#911 lone star crew
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911lsbts · 2 years ago
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Some BTS from the director of tomorrow nights episode.
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herefortarlos · 4 months ago
I watched the Ronen interview and am sharing some things that Ronen talked about and I encourage people to watch this interview! It was so good and had fantastic questions and answers!
Ronen talking about "Enzo being TK's father figure for most of his young life and that dynamic, compared to TK and Owen is very different. And I think it makes for an incredible love hate triangle between Enzo, Owen and TK."
And then he talks about the Jonah actor and how he thinks he is the cutest kid ever, and how he bonded with him and made him feel comfortable and by the end of it they were inseparable and he didn't want Ronen to let go of him when he held him 😭
He talks about the Owen and TK dynamic during the Enzo episodes and them coming back together this season is one of the most special things he and Rob did. We're getting TK backstory and him getting some things off his chest and letting Owen know! 😭Awww and TK will be there for Owen as a shoulder to lean on while dealing with the Robert aftermath!
Ronen appreciates how paramedic heavy this season has been, and seeing TNT, Brianna, Gina and himself get to shine more! They run like a well oiled machine. Even their paramedic tech who is on set told them, "This is your greatest season as paramedics." We really locked into being badass paramedics.
Once again, talking about the end of Season 5 and how there is still so much story to tell, and there are so many other characters that are not as developed. "Luckily most of the cast lives in LA, and we still see each other and talk everyday, so that's really nice, but I think I'm more sad for the fans who have connected so much with these characters... That's kind of the thing that hurts me the most is to see these characters go for the fans because I know how passionate and how dedicated the fans are to the show, so I feel for them more than anything."
Of course Tarlos will get their happily ever after! Ronen's going to miss TK and thinks he's the most special person he's ever played. "As a human being he's genuinely good, selfless, vulnerable, layered, very aware that he's not perfect but wants to better himself and be a great son, husband friend...he's a very admirable character and playing him is such a treat and TK feels like the big brother you wish you had...He would truly sacrifice himself in order to help someone else. He's a genuinely good person and it's been the greatest treat of my career to play him and I'm going to miss and cherish him..."
Ronen talking about 5x05 and what is to come in Season 5
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unstatedmartini · 28 days ago
the whole point of papa-bro was to be funny and show that this little family hasn't totally figured out what the next stage of their life will look/sound like - but i think we must acknowledge the implication that between 'big brother' and 'papa-bro' there was a quickly and gently corrected 'big papa'
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emsprovisions · 2 months ago
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❄️ Day 20 - Stranded in Holly Grove ❄️
🎁 Today's fic is dedicated to @bonheur-cafe
Summary: The Catan Crew get stranded in a weird little small town overnight.
Word count: 998
Inspired by the prompt "5. After the car breaks down in a small town during a road trip, a group of friends decide to stay as long as it takes to fix the car and explore the town and area surrounding it." found here
24 Days of Tarlos Masterpost
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“Okay, this is beyond even my level of expertise,” Marjan sighs as she drops the hood of Nancy’s car and steps back.
“So, what? You mean we’re stuck here??” Nancy groans in frustration.
“Hey, don’t blame me!” Marjan shoots back. “You’re the one who said your car could handle this cross-country road trip…”
“Guys,” Paul puts his hands up. “Let’s just call a tow truck and find the nearest town. It’s going to be dark soon anyways. Not the best time to be stuck on the side of the road regardless of what’s wrong with the car.”
“Paul’s right,” Carlos pipes up from where he’s sitting beside TK on the snowy curb. “It’s getting late, we’re surely all getting hungry. We planned on staying somewhere for the night anyway.”
“Plus it’s so cold out here my ass is freezing off,” TK adds.
“Nice image, babe,” Carlos laughs, pulling his boyfriend closer and rubbing his arm over his jacket.
“Ugh, fine,” Nancy ducks back into her car to make the call and about an hour later with the friendliest tow truck driver ever, Nancy, Paul, Mateo, Marjan, TK, and Carlos are being dropped off in the nearby town of Holly Grove–a town which the tow truck driver could not stop raving about. The driver also encouraged them to go straight to the inn to check into rooms for the night, and after to go to the local diner and order whatever is on special tonight.
