#8pm is late af
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mordacitatis · 1 year ago
why dr pepper so good
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x22817 · 5 months ago
Barn Hunt may or may not happen anymore. The rats are no longer sick, so tonight was supposed to be the first of six weeks. I feel like shit, but that's only partially the reason we didn't go.
I was originally informed that this was going to occur approximately a 20 minute drive away from home. Apparent fuckin ly it's an hour drive. I really want to go but two hours for a half hour class where we only get one attempt is a LOT of driving. I don't even drive an hour total jumping from client to client for work each day.
Plus, it's at 8pm. That's late af for me. I go to bed at 10pm at the very latest. I'm fighting to stay awake by 8pm. 8pm is also NOT 6pm. Another thing I was misinformed about when agreeing to this.
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angesaurus · 2 years ago
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So sad the week is over 😭 but we truly had so much fun. I love Disneyworld 😭 this was my 12th time and definitely top 5 trips. We stayed under our spending budget too which is awesome. The kids were troopers - it was hot AF and we were so sweaty all day. We had late magic hours at magic kingdom the one night (10pm-12am) -so we did that. we lasted until 11 which I thought was amazing considering my kids are usually out cold by 8pm. We did 6 park days in a row ( we spaced it out a bit and made sure we did the pool and sleeping in! ) and I don’t know I just really feel like we got our moneys worth. Everyone got to do what they wanted to do for the most part, the kids had a blast meeting characters, and loved (most of lol) the rides. Can’t wait until we go again!!!
Also our flight home was way less eventful thank goodness 😂 no delays at all, the security line was nonexistent (and I had even made a reservation for it and I didn’t even need it!!), flight was fine, we somehow moseyed our way onto the parking lot shuttle quickly, and we were in the door home before 5pm with a pizza in hand :)
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lightadarttomendyourheart · 7 months ago
this weekend i found myself feeling close to my time when i lived in warsaw. when i'd spend the weekends alone in my flat, drinking alone and texting my friends in canada, having wonderful conversations, smoking out my kitchen window, listening to music that broke my heart. idk why but i really felt that vibe the last 2 nights this weekend. i usually haven't drank alone here in yyc, i did last night but tonight 2 friends came over but they have since left and i am left feeling tipsy and nostalgic for those warsaw nights. i know back then sometimes all i wanted was some company. the first 3-4 months in warsaw were quite lonely, not having any close friends, spending my time sleeping and eating and texting people back home. this weekend felt similar, but not the same. because i do have friends here. i wasn't walking 15-20 mins to the closest grocery story with my huge backpack in the height of summer, bringing groceries back with me to my flat. exhausted and sweaty af throughout the entire ordeal. i feel older. more mature. (obviously). but i kind of love that's been the feeling lately because i look back on those times so fondly.
i really need to enjoy this time now, because when i move to the uk, i won't be living alone anymore. i probably won't live alone again for a very, very long time.
when i lived with jake i really missed my alone time to listen to music and tumbl. but with brandon's shift schedule i think i will get a decent time alone to do what i please and have my alone time, which will be a blessing but also a curse, because i know i'll miss him when he's working lates or super early mornings. it's going to be hard, i already know that. not even just for me, but for him. when he's trying to go to bed at 8pm, or when he's finished an early shift and he's asleep when i get home from work. it's going to be rough. but i'm wiling to do it all.
i know when we first started dating i was so against moving to the UK. and now that i've fully committed and decided it's what i'm going to do, i can't imagine anything else. i can't wait to fully, maturely live in the UK. it was so different living there as a student. i always knew living there as an adult would be so different, and i'm honestly so, so glad i have this chance to do it again, properly. idk if i'd decide to do this if it wasn't for him. i always knew i'd live in europe again. i knew it wasn't the end for me when i moved home from warsaw. i just never ever thought i'd be moving there for a boy.
but here i am, living out my childhood dream. if i could talk to 12-18 year old me and tell her, hey, listen, we went to a magical festival in albania in 2019 and we met a boy, and then 4 years later, after another long-term relationship, we re-connected with the boy we met in albania and started dating long distance and now i'm moving to the UK??? honestly, i know what i would say. i would first say WTF REALLY? but at the same time, i know i would say, i knew it was meant to be. it's been my destiny from day 1. i've always known deep down this was going to be for me. well ok no, i haven't always known, but i have deeply deeply hoped for this to be my future. i've always wanted to meet a boy and move across the world for him and start a new life. it's always been in my nature to wander and drift and move and explore. so this is honestly, the natural path my life has lead me on. being me, this was always meant for me. and i just feel so grateful to have finally found a man who without question, i know i want to do this for. brandon is my person. i'm learning more and more how to accept his flaws and who he is fully as a person. and i love him, wholly.
