#judd ryder x grace ryder imagine
callsign-dexter · 3 months
A Forever Home
Summary: A baby, you, get dropped outside the firehouse. Judd Ryder's and Grace Ryder's life changes.
Pairings: Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mention of child abandonment, angst, cursing, fluff
A Forever Home
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A baby's cry, your cry, sounded through the air on a late hot Texas summer night. A young mother, your mother, tries to silence you but nothing is working. "Shhh, baby. Everything is going to be ok. You're going to be taken good care of." Your mother says but nothing is working. It's breaking the young mother's heart but she knew you would be safer here than with her abusive boyfriend. He didn't want a baby, he thought children were useless and didn't think they should even exist. He let her go through the pregnancy and the baby born and let her bring it home but then he started to drink more and get more physical to the point she was scared for you. So during the night, she snuck out and to the 126 Firehouse. "I'm so sorry. If I could keep you I would." She said as you continued to cry. She set you down and kneeled "I hope you can forgive me someday or we meet up. This is what is best for you." She said tears streaming down her face the street light cast down upon the two of you and the bruises, the black eye, and the swollen jaw were visible. "I love you so much." She said and kissed your head and that settled you down and then she stood up and started walking away. She knew she could turn around and take you back but she didn't want to put you in harm's way any more than you already were, this was the best option. She took a shaky deep breath and let the tears fall took one last glance and walked away. This left you confused and you started to cry out. You kept crying but she wasn't coming back and you were hungry. It was also getting hot so hot. You were so hot and you were so hungry as you started to close your eyes a male voice came through.
"Holy shit. I knew I wasn't hallucinating. Come here, sweet girl." He said and quickly picked you up and out of your car seat. "You're burning up." He added but wasn't going to get a response it seemed like you had given up. He laid you in his arms and noticed you were barely breathing and your eyes closed "Oh no. You can't give up now." He said and hollered for someone.
"What in the hell?" The other voice said.
"That's what I said. She barely breathing and so hot. We need to get some oxygen on her." The main voice said.
"Bring her to the ambulance." The other said and they did just that. They started to get oxygen on you and started cooling you down. It must've done the trick because your eyes were opening.
"Hey there, little Filly. Glad to see you awake." The voice said.
"Judd we need to call CPS." The other voice said.
"Do we have to do that?" Judd asked and the man nodded.
"It's the right thing to do." He said and Judd nodded.
"Ok." Judd said and the other man left and did just that. Judd continued to look down at you. "What is your story?" He asked knowing he wouldn't be getting an answer. You continued to look at him curiously. You gave him a gummy smile and that made him smile "You can't be older than a week." He said and traced his finger over your cheek and you leaned into the touch. You turned your head after a minute and started to suck on his fingers. "You're hungry aren't you?" He asked and you looked at him and he chuckled. "Let's see if Grace can bring you something." He said and you babbled at him making him smile. He pulled out his phone and dialed his wife's number and she answered immediately.
"Judd, is everything ok?" She asked
"Everything is great. There was a baby that was dropped off and she is hungry. Do you think you could get some formula and bring it down here?" He asked
"Of course, you don't have to ask me twice. I'll be there in 10 minutes." She said and Judd smiled.
"Thank you. I love you." He said
"I love you too." She replied with a smile that he knew she had.
Like Grace said 10 minutes later she was arriving at the station with formula for a hungry you. "Oh Judd, she's so beautiful." Grace said walking up to him in the kitchen and he nodded and smiled.
"She really is. I can't believe someone just dropped her off." He said you had set your sight on Grace and she smiled.
"Hi, little girl. You must be hungry." She said and you babbled at her and she chuckled "I take that as a yes. Let me go and fix it up for you." She said and that is what she did. "What are you going to do with her?" Grace asked.
"Well CPS has already been called but I can't let her go. Grace, she's perfect for us." He said as Grace walked over and tested the milk on her arm before giving it to Judd. Grace was silent as she watched you look at the bottle that Judd presented in front of you and you took it eagerly. "There you go little Filly. Get you fed." He said completely forgetting Grace was in the room or where he was at. Grace smiled at the interaction maybe having a child around would be good for them.
