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dawawae · 2 months ago
Drama so bad it resurrected me to yap
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deadkraker · 3 months ago
CW: child abuse, manipulation and self harm (christ, this is a heavy one)
I think Hope by Roar, Aaron Burke, Evan Bisbee and JEF Wright is such a exile arc ctommy song
'Do I need a reason to wake up lonely all the time? I don't wanna see you, but I don't know where to hide' the exile by default isolates Tommy from almost all human interaction, but still, he doesn't want to (at least at the start) see cdream, but because he's so isolated there's no way to really hide away from him.
'some mistakes should not be made, like opening your heart' I personally like to think this as what tommy took away from ctubbo's speech when he exiled tommy. essentially 'do not open yourself up to people, it will end in pain.'
'if your heart's upon your sleeve, then amputate the arm' would be continuation of the betrayal he feels because of that and how he doesn't wish to get close to people or be vulnerable with them anymore after what tubbo did to him. also just self destructive.
'swim in circles, water fills your lungs' the drowning symbolism(I know its not the original meaning btw) and how it is very similar to in-canon ctommy waking up drowning every day during exile, also the 'swimming in circles' symbolising how he is essentially stuck in logstedshire.
'and why should anyone else offer their help? just look at the way you never took care of yourself' is very very similar to the mindset dream instilled upon tommy during this time, why would anyone else care about you since you're such a nuisance?
'I'll be numb, but I'll be free' how tommy gradually starts to decline and just accept the treatment dream is putting him through and how he probably dealt with quite a lot by dissociating.
'my friends will keep me honest' this line is repeated multiple times and sounds almost like a chant, like tommy convincing himself that what dream is doing is for the greater good, having to constantly convince himself if this fact because the reality of the situation is just too much to handle.
'you won't mean a thing to me, now that's what I call progress' this is a very bitter line and I think it's tommy thinking of tubbo and how little he seemingly cares about him [read: the discs] so he basically goes 'no yeah I don't care either! fuck you!' but a lot of that resentment is actually from the way dream treats him, the 'progress' can be tied back to how dream is 'teaching and fixing' tommy, he doesn't hate tubbo, not really, but its easier to direct that hate towards someone you haven't seen in a while and parted on bad terms than the only person who keeps you company and shows you 'kindness' at the moment.
'is this what you mean when you say that you're making it easier?' is another jab at dream, how what he's doing is making tommy miserable and not actually fixing anything like he insists it is.
'now you want your feelings back, now that you're an actor' ..I'll be honest I know I can somehow fit this in but at this very moment I'm coming up with blank. I'll come back to it.
'your monologue was such a mess, a reprehensible pretense' how tommy kept lying to himself about his own well being and just, a lot of other things and how he ultimately knows it.
'guilt's a modus operandi' a reflection of how guilty tommy constantly felt during exile, mostly due to dream blaming him for pretty much everything, and how that was part of the reason he was so desperate to please dream, because if he says I'm good then that will make me feel better right? by the end he holds dreams praise to an insane importance because of how starved of affection he is.
'you thought that hope was so profound' him beating himself up for believing in hope and hating how naive he was.
'what if true love doesn't wait, for everyone to come around?' his new mindset, that basically is just 'not everyone gets an happy ending or the love they want' and how he is one of those people.
the 'everyone will come around' repeats again and again, it could be taken as a hopeful prayer that maybe someone will help him, or a resignation that no one will, I think it's a little bit of both.
honestly, I have so many songs that I link back to ctommy. I know a lot of what I said here isn't the original meanings of the lyrics, but I find it fun to twist the words in a way that fits his narrative while still retaining the main vibe of the song. Hope is originally about the loss of a loved one, and the grief that comes with it and how the protagonist of the song chooses to run away from it. which i do think still fits Tommy, his only other friend during exile was quite literally the ghost of his brother, someone who he at times treated like their alive counterpart. ghostbur and tommy in themselves are honestly a whole can of worms filled with grief and not being able to let go of a loved one but that will be for another post bc this one is already so fucking long. I hope this was even a little decent lol.
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 1 year ago
god I am so out of it I nearly forgot to share my c!prime dream
anyway so like. in it the disc finale was staged but like not for c!tommy and c!tubbo? it was weird like they were kidnapped and murdered respectively but everything was staged to cause paranoia and implicate secret involvements with everyone in the server, so they’d turn on themselves while going mad trying to find c!dream as he fucked off very far away to experiment or something? and the prison was there to drive that? idk
anyway c!tommy was kept in like this little bunker but it was nice. like a little cottage it even had a fake back yard build. but also it was like super childish. like nothing that’d be inappropriate for young kids he had a ton of plushies and colouring books but no violent media stuff like that and he had a strict bedtime. but dream treated him very nicely, if condescendingly. c!dream said something like “you’re not a bad kid you were just raised wrong so I’m going to raise you right” or something? i know that was like the sort of excuse he used (the real reason was obviously bc he knew c!tommy hated being treated like a child and he was using it to manipulate him).
c!dream would give him more age appropriate things if he “acted maturely” but his definition of it was literally just being Nice and Obedient. they’d be taken away the second he stopped doing that, and if he continued, he'd be punished. c!dream was like “nice” about it in a not mad just disappointed way but obviously he was awful and abusive and just trying to hide it. and he didn’t even have to consider if c!tommy would die after bc he knew the revive book worked. i remember one punishment was just him being left alone for days which bc c!dream brought the food meant he’d starve and often resort to eating whatever plants he was growing in the “garden” (which often lead to him being poisoned bc some pretty flowers are very deadly!)
but like. c!dream would also sometimes bring c!tubbo over to spend time with c!tommy (while watching him like a hawk) and c!tommy learnt that c!Tubbo was also being treated relatively “kindly”- he was being killed and experimented on in awful ways, but he had a comfortable cell with nice food and entertainment, and if he filled out diaries he'd be allowed to chat with c!dream and c!Punz for a bit usually about science bc they’re all nerds (secretly they used what c!Tubbo said to aid their research) so they both really struggled on how to view him. because he was awful and abusive but he was also kind to them, and they couldn’t figure out a reason why he’d pretend to be nice when there was no one else around.
it was a weird dream probably bc of The Meds lol
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huneekrispee · 3 years ago
Where is my lover?
Pairing: c!Dreamwastaken x gn!Reader
Summary: Living outside the Dream SMP, far from the war and chaos, Dream was able to find comfort in you. One day, he leaves, promising to come back to you. It's been months, now you're left wondering... where is my lover?
Warnings: cursing, use of dream's real name, spoilers for the Dream SMP Finale, tiny bit of fluff at the start, angst
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I've been watching Attack on Titan recently, and the song 'Call Your Name' has me in the feels :( Sorry for being away for so long :( School has been an ass to me, I hope you enjoy it!! -Hunee <3
Also! Please don't mind the pronouns in the song! This is a gender-neutral fic, I merely just wrote the song lyrics as they are :)
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She lost her brother a month ago
His picture on the wall
And it reminds me
When she brings me coffee... her smile
I wish I could be with her until my last day
In the forest, a cottage lays peacefully in a secluded meadow near a running stream. The tall trees lay their shadows onto the grassy floor, leaving marks from the sun. Water solemnly runs along, moving to its next destination through the stream. Grass rustles and a soft sigh is heard.
Stretching his arms above his head, a man clad in green slowly sits up, emerald eyes darting around. He yawns. "(Y/N)!" He's now standing up, searching for his lover. Dream's hand reaches down to grab his mask left abandoned on the grass, quickly putting it on.
Preparing his sword, his hand on the hilt, Dream slowly steps toward the cottage. He rests a hand on the door, waiting for something, anything.
A scream is heard.
He now slams the door open, netherite blade on full display, ready to attack. Looking around, he notices no one but (Y/N) in the cozy home, with a kettle on the ground next to them. Lowering his guard, sighing with relief, he sheathes his sword once more, walking over to his distraught partner.
"Are you alright?" Removing his mask, he takes their hands in his. Dream looks at them. (Y/N) looks down, taking their hurt hand out of his. Sighing, Dream quickly leads them over to the sink, running the tap. "What happened?" The coldness of the water helped soothe the burn. "I just, accidentally burnt myself with the kettle. It's okay, I'll live, Clay."
The man remained silent. The only sound heard in the cottage was the running tap water. After treating the burn on their hand, Dream leads (Y/N) to the chair on the side of the room. "You. Sit. I'll finish doing whatever you were doing. You just sit there and take it easy, you just burnt your hand." Bending down to their height, Dream stands face to face with (Y/N). He narrows his eyes slightly. He was always like this. Whenever (Y/N) got hurt in any sort of way, Dream was always on it, almost suffocating them with his overwhelming protectiveness.
They sighed, avoiding his eyes. "I- I was just... I just wanted to make you a coffee this morning. I know you're going to be busy later, so I wanted to make sure that you were energized for your work." Fiddling with their bandaged hand, (Y/N) smiled gently. "I see how you're always so dedicated to the stuff you do, and I wanted to return the favor, even if it's just a cup of coffee."
Dream's eyes softened. It was true, he was dedicated to his work. Running an SMP was hard, especially with some people interfering with his plans recently. He had plans to take power over the server again. Finding and taking everything his people were attached to was difficult, but at least he had (Y/N) to come home to. It was all for them. It was worth the hard work and pain just to see (Y/N) smile at him, showing him their love.
"It's okay. Thank you for wanting to do that, but you don't have to." Running his hand up to their cheek, he smiled. "I do all of my work for you, to help make a safe place for you. Once I sort out the rebellious people, I promise, I'll come back to you, and we can live together in my SMP." (Y/N) gazed up at him, looking into his eyes. They smiled, beaming at the idea.
"Alright! I promise I'll wait for you! I'll always wait for you. I love you, Clay."
"I love you too. I promise I will come back to you. Always."
He would do anything to see that smile on their face all the time.
She said she gave all her love to me
We dreamt a new life
Some place to be at peace
But things changed... Suddenly
I lost my dreams in this disaster
It had been two days. Two days since Dream had left. (Y/N) had since then tended to the flowers and read a few books Dream had gotten them from a faraway village.
'I wonder what he's doing now?' Looking up at the sky, (Y/N)'s mind began to wander. What was dream doing right now? Maybe he was still on his way back to his SMP? Or maybe he was trading with villagers for resources?
They smiled. Dream had been one of (Y/N)'s lifelong friends turned partner. They had met when (Y/N) used to live in a village as a child. (Y/N) was nine and Clay was ten. Dream had gotten into a rough fight with two skeletons and a zombie. He was stumbling around, trying to find help for his injuries.
That was when (Y/N) appeared. Hearing the boy's cries, they ran out of their family home, taking Dream into the house to be treated, screaming for their parents to help him.
They had grown up together as best friends after that. Meeting George and Sapnap, the group loved to go on little adventures together and play their favourite game: manhunt. Dream would always insist on running, with George and Sapnap chasing after him. Sometimes, (Y/N) would join them, but they quite enjoyed seeing the trio panic during the game. It was fun.
