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angrylittlesliceofpizza · 28 days ago
… omg the timing of this coming back to my dash is PERFECT thanks everyone
started calling my executive dysfunction issues my board of dysfunctional executives and treating it like a room of frail old white men and it hasn't fixed everything but it sure is fucking funny
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teethburger · 1 year ago
the electric mayhem 100% participated in the stonewall riots
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thedrawnherbarium · 2 years ago
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forgot to post this
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garciapimienta · 1 year ago
My toxic trait is not wanting to pay anyone for anything and just doing it myself
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lukie17 · 3 days ago
What if the roles were swapped?
Hunter! Sylus
Totally a lone wolf, a lot of hunters are scared to be his partner, because who the heck fights wanderers only using his fists? Yes, he also uses his evol but people have seen beat a wanderer to a pulp with only his hands a tiny bit of his evol. Even though he has a pistol hanging from his belt.
Bestie with Tara, he might be your boyfriend, but he is besties with Tara. They like to hang out a lot, Tara a Sylus have tea about everyone in the office, and Tara is the one who suggested that you looked like a good couple, so he likes her even more. It's like a lil sister he though he never wanted.
I think he would be the capitan of the hunters instead of Jenna. Jenna is an associate of Sylus, but this man can handle the Unicorn team by himself. So, he asigns you with him, what a perfect opportunity to be together, and not he is not giving you a special treatment. This man would give you the same workload as the others, and even more because he knows that you can handle yourself.
I can picture you complaining with Sylus about your asshole boss, who is him, and how he gives you a lot of workload. He would play the part as an understanding boyfriend, only for him to turn tables at work about how a "bird" told him that you called him asshole.
Did you think that Sylus as your neighbour would be a good thing? Sweetie, you should know better by now. You will hear him sing every night, maybe that is the reason why rent is so cheap and why he is your only neighbour.
Hunter! Sylus is happy that he can spend time with you, he looks like he would kill and he would if someone bothers him, but he is actually pretty chill. Once you joined the Unicor team, all the rumors about him started dying and people actually liked him.
He would be asked to appear in a lot of media for the Hunters Association, his very handsome face would make him a perfect advertiser for people to want to become a hunter.
Sylus as Lumiere! Unlike Xavier, he would be more like an anti-hero. By day he pretends to follow the rules, but by night he will break everysingle of them in order to save lives.
Since he isn't involving in something shaddy, I think that Sylus would not be in his guard as much as he is being the lider of Onychinus, he would be more open and he would be more free.
Totally keeps tabs on you, his mechanical crow would follow you around, "to keep tabs on the newbie" Sylus wants to make sure that you are allright.
I think having him as a hunter would be good for you since he would help you improve faster, your trainning regimene would be harder but also more rewarding. You are growing muscle so fast and you complain to him that your clothes do not fit because you are more buffed now.
Tara has beef with the mechanical crow. I have no proof but zero doubts.
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lilacargent · 1 year ago
Soooo first post ever and it is because i have gone down the #humansarespaceorcs rabbit hole, and my train of thought was:
Yes humans are weird and do strange things to survive. But more specifically we do weird things to our surroundings to survive, many different things.
What if, it has been a decade or two since the humans joined what ever coalition or council of aliens that work together and as a species they are mostly well known for their ability to grow crops under the worst circumstances (soil, climate anything) ofcourse the other deathworld apex predator human traits make the rounds but over time they seem to assume we cannot surprise them anymore.
Everyone knows that if a planet is ‘owned’ by a certain species they have to pay tax to the coalition, so planets that aren’t particularly useful are undesirable.
This particular planet p-jx-5£2 has been moved around endlessly, given with trade deals to get rid of it. P-jx-5£2 is 97% water, with a very high salt level so inhabitable for all developed aliens. Even though the atmosphere is a nice oxygen base and the gravitational pull allright most for the coalition members the fast spinning moon and the planets quick pace around its sun make the water move and tides switch every 2.5 hours keeping no land dry outside of low tide.
The tall Avian alian il’trexz was elated this day was going to be great, a trade deal with the hardy humans and getting rid of a useless money drain, they didn’t have a clue what they were signing up for!
Turning towards the much smaller bipedal species standing in front of the window looking down on the blue planet that just came into their possession the strange creature mumbled something to them selves, frowning Il’trezx asks ‘im sorry what did you say, you spoke but the translator didn’t pick it up?’ The human (Steve) turned to him away from the window ‘my apologies, i was talking to myself, i said that we had to send the dutch.’ Il’trezx looked befuddled ‘the dutch? Is that some kind of animal?’
Steve threw his head back and made a series of sounds that ruffled the Avians feathers and had he not known it was a laugh it would have made him run for the hills ‘HA I’m going to tell Andreas you said that, no the Dutch is what call people from a country on earth that specialise in these kinds of climates, they’ve been begging for a challenge since they stopped the flooding on the umavi home world.’ With feathers puffed up Il’trezx wonders ‘and they are going to do what? This is an impossible planet’ immediately clasping his beak he looks a the human to see if he seemed angry at being swindled, but to his surprise Steve just looks at him ‘hm so you believe we can’t use this planet. Allright let’s make a bet.’ Interested Il’trezx leans in closer ‘what kind of bet?’ A predatory grin spreads on the bipedal aliens face ‘if we make less of this planet than the amount of tax we have to pay over it we will cover all trade costs for this quarter, insurance, travel all of it.’ Eagerly Il’trezx starts nodding ‘but’ Steve keeps going ‘if we do make more of this planet you will do the same.’
The bet is put onto paper and the higher ups of both parties also agree. In 5 years the Avians would be back and they would balance the costs to the benefits. When they departed Il’trezx says too Steve ‘you must have a lot of faith in these “dutch” ‘ the man grins teeth bared ‘ofcourse, after all they conquered water before’
The five years pass and stories have been going around of a new energy supplier from the humans, producing enough energy to run 78% of their ships and several facilities. Nobody seems to know where it is coming from but no new pollution is measured in any of these facilities. None of this bothers the Avians, after all humans come up with new things all the time.
The five years are up and Il’trezx is invited to the planet with a group of advisors and other officials, the planet which apparently they have renamed to ‘posy’ which is supposed to be short for some kind of sea god from their olden days.
On arrival the amount of coming and going baffles them massive groups of ships docking or docked and all somehow attached to wires that run into machines.
The planets change alone was awe inspiring, two cities on opposite sides of the planet and what seems like millions of weird blades attached to high poles every where. Strange wheels and long walls between towers rising from the rapidly moving waters.
