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megumi-fm · 2 years ago
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33/100 days of productivity
👟 30min of walking 🌱 30min of sunlight 💻 1hr of extra credit work 🧬 1hr of uni final project work 🇩🇪 15min of duolingo 📚 45min of reading (finally finished Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier!!!)
🍕 had pizzas for lunch with one of my best friends (after which she dragged me to her house and we hung out in her terrace) 🏮 visited an art exhibit on the history of Sushi 📿 went to a flea market and bought two bracelets for myself 🧥 came up with the basic design to print on the hoodies my friends and I are getting custom made
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megumi-fm · 2 years ago
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1/100 days of productivity
I was staying over at my aunt's place all these days and I'm finally home now. Most of today has been just planning for the next three weeks of holidays until uni starts. The real work starts tomorrow.
🏃 30 min of exercise 💻 1hr of C++ 🇩🇪 20 min of German (Duolingo)
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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6th November || day 107 of 150dop
🎧: Half Time by Amy Winehouse 📖 : Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li
💌 hi!! today was a tiring day. my cramps still kind of suck and everything hurts :(( it's taking a lot of energy to work up the motivation to start a task lately. but I tried my best! I read for a bit today, it's been a while, it was nice :))
Stuff I did
🧬 Proteogenomics Lecture Notes [7/7] 🧹 Clear out the closet
Hope you guys are having a wonderful day <3
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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29th & 30th Oct || 99 - 100 days of 150dop
I have reached day 100! My initial DOP goal has been met!! Yay! Now I have 50 days of productivity (and 30working days of university) left! It's so daunting that I'm close to the finish line I'm so nervous and excited and everything in between !!!!!
My next (final) semester of uni is allocated for internships- and when I asked my final project guide for advice, she told me about this one lab focusing on Computational Systems Biology. I've spent the past couple days researching about them now- their projects, members, published papers, etc etc. Lucky for me, they do some of the coolest work and it's exactly what I'm interested in! And yesterday I finally managed to gather the courage (emails are so intimidating 😣😣) and bits and pieces of my scant academic vernacular and ended up emailing the PI about potential internship opportunities. The task took so much of my mental energy that I spent the rest of the evening tired and unproductive.
However, it was all worth it when I opened my email on the way back from Uni today and noticed that the PI emailed back!! He agreed to have a call to discuss my interests and whether I'd be a good fit for his lab. The interview is on Thursday!! I'm excited nervous freaking out!! I've started looking deeper into his work and brushing up my basics as well so I can leave a good impression, let's see how it goes.
Other than that, my friends and I hung out at a cafe today after class, it was a fun time <3 I also got spotify premium with my friends xD
hope you guys are having a good day!
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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4th Oct - 8th Oct || days 74 - 78 of 100dop
4th Oct
💻 work on presentation for final project 🎤 performed an acapella set in college
5th Oct
💻 completed final project presentation 💻 6hours of final project work
6th Oct
🧹 cleaning up my room and closet 💻 4 hours of final project work 📺 watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
7th Oct
💻 4 hours of final project work 💻 call with my project teammates (huge shoutout to them because i kind of screwed up this one part and they've been working their asses off with me helping us recover) ✂ got a haircut xD 💫 30min of walking in the terrace + stargazing
8th Oct
🍱 went for lunch my best friend (god bless @muakrrr for always paying) 📚 bought a couple books 🌱 walked in the park for couple hours 💻 drafting final project report 💻 call with a senior regarding research project
it's been a tiring week, i've been in front of my screen all day. I hope you guys have had a productive and eventful week
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megumi-fm · 2 years ago
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31/100 days of productivity
📚 1 hr of extra credit work 🇩🇪 30min of german practice + duolingo 🌱 45min of walking + sunlight
🧋bought taro boba 🛍 bought a tote bag 🏠 explored a new mall? and a bookstore ☎️ spoke to my best friend for an hour
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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7th Nov to 12th Nov || days 108 - 113
⏲ recalibration and goal setting ✨
hi I think this is the longest I've been away but I am back! the past week has been a time for a lot of introspection and several important decisions and now i just hope to stand my ground and keep going. starting tomorrow, I will resume my 150 days of productivity from 13th Nov as day 108 and day 150/150will fall perfectly on Christmas hehe
