cadfreakingspinner · 3 months
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Bertha butterswagon my beloved
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
"Why are these two chumaj's here?!" Viktor held you protectively to his chest.
Freckle was hiding behind Ivy while Rocky held that stupid look on his face. He didn't want those two idiot's near you, not with how close you were to giving birth.
"You said you needed help and that's why they're here!" Ivy gave the stoic bartender a bright grin.
"Tech....I change my mind...I will wait until the baby is born"
Dropping your shoulders you turned to face Viktor, giving him your own smile you caressed his cheek gently. "Viktor, you can't keep putting this off, Mitzi need's all the help she can get...nothing will happen okay."
Working his jaw, Vikor then dropped his shoulders as he rested his head against your own. After a few choice words he slowly nodded his head. "moja láska" Placing a kiss to the top of your head he then pulled back pointing at the three. "If anything happens to her..I will rip off your arms and shove them down your vroats."
Giving you one last look, Viktor grabbed his coat leaving the small apartment.
"He's wonderful, isn't he." You smiled watching your husband leave as the three gave each other looks.
Glancing out the window, you frowned seeing the snow come down. You didn't know when it started to snow but you were worried about Viktor as you did your best to ignore the three chatting to each other, you were so distracted that you didn't notice your own water breaking.
"Hey! Y/n!"
Closing the curtain, you gave Rocky a weak smile turning to face the young man. "What is it Rocky."
"You're leaking."
"She's not leaking Rocky! Her water broke...her water broke!" Ivy shrieked as she rushed over to your side as she guided you to the couch.
"Viktor is going to kill us!" Rocky groans as he closed his eyes glancing at you. "Can you...hold it in?"
Taking deep breath in, you narrowed your eyes as you gritted your teeth. "You can't hold in s child Rocky! Aghh I hate you...why did you."
"It...it's okay...you're going to be okay." Ivy did her best to sooth you, the young woman doing her best to help you through your labor.
"I...I need Viktor...I can't." You shook your head as you slumped into the couch taking deep breaths in. "I'm so scared."
"Freckle...can you call Mitiz...see if Viktor might be there."Rocky swallowed thickly as he moved to sit behind you. "Please don't hurt me...j-just listen to Ivy....I know you can do this."
Viktor forced himself to run faster through the storm, he had to get back to you. Hearing your cries over the phone, he didn't care what happened to him, he just had to get to you, you were all that mattered.
He wasn't sure how long it took him to get back the tiny flat but as long as you were okay. Kicking the snow off his boots, the man looked all over the living room for you. He could smell the remnants of blood, his stomach clenching painfully thinking of the worst.
His heart hammering he slowly made his way towards the bedroom. Shoulders dropping in relief seeing you bundled up in the blankets holding something in your arms. "I'm sorry" he couldn't believe that he missed the birth of his child.
Biting back a yawn, you gave Viktor a soft smile as you shook your head. "Don't blame yourself Viktor, actually thanks to Ivy, Rocky and Freckle everything was perfect."
"And Freckle only passed out once." Rocky chimed in.
Letting out an annoyed grunt, Viktor narrowed his eyes then turned his attention to you. Caressing your cheek, he sat close peering at the little bundle. She was so small, tiny ears twitching on her head. "She's beautiful...just like her mother."
Smiling, you rested your head on his chest as you closed your eyes. "She's perfect, just like her father."
Rocky let out a sniffle watching you three. "What a sweet moment"
Growling, Viktor snapped his head towards the young man. "Leave...and thank you."
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Xavier Thorpe x reader (y/n)
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 
Warnings; drinking, mentions death, tiny bit of smut
Word count: 984
Author notes: aghh i really struggled with this part! I am unfortunately back to work tomorrow so will have to slow down on posting:( Once again thank you for all the love on the last few parts, hope you enjoy this one!<3
Summary: You are a poltergeist with the powers of invisibility (cloaking), levitation and pyrotechnics. You and Xavier attended a secret nightshade party together, resulting in your first kiss.  
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You and Xavier headed back to the party, his jacket still wrapped around you and his arm pulled around your waist. When you returned to the party spin the bottle had broken up, everyone was now dotted around the room dancing to whatever loud music was playing. You two joined the group and danced for a while, Xavier occasionally grabbed your hips and swayed you back and forth, pulling you closer to him. Every moment his lips were near your neck sent shivers down your spine, you could feel his breath tickle you, the boy knew he was driving you crazy, and knew he barely had to try to succeed.
You pulled away after a while to get yourself another drink, at the main table you were greeted by Bianca, who was being surprisingly kind to you, she complimented your outfit and even asked if you were enjoying yourself. As Bianca left the table to join the group you reached for her arm to pull her back, “Bianca, I don't know the details, but I’m sorry”, you shifted your head towards Xavier. 
Bianca let out a small laugh, “Honestly, I don't care, just don't come running to me if you ever need dating advice.” Bianca left you to your thoughts after giving you a sad smile, you could tell she was hurt, but not bitter which you appreciated.
The party started to die down in the early hours of the morning, everyone had far too much to drink, yourself included. Xavier offered to walk you back to the dorm, although at this point he might have well been carrying you. “Come on gorgeous, let's get you in bed.” Xavier whispered into your ear as he walked you out.
Xavier and Ajax decided it was best for you to stay in their room again, you were far too drunk to look after yourself and the boys dorm was much easier to sneak into. Xavier asked you to cloak yourself as you got closer to the doors, unfortunately because of your intoxicated state cloaking became a challenge, you could only hold it for several seconds before you hiccuped and made yourself visible again. Ajax was easily amused at your state, his laughs making the mission of sneaking you in just that bit more difficult. 
It almost felt like a duplicate of the night before, Xavier guided you into the bathroom, however instead of leaving you to get changed he stayed to help out as you were failing miserably, he pulled one of his tops over your head and gave you the hair tie he was wearing to put your hair up. His hair fell down, framing his face, you were mesmerised and couldn't stop staring, “Come on gorgeous, let's get you into bed.”
“Where's Ajax?” you asked as you entered the bedroom, Xavier explained Ajax had gone back to the party to meet Kent, he dormed alone and anticipating you would be around again decided earlier in the night to sleep at Kent's.
Xavier guided you to the bed, helping you in, he stopped to put some music on, neither of you in the mood to sleep just yet. It felt like hours had passed as you and Xavier lay in bed talking, at some point you both ended up on the floor staring up at the ceiling, laying on top of a mountain of blankets and pillows you had pulled off the bed. Xavier laid his head on your stomach, you played with his hair, gently twisting it around your finger. Conversation just came so naturally with Xavier, you felt like you could talk forever.
“Xavier, tell me a secret”, you said.
“A secret? What do you want to know y/n?” .
“Well a secret, something no one else knows, obviously” you laughed and rolled your eyes.
“I almost died once.” You both paused. 
“How?” you asked.
“Lets just say a game of hide and seek at a funeral went terribly wrong, and I almost ended up getting cremated when I was 10.” You laughed. You didn't mean to laugh, but Xavier's calm collective nature about the incident made it much more amusing. “Alright that's enough,” Xavier cut your laughs off, “What's your secret?” he asked.
“I like you.”, you blurted out, “I mean I’ve just really enjoyed the past 24 hours with you, I haven't felt this comfortable with someone in a long time-” you started rambling.
“Stop.” Xavier cut you off, while you were talking he positioned himself so he was leaning up on one arm, the other lay across your stomach, his hand covering your waist, “I adore you, y/n”, Xavier glanced at your lips, bringing himself closer, you met him half way joining lips. Xavier's hand followed the curve of your body, slowly pulling your top up as his hand moved upwards, Xavier broke his lips away, moving toward your ear, “you have been driving me crazy all evening”, he whispered. Xavier's lips were already at your neck, you let out a soft moan, followed by dragging out Xavier's name. Your hand reached up to Xavier's hair, gently pulling it, Xavier let out a moan across your lips. You both pulled away letting each other catch your breath. Xavier's hands moved across your body, your own hands scratched his back, your long nails dragged upwards, all while leaving passionate kisses all over him. You couldn't resist, Xavier was literally irresistible. “I need you, y/n”, Xavier gave you a look, you bit your lip and nodded, allowing Xavier to take over completely. 
Without realising, the sun began to rise, sending shafts of light into Xavier's dorm. You couldn't imagine how time had gone so quickly, you snuck in a few more passionate kisses before you both decided to get some sleep, you both crawled to the bed, Xavier's arms wrapping around you once more before you collapsed into a deep sleep. 
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cherrywperson · 2 months
OKKAY 🫡🫡 im mostly gonna copypaste from my hc list in my notes
nonbinary but also hes kinda apathetic abt allat cuz no one would gaf to ask his prns and theyd probably forget + the void made him kinda more dysphoric mannnn
autistic + 8928 mental illnesses
knows how to cook and is pretty good at it ^__^ (he just doesnt rlly get the chance to cook anymore cuz yk....)
would bite ppl prevoid and still bites ppl postvoid (even more!!!)
likes plushies bcuz yk he had daisy in his bed in the nobody
gets nightmares about the void damn.. and he has this frequent dream of gumball actually saving him when he was in the void AGHH !!!!
was friends with molly (THEY WERE BFFS!!) and tobias too lol (i like to think they were eachothers dates in the party) . couldve also been friends with anais and tried to be friends with william at some point
perhaps... maybe.... theres someone out there who never forgot him .. (who is that person? i leave that up to you)
sometimes wears shitty shirts he finds at the dumpster
speaking of the dumpster he goes scavanging on it and finds silly shit like cds and other shit he keeps and takes "home"
all his money comes from wallets he found on the ground/stole
was def a theater kid . dramatic ass!!!! ACTUALLY hes an edgy emo fuck bro thinks hes a lone alpha wolf 💀💀
never takes a shower bro HE STINKS!!!!!!!!
has back problems cuz he sleeps on the cold concrete floor with no mattress 😭
hes mexican 🔥🔥 intolerant to spicy stuff though STUPID
his body hurts the whole time cuz of the constant static and glitching . and also he hears static the whole time he can NEVER catch a break
fucking loves loud music YAAHAHAHAHGD
due to him being a background character he doesnt have any family/relatives !!!! 😁
opinion on this stupid guy: when i got back into tawog this guy gave me rabies all the time, rn not so much unfortunely 💔 i still rlly like him though hes a fave of mine !! i like bullying him a lot ❤️
when he saw bobert for the first time he thought he was going crazy bro was tweaking 💀💀
ppl throw him all the godamnn time like hes a rock
opinion: I NEVER THINK OF HIM SORRY 😭😭 i think hes funny idk man . i didnt know his name was idaho for years cuz they call him "papita" in the latam dub . the potato episode confused me SO BAD
neutrois demiromantic aceflux (he/it)
connected to thr boid in a way? hes related to it?? either that or hes one of the first ppl to get sucked into the void 💀
he keeps trying to figure out a way to communicate with people without hurting them. like damn give him a notepad and a pen im sure he can hold a pen with his telekinesis . or have him carry around a tiny speaker
bobert could understand what hes saying and translate ^__^ juke could also try to be friends with william and bond over not being understood !!
hes good friends with teri too !! she takes the time to understand it and and theyre buddies and and yeah
he probably listens to weird obscure creepy music and plays it out loud to scare people sometimes lmao
opinion: someone SAVE BRO 😭😭 help him poor thang
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etsap123 · 1 year
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At the base, Rockwell, Karai, Vine, and Slash were all being treated as Mondo and Leatherhead rested themselves against the wall.
