#A Good Day Starts With Coffee And Cat Shirt
dr3c0mix · 6 months
Yoooo, what are you waiting for it's gangussy time 😡😡 😡😡😡😡
(This is a joke please please please take care of yourself first for the love of whoever is up there don't overwork yourself 🙏 )
Utmost Loyalty
Yan!Gang x GN Reader
no warnings that i know of, theyre just really really stupid
🐉 The grocery you usually go to was closed early for the day, poor you had to walk the 2 miles to the nearest store in order to buy the stuff you needed for the week.
🐉 Living alone was hard work. You worked an exhausting 9 to 5 job that barely provided for your tiny apartment and pet (and your endless merch of your favorite franchise)
🐉 You were already tired from working today, and now you have to walk an extra 2 miles to get groceries you may or may not be able to afford because you never went to said grocery store before??
🐉 The grocery was in a pretty sketchy part of the city, with the smell of car exhaust and cigarettes lingering everywhere that you had to cover your nose to evade the scent.
🐉 You quickly went in the store and breathed in deeply, thankfully the store didn't smell so bad.
🐉 Besides than you, there were only 2 other people, the store owner and someone in a black suit eating some instant noodles.
🐉 You went to work trying to find all the stuff you need on your list. Coffee, fruits and veggies, snacks, and maybe some chocolate as a treat for yourself~
🐉 You pay for your things, unfortunately unable to afford the chocolates, and leave the store.
🐉 aaaaand now its raining...
🐉 You rush to the nearest cover, trying to cover the paper bag full of your groceries before hearing labored breathing from the alley you passed.
🐉 You stop and look back to see a man hunched over, his back to the wall as he winced at a wound he had on his torso that stained his white buttoned up shirt. He looked to have come from a fight..
🐉 You gasp, almost dropping your groceries. His golden eyes dart over to you and glare at your meek form.
🐉 "What're you lookin at?" he growls.
🐉 "You're..bleeding- You're bleeding!!" You start to panic.
🐉 "Yeah no shit I'm bleeding! What the fuck do you want?!"
🐉 You scramble away from the man in the alley frightened and freaked out. Out of instinct, you return to the store and ask where the first aid items are.
🐉 Kagiri sighed, trying his best to hold on while waiting for his gang to arrive and help him out. He just had to be strong. He can get through this. He can do it! He doesn't need anyone!
🐉 "Sorry! I'm back!"
🐉 goddamnit..
🐉 He grumbles at your presence but then realizes you have two bags and not one like you had recently. You put down your groceries and take a few stuff out of the other bag. Band-Aids..gauze..sanitizer..what's going on??
🐉 "What are you doing?" He asks in a threatening voice.
🐉 You don't say anything, you focus on trying to patch up his wounds, asking him a few things once in a while like "can you lift your arm please?" or "unbutton your shirt a bit.."
🐉 And he let you..for some reason...
🐉 He went from growling to staring silently at you while you worked on bandaging his wounds, like a feral dog being pet for the first time.
🐉 Now he managed to get a good look at you. You were quite cute, and it looked like you just got off work from the attire you were wearing. Your hands were so soft compared to his calloused ones, and your eyes..one look from you and even the toughest mafia boss will melt from how comforting they are..
🐉 And before he knows it, you've finished and were apologizing profusely to him for butting in on his situation, he was gonna say something else but you ran off.
🐉 You finally arrive back at your apartment, your pet cat rubbing against you as you lock your door. You smile and pick her up about to ramble about the hectic day you had until you realize..
🐉 You picked up your cat..
🐉 Your hands were free prior..
🐉 Silence fills the room before you let out a pitiful sob. Scolding yourself for forgetting your groceries with that mysterious guy, all that money and fresh food wasted! Your cat tries to lick your face to calm you down.
🐉 You pace around the room trying to figure out what to do now until a knock on your door is heard.
🐉 You open the door but there was no one there, but you see two men hastily and quite loudly scramble their way down the stairs giggling like middle schoolers. Did two grown men really ding dong ditch you??
🐉 You sigh and go to close the door, but your cat meows and trots outside and you look down to see her paw at a bag full of groceries..what?!
🐉 All your groceries were there, plus some extra cans of food, wrapped onigiri..your chocolates? and it wasn't in a dull paper bag anymore, it was in a black tote bag with a gold insignia of a sea serpent.
🐉 You didn't dare question it, considering the looks of the man who helped you and the part of town you were in, he was likely part of some gang and wanted to thank you.
🐉 But it didn't stop there...
🐉 You felt like you were being watched every time you were outside..no, it wasn't a feeling, THEY WERE LITERALLY RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN WATCHING YOU.
🐉 It didn't take a genius to spot them. You started noticing newcomers to the places you frequented. Like in a cafe that was fairly quiet and cozy, there were about 5 men dressed in blazers with some kind of flashy undershirt and gelled up hair at the very back of the establishment.
🐉 They didn't do a good job trying to hide the fact they were watching you with a newspaper.
🐉 It freaked you out, but you tried your best to ignore them.
🐉 But it was hard to do that when they started talking to you..
🐉 "Excuse me, you dropped your wallet.." you turn around and almost stumble over the tall intimidating man right behind you meekly handing you back your wallet.
🐉 You take it back with a shaky hand and waddle away trying not to look back.
🐉 If you did, you'd see the big burly man absolutely blushing and squealing as a few other men giddily walk up to him, showing a video of the encounter you just had from across the street.
🐉 There was also the time you caught them staring dreamily at you when they saw that you started using the tote bag with the serpect symbol as your office bag, it was a pretty nice bag and you didn't want it to just lie around your house..
🐉 And that one co-worker who's kind of a creep? Never messed with you again. You caught a glimpse of them shivering over the symbol on your bag.
🐉 Not to mention boxes of groceries that show up at your door all wrapped up in a red bow, they still haven't learned to be more silent when dropping those off..
🐉 After a bit you start to recognize some of them from their haircuts or the jewelry they always have on them. It made you more curious as to what their deal was.
🐉 So you decided to search up online with the insignia on the tote bag as your first clue.
🐉 You find out that its the symbol for a local gang that dealt with all kinds of stuff, robbery, misconduct, public damage..mostly public damage..
🐉 You manage to find a photo of all of them, you recognize the man in the center. It was the guy you saw in the alley way..
🐉 Connecting all the dots, you somehow got the protection of a gang because you patched up their wounded boss..great..
🐉 The next day you spot a few of the gang members again but instead of ignoring them, you give them a small wave before heading off the work. They were left stunned with a story to tell the others that'll make them squeal like little girls.
🐉 They started becoming less and less distant from you.
🐉 From watching you across the street to making small talk about the prices of fruits at the store.
🐉 One by one the gang gets a special moment with you, they were small mundane moments, but they treasured them like a core memory.
🐉 Word finally got to the boss that you've been very close with them lately, and he decides it's time to confront you.
🐉 As usual, a knock is heard at your door, and you see them clumsily run away, leaving a box of groceries behind..you should probably tell them you have a doorbell.
🐉 But it wasn't a box of groceries, it was full of heart shaped chocolates, sweet pink sweets and about 3 stuffed bears, topped up with a bouquet of flowers, as well as a note. You bring the box in and read small card.
🐉 Dear Mx. L/N, please go to this address tomorrow at 6pm. Don't be late. Please.
🐉 You can see words like 'We love you' and 'Have a nice evening' and 'we cant wait' messily scribbled out.
🐉 You arrive at the location at the designated time and look around.
🐉 The place they wrote in was a fancy looking restaurant that looked like the only thing you could afford was the water..
🐉 You're escorted to a table in a private room. You can hear the muffled noises of men giggling and talking before you enter and they all quiet down. It was quite intimidating to see them all in the same room, but the scariest part was seeing the boss; Kagiri, sitting in the center.
🐉 A little Siamese cat with big yellow eyes mewls at you and you pet it. It jumps up to you and purrs on your lap. Around his neck is a red collar with a gold nametag with the serpent symbol engraved on it, and on the back read 'Unagi'. You hear the men awe softly at the sight of the boss' cat getting along with their darling idol
🐉 Kagiri stands up and smiles at you warmly and by warmly I mean he looks terrifying
🐉 "It's nice to see you again. I never got to formally thank you for what you done to me." he lifts up his shirt a bit to reveal his healed wound which faded into a scar.
🐉 You nervously say you're welcome and shake his hand, you can't help but notice him shiver over your touch.
🐉 He invites you to sit down and eat and you spend the night having dinner and talking with the gang.
🐉 They try their best to impress you, sitting up straight, puffing out their chests, deepening their voices..
🐉 It almost seems like they were competing for your attention.
🐉 Once dinner was over, Kagiri speaks up "Now, about our meeting, we've been meaning to ask you something." he says gently.
🐉 The large man walks over to you and takes your hand and kneeling..what whats happening..
🐉 "Y/N L/N..will you be our new boss?" He asks passionately.
🐉 The gang cheers, pleading for you to say yes, it was like being confessed to by 7 grown men
🐉 "So? What will you say?" Kagiri asks, with eyes sparkling with hope and adoration.
🐉 The gang was kicked out of the establishment for making too loud and causing a disturbance..
🐉 Maybe you shouldn't have said yes..
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its done guys, this is probably the most fun ive had writing a fic!! also there may be bonus content about the individual gang members if you guys are up for that ;3
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 6 months
more than I can resist
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pairing: Seungcheol x fem!reader x Wonwoo
genre: smut, fluff, poly!au - minors dni.
warnings: threesome, anal sex, oral sex (f and m rec), fingering, dirty talk, praise kink, use of petnames (princess, sunshine, pretty boy), sub!reader, switch!wonwoo, switch!cheol, multiple orgasms, cum swallowing, unprotected sex (pls stay safe), manhandling, hair pulling, aftercare
word count: ~3.8k
summary: you love starting your day with your boyfriend and a freshly brewed cup of coffee. but your other boyfriend has a different idea of a perfect morning.
Disclaimer: Both Seungcheol and Wonwoo are depicted as bisexual in the fic, which is used only for the purposes of fanfiction and it is not an assumption of the members' sexual orientation in real life. If you're not comfortable with these themes, then this fic isn't for you.
Author's note: happy holidays beloveds, here's some woncheol filth - big thank you to @gyuwoncheol for betareading (and yelling at me hehe) and to @wooahaeproductions for helping me out with the title!
tagging @onlymingyus @smileysuh @horanghater @shuadotcom @wongyuseokie
©multi-kpop-fanfics, 2023. No reposting allowed. No translations without permission allowed.
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Raindrops clatter on the window, a moody gray color engulfing the bedroom. You swear it makes you want to fall back asleep, but the warmth surrounding and the faint smell of coffee being brewed keep your eyes wide open.
You raise your torso from the bed and notice that your boyfriend is missing - now you know why the smell of coffee lingers in the air.
You push the comforter to the side before stepping on the carpeted floor, but a strong arm tugging at your wrist stops you - the wrist of your other boyfriend.
“Don’t leave yet, I wanna cuddle for a little longer.” Seungcheol pouts, voice still dipped in sleepiness.
“But Wonwoo is already up and making coffee. I don’t want to drink it cold, Cheollie.”
“But cuddles!” The blond man pouts again.
“Sorry, Cheollie, coffee is calling.” You smile softly and get up from the bed, wearing your fuzzy slippers to go to the kitchen.
Seungcheol plops down on the bed, puffing his lips in annoyance. It’s baffling how you’re willing to leave the warmth and coziness of his arms just for a cup of coffee with Wonwoo. Or maybe he’s being dramatic about it.
You, on the other hand, are absolutely delighted to be greeted with Wonwoo’s broad back, clad in a plain white t-shirt. You tiptoe your way behind him and wrap your arms around your waist to back hug him.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” He rubs the back of your hand lovingly.
“Good morning, Wonu.” You hum and pat his abdomen. “How did you sleep?”
“Pretty well. Although I wish I didn't have to spend most of the night away from you. Not to mention the amount of times Seungcheol tried to pull you away.” He comments with a small sigh.
“Oh come on, you know he’s clingy in his sleep.” 
“Y/N, clingy is Seungcheol’s middle name.” Wonwoo chuckles as he pours the dark brown liquid in the three matching cups.
“I think that’s one of the many reasons why you love him.” You tease him with a sing-song voice.
“I cannot refute that, I’m afraid.” He passes you the cup with the sun carvings on. “Enjoy the coffee, darling.”
“Thank you baby.” You take a sip and moan in satisfaction when the coffee hits your taste buds. “Perfect as always.”
“And the only thing I’m perfect at-”
“In the kitchen, I mean.”
“Oh. Then yeah, you’re right.” You grin evilly and he swats your arm playfully.
“If you get to be a meanie first thing in the morning, then maybe I should cut down on your coffee privileges.” Wonwoo tilts his head sideways, a cat-like smirk on his face.
“Now who’s the meanie?” You put your coffee down on the counter and rest your fists on your waist.
“Honestly? He’s still sleeping in the bedroom.” Wonwoo deadpans and you snort, trying to suppress your laughter.
“You would have to bear with his pouting for the rest of the month if he heard you say that.”
“And he would get even more annoyed because I know when to not give attention to him.” He gives you a smug answer.
“Is it me or do you have a thing for arguing with Cheol?”
“I do. And frankly, I like him a bit better when he gets frustrated.” 
“Because he looks hot when he’s angry?”
“Exactly.” Wonwoo licks the corners of his lips. “Makes the ordeal a bit nastier, you know?”
“It’s always the quiet ones, I swear.” You roll your eyes and walk away from the kitchen.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“To the bathroom. I want to wash my face and do my morning routine. My eyes still feel a bit droopy.” You rub your face with your palms.
“Then stop rubbing your face, you idiot.” He laughs and you wave your hands in defeat, making your way to the bathroom.
Wonwoo is left alone in the kitchen once more and he goes back to enjoying his coffee, back turned against the rest of the living room.
He’s unaware of Seungcheol walking into the kitchen with his signature pout on, the latter feeling sulky from the lack of attention.
But as soon as he notices his boyfriend’s shoulders stretching out the fabric of his tee, the devil on Seungcheol’s shoulder is awakened and ready to take action.
The blond man presses his body on Wonwoo’s back and runs his hands over his sides, making the younger man shiver.
“Shit - you startled me, Cheol!” Wonwoo curses out loud, the half empty coffee cup nearly dropping from his hands.
“You’re one big scaredy cat, aren’t you.” Seungcheol giggles.
“Good morning to you too, I guess.”
“Where’s Y/N?”
“She’s in the bathroom to freshen up a bit.”
“So much for wanting to drink coffee with you.” 
“At least she escaped your clutches.” Wonwoo laughs.
“Gotta live up to my middle name, right?” Seungcheol presses himself a bit harder on Wonwoo, his morning wood trying to make its presence known.
“So you were awake this whole time, huh?” 
“Yeah, but the bed was too warm to not enjoy it.”
“But you got up either way. Can’t live without being the center of our attention, Cheollie?” Wonwoo teases him with the nickname, knowing how much it riles him up.
“You must be in a pretty good mood to be cracking shitty jokes now, Wonu.” Seungcheol’s hand descends towards Wonwoo’s crotch, rubbing him over his sweats. 
“And you must be really thirsty for attention to be pulling tricks like these.” He grips the older man’s wrist, low hiss echoing in the kitchen.
Seungcheol smirks at his reaction and doesn’t stop moving his hand up and down, biting his bottom lip when Wonwoo grips the counter a bit tighter.
“Losing your composure already? I thought you were stronger than that.”
“Shut up.”
“Ah ah, pretty boys like you shouldn’t say bad words.” 
A shiver runs down Wonwoo’s spine when he hears the pet name, hips bucking into Seungcheol’s hand.
“Seems like you’re the one who needs attention, Wonu.” The blond man chuckles in his ear.
“Oh my God, just stop talking and keep touching me, please.”
Seungcheol takes his hand away and turns Wonwoo around, pinning him to the counter. He might not be taller, but he’s definitely stronger and he will always find a way to use his strength to his advantage.
“Whoever did your hair last night deserves an award.”
"T-Thanks. Wish I was here with the two of you, not at some boring business dinner." 
"It's okay, Wonu. You've worked hard and it's reward time, pretty boy." 
Seungcheol drops down on his knees and unties the string of Wonwoo's sweats, pulling them down with his boxers. His cock springs free, already hard and leaking precum.
"Were you dining with your colleagues with such a boner? I almost feel sorry for you." He rubs his fingertip over the shaft and around the bulbous head.
Wonwoo turns his head away, cheeks flushed and biting the back of his hand to drown any noise that threatens to spill.
"Gosh, you're so hot when you're shy." Seungcheol breathes out and wraps his puffy lips around the tip, giving it light sucks before deepthroating Wonwoo's cock in one go.
If there’s one thing Seungcheol is good at, it’s oral sex - no matter who’s on the receiving end in your relationship, he will leave you with jelly legs.
“C-Cheol, slow down a little.” Wonwoo immediately puts his hands in his boyfriend’s hair, nearly fisting the blond strands. Seungcheol pulls away his lips with a loud, almost vulgar ‘pop’. He 
“I can go slow. But no promises on how long I’ll be able to keep it that way, pretty boy.” He chuckles before spitting on his fingers and moving them behind Wonwoo.
“Y-You don’t have to d-do this.” 
“One of us is gonna get fucked in the ass very soon and it won’t be me.” Seungcheol kisses the tip of Wonwoo’s cock and carefully slides one finger past his rim, 
“You almost sound d-disappointed.” The younger man shudders and clenches around the thick digit.
“Me? Not at all, pretty boy. But you must be disappointed, since you’re so obsessed with my ass.”
“Not my fault you’re so t-thick everywhere, fuck.”
“Aww, are you jealous, Wonu?” Seungcheol grins against Wonwoo’s cock, adding a second finger in his hole. “You shouldn’t be, though - Your body is really hot, in its own way.”
“T-Tell me more.” Wonwoo moans and grips the blond hair.
“Where should I even begin from? Your strong, broad shoulders? Your pretty collarbones?” Seungcheol showers him with compliments, his free hand coursing over Wonwoo’s body, reaching to his waist and gripping it tight. “Or your slutty little waist?” 
Wonwoo loses his patience and thrusts his cock in the older man’s mouth, both hands glued on his head to keep it in place and fuck it relentlessly. His round glasses are already fogged up and sliding down the bridge of his nose. The two fingers haven’t stopped toying with his hole, his sensitivity skyrocketing.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum, God, I’m so close!” Wonwoo throws his head back, mouth wide open and tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
Seungcheol hums affirmatively and hollows his cheeks around the shaft, the tip being pushed all the way down his throat. Wonwoo’s orgasm is strong enough to make him lose his balance, but the strong arm around his waist holds him up. The man on his knees swallows every single drop of semen, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down rhythmically. A few seconds later, he detaches his mouth and fingers, breathing heavily. His half-lidded eyes staring at Wonwoo with heavy lust.
Your voice interrupts the two men and Wonwoo tries to pull up his sweats hastily.
“Don’t bother. You won’t need them anyways.” You shake your head in dismissal.
“Hey princess.” Seungcheol gets up and licks his fingers clean with a smug smile on his face.
“You seem awfully awake for someone who wanted cuddles just a few minutes ago.” You cross your arms in front of your chest.
“And you seem awfully jittery, princess. What’s wrong, hm?”
“Cheol, stop teasing her.” Wonwoo huffs.
“It’s okay, Wonu. I was heading to the bedroom anyway.” You shrug and leave the kitchen, making a turn for the bedroom. The two men peek their heads and see you throw your (Wonwoo’s) t-shirt right on the doorstep and Wonwoo pushes Seungcheol out of the way, running back to the bedroom, the older man’s laugh echoing behind him.
A grin creeps on your lips when Wonwoo’s arms wrap around your midriff and his lips attach themselves to the juncture between your shoulder and your neck.
“You seem to be pretty riled up.” You murmur and push your ass on his crotch.
“Cheol’s fault.” He murmurs back and turns you around, pushing you softly on the bed to climb on top of you. “But you’re not innocent either, sunshine.”
“I know. That’s why we’re here now, right?” You toy with the hem of his shirt.
“Yeah. And I cannot wait to fuck you, sunshine.” He grazes his teeth over your pulse point, hands groping your underwear - clad body.
“Not so fast, pretty boy.” Seungcheol leans against the door frame. “I call the shots here.”
“Can you not ruin the moment for once? I missed her last night and I wanna have my time with her.” 
“You will.” H He walks behind Wonwoo and threads his hand in his hair, pulling it back harshly as he presses his lips on the shell of his ear. “As long as you do as I say, that is.”
“Cheol-” You open your mouth to speak. 
“Princess. Behave.” He looks at you with a raised eyebrow and you pipe down, waiting for his orders. Seungcheol hums in approval and lets go of Wonwoo’s hair, who lets out a loud hiss.
“Lay on your back, pretty boy. Need you to put that mouth of yours into good use.” He orders while undressing himself till complete nakedness.
“And why should I do that?” Wonwoo scoffs in an attempt to challenge Seungcheol.
“You said you wanted to have your time with Y/N, didn’t you? You’re gonna let her sit on your face and she’s gonna use her pretty mouth for something else.”
“Damn it.” The younger man curses and strips down as well, following Seungcheol’s orders. He lies down on the bed and Seungcheol pats your thigh for you to get naked and climb over Wonwoo’s face.
“Hey sunshine.”
“Hey Wonu.” You giggle while peering your eyes down to him, his lips peppering kisses on your inner thighs.
“Eyes on me, princess.” Your other boyfriend yanks your hair back, forcing your gaze on him. “Hands down on the mattress.” 
You do as he says and you’re now on the same level as Seungcheol’s cock, the thick shaft mere centimeters away from you. You open your mouth to stretch your tongue and lick the tip, but Wonwoo wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you down on his face to eat you out. You cry out when his tongue slides across your slit, flattening it over your clit and turning it pointy when it reaches your entrance. 
“What’s wrong, princess? Does the pretty boy’s mouth feel good?” Seungcheol caresses your cheek and you nod affirmatively.
“Can’t have you all fucked out already.” He taps his cock on your cheek and you desperately chase his shaft with your mouth. He puts you out of your misery by sliding his cock down your throat, making you gag with his size. You're glad you've trained yourself (with the help of your boyfriends) to suppress your gag reflex when one of them is fucking your mouth. 
You let Seungcheol take control of your head and use it like a fucktoy to satisfy the raging erection, all while Wonwoo eats your pussy like it's the last meal he will ever enjoy on this futile planet. His hands roam your body, fingertips gliding over your hips, waist and gripping your breasts.
Your eyes flutter dangerously, hands fisting the sheets underneath you, as you let yourself enjoy what you're being provided by the loves of your life.
"Mmm, always so good at sucking dick, princess.” Seungcheol juts his hips in your mouth, loving the weight of his cock on your tongue.
You want to bob your head on your own on his cock, but the hand in your hair stops you from doing so. Instead, you ride out your frustrations on Wonwoo’s face, who doesn’t seem to mind you using him for your own pleasure.
“Pretty boy is doing a good job, isn’t he, princess?” Seungcheol slides out his cock and taps it over your cheeks, leaving wet trails of spit on your face.
“His mouth is so fucking good, Daddy.” You moan in response.
“Is that so? Is he taking care of your needy pussy?”
“Yes, he’s so good!” You dig your nails in the bed.
“He can be even better with his dick, princess. Hop off.” 