A couple years ago, Dream visited (Y/N), saying that he was starting up his own SMP, a place where he and his friends could have fun and just be themselves all the time. The two of them spend hours in (Y/N)'s room, talking about their big plans and ideas for the SMP. Dream wanted to build a cottage near a stream, and live there peacefully with (Y/N). They were shocked, Dream wanted to live with them? "Why?" They asked.
"Well, because of... I'll just show you."
That was the day Clay had kissed (Y/N) for the first time.
I'm crying
Missing my lover
I don't have the power
On my side forever
A month had passed. Nothing from Dream. Usually, he'd send a message through on their server communicator, asking how they were and informing them of his journey and new discoveries. But that didn't happen, not this time.
It was hard. Clay had been such a big part of their life that sometimes they found it hard not to worry about him. They knew he was strong, he could take down armies of people, but everyone had their limit.
Raising the iron hoe, (Y/N) swung down, making way for the new seeds of crops that would grow over the next few months. Wiping their forehead with their sleeve, they sighed.
All they wanted was for Dream to be safe, and for him to come back home once he finished his business in the SMP.
Oh Where is my lover
And I got no power
I'm standing alone, No way
Calling out your name
Heavy pants of breath echoed throughout the underground bunker. He was panicking. It wasn't supposed to go like this.
The plan was to kill Tubbo and make Tommy give him his disks.
It all went to shit when Punz showed up with backup, showing the people of his SMP that had turned against him fully.
"W-woah! Okay! Tommy, calm down!"
The blonde boy didn't listen, hands gripping the axe of peace and lifting it high above his head.
"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you Dream, right here, right now."
Dream silently gulped. For once, his plan failed. It backfired on him and blew up in his face. 'Sorry (Y/N). Guess I'm not coming back tonight.' He just wanted this to be over. He just wanted to be back in the cottage near the stream, sitting with his lover.
His green eyes darted around to everyone in the room. They looked disgusted, some disappointed, others angry. He knew this would never change. He would never get his SMP back. They hated him. Wanted him gone.
"Does Y/N know you're like this?"
His breath hitched. Eyes went wide.
Sapnap had stepped forward, sword out, pointing it threatening at Dream. "Do they know just how bad you are? How corrupt you've become?!" He was yelling at this point. Sapnap was upset as well. It was hard to believe that his best friend would do all of these bad things, it hurt to betray him, but he had to do what was right.
"S-stop. Stop talking about them."
For once, Dream was vulnerable. He hated it. He was always so soft when it came to them. When it came to (Y/N). Sapnap knew that. He had seen it when they were together, how happy dream was when he was with them, following them around like a lost puppy, longing for their love. It went both ways, (Y/N) was the same.
"Who the fuck is- Nevermind. Dream. Give me one good fucking reason why I shouldn't-"
"Tommy stop." Sapnap stepped in again. "This is important to not just me but for another person as well." Tommy stepped back, axe still prepared to lash out just in case. Tommy kept muttering to himself, something about a green bastard.
"Dream. Where is (Y/N)? You said they would join the SMP with us, but they're not here, nobody has seen them, probably besides you. You said that they changed their mind about the SMP, or was that a lie too?"
Dream gulped, words caught in his throat.
"Tell me, you bastard! Where is (Y/N) and do they know?!"
"No. They don't know. All I wanted to do was protect them from something I knew would happen. The wars, the chaos of the SMP. They didn't need to be a part of that. I didn't want them to get hurt."
It was almost like a plea. Dream's voice was quiet like he didn't want them to hear what he was saying. Sapnap stepped back, somewhat satisfied with his answer. He was also upset, he hadn't seen (Y/N) in years, not since before the SMP started.
Tommy finally stepped forward.
"Now. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you, Dream."
"I can bring people back to life. I can bring Wilbur back."
I said I gave all my love to you
We dreamt a new house
Some place to be at peace
But things changed... Suddenly
I lost my dreams in this disaster
Three months. It had been three long months without him. (Y/N) would spend every other night crying in their bed, missing him. They missed everything about him. No messages from him on their communicator. No death messages about him either.
They had never thought that three months could feel so long.
Surely he was busy doing stuff that would mean the world was safer for them. That's what he always said. He said that he worked for them and that he promised that they could settle down and make a new cottage near a different stream, closer to the SMP.
He said he needed to dig out the rebellious people and make his SMP a better place.
All (Y/N) could hope for was that he was safe and doing okay.
We don't know what is wrong tonight
Everybody's got no place to hide
No one's left and there's no one to go on
All I know is my life is gone
Dream was not feeling safe and right now he was feeling anything but okay.
Tommy had just broken his mask. Split down the middle, from the axe of peace.
He didn't want anyone to see his face, no one but (Y/N) and the people who had already seen it before he started wearing the mask.
His mask was his safe haven. A facade he could hide behind. With it gone, there was now no place for him to hide.
All he had done was tell Tommy that he could bring people back to life. When he mentioned Wilbur, Tommy seemed shocked, but then he seemed to come back to his senses after remembering what Wilbur was like before he died.
He went crazy. Insane. All because of Dream and his stupid motives. He only fueled Wilbur's change, encouraging him to blow Manburg up after Jschlatt took over. Thank God for Karl destroying the button the first time. The second attempt was successful and sealed Wilbur's fate as a psychotic, destroyed ex-president swayed by the masked man into committing destruction.
Tommy was angry at that. At the fact that Dream would even think about bringing back Wilbur.
Enraged, he brought the axe down onto Dream's cowering figure.
I'm crying
Missing my lover
I don't have the power
On my side forever
Sitting up, (Y/N) slowly looked around the room. It was the same as always; no Dream insight. They woke up every day with a feeling of hope that they would turn around and see Dream at the door, back from his trip.
The situation was too much. (Y/N)'s breaths quickened, eyes blurring up with tears, the salty water slowly dripping down the sides of their cheeks. They let out a dry laugh, bringing up their sweater paw hands to their face, wiping the tears.
They stared at the sleeve of the hoodie they had on. It was green.
It was his.
He always left a spare here, just in case.
It always came in handy when (Y/N) missed him.
They sighed, flopping back down onto the bed, curling into themselves and the hoodie. It smelt like him. He always smelt like a run through the forest, with a hint of saltwater and citrus.
It was comforting.
He was comforting.
The tears wouldn't stop. Every time (Y/N) wiped them away, fresh ones would keep coming. Where was he? Was he okay? It was all they could think about.
(Y/N) hugged themselves, hoping to recreate a hug like his. It didn't work. It never worked.
Nothing could ever compare to his hugs.
Still sobbing, (Y/N) cried themselves back to sleep, despite it being morning.
Not like they had any motivation to do anything without the assurance of him being okay anyways.
Oh Where is my lover
And I got no power
I'm standing alone, No way
Calling out your name
(Y/N)'s communicator went off.
Dream was slain by Tommyinnit.
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kyyuis · 3 years ago
The fandom and it's double standards with c!Clingyduo and c!Crimeboys
.....And some c!Tommy and c!Wilbur critical. Trust me it's not that bad
All of this is /rp /dsmp!! This is about the character's, not the CC's! Ignore this post if you just wanted another au idea from me/j
Wilbur and Tubbo are treated like side characters and even villians by the fandom.
Whenever people talk about how Dream is a abuser it's always about Tommy and not Tubbo or, I may get flamed for this, Wilbur?
I always see the same overused tweet where it's like "aweeeee Tommy was manipulated to believe Dream was his friend in exile and Tubbo still didn't visit him!! He's such a bad person for leaving his friend behind!!" When the exact same thing happened to Tubbo?
There was a whole bit during the exile arc where Tubbo literally said that "people don't want to hang around me, they just want a laugh" and "Dreams my only friend"? Even if it was meant as a lighthearted bit it's still fucked up to see people baby Tommy but villianize Tubbo for the same thing told in different povs.
I've also seen videos upon videos where Tubbo is the 'mean one' and he 'always insults Tommy' just so people can have a crumb of Alliumduo comfort, when it's actually switched? We've seen multiple times in season one where Tommy would actually insult Tubbo in a non playful way, even calling inanimate objects worth more than Tubbo. Notice how the fandom always quotes that line, but they never criticize Tommy for saying it? It's always "the disks were important to him!", then what was L'manberg?
I think we as a fandom need to realize L'manberg was Tubbo's equivalent of the disks. And that he was manipulated by Dream.
He chose L'manberg over people, Just like Tommy did. He kept fighting to to keep it, just like Tommy did. He would not let L'manberg go buried because it was his only source of freedom he felt, just like Tommy did. He used it as somewhat of a comfort blanket for him, just like Tommy did. He lost L'manberg multiple times, just like Tommy did.
The difference is that Tubbo matured and moved onto new things, while Tommy still clung to the disks.
Their trauma is the same font but their reactions to it are different, and it really shows how the fandom only acknowledges characters if they can woobify them. Same goes with Wilbur. Tubbo and Wilbur are victims, but the fandom loves to depict them otherwise.
Wilbur is a little more tricky and I can see people not liking his character for doing actual bad things as good reason, but slandering him for showing signs of clear mental illness and even villanizing it? Yes, mental illness is a reason, not a excuse, and from the outside it seems like the fandom knows that, but the thing is they praise Tommy for the same signs.
Insulting people without reason and pushing people away? He's just a child! Calling his best friend worthless and not even apologizing for it? That's just little old Tommy! Originally planning to blow up L'manberg along with Wilbur? He's not like Wilbur! He was manipulated!
Wilbur was a victim of Dream, even if it isn't your run-of-the-mill victim. Just because he agreed to be Dream's vessel doesn't mean he was not one, he was just a willing one. And I think that is what indicates his mental health back then the most. He was so unwell back then he wanted to be used, not treated like a person. Only a vessel.
Can victims like this do bad? Yes, Wilbur and Tommy and even Tubbo have made bad choices in the past. But that's not what I'm getting at. What I'm getting at is that the fandom refuses to consider this with them like they do Tommy.
I myself am a Tommy apologist, but the fandom has to acknowledge that in season one he was a horrible friend. People love to point out Tubbo's and Wilbur's flaws but turn around and say that Tommy's actions are excused because "He's a child!"
You know who else was a child? Tubbo. Yet, when you mention that the fandom goes dead silent. When you mention that Wilbur was also a victim, the fandom goes dead silent. The only time the fandom only mentions it is so they can center it around c!Tommy in some way.
Another point i think needs to be brought up. Whenever someone mentions Wilbur's apologies to everyone, it's always how Tommy never got one, not Tubbo. Where is his apology for Manberg? For Pogtopia? For when Wilbur outright said he forgave Techno for it Infront of him? For being blown to bits when Wilbur could have helped?
In conclusion, Wilbur and Tubbo are just as much victims as Tommy and I want to see them treated like such
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ohmygeese · 4 years ago
Hi! Welcome to our new segment called "The SMP has morally gray storyline so stop treating it like everything is black or white: Rant Edition"
The reason why Tubbo was compared to Schlatt in the first place was because he didn't inform his cabinet of his decision of exiling Tommy. This is a valid reason for his cabinet to be upset but unfortunately, they took the situation as an opportunity to manipulate Tubbo to do their bidding.
