#9/15/2022 is fine. it’s just … 9/11 …
vampiregerard · 3 months
cant believe i was originally supposed to see mcr on 9/11 … my life would be sooooo entirely different if i saw mcr live on 9/11/2020 … SIGH
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valiantstarlights · 17 days
Which Hob Gadling Are You? Quiz
Instructions: Get a pen and paper (or open your notes app) to keep track of your answers and scores. Select one response and add +1 to your tally. At the end, the letter with the most number of tally marks is your result. There are 8 possible results, as there are 8 versions of Hob. Enjoy! 😊✨
1.) How well do you flirt?
Not sure. There's no one to flirt with. (A)
Fucking terrible. (G)
Not trying, not interested. (E)
Somewhat of a disaster, but I'd like to think there's hope for me. (B)
Not sure. I think I'm decent at it, but... (C)
I'm often not sure if I'm being flirted with, but if the person is my type, then I'll do my best to flirt back! (H)
I know what I'm doing, and hopefully it's my date tonight. ;) (F)
Honestly? I'm at a point in my life where I don't care if I'm good at flirting or not. (D)
2.) How much do you wanna fuck/get fucked by your date?
0% - Not right now. I have other priorities. (E)
25% - I'm not actively thinking about it, but if they're interested, then I'm game. (B and D)
50% - Why not? My date is super hot and I'm very interested in them. But if they're not in the mood, then that's fine, too. (H and C)
75% - Look, I'm making an Effort here. It would be nice if my date could show some interest. (G and A)
100% - OH HECK YEAH (F)
3.) Finish the sentence: "How..."
did you know that I'd still be here? (B)
long should I wait? (A)
did you know my name? (H)
wonderful to see you again. (D)
the hell did I fuck that up? (C)
rude! (G)
do you want me? ;) (F)
much longer until my order gets here? (E)
4.) Pick one word from the list:
Life (E)
Patience (A)
Change (F)
Courage (H)
Wonder (B)
Contentment (D)
Friendship (C)
Prosperity (G)
5.) Do you hate Shakespeare?
Ugh. Do we have to talk about him? I have more important things to worry about. (E)
I'm so glad you asked. Here, make yourself comfortable. I have a 6 hour presentation on why he sucks. (D)
I'd rather read a phonebook. (A)
I don't know who that is. (B)
(sighs) If I say no, will you leave me alone? (C)
I watched one of his plays. Still think he's overrated, though. (F)
What's a shake spear? Is that a weapon or something? (H)
6.) How likely are you to say stupid shit?
Everything I say is stupid shit. (G)
Only when I'm drunk. (H)
I have no filter, so... (B)
I'd like to think I have learned not to be so careless. (E)
Fuck! I thought I had it! Apparently not. Gods motherfuck I'm never speaking again. (C)
I'm trying, okay? I really am. (F)
I said stupid shit once and I regret it until now. (A)
Very likely. Just wait and see. Any second now. (D)
YES OR NO QUESTIONS: If your answer is yes, +1 to the letter indicated.
7.) Do you believe in love at first sight? (H)
8.) Do you get excited over things/topics that others consider boring? (B)
9.) Are you content with the life you have right now? (G)
10.) Do you still feel hopeful, despite the horrors? (E)
11.) Are you always DTF (Down To Fight)? (F)
12.) Have you ever fallen in love with a friend? (C)
13.) Would you wait/Have you waited for hours for your friend/s to arrive? (A)
14.) Are you willing to wait however long it takes for the love of your life to appear in your life? (D)
15.) BONUS: Which is your favorite Hob?
1389 (H)
1489 (B)
1589 (G)
1689 (E)
1789 (F)
1889 (C)
1989 (A)
2022 (D)
Mostly A's = 1989 Hob
Mostly B's = 1489 Hob
Mostly C's = 1889 Hob
Mostly D's = 2022 Hob
Mostly E's = 1689 Hob
Mostly F's = 1789 Hob
Mostly G's = 1589 Hob
Mostly H's = 1389 Hob
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sicktember · 5 months
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While waiting for the Sicktember 2024, June 15th reveal, check out these past prompts and collections for inspiration!
Sicktember 2023 - 2021 Past Prompts and Collections
💚2023 💚
[AO3 Collection]
Prompts List ⬇
1. Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
2. Quest for a Cure
3. “What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?”
4. Hiding an Illness
5. Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
6. Sick and Injured
7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”
8. Persistent Fever
9. White Coat Syndrome
10. “The only place we’re going is to the pharmacy”
11. Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick
12. Old Wives Tale
13. Anxious Stomach
14. ‘‘I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am’’
15. Sick in an Inconvenient Place
16. Consulting the Internet/Web MD
17. Magical Remedy/Healing Potion
18. “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
19. Curled Up With a Pet
20. Cramping Pain
21. “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too”
22. Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
23. Coughing Fit
24. “Did you just sneeze?”
25. Confused/Disoriented
26. Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis
27. Uncooperative Patient
28. “I should have stayed home”
29. Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
30. Patient 0
2023 Alternate Prompts
Alt. 1.“I Could Really Use a Hug Right About Now”
Alt. 2. Fuzzy Socks
Alt. 3. Pounding Headache
Alt. 4. Forehead Kisses
Alt. 5. “I’m so sorry”
[AO3 Collection]
Prompt List ⬇
1. ‘Do You Know How To Take Care of a Sick Person?’
2.  Homesick
3.  Painkillers
4.  Hangover
5.  'Great. Now I Have Your Germs All Over Me.’
6.  Sick on vacation
7.  A cry for attention
8.  Intense coddling
9.  Home remedy
10. Excessive use of tissues/ ‘Blow Your Nose’
11. Emergency Room/ Ambulance
12. Psychogenic Fever/Stress Induced Illness
13. Seasonal/Pet Allergies
14. ‘I Might Be A Teeny Tiny Bit Sick, But It’s Fine.’' 
15. Frostbite/Sunburn
16. Care Package
17. Syncope/Fainting
18. Nausea/Upset Stomach
19. Whining/Crying 
20.  Cold Sweat
21. ‘Does this look infected to you?’
22. Common Cold/Flu
23. Tepid Bath
24. ‘I Need You To Pull Over!’
25. Acid Reflux/Heartburn
26. Tickle in the Throat
27. Sleepless Night/s
28. Chronic Illness
29. Lethargy/Exhaustion
30. ‘Get Back in Bed!’ 
2022 Alternate Prompts:
Alt. 1. Soft Pajamas
Alt. 2. Vapor Rub
Alt. 3. Cuddling on the Couch
Alt. 4. Taking a Sick Day
Alt. 5. ‘Can You Be Brave For Me?’
[AO3 Collection]
Prompt List ⬇
1. Fever
2. Persistent Cough/Sniffling.
3. Chicken Pox/Rash 
4. Headache/Migraine
5. Comfort Item (Plush/Blanket)
6. Nebulizer
7. Sneaky Temperature Check
8. Contagious
9. I’m Not Sick
10. Medicine/Injection
11. Bed Rest
12. Faking it
13. Appendicitis
14. Aches and Pains
15. Quarantine 
16. Hot Water Bottle
17. Ginger Ale and Crackers
18. Fever Dream/Hysteria
19. Addiction
20. Doctor’s Visit/Check Up
21. Unlikely Caregiver
22. Toothache
23. Ear Infection
24. Sneezing
25. Sick at School/Work
26. Strep Throat/Laryngitis
27. Blankets
28. Missing Out 
29. Motion Sickness
30. Food poisoning/Allergy
2021 Alternative Prompts:
Alt. 1:  Warm Soup
Alt. 2:  Too Many Layers
Alt. 3:  Vitamin C
Alt. 4:  Stay
Alt. 5:  Asleep on the Couch
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woso-fan13 · 2 years
Updated: 10 August 2023
Make A Wish
The 3 P's
Everything is Going Swimmingly
Syrup & Strollers
Sleepless Sleepovers
Even if You're Little, You Can Do a Lot
What's In a Name?
Peanuts & Paramedics
Roadtrip Part 2
Stuffed Rabbits & Regression
It's Not Drugs (At Least Not The Ones You're Thinking)
Everything Was Not Fine
New Year’s Eve
Adventures in Lelavators
Concussions and Cuddles
Baby Bunny
Catching Flights (And Also so Many Feelings)
It’s Fantastic
Fevers & Favorites
Rough Day
A Pale Face and Red Circles on your Cheeks
I Don't Really Know, But She Seems Fine
This is a Nightmare
Number 1: A Little Out Of The Ordinary
Number 2: Nowhere To Run
Number 3: Hair's Breadth From Death
Number 4: Dead On Your Feet
Number 5: Every Whumpee's Needs
Number 6: Proof Of Life
Number 7: The Way You Shake And Shiver
Number 8: Everything Hurts And I'm Dying
Number 9: The Very Noisy Night
Number 10: Poor Unfortunate Souls
Number 11: 911, What's Your Emergency
Number 12: What Could Go Wrong?
