#8x5 spoilers
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maddieb-h ¡ 4 months ago
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abc in 8x5
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hazeystar ¡ 1 month ago
why buddie is better than tevan
let's talk buddie
Yea, that’s clickbait, welcome to the real topic:
The difference between Buddie and Tevan, the lack of media literacy, human decency, and common sense within the fandom (I need a shorter title)
We’re gonna start with a topic and end with the same topic, but it’s necessary to say twice. Buddies or Bust (or BoBs as they will be referenced) are absolutely ridiculous. There’s no other way to say it, some of you really only care about a few specific opinions, you shoot down any other possibilities, and really don’t have that much normal human interaction outside of the (some harmful) posts you make online.
I’d also like to clarify, my problem doesn’t lie with all Buddie fans. Like the ship you like, I don’t really care. I have a problem with those who bash Tommy (and the Tevan fandom) just because he’s not Eddie.
Let’s start with the argument that Tommy is a bad person. The points that get brought up the most are that he was racist and an awful person to Howie and Hen while they worked together under Gerrard. I raise you the counterpoint that Tommy has apologised to Howie about this, and by the time we see more of their past together in the ‘Bobby Begins’ episode, it’s easy enough to assume they are friends at this point. 
Oh, but Aeris, we didn’t see him actually apologise-
Again, we did. Just because we didn’t physically see and hear the words ‘I apologise’ come out of his mouth does not mean it didn’t happen. Part of interacting with media is, you know, not getting everything mansplained to you, so with a little bit of context, and the jumbled timeline, it’s not too hard to figure out that Hen, Howie, and Tommy were friends by the time the latter moved to Harbour. “Love Actually, monster trucks, craft beer” from Tommy and the rest was history for friendship. Or are we also forgetting that Howie called him way back when they needed water dropped on a house burning in a gas fire?
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Moving on. Season 8, episode 5.
This gets brought up a lot within the fandom, especially with the BoBs on why Eddie is better, or yada Tommy is too gay (Jesus) so we’re just making the entire episode its own section. 
First off, the initial hospital scene. Scene set: Buck in the hospital bed, Eddie in chair with newspaper, Tommy walking in.
Point 1: ‘Tommy with the visitor badge vs Eddie’s ‘husband privilege’’
Easy answer: Tommy very clearly said ‘I came as soon as my shift ended’ ergo, he came as fast as he could. Eddie on the other hand, is on duty with Buck, they were brought in while on duty. I’ve never been in the hospital, but it’s not that hard to see the difference as to why Tommy had to get a visitor’s badge.
Point 2: Billy Boils Story 
Yes, they both laughed, and let’s not lie, you absolutely would to. We all would. That was kind of the point of the line. If the argument you’re trying to make is “Well, Tommy laughed so obviously he doesn’t respect Buck” I raise you that Eddie was literally laughing too. So by your logic, Eddie also doesn’t respect Buck. “But he laughed in a husband way.” That… literally doesn’t make sense. Next question.
Moving onwards. The reaction to Buck waking up with boils. I think there’s a key difference here between Tommy and Eddie because Eddie can’t even look at Buck at the station later on in the episode. Tommy on the other hand… well the ‘Well, that’s not true’ line is enough explanation. Next point.
Another thing, less on 8x5 specifically but along the lines with that episode and 8x6. I don’t even want to say the word I’ve seen to describe it, but it boils down to Tommy’s ‘accent’. I sincerely hope that the people who use the word don’t actually say that to someone’s face because I think I’d lose the sliver of faith I have left for humanity. It’s ridiculous, it’s definitely offensive, people are somehow getting mad at the fact that Tommy is ‘acting gay’ when, spoiler alert, he is gay. *shocked pikachu face*. It’s not new information, it’s a fact of his character, and the fact that he is comfortable being himself around (checks note) ah yes, his boyfriend speaks volumes to his character and the relationship itself.
I’m moving towards the line between fanon and canon. Canonically, Buck and Tommy have a relationship. Canonically, Buck is bisexual, Tommy is gay, and Eddie is straight. Oh, but Aeris, Eddie said he was straight the same way Buck said he was an ally. Buck is on his first date with a man after he had the most life changing kiss in his own kitchen by that same man. He’s flustered and nervous and Buck very obviously rambles when that happens, which is why he also says he and Tommy are going to pick up hot chicks after their dinner.
