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evanzbuck · 1 year ago
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RAFAEL SILVA appreciation series: ↳ working out pt. 2 (for @nelsonnicholas @pragmatic-optimist @sunshinestrand)
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aquanutart · 4 months ago
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THEY'RE BACK!!!! my childhood manga!!!
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zu-is-here · 1 year ago
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The unknown magician ★ Underfell birthday!
Ink by comyet
and his mew mew Fell by underfell
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lemonarts · 1 year ago
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i drew an thing, it's based on this guy of @littleguymart i made it a lil extra fancy.
watercolour + ink on paper
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llondonfog · 2 months ago
Sooooo, for the Six Sentence Story, im thinking of a de-aged Silver. The only people who look familiar to Silver are Malleus and Lilia. Maybe he recognizes Sebek. I love that Silver refers to Lilia as toto and that no one, outside of the diasomnia gang, knows what that means or do they? Either way, I can just imagine lilia being the best papa, Malleus being indulgent, and Sebek being Sebek, but protective. I've been held hostage by these thoughts, but definitely do whatever you want with this. Anything you write is a godsend.
"Again, Toto! Again!"
As if this simple routine hadn't been repeated for the better part of half an hour, the old fae obliges with an indulgent twirl of his fingers, a sudden breeze whisking merrily to his command to toss and tumble the laughing, wide-eyed boy into the air, spin him like a flailing top, and gently deposit him on the bat-patterned bedspread.
"Lilia." A hand rests itself upon his shoulder, confident and regal, and Malleus peers down at him with a flicker of concern in the depths of his emerald gaze that had been watching the delighted child with no small trace of fondness. "Do you wish for me to take over? You have been entertaining him for quite some time, are you not strained?"
"It's hardly any true drain of magic," Lilia murmurs as he reclines in the chair by his desk, a helpless smile strung upon his lips with all the warmth of candlelight as he watches the small figure bounce on the bed and shriek happily at Sebek's bossy attempts to corral him into a pair of dragon themed pajamas (kindly magicked by Malleus to accommodate Silver's now much smaller size, of course).
"After all, the cost is well worth the reward, don't you think?"
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hellofeanor · 1 year ago
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RINGS OF POWER WEEK 2023 Day Five: Favourite Costume
The last whose realm was fair and free Between the Mountains and the Sea
Photos by @teadrunktailor, costume and edits by me
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smile-files · 10 days ago
guys. i need your opinion of this. because i'm genuinely so confused now
what time period is the professor layton series in?? the prequel trilogy and the main trilogy. when are they supposed to be taking place
i could've sworn one of the games (though i forget which) mentions that someone's been to the moon already which would put them at least in the late 60s into the 70s going by our world's timeline... but i don't know maybe space travel was discovered earlier in this universe???
#melonposting#professor layton#it would be useful if i just had a comprehensive timeline of events in this series so it would be easier to plot things out#but just for the sake of argument... just for funzies...#let's say randall disappeared in 1949#then miracle mask takes place in 1967 (18 years after randall's disappearance in 1949)#and then extrapolating backwards - if luke is 11 and hershel is 35 in miracle mask#then luke was born in 1956 and hershel in 1932#luke is 15 when katrielle is born. so she's born in 1971#he and layton go missing ten years later. that'd be 1981#and then it's another eleven years (when she's 21) that kat has her mystery-solving agency and finds her father and everything. so 1992#(which makes the more modern nonsense we see in her game/anime more plausible)#and just for the heck of it. if we're presuming alfendi is 29 at the same time that katrielle is 21 then he's 8 years older than her#putting his birth year somewhere around 1963#and then... hm... luke is 13 in unwound future. and the explosion in which claire died was said to have happened 10 years prior#so when luke was 3 years old... in 1959#and clive was 13 at that time. exactly 10 years older than luke. so he would've been born around 1946#of course it's hard to pinpoint exact dates when you don't know anyone's birthday or what month a game is taking place in#and of course this is making a ton of assumptions#among other things that the moon landing really did take place in 1969 in this universe#i don't even remember which game mentioned the moon landing! which is annoying!#i think it was unwound future so i tried to have it in the ballpark of 1969 (by placing miracle mask two years prior in 1967)#(going off of luke's ages of 11 in miracle mask and 13 in unwound future as reference of the time passage between them)#at the very least i'm sure the moon landing was referenced somewhere within the prequel or main triologies#so unwound future is the last game it could've been mentioned in. so either it takes place in 1969 or an earlier game in the timeline does#but i'm willing to allow for the moon landing to have taken place before 1969 in the laytonverse. their technology is very weird after all#if i place it somewhere earlier in the 60s then the dates can be pushed back. and this fic i'm reading would be totally canon-compliant!#cuz it describes angela & henry 5 years after randall's disappearance being somewhere in the 1940s#which would only be possible if the moon landing takes place earlier for the dates to be pushed back that far#(of course a minor decade discrepancy does nothing to ruin my enjoyment of the fic. i just think it would be nice to make it all work out)
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janeway-lover · 3 months ago
gang I thought it was supposed to get easier
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icarianlibrary · 9 months ago
Sometimes all it takes is perspective.