You whine in protest, but one raised brow from the blond man is enough to make you follow his orders, your other boyfriend grunting in annoyance.
“Lay on your back, princess. And pull your legs up to your chest.”
“Do you ever want to just go with the flow?” Wonwoo sits up and throws a nasty glare towards Seungcheol, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“No.” The older man says curtly and grabs Wonwoo by the arms, turning him around to face you and he pushes him on top of you.
“Fuck! Sorry, sunshine.” Wonwoo puts his hands on each side of your head to not crush you with his weight. “I guess someone is impatient.”
“Yeah, I am.” Seungcheol slaps his ass and kneads the flesh with his hands. “But I’m sure our dear princess is impatient as well and she would love to be stuffed full with your cock. Isn’t that right, princess?”
You nod fervently and you buck your hips directly on Wonwoo’s crotch and he moans, gripping his shaft with one hand to guide it to your entrance. A blissful sigh escapes his lips when he slides inside your pussy, enjoying your tight warmth.
“Good, stay still, pretty boy.” Seungcheol bites his bottom lip as he reaches for the lube in the drawer of the nightstand and he opens the cap to spritz a generous amount over his fingers. He carefully spreads it over his boyfriend’s ass, sliding two fingers to check whether he’s loose enough to take something bigger.
Wonwoo shudders on top of you and slowly moves his hips to start fucking you, but Seungcheol grips his waist to stabilise him.
“I said. Stay still.” He aligns the tip of his cock with the hole and pushes in with careful motions, until he’s completely sheathed in. 
“Fuck, oh fuck.” Wonwoo digs his nails in the mattress, trying his best to accommodate the stretch.
“Wonu, are you okay?” You pet the back of his hair.
“Y-Yeah, more than okay.” 
A fluid thrust from behind makes him groan again and jerks his entire body forward, resulting in a strong thrust in your cunt. You let out a gasp in response and your eyes notice the mischievous glint in Seungcheol’s eyes. He sends you a wink before he starts rutting his hips faster.
The force he exerts in fucking Wonwoo results in you getting fucked with the same pace. Both you and Wonwoo let out obscene noises in unison, your hands flying to his back.
“Your cock feels so damn good, Wonu.” You dig your nails in his back.
“God, I can’t even f-focus on what feels better right now.” He moans back and ducks his head in the crook of your neck.
“Stop being shy, pretty boy.” Seungcheol pulls Wonwoo’s hair and lifts his head to let you take a better look of his expression.
You clench around Wonwoo’s cock when your eyes fall on his flushed face and messed up hair, sweat beads forming on his forehead and eyebrows.
“How does he look, princess?”
“Fucking beautiful, Cheollie.” You whine and Wonwoo bucks his hips harder in you, pushing your body closer to the foot of the bed. 
“Pretty boy loves being praised.” Seungcheol’s thrusts take a rougher turn and snaps his pelvis almost mercilessly.
“Yes, yes I do, fuck. Harder!” The younger man begs in an embarrassing way.
“God, you sound so pretty when you beg.” You whisper loud enough to be heard in the room and smash your lips on his, your hands now moving to cup his jaw. Your tongue mingles with Wonwoo’s, sucking it passionately until you feel him whine in your mouth repeatedly. A sudden wave of sticky warmth floods your walls and you realize that your boyfriend just came inside you without a warning. 
“Mffh- ah, fuck, I’m sorry, sunshine…” He pants heavily, cock still twitching inside you as he grinds slowly. 
“Don’t worry, Wonu.” You stroke his cheek while he desperately tries to make you cum. “Can you please make me cum?”
“Shit, anything for you, sunshine.” He slides his hand between your bodies to search for your clit and rub it in rapid circles.
“How did I get so damn lucky with the two of you?” Seungcheol peers down on you as he pets Wonwoo’s hair a bit softer this time, the contrast between his hand and his hips staying sharp.
“C-Cheol, p-please.” 
“Hang in there, pretty boy, almost there.”
Seungcheol’s hand glides over Wonwoo’s spine until it grips on the other side of his waist and keeps him steady to deliver a few more thrusts. He throws his head back in bliss as the climax hits him, his heavy cock unloading globs of cum inside.
“Fucking perfect ass, so damn tight.”
Wonwoo’s head dips in your neck again as he lets out a loud sob and cums inside you again, but his hand doesn’t falter on your clit and you scream when your own orgasm crashes on you, hands struggling to find something sturdy to hold onto.
Your body decides to fall limp on the bed with Wonwoo right on top of you, who is still breathing heavily due to his consecutive orgasms.
Seungcheol slowly retracts his cock and lays on top of the two of you, catching his own breath.
“I can’t fucking move.” Wonwoo grunts.
“Me neither.” You agree in a split second.
“Did so well for me, darlings.” Seungcheol pats your thigh while pressing a kiss on Wonwoo’s shoulder.
“Thank you Cheollie. Could you two please get off me now? You’re literally crushing me.” You complain to your boyfriends.
“Sorry, princess.” He laughs and sits back on the bed, allowing Wonwoo to roll on his back.
“Thank you. Can someone carry me to the bathroom now? My legs are ruined.” 
“Abusing your princess rights, aren’t you?” The older man quirks his brow.
“Are you gonna refuse?”
“Never.” He picks you up in bridal style and carries you towards the bathroom, your giggles echoing in the corridor.
About ten minutes later, you’re happily soaking in the tub, filled with warm water and a lavender scented bath bomb, all while Seungcheol walks back to the bedroom to check up on Wonwoo.
“Do you need help?”
“Nah, I’ll be okay. Just…give me a few minutes.”
“Fucked you real good, huh?”
“Not as bad as the sheets, but I digress.”
“The sheets aren’t as tight as you or Y/N, but I digress.” The blond man smirks.
“I swear to God, I’ll get back at you for this.” Wonwoo groans, trying to stretch out his legs so he’ll be able to walk all the way to the bathroom.
“Hm, really? And how are you going to do it, huh? By trying to tie me up?” Seungcheol taunts him with a cocked eyebrow.
“That’s not a bad idea actually, given how squirmy you get when your ass gets pounded from behind.” Wonwoo licks his bottom lip.
“Are you that obsessed with my ass, Wonu?”
“More like obsessed with the mental image of railing you like a bitch in heat.” 
Seungcheol lets out a dirty laugh, shaking his head as he heads out of the room. 
“I’d like to see you try, pretty boy. That ass can handle more than you can think of.” He punctuates his words by landing a slap on his ass and sending a wink to his boyfriend.
Wonwoo plops back on the bed and looks up at the ceiling, a grin plastered on his face.
He can’t wait for that day to come.
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coff33andb00ks · 19 days
Rule Breaker - Pt 4
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max Verstappen x single mom!reader (with logan sargeant)
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warnings: cursing, minimally proofread, masturbation (m), lando gives wisdom Summary: Max has it all...right? Besides, he's too busy collecting trophies and completing side quests for anything else. Until... You moved across a whole ass ocean to start over, uprooting you and your son's lives to become social media admin for cars that drive in circles. word count: 5682 auth.note: logan girlies frighten me but i love y'all :) spotify: i made a playlist
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The alarm started ringing and Max sighed, reaching over to turn it off. It wasn't as though he was asleep. Sitting up on the side of the bed he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, groaning when Jimmy gave a sleepy mew and jumped off the bed. "Ja, early morning," he sighed, switching on the lamp and getting to his feet. His cat didn't care, already slipping from the bedroom with his tail high. Sassy glared at him from the foot of the bed and he sighed again, grabbing his phone and turning off the lamp.
He grabbed jeans and a white t-shirt to put on before leaving the room, wondering again why he'd agreed to do this. It was stupid. No one cared what a day in his life was like, he was sure of that, no matter how many comments y/n had shown him on Checo's video asking when they'd get one of him. But it was too late to back out now—
His phone screen lit up and he stood in the bathroom, staring at her message.
-Good morning, I'll be there in ten minutes.
Crisp and professional. Just as it was supposed to be. Just as she had been for a week. When he'd messaged her the day before to bring Kevin over for another Disney movie she'd said yes, and had sat as far from him as physically possible while still being in the same room.
-I'll be ready. I'm up. Ok.
Eight minutes later she was at the door, looking maddeningly well-rested and relaxed and he didn't know why but that only annoyed him even more. He took the camera bag from her, noticing she was wearing baggy pants and an oversized sweatshirt instead of the usual jeans and Red Bull team shirt.
"I'll change before we go to the track," she told him.
He hated that the first few moments he was around her now were a little awkward. "What do you want to get first?" he asked, reaching up to smooth his hair and freezing when she moved to stop him. "What?"
"A day in the life, Max. Let your hair be messy. And you said you have coffee first thing right? So we'll do that – I've got the list you made." She took a sip from the to-go cup in her hand and he smelled coffee. "Kevin said to tell you good morning, have a great practice, and he had fun yesterday."
"I did too," he said. It was the truth. They'd watched a movie, and when that was over y/n had still been working on her laptop so he'd given Kevin a tour of his game room, letting him see and hold his trophies and helmets and even giving him a couple laps in his racing sim. She'd joined them, and for a little while it had been comfortable and easygoing, with her teasing him about his fridge of Red Bull within reach and having so many trophies he was running out of room to put them. He'd been about to suggest dinner, the words on the tip of his tongue, when she'd said it was time for them to get going.
She had the camera out, and so he started his day, answering her questions about trying to keep to a routine. The sun was coming up and she joined him on the balcony, asking about daily habits that stuck with him from childhood. He drank his coffee, watching out the corner of his eye as Sassy, his antisocial cat, jumped up into her lap and settled in for a cuddle.
"She's sweet," y/n said, and though there was a gap of at least six feet between them he could hear the cat's purring.
He made a face. "She hates being held."
Y/n looked at him, then down at Sassy. "Is that true?" she asked softly, running one hand over Sassy's fur.
As though intent on making him a liar, Sassy let out a squeaking purr and stretched, headbutting y/n's chin. Max scoffed, finishing his coffee. "She usually hates being held."
"Maybe you just don't know how to hold her properly," she said, turning her attention fully on the cat.
"I hold her just like I hold Jimmy," he said with a roll of his eyes.
"But you're not Jimmy, are you, darling?" she cooed, rubbing Sassy behind the ears and kissing the top of her head.
Max waited, knowing how much Sassy hated that sort of attention. And, traitor that she was, Sassy leaned into the touch, purring almost ecstatically. "You're making me look bad."
Y/n snorted, lavishing Sassy with affection for a few more moments. She set the cat down and stood, and the cat stayed close to her throughout the rest of the morning, calling and winding between her ankles as she got shots and video of Max doing his morning stretching.
"You do this every morning?" she asked, and Max exhaled with a nod while she got on her hands and knees next to him.
"It keeps me focused," he said after leaning on his knees. "Plus this is just a warmup. I'll do training with Rupert before lunch."
"Strength and cardio, right?"
"Will you be doing that with me too?" he asked, resuming his plank.
"Only if I'll get tequila at the end of the day like I did last week."
He chuckled. "I can do a gin and tonic."
"I've never had one of those," she said, trying the plank again.
"You have to lift your hips up a bit more," he pointed out. "And keep your back straight."
She tried again and he pushed himself back, turning to kneel next to her. His hands were on her hips, guiding them up, one hand moving to rest on her back, before he realized what he was doing. Hearing her shaky breath he paused.
"No, you're fine, I want to do it. Or at least be able to say I tried."
He nodded, adjusting her form, somehow able to focus on the exercise and not the sudden fantasies that were flashing in his mind. Swallowing hard, he wondered if they'd start invading his daily life and not just his dreams now. "Keep your head down, otherwise you might strain your neck."
"How long do I hold it?"
"It's your first time?" he asked, finally moving his hands from her.
"Doing a plank or having a guy manhandle me?" she huffed.
"Sorry, haven't had all my coffee. Yes, it's my first time."
"Then as long as you can."
"How long do you hold them?"
"Two minutes usually."
"Fucking showoff," she muttered, stretching out her arms and relaxing completely.
"I've been doing them for years," he chuckled. "C'mon, time for breakfast."
He was glad she ate with him, glad he'd picked up a few things from the shop the evening before that he'd remembered she liked. It seemed so normal, chatting with her while he cooked, Jimmy by his feet and Sassy by hers. But it made him homesick, nostalgic for something he'd never had.
"I only cook when I'm home," he said. "During preseason I have my meals prepped for me to get me back on track – turn on the kettle?"
She reached over to switch it on. "If you could have anything for breakfast without worrying about training or meal plans, what would it be?"
"This is where I say a cold Red Bull," he joked. When she rolled her eyes and laughed, he grinned. "Waffles. A stack this high." He held his hand several inches above the plate by the cooktop. "With bacon, the kind you can only get in America. And a large glass of milk."
"Butter and maple syrup?" she asked.
"Lots of butter, and the good maple syrup." Looking at the eggs on toast he was plating, he sighed. "I'll have it during our summer break."
"Two weeks off, right? Do you already have plans?"
"Last year I went to South America. I think this year I'll go home, yeah? Spend some time with my mum." Seeing that she was already fixing their tea, he carried the plates to the table and then fed Jimmy and Sassy. "What about you?"
"I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping to get to go home for a few days." She handed him a cup of tea and sat down. "My family usually gets a cottage at the beach for a couple weeks in the summer, and the break starts the second week they're going this year. Kevin misses his Nana, so I've got to get him back for a visit."
"You're close to your mum?" he asked once they'd started eating.
"Pretty close. We had a falling out when I graduated high school. She wanted me to stay near home and go to the local college, but I wanted to go to a school that had a good program. That led to a fight, especially when I was accepted and announced I was going halfway across the country…" She sipped her tea. "Then I graduated and came back home and… It was weird for a little while? But we both apologized and then Kevin came along, and well. She would have forgiven anything, I think, to be able to be in his life."
He nodded, understanding what that was like. Hadn't he done the same with his father? "Can I—" he stopped when her phone buzzed loudly on the table.
Y/n picked it up with a murmured apology, smiling slightly at the screen before answering. "Hey…"
Max's toast turned to cardboard in his mouth when he saw the name on the screen.
"Yeah, I'm at Max's. Day in the life thing. Yeah." She laughed.
He forced the last of his food down his throat and drank his tasteless tea, carrying his dishes to the sink while she talked to Logan.
"No, Ellie's bringing him. Probably around noon?" She paused and he knew she was smiling even though his back was to her. "You're sweet. I'll see you in a little bit? Yep. Okay, I promise. Bye."
"All good?" he asked, forcing himself to sound as casual as possible. Taking her plate when she brought it to the sink, he saw she was still smiling.
"Yeah, it was Logan. He wanted me to bring Kevin to the track. I'll do the dishes since you cooked," she insisted, waving him away.
He stepped aside, opening his mouth to point out the dishwasher but, knowing she would just wash them by hand anyway, he closed it. Leaning against the counter, he folded his arms over his chest. "How was your dinner with him last week?"
She looked at him in surprise. "It was nice."
He nodded. "About—" The timer he'd set on his phone went off and wanted to send his phone through the window. Snatching it up, he silenced it and ran a hand over his face. "I've got to shower, then we can head to the track."
"Sure thing." She tipped her head. "Alright if I change in your room while you shower?"
"Of course." He pushed away from the counter. "No photos of my closet."
She laughed at that, and he felt the awkwardness drift away. "No photos of the closet, promise. But I can get one of the Red Bull pillow on the bed?"
"Absolutely not," he snorted, her laugh following him from the kitchen. He went to the foyer to check his backpack, making sure all his necessities for the day were packed in it. Leaving his phone beside it, he thought about the upcoming practice, mind on the adjustments made in anticipation of the race. He pushed open his bedroom door so he could grab clothes, lurching to a stop at the sight of the nearly nude woman by his bed.
Y/n whirled around, one arm crossing over her bare chest, eyes wide.
"S-sorry," he blurted, quickly looking away even though it was too late for that. "Just need to grab something."
She turned her back to him, and he saw her hand shoot out to snatch her hoodie off the bed, holding it to her. "I thought you were showering."
"I had to get my things ready," he explained, wondering why he felt the need to defend his movements in his own home. "I thought you were washing dishes."
"It was a skillet, two forks, two plates, two mugs, and a spatula. Hardly a big job."
He quickly grabbed clothes, muttering a few more apologies. About to leave, he saw her turning to look over her shoulder and felt his knees weaken. His hip slammed into the corner of the bureau and he winced, cursing, snatching his gaze from her bare skin and leaving the room as quickly as he could, making sure to close the door behind him.
"Fuck me," he groaned, nearly tripping over Sassy, who was of course waiting right outside the door. Stepping around her, he went straight to the bathroom, trying with all his might to focus his mind on practice. The car. The track. Anything but her, because if he let himself think of her he would only think of how badly he'd wanted to—
No. Not allowed. He couldn't kiss her, he damn sure couldn't lay her down in his bed and learn all the secrets of her body. Couldn't find out how her lips tasted, whether she preferred to be held gently or grabbed roughly. Would never learn if she moaned and gasped or whined and squealed. Could never have the taste of her on his tongue or know how wet she could get.
His body craved her like water and he felt nothing but intense desire as he stood under the showerhead, not even trying to deflect his arousal. Giving in, he set the soap down and grasped his cock. He closed his eyes, letting the fantasies run wild. His hand was a sad substitute for what he truly craved. His mind replayed the split second view of her breasts he'd gotten over and over and he was almost ashamed of how quickly he came, gritting his teeth to keep from moaning loudly while his cum splashed on the tile.
Panting, still craving her, he washed himself, trying and failing to push thoughts of her to the back of his mind. Mad at himself for not being in control of his own body, he dried off and dressed, realizing he was taking more concern with his appearance than usual when he smoothed the pomade Charles had given him months ago through his hair. Cursing, he ran a comb through it, scowling at his reflection as he sprayed cologne. "Stupid," he muttered, pulling his shirt on and snatching the bathroom door open.
"No team shirt? I thought you weren't allowed to wear anything else," she teased when he entered the living room.
He looked down at the white tee, unconsciously smoothing it. "I don't live in team clothes," he muttered. He finally looked at her, clenching his jaw to stop his eyes from dipping to her chest.
She'd put on a bra. Pity.
"It looks good. Jeans and a white t-shirt are classic. Very James Dean."
"Who?" Was that some other idiot asshole talking to her? He knew about Logan—
"Actor from the 50's. According to my grandma, all the women wanted him and all the men wanted to be him." She smiled as she zipped up her camera bag. "I watched his movies. If I'd been alive back then I'd have wanted him, too. Ready?"
He nodded, grabbing a jacket. Said goodbye to the cats and watched her get more affection from Sassy in thirty seconds than he had in all the time he'd owned her. Another fantasy formed, and he wondered what it said of him that he was imagining her in his bed. Instead of a sexual slant, the fantasy was her cuddling his cats. Not used to the warmth it filled him with, he let the fantasy play out while they gathered their things, liking the mental image of Kevin and a faceless little girl joining them for morning snuggles.
The elevator ride was interminable, cramped, and he tried to remember what normalcy was while he breathed in perfume and shampoo and pretended she wasn't touching him.
"Are you wearing cologne?"
"A little." The doors open and he breathed clean air with utter relief. Did she like it? Did it bother her? Had he put too much? Should he—
"Smells nice," she murmured as she stepped into the lobby.
Max exhaled harshly, letting his head fall back against the wall, glancing up at the ceiling. "You've got a terrible sense of humor," he muttered to whatever gods might be listening.
"Did you say something?" Y/n asked.
"No," he lied, pushing away from the wall and exiting the elevator. "Just thinking about practice."
She asked him more questions, about the track, if he considered it at least a little his home track since he lived there. Nodded and listened to his answers as they walked to the dock. And it was all almost normal on the boat ride over, her filming clips to post later and getting photos. Then more normal once they stepped onto the trackside dock, surrounded by people now.
Once they reached the paddock she touched his arm to get his attention, not that she really needed to.
"I'll meet you at the garage? I'm gonna run see Kevin for a minute," she said.
"Of course." He reached for her camera bag and backpack. "You can bring him back for a visit—"
He swung his head around, smiling at the sight of Kevin through the crowd. His expression soured when he saw who was carrying him, but he managed to keep the smile on his face as Logan walked up, greeting him with a nod.
God, he hated this. Hated the way she smiled up at Logan, hated their easy, familiar conversation while he handed Kevin over and told her Ellie had stopped to chat with Oscar. He hated that he hated it and cleared his throat. "See you in a bit, I've got to meet with Christian."
She nodded, and he made sure to speak to Kevin before walking off. Barely two seconds later Lando fell into step next to him.
"Aw, look at 'em. Like a family, yeah?"
Max had nothing but respect and admiration for Lando, but he would have gladly shoved him off the dock if they'd been close enough. "Who?"
"Your social media girl and Logan." Lando grinned, glancing back. "Should've seen her kid like thirty minutes ago. He worships Logan."
"Of course he does, the guy has the mindset of a three-year-old," Max muttered.
Lando exploded with laughter. "The fuck?" He followed Max into the Red Bull motorhome. "Is that jealousy I hear?"
"Ah c'mon, it's me. Your buddy. Your mate."
"Don't you have things to do?" Max muttered, waving to people milling about as he made his way to his driver's room.
Lando was close on his heels, and the door hadn't fully closed before he started in again. "So you like her?"
He set her bags down and shrugged off his backpack. "Who?"
"She's my colleague."
"Colleague. You sound like a pretentious dickhead." Lando dropped into a chair and shoved his feet on the corner of the table. "Tell Lando about it, mate. I'm your friend, I won't judge you, just give you advice."
"I don't need your advice," he snorted, kicking Lando's feet down.
"But it's good advice!"
He groaned. "What is it?"
"First you need to tell me the problem." Lando leaned forward, looking far too excited. "You're down bad for her, aren't you?"
Max stared at him, unblinking.
"She gets you all fired up? Got you picturing her doing nasty, freaky things with you? Leaves you bricked and fighting for your life?"
"Jesus," he muttered, looking away.
"Oh, you're desperate," Lando said.
"I am not desperate," he scoffed.
"You're all dressed up. Isn't today when she spends the whole day with you?"
"I'm not dressed up." He wasn't sure what was worse, how he was feeling or hearing Lando describe them in his ridiculous way. "And yes, for the day in the life."
"You did something to your hair, you're wearing your pussy magnet cologne, and you're not wearing Red Bull." Lando ticked off his fingers. "You. Are. Desperate."
"And what if I am?" he asked.
"Mate… Just fuck her and get it over with it."
He laughed. "Life changing advice, mate, I never thought of that."
"See? I'm good—"
"I can't."
Lando's face twisted in confusion. "What do you mean, you can't?" His eyes widened. "Are you – You know you can get medicine for that? No shame in it nowadays. Happens to a lot of guys. Not me, but—"
"What the hell—" Max groaned, throwing a Red Bull at his friend. "I'm not impotent, asshole."
"Oh. Good, because really I'd be worried. You're not that old—" Lando sent the can back. "So why can't you? Because of Logan? They're not official. Just a few dates. He went to see her at her place, but I think they're just friends."
"How do you know all this?" Max asked, checking the time.
"He tells Osc everything and I have a knack for finding out by asking leading questions."
"You mean you're nosy."
Lando waved one hand. "Yes."
"It's not because of him," he finally said after opening a can and taking a swig.
"Then…" Lando threw up his hands and let them fall dramatically. "Why aren't you putting kids in her?"