Number 13: Can't Make An Omelette Without Breaking A Few Legs
Number 14: Die A Hero Or Live Long Enough To Become A Villain
Number 15: Emotional Damage
Number 16: No Way Out
Number 17: Hanging By A Thread
Number 18: Let's Break The Ice
Number 19: Enough Is Enough
Number 20: It's Been A Long Day
Number 21: Famous Last Words
Number 22: Pick Your Poison
Number 23: At The End Of Their Rope
Number 24: Fight, Flight, Or Freeze
Number 25: Silence Is Golden
Number 26: No One Left Behind
Number 27: Pushed To The Limit
Number 28: It's Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
Number 29: What Doesn't Kill Me
Number 30: Note To Self: Don't Get Kidnapped
Number 31: A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Sicktember 2022
‘Do You Know How To Take Care of a Sick Person?’
'Great. Now I Have Your Germs All Over Me.’
Sick on Vacation
A Cry for Attention
Intense Coddling
Home Remedy
Excessive Use of Tissues
Emergency Room
Stress Induced Illness
Pet Allergies
‘I Might Be A Teeny Tiny Bit Sick, But It’s Fine.’
Care Package
Upset Stomach
Cold Sweat
‘Does this look infected to you?’
Common Cold/Flu
Tepid Bath
‘I Need You To Pull Over!’
Taking a Sick Day
Tickle in the Throat
Sleepless Night/s
Chronic Illness
‘Get Back in Bed!’
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kirame90 · 2 years
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SniperSpy feels accepted
Aaaaahhhh the pain of having to re-learn Elena again. She's such a joy to have around but man, after not having drawn her for so long it took me a bit to get her...even remotely right.
Jonathan was surprisingly easy to get used to. He's supportive in his own way, even if he might come off as scary at times. But Spy managed just fine here! The next page is now available on my Patreon!
The charity of October 2022 is Center for Reproductive Rights
Working across five continents, the Center for Reproductive Rights is the world's only global legal advocacy organization dedicated to advancing women's reproductive rights as fundamental human rights. They are not solely concentrated on abortion rights either, you can find their programs here
Thank you so incredibly much for your support, one and all!
First part / Previous part
The characters don't belong to me, the artwork does.
All dem other parts:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 21,5
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
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Part 114
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Part 117
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Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 123
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gabrielokun · 1 year
Hi. You watch a lot of dramas/series. Do you have any favorites? If you do, what's your top 20 favorite Asian BL dramas/series?
Hi, anon)) thank you for asking. Sorry, it took a while) but I have to prepare a visual representation to compensate for the lack of writing skills))) english is hard T_T
anyway, here are some of my favorite things
Love by Chance (2018)
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The show that started it all (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ Yep, my first Bl therefore I just must include it. Is is a good show? - not really. BUT! AePete are my babies, I love them. Nobody does it like them ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
2. My Only 12% (2022)
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Childhood friends to lovers done right! My favorite show of the last year. It is a slooooow burn but it's so worth it! Very lively and real boys. great family and friend dynamics, kind of meh last story outside of CakeEwi but still…If you want some great friendship slowly blooming into romance this is the show
3. Kieta Hatsukoi (2021)
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Super cute show. All characters are amazing, story well written, minimum hurt all the comfort. Good girl-not an enemy (im really easy too please ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀) xd)
4. 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii (2020)aka Cherry magic
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JapBL are totally for me when they do fluff, (cause their angst is on a such level I need a lifetime to process it xd)
but this one is so fluffy (ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀)♡ They make me happy and I grateful for it
5. My Ride (2022)
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Speaking of fluff °ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ° Other couples are kind of boring But! Mork's uncles, MorkTawan's adopted son (still a bit salty we didnt see him again, Tawan should've had more parenting time, he is clearly a great dad ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚) natural growth of their friendship into love *_*. This one is good!
6.Color Rush (2020)
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I love soulmates. Its short, simple story but with very interesting and original idea.
7. Hello Stranger (2020)
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Such a simple story but the way it was done is amazing! Falling in love through web camera (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡ Characters have such an incredible chemistry even tho they have minimum personal contact(kudos to actors they done well)))
I Will Knock You (2022)
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Okay, yes age gap not for everyone. But again it was done very respectful. ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა I love love love Noey's ˖°.✧aesthetic✧˖°., his room is my fave ngl, i want everything he has))))I love this delusional king He was so sure Thi is into him from the second they met and i live for it.
9. Until We Meet Again (2019)
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I love soulmates 2. I just love this show. Its gonna traumatize you and then comforts you with cutest fluffiest boys that going through it
10. Vice Versa (2022)
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I didn't like it at first
Puen annoyed me too much ૮꒰˶> ༝ <˶ ꒱ა but then I binge rewatch it in one weekend and I just fall for it. Its so good))) I love soulmates 3 and it's super pretty. I love colors
11. About Youth (2022)
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Show where I love main and second couple the same ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ thats rare))) Again very simple story but told beautifly
12. HIStory2 Right or Wrong (2018)
Let's talk HIStory. They kind of getting worse imho. 4 and 5 were just fine. thats sucks ʚ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ɞ i still love them tho
HIStory2 Right or Wrong (2018) 13. HIStory3 Trapped (2019) and 14. HIStory2 Crossing the Line (2018)
are superior for me. but just watch any of them they all are worth your time
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15. Our Dating Sim (2023)
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Second chance romance done very very right!
16. Oxygen (2020)
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Good fluffy fluff. P'Phu and his bunny are so precious. Main are cute and sweet and adorable. Ignore weird girl and doctor everything else is just so lovely
17. Light on Me (2021)
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Love triangle done right. Good light fluffy show that did hurt so good (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
18. To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories (2022)
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I love how they told this story
19. Not Me (2021)
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its hard to explain how good this show is, its more serious than usual bls, great acting, amazing story, strong message told through not just cinematography but art and dance too. its truly great show
20. Triage (2022)
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Time loops are fun
+ some honorable mentions
Ingredients (2020)
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not a show))) just an add but damn. It such a feel good little comfort add Jeff and Gameplay have an amazing chemistry, simple slice of life stories but so good , mutual pining done so well
anything by strongberry, literally just go at their YT chanel and enjoy ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
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emmmm that a long post sorry
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How exciting! I did every Friday for all of 2023!
WEEK 1 -- Set The Stage (Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things (TV 2016), T-rating, 504 words)
There's only a couple more hours until opening night starts. And everything's ruined.
WEEK 2 -- Birth Of A Star (Sansa Stark/Ygritte, Game of Thrones & ASOIAF, G-rating, 365 words)
Ygritte longs to steal a maiden’s kiss.
WEEK 3 -- Fine By Me (Raul Cocolotl & Kat Elliot, Wendell & Wild (2022), No Rating, 417 words)
Raúl hears a terrified scream in Sister Helley's classroom and comes running.
WEEK 4 -- Pure Imagination (Artemis Crock/Dick Grayson/Wally West, Young Justice (Cartoon), T-rating, 459 words)
It's good to have their boyfriend-not-boyfriend finally home.
WEEK 5 -- Where Secrets Lie // First Light (Charlie Bradbury/Gilda, Supernatural (TV 2005), T-rating, 600 words)
Charlie abandons what remains of a normal life in search of the one she loves—a good fairy.
WEEK 6 -- Who Are You // Eclipse (Korra/Asami Sato, Avatar: Legend of Korra, M-rating, 700 words)
Asami loses Korra inside the Fog of Souls. She must get her back.
WEEK 7 -- Trapped In The Dark // Earthshine (Kim Possible/Shego, Kim Possible (Cartoon), T-rating, 700 words)
"Come on out, Kimmy… let's finish this."
WEEK 8 -- You're Not Alone // Nuclear Cluster (Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), E-rating, 1000 words)
Faith accidentally gets sent to another version of Sunnydale. A really messed up Sunnydale.
WEEK 9 -- Sea & Sun (Valerie Frizzle & Ms. Frizzle's Class, Dorothy Ann & Wanda & Arnold & Ralphie & Carlos & Keesha & Tim, Magic School Bus, G-rating, 765 words)
It's a never a normal field trip with Ms. Frizzle. This time, and to everyone's excitement, they head to the beach!
WEEK 10 -- Celestial Bodies (Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Once Upon a Time, No Rating, 603 words)
In their final moments, Neal decides to reconcile with an old friend.
WEEK 11 -- Tree Of Life (Eris | Discordia/Bia, Eris | Discordia/Hesperides, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, M-rating, 300 words)
Eris steals a golden apple, intending to disrupt one of the weddings happening on Olympus. Someone disrupts her.