Once Nancy’s car has been dropped off with the local mechanic–who has an uncanny resemblance to Santa and showed up in his robe and slippers with the promise to take a look at it in the morning–the friends spill into the inn off Main Street and are immediately greeted with warmth from a fire and a smiling woman behind the counter in a Christmas sweater.
“Y’all are shivering harder than Jack Frost during a freeze, can I get y’all some hot cocoa?” The woman asks with a blinding smile.
“Is this town giving extremely weird vibes to anyone else?” Mateo whispers in TK’s ear.
“Definitely,” TK nods.
“No, we just want rooms for the night,” Nancy explains. “My car broke down a few miles outside of town and we just dropped it off.”
“Oh! Well you are in for a real treat!” The woman laughs. “We’re having our annual Christmas pageant tomorrow if you stick around!”
Nancy glances back at the group, mouthing, ‘what the fuck?’ before turning back to the woman. “Thanks, ma’am, but we’ll probably leave as soon as my car is ready. Any chance we can get three rooms? Two rooms with two beds and one room with one.”
The woman glances around the group, as if trying to figure out who the lone bed could be for before turning back to Nancy. “Certainly! Let me see what we have available.”
Three sets of golden keys later, and they’re all heading up the stairs with their modest luggage and into their rooms.
“I’m glad Nance gave us the room with one bed,” TK grins, sitting on the edge of the mattress as Carlos opens their suitcase, rifling around for both their toiletry bags.
“Well it was pretty obvious Nancy would room with Marj and send the boys off to room together,” Carlos hums. “Kinda just leaves us.”
“Well I’m glad either way, I get enough of rooming with other people at work,” TK laughs, catching Carlos’s wrist. “Plus I like having you all to myself.”
Carlos smiles as he’s pulled into a warm kiss.
A little while later, they venture out into the cold again, in search of the diner, and cram into a corner booth when they find it, and order the dinner special as was suggested to them.
“This town is weird right?” Paul asks, leaning forward across the table to whisper conspiratorially.
“Extremely weird,” Marjan agrees.
“It’s like some sort of Hallmark movie town,” Carlos shakes his head. The rest of the table turns to gape at him, aside from TK, who just laughs and wraps his hands around Carlos’s arm. “What! My mom makes me watch them with her sometimes.”
“He’s your comfort nerd, huh, TK?” Marjan winks.
“Oh, yeah,” TK grins. “Definitely.”
Their food comes out shortly after and it’s plates of admittedly some of the best damn chicken they’ve ever had, coated in some sort of creamy peppercorn gravy, with loaded mashed potatoes on the side, and honey carrots.
“Holy shit,” Mateo practically moans into his bite.
“Same,” TK immediately agrees. “This is so fucking good.”
Dinner is followed by pie and another round of approving moans from the table. It is really good pie.
The next morning, Nancy drags TK and Carlos with her to talk to the mechanic about her car.
“I’m sorry,” he tells her. “The part I need for your car won’t be here until tomorrow.”
Carlos steps forward, eyes flicking to the mechanic’s shirt. His name tag embroidered into his shirt reads N. Kringle. “Mr…Kringle…we really have to get back on the road today.”
“It just won’t be possible,” Kringle says with a shake of his head. “But you lovely folks are welcome to stay and enjoy our Christmas pageant. There’s always a big party at the diner after.”
“Oh, we wouldn’t want to intrude,” Carlos shakes his head.
“No intrusion,” Kringle shakes his head with a kind smile. “We love having guests in town at the holidays! There’s plenty of Christmas cheer to go around, son.”
Nancy groans as they walk away. “I guess we’re staying.”
“It seems like we have no choice,” Carlos frowns.
“Maybe we can just try and make the most of it. It looks like there’s some cute shops on Main Street that might have good Christmas gifts,” TK shrugs.
“Let’s just get back to the inn and find the others and maybe start with breakfast at that diner,” Nancy says. “Hopefully their eggs and bacon are as good as that pie from last night.”
