#tumblr quiz
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liminalweirdo · 1 year ago
Now do Canada
If you want more of a challenge, try this one too and say what you got in the tags
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hamletthedane · 2 years ago
* lets say the scifi concept of clones where they’re an exact carbon copy of the current version of you
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enlitment · 11 months ago
Which Underrated Woman from History are You?
Finally got around to making a uquiz featuring six of my favourite women from history! You can either get someone from the French Revolution, Roman Republic (I know, how unexpected!) or from 1700s/early 1800s.
Featuring scientists, writers, politically active icons and a few poets whose lives were intertwined with theirs, as a treat!
Enjoy and thanks everyone for sharing! ✨
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apollosopera · 5 months ago
reposting an old uquiz now that its finally seasonally appropriate
this is truly one of my favorite uquizzes ive ever made, PLUS it includes playlists!
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valiantstarlights · 7 months ago
Which Hob Gadling Are You? Quiz
Instructions: Get a pen and paper (or open your notes app) to keep track of your answers and scores. Select one response and add +1 to your tally. At the end, the letter with the most number of tally marks is your result. There are 8 possible results, as there are 8 versions of Hob. Enjoy! 😊✨
1.) How well do you flirt?
Not sure. There's no one to flirt with. (A)
Fucking terrible. (G)
Not trying, not interested. (E)
Somewhat of a disaster, but I'd like to think there's hope for me. (B)
Not sure. I think I'm decent at it, but... (C)
I'm often not sure if I'm being flirted with, but if the person is my type, then I'll do my best to flirt back! (H)
I know what I'm doing, and hopefully it's my date tonight. ;) (F)
Honestly? I'm at a point in my life where I don't care if I'm good at flirting or not. (D)
2.) How much do you wanna fuck/get fucked by your date?
0% - Not right now. I have other priorities. (E)
25% - I'm not actively thinking about it, but if they're interested, then I'm game. (B and D)
50% - Why not? My date is super hot and I'm very interested in them. But if they're not in the mood, then that's fine, too. (H and C)
75% - Look, I'm making an Effort here. It would be nice if my date could show some interest. (G and A)
100% - OH HECK YEAH (F)
3.) Finish the sentence: "How..."
did you know that I'd still be here? (B)
long should I wait? (A)
did you know my name? (H)
wonderful to see you again. (D)
the hell did I fuck that up? (C)
rude! (G)
do you want me? ;) (F)
much longer until my order gets here? (E)
4.) Pick one word from the list:
Life (E)
Patience (A)
Change (F)
Courage (H)
Wonder (B)
Contentment (D)
Friendship (C)
Prosperity (G)
5.) Do you hate Shakespeare?
Ugh. Do we have to talk about him? I have more important things to worry about. (E)
I'm so glad you asked. Here, make yourself comfortable. I have a 6 hour presentation on why he sucks. (D)
I'd rather read a phonebook. (A)
I don't know who that is. (B)
(sighs) If I say no, will you leave me alone? (C)
I watched one of his plays. Still think he's overrated, though. (F)
What's a shake spear? Is that a weapon or something? (H)
6.) How likely are you to say stupid shit?
Everything I say is stupid shit. (G)
Only when I'm drunk. (H)
I have no filter, so... (B)
I'd like to think I have learned not to be so careless. (E)
Fuck! I thought I had it! Apparently not. Gods motherfuck I'm never speaking again. (C)
I'm trying, okay? I really am. (F)
I said stupid shit once and I regret it until now. (A)
Very likely. Just wait and see. Any second now. (D)
YES OR NO QUESTIONS: If your answer is yes, +1 to the letter indicated.
7.) Do you believe in love at first sight? (H)
8.) Do you get excited over things/topics that others consider boring? (B)
9.) Are you content with the life you have right now? (G)
10.) Do you still feel hopeful, despite the horrors? (E)
11.) Are you always DTF (Down To Fight)? (F)
12.) Have you ever fallen in love with a friend? (C)
13.) Would you wait/Have you waited for hours for your friend/s to arrive? (A)
14.) Are you willing to wait however long it takes for the love of your life to appear in your life? (D)
15.) BONUS: Which is your favorite Hob?
1389 (H)
1489 (B)
1589 (G)
1689 (E)
1789 (F)
1889 (C)
1989 (A)
2022 (D)
Mostly A's = 1989 Hob
Mostly B's = 1489 Hob
Mostly C's = 1889 Hob
Mostly D's = 2022 Hob
Mostly E's = 1689 Hob
Mostly F's = 1789 Hob
Mostly G's = 1589 Hob
Mostly H's = 1389 Hob
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this-is-the-wayne · 7 months ago
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willowfernn · 13 days ago
Ignoring the fact that it took me five hours, here's a totally normal quiz about Tumblr knowledge that isn't at all misleading and made explicitly to alienate people who don't know what the quiz is talking about!!