Second counterpoint: Buck was literally kissed, he was on a date with a man he was into and hadn’t really processed what that meant yet.
Eddie on the other hand is not kissed, he’s not on a date, the context of the social situation is different. Eddie doesn’t flirt with the hot priest or show any interest or attraction to him. He sets a boundary when he thinks the hot priest is hitting on him.
Canonically speaking, Eddie needs one thing and it’s not a queer awakening, it’s some damn therapy. If I have to hear one more time that it’s the catholic guilt or the repressed gayness that makes him act the way he does with all of his past girlfriends- it’s ridiculous. Canonically, he’s an awful partner. Just look at the treatment of Marisol. Can’t even move in with her, emotionally cheats on her with the doppelganger of his dead wife. That last part is a ridiculous sentiment on its own and you want to put him in a relationship with Buck? Eddie’s a mess, needs long overdue therapy to get over Shannon, and you know, maybe stay away from relationships for a while, because they obviously aren’t going well.
Buck is finally at a place in his life where he’s had actual character development, and at this point, deserves a love interest who won’t screw him over in any way. If we actually think about it, the way Eddie would treat Buck in a relationship is no different than how he treats any of his other partners. Him being gay literally fixes nothing because the problem isn’t with repressed homosexuality, that just isn’t a thing with Eddie. Canonically, he isn’t repressed, he’s just a shit partner. (I mean, honestly, do BoBs even like Buck or are you guys just trying to prove a point? Because Buck would not fare well in a relationship with Eddie, and frankly, with some of the things I see, Buck basically gets reduced down to a glorified babysitter and not like a bloody boyfriend).
Okay, away from characters for the last bit. Let’s talk treatment.
Frankly, it’s unbelievable how many people actually don’t give a shit about what they post online. I’m sure you can find them literally anywhere, but some people are downright vile when it comes to anything about Tommy. The amount of death threats you can find against just Tevan fans is ridiculous. A friend shared with me a few screenshots of what they had found. I had no words. Then of course, the stuff against Tommy and Lou is also utterly offensive. This man got to come and play a character that was loved by a lot of people, and I’m not saying it’s on the BoBs if he never comes back… but I also wouldn’t be shocked just because of the backlash I’ve seen. Like even with just the New Year’s post on the 911 account- it’s awful guys. Like the comments are so mean for no reason. And then just in general on Twitter-
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Twitter is a hell scape and this proves it. Like there are real people behind these screens, and no one needs to read that they deserve to die
It’s a show, it really isn’t possibly that deep, at the end of the day, Buck, Tommy, and Eddie are all characters in a show we watch in our free time. Because, you know, there’s a life outside of fandom. 
Anyways, TLDR, if you really think about it, Eddie wouldn’t be a good partner, BoBs need to get a grip on reality, maybe we should be a little less hateful online, and
live laugh love Tevan <3
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kamari333 ¡ 2 years ago
Longpost about Dream's House #3
Ran out of room for pictures back in [Part 2] so now I'm writing out a part 3. Here we go!!!
Spoiler Warning for An Anthology of Dreams (a fic by me lol).
Content Warning for use of the Imperial System of measurement (as i am USAmerican and all my houses are measured in feet).
the Original Floor Plan was 3180 sq ft
Renovation #1 adding 572 sq ft to the basement and 90 sq ft to the first 2nd Floor (for a total of 662 additional sq ft) - bringing in a total of 3842 sq ft for the house
Renovation #2 added the Second 2nd Floor, which is 3882 sq ft, along with a 150 sq ft dining room (for a total of 4032 additional sq ft) - bringing in a total of 7874 sq ft for the house
Renovation #3 added 368 sq ft in Falsi's Wing; 1570 sq ft in the extended Dining Room Wing; and 7980 sq ft on the Third 2nd floor (for a total of 9918 sq ft of additional space) - bringing in a total of 17,792 sq ft for the house
Renovation #4
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The biggest addition is the new floor: and finally, it's a genuine 3rd Floor! It is 99x75 ft [7425 sq ft] total by itself. It includes:
an 84x45 ft [3780 sq ft] Training Room
2 bedrooms sized 8x6 ft [48 sq ft each; 96 sq ft total]
9 bedrooms sized 6x6 ft [36 sq ft each; 324 sq ft total]
2 bedrooms sized 15x6 ft [90 sq ft each; 180 sq ft total]
2 bedrooms sized 13x6 ft [78 sq ft each; 156 sq ft total]
4 bedrooms sized 9x6 ft [54 sq ft each; 216 sq ft total]
1 bedroom sized 10x5 ft [50 sq ft]
1 bedroom 8x5 ft + 7x3 ft [61 sq ft]
a hall closet 2x3 ft [6 sq ft]
another Room Full of Couches 23x11 ft [253 sq ft]
a 23x19 ft [437 sq ft] computer lab
a 15x27 ft [405 sq ft] Hot Tub room
16 showers sized 6x4 ft [24 sq ft]
2 showers sized 6x7 ft [42 sq ft]
There are several doors that are Portal Doors to take one across the floor, from one side to the other, and a couple that take one all the way down to the 1st Floor.
