#the unsullied
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247reader · 1 month ago
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The Lady of Spears, secret goddess of the Unsullied, also called the Bride of Battle or Mother of Hosts.
Not much to say here art-wise; I wanted her dressed much as the Unsullied themselves are described, and of course holding a spear.
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lemonhemlock · 4 months ago
Didn’t the Dothraki—or whatever was left of them—choose to follow Dany after she liberated them and set them free, since they only follow the strong?
And Missandei’s line: “I serve my Queen because I want to,”—doesn’t this also show her people choosing to follow her? When has Dany ever used slave labor?
I saw someone say she actively used slave labor, and I’m just ??? because how did I even miss that? 😕
I don't know the post you're referring to, but, if you ask me, using the Unsullied in any capacity is morally questionable. They are highly abused and brainwashed folk, I'm not even sure they have the capacity to conceptualise "freedom". So, if you tell them "you're free to go", would that even register with them? Especially if you follow it up with "or you can stay with me and fight by my side". It's fair to say that someone in that situation might have trouble making an informed decision. Embrace the terrifying unknown or double down and do the same thing you've been highly trained for?
So, the question is (and I think the question GRRM wants us to ponder) how much of a >choice< this is. The Unsullied have no other skills than violence, no possessions, no real awareness of the world, no real awareness of themselves as individuals. That is a LOT of dark, difficult stuff to unpack and they have no resources to do so, nor does Dany think of any social programmes that might help with their re-integration in society. She just kind of lets them mingle and do their own thing, which - again, these people have major developmental gaps and no resources. They wouldn't know how to help themselves.
So, yeah, they can always leave, but, practically-speaking, they're not going to and she knows they are not going to, so, what are we actually doing here? What are the Unsullied >choosing< for themselves as independent individuals?
Likewise, there is the question of whether she is actually paying them a salary or not (I don't remember). Or is she just giving them food and board and other necessities (clothes, equipment)? Because, if she's not paying them, you know we still call those working conditions slavery today. And, if she gives them a cut of the plunder / loot from sacking various cities, that brings into discussion the viability of this economic model. What happens when there's nothing to sack, will she just not pay them? etc. Not to mention the inherently predatory nature of basing your wage system on plundering.
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horizon-verizon · 3 months ago
hi!! so i have a question. we know from where adwd left off that dany’s in the dothraki sea about to meet with the other khals. she will most likely go to join the dosh khaleen and stage a slave revolt, given that in vaes dothrak weapons are forbidden and it’s the slaves who handle them. with her at the head of the greatest khalasar ever seen as the stallion who mounts the world she will cut off the slave trade from dothraki (the ones who aquire the slaves) to the masters. this might create a chain reaction and the momentum to end slavery once and for all very fast and relatively clean.
now my question is, do you think this big khalasar will cross the sea to westeros? and, will it be only her initial khalasar and the unsullied with her to conquer westeros?
i can see the great khalasar staying in essos to provide stability after the slavery has ended and the society starts to heal. i suppose logistically that big a cavalry is hard to maintain in a war thorn westeros with winter upon them.
please share your thoughts i’m very curious!!
thank you ❤️
this might create a chain reaction and the momentum to end slavery once and for all very fast and relatively clean.
Is this what people suggest or predict GRRM will have Dany be able to finally go to Westeros and "handle" her journey in Essos prior? I do like it.
Your question, now. I think that for it to make sense, it has to ba number of Dothraki going over the sea to Westeros while others stay back, for exactly what you said. i think, though, someone in her inner circle will have to stay behind and direct her Essos-stayign part of the khalasar so no funny buisness happens, and I don;t know who should best be that person. Jhogo? I think that she'd split up her "initial" khlasar bc she needs the most loyal in Essos more than in Westeros, as there's no real prospects for a possible traitor in Westeros that there is in Essos. The Unsullied will definitely be part of her Westeros retinue.
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year ago
A Game of Thrones, Daenerys I
Their palanquin was stopped at the gate, the curtains pulled roughly back by one of the house guards. He had the copper skin and dark almond eyes of a Dothraki, but his face was hairless and he wore the spiked bronze cap of the Unsullied. He looked them over coldly.