UNI Deadlines
📚 Internals ↳ Biostats: 27th Nov ↳ CCT: 28th Nov 📍 Finals: ↳ Biostats: 4th Dec ↳ CCT: 5th Dec 💻 Project Presentations ↳ internals: 27th Nov ↳ final: 7th Dec
Misc expected progress
🩺 Radiomics Project: 80% by 25th Dec (day 150) 📝 English Proficiency Test: 14th Dec (day 138) 📝GRE prep: 80% by 25th Dec (day 150) 📁Admission Essays for Unis: 90% by 25th Dec (day 150) ✅ Internship Applications : first set by 20th Nov(day 115)
Personal Goals/ Reminders
👟 consistency with exercise ↳ start with 30min a day (walk, jump rope, dance, etc) ↳ increase slowly 🥗 meals and water ↳ record water intake daily (atleast 6glasses) ↳ eat a fruit a day (literally any fruit) 💌 gratitude and introspection ↳ record what i'm grateful for daily ↳ keep recalibrating work plan 🎨 hobbies ↳ dedicate atleast an hour per week for reading ↳ dedicate atleast an hour per week for drawing/writing ↳ outdoors!!! or I will die in my room
edited to update completed events// the next six weeks of days of productivity posts will go on with these goals and intentions in mind. i'll file these posts in their own subcategory(final42) under 150dop
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megumi-fm · 2 years ago
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this week in productivity
it's been a strange few days, most of them messy and not all that productive, so I've decided to clump all of them into one list
Tuesday; day 38 of 100
💻 3 hours of final project work
Wednesday; day 39 of 100
💻 3 hours of final project work 📸 generated really cool images using R!! 🤳🏽 video called a friend I hadn't spoken to in a while
Thursday; day 40 of 100
💻 2 hours of final project work 🌱 2 hours of sunlight 💃🏼 danced with my friends 🐈 spent the evening playing with cats! ��� streamed a video game with a few friends
Friday; day 41 of 100
On the request of the Head of Department, our team kept a presentation for the juniors where we explained the basic idea of our final project and the various tools we're using. It was a really fun time!
in other news, I've been trying to schedule my week better. I haven't really gotten anywhere with it yet, but hopefully by next week it should all fit into place. I hope to be more physically active and also actually fill a lot more work in the time that I have
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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9th, 10th and 11th Oct || 79 to 81 days of 100dop
9th Oct
💻 completed discussion part of our manuscript we were supposed to have our final project presentation but things got mixed up and it got postponed :/ @rzoom-csv offered to drop me to the station on his way home in his scooter but it started raining heavily and we both raced in the pouring rain. by the time we reached the station we were drenched from head to toe; it was the most fun i had in forever XD
10th Oct
📊 didn't feel like going to uni so I sat cooped up in my room and tried to learn how to use gephi. it's a very cool software and and i now know how to create networks on it. i ended up generating a few images for the manuscript of the final project
11th Oct
💊 started work on new assignment : 3d bioprinting for disease 💻 our final project is officially complete! we'll be sending our work out for publication now, hope that goes smoothly. additionally, the phase2 presentation is tomorrow and we'll be explaining like half of our work so far to the grading panel. hopefully they don't grill us with too many questions T-T 📑 started GRE! i just skimmed through the math section for an hour; it started off as due diligent practice but for some reason all the questions were from the difficult section, and eventually my sleepiness got the better of me so i gave up whoops
oh in other news I got a v cool gender affirming haircut recently i say gender affirming but it mainly just makes me look like a plant and i love it!! it makes me feel very cool and academia :P I've also gotten hooked on The Magnus Archives recently, I started it the day before yesterday and I've already devoured 30episodes of it, I might be able to get through the most of it in the next couple of days; hope you guys are having a wonderful week <3
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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20th - 25th Dec || 145 to 150 of 150dop
this is a late post because I was away from home for the holidays and I didn't really have the time or good enough internet to update you guys, but here we are!!! thank you to everyone who tagged me in cute games during this time (i will be doing them only next year tho hehe) and especially to @chaotic-diaries-of-yours-truely and @winryrockbellwannabe who sent in really comforting asks during this time <3 you guys are my favourites. (I will answer them soon I promise! I've just been swamped 😭)
🎧 Son O-Gong by Seventeen
📋 Tasks
🩺 Radiomics Projects ↳ BCR: draft next year timeline ↳ GBR: download source code and learn mechanism 📝 English Proficiency Test ↳ results are out!!! I did really well, yay!!!