Donnie and angel were dealing with the injuries as the others stood together for a group huddle, but no one really knew what to say. Everyone was still freaked out and trying to maintain their composure.
“So any plan on how to find them?” Casey asked, with Mikey trying to comfort mona and April next to him.
The group turned to Leo, whose face was paler than usual before he sighed, eyes clearly trying to hide his worry.
“Anyone pick up clues as to where they ran off. Footprints, a trail of some kind?” He asked, knowing there was likely nothing.
“There's nothing.” Aprils breathing began to shift. “There is literally nothing!” April yelled as tears flowed down her cheeks.
The room went silent before Raph released a growl.
“If only they had left something behind! Something that could lead us to them!” He raged, kicking a chunk of concrete into a semi-collapsed tunnel.
Donnie took out the dart from Rockwell's shoulder.
“Agh!” A voice cried out.
Donnie looked at Rockwell, confused, given he was still unconscious. Donnie lifted his head before standing up and walking towards the semi-collapsed tunnel. He peeked inside through the opening of the wreckage.
“What you looking at, Donnie?” Mikey said as Raph took over in comforting Mona.
“I thought I heard something.” Donnie scratched at the top of his head.
A groan seeped through the cracks gaining more of the group's attention. Mikey and Donnie urgently glanced at each other before tossing pieces of the tunnel over their shoulders.
“Do you think that's the kids or one of those "humanists"? Ralph scoffed, turning to Leo.
“I'm not sure. Let's check it out.” Leo added, walking towards the tunnel that was almost opened up.
Mikey and Donnie stepped out of the way as Leo entered before following behind him.
They looked around the scenery with Donnie pulling out his Tphone. Mikey ran his hands along the side of the wall before stepping on something with a crack.
“Aghh!!” Someone yelled, jerking their hand away from under the turtle's foot.
They hissed, pushing themselves to their knees before locking their eyes on the mutants. The three turtles unsheathed their weapons as the intruder gaped at them.
“Stay away from me. You freaks of nature!” The man snapped, backing away from them and pulling out a knife.
Leo growled and kicked the knife out of his hand. Mikey and Donnie yanked him from the ground and pushed him against the wall.
The man continued to struggle against their grip as he twisted his face in fear. Leo held the tip of his sword to the soldier's neck, immediately halting his actions.
“It's time for some answers.”
Alone in the humanist lab held, the eight children. All in separate cages stacked against the wall.
Kiba gripped at the bars that confined her to nothing but metal and the piece of cardboard she had for a bed. Tears went down her tiny face, now covered in cuts and bruises.
Underneath her, Irrilia, now with a split lip, foamed at the mouth as she teethed on the railings. She was growling like a feral animal her instincts taking a hold of her.
Next door to the snake, Iris was curled up in the corner of her prison. She had a black eye making it painful to cry but she couldn’t stop.
Slowly a small shaky hand tapped at the bottom of the cage gate, making her shift to her hands and knees and begin to crawl over. She fell to her chest as her body went limp and looked down at the hand below her before leaning her arm out to hold it.
Dakota leaned into the cage, reaching his hand to hers as the water in his eyes trickled down his face. The bars pressing hard into his ribs.
Across the room and still on the lab desk, the little boy held a foam sword with a smile. He giggled, turning to the opposing wall where the caged mutants were held. The child watched in wonder before hopping onto the chair and floor. He waddled his way through the lab and over to Cody with his foam sword in hand.
Cody looked at him with fear pushing himself back. Reaching the cage the boy knocked at the metal making Cody back away even more.
“Play swords?” He offered the foam sword with a smile, as Cody shifted his head to the side. He was about to reach for it when the child was yanked up from the floor.
“Hunter, there is no need to associate with these freaks and traitors.” Vital said holding him at his waist. “They’re better off dead if they live their life a monster.” He finished before turning away. Hunter stared at the array of cages with fear as Cody cowered back into the corner.
“Chaplin, has the new batch of mutagen arrived yet?” He asked as Irrilia slammed her fists on the gate. Vital glared at her and kicked the metal bars before her, making her jump and quiver away.
“Yes, a large amount of mutagen was stashed at the mutant base.” Chaplin said, pulling on some gloves.
“Good, then let's get to work.”
The attacker fought and kicked at his captures before they shoved him to the floor. Casey and Mona holding him down as he continued to squirm.
“Where are they?” Donnie snarled, releasing the blade from his staff.
The man scoffed. “And why would I tell you pests? You're not getting me to talk!” He yelled, causing Mona to harshly grip his sprained wrist.
He cried, the pain surging through his body.
“Tell us now!” Leo held his blade at the man's throat.
He didn't budge, but Raph slammed his foot into the crevice of his ankle, making him scream.
Leatherhead watched with a smile towering over everyone as April's hands began to twitch.
Angel's expression shallowed, turning away from Vine.
The man's breathing began to vary as the sharp pressure on his neck began to sting.
“Tell us now, and we might just let you live.” Mikey said, coming face to face with him.
Donnie and Leo quickly glanced at each other at the alien tone of their light-hearted brother.
The soldier spit in Mikey's face causing him to yelp and jump back in disgust.
Raph growled. “Ok, that's it!” Raph grabbed the stubborn soldier by the neck and slammed him headfirst into the wall.
He clawed at the hot head of the group's hand, desperate for relief.
“If you don't tell us now! We will break every bone in your body before Leatherhead drags you to the bottom of the sewer tanks for a snack.” Raph yelled, tightening his grip.
Donnie pulled up a picture of the human anatomy as Leatherhead grinned. The man paled as his eyes watered.
“So what are you gonna pick?” April focused and raised her hand, causing his arm to twist.
“Aghh!” His face strained as he hissed. “There at the remains of the TCRI lab!” Raph let him drop to the concrete floor as Leo stepped toward him.
“Leatherhead. Drop him off by the police station. He has enough illegally obtained weapons to earn himself a decade or two in prison.”
At the lab Chaplin reached into A cage a smirk growing on his face. “Aghh!!” Kohanna screamed as she was gripped at the neck and taken from the group.
Chaplin lowered a pair of chains from the ceiling as more cries radiated in the background. Kiba jerked at the cage, hissing and crying as Chaplin suspended the wailing redhead over the lab table.
Irrilia yelled, kicking and punching at the latch that her acidic teething had worn away. She slammed her fists into the metal bars and with a crack the cage door swung open, causing her to fall on the floor.
She pushed herself to her feet and looked up at Kiba, who was reaching out through the bars. Irrillia quickly began to crawl up the rails turning Chaplin's attention away from Kohanna.
Irillia groaned pulling on Kiba's gate before Chaplin gripped and yanked her by the arm, leaving her to dangle there as she squirmed.
Kiba growled as Irrilia wailed and grabbed at her arm.
Kiba hissed, spraying venom in Chaplin's face making him cry out and drop the salamander mutant on her back.
Kiba released her arms, shifting them into snakes before gripping the sides of his face with their fangs. She pulled her arms back, slamming his face into the cage, effectively opening it and leaving him groaning on his knees.
Kiba climbed her way down, rushing to Irrilia, who was still lying on the floor. Kiba nudged at her cousin, still teary-eyed, before helping her sit up.
The lab door slammed open, making Kiba and Irrilia turn to the sudden light in the room.
Vital walked in, baton in hand, before a visible green spark was released on the end of it.
“This should be fun.”
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atomicdarc · 4 months
smashes through the blog walls again, it's me...sadly
It's more about my oc and what kind of shit she does in Transformers armada (my oc is like a oc that can travel through different fandoms)
Sam likes playing with the bots fingers or just something to fiddle with, at random moments she would go to the bots if they're busy or not, just ask for their servo and starts making it close and open until that urge is gone,, either she'll leave or sit inside their servo and take a small nap or work on a project (or help whatever said bot is doing)
They don't mind, tbh, it's like a small massage to their fingers.
Said oc also has anxiety (and uh separation anxiety or something? It's because of her past so yeah!!) So whenever my oc starts randomly having nightmares or in public (I hc that the bots/cons already have holoforms) they'll just hold their hands or stay really close and follow them anywhere.
