#90% of my me posts on here about procrastination
update: procrastination on tumblr was actually helpful?? DANG
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hammerhead-jpg · 4 months
Helloh:D Helloh:D
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Abt me post try two!!!!
Helloh helloh my name is Kristian (pronounced "Kris-tee-an" because I just found out not everybody knows that) and I'm here to post some of my art and ramble about the media I'm currently interested in
I'm 16 years old, currently residing in Serbia, transmasculine and queer and my pronouns are they/he!!
I'm a digital artist basically my whole life goal is to improve my art (so although it may hurt ouch) criticism of my art is welcome (constructive criticism that is) (I don't really couldn't just saying "*insert part of the drawing* looks bad" as criticism :P)
If you wanna know which fandoms I'm in or what media I'm interested in:
-Redacted audio! I feel like most of my follower know me for my redacted posts and 90% of my posts are about redacted but just so you know this isn't a redacted fan blog or a strictly redacted based blog it's just the media I'm currently obsessing about!!
Always known as a #1 Vega lover (despite my favorite character being Lasko :P) and redacted fanartist (and sometimes fanfic writer)
-Bungou stray dogs (biggest sigma truther!!!)
-Mha (tiktok 2020 fandom and Instagram MHA oc community survivor🔥🔥)
-Don't hug me I'm scared
-Chainsaw man
So on and so forth
Btw little disclaimers for my account:
-I'm sorry if I don't reblog enough posts! I'm still quite new to tumblr and rebloging often isn't a part of my muscle memory quite yet!
-I'm sorry if I don't respond to your compliments about my art! I just sometimes get nervous about responding/don't know what to respond with/procrastinate too long and ten worry it's too late to respond but alo of your comments have a special place in my heart and I appreciate it so much!
-you can tag me in tag chains and stuff but I can't guarantee I'll continue them because I'm too nervous and stuff:)
-my account isn't necessarily nsfw but it isn't quite sfw either, obv I don't think I'll be posting anything actually explicit (except for maybe drawn blood and gore??) (Before any of y'all start saying "weeh weeh you're a minor you shouldn't be posting NSFW!" It's NOT ACTUALLY NSFW OKAAYYY) but there definitely will be discussions of heavy themes and pervy jokes and implications so consider it like like 13+ but anything that is more spicy than a dick joke I will be putting a warning on
You are not welcome on this blog if you:
-are racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, abelist a zionist ect ect
-are a proshipper or thinks sexualizing children fictional or not is okay
On another note: if you're uncomfortable with a minor talking about nsfw ish topics you're free to block me
This is a safe space! I don't care if you're a furry, therian, use xenopronouns/neopronouns or xenogenders I'm cool with whatever
My art tag is #hmrhd arts and a tag for my wip story is #hmrhd pfl
Have a lovely life, stan Adam always and free Palestine
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I love this truth or dare ask game, but having learned my lesson, I will ask the authors I like directly. :)
Tag whomever you like or are curious about.
I am curious so here are my questions. My "dare" in case you dislike answering will be a story for one of my favourite pairings. ;)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help? 🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings 🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character 🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? ❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? 🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate 🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username? 🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it 🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Writing your favorite pairings? Don't get greedy girl, I basically just gave you romantic garden sex! (Also you KNOW I will answer anything because I love that and I love procrastinating) 😂
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
Just like that. I don't remember how I got into it back in the 90s, but in 2020, I got into it because I liked some Emralt stories so much, I thought, "Hey, maybe I can do that, too."
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Probably @deagle. She'll know what to do because she's seen it in a movie with Sabin Tambrea 😂
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
Weeeeeell. Might be one of my OCs is a tiny bit like myself. But in general, I don't do reader inserts a lot.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I'm convinced Buck didn't tell Tommy about the sperm donor thingy yet, and it will become a major issue between them for whatever reason.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I still think his bachelor party behavior was absolutely out of character for Eddie. I know the fandom theories, but I disagree.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Maybe the kind of injuries you get from either falling of a certain height and from being shot with a .45
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I will fail you... still obsessed with the song, so I'd love to see the topic of the seemingly infallible fail to rescue their loved one. Not necessarily resulting in MCD, though. Don't care which pairing, don't care who'd write it. It's juicy.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Listen, I don't hate characters. That's stupid, they're not real. I admire writers of any kind if they make me feel things about a character, even if it's repulsion. But wait, we have Gerrard in the coming season. Nobody likes Gerrard... are there 3 good things about him? Let's see. He's old, so he might just die soon. He screams at Buck, that might get him in trouble. He's jealous, so he might make a mistake. I think those are good things 😂
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Yes, ma'am! Not edited.
“Who killed my father, Pablo? Was that you?”
Carlos pushed himself away from the car’s wreckage and fixed Pablo with his gaze. 
"Me? Oh boy, I don't cross the border so easily these days, you know? And certainly not to get some old guy out of the way. I've got my men for that.“
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
I love Dick. Philip K. Dick, that is 😂
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
There are so many, you know I love all the fanart I ever commissioned or got as a present. But today, I'd like to say this piece by @johix (sorry, if you don't want me to put it directly in a post please tell me!) I just love it.
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🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Usually, two breaks after a paragraph throughout the whole fic. Or when the fic turns out differently than expected, because I often don't read tags and I rarely read things like MPREG and stuff.
THANK YOU! This was fun. I'll throw the same questions right back at you.
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megumi-fm · 11 months
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16th - 20th October || 86 to 90 days of 100 150dop
hi besties! it's been a while since i updated on here properly. there was kind of an infestation issue but now it's all flushed out and I'm back! i've decided to upgrade my days of productivity challenge to 150 total days because i have 40 days of uni remaining (as well as additional exam days) and I wanted to note all of them down and wrap it up in this challenge itself. I'm also gonna start adding memes and random non-productivity updates, just so I feel more motivated to actually post stuff, instead of procrastinating and clubbing too many days at once.