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sapphic--kiwi · 7 days ago
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rewatched the tinkerbell movies recently. was struck with inspiration to design sparrowmen versions of TK and Carlos. this is the resulting art ✨✨
TK - healing talent
Carlos - scout talent
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the-126-family · 2 months ago
Happy Friday!!! Todays ask is what would a carnival trip for the 126 entail? I think it would be sugar filled chaos lol
Happy Friday!! I'm so glad it's the weekend!
This is such a fun question! A carnival trip for the 126 crew would definitely BE sugar-filled chaos, haha. Mateo would want to try all the special carnival food like cotton candy and funnel cakes. Nancy has to remind him to get his food after they go on the rides.
TK, Mateo, Marjan, and Nancy all strike me as people who would really like going on all the wild rides, even the really tall and spiny ones. They would all be exhilarated by the adrenaline rush! Paul and Carlos would hang back for the crazy rides, but all of the Catan Crew would go on the Ferris Wheel together.
The whole crew also does bumper cars together, and get really competitive. Nancy and TK share a bumper car and drive wildly -- Paul mutters to Carlos that he hopes they don't drive the ambulance like that. Marjan and Mateo are also reckless drivers.
Are there petting zoos at carnivals? I'm saying there is in this one. TK adores the animals and insists on spending like half an hour there. Carlos is slightly worried that he's going to have to arrest his husband for trying to steal one of the friendly goats who keeps climbing in TK's lap.
Carlos wins TK a huge stuffed animal in one of those ring toss games. He picks out a lizard for TK, and he LOVES it. TK immediately names the lizard Lou III and Carlos rolls his eyes fondly. He comes to slightly regret winning TK the stuffed lizard when it sits in the corner of their room that night; Carlos swears it's like the thing is watching him. It turns out Carlos is not a fan of lizards even in stuffed animal form. He makes TK keep it on his side of the room after that!
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lightningboltreader · 4 months ago
Nice try with cross promotion, Fox.
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awesomefansedits · 2 months ago
Fans of Buddies/ Tarlos, Thiam + other guys ship from Teen Wolf and Terroriser + Nogla! Should I make a edit on what song they would dance to and stuff on just dance ( a dancing video game) and post it on here/ TikTok & Instagram? Or nah? Idk tbh. Comment down below what ya think and stuff. Thank ya!
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therealstacyfakename · 4 months ago
tarlos engagement announcement made me warm and fuzzy
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setmeatopthepyre · 10 months ago
I just rewatched ep 1 of Lone Star and I love that both LS and 911 are just like 'okay but what if a baby was stuck in a weird situation' for the first episode of the entire show
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adarkermiserablecrow · 2 years ago
One thing I love about 911 and 911: Lone Star is how absolutely off the rails the teams go when it's one of their own in danger
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emsprovisions · 3 months ago
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❄️ Day 17 - Cookie Decorating Contest ❄️
🎁 Today's fic is dedicated to @lemonlyman-dotcom!
Summary: TK, Carlos, and Jonah host a cookie decorating contest for the Catan crew and their partners! Who will win?
Word count: 810
24 Days of Tarlos Masterpost
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“On your marks…get set…GO!” TK blows his whistle and starts the thirty minute timer on his phone, signaling to his friends it’s time to start the cookie decorating contest. 
Everyone is set up at a spot around TK and Carlos’s dining table, all with a sugar cookie in front of them and numerous colors of royal icing. TK made the batch of cookies fresh this morning with Jonah’s help, and the toddler sits at the head of the table, ready to judge the Catan crew and their partners on who has the best decorated cookie.
Of course, Jonah is decorating a cookie himself as well, and he keeps tapping on Carlos’s hand to ask if he can use his icing instead.
“You have your own right there, bud,” Carlos smiles gently, pushing the icing forward in front of the young boy.
“Yours is better!” Jonah insists.
TK, the referee in all of this madness, kneels down beside Jonah. “Jo-Jo, Carlos is trying to decorate a cookie for the contest too. I can help you with yours.”
They sit together on the chair, Jonah’s tiny, adorable voice asking, “Can you help me?” about every three minutes. TK just laughs and takes it all in stride as he helps his baby brother decorate his cookie. Jonah seems to have a creative vision in mind, and TK lets the master work, taking free moments to glance up at his husband and his friends and their progress. 