he has shown me how much i mean to me on numerous occasions, and just how i feel when i'm with him is second to none. i just love being in his company, just us two. it never feels forced or boring or anything negative. i could happily travel with world with him, without the mantis fam (god forbid) and be happy. and i think that means so so so much. whenever jake and i would spend time just us, it was fine but it felt meh. i wasn't fulfilled. i could and have happily gone to a show just me and brandon and it is honestly some of the funnest times i've had. me and B, at an AP, vibing and dancing and drinking, and it's such a good time. always. god i really missed that and i never want to take it for granted.
he is my person. he honestly is who i want to spend the rest of my life with and a little part of me never thought i'd find that person. i thought i'd find men who were ok, who were tolerable to be with in those settings specifically, who weren't awful but weren't my people like the mantis fam are. but he is, and more. i'll be honest, i don't have a LOT of people i feel that with. that i can go out with just the two of us and have an amazing night no matter what. i think maya indy and sarah are the only people i would comfortably say we'd always have an amazing time, and now brandon. and that is so incredibly important to me. to compare my boyfriend to my bestest friends in my life. that's how it should be. and anyone who settles for less are missing out on so many amazing things in life.
i just can't believe i've found my person. it has always felt like this long lost idea that i've had, finding the person i wanna be with forever. there are so many billions of people on this planet that how can you find your person so quickly? i'm not even 30 yet, i haven't even been alive for half of my life. how is it possible? but i don't even question it now. i know. he is the one for me. and whether i'm the one for him is something else. but that doesn't matter. in this moment, right here and right now, i don't want to let go of the feeling that this is the beginning of the rest of my life.
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kawaii-puncher · 8 months ago
Guess who fell asleep as 8pm and just woke up because they had a glory ass nightmare about a girl in ancient Japan (I wanna say fudal) who went to a spirit for help because her family were fortune tellers and could see good futures but anytime she got a vision it was a gory bloody terrible future and her family ousted her for it and she had a friend who helped her find this spirit that had 2 heads and wanted to ask the spirit to remove one.
Anyways so they found this spirit and she asked to see a kind future (she had to ask in private) and the spirit laughed and said she was cursed to see the worse things, see? And showed her a vision of that very friend with 2 heads getting ripped apart and the spirit informed her she's due for another grand vision soon and not to be late for it and so she leaves the spirit and goes back to her friend and pleads with them to leave because it's been a lost cause and the spirit appears so shoo them away (this spirit is huge btw and scary af looking) and the 2 headed friend runs up to the begs to only have one head and the spirit does like the shift head tilt while looking at the girl and is like "of course I can help with that" and picks up the friend and just fucking... eats one of the heads off and the friend is pleading for help but she is forced to just watch as her only friend is ripped apart and eaten by the spirit and she runs away
And then she has the grand vision it was talking about where she sees the entire village she was trying to go back to get savagely killed by something. Idk what.
Anyways it was a gory ass dream and gave me sleep paralysis. Would be a sick af anime though.
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velvetnviolentviolets · 2 years ago
Get To Know The Author
name : Kay
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : Honestly I have a huge preference for discord. I don't trust tumblr IM to actually alert me. Ive recently learned tumblr has been eating my asks too. If I don't reply to an ask or DM me PLEAS reach out to me. I will NEVE outright ignore something. If I don't think something is going to work for our muses I will reach out to you. 
most active muse :  Kat is my loudest and most demanding. After that would be Her brother Kass, Feyre, and then our spotty maybe I'm here maybe I'm not - Emmett.  
experience / how many years : Ohhh boy. I've been doing the rp thing off and on since 2010. There was a five year chunk in recent years where I disappeared for a bit but the lovely @sharpayevcns pulled me back in a few months ago and I am so appreciative that she did. <3 
best experience : Discovering the people here that make me feel safe enough to obsess over threads. You guys have absolutely made my return to tumblr. If I were to delete my blog with nothing but my connection with you guys to show for it - Well I would be absolutely fine with that. You guys are amazing and will absolutely be tagged in this. 
rp pet peeves : I keep running into situations where I get heavily invested in plotting something (Drawing, writing head cannons, making playlists, planning cannon events. . .I literrally brushed up on a whole ass language for a plot) Only to have those people completely leave me on read. I am not a pushy partner in the least. I would be more than happy to wait a month for a reply. But I need communication. I need feedback if something doesn't sit right for you. I need reciprocated enthusiasm. You don't have to show It the same way I do but I need some show of enthusiasm otherwise it just feels uncomfortable and I feel annoying and restrained. That's not what I'm here for. I've honestly made the decision to start unfollowing people based on a three strikes basis. No hard feelings. I just don't want to follow anyone who doesn't bring the same energy I do. 
