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stormbornwitch · 6 months ago
When I was a child, I was often left in the care of my Nanna. It is from her that I learnt many of the pieces of what she would call "little magic".
At her side, I learned how to sew and make little finger puppets and 'dollies'. We walked through the park, and she pointed out the plants and trees and their properties. With her, I made my first lavender filled bag to help me sleep. She would spoil me with peanut butter and butter sandwiches (which my mother was staunchly against), and then showed me how to feed the house spirit (a bowl filled with crusts of bread and milk poured over the top with a bit of honey drizzled over it).
She also told me stories - so many fairytales and folktales that would horrify parents if told to their children nowadays. But it was only when I was older and in school that I realised the stories she told me were different from the ones my friends had been told... mine were darker and full of old truths and lessons I still remember to this day.
One of my favourite tales was of a little girl with honey blond hair and blue eyes whose name started with a V (I can't for the life of me remember her name). Her father was a merchant, and her mother was kind. Their little family of three were quite happy until the little girl's mother got sick. The merchant hired healers and priests to help his wife, but all failed to help the little girl's mother, her sickness worsening with each passing day. Soon, it was clear that her mother was dying, and the little girl's father refused to leave his wife's bedside, leaving the little girl to fetch water from the well, light the fires, cook meals for her family and care for the home.
One day, her mother called the little girl to her bedside and asked her husband to step outside of the room for a moment. The little girl approached her mother's bedside with trepedation. Reaching under the bed, the mother pulled out a strange little cloth doll with no face. The doll was made from a scrap of her mother's favourite dress, with her mother's hair ribbons binding it into the shape of a doll.
"Here, my child. She will protect you when I am gone. All you must do is feed the doll a drop of your blood and tell it your problem, and it will be fixed."
The little girl did not understand but took the doll from her mother. "But how will I feed her a drop of my blood if she has no mouth?"
The little girl's mother smiled, and for a moment, she didn't look sick anymore.
"Promise me, my beautiful daughter, that you will keep her with you, for she will act in my stead once I am gone."
The little girl did not understand her mother's words but promised again to keep the doll with her at all times.
The mother suddenly surged forward and tightly clasped her daughter’s hands in her own. "No one can know you have her, not even your father. Let no one see her. Keep her hidden on your person at all times unless you have need of her."
The little girl, now afraid at her mother's vehement pleas, nodded frantically to show she acquiesced and would do as she was bid.
Her mother, seeing the little girl's compliance, collapsed back into her bed and dismissed the little girl, bidding she tell her father he could return.
Her mother died that night; her father distraught at the loss of his beloved wife.
Though it was not long after the little girl's mother was buried, that her father remarried once more.
The little girl's new mother was a widow with no children of her own, and the little girl's father told her "She will make a good mother for you, my child" But she was not a good mother.
For you see, any time the little girl's father was home, the woman would treat the little girl kindly, but as soon as her father was gone, her stepmother would turn cruel and demand the little girl do all of the housework and chores. If little girl refused, her stepmother threatened to beat her, and told the little girl she would go to bed without supper if the work was not done. Since her father was away, and there was nothing the little girl could do, she did as she was bid; completing the work until her hands were cracked and bleeding with sores. However, despite the little girl's efforts, her stepmother was still unsatisfied with the little girl's work, locking her outside the house overnight.
Cold and exhausted, the little girl crept into the storeroom and laid down on the floor.
It was then that the little girl remembered her promise and the little doll she had kept secret in a pocket inside her dress. Carefully, pulling out the strange little doll, the little girl remembered her mother's words.
"Though you have no face, I will feed you a drop of my blood." And so the little girl dabbed one of her bleeding fingers against where the dolls mouth would be if it had one. "Please help me, little doll, for my stepmother is a cruel woman, and I can not possibly do all that she has bid of me."
It was then the little girl heard a voice inside her head, "Sleep, my child, and I will complete all that has been asked of you."
With a small smile of relief, the little girl went to sleep, and when she awoke, it was to find all of the chores her stepmother had requested, completed.
Surely, with all of the work done, her stepmother would let the little girl inside. So she tucked the doll back into the inner pocket of her dress and left the storeroom. But upon seeing the jobs miraculously done overnight, the stepmother's face turned ugly.
"I suppose since you've done all that was asked, you can come inside to break your fast."
The little girl meekly entered the home and ate the cold porridge she was given without comment. But as soon as she was done eating, her stepmother gave her another list of jobs to do, even more than the day before.
