, he doesn’t have his quirk?”
“No, no he doesn’t, that’s why we are in town, for Denki and Hitoshi’s wedding, and to see a doctor,” You explained, the tears finally spilling over, “I can’t just dump this on him too Bakugo, please, you have to understand,”
“I do, okay I do, but please I can’t just let you walk away today with him and not do anything, I have to know him, but I don’t want to make this a problem bigger than it needs to be,” Bakugo grabbed your shoulders, “Please don’t make me villain here, okay I don’t want to be,”
“As much as I want to, I can’t, I know I can’t it wouldn’t be fair to him,” You grabbed his hands off your shoulders and held them for a second, a small sob threatening to escape your throat, “But please don’t take him from me, he’s all I have,”
Bakugo stopped and tightened his grip on your hands. Forcing you to look up at him. His eyebrows were creased, furrowed up exactly like Haru’s always did. The same look of concern Haru’s always had on his face when you said something close to sad.
“I wouldn’t think about taking him away, so get that shitty ass thought out of your head right now,” Bakugo sighed, “He doesn’t even have to know I’m his father right now, not until your ready, but I would like to be your friend, your friend that comes around him, your friend that he gets to know like he knows Kirishima,”
“Okay, okay,” You mumbled, nodding your head, “You can pick us up and take us to his doctor’s appointment, then we can all go out with Kirishima after so he feels more comfortable, we can start there,”
“Okay, let’s start there,” Bakugo let go of your hands slowly, “Does he you know like anything?”
“Yes, Bakugo he likes things, heroes specifically, are you going to blow up this office if I say Deku is his favorite?” You wiped the tears off your face, and finally bust out laughing at Bakugo’s groan that followed, “I’m going to grab Haru, I’ll have Kirishima send you my number okay?”
“Okay, thank you, let me know about the doctors thing.”
You gave him a small nod and walked out of the room. Stopping the bathroom to rinse off the tears. When you opened up the door to Kirishima’s office, you found Haru staring at the large tv completely awe struck by the footage of Midoriya fighting alongside Bakugo. One of their earlier fights, they were just barely pros. You remembered it because that was when he and Shinso agreed to work together. That was the fight that introduced you to him.
— a few days later
“Momma, you’re doing your upset walk,” Haru whispered, as if he was telling some kind of secret. Shinso snorted into his coffee, and earned him self a dirty look from you.
“Your mother is just nervous over seeing her friend small human,” Shinso called you out, and earned another dirty look.
“Momma is friends with Dynamight, Uncle Toshi! She has even met Deku!” Haru’s eyes were sparkling as he said it, waving around his Deku plushie.
“You know, I’ve worked with Deku before, almost beat him-”
“In the sports festival, yes Uncle Toshi we knowwww,” Haru groaned, having heard the story at least fifty time. It was your turn to laugh. Haru loved Shinso, but when it came to his favorite heroes, being ranked under his own fiancé was a bit of a sting.. So poor Shinso tries to impress the kid every chance he can.
“You’ve told him the story at least ten times,” You backed up your son, shrugging your shoulders.
“You know, I was in the room when you came into this world little man, I deserve some props as a hero,” Shinso groaned, and Haru just laughed, taking another bite of his cereal.
“I know, but you’re a hero like you know a dad would be,” Haru said casually and both of you froze. He was trying so desperately to figure out what it meant to have a Dad. The last time Kirishima came to visit, he had even asked him if he was his dad because of their red eyes, and how Kirishima is always there for his big moments. Then he asked you if Shinso was his dad, because they both liked cats.
“Haru, our ride is here, we better go outside okay?” You smiled, changing the subject, “Give Toshi a hug!”
Haru jumped down and gave Shinso a quick hug. You grabbed your things, and your files about Haru’s past doctor’s appointments. After he grabbed his backpack you walked over and kissed Shinso’s cheeks, mouthing a quick apology. He waved you off.
“Let me know how it goes,” He smiled, and you knew he wasn’t just talking about the doctors appointment.
You picked up Haru and carried him outside. Bakugo waved at you both, and Haru hid his face again. Although he was excited to get to meet one of his heroes, he was also terrified. Bakugo pouted a little bit, and you gave him a small glare. He straightened up and forced a smile.