🎶: Hayloft II by Mother Mother 🔉: MAG053 The Crusader
💌: today I am grateful for music! i've been in a funk recently, but my playlists has really been helping me through it <3
my main focus for the past few days and especially today (20th Oct) has been to complete an assignment on 3D bioprinting and it's relevance in drug testing. I've done a lot of research and learnt a lot of interesting things, but my interest has also led me to getting too distracted and not actually wrapping up the project. I really hope I finish it by tonight, I like how it's looking so far.
i spent yesterday (19th Oct) with my cousins and my sister, I took them to this gaming arcade and babysat them for the day. they seemed to have a good time, I enjoyed a day out of the house as well. we spent so much time there, I managed to upgrade the game card to a gold tier :P we also had taco bell for lunch <3
the day before that (18th Oct) I spent a couple hours on my week3 neuroscience lectures. the concepts are comparatively challenging to understand, so i sat through them many times, I'm yet to make notes for them
on Tuesday (17th Oct) I had extra classes (booo it was the most boring time ever) and a dentist appointment after, so I couldn't really get much done. the dental clinic was just a kilometer or two away from home, so I just walked back, taking pictures of the greenery on the way
i didn't have uni on Monday (16th Oct) so I ended up waking up late but i did clean my room and chart out a work plan the weeks until this semester ends. I've been trying to follow it best I can but oh well, things keep popping up from time to time
in the midst of this I'm in the midst of massive nationwide cricket fever (the world cup is going on and we're doing really well! we've won every match we played so far!) It's also festival time here so I have holidays this week (we don't celebrate at home but my friends call me home and I get to partake with them so it's really nice). And this is coupled with my insane levels of consumption of The Magnus Archives Podcast 24/7 xD. Additionally, I have quite a chunk of AI-ML work to get done by this week (SGD and XBoost model development) and I don't know the first thing about it or where to even start so I'm kind of avoiding it for the moment. Hoping to start that once I'm done with this 3d bioprinting presentation. Fingers crossed!
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conkreetmonkey · 1 year
Why I was banned from r/curatedtumblr: a very belated explanation/apology post
Before migrating here from Reddit, I used to be a regular participant in r/tumblr as a commenter, then r/curatedtumblr when r/tumblr became unusably bloated with repost bots, and the useless mods did nothing because Reddit's leadership system is dumb and broken. Hence the name, curated tumblr; an r/tumblr replacement that was actually moderated. All of the regulars, including me, migrated there, and now r/tumblr is like 90% karma-farming bots endlessly upvoting each other, presumably so the accounts can later be sold for advertising or political astroturfing purposes. Happens all the time.
I explain this because it's important to understand that a) I was a part of the community for quite a while, and b) r/curatedtumblr was heavily moderated, so as to avoid the mistakes of its predecessor. Fine and dandy.
I was a high schooler at the time, terminally online and working a shitty fast food job to save up for the PC I'm typing this on. Thus, I'd spend the days endlessly interacting with the people on r/curatedtumblr, and the evenings working at a Taco Bell, unable to use my phone until breaktime.
One day, I forget the exact context, but the subject of r/FDS came up, which for those of you who are unaware is a hive of femcels. Named as an acronym for Female Dating Strategy, the sub was infamously sexist towards men, going on about things like "high/low value males" and how men below 6' were inhuman scum and basically doing everything incels do but with the gender roles flipped. And just like incels, everyone there was unaware the real reason The sub featured a nauseating glittery pink colour scheme a la Claire's, and everybody there talked like a popular high school girl in a Nickelodeon movie, all "yaaaaaass queen" "you go girl!" and shit like that.
So this sub comes up, and if memory serves we were shitting on it, or at least I was? Again, the context has been lost to memory, and since the sitewide search tools you used to be able to use to find multiple year old comments have all kicked the bucket, and the Reddit UI for finding old content is stupid and requires you to trudge through the entire histroy of a user chronologically until you find what you're looking for with no option to jump to the desired time period, I'm probably never going to be able to find it. I was making fun of the kind of shit they said on that sub, and I said something like "yass kween dump his low-value ass he only makes 800k a year ur worth more gurl," and then went to work.
Now, I didn't know it at the time, but as I worked, somebody saw the comment and thought I was mocking AAVE. They accused me of being a "4 Chan Nazi." Things kind of snowballed from there. Now, and this is embarassing and I've been hesitant to admit to it, but I'm here to explain and apologize, so:
when I was in high school, I did not know what AAVE meant.
I took offense to being accused of being a Nazi, and I forget what my reply was, but it was snarky towards the accuser, which made me look like a POS. Since I did not know what AAVE was, I did not refute the claim that I was making fun of it, and this made me look really, really bad to anybody who did.
I was then banned for this alleged racism. I looked up what AAVE was, realized I totally did look like a racist in that situation, but rather than fight the allegations, me, being an anxious teenager, instead eternally procrastinated on doing so, afraid of further anger directed at me.
It was a dumb choice to make, because now I'm afraid anybody on here from r/curatedtumblr who remembers those days might still think of me as "that guy who turned racist out of nowhere and then ran off." It's been eating at me for years, so I've decided it's time to rip the bandaid off and finally clear the air. I should have done this a very long time ago.
tl;dr, I made a string of bad decisions that made me look like a racist piece of shit. I could have easily undid this by immediately explaining the situation, but being an anxious, then-internet-inexperienced kid at the time, the sudden social rejection scared me, and I hid from the problem.
I'm sorry. It was a bad move. I never intended to mock AAVE, nor appear as if I was doing so. It's a valid English dialect, it's culturally important, and I respect it and those who speak in it. I apologize to anybody I may have offended by accidentally appearing to imply otherwise.
I hope anybody from those days who still remembers me can find it in their hearts to forgive me. Or they can choose not to, as is their right. I'm not here to beg for forgiveness, I'm here to finally explain things and put them to rest. This is what happened, I am sorry, and I hope you also see it as a poorly-handled misunderstanding and nothing more. I just needed to finally move on from this.
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eliamartel · 1 year
So, I'm way more critical of GRRM than, like, 90 percent of the fandom so I have a very low opinion of how he will handle R/L. I 100 percent think that when he conceived of the story back in the 90s he meant for R/L to be an unambiguous, consensual love story. He once called R 'lovestruck' and a fool in love in a few interviews which lmao. I am not saying this as a R/L shipper, I actually intensely despise both characters. But this is the same man that called the Dani/Drogo wedding night a 'seduction' and included a J*n/Ar*a romance in his original outline. Keep in mind, J*n knew Ar*a while she was literally IN UTERO but people somehow think GRRM will frame R/L as some parable on the dangers of an older man grooming a young girl lol. Do I think that now, in the post-me too era where everyone is super cognizant of issues like age gaps and grooming, etc. he realizes that he needs to 'fix' that relationship? Yes. A big reason I think it's taking him so long to finish the books and why he never will is because a lot of his ideas back in the 90s are now deeply unpalatable to modern audiences. That's kinda what happens when you procrastinate for three decades on finishing a series - social mores change dramatically and now you have to course correct. I just don't think he has the effort, care, or energy to critically reappraise his framing of R and R/L as a couple. I do think prophecy played a part in R's actions, but GRRM also meant for R/L to be in love. Now, do i hope GRRM does not frame it this? Yes. But I have almost zero faith in him lol.
Hi anon, I think you're saying that since Grrm has a warped view of consent because he called Dany/Drogo's first night as seduction (when it's clear it was rape), you think he might not view R/L as problematic and might depict them as a love story because he has also called Rhaegar a love-struck prince before, and paired Jon with Arya in the original outline... I don't agree. Grrm is wrong for what he said about Dany and Drogo, but in the text, though Dany views Drogo positively, their relationship is still depicted as abusive.