And so the little girl worked all day until her feet were sore and her hands were cracked and bleeding. But her stepmother remained unsatisfied, as all of the chores were not completed. Resigned, the little girl crept back into the storeroom for the night.
With bloodied hands, the little girl pulled out the doll from her hiding place and dabbed a drop of her blood where the doll's mouth would be.
"Please, little doll, I need your help once more. I can not do all that is asked of me, and my hands are blistered and sore."
Again, the little girl heard the doll's voice inside her head, "Sleep little one and all will be well, I will show you where the healing herbs dwell."
With a smile, the little girl went to sleep on the storeroom floor, and when she awoke, she found that once again, all of the jobs her stepmother had told her to complete were done.
Again, when the little girl went up to the house and knocked on the door, her stepmother seemed furious the jobs were done. With gritted teeth, she bid, "I suppose since you've done all that was asked, you can come inside to break your fast."
And so the little girl ate the cold porridge placed afore her as her stepmother once more listed more outlandish jobs for the young girl to complete.
And so the years went by, the little girl growing into a beautiful and capable young woman. Her hands and body were strong from all of the work she would complete each day, and thanks to her mother's blessing, she knew and harvested all manner of healing herbs and edible plants from the nearby forest.
But every time her father was home from his business trips, he would always comment "You are becoming so beautiful my darling daughter, just like your mother" These comments would make her stepmother scowl and her face turn ugly with rage. So, as each year passed, V became more beautiful, and her stepmother became more hideous in her hatred.
In her hatred, V's stepmother began sending her into the forest for ridiculous errands. V knew that her stepmother probably intended for her to get eaten by wolves, or worse, by the witch that supposedly lived in the wood. But thanks to her mother's blessing and a sharp thorn kept in the pocket of her dress, V was always able to fetch whatever her stepmother requested from the wood and return home safely.
One night, V's stepmother came to the storeroom door where V was sleeping on the floor. "Get up at once. Your lazyness has allowed the hearth to go out, and not even coals remain to light a fire. You must go to the witch of the wood and ask her for a coal"
"But stepmother," V cried out in vain. "The witch if the wood eats people! Surely she will not give me a coal!"
V's stepmother sneared down her long nose at her. "Go afore it is too dark to see the way."
And so V set off into the forest until not even the light of the moon could guide her steps. It was then that the quiet whispers of her mother's doll began to give directions through the dark wood.
Soon, V emerged into a strange clearing. In its centre, a wooden hut sat on top of tall wooden posts that looked almost like chickens feet. At the base of the hut was a small garden with all manner of plants growing. And surrounding the garden was a fence that seemed to be made of bones. Thankfully, as V approached the hut, she could see a warm light coming from within. This must be the home of the witch of the wood.
Following the fence of bone, V reached the garden gate. On either side of the gate were skulls set atop large bones. Small candles inside the skulls seemed to light as if by magic as soon as V touched the gate.
"Why are you here, child?" A voice called out from the hut. There in the doorway stood an old woman, her back bent from many years of hard work and her long grey hair gleaming in the moonlight.
V plucked up her courage and called out, "My stepmother sent me to find the witch of the wood to ask for a coal."
At her response, the old woman barked out a laugh that sounded more like the cawing of a crow than a human laugh. "And what will I get in return? I will not give you a coal for free."
Again, V plucked up her courage and responded, "I will work for it. I promise I'm a hard worker, you can see from my hands." At this V raised her hands for the old woman to inspect.
Seeing the calloses from many years of hard work, the old woman nodded. "Very well, you will work for me for a day and a night, and you will receive a coal from my hearth that will never go out."
With that, the old woman turned around and began to walk up to the hut. As she walked, she began to list the chores she wanted V to perform. "You will clean the house and yard, wash the laundry, and cook us two meals; breakfast and supper. You will go into the storeroom and separate rotten grains from sound grains and gather and store seeds from the garden."
After years of dealing with her stepmother's ever expanding list of demands, this old woman's jobs seemed almost easy by comparison.
"First, let's see your skills as a cook. Go to the garden and fetch us something for supper"
And so into the witch's garden, V went, gathering edible and medicinal plants until she had enough to make a hearty soup, which would helpfully ease some of the old woman's pain.
The old woman nodded at V's selection and led her up the ladder into the hut. On one side of the hut was a large stone hearth, and at its heart, five large coals gleamed as they cradled the base of a large iron pot.