“I just need to grab his seat!” You forced a smile, trying to avoid how awkward this was. Bakugo shook his head.
“Nope, I bought one, it’s got all the things,” Bakugo sounded proud of himself, you raised an eyebrow but walked towards his car. He opened the door and you saw a seat, one of the ones with a cup holder, and in it was a collectible Deku doll that Haru had wanted for months. Along with a signed picture of him.
“Haru, look,” You whispered, making sure to tell Bakugo later that he can’t just buy his love. Haru’s face lit up though, and he quickly jumped down out of your arms. He grabbed the doll and picture, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Thank you Mr. Dynamight sir!” Haru grinned, before climbing in his seat so you could buckle him in. Bakugo stood behind you, and you could practically feel the grin radiating off of him.
“Call me Katsuki kid, all of my friends do,” Bakugo smiled, and got in the drivers seat. You walked over to the other side, and climbed into the passenger seat.
The ride was quiet, just the sounds of Haru playing with his new toy in the background. Neither you or Bakugo knew what to say to one another. So you just sat in comfortable silence, looking through Haru’s main doctor’s notes. Then Haru needed to blow his nose, and out of habit you opened up the glove box to grab a tissue as if you were in your own car. Inside it though you found Bakugo’s necklace that had matched yours, that you gave back to him when you left. You grabbed a tissue and handed it back to Haru.
“Yours is hanging up on the rearview mirror of my other car,” Bakugo mumbled, his eyes not leaving the road. You studied the side of his face, just nodding in response. It was odd that after all of this time he still had that dumb thing. You two had gotten them on your fourth time of hanging out, he had found them at a festival he made some appearance at. They were cheap, but you both wore them all of the time. The necklaces meant something to both of you, the day you took yours off was the day you knew it was over.
The rest of the ride felt tense. You felt silly over thinking the necklace. You figured he would have thrown them away at this point. When you finally got to the hospital, Bakugo went and found a parking spot. He went to walk in with you two but you shook your head.
“I’m not ready for the rumors to start surrounding Haru, so would you mind just hanging out here?” You whispered.
“Oh, yeah no you’re right, I’ll be here,” Bakugo nodded his head, looking a little disappointed. You climbed out of the car and grabbed Haru, who waved a tiny hand at Bakugo as the two of you walked towards the entrance.
You weren’t in the waiting room for long till you were called into the exam room. They did a few X-rays, and tests, on Haru. Then after about an hour you were sitting in the Doctor’s office as Haru played with his toys on the floor. The doctor say down across from you and showed you all of the test results.
“Well the good news is, Haru will most definitely have a quirk, his body is already adjusted to what his quirk would be,” The doctor smiled, “I’m guessing his father’s quirk has something to do with nitroglycerin?”
“Uh well we don’t actually know much about his father,” You lied, knowing Haru was paying attention now.
“Well Haru has high levels of it in his sweat glands according to the tests, but my only concern is that I think he has some kind of mental block keeping him from using his quirk,” The doctor explained, “You’re quirkless correct?”
“Uh yes sir, I am,” You nodded your head. Haru walked over to you and grabbed your hand. So you put him in your lap.
“Maybe he just won’t use his quirk because he doesn’t want to be different from you, since you are his sole provider,”
“No that’s not it,” Haru interrupted and you both looked at him, “It’s not Mommy’s fault, I just want to use my quirk when Dad comes back for us,”
You felt your heart break into a million pieces.
“Haru sweetie, have you known about your quirk?” You whispered, and he nodded his head sadly.
“I accidentally blew up Mira’s doll at the playground, but made her promise to not tell her parents so you wouldn’t know,” Haru hung his head, and avoided eye contact. Like he did whenever he thought he was going to be in trouble.
“Haru you could’ve told me, then we wouldn’t have had to do all these tests, why didn’t you-”
“I just wanted dad to be the one to help me,” Haru cut you off again, his eyes watering. You let out a sigh and pulled him closer to you. The doctor nodded his head, smiling softly at you.
The two of you walked out to the car again. Bakugo’s head perked up at the sight of you both. He jumped out of the car and opened the door for you to put Haru in. Bakugo raised an eyebrow at the sad look on his face, and then looked at you.