Similarities to the bots is, headphones like hotshots, glasses = red alert visors, green jacket (doesn't bring along much) scavengers colour, blue/yellow scarf is Sideswipes colours, orange bracelet which is smokescreen colour and name on it, Blurr + Jetfire colours are her shoes which also has a lil autobot logo
She has this one helmet (which oc obviously made as a project) that's equally same to Optimuses one lol
Tiny red alert 2.0 is because, red hasn't realised he has mentally adopted Sam, both same hand/arm literally got cut off and replaced, both knows medical shit and c a r s, both literally doesn't sleep atp lmfao, visors/glasses. Blind asses, sadly Sam isn't one for work but prefers relaxing odhsiahs
-🏍 Anon
She's so damn cute, help
Now I imagine a tiny itty bitty thing playing with the bots hands! And she having accessories resembling every bot???? Aaaaauhhhggghh😭❤️❤️
And it's, Don't worry about telling me about your ocs, honestly, I really do enjoy reading about people ocs so don't be worried about bothering me, you aren't :]
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421-fortheone · 1 year
💌 210102
tbh i did not expect anything to happen on that day, i assumed it was just gonna be a simple celebration of us four (my fam), we decorated the background for pictures ofc but yeah, my mom was (and still) very extra and decided to surprise me! ♡ (tho she was busted haha)
thankful that i got me a sweet and tiny little circle of friends, which i know are the perfect people to surround myself with. they might be crazy and weird sometimes but that what makes me love them even more. ♡
my nineteenth year of celebrating my existence was the simplest yet happiest moment out of all, and i am very blessed to have these wonderful people beside me to grill hotdogs and crab sticks haha. ♡
i love my family and friends so much, aghh i hope we can stay like this forever. ♡
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sunshinetoshi · 4 years
New Dad Moments
Kuroo Tetsurou, Oikawa Tooru, and Tanaka Ryuunosuke
A/N: lots of self-indulgent fluff and some hq boy chaos. Tanaka’s was so funny to me like picturing it but it’s also half the length of the other two oops. pregnancy/labor/delivery and slight language (like really slight)
You and your husband were taking your new baby boy home from the hospital. You sat by the hospital window, holding your son close as you waited for Kuroo to come back from packing the car. Your baby was blinking up at you and you felt your heart could combust right there. You started talking to your son, telling him how much you loved him. His little eyes looked sleepy but it made you smile how much they looked like Kuroo’s eyes. “I wonder what you’re going to be like when you’re all grown up.” He squirmed a little in your arms and you softly stroked his little arm. “Are you going to grow up like your dad? What do you think? If you do I know you’ll have an amazing heart, just like him.” You placed a small kiss on his head. You turned when you heard a soft knock on the door.
Tetsurou smiled at you two adoringly, “Let’s go home.”
After settling all your things you three had a moment to relax on your bed. “He’s so beautiful,” Tetsurou whispered.
You nodded in agreement. You couldn’t believe your baby was real. You were mesmerized. You were brought back to reality when you heard sniffling next to you. You looked at Kuroo. “Hey why are you crying?” you cooed.
Tetsurou had been especially emotional since he first held his son. Just this morning you caught him crying as he rocked his baby boy.
Kuroo used the sleeve of his sweater to wipe at his runny nose. “I love him so much I can’t comprehend it.” He furiously tried to wipe away his tears. He chuckled, “Damn it, I keep crying.” His eyes went wide and he slapped his hand over his mouth, “Damn, I just cursed..” Another look of realization hit him. “Aw, shit I just said damn again! Aghh wait I can’t stop! Motherfu-”
You quickly gasped and whacked him on the chest before he could finish, “Tetsu!”
A strangled noise fell out of him and his face went pale. “Y/N,” he threw his head onto your shoulder in despair. You tried to comfort him so you smoothed his hair. You knew he didn’t mean it and you knew he would be feeling way worse than needed.
He started mumbling apologies to you and to the baby. He eventually quieted and your thoughts replayed what just happened. You erupted into laughter and Kuroo sat up again. You started cackling so much tears were escaping. You tried to calm yourself down so you wouldn’t be shaking the baby too much. But Kuroo joined in on the laughter and it took a while for you guys to quiet up.
Eventually a calm took over the air again and you two were back to admiring your son. You felt so much joy and you almost started laughing again thinking about what Kuroo did. You spoke up and leaned your head closer to your baby, “Hey little, remember that thing I told you in the hospital. Maybe you don’t have to grow up to be exactly like your dad, hm? Less of a potty mouth perhaps.”
Kuroo’s chest rumbled in amusement. “Hey,” he chided. He lifted his son’s hand lightly, “Dada will do his best, okay buddy?” He turned to give you a smile and you felt flustered by how much love he looked at you with. “But I would not be opposed in the slightest if he turned out more like you. I think that would actually be really, really lovely.” He leaned toward you and placed a soft kiss on the cheek. 
It was your turn to get emotional.
You weren’t getting a lot of sleep with the new baby. You thought your pregnancy brain was bad but the sleep-deprived parent brain was working its way up to first place. One morning Oikawa wrapped his arms around you and told you to go take a nap. A long nap. Your head sank into his chest and you let out a deep breath. You pouted and looked up at him. Brushing his hair back you told him, “I can’t. I have to do the laundry, I have to make lunch, I need to give her a bath. I don’t think I have the time, love.”
He gently shook his head and tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, “Make time. Laundry, lunch, baby. I got this. You need rest.”
Your heart swelled and your body wanted to immediately say yes to the proposal for sleep but you observed Tooru’s face. He wasn’t faring much better in the sleep department either. “Are you sure?” you asked him. 
You kissed him and made your way to your bed, sinking into sleep faster than you expected to. When you woke up you felt like a million bucks. Then your parental instincts went into high gear when you heard crying. You jumped out of bed but calmed down when your brain told you that it wasn’t your daughter. Then you recognized that the little sniffles were little Tooru sniffles. You found him in the baby’s nursery. He was rocking her around her room.
“Hey, handsome.” 
“Oh hey sweetheart, you look refreshed,” he placed the baby into her crib. 
“What’s wrong? You’re crying,” you say as you wrap your arms around him and look over at your little baby girl. 
“I was just thinking. And I started crying,” he let out an embarrassed laugh.
“Well what were you thinking about?” 
“One day she’s going to grow up.” 
“Well we just have to cherish these moments then hm.” You gave him a tight squeeze before releasing him. 
He turned to face you. He was pouting. “But Y/N, you don’t get it. She’s going to grow up and she’s going to be strikingly beautiful and intelligent like you and brilliant and hardworking like her daddy and then everyone at her school is going to flock to her but I already know she’ll be stubborn and she won’t want her amazingly kind and handsomely-aged dad to butt in. But someone’s gotta keep those crazy hormone-filled teens straight so then we’ll have to resort to asking Iwa-chan and then he’ll say ‘You owe me Shittykawa’ and then he’ll come and be an amazing uncle. He’s just going to show them that scowl and scare them off but then somehow one of them is going to weasel their way into her life and then they're going to confess and then they’ll start dating and then she’s going to get married. And she won’t be this tiny little baby anymore, oh Y/N I don’t know if I can take it. I’m not ready to walk her down the aisle.” He pulled you into a bear hug. 
Your jaw dropped. These dramatic moments from Oikawa were few and far between since your highschool days and this was the most elaborate one in a while. You wanted to laugh but you wiggled your arms free so you could rub his back. You kept your hold on him until he lifted himself up. You brushed your fingers against his face and you wanted to frown looking at the dark circles under his eyes. He clearly needed a nice nap too. You ran your fingers through his hair. “If it makes you feel a bit better I don’t think she’s thinking about relationships at two months old.” 
He cracked a smile, “She better not think about relationships until she’s thirty- no, forty.” It made you chuckle. He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. His smile was big now. 
“Are you good?” 
He nodded. “I made chicken.” 
“What?” you giggled. 
“For lunch,” he bent over the crib and gave your sleeping baby girl a kiss on the head and then made sure the baby monitor was on. Grabbing your hand he headed for the door, “Come on.” 
“Okay but after lunch you are catching up on your sleep.”
Tanaka has always treated you like royalty, and pregnancy was no different. In fact it was probably even more extra during pregnancy. Will drive miles for the food you’re craving, give you massages, he did whatever he needed to make sure you were comfortable. 
And now you two were in the hospital after your water broke. During the contractions, Tanaka gave you his hand to squeeze. And he kept encouraging you, giving you affirmations. After a particularly big contraction he smoothed your hair back. “You’re doing great, babe.” 
“Thank you,” you gave him a smile.
He kissed you, “You look gorgeous.” 
You laughed, “I look so gross right now, I feel so gross.” 
“Well then you make being gross look really good.” 
When it was time for you to start pushing Tanaka insisted you keep holding his hand. A big push came and you squeezed his hand tight. “Ow, babe that hurts, that hurts.” 
The look of pure murder on your face when your head whipped to look at him as the baby was literally crowning out of your body. 
His soul leaves the stratosphere. “You know what,” he puts his hand back into yours, “just break it.” 
You grabbed it as the midwife told you to push again. As much pain as you were in you didn’t want to be mean to your husband one bit much less hurt him so you tried not to squeeze it too hard but something in your body told you to give an extra hard push and you couldn’t help it. 
A small squeak escaped Tanaka before he crumpled onto the floor. You may have crushed his hand. 
“Ryuu!” You tried to look over the bed at him but you were GIVING BIRTH.
“I’m okay, I’m okay. Keep going, beautiful. Baby Girl is almost here,” he groaned as he tried to pull himself back up. 
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octania · 4 years
Dabi x Reader (HEADCANONS, NSFW, 18+)
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Warnings: nsfw, somnophilia (sleeping beauty syndrome), daddy kink, orgasm control, over stimulation, gagging, praise kink. 
Short description: All of the kinks, all of the things, Dabi likes to do to your delicate body. Play, lick, touch....and daddy will love you, so, so much....
