From the Desk of Kairiaka
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Kai's Writing Blog. Updates Sporadically
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kairiaka · 10 days ago
Sometimes I feel like people don't understand that a commission isn't something you "can just go to the store" for.
Regardless of what you think is "expensive", don't forget that there's a person creating something original for you. It isn't a mass-produced product made by some huge corporation -- a single person (maybe sometimes a team) had to take their time and energy to create something that didn't exist before. It's an art, regardless the medium.
That's pretty special.
And how can you even put a price on time? It's a nonrenewable, non-regenerating resource that varies from person to person. Some people have a little, others have a lot. Some would argue that some have too much. But the fact remains:
Art is priceless, and an Artist/Artisan deserves to have their prices respected.
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kairiaka · 18 days ago
Finally-- someone said it!
G.U.N. has done more harm than good at this point and are incompetent af.
Some More Crimes (Against Humanity) to Add:
Falsely accused a man of being a terrorist, to the point where there was a nationwide manhunt to bring him down. Also effectively making it impossible for him to find a job outside of his hometown.
Caused billions of dollars in damages, spreading across the West Coast, Hawaii, Green Hills (twice) Tokyo, London, and the motherf-ing Moon!
Let Stone roam free after the events of the first movie (and honestly, I think they just keep forgetting him)
Tried to kidnap Sonic under the pretext of brunch (which is so sinister looking back at it)
Stunned a child with an amped-up taser (and the fact they all had weapons at the wedding was insane)
Refused to give Tails medical treatment, despite Sonic's pleads
Somehow managed to miss Stone once again, who was able to save Ivo and get him to safety
Walters viewing Sonic (and Knuckles and Tails) as a do-over Shadow -- and still messing it up
Sent literal children in to subdue/dispose of another child.
And I think GUN might be responsible for Metal. Could be a rogue agent, could be the whole agency. But they do have a track record of messing with things they can't control.
Some of GUN's crimes in the movie-verse
-They captured an alien child and began to experiment on him to create weapons.
-When Project Shadow was terminated, they ordered their soldiers to shoot at CHILDREN who were running away, which led to an accidental explosion that killed a lot of people.
-They blamed the entire incident on the lead scientist, who's grandchild had been one of the victims, then threw him inside a maximum security prision indefinitely.
-They placed the innocent alien child into stasis for an indefinite period because he was deemed "too valuable to destroy".
-Decades later they decide to employ the grandson of the scientist they imprisioned (WHO WAS LEFT AN ORPHAN BECAUSE OF THEM) while hiding the truth about his family.
-They overlooked Ivo's violent tendencies and instead kept using his genius to create weapons and commit numerous war crimes.
-The one time Ivo fails at one of his missions and is presumed dead, they denied all involvement and erased every record of his existence.
-They only gave the couple who was almost murdered by their rogue employee an Olive Garden gift card as compensation.
-They attempted to MURDER everyone who had been involved with Robotnik, including the Buyer, who went on to create a successful criminal organization after this.
-They failed to stop Agent Stone from stealing large amounts of Robotnik's technology and facilitating his return.
-They forced the scientist they imprisioned and who's grandchild they killed to design a weapon of mass destruction.
-They literally catfished a woman and orchestrated a fake wedding in order to get close to the Wachowski family.
-They attempted to capture Sonic and Tails for the simple crime of existing, and only decided to let them be when they proved they could be useful.
-When Shadow escaped, they got Team Sonic to fix their mess without explaining the situation, and when they were forced to talk, they gave a very biased version of events.
-They turned on Team Sonic once again when they had the smallest suspicion.
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kairiaka · 18 days ago
Using Reddit (for Job-Hunting)
As a social media platform, I'd say it's a more chaotic Tumblr. Truthfully, it's like an old-school forum board with a couple of dashes of the worst parts of Twitter.
But you can find yourself doom-scrolling for hours if you're not careful.
Anyway, I was given the advice to check Reddit for commission work. Here were my findings:
Very few jobs are actually posted there- It's mainly artists filling the forums with "Commission Me!" posts. The actual job posts are rare and few in-between. When someone does post a job listing, it's bombarded with dozens -- sometimes hundreds-- of people, like sharks to blood. Sifting through the posts to find those bloated requests is a Herculean effort.
The reading comprehension skills are abysmal- I can't tell if it's attemptive brute-forcing or just willful ignorance, but a lot of the would-be clients get spammed with a bunch of irrelevant comments. It doesn't matter if the artist is uber-talented, it just comes off as annoying and arrogant.
The jobs vary. -- And so do the budgets. Drawing can be a hit-or-miss. But if you can do something else (e.g-- paint, animate, write, sew, make crafts, etc.), your skills will make you stand out. In some cases, you might be the only (capable) artisan applying. And sometimes, you'll fall backwards into a job when you least expect it.
So... is it usable?
For steady income? Not a chance. But to promote your craft? Yes, yes it is. Don't expect commission requests to come by the thousands, but a few might come your way if you promote yourself right.