Knowing the full story, Tommy had no right to call Tubbo "a monster" but looking at purely Tommy's perspective, he was pretty valid in saying so (allegedly kicking Wilbur out of NLM, putting Phil in house arrest, planning to execute Techno, and of course, his entire exile). Same goes to the times Tubbo called Tommy "selfish and a liability." Both are unfair portrayals of each character's actions but are completely understandable since their relationship has been tainted by miscommunication and "hear-says" from biased/unrealiable sources.
During the El Rapids storyline, Dream had the right to call Quackity a terrorist although we know it wasn't purely because of the fake strike and the siege of the throne but as a political tactic for his own benefit. However, Karl also had the right to call Dream a tyrant because why else would you get yourself involved in an affair of two nations of which you aren't even a part of and go as far as to speak over the king and use your godly powers as a threat. Like :D
Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo are the only ones who actually care about maintaning peace and justice in the server. I could not stress this enough: "The fate of the entire server rests on their hands." Quackity? On a power high. Fundy and Niki? Running away from their problems and building a new country to sastify their own desires. Phil? Protecting Techno is his #1 priority, anything else nada. Techno? On a revenge arc and owes a favor to a person who goes against the very core of his anarchic (?) ideals. These three are the only ones willing to call out bullshit eveb if it means a loss in power or comfort but, currently, they're all facing difficulties to do so. Tommy is literally overloaded with trauma and is questioning the world as he knows it. Tubbo is being manipulated by Dream and his cabinet. Ranboo has memory issues, is easily peer-pressured and is isn't really taken seriously by the wide majority. The SMP is fucked if they don't pull their shit together.
Tommy has the right to say that nobody cared about him during his exile because he has said multiple times in passing how depressed and tired he has been since living in Logstedshire. He even has mentioned Dream's manipulative tendencies multiple tomes. But even after all that, Ranboo was the only to actually recognize and do something about it (Sapnap as well but he's too pre-occupied with El Rapids). Not even his own father did.
Canonically, Phil is a terrible father and grandfather. He calls out bullshit but never makes an effort to fix them. Old man disowned his furry grandson for wanting to kill Techno but doesn't explain to him Techno's reasoning with the war crimes in the first place. Old man also did nothing to save Tommy from exile even after witnessing the shit his son is going through. (I know its not in the script and I respect that but we gotta call out bs. Hope they give Phil redemption other than being a good pal to only Techno :D)
Both Pogtopia and Techno are at fault for the government clash incident. Pogtopia has expressed multiple times of how they want to reclaim L'manberg. It was Techno's mistake to not infer that it included the government especially since the heads of the operation were the ex-president and vice president of the nation. Additionally, Techno kept saying stuff like "We'll burn the bridge when we get there," whenever he gets asked on his opinion about the revolution. And that is called miscommunication at its finest. However, this does not discredit the fact that Pogtopia did use Techno as a literal weapon without further inspecting his stance whatsoever.
On the topic of Pogtopia and Techno, in the moment where its revealed that Techno is going to betray Tommy, don't say its karma. They were both used as weapons during that era, Tommy far beyond that. He wasn't even the one to institute the government when they won, it was Wilbur. Think of it as Tommy as the handle and Techno was the blade. It fits perfectly to their dynamic during that era. Also, don't try to reason out manipulation wth.
Last point, to the people who were disappointed that Tommy never got to "learn his lesson" after he escaped from Dream, do not become parents. Just don't. You really expect a literal teenager who just escaped from an abusive relationship to think about that? Bitch, Tommy never had time to even think about his trauma and you expect him to be like "ye, i was irresponsible," in a snap? If anything, the exile just showed him that he and his discs are being used a political leverage (he even said that he's the only one Dream is scared of) so of course, Tommy is going to try to take his discs back as a way to end the bullshit he and everyone he holds dear has gone through. We don't even know if he's going to put it in an e-chest or burn it (probably the latter). Guys. Please. The child literally went through hell and back. Give him therapy before lecturing him about being "selfish." (Again, you have no right to call him that in the first place.)
Appreaciate the storyline for what it is and stop trying to fight each other over who was right and who's in the wrong like please. The only redeemable (by redeemable i mean saints amongst men y'know maybe should not have used that word to begin with but ahhhhhh) characters here is Ranboo (Edit: Also Niki haha woops, thank you for reminding me) if I'm completely honest. (I am going against everything I stand for to not include Tommy and Tubno in that sentence but I said what I said.)
/dsmp /roleplay /nm
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lildevyl · 2 years ago
Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic Chapter 9: Tommy's Healing Powers
Summary: After discovering his new healing powers, Tommy heals someone he found in an alleyway without a second thought.
TW: Burns, Blood, Injuries, Mentions of Mugging, Medical Supplies, Stitching a Wound up but not severe, Mention of Past Child Abuse.
This is a flashback before Tommy almost gets kidnapped. This is the lead up to it. So, letting everyone know that there will be some backstories of different characters through out the story. Some like this will be actual chapters, others will be in the chapters of the current timeline of the story.
Also, there is a bit of time skip in this chapter. The beginning when Tommy finds out about his powers Tubbo hasn't joined yet. It's a few weeks before Tubbo joins the Group Home and Tommy's taking a few Summer Classes so he's all caught up for school. Then we jump a little to the beginning of the new school year. Where Tubbo is there at the Group Home. Hope this helps but if no, let me know and I'll do my best to explain!
It has been a while since Tommy came to Ms. Scarlet Pinkett's House.  This was supposed to be a group home!  And yet, here was Scarlet treating him better than most Foster Homes.  Ranboo was pretty cool though.  Tommy even began liking little Michael!  It was a late lazy afternoon that had both boys in the Kitchen.  Tommy sat at the Kitchen table finishing up his school for once it was done on time and Tommy wouldn’t have to worry about getting into trouble.  Tommy had started at the new school East Middle School and so far it wasn’t too bad.  It could be worse but it could be better.  Tommy wasn’t going to complain.
So far his teachers have been okay and Tommy got to be with Ranboo for some of their classes together!  Bonus!  The only problem was both of them still had to put up with bullies.  Apparently, not having any powers was heavily frowned upon and was just the thing that bullies love to make fun and put others down about.  Yeah, let’s just say Tommy has gotten better at fighting back without the teachers noticing.
Tommy still wasn’t sure what his take on Scarlet was.  So far, she hasn’t yelled, she hasn’t screamed, she hasn’t hit him, she hasn’t taken his food away, she hasn’t made Tommy do the chores around the house all by himself.  She really hasn’t done anything that should be a punishment for him.  And that just confused Tommy even more.  Why wasn’t she doing all that?  Why wasn’t she screaming at him or hitting him when he was bad?  All she really did was take away his desert and games and then sent Tommy to his room if he was truly being bad.
But Tommy wasn’t going to be fooled.  Tommy knew that sooner or later the “Nice Act” would drop soon.  They always do.  As soon as they realize that Tommy was “Human” and they couldn’t take his anger issues.  They just send him on his way.  It always happens.  Foster Parents want the perfect angel.  The kid that could be their Charity Child that they saved.  Kids that have powers, the parents show them how to control them.  No, powers well that’s “okay” they can still have the perfect “dream child”.  Until they find out about the fights at school because Tommy kept getting bullied then fought back.  Until they realize what a “Problem Child” Tommy was.  Yeah, Tommy wasn’t going to be fooled.  She may have fooled Ranboo but not him!  Not the great Tommy Innit!  The biggest man of them all!
Scarlet was a Doctor’s Appointment with Michael.  Wanting to make sure that he had all of his shots and doing a check up.  So, she asked if the boys were going to be okay to fend for themselves for a few hours until they got back.  Both boys told her not to worry.  Tommy had school work that he was finishing up so it would be done on time.  And Ranboo said that since he was learning how to cook that he could whip up something simple for them.
Which was what Ranboo was doing right now.  Cookbook propped up and skillet on the stove.  Ranboo was humming to himself while stirring.  Then a high pitch curling scream echoed throughout the Kitchen.  Tommy snapped his head towards Ranboo and saw him screaming and clutching his arms to his chest.  The Skillet was on the floor as well as whatever Ranboo was trying to make.  Tommy jumped up, knocking the chair down and rushed over to Ranboo.  Grabbing the other’s hands and quickly dragging him over to sink to run cold water on Ranboo’s arms.
That’s when Tommy felt a strange warmth in his hands.  It felt like he had packs of hand warmers in his hands.  Then an orange glow started to emulate from his hands.  All Tommy and Ranboo could do was stare at the orange light with eyes as big as saucers.  The light faded and all Ranboo had on his arms was some light scarring from the burns and some scabbing where it healed.
“Tommy?”  Ranboo asked barely above a whisper.
“Did I - did I do that?”  Tommy looked at his hands.  The warmth wasn’t there anymore.  It just felt cool like he just ran his hands under the faucet.  There was no more glowing orange light.  And yet, Ranboo was completely healed?
“You can heal!”  Ranboo said with a wide smile on his face.  “Tommy, you have healing powers!”
That was the day Tommy learned he had healing powers.
(Maple Street, East Side)
It was late afternoon when Tommy started to walk home from school.  Backpack on, his favorite red hoodie, khaki pants and a huge smile on his face.  Tommy decided to take Scarlet’s advice and joined a club.  Not only that but Tommy made a new friend as well!  Tommy couldn’t wait to tell Ranboo and Tubbo all about Purpled and hopefully their trio can be a quad!  The four of them against the world!  The four of them would become heroes and they would save East Side!
Yeah, that’s it!  Tubbo, well they’re not sure what Tubbo powers are.  Come to think of it, neither of them knew Ranboo’s either.  But it doesn’t matter if they have powers or not!  The four of them could handle Lady Death, Killer Queen and the Puppet Master.  The four of them could team up with the Orcus, Somnus, Jupiter, and the Captain!
Purpled’s power or enhancement is accuracy.  He couldn’t miss!  Right now, he’s teaching Tommy Archery.  And with Tommy being the biggest man of them all was getting quite good at it (he needs a lot of help but refuses to admit it!).  Tubbo being the super genius that he is with technology, he could be the one that makes all the machines and hero weapons to take down the Villains.  Ranboo, well Tommy’s not sure but Tommy wasn’t going to leave Ranboo out!  They could train Ranboo and he can become one the first heroes to never have powers!  And Tommy with his healing ability could easily heal his teammates and still be there to help back them up!
Tommy was so caught up in his own fantasy of him and his friends being the next Superheroes that he didn’t notice the commotion that was going on down the street.  Tommy didn’t notice the commotion but he did notice a guy stumbling near the entrance of an alley that he was about to pass.  The guy’s breathing was ragged, clutching his chest and slumping against the wall.  He looked at Tommy and then collapsed right then and there in front of Tommy.
Now for normal people the smart thing to do was to call an ambulance and the police and then get the hell out of there!  But Tommy wasn’t a normal person.  He was a kid with high hopes and big dreams of getting the hell out of L’Manburg or quite possibly becoming a hero with his friends.  Not only that but Tommy had healing powers and here was a guy that Tommy never met before in dire need of help.  Who was Tommy to say no in trying to help someone?  Isn’t that what heroes do?  They help people that they have never met before without a second thought right?
Not even thinking of it, Tommy ran over to the stranger and took out his first aid kit from his backpack.  Scarlet was teaching them first aid and what to do in different situations if you ever need to treat yourself or someone else if they ever got hurt.  Tommy never knew that he be putting those lessons to use here.