"I think we can work with CPS and become full parents to her." Grace said and Judd looked up at her.
"Really?" He asked and she nodded.
"You're so good with her and she seems to be really attached to you already. I haven't held her but it just seems right like it was meant to be. I think we are ready." She said and Judd smiled.
"That makes me so happy. You're going to love her." He said and Grace smiled.
"I know." She said and watched her husband deal with you just confirmed that you needed to be with them. She watched him feed you and then when you were done burp you.
"Do you want to hold her?" He asked and she nodded.
"I would love that." She said and he smiled and handed you off to her. At first you let out a whine but quickly settled into her arms. "Hi there little one. What is your story?" She asked and you just stared up at her with wide and curious eyes. As she was holding you CPS had arrived and was being led to them.
"Judd, this is Haven from CPS. She will be taking the baby." The captain said and Judd's heart dropped.
"Not yet it is too soon." He said and they smiled sympathetically.
"The sooner you release her to us the sooner we can place her into a good home." Laura said
"Release her? She's not some animal you release. She is a human being. How can you promise that she wont go to an abusive family?" He asked getting defensive taking you from Grace.
"We do extreme background checks and interviews.. We won't let her go to anybody we don't think is right." Laura said and Judd shook his head.
"You can't promise that. People can lie on everything and something could mess up in the computer system. I will not allow it." He said getting defensive.
"Mr. Ryder, I promise she will be in good hands." The CPS worker said and started to take you from his arms and you sensed this and started to cry. She tried to quiet you down but you just wouldn't. Judd was quick to take you back and almost immediately you settled down and snuggled into him.
"I think the best option would be for me and my wife to adopt her." Judd said and Grace nodded.
"I agree with my husband." Grace said and Laura nodded.
"Very well. I will need you both to come down to the office tomorrow to sign paper work." She said and they both nodded. Laura was silent and felt awkward but was escorted out of the firehouse.
"Judd are you absolutely sure about this?" Grace asked "I'm on board either way." She added.
"Yes, 100%. We just connected and I can't let her go." He said and Grace nodded.
"Very well. It is settled. We have a little girl. We need a name for her." She said and Judd smiled.
"Y/N Evelyn Ryder." Judd said looking down at your sleeping form.
"It's perfect." Grace said
"You'll always have a forever home with us Little Filly. Now and forever." He said and Grace smiled and nodded.
The next day they both went down and signed papers and officially you became their little girl. Their Little Filly, as Judd liked to call you. You were their daughter and forever will be no matter what. It didn't matter if you weren't their daughter by blood, as Dean Winchester says "Family don't end in blood. But it doesn't start there, either". They are gonna love you either way no matter what.
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chrissiewatts · 3 years
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pragmatic-optimist · 3 years
Seeing the way Judd and Grace go to bat for each other has me thinking that everyone who crosses paths with Baby Ryder needs to come correct.
Otherwise, they’re getting a visit from mom or dad. 👀
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cactiem · 3 years
we got this 
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pairing: judd ryder x grace ryder, judd ryder x oc x grace ryder
requested: nope
summary: judd and grace agree to foster juniper holland
gif not mine
Judd wasn’t one to get nervous, especially when Grace was around but even her hand resting on his leg couldn’t stop the bouncing. This was a big step him and his wife were taking. They had signed up to house foster kids, went through the checks and everything but then the accident happened killing everyone at house 126 but Judd. Grace knew it wasn’t the right time, that Judd needed to take care of himself before they could bring a child into their home. With recovering from the ordeal and a new captain in town they forgot about their plans. That was until Grace received a phone call from Allison, from Child Protective Services, asking if her and Judd could take in a troubled teenager, her words not Grace’s, thinking that they could help her. That’s why Grace and Judd were sat on their couch, waiting for Allison.
