#9/11 brain
dougielombax · 2 months
Something about the sanctifying and distortion of the memory of the 9/11 attacks and its victims by the American far-right.
Is this anything?
Give it a few years and they’ll be making fucking stained glass art of it in churches, canonising some of the poor victims, making fucking tapestries and so on.
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cassierobinsons · 5 months
you can make w/e argument you like about the angels later in the season because i stopped paying attention to them when naomi died but earlier on they are very obviously meant to be christian fundamentalists and you are supposed to sympathise with the individual angels because of the constant surveillance and punishment they have to deal with while simultaneously recognising that as a collective they are an unparalleled threat to humanity and that sam&dean are justified in disliking them. yes even if it hurts cas' feelings.
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dosesofcommonsense · 10 days
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Rumsfeld was going to tell Congress about the missing $2 Trillion. The next day a missile hits the World Trade Center and causes a controlled demolition. Another missile hit the one place that financial record was stored at the Pentagon. What happened to the missing money? No one knows. We went to war against Iraq, and the CIA got to play regime change again. Who’s at fault? The Bush clan. Not just anyone can Auth a missile strike on American soil. We went to war to cover up the Bushes laundering money.
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autisticrosewilson · 1 month
Talia even being called an assassin gives me the ick because when she was first introduced she hated killing, felt immense guilt the few times she had to, and most of the time if it looked like she killed someone it turned out to be anaesthesia or a tranquilizer or something. Like she was literally studying to be a doctor when her and Bruce met and she was based off of the stereotypical Bond Girl because it was the 70's. Like I know it's basically her entire character now that she's an "assassin mom" or whatever but that was not who she was intended to be and I hate how it's done most of the time because it's ALWAYS a way to point and say "look at the evil brown woman! She's a cold blooded killer who forced/passively allowed her son to kill as well! It's a good thing that the feral brown boy is now with his good white family so he can learn the value of life and art and how to exist in civil society!" And it's actually really pissing me off. You guys don't even read a characters introduction comic before you start writing the same regurgitated nonsense steeped in racism and misogyny. Damian's whole character as it stands is basically character assassination for Talia and in order for me to be able to engage with him he'd have to be entirely rewritten.
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new merch idea
similar to the "9/11: never forget" shirts or images but it just says "6:50: never forget" and its just a stock photo of an igloo
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notaeldritchmoth · 4 months
Aaaug old doodle
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I found an old doodle. I’m kinda getting jiggly with it. Will digitalize laterrrr. And like make it better the face proportions are way off lmao
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capybaraonabicycle · 4 months
Doctor: Huh, is that who I am now?
Donna: It was never that far from the surface, mate.
Doctor: frowns Yes, it was! You know I used to be a woman. And that made people... assume all sorts of stuff. And - and pretending to be Graham's wife for five minutes was bad enough but - Byron? That was torture. Does the man ever stop talking?
Donna: Takes one to know one
Doctor: Oi! I just mean, there were all these men people assumed I would be into and I - and I just - I just wanted -
Donna: I know, darling.
Doctor: softly I just wanted Yaz.
Donna: I know. - There was one man, though, remember?
Doctor: No, there wasn't! I don't fancy the Master!
Donna: ...
Doctor: Okay, fine. But the Master isn't a man. He's like me! Flexible - uh - timelord gender and stuff.
Donna: Sure.
Doctor: So, anyway, I have always been primarily into wom-
Donna: What about Jack Harkness?
Doctor: - Jack doesn't count, everyone fancies Jack.
Donna: ...fair enough.
