#ts4 18+ content (pilladdiction)
aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
Ana & Philipp have more in common than they both thought at first! Both love gaming. Whether on the PC, the console, or here in the night club. 
While the two of them were still gambling, the rest of us went out. Sandra & her boyfriend have already gone. Nico & I, we are waiting for Ana & Philip. I also need fresh air! I have to get back to normal before I meet my parents, the two drug investigators! And Nico? Will he leave me now? I'll find out in a moment.
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If you like this build (nightclub), it’s on my gallery! 
►Here ◄ some more Info & Screenies
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
I started crying, not bad, just a tear or two. The unsuccessful search for a Doc was the trigger. I was worried about how to do it all on my own? Everything has changed! It would be easy, if I was still at home! In the city it’s easier for me. Even if I have to go to the addiction clinic once a week! But from here? N. has to drive me constantly, if I have to go to the addiction clinic, then all the other doctor appointments because of my panic attacks.
Even so, he'll be gone soon and I'll be here alone for a while . Sure, if I didn’t have all these fucking problems, it would be a piece of cake, but unfortunately it’s not!...Ugh, and Nico’s Mom also noticed how how crazy her son is. I think she’s starting to understand why my parents don’t like our relationship.
Nico: Don’t cry! I’ll keep calling until I find a fucking doc with vacancies!
Me: What if I can’t find one? And how am I supposed to do this when you’re gone? I don’t even have money for a ticket to get into town!😢
Nico: Babe!..Do you think I’ll leave you here without money? I’ll take care of everything! Don’t worry! You don’t even have to ask me! If you need money, just take it, or take my car!...But pls, don’t go against a wall again! 🤨
Me: I wasn’t quite myself at this time!😩 🤦‍♀️...If you weren’t gone for four weeks, it wouldn’t be so bad. I don’t have anyone here! 😢
Nico: After work you come home right away, then nothing bad happens! We’ll get you a prescription, and we’ll postpone your medical appointments until I get back. And my Mom is here, you’re not alone!
Me: I could go to Sandra too, while you’re away.🙄
Nico: No, no! You can forget this! You do it the way I explained it to you, otherwise it was all for nothing! 😠
Me: But...then I feel like a prisoner.
Nico: Stop your game! It's driving me crazy! 😠...Sandra can come here! But I know you can fool Sandra, if your demons show up and you want to get some pills. And I don’t want to fight a wall again! 
Me: Ok, ok! I get it!..And just by the way, it’s your own fault, if you hit a wall and almost break your hand! OK? 🤨😒
Nico: I swear, if I find out you’ve been to any parties or nightclubs, it’s all over! It’s time for you to get out of this shit! Or do you enjoy calling a doctor all day long?
I can forget about Sandra anyway! Because before Nico leaves, Sandra’s Ex, the fucking suit, will ruin our friendship. 
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
My parents have come. My Mom immediately got along well with Nico’s Mom and she brought her flowers. And my DAD??? Well, he didn’t talk much, as usual! He only had this evil look. But actually, it doesn't really mean anything, because he always looks like that! 🤷‍♀️
My Sister Ana still doesn’t get it that I moved out of home?? She asked me if I wanted to come tomorrow to a friend of ours who always makes our nails. I mean, yeah sure! Why not? I just don’t have any more money since I left home! Doesn’t she get that?
And Nico, he was just staring at my Dad like a psycho, waiting for him to freak out. And Nico’s Mom then suddenly said that she overheard N & me earlier. And she understands now, why my parents think our relationship is weird, but she’s gonna make sure we don’t do anything stupid....”WHAT??” We were just talking about this stupid addiction clinic, so I didn’t know what she meant exactly, but later on, I’ll find out. It was just bullshit for me! That's why I'm skipping this! It’s always the same!
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
I showed Nico my cycle diary. Once I get that from a pharmacy. Usually you keep a diary like this to get pregnant faster! So this is NOT a safe method of prevention!!! But I used it as an aid back then because I didn't want any hormones in my body. I was afraid I was going to get sick from the pill like my Mom. And Ana has this intolerance too! So I didn't want hormonal contraception!
Me: I could be pregnant! But I am not sure yet.
Nico: Fuck!..So fast? When?
Me: You know when! And I don't blame you for this! It was my mistake!
Nico: I should have been more careful! You weren't ... you, that night!
Me: It's not your fault! I just don't understand how it could happen so fast?