I'm just basing my thoughts on what we know from the main series here because I have no idea what Grrm initially intended for them in the 90s.
If Grrm intended this relationship to be consensual and positive, I don't think he would characterise Rhaegar as someone obsessed with siring three children, nor would he give Rhaegar a wife who he reproductively abused for children before he left for Lyanna.
Remember, Rhaegar and Aerys' main purpose in the story is to incite events that bring the end of House Targaryen in Westeros; their actions and their crimes are supposed to spark the rebellion that destroys their dynasty. That's why GRRM has characterised Rhaegar as prophecy mad: he was obsessed with siring three children; he impregnated his chronically ill wife in quick succession and humiliated her in front of the nobles from across the kingdoms at Harrenhal; he knew something had to be done to remove his father from power but chose to make everything worse by disappearing with a Lord Paramount's daughter. He left his family and the realm at the mercy of his mad father for months before reappearing and promptly dying in his first battle.
I don't see Grrm positively depicting such an irresponsible character or giving him any narrative triumph or hero-like treatment just because he contributed sperm that created one of the protagonists. I think GRRM intends for Rhaegar to be glorified through the eyes of some (very flawed) characters, and then later dismantle his romanticised image by exposing his true nature. Alongside Rhaegar's romanticization, Grrm has also written many instances that hint that Rhaegar was not as great a man as his admirers say.
In ASOS, Jorah Mormont tells Dany that "there was no higher honour than to receive your knighthood from the Prince of Dragonstone." To readers, it looks like Rhaegar was an incredibly noble and admirable person; however, that line is a callback to AGOT (Sansa II), where we read that Rhaegar had knighted Gregor Clegane, the man who brutally murdered his wife and children. This shows GRRM didn’t intend to depict Rhaegar as a good man, even when he published AGOT in 1996.
Since Rhaegar's faults are not yet as emphasised in the text compared to his romanticised image, readers may not notice or give importance to them. However, Grrm is not the type of writer to continue glorifying a character whose actions brought so much pain and suffering to others, so I'm certain he will negatively depict Rhaegar in the future.
My take on R/L is this. I think Grrm is only making R/L seem like a love story when what actually happened is much darker. I really can't see how he could have intended for R/L to be unambiguously consensual once Rhaegar is implied to desperately want 3 children and it's implied that he might have raped Elia for conceiving Aegon because he impregnated her when she was on bed rest recovering from the birth of their first child, Rhaenys. It was only after Elia was said to be too weak to give birth to another child that he took Lyanna. He hid Lyanna in a secret tower in the middle of nowhere, and she died giving birth with not even a maester to assist her. It sounds like Rhaegar cared more about her staying hidden and giving birth in secret than about her health.
Also, when Grrm glorifies Rhaegar through the eyes of characters like Jorah, Barristan, Cersei, Kevan Lannister, and Jon Connington, he uses that character's (and the reader's) prejudice regarding misogyny, racism, and ableism to depict Elia. Many of them call Elia unworthy and blame her for Rhaegar cheating on her and for the war. Elia is also sidelined without a voice. I'm pretty sure Grrm characterises Elia like this for now in order to build Rhaegar's image and Rhaelya's 'love'. If Elia was given more space in the backstory, readers would sympathise more with her than with the mirage of noble Rhaegar and his beautiful romance with Lyanna that birthed our hero Jon Snow.
And notice how none of Rhaegar's admirers care about Lyanna either! Some of them romanticise Rhaegar's love for her, but they don't care that he was said to have abducted her and she later died because of it. It's interesting that Rhaegar is romanticised through characters who don't sympathise with the women he harmed. It's only a bunch of randos who personally never knew Rhaegar that are shown to admire him (Dany, too, is only idealising an image of Rhaegar that Viserys and Barristan fed her). I'm certain that in the next book, GRRM will condemn Rhaegar and dismantle his legacy.
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morvantmortuary · 5 months
I'm so far down the procrastination hole that I've opened my dreamwidth from *squints* 2021? I think? to dust it off and tweak the layout an stuff.
that's how dire things are rn :'D
[running hands down my face] I've already mentioned to some friends today that whatever shape my chapter is in by the end of, like, business hours, then that's what my advisor's getting, bc he said I could send it in "messy" so long as I sent something
but ugh. I do this every time. I put it off bc it's either Not Now or Right Now with my brain wiring, and then when I do finally work on it I just feel bad about how much work I should have done with all the time that's passed between now and then, and then I hang onto it forever bc it just Needs to Be Better so people don't think I'm lazy, and, and, and--
bleh. I'm just going to have to be cool about this one. he's just going to have to be cool about this one, bc I start my new job in less than two weeks, the semester isn't even officially over yet, and I just want a break since I'm not going to be on a bi-semester schedule anymore.
and like, he's a cool guy. he will be cool about it, I'm 90% sure, so long as I show him I have ideas and plans to move forward. he's a very sweet dude who's been very supportive and has been cool with me explaining 'sir I have a creative background, I've made a huge mistake and I'm just trying to get out of here,' and as far as academic advisors go, he's swell. I could definitely have a lot worse.
I just hate that this whole process is so teeth-gritting, bc I know I signed up for it, and I know everyone will be v disappointed in me if I don't finish my diss, but at the end of the day --
I hate this part, I hate writing academically, and I don't really know how to get around it lmao
anyway, this should be the last complain-y post I make about this this week, thank you to everyone who's humored me and been very sweet so far. it means a lot <3
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abbinurmel · 7 months
I spent the past couple hours tailoring this aimless rant on YT, in response to a person merely saying how much they'd love for a reboot of 'Cow & Chicken' on adult swim, cos they could say whatever they like on there. I posted it here, cos YT doesn't wanna allow me to post anything right now, which is probably for the best.