fluff, angst, or smut :ALL OF IT! While I'm becoming more and more selective about who I write smut with I LOVE writing smut ESPECIALLY if its born of post Angst fluff. Actually almost exclusively. There is nothing that gets my muses motor going like post Angst Fluff! 
plots or memes : Augh! Don't make me pick. I love Plotting but sometimes nothing really gets the juices flowing like memes do. I cant tell you how many times a simple meme interaction help set a pivotal point in a plot. ALSO- Memes are usually what help me forego my shy nature. While my muse outwardly gives NONE of the Ducks. . .I do . I give all of the Ducks so memes help  me loosen up. I'm not responsible for the haphazard neuroSpicy creature you meet once the shyness has fallen away. You've been warned.
long or short replies : It depends on my mood and attention span. There is a Adderall shortage right now so I have only been taking my Adderall on work days so Ive had a VERY hard time focusing o replies as of late. When Im on top of my Game I am LONGWINDED AF .Please don't ever feel like you have to match me because there are times where I will write you a novel and we were only supposed to be writing a sentence or two. It just happens and Im sorry.  time to write : Ha! um . . . Well I work Graveyard  Thursday- Saturday from 8PM-9:30ish AM (PST)  On slow nights I do write here and there but for the most part I can be found here pretty sporadically. If I have something going on during my weekend that I have to be a daytime person for then ill be up during the day time. OTHERWISE- Mostly evening and spooky hours . 
are you like your muses : I could draw some parallels with each of them but I dont think I am like any of them. 
tagged by: The Alluring  @wynterlanding ~<3
@grimmusings @sharpayevcns @godccmplex <3
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1.25.25 Saturday---will continuosly do the prayer vow for nana...
12:08 am
Still, have windblow...
I hope Videocash is genuiene... Supposed to be last year of November will get my pay-out but I'm not yet finish.
6:48 am
Still,have windblow...
Waiting for 7am for the prayer vow...
I'm still thinking of money and job... I need money for our foodisha and some basics like my cleaning materials... What about my coffee and toiletries....
2:37 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel frustrated....What am I gonna do? I really wanna travel...Since 2007 they flatten me without a fight. I really wanna travel...
I'm thinking of money and I can't go back to my original toiletries.I need to buy toiletries...
Mitch and some old fakers friends they didn't want me around for 18 years... What am I gonna do?
I can't get a bf that I want... I feel bitterish!
6:07 pm
Still,have windblow...
It is weird that my linkedin.com account is being controlled by someone that they put me as a caregiver self-employed but I didn't put it that way and I can't edit it...
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6:18 pm
Still,have windblow...
This is cyber crime... I have anxiety the whole day coz I'm really thinking of money... My deep inside is crying and panicking and super self-pitying...
I need to ask help for the wifi at the end of the month or I will go to the neighbour again to ask help, I don't know if they will still welcome me that Ate Eden...
I asked help on one of the coaches in AF or Anytime Fitness named Anthony Lanz Paglinawan Gonzales if they have a vacancy but I used to be their member for 6 months... But in a way I treated them as my friends... I'm so hopeless, I badly need money and I said can I work there, whatever but they don't have vacancy...
I feel bullshit! That I even mentioned "Alamid" to him, I don't know what's in my head now...But I know he can be my "Morning Star"!!! I asked is Alamid really dead??? It is crazy!!!
My on-line processing needs a fee... It is weird that linkedin and others... I need "mercy"now... I'm so broke....I wanna cry...
Where can I get help,my fakers friends are all weird...
My fakers friends can't help me these days, angels...
7:54 pm
Still,have windblow...
Waiting for 8pm for prayer vow...
I need a bf shit... If those 3 can't exist can I ask for forgiveness on my cousin-white, Daniel, the son of tita Stella, and my morning star? Alamid? Alamid is dead right? It is sad but I sang his song as a tribute for the super white vocalist...
I need a bf2x but a bf2x....Gets? Not yet on the marrying stage....Coz I need paper now...
8:05 pm
Still,have windblow...
I need help on money... How I wish I have the access or I'm one of the Chiffon Organizers but they are just unfair!
9:39 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel bitterish... I wanna leave Cavite...
Awhile ago I chatted to a long lost friend named Atoy, he is now living in Naic... I don't wanna live there it is far, I told to Arnel awhile ago unless I'm with the person that you really like or love...
10:46 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel tired and stress coz I'm really thinking of money and job and bf who can assist me on money...
I met Atoy in Manila, we were at the same compound in Leveriza...Our compound called as Arthur's Compound.... It was really a shocking thing for some of my friends in Aurora Elementary School, when they figured out that I lived there at the Arthur's Compound.
Hmm... Atoy was in private school in Malate Catholic High-School and the rest of the young people there.