This… this was their new energy source. They somehow made a battery of this uninhabitable planet and then built a home.
On the meeting place Steve is waiting with a man slightly taller than him. Spreading his arms the smaller human says ‘welcome to Poseidon, this is Andreas our main mechanic here. He has been here with planning since orbit 1.’
After the introductions were done Andreas led the group through what they called the Northern city and showed on his device the steps it took to get a foothold and how they proceeded from there, mentioning that many of these steps his home country had used thousands of year ago to gain land from sea, and energy from the movement of water and air. They specialised in this form of terra forming and it showed.
The Avians were astounded, not having realised that there was more than one kind of way the Humans had battled their environment even beating back the waters of their world.
Without a doubt the humans had won the bet and had another legend added to their name. More and more humans showed that with the right motivation they could settle right about anywhere.
So yea… my stupid little idea. Hopefully someone will enjoy it. I just liked the idea of specific cultures and stuff. specialising in certain things.
Edit: im amazed people seem to like it! If people have ideas or other cultures they think would baffle aliens, im certainly willing to try and write something
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roquebr · 11 months ago
The Fury
Barcelona femeni x reader
Aitana Bonmáti x reader
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Summary: When all seems lost, a turnaround can be more impressive.
The rocking of the bus gives me a slight feeling of relaxation, my headphones placed carelessly in my ears, with the sound at the highest volume, hoping to hide the prevailing noise of the place.
The youngest girls on the team are very excited about today's game, it's no surprise that we are heading towards the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, simply the biggest European championship. So it's not surprising when some of them are sitting on their benches with greater concentration than the other side, which is a mess.
Everyone has their own way of preparing, mine being to ignore everyone around me as much as possible until we get to the changing rooms, music being my escape point, I always turn to Brazilian music to be my company during these moments, it's a way of feel close to home.
— Meto o chapéu na cabeça ela perde a cabeça e me fala assim... – When the song approaches the chorus, I feel a nudge on my shoulders, I pause the song and look at the intruder who disturbed me and then I relax, yeah Alexia, she knows about my pre-game ritual and I know she wouldn't disturb me for nothing.
—Hey Ale, allright?
— Yes, sorry to bother you, but we've already arrived at the stadium and the girls are already coming down.
— I lost track, I'm going too, I'm just going to get my things — I give a small smile, thanking him for his kindness.
— I see you're a little out of tune, is everything okay? – He places one of his free hands on my shoulder, with the other holding his belongings. I don't know how she manages to balance everything like that, if it were me, my cell phone would definitely be broken on the floor by now.
— Yes, I'm just concentrating on the game, you know how it is, right?
— I understand, but if you need anything you can talk to me. – I don't answer, stopping myself from just returning a kind look.
We continued walking towards the changing rooms, greeting the workers as I passed.
I know that this nervousness is not just because of the game, but because of the desire to show more than my best on the field, having arrived at the club just under a year ago, coming straight as a standout on the Ferroviária, I knew that from the beginning I had to show more than I expected.
I've had a strong presence in many of the 37 unbeaten games played so far, I've been a regular starter, but apparently I'm not good enough to start today.
As soon as Jona announced who would start before we got on the bus, my spirits immediately dropped, I know he decided the lineup thinking about preserving some prominent athletes for possible future changes of keys, but that doesn't negate my feeling of incompetence to start on the bench.
We arrive at the locker room and I immediately head to my cubicle, my headphones that have been stored for a long time no longer deprive me of Rosalía's loud voice that emanates from the absurdly loud speaker in my ears.
I change calmly, but I decide not to wear socks or football boots for now, I'm going to interpret this as a protest for being on the bench today, a bit childish I know.
I sigh and lean my head against the wall, where my game t-shirt used to hang, I watch my happy teammates as they transform and sway to the beat of the music.
I saw my girlfriend of 1 year, we met in October 2022 at Ballon D'or, I went to the event as Marta's guest after telling her in a free conversation that I would like to have the experience of going.
We talked for just over a month and soon we were dating, excited, right, but the feeling was intense and it happened, at first it was difficult because of the distance because I was in Brazil and she was in Spain, but we got through it together, whenever I could I went to visit her. there. Unfortunately, she never managed to go to Brazil, but I will resolve that during our next “vacation”.
Jona arrives in the locker room and starts his usual motivational talk, honestly I don't feel like listening to anything, with my mind confused I just focus on going to the bench.
Sit next to Alexia with Lucy on the other side, the traditional song of the champions plays bringing a smile to my face, regardless of my wounded pride, every time this anthem plays I can't help but get emotional, it's a dream that becomes childhood reality.
The first half of the game was somewhat disappointing, Barça put pressure on Chelsea's marking but unfortunately the defense did not give in, in the 39th minute came the beginning of our fall, taking advantage of a passing error from Irene that gave Chelsea close possession of the ball. to the area, making a respectable exchange of passes until he found a partner in the area, he deceived Keira's marking and passed to Cuthbert who wasted no time in scoring. We came out at half-time with 1-0 to Chelsea.
The atmosphere in the dressing room is very different to when we arrived, the totally dead Barcelona vibe contradicts the emotion I normally feel, word after word, motivation after motivation, all falling on my deaf ears as each teammate seemed focused on acquiring each lyric. said by him.
With a wave of his hand, Jona takes me aside to talk.
— YN, where are your boots?
— It's in the bank, Jona.
He sighs lightly in annoyance, the stress in his shoulders is visible.
— Look, I know you're disappointed that I didn't start today, but please put your boots on, I'll be with you on the field in about 10 minutes.
— Great Jona, I'll put it on.
Returning to the second half, a little more excited, I ask one of the physiotherapists there to put a bandage on my ankle, Sophia is her name, as I injured my ankle during the game I always put a bandage on it to avoid future injuries.
After Sophia finishes, I put on my socks and football boots, I kiss each shin guard before putting them on.
The second half began, Barça had difficulty getting into the game, then a penalty was awarded in our favor, we celebrated along with the cheers of the fans, this would be our chance to continue in the game.
The referee goes to the Var and immediately cancels the penalty, apparently the referee interprets that Salma's offside hinders the defender, nonsense if I may say so.
At 63 minutes Jona makes 2 substitutions, bringing Alexia and Lucy. Ingrid and Ona sit next to me, respectively tired and disappointed with their performances, I give both thighs a comforting squeeze.