This is gonna be a dumb rant. I got sucked down a rabbit hole, cos this is a favorite topic of mine to talk about and I'm procrastinating horribly on purpose on a lot of dull paperwork. So strap in before reading my garbage. You're warned now, don't hafta TLDR or whatever, thanks, I already know. …Anyways. For those who care about irrelevant, shitty opinions:…I love Cow & Chicken. A lot. On paper I know exactly why it seems like a great idea to reboot on 'adultswim', purely on the merit they do things more outrageously. I'm certain many would watch this. It's actually kinda weird there hasn't been one yet, when you think about it, given this age of rehashes. It already has the raunchy humor and gross art down, seems like a match made in heaven, right?- It'd be easy too, "Cow & Chicken" wasn't exactly lavishly drawn or had a big cast. Well… Much as I think there could be a slim possibility of it happening, for it to be good, and IF they do good, to be wildly entertaining…I don't think "Cow & Chicken" is going to ever get actually rebooted. And I don't think it benefits from being rebooted, either, which is really the only reason you should try to reboot things ever in the first place. The lore of an IP needs to benefit in being revisited, somehow, and ESPECIALLY, SPECIFICALLY, if brought back for adults. It is very unlikely gonna be executed right, ironically BECAUSE of this show's already semi-adult nature. And the reasons why, is endemic to why a whole lot of current modern shows, and movie/live action series remakes, are suffering too. -And no, it is NOT due to the reasons some of you're likely thinking of. It is NOT cos of any tired old: "things are just too safe and WOKE /PC culture now!" theories. (That sort of affair is highly subjective/means basically nothing or very different things to different people. Pretty impossible to gauge due to how all over the place/ludicrously out of touch with general fans censors and networks can be, no matter what their political leanings or personality is. Which can and do range all over the place. So I won't go into that topic as it's an entirely different problem to what I am talking about. Plus I was there for the 80s and 90s, its pretty silly to say we can not get away with any wild things these days, cos let me assure you, by comparison, there is a LOT technically more we CAN do and say now, in both kid's and adult shows, that would never get by in a million years 30 years ago. You couldn't even just say the word 'kill', 'poop' or 'die' then, most the time. Let that sink in.)
…See to me, if it ironically hadn't ever been restrained by censors/made for kids, C&C might've been NOWHERE as good. Like. At all. It might've actually been one of the worst CN shows aired. Just 100% annoying gross-out show laziness, like a lot of shows of its era. The main reason it didn't flop was cuz 1) duh, Charles Adler, the main voice, and 2) it did its 'thing' the way original 'Ren & Stimpy' did. It didn't beat for beat copy them. Their writing/visuals just simply knew how to cross the line JUST enough, keeping the raunchy humor tucked in JUST as far as they could push it, but knew also on the whole how to always stay utterly light hearted, simple and goofy. That's where its core identity is. It's the dumb blithe enthusiastic Innocence of pretty much the entire cast, and the goofy simplicity of the plots/gags, while they get to say out the side of the mouth much more 'mature' sinister things….It works purely b/c of that contrast; sometimes with innuendo being camoflauged extremely subtly, sometimes NOT subtly at all. -But it would always go ping-ponging gracefully between the two. Never too much Idiotically Innocent, or too Smugly Adult and Crass. It would do this, with actual wit. It didn't JUST have gross visuals or say dirty jokes. It did all this with a theatrical, self-known flair. Shows like C&C and its fellow Golden Age shows basically are very good at doing what franchises like Monty Python were known for, and what Regular Show and Gravity Falls and similar would do later on, just with more visual ugliness.
…Meanwhile, a lot of other 1990's/current shows DO NOT have this memo. They do not have that balance, they lack the awareness of what is the difference between 'sneaking in occasional very dirty jokes with wit' and "throwing every and any kinda joke at a wall and not even bothering to look at what sticks." A LOT of 'gritty comedy parody reboot' things are doing this, and also doing this same idea just with the "dramatic tropes" instead of comedic tropes too. ….Including Ren & Stimpy itself. -Once 'The Ren & Stimpy Show' moved to SpikeTV, they went fully 'adult', and by direct result went 1000% downhill. I don't ascribe that to just poor writing(the original has flat stupid writing too), or ugly looking animation (so is the original). Not even John K.'s…ahem, history. If you fixed his behavior, and abusive attitude; made all his notoriously horrible bad jokes tamer, I still think 'Adult Party' would've tanked, because doing this concept in of itself is a fool's errand. It's not just rebooting nostalgic childhood IPs that's the problem, but specifically attempting to repackage something that was already a mild bit 'tawdry', so now that it is INTENTIONALLY for adults only. Whenever the entertainment industry does that 'gritty effect', be it games or movies or Netflix or comic books, it's 8/10 doomed, because you essentially neutered the core joke or appeal. You've taken away the cool 'taboo' point of saying hidden naughty/clever things, in a story you're not SUPPOSED to. You're able to state and do whatever you want, and so there's not only no leash to hold down any of the weaker ideas, there's almost no "rebellious challenge" to its bite whatsoever, even when those jokes/story ideas succeed. Noone is gonna be shocked or laugh nearly as much when a Red Guy says "KISS MY ASS!" unironically in an adultswim show, as they would if he says "KISS MY ASS!!!!!!….-Her name is GERTRUDE! :D" -and then happily pulls onstage a donkey wearing a big bowtie in on a rope, because this renders it now a pun and technically 'child safe' to flaunt now. (This isn't a real joke from the show btw, I'm only making this up for convenience. But you get the idea. It's the precise sort of silly thing you know he'll do. :P )
Neither the audience nor execs are 'prey' anymore for the writers to be creatively poking the boundaries with, when you remove that expectation. It's different if your IP started with an already adult geared story to begin with, but, when it's a full on polar opposite shift in tone and/or age demographics like that, it's almost always pulled off in a confused messy way, because even the original work's creators themselves, (IF they're even kept around, or are familiar with the source material if they are new), are trapped now in completely unfamiliar territory. Without a deeply wild reinventing of the show's lore or main tenets(a thing which nobody has ever been upset by on the internet!), it usually doesn't have anything else to stand on, especially with a purely episodic comedy show, like Cow and Chicken is. Once you take out this 'vulnerability' in our dynamic, between child/censor guardians, and writers, this main core joke of not knowing what the writers are and are NOT actually going to get away with is gone, and so much of the stakes now is irreversibly lost. Sometimes being hidden from the details is what makes a gag all the more funnier, or a scary scene all the scarier, or a cringe scene all the cringier. If we take away this, things lack a lot more of the colorful shock & ridiculousness. The main DNA in these classic "deranged shows", like Ed, Edd n Eddy, Ren&Stimpy, Rocko and C&C, that a lot of nostalgic fans, and current show-runners often alike forget; is the simple fact that such shows had to weigh the balance of: 'being a sincere kid show' and 'trying to get away with something they're not supposed to'. …With very deep emphasis on the words: "GET AWAY WITH". To me, a show is not getting "away" with something good, be it a message, a joke, a deeper sense of drama, if you constantly always spell it out for us, and we know you lose nothing and have to take no creative risk by displaying it for the audience. You're not really earning a prize, if someone just right at the start, hands you a medal. In other words….Every good memorable/subversive classic cartoon show, is not beloved just because they got to have crazy visuals, or say and do unhinged jokes. …You needed to be MEMORABLY STRANGER for having those qualities, in the first place. If you do something unhinged and bizarre, but coming in I expect to see it, is it really an unhinged show?
