bitternace · 17 days
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the father, the son, the end of the world (x)
[ID: two digital drawings of three iterations of kiryu kazuma that are intertwined in a downwards sequence. the background is a night sky with two framing clouds, and city lights, moon backlightning the three figures. the colors are tinted blue, and the image is held in a frame that is transparent on the outer part.
on top, kiryu is shown in his yakuza 3 okinawa outfit, in the middle in his yakuza 0 pinstrip suit and at the bottom, in a black shirt as he appears in infinite wealth.
y3 kiryu curls his right arm around y0 kiryu's neck, hand in a fist, his right hand comfortably lying on top of lad8 kiryu's head. his expression is a deep frown, as he stares at the audience.
y0 kiryu is turned to the left side of the image, as if running away, his left arm resting over y3's left forearm, hand slightly curled into a fist. his right arm curls forward over lad8 kiryu's shoulder protectively, palm held upwards. he is frowning at something off-frame, mouth slightly open.
lad8 kiryu has his right hand in a fist over his stomach and the left one reaching up to hold y0's left forearm. his expression is blank, as he stares at nothing, mouth slightly agape.
The second image is the same, only slightly less dark for visibility. /End ID.]
(ref) (edited)
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sanfezu · 9 months
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i drew donnie w/ clown makeup, but then i realised i drew him on a background layer that is not transparent
i’m a double clown 🤡
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failedmitosis · 8 months
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shymaidxn · 1 year
@flovverworks | cont. from ( x )
Of course she pauses when they finally get the courage to speak, her entire process halting with her key dangling from the lock. Ah...They doted on her so much. She knew by now that it was their nature to just be concerned over their friend - no matter how close that friendship was - and it truly was a comfort at her low points to have such a caring neighbor. But her heart aches at the offer too. Her thoughts still flooded with self-deprecation, seeing Akira and knowing that, while they cared so much, this was also just business too. It's not their fault, though, even if her annoyance and worry presents itself with quick words and furrowed brows. Oh, she should just tell her mom to help her move apartments, but that wouldn't solve anything. Her mother and Bishop would both reject the idea when she felt so safe in this little complex. And, despite the cloud hanging over her, she'd hate to leave her only other friend...
"...I'm sorry." She says it in a dry laugh, finally giving Akira the time of day and looking them in the eye. This situation always sucks though, forcing a small smile, while not sure what exactly to say to ease the situation. God, she really was so boring and terrible...
"I'll, um...Let me, first -" She doesn't finish before grabbing her keys from her door, putting them back in her purse before taking a step towards Akira. A bit shaky, a bit stiff, yet trying to laugh off nerves with tired, smiling eyes. "...I'd love to try a cup. I feel like my tea selection has gotten a bit same-old, same-old anyways, you know? I should try new things once in awhile..."
#flovverworks#v: shining in a new light#( *poses like a model in the middle of the runway* angst is in season~#anyways#GETS SHAKEN!!!!!!!!#HER MODERN VERSE JUST MAKES IT MORE AAAAAAAAAAAA#i will give you so many more. when i have the energy (which idk maybe soon~) but yeah#HMMMMMMM i've thought about making her like 16 in modern. and that her contract expires when she's 18.#or like 18 to 20 but she's definitely young; since the idol industry goes.....young;;;;;;#but yes she's definitely so much younger than akira#thAT DIFFICULT LINE IS MY FAV PART OF YOUR REPLY but also it's so true just aaaaaaaaaaaaah#akira's hesitation and knowing that their friends but also bishop's concern being kind of the same way#caring in a friend / familial sense; but also from a business standpoint of “you're our best girl; you can't get hurt”#and diantha definitely knows it's more caring from akira but also “producer” from another friendly company that's kinda roped in to help he#yet she knows their so genuine but she also feels bad both in a friend sense and in making trouble for both their companys#screaming and crying in my head rn#anyways though the cat furniture must be the best thing in existence FGFGFGJHGHKJHGCV#DFGDFHGHGFCHFGVCHF TEXTING DIANTHA LIKE “look at this cat couch!! that arms are huge paws!!” “did s/o approve?” “they will when they see it#how many cat things does diantha hold in her apartment until akira can clean up and put them where they want them to be#how many would she have to hold while akira tries to convince their s/o that it's the PURRFECT IDEA and then their s/o facepalms#also the “more books than a normal place” comment: ummm diantha has read all of them and requests akira to buy more#not like she also doesn't have her own massive bookshelf filled with random books#ranging from her own tastes to fan gifts / reccommendations#ALSO OF COURSE I MENTION THE OTHER MAIDENS + BISHOP they are my lifeblood on this blog#the shock diantha will feel learning bishop's name is actually poppy...diola would make a comment like “your hair isn't red tho?” or smth#I STILL NEED TO REREAD THEIR SEASONALS i'll do that when i get home tonight )
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noco-alienau · 28 days
Did you guys see crash yet?