Me rn: "I dunno, I don't think we're improving"
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Me 1 year ago: "We drew that...? WE drew that??"
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Was looking back on old art, came across my old PJO fanart, and some other characters I drew
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youmakethelight · 2 months ago
Okay, but I'm casting my mind back to try to imagine how I would have felt about tboc daryl before season 10 got me so stupid about this show, when I used to be a casual viewer. And I still think I'd have just thought daryl lost his mind tbh.
This is just me going off on tangents about the show now, don't mind me.
He felt a bit off in season 1, I can't lie. The costume change would have thrown me even if I wasn't as attached, because I'm probs just the type of neurodivergent that struggles with too much change at once, and him being away from TF, in Europe, and looking so different, then calling Laurent useless, then the ways he looked at Isabelle at the end of 1x06 - that was all just too different to the Daryl I knew idk. But I stuck with it.
But having his first on-screen kiss be so entirely unpredictable for what I thought I knew of his character felt gratuitous*. And then it's like suddenly I'm being railroaded into following him on this rolleroaster that I don't understand. One minute he's longing for home, the next he's playing baseball and "just having fun". Then home has found him, but now he's invested in this kid I still haven't learnt to feel invested in yet. And he's never even talking about anything to do with home anymore, even after Carol is there? It's suddenly all just about Laurent, and part of the problem for me is there wasn't enough balance to convince me of the story.
And I think this was most of my difficulty with enjoying TOWL, too. (Don't come for me please for talking about my personal experience of watching TOWL.) I watched TOWL first out of all the spinoffs, and I remember this one part where I think Michonne and Rick were in a kitchen or something and Rick felt so different to me and it made me sad, and then she called it out. And he said something like that it's been so long, he's lost who he used to be or something like that. I can't remember exactly, but it made me sad. And I think, for me, I didn't get enough glimpses of the Rick I recognised within the short 6 episodes that I never felt satisfied or happy with it. And maybe I needed more TF references or something??? I didn't even feel enough concern for Judith or RJ from him - maybe I'm misremembering, but I think your memory of the feeling something gave you is important. I get that the leadership want these spinoffs to be accessible to people who didn't watch the flagship show, but I think that's a big part of where it's losing the magic for me.
The thing that was better for me about DD season 1 is that it was all about getting home, and his determination felt relentless throughout the first 5 and a half episodes before it suddenly got weird with Isabelle acting like they've been a family for 19 years. Like, before that, I felt connected to his mission.** But then in season 2, it's almost completely gone, and Carol feels like the only part I can still connect with. Like, I know Rick didn't mention Daryl either I think, but I wish both of them had talked about each other. Idk, it just would have felt more like it's giving me something I can connect with? Rather than just throwing the characters into entirely new situations and also deliberately making them feel a bit out of character?
That whole part in TOWL where Michonne feels surprised to find Rick a bit changed is so similar to what they seemed to want to do with Daryl and Carol, and I don't really get why they did it to either of them. It's more believable with Rick than Daryl bc 1. He isn't Daryl and definitely adapts more to new environments, and 2. It had been many, many, many years, not like a month. But idk, I still wasn't keen, but at least they gave it a redemption arc or whatever you'd call it. With daryl it's still just like - ???? And for what reason??? I don't know. I just don't find it compelling idk idk idk.
*Even in season 9, when we met Connie, I felt a bit like 'oh are they gonna force a ship here bc they have them spending time together 🤨 (rather than just letting connie want to help for her own character reasons rather than making it about daryl and shipping), but if it's gonna be someone who isn't carol, I think I'm okay with connie', like bc we actually had reasons to like her and there was chemistry with Daryl. So why neither Connie nor Carol, but Isabelle? The show just never got me invested in darabelle in any way.