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therealslimshakespeare · 1 year ago
What flower are you? Quiz
These fun/silly results awoke the inner Victorian in me and I thought it would be fun to share. No pressure tags and a hearty welcome to any who want to join in: @butlersxbirdy @ab4eva @aemondsbabe @sansas-amythest-hairnet @prompted-wordsmith @arabellasleopardcoat @missmaywemeetagain @thatbanditqueen @from-memphis-with-love @lookingforrainbows @foreverdolly @eliseinmemphis @stylespresleyhearted @ellie-24
My results:
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juiceboxsteve · 1 year ago
Take my quiz. I created and identified 8 new personality types for you to identify yourself with.
It’s what’s good for you.
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geekgirl750 · 1 month ago
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tattoos-and-ballgowns · 7 months ago
✨Vote now✨
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gloomyfilm · 2 years ago
Q&A ✨ Milo Ventimiglia Edition
[ using words, pics or gifs - reblog, copy past the questions and add your answers! ]
Fictional character crush: Jack Pearson 😮‍💨
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favorite on screen couple: Jack & Rebecca 💘
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Favorite villain character: Jason Lennon
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favorite red carpet look: I also love his look at the 2017 Golden Globes with beautiful Mandy Moore but I had to go with this one ❤️‍🔥
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favorite street look: I don't really know tbh, he's wearing a basic shirt on a lot of on and about photographs lol
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favorite character look: I hope you guys will do better than me because I unfortunately couldn't come to a decision. You can throw tomatoes at me.
worst character look: Dark Peter Petrelli from Heroes. The hair, the weird facial scar, the coat. Just no.
last movie watched: MadTown
last tv show watched: The Company You Keep
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favorite movie: Not easy but I'll go with Second Act because I love JLO so I've definitely watched this one several times. Wish he had a bigger screen time though.
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favorite tv show: This Is Us 💛
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to re-watch (movie/tv show): still This Is Us 🥲
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Invitation sent to: @coffee-smell-and-lilac-skin @disasterbiwriter @sdots-world @ernestonlysayslovelythings @sagesfandomspot @saltygilmores and whoever wants to participate. 💌
Feel free to ignore as well.
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porcelainmortal · 8 months ago
Get to know me better tag game
Thank you for the tags, @stratocumulusperlucidus and @iboatedhere!
(I started answering these a few days ago and then it languished in my drafts. Don't judge me.)
Favorite color - Purple for life but also, for the past several years, Tiffany blue a.k.a. Pantone 1837c.
Last song - "Temporary Love" by Ben Platt - I named my collection of drabbles after a line in that song.
Currently reading - I just finished You Set The Tone by @iboatedhere and it was so so so beautiful. I also just started chapter 7 of This Is More of a Comment Than a Question by @caterpills (trying to make it last!) and I'm super invested. Reading WIPs is a skill I am trying to develop but man, it's not easy.
Currently watching - House of the Dragon and still slogging through The Sopranos. Also rewatching The Good Place and Will & Grace because #comfortshows ya dig?
Currently craving - I'd love a big breakfast with hashbrowns and bacon right now. Maybe something sweet like a coffee roll.
Spicy/sweet/savoury - Sweet, most of the time.
Coffee or tea - STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME CHOOSE coffee
Hobby to try - I already know how to knit and I've been saying for several years now that this is the year I will learn to crochet. And then I don't. I have all the supplies...
Current au: I'm in the midst of editing a coworkers-to-lovers au that popped into my brain a few days ago. I wrote like 2k words in a bit of a fugue state, so reading it back is... interesting. Hoping to post that soon.
Current obsession - RWRB like always, especially coming up with like 5 AUs a day that I want to write. Writing in general. Does sleeping count? My god, I'm so tired.
Relationship status - My partner celebrated 20 years in May! Although celebrated is definitely overstating it. It's been a rough year in our house.
Tagging @cha-melodius @blueeyedgrlwrites @kiwiana-writes @firenati0n @anincompletelist
@almightaylor @theprinceandagcd @oldfarmwitch @caterpills @cricketnationrise
(Please ignore me if you've done one of these recently, my brain is so broken these days.)
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quizamodo · 4 months ago
How fandom would see you if you were a fictional character?
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bean-writes · 8 months ago
My canon queer status:
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warrenwoodhouse · 9 years ago
G.O.A.T. Test - Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test - Fallout 3 Guide (Game Guides) (Guides)
Take the G.O.A.T.! 😁
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