“Hey Mister, I need you to stay awake for me.  I’m going to help you!”  Tommy said, kneeling down in front of the guy.
The guy was tall and looked to be a Ram Hybrid judging by the horns that were curling around his ears.  He was wearing a blue shirt and dark pants.  From what Tommy could see though, the shirt was getting soaked with blood.  Did the guy just get mugged?  Oh Primes, it was a good thing that Tommy stumbled upon this guy then!
Okay, what did Scarlet say to do in this kind of situation?   Look at the wound first and try to gauge it.  Okay, Tommy just lift up the shirt like this (the guy winced in pain of his shirt being moved).  Okay, now look at the wound and see how bad it is.  Oh Prime there’s a lot of blood!  Focus Tommy!  Focus!  You can help save this guy!  You want to be a hero right Tommy?  Now, get it together!  Okay, okay, okay.  There’s a lot of blood and what looks like a stab wound?  And a deep gash possibly?  Tommy wasn’t sure.  What Tommy was sure was that if he didn’t act fast then this guy was going to bleed out.
Okay, Tommy, just breathe!  In and out, in and out, in and out.  Okay, now, grab the antiseptic wipes, clean the wound, yeah just like - “This is going to hurt Mister,” Tommy warned.
Tommy began cleaning the wound and whipping the blood away.  The man flinched and hissed in pain but didn’t do anything else, which Tommy was grateful for.  When Tommy finished cleaning the wound, he put his hands on the wound and pushed it together.  Tommy closed his eyes and concentrated on the wound and imagined it starting to heal itself.  The warmth that Tommy felt when he healed Ranboo came back and spread through his hands.  The orange glow was there and Tommy saw the wound began to heal itself.  When that was done, Tommy collapsed onto the ground, with a hand trying to steady him.
“You okay, kid?”  The man asked, still wincing a bit in pain.
“Yeah, yeah, it just took a lot of me to heal that,” Tommy answered.
The man nodded and then looked at the first aid kit.  “Do you think you could still help me?  I just need to stitch this up.  I’m not going to have you knock yourself out just to heal me.”
“Yeah, I think I can.”  Tommy took a few minutes to try and steady his breathing.  Then he came over and looked to see what was needed.  “Um, I never - I never did this before.  The stitching that is.”
“That’s alright, I’ll help you through it.  You see that small plastic sleeve that looks like a plaster?  Be careful with that, that’s the needle that I need.  Okay, so you see that string there?  I need you to thread that string through the needle.  Can you do that for me?”
Tommy nodded and did his best.  He nearly lost the needle when he first popped it out of the packaging and it took nearly a full minute to thread the damn thing through the eye.  Once everything was done, Tommy looked at the guy again, asking what he should do.
“Okay, so what you need to do is, and this is going to be very difficult.  You need to put the needle through my skin and literally stitch my wound up.  Think of it like stitching a rip in your pants.  But don’t do the loop over stitch.  Just a regular stitch.”  The man instructed.
Tommy nodded and with very shaky hands, began the process.  Tommy wasn’t sure how long it took.  It felt like hours but in reality it only took a few minutes.  Tommy tied it off like he was in sewing class.  Then Tommy went to the first aid kit and grabbed some bandages and the guy helped Tommy with how to bandaged correctly.
The guy looked at the patched work and nodded.  “Thanks kid.  I’m Jay Schlatt.”
“I’m Tommy.  Tommy Innit.”
“Tommy, do you live around here?”  Tommy nodded.  “Okay, give me a minute then I’ll walk you home.  Don’t want someone jumping out and trying to attack you kid.”
“I’m not a kid, I’m twelve.”
The man, Jay Schlatt chuckled at that and then winced remembering his wounds.  When Schlatt got up he still hissed and winced in pain but he held out his hand to Tommy, and gestured for Tommy to lead the way.  Schlatt walked Tommy home and waved him goodbye and thanked him once again.
Tommy walked into the house ready to tell Ranboo and Tubbo that he just saved someone!  And about his new friend Purpled.  And how all four of them could be heroes!
Not knowing that things would get worse for Tommy and his friends.
Midas - JSchlatt Orcus - Philza Jupiter - XD Somnus - HD The Captain - Puffy
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1: Head Wound Tumblr Here AO3 Here
Chapter 2: Nuke and Ender Tumblr Here A03 Here
Chapter 3: Some New Faces Tumblr Here AO3 Here
Chapter 4: Some New Places Tumblr Here AO3 Here
Chapter 5: Unexpected Visitors Tumblr Here AO3 Here
Chapter 6: Getting Help Tumblr Here AO3 Here
Chapter 7: Group Home Tumblr Here AO3 Here
Chapter 8: Michael's Birthday Tumblr Here AO3 Here
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @tracobuttons, @ashedflower, @nightfuryobsessed, @isa-ghost, @septic-dr-schneep, @ghostsknewmynights, @a-humble-narcissus, @luna-moonblood, @iamliteraltrash1
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almondmilks-posts · 4 years ago
C!schlatt- executed
I got lots of DMs asking for more angst so here
* You and schlatt get into an argument about him being president and executing tubbo ect, in a drunken rage he stabs you.
*Woah this is the longest thing I've ever written.
It all started when Fundy tipped you off about schlatts plans of executing tubbo for helping Wilbur and Tommy out,which you knew about ofc. You treated tubbo like one of your own and even sometimes helped him sneak out the Whitehouse without schlatt knowing; but killing tubbo over that broke you. You had to say something to hopefully put a stop to your husband's madness and his drinking. God did you hate how much he drunk, it drove you nuts.
You- he's just a boy. (Get the reference...)
Schlatt- I. Don't.give a fuck. He's. Traitor
You- do you blame him schlatt? Him and Tommy are close brothers even he probably felt terrible about what happend you know when you-
Schlatt- oh well should of thought I'd that before helping that that CHILD. HE'S MY RIGHT HAND MAN HE HAD ALL THE POWER AMD NOW and now he's going to pay the price and it's an expensive price to pay.
You walked over to the window and stood looking out into manburg. Just thinking about how you can save the poor boys life. How  could warn him without schlatt finding out? you came to nothing. You and schlatt were married you were first lady, wherever you went he went. You were in a deep thought about tubbo and what his death would mean to the server when quackity quietly Knocked on the dark oak door.
Quackity- uh boss I hate to interrupt but you have a meeting in 20 minutes down at the twitch prime church.
Schlatt sighed. Stood up off his chair and walked over to you, but not before grabbing the bottle. Schlatt got super close to your face, so close you could see the little wrinkles that had developed around his eyes and forehead since becoming president, your nose scrunched under the smell of alcohol from his breath or from his clothes you honestly couldn't tell anymore.
Schlatt- we will no longer speak on the matter. I AM THE PRESIDENT FOR MANBURG WHAT I SAY GOES.
He slaunted away from you pushing past quackity. Quackity gave you a sad smile as you both knew how mean schlatt could get when he drank, and recently he had been drinking alot. Quackity turned towards the open door to make sure schlatt was outta ear distance.
Quackity- go.
You- huh?
Quackity- I told Phill that you would be seeing him thecno Wilbur and Tubbo in the bunker. Go warn them.
You- i- hhhh thank you quackity I love you so much man.
Quackity- I know I know. Hurry because it looks like we are going to be in for along night if schlatt messes up this meeting
You- he's so drunk he can't even walk straight of course he's going to ok I'll run along I'll take the horse to speed things up.
Quackity quickly shut the door before running to where schlatt would be waiting downstairs for the meeting while you grabbed your axe and saddle. You made your way out the escape hatch in your office and found your horse (name your horse here pls comment the names I wanna see what y'all name your animals)
Horse- neyyyy
You- heyyyy boy shhh it's just me ok ok steady ok I'm getting on 3...2...1... And uppp fewww ok not so bad is it (horse name) ok off to warn Tubbo.
Your horse stamped it's hooves and took off for the bunker. You had ridden this path hundreds of time so it was easy for you and the horse to get to, quackity said he already told Phill about your arrival do he should be waiting for you to turn up. You were right because Wilbur was waiting outside for you to arrive. His usual green jacket and black Beanie on his head.
Wilbur- hey y/n in here look you can rest (horse name) in here Niki built it.
You- Niki joined? Awesome o haven't seen her in so long, well since she messed up the soup and schlatt fired her
Wilbur- how is he by the way y/n? Come inside and we can talk about him later or should I say rant
You- true true.
You walked through the entrance carefully, you had fallen down the rails the first few times Wilbur took you here. Over his presidential campaign you and wilbur had actually been pretty close and luckily kept in contact even though schlatt won. SBI was a group you practically grew up with just not enough for Phill to adopt you, but you don't blame him, you wouldn't fit the dynamic plus your parents didn't really like the idea but they never really liked anything you did.
Phill- oh hey y/n were all down here what do you want to talk about quackity said it was urgent so I called a meeting.
You got to the bottom of the steps to find everyone waiting on the floor for you to arrive. By everyone I mean: Phill, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, thecno. You waved at Niki who had changed her hair colour since you saw her last she waved back with a huge smile on her face but a hint of sadness in your eyes. You had changed so much, you just look exhausted which was not wrong.
You- oh um yes hi everyone, sorry to be so blunt but uhhh there is no better way to say this. Tubbo is in grave danger. Schlatt is planning to...
Your hands started to shake vigorously, you felt dizzy, you wanted to throw up. Almost as if your body is warning you about doing this right now it's screaming at you to not betray your husband of four years like this but you have to.
Tommy- planning what y/n spit it out?
Niki- hey, y/n it's ok shhh Tommy what schlatt planning in doing to Tubbo?
You- he's PLANNING TO EXECUTE you tubbo. He knows, I don't know why or how but he knows about all of this and your his right hand man he's going to kill you tubbo, hang you for tertiary. I'm so sorry I-
Tommy- Tubbo? No? You can't die not now
Thecno- all our plans. Just gone.
Phill- he can't hang tubbo he's just a boy.
At this point you were sobbing now. Full on ugly crying. Your heart physically hurt from all the angst and the possibility of Tubbo dying. Your knees gave out on the floor as you wept for the young boy and he was still alive. The others argued in the back as to what to do. Tommy grabbed Tubbo and hugged him, Wilbur was crying over the threat of danger even thecno was a little on edge.
You- I'm sorry. But I must go I can't I can't stay im sorry.
Phill- it's ok. Thank you for warning us sport.
With that you climbed the stairs thinking about nothing honestly. You were numb. Your husband was going to murder someone you looked as your brother for years what did this mean for you? You were also helping them did he know about that? How did he know about tubbo's tretariy? You got on the back of your horse and rode back to manburg.
Climbing up the shoot to your office was miserable. You felt miserable, confused and alone. You had no idea how long you were sat in your chair looking at the chipped desk until the door was slammed open hitting the wall with a lud bang. You didn't need to look up to know it was your husband. Even before marriage he always slammed doors open like they were nothing.
Schlatt- what's got you all down in the dumps? HM sweetheart?
You- you know what and don't call me that.