"Take the pot to the stream and fill it halfway with water. Then return to make your soup." The old woman bid.
It took all of V's strength to lift the large iron pot from the hearth and carry it carefully down the ladder so as not to scorch the wood. Down the garden path, V carried the pot past the bone gate and back into the forest. Thankfully, her mother's blessing whispered directions, and V was able to quickly locate the nearby stream and fill the pot halfway.
Returning to the hut, V began chopping herbs and vegetables and throwing them in the pot. Soon the hearty supper was bubbling away in the pot and ready to be served.
The old woman passed V two wooden bowls and a large wooden ladle.
"You want two bowls of soup?" V asked the old woman.
"No, the other is for you, child." The old woman barked before hitting V with the large spoon. Doing quickly as she was bid, V ladled out two portions of the soup; one for her and one for the old witch.
With the soup placed in front of her, the old woman quickly ate her supper seemingly ravenous. V ate her portion much slower, not used to having supper anymore, though she was happy to refill the old woman's bowl with more soup when she was bid to.
With supper eaten, V gathered their bowls, spoons, and knife into the now empty iron pot and carried it down the ladder, through the garden gate and down to the stream to wash.
Upon her return, she found a pallet bed had been made up.
"That is for you," the old woman muttered as she walked over to her own bed tucked into the wall of the hut.
"But how will I get all of the jobs done if I sleep here?" V asked.
The old woman turned back to her with a strange smile on her face. "I'm sure a hard-working young woman such as yourself can find a way."
With that, the old woman climbed into bed, leaving V to climb into the pallet bed. When she heard the snores of the old woman, V pulled out her mother's doll from the secret pocket of her dress. "Please, little doll, I need your help once more. I can not do all that is asked of me, and my hands are blistered and sore."
Again, the little girl heard the doll's voice inside her head, "Sleep little one, the jobs will be done upon the rising of the sun."
With a smile on her face, V fell asleep, assured that her mother's blessing would help her once more.
When she awoke, V saw that the old woman was already awake and was staring into the hearth as she sipped on a strong smelling tea. "I see you were quite busy while you slept." The old woman said with a crooked smile and a gesture to the iron pot full of hot porrige.
"Are there other jobs you need me to complete?"
"You will eat this porridge and carry one of these coals to your stepmother's house. Then you will return here."
Once more, V did as she was bid.
Upon finishing her porridge, the old woman gave V a fox skull. Using large iron tongs, the old woman reached into the hearth and removed one of the hold glowing coals and placed it in the jaws of the fox.
"Take this to your stepmother's house to light her hearth and then return here."
And so V carried the skull, down the ladder, through the garden, out the gate and through the forest until she reached the edge where her father's house stood.
V knocked on the door, and her stepmother quickly opened the door, a look of shock and horror gracing her features.
No sooner had her stepmother opened the door, and then the coal had begun to glow brighter and brighter. Within moments, her stepmother's dress and the doorframe of the house began to smoke, and soon, both were burning merrily until naught but ashes remained.
Once more, V did as she was bid.
She returned to the witch in the wood and learned all that she could.
As a kid, I loved this version of the Baba Yaga tale, and now as an adult I love how these stories were the avenues for or my Nanna to pass on examples of small magic and witchcraft.
This is also probably why I've never had an issue with blood based magic when so many other witches do have an issue with it.
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ghoulgeists · 3 months ago
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my silly littol doll girlieee :)
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larasarty · 2 months ago
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✨🌙 Handcrafted Poppet Yarn Doll – A Whimsical Pagan Companion! 🌙✨
Behold, a charming 6-inch poppet, lovingly handcrafted with earthy twine and mystical silver thread! This tiny wonder is a magical blend of rustic charm and enchanted elegance. Perfectly imperfect, as all handmade treasures are, this doll is ready to be your altar’s new bestie or a spell-casting sidekick.
Its twine body is sturdy yet flexible, representing grounding energy, while the shimmering silver thread adds a touch of lunar magic, connecting your intentions to the divine. A dainty silver bell jingles softly with every movement, its chime said to ward off negativity and summon good vibes from the Universe.
Whether you're crafting a spell, channeling protective energies, or simply adorning your sacred space, this poppet is here to amplify your magic. Use it to represent yourself, a loved one, or even as a conduit for your deepest desires. Just whisper your intentions, tie them into the threads, and let the magic flow!