Magister Illyrio growled something to him in the rough Dothraki tongue; the guardsman replied in the same voice and waved them through the gates.
Dany noticed that her brother’s hand was clenched tightly around the hilt of his borrowed sword. He looked almost as frightened as she felt. “Insolent eunuch,” Viserys muttered as the palanquin lurched up toward the manse.
Magister Illyrio’s words were honey. “Many important men will be at the feast tonight. Such men have enemies. The khal must protect his guests, yourself chief among them, Your Grace. No doubt the Usurper would pay well for your head.”
“Oh, yes,” Viserys said darkly. “He has tried, Illyrio, I promise you that. His hired knives follow us everywhere. I am the last dragon, and he will not sleep easy while I live.”
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warfantasy · 9 months ago
Tactical Overview - The Unsullied
Ser Jorah Mormont claims – multiple times – that the Unsullied are the finest infantry in all the world, but since Ser Jorah and reality are not exactly on talking terms, that claim ought to be put to test. Tactics and organization Unsullied are described as utilizing typical phalanx tactics. In the legend of Three Thousand of Qohor – essentially a retelling of the legend of 300 Spartans – the…
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targaryenimagines · 9 months ago
The Khaleesi’s Queen
Dark!Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 2,559
Summary: Daenerys doesn’t like to be interrupted; not when she has everything she could ever want within her grasp.
Warning(s): G!P Daenerys, slightly rough (and possessive) sex, oral (R!Receiving).
Author’s Note: Changed up the prompt, which I hope is okay Tried to figure it out the first way, but I wasn’t doing it any justice in the slightest. I suppose this can be seen as a continuation of My Khaleesi, but it can be a stand-alone too. (This is told mainly through Dany’s POV, if you’d like me to make a partner through the Reader’s just let me know!)
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“Do you take me as some sort of fool, Councilor?”
The question is asked in an airy tone, one that a person would use when making a remark about the weather or the coming crop season, but the fiery undercurrent, like iron piercing through the sky, kept the man it was directed to in place. Violet eyes locked on dark brown, a message clear within them: Speak. Now. I’m running out of patience.
“O-Of cou-course not, Your Majesty,” the man stumbles, trying to alleviate the situation. “I-I just wished to tell y-you what your ancestors used t-to do.”
A sneer works itself across a beautiful face. “Yes,” she drawls, disgust clear in her tone. “But those same ancestors didn’t have the bond I do with my son.” Rising from her chair, Daenerys pins the cowering man in place with her gaze. “What will you have me do, Councilor? Have sex with my queen on the back of my son’s back in hopes of creating another?” She takes another measured step closer. “Do you think I’m unaware of what’s being said about me? That I’m oblivious to the gossip and rumors being spread?” Daenerys is a mere five feet from the man now. “Everyone within the Seven Kingdoms knows about my bond with my children, but you choose to council me into doing something that’d be sacrilegious in their eyes? That’d create even more discord within the land?”
Daenerys pauses then, tilting her head as she surveys the cowering man— from his balding head down to his recently polished shoes— and her gaze darkens further.
“So, I have to ask, do you take me for a fool?” She reiterates. “Because you must if you think I wouldn’t question you or your motives.”
He shakes his head, practically throwing himself at his Queen’s feet. “I-I swear to you, Your Majesty, I’m just a lo-lowly scholar. Ju-Just trying to help.” Fear weasels its way down his spine when he felt her lean closer to him. “I-I swear it.”
A breathy chuckle echoes across the room, barren of any form of amusement. “Oh? You swear it?” Crouching down, Daenerys forces the man to look into violet eyes. “I must believe you then.”
Snapping her fingers, the shadows around the edges of the room come to life as figures clad in obsidian black step from them, silver spears glinting under the light.
“Grey Worm.” The Captain of the Queensguard steps forward, back dutifully straight. “Nādīnagon zirȳla.”
At once Grey Worm, and another Unsullied, step forward and clasp the now begging man under his armpits and begin dragging him from the room. His cries for mercy falling on deaf ears: “N-No. Ple-Please, Your Majesty! Don’t do this. Please.”