“Tell me he has his quirk? Or at least a hope of one?” Bakugo asked, and you closed Haru’s door. Glaring at Bakugo, before walking over to your door. You climbed in the car and didn’t say a word until you got the park where Kirishima was meeting you guys.
“Hey, Haru why don’t you go with Uncle Ei and play while I talk to Katsuki?” You smiled at Haru, who climbed out of his seat and went to Kirishima who had opened the door for him. Kirishima closed the door and walked away with Haru. Bakugo looked towards you with a raised eyebrow.
“Why did you do it?” You whispered and Bakugo just looked even more confused, “Why did you fuck all of this up?”
“What do you mean?” Bakugo’s tone was proof enough that he was annoyed. Not necessarily at you, but more so at the fact he could see Kirishima playing with his son so effortlessly.
“Cheat on me, leave me alone to raise him, leave him confused and upset because all he wanted was his dad,” Your eyes started water, tears threatening to spill over. Bakugo turned his head back towards you, your words stinging a little bit.
“I didn’t leave you alone, I didn’t know.” His voice was stern, “You can’t make me out to be the dead beat father in this situation (Y/n) I would have been there for him if I would have known he was alive,”
You let out a sigh of defeat, making eye contact with him. Bakugo felt his heart break at the look in your eyes. You looked.. Defeated.
“I know, I know it’s my fault okay?” You whispered, “I should have never kept him from you, I should have told you I was pregnant but I was selfish, and hurt, and-”
You were sobbing now. Your words falling off. Bakugo unbuckled your seat belt, and pulled you over the center console so you were sitting on him. He hugged you, tightly. Letting you let out every single sob, as he rubbed your back. You cling onto his shirt as you buried your face in his shoulder.
“I know why you were mad, and I don’t blame you but (Y/n), I would have been there for you both if I would have know,” He whispered against you, you pulled your head back and looked at him.
“I know, and I’m sorry, I still hate what you did to me, to our relationship, but Haru deserves to know his father,” You sighed, Bakugo reached up and wiped some of the stray make up on your face.
“So we’ll tell him?” He smiled hopefully, and you nodded.
“Eventually, eventually we will tell him, but for now I just want you to get to know him, ease him into it,” His smile faded a little but he knew you were right.
Bakugo stared at you and it settled in for him that it was never Momo. It was never once her for him, it was you. Back then, he was too scared to let himself admit it. Despite how long you two had been together when his affair with Momo started, he was scared. Scared of how much he could love a single person. Then he felt guilty because he had no reason to have that fear. He grew up watching his parents have that kind of love. It was his own selfish mindset that pushed him to that decision.. That pushed him to losing you.
You crawled back into your seat, flipping the visor down. Bakugo watched as you wiped the make up off your face. You turned back to look at him, smiling a little.
"I have a proposition for you, if you want to spend more time with him?" Your voice sounded a little nervous, and Bakugo grinned a little nodding his head, "Go to the wedding with us to the wedding? I mean you and Denki were friends right?"
"Are you sure? I mean I know how all of them must feel about me?" Bakugo laughed a little, and you shook your head looking back at Haru and Kirishima.
"They all love Ru, so much, so I think they will understand why I want you there, and besides Hitoshi does nothing but tell me to get back in the dating game," You rolled your eyes, and Bakugo laughed at you a little bit.
"How long has it been since you've been on a date if Dead Eyes is making jokes about it?" Bakugo was half teasing, and half curious what the answer was.
"Oh don't you start asshole, I have been raising our kid," You laughed, a genuine laugh. A laugh that made Bakugo's heart do some kind of internal flip. He smiled softly at you.
"You said our kid," He whispered, and you blushed a little.
"Our kid who is staring in here trying to figure out what's wrong," You laughed, pointing towards Haru who now had an adorable pout on his face. You climbed out of the car and ran towards him, picking him up and spinning him all crazy like. Bakugo smiled as he watched you two together. Realizing that all he ever wanted in life was right here, and in his reach again.
tagging all of the people who replied to hidden secrets part one <3
there is going to be a part three, and i promise for everyone who asked for bakugo suffering.. it is coming because i am feeling evil >:]
@girl-who-likes-cold-bois , @leximoron , @shyonigirichan , @tspice283 , @heyomie , @beigeunburdened , @xoxo-teddybear , @silentw-lkr , @semhal , @justmewoo , @jazzylove , @nolimitsam , @da1chisjuicywatermelons , @ayoooooooooooo
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
Small headcanons of how Aizawa, Toshinori, Hizashi, Fatgum, Gang Orca, and Hound Dog would be through your pregnancy.