A knock on the door made them both stand up, Judd rubbed his hands together, a habit he’s developed when nervous, while Grace answered the door with a bright smile on her face. Stood behind Allison was a young girl, she was withdrawn like she didn’t want to be there. Grace noticed that she only had a backpack and no other belongings, she wrung her hands clearly nervous for the new situation she is in. She followed Allison inside, her eyes flitting across the room taking in her surroundings. This is her home for however long they’ll keep her until she is shipped off again.
“Juniper, this is Grace and Judd, you’ll be staying with them for a while.” Allison told the young girl. She glanced up once at the two them before her eyes fell back to her hands.
“Would you like something to drink, Juniper?” Grace asked, her voice soft.
“It’s June.” She mumbled. Judd and Grace glanced at each while Allison sent them a forced smile.
“Okay June, I’m sorry.” She apologised.
“Can I go to my room?” June asked and Grace nodded getting up to show her to the room leaving Judd alone with Allison.
“Have you got any questions?” She asked breaking the silence, eager to leave before the Ryder’s changed their minds.
“So why did June get kicked out of the last house?” Judd wondered.
“Juniper… she had behavioural issues, ones that the family couldn’t handle.” Allison told him.
“They wanted a baby instead of a teenager, right?” Judd corrected her, knowing the system.
“Sadly, that is the case more often than not.” She said. Grace came back, her hand finding Judd’s. “If you have any questions or have any issues don’t hesitate to call me.” The two of them thanked the woman and walked her to the door.
Once they were alone, they sighed as if a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. “We got this, right?” Grace asked, worried that they jumped into this too soon.
“We got this.” Judd assured her, pressing a kiss to her head as he brought her into a hug.
a/n: this is an idea I had and I’ll definitely be writing more about this little family. I have no knowledge of the American foster system so everything is fictional or what I got off tv shows. I’m also in a 911verse mood so any requests please send them my way
tag list: @mayaslifeinabox @princess-of-the-fandoms @live--aloud @les-bio-lie @ivvitm1109 @seninjakitey @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt
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disasterfandoms · 2 years
Judd and Grace Ryder Masterlist
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This is Your Home Now ~ The Ryders x teen!reader 
Judd and Grace’s Love Story
Wine Dance ~ Judd x Grace x bestfriend!reader 
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forever1kay · 3 years
My Masterlist(s)
Last updated: 07/28/2023
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Marvel masterlist
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Featuring Marvel characters such as the variants of Spider-Man, the variants of MJ//Gwen, the Avengers, the X-men, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents, the Wakandans, the (As)guardians of the galaxy, etc;
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ DC Comics masterlist
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Featuring characters from the DC Universe!! Keep in mind I’m not the biggest DC fan, so for now, characters I will write about are limited. Requests are currently closed, but I foresee myself writing about Dick Grayson and/or Kory Anders in the near future ;)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Graceland masterlist (coming soon)
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Featuring characters from the USA show Graceland that ran from 2013 to 2015. Characters include José “Johnny” Tuturro, (Paul) Briggs, Paige Arkin, Catherine “Charlie” Demarco , (Michael) Mike “Levi” Warren, and Dale “DJ” Jakes. I will most certainly not write imagines about Lauren Kincaid, she gets on my nerves.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ One Day at a Time masterlist (coming soon)
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Featuring all major and minor characters of the 2017 sitcom “One Day at a Time”. This includes but is not limited to Penelope Alvarez, Alex Alvarez, Elena Alvarez, Patrick Schneider, Max Ferraro, Avery, Ramona, Jill Riley, Carmen, Lori, and Finn (etc). Any imagines about the older characters such as Dr. Leslie Berkowitz and/or Lydia Riera will be strictly platonic and/or family imagines :)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star masterlist
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Including characters from the 2020 Fox show 9-1-1: Lone Star such as TK Strand, Carlos Reyes, Owen Strand, Grace Ryder, Wyatt Harris, Judd Ryder, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Mateo Chavez/Probie, Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian, and (maybe) Gwyneth Morgan. Characters from 9-1-1 include May Grant, Maddie Buckley, Henrietta Wilson, Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz, Howard “Chimney” Han, Evan “Buck” Buckley, Athena Grant, Bobby Nash, Ravi Panikkar/Probie, Taylor Kelly Martin, and (maybe) and Ana Flores.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Disney (& Pixar) masterlist (coming soon)