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" Cody went out a while ago to find that little yellow guy- "
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" I guess I have to ask,, who is Crash? "
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sha-biest · 9 months
Got some new traditional art supplies and wanted to doodle Ammi to see how they work out :)
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THAT'S MY BABY!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I told you before that I love the way you've drawn her and you did really well with the cross hatching!! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! ❤❤❤
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lesbianneopolitan · 3 months
˜”*°•.˜”*°• Solo: Pure Imagination (EN) •°*”˜.•°*”˜
TW: Violence; Torture.
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The lights of the badly illuminated room flickered- the smell of dry blood apparent for anyone with a good sense of smell, and the Sinner was opening his eye -for his disgrace- in this seedy basement.
He was tied to a chair, with strong ropes and some simple yet efficient plastic handcuffs around his wrists, just in case.
"Shit...don't fuck with me!" He knew why he was here. A moment ago, (or perhaps hours ago) the assassin found the place he was living at, entered the apartment by force, and she didn't take long in putting him to sleep to bring him here.
This wasn't the first time she did this with someone else, but it also wasn't the first time this specific Sinner tried to avoid paying what him and the mute agreed upon.
Leaving her phone on the only table there was, the fallen angel would let a single song play in the background for them both, on loop, not too loud but not too low either.
◸Well, you're finally awake.◿
Her mind invaded the other's to be able to communicate with that voice that resonated with an echo, and for one reason or another, that only managed the poor bastard to let out a small yelp.
It didn't take long for this one to intensify once Neo walked closer, taking the cigarette that rested between her lips, and holding it between index and thumb to press the point against the exposed shoulder of the Sinner.
"AAAAUGH! Fuck!-" The voice of the demon broke a bit with something as simple as that, but the sadism in the ex-Exorcist's face only got fed, apparent in the form of a half-smile.
"Fuck...fuck fuck fuck...I'm sorry! I-I know I'm late with the payment-" The Sinner breathed heavily while trying to look for an excuse, but it was the third time, and that meant that the patience of the assassin reached its limit.
Walking in circles around the chair while the clicking of her heels resonated around the room, -like if she was some kind of predator- Neo only stopped once behind the chair, leaning a bit from behind while breathing calmly, and with the smile still being present before she picked the round chin of the demon from behind, with one of her gloved hands.
◸I gave you options to pay for making me wait, but I need the money. Now. It's nothing personal, only business. And you know well what were the conditions when you decided to hire me. Third time's the charm, love. I also need to survive.◿
Honestly, Neo wouldn't like to be in the place of these fuckers, without power, or talent, and at this point, with no family or friends.
◸You offered me the life of your only friends and the only family you had left. What a little bastard you are. Everything only to save your ass, but was it worth it?◿
Letting the chin go, the mute took a step back to have more room, and then kicked the chair so it could fall to the front, managing for the Sinner to hit his face against the hard and cold floor, and with him letting out another painful sob.
Before he could even try to move to fall on his side, the ex-Exorcist manifested her Angelic weapon in one hand, and then unsheathed the hidden blade of the parasol to make a fast and clean cut behind the knees of the demon.
"A-AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" From the pain itself, the Sinner tried to move however he could, well tied to the seat and finally moving enough to get on his side; tears apparent on his only eye.
The smell of fresh blood had Neo smiling a little more, to the point her teeth could be seen slightly, and inevitably, the fallen angel let her tongue pass over her lips.
◸Shhh...tsch, tsch, tsch...◿ Getting closer, the assassin got down on one knee, tightening her fist around the handle of her sword, and getting the bloodied blade closer to her mouth to clean it with her tongue.
After letting a soft chuckle escape her defective throat, the woman let the point of her sword rest mere centimeters away from the Sinner's face.