#Donna: can we also talk about how you were literally married to a man in Gloucester?#Doctor: How is THAT something that stuck to your brain?#Donna: I met you there. Shaun and I did the walking tour.#Doctor: Huh. - Was I any good?#Wild blue yonder#Donna Noble#Sorry I am just still hung up on the 'is that who I am now' comment#Because I feel like what they actually meant to say was the Doctor going I AM QUEER?!?!#as if they didn't just spend three entire series making heart eyes at Yaz#So it makes more sense to interpret it as 'Hang on I like men too?' but honestly even that is such a stretch?#Yeah sure 13 is very much not into men#(except for the Master)#(maybe Astos)#(possibly Swarm)#(obviously Jack)#But any other incarnation has been very openly into men?#Like 12 kept name dropping guys he fancied/was fancied by? Like that algae king and stuff. Also the Master#(Let's not talk about 11)#10 had a very intense thing with Harold Saxon AND Jack#Plus the number of guys he flirted with - among them Shakespeare#And I don't even have to talk about 9 whose first kiss on screen was with a man#To be fair it is mostly off-screen/casual and the Master and Jack#So like if we interpret it as above we can make it work at least#(But. Yes. Also: Lee!! Literally married a man. Even if that was only for staying undercover there were definitely some deep feelings there#and I am quite sure had they been purely platonic they would not have posed as married. But as siblings or best friends or something)#If we are being completely real the sentence is probably about the Doctor discovering they can find people hot now#But that actually wasn't there before I think?#So then Donna's comment makes little sense#Or no hang on - 12 found the dinosaur hot and all of them the TARDIS obviously#So maybe that's what it's all about actually
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internet-goblin · 1 year
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give-grian-rights · 1 year
just remembered a day too late about the fact i can thank 9/11 for one of the worst couples in Gray's Anatomy so. yeah okay
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catgirl-kaiju · 2 years
The funny thing about being 30 now is that I'm not actually, like, an old person. But, I'm starting to have old person experiences when talking to younger people.
Like, someone will be, like, "Man, I have such fond memories of playing Minecraft as a kid! That was a huge part of my childhood!"
And I'm, like, "Yeah, I love Minecraft! That came out when... I was in college... in my early 20s... ..."
Or someone will casually mention that they heard about 9/11 from a history book when I saw it happening on the TV as a 9 year-old.
I'm just, like...
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Then someone who's, like, 40 will tell me that I'm "so young! You're just a baby!" Absolutely wild age to be
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gayorphancannibal · 3 months
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nookisms · 1 year
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not gonna lie saving gallifrey was such a boring asspull to bring other time lords back in the mix. & the way the time war was portrayed took all the genuine horror out of it. like, think instead about how interesting it might have been to bring in gallifreyan refugees or something as a way of having time lord stuff to play with without undercutting the horror of the time war and the the doctor’s genocide. honestly the fact that gallifrey got brought back at all kills the really interesting implications of the doctor being the one to singlehandedly end the war, & what that means for their character. and it also kills the horror of the end of time, and how to bring gallifrey back, in any form, would bring with it all the horrors of the time war, war crimes and weapons to terrible to be described, with names like the nightmare child. and in one episode, they just. bring it back and everything is FIIIIINE. the doctor never committed genocide, bringing gallifrey back has no real repercussions the likes of which were implied in the end of time. (like, imagine the creations of a society like the time lords primed for war. even if all were stripped of weaponry, consider the terrible knowledge of such things that might be unleashed, the repercussions of such a war on time lord society & thought.) give us the skaro degradations, the horde of travesties, the nightmare child, the could-have-been king with his army of meanwhiles and never-weres. like, show us the hell that the doctor himself said the war had become by the end!! the doctor only takes the gun from wilf when he realizes the time lords are returning. that holds meaning!!
like, imagine if they actually HAD explored the full implications of how the time war had been lampshaded in previous episodes, gave us a full arc of the doctor dealing with the fallout of the timelords returned, weaponized and wielding horrors unimaginable. bring back the rani! explore the full implications of the doctor’s willingness so commit genocide upon both his people and the daleks. what was so terrible that the doctor decided that for the universe to live, both must die?? there’s so much to work with in that idea alone!!