Me and Arvee suppossed to be will also join in Malate Catholic High School but as far as I can remember we were late and the private school couldn't accept us anymore...
We went to Aurora Elementary School where I met the handsome Allen Morgan who looks like american and Robbie, my classmates and dance mates in our dance group... On female I met Divina Garcia, Christina Abad, Jonalyn Hayag, Sonrisa Punyo, Tabilog....Tabilog and I we met again in Immaculate Conception Academy that somehow a bit the same on Malate Catholic High School...
I remember Allen Morgan as Morgan but I forgot Robbie's surname that he was my crush in Aurora.
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sukisukidaisuki66 · 7 months ago
Mmm ooo I’m so tired like tired af slept from 8pm to 12am and now it’s 4am and I’m going back to sleep
My sleep schedule is SHIT
My anxiety has been through the roof lately
I have ADHD and lately it has been harder to manage
I’m fucken BURNED OUT from trying to constatly keep up with work and school and school work and trying to have time and energy to live my life
I’m close to losing it lmao
I still haven’t got my internnnnnshippp
I’m becoming annoying since I’m too stressed
Fuck it what I really need is some time to recharge without worrying about stuff and also probs some time off school and work once is summer here. Shit tbh I haven’t had vacation days this whole year…
Really really I hope that it gets better and if it doesn’t I hope that I get better at dealing with it, I’m so doneee
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oneuldoh · 2 years ago
06월 08일 2023년
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Yesterday, I had a scheduled onsite interview at Makati. The company was located near my previous work so I already know how to get there. A day before, I planned my outfit, the stuff that I’ll bring, printed my resume, and the route I’ll be taking. It’s been over a year since my last commute going to Makati so I have no idea if there were still buses going to Makati from Pala-Pala (a route I’m familiar with). Either I ride the bus in Pala-Pala that goes straight to Ayala avenue or ride a p2p bus that goes to Glorietta which is expensive af.[[MORE]]
I opted to ride a bus going to PITX instead. And before I knew it, it’s 12:58pm when I hailed a bus. I was mad at myself for being late. My appointment was at 2pm and I had 1 hour to get there. Usually it takes an hour and 30 minutes (or 2 hours if there’s traffic) to get to Makati. I only had 1 hour to get there. I was really mad at myself huhu it was really embarrassing and I had no excuses for it. I always make sure to allot an hour or two of waiting time when I have onsite interview. I was even confident that I’d get there in time because of how well prepared I was.
I rode an Angkas from PITX going to Legazpi village. It was hot af but luckily it didn’t rain. I got there around 3:00pm. Luckily, the HR was kind enough and moved my interview at 4pm because the head of the department has a meeting. I dropped off at Legazpi Active Park, a two minute walk from the office. I stayed at the park for five minutes to catch my breath. I had lunch at Chowking at 3:10pm. I could barely enjoy my food because 1) I realized I only had 40 minutes to finish my meal 2) I was too flustered to eat anything 3) It’s already 3pm and I passed out from hunger. I still ate what I ordered because it cost me 250php.
The office was smaller than the office of my previous company. This company is quite big daw but scattered in different places. I think the company has more or less 30 people working on site. Anyway, the interview went well since they mentioned that they liked the results of my Belbin test (said that I’m leaning towards the path that they are envisioning). I asked a few questions about the job, mentioned that they have company housing in Mandaluyong and that they could arrange for me to live there if there’s an available room, the job also has incentives for every project I deliver.
I am actually considering of accepting the offer even though I have to travel to Makati from Cavite. The downside is it’s 8am to 5pm. I wonder how my body will adjust to this. Back then I’d have no complaints but now that I’m currently taking meds for TB, I have to be careful not to tire my body out. So if I get this job, I have to be up by 4:30am, leave by 5:30am, drink meds by 6am, have breakfast by 7am and get to office by 8am. For five days. Then I clock out by 5pm, ride the bus by 6pm and get home by 8pm. I’ll have more or less 6hours of sleep. Plus I have to consider my phone. I need to buy a new one. I’m thinking of getting the Samsung A14 since it costs less than 13k. If I have enough money saved up, I’ll probably try and live in cheap dormitories near the office again.
Right now I’m trying to calculate my expenses mainly my commute fare and the amount I’ll spend on food (breakfast- baka mag baon ako, lunch, merienda). I think my salary isn’t cut for it. Ugh.
Well, hopefully dagdagan nila yung offer nila even though the position has some incentives. I just really need the money right now because this household won’t last this year.
Fighting, Janna. You can do it!