🎨 Personal
I went to my hometown (it's not so much my hometown as it is my native place) and got to meet a lot of family friends and relatives!! It was a lot of fun!! I had a great time!! 📺 Shows this week ↳ My Love Mix-Up JP ✅ ↳ Cherry Magic TH 🔽 (can I just say that I love this adaptation wayyy more than I expected. I really like that it is not trying to be a replica of the JP version and instead focusing on the same themes in a different light) ↳ Last Twilight 🔽 ↳ I also kind of started Trillion Game (meguro ren the man you are)
and we're finally done!! this was my first challenge after setting up my studyblr and I am so happy that I made so many wonderful friends on here who have been checking in on me and supporting me through the course of these 150 days. Even if you're just sharing these posts or liking them, it has really motivated me to do better and keep going. And you guys, who have also been working hard to meet your goals, y'all inspire me day in and day out, I really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this wonderful studyblr community <3
I initially started this series in july and it was only supposed to be for 100 days, but now, after several days skipped in between, and the 100 days updated to 150, and constantly changing goals, we're finally here. At the end. And despite all the modifications, I've only really met 50% of the goals I set for myself. But that being said, i'm proud of myself for making it through. I tend to struggle with consistency a lot, but I'm happy that I still tried my best to be regular with posting. I'm also happy that I was kind to myself through the duration of these 150 days- that I didn't get too rigid with the structure and I let myself have off days or club several days in a post together. At the end of the day, it wasn't supposed to feel too pressurizing or like a chore, and I think I succeeded in that. I also learnt a lot about planning, and I've also in general come to accept the truth that goal setting is a dynamic process and goals and due dates will change over time and that is okay. So yeah. I felt really challenged throughout this series, but that being said, I'm never doing this again 😭. May next year bring new challenges hehe
37 - 42/final42 // the end.
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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16th - 20th October || 86 to 90 days of 100 150dop
hi besties! it's been a while since i updated on here properly. there was kind of an infestation issue but now it's all flushed out and I'm back! i've decided to upgrade my days of productivity challenge to 150 total days because i have 40 days of uni remaining (as well as additional exam days) and I wanted to note all of them down and wrap it up in this challenge itself. I'm also gonna start adding memes and random non-productivity updates, just so I feel more motivated to actually post stuff, instead of procrastinating and clubbing too many days at once.
🎶: Hayloft II by Mother Mother 🔉: MAG053 The Crusader
💌: today I am grateful for music! i've been in a funk recently, but my playlists has really been helping me through it <3
my main focus for the past few days and especially today (20th Oct) has been to complete an assignment on 3D bioprinting and it's relevance in drug testing. I've done a lot of research and learnt a lot of interesting things, but my interest has also led me to getting too distracted and not actually wrapping up the project. I really hope I finish it by tonight, I like how it's looking so far.
i spent yesterday (19th Oct) with my cousins and my sister, I took them to this gaming arcade and babysat them for the day. they seemed to have a good time, I enjoyed a day out of the house as well. we spent so much time there, I managed to upgrade the game card to a gold tier :P we also had taco bell for lunch <3
the day before that (18th Oct) I spent a couple hours on my week3 neuroscience lectures. the concepts are comparatively challenging to understand, so i sat through them many times, I'm yet to make notes for them
on Tuesday (17th Oct) I had extra classes (booo it was the most boring time ever) and a dentist appointment after, so I couldn't really get much done. the dental clinic was just a kilometer or two away from home, so I just walked back, taking pictures of the greenery on the way
i didn't have uni on Monday (16th Oct) so I ended up waking up late but i did clean my room and chart out a work plan the weeks until this semester ends. I've been trying to follow it best I can but oh well, things keep popping up from time to time
in the midst of this I'm in the midst of massive nationwide cricket fever (the world cup is going on and we're doing really well! we've won every match we played so far!) It's also festival time here so I have holidays this week (we don't celebrate at home but my friends call me home and I get to partake with them so it's really nice). And this is coupled with my insane levels of consumption of The Magnus Archives Podcast 24/7 xD. Additionally, I have quite a chunk of AI-ML work to get done by this week (SGD and XBoost model development) and I don't know the first thing about it or where to even start so I'm kind of avoiding it for the moment. Hoping to start that once I'm done with this 3d bioprinting presentation. Fingers crossed!