The staircase, however, leads down to the Third 2nd Floor. Compared to the last renovation, there is now an extension of 41x7 ft [287 sq ft]. This extension repurposes a dead end hallway to make space for the staircase, a small maze, and a 25x10 ft [250 sq ft] arts and crafts space.
Down on the Second 2nd Floor, there is a new wing now made of the same blue stonework that Falsi's wing was made from. It's irregularly shaped, but one can calculate the area in parts such as 33x24 + 37x34 + 25x12 + 6x4 ft [792 + 1258 + 300 + 24 = 2374 sq ft]. It includes:
2 bedrooms sized 6x6 ft [36 sq ft each; 72 sq ft total]
a 6x10 bedroom [60 sq ft]
a 9x24 ft [216 sq ft] bedroom
3 bedrooms 12x10 ft and 1 bedroom sized 10x12 ft [120 sq ft each; 480 sq ft total]
a 12x8 ft [96 sq ft] bedroom
a 12x12 ft [144 sq ft] bedroom
a 10x8 ft [80 sq ft] bedroom
a 12x11 ft [132 sq ft] bedroom
a bathroom that is 12x12 ft plus a 6x4 ft entryway [168 sq ft]
a 12x8 ft area [96 sq ft] just for resting benches
a corner room which is 13x23 ft plus 10x3 ft [329 sq ft]
This wing has a grand total of 1280 sq ft of bedroom space. It has a staircase that goes down to the 1st Floor.
The 1st Floor has undergone several extensions.
The first is an irregularly shaped extension to Falsi's Wing, which adds a 20x10 ft + 40x20 ft + 14x12 ft + 11x2 ft [200 + 800 + 168 + 22 = 1190 sq ft] to that side of the house. This includes:
another couch room 20x10 ft [200 sq ft]
a third livingroom 20x20 ft [400 sq ft]
another computer room 20x17 ft [340 sq ft]
a stairwell room with three different staircases, all but one the same standard 2x10 ft we've come to know and loathe (the other is 11x2 ft [22 sq ft])
We'll come back to this wing later, because on the other side of the house are more extensions! The new additional space in the additional wing on the other side of the house amounts to 15x30 + 62x20 + 6x6 ft [450 + 1240 + 66 = 1756 sq ft]. This includes:
3 bedrooms 12x7 ft [84 sq ft each; 252 sq feet total]
a bedroom 8x6 ft [48 sq ft]
a bedroom 10x6 ft [60 sq ft]
a bedroom 10x8 ft [80 sq ft]
a bedroom 11x6 ft [66 sq ft]
an 8x3 room for "naps" [24 sq ft]
another bathroom 5x6 ft [30 sq ft]
a hot tub room 27x20 ft [540 sq ft]
We will definitely come back to take a closer look at this new layout later, but first I wanna crunch the last of these numbers in the basement!
The Basement has two wings now! Sci's lab on one side, and an expanse of rooms we're gonna call the Dungeon on the other!
Sci's Wing has two additional extensions: an 8x7 ft room [56 sq ft] and a 14x5 ft [70 sq ft] offshoot he is now using as a kitchen. Simple enough, 126 sq ft more for Sci.
The Dungeon is a bit bigger. It's a bit irregularly shaped, but can be measured as 65x25 + 45x15 + 30x10 + 10x15 + 2x10 + 16x3 ft [1625 + 675 + 300 + 150 + 20 + 48 sq ft = 2818 sq ft]! This includes:
18 rooms that are all 10x10 ft [100 sq ft], just one of which has an open doorway
the new staircase going up
a 16x3 secret tunnel that bridges the dungeon to Sci's lab
Add it all up (if I have done my math right)
In total, Renovation #4 gives us an expansion of 7425 + 287 + 2374 + 1190 + 1756 + 126 + 2818 sq ft = 15,976 sq ft ! Before this, Renovation #3 brought the house up to 17,792 sq ft. This nearly doubles the house's total size, bringing it up to 33,768 sq ft !!!