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Including characters from Disney shows and movies, including Good Luck Charlie, Jessie, A.N.T Farm, Let it Shine, Starstruck, Sydney to the Max, Raven’s home, etc. I will also write imagines for any animated characters such as Tiana and/or Naveen, Flynn and/or Rapunzel, Moana, Mulan, Penny Proud, Kim Possible, and so forth.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 80s//90s//2000s masterlist (coming soon)
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Featuring imagines of characters from shows and movies that came out in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. This includes Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Friends, Full House, Boy Meets World, Stand By Me, The Outsiders, 10 Things I Hate About You, Boyz n the Hood, The Wayans Bros, The Bernie Mac Show, My Wife & Kids, Love & Basketball, etc. This list does not include characters from any cartoons, that list can be found below.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Anime, Manga, & Cartoon masterlist
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Featuring characters from shows like the Boondocks, HxH, ATLA, Legend of Korra, Seven Deadly Sins, My Hero Academia, Tokyo Revengers, JJK, etc; Yes I do understand that some of these shows might’ve been from the early 2000s, but they are in this category for a reason :)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Supernatural masterlist (coming soon)
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Featuring characters such as Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Jack Kline, and Castiel. Minor characters (or characters that were definitely major but weren’t in many episodes) may or may not be included sooner or later, but I’m leaning more towards may not…
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Avatar and A:TWOW Masterlist
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This list includes characters such as Jake Sully, Neytiri, Lo’ak, Neteyam, Kiri, Spider, Tsireya, Ao’nung, Rotxo, Grace, Trudy Chacon, Tonowari, and Ronal.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Harry Potter, The Marauders, & Fantastic Beasts masterlist (coming soon)
Including characters such as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, Severus Snape, Newt Scamander, Leta Lestrange, and possibly anyone else requested. DISCLAIMER!!!: If I write about Tom Riddle, I’m writing about how he looked BEFORE he looked like a water creature with two cuts for a nose.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Ginny & Georgia masterlist (coming soon)
Including characters such as Georgia Miller, Marcus Baker, Joe, Padma, Zion Miller, and Austin Miller (PLATONIC). Anyone who isn’t on this list are characters I’m not particularly fond of or can’t see myself taking the romantic route enough to write about them, but if you ask nicely I may consider writing a little something about them.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Hawaii Five-O (2010) masterlist (coming soon)
Featuring characters such as Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, and Kono Kalakaua. Any other major character can be requested and then put onto the list.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Female celebrity masterlist (coming soon)
Featuring female celebrities such as Billie Eilish, Zendaya, China Anne McClain, Raven Godwin, Danai Gurira, Gwyneth Paltrow, Queen Latifah, Salma Hayek, Megan Fox, Nia Long, Jessica Alba, Lauren London, Lupita, Kehlani, Latto, Mette Towley, Sky Katz, Stefflon Don, Kayla Nicole, Nicki Minaj, Megan Thee Stallion etc.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Male celebrity masterlist (coming soon)
Featuring male celebrities such as Bryson Tiller, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Miguel, Odell Beckham Jr, Andrew Garfield, August Alsina, Keith Powers, Chris Brown (possibly), Giveon, J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Drake, Ludacris, Anthony Mackie, Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Tom Hiddleston, Jensen Ackles, Manny Montana, Jack Harlow, etc;
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Non-binary & Gender Fluid celebrity masterlist (coming soon)
Including celebrities such as Janelle Monae, Demi Lovato, Sam Smith, Brigette Lundy-Paine, Amandla Stenberg, and Ruby Rose. Let me know if there’s anyone else you want me to add to the list!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Misc Masterlist (coming soon)
Including characters and/or people that don’t fit into the other categories; including characters from shows I don’t plan to write about often, known people who aren’t exactly “famous”, multi fandom scenarios that don’t have a specific name thrown in there and can apply to anyone etc
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
A Forever Home Masterlist
Summary: 1 year before the accident that took out Judd Ryder's old team, a baby was left at the front of the firehouse. She wouldn't settle for anyone except Judd, not wanting her to go up in the system Judd talks to Grace and they decide to adopt the baby. They named her Y/N Evelyn Ryder, you.