◸You can survive being crippled if you're witty, but it will be your choice. You either tell me where you hide the money in that shitty apartment of yours, or I will kill you here and now.◿ After making a small pause, Neo couldn't help but rejoice in the absolute terror that she could read on the face of the demon, who was having difficulty to answer, with how much he was crying.
◸Well?◿ Tilting her head to the side, the ex-Exorcist smiled with false kindness. It always helped to present herself to the Sinners with her more humanoid form. It helped to remind them she was closer to being an Exorcist than a demon, or that's what she thought, but it was efficient.
"The...the...the closet of my room has a double floor- please, I swear...I swear!...you can find all the money I have in there, take it all- but please...let me live...I beg of you!" Between sob and sob, the Sinner closed his eye and avoided looking directly to the other, whom let her own expression to soften a little.
◸See? It wasn't all that hard in the end!◿ While she communicated so, she let her free hand pat the poor bastard's cheek, and then, Neo got back up and got closer to the table where her phone was, taking it, and keeping it in one of her pockets.
"A-Aren't you going to free me? Please- I said I wasn't lying...p-please...don't leave me here-"
Biting her bottom lip, and laughing softly again, the assassin looked over her shoulder and then turned around, sheathing her sword back to the other piece of her parasol, and letting this one rest over her shoulder after.
◸You can figure out how to get out, but I don't want you to get too far in case you're lying to me. You can't even trust your own shadow in a place like this, eh?◿
She was half-smiling, confidently. She was disgusting, but it's not like the demon could do much in a situation like this.
Turning around again, the mute let the profound sounds of her throat hum the song that the phone has been playing, and then, she got on her way to get out by the main exit.
Instead of communicating anything via telepathy, she looked behind for a last time, and waved her goodbyes with the free hand before going out, closing the door behind her, and leaving the Sinner in complete silence. Alone in the dark.
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shkrofthebooty9000 · 7 months
Times my parents (and looking back, I) should have realized I'm autistic, part idk
I feel like I have to legit start acting for my family cause "Yay, thanks." doesn't cut it apparently. Like, I am happy, I am excited, but my reaction I guess just isn't enough for them, so during Christmas my thoughts aren't along the lines of "Wow, I'm so glad my family is here for the holidays, and I'm so excited to open these wonderful gifts that my parental units and siblings have so thoughtfully picked out, and I can't wait to see them open mine." They're like "Oh god did I smile enough, how did they react to my reaction, did I look happy? Did my voice sound fine, was I being awkward, oh fuck dad moved, was that a casual move or a 'that's not the reaction I was looking for' move, I like the gift I swear aaaaaaaaaaaaah"
For every. Single. Gift.
It's the same with my birthday actually lol
Not to mention the fuckin
Wrapping paper.
God, early in the day it's kinda ok cause I don't really feel all that drained, but closer to the afternoon I feel like I want to fucking murder everyone in the room cause the fUCKING CRINKLING. IT FEELS LIKE IT'S STABBING MY BRAIN.
ANYWHIZZLE, that's all, idk I was just thinking about Christmas cause I miss my siblings, and it led to this lmao.
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izzymybeloved · 7 months
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My uncle got the highlights punched out of his hair watching Scott Pilgrim vs the World once
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How did Scott Pilgrim kill your grandma? What version was she reading/watching?
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I was the one reading
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Branch reading Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life
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Branch’s grandma stops him from finishing the novel
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Branch turns into an evil ex
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uglypastels · 7 months
Ok ok gotta quickly talk about my fav bits from these 2 episodes
Percy and Grover giving each other the ham/cheese from their sandwiches
The mrs Dodds gaslighting. Idk why i needed this to be included (more on this later)
Gabe. Why was Gabe so fucking funny in this 😭😭 like man is just a loser.
"Do you know why we come to this cabin every year" "because its next to the septic tanks' so its cheap" stop he's so unserious 😭
"Please" and the entirety of Sally talking to Gabe
I'm sure it will all get so much worse, but just the quips that were written and the pacing through the conversation of all 3 of them was really well written
Percy thinking that Sally was an atheist until she saw Jesus in her living room. (To paraphrase it)
"The important thing is not to panic" while being on the verge of a breakdown
Sally making Grover swear to protect perce😭😭
Basically, any time there was book accurate dialogue. It healed parts of me that I didn't even know were broken.
Mr D. I'm obsessed. The whole interaction between him and Percy. And then Mr D and Chiron 💖💖💖 (the poker later on. I love it)
The cabins and entire vibe of the camp. It feels so real i wanna go there so bad.