Max almost choked on his drink. "Mate—"
"She's a fucking milf—"
"Don't say that—" Max held up a hand. "Stop. I can't."
"Again, why?" Lando gasped. "Mate," he whispered. "Did you try and she turned you down?"
"No, she didn't – I – we work together." He rolled his eyes when Lando snorted. "It's in the contracts, mate."
"You're joking."
"Do you want to see a copy?" he finished the drink and crumpled the can.
"No, I mean, you can't be serious? That kind of stuff is only for doing shit in public." Lando shook his head. "It's an easy workaround. Just do it in private."
"What, like I'm ashamed?"
"No, no, c'mon! Stolen looks? Carefully brushing her hand when you're walking together? Sending her a filthy text before an interview? Then as soon as you're back home you bend her over and fuck—"
"It'll be your dirty little secret. You'd have to make sure the kid doesn't notice but as long as you keep it to hotel rooms and when he's asleep that wouldn't be a problem." Lando smiled, expression smug, as though he'd just solved all the world's problems. "As long as you don't say in an interview that you're fucking her, you're good."
"You're insane," Max muttered with a shake of his head. "I can't—"
There was a knock on his door. "Mister Max!"
He was opening it in an instant, grunting when Kevin ran into him. Y/n was behind him, gently chastising him for being so impatient, and Max waved off her concern, catching the boy and lifting him up for a hug. "You having a good day, kleine maat?"
"Yeah! I got my scooter! Can we ride?" Kevin asked hopefully.
"Of course we can." He met y/n's eyes over the boy's head. "Just a little ways down the track?"
She looked ready to say no, but finally nodded. "I've got to get some posts up. Ellie's getting a migraine so she'll probably want to leave soon—"
"Well then we can have fun without her, can't we mate?" he asked Kevin, who giggled. Ruffling his hair, he set him down and looked at her. "Go ahead and do your work, yeah? I'll keep an eye on him."
Her eyes softened and he knew she wanted to insist he didn't have to. That Kevin could go back to the hotel with Ellie. But she smiled. "Thank you."
"Let's go get your scooter, mate," Lando said suddenly.
"Stay with Lando, yeah?" Max told Kevin, looking at his friend. "Don't let go of him."
"He's such a dad," Lando sighed to the boy, taking his hand and leading him from the room. "Does he tell you to eat your vegetables?"
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● It's not contagious. Just her migraines are bad right now. I think it's the change in environment. She's not used to the English weather. ● She's going to a doctor tomorrow? ● Yeah but I don't think they'll have a miracle cure. ● Just bring him, y/n. The whole team loves him. We can keep an eye on him when you have to work, and he can stay in the motorhome when it's busy. ● Christian said the same thing. ● Sometimes he's smart. ● You're terrible. Okay, I'll bring him. ● Good. Tell Ellie I hope she gets some relief. Is she getting rest? ● She just went to bed even though it's only 7. She took a pill that doesn't help the pain but helps her sleep. ● She'll be okay, y/n. They'll have something to help her. ● Thanks, Max. See you in Montreal. ● Safe travels, y/n. Give little mate a hug for me? ● Every day. :)
Y/n smiled over the messages and then returned to the messages with Christian. After telling him she would have Kevin with her for the Montreal and getting his assurance that it was okay, she locked her phone, sighing. "Well, buddy, looks like you're coming to Canada."
Kevin looked up from the hot wheels he was lining up on the rug. "Really?"
"Yep. But Mama's gonna be working a lot so we'll be at the track all the time." She hoped this wasn't a mistake. There were countless ways he could get hurt. "You'll have to stay where I tell you."
Kevin nodded. "Okay Mama." He rubbed his nose. "Is Mister Logan coming?"
The duality of child, she thought with another sigh. "Yeah, he'll be here soon. Remember to keep it down, though. Ellie's sleeping." She got to her feet and stepped over his cars so she could get the popcorn ready. "Can you get the movie ready?"
"He said Cars is his favorite," her son reminded her.
"He did."
"Mister Max likes it too. But his favorite is Aladdin."
"I thought his favorite was Tiana?"
"His favorite princess." Kevin followed her into the kitchen, pushing his stool to the counter and climbing up. "But he loves Aladdin."
"Why does he love Aladdin?" she asked, taking down the packets of microwave popcorn.
"He says the genie."
"Well, he has a point." She put a packet in the microwave and moved to get a bowl.
"He likes Tiana because she works for what she wants." Kevin spoke slowly, and y/n knew it was because he wanted to make sure he repeated Max verbatim. He even, probably unintentionally, copied Max's slight lisp.
And so it was that when Logan arrived, she and Kevin were in a debate over the work ethic of Disney princesses.
"I'm not saying she held down two jobs, but Cinderella worked," she insisted while she opened the door. "She cooked and cleaned and dealt with everything in the castle – Hey, c'mon in – and you need to remember it was set like two or three hundred years ago, of course she didn't have a job"
"But she only danced," Kevin said as he greeted Logan with a hug. "Tiana turned into a frog, Mama."
"Are we arguing?" Logan asked with a chuckle.
Y/n rolled her eyes. "I'm trying to defend my girl Cindy and he's showing misogyny."
"Am not," Kevin huffed. Tugging on Logan's shirt, he waited for him to lean down before whispering. "What's miss… That mean?"
"I think it means when a man expects a woman to stay home and cook and clean and raise babies," Logan whispered back.
"That's stupid."
"There's my sweet boy again. Go pick up your cars," she told him, laughing when he ran off to do so. Taking Logan's jacket, she draped it over the hook by the door. "Hey."
"Hey," he murmured, smiling.
His kiss wasn't unexpected. He'd kissed her plenty of times since their dinner in Italy. But there was something added in, something she couldn't quite identify but knew she liked. Leaning into him, she hummed softly when his hand lightly cradled her neck, pulling back at the sound of Kevin throwing his cars into the bin.
"Date in Montreal?" Logan asked.
She opened her mouth to say yes, then bit her lip. "I don't know. I have to bring Kevin with me."
"Oh. I thought he was staying here with Ellie?"
"He was, but she's been having really bad migraines since Monaco. She's going to the doctor tomorrow, but I can't just expect her to deal with him and all that."
"We'll still do something fun."
"We will," she promised, leaning to kiss his cheek. "Go on, I'll get the popcorn."
They parted, and she heard him talking to Kevin while she got the popcorn and drinks. When she brought it out he was already on the couch, remote in hand and following Kevin's directions to find the movie, like he hadn't used their TV half a dozen times by now.
"This is his favorite movie that he watches every other day, so he'll be talking along with it," she warned him with a smile once they were settled and he'd hit play. She could already tell that Kevin would be out before the movie was finished, recognizing the way he rubbed his eyes as he snuggled between her and Logan. Picking up her phone so she could check her email, she half paid attention, frowning when a text from Ellie popped up.
● Is your boy toy here? I want water.
She rolled her eyes.
● He's not my boy toy but yes. I'll bring you some.
"Be right back," she whispered to Logan, pushing herself off the couch and going to the kitchen to fix a cup of water for her friend. Slipping into the bedroom, she closed the door and approached the bed. "Hey," she whispered, setting the cup down.
Ellie groaned, slowly sitting up. "Thanks."
"Pill hasn't kicked in yet?"
"Almost. Logan here?"
Y/n smiled. "Yeah. Watching Cars."
"Romantic." Ellie breathed deeply. "Water?"
Handing it to her, she sat on the edge of the bed. "You're drugged so you'll be honest…"
"Yes, I think you should sleep with him."
She blinked, pressing her hands to her face. "Thanks, El."
"Welcome." Ellie pushed the cup to her. "He's cute and he likes you. And it's been years since you had some good dick. Sleep with him."
She stood and leaned to kiss her friend's head. "Go to sleep, babe."
"Loves you," Ellie mumbled sleepily.
"Love you more." Leaving the cup on the nightstand, she tiptoed from the room.
She didn't want to sleep with Logan, did she? Just because he was cute – which he was, but she preferred the term handsome – and liked her? She did like him. He was good with Kevin, and he was nice. He hadn't been pushy at all since their not-a-date dinner date, but she wasn't blind. She could tell he wanted more than the quick, stolen kisses.
Just as she'd known he would, Kevin was asleep before the movie was halfway through, and she pried him from Logan's shoulder to go tuck him in. When she returned, he'd turned off the movie and put on Netflix, and she reclaimed her spot.
"Is it okay for me to hang around?" he asked, pushing the popcorn bowl onto the coffee table.
"Of course." Smiling, she laughed when he flopped back, one arm draping around her and dragging her close. She barely paid attention to the show he'd turned on, letting herself enjoy the physical closeness. His hand rubbed her arm and she shifted closer, resting her head on his chest.
"Hm?" She tipped her head back, surprised – but not really – when he took the opportunity to kiss her. His arm tightened around her, other hand coming up to cup her cheek and she sank into the kiss, whining a little when he pulled back. "Okay?"
"Y-yeah," she breathed, nodding, shifting so she was kneeling, hands gently grabbing the front of his shirt as their lips met again.
"So we can be more than friends?" he asked between kisses.
Y/n exhaled shakily, wondering how he could ask that question when his hand was sliding under her shirt. Or was he expecting her to determine their relationship? "I mean… Yeah? We can just…" It was hard to concentrate with his hand creeping closer to her breast. "Figure it out as we go?"
"I like that," he whispered.
His fingers brushed the outer curve of her breast and her mouth went dry, feeling the flames of yearning in a long time. "I like that, too," she whispered, threading her fingers through his hair. She pulled back just when her lips brushed his again, slightly panicked at the thought of having sex on the sofa. "B-but we don't have to go all the way tonight, do we? I don't—"
I don't want to tarnish the couch my son naps and watches TV on.
"No, no, it's okay. I'm good with just kissing you," he promised.
"We can make out," she suggested, because she needed a little more than kissing. Just the training wheels until she remembered what to do and what she liked.
"Hands above the waist?" he asked while slowly guiding her down.
"Good idea." She had the distinct impression that if his hands went below her waist she'd be begging for more. And she wasn't ready for that. Not yet.
Maybe not ever, and as she started to lose herself in his kiss she wondered if he'd be okay with that, too.
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@spookystitchery | @halleest | @lyannesworld | @llando4norris | @kravitzwhore | @younxii | @silentreader128 | @samantha-chicago | @mrsbrxkkxr | @cmleitora | @jasons-little-princess | @toldyouitwasamelodrama | @aundercover | @kiwi43-81 | @awritingtree | @voidsfics | @manicpixiemom | @misartymis | (i think i got everyone)
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alastor-simp · 5 months
Be My Valentine - Alastor x Female Reader
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♥️HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE! Also I know Alastor is AroAce, but lets just assume in this fic he is not. Enjoy♥️
It was finally Valentine’s Day in Hell, a little holiday that some demons enjoy doing with their partners and others that find it absolutely ridiculous, like a certain deer demon. Alastor didn’t much care for a silly little festivity like this. He found romance a bit ridiculous, but he wouldn’t go as far as to make fun of someone else in a relationship, it wasn’t who he was. He did find Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship adorable, since he saw how happy the two of them were together. The little sparks between Husker and Angel were easy for him to spot, and it led to lot of teasing at the hands of Alastor, which earned him a middle finger from a certain cat on occasions.
Since it was Valentine’s Day, Charlie thought it would be a great idea to decorate the hotel. Heart paper strings were hanging from the ceiling, along with XOXO and heart balloons on the walls. It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without some sweets, so Charlie along with Niffty made some chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels for everyone else to enjoy. You were trying to figure out how to help liven the mood. “Music would be nice” you thought. Heading over to the record player, you skimmed for any good songs to play. Frank Sinatra was what you picked, and you decided to play that. The melody began to carry out all throughout the lobby, catching everyone ears, causing them to sway. “Ah! Excellent choice my dear!” You heard Al’s voice call out from behind you. He was sitting on one of the chairs, with a hot cup of coffee in his hand, wearing a pleasing smile. Smiling back, you made your way over to the couch and took a seat, listening to the tunes.
Soon Charlie came running back, “Okay everyone! Ready to start the Valentine gift exchange!” Before the decorations were put up, Charlie suggested that everyone pitch in and do a Valentine gift exchange. The gifts would be exchanged between two individuals: Charlie + Vaggie, Angel Dust + Husk, Niffty + Sir Pentious, and You + Alastor. Everyone got together and presented the gifts. Charlie had given a bottle of perfume and new hair bow for Vaggie. Vaggie gave Charlie a unicorn plushie and T-shirt with their faces on them. Angel got Husk a fancy bottle of Italian wine. Husk gave Angel a popular perfume from the Lust ring plus some mini outfits for Fat Nuggets. Niffty had actually handmade mini plushies of Sir Pentious and his egg bois. Sir Pentious got Niffty some roses plus a new sewing kit.
Now it was time for you and Alastor to exchange gifts. While you did have something for Al, there was something else you wanted to give him, but it was a surprise. Alastor was smiling down at you, hands behind his back, holding a mini box and bouquet. “Here you are my dear!” He handed you the box and flowers. Ahh he remembered how much you loved (your favorite flowers). Thanking Alastor, you opened the box, which contained a beautiful ruby necklace
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“W-ow Al! This is beautiful! Thank you.” Holding the necklace up, you looked up at Alastor, face flushed. “You’re welcome, my dear! Allow me!” Grabbing the necklace from your hands, he motioned his body behind you, helping to place the necklace around your neck. Turning back around, you pulled out your gift and presented it to Al, “Happy Valentines Day Al” Grabbing the black box with red ribbon from your hand, he opened it, revealing a new rose tinted monocle. He had broken the one he had before, and didn’t have the time to replace it. “Ah I needed a new monocle. Thank you kindly, y/n!” Smiling you nodded your head and faced back towards the others
Al looked into the box again and saw a little piece of paper that was placed underneath the monocle. Turning away, he took the paper out and read it:
“ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴏꜰᴛᴏᴘ ᴀᴛ 8 ᴘᴍ”
Well well, what was this? Another surprise, perhaps? Smile widening on his face, He placed the paper in his suit pocket, before turning back to everyone like nothing happened. The day continued as normal, with everyone chatting about random topics and participating in some bonding activities like board games and watching some random romance movies. It soon gotten late and it was time for everyone to head to bed, or so you thought. The glances you saw between Charlie and Vaggie hinted that they were going to be doing something else. Even Husk and Angel dust, especially since you saw Angel dragging Husk into his bedroom, well good for them, they make a cute couple. Going to head up and finish your plans, your eyes caught Al who had looked right at you. You smiled and walked away.
**8 PM- Alastors POV**
"Hmm I wonder what the little darling has planned for me?” Al thought to himself, as he made his way to the location you told him in the note. Ascending up the stairs, Al arrived at the door that led to the rooftop and opened it slowly. His eye widen at what he saw. In front of him was a small dinner table with chairs, decorated with candles and roses.
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He was left stunned by what he saw. Walking closer to where the table is, he admired the little set-up. "Do you like it?" Turning his head around, Al saw you standing there, wearing a flowy black dress, bright smile place on your face. Alastor looked back at the table, then at you, "Was this the little surprise you had planned for me? If you wanted to have dinner with me, all you had to do was ask, my dear." Alastor gave a soft smile, making his way to you, lifting your chin, "You look positively radiant, darling." His words caused you to flush, "T-thank you. Go and take a seat Al. I'll be right back," Alastor smiled and let you go, heading over to the chair to take a seat.
Soon, you came back holding two plates, the aroma wafting off of them was mouth-watering. Placing them down, the smile on Al's face had widen. In front of him was a tender venison steak, his favorite, along with a side of salad and baked potatoes.
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After that, you had grabbed a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, and poured it into the wine glasses for both you and Al. Once everything was set in place, you slowly took a seat on the other side of the table. "This is my first time cooking venison, so I hope you like it." You fidgeted with your fingers under the table. "This looks spectacular! Thank you my dear!" He grabbed his wine glass and held it up in front of you, "Cheers, my dear!" Smiling, you grabbed your glass, bumping it against Al's, letting out a small clink. The both of you started to eat the meal you prepared, well you were watching Al more than eating, monitoring his reaction. You knew about his diet and what he mainly ate, so last thing you wanted was for him to try the venison you prepared and do a spit-take. The fork in Al's hand, held a piece of steak, and slowly it made its way into his mouth. The whole time you were sitting there, gazing at his reaction to see if he liked it. His expression didn't change, but he went back in for another bite, and another, and another. Heaving a sigh of relief, you were happy that he liked the meal, letting you go back to your meal.
Soon the both of you had finished eating, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Delicious!" Al said, wearing a pleasant smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Are you in the mood for some dessert?" You said as you got up from the table, and made your way over to grab the dessert that was hidden. Walking back, you placed a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries on the table.
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"My dear, you know I'm not a fan of sweets." Al said to you, while looking at the bowl with strained face. "I made these myself using dark chocolate, so they won't be as sweet, trust me." Grabbing one of the strawberries, you held it up towards all, "Say ahh." Al raised an eyebrow at that, but he shook his head, amused at your actions, before taking a bite. Looking at him, you were expecting him to spit it out, but surprisingly he swallowed, "Not bad!"
Whew, glad he liked them. Now it was time to tell him what you were thinking/feeling. "Um Al? Can I ask you something?" Alastor looked at you, smiling like the joker. "Of course my dear! What is it?" He leaned in, placing his elbows on the table, lifting his head up with his hands. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy, and your palms were sweating. Your eyes looked down at your hands, until you turned your head back up to look at Al. "W-will you be my valentine?" Alastor eyes widen at that statement, but he continued to gaze at you. Feeling nervous, you looked back down to your hands, "Y-you don't have to answer, I understand you find romance and stuff a hindrance." you said. The two of you were sitting in awkward silence, until you heard his chair scrap across the ground, indicating he had gotten up. You knew it, he was going to leave. You had made him upset.
A hand was placed under your chin, making you look up. Alastor hadn't left, he had only gotten up to get closer to you. "Stand up, my dear." He said to you. Moving slowly, you got up from your chair and stood in front of Al. He continued to look down at you, his eyes flashing crimson. Then he got closer, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm hug. "What an adorable request! I must admit, developing relationships with another is still new to me. However! I wouldn't mind forming one with you, my dear. I accept!" He whispered all of this in your ear, causing goosebumps to form. Your eyes got teary, as you hugged him back. After a while, Alastor moved a bit, placing one hand under your chin, and the around your back. He had a small smile on his face and his eyes were soft. "Happy Valentines day, my doe." His head moved closer to yours, causing you to slowly shut your eyes, letting his lips press against yours in a soft kiss.
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman
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spencereidluver · 7 months
F is for First Date
summary: You and Spencer go on your first date to a little coffee shop before work. You convince him to try your coffee, and he finds he enjoys it.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: none. just fluff and spencer being a gentleman
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You roll over in your bed, throwing the covers off of your body. It was hot. Why was it so hot? You look over to your alarm cock: 8:03 a.m. You were running late. 45 minutes late, actually. Luckily, your apartment is only a few blocks away from the office, however, you typically left at 8:10. That left you 7 minutes to do your normal hour long routine.
You quickly jump up from your bed, letting the blankets fall wherever they pleased. Honestly, what’s the point in making the bed? You’re just going to tear it apart in your sleep tonight, anyways. You jog slightly to your bathroom, grabbing your hairbrush and multitasking as you did your morning pee. You brushed your teeth in record time, definitely not two minutes, but at least the morning breath was gone.
You went back to your room, slipping off your flannel pajama pants and gray “Harvard” shirt. You didn’t go to Harvard. You just liked the oversized shirt. 
You grabbed a nude-toned bra out of your dresser and clasped it behind your back. You slid a white lace top over your head and threw a tan fuzzy cardigan on. You put a pair of dark tights on and pulled a dark brown leather miniskirt over them, tucking the white top in. You slid on thick white socks on, ones that ended at your mid-shin, and put on a pair of black converse. 
Good enough, you thought to yourself, not bothering to put on makeup. You planned to stay in the office today. No meetings, and pray to god no cases. You just wanted a chill day.
You left your apartment at 8:15, not much later than you normally did, you’d just have to take out the coffee stop this morning. 
You nearly drop your bag as you’re rushing through the parking lot, trying desperately to enter the building before 8:30. Not only were you up late this morning, but traffic was a bitch. It wouldn’t be a big deal if you were a few minutes late, however you’ve been petulant in your 9 months and don’t plan to start truancy now. 
Of course, Derek, who 9 times out of 10 is fashionablly late, sees you speed walking through the parking lot.
“Hey Sweetheart, what are you doing in so late?” He jokingly cat-calls you through the lot.
“Slept late,” You respond in a yell, not slowing your step at all.
“Aw, baby needs her beauty sleep?” “Something like that.”
You rush into the building, crossing through the glass doors of the BAU office right as the clock struck 8:30, Derek somehow a full two minutes behind you. You walk over to your desk and place your knitted tote bag filled with personal items on the ground beneath you. Sitting in your chair, you plop the stack of paperwork in front of you, and look at the man across from you.
“Morning, Spence,” You say as you open the file.
“Goodmorning, y/n. How was your morning?” He asks curiously. 
“Well, I overslept and didn’t have time for a coffee stop, but luckily I was having a good hair day so it doesn’t matter. How about you?”
“Well I couldn’t even tell. You look great. My morning was alright. I got my coffee.” He mockingly takes a big sip before standing up and excusing himself. 
You didn’t know where he was going, though you had enough paperwork to let it pass through your mind. You quickly began scribbling through the papers and placing files where they needed to go. You forgot how messy you’d left your desk Friday when you returned from a case. You were in a big hurry to leave and go to dinner with the team, you just threw everything from the case on your desk and scrammed. It wasn’t a big deal though, it was just easy, boring paperwork. 
Spencer returned a few minutes later with a coffee cup in hand. He approached your desk. “Hey, y/n,” he says, you move your attention from the paperwork to him towering over you. “I made you a coffee. I um, I put two sugars in it, I hope that’s alright, I’ve seen you drink it like that before and-”
“It’s perfect, Spence, thank you.” You say, taking the cup as he hands it down to you.
He hurries to his chair and hides his face. You curiously turned the cup around. There, you saw the inscription of his homely handwriting. “y/n: do you want to go out for coffee tomorrow morning before work? -Spence.” 
You smiled, and went to look up at him, but he instinctively scurried away. Though, he’d left his half drank cup of coffee on his desk. You walk over to his, and flop down in his chair, it almost swallowing you whole as the leather back had fitted to his broader shoulders. You grab the coffee and a Sharpie marker from his pencil cup. “Spence: of course I do… 7:30? <3”
You get up and return to your  desk, almost on cue, Spencer returns. You were unsure of where he came from, though it didn’t matter. He sat at his desk, and you nodded your head to the cup. He looked confused for a brief second, before bringing it to his eyes to read it. 
He looked up and smiled at you. “ 7:30 sounds great, I’ll meet you there,” he says.
“Okay! I’m parking here and walking, if you wish to join,” you say, taking a sip of the special made coffee. It was no different than how you normally made it, but it tasted special because of who made it.
“I’ll meet you in the parking lot here, then. How’s that?” “That’s perfect, Spence.”
You return to your paperwork, unable to hide the smile on your face. You’d waited so long for this moment, you couldn’t believe it was finally happening. You caught Spencer smiling a few times as well. You wondered how long he’d wanted to ask you out. You’ve found Spencer attractive since the day you started working here. You were so beyond ecstatic something was finally happening between the two of you. 