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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24th October || 94/150dop
Not the most productive day, I kind of had a really bad headache, so I did what best I could
🩺 Papers on radiomics based analysis [2/4] 💻 Familiarized myself with the basics of SGD classifier model 🧠 Neuroscience Week 3 lecture notes [3/4] 👔 cleaned my closet 🎤 look through entries for acapella group auditions
🎶: Let Me Get Me by Selena Gomez 💭: I'm really poor at regulating sleep, I go to bed too late and wake even later unless I absolutely have to go to uni, and so far, all my attempts at power naps have stretched out into full fledged sleep sessions for many hours . if I really want to maximize my day, I need to start exercising again so that I can tire myself out by the end of the day.
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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4th to 7th Dec || 129 - 132 of 150dop
and thus the semester ends 💗 it was a long, long five months but it is finally done!!! just striked out soo many completed tasks from my schedule, I feel alive xD
🎧 The holy trinity of Taylor Swift heartbreak songs (aka, Labyrinth, Say Don't Go and You're Losing Me, and also this mashup of the three)
📆 CCT Finals // 5th Dec ↳ prep [4/4] 💻 Final Project // 7th December ↳ hard bound report ✅ ↳ presentation ✅
📺: started this new Thai BL called Last Twilight!! it's such a cute little love story and I'm super invested in these characters god I hope the new eps come out soon
🎨: went out to an art café with friends today ^=^ we painted cute mugs to gift each other (a little secret santa idea hehe) which we'll collect after glazing next week
21-24/final 42 // time for applications, passion projects and hobbies
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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29th Sep - 02 Oct || days 69 to 72 of 100dop
29th Sep
- planned my schedule for the next week and jotted down all my tasks - got on a call with my group and did some minor changed and we're finally done with the typed out component of our manuscript!!! - added a progress bar to my study blog to track the status of my projects
30th Sep
went on a road trip with my best friends! it was a short journey and we were back home by the end of the day <3 it was a really fun time <3
1st Oct
- cleaned my room, changed sheets etc etc - cleaned out my desk and set it up properly - started a new art journaling book
2nd Oct
- completed seven lectures of my neuroscience course - completed th first spread on my new art journal; it's not my best but i enjoyed the process ^=^
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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13th Nov || day 108 of 150dop
🎧: Paper Mache World by Matilda Mann
💻 Final Project ↳ Call to discuss next steps [⨯] ↳ Updates of publication [⨯] ↳ Get started on presentation [⨯]
🩺Radiomics Project ↳ Call to discuss next steps [⨯] ↳ Downloaded and learnt how to use 3D Slicer [⨯] 📝GRE prep ↳ Verbal Reasoning [45min] ↳ Quantitative Reasoning [45min]
👟 30 min dancing (kpop my beloved xD) 🥗 fruit salad for dinner 🥛 water [6/6] 🧹 cleaned my desk 🎨 gamed with my friends for a bit <3 💌 : @muakrrr who is my best friend ever and listens to my ramblings and checks out my song suggestions and sends me nice songs back and buys me video games but never gets around to watching any of the movies I suggest. i miss you, watch Ponyo soon or else 🔪
1/final42 // tomorrow i need to check out papers and email 2 profs for internships and introduce myself to the new software for radiomics project, along with the other daily goals. i'll try to dedicate some time and finish my bit for the final project presentation. maybe if i have time, I can read for a bit.
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megumi-fm · 1 year ago
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4th Sep. Day 45 | 100dop
📋 30 min of final project work 📚 2hours of GRE prep 📑 got the transcripts I applied for last week 💻 sent a couple emails to apply for a department email ID (it was the most daunting task on this list T-T) 🧹 cleaned up my room
not the most productive day, but it's fine. had two cups of coffee though :/ need to find a way to cut down on that
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