WEEK 12 -- Filled With Clarity (Derek/Odette, Swan Princess (1994), G-rating, 564 words)
While they're still young, Derek realizes Odette is not what she seems.
WEEK 13 -- Deep End (Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes, Batman Comics, T-rating, 256 words)
As much as Colin would like to think this was forever, he wasn’t dumb—Robin wouldn’t need him eventually.
WEEK 14 -- Cold Object  (Diedrich/Vincent Phantomhive, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, M-rating, 1123 words)
"Mine at last. Just like I have always wanted."
WEEK 15 -- -Against The Flow (Matsuoka Gou/Mikoshiba Isuzu, Free!, G-rating, 324 words)
Muscles. Men. Meetings with the Iwatobi Swim Club. That's all Gou is supposed to care about.
WEEK 16 -- An Eternal Summer (Jane Bennet/Charles Bingley, Pride and Prejudice (2005), No Rating, 448 words)
Mr Bingley refuses to leave Jane's side long while she's ill.
WEEK 17 -- What Comes Next (Kaneda Shoutarou/Shima Tetsuo, Akira (Anime & Manga), M-rating, 793 words)
When their enemies get the jump on them, It's his turn to save Kaneda.
WEEK 18 -- Didn't Mean It (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Toothless, How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), T-rating, 423 words)
Hiccup doesn't want Toothless to think Hiccup is mad at him. Even if the workshop nearly got set on fire.
WEEK 19 -- How Far We've Come (Søstre | Sisters/Prinsesse | Princess/Prins | Prince, Den lille Havfrue | The Little Mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen, E-rating, 576 words)
Because of the prince and his princess, her sister no longer lives. This cannot be.
WEEK 20 -- Comedian's Night (Dick Grayson | Robin/Red X, Teen Titans Animated Series, T-rating, 987 words)
Robin investigates trouble in Jump City's local performing arts center and gets the unlikeliest backup.
WEEK 21 -- The Devil You Forgot (Coraline Jones/Wybie Lovat, Coraline (2009), No Rating, 1489 words)
Eleven years later, Wybie and Coraline return to the Pink Palace Apartments, unlocking their memories.
WEEK 22 -- Yes, Sir!! (Starlight & Sweetheart & Melody & Bright Eyes & Patch & Clover & Bon Bon, My Little Pony Generation 1.5: Tales (Cartoon 1992), G-rating, 339 words)
Sweetheart never learned to roller skate. The other ponies teach her and encourage Sweetheart to overcome her fear.
WEEK 23 -- All The King's Horses And All The King's Men (Ygraine de Bois/Nimueh, BBC Merlin, M-rating, 472 words)
On the eve of King Uther's long-awaited marriage ceremony, Nimueh convinces her lover to flee.
WEEK 24 -- Where The Flowers Grow (Higa Hiromi | Shadow/Oka Shokichi, SK8 the Infinity (Anime), T-rating, 566 words)
In the middle of his break, Hiromi gets an unexpected visit from Manager Oka.
WEEK 25 -- Sink Or Swim (OceanGate Titan Submersible, RMS Titanic, Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad, Mysterious Banging Noises Coming at 30 Minute Intervals, Angry Spirits of the Working Class Poor on the RMS Titanic, Yacht-Destroying Orcas, Ever Given Container Ship, Titanic 1997's Director James Cameron's Evil Twin, Metal-Eating Bacteria in the Atlantic Ocean, US Coast Guard, OceanGate - Fandom, No Rating, 589 words)
Alright… who did it? Who went ahead and broke it?"
WEEK 26 -- Can We Kiss? (Daisy Duck/Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse and Friends, G-rating, 241 words)
For 'What Makes You Happy! Day… Minnie would like to ask Daisy something.
WEEK 27 -- Reporting The Scoop (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Kururugi Suzaku & Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Code Geass, T-rating, 1631 words)
Lelouch exposes Suzaku's bullies to the entirety of Ashford Academy without Suzaku's knowledge. It doesn't go over well.
WEEK 28 -- On The Edge (Julie Grigio/R, Warm Bodies (2013), No Rating, 493 words)
While bleeding out, Julie asks R to do something unthinkable for R. But he will. For her.
WEEK 29 -- The Sand Ocean (Kiba/Tsuma/Cheza, Wolf's Rain (Anime), M-rating, 999 words)
After a narrow escape, Kiba lets his pack rest before their journey begins again.
WEEK 30 -- An Old Friend (Margot Robbie's Barbie/J. Robert Oppenheimer, Barbie (2023) & Oppenheimer (2023) Crossover, T-rating, 1037 words)
Oppenheimer remembers Toni's little doll when she was fifteen. But never how remarkable it was.
WEEK 31 -- Gotta Go Fast (Daria Morgendorffer, Jane Lane, Jodie Landon, Michael "Mack" Mackenzie & Brittany Taylor, Kevin Thompson, Angela L, Daria (Cartoon), No Rating, 390 words)
The reception hall for Lawndale High's senior prom has a 24 hour go-kart track across the street. Pandemonium starts.
WEEK 32 -- Ten Years Later (Rafe McCawley/Danny Walker, Pearl Harbor (2001), M-rating, 1544 words)
In the middle of the night, Danny comes to Rafe. Once when they're kids and once before Rafe leaves for England.
WEEK 33 -- Broken Mirror (Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Adventure Time, G-rating, 458 words)
Marceline accidentally knocks over Bonnibel's newest invention while cooking spaghetti.
WEEK 34 -- Mall At Night (Gregory & Wirt, Over the Garden Wall (Cartoon & Comics), No Rating, 1104 words)
Wirt and Greg end up accidentally locked inside after closing hours.
WEEK 35 -- Found Family (Ellie & Joel, The Last of Us (TV & Video Game), T-rating, 774 words)
"I can't believe you're in prison."
WEEK 36 -- Portal Fiction (Non-magical Fionna-world Marshall Lee/Gary Prince, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, (Cartoon 2023), E-rating, 1297 words)
Fionna goes missing. Marshall Lee and Gary finally meet and theorize about where she's gone… while in bed.
WEEK 37 -- How Do You Use 'It'? (Cornelius/Thumbelina, Thumbelina (1994), G-rating, 579 words)
During a journey in the nightfall, Cornelius encourages Thumbelina to inquire about their world and ride his pet bumblebee.
WEEK 38 -- Under The Night Sky (Chris Washington, Rod Williams, Get Out (2017), No Rating, 355 words)
"What the hell did I tell you, man?"
WEEK 39 -- Blood Is Thicker Than Water (D. J. Tanner & Stephanie Tanner, D. J. Tanner & Michelle Tanner, Kimmy Gibbler & D. J. Tanner, Full House (US TV), M-rating, 1151 words)
Stephanie ends up in the car accident with Gia when D. J. doesn't stop her from leaving. Nobody survives.
WEEK 40 -- Spine In A Twist (Cassia/Milo/Atticus, Pompeii (2014), No Rating, 944 words)
As everything ends, Milo finds comfort in the two living souls he belongs to.
WEEK 41 -- An Empty Grave (Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, The Witcher (TV), T-rating, 1016 words)
Geralt barely survives against Vilgefortz. Jaskier looks after his recovery in Brokilon, washing Geralt's wounds and despairing.
WEEK 42 -- By Candlelight (Jet Black & Ed & Ein & Spike Spiegel & Faye Valentine, Ed & Ein, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), No Rating, 1136 words)
A group of lousy ship-jackers end up on the Bebop. They're screwed.
WEEK 43 -- Torn Veil (Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal (TV), E-rating, 1074 words)
"Chasing shadows in the middle of the night, Will?"
WEEK 44 -- I Can't Tell (Dimitri/Anya | Anastasia Romanov, Anastasia (1997), G-rating, 821 words)
Anya slips on an icy patch of road on their way to Paris and hits her head. The dreams afterward feel familiar.
WEEK 45 -- By Any Other Name (Lottie Turner/Etheldreda Bloodworth, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Video Game), T-rating, 200 words)
A rose is a rose, and Etheldreda feels something blossoming once again in her heart… if she had as such.
WEEK 46 -- Sand Of Time (Obi-Wan Kenobi & Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV), No Rating, 814 words)
Out of the middle of the Jutland Wastes, on Tatooine, Leia and Luke happen to meet.
WEEK 47 -- A Form Of Distraction (Peeta Mellark/Finnick Odair, The Hunger Games, M-rating, 1640 words)
With tensions rising, Finnick decides to get Peeta alone for a little bit.
WEEK 48 -- Nebulous Roads (Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Edward Elric & Alfons Heiderich, Fullmetal Alchemist (2003), T-rating, 630 words)
Edward nearly runs over the man who holds a resemblance to his younger brother. Meanwhile, Alphonse wakes up.