Pairings: Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, inaccurate firefighter talk
A/N: Can be read alone or in order. More stories will be added to it. Ages range.
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A Forever Home
Life on the Line
Search and Rescue
Barn Fire
Daddy Taught Me
Rodeo Accident
I Don't Like Him
Trip to the Hospital
Rescue Mission
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cactiem · 3 years
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a collection of stories that follow grace, judd, and june, their foster daughter
we got this
<- back
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disasterfandoms · 3 years
Doing this so people on mobile have access as well! pray for me, this one is going to suck.
Last updated: 6/29/22 at 4:24 PM
*** = smutty
Evan “Buck” Buckley:
Dating Evan Buckley ~ Headcannons
Everything Will Be Okay ~ Imagine
Riding Evan Buckley ~ Imagine ***
Evan Buckley x Strand!reader headcanons
Strand!Reader Proposal ~ Headcanons
A Little One of Our Own ~ Imagine
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Evan Buckley Edition
The Scariest Day ~ Imagine
NSFW ABC ~ Evan Buckley Edition ***
Blue Octopus ~ Imagine (Flufftober)
Eddie Diaz and Bobby Nash:
Guilt ~ Imagine
Eddie Diaz:
Smutty Alphabet ***
Dating Eddie Diaz ~ Headcanons
After Hour Diner ~ Strand!Reader imagine
Adult Sleepover ~ Imagine ***
9-1-1 Lone Star
Marjan Marwani
Sibling Surprise ~ Ryder!reader imagine
Judd Ryder:
Being Judd Ryder’s sister ~Headcanons
Judd and Grace:
This is Your Home Now ~ The Ryders x teen!reader imagine
Judd and Grace’s Love Story
Wine Dance ~ Judd x Grace x bestfriend!reader imagine
Mateo Chavez:
Dating Mateo Chavez ~ Headcanons
Nervous!Mateo Asking You Out ~ Headcanons
First Kiss ~ Headcanons
Protective!Mateo ~ Headcanons
Mateo Has A Crush On You ~ Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet: Mateo Chavez
First “I Love You” ~ Headcanons
Birthday Surprise ~ Headcanons
Married To Mateo ~ Headcanons Affectionate!Mateo~ Headcanons
TK Strand:
Being TK’s Twin Headcanons
Carlos Reyes:
Being Carlos’s best friend ~ Headcanons
20-David’s Reactions to Street’s Breakup ~ Preference
20-David + Rocker’s Hobbies ~ Preference
Bad Day ~ Preference
Jim Street:
Fake Social Media
Dating Jim Street ~ Headcanons
NSFW Street Headcanons
Donovan Rocker:
Dating Donovan Rocker ~ Headcanons
Jim Street x Donovan Rocker, aka Dim:
Dim Dating ~ Headcanons
A Letter To You ~ Imagine
It Will All Work Out ~ Imagine
Chris Alonso:
Dating Chris Alonso ~ Headcanons
David “Deacon” Kay:
Dating Deacon ~ Headcanons
Dominique Luca:
Dating Dominique Luca ~ Headcanons
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Dominique Luca Edition
Anniversary Surprise ~ Imagine
Nervous, Can’t Show It~ Headcanons
Victor Tan:
Dating Victor Tan ~Headcanons
Love You Until The End ~ A Bonnie Lonsdale x Victor Tan story
Let’s Make a Family ~ A Victor Tan x Bonnie Lonsdale Story
Jim Street x Victor Tan
I Can’t Lose You ~ A Jim Street and Victor Tan One Shot
Prodigal Son
Malcolm Bright
Dating Malcolm Bright ~ Headcanons
Magnum P.I.