See, there's a reason why most of the frequent reboots of Scooby Doo like 'Velma' atrociously fail. And it's not because they changed someone that was formerly white, or made someone like Shaggy have a different name, or backstory. Or even because they overhauled an old wholesome character into a rude, toxically mean, judgemental unpleasant character. Yes this does affect some tastes, but on the whole, that wasn't the core problem for most watchers. LOADS of shows have a morally awful, pompous, or an incompetent, chaotic mess for a central protagonist, or reinvent them in some way if they come from an old property. Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, and Space Ghost Coast to Coast did more or less exactly what "Velma" does, where they took an old IP and completely transformed their roles/upgraded their style of humor for a more adult audience. Rick & Morty has a toxic main protagonist. South Park has four of them. Family Guy and American Dad has them, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, the list goes on. Even kid shows do this, and sometimes get away with it well too: Dan Versus did it well so did Ren and Stimpy, again, back when it understood how it worked. Having a mean protag or changed fundamentals, isn't why so many reboots don't work. …What happens with bad modern remakes of Scooby Doo, (and not just in shows like Velma), is often that they forget how to make things have that beautiful sense of contrast, that Cow and Chicken does, in its writing. They do not know how to both show this is a show rooted in something sincere, WHILE ALSO saying outrageously dirty/surreal/mean/pompous or dark things inside that vessel. The appreciation for the context of its background, is what makes shows like 'Mystery Inc.' and 'Zombie Island' work, while Velma and other SBs, do not. If we took Cow & Chicken, stripped it of it's irony, what else do we have except yet another dime a dozen weaker show, constantly going 'haha, me say the rude words!/do the gross bad thing again!' adult oriented show, with no fangs? Another exhausting reboot, which takes yet another unoriginal idea, robs its reputation, and wastes our time? …There's a way to do this kind of thing right. I just do not think most people, not even some of the most talented in the business, have the freedom or ability to do so. Not even Samurai Jack, a legend of an animated program, escaped this 'update it for adults!' treatment unscathed. If you're gonna update something for adults, you really have to think about WHY it was good in the first place. Not take just what you had, and stamp lots of expletetives or flashes of red to indicate actual blood on there. You need either to actually SAY something, completely useful and different, or, just stick to your guns with the old formula, and do it so well it exceeds the hype for the original. Which is also near being impossible to do. Hence, it begs the question, why do it at all?
…Sorry for this TEDTalk, I just love being an absurd mess at 2AM when I have better more boring adult things to do.
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nancypullen · 8 months
Sunday Evening
There are about ten different things I should be doing right now, but I am the queen of procrastination so here I am on the ol' blog. It was a very long week. I have such mixed feelings about the job. The people are absolutely wonderful. The work is interesting and beneficial. But the schedule is...unpleasant. Well, I say that as a person who doesn't really have a schedule. I had to ask several times if I could maybe know my work days/hours at least a week in advance. I'm there 8.5 hours but take a mandatory 1 hour unpaid lunch. So I work 7.5 hours most days, though I worked just 5 on Saturday. They are long days. I suppose I had the idea that part-time would be 20-ish hours a week. Looks like the plan is to work me just under the cut off between part/full time. Not having a set schedule in advance makes it really hard to plan any sort of normal life. For example, the Edgewaters have been asking me if I'm off on Feb. 10th to celebrate the grandgirl's 6th birthday. It's 12 days away and I still can't tell them yes or no. How can I make a doctor's appointment or even schedule a haircut? You don't call anywhere around here and get in quickly, so it would be nice to have, say, a month's schedule to reference when trying to make an appointment. I get the impression that it's not looked upon favorably if you throw a wrench in the works and request particular days off. I guess I'll ride it out and see if it gets better, maybe because I'm the newbie they're just seeing if I survive before locking me into the work calendar? Every time I asked, no one seemed to think it was a big deal. It's a big deal to me, I like to plan my life and get my ducks in a row - not knowing my works days/hours ten or twelve days out rattles me. Really hoping that part gets better.
.I'm a minimum of twenty yeas older than everyone at work, thirty years older than most of them. I feel like a fossil. Actually, the director is around my age, but she has put in her retirement notice. So I show up in my old lady glory and try not to grunt or groan when I get up from shelving books on the lowest shelf. I've had to move boxes, tables, racks of chairs, wood and glass bookcases and pretend that my sciatica isn't flaring up. There is a lot of ibuprofen involved. This is how I feel there...
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but they're all nice to me because their mamas raised them to respect their elders. I was at the circulation desk one morning and talking to another employee who is not yet thirty. I realized that I could easily be her grandmother.
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The eternal optimist in me says to keep plugging away and everything will settle into place and I'll just be the nice old lady at the library. The part of my brain that always yells, "FLEE! You don't belong here!" is screaming in my ear. Luckily, the eternal optimist occupies about 90% of my gray matter, so she usually wins. Onward, onward, onward. I mentioned that on Saturday I was off work at 2 o'clock. Shortly after that the Edgewaters came over and brought their pizza oven. That was a treat. They made gourmet pizzas for our dinner and we had a wonderful visit. Little Miss kept me busy with Barbies and books, and I plied her with cupcakes. They left today around 3 o'clock and the mister and I are sitting here now wondering if we even want to bother with dinner tonight. I'm ready for bed. The workweek is staring me in the face and I'm not ready. Have I whined enough? I swear I'm not unhappy, just tired. I'd give my right arm for 5 hour work days (like Saturday) instead of 8.5. Mickey has been amazing - actually cleaning and cooking! I have no reasons to complain. So I should probably shut up. That said, we're moving forward and starting to plan a 40th anniversary trip. I'm crossing my fingers that they'll grant me unpaid leave. As a part-time employee I don't accrue vacation days, so I guess we'll see how all of that plays out. Yikes.
I'm boring myself sick with this post and I can't imagine that it's been at all interesting or entertaining to read. I'll wait a couple of days and try to post something worth reading. There have been amusing incidents at the library, but I hesitate to write about any of it because this is a small town and my name is on the blog. I'll have to find my way with that. I certainly wouldn't name names or embarrass anyone. Oh well, I'm off to ready my clothes for work and pack a lunch. I'll try to keep a Mary frame of mind. No one I work with would get that reference.
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I'm so old.
*sigh* Until next time - stay safe, stay well. Sending out loads of love. XOXO, Nancy
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jeetardgoneyolo · 1 year
First post. No further elaboration. Coz why?
Just kidding. I am here to talk today....or to vent, more precisely.
JEE is hard. It's ridiculous. But what's even more ridiculous are the expectations, the burden of honor, and the fear of disappointment and despair ingrained into our values caused due to our inability to cope with the extraordinary expectations, after we get into the toppers group.
I worked hard to get into the 'good kids' group. Then I got demotivated after a single failure coz I'm fucking weak, and now am procrastinating.