WEEK 49 -- Fool Me Once (Asha/Star, Disney's Wish (2023), G-rating, 300 words)
Asha discovers the little star from the heavens she wished on… is actually a boy.
WEEK 50 -- A Promise To Break (Hakoda/Zuko, Avatar: the Last Airbender, E-rating, 1622 words)
Hakoda expects a diplomatic visit from the Firelord may mend some broken ties between their nations. Perhaps foolishly so.
WEEK 51 -- Among Any Option (Madeline Usher/Verna, The Fall of the House of Usher (TV 2023), T-rating, 100 words)
"What do you think, Madeline? Hmm? A kiss or a kill?"
WEEK 52 -- Imperfect Sign (Felix Catton/Oliver Quick, Saltburn (2023), M-rating, 587 words)
Instead of leaving when he poisons Felix, Oliver stays.
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defjux · 2 years
Hi Chris! I followed you a few years back because you posted a lot of Jazz and Hip Hop but I know you're into other genres as well. I've been trying to branch out a bit and you seem like a good person to ask for recommendations, so I was wondering if maybe you could post some of your favorite band/artists currently or anything you'd recommend? Any genre is fine! Love your blog btw, glad to see you're still on here :) Cheers!
thanks for the kind words anon, always nice to feel like the time i've spent on here wasn't a complete waste. sorry it took a few days to respond to this, but i wanted to give a more in depth answer. i can throw out some recommendations for sure, i basically just went through my last.fm from the last year and added all the non hip hop / jazz stuff to a list. you didn't mention if you were into metal or hardcore at all and there's quite a bit of that on here, but if you're not interested in that let me know and i can suggest some other stuff. i'm not a genre expert or anything but i did my best to give a brief description, so maybe if you end up liking one of these artists it'd be easier to find something similar. also a good chance you might be familiar with some of the ones that are more hip hop adjacent. you can also click the name of the artist and it'll take you to an album i recommend on bandcamp or spotify. i'd also be down to do another one of these later if you want, you can even hit me up off anon if you want. i appreciate you and i hope you're doing well! peace.
tried to make this as neat as i could so i put it in alphabetical order and made it a read more. 1. 10th Letter (Electronic/Jazz/Hip hop - Underappreciated producer, if you’re a fan of Flying Lotus you’d probably like this) 2. Alvvays (Indie Pop / Dream Pop) 3. At the Drive-In (Post-Hardcore, Relationship of Command is my favorite album in the genre) 4. Autonoesis (Thrash Metal / Black Metal) 5. Birds in Row (Post-Hardcore / Screamo) 6. Blood Command (Poppy Post-Hardcore/Alt Rock. Not a huge fan of their new vocalist, but the previous album and EP with Karina are both fantastic) 7. Boris (Drone, Stoner Rock, Noise Rock, Sludge, Post-Rock, Crust Punk – depends heavily on the album. ) 8. Bruno Pernadas (Progressive Jazz Fusion Art Pop) 9. Brutus (Post-Hardcore / Post-Metal, Stefanie is one of my favorite vocalists right now) 10. The Callous Daoboys (Mathcore) 11. Chelsea Wolfe (Darkwave / Gothic Rock / Doom Metal / Dark Folk) 12. Cibo Matto - (Art Pop / Trip Hop) 13. Cleric (Avant-Garde Metal / Mathcore / Brutal Prog) 14. Cloud Rat (Grindcore / Punk) 15. Converge (Metallic Hardcore, another all time favorite band.) 16. Cult of Luna (Atmospheric Sludge Metal / Post-Metal) 17. The Dillinger Escape Plan (Mathcore, top 5 band of all time for me) 18. Dragged Into Sunlight (Blackened Death / Doom Metal) 19. Dreamwell (Screamo/Post-Hardcore) 20. Every Time I Die (Southern-fried Metalcore / Mathcore, an all time favorite of mine) 21. Fievel is Glauque (Jazz Pop / Progressive Pop) 22. Genesis Owusu (Hip Hop/Neo-Soul/Funk/Post-Punk - all over the place in a good way) 23. Gospel (Blend of 70s Prog Rock with Screamo/Post-hardcore, with their 2022 album being a lot more of the former but still very good.) 24. Greyhaven (Metalcore / Post Hardcore - one of the few bands i know of carrying the torch for that Southern-tinged Metalcore sound since Every Time I Die split) 25. Grouper (Ambient/drone, folk and dream pop influences)
26. Hiatus Kaiyote (Psychedelic Neo-soul / Nu-Jazz) 27.  Ichiko Aoba (Minimalistic Ambient Folk) 28. Imperial Triumphant (Avant-Garde Black Metal fused with Jazz) 29. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard (Foundation of their sound is pretty much Psychedelic Rock but they pull from all over the musical spectrum. Last album even had a couple tracks with rapping, hard band to classify. It’d be easier to list the rock subgenres they haven’t dabbled in) 30. Knoll (Grindcore / Death Grind) 31. Krallice (Avant-Garde Black Metal) 32. Liv.e (Neo-Soul / Alternative R&B) 33. Massa Nera (Post-Hardcore / Screamo / Post-Rock) 34. Maudlin of the Well (Avant-Garde Progressive Metal - Also check Kayo Dot) 35. Messa (Doom Metal) 36. Misþyrming (Black Metal) 37. Ne Obliviscaris (Progressive Black Metal with violin except it’s actually tasteful and doesn’t feel gimmicky) 38. Neptunian Maximalism (Avant-Garde Jazz/Drone/Noise/Industrial.. like Swans meets Sun Ra meets John Zorn’s Electric Masada. These guys also have some of the best album artwork out there.) 39. The Ocean (Progressive Metal / Sludge - mainly on the earlier albums) 40. Oranssi Pazuzu (Avante Garde Psychedelic Black Metal) 41. Os Mutantes (Brazilian Psych Rock) 42. Otoboke Beaver (Noisy, High energy Hardcore / Garage Punk from Japan, very fun band) 43. Panopticon (Atmospheric Black Metal with some Bluegrass and Folk influences) 44. Protomartyr (I think I like these guys the most out of all the newer Post-Punk bands) 45. Rolo Tomassi (Mathcore, Post-Metal, Post-Hardcore) 46. Senza (Blackened Screamo/Mathcore. Chaotic in a way that reminds me of Jerome’s Dream a bit.) 47. Sigh (Black Metal, Avant-Garde Metal, Progressive Metal) 48. Soul Glo (Noisy Hardcore Punk, 2022 album incorporated some more hip hop elements and even had rap features. Shout out to McKinley Dixon who used to be on tumblr waaay back about a decade ago.) 49.  Spiritbox (Alt Metal / Djent / Metalcore) 50. Stereolab  (Space Age Pop mixed with Lounge Music and Krautrock) 51. Sudan Archives (Alternative R&B, Art Pop / Neo-Soul) 52. Tim Hecker (Ambient / Drone) 53. toe (Japanese Math Rock / Post-Rock - Kashikura Takashi is one of the greatest drummers ever.) 54. Tómarúm (Progressive Technical Melodic Black Metal) 55. Tricot (J-Rock / Math Rock / Pop) 56. Tropical Fuck Storm (Punk-Blues, Noise Rock) 57. U.S. Girls (Psychedelic Pop / Art Pop) 58. Ulcerate (Technical Death Metal) 59. Ultha (Atmospheric Black Metal) 60. Vanishing Twin ( Neo-Psychedelic Art Pop, check if you like Stereolab or Broadcast) 61. Wake (Black Metal / Tech Death / Sludge - Grindcore on the early releases) 62. Weyes Blood (Baroque Pop / Art Pop) 63. White Ward (Black Metal / Blackgaze /Dark Jazz) 64. Wormrot (Grindcore) 65. Yves Tumor (Unique sound blending Neo-Psych / Soul / Glam Rock /  Hypnagogic Pop + some Sound Collage / Ambient stuff as well on earlier albums)
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ultimateaclrecovery · 9 months
Checking in on my 2023 goals!
23 things for 2023
1. buy 1 horse
Done!! Bought Luna!!!
2. Knit a pair of socks
I knit a sock, that I finished today. But I mostly decided I wanted to knit other things instead so this is fine
3. Three camping trips
went to mt of the holy cross, and New Mexico for two camping nights, plus a day hike in winter park. So technically no but pretty close!
4. Plant four pumpkins
…..no. I bought seeds and did nothing and I don’t feel that bad about it
5. Handstand (five fingers) press
Lol no. Did nothing for it. Never made a plan and so did not achieve
6. Kill side yard weeds (because weeds are the devil 666)
Success? I paid a Gardner to pull them all so yes! Feels like a failure because I didn’t really deal with them or the yard in general, but they are all gone now.