Promoting Yourself on Reddit
Post to only a handful of subreddits at a single time- And I do mean a handful-- 5 at most. Pick the five that your post will most likely be seen and post there. Allow a cool-down period (at least a few days), then try another five. Also, only post your commission pricing once per subreddit. Posting the same thing multiple times bloats the channel.
Follow the Rules of the Subreddit - If you are in hobby/community subreddits that allow you to promote yourself: by all means, promote yourself. Maybe take some time to tailor your post, or just mention it in passing as you show your craft. [Note: Don't join a community subreddit with the goal of peddling your wares.]
Do NOT Spam! -- For crying out loud: if nothing else, please follow this! If someone wants an oil painting of their pet, don't show them your drawings of busty anime waifus. The only thing that's going to do is get you blocked, and potentially banned from the subreddit. Only comment when your work is relevant.
Refrain from DMing -- Sometimes it works, but most times potential clients think it's a scam.
If you're an NSFW artist, please label your posts accordingly -- Self-explanatory.
Don't give up on your interests & hobbies- If you love doing something (and it's not harming anyone), hone your craft.
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kairiaka · 19 days ago
see the THING IS I don't feel like I ever worked hard enough to have "earned" the burnout, which is. probably how we got here.
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kairiaka · 20 days ago
Building a Portfolio
Somehow, I feel it's gotten harder to make a portfolio than it was a decade (or even two decades) ago.
Besides from potential employers and clients not wishing to pay a fair wage (and convinced that a computer can/should do what artist do), they also want a one-stop-shop kind of artist.
I've pretty much given up on the idea of a traditional/digital art job, but here were some funny things I saw while looking for work this week:
Job Board postings offering to "pay in exposure"... Paying in "exposure"? In 2025?
Job Board postings hosting art contest in the guise of "Show us how you would make the ___". This is so predatory. They're literally getting free work, and they can decide to "do it themselves" without paying anyone.
"This __ will be commercial, so we'll pay you $20 for your time".
[Solution: Employers/Cilents… Just, don't do this. Pay your workers, and don't post jobs like this. And Freelancers/Employees, it is your right as a human being to be pay for your labor. Also -- always state your terms when it comes to Commercial Work and don't be afraid to get it in writing.]
A person was making a webcomic. They hired an artist... and a writer...and an outliner... and a person to run the socials... and a director to keep everyone on track... (It was weird, but-- oh well, it least it looked like it was paying well. )
[This one was actually funny] A cilent who liked my writing style, but couldn't possibly hire me because I had never written about [insert baseline monster here]. I won't put the creature, but just know: whatever you're thinking, it's probably correct. It wasn't a skill issue, it was a matter of fangs. (And yes-- I can write steamy romances when I have to.)
I had a potential employer state in their job description that the Artist needed to have their own website because they, and I quote: "didn't feel like logging in anywhere".
[Costume Commission] I had a potential client discuss a cosplay idea with me (I was going to sew the main garments and props). The budget had been stated prior. When I told them the price, they said: "Oh, it's that much? I could get on AliExpress for $15. Would you be able to do it for $20 so I can buy locally?" Mind you: the cosplay in question was from a very popular mobile game-- one with a lot of cute outfits and accessories, and not-so-cute weapons. The material they wanted would cost way more than $20. Needless to say, I declined.
[Another sewing commission] A client wanted to get something made. We discussed the price, the turnaround time, and the item's specifics. They seemed thrilled that their project was getting off the ground. But when it came time to pay, the client deleted their socials and ghosted me. Strange, but all I lost was about an hour's time.
[Final Sewing Story] Client: "Hey, I want to get this __ made. I want it like this (shows picture), but I want it a little smaller." Me: "Okay, I can make that! What's your budget?" Client: "Well... That depends on you." ... Okay-- peachy! I don't need to respond back then.
So here is my Portfolio To-Do List (semi-sarcastically):
Write Monster Smut
Draw the Entire Pokedex (with some Digimon thrown in for good measure)
Record a Demo Reel
Create a Successful YouTube Channel (Self-Managed)
Work on my Shop -- I think I'm going to start with Ko-Fi for now. It can act as my "no-login-required" portfolio and Commission hub.
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kairiaka · 20 days ago
Not to mention (more spoilers):
Everything with Hana-chan
The curse(s) from the previous Witch Queen
The previous Witch Queen's trauma/despair/rage
Learning to adapt to in a place and culture that should be familiar to you, but you're not
The death of a loved one (at least twice in Motto!)
The Existentialism of Magic
Getting compared to someone (and the struggle to not fall into the trap of becoming someone else)/ Living to expectations
The fact that the girls have almost died multiple times (or, at least, badly cursed)
Madoka is sad (and sometimes really scary), but there's still a level of absurdity that causes a suspension of disbelief. But Doremi hits harder because, at it's core, most of the problems don't involve magic-- they're real-life problems.