Recall where the house started. 3180 sq ft. That is a whole magnitude of difference.
Now let's go back and actually look at what the hell is happening here.
There are several concerning elements of this whole layout, not the least of which is that the original entrance into Falsi's wing is now walled up. There are now spaces on the other sides of both the front door and back door which cannot been seen from the outside. Some doorways take you to different floors, never mind across the house. One staircase now, while going up/down, lands you on the same floor but displaced to the clear other side!
This house has become a portal-riddled, space distorting, mobius strip labyrinth.
There are 2075 sq ft just for couches!!!
113 BEDROOMS (which are probably fitted to have multiple people per bedroom, bunkbeds and stuff)!!!
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My glee is unquantifiable. ❤️ 🧡💛💚💙💜💖
Anyway I am so hype to share these numbers with you and I can't wait to hear your opinions about them <333
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gizkasparadise ¡ 6 years ago
1,500 miles (Sandor + Arya, Gendrya)
Day One.
There’s 1,500 miles between them and King’s Landing. He bites down on an apple as he rides, sending her a side glance.
“Can still turn around,” he comments.
“Fuck off,” she replies, looking ahead.
He raises his eyebrows, takes another bite of apple. “Suit yourself.”
Day Three.
They stop at an inn because his balls have retreated into his fucking stomach and he’s tired of pissing in the snow. Arya wordlessly drops coins onto the counter in a way that speaks to little rich girl, and then they sit at a long table. They get looks, him more so than her. He always gets looks. That’s what happens when half your face is burned off.
A serving girl drops off two bowls of meat and two tankards of ale.
She raises an eyebrow from her seat across from him. “Really?”
Sandor glares as he picks a tiny sliver of bone out of his teeth. “What’s it matter? All tastes like goat shit.”
She lets out a short scoff, then tears off a leg and bites down.
Day Five.
“You still got your stupid little list of names, then?”
“Half the bloody kingdom’s dead. Who the fuck’s left?”
“You got bigger balls than a bull.”
Day Six.
They’re leading the horses to water when she speaks for the first time in a few hours.
“You think you’ll like it?”
“Like what?”
“Killing him.”
He doesn’t answer right away, patting the side of his horse’s neck as it bends down to drink. Would he like it? Sandor remembers what it meant to cower like a kicked dog. Remembers the face of his brother as his hand wrapped around his head, shoving it down.
“Like’s got nothing to do with it,” he states. “Dead’s dead, that’s what matters.”
Arya stares at her horse, looking thoughtful. It’s a few minutes before she speaks.
“I think I’ll very much like killing Cersei.”
“‘Course you will.” He fills a skin of water, tosses it to her. “You sick little fuck.”
Day Eight.
It’s finally getting warm enough for them to camp. She hunts for game as he starts fire and tends to the horses. Two hours later the sun’s setting and they’re eating fucking squirrels.
“And you give me shit for chicken,” he mutters. The meat is gamey as all hell, and there’s too many little bones.
“It’s what was around.”
“Bring back some bloody rocks next time. Rather chew on that.”
“Piss off.”
“Hunt better.”
After they’re done eating, he lays by the fire, one of his elbows propping him up into a lean. Across from, Arya sits, her elbows on her knees and thoughts somewhere else. She’s a right shit, but that doesn’t stop him from noticing she’s young. Not that it matters, out here. No one’s young in Westeros.
Sandor’s face screws into a frown. His thoughts drift to that stupid twat in Winterfell. Who just wanted to thank Arya fucking Stark. Sandor doesn’t need to know anything about that, where it went, where it didn’t went.
But it’s fucking boring out here. So he asks.
“Whatever happened to staying away from miserable old shits?”
She doesn’t even look up. “Miserable old shit, now.”
He lifts his eyebrows, her point made. “Miserable old shit, then.”
Fucking Beric Dondarrion. His corpse had been heavy as hell lifting onto that shit pyre. If he were still alive, he’d probably gotten off on it, what with his hard-on for fire.
He’d died for her. Sandor didn’t realize until after it was over that that’s what he was doing, too. He was just a little faster, is all.
“I thought that was our last night alive,” she says flatly. “It’s different.”