I wait anxiously at the edge of my bench for a while, waiting for the moment when Jona replaces me. In the 74th minute, when Ramirez, Chelsea's striker, missed the chance to expand, my heart almost exploded. Patri managed to disrupt her position well, although he still let her to finish the shot.
— Jonas!! – He doesn’t even turn around in recognition.
— Que saco mano. – I go down towards him who was on the side of the field. — Jona, am I going in now?
— Be patient, YN, go to warm up.
A frown appears on my face, but I do as I'm told, not before kicking the water bottle nearby. My companions give me sympathetic looks, which makes me more stressed.
At 78 minutes, the assistant coach says I'm ready and Jona calls me to the sidelines next to him.
— Listen to me, we need you now in this field, are you ready for this challenge. – She pauses only to give the numbers to the fourth referee who is preparing the replacement panel. — We need to decide this game at home, with our fans who came here to watch us play, with courage and love when we enter the field. I know you are ready for this challenge, show who you are and what you came for.
I can't find words, so I just listen, shaking my head with a determined look. I take the place of Mariona, who wishes me good luck, running to my position, passing my girlfriend, blinking and returning to focus on the game.
Time: 80m
In a quick run down the wing, Frido sends it to Caro who tries to finish, the goalkeeper saves but the rebound goes straight to my side, I don't miss the opportunity and send it into the goal. I see Salma grab the ball so we can restart the game, I run back to position, jumping and calling the fans to play together.
Time: 83m
Patri intercepts the ball in midfield, passes it to Aitana who dribbles the opponent, leaving her mistaken, I ask for the ball and soon receive it. I notice that the goalkeeper's left corner is free, I prepare my leg and take a strong low shot, I see the ball roll quickly as the goalkeeper tries to launch himself too late, then you see the net ripple. We changed the course of the game, but it's still not enough.
Time: 85m
Aitana is having an impressive run taking advantage of Chelsea's neglect, a defender in front of her, with options like me on the left and Caro on the right, with Salma right behind. Aita rolls the ball to me, I take a slight touch to the right and shoot with confidence, the ball takes a threatening curve and soon falls into the net, surprising the goalkeeper.
Now I allow myself to celebrate, I run close to the flag post and slide down on my knees, my teammates hugging me and pulling me everywhere, the euphoria was so much that it felt like we had won the Champions League right there. I felt like crying, I scored my first hat-trick in the Champions League
Time: 88m
We receive a free kick after the Chelsea player almost grabbed Aitana trying to take the ball away from her, Salma takes the free kick which hits Lucy's head, who aims the ball towards the goalkeeper's box. She came spinning through the air, landing perfectly at my feet, I beautifully pushed her towards the goal and fell into the hug. With every second that passed the crowd became louder and louder, if possible.
Time: 90m
The gas had not passed, it was getting stronger and stronger, now with a considerable advantage, we preferred to send the team back. Keeping score is crucial for the second leg in England. Although we are currently more focused on defense, that doesn't stop us from also attacking at every opportunity. The team's confidence increased and we played calmer, making more passes and remaining calm when under pressure.
Caro has the ball on the right wing, looks up and sees the perfect opportunity to cross.
Caro's always necessary crossing makes things easier for me, I wait for her to reach the right height before jumping and sending the bike, when I fall backwards onto the grass my pain is numbed by a very loud vibration coming from the stadium.
Barely having time for anything else, I run towards the small Chelsea fans present in the stadium, stop in front of them and place both hands on my waist, with an arrogant posture, soon my teammates come to me in pure euphoria. Many compliments reach my ears, I allow myself to embrace them as much as possible before we have to return to the starting position.
9 minutes of extra time were allowed, nothing else impressive happened during this period, the 3 characteristic whistles were heard. There were many celebrations after we greeted the rival team. I head towards the referee team who hands me the ball.
Jona hugs me congratulating me on a successful game, the team soon arrives and gives me the idea of throwing myself into the air, I try to run away but I'm not fast enough, after the desperate seconds pass I run to the fans, my spirits were high today.
I ask a member of the coaching staff to hold my ball for me, while I jump into the arms of the crowd, doing my best to sign and take as many photos with everyone as possible, the only limit being the barrier.
I feel an arm go around my waist as I sign a Mapí fan t-shirt. I look to the side and see that it is Aitana, who is already looking at me with her beautiful smile on her face, her bright eyes remind me of the constellations.
I can't help but smile with her, our passionate looks betrayed our enormous passion for each other, which doesn't go unnoticed by the public, to everyone's euphoria and my poor heart, she stands on tiptoe and gives a long kiss to the my lips. , fireworks light up in my belly.
Soon the photo of that moment would be published on many pages, one of them was the official Barça account, and certainly on many fan pages that would blow up my cell phone with notifications.
But I couldn't care less, I played an impressive game and had my girl in my arms, could I ask for more than that?.
!!The inspiration for the character to score 5 goals in 10 minutes came from Lewa, when he played for Bayern he did this feat, so I thought “why not put that in the fic?”!" ... sorry for any mistakes, english is not my main language
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local-hyena · 3 months ago
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Allright allright, I think I'm ready now...
Saying "I loved it" would be an understatement. It was PERFECT, the perfect ending we deserved. It's been seven goddamn years, I honestly didn't think this issue would ever be released. I started getting into tf2 only recently, about a year ago I think. I hope everyone who've been there from the beginning are happy.
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there are of course still unanswered things. However, the fact that the Administrator forgot why she wanted revenge on Mann really adds to her character and the overall story. Also, it seems that Scout still odesn't know that Spy is his father, since he introduces himelf to Scout's children as Scout's coworker... Scout's ma is also noticably absent, I do not want to think about it too much, since Demo's mother is still alive, there is no reason she wouldn't be as well. We're gonna say that she's spending Christmas with another son, since she doesn't really take an important rôle in the comic... Also, as a Medic main, THERE WAS NO MEDIC CONTENT. LIKE, I KNOW THAT THE LAST COMIC WAS VERY MEDIC AND HEAVY FOCUSED, BUT STILL. I always need more Medic content 😭😭 glad to see that Archimedes is here also !
Also, Merasmus why are you so ripped ����😂 he looks ugly as ever.
I am so very happy that Hale and Olivia both got fired from MannCo. They are finally happy now, with Hale going back with Mags fighting animals and going on other dangerous adventures.
There is ONE lats thing I need to point out. No, two things. First, I wonder what Valve will do now. Now that Team Fortress 2's story has come to an end. What will happen ? Is the game going to stop updating ? Or on the contrary will they go back to working on it ? Is there going to be a Team Fortress 3 ? Or is Team Fortress simply going to end on this perfect note ?