In my humble opinion Ojamajo Doremi gets sadder than Madoka Magica
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kairiaka · 26 days ago
As in: "The History of Magical Girls-- From Around the World". From both Eastern and Western media. Because you can't talk about one without the other.
What Brought this On: Was recommended a video on the evolution of Magical Girls -- and it missed a few key players (including who inspired the creation of the first "official" Magical Girl).
i'm also currently in-between jobs, and I need to prove I can edit videos, research topics, and write "compelling content". Making a video builds the portfolio better.
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kairiaka · 27 days ago
Alternatively: When the ending is the correct conclusion, but the final installment leading there is an absolute disaster.
When the author had no ending in mind and just threw spaghett at the wall and hoped something stuck.
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kairiaka · 27 days ago
I Think I Just Hate Fandoms
Granted: most fans are chill. Let me start with that. You are welcoming and are the literal lifeblood of a community.
But there just seems to be discord and toxicity in just about every fanbase out there, no matter how big or little it is. Sure, some of it is ragebait. But there are people out there, calling themselves "fans", who are driving people away.
Could be over ships. Could be over a character, or a writing choice. Might be arguing over who should be "allowed" to portray a species that doesn't even exist. Then again -- it could easily be "Fans" believing that their God, and their word is law, regardless of what the creators say.
But I'm just tired.
I just want to enjoy a piece of media and talk about it with others. But if I have to deal with rabid "fans" and their attack-dogs, I'd rather just take a step back. Just wait until the popularity-- or perhaps, the internet-- dies, and I can enjoy it in peace.
And if I, as a fan, am getting repulsed from a media -- then just how many more people are getting turned off before they even start?
Fandoms will not die at the hands of their critics -- they will die at the hands of their fans.
So do better.
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kairiaka · 1 month ago
USA people! Buy NOTHING Feb 28 2025. Not anything. 24 hours. No spending. Buy the day before or after but nothing. NOTHING. February 28 2025. Not gas. Not milk. Not something on a gaming app. Not a penny spent. (Only option in a crisis is local small mom and pop. Nothing. Else.) Promise me. Commit. 1 day. 1 day to scare the shit out of them that they don't get to follow the bullshit executive orders. They don't get to be cowards. If they do, it costs. It costs.
Then, if you can join me for Phase 2. March 7 2025 thtough March 14 2025? No Amazon. None. 1 week. No orders. Not a single item. Not one ebook. Nothing. 1 week. Just 1.
If you live outside the USA boycott US products on February 28 2025 and stand in solidarity with us and also join us for the week of no Amazon.
Are you with me?
Spread the word.
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kairiaka · 1 month ago
i am about to create an au SO self indulgent. the target audience is 1 person and that person is me
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kairiaka · 1 month ago
If you are tired of looking at the annoying Super Bowl ad, just remember that you can filter your tags.
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kairiaka · 2 months ago
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Tester! Shadow done! (For now-- still figuring out how to make shoes...)
He took longer than I expected, and the pattern needs some reworking. I'll probably try again in a few weeks.
Available for purchase on eBay
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kairiaka · 2 months ago
Happy Doremi Day!
Speed-drawing: OD Group--Anniversary Ver.--
Started: Feb 2024
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kairiaka · 2 months ago
SCU Headcanon
You can not convince me that Maria Robotnik was not a Doctor Who fan.
Maria strikes me as a Sci-Fi fan, and depending where the G.U.N. base was, Doctor Who would have been on air.
So I think Maria and Shadow -- and sometimes Gerald-- would watch it together. (Gerald would have complained about the science being completely wrong, but he bared through it because his granddaughter loved it.)
As for Shadow-- his opinion was natural. He claims he was only watching it because Maria liked it, but... I think he kind of resonated with it (albeit a little, considering the Doctor's backstory wasn't established yet -- but an alien that wasn't the bad guy must have been refreshing). And maybe some of the stories hooked him in.
They'd watch it whenever they got the chance.
[50 Years Later]
Shadow finds out the show is still going (he might have been "forced" into a movie night and came across it as the boys were looking for a film to watch). He doesn't suggest it, but the quiet air of wistfulness is clocked by the boys.
Once Sonic realizes that some ice has been broken-- some research is done, a couple DVDs are rented from the library, and asks Shadow if he wants to join him.
That's how the two end up binge-watching Doctor Who over the better part of a year. Sometimes, they're joined by others (Tails would point out scientific errors, though he tries to not talk over the show, and Knuckles would nope out whenever supernatural stuff happens).
And, for the first time in a while, Shadow feels like he's home.
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kairiaka · 2 months ago
Valentine’s Day is barely for couples it is most importantly for elementary schoolers to exchange candy and for thematic fanart and fandom events.
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kairiaka · 2 months ago
Wait! I forgot:
If they make another DVD/BD release for Sonic 3, it should be bundled with the Knuckles series so we can have:
Sonic 3 (and Knuckles)
Now I'll see myself out.
Sonic Movie Prediction
Since we seem to be heading in that direction, I think it would be only right to call the sixth installment:
Sonic 06
... I'll see myself out now.
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