"Plenty of people finished 11 and 12 in class 9 and 10. They only practice and take mock tests for the 2 years of secondary higher education. So if you don't atleast finish 12 within 11, you'll never crack JEE. And anything without IIT CSE is meaningless when you are in JEE." —Mom
"You can't even rank first in the small area that we live in? What are you gonna do in JEE where competition is at national level?" —Mom, after I scored 207/300 and ranked 6th at my local coaching centre in my first JEE Main Mock test with Kinematics, mole concept, periodic table, trigonometry as topics.
And the thing is, I can't even protest her words, after all, the 1st rank scored 264 and the 2nd rank scored 246. With such a huge difference, I can't even argue. Since more is expected from me as I am supposedly a kid who is wasting away my potential as a someone who can become a JEE top ranker.
"What? You only answered 252? You couldn't even answer 300? You know right how much your marks will be considering your poor 90% accuracy rate? It will go down to minimum of 220s. I am quite disappointed."
This is the 2nd mock test I am talking about, the result hasn't been declared yet. But this exam was said to be especially hard with the insanely tough maths section and mid hard chem questions. The 1st ranker dude from last time answered 230s this time, and the 2nd ranker answered 256. The 3rd ranker, who is actually one of the best prospect in our entire class 11 batch in the whole state, answered 284 but he's quite sad because apparently he will get a lot of negatives. I am expecting 3rd or 2nd rank this time but I think life's gonna gimme lemons as always.
This is what I go through as a JEE aspirant. It wasn't supposed to be this hard. It's toxic at this point. I am in a rat race that I can't even escape like in other countries, considering even self help opportunities such as working at fast food chains or something, for minors here are considered trash of the society. We aren't free here, we don't have the opportunity to experience the world and explore my options to find out what I am good at. There's only three options. Doctor, engineer, lawyer. This might sound funny because of the stereotype vids on YouTube about Asians. But it's not funny. Many of us can't handle the pressure and commit suicide. Kota, a city in Rajasthan known for being a hotspot of coaching centres, is also stereotyped for being the Indian version of Japan's suicide forest, except it's exclusively for kids. Others go to depression and fall into the abyss of gambling and drugs.
The education system here has lost it's purpose. It has become an elitist system where the only way of survival is either your own talent or your backing. If you don't have either, you're better off being a lowest ranking member of the society succumbing to the higher ranks.
1:46 AM in the morning, I am sitting here writing this post thinking if anybody could say something that would turn my life around. This is more of a silent cry for help instead of something new to share with the world. I am sitting here in vain thinking there might be some magic trick to success here when I deep down know there doesn't exist one. And thus, I fall into this deep rabbit hole, all in my know. I want to stop this spiraling vortex of abyss inside myself that is erasing my existence. But I'm not trying. It's as if I have been mentally and spiritually paralysed.
I have realised something as conclusion. Life is drowning in reality, but the hellish standards that we have here in India are the sandbags that are tied to our feet in this already suffocative water, with no end of depth, we keep drowning and going deeper and deeper. I'm not happy. I want to break out. But I can't. This is painful. I hope it stops. But again, I know it won't, resulting in only pushing myself deeper into the abyss because of my hope being shattered. Hope is becoming dangerous by the day for me.
Am I the only one?
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jamesmmorgan · 1 year
writerblr intro?
I've had this blog for years but done fuck all with it so what better time to write an intro I guess.
Anyway. I'm James and I have written a two-act musical called Days Go By, which you can learn more about @ingenuetheatrecompany (insta: ingenuetheatre). I have eclectic tastes and my writing tends to reflect this.
Right now I'm working on my creative writing dissertation, which I've written a few drafts for now even though term hasn't even started yet lmao. Otherwise I have a few projects on the go which I'm constantly switching between (this isn't including my musical endeavours so I'm ALSO often found procrastinating writing by making music instead). There's a few of these so buckle in.
WIP(s) - in order of progress
Grieving Eden // Genre: Epistolary Fiction, Mystery. Ten years after the tragic death of 90s shoegaze/dreampop sensation E.T (a.k.a Eden Tamaro), a journalist conducts interviews with people who knew him before his rise to fame. Based on Days Go By: An Eighties Musical.
(Untitled Dissertation Project) // Genre: Political Drama, Romance. "Set in New York City, the story follows the reclusive son of a prominent politician as he suffers with debilitating social anxiety that has cost him his place in the family legacy. Despite enjoying a luxurious lifestyle thanks to his arranged marriage to a billionaire CEO, Everest seeks to escape the weight of his family's reputation. To make matters worse, his father is running for president." Based off the concept for my dissertation. Yes everybody in the novel is absolutely insufferable. Yes I was watching Succession when we were writing pitches.
There is Music (working title) // Genre: Bildungsroman, Literary. "two boys come of age in a small English town, their lives shaped by music, art and religion across the decades." I've been writing this since I was thirteen so uh… might be a long time in the works but here's to progress!
Synthesis (part of the 'Thesis' trilogy) // Genre: Sci-Fi, Dystopia. "In a futuristic city encased in a bio-dome, a police academy dropout finds herself embroiled in a political uprising after moving into a neighbourhood in the impoverished 'Hemi' sector." This one got shelved during the pandemic but I'd like to revisit it at some point in the future. Dystopia may well be seeing a renaissance soon so it could be a good time to get back into my early 2010s era.
That's all (for now). PLEASE ask me about any of my wips rest assured I am thinking about any one of them at all times and would greatly appreciate an outlet besides maladaptively daydreaming about them.
Will probably remake this post when I've got a grip on the writerblr format and started some tags. Bye for now.
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nsk96 · 2 years
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I posted 6,445 times in 2022
That's 1,256 more posts than 2021!
252 posts created (4%)
6,193 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,955 of my posts in 2022
#dishonored - 286 posts
#dragon raja - 229 posts
#dragonraja - 144 posts
#the outsider - 133 posts
#outsider my beloved - 109 posts
#dragon raja fan fiction - 105 posts
#corvo attano - 90 posts
#daddy corvo - 68 posts
#chime gen - 61 posts
#dishonored 2 - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 99 characters
#here’s some gold stars for you too ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My Top Posts in 2022:
Starting a game cuz I feel like procrastinating. The most recent 5 characters in your camera roll are your new roommates:
Mine: Todoroki, “Walmart” Chime Gen, Bondarev, Yasha, and Johann Chu
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See the full post
61 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Art Help
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I redid this list because broken links 💀
General Tips
Stretch your fingers and hands
Art is for fun
Never too late to start/improve
Using a tablet
Editing software: pictures & video
Moodboard resources
Comic pacing
Color Theory (not children's hospital)
Dark Skin undertones
Dark Skin in pastel art
POC Blush tones
Eyes colors
Human Anatomy
Wizard Battle poses
Tips for practicing anatomy
Proportional Limbs
Hair Directions
Afro, 4C hair
Long skirts
Traditional Chinese Hanfu (clothing reference)
See the full post
67 notes - Posted December 9, 2022
It’s always: “gasp! The Outsider” this and “show yourself” and “black-eyed bastard” that.