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payservewomen · 2 years ago
Yesterday was a painful one….I’m off work Sun-Mon(todays tuesday) and was gonna go 2the $ store, and check goodwill for a shoe rack…But then I opened twitter😔
Goddess Aurora James tweeted something, and ofc that did it! Was around 12noon, maybe late as 2pm, and I began playing with my “Mr Winky”(Ex fiancée, Emma used to call it that; painful breakup, good 2remind myself 2b humiliated) and next thing I know, it’s damn near 8pm!
I’m broke af right now…last i checked, had $15 in the bank, so that means I can’t get any interaction with anyone who matters(dommes/women in general, even Hung Alphas) And that really got me desperate…..I crave attention soooo much….and when you’re a pathetic failure, a beta loser, well, only logical attention is negative ofc.
Oh! But the “wall of shame” girl DMed me, telling me it was time for her weekly wall of shame that she posts on twitter….I’ve been in a few of them, but it’s not too humiliating tbh, she edits the photos, and doesn’t show cocknballs…but my face is showing! I do wish that i’d stop tempting fate to expose myself as the perverted loser freak that I am! I sent her a link to a shared folder on google photos, and loaded that folder with tons n tons of very humiliating pics…dunno if she used any, but then i went to a different twitter account, same one I’d posted to last week, when I went to the store in running shorts(tiny ones with slits up the sides! But i’m glad i found these; they’re actually men’s legit running shorts! even tho I’m only ever gonna wear them cuz i’m a perv, desperate to show off my gross body n be laughed at, it’s better cuz I can act like i’m normal, and just exercising)
But this time….SMH, i posted the link to the folder…..the cover photo of it was from when Natti Banks made me crack eggs all over my dirty bedroom floor…then slurp them up, spit it back into my hands, and rub it all over my face. Then humped my hand for a couple hours while the egg dried, oh and this was AFTER i’d taken a shower!
I tried cleaning it all off, but even the next day, kept finding crusty bits of egg on my face etc
I can’t believe how many beyond embarrassing photos i put in that folder! I’ve exposed myself before of course, but many of these pics had my FACE! And plenty of them….so any kind of lies or explanation to someone who knows me….wouldn’t even be slightly believable.
Reminds me of…last year at some point, when I’d occasionally talk to “Riya Payel” To this day, still THEE goddess I worship above all others….Well, tough to say really, I prob do worship Aurora more…..and hopefully gonna see her this weekend! Omfg i cannot wait!
She’d tweeted about how she “still wanna jump a sub with my friends” 🥵🥵
Fuck I hope they do that! Maybe tell her where I’ll be at a certain time(or she tells me where imma be) and not a particular time and place, so that it’s more of a legit “getting jumped” kinda thing!🥵
Anyway! Back to Riya….the only one who’s absolutely, definitely without question, sadistic. When texting with her, I could actually tell when she’d orgasm! Could even sense a teeny tiny lil bit of guilt, which, if you’d seen what she’s said and done, you’d find hard to believe!
She was always very clear- “I want to destroy you. I want to leave you with nothing, broken, no self esteem, no self worth, no money…I genuinely hope to make you homeless and ruin your life”
Isn’t an exact quote, but she’s def said all that!
Many many findommes on twitter will say this shit, but their actions don’t match their words. But riya? If anything, her actions are somehow worse than her words!
I still cannot truly comprehend how any human could have such venom and hatred in them….(well tbh, i’m almost positive she’s been abused; sexually or otherwise) and whew, ngl, it’s not easy to think about my experiences with God Riya😔
Reminds me just how fucked up I am, mentally/emotionally and ofc sexually. When Riya blackmailed me, she did it 100% without my consent. She knew how much money I had, but since cash app allows you to keep sending, she made me send $18 to her, over and over and over and over…..At a certain point, we both knew that every single send would cost me the $18 PLUS $31 overdraft fee!
She loved that…that’s why it was only the low $18 send!
Last I saw, Riya’s bank account was close to $500k…yes, half a million!
She was also always very clear about the fact that any amount of money that my broke ass could send, wouldn’t even be noticeable to her……Most dommes say that, but with many, it’s quite clear that’s not true…..But riya? Genuine sadism. She’s every pathetic beta loser jerkoff/findom/humiliation addicts dream!
She broke me so badly….I prob sent her a hundred different voice memos…at a certain point, i got serious like “Hey, I understand that maybe i’ve implied that i’m ok with noncon blackmail, but please know, at this point, I’m not ok with what’s happening. I say this with all due respect. Please understand that I sincerely mean every word i’m saying. This has gone way too far….I’m not blaming you, and ofc will not report you or any shit like that….It’s just that well, I’m in serious financial and mental/emotional trouble right now….I’ve said “I’m gonna kill myself” many many times since seeing those photos on my employers FB and IG…I understand that you get off on causing me pain, and I promise that I’ll always be a punching bag for you…but please, I’m scaring myself rn, i’ve never felt like this and I truly terrified of what may happen…I’m coming to you, as one human being to another….I’m reaching out to you, asking, from the bottom of my heart, please help me”
Is essentially what I’d said, many times in various ways…..at this point, there was no longer any reference to anything sexual on my part….This was far beyond that….she took me to another level of self hatred, and my god, I can’t even describe the feeling of such loathing one’s self.