Dark oak doors close with a resounding bang, cutting off his pleading.
Silence settles once more over the office, save for the faint crashing of waves against the surf outside and the cries of gulls. If Daenerys closed her eyes, she could almost imagine she was back in Essos. Back when things were simple but infinitely more complex. Settling back into her high-backed seat, Daenerys lets loose a soft sigh.
“Did you just have that man executed for telling you something you didn’t wish to hear?” A teasing voice breaks through the silence, the warm cadence of it bringing a smile to Daenerys’ lips. Looking down, she’s met by the sparkling gaze of her wife. “Or did you have that man executed for interrupting us?”
Huffing out a laugh, filled to the brim with adoration, Daenerys pulls you from your kneeling position, placing her hands on your hips once you’re comfortably straddling her. “I didn’t have him executed, ñuha perzys.” She places a delicate kiss to the corner of your lips. “I just wanted to have him leave my presence in a timely manner.”
You nuzzle closer to her. “And to do that you had to scare him? Are you certain it has nothing to do with his untimely entrance?” Wiggling on her lap, Daenerys has to bite back a groan as your familiar weight bears down on her growing erection. One that had found its home in your mouth a mere twenty minutes before— only to be unceremoniously ripped out when the man had knocked, requesting an immediate audience. “I know how you get when certain things don’t go your way.”
“Careful,” Daenerys warns, nipping at your exposed neck. Delighted in the way your breath hitches at the slightest bit of pressure to the small area underneath your jaw. “It’s not polite to tease your Queen.”
Rocking your hips more, you quip back. “It’s a good thing you’re not my Queen then.” Dipping your head, you press a heated kiss to her lips, groaning when her hardness hits just the right spot through her tailored pants. “You will always be my Khaleesi.”
The sound of the title, the first one she had ever truly earned, falling so sweetly from your lips, when the taste of you was still heavy on her tongue, brings a small snarl forth from deep within her chest, rumbling out across the relative stillness of the room. Standing, Daenerys grips you tightly by the waist and deposits you on her desk, uncaring of the various baubles that fall off due to the action. She easily finds her home between your thighs, pressed flush to your beautiful form.
“A Khaleesi is very different from a Queen,” Daenerys purrs, pressing another heated kiss to your lips. Running her tongue against the bottommost one, a husky sound of contentment being made when you let her gain access to the warm heat of your mouth. Fighting for dominance, one that she easily wins, Daenerys plunders further into your mouth, running her tongue along the roof of it, savoring the taste of you. Once she starts to become impeded by the lack of air, she pulls back and nearly comes undone at the wanton expression across your face— kiss swollen lips, lust darkened eyes, a delicate sheen of sweat along your brow. Exquisite. “A Khaleesi takes without question. A Khaleesi is rough, making sure her claim is known, but a Queen is soft, gentle.” Driving her hips into you, Daenerys snarls. “Are you certain you want a Khaleesi instead of a Queen?”
Throwing your arms around her, Daenerys is pressed firmly down, both your fronts flushed together. “Yes,” you hiss, nails digging into her shoulders. “I want my Khaleesi to claim me. To show me that I’ll only ever belong to her.” Your hips cant once more, trying desperately to get some friction. “Show me what a Westerosi Queen could never accomplish.”
At the mere thought of you being claimed by another, at anyone else having the privilege of seeing you come undone, Daenerys’ world view narrows to only you, only bringing you pleasure, so that you’d never think about leaving her.
She’d turn this world into nothing but fire and ash before she’d ever let that happen.
Nostrils flaring due to the possessive fire roaring within her chest, Daenerys takes in the delicate symphony of scents that wash over her due to the action: the sweetness of your bath oils mixed with the heady scent of sweat and the musky undertone of your arousal, strong despite the layers that separated her from the source of it.