You finished your coffee quickly. It was the best coffee you have ever tasted. You thought briefly for a second, before going to the kitchen to clean the styrofoam cup out. You made sure it was no longer sticky or had any coffee residue before drying it completely and taking it back to your desk. You open the small pencil drawer of your desk and pull out four sticky notes. Notes Spencer had left you in the past few weeks. You placed the four notes in the cup and placed a new lid on it. Putting the cup in the side drawer, you smiled to yourself. You’ve kept every note Spencer has ever given you. And you don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
‘7:28,’ the clock on the dash of your car read. You looked in your rearview mirror at the road behind you. There was Spencer in his old man car. You’d been early, nervous about your date, though you knew it would go good. You wore a fitted white turtleneck with a knitted tank top sweater vest of different shades of brown on top. You paired this with a khaki skirt and the same pair of black converse. You realized this was a very Spencer-esque outfit, and it was quite possible you and him could have nearly the exact same outfit on today.
Luckily, Spencer picked from the other side of his closet this morning. He approached you wearing dark brown slacks and black converse as well. He had his satchel pulled over his waist, drawing attention to the way he swayed as he walked. He had a dark, though not as dark as his pants, sweater that was open, and underneath was a collared off-white shirt and a diagonally striped tie. His left hand rested on his satchel, and his right was hidden behind his back. He did his little hoppy jog to your car, you having opened the door, grabbing your knitted tote bag, and beginning to make your way around to him.
“Good morning, y/n,” he says as he reaches you. 
“Hi, Spence,” You didn’t know why, but you were suddenly very shy. Maybe because this was a “formal date,” but you’d been on friend dates with Spencer so many times before. 
Spencer was clearly nervous too, though less than you. His hand from behind his back made itself known, in his fist was a single red rose. “I um, I got this for you. I know it’s only one, but I actually saw a flower patch on my way here and I didn’t want to take them all.” He was rambling.
“I love it, it’s perfect.” You grab the rose from his hand, letting your fingers run over the petals. They were smooth. He could see you were trying not to touch the stem too much, as you were trying not to touch the thorns. 
“I picked all the thorns off so you didn’t hurt yourself. I don’t have any water for it or anything…”
You examined the stem. You saw all the spots where thorns once laid. He was so sweet. Not only did he make a stop to pick you a rose, but he also safety coded it. You were going to keep this rose forever. You knew it. You planned on pressing the flowers once you got home from work that night. Maybe you could keep the petals in the “note drawer,” or maybe you could start a new drawer..
“Spencer, hey, I love it okay. Thank you.” You slid the stem of the rose between two knits of your bag, it poking inside and the flower on the outside like a pin. You saw Spencer smile. He was proud of himself. 
The two of you began to walk through the parking lot. Spencer paid careful attention to your feet, matching his gate exactly with yours. As you neared the end of the parking lot, reaching the sidewalk next to a fairly busy street, you felt a hand gently brush your waist. Spencer switched sides, him now being on the side adjacent to the road. First flowers, and now this? This boy was a true gentleman.
You smiled to yourself. Technically, the date hadn’t even begun yet, but you were already certain you wanted a relationship to blossom from this. You looked to the man to your left, the sun in a position to hit against his face in a way that made him look like an angel. You couldn’t help yourself. You reached over and took hold of his hand. He jumped slightly, before gripping a little too tight. He looked down at you and smiled. 
“You’re so pretty, y/n,” Spencer said. He’d been waiting what seemed like years- though only 9 months- to tell you that. You didn’t know where Spencer learned how to flirt, but frankly you didn’t care. You really liked this side of him.
“I think you’re pretty too, Spence.” You said. He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. Wow.
The coffee shop made itself known once you reached the top of a hill. The natural brick on the outside makes it look homey. It was about a 10 minute walk from the parking lot of the BAU, but Spencer and you were agents. You made the walk take a total of eight minutes. Speed walking isn’t a training module for the FBI, though it is definitely learned, and quickly. 
Spencer opened the door and allowed for you to enter first. Yet another gentlemanly move today. The smell of coffee filled your noses. It reminded you of Spencer. He always had coffee breath, yet not the nasty kind. He always seemed to smell so wonderful.
“Hello,” the barista at the counter cheerfully said as you and Spencer entered the small building. The two of you approached her. “What can I get for you guys today?”
You order your regular and Spencer orders a black coffee with a LOT of sugar. You retrieve the coffees from the pick up area and sit at a raised table in the corner next to a window.
“Why do you like black coffee?” you ask him. 
“I’m not sure. I always drank it when I was growing up and throughout college… and honestly, I’ve never tried it any other way.” He responded, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Really?” you said surprised. “With how much coffee you drink, I’m surprised you haven’t ventured into new territory even once.”
“Not once.” He took another sip. You noticed him kicking his feet beneath the table.
“Do you want to try a sip of mine?”
He smiled, crinkling his nose up. “Sure, do you want to try mine?”
“I guess I’ll give it a shot, though I will say I’m not the biggest fan of black coffee, so don’t be mad if I don’t like it.”
“I can’t promise anything, I can’t even say I’m going to like your girly drink.” He was teasing.
“I’ll tell you what Spence. You like my coffee and I’ll buy you a croissant. I like your coffee, you buy me a croissant. Deal?”
“It’s a deal, y/l/n.”
You switched cups. He gave it a sniff before popping open the lid to see inside. Tensley, he took a sip. You saw his eyes bulge. Licking his lips as he brought the cup down, he wrinkled his nose once again. He brought the cup back up, taking another sip. 
“You know what, I think you owe me a croissant.”
You smiled at  him, before taking a sip of his old man coffee, you cocked your head to the side. 
“You don’t like it, do you?” He laughed. 
You quickly sat the cup down and jumped up from your seat. You walked up to the counter, and ordered one regular croissant. Returning to the table with the plastic container in hand, you tossed in down in front of him. 
He opened the container, and tore a piece of the pastry off. He took a bite, and attempted to slide the container to you. In the process, it collided with his cup of coffee which was still situated on your side, causing it to spill all over your blouse. 
“Oh my god, y/n, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, at least it wasn’t hot anymore.” You reach for the few napkins on the table, trying to dry yourself off despite knowing it wouldn’t do anything.
You were giggling, but Spencer didn’t find this one bit funny. He felt awful. You began to attempt wiping the table with the napkins, but were stopped by Spencer’s hand grabbing your damp-sleeved arm. 
“Hey, don’t worry about the table. I got it.” He gets up to go get napkins from the counter, before stopping in his tracks. He turns around and comes back to you, sitting in the chair using the sleeve of your sweater to stop the liquid from pouring onto your skirt and the ground. “Y/n, do you want to wear my sweater?”
This takes you a bit off guard. For a second, you forget your soaking wet with warm coffee. Your voice catches in your throat as you try to speak, but Spencer is already unbuttoning the two fastened buttons and sliding the sweater off his shoulders.
“You can go to the bathroom and change. I’ve got the mess, okay?” He hands you the sweater and makes room for you to move around him. You rush to the bathroom, trying not to leave a trail of coffee droplets through the lobby.
Turning into a stall, you immediately begin taking your sweater and white shirt off, tossing white one in the small garbage can. There was no way you’d be able to get the coffee stains out, and plus, the shirt was only $4 on sale at WalMart. Only left in your wire bra, you slip the brown sweater on. You button it all the way up, but as it’s a men’s sweater, it’s a little more of a V-neck than you’d like, especially since you were going to work soon. You tucked one side of the sweater into your skirt, letting the other side hang over to create dimension in your outfit and make it less simple. You toss your damp sweater vest over your shoulder and exit the bathroom.
Spencer was waiting for you when you came out. He’d gotten the mess cleaned up and was ready to leave. He grabs your hand, leading you outside the doors to begin your walk back to work. 
next chapter: G is for Girlfriend
a/n: Sorry it took so long on this chapter, I've been pretty busy. Hopefully I can get the next few out quickly as I hope to release part M (the christmas themed) on Christmas day.
taglist: @universallyblizzardlove @ms-ks-world @justlivinginadaydream @dij-ology @lotus-ignis @sammy-4103 @ktssstuff @ada--44 @moongirl27 @monfleurr @shycreationdreamland @cultish-corner @ariianelle @iiheartbowie @spencerreidismybitch @traderjoesmints @ivyflowers13 @hades-disappointment-child @aceofspades190 @taygrls @hookergutss @random-3455 @nmw-am @bookworm124 @hizzielover @jem08 @cherrybowbabby @theofficialfunk
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
a little fluff for @starrystevie's birthday! hope it's the absolute best day! ✨
Eddie misses Steve.
It's equal parts cute, and maybe a little pitiful because it's only three days in Chicago for his friend's Bachelor Party, but it's already been two days and he misses Steve. Bandit digs his claws into Eddie's thigh as he makes biscuits and begs for pets, curling up comfortably next to Eddie's lap and leaving Steve's side of the couch overwhelmingly cold and empty.
"I know, kid. I know," Eddie coos, scratching their cat behind the left ear as he purrs.
He's glad that Steve had been able to get the time off from work to go, and he's glad that Steve's made friends on his recreational basketball league, and he's not jealous. At all. Not even a little bit.
... Okay, maybe he is a little bit jealous that Brandon gets to see him sweaty and gross in the June heat, running around doing whatever jock-activity they've planned in the backyard of their rented house all weekend, but who can blame him? Steve never gives him a reason to feel insecure so he knows this isn't about Steve. It's not rooted in anything even remotely related to him or their relationship— it's all about Eddie and the nasty voice in the back of his head that pulls out a bullhorn and screams not good enough on a loop.
Condensation from the beer in his free hand drips down his wrist as he rests his elbow on the arm of the couch. It's not the first time he's felt this way, and Steve himself has admitted to feeling the same way from time to time, so he knows that it'll pass. He just needs to focus on something else: DND campaign planning, sketching, writing, cracking out the ol' guitar. He could rewatch Howard the Duck for the hundredth time, or maybe even Labyrinth—
Buzz, buzz, buzz.
Eddie's phone buzzes on the coffee table and he fully expects it to be Gareth or Jeff, or maybe Robin. They have plans later that night, both of them missing Steve and all. What he doesn't expect is a series of text messages and 19 photos from Steve.
How funny. It's been five years since they'd become EddieandSteve but seeing Steve's name and smiling photo on his phone sets his little hummingbird heart aflutter even still.
steve 👑: it's so goddamn hot here steve 👑: we're playing cornhole now and just threw a football around steve 👑: sweating all the beer and vodka out as a I go, that's healthy, right? don't worry, I'm drinking a shit ton of water.
Steve includes a selfie of himself, smiling closed-lipped with a baseball cap on backwards and the neck of his tee-shirt drenched in sweat. Eddie wants to lick him dry and that's a thought he'll never tell a living soul, probably not even Steve. No, no definitely not Steve. He'll never live that one down.
steve 👑: oh, and fishing was good! we made some bets on who could catch the most and then who could catch the biggest. I tied for first place for the biggest and I caught 17. brandon got 20 so he won that bet. I'm only letting it go because it's his bachelor party lmao
Eddie swipes to the next photo, one of Steve and Brandon holding their two biggest catches. Steve's sunglasses are sliding down his nose, no doubt from the sun warming his glistening skin, and he's smiling wide against the railing of a boat. As much as he misses him, Eddie can't help but mirror his smile. Call him lovesick or 'down bad', as Robin says, but seeing Steve happy makes him happy.
He continues swiping and reading the little blurb attached to each photo, some of which don't even include Steve but Eddie appreciates them all the same. They don't include Steve, but it feels a lot like Steve trying include Eddie in the weekend. The last picture is one of the entire group, all dozen or so guys lined up on the ship. Brandon stands in the center surrounded by the rest of the group with Steve shuffled in no meaningful spot but to Eddie, Steve is the center of every photo, every moment, everything.
Eddie starts to type a response when his phone dings again. This time, Steve sends a voice message and Eddie presses play so quickly, he nearly knocks poor Bandit off his lap.
Hey, takin' a break from cornhole. I won, by the way, had to make up for losing to Brandon in the fishing bet.
Steve laughs and Eddie's stomach flips. Robin's right. He's down very, very bad for this man.
But I just uh, I miss you, and I know maybe that's sorta lame but I do. The party's great and all, but I can't wait to get back home tomorrow. Tell the kid I said hi. I love you, Ed.
He replays it a few times and shamelessly taps Keep so it doesn't disappear before sending his own voice message.
It's no more lame than me sitting here with Bandit sharing how much we miss you, so you get a pass. I mean, you get a pass on everything all the time, but don't let that go to your pretty head, okay? I'm so fucking glad you're having fun and sowing your jocky oats, but selfishly, I can't wait for you to get home. I'll make it worth your while.
He huffs air through his nose and laughs low in his throat.
Oh, and Robin's coming by in a little bit so I'm gonna grab a bottle of wine. Don't be surprised if you get a FaceTime call later. I love you too, Stevie. So goddamn much.
Eddie sure does miss Steve, but it stings a little less knowing that Steve misses him, too.
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roosterforme · 5 months
Always Ever Only You Part 28 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: As parents-to-be, you and Bradley start to get used to a new kind of routine. You've somehow replaced nights out at the bar with nausea, exhaustion, and a seemingly never ending ache for your husband. And he's showing you with his words and actions how ready he is for whatever comes next.
Warnings: Swearing, smut, pregnancy, vomiting, angst, fluff
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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On Monday morning, you woke up to Bradley in his uniform making coffee and toast when you wandered into the kitchen in nothing but his old UVA shirt. "You're up early," you mumbled with a smile, and he dropped the teaspoon he was holding onto the counter. 
"Hey," he crooned, rushing over to you and touching your belly like you were made out of porcelain. "How did you sleep?" he asked, kissing your forehead. He was fresh out of the shower, his skin still warm and his hair damp. 
"Okay," you whispered. "I'm starving."
"Yeah? You think you can eat?" he asked, already pulling you toward the toaster. But you were burying your nose in his neck and inhaling deeply before kissing his scars, making your glasses go crooked on your face.
"You smell so good."
He chuckled. "I just used your body wash like I always do."
"Mmm," you hummed, still holding onto him as he buttered a piece of toast for you. After a good sleep, you were feeling great, and a smile found your face as you thought about the reminder you set on your phone to call your doctor at lunchtime. "Hey, Daddy?"
Bradley's eyes practically rolled back as he looked at the ceiling and groaned. "The fact that it means two different things now when you call me that is going to drive me insane."
You laughed as you turned so your back was pressed to his front, and you took a bite of toast. Your stomach gurgled and lurched, but you didn't feel like you were going to be sick, so you took another bite. "Do you want to join me at lunchtime today when I call my doctor?"
His hands kept finding their way to your belly, this time slipping up inside the shirt. "I'm not flying today, so yes. Absolutely. You calling from your office?" 
"Yeah. I'll probably stop in the cafeteria and get something to eat and take it back up with me."
"I'll meet you there with a burrito bowl in my hand," he promised, gently stroking your tattoo with his fingertips. 
Bradley drove both of you to work, and you found that you were having a pretty good day. Your toast stayed down. Bickel complimented your work. Cat was making headway on your presentation for Annapolis. But then you froze in place in the lab. In all of the excitement of the pregnancy test, you completely forgot you were going to have to go to Annapolis next month. 
You groaned softly, and then you wanted to scream, because tears started to fill your eyes. The lack of control over your emotions was already a lot to handle, and you were only two days into this thing. You took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down, but the idea of leaving Bradley right now had you panicking. And then you thought about what another deployment would mean for the two of you.
"Are you okay?" Cat asked softly, and you tried to turn your face further away from her as you nodded.
"Yeah. Just fine," you managed. "Can you change the font on the slides to something a little bolder? Make it easier to read from the back of the presentation room?"
"Sure," she replied. "You know what else I can do?"
"Sit here quietly and listen if you need to talk about something."
You wiped at your tears before turning toward her. "Thanks, but I'm fine." 
She raised one eyebrow before returning to typing. "Jake did say you were stubborn..."
You laughed in spite of yourself. "I don't even know why I'm friends with him," you replied, but you did know. He took care of you when Bradley was away, when you couldn't take care of yourself. In an effort to change the subject from you crying over your raging hormones and early pregnancy, you asked, "How are things going with Lieutenant Seresin anyway?"
"Excellent," she whispered. "Jeremiah got accepted into the daycare on base," she added. You knew she didn't talk about her son with too many people at work, but you weren't sure what this had to do with Jake.
"Hey, that's great. Now you don't have to drive across town if he gets sick. Especially since I don't even have a car for you to borrow at the moment," you muttered. But you could tell she wanted to say something else. You knew that giving her a few seconds of quiet would make her feel like she could talk about it, and soon she was telling you more.
"Jake prepaid for six months at the new daycare."
Okay. So things were getting quite serious. Then the idea that your own child might one day be enrolled in the same daycare as Jeremiah made you smile. "I told you Jake was a good one."
Cat rolled her eyes and went back to typing, but her smirk was soft, and you knew she wasn't disagreeing with you.
"I'm just saying, we should do an old school style keg party on the beach for Mickey's birthday." Nat was talking Bradley's ear off on the way to the cafeteria, but his head was in the clouds. All he could think about was the baby. Baby, baby, baby. He kept adding things to his Amazon cart, and he only found out you were pregnant two days ago.
"Kegger? Yeah, that sounds fun," he muttered, walking a little faster to get to you sooner. 
"Listen, if your wife starts doing a keg stand, I'm not going to stop her," she replied with a laugh. "She's hilarious when she's drunk."
Bradley stumbled. You weren't going to be able to drink alcohol now. Nights out at the Hard Deck drinking out of matching beer bottles were a thing of the past, at least until approximately the end of next March. He had no idea what to say, because he didn't know how long he was supposed to wait before he told his best friend that he was going to be a dad. "Yeah, she's a fucking delight," he said, making her laugh harder. 
He was going to need to have a conversation with you about all of this and figure out how to proceed. Right now he had more important things to do. Like collect his wife, call the doctor, and make sure you ate lunch. When he walked into the cafeteria, he saw you from behind, and he groaned softly. The way you filled out your khakis was always something he loved to see, but then he considered that your hips might get a little wider in a few months, and he stumbled again. 
"What's wrong with you today, Soul Sister?" Nat asked, but she noticed where he was looking, and she rolled her eyes. "Two years ago, I would have never bet a single cent on you ever settling down. And now look at you. Pathetic. In the best kind of way."
Bradley shook his head. You were turning to look at him now, and the way you bit your lip was giving him ideas. You waved to Nat as they approached, and Bradley picked up a burrito bowl for you. "Not today," you told him, wrapping your arms around his waist and looking up at him. "I'm not hungry for that."
"You want a sandwich instead?" he asked, kissing the top of your head as you pressed your body against his.
"I want my Daddy," you whispered softly, and he could see it in your eyes. 
"Jesus Christ," Nat complained. "Not right in front of my lunch. The two of you are repulsive. Don't forget to tell her about Mickey's party." 
Bradley watched his best friend storm off with her lunch tray as you asked, "What about Mickey's party?"
"I'll tell you later. You really don't want a burrito bowl?"
"No. I don't want hot sauce."
Bradley sputtered. "I'm sorry, what? You don't want hot sauce?"
You grinned as he grabbed two sandwiches instead. "The baby is saying no."
He let your words wash over him, and the fact that you were still holding onto him with that needy look in your eyes had him kissing you a little rough. "You want me? Right now?" 
When you nodded and whispered, "I need you," he practically hauled you and the food to the bank of elevators out in the hallway. "I'm really horny," you whined when he pushed the up arrow. "Like so fucking horny, Roo. Earlier I was crying about something, but I can't even remember what. And all I want right now is your cock in-"
Bradley smothered your lips with his as the elevator opened, revealing an admiral. It would be better to get a dirty look for kissing his wife than a reprimand for talking about how the two of you were about to get down in your office. Once the elevator was empty, he guided you inside where you just continued to kiss him. Then you led him down the hallway with a visible erection in his pants, and he hid behind you as you unlocked your door.
"You know, there once was a time when you told me I wasn't allowed to fuck you at work."
You closed and locked the door as he set down the sandwiches, and you looked at him with a predatory glint in your eye. "Shut up and pull your pants down, or I'll name the baby Honda Civic Bradshaw."
Bradley tried not to laugh as he worked at his belt, button and zipper. "Come on, Baby Girl. You can't even prove that's where I knocked you up. And if we're naming the baby after a vehicle, it's the Bronco for sure. Bronco Bradshaw, the coolest fucking kid in town."
And now you were laughing as you shimmied your pants down to your knees and treated Bradley to the view of you bent over with your arms folded on your desk. "Just fuck me, Daddy."
He palmed your ass in both hands and whispered, "My pleasure." Your head came to rest on your arms just as he lined himself up, and you sighed in relief when he started to thrust. You seemed instantly more relaxed, the tension melting away from your face. "You needed it that bad?" he murmured, reaching around to gently stroke your clit.
"Mmhmm," you hummed, tilting your head to look back at him. "So bad. I told you I was horny."
"Does this feel good?" he asked, keeping it to a slow and steady pace for now. You'd been like this when you stopped taking your birth control last year, and he vividly remembered coming home one day to find you riding the arm of the couch and begging for him. His fingers tightened on your hip as he tapped a pattern against your clit, making you buck back against him. 
"So good," you whined loudly, bucking back again. This was probably just because your hormones were all over the place right now, but he had no qualms about fucking you at work. Every time he did it, he thought about you sitting in the lab all afternoon with a tight, cum filled pussy. But then he remembered what else you and he were supposed to do today, so he pinched your clit until you moaned, and he fucked you harder. "Roo!"
"Yeah?" he asked, grinning as his hips slapped your ass with each stroke. Your pussy was so wet, his hand felt slick as he rubbed your clit in tight circles that had your legs shaking as you started a high pitched little whine. You sounded like a spoiled brat right now, his name all over your lips as you asked for more and more. 
You were about to come. He could tell. When he rammed himself deep and pressed on your clit, your pussy squeezed him tight, and you grabbed at the edge of your desk. "Bradley!" you gasped, wiggling your ass as you pulsed and moaned. He rolled his hips gently as he came, enjoying the sensation of added wetness and the knowledge that this was all just for fun since you were already pregnant. 
He had a smile on his face as he watched his cum drip onto your underwear before helping you pull it up. Your eyes were dreamy as Bradley tucked your shirt in for you. "All better?"
You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. "Yes, and I'm starving. I hope I can eat."
"Let's give it a try," he whispered, kissing your temple and guiding you to sit on his lap on the desk chair. "Just take it slow." After you took a few tentative nibbles of your sandwich, he asked, "Can we call your doctor before I have to go back out?"
"Oh," you gasped as you started to fumble with your phone. "I set a reminder, but I already forgot! I'm having a bit of a hard time focusing," you muttered. You pulled up the contact information and kissed his cheek, and Bradley listened to you tell the nurse your full name on speakerphone. He'd never tire of hearing his last name tacked on after yours, and instead of digging into his own sandwich, he wrapped you up in his arms. 
You snuggled against him as you told the nurse, "I'm pregnant! I took some tests this past weekend, and they were all positive. I think I'm between five and six weeks along." Bradley rubbed your belly with his big hand while you scheduled an appointment for an evening when he could go with you.