or like mentioned, give us gallifreyan refugees! surely not all died or were trapped, surely there were other time lords, if even a few. and like, i know that house thing kinda explains that away as “any remaining time lords got eaten by the house” but frankly, i just think that if that’s the excuse you go with as to why there’s no other time lords besides the doctor &the master until gallifrey returns, you’re handwaving it. that could be fascinating!! you could tie it into the audio dramas, or the novels, give us characters from those, bring back characters from classic who! hell, you could bring in the valeyard as a doctor from a timeline that spooled out of the time war, a vesion of the doctor who was never meant to exist, and who practically doesn’t.
at the end of the day, i’m just never getting over the wasted potential of the time war in nuwho. it makes me feel absolutely bonkers, because there’s so much there!
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skeletalheartattack · 17 days
so for like, a decade plus, i've been searching for a youtube video i remember seeing back in 2007, and i've finally managed to make some headway:
good news: i've found it
bad news: it's lost media
#it's been bugging me for so long honestly#ive talked about it in my tags before but its basically the video that introduced me to roblox#it's probably a bit silly to have been searching for this video. but part of the reason ive been looking is to see how good my memory is#specifically memories from when i was 9 years old. and how those memories have aged given im 26 now#like id say my memory is pretty good. specifically remembering specific details from memories long ago#like that isn't to say they're perfect. like i'll get some details wrong. but i know the general idea of what i saw#but basically#it's basically some old roblox bloopers video that had their character in a baseball cap and lugia t-shirt#now for a few years i wasn't sure i was correct on this person wearing a lugia t-shirt#and so at some point i figured i had to give up looking for that specific detail#since literally no video i could find had these two details combined. id find characters with baseball caps but never with a lugia t-shirt#and by that point i was afraid i wouldn't be able to find this video. or worse. my memory was wrong and it was something i watched in 2008#but i knew it had to be uploaded before december 12th. 2007. because thats when i made my account#and the way i found it was going through 11 pages of a youtube search for ''lego videos''#i was specifically looking for new lego videos to watch. or find something that seemed more interesting than lego mario stop motion#and there was one video that stood out. which was some random roblox bloopers video. mixed in with a bunch of random lego videos#anyway. just today i was scrolling through twitters ''for you'' tab and happened upon a thread showing off lost roblox youtube thumbnails#and i was like ''well. can't hurt to see if theres anything in here that i recognize.''#and lo and behold. a roblox dude in a blue baseball cap and a lugia t-shirt. labeled as ''ROBLOX Bloopers!''#i could feel the anvil of my doubt free itself from my brain because i finally had proof of a video that lines up with my memory#thats not to say this is the exact video but 99% certain it's uploaded by the same person. like it could be roblox bloopers part 2#but anyway. the channel and the video(s) are lost and while im sad i can't watch it to confirm my memory#im happy to see that there's evidence that lines up with my memory of what i saw back then#for reference. it was uploaded by someone named 'Furzniak' at the time. and it was uploaded on July 21st. 2007
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lesspopped · 18 days
really weird how I have seen almost no mention on here, and none whatsoever from non-jews, of the fact that there were massive protests in israel this weekend, in defiance of major government crackdowns on protest and horrific police brutality, and the largest union in the country called for a general strike to pressure the government for a ceasefire. I’m sure it’s not because of so many people on this website (many if not most themselves sitting on stolen land or in the countries that stole it) have decided there’s some mysterious quality about israelis that makes them uniquely evil and monstrous and means there are absolutely no innocents or decent people among them. it could not possibly be because the narrative that has come to prevail on the western left is that there’s something unique to israelis that makes them all uniformly bloodthirsty monsters who mindlessly cheer on and enable their government’s atrocities, with no internal dissent whatsoever. heavens, no. why who could even imagine what such a (((quality))) might even be?
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permanentreverie · 3 months
if nobody’s got me i know a large vanilla latte got me can i get an amen
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