7. Go to Loyola social justice meeting (7th heaven)
I went to a meeting! And baked cookies for an event. (And then never went back oops)
8. Mail 8 letters to mates - birthday cards probably
Success! (Rebecca birthday, Sarah birthday, Clare get well card, Callie birthday, Alison birthday, clare birthday, Callie wedding, clare kt recipe card)
9. Research 9 hours of getting a cat (9 lives)
Decided a horse was enough so stopped researching 🤷‍♀️[ read complete guide to adopting a cat 3 hours]
10. Do ten full pull ups
Total yes, in a row like intended absolutely not. I can do like 2.5 in a row. Made haphazard progress, but now I have a pull up bar so hoping for better next year!
11. Buy 11 things off of my to buy eventually list
Success! This was easy and I did it! (air fryer, air mattress, nice soap dispensers, office mat, thermometer, fire extinguisher, white tank top, little plates, shower cleaner, plastic drain pipes, sheet pan organizer, bonus: back door light bulb, rainbow flag and holder, more bras)
12. Go on 12 dates
Success! I thought this would be really hard but then I just got my boyfriend by like February and it ended up being the easiest ny resolution ever. He even asked me out to start.
13. Run a half marathon 13.1 miles
Success! (Okay this was a gimme because I signed up for it and had a training plan in 2022 but still)
14. Hike a fourteener
Success! mt of the holy cross and it was terrifying and very long but we did it!
15. Read 30 (15x2) books
I read 27 and have three in various states of completion. I kind of wanted to power this one thru but it wouldn’t have been fun and then what’s the point. This one is hard because I abandoned so so many books this year. Like I made it at least one chapter into like 40 and a couple half way thru. So close but no cigar but I refuse to read things that aren’t fun just to hit a goal so I feel fine about it.
16. Host 8 things
Hosted 3, organized a couple others so partial credit. I would like to do better in the future. ( galentines, whimsy brunch, birthday, organized brunch at watercourse, organized lake day)
17. Go out dancing (must be more dancing than drinking, dance class counts.)(dancing queen only 17)
Nope. But also that’s fine.
18. Upgrade phone and deal with all photos. Upload belize to fb and save others. Data management
Mostly. I got an external storage for Christmas so I can finish when I get home. So solid partial credit. (uploaded some. Upgraded phone plus new battery, still need to get data off of it) [email protected] [email protected]
19. General contractor for house cracks plus install air conditioner
Success. Installed ac. Got the cracks looked at once and they were fine and then they got worse and now I’m getting foundation work done. So success I guess.
20. Get 20 layout ds
… I did not count. I def got some but probably not 20 so partial credit. (4 from leiout)
21. Go to frisbee Masters regionals
Success! Another bit of gimme but we went and qualified to nationals!)
22. Buy purple navel jewelry (I’m feeling 22)
Success! (And I love it)
23. volunteer for 23 hours
No and I feel bad about it. I need to find something to volunteer with. I feel like I should have the time/be able to make time but it also feels like I never have time and also never want to. But I think it’s important.
So overall full success on 11 of the goals, happy partial on 5, annoyed partial on 2, abandoned 4 and failed my last one and feel bad about it.
But overall pretty good success!
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tescheer2022 · 2 years
25 Days of TES Cheer
Tumblr media
That's right! December 1st marks the first day of TESCheer 2022! Last year's event went pretty well so it was decided to do it again this year!
The point of this event is to bring some holiday cheer into the TES fandom, be it through writing, art, screenshots, gifs, edits, you name it! If you're creating something that fits the daily theme, feel free to drop it into the tag! It's going to be a little different from last year, as the creator of the event has passed on the mantle to @friend-of-giants and this blog will be specifically dedicated to the event. So from December 1st to December 25th, follow the prompt list above by the day to avoid confusion or cluttering!
Feel free to spread the word to people off tesblr, too, and absolutely feel free to share any writing on AO3! A collection exists here if you would like to add your works to it.
Rules and image ID under the cut!
- As this is an event for the Elder Scrolls fandom, please keep your submissions within the Elder Scrolls universe. Other fandoms are welcome to follow this prompt list for their own, but please don't tag your posts with the event tag.
- AUs/crossovers involving Elder Scrolls characters or the Elder Scrolls universe are welcome, but please make sure they are the primary focus to keep it TES-oriented and please tag them as "alternate universe" or "crossover"
- You are under no obligation to do all 25 days. If doing 25 prompts feels overwhelming to you, that's fine! You're more than welcome to pick and choose which days you'd like to do
- Combining prompts is totally encouraged! Just make sure you tag it accordingly with both days to avoid confusion
- Tag your post with the corresponding day/theme (ex: if you're doing day nine, tag it as "day nine: letter")
- Ping this blog (@tescheer) and tag your post with "#25daysoftescheer" so we can find you!
- NSFW is welcome but tag it appropriately and please use a read more break for any NSFW content (mobile users can use a read more by typing "* readmore *" without the spaces and quotations and hitting enter)
- Please keep your submissions cheerful! The whole point of the event is to bring cheer to the fandom and it's hard to do that if entries are extremely dark and depressing. This is by no means saying darker themes can't be explored or used, but please ensure some good comes of it for your characters!
- No harmful content, please. This should go without saying but for clarity’s sake, no racism, homo/transphobia, sexism (this includes both misogyny AND misandry), ableism, abuse apology, incest, NSFW content involving minor/underage characters, or otherwise hateful, bigoted, or toxic content allowed. Please keep it fun for yourself, the mod, and everyone else!
[IMAGE ID: the words "25 Days of TES Cheer" in script over an out of focus image of a Christmas tree lit with white lights followed by a list of 25 holiday-themed prompts]
1. Cozy
2. Believe
3. Ice
4. Beginnings
5. Music
6. Scarf
7. Merry
8. Festival
9. Letter
10. Snowfall
11. Kiss
12. Dreams
13. Warmth
14. Solstice
15. Gift
16. Cheer
17. Decorate
18. Wish
19. Holly
20. Sled
21. Ornaments
22. Fireworks
23. Sweets
24. Bells
25. Free Day
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chiropteracupola · 10 months
tagged in '20 questions for fic writers' by the esteemed @verecunda — thank you very much!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment, I think Sharpe, Flight of the Heron, and Kidnapped are getting most of my attention? altho' there are of course quite a few others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you'd be my best friend, you'd be my lady (Hornblower)
sleep in it slowly (if you can) (Hornblower)
illuminating all, in time (Hornblower TV)
here in your arms is cured (Kidnapped)
as in a mirror dimly (The Mummy 1999)
...huh. that is not what I thought the top five were going to be. but then again, I think a lot of the work that I myself like better is both newer and more niche, so I guess that does make sense.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I typically respond to comments on fics I posted after April 2022, which is when I started replying to comments. not sure why that's my routine but either way it's what it is.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hm, a lot of breaking left to do, perhaps, being as it's just solidly Horatio Hornblower Is Sorrowful right from one end to the other. I'd lean toward this one rather than any of what I've written on the theme of being lost in undeath, even though there are quite a few more of those (and better written ones to boot!), since I tend to end those with something calm and a little restful even in decay.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think that's probably got to go to Shaking Off Our Shadows, which is basically two thousand words to the effect of 'what if these two fellows from a very grim book full of disease and death and ruin and general misery had a really nice beach epilogue wherein Everything Was Fine.'
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, I've gotten a few weird comments on one, mostly people voicing their hatred for one of the characters it's about. I personally think it's all very silly to come to the doorstep of a fellow who likes to write about romantic dissection and say that a kiss exchanged with mutual interest but without previous discussion is 'fucked'. methinks the problem lies not with me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...on occasion. not a great deal of it has actually made it into finished fic at present, mostly because I'm not very confident with specificity in those matters, and so it's more likely to be heavily metaphoricized (see above about the romantic dissection...)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
most of them are things that I'll draw about or merely ponder rather than writing, but a particularly silly one that I've actually gotten some words in on is Hornblower and Animorphs — look, if the Animorphs team is canonically at Trafalgar, I don't think I have a choice but to crack open a space to play with in the Age of Sail!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as I know, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few of my RLS-based ones have been translated into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
sort of! when it comes to actually both writing in the same document, no, but the larger expanse of Flintlock Fortress is done in close collaboration with @dxppercxdxver, and we're discussing a great deal even if we're actually writing on separate parts of the story.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I think when it comes to sheer years-long staying power, that badge has to go to Livesey/Trelawney.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really would like to finish some of my earlier Treasure Island and Hornblower attempts, like the selkie au and the tattoo-sorcery story. I was definitely biting off more than I could chew plot-wise at the time and I'm more confident writing at length now, but I really don't have a ton of enthusiasm for the almost complete rewrites those stories would need to feel right to me, and so probably not.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I really do pride myself on my ability to Describe poetically and to spin an interesting sentence. enough of my fics are extended versions of things that I couldn't make work as a single drawing that that's become quite an important thing for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plots, and overall forming a story to have a solid structure and not just be a vaguely interesting selection of scenes... and I'm definitely not very good at imitating authorial voice, even when I'm trying very hard to do so.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
like most everything, it's good when done with intention — I really wish I'd gotten quite good enough at Latin to do what I'd been intending and write some Hornblower fic entirely in Latin.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'd guess Stand Still Stay Silent, altho' I never ended up finishing any of the stories I began, and that was long before I had such a thing as an ao3 account (or even my current file-keeping system,) so where that all ended up I've got no clue at all.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
well, I think it's got to be the wormsfic... I'm just beyond proud of it even in its currently unfinished state and I think it's excellent proof of the fact that I've actually grown as a writer over the last few years.
and I shall tag... @dxppercxdxver, @cedarboots, @baronetcoins, @kigiom, @bishakespeares, and @lacomandante, if you're interested?