You crossed your arms still refusing to make eye contact with the ram hybrid. This really pissed him off. He however pissed you off more by calling you sweetheart which to some would seem sweet but you knew schlatt better. This time was dripping in sarcasm because he was mind fucked drunk by now not caring about anyone or anything. Schlatt waddled up to your desk and stood right on front of you, still not looking up at him you pulled out some paperwork and started to mindlessly sign it.
Schlatt- me YOUR PRESIDENT just signed a huge deal with badboyhalo.what is wrong with you recently huh? Cats got your tounge ok what about pig hybrid got your tounge? Or angel of death got  your tounge or exhild child got your tounge?
You froze. He did know.
Schlatt- AHH struck a nerve, don't stop signing MY papers dear you are my wife after all.
You- no. Fuck you schlatt you can't hang the poor boy he's so young and innocent what was he supposed to do? You know I have to sign paperwork before you do anything and I won't sign off on it.
You threw your pen at schlatt in a rage. You didn't see if it hit him to enraged to care, papers were ripped, you there everything off your desk onto the floor. Schlatt just stood there blank expression not saying anything to you.
You- fuck you schlatt you don't control me.
You picked up the photo of you and schlatt on your wedding day. You ponderd on it for a second before stomping up to schlatt and shoving the picture on his face.
You- look at it. LOOK AT US LOOK HOW HAPPY I WAS NOW LOOK AT ME? DO I LOOK HAPPY TO YOU? OR DO I LOOK EXHAUSTED? STRESSED? because I am all of them things being married to you schlatt you are a terrible president and you have no power you're a pussy and won't face your problems like a real man.
Schlatt picked up the bottle of vodka and downed the whole lot you just stood there absolutely raging over this man's attitude and willingness to just disregard everyone in his life.
With every word schlatt got closer and closer to you. Terrified of schlatt, becoming increasingly more angry to the point his horns have grown pitch black out of pure hatred. You moved back as far as you could against the glass in your office. Schlatt pressing you up against it with his body but this time shoving a finger in your face and still yelling about how incompetent you are as a wife and as a person.
Suddenly you felt a stabbing pain just above your heart. You look down to see a black colour sword through your chest and red blood gushing out onto your clothes and floor ( ok the sword is still in so in irl not a lot of blood would actually escape unless the object was removed top tip but for theatrics blood eveywhere) you weakly reach up to grasp the blood covers wrist of schlatt to pull the sword out but to no avail as you suddenly feel super dizzy and everything goes black.
Quackity- she's.... She's.....y/n's dead
Quackity heard you and schlatt yelling in his office when silence happend. He knew this was a bad sign and anxiously walked to schlatts office with shaky hand. He got close enough to hear a loud thud and XP drop on the ground. He ran back to his office to think when schlatt walked by ( in this his office is made.of glass) staring at his hands, suit all covered in blood. His heart dropped and ran back to the office to collect your stuff, running on adrenaline he ran all the way the he bunker to tell the others. No time for him to cry yet he was still in shock over what just happened.
Niki- no no no no pls say your lying pleas no no not y/n
Niki dropped to her knees sobbing and rocking backwads and forwards much like you did less than three hours ago when you came to warn the crew. You were her friend and was the only person who helped her when she was working for schlatt at the white house.
Wilbur- no no why how? Pls no?
Wilbur and you were probably the closest, he found you in the forest over 12 years ago chasing after foxes and collecting berries Wilbur always wanted a younger sibling as this point Phill only had thecno and Wilbur.
Phill- oh no poor y/n.
Tommy- what the fuck how?
Phill when he first saw you recognised you emidiatly looking much like your father. However he knew the man and knew what he was like so he had no problems when you visited them for tea many nights a week. He did think about adopting you right after Tommy arrived as you looked after him so well. Crafting him many clothes and many pumpkin pies. So so so many he always asked Phil if he had the recipe as he knew you couldn't make them as frequently as you used to.
Everyone was going to miss you greatly they just didn't expect to see you at the festival but now as ghosty/n. All your tries and efforts were in vain. Manburg still got blown up. But you did make good friends with Ghostbur. Glatt knew off you but was too embarrassed to see you.
Ugh ok this took me over two hours to write non stop. I just got this idea and ran with it omg I got so carried away. As of now probably my fav story.
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drawnship · 3 years ago
Through the Eyes of a Child
HAIIIIIII I posted a clingyduo fic based on season 2 of the dsmp!! Please check it out if you’re interested, it would mean the world to me!! /nf
Words: 2,018
Tags: Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Heavy Angst, Depressed TommyInnit, Suicidal Thoughts, Emotional Manipulation
Summary: The question sits heavy on his tongue before he asks it, and his chest feels right when it leaves his lips. “Would you go back to your younger self and tell him to never have met me?”
“Why would you ask that?” Tubbo responds quickly, Tommy thinks he hears panic in the other boy's voice. But he ignores it in favor of picking at the bottom of his shirt. The seams were tearing apart between his finger tips, he was practically wearing rags at this point. “Tommy, why the hell would you ask that?”
“‘Dunno… Wouldn’t you want to save yourself from me? The anger we feel towards each other? The questions around us? The pain we put each other through?”
Tommy was sitting on the edge of his bridge in the nether, staring down at the lava with a dull look in his eyes. The firey orange liquid called out to him, enticing him to jump into the sweet abyss.
And he wants to, he really does. He’s done everything he wanted to already. Hung out with Mexican Dream, spent the day with Drista. But for some reason he just can’t bring himself to do it.
So he sits.
No one had come to visit him today, no one ever does. But not even Ghostbur or Dream came to see him. He hasn’t seen Ghostbur in a week, and Dream just hasn't shown up. He’s sure the man would come eventually, he understood Dream was busy and couldn’t be around him at every waking moment. But he still missed the man, in a way.
Dream was his only friend after all.
Maybe that’s why he hasn’t gone through with it yet, he didn’t want to disappoint Dream. Or maybe he was just hopeful someone would actually come visit him. Like Phil, or Big Q, or Ranboo, or even Vikkstar!
Maybe even Tubbo.
Who was he kidding, Tubbo didn’t want to visit him. Tubbo didn’t care about him, if he did then he would’ve already come to see him. Because no one cares anymore. Especially not Tubbo. That’s why he was fucking exiled and not in the Dream SMP with his friends, not in L’Manburg…
Sighing, Tommy picks at a hole in his pants as he stares into the lava. He was so incredibly tired, of everything really. He was tired of the pity gifts, he was tired of everyone laughing at him behind his back and in front of his face, he was tired of waking up every morning, and most of all he was just tired.
He misses Dream. The man always kept him company, never pitying him or treating him like a baby. He even let him keep his pickaxe and trident, he thought Dream was so cool for that. Sure, he was a little mean. Especially with the whole pit thing, and sly remarks about no one caring about him. But he was Tommy’s friend. And that’s what mattered.
Hell, he even left his armor and tools in a pit back in Logstedshire for Dream to destroy. He hoped the man appreciated it, he didn’t even have to tell Tommy to do it this time!
But he thinks he misses his old friends more. He misses scamming people with Fundy, and talking about drugs with Quackity, and pulling pranks on everyone, but more than anything he misses Tubbo. The Tubbo before he was president, and maybe even the Tubbo before Schlatt.
The familiar buzz of a nether portal cuts through his thoughts, he frowns when he realizes it’s coming from the community portal. Bubbling excitement in his stomach and anxious thoughts make him wonder if Dream is finally coming to see him today, or maybe even a new visitor!
Though it could also just be someone going mining or traveling somewhere else. The thought disappoints him immensely, and he silently cursed at himself for making everything about himself once again.
Turning to face the portal, he waits to see… well, anyone really.
He was expecting to see Dream. Or maybe even Sam, possibly even Ranboo.
What he wasn’t expecting to see was Tubbo.
Read more!
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bittydragon · 4 years ago
Herbalist Wilbur AU!!!
In a small Valley that rest in the middle of giant mountains lives Wilbur and his two younger brothers Tommy and Tubbo, Wilbur makes a living off of making potions and other remedies for people that live in the valley. But for some strange reason Wilbur doesn't grow any of his Herb's at home, instead he Ventures out into the mountains and passed them to gather all his herbs.
Tommy and Tubbo have always wanted to go past the mountains with Wilbur but every time they ask their constantly told they're far too young and have to wait a few more years, the boys stop asking Wilbur and start trying to ask the two other people who go past the mountains George and Karl. But they end up giving the boys the exact same answer
Tommy extremely fed-up with being treated like a small child devises a plan to follow one of them so him and Tubbo can take the path on their own to get out, the boys prepare for several weeks and once they're ready head out to follow behind Wilbur as he leaves for one of his supply runs. As they get closer and closer to the exit through the mountains the boys start noticing strange things like giant mushrooms, trees being much taller and bigger than they usually are, a nearby lake with giant fish in it, and the slow realization that the mountains that surround their Valley were actually just the giant trees in the distance.
The boys are so distracted by all these new realizations and trying to process and figure out what's happening that they lose sight of Wilbur and realize they are now lost in this giant forest and have no way of finding their way back home, They both start panicking a bit (especially now that it's getting close to night) and frantically start running down the path they last sew Wilbur taking hoping to find him
At some point the boys notice a figure in the distance and start running towards it hoping its Wilbur.
But its not, it's a giant.
The boys realize this far too late as they look up at the giant looming creature as it slowly turns around and looks down at them, and it doesn't help that he's wearing a strange mask with a smile on it. The giant creature slowly reaches down and pick the boys up despite their protest and puts them into his hoodie pocket
Tubbo start making some rope that they can maybe use the try and climb out of the pocket as Tommy gets he's sword ready to fight just in case the creature tries to hurt them. The giant creature reaches back into their pocket and pulls the boys out (despite Tommy stabbing one of their hands) and are greeted with the site of 4 other Giants, as one of the Giants goes to speak to the boys they start screaming out for Wilbur. Hoping he might just appear and help them out of this situation
A giant with wings quickly steps forward and takes the boys out of the masked Giants hands and starts trying to comfort them and calm them down.
Wilbur is eventually brought over to the boys and put into Philza's hands with them and start helping calm them down and explain the situation.
Apparently Wilbur had been getting his herbes from Philza because growing the giant plants in town was too difficult, and reassures the boys that they're perfectly safe (even telling them that Sapnap and Quackity were married to Karl)
The boys don't really know what to think of the situation and are far too tired from walking in the forest to really ask any proper questions, Dream (the one who found them) takes his mask off as to not scare the boys more and sets up a nice area for the three tinys can sit and eat. After enjoying the nice meal Tommy and Tubbo end up falling fast asleep in Philza hands
Techno recommends that Wilbur better explain what's going on to the two boys tomorrow morning
(I'm so so sorry with how long this is-)
I've already told you how much I love this new AU, but I'll say it again- AMAZING
It would be very scary for them to realize that they are in an area full of giants, and even scarier when a giant wearing a smiley face mask wordlessly picks them up and puts them in a pocket.
And them calling for Wilbur just breaks my heart. Their first instinct when in danger is to shout out for their brother. And then Phil comes over and gently scoops the boys from Dream's hands and begins to comfort them as well as he can, whispering them little reassurances and rubbing their backs with his thumbs. Eventually, someone brings Wilbur over and sets him in Phil's hands with the boys to explain what's going on.