S/O Injured || Preference
Thomas Magnum
Date Night with Thomas ~ Headcanons
Cuddling Thomas Magnum ~ Headcanons
All I Want ~ Imagine
Juliet Higgins:
Dating Juliet Higgins ~ Headcanons
Gordon Katsumoto:
Dating Gordon Katsumoto ~ Headcanons
Sex with Gordon Katsumoto ~ Headcanons ***
Jack Gibson:
Jack Gibson’s Instagram
Dating Jack Gibson ~ Headcanons
Car Accident ~ Imagine
Seal Team
Seal Team Preference: How they comfort you during a bad and and/or ill
Jealousy ~ Preference
Seal Team Preference: Self-Defense Training
Testosterone Time: A Seal Team Preference
Date Nights ~ A Seal Team Preference
Hurt S/O ~ A Seal Team Preference
Protective Bravo Team ~Seal Team Headcanons
Fallen Eagle ~ A Seal Team Oneshot
Sonny Quinn:
Dating Sonny Quinn- Headcanons
Moving in With Sonny Quinn ~ Headcanons
Going Through Hell ~ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Proposal ~ Sonny Quinn Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet ~ Sonny Quinn Edition***
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Headcanons
Clay Spenser:
Dating Clay Spenser ~ Headcanons
Moving in with Clay ~ Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: Clay Spenser ***
The Proposal ~ Headcanons
Daddy-Daughter Fun ~ Imagine
Stress and Relax ~ Imagine
Fluffy Alphabet: Clay Spenser
Future Home ~ Headcanons
Trent Sawyer:
Dating Trent Sawyer ~ Headcanons
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Trent Sawyer Edition
NSFW Alphabet ~ Trent Sawyer Edition ***
Brock Reynolds:
Fluffy Alphabet ~ Brock Reynolds Edition
Smutty Alphabet ~ Brock Reynolds Edition ***
Meet My Dad ~ Brock x Carter!Reader Imagine
To Deploy, You Go~ A Brock Reynolds x Carter!Reader imagine
Dating Brock Reynolds ~ Headcanon
Eric Blackburn:
Breakfast in Bed ~ An Eric Blackburn imagine
Meet My Love ~ Imagine
Full Metal:
Sex with Full Metal~ Headcanons***
Trent/Full Metal:
Hold On to the Stars~ Imagine
Trent Sawyer & Full-Metal Series:
After Action Argument ~ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Sister Becomes Known
You Shouldn’t Be Alone Part 1
CODA SERIES MASTERLIST The Carter-Sawyer Collection Part 1
The Blackburn Collection
The Reynolds Collection
The Carter Collection
Gil Grissom:
Sex With Gil ~ Headcanons ***
Chicago PD
Jay Halstead:
NSFW Alphabet ~ Jay Halstead Edition***
Criminal Minds
Derek Morgan
Dating Derek Morgan || Headcanons
Spencer Reid
First Date with Spencer Reid
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disasterfandoms · 4 years
This is Your Home Now ~ The Ryders x teen!reader imagine
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@atjafshelby​ requested: “Okay so I was thinking maybe a teenage reader who was like Judd as a child, gets in trouble and needs help and stuff. But maybe she lives on her own so Grace and Judd take her in and try to help her? No rush though, thank you!!❤️”
A/N: I appreciate you sending me a complex ask. I’ll be honest, I had no idea how i was going to write this one when I first saw it. I tweaked it a tiny bit, and instead of being on their own the reader is in a group home. This may be part 1 if anyone is interested in part 2?
TW: foster care, mentions of violence, mentions of therapy.
Your POV:
Sitting in the principal’s office, you began to take in the various lame quotes around the room. “You miss 100% of the chances you don’t take” sure, whatever.
“You have to look through the rain to see the rainbow” this has to be the worst one of all. What rainbow? and why go through hell to be able to see a prism of light in the sky?
The door shuts loudly, pulling you from your thoughts. You roll your eyes when you see your social worker walking in with the principal.