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baronessblixen · 2 years
Fictober 2022 - Masterlist
Day 1 | Ties That Bind Skinner iss out tie shopping and runs into Mulder and Scully
Day 2 | Maybe One Day Mulder and Scully talking about puppies and other things
Day 3 | We Will Find Our Way Home yet another "how did Mulder and Scully get home from Antarctica" story
Day 4 | Dreams of the Past a "The Field Where I Died" fic
Day 5 | By Your Side Is Where I Belong AU version of "Essence"
Day 6 | Cold As Ice Angst prompt: "You keep bringing it up. Again and again! Why is that?!?"
Day 7 | There's No Place Like Home Hurt/comfort for "Nothing Lasts Forever"
Day 8 | Blind Date Mulder and Scully are on a blind date
Day 9 | Don't Blame Me, Blame the Food Set in (late) season 7, Hurt/comfort/(fluff)
Day 10 | (Not So) Ordinary Days Mulder is having a crazy day
Day 11 | Everything Will Be Just Fine Mulder gives a different answer when asked if he's the husband in "Empedocles"
Day 12 | What We Think We Want Set in late(r) season 6, Scully is on yet another date...
Day 13 | Growing Old (With You) It's Mulder's birthday and he worries about things (set in the revival)
Day 14 | A Bit On The Nose Post-ep for Syzygy: Mulder and Scully are stranded and have to share a motel room
Day 15 | You're A Part Of My World Mulder and William sing a song from The Little Mermaid
Day 16 | What You Heard Isn't What I Said Set after "Millennium": Mulder overhears a phone call and draws all the wrong conclusions
Day 17 | Expect The Unexpected the "dildo prompt"
Day 18 | The Definition of Something Season 7, Scully gives Mulder a pair of pants to wear that aren't his. Of course he wonders who they belong to
Day 19 | Always A Friend Scully helps Mulder take a shower, set after "Amor Fati"
Day 20 | The Truth Is Plain To See Mulder and Frohike have a conversation
Day 21 | Missing You Scully season 8 angst
Day 22 | The Birds, The Bees And The Mulders Set after season 8, Mulder didn't leave and William wasn't given up
Day 23 | I Saw You In My Dreams Season 6 angst/jealous Scully
Day 24 | I Don't Want Any Regrets Mulder and Scully end up in a hostage situation
Day 25 | Tell Me Later Fluff/humor set after "The Unnatural"
Day 26 | And I Want You For All Time Some humor/angst/hurt/comfort/fluff
Day 27 | I Remember When We Were Young Mulder's thoughts during "Plus One"
Day 28 | Yes, Honey fluffy post-ep for "Chimera"
Day 29 | I'm Not Giving Up angst set in "Redux II": Scully contemplates her mortality
Day 30 | The Day After canon-divergent "Wetwired" story
Day 31 | The Prettiest People In The World fluffy family Halloween fic including Jackson and baby no. 2
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dameronswife · 3 months
9, 11 and 15 for the General Selfship ask game :)
hey thanks for the question!!! <33 I like your url!
9. How long have you been part of the selfshipping community? How long before have you selfshipped without being aware of the community or publicly partaking in it?
That is an excellent question with a very complicated answer! So, I've been self-shipping probably my whole life, in terms of "imaginary friends" and such (when I was little, like prior to ten, I had a big huge crush on a.nakin and kind of imaginary friend'd that, and then did so even more with the eleventh doctor when I was 13/14, even read some x reader, BUT I wouldn't classify that as "romantically" self shipping bc I was very irritated with all the romance and was like. ugh. fine if i love him and think he's cute I gUESS I'll kiss him if i have to it's basically a job requirement for companions anyway).
But actually shipping an oc with a character? I've been doing that since 2017, and if you guessed that it was for Poe, you'd be right. I stopped reading x reader for a long time, but abruptly remembered they existed and started reading them again and made up an oc that had a history with Poe for a sequel trilogy au I was writing at the time; she kind of ended up being a lot like Z.orii, a bounty hunter character who had a backstory with Poe (they met in the navy though). They didn't wind up together, because at the time I guess the possibility didn't occur to me, but they did kiss (and I described Poe as looking like an angel, lmao).
Flashforward to 2021, and a late night (for me) conversation with my partner @hermitmoss resulted in us tossing around what would happen if their s/i met the resistance crew, and that snowballed into fae mentioning that my already existing Star Wars s/i Volya, would immediately crush on Poe...and with a lot of enablement on faer's part, I wound up....shipping Volya entirely with Poe. They describe it as "how I started openly dating Poe around [my partners]" and they're not incorrect in the slightest!
Then in 2022, I followed someone who self-ships and asked them about it and they explained to me what the community was, and what it entailed, and I realized I'd been doing it my whole life. Shortly after, I made a blog for it specifically!
11. Do you incorporate kink into your selfships? If yes, any kinks you prefer?
[nervous laughter] would you look at the time. no, I kid, I kid. I've been wondering about Volya's kinks for a long time, in all honesty - there's a lot I like to play around with, for her and Poe. Title kink definitely comes up for them, but I think a big one is soft d/s vibes. Also there's the tiny fact that I kind of COMPLETELY unintentionally wrote Volya perfectly into the role of an omega, if I ever did an omegaverse au. Seriously, when I finally asked one of my partners about it and they gave me a rundown and I was like holy shit. It's kind of impressive lmao.
But yeah, I think a lot of soft d/s, maybe some bondage - I think that would be an interesting thing to explore with Poe and Volya's respective traumas. I think they'd definitely think roleplay would be fun they'd get a crack out of it, I bet.
As for Emilia and Marc, I haven't decided what kinks they're into, but I definitely think they're freaky. she's a spider person, and every spider hero seems really into kinky sex, and I don't think she's an exclusion to the rule. But I haven't thought enough on their sex life yet to get totally into what they'd both be into. I definitely think their respective superhero staminas get a lot of use though
15. If you're fictionfolk, how does that affect your selfships?
One quick google search later...I do think I am probably a little bit fictionfolk, I certainly can relate anyway, especially being a system host when majority if not all of my headmates are fictives. Uhm, I mean I don't know - I feel like it definitely adds a component to the sense of yearning I have. I'm not just yearning for Poe, you know, the Resistance, D'Qar - that genuinely feels like home for me. I feel, genuinely, like I was born in the wrong world, and that's why this one is so hard for me and why I can't find my footing in it. Like...I am yearning for the place that I feel like I do genuinely belong; I poured...so much of myself into Volya. She is me, and I am her. It is a moebius strip, she is the deepest, innermost parts of myself made ink; she is everything I love about myself, everything I loathe about myself, every piece of me I've fought to hide because it felt too vulnerable to show anyone. She holds all my desires, she has the family I crave and long for, she gets to touch and hold and kiss and make love to Poe, she gets to stand up for herself and what she believes in, she gets to call Leia mother...
It's a good kind of hurt, but it's still a hurt. And I think it definitely impacts how I self-ship at least with Poe; I don't have that same sense of yearning for the universe that Marc is in, because that's basically my reality, so I haven't quite been able to pour myself so directly into Emilia yet. Emilia is a part of myself, she has a lot of backstory similiarities to me, but she's a lot cooler than me. A lot more self-reliant. But I know where I end, and she begins. I don't with Volya.
Well...apart from the fact that she's blue and I'm not, anyway.
general self ship asks!
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glowstar826 · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Let’s get this baby started! Thanks for the inspo @gracelesslady23!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60 (blame my HP and AoUAD obsession lmao).