Kiss her to sleep - As the clock strikes the late night hours after midnight, the shadows looming around the hallways make a shape of a tall man, wide shoulders, relaxed but still ready as a gun, slipping in the room that does not belong to him, but what is inside, is his and his alone. There is no need for the secrecy, no need for sneaking, you are his lover for some time now..but even his better side does not know his intimate desires to their core. He can’t help to see you far gone in your dream land, laying on the silky bed sheets wearing your white thank top that shows your nipples, clearly, visible even in this pitch black night, hardened by the refreshing breeze coming from the half opened window. Turquoise blue irises lurk these erotic bulges, making a reaction of his own, sending the blood down his loins, filling the tight place of his boxers with his raging stiffness. Dabi keeps watching. Keeps eating the sight of your body all the way to your bare tights and tight pink panties. They are no better than your top, just a poor excuse for clothing, so see-through it almost reveals every detail. But even that is too little for Dabi. He came to silence the voices whispering in his head, keeping him awake and hard, sending the images of what he will now do to his head. He has to. He has to, give it goodnight kiss. Dabi’s long fingers touch the surface of your smooth skin of your inner thigh, crossing with his fingers upwards until they meet the cotton material. His digits move so lightly it could be barely called a movement, as he gently touches your covered folds. They are plushy, soft to the touch, the tip of his finger sinks in your skin as he lightly smiles, starting to stroking them. A quiet sound escapes your lips, and he slows down, climbing up your little cunt until he feels a little bump under the panties. Your nerve bud slightly reacts on the warm finger caressing it,petting the pearl tenderly. Dabi loves to touch you like this, listening how your breathing gets just a bit more deep, almost unhearable moans leaving your lips..you are so adorable in that sleepy state, sweet like sugar.. He licks his lips knowing what comes next, hungry for the real taste.  He leans down. His hot breaths make you shiver unconsciously. He presses his lips and the tip of his nose on your clothed pussy, inhaling while closing his eyes, brushing his soft lip to the edge of your panties, then slowly and with caution, he pulls the material, leaving your naked and exposed pussy to him. He holds the material on the side with his index finger to prevent it from slipping back on, then he finally lets himself to do what he fantasized about. He pressed a tender and loving kiss on your soft folds. He continues to line up delicate kisses on your pussy lips, along your slit, pushing them just a bit a part so the tip of his tongue can take a little lick. It was more of a touch than a lick, just to sample you...to taste you.. “What a pretty little pussy...” - Dabi whispers next to your clit, sending vibrations along your skin that almost made you roll over, but he was softly holding your legs,to make you stay in place. After that he just pushed them to spread them a little, continuing to kiss your small pussy all over, opening his lips and placing your erected clit between them, squeezing it with his tender flesh, sucking on it all so gently. “Good little girl..”- he strokes you with his thumb on your hips with whispers, holding your legs apart, making your folds open, so his lips can get coated in those glistering juices coming from your entrance. And that pleases him, as his kisses continue, a but more sucking added to clean his princess. Dabi does this often... and he will continue to do so, his sleeping beauty needs to be kissed to pleasure....
She licked me like a lollipop - Dabi takes pleasure in controlling every aspect about you, specially when that control gets you sexually frustrated to the point where your legs shake, tingling between your legs becomes unbarable as you try to rub yourself on anything just to get a bit of fraction along your swollen clit, but he forbids it. He prefers you bent over the chair’s back, as he sits in the front, facing you. You watch him as he lazily stokes his thick cock, begging him to let you have it in any way, being rubbed against your dripping cunt, being fuck with it until the chairs will be your worst enemy because you will be unable to sit..but he refuses..he just smiles at you, forcing you to keep spreading your ass cheeks with your hands and keep your legs apart so you can’t put even a bit pressure on your needy pussy, as the icing flows down your leg. You whine as the tears start to pool in the corners of your eyes from how desperate you need to be touched down there. Dabi kisses your cheek as he pushes his middle finger in your mouth,pumping it slowly in. “Suck this doll..shh..I know you want to suck.”- you nod frantically, gazing with your teary eyes at his throbbing cock he keeps shamelessly jerking , telling him without words that this is what you really want to suck. But your silent request is ignored, as he brushes his cock against your shivering legs, collecting he juices that are dripping along them, pumping his heavy meat faster after getting your natural lubricant on it. “Daddy’s precious little doll, keep spreading those cheeks,..that’s it, good girl..now suck daddy’s fingers...shh..you can’t get this, not now doll...daddy knows what he is doing and what is good for you..I love to see you this needy...who is daddy’s little needy slut? Yes, you are sweetheart.”- he catches the tear rolling down your eye with his kisses, as you body can’t take this amount of arousal any longer.
Shush little doll, don’t say a word - Dabi can’t get satisfied by only one heated round with your tiny pussy, no matter how hard he fucked you..he needs to have a couple of them, and your exhaustion, soreness and over stimulation won’t stop him. He gets your tired body to the side, grinding his already stone hard cock between your abused folds still smeared with his fresh cum from minutes before. You beg, you cry, you plead for him to stop, that you can’t take no more, but your sentences of how sore and used you are only gets him more stiff...but he knows how your tiny voice will get high after he shoves his throbbing length inside you and you feel your velvety walls burn from over stimulation, so he takes your lace tong that was discarded off your body hours ago, pushes you leg up to gain better access to your pussy, and wipes the sperm off your cunt. You cry out as the rough material brushes on your clit, but your sound is silenced quickly when he shoves the soaked panties in your mouth. Your eyes widen in shock as muffled sounds come from your throat, but Dabi presses his cheek on yours, whispering and stroking your hair while his free hand lines up his giant cock on your sore hole. “Shh..shh..relax doll, it is alright...I will not hurt you..you will enjoy it, I promise.”- he jerk his hips fast before you wiggle too much, filling you up with his pulsating dick once more. You can feel the burn inside mixed with arousal, but your exhaustion makes you powerless, leaning onto him as he starts to rock his hips, fucking you while pushing your panties soaked with his sperm deeper in your mouth . “ You love to taste daddy’s cum while I am doing this to you, don’t you doll? Of course you do..F-fuck,..I am so proud of you for taking this so well.”- he grabs your tits , kissing your cervix with his swollen tip with every thrust. “Clean that fast doll...that’s it...daddy has a new load coming soon..aghh...and my good doll needs to be prepared.”- he brushed his thumb along your lower lip, letting you know that your mouth will again filled, but this time, with a lot less fabric and a lot of more of him.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Horror Villains and: The Shovel Talk
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Who gives a successful shovel talk and is fully willing to go through with the threats at the slightest WHIFF of tomfoolery: 
Bo Sinclair: He’ll be waiting on the porch all night with his gun and the dog.
Debbie Loomis: Oh, you want to date her perfect boy?? Hmmmm… 
Granny Boone: She may also stalk y’all.
Inkubus: He’s very unsettling in his performance. 
Jedidiah Sawyer: The date may not survive the shovel talk with Jed.
Mayor Buckman: Boone’s better at it, but he sure as heck tries.
Pamela Voorhees: She will want to see some kind of resume and at least 3 references if you want to date Jason.
Sheriff Hoyt: Dear god I wouldn’t want to be whoever he’s threatening. He takes great joy in performing the traditional shovel *cough* or shotgun *cough* talk.
The Clown / Kenneth Chase / Jeffrey Hawke: He only half means it, but goddamn is he good at it.
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn: Can you imagine this man standing there before you with that big ass gnarly looking weapon telling you that if he hears even one tiny unpleasant thing about the date he will hunt you down?! Dear god. Save yourself. and ‘mark me down as scared and horny’ XD Haha
Thomas Hewitt: He’ll be keeping an eye, out…
Who is the second family member / friend / whatever, who feels bad for the person who’s getting the shovel talk and tries to cool the situation: 
Lester Sinclair: Well with Bo as the shovel talker, it has to even out somehow and Lester is happy to try!
Who is the second family member / friend / whatever, who doesn’t give a rats ass. Leave them alone.: 
Michael Myers: He’s busy eating… don’t ask what, though. THEN you might get a threat.
Patrick Bateman: “Whatever.”
Piper Shaw: “Yeah uhuh, okay. Have fun.” *Doesn’t even look up from her laptop*)
Roman Bridger: He’s too busy directing movies and running a Wes Craven horror franchise to give shovel talks!?
Who is the second family member / friend / whatever who is edging on the angry shovel talker for their own enjoyment: 
Midnight Man: Well he’s just mischievous bastard, isn’t he?
Both Pennywise’: Cheeky little shits.
The Djinn: Oh, he is just hanging totally onto the hope you’ll say something like “Oh, how could this possibly get any worse?”
The Man from Hush: Because he’s an ass.
Who stalks the couple instead of giving a shovel talk: 
Stuart Lloyd: He’s at a table in the back of the restaurant trying to act natural.
The Huntress / Anna: But she gives the shovel talk AS WELL. She’s just, you know, making sure.
Who gives the shovel talk but is joking:
Chop Top Sawyer: *Cuts off mid shovel talk into raucous laughter* “Pfftttt, I can’t do this, hahahahahaha… Have fun kiddos, and here have a joint I pre-rolled.”
Who fails at giving the shovel talk: 
Bubba Sawyer: He got cut off by one of his other brother’s. Sigh.
Who received the shovel talk: 
Billy Loomis: Ohhhh, boy. If only Neil had caught Billy in Sydney’s room that night… 
Jennifer Check: She really doesn’t care, though, hahah.
Jerry Dandridge: He’s so polite and understanding and smarmy with the shovel talker, cuz he knows he could kill everyone in the room easily in under a minute.
Kieran Wilcox: Probably from his own Dad, honestly.
Mickey Altieri: He also gives good natured shovel talks for the price of one big coffee- I mean come on, he’s in college. He’s struggling. He needs caffeine.
Who was about to receive the shovel talk, then had the person just gives up: 
Carrie White: Shovel Talker: “This small golden thing would never hurt a soul, what am I doing?? Oh my god, it’s trembling, I’m a monster- “
Leslie Vernon: Shovel talker can’t decide whether this is a secret thirst machine or a cinnamon bun.
Who gave up giving the shovel talk halfway through: 
Drayton Sawyer: “-Aghh, what do I care. Don’t get shit on your good dress shirt.”
Who got the shovel: 
Freddy Krueger: Just, you know. Shovels- right to the knees.
Stu Macher: I mean Sydney got it done but Cece and Tatum are gonna throttle him in the afterlife, too.
Who gave the shovel talk… then got the shovel from someone else:
Chucky Lee Ray: You can’t tell me if Tiffany’s mother was in the picture she wouldn’t have shot Chucky in the face at least once by now.
Is the poor lead who’s date is getting the damn shovel talk: 
Jason Voorhees: I betcha he would also give a great shovel talk, too.