I already liked connie before they had her going on missions with daryl, so I actually cared about her a lot. I loved seeing her on those missions bc I was excited for her to have more screen time and I found her character empowering. So, I didn't want to see her reduced to just being Daryl's love interest, and tbh, I don't think they handled it well, bc they still reduced her to being Daryl's accessory, rather than giving her her own character depth. But I *still* would have been more on board with pairing up Daryl with Connie than Isabelle. Tbh, by the time that Carol was broken up with zeke, and they had the conversation about running away together, I didn't think of Daryl and Connie as making sense to pair anymore... But I also didn't see much point in the Leah romance either, so whatever, I guess this show just has a pattern of pairing up Daryl with random women he doesn't have chemistry with, instead of the ones he does?
**I always remember that Zabel pitched the idea for the show as "what if, in trying to get home, you find something else?", and the thing is, in order to get me to be convinced that Daryl "found something else", I'd have needed A LOT stronger of a pull for the French story. There was nothing there that hooked me to becoming convinced of Daryl finding something while trying to get home. Just having him voice the words "I found something", having Laurent the prophet say "you miss her too, I can tell", putting his crossbow next to Isabelle's hospital bed, and having him look at her for an extended time after she recovers, doesn't suddenly convince me of that idea. Idk. I'm not in the TV industry, so I don't know how that magic gets done - like when season 10 slowly turned Lydia into one of my favourite characters after she was introduced as an antagonist. But I have enough brain cells to see (from the moment they nonsensically forced them to share a bed??) that they were trying to convince us Daryl found "something" in France, and tbh, if I can see the strain in their efforts to make it happen, it's probably not working. And even NR couldn't answer why Isabelle when asked at NYCC. He was literally like, "idk they have similar pasts?? Idk???". Like, girl, if you don't know, why should your audience?
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blakbonnet · 10 months ago
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bellcza · 4 months ago
Today is like a movie
I’m not even joking when I’m saying I’m crying. I can’t, my dear, I can’t 😭
our boy is back!!! ❤️‍🩹
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kazinsblog · 1 year ago
Makoto Month
Day 11: Song Lyric
When I first heard this song it really gave me Makoyuma vibes!! It’s from Toilet bound Hanako kun! It’s a Eng dub from Amalee and Natewantstobattle! Listen to it here :3
I plan to make an MV for this song with Makoto and Yuma. Hopefully it goes well :3
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taylorrepdetective · 10 days ago
Do you ever think about how the enemy of her relationship in IKP were the paparazzi, who she represented as hunters with guns, aka their long lens cameras. But then only 6 years later, she changed it to hunters with cell phones and twitter. Which is you and me and everybody?
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downsteepy · 7 months ago
i am very grateful that im not someone that has to deal with daily seizures but it is evil when it takes like a week and a half's worth of business days to recover from a seizure
#if i had them everyday or every other day i would be so fucked 😭#id like to say they dont bother me per se but the entire week after is laying in bed after 11 pm and wondering if jts going to happen again#bc my head feels like its about to explode#and then do not get me started on the fear of getting in the shower within the first few days of one happening .#reasonably i understand that my seizures happen from 11pm to maybe 3 am on average .#but ill have a seizure and then have to hype myself up for like 2 hours just to take one 3 days later st like 2 pm#my seizures do not interfere with my day to day life in extreme ways but existing knowing that i have them during a certain time frame is#like. Hey man can you grow up#also it is really funny being told theyre probably hormonal or stress related and should 'probably stop' as i get into my mid 20s .#Well im turning 25 next month and evidently i still have seizure activity in me#also also heres a fun fact: my epilepsy does not have an actual named diagnosis they just said i certainly have a Form of it ❤️#they dont know what causes them and i have no real warning signs (bc a headache =/= potential seizure)#they dont bother me but i do have to live with the knowledge that i could have one any day now and wake up to my mom asking me questions#hope everyone can tell i have a lot of feelings about my epilepsy despite not talking about it like ever ❤️#the only thing that really bothers me is the no warning signs. ive been perfectly fine and had them. ive had massive migraines when i was#unmedicated and didnt have one. very bizarre#and ofc all my brain scans come back normal all the time so they dgaf Lol
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mishalikessoundsandcolours · 9 months ago
Here's a bit of me and two of my friends singing Ashes To Ashes karaoke :D It was just a really happy moment so I wanted to share it💖
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