Nico: Yea, fast! I was distracted! After all, everyone could see us if I wasn't careful.
Me: No, pls stop!.. I won't keep it if I'm pregnant! So let's forget about it.
Nico: Listen, you don't have to do this ...because of me! But your Dad..FUCK! No, we can't keep it!!
Me: Yup!
Nico: Let me see ...your diary or whatever this is called.
Me: Here!..I'm so sorry, I'm just causing you trouble! If you hate me now, I totally understand!
Nico: No, I love you! And I should have taken care of you!
Me: I have to take care of myself! You are not responsible for me or my relapse!
Nico: I have to tell you something too!..But I'll do it on the way. Let's go!
Me: I have to wait for Sandra. Something happened, she cried and wants to come right away.
Nico: Fuck! Ok, I have to go somewhere, I'll be back in an hour, but then you're done! You understand?
Me: Where are you going? Stay here!
Nico: NO! I'll tell you everything later! And in an hour you will be DONE!
Me: Ugh ...ok!
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
Nico and I came into his apartment. And there she was, she got up from the couch as soon as she saw us! She immediately started attacking Nico. And me? I was honestly scared of her! Seriously, I was afraid to go further into the apartment because she attacked us so badly. 
Sofia: Hey, what's that supposed to be? Who is she? That bitch!
Nico: My girlfriend! And if you insult her again, then ... I swear to you Sofia, I'll kick you out!
Sofia: The lease says, we are not allowed to take sex partners here! You're mine, bastard! Kick her ass out! Right away!
Me (to Nico): I'm scared! 
Nico: What kind of lease? Just piss off! I'm calling your damn brother now!
Sofia: Uhhh... I don't give a fuck! He doesn't care!
Nico (to me): Don't worry, she won't hurt you! and I won't go crazy either! I love you!
Sofia: Omg, you kiss her? In front of me?..She is so disgusting! She can't even talk! Fuck you both!
Nico: So, are you going to piss off here now? From my apartment! Get out! If your brother doesn't give a fuck, I'll kick you out now!
Sofia: Then I'll call the cops and tell them what I found here!
I was kind of confused! Something is wrong here, I thought! Nico seemed like he wanted to provoke her by throwing himself at me in front of her! What is this here? But I already had an idea what she meant when she talked about the cops. It had to do with me! 😬
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
As soon as we got home, my mom checked out all three of us. Then we were allowed to change our clothes as usal. Except for me! She watched me! I tried to avoid eye contact with her and didn’t talk much. I was tired, I said. Then she wanted to talk to Nico and me.  And Ana fell asleep with her makeup on, again! 
Mom: Are you okay? You look so exhausted.
Me: I'm just tired!! 🥱
Mom: It's 8:30 a.m. 😒
Nico: Yea, I had to drive all of them home. Sorry!🤥
Mom: You don't fit all in your car! 🤔
Nico: Uhm...Somehow it worked.
Mom: I thought Sandra's boyfriend had a car of his own.
Me: Yea, but not last night! 
Mom: Let me take a look at your eyes!
Me: My eyes look normal! Do you see? And where is your husband?
Mom: Your Dad! At work and he said you should do a quick test.
Me: Sorry no! I have my period! 🤥🤥
Mom: Are you sure?🤨
Me: YES! And I have a drug test in the clinic in 4 days anyway! 
Mom: Then go to bed now! And pls ...don't forget, you are not alone here!
Me: How could I forget this? But I could sleep at Nico's home! 
Mom: One step at a time! OK? We will see!
My mom trusted Nico and actually me too. But I think she wanted to believe it that way. As long as she didn't notice anything conspicuous straight away, she was relieved! This time, I was lucky! Maybe because my Dad wasn’t at home?
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
An emergency plan is needed!
I was so surprised that he will NOT tell my parents about my relapse tonight. Usually he was always mean to me when I did something very, very stupid! And it always ended in a fight! But not today!
Me: Thanks for not telling my mom! I love you! 🥰
Nico: That wouldn't have been good for me either. Now that we can finally be alone in your room ... no, I won't gamble that away!
Me: But my parents'll check me out right away and if they look into my eyes... Besides, I keep drifting away! It’s so hard....you know? 😩 😵
Nico: First of all we have to take care of what you cannot control! Your eyes! I mean your pupils!