Jill Roberts: Her and her innocent little act. Standing there like ?? what?? Why are you threatening my date?? This is so embarrassing…
Vincent Sinclair: Oh my god, he cannot bring (Or sneak) anyone home, friend or what, without Bo sniffing them out and starting on his bullshit. Lester immediately behind him making jokes that are ignored.
*Then there’s Luda Mae,
Who is probably the one who feels sorry for the person who’s getting the shovel talk when it comes to Thomas (While Hoyt gives the talk), but who then GIVES a threatening shovel talk to Charlie when he brings a gal home. Not to the date though XD
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
She came out of her brother's room. N. didn't hear us, he thought she was gone! He listened to music on his phone, while shaving.
When I saw Sofia I had such HATE for her! I hate arguments (I'm a Libra, harmony above everything 😉) but Sofia..aghh!😡
Me: You’re still here? 🤨 This apartment is not yours! Are you paying rent here or your brother?
Sofia: Haha .. I'll pay your boyfriend with sex. Why do you think, he otherwise tolerates me here. Hm?
Me: You are so gross! You make me puke! Why are you doing this? 
Sofia: I just hate women like you! Who let their guy protect them and can't get their damn mouth open! Your crazy boyfiriend, he’s a control freak! I heard everything!
Me: Fuck you! You don't know ME and you have no idea why I can't just do everything I want!
Sofia: Wow! ...that’s so pathetic! Just do what you like! Do you want a Pill? Then get one! Very easily! Who should forbid you? He? Why do you even listen to a man? You don't belong to him, you are free!
Me: You are the devil in person, I swear! I'm addicted and these pills made me sick! No matter how much I want them! Don't you get it? 😠
Sofia: If it makes you happy, do it! Who cares? Your own fault if you allow yourself to be addicted! 
Me: I'm not arguing with you how an addiction works! You are talking so much bullshit! What do you want here? Why are you here? 😒
Sofia: That tiny fucking room there, belongs to my brother! He gave it to me. 
Me: But Nico has to agree with that too! And I, as his girlfriend, I say NO! I don't want you here!
Sofia: Haha! You!? You’re just his toy and you think you can decide that for him? hahaha ..😂 😅
Me: Uhmm .. Yea! A toy, he can't live without! So, fuck off!
Sofia: Naahh .. maybe later? Now.. I still like it here!
Me: He doesn't need this apartment, he just won't pay any rent while you're here and then ... you'll be homeless!
Sofia: He's homeless then too, you stupid bitch! 
Me: He's moving in with me or in his mom’s house!..Bitch!
Sofia: We'll see!  
Me: Ok! Just wait if I come here every fucking day and make your life hell! Yea, and I'll bring my sis and my best friend over here. You will love that! I’m sure!
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moldy-mold · 3 years
Hello! It’s already May... Life updates - a roller coaster of emotions
A tempestuous, tearful April... Aghh the struggle has not eased up a bit. Living is just too expensive to be shouldered by part-time wages, meager freelance, and fickle confidence. My parents are disappointed - I’ve always tried to dodge the questions about my uncertain future. After all, I don’t have any answers.
What nearly broke my spirit was the humiliating scolding I received on my birthday. “You’re almost 30. Stop playing around at the cafe, don’t you know your bank account is nearly empty? How will you pay for this? If you can’t afford car insurance then just bike to work!” I didn’t even have time to think about how inconsiderate that was. In a daze, I hung up and went to my second part-time job that day.
Well, Dad, those are the questions I asked myself every single day. All I can do is keep trying even if you don’t believe in me. Because, despite everything, I still believe in myself.
Nothing good will come out of asking these punishing questions. I don’t know if things will get better or worse. Just gotta do what I can to get by as a small creature existing in this universe.
I learned to stop blaming myself for not being successful. Given the circumstances, I think the odds are stacked pretty high against most of us right now.
“Banish the nonsense. Some questions will ruin you if you are denied the answer long enough.” - Annihilation
I’ve begun my investment journey! After studying how it all works I have come to understand the value of investing. It was one of my resolutions for this year and I’m glad I’ve achieved it.
My brother, a crypto enthusiast, knows my monetary plight and has been helping me out in the weirdest ways.
6 am text: “Hey Sis, you got $1000? Put it into Dogecoin... like NOW.”
I don’t like doing these kinds of high-risk-high-reward investments but what the heck, I was desperate. I applied for an account that can trade crypto.
In the end my account got rejected (there was no explanation) and I gave up. Because of course that would happen lol.
“Hey, do you have time to talk about the future?” “UM... are we breaking up???” “LOL don’t say it like that!”
My roommate / best friend decided she wanted to move to her own place and find her own way in life. Of course, my fragile heart, still tender from the previous month’s beating, took it very personally. I was reassured it wasn’t my fault - there are plenty of other valid reasons why.
We’ve been sharing an apartment for 6 years now, and although I knew it would happen someday, it was quite shocking to hear it being said to me in reality. At first, I laughed it off because I’ve been dreaming about moving out of the country anyway and it all works out. I’m an introverted, neat-freak, homebody! It’s perfect! But after a very pensive shower, I realized that I’m actually terrified to be without any companionship. Either way, I have to put my feelings aside because I don’t wanna hold her back from her dreams. I may have trouble accepting it now but hopefully I can genuinely be happy for her in time.
The Plant Life Please welcome Rokurou, the newest addition to my jungle.
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It’s been a few weeks and he totally ate bugs already lol. Nice! I was thinking the smaller traps wouldn’t catch anything, but it turns out they’ve been doing the most work. The larger traps can’t catch ants or tiny gnats. They just crawl out after the trap snaps shut.
This venus fly trap is rather picky about what water he gets so I’ve been out there collecting rainwater in buckets JUST for him! Kind of a pain, but I will do whatever it takes to keep him alive.
It was a very tiny dream of mine to collect and care for carnivorous plants. If the shop had more varieties, I would probably buy them all.
I thought I was gonna die... Hostess for a day. One day while working at the cafe, this old Chinese man came in asking how much I made here. Then he told me if I work as a hostess/front desk person at his restaurant (which was next to the cafe, by the way), he will pay me more than the cafe. He slipped me $5 to go see him after my shift at 9pm. It was soooooo sketch. But I went anyway to at least hear him out after telling my roommate and my parents where I was going. You know... in case I die.
Luckily I didn’t die. It was a normal Chinese restaurant. I met the staff and they were all super cool and the mysterious old man goes by Mr. Lin.
Mr. Lin was very chill about it. He said I can have a trial run after my bakery shift on Saturday. If I don’t like it, I can just tell him no and he will pay me for my time.
I knew it was a bad idea to take another shift after a long shift at the cafe but I did it anyway. It was BUSY. Too busy for anyone to teach me how to be a hostess so I literally just had to guess what I’m supposed to be doing. It was kinda obvious though, showing people to their tables. I picked them at random bc I didn’t know if there was a method to seating people or not.
There are three different menus: Chinese, Korean and English and they’re ALL different. Depending on the nationality of who walks in, I have to decide for myself which menu to hand out. Uhhhhh despite being Asian myself, I cannot tell the difference between Korean and Chinese people lmao so I have to keep awkwardly asking people which menu they want. *screams*
The manager, Vincent, is so OP though. He knows exactly which menu to get every time. I was like HOW DO YOU KNOW?? He only responded with “working in the business for 24 years.”
Anyway, it was a long and confusing night of people thinking I am a waitress and me not knowing where the spoons are. But I don’t think this job is for me, even if it pays a lot.
There sure is plenty of demand for part-time food service workers and zero demand for full-time graphic designers... sigh. My journey doing random jobs in 2021 continues.
My brother graduated pharmacy school last week. In our culture, the older sibling’s shoulders is where all the expectations should rest. Maybe in another AU I would feel small and inferior to my younger and more successful sibling. But I don’t feel anything like that. In fact, if he can take care of my parents while I’m trying to figure out my own life, then I’m just more grateful to him. Maybe my parents don’t expect anything of me anymore, which is okay. Either way, my brother and I have each other’s backs.
Berseria I went into it with ZERO expectations because of its infamous predecessor, but I have come out pleasantly surprised. I liked it more than I thought. I’m at the end but I’m not done with the story yet.
I remember expressing my utter confusion about Zesty and everyone was like “play Berseria, it will answer a majority of your questions.” And boy, it did and I’m so glad. I loved all the throwbacks and references and lore that had to do with the previous game. Like, they really had something interesting going on here but it never quite came to fruition last time.
Is it just me, or did it take a very long time to understand all the battle mechanics? Like... I didn’t get the hang of the game until we got to Meirchio. Now I am quite good at playing Rokurou, my main. And it feels way more fun. I usually like mage characters in the old tales games but tbh I wasn’t really into it this time.
After we finish Bersy, we will be moving on to Xillia 2, our final Tales game! Gaius, I’m coming for you.
Xenoblade At the same time, I am also finishing up Xenoblade after spending nearly a year on it. I have weeks where I’m just grinding the side quests to unlock the skill trees. When I’m down, traveling and exploring in this game puts my worries to rest. Really though, the maps are so beautiful... And the music! T_T
This is one of the few games where I like every character pretty much equally, though Dundun and Riki win by just a little bit.
That’s it for now. Thanks for being here!