When you ended the call, he handed you his phone. "Enter your appointment into my calendar? I need to have a very important conversation." You took his phone as he pulled you closer until you were straddling his lap, and then he teased your belly with his knuckles through your shirt and leaned a little closer. "Hey, kiddo. I know you think it's fun in there, but can you give Mommy a little break? Maybe let her go the rest of the day without yacking?"
You giggled as you typed away on his phone. "Yes, please listen to Daddy."
When you met his gaze, he buried his face against your neck. "I'm obsessed with both meanings of that word now, Sweetheart."
With a kiss to the corner of his mustache, you said, "The appointment is all set. Hopefully we can see an ultrasound. And I don't even mind the barfing as long as the baby is healthy."
Bradley ran his hand along your hair. An ultrasound. A little photo of the baby. His baby. He squeezed you so tight, you squeaked. "I can't wait. I can't wait for all of this."
Bradley was serious about everything. He found crib bedding and paint swatches online, and you had to keep reminding him that it wasn't a good idea to get ahead of yourselves too early on. Every time you brought it up as gently as you could, you ended up with his lips on yours, effectively silencing you. 
"Okay," he murmured against your lips on Thursday morning while he rubbed your back. You were standing in his arms in the kitchen, practically in tears because you spent twenty minutes throwing up as soon as you got out of bed. You started carrying a toothbrush to work with you, because it seemed to be happening more and more now. You were so hungry, you just wanted to be able to eat even a small meal. But now he was talking about cribs again.
"We can't buy furniture yet, Roo. We just can't."
"I know, Sweetheart. I'm trying to reel it in."
"We don't even have the new Bronco yet," you reminded him, which would probably just get him thinking about car seats. 
"Soon," he whispered, reaching for the discarded piece of dry toast on the plate next to him. "Take another little bite." 
You nodded as your mouth watered, and tears sprang to your eyes as you nibbled on it. When you swallowed it down, you said, "If you're this patient with me, I might actually die watching you feed a baby."
Your husband buried his nose in your hair and kissed you there. "I'll take care of both of you."
And then, you felt that thrum of desire that was always just below the surface right now. You swore you could smell Bradley everywhere, all day long, even when you were working in your lab. His mustache skimmed the shell of your ear, and your pussy clenched. A soft moan escaped your lips, and his deep laughter gave you goosebumps. "Baby Girl. We do not have time for that right now. And I'm flying all day today."
You pouted up at him. "Not even a really quick fuck?"
"No," he replied as he patted your rear end. "You need to get in the Bronco so we can get on base before we're late. Then later we have to help Bob move into your old place with Maria. Then I'm going to make sure you eat something. Then, and only then, can we have sex before bed."
"You're so mean."
He cocked his head and gave you side eye. "You liked me when I got you pregnant in your shit mobile."
Your eyes lit up. "So you're admitting I'm right? About the backseat?" 
"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, grabbing the sandwich he made himself so he wouldn't have to leave the tarmac later. "Let's get going."
Bradley buckled you in, and you made it halfway to work before you started to feel nauseous. In an effort to distract yourself, you asked, "What was the excuse you gave about missing out on the Hard Deck last night?"
He winced and looked at you briefly. "I said Tramp got into something and threw up everywhere. I fucking hate lying."
"I know, but it's too early to tell them," you groaned. "And now we need to keep thinking of excuses? I hate this."
"Yeah... about that... Mickey's birthday party is a beach kegger. It was Nat's idea."
You let your forehead rest against the window. "Okay. I mean, maybe I can offer to be the designated driver that night? Or maybe you and I can just keep switching cups while you drink all the beer?"
"We'll figure it out," he murmured. "I'm not worried about that so much as keeping you healthy right now. I'll lie to them about this if I have to."
You nodded as a wave of saliva filled your mouth and made you gag. "Pull over!"
"What?" Bradley asked, already flipping on the hazard lights and stopping in front of a random driveway.
"Oh god," you groaned as you unbuckled, opened the door, and stumbled as you threw up into a storm grate. You heard his door slam as he ran around the back of the Bronco to help you stand there as you continued to vomit next to someone's mailbox and lilac bush. 
Then you heard a man's voice, and when you looked up, there was the homeowner, watering his flowers. "Is everything okay?" he asked cautiously as you heaved.
"Just great," Bradley replied in an upbeat tone that made you want to kick him. "My wife's pregnant."
"Oh... well, congratulations," he replied as you finally stood up straight and gave him a little wave. 
Bradley helped you buckle in again and forfeited the water thermos from his lunch as you groaned, "That was embarrassing. Did you really have to tell him that?"
He kissed your forehead. "It was nice to be able to tell someone. It's not like he even knows us."
"That's true," you whispered, taking a sip of cold water. "This is miserable."
Bradley leaned down and kissed your belly before he said, "What did I tell you about being chill? Mommy needs a break."
You ran your fingers through his soft curls. "Let's just go to work so you don't get reprimanded, Lieutenant Commander."
"Whatever you say, Lieutenant Commander."
It was kind of surreal for Bradley, being back at your apartment again. "I haven't been here since I moved your old bed frame out," he mused as you and he walked inside holding hands. The back of the Bronco was filled with stuff from Bob's old place, but he wanted to know where to put things before he started moving boxes in. 
"The bed frame that you broke?" you asked, and then both of your eyebrows shot up. "Just like my car? I'm sensing a theme here when it comes to you and me fucking."
Bradley blushed. He wasn't even going to mention the patio chair or handful of articles of your clothing he'd also wrecked in the process. "Keep it down, Sweetheart. Bob doesn't need to know about that."
"He's not that innocent," you whispered, and Bradley watched his friend blush as Maria patted him on the shoulder. "Or maybe he is."
"Hey, Bob, where do you want all the boxes?" Bradley asked as you walked over to Maria and then disappeared down the hallway. His mind wandered to that first night he spent here with you. The first time you slept together. The first time you made him Marry Me Rooster. The first time he thought he could fall in love with someone who could love him back. He already knew he had deep feelings that night, and now someday you'd be cooking that dinner for three of you. 
"Did you hear me?" Bob asked cautiously as Bradley stood staring into the kitchen. "You can take everything into my room, and I'll sort it later."
"Sure," Bradley replied, nodding at him as he snapped out of his daydream. He ran back down the familiar stairs, grabbed some boxes, and took them back up. He smiled to himself as he recalled carrying you up the same stairs when you'd been drunk enough to scare away any other woman within a five mile radius who even dared to look at him. 
When he strolled back inside, he went to your old bedroom where you were standing with Maria and laughing about something in the walk-in closet. He set the boxes down, went directly to you and kissed you. "Hi," you sputtered, clearly caught off guard but smiling nonetheless. "Everything okay?"
"Yep." He cupped your cheek and kissed you one more time. "Very good. Perfect."
"I'll help you carry up some more boxes," you told him, your voice sounding a little breathy. He gave you an unamused look as the three of you exited the closet, but he waited until you and he were walking out of the apartment together. 
"You're not carrying jack shit, Sweetheart," he informed you. "I looked online, and you shouldn't lift more than twenty pounds."
You waved your hand in the air and said, "That's not until the second and third trimesters." He watched you walk down the stairs, and then he had to rush to catch up with you in the parking lot. 
"Absolutely not," he practically growled when you reached for a cardboard box. He had you pinned between his body and the open tailgate. "It's not happening." You slowly set the box down and turned to face him, and he squeezed your hip. "What's the point of having a husband who works out all the time if he's not going to carry everything for his pregnant wife?"
You moaned. You fucking moaned his name. "Bradley." Then you were sitting on the tailgate with your legs spread wide and his tongue in your mouth. Your hands were tucked up inside his tee shirt, gripping at his abs and the fly of his jeans. "You turn me on," you whined, wrapping your legs around his waist and rubbing yourself against him. 
"God damn it," he cursed, big fingers gripping the back of your neck as you kissed along his chin and licked his Adam's apple. It was so tempting, taking you in the parking lot like a horny teenager. But it wasn't even dark out yet, and Maria would know exactly what was going on. He wrenched his body back a few inches and shook his head while you pouted at him. "I'll give it to you any way you want it when we get home, but you need to wait."
You let your legs fall away from his body before sliding down from the tailgate. He kissed your little frown, reached inside one of the boxes, and removed three plastic hangers. "You may carry these." You looked up at him and sighed. He stacked up three boxes and carried them up the stairs behind you.
"I still think you're being a little ridiculous," you told him as he watched your ass sway. 
"About what, Sweetheart? Not fucking you in the middle of a parking lot where someone was walking a chihuaha? Or about the hangers?" 
You snorted as you walked into the apartment once again. "Both."
"You need to behave."
Once the Bronco was unloaded, you and Bradley hung out for a few minutes. Maria offered up some beer and said she could order a pizza, but the firm but barely perceptible shake of your head had Bradley saying, "We need to get home and let Tramp out, but thank you."
"Is he feeling better?" Bob asked. "I know you said he got sick yesterday, and that's why you had to skip the Hard Deck."
"No," you replied quickly. "That's why we have to get back to let him out. He's been making such a mess. I think he ate something in the yard that he really shouldn't have."
"That's a bummer," Maria said, and Bradley couldn't help but notice the way Bob was looking at her with his cheeks tinged pink. "We skipping brunch this Sunday since Cam's flying to Pittsburgh for his sister's wedding? Or do you want to make it a girls day?"
You rolled your eyes. "He will bitch incessantly if we go without him. It's not even worth it."
"You're right," she replied, shrugging and letting her arms drop to her sides. Bradley watched you hug your friend and then kiss Bob on the cheek which made him blush even more. 
"Enjoy your new room, Bob. And enjoy the best roommate in the world while you're at it," you told him. 
"Wow," Bradley said, hands on his hips. "That stings a little bit."
"I'm sure she's making a valid point," Maria told him with a smirk.
"Yeah, but I'm standing right here," he said with a laugh as he shook Bob's hand. "See you at work tomorrow."
"Thank you!" Bob called after Bradley as he followed you back out and down the stairs. 
You were laughing as he scooped you up and placed you on the front seat. "You won't even let me carry myself!"
"Do not test me," he warned as he pulled the seatbelt across your body. "Especially since you said I'm not the best roommate you've ever had."
"You're not a roommate, Roo! You were a sexy boyfriend and then a sexy fiancé and now you're a sexy husband." You kissed him and whispered, "And soon you'll be a sexy Daddy. And I just so happen to live with you."
He placed his hand on your belly and murmured, "I can't wait to be a Daddy. Can't wait for your belly to get big. I'm so excited to meet the little bun when we go to the ultrasound."
You were moaning his name again, so he closed the door and made quick work of driving home. The route was so familiar from him doing it so many times when you and he were just starting out dating, and your hand rested heavy on his thigh. When he reached down, he could feel your engagement ring and wedding band under his palm. He would take care of you. He was already getting used to how much and when you needed to eat to avoid the horrible nausea. He was already thinking about hiring a contractor to work on the rooms upstairs. It didn't matter what it was, he'd make sure it was perfect for you. 
And that included fucking you into the mattress if you wanted him to. But when he pulled into the driveway, you were sound asleep next to him. He laughed. "Seriously?" He knew you needed to sleep, so he carefully carried you inside after he let Tramp out in the backyard. 
"What happened?" you asked, still half asleep as he set you down in bed. 
"We're home," he whispered, removing your glasses, shoes, socks and jeans. "Do you think you should eat some crackers?" You just shook your head and rolled toward his usual spot like you were searching for him there. He chuckled as you snuggled against the pillow. "I'll be in shortly."
He took Tramp for a walk and made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He ate the sandwich while he spread some peanut butter on a few unsalted crackers just in case you woke up hungry in the middle of the night. Then he took a shower and got you to sit up and take a sip of water before he climbed in bed. 
And that's when he checked his phone for the first time in hours. He tapped the icon for the new voicemail from 6:02 pm and listened to a voice tell him something so delightful, he almost woke you up to share it with you. 
"Hi, Bradley, this is Terry from the Ford dealership. I'm just calling to let you know your new Bronco is here."
He's ready to go. As soon as he's allowed to talk about the pregnancy, he's going to be hanging a banner up in front of the house about it. The new Bronco arrives soon. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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tqavaaas · 6 months
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𝖲𝖴𝖬𝖬𝖠𝖱𝖸 ┊ 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘧 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 ┊ 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘰
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To start off, this man would be so protective, not in a bad obsessive way. It’s just perfect. He knows when to step in and when you can handle it yourself.
you two would definitely have cats—maybe a black cat or two, and if you aren’t a dog person then deal with it. But seriously, if you prefer dogs he’d probably get a Doberman or a German Shepard; protective like him :)
Beatles and Nirvana kind of guy, blasting it at 2am in the car with you driving around, a hand on your thigh as you speak your mind and eating fast food.
Would Venmo you money, don’t have enough for coffee? 15 bucks in your account. want a shirt? +50 bucks. You don’t know how he gets all the money, when you ask he’ll just say from work.
Loyal!!! I mean loyal. You’re one of the only one he follows his social media, will hand you his phone the same millisecond you ask. Like this man would probably close his eyes when a girl walks by, he’s so loyal and I’m here for it.
Simp boyfriend. If he’s fallen for you, he’s fallen HARD. He’d get on his knees and worship you like the god you are.
Clingy!! It’s not so clingy to the point he’s annoying. For example if your out in public with him, his hand will be in yours.
Cuddles are his absolute favorite. He’s just so giddy about the fact he can just lay with you and relax in his arms. He’s also the big spoon.
He absolutely loved when you ask him to help choose an outfit. When he sees you showing him and him only the outfits he’ll just admire you. Eyes full of love and like “woah, she’s my girlfriend.”
Overdressed girlfriend x underdressed boyfriend dynamic. You’d be wearing a bunch of jewelry and accessories, while he’d probably wear like sweatpants or cargo pants with a hoodie or tee. (But he wouldn’t be like this on fancy dates) and a bracelet with your initial ALWAYS.
speaking of jewelry, you both have matching ones. Like those magnet jewelry or ones with eachothers initials.
(best) friends to lovers trope, like for him to fall for you he’d have to know you well first. I personally love best friends brother but realistically it’s this one.
Dates at eachothers houses are the best. Sometimes you’d do movie marathons at his house (and his brothers would join you, ruining the moment) or bake at your house. Either way, he won’t make home dates boring.
If you suck at school, he’d be the type to tutor you and say like “I’ll give you a kiss for each answer you get right” when you haven’t seen him all day. on the other hand, if you do good at school then you’d do study dates together, but it’ll end up you going out on for a date.
Would wrap is arms around your waist. Cooking? A sudden weight in your waist, and his head rested on your shoulder. Or even cuddling, he’d want to pull you in closer.
Also with Physical touch, he’d be an acts of service type of guy. Like he’d open your car door, pull out your seat, tie your shoe, order for you, etc.
your family loves him. He’s such a family guy it’s unreal. Would get along with your dad and brother if you had one.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
I'm thinking ab this nonstop!!
Maybe bucky had a really bad nightmare a while ago, and Steve told you that sometimes after a bad nightmare he had a hard time with physical touch, so you didn't iniciate intimacy for some time, to make it easier for him
But after one of Tony's parties you come back to your apartment and he is anxious and sad, he thinks he doesn't turn you on anymore (crazy!!!) So you explain why you didn't iniciate intimacy and that you've been so wet for him this entire time and insecure turns into feral and he rails tf out of you!!!
Oh I love this so much, yes. Starts off angsty and then all the filthy filthy SMUUTTT and flufff
Bucky is used to nightmares but the one he had most recently was bad. He struggled to pull himself out, all the vivid images seared in his mind even after he woke up. You had heard his muffled cries before but this was different; his pained screams tore through the compound halls. 
Steve and Sam had rushed out of their rooms before you could even get to him, breaking into his room to try and calm him; Steve didn’t even want you nearby, insisting it could be dangerous in case Bucky wasn’t in control of himself.
You understood where Steve was coming from but it still broke you. Ever since you started dating months ago, you had always been the one to cradle and hold him after a nightmare, you were Bucky’s safe space. You reluctantly went back to your room while Bucky’s softened whimpers carried down the hall. 
You made your way down for breakfast, your heart sinking seeing Bucky’s room closed; he didn’t sleep in often but it happened occasionally when he was utterly exhausted. Steve and Sam were already seated by the kitchen island while you went to heat up some water. 
“He still sleeping?” Sam asked, smiling softly when you nodded. “Good, he needs his rest, last night was rough” 
“Was he okay when you both left last night?” You looked to Steve hopefully while he gave you a sad smile. Bucky had cried for you in his sleep and while Steve wanted to come and get you, he still decided to air on the side of caution, not wanting anything to happen to you in case things went south. 
“It was bad but at least he fell asleep after. I know he doesn’t always open up about how he’s doing. He’s always has a hard time with talking and he can’t stand physical touch after a bad nightmare” 
Physical touch. 
You sighed while making some coffee, physical touch was your favorite thing with Bucky. You loved to be tucked in his arms, touching and holding his hands, playing with his fingers, carding your hands through his hair, nuzzling into his neck. There was something that made you feel so loved and safe whenever you felt his skin on yours. 
Then there was that physical touch. His naked body on you, his cock filling you up like no one else could, hands gripping your waist, his balls slapping your ass with each thrust, his lips on your neck, tongue and lips on your soaked cunt, his warm cum spilling all over out of his fat co-
You shook your head, ignoring the way you had riled yourself up; now was not the time. He needed his space and you would give him everything he needed, even if it meant not getting to have your way with your perfect super soldier. 
Bucky was utterly perplexed over the growing distance that had started between you both. You didn’t initiate anything. You hardly cuddled with him. No cozy hugs. You didn’t nuzzle your face into his chest like a cat. Spent most of your time locked away in your room. He missed the way you would randomly grab his ass through out the day or whisper salacious things in his ear just for him. He missed the way your naughty hands would slip up his shirt, your devilish smirk exposing what you really wanted. 
You didn’t even reciprocate when he initiated because you figured he was forcing himself to do something uncomfortable for your sake, no matter how hard it was. 
Things came to a head on the night of Tony’s Party. 
Bucky hated it, he wanted to leave so badly. Not because he wasn't enjoying himself. Not because of the loud music or huge rowdy crowd. Not because he was Sam was drunkenly yelling in his ear the entire time. 
It was you. 
The dress you wore had him in a choke hold, he wanted to fuck you in it the second you stepped out of your room. Before he could tell you how perfect you looked, you had given him a quick peck before making your way down. He couldn't tell what was worse, the thigh high slit, the plunging neckline or the way your legs looked in your heels, it was too much. 
Every time he tried to put his hand on your waist or pull you into his lap you found an excuse to slip away to create some space so you weren’t touching him. It was killing you on the inside.
He smelled so good.
He hadn’t bothered shaving, the stubble on his cheeks made him even more attractive. 
He was in all black again (on purpose because he knew it was your kryptonite), the little shit knew he looked damn good. You couldn't stand the number of agents that kept trying to flirt with him, you were so focused on not jumping on his bones, you didn’t see his pained expression each time you avoided him. 
By the end of the night, Bucky’s heart ached. He had tried to initiated something with you the entire party and you didn’t entertain it once. Normally you were the one happy to drag him away somewhere but you shrank away from his touch each time. 
He had even planned in his look, hoping it’d get your attention but it did nothing. Maybe he didn’t turn you on any more. It made him feel worse because a part of him always believed you were it for him. Now, you didn’t even want to sleep with him. 
He tried to ignore his anxiety as much as he could while you both made your way up from the party. He was going to kiss you good night after walking you to your room but he couldn't hold it any more. You gasped when he took your hand, tugging you to his room, and sitting with you on the couch. 
“What is it bubba?” You felt a wave of panic looking at Bucky’s anxious face as he nervously fidgeted with his hands, refusing to meet your eyes. He gives you a sad smile, the sweet name you always called him making his heart jump. 
“Do you-uh-” He continued to fidget with his hands, not sure if he wanted to have this conversation anymore, he should have just accepted things the way they were.  “Are you-are you not attracted to me anymore?” 
“What?” You blinked in pure confusion, surely you heard in correctly because there was no way he actually thought that. Bucky was one of the most attractive people you’d ever seen and you felt that way from before you fell in love with him. “Where is this coming from Bucky”
“It’s just you don’t-you don’t touch me, you pull away whenever I’m near you” He shrugged sadly, his shoulders slumped again. “We haven’t done anything in so long, I-I miss feeling you”
"No baby, I-
Bucky shook his head, not wanting to prolong your misery further. 
“I understand if you don’t want this anymore doll- 
You slapped your hand over Bucky’s mouth, horrified that he felt this way. You shook your head, moving closer to him. 
"Baby you don’t understand. I wasn't sure you'd want that right now, it's been awful, I couldn't stand not being able to be close to you and touch you” 
Bucky blinked in confusion, while you smiled softly, caressing his cheeks with your thumb. 
“I didn’t want to over step bubba, I wasn’t sure you’d be comfortable with anything after you had a nightmare. I wanted to give you some space. I’ve been having to take cold showers with my hand between my legs because I’ve been so desperate for you” 
You felt your heart racing, your clit already throbbing, you didn’t realize how touch starved you felt until now, your body screaming for him. Bucky smirked, pulling you into his lap, causing your dress to ride up, brining you to grind right over his aching length. He’d stroked himself more times than he could count, thinking about your soft body and pretty moans, nothing compared to the real thing. 
"Tell me more" He groaned, guiding your hips to rock back and forth, your soaked panties dampening his pants. 
"I-I've wanted you so badly, craved you Bucky" You moaned in his ear, grinding harder on him, your orgasm already building in your belly. 
"More" He lifted you off the couch, throwing you on his bed and stripping his clothes off before ridding you of your dress and panties. He caged you under him, his leaky cock nudging against your clit while you whimpered, bucking your hips up to rub yourself on his pink tip. He groaned, reaching between his legs to rub his cock in circles on your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
"Missed your cock, wanted it, needed you to fuck me, been so soaked for you" You cried out, panting as kept toying with your clit, his breaths growing heavier, humping and rutting your pussy. 
"Fuck y/n, more"
"Wanted to suck you, feel your cum on my tongue, have you choke me with your cock, stuff my pussy, fill me up with your cum” You wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer, you’d waited long enough, you just wanted to feel full of him again and-
"Come here baby, come take daddy’s cock" Bucky snarled, shoving his cock into you without warning, pounding you into the mattress while you cried out pleasure. His thrusts were erratic, the sound of skin slapping echoing through the room along with your combined moans and grunts.  
“FUCK DADDY YESSS” You threw your head back against his pillows, clawing at his back while he sat back on his heels, tossing your legs on his shoulders. He firmly grabbed your hips, slamming into you, one hand pushing down onto your belly, groaning at the way he could feel his cock bulge against your tummy.
“Feel that baby?” He grabbed your hand, pressing it firmly against your skin, “You feel my cock huh, so fuckin’ deep in you. I missed this baby, missed this pussy So. Fuckin. Bad” He groaned, head thrown back, biting your calves, before gently licking the area. 
“Tell me how much you missed my cock you little slut”
“Been-been soaked for you daddy” You whined out, your hands gripping the sheets while his eyes were locked on where you were both connected. He couldn’t look away from how perfectly your pussy opened up for him, your creamy white slick making a mess on his cock. He spit right onto your swollen clit, rubbing his thumb in tight circled making your walls flutter, sucking him in deeper.