I don’t write about giving birth (as I’m mildly terrified of doing so) so I didn’t add anything about that. Please don’t ask for me to. And even though I’m not interested in getting pregnant, I think I’d be okay with it if Kugo or Ryo were the father.
EDIT: I love picturing all of these men with little girls. It’s just so cute!
Warnings: uh, pregnancy
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Aizawa Shouta
Shouta isn’t one to jump for joy when you tell him. However, you will get to see his handsome smile when he grabs your waist, breathing out a light laugh of happiness as he tightly hugs you. His smile won’t disappear for a while. Every time he glances at you, one simply finds its way onto his face.
It may not be by a whole lot, but his behavior changes. Just a little. When you’re out and about, his hand finds its way to your back or elbow much more often, particularly in a crowd. It’s the paternal instincts kicking in. His favorite cuddling position, laying between your legs with his head on your stomach, becomes harder the farther along you are. He adjusts to laying behind you, keeping a hand on your tummy throughout the entire night.
Shouta hides his worries well. Even the people closest to him have a tough time telling what exactly is going on with him. Sometimes, it’s a good thing. He’s a stable person to lean on. But it’s difficult to deal with when you’re hormonal and emotional. He pushes himself so hard to speak more. There’s no way of him understanding everything you’re going through, but when he opens up, he can tell just how much you appreciate it during the tough times. So he does it near-daily, checking in with each other before bed.
He hates how busy his life is. Well, he’s always kind of hated it. Now it’s worse because his partner’s pregnant, and he’s stuck in a room with screaming children when he should be bringing you to your appointments. Shouta attempts to make up for the absence by heading home every night and helping around the house more. Step in. Explain how you value his help, but also need him to relax. If he gets overworked, that would only stress you more.
Shouta changes his eating habits and fitness routines. He wants you to eat well for yourself and your child. He wants you to keep exercising for yourself and your child. He simply wants your body to be healthy. Don’t grumble because he’ll throw your complaining back in your face when the Lamaze coach explains how important physical health is. But don’t worry, his cute smile makes up for the teasing.
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Yagi Toshinori
Toshinori is starstruck. Too many thoughts flood and fight. He loves children and has always wanted a family. Being able to father one with you is indescribable. And he never thought the universe would grant any of that. On the flip side, his fear is also undefinable. People know who he is now; who knows what’s out there, waiting to expose All Might’s weakness. The rapid thoughts may bring a tear or two. Cup his face and kiss them away, reassuring him that everything’s okay.
The fears follow him throughout your pregnancy. Like all things (with you and him), there are good days and bad days. His emotions ramp-up during your emotional and physically unwell days. He tries his best to push them down to focus on you. But they eventually end up spilling over. It’ll be common for both of you to cry at the end of the day, snuggled together, talking about the future, worries, and anticipations.
In general, Toshinori isn’t that protective. He trusts you and your abilities. Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you’re suddenly disabled. You can still do things. Although, he does become a bit of a helicopter. Whenever you bend over to pick up a bag, he beats you to it. He swoops the laundry basket from your hands, claiming, ‘You shouldn’t be lifting heavy things,’ despite it not even being ten pounds. He’s just very watchful of your movements.
He’s very active in dieting, doctor’s appointments, and planning. He eats well, so it’s easy for him to aid you in that respect. For doctors, he has quite a lot of contacts and knows many doctors from his time in the hospital. He asks around, only accepting the best for you. Planning, shopping, and setting up the nursery are his favorite parts. He loves choosing the sweetest colors, softest blankets, and, of course, all the adorable All Might onesies, toys, and superhero books he can find. The nursery is set up perfectly.