I even began talking to her about the idea of quenching her thirst for sadism in person!
She seemed receptive to it, which ugh, ngl, was exciting to me! She’d never seemed open to it in the past, probably cuz she’s had sooooo many twitter, sextpanther, etc accounts banned…I think eventually every site decided to permanently ban her, considering they must’ve gotten so many complaints from ruined losers. They’d contact her thinking of “blackmail fetish” or even just findom….since sooooo many dommes on twitter say all the same shit that she says, they figured they were safe🙄
Not only does Riya love inflicting real pain, but she’s even said that she’s addicted to it!
Imho, after following her for so long….she definitely means that…I’d imagine it’s even been problematic for her life!
It’s gotta be one hell of a rush! I know it was on my side of things, having myself posted, naked, on my employers social media accounts….being told the pics will be taken down….after i pay $100 for each one….Ofc she knew i not only had no money, but was already very negative!
So, she demanded I open up accounts on apps like Dave, Bridget etc..I began to make one and she got impatient…then simply asked for the info she needed to do it herself….I might’ve hesitated once(or prob just didn’t see her message) and she wasn’t having it, and posted more on my employers IG, along with asking “is this an employee of yours?” With my full legal name. I can’t remember the exact order of things, but suffice it to say, she taught me real quick that she’s in charge, and I’d better comply…So I kept getting text messages from the various creditors, and she expected the pin numbers IMMEDIATELY, which ofc she got…..Also she ofc had all my debit card info, and then i began seeing transactions come through my account somehow! When it had no money whatsoever! How’s that even possible?! site was something like “transact”🤷‍♂️
I was shocked that i was able to get her some more money on Dave or something, but only like $80…she did much better, getting another couple hundred somehow….
Ugh, my dick was rock hard a minute ago….point is- this bullshit still turns me on far more than anything else ever will😔
Now that i’ve leaned into it so much, and turned it into a legitimate addiction, I can’t see how i’ll ever have normal sex, ever again😔 Or hell, ANY sex really! It’d be one thing if i knew a dominant woman irl….but no domme wants to try and actually date a sub, lol, can you imagine?!
I always tell myself “all i’ve gotta do is not jerk off so much…take just a week off, and I’ll def get nice and hard!” Maybe that’s true….but first off, I can’t go 2 days without fucking my hand, usually for hours n hours n hours….Edging ofc…the few times i have tried to cum in a normal amount of time? It’s not even a legit orgasm! Even my body knows i’m a pathetic loser who doesn’t deserve pleasure.
I’m trying to step back for a moment right now, and really take this all in….I need to fully comprehend what i’ve turned my life into…..I read tweets everyday from many dommes saying “this isn’t a phase. You’re a pathetic loser; your brain is too fucked up, you’ll never recover….” and i’m starting to think it’s true😔
I know that many dommes really don’t have such evil agendas….they’re just saying what they need to say to make tons of cash…I respect that, but my god, I often wonder if they know the damage they’re doing!
Many of them definitely do…you could debate whether or not that makes them a sadist or evil, but ehhh, they’re simply doing what many of us freaks beg them to do!
Many subs get the post nut clarity and get angry, start insulting dommes etc…so they’re familiar with how shitty most men are….
Ooops i didn’t mean to make this sooo long…..oh well
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hctcheetos · 2 years ago
Hey Y’all ! We’re here to introduce our new dash + cliq rp that will be opening this Saturday at 8pm EST. Hale’iwa HQ is an oc, freewrite urban rp based in Hale’iwa, HI. While the rp is not an reality tv rp, we are loosely based off of the shows “Summer House” & “Love Island” as the rp follows the lives of family, friends, & strangers enjoying their summer in Hale’iwa. We will be around all afternoon to answer any questions anybody may have. We’re also accepting applications & reservations. We can’t wait for y’all to join us in Hale’iwa for the summer. — Admin KoKo.
oh, this is real cute. i’m late af but i will be checking it out. as should y’all !!
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manipchip · 2 years ago
Do what’s good for your soul and stay away from what isn’t
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mccourtytwins · 5 years ago
not that i’m complaining because i love waking up and very quickly after seeing the pats play but why tf are all these games at 1 this season? i feel like every other season we’d always have to wait until 8
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years ago
Could you do a Dilf Damon x milf Justine
Dilf Damon x reader where Damon catches y/n masterbateing in the shower and moaning his name??