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
471,017. That’s…insane.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, mostly for All of Us Are Dead. But of course, I can’t forget the whopping majority of HP fics I have! They really defined the beginning of my fanfic-writing journey.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
The Filthy Half-Blood Spy (777)
A Meaningful Sacrifice (490)
Albus Potter and the Journey Through Time (481)
The Bravest Man I Ever Knew (277)
My Old Friend, Minerva (267)
As you can see, I really love HP. The second one is AoUAD.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course I do! I appreciate everyone who takes the time to leave them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, I’ll take a quiet life for sure. It’s a canon divergence of A Meaningful Sacrifice, and hoooo boy, that’s probably the single most saddest thing I have ever written in my life. (Never again, Glow. Never again.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty much all of them have happy endings, so if I were to pick a few, then they would probably be The Bravest Man I Ever Knew, A Miracle in the Midst of September, and Come Back to Me.
The second fic is Downton Abbey while the third is AoUAD.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, but when I was writing A Meaningful Sacrifice, I got a lot of spam.
9. Do you write smut?
Not explicitly, no. There was one fic I posted (that I since deleted) which features non-graphic smut between Snape and Lupin. (I deleted it because it was too embarrassing to keep on my profile.)
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have one, Finding My Way Back to You (Again)! It’s a crossover where Oh Joonyeong of AoUAD is a doctor in the 20th Century Girl universe who helps Poong Woonho overcome amnesia sustained in a plane crash.
Other than that, I prefer writing AUs where I put characters from one show into another show’s universe. My Duty After School AU with AoUAD characters, Reluctant Duty, is a great example of this.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully, I have not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! Albus Potter and the Journey Through Time in Portuguese on Wattpad (which is unfinished, unfortunately).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have! Of Apologies and Food Fights: A Glimpse Into the Afterlife was an awesome collab with the amazing @glitterfairy-21225!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh Joonyeong/Jang Woojin, for sure. Since February 2022, these boys have been living in my head rent-free. Honorable mentions include Lee Cheongsan/Nam Onjo, Yang Daesu/Seo Hyoryung, and Lee Junho/Woo Youngwoo. The first four ships are from AoUAD, and the fifth is from Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Probably Albus Potter and the Journey Through Time, even though it won’t take much longer to finish it. Every time I go back to it, I immediately feel discouraged from writing it because it suddenly seems like too big of an undertaking. However, I will never stop trying!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, descriptions, and AU ideas (God knows how many are floating around in my head right now 😭).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Having too many ideas. I swear, if I could just commit to finishing one project, then I would have way more completed fics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
It would be all fine and dandy if it uses the Roman alphabet (think French, Spanish, German), but if it was a language like Korean or Chinese, then I’d rather write the transliteration since my writing would be targeted towards English readers/speakers. But obviously, I’d try my best to write other cultures authentically.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Though they’re all deleted, I first wrote for Detroit: Become Human. That was what got me into fanfic in the first place because I reasoned that, since the game had 99+ endings, fanfiction was fair game (I really hated fanfic at the time).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
A Meaningful Sacrifice, hands down. That was probably my single best piece of writing in terms of characterization, setting, worldbuilding, and cohesiveness with the original show. Additionally, I ended up creating two very important OCs which had significant influence in the main character’s life.
Writing that fic inspired a whole lore which is present in my other AoUAD fics like Washed Down the Drain, Us, Withering Under the Sun, and Reluctant Duty. I also gained an awesome friend from it in @glitterfairy-21225, so yeah. One of my best fanfic-writing experiences to date.
On that final note, here’s your tag to do this, @glitterfairy-21225! <3
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drakendaydreams · 2 years
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Welcome to that special time of year, Fluffvember 2022. 💞 Your girl is gonna be doing both ends of the spectrum this year. These are not going to be quite as extensive as the last month’s pieces were. They're going to be closer to drabbles to make sure I can get them all out. 🥰 If you want to be on the Fluffvember taglist then please let me know. I'd be happy to add anyone to it. 🥺
If you don’t want to see the Fluffvember fun then blacklist the tag: #drakendaydreams fluffvember
Now take a peek at what’s to come in a couple of weeks. 👇 If the date looks like this then that means that the piece is in the queue and waiting for your viewing pleasure. I’ll link them here as they release as well.
Day 1 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "I'd do anything for you."
Day 2 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "I'm right here."
Day 3 - Shuji Hanma || "Are you blushing?"
Day 4 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "You're just a softie."
Day 5 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?"
Day 6 - Taiju Shiba || "You smell really nice."
Day 7 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "Care to give me a back scratch?"
Day 8 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "I like the way that your hand sits in mine."
Day 9 - Manjiro "Mikey" Sano || "No, like... it's just, I can't believe that you're actually wearing my clothes."
Day 10 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..."
Day 11 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "Problem Solved."
Day 12 - Keisuke Baji || "I promise to love you for the rest of my life."
Day 13 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "You're the best part of me."
Day 14 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "You're the one."
Day 15 - Kazutora Hanemiya || "That's not even fair."
Day 16 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "Why the hell is there glitter everywhere?"
Day 17 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "You shine so brightly it's intimidating. I love it."
Day 18 - Shuji Hanma || "So, you're just kissing strangers for no apparent reasons?"
Day 19 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "You always know how to cheer me up."
Day 20 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "Don't give me that look. No... NO! I said no puppy dog eyes! You know I can't resist them! Argh, fine!"
Day 21 - Taiju Shiba || "I kinda adopted a puppy behind your back... don't be mad! Look at those cute fluffy paws!"
Day 22 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "Hot chocolate and cuddles? Kisses?"
Day 23 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "I'll never give up on you."
Day 24 - Manjiro "Mikey" Sano || "You're too good to me."
Day 25 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "I got you."
Day 26 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || I just wanted to impress you."
Day 27 - Chifuyu Matsuno || "Could you sing to me?"
Day 28 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "Will you join me, love?"
Day 29 - Ken "Draken" Ryuguji || "You're my everything."
Day 30 - Keisuke Baji || "Kiss me again."
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©2022 drakendaydreams, please do not repost/modify my work without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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megan-loves-surveys · 7 months
Let's go.
1 - Who was the last person to give you a gift? What was the reason for it? Christmas lol.
2 - Are you a good cook? If so, who taught you? What’s your favourite thing to cook? No I suck. My boyfriend has been trying to teach me but I'm awful.
3 - When was the last time something in your house broke? Did you manage to fix it or did you need to buy a replacement? Good question, I'm not sure.
4 - Is any part of your body hurting right now? What caused that pain? Not right now.
5 - Do you have anything exciting planned for the upcoming weekend? I'm going to a wrestling show, that'll be fun.
6 - If you could spend two weeks in any city in the world, which city would you pick and why? London or NYC, cos so much to do, I wouldn't get bored.
7 - When was the last time you tripped or fell in public? if there was nobody around to see you, did you still feel embarrassed? Ages ago, I don't think anyone saw me.
8 - The last time you made a sandwich, what did you put in there? Peanut butter.
9 - How many hours sleep did you get last night? Was that enough for you or could you have slept for longer? 6 hours and 40 mins, I could have had a bit longer but eh.
10 - What’s your favourite time of day? What’s your favourite thing to do at that time? Evenings, that's my free time! I listen to music, watch wrestling, play video games, talk on Discord etc.
11 - Where did you go the last time you left your house? I went to work, then after work I went out for a meal with my Mum.
12 - Are you tired right now? Will you be going to bed anytime soon? I'm alright, and no it's 12:26pm xD
13 - How many times a week do you get takeaway coffee, if you get it at all? I mostly stay away from coffee cos caffeine does a number on me.
14 - What radio station do you listen to the most? None.
15 - If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked? What sauces or sides do you like to go with it? I don't.
16 - Do you prefer sweet or savoury pancakes? What toppings do you have on them? Mixture - I get them with bacon and maple syrup.
17 - Are you someone who cracks their joints a lot? Which one(s) do you tend to crack and click the most? Yep, especially my knees and my fingers xD
18 - Have you ever taken medication or tablets to help you sleep? is this something you do on a regular basis? No.
19 - For you, what’s the worst thing about getting up in the morning? What about the worst thing about going to bed tonight? Actually getting up, after I do, I'm fine. And going to bed is annoying cos I have to haul all the plushies off it xD
20 - Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Definitely diet, regular is usually too sweet.
21 - What do you tend to wear if you’re just hanging about the house for the day? Depends on the time of year - in summer, it'll be a jumpsuit, summer dress or tank top & shorts. In winter, it'll be comfy yoga pants and a hoodie with ugg boots.
22 - When was the last time you dyed your hair? Did you do it yourself or get it done at a hairdresser? December, I went to the salon.
23 - Does having to wear a mask stop you doing things? Is this because you struggle wearing one or you just don’t like it? We thankfully don't have to wear them anymore, but we did have to wear them for months in 2021 and 2022 - inside any buildings and on public transport.