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scaramoon · 3 years
there’s someone playing piano?? like straight up video of someone at a piano,,,,i think it’s yu-peng chen!! the song he’s playing is so pretty :( THEY HAVE A WHOLE INAZUMA THEMED SET HE’S PLAYING IN?? THERES AN ACTUAL INAZUMA ARCHON STATUE IN THE BACKGROUND AND EVERYTHING??
the stream is in chinese!! with subtitles!!
it will be 2.0 AND inazuma is now officially confirmed!!
now there’s a trailer! ITS ALL SO PRETTY AND OMG THE VOICE ACTORS?? GOROU AND THOMA WERE SHOWN!! oh my god the pyro cube?? looks so?? scary?? AAAAH THOMA THOMA THOMA??? STOOD NEXT TO AETHER?? IM SCREAMING rn they’re shaking ayaka!! and now yoimiya!! her voice actor is so cute i’m- SAYUUUU!!!! AGHH SHES SO CUTE BYE GOROU GORIU GORIU GOROU AAAAHHH HE EAS THERE HE WAS THERE AAAAAH
now they’re back to the set!! they’re introducing some of the developers, right now there’s aquaria who’s the combat designer in genshin and rn they’re talking about the stages and joys of development and how the process works,,,i actually like this part!! it’s nice to see the people working on a game i’m so fond of talk so passionately about their thoughts while they’re working on it :> he said everyone at mihoyo loves the game as much as we do and that it’s all of us together in teyvat and i went 🥺 ngl
now he’s talking about inazuma and how different it was than mondstadt or liyue and how different the challenges there were! they put a lot of thought into the electro aspect of inazuma as well as the “eternity” part of it. there will be more dev talk later and now they’re just announcing the fan art contest that starts today
now they had a set change and there’s a different dev, and now they’re talking about the cultural and design aspects of inazuma! they say they love to see fan theories and that they often leave little clues in the game and that it brings them joy and motivation when people find and decipher them. they’re talking about the tea house now and the shiba inu that owns it; they hope players can discover all the little details the writers and designers put all over inazuma,,THEY JUST DRANK IN SYNC BC THEY STARTED TALKING ABOUT UNIFORMITY IN INAZUMA IM SOBBING,,,,ok wait it’s actually rlly interesting bc they’re talking about how they made sure every single detail in inazuma contributes/reflects the story and the “electro archon strives for eternity” story i’m- they’re currently talking about the real life inspiration they had, for example how the sacred sakura tree came to be and what it means
now they’re showing character combat (?) trailers!! ayaka is first, now yoimiya!! they’re actually showing the pyro cube in yoimiya’s!! THEYRE SHOWING SAYUUU MY BBY SHES SO CUTE they’re joking about how genshin players have been waiting for ayaka since the beginning of the game lmaooo bye 😭 they’re talking about the new characters now, what kind of people they are, what to expect from them and what their character traits are!! ayaka is elegant but also sweet and cute, yoimiya is creative and somewhat childish, enthusiastic and gets along with everyone, sayu sleeps a lot to grow taller and is a very well trained tiny ninja
we’re getting two new story chapters, act I and act II as well as ayaka’s and yoimiya’s story quests!!
THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THOMA, he’s observant apparently and has a very mysterious character!! they’re also talking about sara and kokomi AAHHHH GOROU GOROU!! they didn’t say much about him other than that he’s very dependable and fierce in battle!! they also mentioned yae sakura!!
another scene change and another dev, now it’s cissie!! she’s the one designing the inazuma map/landscape creator and they’ll be talking about geological design and the scenery of inazuma since it’s a archipelago as well!! she’s talking about the different uses of colour and shapes and how they’re using them to impact the player’s gaming experience; she also said that they tried to pay homage to classic ghibli movies with some of the design choices they made!
rn they’re showing “the shimmering voyage” which is the 1.0 ost w 68 songs which will me available soon!! now they’re talking to yu-peng chen THEY HAD THE LONDON SYMPHONIC THEATRE RECORD THE MONDSTADT SOUNDTRACK, THE SHANGHAI ONE THE ONE FOR LIYUE AND NOW THEY ASKED THE ONE IN TOKYO TO DO THE ONE FOR INAZUMA?? HELLOO?? they pay attention to the smallest details i swear i respect that so much wow
THE THEATRE MECHANICS EVENT IS COMING BACK IN INAZUMA!! we’re getting gardening for our tea pot too!! new enemies called “ruin senitel (?)” which is essentially a worm version of the ruin guard?? it looks weird and scary ngl,,,we get new fatui enemies, “the mirror maiden” as well as normal human enemies in inazuma, dressed like samurais,,
ayaka’s banner is first, then yoimiya & sayu,,,we get 2 new 5 star weapons as well 5 new craftable inazuma weapons. we get 2 new artifacts sets, emblem of severed gate and shimenawas remembrance, we get the ability to choose an artifact by sacrificing 3 5 star artifacts and creating an artifact strongbox; new system for the weapon banner: you pick which of the 5 star weapon you want and if you don’t get it, you get “fate points” and with those you can choose the one you want!
and that was it!! yu-peng chen is playing the piano again as a farewell, i guess
i really like how much detail they put into it though :( like i’m ngl i am an impatient little shit but fr its so nice to know the devs love it as much as we do, i’ll gladly wait knowing they put so much detail in it :(
ALSO SJDJFJ kazuha and sayu sleeping on warm rocks together send tweet side note: big brother kazuha is v sweet me thinks, they’re related now i said so
i saw some stuff about thoma when i opened twitter a second ago and people are lowkey pressed that their characterizations of him are wrong 😞 that’s what they get for saying he got downgraded 😁
also,,, ruin sential,, y’know the “upgrade, go back, I SAID GO BACK” meme ?? that’s me w ruin guards, hunters, and graders so 😃 i stg if that thing can go underground i’m gonna cry. OH ALSO i heard about the garden thing a while ago and i don’t remember a lot of what was said but it’s really cool >:)
pov you’re me using kazuha to fight the samurais bc i think it’s funny
OOH WAIT THE ARTIFACT THING SOUNDS COOL THOUGH :0 do we just get to pick what type it is, or do sub stats and stuff carry over/give you a higher chance of getting certain sub stats? either way i’m v happy about that i have so much maiden stuff and uh. no one to put it on :”)
the weapon banner thing sounds cool too :> i don’t have a five star weapon bc i’m scared to waste primos but mayhaps if i can choose... >:)
also shout out to yu-peng chen for being amazing, thought one of the mondstadt songs would be easy to play and i was Very Wrong
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter 4. Shine of 2
The story of this young couple continue in a normal way, the love between eachother was getting stronger.
In a Friday Day.
Betrayus have arrived in a jewelry
Cashier: Welcome to Bright shop, something special you're looking for?
Betrayus: Well... I was looking for a ring my girlfriend, an special one for her
Cashier: So you're looking for a wedding ring for your girl? Anyone in specific?.
Betrayus: Do you have sapphire rings?
Cashier: Ohohoh, Interesting asking, may I ask why did you choosed that jewel?
Betrayus: Well, I choosed a sapphire for her because,.. our relationship at evolving through the time, we always were honest and have confidence between eachother, all my improvement as person is thanks to her as I helped her as well to make her get up, for it and even more things impossible to tell all of them.. My Girl is special for me.
Cashier: So poetic~ *Shows him some sapphire rings* Heh..*Jokes* some people considers sapphire rings as "Princesses rings".
Betrayus: Believe me..She.. is better than a silly and boring princess, she is wild, rude, seductive and sometimes funny, my favorite type of partner in general.
Cashier: Any team is valid, you know so well bro.
Betrayus: yeah, and for it.. I choose this one.
Betrayus have choosed a sapphire ring with a unique design, it was perfect for Muriel
Cashier: Excellent election.
Betrayus after pay for the ring, have left the jewelry to his job with the box of the ring for his girlfriend, keeping it hide to later surprise her in their Movies Friday night.
Pacopolis 9:38 pm
Betrayus and Muriel have arrived home after finished their usual works
Betrayus: Ughhh.. I'm tired..*Falls in the coach*
Muriel:*arrives with her phone* You were, you know what day is?
Betrayus: Oh yeah!
B&M: Bitch it's Friday!
Muriel: Prepare the Movie!
Betrayus: Order a Pizza!
B&M: Yeah!!
Muriel have ordered the pizza while Betrayus was looking for the Cd of the Friday 13th movies.
Some minutes later the Pizza have arrived and Betrayus received the pizza while Muriel taked the beer to the table
Betrayus; It's Here!
Muriel: Oh Yeah!!
They started they typical Friday night to watch scary movies with Pizza, Betrayus was about to propose himself but the moment was interrupted by a call from Betrayus's phone.
Betrayus: Aghh it's my brother
Muriel:*pauses the movie* what did he want Sunlight?
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Betrayus: I dunno..*attends the call* what do you want stinky lemon?
Stratos: *in the call* Don't call me like that!.. uhum I mean.. Santana invited us to visit The Vegas, I was wondering... If you and Muriel would like to come with us?
Betrayus: Do you seriously think i want to go there, with you and mother!?... Yes
Stratos: So, you will come?
Betrayus: Hell yeah!! Let me tell my girlfriend about this *Ends the call*.
Muriel: What happened?
Betrayus: *sighs* Fluffyplum, my brother told me that my sister invited me to go with basically all the Spheros family to travel to the Vegas, I was wondering if would you like to come with me?..
Muriel: Go with you and your family to the city of lights, having to bear with your awful brother and Mother? Are you kidding me?
Betrayus: Uhhh...
Muriel: Hell yeah, I'm fucking ready!
Betrayus: Yeah girl!, But first, It's movie time! *Plays the movie*
They continued their movie night cuddling eachother while they were eating their pizza.
The next day, both where packing up their stuff getting ready for the travel, Betrayus had hided the box, his plans to propose marriage to Muriel instead of get ruined they had taked a plot twist.
Muriel: Wait... Who would take care of Yuū while we are out?
Yuū: Hmmm?
Betrayus: Sir Cumference
Muriel: A.
Betrayus: Just Kidding, we will take her with us, there's a place for pets in the hotel we will be.
Muriel: What a relief~..
After packing up they left to the airport where they meet up with Rotunda, Santana and Stratos.
Betrayus: Hello Family, we are here
Muriel: Sup
Santana: Betrayus! Little Brother how are you? *Notices Muriel* Oh! You most be my brother's girlfriend?
Betrayus: Yes, Mury, This is my older sister Santana, Santana this is my partner Muriel.
Santana: It's nice to meet you Muriel.
Muriel: it's nice to meet you too
Stratos: H-Hi Betrayus..Muriel
Rotunda: *Sighs* you really had to bring your bitch and her mutt here?..
Yuū: Grrrrrr...
Muriel: No Yuū..
Spheros Siblings: Mother!!!
Betrayus: It doesn't have anything wrong at bringing my girlfriend to the travel, I don't wanted leave her alone in the department.
