#911 over the years
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mid-knight-black · 3 months ago
Just thinking about Evan Buckley with a baby 🙃
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marisatomay · 4 months ago
It's so funny that everyone immediately called Eddie gay for doing the Risky Business dance and he is but he also just beat for beat recreated what Tom Cruise did in Risky Business and. well.
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buckleydiaz · 8 months ago
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setmeatopthepyre · 3 months ago
Third Act [ now also on Ao3]
They've just evacuated the last of the factory workers when Incident Command calls for total evacuation. Structural integrity can no longer be guaranteed, everybody out. Eddie, who has their patient's other arm draped over his shoulders as they help the man limp to the nearest ambulance, grins at Buck. "Now that's what I call perfect timing."
"Yeah," Buck agrees, maybe a beat too slow, distracted by the number on the turnouts that just darted past them. The name under the 217 started with the wrong letter, the person's shoulders too narrow, height not quite right. Not that he's looking. Not that he's been looking. Not that it would matter if he was. With the enormity of the factory and the spread of the fire they have on their hands, the chances of running into a particular individual are small. Besides, if he's here, he's more than likely at the other end of the staging area, with the helicopters that are being refueled and awaiting instruction. Not that Buck's been looking. Or paying attention to any of that. At all.
They've just handed over their patient to the paramedics when their radios crackle to life once more, this time to confirm that all first responders who had entered the building are safe and accounted for.
"Thank God."
Buck turns to find Bobby has come up behind them, has clapped a hand on Eddie's shoulder, a relieved smile lighting up his face under his helmet. And. Yeah. Buck smiles with him, feels terrible for a moment for being so preoccupied when he should just be damn grateful for how their day - night, now - has panned out. Despite the enormous structure, despite how fast the fire spread, despite the upgrade from a three to a four alarm fire when it became incredibly clear the building was not up to code, despite the flammable materials housed in the far end of the structure, (despite the whir of helicopter blades overhead reminding Buck of him, despite the way he had to force himself not to stop and listen when a headcount for the 217 went out over the radio) they got everyone out alive. Some of the factory workers were in critical condition, others would be touch-and-go for a while, but they got them out alive and that was all any of them could ask for.
Perhaps it was too big an ask.
There had been a few moments in Buck's life in which he'd wondered if the universe had it out for him, was just waiting for him to be happy, let down his guard a little, so that it could pull the rug out from under him and send him sprawling. Choking on breadsticks on Valentine's Day. Choking on blood at his own welcome back party. Choking on his own nickname in his own loft as. As he walked out the door.
It feels like he's choking again. Buck watches the faces around him fall when dispatch tells them they were wrong, that there's still two people inside, on the top floor. When the IC responds that there's nothing to be done, the lower floors are ready to cave in, it's too unsafe. When a familiar voice crackles over the radio, saying there's a chance, if they land a helicopter on the roof, get the last two people out from there. That he'll do it.
"Absolutely not, firefighter pilot Kinard. That roof is ready to go any minute now, and you want to land a bird on it? That's a suicide mission. Stand down, that's an order."
There's a static crackle, as if someone, as if he, is weighing his options before he speaks. Buck doesn't breathe. Doesn't think he could if he wanted to.
"If there's any chance they can be saved, I have to try."
And Bobby meets his eyes, still tries, "Buck-", but they both know there's no version of this moment in which Buck doesn't grimace apologetically, doesn't turn, doesn't run faster than he's ever ran before.
He's gone, long strides, lungs burning, everyone and everything he passes a blur. He bumps into someone, yells "Sorry!", he thinks, isn't actually sure that's what he does, eyes set on the rotor blades looming dark against the orange cast of the fire in the distance. It's hard to tell if they're moving, what with how the light shifts in the dark, what with how his vision has become narrowed to that single point, and the dull roar in his ears could be his own blood pounding, could be the commotion that comes with a scene like this, could the be panic rising like bile in his throat.
For one insane moment, he thinks he can hear the sweeping crescendo of an orchestra, thinks, hysterically, like sprinting through an airport in the third act of a romcom. Thinks, I should tell Tommy. Realizes what he's hearing is that dull roar shifting into the high whine of rotor blades gaining momentum and thinks, Oh, god, Tommy. And then, in a blink, he's fighting the dust in his eyes and being buffeted by wind and his hands find purchase on the titanium hull and he's hauling himself inside.
With the wind gone, it's like he's suspended in stillness for a moment. Stillness, not silence, because helicopters are loud and the sound is everywhere, like a physical sensation. Or maybe that's just how it feels to be in close proximity with Tommy again. Tommy, who is staring straight ahead, punching buttons, flipping a switch, and Buck isn't sure Tommy's even aware of his presence until Tommy's reaching back, headset in hand, not looking at him at all, gaze still firmly on the dashboard.
Even when Buck has the headset on, the roar of the engine finally dropping away, Tommy doesn't acknowledge him immediately. The set of his shoulders is stiff, determined, defensive. He lets out a sigh. "What are you doing here, Buck?"
Buck carefully ignores the name, ignores the way Tommy still can't look at him. Squares his shoulders, even if Tommy can't see it. "I'm going with you."