TK rests a hand on Carlos’s left arm and Carlos glances over at him before looking back at his work. “No distracting the artist, babe.”
TK laughs again. He checks the timer on his phone. “Alright, artists, you have five more minutes to complete your masterpieces,” he says in his best cooking competition announcer voice.
It’s a race to the finish line, Nancy and Paul fighting over snowflake sprinkles across the table, Marjan bartering to borrow blue icing from Carlos, Mateo glancing around in curiosity, having already completed his cookie ten minutes ago…and the ducks begin to quack on TK’s iPhone timer, signaling the end of the competition.
“Alright, artists. Lay down the icing and step back from your creations so the judge can get to work,” TK says.
Everyone gets up from the table and wanders over to the kitchen to pick at the charcuterie board Carlos had put together earlier while TK leads Jonah around the table. Jonah beckons TK to come closer, and he does, kneeling down in front of the small boy and leaning in close.
“Which one is Carlos’s?” Jonah whispers loudly in TK’s ear.
TK laughs, “I can’t tell you that, buddy. No bias, remember? You just have to pick the one you think looks the best.”
Jonah sighs loudly and TK lifts him up and sets him on his hip so they can look around the table again.
“That one!” Jonah exclaims, pointing at his own cookie.
TK laughs, rolling his forehead against Jonah’s shoulder. “You can’t choose your own cookie, sweetheart.”
“But mine is the best!” 
“Ouch,” Nancy laughs in the kitchen. “I think we all just got burned by a four year old.”
“No artistic talent amongst any of us,” Marjan agrees with a laugh.
“I thought mine was pretty good,” Mateo grumbles.
In the end, Jonah declares Mateo’s cookie to be the best, but only because he drew Spider-Man on it. Paul gets the award for best snowman, and Carlos gets third place because Jonah figured out which one is his.
“Thank you, mijo,” Carlos smiles as he takes Jonah from TK’s arms, the young boy easily switching between his guardians and happily melting against Carlos’s shoulder.
“Good job on the snowman win, babe,” Asha laughs, rubbing Paul’s shoulder. 
“It wasn’t even supposed to be a snowman,” Paul shakes his head. “It was supposed to be a penguin.”
Everyone laughs and TK glances around at all his extended family as he falls into place beside Carlos and Jonah, his perfect, little family.
“I think this was a very fun thing we did, babe,” TK smiles at his husband.
“I think so too,” Carlos wraps a free arm around TK’s shoulders and pulls him closer to kiss his cheek.
“Alright, y’all, let’s play some Catan!” Nancy calls, beckoning everyone around the coffee table in the living room. 
TK just smiles again as he watches his friends take their usual seats in the living room. He leans into Carlos for a moment, taking the time to kiss his husband and brother on the cheek before taking Carlos’s hand and dragging him into the living room and their corner of the couch for Catan.
“Um, TK?” Jonah asks from where he’s perched on the arm of the couch beside Carlos.
“Yeah, buddy?”
“Can we eat those cookies yet?”
The room bursts into happy laughter, and TK smiles. “We sure can.”
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the-126-family · 3 months ago
Annnnd I’m back! Would’ve sent this earlier but it’s been a day so far. My new question for you is what do you think the 126’s hobbies would be?
I love this question!! And I’m sorry you’ve had a bad day. I hope you can take some time to rest and relax tonight. I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way!!
Paul loves reading, as we know; he's in an LGBTQ+ book club that he really enjoys. He invites Carlos to it and Carlos finds it really meaningful; now they go together once a month! This isn’t a hobby, but in my mind Paul has two cats who he names Sherlock and Watson (because he is such a good detective). He loves playing with them and snuggling with them to read a book or watch a movie. He (and Carlos) tend to watch a lot of documentaries.
Random thought, but Paul would love going to escape rooms so he can get to use his detective skills. The Catan Crew would have SO much fun going to escape rooms together, although Paul and Carlos would figure out most of the clues. Carlos's hobbies include going for runs/exercising and cooking — he loves to experiment with new recipes, and TK is always happy to be his taste tester! 