Me: Aha! 🤨
Nico: We have to go to a pharmacy! I'll get you eye drops. Then I'll give you something to drink that should help keep you awake! But you have to pull yourself together, to not drift a way!!! You’re NOT allowed to sit down somewhere at home, otherwise you will be gone.. like now!.. Are you listening?
Me: YES! I listen to you! 😵
Nico: You have to do something at home while your parents question us. Make us both a snack, I mean ... they'll think we're hungry. Right?
Me: I can do this!.. How do you know those tricks? 😮
Nico: Do you think just because I get tested regularly at soccer, we don't know any tricks there? We want to have fun too! You know?
Me: Hmm ... interesting! 🤔
Nico: Babe? What are you doing! 🤨
Me: Touching you! 😏
Nico: Yea...but.. NO! You're starting again! We need to keep a clear head now! 
Me: Boring! 🥱
Nico: The night is already over, we have to go now! But when we are allone, you can go on. 
Me: Where are Ana & Philip? 
Nico: I'll call them! We all have to say the same! So you should talk to Ana when we're in the car.
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
I had to laugh soooo much! While everyone else went to the dance floor, my Simself went to the Bubbel Blower all by herself. Typical 🤣🤣 Oh dear!..🤦‍♀️ It doesn't get you stoned! It's just empty steam!
In RL, I really did withdraw for a moment. The loud music and the crowd ... I wasn't used to it anymore and I got dizzy and my heart started racing. That was the beginning of my panic attacks, which I had no idea about at the time! Sandra, went to look for me. Nico noticed it quickly too, and then found me. He was sooo mad! But hey, I wasn't feeling well and they all kept going into the crowd. I couldn't! But ... well the evening has just begun.
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
We went to a club. Everyone is having fun. But where am I? Sandra is worried. She doesn’t know what to do now? Should she tell Nico something and make everything worse, or should she go looking for me on her own? But alone, she’s maybe too late? What will she do? And maybe I'm not doing anything either?  I was probably just too crowded and I didn’t want to go to that fucking dance floor.
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
We all sat outside for a while and talked. But I had to think about the pills. Something here reminded me of it. I don't know if it was this area, this environment or any smells. 
Philipp: Wow, you finally got together! 
Nico: Yea, after almost 2 fucking years back and forth..more back..but yea, finally!
Philipp: That's really awesome! 
Me: Yea, really awesome! 
Philipp: Is something wrong? 
Me: No!..I..I'm just so happy! 
Ana: Hey, let's go up now! I have to pee! 
Philipp: Okay that was a bit too much information, Ana! But, what are you doing for the rest of the summer? 
Ana: Thanks to my addicted sister, probably not much more except taking care of her. 
Philipp: How, addicted sister? 
Me: Long story! But.. i'm fine! 
Nico (to me) : Yea, as long as you stay near me and don't disappear somewhere alone, everything is perfect. 
Philipp: Guys, what's going on with you? 
Me: Long story! But everything is fine! 
Philipp: Okay? ... 
Ana: Come on, let's go up! There is a toilet! 😬
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
After about 2 hours or so, I tried going to the dance floor with the others too. I was imprisoned for 4 weeks and was so happy to be free again tonight and now this? I just didn't want that! And somehow that night felt like my LAST night in FREEDOM, so I made a stupid decision. Fortunately for me, almost everything went unnoticed.
About 10 minutes later, I went to the bathroom with Sandra & Ana. There were these girls we knew from our neighborhood. Tina & Elena, 2 sisters. Elena & I knew each other well, maybe too well? Nico would have recognized Elena immediately if he had been in the girls' bathroom, because Elena is that one girl with the black hair who gave me the pills after my graduation party in that club the other day. 
Under the cut, it won't be that great! It's about my relapse. So don't read it if you don't want to.
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Elena worked as a dancer in a club. Yep! But she didn't looked bad/broken or fucked up!! She was rly pretty and earned something on the side for her studies. I do not judge her for this! BUT that she wanted to drag ME into her stuff, that's not NICE! Elena wanted me to work in this club too! I? Who doesn't even dance in a normal nightclub and feels uncomfortable in her body, should dance for horny men??? Why is she doing this? Do I look so desperate? That I have to this shit for pills ?? She said I look just right for this. I shouldn't worry about my body, I've got exactly what they're looking for. WTF? Is she laughing at me now? NO! If I need money, then I'll find other ways & jobs! But not that! Since then I avoided Elena! I didn’t understand WHY she wanted to drag me into something like that!