Toshinori doesn’t admit how incredibly your pregnant body enchants him. It isn’t always a horny, sexual need. It’s about admiring your body and what it’s creating. He just wonders at you. All the time. Sometimes the changes may make you feel insecure. He’s always there to listen and assure you how amazing your body is. If you want cuddles and kisses, he’ll give them with a smile. If you want gentle lovemaking, he guides you onto your back and gives you exactly what you want.
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Yamada Hizashi
Expect a loud song of love, a bear hug, and jumping for joy when you tell him. Hizashi loves kids. He thinks they’re amazing and say some of the greatest things. And he’s beyond excited to see their quirk. Of course, it doesn’t mean he’ll love them any less if they’re born quirkless. He just loves imagining a little one with a similar quirk running around your place.
He is all about redecorating and planning. The entire apartment is getting babyfied and rearranged. The nursery will be beautifully painted. He regularly comes home with cute outfits and stuffed animals. Partly, it’s because he’s just so excited. The other part is he wants you to relax through the pregnancy. No stress, pressure, and unnecessary burden on your shoulders. He’s there to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
Hizashi doesn’t just spoil your unborn child; he spoils you, buying you those pregnancy pillows, your favorite ice cream, driving you everywhere, etc… He just hates how much time his jobs take. He’d rather spend his time with you. To help, he’ll ask for time off of patrols, choosing to be closer with you, physically, mentally, and emotionally, during your pregnancy.
In the later months, Hizashi is all over you. Seriously, he will not leave you alone. He’s very handsy, kneading and licking your swollen, sore breasts, and stroking your belly. Your body, and everything it’s doing, is utterly gorgeous to him. He’ll suck away, gently nursing on your nipple while dozing off to Tv, occasionally switching to the other so it isn’t left needy.
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Toyomitsu Taishiro
When you tell Taishiro, you’ll only be able to get out a few words before you’re lifted off your feet and spun around. He smooches all over your face, laughing and cheering about how amazing and perfect and stunning you are. You’ll have to ask to be put down lest you get sick from all his spinning. But his compliments keep coming. They won’t dwindle for a while. There’s just too much love in his body to keep inside.
Whatever you’re craving, no matter if it’s pineapple dipped in ketchup, he gives without complaint. He may try some of your odd combinations. Who knows? You could be on to something new. At the same time, he also watches out for your health. The cravings suck. He understands that. He truly does. But if you ate something sweet/not as healthy for lunch, then he plans a healthy dinner for you. Your body’s going crazy. It needs its nutrients.
Your worries are always taken seriously. It could be the most absurd thing to be anxious over. Tai always listens. His cute smile and never-ending positivity help a ton. Your body and brain are going through a lot. He’ll do his part to validate all your feelings. He talks down the anxieties as you eat pickles on ice cream, making sure you are and feel heard.
Since he works one job compared to the others, he’s able to be with you much more, notably during the hard-to-handle days and at appointments. And he picks up extra chores so you can rest through aches and pains. Any choices you make regarding your pregnancy and birth, he supports. He may not agree with everything, but he loves you, and it’s your body. He’ll always put your comfort and wishes first.
Tai treasured your tummy before. But now, seeing you growing with his child, he’s absolutely enraptured. He places nightly and morning kisses on your belly. When he wakes you up, his kisses trail down to the bump. Every night, he rubs lotion into your tummy, kissing and cooing to his child. It doesn’t matter if you’re only one week pregnant, and it’s just a clump of cells in there. Tai still sings to them.
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Gang Orca
Kugo is in disbelief when you tell him. He freezes, staring, hardly hearing your words. Give him five minutes. He’ll process what you said and snap back to the present. Watch out because you’re going to get lifted high into the air and maybe tossed like a father does a baby. He’s just practicing. It’ll only take one or two days for him to slip into paternal mode. It’s damn near instinct for him.
As per usual, he’s a gentle paragon behind closed doors. Throughout your pregnancy, he melts into a puddle of sweet honey. His overall affection skyrockets. His hands and claws are as tender as possible whenever they touch you, doing whatever you need him to: massaging your back and legs, rubbing lotion all over, or brushing your hair. He reassures you through tears. He prepares healthy meals that satisfy your cravings. And he holds you all night, keeping you safe on his chest and in his arms.