“Lean back,” she growls, pressing one last deep kiss to your lips before she began to make her way down your body. Nimble fingers tearing at the buttons and fabric that she comes across, tongue and teeth lavishing the newly exposed skin with attention, until you’re lying delicious bare, save the last bit of your smallclothes, across the dark wood of her desk. The sight of your laid open, and waiting, for her brings a jolt of arousal straight through her body, but she didn’t wish to satisfy her own needs. Not yet. For now, she’d remind you that she’d only ever be the one to give you this sort of pleasure, that no one would ever be able to replace her. Daenerys settles onto her knees between your thighs, rubbing her nose lightly across the patch of darkening fabric at the apex of them. “Don’t even think about cumming until I say you can.” Violet eyes rise to meet your own, expression stern. “Do you understand?”
Nodding, almost frantically, you spread your legs further, giving her more room to maneuver within. Taking advantage of the additional space, Daenerys mouths over your soaking center, tongue flexing against the sodden material that kept it covered from her, as her hands clasped your hips to keep you in place. The sound of breathy moans and pleading whines from above her sending a delicious thrill down her spine.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" The question is rhetorical, she doesn't expect you to answer, but the questioning keen in response brings a soft smile to her lips for the briefest of moments. Pressing closer, Daenerys finally tears at the last barrier keeping you from her, the sight, and the scent, of your glistening center causing her own mouth to water in renewed hunger. "I crave you, ñuha perzys. More and more with each passing moment. I crave to bring you as much pleasure as you can withstand." Daenerys places a delicate kiss to your throbbing clit. "I crave your taste." Lowering her head, she dips her tongue teasingly into your entrance, savoring the flavor that could only ever come from you. "I crave the sounds you make as I ruin you."
Without preamble Daenerys buries her head between your thighs, thrusting her tongue as far into you as she could reach, the keening cry of pleasure tearing itself from your lips music to her ears. You pulse around her tongue, inner muscles flexing, as you try to pull her deeper into your depths, the feeling a reminder of how exquisitely tight you always are for her, something that brings another jolt of arousal coursing through her, making Daenerys aware of the throbbing between her own legs. Forcing her thoughts away from her own need, Daenerys consumes you, tongue lashing across your clit before diving back into your slick hole, hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise as she keeps you in place, despite your clear desire to chase whatever friction you could find. Your desperation for her, the clear need you had for her, almost made her take pity on you, almost allowing her to let you fuck her tongue, but the only thing you'd be cumming on in the near future would be her cock -- nothing more and nothing less.
Taking notice of the heightened pitch of your cries, the growling rasp building within your moans, Daenerys knows that you're close, that you're almost cresting the peak of the pleasure she's giving you, which means, with a small bit of reluctance, Daenerys tears herself away from you, tongue running along her bottom lip, savoring the remnants of you upon it. Your responding whine allows for a satisfied smirk to grace her beautiful face, soothed that you clearly wanted her as much as she wanted you.
Maneuvering quickly, Daenerys didn't have time to deal with all of the buckles that she wore, not to mention her boots, she simply opened her zipper and shoved her tailored pants as far down as they would go, her erection finally free once more, poised to claim what had always belonged to her. Rubbing herself against your wet heat, Daenerys arches a brow. "Do you want this?" It was the last warning she would give you before she claimed her wife completely, as a Khaleesi should. "You still have time to choose your Queen."
With a heaving chest, and narrowed eyes, you spit back. "The only woman I could ever want is my Khaleesi." You hook your legs around her hips, arching against her. "So, fuck me."
Not giving you a chance to rethink your words, not that she believed you would, Daenerys thrusts into her wife, the slick channel greeting her like an old friend, the feel of it causing a deep snarl to rumble from her chest. If she could manage running Westeros from right here, then Daenerys would never leave, but the times that she could make herself at home between your legs once more were that much more important to her when she could manage to find the time -- her devotion to you superseding all else barring the devotion she had to her son.
"Yes," you hiss, nails digging harshly into her clothed back. "It feels so good, Dany. So good."