That evening in the girls bathroom, she pulled me in the toilet room and closed the door!  Sandra & Ana, put on their make-up in this girls bathroom with Tina her sis. Elena put a Line on the toilet lid for me. FUUCK! 😱😱 She didn't know I stopped or tried. Or maybe she knew because I've been avoiding her more and more since that “dancer” stuff shit? Idk?
I knew this stuff was detectable in my urine for a maximum of 4 days. I have to go to a drug test in 5 days! ISo, I thought..“fuck it! One last time!” Like my mom said, my brain turns off! After I did it, I stood there for a few seconds and then said to her: “ NEVER talk to me again!! It's nothing personal! I have nothing against you, but you will kill me one day! So stay AWAY from me from now on!”  I came out and could NOT look Sandra & Ana in the eyes. I just said: "Come on, I want to go back " The two didn't think of anything bad. They knew Tina & Elena. They thought Elena was just telling me some hot gossip.
I hated myself so, so much at that moment! I was just disgusted with myself!
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
Sandra came up to me unexpectedly from behind. I behaved suspiciously for her!
Sandra: What are you doing there? Why are you standing here alone in the corner and who did you text with? I mean everyone you know is here!
Me: Omg S.! You scared me! Are you spying on me, too now? You're my FRIEND!
Sandra: Then explain to me what you’re doing? Your boyfriend is sitting on the couch waiting for you! Or is it because of this ...student, who came with you?
Me: No, I'm just fed up with being watched by someone all the time! I need my space!
Sandra: Sorry, A.! But what you've done in the past few weeks ... is just insane! You are happy now! Do you want to lose N. because of a fucking Pilll? He loves you! Wake up! Stop this fucking shit!
Me: Do you want my phone?
Sandra: Yea!
Me: Here and get happy with it!
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
Later we went into the living room. We wanted to watch a horror movie. But it started again! My pain and the need for the pills!
My mom came into the living room to yell at Ana for turning that stupid shooting game so loud. So we were watching a horror movie. I think it was Insidicius.
Sandra, Ana & I, we loved Horror movies. Whenever we watched horror movies with some guys, most of these guys were scared! Some of them were cowardly MF’s! They always acted so tough and laughed at everyone who wasn't that “cool”. But as soon as something scary happened in the Movie, they started screaming like crazy bitches and got their pants full! We haven't watched horror movie’s with guys since then.
Well and Ana wanted to see if Nico was like these fake guys. She wanted to make him bad in front of me. But he was completely normal! And he never said, nothing could scare him!! So, even if he was scared...it’s ok! 
But, I didn't care anyway, because I was having a much worse fight with myself!
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
My Dad was so disgusted with me! When Nico called me and my phone kept ringing, I got up straight away to answer. But my dad stopped me. He just didn't understand! When I was 4 years old we were on vacation in Croatia and I got sick there. My parents took me to a doctor. Apparently this sick doc touched me strangely. I do not remember? No idea! In any case, my dad went nuts and took me away from the exam table and hit that doc. But I didn't know that at the time. My mum didn't tell me until the next day. And when he saw me with the cute Doc today, it was probably ALL too much for him? But tbh...ughh, Idk?
Dad: As soon as he calls you, you jump up! Make him wait. We're all discussing something important here!
Me: I made him wait a year and a half!
Dad: So what? He doesn’t give a shit about you! You've been so stupid in the last 4 days! I don't understand why you trust everyone and get involved with every guy who just looks at you?
Me: I I'm not doing this! 🤨 And I love him more than anything! 😠
Dad: I don't think that! You’re just dependent on him! You can't stand being alone! The way you turned on that young doc today, just shows me how stupid & weak you are.😡
Me: I can't be alone? I haven't had a relationship for over a year! And that today was NOTHING! I just wanted a damn smoke! You don't even know me. You are never at home! So don't tell me you know how or who I am! 😠
Dad: I'm never home because I have to pay for your fucking private school! 😠
Me: You won't be able to keep me away from HIM! If he wants me to come to him now, then I'll go!
Dad: Ok, so you do what he tells you to do? 
Me: YES! And I love doing what he tells me to do! What now? 🤨 😠
Dad:  I want to see him! Right now! Tell him he can stay here tonight. With you in your room. Let's see who your great soccer player boyfriend really is.