Kugo goes to every single checkup and appointment. It doesn’t matter if it’s just an ordinary visit to your primary care doctor; he calls out of work and goes with you. At any ultrasounds, expect a few tears, especially when you hear the heartbeat for the first time. He holds them in until you’re alone. The second the door closes, his forehead is nudging yours as small, loved-filled tears fall. He never thought he’d get a family. Part of him thought he didn’t deserve a family, but you’ve proven that false repeatedly.
The farther along you are, the more he watches out for you. He checks in every morning to make sure you took your medicine and vitamins. He washes you so you don’t strain yourself. If you’re waddling, he offers his arm for support and helps you stand. If your back hurts, he applies a heating patch to your lower back and puts your shoes on for you. If you need it, he can carry you to the car and into where you’re going.
As does everyone, Kugo has doubts about his quirk and abilities. People have always viewed those with mutations differently. And it can affect their health, leading to numerous doctor visits and tests. He doesn’t want his baby to deal with the staring, whispers, self-doubts, and distress he did. To support him, talk in detail about his fears and help him realize he’s never disappointed you or hurt anyone. Kugo’s exactly how he should be.
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Hound Dog
Ryo doesn’t have a tail, but you’ll definitely see a little happy wiggly before he hugs you. The following week, he keeps you close as he acts differently: rubbing up against you to ensure you smell like him, touching your nose with his, lapping along your neck, sleeping incredibly close, and occasionally smelling between your legs, licking the air around there to smell better. It’s awkward, almost weird, since it isn’t average ‘human’ behavior. But if you love him, let him do it. Please. Understand his nose works differently. It reassures and comforts him to smell you, checking in to see if anything’s changed.
Ryo gets protective when you’re on your period: When you’re pregnant, it’s so, so incredibly worse. He hovers, grumbling low at those walking by. Others barely hear it. It’s intense enough for you to feel it when he’s behind you. He doesn’t like people running up to you, or startling you, or roughhousing or playing in any way. He’s lenient with children, less with teens. Women get a deep growl and scowl. God help any man that approaches you. You might have to have him wear his Hero outfit’s muzzle until you give birth. Though, that might not help because then he’d be protective of two people.
It’s only the teensiest amount better at home. He makes you rest, almost too much. After work or some time outside, he shuffles you to the couch so you can’t overwork yourself. He’s a pleasant change of pace from his typical gruff self. However, as great as he is at the physical needs, he still struggles with the emotional aspects. You can cry on his shoulder, complain, and talk about your worries all you need to. He’s just a bit clunky when it comes to reciprocating the soft emotions. But he puts all his heart into it, and it’s easy to tell.
Ryo is also one who loves pregnancy sexy. You’re swollen and sensitive, and he loves watching your breasts bounce, maybe even leak a little depending on how far along you are. And since you’re already pregnant, he releases and stays inside. After, he lays behind you, keeping himself deep in you despite being flaccid, just feeling how wet and aroused and full you are because of him. When the heated moment is finally done, he licks you clean, nearly getting drunk off your smell.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
fighter Bakugo is so mean!!…..write more of him plz 🤲 (ALSO I LOVE UR STORIES SO MUCHH❤️)
OOOUUUU TYSMMM I’m glad you’re enjoying him hehe
Alright let’s see here…
Tw:noncon, implied death, assault, gaslighting
He forces you to come to every one of his matches, after he has his way with you.
It doesn’t matter how brutal the fight is, it didn’t matter if you’re flinching every time his fists make contact with the poor schmuck’s face, knowing damn well that any day it could be yours. It doesn’t matter if he’s shaking off pieces of broken teeth from his hair while you’re clutching your stomach and puffing your cheeks, and it sure as hell doesn’t matter when others clamor around you asking if you were okay, if you needed a doctor.
None of that mattered, because in the end all those scenarios ended the same way: with one of his feet planted on the unconscious body below him, a fist in the air and a mean smile straight at you.
You weren’t allowed to excuse yourself to the restroom or close your eyes when the men around him scream and need at him to either stop the match or to keep going Bakugo, knock the bastard out.
And when he won the match-which was every time-he would make a beeline straight towards your cowering, backing-away form and yank you by your wrist into the office to let out his excess adrenaline.
Your cries could be heard from the entire basement.
