#A Forever Home
callsign-dexter · 3 months
A Forever Home
Summary: A baby, you, get dropped outside the firehouse. Judd Ryder's and Grace Ryder's life changes.
Pairings: Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mention of child abandonment, angst, cursing, fluff
A Forever Home
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A baby's cry, your cry, sounded through the air on a late hot Texas summer night. A young mother, your mother, tries to silence you but nothing is working. "Shhh, baby. Everything is going to be ok. You're going to be taken good care of." Your mother says but nothing is working. It's breaking the young mother's heart but she knew you would be safer here than with her abusive boyfriend. He didn't want a baby, he thought children were useless and didn't think they should even exist. He let her go through the pregnancy and the baby born and let her bring it home but then he started to drink more and get more physical to the point she was scared for you. So during the night, she snuck out and to the 126 Firehouse. "I'm so sorry. If I could keep you I would." She said as you continued to cry. She set you down and kneeled "I hope you can forgive me someday or we meet up. This is what is best for you." She said tears streaming down her face the street light cast down upon the two of you and the bruises, the black eye, and the swollen jaw were visible. "I love you so much." She said and kissed your head and that settled you down and then she stood up and started walking away. She knew she could turn around and take you back but she didn't want to put you in harm's way any more than you already were, this was the best option. She took a shaky deep breath and let the tears fall took one last glance and walked away. This left you confused and you started to cry out. You kept crying but she wasn't coming back and you were hungry. It was also getting hot so hot. You were so hot and you were so hungry as you started to close your eyes a male voice came through.
"Holy shit. I knew I wasn't hallucinating. Come here, sweet girl." He said and quickly picked you up and out of your car seat. "You're burning up." He added but wasn't going to get a response it seemed like you had given up. He laid you in his arms and noticed you were barely breathing and your eyes closed "Oh no. You can't give up now." He said and hollered for someone.
"What in the hell?" The other voice said.
"That's what I said. She barely breathing and so hot. We need to get some oxygen on her." The main voice said.
"Bring her to the ambulance." The other said and they did just that. They started to get oxygen on you and started cooling you down. It must've done the trick because your eyes were opening.
"Hey there, little Filly. Glad to see you awake." The voice said.
"Judd we need to call CPS." The other voice said.
"Do we have to do that?" Judd asked and the man nodded.
"It's the right thing to do." He said and Judd nodded.
"Ok." Judd said and the other man left and did just that. Judd continued to look down at you. "What is your story?" He asked knowing he wouldn't be getting an answer. You continued to look at him curiously. You gave him a gummy smile and that made him smile "You can't be older than a week." He said and traced his finger over your cheek and you leaned into the touch. You turned your head after a minute and started to suck on his fingers. "You're hungry aren't you?" He asked and you looked at him and he chuckled. "Let's see if Grace can bring you something." He said and you babbled at him making him smile. He pulled out his phone and dialed his wife's number and she answered immediately.
"Judd, is everything ok?" She asked
"Everything is great. There was a baby that was dropped off and she is hungry. Do you think you could get some formula and bring it down here?" He asked
"Of course, you don't have to ask me twice. I'll be there in 10 minutes." She said and Judd smiled.
"Thank you. I love you." He said
"I love you too." She replied with a smile that he knew she had.
Like Grace said 10 minutes later she was arriving at the station with formula for a hungry you. "Oh Judd, she's so beautiful." Grace said walking up to him in the kitchen and he nodded and smiled.
"She really is. I can't believe someone just dropped her off." He said you had set your sight on Grace and she smiled.
"Hi, little girl. You must be hungry." She said and you babbled at her and she chuckled "I take that as a yes. Let me go and fix it up for you." She said and that is what she did. "What are you going to do with her?" Grace asked.
"Well CPS has already been called but I can't let her go. Grace, she's perfect for us." He said as Grace walked over and tested the milk on her arm before giving it to Judd. Grace was silent as she watched you look at the bottle that Judd presented in front of you and you took it eagerly. "There you go little Filly. Get you fed." He said completely forgetting Grace was in the room or where he was at. Grace smiled at the interaction maybe having a child around would be good for them.
"I think we can work with CPS and become full parents to her." Grace said and Judd looked up at her.
"Really?" He asked and she nodded.
"You're so good with her and she seems to be really attached to you already. I haven't held her but it just seems right like it was meant to be. I think we are ready." She said and Judd smiled.