I could basically just list every single scene of this episode.
Luke 💖 that's it.
Mr D and Chiron forbidding Grover to tell Percy about his mom. So we got the Gaslight, now we jave Gatekeep. Where's the girlboss? Literally every other second.
Annabeth!! Annabeth's hat!! The hattttttt
"I'm fine thanks, but i appreciate you, you know, standing there silently" he's so fucking funny and it makes me want to scream. It's no original experience to have loved these books since the age of 12, but it doesnt make it any less personal. I love percy ok. And anyway not annabeth then still just standing there like 😐🤨
"When it's time, he'll be ready. I know it".... bro 😭😭
Clarisse's feral behaviour. I love her (i'll be dropping the L-bomb more and more as the show will go on. Let me be)
The bathroom scene. Obviously (i didnt even mention the episode titles yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
🔥? "I wouldn't"
Aaand cut to percy nearly setting the heph cabin on fire
"Is there a god of disppointment" "oizyz, but sje's a goddess, and her thing isnt really disappointment. It's more like failure" pls who is this kid. Fav character lol (idk maybe i should know who he is and im just stupid)
And then the look Luke gives him i'm crying
Oh my god how did not mention the blue food yet 😭😭😭😭🩵🩵🩵🩵
Percy PRAYING to Sally. And then "i'm Sally Jackson's son" aaaaaaaaaaaaah
Also, idk why but i loved Clarisse's reaction to when her spear broke. It felt so raw and it showed a glimpse of the side of her that she's clearly hiding from the world (not me already getting hyped for sea of monsters lmao)
Theres probably so much more i could add, or perhaps i should have just dropped a link to the episodes as it was all just so perfect.
Ohh oh oh i almost forgot the camp beads!!! Eeeek. So cute.
(Would have loved to have seen the grannies knitting socks of death, and the strawberry fields 🫢 but minor details)
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desultory-novice · 1 year
~Vague, Sad, No Real Ending Stream of Conscience-esque Magoland Branch AU Prelude Marxolor Script-Format Thingy~
[Because shouldn't the Master Crown still be in control of Magolor?]
:Mago-Soul exits the rift, arrives in hell: Marx: "Huh? What the hell are you...?" :sniffs him: Marx: "That magic... Is that you, Magolor...?" Crown: "You know my host?" (...help...it hurts...aah...please...stop...) Marx: "Host? You're the crown he was always talking about?" "Then...that voice, whispering. That's the real him, isn't it?" Crown: "Whispering to you. Inside, he's screaming. Constantly." "You could hear it too, where I not keeping him submerged." Marx: "...Let him go."
Crown: "He and I are one. Without me anchoring him to life, the last gasping remains of his soul would wither away into dust.” (...I can't see...I can't move...Kirby...help me...please...help...) “Or are you asking me to kill him?" 
Marx: "Fine. Then give Magolor control back." Crown: "Why? Do you also delight in the screams of others?"
:Marx lifts his claws:
Marx: "...Because I'll destroy you if you don't." Crown: "You're barely capable of holding yourself together." Marx: "At least MY two halves aren't fighting each other."
Crown: "...Destroy me and you would kill him too." Marx: "Yeah. And?"
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Crown: "Are you that sadistic that want you to watch him claw, scratch and bite himself like a trapped animal in a vain attempt to remove the unremovable? To see him writhe and thrash each time my roots twist at him from within?” 
“...Or do you honestly think you'd be saving him? Giving him mercy by having my consciousness slumber in his place?"
:Marx just stares, broken jewel glowing:
Crown: "To think, I'd find a 'hero' in hell. It is almost a shame my host clings on to life. Your puerile soul isn't fit to be king, but the WICKED I could do with someone as devoid of compassion as you."
Marx: "I don't care about Magolor's pain or your ambitions." "But I've got a LOT of time to kill here and, even screaming his head off, Magolor'll be a more interesting conversation partner than you."
Crown: "Hmph...You know, I do what I do to my hosts to live. To serve the purpose I was created for. But you? You torture souls solely for your own selfish needs." "Enjoy him, then. You monster."
Magolor: "--AAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Marx: "Magolor! Magolor!!" Magolor: "KIRBYIMSORRYPLEASEICANTSEEICANTMOVEICANT" Marx: "Magolor, stop... :huff: ...flying in circles!" "...Ugh, I can't keep up with you like this..."