“Such a pretty little clit, you’re sensitive huh angel, my dirty little girl. You like when I touch you here?” He smirked watching your eyes roll back, soundless screams leaving your mouth while you pussy started to clench around him. “Are you gonna cum princess? You rubbed yourself thinking about me, should’ve just came to me baby, I would have taken such good care of you. Does my princess cum when daddy touches her clit?” 
“OH FUCK BUCKYY” You sobbed out, cumming hard around his cock, while Bucky groaned watching your face contort with pleasure. 
“You’re making a mess on me angel, got my dick all creamy baby, fuck, why’d you hold back, you know how badly I wanted to touch you? How fuckin’ sexy you looked tonight-hell-wanted to tear that dress off you in the middle of the party”
Bucky lost himself, admiring your perfect fucked out face, dropping your legs down so he could nip your ear, telling you all the filthy things he had thought of while you kept him touch deprived. 
“Wanted to fuckin’ rail you in front of everyone, show them you’re all mine. You know how many people were lookin’ up and down at you baby, and how bad I wanted to shove my cock in you, claim you, show them you’re all mine”
You cried out, knowing the sound proof walls had nothing on how loud you were with the way his hips punctuated in you, taking his sweet time now, making you feel all of him. 
“Oh baby, you have no idea how badly i wanted to hear that” He sucked on your neck, pinning your hands against the mattress, giving you slow agonizing thrusts as he dragged against your gspot. “Sweet heart, I made the biggest messes on myself without you there. Surprised you didn’t hear me moan for you baby, couldn't even hold back, I touched myself everywhere” 
“Fuck, tell me where, how, I- please Bucky” Bucky’s balls and thighs were soaked with your arousal, nothing turned on on more than the thought of your super soldier masturbating. 
“Every night, on my bed, legs spread, naked doll. Hand stroking my cock so hard wishing it was your pussy. Sometimes I had to roll over and rub myself on the bed, wishing it was you under me” Bucky could feel his cock starting to throb, he had started his orgasm off as long as he could but it was getting harder. 
“In the shower, cum all over my chest, fuck I was so horny, it even got my lips. You know what I did baby” He let out a dark chuckle, whispering in your ear. “Licked it up baby, thought about your sweet lips and tasted myself, God I needed you so bad” 
He moaned, dropping his body weight on you, thrusting faster chasing his orgasm. 
“You make my dick so hard baby, make me so horny, can’t take it” His legs squirmed against the mattress as he railed you, his cock throbbing, precum dribbling from the tip. 
“M’gonna cum angel, I can’t hold it, fuck-oh god I need this fucking pussy, m’gonna cum so hard, here it comes baby-FUCK” You wrapped your legs tightly around him while he buried his face into your neck, his body pulled taught feeling pleasure crash over him, his cock throbbing spilling his cum into you.
“I-I’M CUMMING” Bucky nearly roared, “M’cumming so much y/n, shit baby you feel that? It’s so much doll, take my load, daddy has so much cum for his princess” 
“Fill me up daddy” You cooed, cupping his face and kissing him while he moaned, humping himself into you with his sensitive cock. 
“Gonna fill you up till you’re dripping and leaking for days, god you make my cock feel so good angel” 
You both stayed in bed, panting with soft kisses and caresses in between; Bucky was not ready for you to even clean up, he was so touch deprived from the time you avoided him, he kept you wrapped in his arms, his cock still deep inside you. 
“Just so you know baby, I always want you to touch me. I love how you feel with me doll, I missed your hugs and cuddles. I wanted to fall asleep with you every night baby” He whispered, his eyes sincere while he stroked your forehead. “Promise me you’ll hold me? I’ll tell you if I’m not comfortable with it angel, I need your touch. You calm me down baby, your hugs and kisses are everything to me” 
“Always my baby” You kissed him deeply, cuddling him close to your body, playing with his hair as he started to fall asleep. He smiled against your skin, hitching his leg over you so he could be as close as possible, he never wanted you to let go again. 
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club
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perpetuallyconfused10 · 11 months
Im the one who asked about requests lol, I just have this Hotch thought and I can't stop thinking about it 🫂😭
Imagine Garcia "screaming" about a video, telling the whole team about it (except Hotch and Reader), and that video is on tiktok. When they spill something about the video, Hotch and Reader ask which video they're referring to, not knowing it's from a tiktok account where the person makes videos on Hotch x Reader (like edits taken from some interview where they look at each other, slightly touches and things like that) and it's a whole profile with a lot of videos like that! So the whole team teases them and they obviously like eachother!!
Feel free to change anything!!
Gone Viral, Gone Wrong
Thank you to this anon for submitting my first request! I might have written it (and especially Hotch) be a little (way) too sappy, but I love your idea so much and I hope I did it some type of justice! WC: 3.3K
Tumblr media
GIF by ssa-aaron-hotch-hotchner
There must be something on your face. Toothpaste, maybe, or coffee on your shirt, or a tear in your trousers. Something to explain the numerous pairs of eyes following you as you dash for the elevator, just as you always do. 
This morning’s been one for the books. Between a text from your highschool ex-boyfriend, congratulating you on your ‘newfound fame’ — whatever he means by that, you don’t know — and the incomprehensibly slurred voicemails you woke up to from your sister, you aren’t quite sure what to do with yourself.
You tell yourself you’re probably imagining it. But Anderson doesn’t say a word to you as you both make your way to the BAU, just casts you sidelong glances between the rapid texts he’s sending. You hope to God it’s not you, that he's just having an awful morning, then scold yourself for it. If you’re not off to a good start, at least somebody should be.
It’s the silence in the bullpen that confirms your suspicions. Emily, JJ, and Garcia sit huddled around Emily’s computer, squeezed onto two chairs they’ve pulled together. Morgan leans over them to look at the screen. He’s in the middle of laughing at something Garcia’s said when you walk in. 
You don’t even need Reid’s not-so-subtle hiss of “Guys–” to know you’re not going crazy. The smirks that drop from their faces, the giggles that extinguish themselves as you enter through the double doors, are more than enough. 
Four profilers and a technical analyst, as it turns out, can be rather terrifying when the force of their stares are directed at you. 
A sheepish grin tugs at your lips as you hold up your peace offering: a tray of coffee. “Hi?”
You’ve come to know how the team works. You know exactly how they react when ambushed, how they spring to action like a well-oiled machine.
There’s something a little mechanical to them now, bared in their responses to your arrival. After giving you one of his usual tight-lipped smiles, Reid flips open a random file on his desk and begins to read. JJ grabs the computer mouse, clicks a few times, and turns away from the monitor to greet you. Morgan clocks the drinks in your hands and conjures a grin just a little wider than normal. 
“Morning, sunshine,” he says as he plucks the tray from your hands, thanking you with a squeeze to your forearm. 
Garcia, eyeing the gesture, nearly chokes on the end of the pen she’s chewing. She stands to usher you over to your desk, her chirpy voice a balm attempting to smooth over what has been a very odd start to your working day. 
“What were you guys looking at?” You ask her, eyebrows raised. If anyone’s going to tell you what’s going on, Penelope is, without a doubt, most likely to spill.
You’re disappointed – and even more confused – when she stands her ground. Through her ramble, you just about make out the words “cat” and “spa” before she’s kissing your cheek and speeding away to your lair. 
You sigh as you switch on your own computer. One thing is clear. The team doesn’t like to be ambushed. And, somehow, that is exactly what you have done. 
After finishing off one of your consults, you suffer through a morning briefing that ends up being far more complicated than it needs to be. It’s only a paperwork day, by the looks of things. In theory, this is the ‘easiest’ your job gets; if you’re not called out on an emergency, you can bank on a day of case reports and shitty coffee. 
Nothing is ever easy at the BAU, not even now. Everything is out of order. There’s none of the usual idle chatter that precedes a briefing, just a fragile silence. Rossi moves from his normal position to take your place between Reid and JJ. He mutters something about the chair being uncomfortable and shoos you away from your seat. Though you can’t resist the opportunity to call him an old man for his pedantics, you acquiesce and take his spot instead. You find nothing wrong with it. 
Then Hotch walks in to start the briefing, and you find about a hundred reasons to curse David Rossi. He’s wearing the gray suit, again, the one he likes pairing with his red tie. That should be a crime in itself. When he takes the only seat available — his usual seat, the one now next to you — you’re almost sure you hear JJ snort. Emily pats her on the back as she conceals it with a very unconvincing cough.
Hotch frowns in your direction, probably mulling over the change in seating plan, then turns his attention to JJ. “Are you alright?”
The blonde clears her throat. “Fine. Thanks, Hotch,” she says. 
Garcia rests her elbows on the table, her mouth concealed by the palm of her hand. 
Hotch nods, casting another short glance your way. “Good.”
Then he launches into the briefing, and you can almost convince yourself things are perfectly normal, that your face isn’t alight with heat and you’re not avoiding looking at him, that everything is fine. When you’re dismissed, you scurry towards the door fast enough you almost miss it. 
“Garcia?” His voice is quiet, his tone soft with something disapproving hiding beneath it. “My office, please.”
Everything is decidedly not fine. 
By noon, you can’t take it anymore. “Emily Prentiss, what the fuck are you doing?”
The question comes out louder and more harshly than you’d intended. In your peripheral vision, you see Reid’s eyes widen at the desk next to yours. Emily, halfway through a sandwich, freezes. 
“I’m sorry?”
The grin fades from her face. 
You huff. “You’ve been looking between me and your computer for the last half-hour. What is it? Is there something on my face?” Morgan laughs from the other side of the bullpen, and you raise your voice a little in desperation. “Seriously. Have I done something wrong?”
JJ must have heard the commotion, because she pokes her head out of her office door. She takes one look at you and sighs. “Probably best to get it over with, Em.”
When Emily hesitates, your eyes narrow. “Get what over with?”
She stands and beckons you over to her desk, firing up her computer screen as you settle into her chair. JJ comes down the stairs to join you. Though they don’t move, you can practically feel Morgan and Reid staring at the three of you from across the room. 
What you see projected on Emily’s screen doesn’t make things any clearer.
“That’s—” you pause, dumbfounded. “Why are you looking at me and Hotch?”
The picture is easy to place. It must have been taken a few days ago, during a small-town case. Hotch had asked you to deliver a profile to the media when JJ was working on something else. It was far from the first time you’d faced the press head-on during your time at the Bureau, but Hotch had stood by your side anyway. 
You’re not sure why she’s chosen this photo, if any, to look at. The wind’s blowing your hair into your face, and you’re midway through changing expressions so it almost looks like you’re in pain. 
“Just watch,” Emily says. She presses the spacebar and the picture bursts into action.
“—If you believe you have any information that may relate to this case, we’d appreciate you calling the following number…” you say. You proceed to rattle off the number for the tip line JJ’s set up, but only get halfway through before everything derails. 
“How do we know this isn’t all just bullshit?” 
The voice overpowering yours is weathered, and so is the man who pushes through the crowd of journalists to get close to you and Hotch, whose posture you see straighten in an instant. You watch as the reporters from the city turn to look at the interloper, pens out and waiting, no doubt, for either you or your boss to slip up.
For a long moment, Hotch watches the man, his face twisted in irritation. He merely restates the tip line number and your request for any potential witnesses to come forward.
But the skeptic doesn’t let up. “This guy’s an outsider. Not one of us. Everyone here knows each other, they have done for years—”
“We’re not trying to cause a panic,” you say, your tone even, “We don’t want you all to turn on each other. But the man we’re looking for knows this town. He’s confident finding his way around the forest, even the areas that haven’t been mapped out yet. He knows the shortcuts, which roads are quiet and which are too risky to take. We’re asking you to exercise caution, and to report anything suspicious if you see it.”
“So what? A few pins on a map and you’re convinced it’s one of us?”
Hotch’s jaw tightens. This case has been harder on him than most, and you can sense that he’s on the verge of responding in a way he’ll regret later. You put a hand on his forearm as he raises it to retort, squeezing it gently in the hopes he’ll get the signal you really don’t have the seniority to be sending him: stand down. He takes a deep breath, and you let your hand slide down to meet his wrist, guiding it just a fraction backwards to rest by his side. The contact lasts only a second, maybe two, before you let him be. 
When he finally speaks, his voice is measured, his eyes slow to drag themselves from your face. “We’re not here to defend the science behind criminal profiling. Our priorities remain finding the person responsible for these crimes and the safety of this community until we do. If you have any information at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your cooperation.”
Even the most amateur journalist would know he’s done answering questions. Hotch gives a brief nod, turns and leads you out of the Georgia heat and back into shelter of the precinct. All the time, his hand hovers over your back, his gaze searching for any potential disruptions. 
Then there’s his voice, deep and almost inaudible. You feel his breath brush your earlobe. “Thank you.”
Now you’re looking at it from an outsider’s perspective, you do look a little…cozy with Hotch. Not enough to walk the line of unprofessionalism, but enough for you to notice it. 
Emily folds her arms, leans back in her chair. “What’s that about?”
Avoiding her eyes, you shrug. “What’s what about?”
“The canoodling,” JJ says with a smirk, and you slap her arm. 
You’re a profiler. You should know your little attempt at denial isn’t going to work, but it doesn’t stop you from trying. “Canoodling? Seriously, Jen? I don’t think anyone under the age of eighty has ever said the word ‘canoodling’.”
You hear Penelope’s kitten heels clacking against the floorboards before you see her. “Doesn’t mean you’re not doing it,” she sings. Her arms wrap around your shoulders from behind.
You groan. “Penny, you know I love you, but what are you doing here?”
“I got lonely,” she says, and her expression is so genuine that you can’t even bring yourself to be upset with her. “Just wait…”
Leaning over you to press the escape button, she exits out of full screen mode and points to the corner of the screen. When you read the number she’s showing you, your breakfast threatens to make a reappearance.
“Would you look at that?” Emily laughs. “It’s gone up.”
You blink. Once, twice, three times. And once more, for good measure. “Six-hundred-and-fifty thousand people have seen that?”
It all starts to make sense. The texts, the calls, the stares, the team’s behavior…you don’t know whether to be relieved or horrified. On the bright side, you’ve done nothing wrong, nothing that could get you fired. But more than half a million people have seen you practically mooning over your boss.
Emily makes a noncommittal noise. “Half of them were probably Garcia. And a good twenty-five or so were us, if that helps.”
“It doesn’t,” You resist the urge to slam your head against the desk. You’ll have to settle for burying it in your hands instead. “Six hundred and…fuck. And they all think–?”
“—That you’re in love with our boss? And that he’s in love with you? Yes.”
“Oh, fuck.” “They think that, too,” says JJ, sounding sympathetic. If it weren’t for the frankly dastardly smile on her face, you’d think she was on your side.
Picturing the general population witnessing you make an idiot of yourself is bad enough. How do you even conceptualize that many people? How many stadiums could you fill solely with people who have seen you head over heels for your boss? Even worse is the thought of Anderson, or your parents, or – God forbid – even Strauss having seen it. You’ll be suspended. Fired. Or, even worse, be called into a mediated meeting with Hotch and HR, where they’ll ask him if you’ve been making him feel uncomfortable. 
Emily’s voice pulls you from your shame spiral. “And there’s more, too.”
This world hates you. You’re certain of that as she opens Twitter, putting “FBI agents” into the search bar and bombarding you with hundreds, maybe thousands, of tweets with your image attached. Some are disturbingly sweet. Others poke fun at how obvious you are, and even more disturbingly, seem to think your feelings are reciprocated. That’s not a mental path you can allow yourself to go down. 
“So…” You say after a long ten minutes. “What do we do?”
Footsteps, then Rossi appears at the stop of the stairs. “You go back to work. Your break’s over.”
He’s lucky you’re so fond of him. Had it been anyone else (save maybe one person) to disrupt your shame spiral, you’d have been furious. More than furious. You’re still a little irritated now.
There was nothing wrong with his fucking chair. 
Your mission is simple. Avoid. Deny. Deflect. The rest of your afternoon drags along in a blur of paperwork and teasing comments you choose to ignore (mostly courtesy of Morgan — JJ and Emily have decided you’re nearing your breaking point and vow to leave you alone). 
Five o’clock can’t come soon enough. Even when it does, there’s no reprieve. Reid turns out to be the one to betray you as everyone else packs up to leave, their files in his hand. “Sorry,” he whispers. To his credit, he looks like he means it.
“Judas,” you hiss back, but you stand and take the reports from him anyway. 
Morgan raises an eyebrow at you. “Going somewhere special?” 
You flip him off, muttering something under your breath that sounds just a little like “your funeral”. 
The stairs to Hotch’s office feel much longer and much steeper than usual. At every step you reconsider. Reid’s probably still heading for the elevator now. If you catch him, you can guilt him into doing this instead. But your thoughts carry you close enough for Hotch to spot your approach through the blinds. He rises from his desk, opening the door before you can even reach for the handle. 
You can’t even look him in the eyes. “Hi.”
Stepping aside to let you inside, he says your name, and it sounds so warm coming from his mouth. You wonder if he knows about your newfound fame, too. He seems to be focusing his stare directly between your eyebrows. 
“I just came to drop these off.” 
As if your words aren’t explanation enough, you hold up the files for him to see.
“Thank you.” Hotch reaches out to take them, and you feel his fingers brush yours as he does. He stops before the exchange is over. “Are you alright? You seem distracted.”
It won’t be long now before the sun sets. It’s making its final play for glory now, golden light filtering through the window and settling over Hotch’s face. Hints of amber tones surface in his eyes, usually so dark and unreadable, making him appear much softer than usual. Safer.
You sigh. “I think some people got a little more out of that press release in Georgia than we intended them to.”
“Oh. Yes.”
“You know about that?”
You wouldn’t half mind if a wormhole opened up, right there in his office, and transported you to another universe where you don’t even have to think about this moment ever again.
“I do.” He winces. “Garcia’s computer system is the most secure in the FBI, but she doesn’t have an inside voice.”
The dry comment shocks a laugh out of you. “No, she doesn’t. But…it’ll die down, right? No one is actually going to believe that. Us being together would be—”
“Unprofessional,” Hotch supplies after a beat. “Very unprofessional.”
He reaches backwards to put the files you’ve given him on his desk, somehow managing to do so without actually taking a step away from you. If anything, he gets a little closer. 
“Exactly. Strauss would kill us if we even thought about it,” you say, “Not that we would, I’m just…”
Now he looks down at you, straight into your eyes. You swear his pupils are dilated, that he slips for just a half-second and lets his attention drift down to your lips. “There’d be a lot of paperwork.”
You nod. “Too much, really. You’ve got enough already. It’d also be…”
Hotch stops breathing, lips downturned in a frown. You’re sure you’ve heard him wrong. But half a minute passes, and he doesn’t retract his statement, though he looks as if he’s close to doing so.
“I’m sorry?” Your voice is barely above a whisper. He’s close enough you catch a hint of his cologne, and the woody scent of it makes your head spin. 
“I can say it again,” he says through a long exhale, searching your face for any sign of discomfort as he takes another step closer. His breath ghosts your neck. “Or we can forget this ever happened.”
Your answer is almost immediate. “Let’s not do that.”
Hotch tilts your chin up so you’re forced to look at him. You lean upwards to meet him halfway in a kiss that is soft and tentative, the sort that promises everything and asks for nothing in return. One of your hands cups his jaw, and both of his find their way home to your waist, rubbing circles into your skin through your shirt. You smile against his lips. He leans forward as if to chase yours when you pull away.  It hits you, now, that this is really happening. The months you've been agonizing over this - whether to make a move or to shut the part of you that cares for him away - have led you here. There's much you've got to think over: what this means for both of your careers, the risk to the team's dynamic, whether it'll even work in the long run, if Hotch wants that too. You know he's thinking the same thing; his face adopts the same mask of concentration it always does when he's considering something. You take a deep breath. It might be hard, but does that stop it from being worth a shot? In the end, you don't think it does.
“I think I’m gonna order takeout tonight,” you say quietly. “There’s a really good Thai place down the street from me.”
Hotch clears his throat. “That sounds nice.”
Shaking your head, you rest both hands on his shoulders, laugh at him. “That was my way of asking you if you wanted to join me.”
His brow furrows. For a terrible moment, you think he’s about to say no. And then, “Haley has Jack tonight. I…I’d like that.”
You beam, pull back, and head towards his desk to find a pen and a scrap bit of paper. “Here’s my address.” A quick glance down into the bullpen, which is thankfully empty. “Give it ten minutes, then follow me?”
“Okay,” Hotch says. Even you can tell he’s grinning like an idiot, and you make a note of the rare expression. “Okay. I’ll see you soon?”
Squeezing his hand, you kiss his cheek and walk towards the door. “Soon.”
You feel his eyes on you until you reach the elevator.
If you got this far, thank you for reading! I've watched a lot more Dharma and Greg than CM, lately, so I have a feeling that my version of soft!Hotch is currently just a grownup version of Greg Montmgomery????
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gamergirl-niffler · 8 months
A Day Off || Erasermic x Fem!reader
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Warnings: smut (unprotected p in v x2), double penetration, pet names (Songbird and Kitten), double creampies
Synopsis: In a steamy moment, Shota, Hizashi, and their girl find solace in each other's arms
A/N: Hello Welcome to another day of Kinktober '23 Collaboration! Little Niffler is here to deliver yet another steamy work! Hope you will Enjoy! Today's prompt: Threesome
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Mornings were always your favorite. Every day, it was calm and nice. Music played quietly in the background, as you didn't want to wake up your two beloved Pros, who needed well-deserved rest after a long night of work.
Thankfully, it was one of the rare days when they could just have a day off and rest. So you decided to prepare them a warm, tasty coffee to start the morning. Dressed in just panties and a long t-shirt, you walked around the kitchen.
Suddenly, arms wrapped around your waist, startling you a little. At first, you thought that Shota couldn't sleep, as usual, but long, blond hair falling all over you told you otherwise. "Good morning, Hizashi," you hummed, reaching back to stroke his hair. "Someone forgot to tie his hair when he got home."
He laughed at your words and nodded, sighing deeply. "Good morning, songbird. I was too tired; all I wanted was to snuggle with people I love. Shota is still out cold. Hey, did you listen yesterday?"
You turned in his arms and nodded. "What a silly question. You know I always listen to your radio show."
"What did I do to deserve such a loyal listener?"
"Guess you were just lucky enough," you shrugged and let out a surprised whimper when Hizashi suddenly kissed you. Someone was needy first thing in the morning, not that you minded, of course. It was more than welcome. You returned the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
After pulling away, you looked at him. "We can't leave our grumpy cat out. He will complain later."
Yamada smiled. "Go to him then, songbird. I'll join the two of you soon."
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You sneaked into your shared bedroom and got into bed next to Shota. Luckily for you, he had a habit of sleeping shirtless.
Your lips placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, and then you moved them down to his neck before traveling even further down to his chest. This stirred him awake as you positioned yourself between his legs, planting more kisses on his lower belly.
Shota groaned and looked down at you. "That's a nice way to wake up, kitten. Where's the loud one?"
"He will join us soon. Don't worry, just enjoy," you purred, pulling down his sweatpants and freeing his cock, which now stood proudly against his belly. Your mouth watered at the simple sight of him. You wrapped your lips around his tip before taking more of his length into your mouth, your hand cupping his balls and giving them a gentle squeeze once in a while.
He moaned, moving hand into your hair, praising you and pushing you just a little bit.