"That makes me so happy. You're going to love her." He said and Grace smiled.
"I know." She said and watched her husband deal with you just confirmed that you needed to be with them. She watched him feed you and then when you were done burp you.
"Do you want to hold her?" He asked and she nodded.
"I would love that." She said and he smiled and handed you off to her. At first you let out a whine but quickly settled into her arms. "Hi there little one. What is your story?" She asked and you just stared up at her with wide and curious eyes. As she was holding you CPS had arrived and was being led to them.
"Judd, this is Haven from CPS. She will be taking the baby." The captain said and Judd's heart dropped.
"Not yet it is too soon." He said and they smiled sympathetically.
"The sooner you release her to us the sooner we can place her into a good home." Laura said
"Release her? She's not some animal you release. She is a human being. How can you promise that she wont go to an abusive family?" He asked getting defensive taking you from Grace.
"We do extreme background checks and interviews.. We won't let her go to anybody we don't think is right." Laura said and Judd shook his head.
"You can't promise that. People can lie on everything and something could mess up in the computer system. I will not allow it." He said getting defensive.
"Mr. Ryder, I promise she will be in good hands." The CPS worker said and started to take you from his arms and you sensed this and started to cry. She tried to quiet you down but you just wouldn't. Judd was quick to take you back and almost immediately you settled down and snuggled into him.
"I think the best option would be for me and my wife to adopt her." Judd said and Grace nodded.
"I agree with my husband." Grace said and Laura nodded.
"Very well. I will need you both to come down to the office tomorrow to sign paper work." She said and they both nodded. Laura was silent and felt awkward but was escorted out of the firehouse.
"Judd are you absolutely sure about this?" Grace asked "I'm on board either way." She added.
"Yes, 100%. We just connected and I can't let her go." He said and Grace nodded.
"Very well. It is settled. We have a little girl. We need a name for her." She said and Judd smiled.
"Y/N Evelyn Ryder." Judd said looking down at your sleeping form.
"It's perfect." Grace said
"You'll always have a forever home with us Little Filly. Now and forever." He said and Grace smiled and nodded.
The next day they both went down and signed papers and officially you became their little girl. Their Little Filly, as Judd liked to call you. You were their daughter and forever will be no matter what. It didn't matter if you weren't their daughter by blood, as Dean Winchester says "Family don't end in blood. But it doesn't start there, either". They are gonna love you either way no matter what.
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natalienomad · 2 months
I don't think ive ever used this blog before as like a diary, but I think this is important. I met a wonderful older woman online, and weve discussed a lot of stuff over the past month.
The goal is basically helping re-raise me. And give me a loving family home that I never had. One that isn't tied to romance or what have you. We've talked about what this would lead to. Actual Adult Adoption. To have a loving Mom. Not just a Mommy or Daddy. But a Mom that I could always go to if everything falls apart. And she's been telling her son about me too, and he's already on board with having a little sister! My life has gotten so crazy since I transitioned, and it genuinely makes me feel the happiest I've ever been. Each day just gets better even through all the troubles.
Obviously we aren't going through with the adoption soon, but eventually. And we both agree on that, taking the time to get to know each other. And the more we talk the more it seems it was always meant to be, our values align, everything just makes sense. I've thought a lot about how my old family treated me growing up and especially as an adult. And even if they did accept me as their daughter-which I know they don't and never will, theyd only lie to get me close enough to abuse me more-they never liked me. We didn't agree on anything. Even basic stuff like what defines happiness. Or ever put any effort into getting to know me. It was always on their terms. Well. Not anymore. I'm getting to know My Mom on my terms, and she shows actual interest in who I am and not what she wants me to be.
It's a refreshing change of pace. I love my life. I love my In Laws. I'm starting to love my family.
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kyreniacommentator · 8 months
Esentepe Rehoming Group needs your urgent HELP!
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mango-sp1ce · 2 months
Fully haunting a building is easy when you’re a full ghost. It’s instinct, even!
Being a half ghost- can cause some problems though.
But Danny was lucky. He wouldn’t call this Fenton luck, because Fenton luck just meant bad luck. The murphys law of Amity, really. No- this had to be Phantom luck. Which also had never been very good- but it had its moments.
Or maybe the smarts his sister swears he has have finally pulled through.
Haunting the fancy manor in one of the most dangerous cities in the world was pretty easy, despite all of his occasional slip ups.