“Fucking how?”
She glances up at that. “What do you mean, how?”
Sandor gestures around. “Bear could be out there. One of your fucking wolves. Rapers.” He tilts his head. “A fucking cough. Any of it could be your last night alive.”
He watches as she shifts, as her hands fold in front of her. Arya’s not the same girl she was before she left him to die, but he can still tell when she’s uncomfortable.
“It’s different,” she repeats, quieter this time.
Day 10.
They have to kill a few men in the morning. There’s little fanfare about it-- just his sword, her stupid little toothpick. The sun rises, and seven fucks are dead.
He presses his foot against one of the men’s backs to pull his sword out of him. It slides and he frowns as he wipes the blood off on the dead man’s tunic.
“How many you get?” He calls out.
“So that’s, what? Seventeen for me, eleven for you?”
“Mine were harder to kill.”
He gestures to the dead men on the ground. “Doesn’t matter to them.”
Arya’s face remains flat as she stares at him and pointedly sheaths her small, little sword.
“It’s just six more,” she says coolly, hoping back on her horse.
“Seven,” he corrects.
Day Twelve.
“Bet it’s not as fun anymore, is it?”
They’re both on bedrolls, staring up at the stars.
“What isn’t?”
“Your list. Haven’t even said it anymore. One day you won’t be able to say it at all.”
She’s quiet.
“Listen to me, girl,” Sandor says, suddenly feeling tired. “It never gets better.”
Arya rolls onto her side, facing away from him as she pulls a blanket over her shoulder.
Day Fifteen.
They’re passing an inn when Arya’s horse pulls into a stop.
“What?” He barks over his shoulder.
She’s staring at a sign. “I want to stop here.”
He looks at the inn again, eyes squinting. Then it clicks. “See your little fat friend?”
Arya’s eyes widen. “You remember that?”
“Think I’m a fucking moron?”
They both tie their horses.
“Arry!” The baker says, wiping his hands on an apron as he comes out from behind a kitchen. “They said you were here, and-”
Sandor stares down at him, unimpressed. The baker’s eyes widen in recognition.
“-and I’ll go get you supper,” he says.
The baker, Hot Pie because why the fuck not, and Arya sit. He gives her bread shaped like a wolf, and when he leaves Sandor snorts.
Arya frowns at him. “What?”
“All your stupid friends.” He shakes his head. “Thanking you all the time.”
“Thanking me for what?”
Sandor watches as the boy drops an entire tray of ale.
“Hopefully not the same thing.” He grabs her bread and bites the head off it.
Day Sixteen.
“Why don’t you just turn around?” He asks, annoyed.
Arya glares at him. He glares back.
“Or keep on whingeing.”
“I’m not whingeing.”
“Fine. Sulking.”
“What are you talking about?”
He sighs, looking up. “Go back to that inn. Or Winterfell. Or the fucking Vale.”
Sandor half expects her to tell him to fuck off again. When all she does is frown, then snap her reins, that’s when he realizes that’s what she actually wants to do.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself.
Day Nineteen.
They swap their furs for leathers. King’s Landing gets closer by the day.
And Sandor has something eating at him. Taking small little bites, all up and down his skin. He doesn’t know what it is, only that he looks at Arya and her stupid little sword and her tired horse and it makes him frown more often than not.
“He ever find you?” He asks, and wonders why the fuck he’s asking.
“The twat with the hammer.”
She tenses, the hand sharpening her sword stilling. Her words are carefully flat. “You mean Gendry.”
“Is there another twat with a hammer?”
Arya looks up. “What do you mean, find?”
“At the feast. Bloody moron was wandering up and down the hall like he’d forgotten how to walk.” He raises his brows. “Mooning.”
She visibly swallows, then looks down at her sword again.
Sandor leans against a tree, watching her expression, her body language. And he sighs.
“What’d you do to that poor fuck?”
The whetstone makes a long, scraping sound.
“He found me,” is all she offers.
Day 20.
He sees more and more of those Southern birds. It won’t be long, now, until they reach where they’re heading.
Sandor can’t stop that gnawing feeling. “Your sister’s probably wondering where you are.”
“She’ll figure it out.”
He grinds his teeth together. “Or that crippled god boy you were all so fucking concerned over.”
“...he probably already knows,” Arya says, and for a moment he sees discomfort on her face.