Finally, the ending. It took me a while to understand that the last dinner scene was adressing directly to us, the reader, the player. When I understood that, it hit le right in the heart. I cannot say that tf2 has been à huge part of my life. Like I said, I only got interested last year or so. I don't even oike the game itself that much, online multiplayer competitive FPSs are not my preferred genre. But the story, the characters and what the community makes (yes, the funny GMod machinimas and SFM movies. The memes and the serious stuff, both of them) made me learn to enjoy this universe. I must confess something. For some time, I played Fortnight with my brother. He made me try because I kept saying that I didn't like it, but I hadnd't poayed the game. After my first game, I said that I had some fun, in the end. So, he kinda forced le to play. For... idk, a few years. I do nlt remember the dates but I started the season with the Nomad skin as the ultimate reward, and stopped when there were hoverboards, or whatever they were. I didn't enjoy it because he insisted on being super competitive and was raging 90% of the time. So yeah, I hated every second of it and I vowed to not play competitive online multiplier games anymore. Which is why I absolutly refuse to play Overwatch and League of Legends. I wouldn't say that Team Fortress 2 reconciled me woth these type of games, but after watching all the Meet the Mercs and learning more about the story, I tried playing. I was a bit intimidated as to which class to choose, but after trying out several (and being very influenced by Meet the Medic), I found out that I had the most fun while playing Medic. I do nlt have a very good aim and I tend to die immediatly when I try to shoot at people. I also discovered that, playing an online multiplayer game doesn't have to be competitive. I have 9h30 in tf2, I play very casually. I do not get mad when I die or my team loses, because in the end, I just want to have fun in my own way. So, this ending hit me right in the heart
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I... I almost want to print that last panel and hang it on my wall... I know, there's nothing stopping me, but I don't want my family to question it.
Anyways. That was tf2 comic issue 7. I cannot wait to see what the future will bring for our mercs !
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lukemfhughes · 3 months ago
Pt2 for At the Lake house
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Luke Hughes x reader
It was another late night down at the lake house firepit. Everyone was gathered around it. There were some girls also joined. (Probably hook ups) Quinn was trying to play guitar but he sucked. Everybody laughed at his skills. You were seated between Luke and Mark. You leaned your head on Marks shoulder and watched some tiktok with him. You could feel Lukes eyes drifting to you everytime you laughed at something.
”So is everyone up to truth or dare? If you won’t do your task, you got to take a shot.” Jack smiled smugly. Everyone was on. ”Allright. Duke your first. Truth or dare? ” Quinn smiled at Dylan. ”Truth.” He nodded. ”Hmm is it true that you didn’t date anyone in college?” Quinn laughed. ”Yep” Dylan mumbled quietly. Everyone laughed at him.”Allright y/n. truth or dare” Dylan asked you. ”Dare” you smirked. ”I dare you to sit on someones lap here for the rest of the game.” Dylan smiled smugly at you. You took a look at the shot infront of you. But instead of taking it, you got up and plopped yourself on top of drunk Luke. ”I knew it” Jack screamed. Cole instead looked a little hurt. ”Well well well. Trevor. Truth or dare?” You asked him. ”Truth” He said. ”Are you and dixie together?” You asked. He took a shot. ”Well Lukey. Truth or dare?” Trevor asked. ”Dare” Luke said. ”I dare you to kiss chloe.(some random chick)” He smirked. Luke reached for the shot and downed it with ease. His hand sliding between you thighs while other one reached to wrap on your waist. You felt your cheeks flush red at his movements. After while the rest got their turns it was time to quit playing and head to bed. You were still sitting on Luke.
”I don’t wanna get upppp” You whined. But still went to push yourself up from Lukes lap. The alcohol in your body made you stumble. Lukes hand fell to your waist to steady your movements. You smiled at him. ”Be careful please” Luke mumbeled and kept his hands on you. ”Ye ye, no need to when i have my personal helper with me” You giggled. Luke just laughed at your drunk state. You tripped on the stairs of the house and fell. ”i give up” You yawned. ”imma sleep here” you laid down and closed your eyes. You heard Luke laughing at you before feeling his arms hoist you in the air. You felt him walk up the stairs and lay you on the bed. ”Thank you lu” you mumble and pull the covers on. ”y/n love sit up and let me wipe your make up off.” Luke whispered and ran his fingers trough your hair. You sat up and felt the wipe sliding on your face. You opened your eyes and they were met with Lukes blue ones. He smiled sweetly at you and finished wiping. He went to throw out the wipes
”Lukey?” You whispered. ”yes?” luke came back. ”can you sleep here with me tonight?” you asked him. it was common for you two to share a bed. In Michigan you basicly lived at their house and always slept with Luke. ”Yea okay, let me just go change and get us some water and aspirin for morning” He smiled and left the room. Sleep took over you and you laid back down.After a moment Luke sneaked back into your room and laid down next to you. Your arms went to wrap around him and your head to his chest. ”Goodnight Lukey pookie” You whispered quietly. ”Goodnight love” he said and kissed your forehead.
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writingforatwistedworld · 7 months ago
Hey Leona, Azul, and Riddle! (Self-aware AU)
What's your favorite event that your nation/country does to celebrate the overseer, like do they do anything specific you enjoy?
Riddle: "My favourite holiday celebrating her majesty? I think it might be the rose parade. One whole week, everyone gathers and prepares a huge festival for their grace. At the end, a parade happens. To be fair, I might be biased since that part of the festivities was the only one my mother allowed me to partake and that also under the guise of learning. Apparently, the formation is one of the card soldiers during the Queen of Hearts rule. Originally, it was a demonstration of power, but nowadays it's more of a celebration than a demonstration of power."
Leona: "Why are you asking me that? It's not like it's important."
*You continue to stare at Leona until he opens his eyes unnerved*
Leona: "Allright. Allright. Enough already. Since Sunset Savannah is a lot less... zealous about them, we don't have many celebrations with them in mind. However, there is one. It doesn't have a name and is more of a tradition. The first week of drought, the higher ranked provide fully for the poor. If you ask me, that should be the norm. How it came to be? Apparently, when the hyenas first came into our lands, the high ranking nobles provided for them by hunting not only for themselves. Otherwise, not much is known. We know that something went wrong along the way and it got reduced to that week but for all I know, this could also be an excuse for people in higher positions to avoid their duty."