“So, Y/N, you’ve been getting into more fights recently, including earlier today when you struck another student in the face for saying something about your family,” your principal read from the file, then looked up at you, “Anything you’d like to say for yourself?”
”yeah, they deserved it,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him again. Everyone here should know by now the topic of your parents is off limits, especially what he said about them. 
“Just because someone says something you don’t like doesn’t mean you can assault them.” Your social worker scolded, probably hating her life for having to deal with you. 
They went on lecturing you for another 20 minutes, but at that point you zoned out, focusing on the view out the window behind your principal. It was sunny outside, the trees on the outskirts of school grounds blowing slightly with the wind. You could see people walking out there, and instantly wanted to be anywhere but here, supposedly listening to how you’re a screw-up and if you “don’t get your act together” you’ll “never have a future.”
“Y/n, what do you think about the compromise?”
You snapped your head to the principal, trying to figure out what all you missed in the last few minutes so you could figure out to answer appropriately. You studied his face, before deciding agreeing would be the quickest road. How wrong you were, you wouldn’t have the faintest idea until an hour later.
“Sounds good to me, as long as I can go back to class. Ms. Neal is teaching about the wage gap and I want to see conservative boys lose their ever-loving mind.” you smiled, hoping they buy it for now. They both nod their heads, then you stand up to leave. 
“I’ll see you after school, Y/N,” your social worker spoke confidently, seemingly proud of herself for her part in the supposed compromise. With that, you left the two adults to work out the details amongst themselves.
Going to Ms. Neal’s class quickly, you started to wonder what you agreed to. It had to be something significant if you weren’t getting in trouble for giving the star of the baseball team a black eye, which he deserved, by the way. 
Class went by as a blur, your attention focusing in and out on class, except when it came time to debate your stance on the issue of the class. You loved to argue, especially with privileged, snotty teens who don’t know how well they had it. You were good at it too, you could be a lawyer if you had any shot of a successful life.
Sooner than you’d like, class was over, and you started to get up and leave. You were too occupied with making sure you had everything that you didn’t realize you were making a beeline into your social worker.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey, watch it!” You both say simultaneously, backing up and looking at who ran into you.
“Oh, there you are Y/N! Come on, I’m driving you back to the home to pack up your things” She signaled with her hand to come with her, and you obliged, confused.
“Pack my things? Why?” You asked while walking to your car. You know you’ve been in trouble recently, but being kicked out of the group home seemed a little extreme.
“Did you listen to the compromise at all when were talking about it? Before you agreed to it?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
“Not really, just figured agreeing would get me in the least trouble,” you replied, and you could see her smile a little as she shook her head at you.
“This last fight isn’t going on your permanent record, as long as you get anger management classes, and move out of the group home and into a foster situation with two loving people who know how to handle situations like yours,” 
“Crap, I really should listen more.” You sighed and leaned your head on the window. You didn’t see how moving you out of the group home would help at all, it’s more change and more adjustment, and you were tired of both.
“Want to know about the couple?” You social worker asked you, but you barely heard her. You shook your head and put a headphone in, hoping this wasn’t a mistake.
Judd’s POV:
“Are we sure about this, Gracie?” Judd asks, pacing between the living room and the kitchen, pausing every now and then to look at his wife. He stopped, turned to her, and rubbed his face before putting both hands behind his head, cradling it as he thinks about everything that could go wrong with this.
He knew they both wanted kids, and adoption seemed to be their only hope due to ther infertility troubles. But still, he argued to himself, a teenager? With this kid’s anger management issues, stubbornness, and troubled past, this isn’t what he necessarily had in mind.
“Yes, Judd, we’re sure. This kid needs our help, and a stable home to thrive. I understand you’re nervous, I am too, but we’ve been doing our research and interviewing with child protective services for months, and now they’re gracing us with a child that needs us.” Grace had walked over to him at this point, and taken his hands into hers. He looked into those beautiful, rust colored eyes of hers and took a deep breath. He knew she was right, she usually is, but he was still nervous.