Who needs to worry about accidentally walking into a room fully human when the manors full of black haired blue eyed boys- and everyone’s mistaking you for someone else.
He’d been mistaken for “Tim” a handful of times! And when he finally met the actual dude, he seemed to be delusional from lack of sleep and had simply nodded and walked past.
The butler had called him “Master Wayne”??? But honestly, Danny can’t blame him. Wayne’s the last name of almost everyone living here, and he’s not sure he’d be able to keep track of that many people either.
And then there’s the interactions. What seemed to be the eldest son had ruffled his hair yesterday and tussled him up- the head of the house had draped a blanket over him when he fell asleep on the couch and dropped his transformation, and the butler kept passing him fruit platters?
Danny’s not even sure how long he has to haunt this place to get his official haunting license- but it’s starting to look like the perfect forever haunt!
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silvermoon424 · 11 months
This is a subject that really interests me because I (28 years old) had computer classes in grade school where learning how to efficiently type was a big focus. As a result I have a very high WPM (words per minute) count and am an excellent touch typer.
However, I've heard that they started phasing out computer classes in a lot of schools because it's assumed that kids/teenagers already know how to use a computer in this day and age. But smartphones are more popular than computers now, and as result a lot of Gen Z/Gen Alpha kids are able to text very quickly but their typing skills aren't as good.
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luthienne · 6 months
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Anne de Marcken, from It Lasts Forever and Then It's Over [ID'd]
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huachengsromcom · 7 months
People call Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF a slow burn but Hua Cheng is literally courting Xie Lian like they are DATING. Slow burn who??? They’re sleeping next to each other on straw mats and Xie Lian’s offering to cook him dinner and they’re bantering across THE HOME THEY SHARE like a bunch of desperate hussys
They have A DATE in HC’s armoury where they HOLD HANDS and XL pets San Lang’s quivering sword I-
Hua Cheng basically throws himself at this man he’s like you want a sword?? All of them ?? You want ALL THE SWORDS?? Fuck it take the whole room THE WHOLE ROOM JUST COME VISIT I WILL CLEAN THEM FOR YOU
Like he isn’t the king of a whole realm with shit to do
And this is just the first half of the first book—again I ask the world SLOW BURN WHOMST
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devilbeez · 8 months
Imma just drop this here and wait
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
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soon it'll be dawn again
transcript under the cut ⏬
page 01
Fig: no way? - you're still up?
Riz: Wh– yes?
Riz: Why'd I not be.
page 02
Fig: I me~~ean - that took.
Fig: whole day.
Riz: Yeah?
Fig: 'm beat.
Riz: you should sleep.
page 03
Fig: nah. my guy's still up
Fig: I wanna hang out.
page 04
Riz: That's really nice.
Fig: Hah! - Nobody ever expects an Archdevil rockstar to be nice.
Riz: … yeah. - 's just budget work tho. (the stuff I'm working on) - I've heard it's boring.
page 05
Fig: yeah, but you do it…
Riz: It keeps things going, right? - Nothing happens if nobody sits down and - does the thing.
Fig: That's right… - though. Yeah.
page 06
Fig: sometimes it's someone else who - doesn't want the same thing to happen.
Riz: … - mm.
page 07
Riz (off screen): …It took me a long time to get that not everyone likes doing what I do. - 's probably because you guys are so nice– - or. - kind.
Riz (off screen): to anyone too, not just. - the people you /love/.
page 08
Riz: that's not how it is elsewhere. - The world's– not. hostile. - but 's not like it's kind.
Riz: So I'm doing as much as I can now… 
page 09
Fig: Hey.
Riz: ?
Fig: Go dig some dirt with me.
page 10
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - oh you meant like - actual dirt. (not incriminating information)
Fig: o yea.
Fig: there's clay in the backyard soil. - sometimes when I'm sun deficient or something I go touch dirt for a bit.
page 11
Fig: here u go
page 12
Riz: uh
Fig: now we make a thing! - 'm pretty good at freehanding a bowl.
Fig: I'll show u
page 13
Fig: just– yep, flatten that out as evenly as u can, then–! - actually ur nails'd be so good at cutting out the strip. [larger than usual space] wait. - wait. wait u can carve patterns with them! we HAVE to try
Riz: uh - What. do I carve?
Fig: anything!!!
page 14
Fig: and– yep just seal the inside uh. seam?
Fig: yep that works - okay time's up! all contestant hands up
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - okay - wh. what's next?