I love Justine but I'm not writing for her, sorry, so it will be Dilf Damon X Reader :)
Red Lights (Dilf ! Damon Albarn X Reader)
Pairing: Dilf ! Damon Albarn X Reader
Warnings: SMUTTY AF (masturbation, oral both receiving, P in V sex, it’s shower sex guys), language, maybe a few spelling mistakes
Words: 2184
A/N: Here I am, back with this smutty oneshot! It’s inspired from a song I really love called Red Lights by the 80’s-90’s English band Curiosity Killed the cat (some of you may know them I don’t know), but this song inspires me a lot because it is sensual AF. I hope you’ll like it! Enjoy!
It was a Thursday evening, and you just came back from work. It was 8pm and you were planning on seeing your friend Damon.
He often came to your workplace. You were a pet groomer who also owned a cat’s bar. One day, one of your favourite singers in the world, Damon Albarn, made its appearance. He looked stressed and having a coffee with a cat laid on his lap relaxed him a lot, so his visits became regular. You got to knew each other, even though you were way younger than him and you soon became friends.
Tonight, he was planning on making you discover the Gorillaz’s cartoon that was supposed to be out on Netflix the year after. He had it on DVD.
When you arrived in front of your front door, Damon already was there.
Hey, I’m sorry, I may be late! You said
No worries, I’m the one early. Got a problem with the Cat’s bar?
Yeah, One of the cat got sick, I had to take him to the vet.
I’m sorry to hear this, is he okay?
Yeah, no worries, he ate a lizard, and it made him sick. The vet just gave me some meds for him to take during the two following days and he’ll get better.
You fumbled in your jean’s pockets and found your keys, opening the front door of your apartment and you both entered. While entering, you smelled Damon’s cologne that was driving you so crazy. Damn, this man was so attractive, and he smelled so good.
You might want to take a shower before we eat?
Gladly, I’ll make us something to eat after, make yourself comfortable.
No, I’ll do it myself. So at least you’ll eat something nice right after getting out of your so needed shower.
No Damon I…
I insist Y/N. Go have a nice shower love. He said, smiling
you responded with a smile as well and went to the bathroom.
Inside it, you exhaled loudly and started taking off your clothes. Damn, you had a huge crush on Damon, but you also desired him. You felt a sudden pool between your legs, being aroused just by thinking about him.
But then the memory came back to you: He was 54, and you were only in your 20’s.
You tried to calm down as you entered the shower, and hot water began running on your body and your head.
As you were washing your hair, your eyes closed, flashes of Damon taking you in the shower were running inside your head.
You were damn horny, and you had to do something about it.
When you were done rinsing your hair, you heard what seemed to be music on the speakers in your living room. You knew the song, as you had your 80’s era when you were younger and discovered the band listening to an 80’s web radio where their most famous song was often played. You thought he did on purpose but actually, he couldn’t know what you felt for him as you never told him.
Calling out the word sparing vocal tones that hardly can be heard I look into your eyes, and while I dream of you You take me by surprise
You let your hand slide in between your legs, your fingers finding your magic bundle of joy, as you threw your head back against the wall. It was the perfect song to do this. And what you also imagined he was doing to you on this song… My my, you were in trouble.
You rubbed it a few times, sliding on your knees, imagining yourself taking Damon in your hand and sucking him, his head thrown back against the wall, his hand in your hair, moaning as if there was no tomorrow.
Oh Damon… You muttered
The touch of your hand gives me the command to donate To donate myself to loving you How can it be that a feeling so free's radiated from thee to me And cuts through
You let a finger enter you, pumping in a back-and-forth motion and added a second, which made you moan loudly.
But he couldn’t hear you. He probably was in the kitchen, which was far and at the same time not so far from the bathroom.
Then you imagined him, crawling between your legs, and let his long and nice tongue do its work on your womanhood.
You were craving him. Fuck yeah you were.
I ain't gonna leave this one to fate No red lights could ever make, me wait, don't make me wait.
The thing is, you didn't hear the bathroom door open, and you didn't know that Damon had been standing there watching you for almost two minutes, panting like a dog, his hand massaging the growing bulge in his pants.
When you opened your eyes, you let out a scream, surprised to see him.
Damon! Oh my God, what are you doing here?
I wanted to ask you where you did keep your spices, but apparently, I found a better spice for tonight’s meal.
What? You… How much did you see?
Far too much to stay insensitive and do nothing. But before seeing, I heard.
Oh fuck… you said, hiding your face in embarrassment
It’s okay Y/N. At least now, I know I’m not the only one to feel this. What were you thinking about, when you touched yourself, that you were moaning my name? He asked, seductively
A-a-about you.