Santana: C'mon Mom is not a bad Idea having my sister in law with us.
Rotunda: Aghh whatever...
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The Spheros Family & Muriel Taked a plane to the Vegas, Where Santana had some nice conversations with Muriel and Betrayus.
The PacVegas city
2:27 pm
At arriving in the city, they taked a Taxi to the hotel where they would stay.
Muriel and Betrayus where impressed about the city.
Muriel; I can't wait to take a ride around this Wholesome city!..
Betrayus; Me too! Hey Santy, would you like to come with us?
Muriel: Yeah girl come with us
Santana: Of course!
Stratos: Are you sure Santy?
Santana: Yeah, i have long time without getting along with my Tray Tray, and more now with my new sister in law.
Stratos:*sighs* Alright you can go while i take My mom to her reunion.
Rotunda:*Arrives* Let's go Stratos
Stratos: I'll go Mom.
Betrayus, Santana and Muriel had a long ride exploring and shopping in the city.
The PacVegas City
7:14 pm
The Spheros Family was resting in the hotel yard, Santana came in.
Santana: i was wondering to go to Cube Casino to you know have fun, would you like to come?
B&M: Yeah girl!
Stratos: Sounds Great
Rotunda: do whatever you want, I will be in the spa, I'm really tired
Rotunda leaves to the Hotel Spa.
Santana: Alright, *Grabs Muriel* we will see you in the door.
Muriel: Heheh see ya
Santana grabbed Muriel away taking her to her room. She was changing in elegant clothing as well Muriel which was also holding a tiny box with a nervous expression in her face.
Santana: Is there something wrong?
Muriel: it's something personal.. and a surprise.
Santana: what kind of surprise?
Muriel: *Jokes* I don't know if should tell you, you can get mad~
Santana: Aww c'mon, I am your sister in law, how could I be mad with you?
Muriel: okay you convinced me, *Shows her a Ruby ring from the box*
Santana: *Gasp* Oh my gosh.. you really?
Muriel: Yes
Santana: YEEEE!! *Hugs her* you will marry my brother!?
Muriel: we have 5 years together, I think it's time to go to the next step in our relationship.
Santana: This is so Exciting!.... Seriously Muriel, I want to thank you.
Muriel: For what?
Santana: For what you did for my younger brother... As you maybe know my mother and Stratos were always unfair with him for something is not his fault something i never liked it but... i didn't had enough time to give him the attention he deserved because i's always being focused *sob* in my own studies and work to help up my family but i honestly wasn't enjoyed it... I wanted to travel around the world and maybe try out my luck working in other country.. *In tears* but i can't left Betrayus behind because I was so worried of him.. and I'm still worrying for him.. it's a relief for me that my brother finally found out someone who cares a lot of him as I didn't do it.. specially someone like you.
Muriel: *dries up her tears* it's okay Santana, I understand and feel your pain.. *Hugs Her*
Santana: *Sniff* If you will Marry my brother Muriel,..will you promise me to take care of Betrayus?
Muriel: Always, I promise.
Santana: Thank you very much Muriel, all I want is see my brother smile.
Muriel: Me too Santana, you know girl I don't have a wedding godmother not even a friend for it, will you be our Wedding godmother?
Santana: Really!? That's a big honor...Count with me!.. and tell me why did you choosed a Ruby for my brother
Muriel: Because it represents the pasion he finally released, the pure love i felt for him, and also Rubies are considered as sun jewels and Betrayus Is a Sunlight.
Santana: that's so deep~
After the conversation the 4 had meet up in the Hotel Door
Betrayus: Wow girls you both look so good, and *blushed* you Muriel.
Santana: Aww thank you
Muriel: You too Betrayus *Blushed*
Stratos: Don't think your dress is somewhat provocative?
Betrayus: Don't think that you most shut the fuck up Stratos? She can dress as she wants and likes.
Santana: Yeah Stratos, what the hell?
Stratos: O-oh.. Sorry.
Santana: Well guys forget this and let's fucking go!
B&M: Oh Yeah!!
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Santana taked them to a Casino where they had fun Gambling, with Betrayus defeating his enemies with a psycho attitude.
Stratos: I Thought you fixed him!
Muriel: Let him be Stratos, Let him Be.
Santana: The Karaoke just opened who wants to rock out?
Betrayus:*have heard after winning a Gamble* I do!,.. Muriel will you make a Duo with me
Muriel: Of Course, I was about to ask you the same~
Both had walked to the scenery.
Betrayus: Uhum..Hello.. We are going to sing "Not Gonna get us" I hope you liked it
Betrayus and Muriel sang together in the Karaoke expressing how much their relationship had evolved, at finishing their song Betrayus was ready to confess his surprise.
Betrayus: Thank you everyone, this means a lot for me.. because this woman next to me have teached me how to appreciate myself, this woman was the first In hear me when I was fucked,.. this wild woman was the one who opened her arms for me, a real friend I never had, She is the woman I want to spend all my life..
Betrayus gets in his knees in front Muriel opening the Box revealing the sapphire ring he choosed for her.
Betrayus: Muriel Plizetxki... Will you marry me?
Muriel: Betrayus... I..I Literally wanted to ask you the same *Shows him the Ruby ring from her box*
Betrayus: That means Is a yes for eachother?
Muriel: Yeah!
Both Kissed while the crowd in the Casino next to Santana and Stratos clapped.
Their put eachother in their rings and continued the gambling party where both ended in not saint things.. coff coff alcohol... Coff coff shots coff coff.
Muriel: *Wakes up* Hmm~ my head
Betrayus:*wakes next to her* Morning Mury~ ... Ouch.. fuck my head hurts..
Muriel:Eh?...how the heck a horse entered in the room!!??
Horse: Hi
B&M: Holy Shit!!
Haha to be continued
What would happen in the next chapter?
Haha sorry for taking so long In post this but I can get blocked hehe sorry XD, I hope you loved this chapter!
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sanababes · 4 years
Requested by: anon
Pairings: g!p reader x Minatozaki Sana
Warnings: mention of pills and cussing, smut
/ I decided to make the reader g!p instead of Sana, but dont worry she's still a dom, anon... /
Sana, your wife is currently taking a nap since she doesn't have anything to do. Her head is snuggling against your neck as you two are laying down on the bed.
You then remembered the viagra pill that Jeongyeon gave you last week when the girls came over to hangout. She said it's useful for some 'freaky' business, you had doubts after accepting it though.
Your wife started to move around your arms that made you glance at her. She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily.
"Hi baby" you kissed her forehead softly.
"I want some cuddles Y/n/n~" Sana whined and got on top of you.
"Okay, your majesty" you stated while hugging her.
The latter chuckles and hums in satisfaction.
"Want me to cook some food for you? I'll do it quickly" you asked her innocently, you're actually planning to prank her by using the pill.
"Nooo, just stay here" she pressed herself furthermore that made you flustered since she's near to your 'no no zone'.
"Come on, I'm getting hungry too" you reasoned without acting suspiciously.
After insisting a few more times, Sana finally gave in with a pout on her face. You pecked her lips instead and told her to stay put. You rushed towards the kitchen then prepared the utensils while trying not to laugh as you imagine what Sana's reaction would be.
A sly smile was written on your face as you cooked some pancakes and grabbed an orange juice from the refrigerator. You crushed the tiny blue pill into fine pieces and poured it in the cup which was easily dissolved by the juice. The prank was occurring smoothly as you went back to the bedroom to call for Sana.
"Babe? Food is ready"
"Carry me please, hihi" she pleaded cutely that made you groan.
"Fine" your wife cheered happily as you carried her bridal style.
You struggled at her weight a little bit but you managed to bring her safely to the kitchen. She sat down as her mouth almost drooled from your simple dish.
"Sana-yah, that's just some pancakes" you chuckled while shaking your head.
"Wahh I haven't had this for a while, thank you babe!"
She started to dig in as you sat in front of her while smirking secretly. You had a few bites of your own food when she drank a few gulps of her 'drugged' juice. Sana was oblivious on what you're planning so she continued to eat peacefully.
"Y/n, why do I feel so weird?" Your wife asked as she couldn't stay still on her seat.
You snorted accidentally but you quickly composed yourself and answered her.
"What do you mean baby?"
"Ughh I don't knoooww" Sana groaned as you stood up to wash the dishes.
'I see, so it's having an effect already huh...'
"Well I can't help you if I don't know why" you turned your back towards her and continued doing your task.
Sana realized what she was feeling, the brunette walked towards you and wrapped her arms around your waist.
"Y/n, I want you now..." she whispered seductively against your ear that made you shiver.
"I'm still washing the dishes, darling" you tried to act reluctant.
"I don't care, just wash them later or I'll do it instead. I want you right now Y/n/n~"
Sana gave you neck kisses as her hands wander down into your crotch. She rubbed your clothed shaft that made you gasp silently.
"Sana, please s-stop..." you tried prying her hands off.
"I won't stop until we have sex now, I'm fucking horny Y/n!" she deadpanned.
You have let out a laugh since she looked really serious.
"You've got to be kidding me, damn that pill worked so fast..."
"Pill? What are you talking about?" You dried your hands and faced your beloved horny wife. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
"Pfft- I'm sorry babe, but I may have putted a viagra on your drink" you said while chuckling.
You ran quickly towards the bedroom and tried to hide behind the curtains, and that was a bad decision by the way. Sana followed you and noticed you immediately. She smirked naughtily then moved the curtains to see you smiling awkwardly.
"I'm sorry baby, it was just a prank and I won't do it again. I pro-" you were cutted off when she grabbed your shirt and kissed you roughly.
Your eyes widen at her sudden actions but you soon melted into her touch. Sana pushed you towards the bed as she straddled your hips. Your bulge started to grow speedily from your unexpected arousal.
"Hmm, someone's hard down there" she grinded slowly agaisnt you.
The painful sensation of your tight shorts made you groan, you really wanted to let out your throbbing erection. Sana smirked as she removed your shirt while placing harsh kisses on your sensitive spots. Her lips finally made contact with your clothed dick that made you squirm impatiently.