"And I am called the needy. Yet you push her down on your cock first thing in the morning," Hizashi looked at the two of you, enjoying the view of you between Shota's legs, swallowing his cock almost fully. He sat next to Shoto and pushed his hand into your hair, pulling it back. "Oh, I almost forgot. Good morning to you, grumpy," Hizashi chuckled and pulled him into a kiss.
You moaned at the sight and slipped his cock out of your mouth, simply watching them.
The blond man chuckled, looking at you. "Well, well, well. Look at that! Our songbird enjoys watching us like this, huh? Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?"
You just blinked, confused, while Shota nodded. "Oh, yes, and since we all are awake, let's do it."
Before you knew it, they were both on their feet with you sandwiched between their bodies. Your shirt and panties were just thrown onto the floor, together with their clothes.
Shota was in front with your legs comfortably wrapped around his waist, while Hizashi was behind you, gently squeezing and playing with your breasts. "So, as we discussed yesterday, I think she deserves two. Do you think she can handle it?"
"Sure she can. She's our lovely kitten, and it won't be the first time," the other man shrugged.
You gasped and looked at them, completely confused about what they were talking about. "What are you... Fuck!" you moaned, taken aback by the sensation of two cocks pushing into you.
Your head rested against the blond's shoulder as you did your best to relax and accommodate their cocks. They both penetrated you fully, and you all let out deep sighs in unison as they filled you.
"Such a good kitten, taking us both like a pro," Shoto praised as they started to move, making you moan loudly. "I wonder how loud she can sing for us today. I want to make that pretty voice go hoarse from screaming our names," Hizashi purred, wrapping his hand around your throat.
Every thrust made you whimper, the way they both filled you so perfectly, your walls squeezing around their cocks, gradually building that knot in your lower belly.
Shota smiled. "Look at our kitten, so cute. Getting pleasured by two men at once and enjoying it," he laughed and kissed you while Hizashi's hand moved around your waist to stimulate and tease your clit. "Be a good songbird and cum for us."
You moaned into the kiss as your feet curled, and they started to thrust even harder. Two men satisfying you, with your clit being stimulated, made the tension in your belly snap as you reached a climax with a loud moan.
They both groaned at how tightly your walls squeezed around both of them. "Wow, Kitten," Shota moaned and kissed you deeply as he released his warm, sticky cum inside you. Hizashi pulled your head away from Shota and kissed you as he climaxed as well.
You pulled away from him, gasping deeply, and looked between them. "You two will be the death of me. Put me down, now."
They slowly withdrew from you, but Shota kept you in his arms. "Now, we can go back to sleep. I am even more tired than I was before," he muttered and laid down, placing you next to himself.
"Oh, come on, Sho! It's our day off! Staying home isn't my style! We could go out and enjoy each other's company!" Blond complained, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Or we could just rest and cuddle so the two of you can, for once, properly recover from working too much," you said, tilting your head.
Hizashi looked a little annoyed that you didn't agree with him but soon nodded, joining you two and laying on your other side. "Guess the songbird is right."
Smiling, you hugged them both. The three of you soon slipped into a nice, long, and much-needed nap.
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thir10th · 2 months
you're too sweet for me - Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
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summary: You can't sleep, and Emily finds a way to kill some time TW: smut, food play, oral sex, fingering, no proofread because i'm tired asf, that's it lmk if i miss something A/N: this is probably the nastiest thing i've written to date, i hope you like it as much as me. Like & reblog
You turn over, trying not to wake up the woman who sleeps on your side, her arm wrapped around your waist.
3.35 am the bedside clock reads
Emily's apartment has always been so comfortable, you've always liked staying over, her sheets always smell like her, always a good bottle of wine on the fridge, your favorite cat wondering around, purring every time you scratched the back of his ears.
Emily’s place was starting to feel like home, and you were just so thankful for that, but right now you couldn’t sleep.
You had had a long day at work, got home after coming back from a long case, nether of you had wanted to cook, so you ordered takeout and got lost into each other for a couple of hours, you’d think that would be enough to put you to sleep, but you had the habit of having a coffee on the afternoon, and that kept you awake for a long time.
You got up from bed, slowly, to avoid waking her up. You find her shirt on the floor along with the rest of both your clothes scattered around, you put your underwear and her shirt, and walk to the kitchen to find something to eat and kill some time.
You open the fridge. There’s not much since you were out for the whole week.
You are looking for an apple on the back when you hear footsteps entering the kitchen
“Hey, what’s up? You can’t sleep?” You turn around to see your girlfriend, carrying Sergio in her arms, she’s wearing an old shirt she wears as pyjamas, her black sex hair all messy on her shoulders, she gives Sergio a kiss on the head before leaving him on the floor.
“Yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up” you say, she walks up to you, surrounding your waist with her arm, pulling you to peck your lips, the door of the fridge still open “there’s not much, we should go grocery shopping tomorrow” you say, laying your head on her shoulder.
She looks on the first shelf, a triumphant smile on her face when she finds what she was looking for “but there is, this” a can of whipped cream on her hand
The mischievous smile starting to form on her lips suggests she has something in mind for you
“I don’t think that is the best we can have before bed” you say trying to play it cool, she runs her hand caressing the uncovered skin between her shirt and your underwear.
“You know what? I’m hungry too” she kisses you on the lips, then your cheek, leves a soft trail of wet, soft kisses until she reaches your earlobe, tugging it between her teeth, biting it gently
“of you” her soft breath on your ear, she moves donw to kiss the curve of your neck, nipping the soft skin with her teeth.
“Lay down” she says in her most commanding voice, and you comply, you sit up on the kitchen table, the cold surface coming in contact with your naked skin.
"good girl" your girlfriends voice low and bossy, you can feel the wetness between your legs, only Emily could get you like that with only a couple of words.
She starts unbuttoning your shirt (her shirt?) slowly revealing your chest, she unbuttons your shirt, moving the fabric aside to leave your entire chest exposed, your nipples erect as they come into contact with the cool air
"this is gonna be messy, ok baby?" she looks at you in the eye, you can't look away from her, the whole scene feels tremendously erotic, completely out of breath, you can't bring yourself to form any coherent words, so you simply nod.
She leaves a soft kiss on one of your nipples, you close your eyes to the feeling, when the sound of the can and the cold snetation of the whipped cream on your sensitive bud makes you cry out in surprise
"shhh, it's ok, you look delicious like this, baby" she hastily lapped up the whipped cream, sucking your strained nipple into her mouth, making sure to gather up every last drop.
you moan beneath her, feeling her warm mouth give your nipple her undivided attention.
She straddled you on the table, and poured some more whipped cream on your neck, right on your collarbone, this time you were expecting it so the cold doesn't startle you as much.
You follow her every move, she hungrily lapes up the syrup making a sticky mess of her girlfriend’s neck. You let out little sighs and whines when Emily leaves bites along your supple skin.
Emily breaks away for a moment, meeting the your lust filled eyes. "taste good baby, so sweet" she whispers, she smirks and leaves a trail of hot, wet kisses along your sternum, her hot tongue feels like fire against your soft skin.
She takes the can again, spraying a large amount of cream on your other nipple, you could feel the wetness between your legs when her mouth assaulted your nipple, roughly licked over the pebbled bud, trapping it between her teeth, gently pulling it, the slight pain turning into instant pleasure, her tongue made sure to take the whipped cream as she did so.
She moves her head up and crashes her lips against yours, you can taste the sweetness of the cream on her lips, her tongue, a low whimper escaping your throat, she bites down on your lower lip, and uses her free hand to spray a long line of whipped cream all along your stomach.
She leaves your mouth to lick all the way down, her tongue licks your stomach all the way down to your lower stomach, taking your underwear off painfully slow.
Emily smirked and traveled lower to your navel. She ever so slowly licked up the whipped cream across your bikini line. The sweet smell of the sugar mixed with the scent of your arousal made Emily ache between her legs.
She kissed your stomach and lifted your left leg, resting it over her shoulder, eyeing your strawberry painted thigh hungrily. Your pink folds were slick and glistening with excitement, Emily drawls at the scene.
"You're soaked, baby" she whispers, and runs a finger through the slick, making you gasp. You admire the scene from your position, her eyes full of hunger, she licks her finger clean.
You bite your lip with excitement, you only want your girlfriend to dive in between your thighs and not come back for hours.
She turned and licked the smooth skin on your thighs, kissing and biting, leaving what sure would turn into purple spots by tomorrow.
As much as Emily wanted to tease you, she was getting as desperate now, she wanted to lick you up, she already knew you tasted better than any sugar.
She slowly toys at your aching clit with her fingers. Then she indulgently circles the rim of the tight entrance with the pads of her fingers.
You squirm, arching your back in protest of Emily's leisure. Satisfied with the non-verbal begging, your girlfriend curles her fingers inside you.
You buck your hips into her touch, desperately trying to create more friction.
Emily chuckles and runs her tongue from your knee to your inner thigh. A whimper escapes your lips, feeling your walls tighten around her extremities.
Once your legs are covered in saliva and the cream is almost completely gone, Emily licks her lips and admires the mess between your legs. 
“Ems please, I need you.” you beg, looking up at her pleadingly, with her seductive big brown eyes watching you.
Emily smirks and practically dives between your thighs.
You throw your head back and moan. The angelic sound only encouraged Emily more. She puts both your legs over her shoulders, as if desperate to keep you from escaping.
Emily sucks at your clit and slowly flicks over it with her tongue, all while thrusting her fingers inside those clenching walls, searching until she finds the spot that makes you scream. 
The wet walls surrounding her fingers spasm and clench around her.
“Em” you cry deliciously “right there, please don’t stop-”
Your girlfriend obliges. She can feel you getting close. Your thighs quiver with every thrust of her fingers. Your whines become increasingly shrill as your muscles squeeze.
“ Emily!” You gasp your lover’s name deliriously, your hands grabbing the sides of the table for some support.
You throw your head back as the wave of ecstasy overtakes you, arching your basck in pleasure, releasing loud whines of ecstasy.
Emily doesn't stop curling her fingers inside you until the spasms stop.
She pushes your legs off her shoulders and smiles at your soft and tired expression.
"Good?" she asks as she sees you finally opening your eyes again, you slowly regain conciousness after the strong orgasm your girlfriend had just given you
"perfect, like always, but now i'm all sticky" you answer, she moves next to you, and offers you her hand to help you, you grab it and get up from the table, surrounding her body with your arm for support
"shower then?" she asks as she peppers little kisses about your soft face for comfort.
You nod, Emily chuckles and gives your ass a firm smack, earning a purr from you. 
She wraps her arms around your neck, pulling your heads close to peck your lips softly, you walk to the bathroom attached to each other's body,
"C'mon, let's put to use the sugar rush" you say, pushing her inside the shower and lowering your head to kiss her neck.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
A/N: let's just pretend this isn't based on my thoughts every time i listen to "too sweet" by Hozier. I hope you enjoy, leave feedback is always appreciated <3
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sthavoc · 4 months
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𖥔 ࣪˖ pairing: enzo x actress!reader
𖥔 ࣪˖ summary: after the event enzo and you attended, the both of you had agreed to hang out. today is the day. part 2 to this.
𖥔 ࣪˖ warnings: just fluff
𖥔 ࣪˖ note: it was asked for a pt2 so here y’all go! also working on another req currently, yay!!<3 hope I didn’t miss any grammar mistakes
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Enzo and you had been texting back, and forth for the past two days. Those two days have consisted of you smiling at your phone and letting loose a giggle at whatever silly joke Enzo would text. You had brought up how you guys agreed to hang out, and he mentioned that today he was free, which worked for you because to your advantage, so were you.
Te mando mi dirección? - you
Sí, sí. Pasó por tu casa más o menos como a las 12:00, y de ahí nos vamos.” - Enzo
Bueno, dale. - you
After you send your location, you receive another ding from your phone followed by Enzo’s response. Which said “Gracias, linda.” The little nickname had stuck with you ever since the event, and you were not going to lie and say that you didn’t like it because you did.
You left your phone on your coffee table and walked over to your closet, ready to try and pick something out. You hoped it wouldn’t take you that long to pick an outfit. Of course, you wanted to look presentable, but you also didn’t want to be overdressed for the occasion. After all it was just a small hang out as friends.
You shouldn’t be thinking so hard on an outfit. You thought.
You ended up choosing a pair of baggy jeans and a simple shirt. Your hand reached for your phone to check if Enzo had sent anything in the meantime but your texts were cleared.
You had been done with your hair and faint makeup when you heard your phone ring, and you saw how Enzo’s contact popped up.
“Hello?” You spoke into the other line.
“Hola nena, eh, estoy afuera ya.” Enzo’s voice comes from the other line making you remove your phone from your ear and check the time.
“Oh! Okay, okay. Ya voy.” You state before you hang up the call, and quickly clasp your bag and phone before you close the door of your room, and hurry downstairs.
“I’ll see you later preciosa.” You give your cat a small rub on the bottom of her chin making her purr, before you grab your keys and walk towards the door locking it.
You checked your phone and answered a couple of texts as you walked towards the front where Enzo waited. You could see him standing there looking at his phone. He wore a hoodie and a jacket over it with a pair of glasses and black jeans, getting a glimpse of his camera as well. You were not going to deny he looked good.
“Hola.” You greet him with a smile as he puts his phone away, and you can see a smile instantly spreading across his face.
“Hola, bonita.” He kisses your cheek greeting you. “Lista?”
“Mhm.” your response was followed by a nod while the two of you began to walk towards your car, unlocking it. “¿En dónde queda la disquera?” You unlock your car allowing the two of you in.
“Te mando la ubicación.” Enzo typed the location on his phone before he sent it to you making your phone ringed.
You opened the location, which immediately opened in your touchscreen from the Bluetooth connection from your phone. You clicked start as you began to drive away.
“¿Te gustaría poner algún tipo de música?” You turned to look at both sides before you got on the road.
“Eh, bueno.” You gave Enzo your cable while he plugged it in, selecting a song. The speakers on your car began to play Lucky by Radiohead.
“Oh, ¿escuchas Radiohead?” You glanced at him but kept your eyes on the road.
“Sí es mi banda favorita.” Enzo words followed a smile as he turned to look at you. “¿Tú escuchas Radiohead?”
“Sí pero no mucho.” You reply turning right as indicated on the map.
It said that you would reach your destination around 12:40. It was currently 12:27.
“¿Que te gusta escuchar a vos?” Enzo decides to ask, out of conversation. He honestly wanted to know more about you, and your taste in music.
“Pues-” you sigh “Pues me gusta escuchar un poco de todo. Pero los artistas que más escucho son, Harry Styles, The smiths, Pixies, Arctic Monkeys, eh Taylor swift, G-eazy.” You tapped your thumb on the staring wheel trying to remember some of your top artist.
“¿G-eazy?” Confusion filled Enzo’s voice. “¿Es una banda?”
You giggled at how clueless he was about who G-eazy was. “No, es un artista muy popular últimamente. Bueno siempre lo ha sido. Lo fue en el año 2014 pero la gente lo trajo de vuelta.”
“Ah, ya, ya.” He nods.
“Te pongo una si quieres.” You turned to look at him, and he nodded giving you his phone. “Te voy a poner una popular.” You came to a red light and quickly typed on his keyboard the name of the song before you tapped on it.
Tumblr Girls started playing. It was honestly a vibe with the atmosphere, with the windows down and the wind sending your free strands of hair everywhere. Enzo’s hair was going everywhere but not as much as yours.
“Bonito ritmo.” Enzo moves his head to the beat of the song as he kept his eyes on the road. “Me gusta.”
“Verdad.” You smiled before you glanced at the map and noticed you guys weren’t that far from your destination. Like two more minutes away. “Ya casi llegamos.” You mentioned.
Enzo only nodded as he looked out the window still vibing to the rhythm, before he spoke. “Me da vibras de verano, no se.”
“¡Sí! Por eso se hizo viral de nuevo. A la gente le gusta la vibra que transmite su música. Esa vibra de verano, y pues, porque les da nostalgia a los años como el 2014 o ‘16.” You explained as Enzo payed attention.
He seemed so interested in whatever you had to say about the artist. He honestly just liked the sound of your voice. Anything you were saying at the moment sounded so interesting coming from you.
“Wow, pues sí las da.” Enzo released a small laugh making you smile. He has such a pretty laugh you thought.
“Bueno pues creo que aquí me parqueo.” You glimpse at the free spot that was not too far from the record store. Your eyes skimmed at the store and you could already see some of the vinyls.
The both of you got out of your car after you locked it, and walked together into the store. Your eyes looked around the shop amazed, at the posters that covered the walls and even some records, hanging on the walls. You caught a glimpse of Enzo taking pictures of the background.
Until he got an idea and turned to look at you. You gave him an amazed smile as you realized he was taking a picture of you.
“Acordate que te iba a tomar fotos.” He reminds you of when you mentioned of him taking a few shots of you.
“Sí me acuerdo.” You giggled.
You walked over to the many types of vinyls. You scanned the genres until you came across Mazzy Star’s So Tonight That I See record. You turned to look at Enzo who only stared at you. “¿Me tomas una foto? yo tapándome la cara con el disco. Siempre me he querido tomar alguna foto así.” You smiled.
Enzo only smiled as he got ready to take the picture after you positioned the vinyl, and covering your face. “Listo nena.”
“Gracias.” You smiled putting back the vinyl in its place before you got an idea and turned to look at Enzo with a smirk. “Déjame tomarte una.”
“No, no. No te preocupes.” He shook his head and hand at the same time.
“Ay ándale. Es tu cámara, y te quiero tomar una.” You insisted, pulling him closer as you walked backwards before he gave you a smile.
“Bueno , dale.” He remove the strap off his neck, handing you his cámara as you smiled excitedly. “Pero que no salga mal.”
“Ay, para nada.” You frowned jokingly. There was no way this man would come out back in his picture. “Bueno. Uno, dos, y-” you dragged the last syllable as you waited to get the perfect angle and moment. “Tres.” You clicked the button hearing the click sound of the cámara capturing the picture. “De seguro saliste bien.” You give him back his camera, followed by a smile which he returned.
“Gracias.” He places the strap that held onto his camera around his neck again, while the two of you continue to walk around the store.
You reached another end of the records finding one of Lana Del Rey’s album. You immediately grabbed it, deciding you were taking it home. Enzo followed behind you, but you had no idea he had just taken another picture of you since you were distracted with the vinyls. You spotted another one from The Neighbourhood which was the album Hard To Imagine The Neighbourhood Ever Changing, you just had to get it.
“¿Artistas favoritos?” Enzo questions as he looked at the records in your hands.
“Mhm. Siempre que trato de encontrarlos no están.” You glimpsed at them before looking at Enzo.
The two of you continued to walk around the whole store trying to find more vinyls, but you didn’t find any wanted, apart from the ones you had already previously picked. Enzo proceeded to take pictures of anything interesting he spotted.
“Bueno pues voy a ir a pagar. Me puedes esperar afuera si quieres.” You searched into your bag and took hold of your wallet as you walked towards the cashier.
“Bueno.” Enzo nodded as he walked towards the entrance of the store and you towards the cashier.
While you paid, Enzo waited right outside the shop while he took a few glimpses of his phone. He was quick to put it away after he saw you walking out of the store with a bag, which he assumed had your new albums.
“Gracias por recomendarme la tienda.” You smiled, unlocking the car and allowing the both of you in.
“No hay de que, linda.” Enzo gave you a smile as he closed his door and reached for his seatbelt. “De verdad que me la pasé muy bien con vos.”
“Y yo contigo. Eres muy divertido Enzo.” You smiled as you changed your gear shift from parking to driving.
Enzo was really a sweetheart and an amazing person. He had such a pure soul and he made you feel calm with just his presence. This man was definitely going to become one of your closest friends.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Okay yeah this is going to be corny whatever. They deserve the corniness. Eddie calls Steve sweetheart and yeah, Steve loves every bit of it. But the first time Steve calls Eddie a petname, Eddie freezes and he tears up.
Steve has been calling him Eds since they became friends and Eddie loves it. Only Steve calls him that and it's a nickname for his nickname.
Eddie also knows that Steve wants to call him something. They once talked about it when they start dating. Eddie explaining to him why he calls Steve sweetheart. Steve said nothing was good enough for Eddie, baby or babe is sweet but it's just not Eddie. He wants it to be good because Eddie calls him sweetheart and means it.
The thing is Steve doesn't know this kind of love. He grew up alone, with parents who showed him that love was sleeping in two separate rooms and still going together out of town, with parents who forgot holidays and birthdays. He's only starting to learn what love is after Nancy, the real one, without bullshit, with the help of the kids, and Robin and Eddie.
Eddie's kind, has the kindest heart Steve's seen on anyone. He's been given the toughest shit from a young age with his family situation, struggling to be gay and being bullied. The whole Vecna debacle proves this, like what town goes after one guy without zero evidence? Despite all that Eddie is still kind. He forgives Steve, without a moment of hesitation, when Steve apologizes for all the shit he did in high school. He helps the old lady at the grocery store even if she lectures him about satanism. He helps swing the random kid on the swing even if their mom glares at him. He can't adopt random pets, but he has about 6 cats he has to feed everyday. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's gentle. Yeah, laugh it up. But he is, Steve says. He hides it well, Steve will give that to him. Eddie's gentle in his black shirt, ripped jeans, dark eyeliner, rings that could make your nose bleed and a tough exterior that could scare you away. But he is gentle. Gentle with the way he holds Steve when the nightmares catch up on him, the way he paints miniature figurines, the way he draws on El's tattoo with a marker, no matter how many times it has been, the way he wakes up Wayne, always with a cup of coffee. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's brave. He still doesn't believe Steve that he is, some days he believes it, but there are days that he still doesn't. Still regrets running away from Chrissy and not helping Fred. Steve reassures him that he is brave. He is brave in the way he loves so loudly and so openly. He is brave with the way he expresses his true self so freely without fear. He was brave, when he followed them to the Upside Down, was brave with Chrissy and Fred, was brave in his almost last moment. He is brave for continuing to fight every day. Steve sees it everyday.
Eddie's a lot of good things, and Steve can list it all in one sitting if he wants to.
Steve's watching the latest episode of Golden Girls when the timer beeps. Eddie's in the kitchen, sitting on the breakfast bar, writing like a maniac for the next campaign.
"Eds! Can you please get the cookies? I don't want to get up! The guy Rose slept with died on her bed!" He can hear Eddie laughing from the kitchen as he shouts an Okay.
Steve's immersed on the episode's story, just as Eddie comes waltzing into the room, gloved hand holding the tray full of cookies.
"Sweetheart, the cookies came out good!"
Steve nods, he doesn't even look at the tray, not wanting to miss a piece of this episode, "I know."
Eddie cackles, setting the tray at the coffee table, "Can I have one? Or is it only for annoying, invasive 16 year olds?"
Steve snickers, still not paying attention, "Of course you can have one, love."
Eddie freezes, just standing there, one hand reaching for a cookie, one hand still wearing the mittens. Steve immediately clocks this, is it Vecna again? That can't be they killed him.
"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Eddie nods, but something is wrong, Steve knows because Eddie's tearing up. He hits mute on the tv, focusing his full attention to Eddie. He'll just watch it on a rerun.
"What happened? You're scaring me, love." Eddie makes another chocked out sound, collapsing beside Steve as Steve scoops him into his arms.
"You... You called me love."
And yeah, Steve did. He didn't plan it, it wasn't even on the list of petnames when Steve was deliberating what to call Eddie. It just slipped out.