Magolor: "...Marx...?" "Where are you...? Where did you go?! It still hurts.” “My head... It's still--!!" Marx: "Stop fidgeting! I'm right next to you."
Magolor: "Where are we...?" Marx: "...We're high up on a hill." Magolor: "Where are we?" Marx: "...You can see the sun burning bright against the horizon." Magolor: "...Where...?" Marx: "....You’re sitting next to me, looking out across the cliffs."
Magolor: “...Marx...” Marx: “...”
>”A Beautiful Sunset”
Notes: If you’ve read the Branch AU ending already, then there's probably a question in your mind about whether the crown was bluffing to Marx about removing it killing Magolor. It's possible Kirby et al were able to break it because a) Magolor’s soul was starting to heal enough to sustain existence on its own or b) he lived because they only partially removed it
Or because it's been a while since I thought about the Branch AU, and I just wrote this as a spur of the moment thing without thinking too hard about it because I was in the mood for some Marxolor cough cough.
Links to the rest of the mini-series:
Part 1″A Beautiful Sunset” Part 2 “The Sun Never Sets” Part 3 “Screams of Joy” Part 4 “Visitors” Part 5 “A Perfect Circle”
Relevant: “Conditional”
Prologue: “Selfish Needs” [You Are Here]
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randomravager · 2 months
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LL!Jimmy: Never! I'll take double taxes if it means him disappearing into the void!
SL!Tango: ... Do...do any of us pay taxes in the first place?
LL!Jimmy: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!?!? Where did you come from?
SL!Tango: I was... always here?
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adickaboutspoons · 4 months
thank you for the tag @snake-snack-stede & @youshouldseemeinadeerstalker 💖💖💖💖💖
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: my middle name was that of a childhood friend of my mother's who died before I was born.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: yes - one son
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I fenced in college, but otherwise I'm not particularly sporty
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: my mother tongue, but I use it a lot less than I used to
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: their physical presence? IDK, man, I work vampire hours and go out very infrequently, so mostly I enjoy NOT noticing people because there are v. few out and about when I am.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: ¿Por qué no los dos? Big fan of horror. Big fan of comedy. It all depends on the Mood
ANY TALENTS?: I'm quite a good dancer, a decent cook and baker, sing tolerably well, I've been known to write a bit, I sew my own clothes, and I am a dab hand at finding four-leaf clovers
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: USA - Maryland, more specifically
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: reading, writing, sewing, crochet, drawing, photography, making silly fanvids, and board gaming
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Three litter-sister cats; a tabby named Starbuck, a black cat named Kali Jayne, and a tortie named Amalthea
DREAM JOB?: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah-hahahah. No. I do not dream of labor. I did want to be a ballerina when I was a girl, but was taller and thicker than all the other girls in my dance classes by 12 and broke my big toe at 15, so nah.
No presh, my lovlies, but tagging @nicnacsnonsense, @poetic----nonsense, @chocolatepot, @neverbelessthan, @depressedgremlinbitch, @agaywithcoffee, @ipomoea-batatas, @bookshelfdreams, @chained-to-the-mirror, @serious-goose, @starlithumanity, @saltpepperbeard, @red-sky-in-mourning, @virgo-79, & @triflesandparsnips
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johndhu · 5 months
Well This Is New (Panam X FemV, inspired by certain scenes in SAO Abridged)
Panam: I sure can't get any shuteye...not a wink... *as soon as she closes her eyes* Inner Panam: Fuuuuuuck! Why did you say that!? Other Inner Panam: I panicked okay!? Inner Panam: No! It's not okay! Now she says she just wants to be friends! Other Inner Panam: Is that not what we want?! Inner Panam: I don't know! But that's all we're gonna get now! Other Inner Panam: What the fuck do you want from me!? I just started thinking about this! Apparently I might like girls now!? At least this particular one! And she wanted to, y'know, do it! Inner Panam: And you didn't!? Other Inner Panam: I don't fucking know! How do girls do it anyway!? I wouldn't even know where to start! Inner Panam: Uuuuugh I hate you so much sometimes. Other Inner Panam: Hey fuck you, you are me! Inner Panam: Oh just shut up and pretend to be asleep. We are not done talking about this. V: *voice full of honey* ...Sleep easy Panam. Both Inner Panams: *blushing furiously* AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
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