There is a moment in which Tommy doesn't respond, simply finishes the last of his pre-flight checks. When he speaks, his voice is carefully deadpan. "You know we're probably going to die out there."
Buck can't help it, shoots back before he can think about it. "Figured this way I can prove I want you to be my last."
It works. Finally, Tommy turns. Meets his eyes. Breathes out. "Evan."
And Buck knows it's a ridiculous moment to smile, but it's like a weight falls away from him and he can feel his chest expand in a way it hasn't been able to since "See you around, Buck."
"Like you said," he amends. "If there's a chance at all, I have to try."
Buck doesn't think he's imagining the spark of hope in Tommy's eyes, the twitch of a smile, before Tommy turns back to his controls and the ground falls away beneath them.
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lonestardust · 1 month ago
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MARJAN'S PEOPLE Preparing for Her Wedding At The Firehouse. 9-1-1 : LONE STAR : S05E10 "All Who Wander"
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evanzbuck · 1 year ago
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RAFAEL SILVA appreciation series: ↳ working out pt. 2 (for @nelsonnicholas @pragmatic-optimist @sunshinestrand)
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flimsy-spine · 3 months ago
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prettiest boys in all the land <3
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eddiazx · 2 months ago
midnight kiss - evan buckley x reader
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You came to a New Year’s Eve Party with a bunch of your friends who were all coupled up and disgustingly in love. You loved your friends and they would never exclude you from anything; but as the countdown was quickly approaching, you couldn't ignore the fact that they would all have someone to welcome in the new year and you wouldn’t. 
You move towards the now empty bar since everyone was on the floor amped to begin the countdown, and ask the bartender for a heavy pour of champagne.
With the glass in hand, you turn around to observe the crowd and try not to feel too sorry for yourself. Your wandering gaze stalls on a tall, handsome guy, with pretty blue eyes and curly hair. He’s already staring back at you, and before you can look away and pretend you weren’t outright ogling him, he strides across the room towards you. 
“Hi. I’m Buck.” The stranger says, stretching out a hand, lips curling up into a sweet smile.
You introduce yourself, and can’t help but notice that you’re shaking hands for longer than necessary, his dwarfing yours. You feel a buzz, an energy in the air, that feels little due to the fact that a new year was going to start and more due to the chemistry sizzling between the both of you. 
“Three!” Everyone shouts around you, and as if breaking from a trance, the two of you drop your hands. Instead, Buck’s gaze drops towards your lips.
“Two!” You momentarily face away from Buck to place your still full glass of bubbly back on the bar. 
“One!” You turn towards the crowd and Buck once again. He tentatively places both of his palms on your cheeks, cradling your face. His eyes wordlessly ask a question, one to which you respond to by nodding. Before long, you feel soft lips on yours. 
It’s unlike any first kiss you’ve had before. It’s magical and electric yet innocent and hopeful.  You’re not sure when the two of you separate, but eventually, while resting foreheads against each other, Buck breathes out a: 
“Happy new year.”
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stevethehairington · 2 months ago
u know what. buck has canonically called maddie mads and abby abs so i really think it is about damn time we get an eds up in this bitch.
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 8 months ago
christopher canonically starts high school in the fall🥺🥺🥺
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mid-knight-black · 2 months ago
“No bro! I’m straight!!” THREE DRINKS LATER
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whatsourmotto-whocares · 9 months ago
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scenes I can't believe are directly adjacent =
Tommy gets his cake (and eats it, too 😉)
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epiphainie · 8 months ago
tommy giving buck flowers before taking him flying as a parallel to buck's plans of hot air balloon date with abby... speaking this into existence
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lonestardust · 1 month ago
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"call your loved ones do what you need to do" and he thought of her 😭 she really was his person!!!
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guardian-angle22 · 6 months ago
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"Fox 11 did a segment on me last year after the blizzard… and the morning guy said I was the Hero on Fire and Ice." 911: LONE STAR | PAUL STRICKLAND
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dadvans · 3 months ago
(for the make me write meme)
He’s reassigned to the rehab unit on light duty immediately after telling his captain, but after a month he knows even that isn’t sustainable. The pregnancy is high risk already. He can’t imagine getting off pat leave after eight weeks and jumping back into this kind of schedule. He knows a lot of people, sure, has connections who will always owe him favors, and friends who will drop shit for a one-off concert or a fight or a game. He has a group of guys he gets together with at least once a month for trivia. He has co-workers who invite him to barbecues and bust his balls each year when he takes them for everything they’re worth at fantasy football.
But he doesn’t have the kind of support that will make it possible to live and die by a Kelly System schedule while raising a newborn. He doesn’t have family of any kind, born or made.
Telling Buck could solve this problem. Would solve this problem. There’s a built-in family right there, his for the taking, a family that Tommy already got a taste of and knows the taste is good. That family, regardless of Tommy, would love the shit out of this baby unconditionally.
It’s not his place to take advantage of that so he can keep living the good life, where he could stay comfortable on their dime. It isn’t Tommy’s place to turn Buck’s life upside-down with the forever kind of commitment Buck isn’t ready for, or let his own rot spread down Buck’s roots until nothing there is tenable.
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