We know from season 5 that TK is on a softball team! I think it’s not super competitive, mostly recreational, and that Nancy is on the team too. TK invited her to join because he wanted his paramedic bestie to get involved! She gained confidence after being crowned MVP in that Red vs. Blue game, and now it’s something they enjoy doing together, especially to unwind after long or emotionally difficult shifts.
I can see Nancy enjoying those painting and wine classes; she takes Mateo to one on a date. His painting is horrendous, but Nancy absolutely loves it and hangs it up on her wall because it reminds her of how much fun they had that night.
Marjan attempted to learn how to knit during the pandemic, but that did not last long. She was far too impatient and became easily frustrated. She only got like halfway through a lumpy, wonky scarf for Paul before she gave up and burned it. Marjan is very athletic, so I can see her being on a soccer team (since we know she did soccer when she was a kid, and she was really good at it!). And of course she has her roller derby! 
Sometimes Nancy and Marjan get together to play chess. Their matches can last a super long time (their record is almost a week) and they get super competitive with it and take it very seriously. Mateo knows not to bother Nancy when she's in the middle of a game with Marjan and concentrating hard.
Mateo loves Pokemon Go; he’s also part of a D&D group that meets weekly. He loves it — he always excitedly tells the 126 about his group’s various adventures, and his friends don’t really understand it but are happy for him nonetheless. Mateo also loves to take Buttercup for walks and to the dog park; they always have a blast together. 
I had so much fun with this!! Sending lots of hugs to you!
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enigmatist17 · 1 year ago
9-1-1/9-1-1: Lone Star (Pt 1)
"You're going to get a crick in your neck if you don't stop looking back there, Cap."
There's a quiet laugh, followed by a shrug.
"I suppose so."
"Cap, it'll be okay."
"Yea, yea I know."
There's a sigh as Bobby sits back in his seat, eyes finally looking out the window at the Texas desert passing them by. In the drivers seat Howard reached over to pat the older mans knee for a moment, giving a small grin before looking back out at the road.
In the backseat Christopher and Buck snoozed away without a care in the world, Christopher all but curled up in Buck's lap while the firefighter drooled a little in his sleep.
It had been only a few short weeks since Buck had been electrocuted on the job, and at the behest of a few stations who were more than happy to step in, the 118 crew had decided on a vacation together. At the moment the two senior firefighters lead the rest of their crew, idly chatting while they slowly got closer and closer to Austin. Buck had been excited to ask they head there for a part of their road trip, as he'd only been there before to fight a massive fire before heading right back home. While Austin wasn't what some of the others had in mind, no one could really object with Buck at the moment, so Austin was plotted with the biggest stop and the journey begun.
"So, you think they'll finally confess?"
"Excuse me?" Bobby blinked as he glanced over, the grin on Howard's face not a surprise.
"Ya know, Buck and Eddie." A glance in the rearview mirror shows that Buck is still out for the count, and he sighs in relief. "Between you and me, I've got 50 bucks it's on this trip."
"Here I thought I was cheap with the 100 I put down." Bobby chuckled to himself, and Howard has to bite back his laugh. "Who knows? I may have noticed that Eddie hasn't been far most of the trip, but then again they're as thick as thieves, so who's to say otherwise?"
"Oh come on, don't cop out on me." Bobby just grins, and the other lets out a groan. "No fair."
"So you say."
The convoy finally rolls into Austin late, Howard and Bobby getting out to stretch their legs once they'd rolled up to their hotel for the evening. Eddie and Hen aren't too far behind, laughing about something with Ravi as they park and slowly pile out of the car.
"The two of them still sleeping?" Hen chuckled, watching Eddie peer into the backseat to see that neither his son nor Buck had moved.
"Oh yea, figure we'll check in first before we wake them." Bobby chuckled,
"Roger that Cap." Hen gave a mock salute before going to pop the trunk of her car, and there's the usual bustle of activity as everyone unpacked their trunks that resembled tetris a bit too well. Christopher is the first one to wake up when Ravi closes the trunk of his car, yawning a little bit and looking around before shaking Buck.