Lowering her head, Daenerys harshly bites the sensitive spot just below your ear, tongue soothing the burn that no doubt appeared due to the action. "You're so beautiful." She nuzzles against a slightly older mark she had left a few days prior, quickly going to work to make it as fresh as the one she had just left. Slamming with more force into you, delighting in the sharp keen that's torn from your lips, and the way you flutter around her, due to the action, Daenerys finally detaches from your neck. "The most beautiful woman I've ever seen and you're all mine."
Nodding frantically, you arch against her lithe body. "I will only ever be yours, Dany." Taking her by the face, you press a needy kiss to her lips, all tongue and teeth as you pant against her. Clearly trying to stem off the encroaching orgasm. "I will only ever want you."
"And you'll only ever have me." Legs beginning to burn due to the power behind her thrusts, and the familiar fluttering within her belly, telling her that she wouldn't be able to last that much longer, Daenerys tugs at your bottom lip. "Cum for me, my queen. Cum for your Khaleesi."
As if a switch had a finally been flipped, your body arches completely off the desk, arms and legs slightly spasming, as your inner muscles tighten completely around her, and a fresh wave of wetness coats you both. The feeling coupled with the delicious sight, causes Daenerys to come with her own groan of your name, her hips still softly thrusting as she leads you through the last waves of your own orgasm.
Once you stop shaking, for the most part, Daenerys leans forward and places a delicate kiss to your brow, still firmly planted inside of you, nuzzling against your sweat-stained temple. "You were wonderful, ñuha perzys, but don't think that I've had my fill of you yet." She runs her hands down your sides, rubbing gently across your lower abdomen. "I still have to put my heir in you."
With a delightfully tired smile, you run your fingers through sweat-matted locks, the silvery-gold still looking radiant despite it all. "I love you, Khaleesi."
Violet eyes flutter shut at the title, the affection in which it falls from your lips, warmth suffusing itself within her chest because of it. Cradling your face delicately between her hands, Daenerys confesses. "I love that you still call me that."
You huff out a laugh, pressing a light kiss to her inner wrist. "Even if we're in Westeros now, Dany, you will always be my Khaleesi. No matter what."
"And you," Daenerys replies, adoration clear within her tone and gaze. "Will forever be my darling Queen."
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nellasbookplanet · 2 months ago
Just started watching ep. 118 (yes I know I'm behind, I've been busy playing Prey and writing essays on Octavia Butler with life) and in listening to Ludinus' monologue I had a thought about a specific disconnect that cause many, in universe as well of out of it, to view the gods as tyrants. Imogen points it out when Ludinus laments about his family being collateral damage in the battle between the Lawbearer and the Crawling King: would he rather the Crawling King have been unleashed on the world to wreak havoc uncontested? (to which his response was a long silence and glaring at her)
It’s an inability to understand and accept the true scale and nuance the gods operate on, and in doing so choosing to place individual suffering and slights over ultimate consequences that may, and often do, affect the entire world. Yes it’s horrible that the gods struck down Aeor - but they were defending themselves against a weapon of mass destruction, and any other action would have been akin to lining themselves up to be shot. Yes it sucks that the Titans, who were there first, were killed - but they were trying to exterminate all mortals. Yes the deaths during the Calamity were unforgivable - but the alternative would've been to let the Betrayers kill everyone. Yes it’s horrible that the primes wouldn’t let their champions oppose Lolth in taking Opal - but they are in the middle of a battle for the world in which all hands are needed, and losing champions to a minor skirmish when they want the same thing would be pointless. Yes it’s unfair that the gods won’t personally step in and help every little person suffering, such as Ashton and Laudna - but they're literally gods responsible for the lives and afterlives of millions, and also separated by the Divine Gate, which was literally erected to protect mortals from the fallout of too much divine meddling.
When pressed, Ludinus switches to saying that it isn't the collateral itself that is the problem, but that the gods won’t personally remember and beg forgiveness for every single life lost. In saying this, he also claims that he is different - but is he? Does he honor the lives of Orym's family? The children tortured under Trent and other suffering caused by the Cerberus Assembly? The thousands lost in the war between the Empire and the Dynasty because he wanted his own beacon? The entire city of Molaesmyr? Does he even remember the many individuals indoctrinated into his cult and lost in the ensuing battle?