24 - Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Or have you perhaps been involved in one yourself? Were you at fault? Does getting hit by a car count? LOL.
25 - When was the last time you baked a cake? What cake was it? I don't bake.
26 - Do you like wearing bows or accessories in your hair? Nah.
27 - How many books do you read in a year? Do you enjoy reading or do you have to really force yourself to sit down and read? Not as many as I should. I've read two this year so far lol.
28 - If you have pets, where did they come from? A breeder, a rescue or maybe a friend who bred their pet? No pets.
29 - Do you make your bed every morning when you get up? Yep.
30 - When was the last time you got takeaway food? Was it good? I had KFC on Friday if that counts.
1 - Who was the last person to knock on your door? Were they there to see you? My boyfriend, he usually texts me to let him into our complex but the gate was open last time and he was able to come in on his own.
2 - Have you left the house yet today? If not, do you have plans to leave the house later on? Not yet, and yes, I'm heading out to a concert later this afternoon around 3:30 or so.
3 - What’s your favourite brand of chocolate? What type of chocolate bar from that brand is your favourite? Any Belgian chocolate, Whittakers (NZ brand) and Cadbury's.
4 - Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Oh yeah, quite a few of my friends were online friends first, then later on we met in real life.
5 - What was the last thing you used a blender for? We don't own a blender.
6 - Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about? Oh, loads of times. They're usually about wrestling xD
7 - When was the last time you cracked your joints? Is that something you do often? I do that way too much.
8 - What time is it right now? If you weren’t doing a survey, what else would you be doing right now? 1:25pm. I'd either be at work, at the gym or watching wrestling or playing a video game haha.
9 - If you had ten minutes to run around an empty supermarket and fill your trolley for free, what’s the first aisle you’d go for? Chips! Haha.
10 - Aside from Tumblr, what websites do you visit the most and why? last.fm, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube. All the usuals.
11 - Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal? No, Covid isn't really a problem anymore. It's still around of course, but it doesn't affect stuff as much now.
12 - What’s your favourite flavour of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake? Any! And I suck at baking.
13 - Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? Sour.
14 - What colour is your favourite fruit? Is this a fruit you eat often? Yellow, cos it's bananas haha. And I don't eat them that much really.
15 - Is your favourite restaurant an independent place or a chain? What is it that you love about it so much? Porterhouse Grill, it's independent as far as I know. It's expensive but the food is so good and the staff are so friendly.
16 - Are you genuinely a fan of Starbucks or do you think it’s all hype? I love it! I go at least once a week.
17 - Do you own a Christmas jumper? What design/pattern does it have on it? I do, I have two, they're both wrestling ones - one is Seth Rollins, the other is Roman Reigns. I can't wear them at Christmas though cos it's too hot, so I wear them in July lol.
18 - What’s your favourite fit/style of jeans? Skinny jeans.
19 - What was the last non-essential item you spent money on? I dropped a bunch of money on backing the Broken Sword kickstarter haha.
20 - Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules? No, they lifted those in 2022.
21 - What did you last leave the room you’re in to do? To go downstairs for lunch.
22 - Have you ever read any self-help books? Did you find them useful? No.
23 - What’s your favourite programme on the Food Network (if you watch it)? If you don’t get that channel, what’s your favourite food/cookery show in general? I don't like cooking shows.
24 - Do you still watch cartoons? Yep sometimes.
25 - Who do you know with the most number of siblings? Would you ever want to live in a huge family? Ngawari, my BFF. She has 9 brothers and sisters! And no.
26 - Are you a fan of garlic bread? Yes! Yummy.
27 - Do you own any personalized clothing? What’s the reason for getting it? No.
28 - Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to? No, my Mum is downstairs.
29 - What colours are you wearing right now? Does your wardrobe contain a lot of those colours? Only black haha. And yes.
30 - Do you like adding condiments to your food? If so, what are some of your favourites? I am a condiment addict, I use so many different ones. But I def use tomato sauce/ketchup the most, with mayo in second.
This past year…
who were your favorite singers, musicians, or bands?
My most played artist on Spotify was Taylor Swift, lol. But on last.fm my #1 was Ayumi Hamasaki, like she is most years.
what were some of your favorite foods?
Mac & cheese, always.
what was your favorite dessert?
Iceblocks or ice cream.
what was the best thing that happened to you?
I got permanent work finally! It started as a temp job, but my boss liked me so much he offered me the permanent position. Yay me!
what was the worst thing that happened to you?
Dunno, 2023 was pretty good, all things considered.
how have you grown as a person?
what have you learned?
That a temp job can turn into a permanent one if you work hard enough and impress.
how old did you turn?
what did you do for your birthday?
I had dinner with my BFF on my actual birthday, then the next day I went to lunch with my Mum and then went out for drinks with my boyfriend.
what did you accomplish?
Got a permanent job, went to the gym regularly for the whole year etc.
where did you live?
I've lived in the same place since 2016 lol.
who was your best friend?
Ngawari, we reconnected in a big way last year - she was inspired to join the gym by me and now we go together every week.
This past year, have you….
made a new friend?
lost a friend?
Yes :( My friend Zoe passed from cancer.
made a new best friend?
lost someone close to you?
attended a funeral?
No, cos Zoe didn't have a funeral, they just had a get together and I couldn't go cos we lived in different cities.
attended a wedding?
gave birth to a child? 🤰
“came out of the closet”?
God I wish.
felt depressed? 😔
felt suicidal? 😔
felt happy? 😃
felt at peace? 😊
felt overjoyed? 💃
felt blessed? 😇
felt amazed? 🤩
fallen in love? 😍
I was already in love <3
had your heart broken? 💔
got a new car? 🚗
graduated? 👩‍🎓
experienced something miraculous? ✨
had a better year than last year?
2023 was way better than 2022 for sure.
had a worse year than last year?
been to see the doctor? 👨‍⚕️
I didn't, lol.
been to the hospital? 🏥
had a severe allergic reaction? 🤧
had COVID? 🦠
I think I did, I got sick twice in two months - once was a cold, the other was prob Covid.
found out someone you knew had COVID? 🦠
used an epi pen? 💉
had a fever? 🥵
had a migraine? 🧠
Too damn many.
gone on a date? 🌹
written in a journal or diary? 📔
given someone a hug? 🤗
cut your hair? 💇‍♀️
No, but I dyed it a few times.
danced around your living room? 💃
prayed? 🙏
worshiped Jesus?
read the Bible? 📖
discovered a new favorite book? 📕
gone to church? ⛪️
went for a walk in the fall? 🍁
set up and decorated a Christmas tree? 🎄
threw up? 🤮
almost threw up? 🤢
discovered a new music artist you really liked? 🎤
discovered a new song you really liked? 🎶
seen snow? ⛄️
seen beautiful fall foliage? 🍁
gone to the beach? 🏝
rode a bike? 🚴
rode a horse? 🐎
swam? 👙
worn makeup? 💄
done a craft project?
made a scrapbook page?
written an essay? 📝
painted something? 🎨
drawn something? ✍️
sketched in a sketchbook?
written someone a letter? 📝
been to a concert? 👩‍🎤
Yep, I went to see the Vengaboys last year.
driven a car? 🚘
kayaked? 🛶
gone on a cruise? 🚢
made a big purchase?
Depends what you consider big.
moved to a new home? 🏡
got a new pet?
lost a pet?
gotten a tattoo?
gotten a new piercing?
started a new hobby?
worn a mask? 😷
We didn't have to wear them in 2023.
felt afraid to leave your house?
celebrated your birthday alone?
celebrated Christmas alone?
went for a long walk through the neighborhood?
Favorites of this Year (Pick one for each.)
Hard choice, probably CuteBad - Provocateur
TV show:
Raw or Dynamite.
Youtube channel:
I have loads of faves, but prob Call Me Kevin. He's always funny no matter what.
Mac & cheese.
Starbucks mocha java chip frappe.
Ngawari or David.
Thing you did:
Saw the Vengaboys or going to wrestling shows.
Place you went:
Nowhere lol.
Person you spend time with:
My Mum.
Thing you did for your birthday:
Gone to eat.
Jon Moxley.
YouTube or last.fm.
Laughing crying face or heart.
Purple & blue.
Porterhouse Grill.
Tea flavor ☕️:
I don't like tea.
Final Questions!
Would you say this past year has been a good year overall?
Pretty good, yeah.
What are your goals for the new year?
Keep going to the gym, mainly.
How old will you turn next year?
Did you make any big mistakes this past year?
Do you have any big changes coming?
How will you be celebrating New Year’s Eve this year?
I just hung out with my boyfriend and his friends and we had some drinks.
What was the best day of this year for you, and why?
Hard to pick.
What did you spend the most time doing this year?
Working and going to the gym, lol.
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