"Buck, c'mon it's time to get up." The firefighter grumbled at the initial shake, but cracked an eye open when Christopher shook him again. "Buuuck!"
"I'm up I'm up." The younger giggled a little bit as Buck stretched with a grumble, blearily looking around to realize they've stopped. "We here?"
"Think so, I can hear dad." Buck smiled a little before rubbing his eyes, finally able to see most of the others were standing around and chatting.
"Okay kiddo, let's go and get him then." Buck ruffled the boys hair before reaching over and opening the door, allowing Christopher to get out first before following.
"Well well well, look who's finally awake!" Howard grinned, holding out his hand for a high-five, chuckling when it was reciprocated. "Get enough sleep?"
"Mhm! Buck makes a good pillow."
"I do? Good to know." Buck laughed as he looked around, cracking his neck with a hum. "How long was I out?"
"Eh, a good three, four hours?" Chimney grinned. "However, now that you're up, help me unpack the trunk?"
"Sure! We figure out who gets what room yet?" Buck hums as he circles around to the back of the car.
"Yep, You, Eddie, and Christopher get the smaller room, we get the pretty fancy suite." Hen grinned, and Buck rolled his eyes. "I was not going to sleep on a trundle bed."
"I don't much blame you, that last place was not the best." Buck watched Eddie and Christopher wander off with Chim to look at the nearby lake that glittered with the signs littered through the city, and smiled a little as he finished pulling everything out. "It's so much nicer when you're not fighting a nasty fire threatening to take out the populous, you know?"
"Mhm, sounds right." The paramedic nodded, not missing the way Buck seemed to be looking more at a certain coworker rather than the water and backdrop.
"Alrighty, I have keys!" Bobby's call got everyone's attention, and soon keys are handed out and the two groups diverge once they've reached the same floor for opposite sides of the hallway. Christopher was delighted to find he had his own bed that was able to be curtained off by the window, and sets about dragging his suitcase over to unpack.
"So uh, I thought there were going to be more beds?" Eddie clears his throat, the couch not a pullout bed as he had expected.
"Well, we can share a king bed no problem!" Buck didn't seem fussed by the remaining bed, flopping onto it with a happy sigh. "Oh it's so soft."
"Is it now?" Eddie sat beside the other, and lets out a pleasantly surprised noise at how much he sank into the surface, letting himself fall onto his back. "Okay this is nice."
"Careful about looking one up, don't need another coffee maker incident do we?" Buck giggled when he received a playful slap, and Eddie snorts as he shakes his head.
"I still have nightmares about those damn ads."
Somewhere across the room Christopher giggles, and Buck can't help but laugh in response.
"You two laugh, I'm going to shower." Eddie sat up after a moment, finally kicking off his shoes and stowing them under the bed as Buck turned to lounge on his side. "Won't be long."
"Take your time, I'll see if we can get anything other than infomercials this time."
Eddie chuckled and grabbed his to-go bag before heading for the bathroom, unable to stop the grin on his face. Ever since Buck had been released Christopher had been nervous in his own way, going so far as to camp out at Buck's apartment "just in case" the man needed anything more than videogames. Eddie hadn't minded it at all, that tense feeling in his chest when he went to work always fading when he came back to find the two having fun or hanging out on the couch together, and whatever protests he could muster always faded at the twin smiles thrown his way.
Eddie thinks about how nice it would be to always come home to that fuzzy feeling, falling asleep to the sounds of Buck and Christopher giggling over something he couldn't care to figure out.
The bed was way too comfortable for proper thought.
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beansschool · 2 years ago
Owen don't scare your son like that jfc
It's giving Bobby while Athena was attacked, poor guy just wants one parent to be at his wedding
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guardian-angle22 · 5 months ago
actually, it wasn't... SOMEONE GIVE ME A 126 HANG. Did they have a celebratory hang when he made lieutenant?? How did the hang Marj and Joe is hosting on the weekend go?? I want them allll.
if this episode doesn’t end with an actual catan hang with them all hyping Paul up and showing how much they all love him, I am going to be disappointed. and also will formally request that our amazing fic writers do it for us.
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