Remember, this little poppet thrives on love, care, and clear intentions. Treat it well, and it’ll become a loyal companion in your witchy adventures! ✨🔮
Perfect for altar use, ritual work, or as a unique gift for a fellow witch. Blessed be! 🌟
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voidkunn · 4 months ago
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a quick sketch..
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zilluzion · 28 days ago
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a jester lemur friend! ☀️💜🪐
character design for my fiancée's pathfinder 2e bard plushie poppet :3
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biskyfresh · 2 years ago
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can i offer you some gay moshi monsters in this trying time
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🥤The OC Café🥤
Want a choccy milk?
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In order from left to right!
Carrie Caramel - by Yours Truly @the-pianist-from-accumula-town ❤️ (Runs the café and hosts this event!)
Colt Cattlemen - by @thelone-copper (Colt's farm provided the milk for the Choccy milk. Thanks, Colt!)
Robbie Robs - by @clownsuu (Silly little beetle. Almost depleted choccy milk supplies all by himself.)
More under cut!👇
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Skittles - by @saxophonelover1160 (BABY. SMOL. One of my faves 10/10 would draw them again)
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Ida - by @stormcellarwitch (Enjoys her choccy milk with a nice book)
(don't have a name for this next one so I'll call him) Bee - by @lexieshomee (Look at him buzzing around happily!)
Poppet - by @cupophrogs (The embodiment of that one "Sitting in a sofa the wrong way" meme)
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Dusty Bunny - by clownsuu (again! Can't get enough of his characters!)
Molly Moon - by @glitch-pep (She found herself a nice pillow❤️)
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Andre Macaw - by @dottyorange (I modified the feathers and legs to resemble Poppy's, hope that's ok. We need more animal OCs I love them)
Gnostica Discreet - by @moth-lover-not-mother (Dancing to the music with her bestie!)
Berry Beloved - by @shadytreelucy-blog (According to her description chart she had to be dragged out of her lab to join the fun, and honestly? Mood.)
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mooneyedmoth · 2 months ago
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And now that I've completed them all here's a group shot of these weirdos
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lecialucille · 10 months ago
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jockw · 3 months ago
Buff Nevermore collection (in order)
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stormbornwitch · 3 months ago
"The magic performed by witches is frequently either sympathetic or contagious. Sympathetic magic works by using a stand-in for the person who is the target of the magical act. Under this umbrella term, fall the use of poppet, bread baked into the shape of a person, or acts performed on a graven image. Contagious magic is similar but works on the principle of proximity: the use of hair or fingernails can bind the charm to the person for whom it is intended. In addition, placing the charm near a person or their property can confer the properties of the charm onto the target. The nature of these workings need not be baneful; charms worked via sympathy and contagion can bring blessings of protection and luck just as easily."
- Roger J. Horne's Folk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, & the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner.
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laertesthelocalstranger · 7 months ago
“No, don’t be sorry. It’s alright, kid. You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re fine.” Axel wanted to reassure the poor kid, but there was only so much he could say. He wanted to make them feel safe, but how could he possibly do that? He wanted Laertes back. Even if Laertes was mad at him right now.
"I d i d n ' t d o a n y t h i n g w r o n g ?" He seems an odd mix of hopeful, distressed, and shockingly confused. That's not right. He must've done something wrong. It only makes sense. It's what he always does.
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onukos · 3 months ago
my moshi monsters fanart i did a while ago meow
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hellspawnsparks · 1 year ago
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poppet & katsuma are ready to take on the world!
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zilluzion · 29 days ago
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sleepy poppet plushie 🌙💫
character design for an upcoming patherfinder 2e campaign i'll be playing with friends!
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c0smodrom-sims · 1 year ago
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LeahLillith Abbey [PF-EF] + Mesh edit ~12,6k poly converted and also made lower poly by @roxanna-moxie, with added toddler age and slight UV mapping "fix" by me :) (smaller gaps on hair partings, works with other recolours) @poppet-sims V2 colours naturals only, elders go gray mesh (with my fixes) included
Download! [SFS]
so, i wanted this hair for toddlers. so i requested it on gos but im too impatient and don't want to bother people so i figured i might as well learn how to use the damn milkshape thing (and i think i did??) (even tho i try to limit myself personally under 10k poly ... i couldnt resist) also the mapping fix was a fast sloppy fix but i think it looks ok tho
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