On one particular day however, you stop your compliance. It’s when you catch a glimpse of Katsuki’s opponent for the next day.
He’s a young man, no more older than you were.
He’s a meek guy, his smile is oh-so reminiscent of the man you used to like before Bakugo put him in the morgue.
You can’t have a repeat of last time. He doesn’t stand a chance.
“What’s got you all quiet today,” he gruffly asks you as he wraps a hand with tape.
You bite your lip and look at your feet. What’s the best way to go about this?
“You, um…y’know that guy that you’re supposed to fight today?”
“Yeah, what about it?” He raises an eyebrow in warning.
But you continue nonetheless. It’s not like your destiny was flock to change, hed still fuck you up regardless of what you do.
“He just seemed kind of…young.” You stammer and avoid eye contact.
It’s hard not to flinch when he stops wrapping his hand and walks over towards you. He crouches to your sitting position on the bed and lowers his head to look at your gaze on the ground.
“‘That remind you of someone?”
Crap. He’s not as stupid as you hoped for.
This time, you do look up at him, eyebrows scrunched together in a pleading way, and he laughs in your face at your pathetic state.
“Lemme guess, you don’t want me to fight him?”
You nod your head.
“Well, what do I get out of it in return?”
Your eyes widen as you comprehend what he’s saying. Was there actually a chance he’d listen to you?
“Hello? Answer me dumbass.”
Oh, right.
“Um, what-what would you like?” Fingers cross behind your back as you pray to anyone listening that he won’t ask for anything derogatory.
It’s almost laughable that you don’t know him well enough by now.
Bakugo walks around the bed and settles himself against the headboard, legs spread and arms crossed over behind his head. He smirks at you and nudges you with his toe.
“Dance for me.”
“D-dance? What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he sits up and leans towards you, his smile all teeth and cutthroat undertones, “I want you to shake your ass on my dick and give me a lap dance.”
Fire rushes to your face at his crude choice of words. You open your mouth to argue but stop when his unwrapped hand flexes, bones popping in place as he inspects it casually.
He doesn’t need to say anymore to get his point across. But if you had any doubts as to who was the one who wanted a chance in the first place, he reminds you with a curt “You can always say no. I’ll let you walk out this door and you can just watch me beat the living daylights out of him,” he shrugs and says it so easily, so casually that you’d think he was informing you of the weather.
You swallow hard and shakily rise to your feet.
Katsuki already locked the door, so you don’t need to worry about anyone coming in. You look at him and take a deep breath.
“How do I, like, y’know.”
He stares at you for a moment and bursts out howling , the bellowing sound echoing across the small room and making your head ring.
You look at him warily as he lessens his laughter, and tries to address you.
“I knew it. You really are a brain-dead, numb cunt,” he says as he wipes his eyes from tears. “Just fucking- I don’t know, sway your hips back and forth and put it in reverse on me I guess. Arent whores supposed to be good at these things?” He leans back down comfortably and leers at you while you grimace and then back around, ass facing him.
You’ve only messed around on your own time in your room before, shaking it to slow R&B songs or fast pop ones. How do you go about this with no music?
But within a minute you gather yourself and toss your dignity away. You start imagining a beat in your head and do exactly as he instructed, swaying your sides left and right while moving your shoulders with whatever rhythm you deemed easy.
He stifles a snicker behind you, and you dig your nails into your palm. It was obvious he was trying to be completely silent just to amplify the awkwardness and humiliation tenfold, but dammit if this is what he wants then might as well get it over with.
You begin leaning forward and sticking your rear out more towards him, simultaneously rubbing your hands up and down your sides and flicking your hair with ease in his line of sight. You roll your head and roll your ass in a circle, praying it wasn’t too jerky.
Katsuki wasn’t laughing anymore.
Your confidence starts to grow again as you hear him softly inhale when you crawl backwards slowly onto the bed. You drop your hips low and arch your back, rolling your spine and lifting your ass back up into the air, shaking it in his face as best as you could.
You stay like that, letting it bounce slowly and then faster while you hear his breathing lick up. The sheets around you pull slightly towards him, and from the corner of your eye you can see his fists balling tbe covers, shaking slightly.
Looks like this was having more of an effect on him than you thought.