Fig: haha - watch this.
(sound effect text): FWOO—MP
page 15
Fig: Now it's fired!
Fig: (actually it's just dry. if u add water rn it'll dissolve)
Fig: ok catch!
Riz: [blank speech bubble] - careful!!
Fig: dw no need haha
page 16
Riz (thought bubble): oh - it's warm…
Fig: now I want you to throw this.
page 17
Fig: u gotta do it - c'mon
page 18
Riz: wh– - It's like 3AM right now
Fig: oh it's not /fired/ fired it's not gonna make a loud noise
Riz: And then just? leave a pile out here?
Fig: pour water over it & it'll be gone I told u
Riz: but
page 19
Fig (off screen): RIz.
page 20
Fig: I've done all this before.
Fig: Can you trust that at least?
page 21
Riz: no, I– - I do. - I trust you.
page 23
Riz: okay what happens now
(sound effect text): glob
page 24
Fig: we do it again!
page 25
Riz: wh. [larger than usual space] What do you mean. (this clay's too wet also)
Fig: see! you're already learning
Fig: [blank speech bubble] - there are flows that are futile to fight. - The world changes.
Fig: Things change.
page 26
Fig: I've learned my lessons with "forevers". - But - as an artist
Fig: I can give you one thing: - You can always do it again.
page 27
Fig: most of everything depends on the rest of the world, - but this. - making new. - that's yours as long as you want it.
page 28
Fig: So?
page 29
Riz: Yeah. - Yeah! - let's make another one.
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#riz gukgak#figueroth faeth#technically no spoilers in this comic but listen. I Will be gloating in tags. I will Never Shut Up#for the record!! this was fully conceptualized and sketched Before the finales. I started sketching this after the boat fight#and when murph closed riz's arc this season with ''maybe it's okay to change and welcome new things'' I pogged irl#I am simply the best at reading comprehension what can I say! (<- grown ass man with roughly the same perspective on teenhood as the player#fucked up that this became so long (almost 30 squares lol) that it took me this long to finish#lmao I say all that but. genuinely I am delirious and my feelings abt riz's arc this season are so big... I was getting psychic backlash#for a While lol. it was scary!!#had to sit down and do therapy on my own ass for a bit. the teenage apocalyticisation is real. that word isnt tho Im pretty sure#truly anything you do at that age feels like that's it that's all you've got going on forever. and its not true! its simply not true#you'll be okay my guy. you love your friends so so much but also there will be more to love out there#this one goes out to fellow aroaces and also folks leaving somewhere theyve called home for a long time#nothing lasts forever but that means new things come by too! ur ability to make new is infinite!!#there's no magnum opus people leave but new people come by too etc. I am too sleepy to remember what I wanted to say uhhh#well. thank u for looking at my art. I think thats the one pack it n ship it boys
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weevmo · 10 months
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Dog Instincts are Ruff man -
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
A Forever Home Masterlist
Summary: 1 year before the accident that took out Judd Ryder's old team, a baby was left at the front of the firehouse. She wouldn't settle for anyone except Judd, not wanting her to go up in the system Judd talks to Grace and they decide to adopt the baby. They named her Y/N Evelyn Ryder, you.
Pairings: Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, inaccurate firefighter talk
A/N: Can be read alone or in order. More stories will be added to it. Ages range.
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A Forever Home
Life on the Line
Search and Rescue
Barn Fire
Daddy Taught Me
Rodeo Accident
I Don't Like Him
Trip to the Hospital
Rescue Mission
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citricacidprince · 6 months
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Finally got to experience the Welcome Home update with my bestest buddy oh pal @mechmolar and after joking that Eddie was having the worst trip of his life in that chair we did a sleep deprived collab and made this masterpiece :]
(it drew Eddie and made the cursed Eddie edit and I drew Julie and formatted everything lol)
(Original comic by Punkitt found here!)
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kyreniacommentator · 8 months
Animals need your help at the Esentepe Rehoming Project
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fortjester · 1 month
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screenshot of a poll by @kobolde from may of 2023 that i took for tlt meme purposes and left to rot in the depths of my files for over a year lol
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some misc Barn & Wally doodles from the past week or so <3 i heart them
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
Do you think Dale develops (pun not intended) an aversion to bright colors after the attack?
Don’t mind me just hitting the man with my Trauma Hammer
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Oh absolutely. Its a good thing he lives in white room
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