But it made so much sense. Love is... love is the warmth of a cup that says "worlds best uncle" full of coffee in the morning. It's the soft, worn out yellow sweater you wear on bad days. It's the beat you tap your hands to, a song that saved your lives. It's fresh baked cookies. It's in kind gestures, gentle hugs and brave actions.
Love is kind and gentle and brave. Love is who Eddie Munson is.
"Yeah... I guess I did."
Eddie smiles at him, tears still brimming in his eyes as they look at each other.
He looks soft. Maybe Steve will add that to the list of what love means for him. Soft.
"You still want that cookie, love?"
Eddie nods, "Please, sweetheart."
Steve sees it everyday. He sees love. He wakes up with it everyday, cooks with it, sleeps with it, reads with it.
Yeah, love really is the perfect petname for Eddie.
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seungisms · 1 year
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: a disturbing amount of fluff, read at your own risk
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: kinda based of that one txt song where they're the most pathetic simps ever but make it skz (also lovesick girls by bp but not really, just pinching the title. sorry girls <3) went a little off with minho and hyunjin cause i’m so obsessed with the thought them liking someone to the point it makes them nauseous. reblog for a kiss, feedback much appreciated!
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#1 [name] stan right here ladies and gents and my non-binary friends 
istg the first time he was introduced to you there was full ass hearts in his eyes
obviously he thought you were so pretty and cute
but as soon as you started rambling about your love of songwriting and hoping to one day become a producer he was officially whipped
felix had to physically hold him back from embarrassing himself
and had to do so multiple times after
he becomes such a big goof around you
like he’ll be so calm and collected when you’re not around but as soon as someone so much as mentions your name he’s suddenly tripping over his feet and sweating at the brow
sometimes it scares him how in love he is with you
literally malfunctions if you even brush against his hand
man would drop everything if you needed him
not cause he’s whipped
he just wants to be a good friend duh
(okay maybe he’s a tad whipped)
makes so many excuses to be around you alone
and once snuck into jeongin’s phone to steal your number
has you stored on his phone as ‘[y/n]🥺🤍]’ for weeks before actually gaining the courage to text you
and like you were practically waiting for him to make a move cause he’s so goddamn obvious 
if any of the multiple hoodies and sweatshirts you own of his that he insists you take to remember him by were a hint 
and you’re like,,, bro,,, u live across the street
and he’s like yeah,,, but,,, shut up
really he just wants to see you wearing his clothes
gives him that boyfriend/girlfriend fantasy
he’ll never actually make a move cause he’s so damn insecure of himself and thinks you deserve someone much better that’ll be around more than him and omg he’s so dumb just kiss him
it’ll make him so happy
until then he’s just happy admiring you from a distance
but you can bet your ass once you guys actually start dating he’ll be 10000% more smitten than he was before
freaked out by his feelings and shows his love for you in the form of relentlessly teasing you to the point where you think he hates you
but really all he wants more in life is to kiss that dumb smile off your face
doesn’t realise how intimidating he comes off to other people
swears he’s staring at you all dreamy and in love but literally all you can see is (ಠ_ಠ) looking at you from across the room
will rant to his cats about you
hand to *god* if they could they’d be rolling their eyes at him
will blush like a mfing teenage girl once you start easing up around him, playing into his teasing and realising he’s just a big cat loving softie behind all those bitchy side eyes
has threatened to beat ur ass on more than one occasion if you ever tell anyone though
the others catch onto his little soft spot for you as soon as they catch him letting you get away with things he’d bitch at them for
like this one time everyone was going on a small road trip
minho was driving and before you could even open your mouth jisung was already pushing past you yelling ’sHoTgUn’
only to get yanked back by the collar of his shirt before he could even reach for the car handle
and minho is just staring down at him like
🧍‍♂️ that’s [name]’s seat
lets you use the aux cord too
buys you this cute little kitty mug for your birthday
leaves out the fact that it was part of a couple set and he has a matching one back at the dorm
but one day you catch him drinking out of it while visiting the boys and you just send him the cutest little knowing grin ever and this mf is choking on his coffee
clutching his heart, falling off his seat, slamming his head against the table from that one smile
you’re the first person he goes to when he has a bad day
just feels like he can actually open up to you 
and you’re just so comforting to him, it makes him love you even more
and everyone thinks you’re such a dumbass cause how have you not caught on yet??? this man literally stares at you as if you hung the stars in the sky???
he'll pine after you for a long ass time before he actually confesses to you cause he doesn’t like to be vulnerable in front of others and he sucks ass at voicing his feelings
teasing gets 10000x worse when you start dating
(if you don’t get along with his cats though it’s a deal-breaker, no matter how cute ur dumbass is)
heart eyes
literally as soon as felix introduced you to him he’s fucking twirling his hair, kicking his feet and shit
doesn’t know how to talk to pretty girls so after you’re done introducing yourself to the other boys and turn to him he’s just like
you know that one time chan and sana from twice did a live together and changbin was just in the corner like 🧍‍♂️
that’s him all the time around you
he’s not above making a fool out of himself
does things he would never normally do
lets you paint his nails
but insists it has to be black
cause he’s a man™️
doesn’t stfu about you
like he could be talking to someone about smth completely unrelated and he’ll just randomly go
‘omg did u see what [name] was wearing today?? she’s so pretty??? she could literally pull off anything?? did you know she has a pet guinea pig?'
and the other person is just like okay changbin go home
like don’t get me wrong the other guys love you like their sister but not when they have to pull this guy away from some random trainee that he decided would be the perfect victim to dump all his [name] rants on
pays sm attention to you
will make you feel like the only girl in the world istg
like you could just be casually talking about ur day and he’ll be soso silent, staring at you with literal fucking stars in his eyes like :) go on :)
just loves to hear you talk
thinks the little twinkle in your eyes and the grin tugging at your lips when you’re ranting about smth you’re passionate about is the prettiest sight ever
will go into full on hysterics if you ever make the slightest change in your appearance
dyed your hair? heart palpitations. decided to wear glitter on ur lids? sweating at the brow. wearing that cute little skirt you recently bought? yeah he’s dying right there on the spot.
probably has a private twitter account where all he does is cry about you
pines for so long before making a move
and he’s just so nervous and can’t keep his cool at all
literally wants to punch himself in the future once you start dating and tell him you wanted him to make a move every time you saw him 😭
he’s a dumbass but at least he’s a cute one
he’s such a flirt
and you don’t catch the hint he’s basically smitten with you cause the way he flirts with you is the same way he flirts with felix 😭
normally very confident when approaching people he’s interested in but smth about you just makes him go into windows.exe shutdown mode everytime he’s able to hype himself up to finally tell you he likes you
approaches with such a pretty grin, hearing his heart in his ears and a little voice in the back of his head that sounded far too similar to jisung saying ‘u got this’
but the moment you look up at him and shoot him that damn smile of yours he’s just like
you swear to this day you could see a little buffering symbol above his head
and he really can’t think of anything to say for the first time in his life and omg you’re looking at him and doing that cute little confused head tilt you always do and he can’t open his mouth and okay now he’s walking away 
you’re just like 😃👍 ok
forbids you from mentioning it to this day
will have n o problem sitting in the corner all sulky if he feels you’re paying too much attention to the other boys
and will get petty about it
‘oh why are you over here talking to me now? thought u were having fun with your bOyFrIeNdS’
and ur like oh okay i’ll just go take my attention somewhere else and now he’s running after u like nO WAIT
lets you braid his hair :((
finds your presence so comforting no matter how much he loves to tease you
sometimes he’ll just facetime you after he’s had a rough day and you’ll just both sit in silence while sketching together
loves your little doodles no matter how shit you think they are
hides the fact that most of his recent artworks are of you <333
whenever you go on day trips with him he'll always have his camera
and like a 9/10 chance most of the photos he takes that day are of you
but if you catch him he’ll become all tsundere and be like ‘yOUR UGLY ASS WAS BLOCKING THE VIEW’
and you’re just like okay then explain the blush on your face
has matching rings with you
actually gifted you the ring and just decided not to mention he also has the same one
bro grifted you
you’re dating before you even know you’re dating okay? okay.
another that makes a fool out of himself for your attention and has no problem doing so
has matching friendship bracelets with you and literally wears it everywhere
even on stage
doesn’t care about the fact that it’s bright pink with little flowers and butterflies attached to it
he cherishes that thing with his mfing life
so obnoxious but in a cute anime girl way of course
if you’re on the other side of the room his first instinct is to make a scene and be the loudest bitch in there to get ur attention
will send you good morning texts everyday without fail
but this guy wakes up at like 2pm on a good day but it’s the thought that counts !! 
so whipped and its soso obvious that the others just wanna grab your head and shake it until you finally realise half the love songs on their albums are written about you
one day when you complimented his shirt he made sure to wear it every time he saw you for the next 2 weeks straight
until the point chan literally had to rip it off him
he’s a such a fool
loves when you randomly show up to the studio during the middle of the night cause you ‘had a gut feeling he was overworking himself’ and he swears he falls even more in love with you in that moment than he already was 
and you just look so cute and sweet bundled up in his sweatshirt, hands carrying all his favourite foods and the sleepiest look in your eyes
lets you cuddle against him while he works away on his tracks 
and has to clam himself down from squealing like a teenage girl once your head starts to slump against his shoulder and cute little snores leave you
has the most precious smile on his face
swears he sees a flash coming from the door out of the corner of his eye
and as he’s turning around chan and changbin are hightailing it out of there
becomes his favourite photo
and the rest are just like??? how tf do either of you not realise how smitten both of u are?? 
spoiler alert: its cause ur both dumb af
will literally do anything you ask
will drop everything to come over to ur place at like 1am just to eat cheap ramen and watch some shitty rom-com he’s already seen with you 100 times before
complains he hates them the whole way through
(lets ignore the fact that he actually loves them and can recite legally blonde word for word)
you guys both have a nightly ritual of doing face masks and skincare together when he stays
says he hates it but his skin has never felt so soft???
takes him awhile to actually realise you like him too 
but jisung :) an oblivious cutie :)
got the whole jype building frustrated af
the whole of twice and itzy 100% ship you two together on a daily basis
anyway [name] and jisung cutest couple 2023 guys get into it
incredibly sweet but you just think he’s being nice so it’s very frustrating to everyone around you
loves skinship
in general a very big fan
but even more when it’s with you (or hyunjin)
lays his head on ur shoulder while watching some low budget movie, gives you the tightest hugs when you meet up and can’t help but brush his hand up against your own for some type of contact
no matter what it is he always has to be touching you
makes plans with you and is like ‘oh yeah, the guys are gonna meet us there!!’
and when you finally get there its just him sitting waiting for you like :)
literally goes ‘oh no !! they cancelled last minute, guess ur stuck with me <333’
and he’s so cute that you can’t even be mad when he decides to be a devious little shit
probably forces you to learn new girl group choreography with him for tiktok
and if you accidentally run into one of the twice members while visiting him during practice this guy will literally lean down and whisper 'don't embarrass me' before ditching ur ass to do the pop choreo with nayeon or some shit
buys you stuff all the time
as if you’re actually dating
once he bought you this little bracelet (for no reason other than ur cute, the bracelet is cute, be cute together) 
gives it to you with the prettiest smile and is just like ‘thought of u !!’ and ur just looking at the price tag like felix this is $500…
this mf insists on holding ur hand in public and people always mistake you for a couple
and when they comment on how cute you guys are and you go to correct them but then felix is butting in like ‘thank u!! :D’
literally gets withdrawal symptoms when he goes home to australia to visit his family
will have no problem calling you at 3am just to hear your voice
his phone lockscreen is 100% a selfie of the both of you
also almost definitely has an album on his phone dedicated to you
filled with cute photos he took of you when you weren’t looking
and will scroll through them at midnight with the most lovesick grin on his face
basically becomes his nightly routine
when one of the other boys are like ‘hey, consider this. maybe felix does all this stuff cause he likes u? idk, just a theory.’
and ur just like hahaha nooo he’s just being nice :D
cue ot7 wanting to rip their hair out over you two stupid asses 
he thinks he’s flirting but really he’s just being an asshole
lucky for him you think he’s a cute asshole
when you first become friends with the rest of the boys you legit thought he couldn’t stand you cause he was sulking in the corner not talking to you once
but really he was just grumpy that the others were taking up all the time of the pretty girl he wanted to ask out
also struggles to look you in the eyes the first couple weeks
cause wow ur so cute
eases up around you when he realises you’re just as dumb as the rest of them
becomes ur best friend in the span of a week istg
sends you this and is like ‘omg, [name]!! someone recorded u in the shower and sent it to me!!’
and you have to resist the urge to drive to the dorms just to beat his ass into next week
extremely protective of you though
if anyone ever tries to mess with you he’s straight over like ‘hey >:( only i can make fun of her >:((‘
100% that childish schoolyard crush where the boy pulls on the hair of the girl he likes
whenever the guys ask him if he wants to hang out he’s like,,, with u losers??? fk no
and chan just goes oh okay well [name] is gonna be pretty disappointed 
and this guy is suddenly all up in his face like …..😳 [name] will be there??….😳
and chan has to restrain himself from grabbing his phone and snapping a picture cause kim seungmin just fucking blushed
likes his own space but he never minds when you decide to come over and keep him company
joins you when you decide to bake at midnight
not to help
he just likes making a mess and pissing you off
randomly decided he likes seeing you in his clothes so please expect his hoodies and sweatshirts to ‘mysteriously’ appear in your room
(really just wants to see how cute you look wearing them)
literally feels his heart get soso warm when you wear his sweatshirt to the dorms one day
and will be like ‘see, [name] loves me. we’re practically dating’ to the other boys
and minho is rolling his eyes and saying ‘as if u pussy’ and now seungmin is ranting with tears in his eyes about how it’s H I S sweatshirt you’re wearing not minhos
petty af
whenever he’s being grumpy he’ll snap at you to go bother someone else
and immediately regrets it when you sulk out of the room
but he's also a dick and just sits and feels sorry for himself for a few hours
later when he goes to find you to apologise and sees you playing video game and goofing around with jeongin
him af
will make it up to you always 
he’s just so in love with you and doesn’t know how to handle it :(
first of all can someone save this boy cause he sure as hell can’t save himself
freezes up anytime you come into the room and won’t say a damn word to you
is perfectly content staring at you from across the room for the rest of his life if that means not embarrassing himself
cause he 100% would if he even attempted to talk to ur cute ass
the only reason you two even became friends was because hyunjin got sick of your pining and locked you in a room together
and you’re just watching like :( as jeongin is banging and yelling at the door to let you out
and you think he’s not interested in being friends with you but really he’s practically seconds away from having a full mental breakdown at the mere thought of being locked in a room with a pretty girl with even prettier eyes
notices your sad stare avoiding him and suddenly he wants to beat himself up for making you feel like that
semi-explains himself
he’s just an awkward little bitch really
leaves out the fact that he’s pretty sure he’s in love with you and doesn’t know how to act like a normal human being around you
cue to the both of you finally being let out like three hours later cause the guys got suspicious from the lack of noise
and there you two were knocked out on the bed cuddling like two cuties :(
istg it was chans lockscreen for a solid year 
after that he’s even more smitten with you
if he’s ever on his phone the boys just assume he’s either stalking your insta or texting you random memes and thinking it’s flirting
but really he’s texting you the same way he’s texts seungmin so???
will show up at your apartment at like 2am and just be like ‘c’mon lets get food’
and now you’re sitting in some shitty ramen place and it’s cold and the lights above you keep flickering
but jeongin is sitting across from you looking so cute while trying to slurp up noodles that never seem to stop and you couldn’t be happier
uses his cutie maknae card to get out of practice earlier
just to visit you while you try to study/work
aka him annoying you until you cave and pay attention to him
will play video games with you
and claims he ‘let you win’ when you beat his ass
always makes the cute scrunchy face when you hug him and be even the slightest bit affectionate with him
and swears he hates it
but really he has to stop himself from locking himself in his room and squealing into his pillow like a 14 year old girl whos crush just looked at her for the first time
i repeat
someone save this boy
in love with you for a good two years before he even thinks about making a move
he’s just shy when it comes to his feelings but trust me when you guys start dating he’ll be the most annoying little fucker ever <333
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© 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐦𝐬 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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staretes · 10 months
to sail a ship
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synopsis: when you first boarded the express, you immediately managed to become close friends with the archivist of the express.  but march doesn't miss the softness in dan heng's eyes, reserved only for you. likewise, march watched as you awkwardly tried to make conversation with him, tinges of red dusted on your cheeks. ever since then, march has made it her personal mission to get the both of you together thankfully for you two, march has the knowledge of hundred of romance shows at her disposal.
tags: dan heng x reader, fluff w.c: 1.5k a/n: aaah first oneshot ^_^ reader is gn, however, they are described by himeko as pretty
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phase one: get both of you to recognize your feelings for each other! 
"so (name), what do you think of dan heng?"
march's question's caught you off guard as you started scrambling for an answer. the both of you were in the express parlor car, sipping on juice, when march suddenly popped the question out of the blue. "he's great. i mean, he's a pretty reliable member of our team." you laughed nervously, familiar hints of rose creeping up your face.
"well everyone knows that, but would you date him?" march pressed on.
"uh…" march could practically see the gears turning in your head. but once march saw the small shift in your eyes and the light roses on your face blossoming into crimson petals, she knew her work was done.
"oh no!" march gasps "i totally forgot, i promised to do something for himeko!" she stood up. "bye bye! let's chat again another time, okay?" and before you could get a word in, march had skipped off to her room giggling, leaving you to mull over your thoughts.
however, dan heng proved to be a little (a lot) more challenging. 
“hey dan heng, what do you think of (name)?” march inquired after barging into his room after “needing help” with her camera.  “they’re a good friend.” dan heng responded curtly, keeping his eyes locked onto the data bank. “if you don’t need anything else, please leave. the archives is not a place for chitchat.”
after march was forced to leave sulking, she had no choice but to drag himeko into it.
himeko manages to corner dan heng after a meeting with the other express members. “dan heng, how do you feel about name? aren’t they pretty?” 
after hearing that last part, dan heng’s ears turns scarlet, and he only manages to muster out a small “mhm”. 
himeko watched him stumble over his words, and teases, “it’s obvious you like them a lot, you should ask them out! you two look cute together.” 
march, watching dan heng excuse himself with his face glowing red from afar, silently promises to treat himeko to a large cup of coffee
phase two:  help both of you pursue each other!
you used your shirt to polish the little keychain that you bought at a souvenir shop at a planet the express stopped at that day. as you awkwardly stood outside dan heng’s room, you couldn’t help but remember how you got here. 
you were shopping for souvenirs for pom pom with march, when she excitedly tapped you on the shoulder. “hey, doesn’t this cat look like dan heng?”  you squinted at the keychain of the cat. the little white cat had red, black and teal spots and a grumpy expression carved into its face with gold. besides the cat, there were little maple leaf charms hanging from the keychain.  it really does look like dan heng, you smiled softly. march, noticing the awe on your face, giggled, “you should buy it for him! he’ll like it a lot!”  “you think so?” you looked at her apprehensively  “if its from you, of course he’ll like it!” march laughs, pretending not to see the faint blush on your cheeks as she pushes you towards the cashier. 
as you stand outside the door dan heng’s room, hesitating before knocking on it softly.  the door swings open, and dan heng looks surprised to see you. 
“ah, (name), i was just looking for you.”
“huh?” you looked at him in confusion. “do you need anything?”
“it’s nothing important. it’s just…” he holds out a small phone charm. your breath hitched. it was made of sparkling beads of your favorite color and at the end, there was a little cat charm that bore a resemblance to you. "you mentioned once that you were fond of cats, so i thought you would like this phone charm.”
you take the phone charm and cradle it gently in your hands, before tenderly attaching it to your phone. “ thank you. i'll cherish it forever,” you whispered with a small grin on your face. 
noticing his gaze fall on the keychain still tightly in your grasp, you suddenly felt heat rise to your cheeks and neck. you almost forgot!  , “i got you something too! i was at a shop with march and it reminded me of you, so… here!” you ramble hurriedly as you put the keychain into his hands, ignoring your racing heart when your hands make contact.  “thanks for the phone charm, i really like it! sorry for disturbing you, have a great night!” you bow to say your goodbyes as you hastened to return to your room.
dan heng, who was left at his doorway in a daze, shuts his door as his hands are gently clutching the keychain. as he carefully inspects it, he smiled softly as his heart flutters in his chest. his cheeks are red as he furiously typed a long thank you to himeko for helping him pick out the phone charm. 
phase three: wait for the confession!
dan heng was unable to sleep that night. 
his head was filled with thoughts from his interaction with you. his heart is still beating wildly at the sight of you holding the phone charm he gave you as if it was the most previous thing in the world, before giving him something because it reminded you of him. he feels his lips form a small grin endearingly. aeons, he really did like you a lot. he tosses and turns before giving up and goes to the parlor car to try and put his mind to rest. 
his heart skips a beat when he finds you sitting there, looking into the blank space absent-mindedly. he greets you with a small “hello.” as he sits next to you
you snap out of your thoughts, and smile nervously, “hey. can't sleep either?"
he nods, and you both sit awkwardly in silence before dan heng speaks up "i realize that i never thanked you for the keychain. thank you. i like it a lot." 
you beam, and dan heng feels his heart melt. "it's no problem. actually, march helped me pick it out" you admit. "although i didn't expect you to remember that i liked cats."
"you mentioned it once. of course i remember. " dan heng responds, amused. 
you bring up the topic of how the little cat on the end of the keychain you gave him was a calico cat, and you liked those because you found them cute, and dan heng once again remembers that it reminded you of him. the two of you chat late into the night, dan heng's eyes growing softer and softer as he watches you passionately rant to him about everything that piqued your interest recently. you were just so captivating. 
"how about you? what's on your mind recently?"
the word slips through his lips and before he realizes what he said, your face has turned completely red.
he stammers as he tries to pull himself together, "i apologize, i didn't mean for it to come out that way i-" 
"you've been on my mind recently too." 
you whispered softly, looking anywhere else but him. "hey, we still have a six days before the express leaves this planet, and i saw a small café in the main city when i was hanging out with march. do you want to come with me tomorrow? "
dan heng's heart soars as a small flicker of hope alights in his chest. "yes, i would like that." he nods, ears still a shade of crimson.
"great!" you smiled in relief. "as for the meantime though-h…" you yawned, stifling it into your mouth.
"are you tired? it's late, you should head back to your room" dan heng furrowed his eyebrows. "come on, i'll walk you." he stands up. 
you nod sleepily, eyes half lidded, as he puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you to your room. as he watches you lie down on your bed, he can’t help but think about how soft your bed looked compared to his mattress. reluctant to leave you, he tells himself that you needed to rest, so he wishes you a good night and begins to leave.
"please stay."
he hears your sleepy voice behind him and pauses. "you can sleep in my bed tonight. i don't mind.
he hesitates, before lying down next to you. pillows and stuffed toys are scattered throughout the beds.  it's cute. he smiles tenderly. he feels you inch closer and closer to him until your head is on his chest. he relaxes as he cards his fingers through your soft hair. "good night, (name). sweet dreams."
the next morning, march peeks through your door, intending to talk to you about dan heng, and instead finds the two of you fast asleep, dan heng's arm wrapped around you, legs intertwined together. the plan worked better than she intended, she grins smugly and takes a picture to send to himeko, never intending to let the two of you live it down.
mission accomplished!
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