And then also Dream again. Taking off his mask to make them feel more comfortable. He apologizes for not explaining things before picking them up and offers them some food as an apology gift. The boys eat and then fall asleep in Phil's hands. Phil is sitting in a rocking chair, rocking slightly while holding his hands over his chest as to protect the boys in their sleep.
Techno, who is now holding Wilbur, brings him up to his face and recommends explaining everything he missed to the boys when he wakes up. Wilbur can't help but agree, he kept this from them for too long, it's time they knew.
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pandoraborn · 4 years ago
Characters: Captain Puffy, Tommyinnit Word count: 1510 words Content: death, ghost!Tommy, mentions of abuse, closure, peace
As she wanders the ruins of L’Manburg, Puffy stops at every landmark. Even now, there’s wood smoldering, as if unwilling to put out the flames of destruction Dream had caused. She knows now it was Dream, she can understand more what he’d done behind the scenes when no one else was paying attention.
She’s not sure why she’s here or what she’s looking for. There’s nothing here but a few broken chests with cracked and splintered remains of what Tommy used to own. Puffy could try to salvage anything that’s left, but that would also go against the whole purpose of turning this place into a monument.
She leans against the large tower not too far away. This must be the one Tommy jumped off of before running to Techno’s. It’s easy enough to guess that’s what happened, what with Tubbo rushing back in tears to announce Tommy’s death, before sweeping everything under the rug. God, she can’t imagine how he’s feeling now.
Tears spring to her eyes as he pulls away from the tower. It’s pointless to dwell on everything negative here, it’s pointless to even be here. Puffy knows she’s only here to assuage her own guilt over letting Tommy remain in exile, even though she’d tried her best to help him cope.
“I wouldn’t feel too guilty if I were you.”
Puffy almost wants to chalk that up to a hallucination. She wants to pinch herself and tell herself this is a dream, but when she turns toward the water, the ghostly form of Tommy is sitting there, letting his bare feet dangle.
He looks like he did before exile: a healthy teenager with no wear and tear. He’s sitting, with one leg drawn up to his chest and resting his arms on that knee. In his hands is some of Wilbur’s blue, and Tommy’s got a grin on his face.
Most notable is the lack of grey pigment in his skin. He’s very clearly a ghost, but he doesn’t actually look like one.
“Tommy?” Puffy feels like the air had been knocked out of her. “You’re... you’re here?”
“Yeah, isn’t it weird?” He laughs as he tosses blue at her feet. His eyes are shining a bright blue, brighter than they had been in life. “One minute I’m screaming for Sam to let me out, and the next minute I’m sat here, contemplating everything. I’ve come to the conclusion that it sucks.”
Puffy remains silent as she bends down at the knee, gently grabbing at the blue. Trembling fingers grasp at it as she straightens back up, staring at the small object. The silence drags on for too long, so she opts to sit down next to him.
“You know, I never understood why Ghostbur kept throwing blue at everyone,” Tommy interrupts. “I thought it was just something he did, y’know? He was weird like that, but I was just so happy to have him around that I accepted it as one of his many annoying quirks. But now I think I understand more. It’s easy to let things go if you don’t have to think about them. I can just take this shit, fill it with my own shit and trauma and whatever, toss it out and move on. It’s like it’s physically gone.”
“You remember?” Puffy watches him through her peripheral vision. He’s manifesting more...whatever it is, watching as it turns to blue. He hands her another one. “Wilbur didn’t remember.”
“I wanted to remember. I wouldn’t be as awesome if I was some fake happy version of myself, would I?”
She has to admit that he’s right.
“Look, I see it all over your face Puffy. I just wanted to tell you to stop feeling guilty, alright? You didn’t do it. You couldn’t have prevented it.”
Tears fill her vision. “It was my job to protect you. You were a child, Tommy. I should have done more for you.”
“I wouldn’t have let you in, you know. You or Sam or anyone who wanted to help. I was responsible for me, I didn’t want anyone’s pity.” He tosses a blue into the water. Puffy watches it slip below the surface. “It’s why Sam Nook was created. If Sam had tried to help directly I would have pushed him away. You don’t have to feel so guilty.”
“But we do, Tommy. We do feel guilty, we do feel responsible. You might feel like it was just you against the world, but we did care.”
“I know. I’m glad you cared; that was more than enough for me. Sometimes that’s all I want from anyone, is just to know.” He offers her a more gentle grin. It’s so Tommy, but it’s also something far wiser than he should have to be. As if he knows what’s waiting for him on the other side.
“Are you going to be around, like Ghostbur?”
“Nah. I’m not giving that green bastard a chance to toy with me. You know he’s going to, so I’m going to take my L and move on with Wilbur. He’s waiting for me, you know.”
Fresh tears spring to her eyes. The idea that Tommy doesn’t want to stick around feels hollow, but she can understand his logic there, too. “So we’ll never see you again?”
“Puffy.” Tommy sighs as he presses a hand to her shoulder. He uses her as stability while getting to his feet. “Sometimes people don’t come back after death, y’know. Schlatt and Wilbur did, but sometimes they just don’t. I don’t have any unfinished business. Mine was bringing Wilbur back, but since I’m not around anymore, there’s really no point to it, is there?”
“Yeah, but your friends-”
“-don’t need me as much as they think they do.” There’s another one of his bright smiles. “This isn’t a sad ending, Pussy. What was it you were saying yesterday? This is a new age, isn’t it? You and Sam, you two are going to lead them somewhere new. Build a statue in my honor, alright? Make it the coolest statue ever. Bigger than anyone else, so the world will know how big of a man I am.”
Puffy laughs. Not just at his words, but his purposeful use of the name ‘Pussy’. Even now, he’s resorting to being obnoxious and crude, and she knows she’s going to miss it. “Tommy, you were the best of all of us.”
“Nah.” He snorts and shakes his head. “Do me one last favor, will you?”
“If it’s to beat up Dream, I’ll gladly take that on.”
“Okay, well two favors then.” Tommy’s eyes twinkle with amusement. “Give some blue to Tubbo, will you?” He offers her a few pieces, which she takes carefully, treating them like something extremely fragile, which they are.
“Any message you want me to pass to him?”
“Yeah: ‘it’ll be okay’.”
“That’s it?” Puffy lifts an eyebrow. “No ‘I love you’, no ‘you’ll carry on my legacy’, anything like that?”
“Puffy, Tubbo doesn’t need messages like that. He’s not that deep.” Tommy rolls his eyes. “No, just that it’ll be okay. He’ll be okay without me, he’ll be okay being Tubbo. He’s got Snowchester and shit, he’ll be okay.”
Puffy nods. “I’ll give him the blue and the message then, Tommy. Are you off?”
“Yeah. I can already hear Wilbur screaming at me and calling me a child. I’ve got to go punch his stupid face in, because I’m a big man and I can take him, even dead.”
Puffy laughs at that. Even with tears streaming down her cheeks, she feels a new sort of joy. “Tommy, can I hug you goodbye?”
No words are exchanged here, Tommy silently complies. He feels warm, so she wraps her arms firmly around him, holding him close. The hug is doing wonders; it’s like every inch of sadness is being pulled out of her, like he’s trying his best to help. When he finally pulls away, Puffy still feels light.
“It’ll be okay, Puffy,” Tommy says. He drops more blue at her feet. “Don’t let shit get you down too much, alright? You’re Captain Puffy, and you know better than anyone what needs to be done. But also don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.”
With that, he’s gone. Disappeared into some beyond, or afterlife, or wherever he’s going. Puffy doesn’t necessarily know where that might be, but knowing he’s with Wilbur in the end has her feeling better.
Bending down, she picks up the last of the blue. She wonders if when they all die, they’ll end up with blue, but that’s a fleeting thought as she puts it all in her backpack.
He’s right, it is a new age. She’s not going to let him down by wallowing in misery, not when she has a whole server to clean up. Marching toward the portal, Puffy wears a smile on her face. She’s got a new pep in her step, and she’s not going to let anyone take that away from her.
Not this time.
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scoobydoobeedootoilet · 4 years ago
Dream SMP Genshin Impact AU
because I love genshin and also dsmp
Dream is one of the 11 harbingers so he is able and willing to fuck shit up
has an Anemo Vision but wishes he had Pyro because it is so so cold in Snezhnaya
enables Sapnap because warmth beats property damage
in reality, he makes great use of his Vision, all light-foot and grace, dealing with his opponents as swiftly as the wind that blessed him
he is rarely seen without a mask, which he claims is to preserve his anonymity
Sapnap and George think he's just dramatic
Sapnap and Dream grew up together as Snezhnaya's infamous chaos duo
only Dream got into the harbingers but that doesn't mean Sapnap isn't dangerous in his own right
a part of the Fatui himself, adept at combat to be sure, he solves his way through problems with sheer strength or arson, whichever works best at the moment
Dream brings him everywhere for harbinger business anyway so he's pretty much in already, despite not being officially recognized
although Dream and Sapnap are part of the Fatui, they aren't entirely loyal to the Tsaritsa, though nobody but them is aware of this fact
they consider themselves a force of their own and they wouldn't be completely wrong in that assessment
they meet George on a harbinger business trip to Fontaine
an up and coming idol in Fontaine, although nobody really knows what George does, everyone is captivated nontheless
all snark and no bite, immediately at odds with Sapnap (it's a front, they actually get along really well), and Dream is intrigued
despite his lack of talent with combat, he's a pretty good healer with his Hydro Vision, even saving Dream and Sapnap's life a couple of times
the chaos duo becomes the chaos trio which will then be known as the Dream Team and the rest is history
(though how Dream managed to bring two people on supposedly confidential harbinger missions without serious repercussions is a mystery)
Technoblade crosses paths with them a few times and a friendly rivalry forms between him and Dream
it really is friendly, although no one believes them because they decimate everything around them when they spar
after traumatizing every animal in the vicinity of Springvale (ticking off the hunters because no one can catch anything anymore but no one's really willing to deliver admonishments to Dream and Technoblade), they part ways, with Techno heading back to Mondstadt, where he grew up
nobody really knows where and why Techno came to be, this boy with boar-like features found near Dawn Winery with barely any memory but if catboys exist, well who's to say pigmen don't?
the citizens of Mondstadt decide that someone should foster him for the time being and Philza (though most just call him Phil), volunteered for the task
the fostering turns into adoption and voila, Phil is officially a father
Phil doesn't have a Vision but he is Mondstadt's most consistent gliding champion and a seasoned adventurer
he teaches Techno what he learned of combat in his time adventuring and techno surpasses his father in skill and soon enough, most everyone in Mondstadt
Techno doesn't have a Vision either, a fact often met with surprise and disbelief because oh Archons how did this guy manage to demolish everyone without a Vision
Techno will tell you to not wait for the gods to give you a Vision of your own and run on spite instead, a much more reliable motivator
following in his father's footsteps, he signs up at the adventurer's guild and bids adieu to his family to go smash some mitachurl heads in
speaking of family, meet his brother, Wilbur
another orphan Phil decided to call his own, Wilbur was adopted after Techno despite being older which led to a lot of "no I'm the older brother" disputes growing up
found near Starsnatch Cliff with a broken lyre still sparking with Electro energy and vague memories of running away and people wanting to take his Vision
Wilbur was pretty much mute for the first few months of his fostering with Phil until Phil gives him a new lyre to replace the one he was found with, when he started opening up
today he's Mondstadt's favorite bard, oozing with charisma and definitely living up to the stereotype
"I heard Wilbur tried to fuck a fish in Cider Lake the other week?" "We don't question it, it's better that way."
despite fish intercourse rumors, Wilbur retains the support of the city, to the point where he tried to start a government while drunk and people were still agreeing with him
Techno put a stop to this before it got out of hand
"Wilbur, it's the City of Freedom, it doesn't need a government. Have you learned nothing from Venessa??"