"S-Sana, please..." you practically begged to be touched, it seems like the tables are turned now.
The brunette stared at your prominent bulge as you waited for her to make a move. You tugged on her nightgown, wishing to see her gorgeous body. Sana understood as she removed the clothing instantly, leaving her naked in front of your eyes.
"Like what you see, baby?" She smirked playfully while pulling your shorts down.
You nodded aggressively as your cock sprung out against your stomach. Blood started to rush into your cheeks that made you look away, meanwhile Sana felt her walls tighten just by the sight of your erection.
Her small hands grabbed your hardened shaft and pumped it slowly. Your breath shortened due to the sudden contact, then Sana lifts her left hand to cup your face and bring you into a deep kiss.
"Touch me..." she pulls away while guiding your wrists into her perky pair of breasts.
You squeezed them lightly and used your thumb to rub her pink nipples. Your wife continued to pleasure your length by increasing the pace of her strokes. She leaned closer to you that made it easier for you to take one bud into your mouth.
The volume of your steady moans began to get louder as you felt something tighten below your stomach.
"Babe... ahh fuck, I'm so close" you whimpered.
Your wife captured your lips again which you accepted happily. Her kissing continued on your neck, chest, abdomen, 'till she was facing your hard cock. The tip was red as your blushing cheeks and it was already covered with precum.
Sana smirked, looking up to take a look at you again before leaning to give the head a lick. You threw your head back as she took you into her mouth, while stroking the rest with her hand.
"Ughh, shit..." you groaned from the feeling of her lips around your member.
Sana was surprised when she felt it growing bigger. She would suck on it and lick the tip from time to time, whilst using one of her hands to massage your balls. You shut your eyes hard while enjoying the pleasure your wife is giving.
"Does it feel good Y/n?" She giggled.
You just nodded timidly while she bobbed her head up and down. She suddenly gave a long suck and you swear you're about to explode already.
"S-Sana, I..."
"Don't cum yet baby" she stated sternly and kissed your tip softly.
You sighed disappointly, Sana chuckles playfully while lining her wet entrance into your shaft. Your eyes wandered slowly on her slick juices that you couldn't help but drag your finger against her folds. You rubbed her clit in a circular motion that made Sana weak as she rest her hands on your toned abdomen.
"You really love it when I do this to you huh?" You teased the latter.
Your wife groaned impatiently when she felt your member poking against her inner thigh. She finally grabbed your cock and guided it inside her entrance. You tensed up from the feeling of her walls wrapping around you firmly.
"Yes- ahh~" Sana moaned as your length filled her up deep.
She started to ride you slowly, holding back a whimper when she felt your tip hitting her deepest spot. Her breath also got heavier each time you met her thrusts.
"Y-You're so tight babe..." you managed to say breathlessly.
Her eyes pierced through yours, she looked so hot as fuck right now. Your right hand captured one of her mounds as you pinched and teased the sensitive bud mercilessly. It drawed a soft, breathy moan from Sana's throat. Your eyes are glued to the look of pleasure of your beloved wife while she continued to bounced up and down on your shaft.
You both are savoring the feeling of the moment passionately. Your hands gripped onto her thighs as you felt close to your climax. Sana lets her head fall back as you started to thrust your hips upward, meeting her own sloppy movements. You penetrated deeper, drilling your wife's tight and wet cunt.
Sana's back arched when she felt your tip hitting on her g-spot repeatedly. She was wracked by a wave of pleasure when she started to squirm from your touch.
"Fuck! You're so deep in me Y/n... ughh, I'm so close~" she whined loudly.
Sana started to let out a stream of sultry moans as you answered her with a silent grunt. The two of you reaching your own utmost pleasure. The wet thumping of your bodies and your moans filled the whole room.
"I'm going to cum S-Sana-yah, aghh~"
"Shit, me too... me too baby!"
Your orgasm approached as your wife managed to articulate her own pleasure. The wonderful sight of her body rocking into yours drove you to the edge as Sana came first. Her walls contracted tightly into your cock while she let out a loud moan. You did your best to fight it, but you came inside her before you can even pull out.
Your own hot streams of semen slowly overflowed from her glistening pussy. It also painted your torso with streaks of white juices. Sana grinded against you until the last waves of pleasure stopped erupting from her crotch.
You panted heavily as the latter fell on top of your chest. Sana felt satisfied, but she couldn't deny the exhaustion of your intimate coupling.
Your wife faced you and gave a loving kiss, her afterglow was really the best thing. She closed her eyes while trying to catch her breath. You caressed her cheek while thinking how lucky you are to have her as your own lifetime lover.
"I love you..." you said softly.
Sana smiled then opened her eyes to see you.
"I love you more, Y/n/n"
"I guess my prank worked" you snickered.
~the end~
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( i had fun while writing this HSHSHS )
Btw this is the best smut that I have written 👁👄👁
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cartoonsliveon · 4 years
@h-theartist, you asked for more honeygogo centric fanfics. Only giving you what you asked for.
"Mhmm,” Honey Lemon groaned, reaching her hand up slowly to her face as she adjusted her other arm to push herself up. Her right arm braced against the ground and - “Aghh!” 
Her entire right side.... there wasn’t a single word that she could think of that would properly describe the pain she was in. Tears started racing down from the corner of her eyes. The black evening sky stared back at her, the stars tiny pinpricks in the sky as the city’s light pollution threatened to drown them out completely. A shiver raced through her spine, but it might as well have been a current of electricity. Instead of numbing the pain, it spreads it throughout her entire body. She instinctively begins wrapping her left arm across her body, pressing her palm onto....
“T-take it easy there Hon.”
Gogo hovers above her, hands pressed firmly against the growing red splotch to her side. Her head is tipped down, casting her face in shadow and making it impossible to see through the helmet visor. Honey Lemon doesn’t understand why Gogo’s voice was shaking. 
“Shhh,” The speedster whispers, “Y-you need to save your strength.”
Honey gives the smallest nod, whimpering as the moment makes her feel suddenly dizzy. She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, waiting for the sensation to pass. But it really doesn’t. Even with her eyes closed, it feels like everything is spinning underneath her. As if she’s the axis that everything revolves around. And she’s just... so cold. She wants to pull herself up into an upright position and huddle against Gogo for warmth. But even if she had the strength to do that, which she doesn’t, there’s no way Gogo would ever let her. 
“W-what happened?” 
Honey Lemon forces her eyes open slightly, just to see if everything is actually spinning beneath her. Her eyes slowly flicker over to Gogo, who continues to kneel over her silently. Except her silence isn’t that silent. Gogo’s shoulders are shaking, and every few seconds, the air seems to catch in Gogo’s throat. She sounds like she’s on the verge of hysterics.
Which... can’t be. Gogo? In hysterics?
“Don’t talk,” Gogo snaps, turning her head to look at her, and suddenly Honey Lemon’s heart starts sinking in her chest.
They stare at each other in silence. Gogo takes several shaky breathes as she turns her head to look back down at her hands. The tears don’t stop falling though, even when Honey Lemon can’t see them anymore. She can imagine them, spilling over Gogo’s cheeks and racing down her face. Dripping onto her visor and smearing it. Or collecting right underneath her chin.
“Y-you were shot. The robbers split up. So we split up. I-” Gogo stops, taking a deep shuttering breath, “I heard the.... I head the noise. And you were- you were... They were already g-gone.”
“I-I set off a distress signal... B-Baymax-” 
For some reason, Gogo can’t bring herself to finish that sentence. She just seems to dissolve right in front of Honey Lemon. Honey Lemon reaches slowly with her left arm, setting it as firmly as she can on top of Gogo’s. But Gogo hardly seems to notice Honey’s touch. She just continues to sob, and its the only sound Honey can hear.
“Gogo,” Honey reaches her hand up, trying to force Gogo to look at her. She’s confused, for a split second, why Gogo doesn’t yell at her to stop talking and save her strength. She presses her hand against the side of the yellow helmet.... and starts screaming as her hand passes right through it.
Honey jerks her arm to her chest. Gogo suddenly reaches down, taking her hands off of Honey Lemon’s injury to pull the taller girl into her arms. Honey watches as her head comes to a rest onto Gogo’s right shoulder, how Gogo wraps her arms tightly around her body. Gogo’s hands are stained red. She spots a small pool of it just at their feet.
Honey stares at her best friend, as she cradles her in her arms. Gogo lowers her head against Honey Lemon’s, the helmets not making a sound as they touch. She suddenly can’t see Gogo’s face as she lowers her face all the way down, sobbing into Honey Lemon’s chest. But, if Honey is being honest, she’s not looking at Gogo anymore. She’s looking instead, at her own empty, lifeless eyes as they stare up at the San Fransokyo night sky. 
Gogo flinches, her hands pulling back slightly until she remembers what she’s suppose to be doing. Honey winces as Gogo reapplies the pressure, shushing the speedster before she can start apologizing.
“I-It’s okay. I-I’m okay.”
“N-no you’re not!” Gogo cries, “Y-y- I-.. I can’t lose you.”
Honey Lemon does her best to squeeze Gogo’s wrist, “Y-you w-wo-”
“Shhhh,” Gogo hisses, “You need to-”
“Save my strength...” Honey whispers softly, “I know. B-but I-I’ll be okay.”
“Th-this isn’t your fault.”
Gogo looks like she’s about to argue. She opens her mouth, but whatever she was going to say dies in her throat as she stares at Honey Lemon. Whatever she was going to say, Gogo clearly doesn’t have the strength to fight with Honey, not when they’re both like this. Honey squeezes Gogo’s wrist again, glancing up at the sky as she hears a faint, rumbling sound. She catches a glimpse of red before looking back at Gogo.
“Not your fault.”
So..... this has two endings. The crossed out ending is, obviously, the really really REALLY sad, angsty ending. The italics is the.... not so sad ending? I wouldn’t call it happy since Gogo is still in hysterics. Personally, I like the super sad one best.
This is inspired on the angst prompt “Character B bleeding heavily while Character A tries to staunch the blood but Character B is more concerned about the fact that stoic Character A is sobbing and panicking”.
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