Azul: "Annual day of studies. It's not a big celebration in the sense of how it would usually be done but rather a group activity. Children in school that day learn less about our modern studies but rather those back when the sea witch was still alive. Many things have already been forgotten and had it not been for a book found in the corner of an old study, I would also have not been able to walk on land. You see, the potion I use to maintain my legs was derived from the magic taught in it. But where were we? Ah yes, the festival. Adults have, of course, their own version of it. Mostly it's about repeating old knowledge but the great scholar had also encouraged us to reach greater wisdom. This leads to many "new" discoveries in the field of magic. Sometimes you just need to go back to the roots..."
*You meet Floyd later. He tells you how proud Azul always was when the other children couldn't keep up with him and his knowledge about the overseer*
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skyborn-mercenary-company · 1 month ago
>audio start
"Why am I doing this Phobos? Johnny usually does this"
"Johnny got taken out by the clanners"
"Fucking, allright. Hello everyone, this is callsign Leviathan, leader of the Skyborn merc company, my second in command thought I should do an intro audio or whatever. We are a bit outta time, told there were others like us, we came from around 3051. Anyways, we'll be planetside too and.... what?... no I'm not gonna say that... cause it sounds corny!... fuck you, I'm the leader.
Anyways, still figuring out this omninet shit, so yeah so see yall planetside"
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withlove-angel · 1 year ago
⚠️Warnings: slightly smut?, pet names
Favorite lunch
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It was a sunny day, no clowd could be seen in the sky... the straw hat's crew already give up, no one could dare to enter the room of the green hair swordsman... well... almost no one...
Of course they leave the task to wake Zoro to luch (as he didn't wake up for breakfast) to y/n that somehow didn't get hurt when woke him up from his precious naps
The girl carefully enter his room, walking towards him as she slightly shake him
"Zoro, wake up" y/n say soft. She giggles at the poorly attemp of looking through the bright light of the swordsman.
He grows as he opens a little his eyes, his horse voice due the time he slept "What's the time?"
"Lunch time" she answer quietly, a smile on her face as she is almost drowning at the image infront of her.
"Yeah, yeah... tell the waiter to make something quick. I wanna get back to my nap." He turn around again, letting the poor girl with the view of his muscular back
"Babe" she shakes him gently again using the nickname she only uses when they are alone "the luch is alredy ready"
She couldn't see, but a small smirk formed on his face when he heard the nickname "I heard ya the first time." He rubs his face, getting up groggily "What time did you wake me? I wanted to nap for a bit longer..."
For the first time he opened his eyes and looked at his secret girlfriend. Y/n had her happy smile on, god he loves this girl so much... Of couse he won't tell anyone this... "everyone's already on the kitchen..."
"Yeah, yeah... I'm coming... Let me stretch a bit..." Zoro stretches and yawns. His muscles are visible with his t-shirt despite the loose fit. Y/n blushes a bit and looks at the floor "kitten, are you allright? You seem... distracted."
"What? I..." her blush got worse as she look away, at the wall this time "nothing"
He chuckles, walking closer to her, gently lifts her chin "C'mon. No need to be coy... What's on your mind?"
Her doe eyes widen at his touch, his forcing her to look up "just... you" she answer quietly almost like a whisper
"And yet you couldn't look me in the eyes?" his voice is calm and comforting, a slight grin on his face
She look away again, her face looking like a little tomato "dont tease me, you just woke up"
Zoro laugh slightly as he lifts her up and pins her down on his desk, making her wrap her legs around his hips as he press both bodies together "well...I'm about to eat something better than lunch" He leans down to kiss her neck, y/n letting off a small yelp, that only made Zoro grip on her waist tight.
"Z-zoro" she whines "t-they are waiting for us" she sutter as her hands travel to his neck and back
"I'm in no hurry. This pirate's got his treasure in his hands" He leans in again, this time going for her mouth "and i will make sure to enjoy it"
Thanks for reading, if you like please ♡, will mean a lot to me
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valyrfia · 5 months ago
since when " actually quite decent" is a compliment 😭
Feel like he saying 'i thought he was shit but he is allright'
Context context context my dear anon...they were showing Max's overtakes and him overtaking everyone else with ease and then showed Max struggling to get past Charles. It was obviously meant as a compliment because it was a comparison.
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evilminji · 1 year ago
My WIP fairy hates me. But like... in that homoerotic Nemesis sorta way, I swear.
Cease an desist, woman! (I scream into the void, knowing damn well she, being my own brain, SHAN'T.)
Cause NOW? Now I CAN NOT stop Pondering, with a Capitol P, the life of a Sentient Quirk. The trials and tribulations. The indignities and sufferings. Countless micro-aggression and out right dismissal of sentience. The reduction to the EXTENSION of another.
You are not a person.
You are JUST a Quirk.
An organ that "thinks" itself separate, in the way knees spasm when struck just so. The child you are attached to just needs to get better CONTROL of you. Your words and actions are actually THEIRS. You are simultaneously an unruly animal and strange adult, not allowed near other peoples children.
Why are you trying to follow this four year old into their school? Why are you SITTING out side a pre-school? Are you stalking that child?
You are a grown adult. Connected to a random Japanese child.
The child is expected to "control" you.
Punished if they do not.
No one is listen to EITHER of you, as you try to explain the situation. The child is upset, scared, and does not have the emotional maturity to understand why you are not to blame. All they can understand is that you appeared and everything became stressful and "bad". They started getting punished. Have to share their room now.
Do you even have rights? If you get hurt, get MAIMED, what will happen to you? Can you hold a job? Own land? Open a bank account? Fuck it! Can you have a RELATIONSHIP?
If you went out RIGHT NOW and punched a purse thief, would the FOUR YEAR OLD be arrested?
If the kid grows up, becomes a hero, and you do secretarial work... does his license cover you? If YOU wanted to become a Hero, would he be your hero partner? Could he technically sit in a corner and let you work?
If no one could TELL, over an internet connection, then surely that should prove SOMETHING? Right?
And! The question NO ONE ever seems to ask!
Could..... could you LEAVE? Do people have the right to force you back? If you don't WANT to be some kid's Quirk? You're sentient. If, unlike Dark Shadow, you are not PHYSICALLY connected, but tethered by distance?
Could. You. Leave?
Just "Allright, I'm out. The way you're all treating me is unacceptable. See ya never." And walk out the door? You'd be able to gain distance as the kid grew older. As long as you hid? You be homeless, without papers, but free.
A sentient Quirk means free will. Means you don't HAVE to do shit. It's like being born with a twin, not a slave. And that Twin does NOT have to put up with your bullshit. YOU are the one asking THEM to work with you, after all.