"anyone caught forming governments will be drop kicked into Cider Lake, am I understood?"
people are more afraid of Techno than they like Wilbur
Wil came home with this little runt of a child once, asking him to form a band with him (the answer was a resolute no)
nevertheless, the child kept coming back, often to bother Wilbur about something which Techno sometimes got dragged into as well
"Tommy for the last time, nobody is willing to form an adventuring team with you as you are 10 years old and a hilichurl could eat you for breakfast and it still wouldn't be full."
Tommy has actual living and breathing parents but Phil still considers him his son and Wilbur and Techno treat him as their brother
he knows how to play the piano hence the band invite to Wilbur but what he really wants to do is be an adventurer
not a Knight of Favonius because, "they're all stuck up, prissy, arses"
(they really aren't, Tommy is just fond of activities that more often than not grant him another scolding from the Knights)
so he asks Techno to train him in secret which he does but the mastery of Cryo was all up to Tommy since Techno doesn't know how Visions work
(leaving Tommy to figure out things himself is a hit-and-miss type of deal; he's a bright boy but the results of his ideas range from helpful to disastrous)
Tommy learns eventually and signs up for his first adventuring deal with his best friend Tubbo, a few years after Techno leaves for his own gig
(they meet on a joint commission once and Tommy sobbed into Techno's shirt, saying that he missed him while he was away. Tommy will never admit to this now but Tubbo can gladly vouch)
I might add more people in the future because this is already vv long gn
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lockthespirits87 · 4 years ago
I wanna compare c!Tommy and c!Tubbo real quick because frankly I am getting tired of people saying "Tommy has went through more than Tubbo did!! Tubbo exiled him!!" Lemme just remind y'all of some shit.
L'Manburg Revolution + Disc Saga
Both of them lost a canon life in the same control room, and fought for the same country. They were both child soldiers, they were both treated like children, they both watched their country blow up for the first time. Tommy got his disc stolen, yes, but Tubbo helped him get them back and nearly died for Tommy (and this is only one of those times). Tommy has nearly died for Tubbo. They both helped get any disc back because they both cared about each other and the discs. Tubbo literally almost died for so Tommy could keep his discs, he was even ready for death; mans literally WALKED TOWARDS DREAM who was holding a fucking AXE in full netherite. Not too mention, Tubbo kept the disc Tommy gave him before Tommy went into exile (which I will mention in a second). The only reason he gave Dream the disc is because he was mad at Tommy, and Tommy was mad at him too (he said his disc were worth more to him than Tubbo ever was). They both did something bad in that situation, it was resolved, the Disc War continued and ended.
Just to get this one of the way. THEY WERE BOTH MANIPULATED IN THIS TIME! Tubbo got very heavily manipulated by Schlatt and Quackity (yes, Quackity did help Schlatt in a lot of his crimes and bullshit, argue with the wall), and Tommy got manipulated by Wilbur. They were both basically equally affected in this time as well (I would argue that Tubbo's spy thing made the Pogtopia and Manburg era more traumatizing for him than Tommy but I won't get into that). Also, Tubbo and Tommy both lost their home when they went to fight the war for Manburg vs. Pogtopia, they both saw a family type person die (Tubbo is technically Wilbur's brother as well, actually even longer than Tommy since Tubbo was adopted as a young child, not a teenager), then they both rebuilt it and had to deal with that trauma, and Tubbo had to immediately go into presidency when he knew basically nothing, and Tommy was still dealing with Wilbur's death, burning down a house isn't the best way to cope, but he was coping. They were both governmental figures trying to deal with their brother's death.
Tubbo, and I cannot stress this enough, DID NOT BETRAY TOMMY. Put yourself in Tubbo's shoes for a second; your country just got blown to smithereens and you, a 16 year old president, know that you're priority right now is the safety of everyone who lives under your power. But, your best friend just burnt down a house, which specifically belonged to the best friend of the most dangerous rival near you, that both you and your best friend (who is the vice president) have beef with. Said rival threatens your countries freedom, which would jeopardize your people, unless you exile your best friend. All logic in Tubbo's case, would be to protect the country that needs protection; Tubbo didn't know that Tommy would get hurt or manipulated, all he knew is that he needed his country to be stable. While Tommy was in exile, yes Dream manipulated him, but Quackity got into Tubbo's head too! The Butcher Army was Quackity, the execution was Quackity, the whole thing about searching Phil's house? Quackity. Tubbo probably followed along with Quackity because he had the most presidential experience near Tubbo; Tubbo probably felt like he didn't have a choice but to follow Quackity because, as a traumatized 16 year old who previously was not in a governmental position, most likely assumed that Quackity knew best. And Quackity knew this, because as soon as Tubbo said no to him (saying that if Quackity executed Ranboo it would be treason), Quackity left. Then Tubbo went to see his friend, and Tubbo assumes he's dead and probably blames himself for that. And over all of this, Dream has been making seem like he cares about L'Manburg, so he manipulated Tubbo as well. Tommy was very clearly manipulated then had a kind of break ish when he was with Techno (even though it was more like a sad but relieved thing), then they met up, Tommy left Techno, and him and Tubbo watched L'Manburg blow up for the last time, which finishes with the Disc Saga and prison era.
Prison Era (mostly Tommy's death according to y'all)
Tubbo didn't replace Tommy. I swear some of y'all don't know how friendship and marriages work. Tubbo is still best friends with Tommy, but he also just has a husband that will tag along because he's protective of both of them. Tubbo didn't react as sad as most people think because he is so used to death of his loved ones (especially since he saw Tommy come back from the dead once and mostly thought this was one of those times before it settled in) that it doesn't affect him as much. It made him more angry than anything, because when you have a child and a husband that you have to protect (especially after you started another nation when your last one got blew up), you don't have time to be sad in this universe. Everyone's priorities is to keep the things and people you love safe; emotions will always come second and I dont think enough people in this community have come to terms with that. Emotions and trauma don't affect things as much as attachments and family does. Would Tubbo help Tommy in a heart beat if he needed it and was in danger? Absolutely. Would Tommy do the same? Yes. But Tubbo getting married and adopting a child isn't a replacement, it's an act of trying to focus on positive things rather than letting his emotions get the better of him.
So, in my case, I think that c!Tubbo and c!Tommy have both nearly the same or the exact same amount of trauma since they have been there through almost everything and have been affected in the same ways. Also I wasn't sure where to add this but both lost their second canon life for their country AGAIN so yeah.
Please please PLEASE stop saying C!Tommy has more trauma. They have an equal amount, they have both done bad shit, they have both made up for it with each other, and for the love of God stop saying c!Tubbo replaced or betrayed c!Tommy. He isn't in a mentally well state for multiple decisions. Leave Tubbo be.
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sanguinescorpios · 4 years ago
just got this image in my head while listening to happier than ever by billie eilish and had to share it
c!dream was being dragged out of his lair and towards the prison, watching everyone standing around the portal so triumphantly. they were all hugging and congratulating each other, so elated that they’d finally defeated the monster of the server. they began collecting their things and he realized that they were readying themselves to leave as soon he was locked up. he twisted his hands against the restraints, but to no avail.
dream began to scream, infuriated. he didn’t deserve this; he made this server, he was a fucking god, they would pay for how they were treating him.
he was absolutely delusional, of course. he knew who he was, deep down. he knew what he’d done to these people. still, he also felt as though he’d been betrayed by them, he felt like they had hurt him.
“you made me hate this city”
he struggled against sam’s grip, strands of hair falling in his face and obstructing his view of the crowd. he didn’t quite care, though, as the dark look in his uncovered eyes could pierce through any blockage.
“i don’t talk shit about you”
“never told anyone anything bad”
he glared at tommy, almost believing what he was saying. he never said bad things about the boy, no, he had only cared about him! he visited him every day in exile and kept him safe, that’s how it went. he helped him build a shelter and trekked through the nether with him, keeping him away from the lava oceans and many dangerous mobs. he’d been the adult supervision the kid needed, that’s what he told himself.
“and all that you did was make me fuckin’ sad!”
he spat on the ground below him, rising up slowly in the obsidian elevator and looking down on his so-called friends for the last time. he would never find himself above them again, not if they could help it.
“don’t try to make me feel bad,”
he knew it as soon as they moved to cover tommy and tubbo from his view, knew what they thought of him. screw them, he thought to himself.
“made all my moments your own”
his gaze flickered to the sky above him, to wherever the hell wilbur was, and hoped that bastard could hear him. his voice cracked and rasped with exhaustion and defeat but he stood as tall as he could, backing down wasn’t an option.
“just fuckin’ leave me alone!”
he kicked his feet against the freshly wetted grass, feeling himself being thrown into the back of a boat as rain pelted his skin. dream went kicking and screaming all the way to the prison, never once ceasing until he was locked away in his obsidian cell.
the other members of the smp never quite found the words to describe the scene, but the unspoken shock was shared.
“he really thought he was in the right,” one of them remarked, voice shakey and stuttering. he was fairly new, just a child who hadn’t had the privilege of growing up around the man.
“he always does,” a sturdier voice replied, sounding tired and disappointed. he’d known the man much too long and much too closely — they were brothers, almost.
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unusualasparagus · 4 years ago
/dsmp SBI origins
Hello. I just came up with a little bit of head-canon about SBI origins. It’s a long one so please sit back and enjoy these ideas/theories.
Some points to consider before reading 
Now personally, I like the idea of Phil having 3 biological sons, Tommy Techno and Wilbur. Tubbo isn’t in their family as I like the concept of Puffy being his guardian. 
Wilbur and Technoblade are both twins who are AT LEAST 10 years older than Tommy in the story, (take what you want from it I would  love to hear their age gaps from you guys)
For the biological mother: I will refuse to believe its a fridge but instead, their mother was rather unstable and decided it was best for her to stay with her sister and away from the kids although she regularly visited them. One day Phil opened the door to find his sister-in-law inform him that his wife had passed. In addition, a small 3 month old child was given to him, claiming it was his (but no one knew weather that was true or not). That child was Tommy.
More of a personal one, english isn’t my first language, and I’m not that confident in writing but I just wanted to let my ideas out. I hope you all get the general idea of my HC from this post!
popular builder (architect), he was well known and respected in Town and a member of the local council. He was humble and always helped others going through hard times (Schlatt). He was a peaceful leader although he found his job rather not desirable. He would often spend hours working, leaving his 3 sons alone. At home, he had to struggle with the two different ideologies of his twin sons. When will left at the age of 22, Phil had just settled into retirement. Two years later, Tommy also left for the city, following Will’s footsteps. With less money, and his old age, he struggled to find work up until Techno started a potato farm and they lived quietly for a couple of years. He exchanged letters with will. After 8-7 so years, he got an urgent message from Will to come to his nation L’manburg, but when he came, it was too late and you all know the rest.