He wrapped his arms around her, leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. “I love you,” he whispered. She looked up at him, grabbed the nape of his neck, and kissed him lovingly. After a few seconds, she broke away, and whispered, “I love you too, handsome.”
Before anything could further along, the doorbell rang. The two looked at each other, took a deep breath, and walked to the door. Grace opened the door, and they both saw the social worker, Malia, with a teenager that looked less than happy to be on their doorstep.
Judd quickly scanned the teen, noticing the frown on their face and the bruised knuckles they were sporting on their right hand. They had a suitcase in the other hand, and looked short in stature. Everyone looks short to Judd, though. 
“Hi Malia, Y/N, please come in.” Grace states, welcoming their guest and their now-forster child into their home. Once the social worker guided Y/N in, the pair sat on the couch while Judd and Grace sat on the other, clasping their hands together and looking at the child who’ll be staying with them, being nurtured by them, for next couple years.
Your POV:
The house is nice, you thought to yourself as you sit on the couch, waiting for someone to speak to you. You look at them, whose names you aren’t aware of yet, and study their features. The man was tall, and you can tell he’s been working for a while due to his build and the scratches and burns on his hands. The woman is much smaller, and seems softer, but you can tell they love each other just by the way they can’t keep their hands off each other.
“Judd, Grace, this is Y/N. Now, I know the department have given you their file, but do you have any questions about their history, or anything I can answer?” Malia asked, putting her hands in her lap. At least you know their names now, you thought to yourself.
“I don’t think so, ma’am. You’re welcome to stay for supper, though. Y?N, is there any allergies or diet restrictions we need to know about?” The woman, Grace, you remind yourself, asks. She smiles at you as she asks, and she has a pretty smile. You start to wonder why they wanted to take in someone like you.
“No ma’am, thank you for asking though. Can one of y’all show me to my room, though? I’d like to unpack and start on homework before supper.” You try to be polite, not knowing who they are once the social worker. Better to be safe than sorry, right?
“Of course, I’ll show you up there, and let you get settled.” Judd offers, standing up to guide you to where you’ll sleep.
You go up the stairs, and are impressed by what you see. This is better than the group home, at the very least. You head down the corridor he’s taking you through, and walk into a moderately sized room that had a full-sized bed, two nightstands, a dresser, closet, desk with a chair, and a door to what you assume is a bathroom.
“Take all the time you need to settle in. This weekend we’ll all go shopping and you can buy decorations for your room. Once supper is ready, we’ll call you downstairs to eat, get to know each other better. Alright?” He asked, looking as if he expected you to answer. You quickly nodded, and got to putting away your things and taking in the space. Maybe you actually belong here.
Once supper was ready, you were called down, you stumbled down the kitchen, washed your hands, and then took a seat at the table. Malia had left, hopefully to bother another kid and leave you alone, and you sat there quietly, eating the dinner they prepared.
“So, Y/N, is there any hobbies you enjoy? Anything we can look into getting you, like an easel or a video game?” Grace asks, making conversation.
“Why do you care? It’s not like I’m your kid,” You rolled your eyes, then looked down and played with your food. You wouldn’t let yourself get attached to the idea of having people truly care about you, especially not now.
“Hey, you-” Judd started to raise his voice, but Grace cut him off with holding her index finger up to him, then spoke.
“Y/N, I know this is all too new for you still. You don’t know us, you do not know our intentions, and you’re past makes it especially hard for you to believe anyone would love you and care for you. But, and I mean this, this is your home now, Y/N, and we will not abandon you, no matter the obstacles ahead,” she paused, and looked to her husband. Judd nodded, and took a deep breath.
“Y/N, I was just like you when I was your age. I was going through somethin’, and it left me violent and not knowing who to trust. We want you here so we can help you through the hurt you’ve been through, and make you into the young adult we can already see inside you. We have two rules, don’t disrespect us, and be honest with us. Got it?”
“Got it,” you spoke quietly. The rest of the dinner was quiet, and afterwards you went upstairs to your room, lying on the bed, thinking about how this is going to be good for you. Maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay.
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