It’s never: “hey Outsider, how ya been? You look great. Taking care of your health these days? Did you see what happened in Dunwall? I know you did but I thought we’d talk about it anyway.”
The guy obviously loves talking, like please, someone sit down and have a conversation with the precious void boi.
73 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
So I was watching this show called “Motherland Fort Salem” and these three girls reminded me of some other group and I couldn’t quite figure out which group
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Until the other day when I saw a post about some of my favorite childhood cartoons and realized…
See the full post
80 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay why didn’t anyone warn me of the drastic changes WEBTOON made to their app?
What the heck is this shit??? Coins?!!
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I left the app alone for one year and this shit happens? I barely have time to read so I’d binge when I get time!
I’m just trying to pick up where I left off and now I have to wait a whole day just to read another chapter? 😩😭
Like damn bro, I was always happy with just the ads😭
102 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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favourite colour(s): Royal/sapphire blue! I also love: navy, cool-toned red, pastels like blush pink/lilac/dusty blue, cream, and black.
favourite flavour(s): Not sure what qualifies as a flavor per se, but my favorite foods are cannoli, chicken tikka masala, champagne, tea, spaghetti carbonara, and lemon Fanta. My favorite restaurants are French, Italian, Korean, and Japanese mostly. If it's found on an afternoon tea tiered stand, I want to put it in my face. And I've been craving a steak bake and a sausage roll from Greggs for years now (don't get me started on Wetherspooons curry club and Nando's).
favourite genre(s): drama and romance, by a long shot. Bonus if historical. I like some fantasy, action-adventure, and comedy on occasion.
favourite music: I like pop/rock, classical, pop/rock goes classical, and soundtracks. I grew up on 50s and 60s music as a kid and my more influential music years (teens through college) would be anywhere from the late 90s to the mid-2010s or so. My SiriusXM radio is pretty much constantly drifting between the 80s all the way up to the 2010s, decades-wise.
favourite movie: My favorite movie of all time is Dead Poets Society. Otherwise, I love: Shakespeare in Love, Good Will Hunting, Love, Actually, and a variety of historical dramas mostly. As far as animated films go, I have a soft spot for Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, and Howl's Moving Castle.
favourite series: This question is mean and I don't like it. But I'll try. TV: Downton Abbey, Endeavour, Outlander, The Great, Bridgerton. Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Lupin III, Zeta Gundam. Video Games: Danganronpa, Zero Escape, Umineko, Code: Realize. Books: A Court of Thorns and Roses (and pretty much everything in the Maas-verse at this point), Bridgerton, Crazy Rich Asians. I feel like I should put something super highbrow here but uh...nope.
last song: We Will Be Memories - Call the Midwife soundtrack. I really love my soundtracks...
last series: Live action TV: All Creatures Great and Small Season 3, Marie Antoinette, Emily in Paris Season 3. Anime: Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family. Books: Crescent City (I need a book 3 release announcement ASAP)
currently reading:  From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout and it's annoying me SO. MUCH. It's what I do to escape from work stress, and instead I'm getting 'slow plot and annoying main character' stress instead. After this I'm taking a break from this series and trying Kingdom of the Wicked instead by Kerri Maniscalco. If that doesn't go over well, I'll finally dip into Scarlett St. Clair and Leigh Bardugo (so I can finally watch Shadow and Bone on Netflix), or The Moonflower Murders by Anthony Horowitz. Murder mystery fans, do not sleep on Anthony Horowitz: he is a fantastic writer!
currently watching: Miss Scarlet and the Duke Season 3, Vienna Blood Season 3, Marie Antoinette, and probably Tokyo Revengers Season 2 soon. I need to catch up on the new Urusei Yatsura and the most recent Lupin III anime, too.
currently working on: de-stressing from a horrible day at work while regaining my patience for one more terrible day at work tomorrow, waiting for French seasonal clothing sales to get posted, charging my kindle so I can curl up with it, eyeing a soothing candle to light. I'm all about warm clothes, candles, my heated blanket, and books right now. And the usual: avoiding replies until I'm less tired.
tagged by: stolen from @earthssprout!
tagging: You, if you have more than three replies in your to-write pile (because that's more than me right now and I'm still avoiding them: let me help you procrastinate)
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bizlawbolds · 1 month
Time Management :/
Time Management??? When first introduced to the concept I said this is bs! I couldn’t have been more wrong 😑. You won’t get me to say that often.
So the goal of time management is to maximize your efforts through strategic planning to do better work in less time.
When I first started implementing this into my routine it was daunting. Then I realized how much free time I really had.
I initially used this free time for day dreaming. If you haven’t tried day dreaming you should cause it’s really exciting. This post isn’t about that though 😅🥲.
I never really procrastinated I just didn’t complete task cause I would say there’s plenty of time until time ran out. I learned if I did small pieces of assignments leading up to a due date it’ll get done easier and made me more excited about the task.
My dad tells me all the time that he thinks I use my time way better than most young men. He applauds me for having a part time job doing something that may shape my future into what I want it to be. My mom thinks I work too much and that I’m not enjoying life because all I’m doing is working. Most of my family sounds like my dad or my mom. I’m neutral because I do most things because what else am I going to do with my time?? Work helps me have fun outside of work and keeps me out of trouble while there 💡 💡💡
I’ve been working on making a better schedule to do actual workouts because walking is great it’s very easy. I need to do some weight lifting to have strength endurance. Even as an athlete I hated workouts 😩.. as a coach I hated them twice as much 🤣🤣🤣
I dedicate a lot of time to day dreaming and planning trips for the future. I have to see at least 90% of the planet before I depart to the next life. If death is really even real but that's neither here nor there. I often day dream that if this life is cool the next has to be even cooler but we still talking about time management.
I could use more of my time to keep planning my departure from education into my next phase of life. I will own a cleaning service(commercial &residential), an estate planning firm, and adult beverage line (wine, mezcal, & spiked tea) and still figuring everything else out. If nothing else ill be running and loving my family!