(Side note: Phil had developed a liking for Technoblade, as he was the only son that stayed behind to help him. That doesn’t mean that he didn’t love Tommy and Wilbur, just that he loved Techno the most)
Will had lived a quiet childhood, as he emerged into adulthood, he realised that he was rather weak physically and thus, used his words. He became a popular speaker with radical ideas of starting a new nation for the migrants (aka his own people) living in the great city of DSMP. He often argued with his twin Technoblade, with his beliefs of a strong nation, and his brother’s beliefs of anarchy. Once, the arguments went on for a week straight leading to Wilbur leaving his town for good. With no goodbyes, he just left a letter to Phil explaining that he has gone to make his dreams a reality and form a strong and powerful nation. 
When Wilbur entered the city, he realised he had no money, no job nor no connections. He settled in the slums, from where he talked to other migrants. He became a popular speaker amongst the migrants and the poor, who at the time had very little rights and often treated with injustice. To start up his nation, he needed money, so he started the drug business with his followers, which eventually followed to the nation of L’manburg. 
(Side note: Sally. Wilbur meet Sally in the city as a fisherman (woman? idk). They did have a son in this HC but I will refuse to make Fundy a child for many reasons that I may provide later on if this gets enough attention lmao)
The oldest, Technoblade had ALWAYs been a quiet person. He was not a skilled leader like his father nor emerged from his introverted persona to become a powerful speaker like his twin brother. When he was 16, he enrolled in the military. Ranking his way up, at age 20 he was a well respected solider. He was immensely skilled in combat, with many claiming he will never dies. 
Deep inside, Techno was an anarchist with ideas of free men. As said before, he argued with his brother quite a lot. At age 22, he had to leave his position in order to go help his weak father and younger brother. He started a potato farm near his house to help finance his family. His ideas of anarchy grew stronger and stronger and he wanted to prove his twin wrong by showing him the power and strength in power for all. Around 6-7 years after Wilbur left, Techo decided to act on his plan to destroy the nation of L’manburg only to find out that his own two brothers had been exiled from the nation they created. Even though he still wanted to continue with his plan, he felt pity for Tommy and decided to side with Pogtopia up until the end.
(Side note: I had some ideas about young Techno trying to support his family by participating in gang fights to get money. That’s why he got put into the army at such young age and was such a skilled fighter)
Being the youngest, he had a lot of influence from his two older brother while growing up. Looking at the actions of his elders, young tommy inhibited the annoying skill of being loud and obnoxious, believing it’s the only way to get a point across. When he was 11-12 years old, he started receiving training from Technoblade, one of the greatest soldiers during the time. Tommy picked up the skills very quick and became skilled in combat (more than Wilbur but way less than Techno)
When Tommy was 14, he decided to run away from home to his brother. He received letters from Wilbur stating the city was lively, majestic and new and that he should come. The naive young boy decided to leave his town and come to the city. When he came, he found the city life to not be so glorious as it was said in the letters. Nevertheless Tommy kept his spirits up. He lived with his brother in the Slums and worked as a construction worker, helping build the sewers before joining the Drug Empire and soon, the nation L’manburg. During the two years, he made friends with a quiet but chaotic baker and beekeeper, Tubbo. 
(Side note: when L’manburg was formed, Wilbur was 26 and Tommy was 16)
IM SO NERVOUS TO POST THIS AHHH. But yes hello DSMP tumblr, I’ve been here for around 10 months just in the shadows, please accept my humble HC offer <3.
Ps, if this get enough attention, I have some HCs origins for Tubbo, Fundy, Ranboo, Dream, Schlatt, Niki Nihachu, BBH, George, Sapnap and Eret. LMK if you want to hear them. 
I also have a TOSMP them-inspired story about Ranboo’s character. I am going to write that no matter the response from this post so stay tuned. 
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on-literal-mars · 4 years ago
The Narcissism of Wilbur Soot: Ghostburs real unfinished business.
Wilbur Soot effectively manipulated a bunch of children into fighting a war for him. This was the first ‘official’ arc of the Dream SMP and even though it’s been months and months since it happened, so many things still tie back to it. L’manberg: a country more power struggle than nation, Tommy’s discs and their importance, and Wilbur Soots selfishness. This post will be broken down into four parts for four symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder that fit Wilbur the best. There will also be a final section dedicated to Ghostbur and his unfinished business on the SMP.
Having an exaggerated sense of self importance:
Wilbur is a showman. He is useless unless he has an audience. It’s introduced from day one as he cultivates an army over the shared dream of freedom, again when he holds an election and reads out the results, and finally when he doesn’t blow up L’manberg until Phil comes. How many times does Wilbur go into the button room by himself? I think on stream maybe 3-4 times. That’s 3-4 times that he doesn’t do what he says he’s gonna do and it’s because someone like Wilbur needs an audience.
He can’t do anything by himself, he hates himself too much, the only time he achieves anything is when he manipulates others to get it done for him. Think about it. How many times has Wilbur sung out for his nation and called it “My L’manberg” like he built it himself? Like he actually fought in the battles instead of standing off to the side and urging his child army to ‘keep fighting’. He’s encredibly entitled. Which brings us to our next point:
Having a sense of entitlement:
Wilbur believes that everything is owed to him. Dream is a tyrant for telling him not to sell drugs on SMP land. People should be allowed to do what they want.
Wilbur should be allowed to do what he wants.
And he wraps this idea up with a bow and calls it ‘freedom’. He elects himself president without any hesitation and is surprised and insulted when Quakity runs against him. I’ve already touched on how he obsesses over L’manberg and destroying it. A narcissist looks at life with complete tunnel vision. The only thing they care about is what will benefit them and what will make them feel better. So the logic behind Wilbur wanting to destroy L’manberg was never ‘they took it from me, I want to destroy it so they can’t have it’(because even that requires some level of empathy) but more ‘It’s mine. If it isn’t mine, then it can’t be any bodies’.
it was always his L’manberg. His unfinished Symphony. It was his way of taking back control. Here’s one thing you have to know about Narcissists, they are rampant control freaks. And if they can’t control you or you are no longer benefiting them, they will destroy you.
Being preoccupied with fantasies about brilliance, beauty, or the perfect mate:
We’ve never seen Wilbur(Ghostbur is a different story) interact romantically but we have seen how he treats the ones he’s supposed to love. Fundy is a perfect example. I could go on and on about how Wilbur gave Tommy more attention because Tommy was always willing to stay under Wilbur while Fundy always tried to go against him but that’s a post we’ve all seen a hundred times(in all fairness, very good posts). I present you another outlook: Wilbur neglects Fundy because he sees too much of himself in him. Like, oh I don’t know, Fundys want for control and authority. He wants attention because he’s just as much of a showman as his dad.
And Wilbur can never share the stage. He is incapable of it, his thinking is too black and white. Regardless, his relationship with both Fundy and Tommy(towards the end) showcase how manipulative and abusive narcissists often are. Now notice how pretty Wilbur tries to make Pogtopia? I know towards the end he was fine to let all those buttons litter the place but think before that. You could argue that Wilbur worked so hard on it because he wanted a cosy place to stay for him and Tommy but it simply isn’t true.
We know this because when Technoblade tries to put railings around the stairs Wilbur breaks them down. He wasn’t intentionally being malicious, you’ve got to understand that narcissists just never think about anyone but themselves. He simply didn’t care if Tommy or Techno( or tubbo who eventually did)fell off the stairs and hurt themselves. It didn’t matter. The railing just didn’t go with his aesthetic. Wilbur made Pogtopia so nice so that he could feel in control.
He did it to convince himself that it was some nice vacation home instead of a stone prison being used as a fugitive hide out. He was absolutely delusional.
Inability to take responsibility:
Right away I bet you can see how this lines up with Ghostbur, huh? It ties back to black and white thinking, as well. His famous phrase ‘indepenance or death’, calling everyone in Manberg traitors because they hadn’t immediately dropped everything to join Pogtopia, and how he kept making destroying L’manberg the final option. He knew from the beginning that he was going to destroy it. The second he built the button room the countrys fate was sealed. Wilbur is never wrong.
He knows what’s best for his country. But here’s the thing: Wilbur has always done things indirectly or through someone else. He does this to avoid direct criticism. Criticism cripples narcissists, it is their worst fear. But blowing up L’manberg would leave no room for anything else. It would be Wilburs fault and no one else’s.
That’s why he has Phil kill him. It wasn’t out of regret or shame, it was one last act of selfishness. He left them with crater for a country and didn’t even say goodbye. And even in his final moments it was “they all want you to, look at them, they want me dead”. He was a coward and died like one. He died to try and escape criticism and responsibility. But death has a funny way of catching you off guard.
Some final symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder before we move into the Ghostbur section:
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation
(This isn’t an official definition but Dr. Ramani Durvasula says that Narcissists are characterized by lack of empathy and deep insecurity. Keep that in mind.)
Ghostbur to me is very child like. Ghostbur pulls some pranks but is never intentionally malicious, just works his hardest to make everyone happy. He is innocent and playful and doesn’t like to talk about serious things. We could see him as Wilbur back when he was a little kid. Before the effects of abuse start to kick in. Everyone says that Phil is canonically neglectful, I’m not sure where this comes from but I believe it.
As childlike as he is, it isn’t like he’s the ghost version of kid Wilbur. Wilbur was an adult when he died. He’s so childlike because that’s what Wilbur was on the inside; a child who never matured properly. L’manchild takes a whole different meaning now lmao. Ghostbur is Wilbur without the walls he puts in place to protect himself. That’s why he’s cold all the time: he’s finally being exposed to all the things he tried to hide from.
Wilbur acts like a child throughout majority of his time on the SMP. He gets angry when he doesn’t get his way, expects everyone to kiss his ass and take care of him, and throws tantrums when all he should’ve done was compromise(the way people blame George or Quakity for Schlatt getting elected but Wilbur could’ve just taken down the American-ban). And doesn’t that sound just like the points I made earlier? Ghostbur isn’t the sad alter ego of Wilbur that some try to paint him out to be, he’s literally just Wilbur without the bullshit. He wasn’t the father of a nation he was an abused kid who never grew up. He ran from his problems to the very last second but now he doesn’t have a choice.
That is Ghostburs unfinished business. He must finally allow himself to be wrong. Only then will he be able to move on. And shit, with the way he keeps forgetting the bad stuff he’s done, perhaps he isn’t meant to. Perhaps this is supposed to be his hell and he’ll be trapped in constant pain for all of eternity. It would make sense wouldn’t it?
Death was like: hah, you want to act like you did nothing wrong? Fine, I’ll help you out.
That’s the problem with black and white thinking. Too much of anything will eventually become bad for you. Ghostbur is gonna realize that he can’t float around L’manberg for the rest of time and actually accept the fact that maybe everything is his fault. Atleast Wilbur actually got his wish, I suppose. Dead men can’t take responsibility. Dead men can only exist in hell forever or let go and move on.
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