Just to sell it home, you lower your pelvis back and against his crotch as you begin grinding on him.
His shirts are silky and thin, and as you drag your mound up and down his imprint you can’t help but moan. The way your puffy clit catches on the elevations and ridges of his clothed dick, the feeling of his length swelling beneath your moist panties makes your head spin and all precautions are thrown out the window.
Your ass lightly claps together on his slightly thrusting hips as his breaths become pants. You feel his hands slide up your ass and onto your hips as he growls, “Teasing slut. And here you had me thinking you didn’t know what you were doing. Strip.”
Your body stills and you blanch. Your head clears a bit as his own body stops moving against yours, and you realize what position you’re about to be in.
Your head turns slightly to face him. “Kats-“
But he yanks your hair from the ends back until you’re scrambling for solid ground against his toned chest. Your fingers grab your torn strands and try to yank them out of his unrelenting grip. Your eyes well with tears of pain as he gets more aggressive with your subtle hesitation.
“I said, strip, now.” He shakes your head for good measure and you yelp when you feel more hairs ripped out of your aching skull.
“Okay! Okay, I’ll strip.” You blubber, snapping your head forward when he finally lets go.
You look back at him tearfully, hunching over into yourself as his hands guide your shirt up over your stomach and begin massaging your tits.
You hurry to take your pants off before he can wound you any more in his childlike impatience, and he grunts in approval when you’re down to your panties and no bra.
“Bend over.”
This time, you don’t argue when you go on all fours and his rough hand shoves your upper back down until you’re in an arch that’s satisfactory enough for him. He lets his fingers dance over your spine and linger when they get lower down your back.
Your upper body shakes with anticipation as all goes silent, save for his soft inhales. You can feel his digits run over the crack of your ass and lift the top of your panty line up, your labia and clit being pulled up as well.
Katsuki smirks as you weakly moan beneath him, and he tugs harder upwards just to see your ass follow in pursuit. He rubs his knuckles over the damp spot over your clothed hole and pushes in ever so slightly, just enough to make you keen and whimper.
Then, he retreats his touch.
The air is still for a moment or two as the cold absence of his touch fades.
You have no idea what he’s doing or thinking. For the second time, you try to turn your head towards him.
You scream so loud you’re sure your eardrums pop, but your focus isn’t on your poor ears, no, it’s on the raging hot burn across your right asscheek as his reddened hand swivels in its socket in a warm-up stretch. You’re experiencing for the first time what the hands of a fighter can do.
“That’s what whiny bitches like you get. And don’t you dare turn back around, otherwise I’ll whip you within an inch of your life.”
Your body freezes at those terrifying words, and you’re caught off guard when the next slap hits the same cheek. You yowl in pain and grip the sheets tighter before you, knowing that writhing away would mean so much worse.
Years of cute and open wounds and cells revealing just to open again and regrow have caused his hands to hold a similar texture to hard leather. There is no mercy, there is no soft reprieve they hold on their grasps, and you take each lashing with the reminder that he deals these kinds of blows to less fortunate men, men who don’t get a hold-back from Katsuki Bakugo.
“The next time you-crack- bitch about who I’m fighting-crack, crack- I’ll make sure to fuck you in the ring and let everyone- crack- have a turn with you- fuck, stop fucking screaming!”
He covers your wailing mouth with one hand and grips your throat in the other, bringing your head back to his seething lips.
“You wanted this, didn’t you? What’s wrong, why’re you crying so fucking much baby? Didnt you want to spare one more spineless bastard?” He croons in your ear and strokes your cheek with one finger.
You shake in his chokehold, terrified and in pain. You squeeze the tears out from your eyes and try to steady your breathing. He shushes your sobs and cooes when you hiccup against his palm.
“Hmm, Y/N? Whaddaya say, you wanna spare one more dickless wonder? Or are you gonna chicken out and save yourself?”
He chuckles darkly when you shake your head. He doesn’t need you to speak to already know your answer.
“Alright then, whatever you want. But just letting you know, I have the next match with him, so I’ll have to make this fast.”
And as he fucks you to oblivion, and fucks over his promise, you laugh to yourself for ever trusting him.
Because Katsuki Bakugo is not a lover, but rather, a fighter.
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