This? Of course, ALSO just ABSOLUTELY BEGS the question? What if that four year old grew up to be a BASTARD? Just... NO self reflection or empathy. Everything is everyone else's fault, always. And they want a NEW Quirk. One that won't question them.
So they sell theirs, buy a new one. Probably die off screen trying to throw it around.
What happens to you THEN? Pain, obviously. Like... massive, massive amounts of pain. You ARE a Quirk. You're being ripped out by your metaphorical roots. By the NERVE ENDINGS. But? Do you... for lack of a better word, "reset"?
Are you back infront of "your" person? Or do you stay, safely, where you are? Both would be fascinating, honestly. Because I imagine All for One? Does NOT get sentient quirks often. If at all.
They'd sooner kill themselves.
After all, if your choice is "kill yourself and your beloved twin" or "be ripped apart and watch them die horribly, then be used to go against everything you both stood for"? You weep and promise to make it fast.
Then you make it fast.
It's... really annoying, I'd imagine, for All for One. It's not necessarily that he WANTS a sentient Quirk. But they are INTERESTING. And he likes interesting.
He also likes owning things that can't leave. Ever.
So of course he'll poke and prod at the Quirk. It will inevitably be a nightmare, either way. Because EVERY Sentient Quirk has some degree of communication aspect to it. Just because the original holder never figured it out, doesn't mean HE can't.
And while your range may now be much, MUCH bigger? Because the fucker is strong as hell? How useful is that... if he can talk to you when ever HE feels like it? Day or night. 24/7.
And that's assuming you don't reset. God help you if you reset. Because THEN your STANDING infront of, most likely, pre-face-smash All for One. Who's looking at you like he just won a Mildly Interesting Prize and you would PREFER HE NOT. But what are you gonna do?
Walk out again?
You think THAT'S an option here?!
I mean... you can and do TRY. But, obviously not. So like? Fuck ™.
THEN the question becomes? Would YOU go to Tarturaus. Are you a hostage? Or an accomplice? You have the same level of power and authority as a cat, deliberately knocking pages of tables and cups to the floor, but... like? Oooooh~ oh yeah! THATS gonna slow him down! His empire crumbles beneath the sheer MIGHT of your petty inconveniences!
*trips the doctor again*
Fffffuck you.
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justtryingtobecreative · 2 years ago
Neteyam x Human reader
Chapter 5.1
(Tw: Mentions of Smut.. next part will go 100%)
(Okay everyone here is half 1 of chapter 5! Monday the second part will drop! Let me know if you like it! Chapter 1 at the bottom!)
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"Can someone murder me now?" You squeek,
Neteyam is fuming, his arm spread out to cover you. He turns his head toward you, before turning to the rest. "No Y/n no one can 'murder' you, and you four better sit down right fucking now." He growls at the young Na'vi's in front of him.
They seem more distraught than you at the moment and do as he asks instantly. Them settling down on the floor, just a little bit shorter than you as they sat down.... which was honestly quite insulting given the situation.
"We are so sorry!" Tsireya starts, the sweet nineteen year old obviously feeling the most guilty. "We just followed you when we saw you act so strange at the party!"
Neteyam holds up his hand signaling for her to stop talking, "Let's start here. Exactly how much have you all seen?" He asks bluntly, his face not betraying his emotions at all.
Aonung speaks up next, obviously pretending to be unaffected at the situation... but a noticable awkwardness in his voice. "We saw everything, and i must say it was quite suprising...what we saw."
You let out a mortified screech/groan, placing your head in your hands as you crouch down. The Na'vi giving you strange looks at the sound, not having heard it from you before.
Neteyam places a comforting hand on your head, you gathering yourself as you get back up. Your face still bright red, and your stance very awkward.
Lo'ak and Kiri seemed uncharistically quiet, which is probably to be expected when you see your elder Na'vi brother straight up demolishing your human childhood friend with his..
"Allright..well you obviously saw us.. uhm...have sex." Your big blue guy says, suddenly not meeting anyones gaze.
"That's what that was? It seemed more like an assasination attempt... i mean seriously." Aonung turned to you with an astonished gaze. "How are you even alive?"
They all turn to you, you electing to simply stare at the wall like it was the most interesting thing in existence, totally ignoring the Na'vi that were staring at you... honestly when you think about it it is quite impressive people are able to make these straw walls by hand.
Neteyam steps in front of you, hissing harshly at Aonung. "It is in your best interest to shut your mouth." He stands up straight, just taller than the other boy.
I mean, so intricate, so beautifull, this hut is so well crafted.
"If you wanted 'that' you should have gone somewhere private." Aonung remarks, still taking a step backwards when your big blue guy takes a step toward him.
"We did go somewhere private! You four just followed us like some little creeps!" Neteyam seemed very very angry.
You notice as your mate gets a bit too riled up, obviously winding himself up to take a swing as he starts clenching his fist. You swiftly lean forward to tap him on the hip, his attention turning to you instantly.
You shake your head.
Neteyam locked his intense gaze on yours, "I want to touch Y/n every second of every day, she is my mate." He remarks dryly, as he takes a step backwards, grabbing your hand.
A second of awkward silence. You want to die.. like seriously.
"How long has this been going on?" Kiri speaks up loudly from behind the others, seeming uncomfortable but also strangely intrigued.
Neteyam stares at his little sister with wide eyes, he obviously hadn't taken into account that some of his siblings were here as well. Not to mention the tall lanky form of Lo'ak still standing frozen to the side.
Kiri's question visibly registers in Neteyam as he suddenly smiles softly.
A proud look appears on your big blue guy's face. "About three weeks... but i have been in love with her for years." He responded, a faraway look on his face. "And now we are finally together."
You give his hand a squeeze as you share a smile.
Kiri relaxes at his words, smiling softly. "You realised you loved her when she got hit in the head at the sea battle." She says more than asks, her gaze settling on your conjoined hands as a small smile circles her lips.
You smile, "I...think we have always loved eachother."
Neteyam settles his oversized hand on your back, "Y/n and I are not ready to share our relationship with Mom, dad or the others." He gives his sister a meaningfull look "We are not sure if we are able to remain in the clan if they find out."
Lo'ak seems to startle awake at his brothers words, "What the fuck? You can't possibly be thinking of leaving!" He pushes past the other kids, slapping his hands on his thighs in anger.
You both knew that the young Na'vi had started to heavily lean on Neteyam after the war, mostly because the boy felt responsible that you had both been on that boat.