In the end, it isn't about collateral, or honoring those sacrificed. It's that he finds his suffering uniquely bad, and his goals uniquely warranted. Only HE (and people who want the same exact thing as him) has the right to make desicions that affect all of Exandria.
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mumblesplash · 2 months ago
just finished watching interview with the vampire (2022) by myself and without any prior knowledge or fandom interaction or looking anything up. i have formed many opinions about the show and characters under these circumstances. time to take a biiig bite of the fandom tag and see how closely i align with the consensus
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sparklywaistcoat · 4 months ago
Also, what happens to the Dothraki? I doubt very much that the Westerosi lords would be willing to let them stay, but we don't find out what happens to them. We know that the Unsullied go back to Essos: we see Grey Worm giving the order for them to set sail for Naath, but there's nary a Dothraki to be seen on the deck of that ship. Did the Dothraki hire their own ships and go back home that way? Were they put on ships by the Westerosi lords and sent home with thanks? Did they go with the Unsullied but are all below decks at the point where we see Grey Worm giving the order to sail for Naath?
I finished Game of Thrones last night, and one thing is bugging me mightily: when the Dothraki and/or the Unsullied found out that Jon Snow had assassinated Daenerys, why didn't they just assassinate him back on the spot? It's not like either Grey Worm or the Dothraki leaders have any compunctions about slitting a dude's throat if they feel like it's warranted.
Who prevented them from killing Jon? Not Tyrion, he's already in jail himself. Not Ser Jorah, he's dead. Ser Davos? Maybe, but I don't know how much authority he actually had with them. Did Jon talk them out of it somehow? I mean, it's not like they cared what he thought during the burning of King's Landing; they went ahead and started fighting anyway even when Jon was telling them to stop.
Did I miss something?
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hetchdrive · 1 year ago
Asking someone to eat your body so they and the people they are responsible for don't starve to death in the barren wilderness is probably one of the most romantic things I can think of superseded only by Crozier refusing to do it and also insisting Fitzjames be buried well enough that the others can't dig him up if they find him.
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thewatcher0nthewall · 3 months ago
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the Slave trader.
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spineless-lobster · 6 months ago
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Rip aeschylus you would’ve loved take me to church by hozier
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Source: “Achilles in Love: Politics and Desire in Aeschylus’ Myrmidons” by David D. Leitao
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paintnpending · 1 month ago
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Grey Worm, Commander of The Unsullied "The Unsullied do not fear to die though. Give these ones rams and we shall batter down the gate or die in the attempt." The stolid center of Daenerys's infantry. Admittedly much more direct and one note in the books than the more elaborate character we got in the show, but then, his character hasn't been so thoroughly trod over yet.
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year ago
A Game of Thrones, Eddard II
“Some pox-ridden Pentoshi cheesemonger had her brother and her walled up on his estate with pointy-hatted eunuchs all around them, and now he’s handed them over to the Dothraki.
“I should have had them both killed years ago, when it was easy to get at them, but Jon was as bad as you. More fool I, I listened to him.”
“Jon Arryn was a wise man and a good Hand.”
Robert snorted. The anger was leaving him as suddenly as it had come. “This Khal Drogo is said to have a hundred thousand men in his horde. What would Jon say to that?”
“He would say that even a million Dothraki are no threat to the realm, so long as they remain on the other side of the narrow sea,” Ned replied calmly. “The Dothraki have no ships. They hate and fear the open sea.”
The king shifted uncomfortably in his saddle. “Perhaps. There are ships to be had in the Free Cities, though.”
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adelphenium · 1 year ago
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what if i told you uh..... hockey photocards
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milquetoad · 1 year ago
in werewolf movies whenever they find the body of a victim they always have like a couple scratches and maybe some bites taken out of the torso or something you all are MISSING THE POINT. this creature is the ungodly amalgam of two of the most renowned predators on the planet and it is cursed with insatiable bloodlust and unholy hunger. you should be finding SKELETONS OUT HERE. these ppl should be BONES and HAIR and NOTHING ELSE. no self respecting werewolf is going to leave food on the table please be SERIOUS!!!!!
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