Me: Seriously? He can stay in my room? Together with me? If this is one of your psycho games dad, then you died for me! 😠
Dad: No why? I just want to get to know him better. That’s all! 🤷‍♂️
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
I went out and sat down. Suddenly this guy came out of nowhere and sat down next to me. We started chatting.
He: Hi! Can I sit down here? 
Me: Sure! 🙁
He: I'm usually the only one out here at this time of day. Heyy..... are you crying? 😧
Me: Oh, no! Everything fine! 😕  I'm just ..ugh, it’s nothing!
He: Hmm ... do you want a smoke? 🤷‍♂️
Me: Sure, why not! But? You mean normal cigarettes, don't you? 🤨
He: Yeah, sure! What else? 🤨😄
Me:  Aheemm.. I mean, we're here in an addiction clinic! That's why I have to ask, when a stranger offers me a smoke. 
He: Actually, you're right! But no, don't worry! Why are you so sad?
Me: Long story! 😒😔
He: I've never seen a pretty woman like you here. 
Me: You think I'm pretty? 😲 Cool! 🤷‍♀️ Thanks!
He: Sure! 😏... Where are you from? You don’t look really german to me? I mean because you have so beautiful dark hair & eyes.
Me: I’m from here, but my grandparents are from Greece and partly from Italy + my mom from Croatia. 
He: Shall we meet up and have a drink? 
Me: 😦  .. Wrong timing! Totally wrong timing! Sorry, but I already have someone!
He: Well, I should have guessed. In which semester/academic year are you?
Me: Ha??? 🤨  I won't start university until fall. Hopefully! 
He: What? Are you not a student here at the university clinic? 😕
Me: No, I am a patient. I'm here for the first time today and I’m waiting for my doc. 
He: Ohhhh, holy shit! 😲 🤦‍♂️
Me: Heyyy? 🤨 Come down, I'm not a psycho! 😉
He: No, no ... s-sorry... I think i am... your doc?
Me: WTF? How old are you? 
He: 27
Me: Okayyy......, well! Cool! Are you a psychiatrist at 27?
He: Not yet! I'm just doing the preliminary examinations....Well, see you later, I guess? 😬
Me: Bye, Doc! 🙂
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
She came out of her brother's room. N. didn't hear us, he thought she was gone! He listened to music on his phone, while shaving.
When I saw Sofia I had such HATE for her! I hate arguments (I'm a Libra, harmony above everything 😉) but Sofia..aghh!😡
Me: You’re still here? 🤨 This apartment is not yours! Are you paying rent here or your brother?
Sofia: Haha .. I'll pay your boyfriend with sex. Why do you think, he otherwise tolerates me here. Hm?
Me: You are so gross! You make me puke! Why are you doing this? 
Sofia: I just hate women like you! Who let their guy protect them and can't get their damn mouth open! Your crazy boyfiriend, he’s a control freak! I heard everything!
Me: Fuck you! You don't know ME and you have no idea why I can't just do everything I want!
Sofia: Wow! ...that’s so pathetic! Just do what you like! Do you want a Pill? Then get one! Very easily! Who should forbid you? He? Why do you even listen to a man? You don't belong to him, you are free!
Me: You are the devil in person, I swear! I'm addicted and these pills made me sick! No matter how much I want them! Don't you get it? 😠
Sofia: If it makes you happy, do it! Who cares? Your own fault if you allow yourself to be addicted! 
Me: I'm not arguing with you how an addiction works! You are talking so much bullshit! What do you want here? Why are you here? 😒
Sofia: That tiny fucking room there, belongs to my brother! He gave it to me. 
Me: But Nico has to agree with that too! And I, as his girlfriend, I say NO! I don't want you here!
Sofia: Haha! You!? You’re just his toy and you think you can decide that for him? hahaha ..😂 😅
Me: Uhmm .. Yea! A toy, he can't live without! So, fuck off!
Sofia: Naahh .. maybe later? Now.. I still like it here!
Me: He doesn't need this apartment, he just won't pay any rent while you're here and then ... you'll be homeless!
Sofia: He's homeless then too, you stupid bitch! 
Me: He's moving in with me or in his mom’s house!..Bitch!
Sofia: We'll see!  
Me: Ok! Just wait if I come here every fucking day and make your life hell! Yea, and I'll bring my sis and my best friend over here. You will love that! I’m sure!
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