Neteyam steps forward placing a hand in his brothers hair, "I don't think we have a choice bro, if Mom and dad want to force us apart.." he shakes his head in distress, "I won't leave y/n... I can't." He let out a heavy sigh, a troubled expression slipping onto his face.
Lo'ak shakes his head in disbelief, "After those fucking poachers almost killed you two... i..." he let's out a sigh, him relaxing a bit as Tsireya places a hand on his shoulder. "I can't let you be bullied away by mom and dad. The clan needs you!" He frowns, a blush appearing on his cheeks when Tsireya gives him an encouraging smile.
Neteyam leans over to place a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "If we have to leave, i will be heartbroken.. but not worried about the clan.. you would be a good future leader bro."
Lo'ak looks up at his brother with conflicted eyes, "I would rather you be here bro." He finally mutters softly.
"Guys.. we have all been away from the party too long." We should probably head back.." Kiri interupts as she walks forward placing a soft hand on Lo'ak's shoulder as she speaks to the rest.
"You're probably right.." Tsireya mumbles as she steers her brother and Lo'ak away.
Neteyam looks back at you with a soft look in his eyes, softly grabbing your hand.
Kiri looks at the movement with keen eyes, she shakes her head smiling. "You are whiiipped" she says in a singsong voice.
Neteyam just shrugs his shoulders, not even bothering to deny her words.
"Now come on brother.. it's my turn to dance with Y/n." Kiri grabs my hand from his, dragging me away.
"Whoah! We can't go out like this." You gesture toward the bruises and paint remains on your and Neteyam's skin.
Kiri rolls her eyes. "Aw come on guys! It's dark in there! No way anyone will see." She doesn't give you a second to breathe before she drags you away again.
Neteyam looks a bit put off, shaking his head. "Come on Kiri! This is irresponsible!"
Kiri shakes her head, turning toward her brother again. "Come on! Have some fun brother!"
"Jeez you guys are silly.." He murmurs finally, a smile circling his lips as he looks at his mate and his sister happily conversing.
We reach the party quickly, Neteyam going over to his friends to socialise when Kiri basically chases him away from you.
The moment Kiri sees he's out of earshot she walks me to the side of the dancefloor. "Y/n... i just saw you do it with my very very big Na'vi brother... Why in the world didn't i know about this?."
"Honestly... did you really want to know me and your brother have had tons of very kinky sex."
"Ew what? No!" Kiri sticks out her tongue in disgust.
I give her a dry look, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay fine.. that's fair... how did this even start?" Kiri seems way too interested in this..
"Well it was at that party a while back... you know when he got back from that fight?"
Kiri's eyes widened.. "No."
I nod sadly, "Yes."
"You had a weird sex fight with my brother?!" Kiri yelled loudly...
I jump up and place my hand onto her mouth.. "Shut up!" I grunt softly, thankfull no one had heard.
"Okay okay i'm sorry... but he was literally covered with red spots and fingerprints.." Kiri says sheepishly.
"Uhm... well.. i grabbed onto him quite tight when.... Nope not talking about this."
Kiri's eyes widen "No but now i wanna know! You two were so wild! I thought it was supposed to be soft and sweet when people mate! You have to tell me how it works!"
"Dude come on! I can't possibly tell you all the details.."
She gives me a look.
You folded and told her the basics..
We were currently sitting beneath a table in the far back of the temple. Effectively hidden out of view.
"Wow! Wait... so you put it in... and move? And that feels good?"
"Well.. i'm honestly not sure how it feels for you Na'vi.. but Neteyam really likes the way we do it.. and that is the human way so i think so?"
Kiri seemed intrigued, a bit disgusted, and was probably about to ask more questions anyway.
"Can we talk about anything else?" You ask curtly...
Kiri sighs, obviously not satisfied at your cut off conversation. "Allright fine! How about what happened with Spider?" She frowns.
Your heart skips a beat at her words.
"You know about that?" You say softly, knowing the girl was close with him.
She nods sadly, "He told me about it.."
"It's not his fault.." you mutter softly unable to meet the girls eyes.
"I think it was... but i think he knows that too." Kiri sighs shaking her head.
I place a soft hand on her shoulder.
"I.. i just.. i like spider!" Kiri blurts out, me choking in my saliva. You look at the now upset girl, the dark in the temple hiding most of her features.
I take a second to open up to the idea before finally responding.
"That's allright Kiri.. you can like whomever you want." Your thoughts secretly run wild at her revelation.. how would sex between them work? You shake your head, if they really like eachother they will figure it out. Just like you and Neteyam had.
But still.. how in the...
"Really?... Your not mad?" Kiri asks softly giving me a worried look.
"Huh why would i be mad at that?"
"Well... he hurt you? And i thought the two of you wanted to be together.
"Kiri. I have mated with Neteyam.. i have forgiven spider... If you want to be with him and he makes you happy. Then i want you to follow your heart." You give her a comforting smile.
Kiri smiles softly grabbing your small hand in her big one. "Thank you.. i think i needed to hear that." She blushes softly.
We give eachother a tight hug before getting out from under the table. Her going to find spider.
You look around the temple in search of your big blue guy. Huh... where was he? You get a strange feeling in your stomach, a bit unsettled that you can't find him.
As the sky gets darker and darker you get increasingly worried... Neteyam wasn't at the party anymore that was certain. And the other Sully weren't either.
He wouldn't have left without telling you..
You decide to take the long way home, taking a stroll through the Na'vi camp first. "Shit.." i murmur to myself as i hear yelling coming from the Sully tent.
You sneak up using a hunting technique Neteyam thought you. Peering through the straw walls you are suprised to see all the 'kids' sitting on the floor of the tent, Jake and Neytiri standing over them.
You strain to hear what they are saying,
"I cannot believe how irresponsibly you have behaved today Neteyam.." Jake shakes his head in dissapointment, his hands on his hips as he glares down at his oldest son.
Neteyam just glares down at the ground, his large shape looking silly as he sits on the floor. Your big blue guy is not backing down an inch though, his face seemingly set in stone.
"Neteyam.. what were you thinking?" Neytiri says sternly, crossing her arms. Her face pulled into a frown, "You have embarrassed your father tonight." She hisses, Jake placing a calming hand on her shoulder.
Neteyam remains silent, you noticing his fists clench and his jaw tick.. he was mad.. very mad.
Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk look at their brother with wide eyes, this behaviour still a bit new for them.
"Neteyam! You are an adult now, act like it!" Jake shouts loudly, his voice echoeing through the small hut causing the other kids to flinch. "You cannot just come back home looking like you just fought a damn bear whenever you feel like it!"