“That bastard brother of yours, then. Or the bastard you’re fuck-”
“I know what you’re doing,” she cuts in calmly. Arya narrows her eyes. “What I can’t figure out is why you’re doing it.”
He doesn’t fucking know, either.
They stare at each other for awhile, at a standstill. Tension between them.
“This is what you’re doing, then?” He finally asks.
There’s a few seconds of hesitation, but she nods.
“Yeah,” she states quietly. “This is what I’m doing.”
Sandor frowns. Then he nods.
“Then stop being so slow. Or the mad dragon bitch will get to her first.”
Arya doesn’t look relieved. But she moves her horse into a gallop, and he can’t do nothing else but follow after.
Day 23.
They’re a day out from the city. She doesn’t want to stop, but he makes her.
“So,” he begins, speaking while chewing with his mouth open. She got rabbit tonight. Better than fucking squirrel.  “You kill the queen. Then what?”
“There isn’t a then.”
He snorts. “You don’t plan to outlive a Lannister cunt?”
Arya’s eyebrows draw down, so he presses.
“You kill her. Her people kill you. Sounds like a draw.” He spits out a bone. “Does it count if it’s a draw?”
Arya takes a long drink of wine, passing it to him as she rubs the back of her arm across her mouth. “Dead is dead, right?”
Sandor brings the wineskin up. “Dead is dead,” he agrees, tilting his head back and emptying it out.
Day 24.
“How many you get?” He asks, stabbing one that’s still kicking through the neck.
“27 and 27,” he notes.
“Guess that makes us even.”
“Guess it does.”
Day 25.
He wakes before she does. It’s still too early for the sun, and so he just watches her. She curls into a ball when she sleeps, like she’s trying to make herself a small target. There’s no whimpering, no kicking out. Arya’s trained herself better than that. It makes the stillness of it all more noticeable.
His throat works.
Then he throws her pack at her head. She’s up just before it connects, grabbing it before she’s even fully awake.
“Get your shit,” he orders. “You’ve got a queen to kill.”
Day 26.
He hasn’t heard his name in so long that that alone is enough to make him stop. So stop he does, looking over his shoulder.
Arya stares at him, lips parted and fear in her eyes. “Thank you.”
He takes a long breath. The gnawing feeling is gone.
He can’t find anything to say, and so he doesn’t. His hand goes to the hilt of his sword and he makes himself move.
Dead is dead, after all.
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anthonycrowleymoved ¡ 4 years ago
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i know we’ve discussed this i KNOW but jesus CHRIST
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livelovecaliforniadreams ¡ 4 years ago
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rubyandhernormalknees ¡ 4 years ago
i almost don’t want to say this because of course i want penny to be totally fine and okay and free herself from mind control and come back and everything...
but if she doesn’t make it...who do we think the next winter maiden is going to be? 
i have three guesses, currently: ruby, maria, or winter. and here’s why: 
ruby because, if penny were to think of one of her friends in her final moments, it would probably be ruby. they seem to have the closest connection among all of them. 
possibly maria if penny dies in the fall, because she was the last woman penny interacted with before she died.
and winter...this one’s more of a longshot, but it would be really interesting to see. this one is if penny surives the fall but dies soon after, and the ace ops and winter find her just before she dies. of all of them, winter feels to me like the most likely to go to penny’s side and comfort her, making her the last person by her side.
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shannimalcrackers ¡ 6 years ago
daenerys: burns the entire city of kings landing
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stridersister ¡ 6 years ago
ok, but you know who D&D REALLY did dirty? Grey Worm
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raven-ghole ¡ 6 years ago
Tonight's episode was an insult to Jaime Lannister.
That's the only thing I have to say
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bootytickle ¡ 6 years ago
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super-sootica ¡ 6 years ago
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anthonycrowleymoved ¡ 4 years ago
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dean explaining benny to sam
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livelovecaliforniadreams ¡ 4 years ago
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obsessive-fantasy ¡ 6 years ago
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“Look at me. Look at me! You wanna be like me?
You come with me, you’ll die here.”
a.k.a Sandor Clegane being the voice of reason and showing Arya that getting revenge is not what life is all about.
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my-femininity-is-hella-boss ¡ 6 years ago
I never really cared much about Daenerys but after seeing her lose everything and break down, seeing everyone in the show doing her dirty and the writers trying to make her a villain I am fully on board on team Daenerys. Especially since they are probably gonna have Jon kill her next episode and have him be the hero of the story🙄
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