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lazzarella · 2 months
It's now been six months since I started my journey into Asian BL series*, and there's nothing I like more than making lists and procrastinating (with a dash of navel gazing), so I'm here to ramble a bit haha (okay this got really long 😅)
*I did realise later that I had watched the movie cut of Wish You some time back, but I'm not counting it :P
I posted an overall top 10 when I hit 40, I think, but here's my updated version:
1. My Personal Weatherman and Moonlight Chicken tied for first place :P
2. KinnPorsche
3. Cherry Magic (Thailand)
4. Wandee Goodday
5. Boys Be Brave!
6. Old Fashion Cupcake
7. A Tale Of Thousand Stars
8. Cherry Magic (Japan)
9. We Are
10. Only Friends and Jack O' Frost tied for 10th place because I can't decide
Now for the navel gazing:
So, I had heard of some of these shows for a while, but I was dumb and couldn't figure out how to watch them XD then, someone on Reddit asked for recs for gay period dramas, and another person recommended I Feel You Linger in the Air to them (I still haven't finished this) and that sent me down a rabbit hole, which eventually led to me watching Moonlight Chicken at the end of January. I was super anxious and depressed at the time (compared to my usual levels of depression and anxiety) and it was exactly the balm I needed! And then I proceeded to watch 49 more shows in the following six months lmao
Also, as much as I sometimes love a sad love story, I was getting frustrated that so many queer romance movies were ending with the main couple apart—maybe everyone wants to make their own version of Weekend, I don’t know haha (Sidenote: I swear there were more HEA in 90s/00s queer films but maybe that was selection bias) Like, don't get me wrong, they're basically all made by queer creators, and I don't want to police what they make (I have a whole rant about this, but I'll save it for another day...or my drafts lol) But as a rom-com lover I was getting bored of watching the same 10 movies/shows over and over for my HEA lmao so, delving into Asian BL series where the majority seem to have happy endings??? Omg, it's been HEAVEN!
As far as adjusting, there wasn't really much to do. I only note this, because a few people I've chatted to elsewhere seemed to treat it like I was delving into completely new territory or something??
Anything that isn't just your standard rom-com or romance trope, I was probably familiar with due to many years in transformative fandom. And the things I wasn't familiar with were mostly cultural things (which I'm still learning about) or different stylistic choices (like the sound effects, which I love). The fandom culture, though, has been a little more of an adjustment, especially the fan service and fixed couples (I think this is a super cute idea, tbh—it feels like watching the gay Fred and Ginger or Myrna Loy and William Powell et al, you know? By the by, Loy and Powell made 13 films together!)
I think overall I'm more drawn to Thai series, but the Japanese ones, when they hit emotionally, they hit like nothing else. Like nothing I've ever watched really. I think it's the way they do longing and yearning combined with feelings of low self worth that's just sooooooo good and delicious to me. But, yeah, there's something about the Thai series that I'm really drawn to! I've started watching more Thai movies in general and listening to Thai music and, I don't know, I enjoy it all. I still need to delve into Taiwan and other countries, though
I've had so much fun with the series I've watched and learning little bits of different cultures and I'm excited to keep going and make my way through my intimidatingly long watchlist lol It's been hard not to let other people's opinions get me down, though—I've felt less embarrassed about enjoying rom coms on Letterboxd than I have since poking my head into BL spaces, but... I don't think I'll dwell on that XD
Anyway, here are all of the series I've watched ranked by country under the cut(an idea I borrowed from @/dramalets)
Thailand (average rating: 8.4)
1. Moonlight Chicken
2. KinnPorsche
3. Cherry Magic
4. Wandee Goodday
5. A Tale of Thousand Stars
6. Only Friends
7. We Are
8. Cupid's Last Wish
9. Manner of Death
10. Laws of Attraction
11. Vice Versa
12. Last Twilight
13. Enchanté
14. A Boss and a Babe
15. Lovely Writer
16. The Sign
17. Hidden Agenda
18. Bad Buddy
19. Not Me
20. Theory of Love
21. To Be Continued
22. Sky In Your Heart
Japan (average rating: 8.2)
(Using the English titles)
1. My Personal Weatherman
2. Old Fashion Cupcake
3. What Did You Eat Yesterday?
4. Jack O' Frost
5. Cherry Magic etc
6. My Beautiful Man
7. Love is Better the Second Time Around
8. Ossan's Love
9. Perfect Propose
10. My Love Mix-Up
11. Candy Color Paradox
12. I Cannot Reach You
13. Mr Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss
South Korea (average rating: 7.6)
1. Boys Be Brave
2. Blueming
3. Semantic Error
4. Love for Love's Sake
5. Choco Milk Shake
6. The New Employee
7. Love Tractor
8. Our Dating Sim
9. Bon Appetit
10. Roommates of Poongduck 304
11. The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
12. Love Class
13. Cherry Blossoms After Winter
14. Kissable Lips
And I'm currently watching:
Love Sea; Meet You at the Blossom; Only Boo!; The Trainee; This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans
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thebigcjart · 5 months
Hey, welcome to my blob!
This is the official art/adjacent sideblog for @thebigcj. Here is where I will be posting my art (among other assorted procrastinations)! I am a newbie artist, I mean ofc I've been around a while, so I've done a whole bunch of worse art in the past, but this is sort of like the next step, y'know?
You can call me w/e (as long as it's not "late for dinner", I don't cotton to liars). Pronouns are he but not him, because I'll never be him (whatevs is also fine but keep in mind I am v masc for an NB).
I am v v into Homestuck atm so p much 90% of my stuff will be HS related, but I also plan on doing other things and my own stuff. I have an original series on Webtoon called Super Fish Legs. It was made (and abandoned) several years ago, but now I have an excuse to get back into it!
Here I will also be posting some original content related infodumps and nerd rants (I am quite aurtistic), including but not limited to; OC worldbuilding, HS fansessions, discussing techniques and constructive criticism, and various other things instead of doing my homework!
A lot of my early stuff will be kinda mid (except for Shitty Karkat; the skrunkly) so follow so you can watch my progress as an artist! This is just a mild hobby so don't expect frequent updates (unless I am in ADHD Hyperfocus Overdrive)
Here are some tags I frequently use!
#cj did art - I do art
#cj infodumps - I infodump, but sometimes… I just regular talk
#cj talks - I just regular talk, but sometimes... I infodump
#ask cj - PLEASE bother me with questions and statements and recommendations and prompts, I will try to respond to as many as possible
#fanfic chat - Talking about fanfiction; will most likely just end up being my own.
#art wip - Art that is work-in-progress
#cj style - Art that is done in my art style, but that will change drastically as I do not have a set “style” yet.
#canon style - Art that is styled as closely as my skill allows to the source material; in the case of Homestuck, this specifically refers to sprites.
#hero mode - Art that is styled as closely as my skill allows to the Homestuck frame style called Hero Mode. Not necessarily Homestuck characters but pretty much just Homestuck characters
#ms paint - Art that is made on Microsoft Paint (Windows 10)
#[art program name] - Art that is made on [art program]
#physical art - Art that is drawn on paper and photographed
#mouse art - Duh
#Tablet art - Also Duh
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