Neteyam doesn't move and doesn't do anything really...
"You cannot expect to find a proper mate if you act like this." Neytiri hisses again, slapping her son on the shoulder. Neteyam closes his eyes, taking a few heavy breaths.
"Neteyam stand up, others out." Jake growls out as he gestures for the others to leave.. they do.. the kids rushing outside on the other side of the tent.
Your big blue guy does as instructed standing straight in front of his parents. He was now slightly taller than his father, him now hovering over them both.
"You are going to be the next olo'eyktan soon.. how do you expect to step into my footsteps if you do things like this?" Jake paces left to right in front of the younger Na'vi.
"Neteyam.. please listen to your father, it is a great honor to become our clan leader. It is more important than anything or anyone except this family." Neytiri strokes her son's arm softly, them two closer than him and his father. Her oldest son pulls away from her this time,
"I allready have a family.. one of my own. And i don't care about being olo'eyktan.. i never have." Neteyam glares at them.
"You have worked so hard my son, you are a great warrior now.. why do you not want this?" Neytiri seems confused by her sons words.
"I haven't become the warrior i am today for you or for the clan.. i have become a warrior to protect..."
"That is what a commander should do Neteyam!" Jake shouts again. "You were doing so well at becoming the perfect leader! The perfect soldier! What could you possibly have as rea.." He is interupted as his son speaks up again.
"Dad. I don't care about any of that!" Neteyam groans in frustration, he loses his composure at once starting to pace left to right.
"Why? Because all you care about is that stupid human?" Neytiri interupts.
My heart drops at her words..
Neteyam's reaction is instant as he turns to her with cold eyes. "You do not speak about her that way. You don't have the right." He shakes his head, sending a withering glare to his brother.
"I'm leaving." He grunts, stepping out of the tent.
"Neteyam! I have not dismissed you yet soldier." Jake yells loudly, his face confused and distraught again.
Neteyam steps outside, his gaze instantly landing on me. His eyes soften as they meet yours.. water starts to fall from the sky sticking his dark hair to his face.
Your big blue guy strolls over to you instantly placing his hands on your waist, his emotions clear on his face.. he whistles for his Ikran. "I am so glad to see you." He whispers into your hair, tears falling from his eyes.
"Are you allright my love?" I ask softly, giving him a small smile.
"Let's go home.." He just murmurs leading you to the Ikran, you noticing his proud gaze as it settles on yours.
"Home?" You just ask confusedly.. him smiling as he pulls you close to place a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Yeah.. home.." Neteyam places you on the Ikran, the glowing plants lighting his now wet skin. It was magical.. the whole forest dark.
All of a sudden out from the darkness a little creature comes down from the tree's, its little white legs feeling strange as they tickle against your bare skin.. Neteyam's eyes widen...
The tree's above light up with purple light.. more of the little beings appearing as they float around you and your mate. You smile at him, pulling his face toward yours in a sweet kiss. You about the same height as him as you sit on the Ikran and he stands next to you.
His soft hand strokes your waist with tenderness. "I see you." He whispers, his braids tickling your shoulder as he takes a seat on the Ikran behind you his arm sliding around your body to keep you safe.
"I see you.." i whisper back. I feel him smile against the back of my bare shoulder as he bends down to place a kiss on it.
He makes a loud yip, the Ikran following his command as it sets off into the sky..
Something tells you to look back at the Sully's hut.. your gaze catches the form of Neytiri stand where you had just done.. reaching up to softly touch one of those little creatures before you dissappear out of view.
We reach the human base quickly, my mind still quite occupied by the strangeness that was today. Neteyam silent ass well and no doubt
Neteyam grasps your hand softly pulling you with him as you enter the base together. "I'm sorry but.. i am not hiding us anymore." He mutters softly, seeming scared of a possible reaction.
I nod at him. "I understand.. don't worry about me.. you have enough to worry about." I squeeze his hand
Your big blue guy laughs softly, "I will always worry for you." He admits.
The scientists in the hall look confused as they see us, we ignore them.
"Oh hey Neteyam what are you doing here so late?" Norm asks confusedly.. until his gaze settles on our conjoined hands.
"I am staying the night in y/n's room." Neteyam says dryly placing an arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his chest.
Norm and the other avatars seem confused.. "Wait.. does Jake know about this?" He asks softly.
The young Na'vi just shrugs before pulling you along again.. leaving the confused man in your wake.
"Did you see all thiose marks on then.. it almost seemed like hickeys." You both heard Norm say to one of his helpers.
The two of you finally reach your room, him smiling broadly as he settles his hands on your waist. "I have never felt so amazing... just telling people that you are my mate.. i am so happy."
"I never expected you to be so impulsive Teyam. I can't say that i mind this new version of you.." i smile softly as i stare into his eyes.
I run my eyes down his chest.. noticing the bruises and hickeys again.
"I think we need to shower my love.. although.. if you are still in an adventurous mood.. we could shower in the larger one on the main floor.." I give him a teasing look, stroking my hand down his hard chest.
Lust fills his eyes. "Allright then my love.. maybe today is finally the day that we get caught by someone who doesn't keep their mouth shut.. i can't say i mind the thought of people recognising my claim on you my little mate.
His hands run up your body.
Chapter 1:
(Hope you enjoyed it!)
Chapter 5,2:
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august-zip · 6 months ago
Allright. Since I have smashed back half of my study project I can 1. Do some work on sysboxes. And 2 tell you all about some things of DID and parts/alters
1. If you have DID. Your not multiple parts or multiple "people" your less than one part. Less than one identity because yours didn't Intergrate due to trauma.
2. People with DID aren't literally multiple people in one body. You aren't sharing a body with other individuals. You are "sharing" a body with yourself and yourself only. Alters/parts are you, whether they have their own name or not.
3. You will not form a new alter/part purely based off of a hyperfixation. Parts form due to traumatic experiences and stress!
4. You cannot choose what alters/parts you have. Despite some being adamant that thats the only way you get new alters.
5. Innerworld or headspace does not exist. You cannot get drunk in headspace, you cannot get hurt, you will not get life threatening injuries that send you to an Innerworld hospital. It is a therapy technique. Nothing more nothing less.
6. Innerworlds are something everyone can have. Not just systems. Non disordered people can use this technique as well.
7. You cannot see your alters/parts.
8. People shouldn't care about being fakeclaimed by strangers online. A strangers opinion should not matter to you.
9. The only way to be a system is through repetitive childhood trauma.
- Vesper
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