But what was I doing to you?
You don’t know how the sudden confidence came, but it came.
Join me in the shower if you want to know so bad.
Damon smirked; his gaze full of lust.
Oh, you won’t have to repeat it twice.
Damon took his clothes off as quickly as lightning passing through the sky and entered in the small shower with you.
And now, tell me. What was I doing to you? He repeated lowly in his deep voice
Riding on the wave On a life-long journey on the frequency you gave And all that I can say Is that you make me feel OK, everyday
I was the one to start at first.
Let me fulfil your fantasies. Show me. Place me wherever you want. I am your wooden puppet. I am at your humble service. He answered
You pushed him against the cold tiles of the shower making him hiss at first before getting on your knees in front of him.
Oh, I see exactly what you are getting at now… He said
You took his member in your hand and began stroking him, pumping him in your hand, as your flash realized itself by itself.
Damon started moaning loudly, you could tell it had been quite some time he didn’t do anything.
You approached your lips from his rock-hard length and started kitten licking the tip, swirling your tongue around it, as Damon threw his head back against the wall, his hand grabbing a fistful of your hair in the process.
Oh fuck Y/N, just like that… He groaned
You kept going at it, until you felt him twitch inside your mouth.
I-Is i-is it the only thing I was doing to you? He grunted
You let go of him with a loud pop.
You got on your feet again and kissed him passionately. Your tongue asked for entrance, and he let you, allowing him to taste himself on your lips and tongue.
When the kiss came to an end, he looked at you with desire and love.
And now?
In my fantasies you go down on me. You say, looking at him in the same exact way
Your orders, madam’
Damon started kissing your neck, sliding to your breasts, sucking at one of them, then kissing your belly and losing himself in between your legs.
Oh God…
I know love. I know.
You could tell the man had a lot of experience. He was very talented with his tongue.
His lips caught your clit between them, and he licked it and suckled it. Slowly, he was taking you to paradise.
You felt his large hands spread your legs a bit more so he could have a better access to give you pleasure.
His thumb started massaging your clit, while his index was pushing at your entrance, as if to ask permission.
Please Damon, please…
What do you want from me Babygirl? Tell me what you want, I’ll do everything.
I need your fingers, please…
But where do you want them?
Seriously? You dare asking me this?
I need to know where you want them. I can’t do anything if you don’t.
I want them inside me. And I also want your tongue. Just keep doing what you’re doing but add your fingers, I beg you!
It makes me high as a kite when I reach you in flight, yes it does Won't you spread your wings and take my love Any old time it'll do it's just fine - just be mine, - be mine
Damon executed himself and soon he was pumping his fingers in and out of you, his tongue still working on your clit.
Oh fuck! You shouted
His fingers soon found your magic G-spot and when he saw how it made you react, he kept hitting it with his long, beautiful and talented fingers on purpose.
Your legs started trembling and a knot invaded your lower abdomen indicating you wouldn’t last long. Damon felt it and smiled, proud of himself.
Are you close love? Do you want me to make you cum or do you want to wait for me for this?
Make me cum! please make me cum! I can go at it again, please, I can’t hold on anymore!
His fingers sped up their actions and here you were, a moaning mess, squirming under your lover’s touch.
He was clearly enjoying himself when doing this. His gaze was on you, smirking and humming when you got to your climax.
You were oversensitive after that, but you needed it. You needed what would happen next.
And now? He asked again
You know what you have to do… You said, approaching your lips dangerously from his
I told you, you have to tell me what you want.
Take me Damon…
Do you want to ride me or do you want me to take you against this wall?
No. Take me.
it didn't fall on deaf ears. Ten seconds after, you had your legs wrapped around Damon’s pelvis, him deep inside you, thrusting inside you.
I ain't gonna leave this one to fate No red lights could ever make, me wait, don't make me wait
His lips were on yours, not leaving them while he was drilling inside you, groaning and panting.
Your insides were melting around him, the hot water now being cold running on your bodies were adding sensations to your lovemaking.
No red lights will make me wait now, make me wait now It's the right time baby No, no, no there ain't no stoppin us, there ain't no stoppin us Cause it's the right time baby - take my hand Got to understand, i'm at your command - take me high There ain't no stoppin us, there ain't no stoppin us cause it's the right time baby Got to understand, i'm at your command 
Do you like this? Feeling me inside you? Filling you up?
Yes Damon, yes!
Let them hear baby. Let them hear you scream my name. Let them hear who makes you feel this good.
Oh God, he was so good at this.
The feeling of this heat coming back in your lower abdomen and your legs shaking told you that he made his effect on you and that you were close to your climax.
Damon’s movement became sloppy, indicating he wasn’t far from his climax as well.
I’m not gonna last love, are you close? He asked, panting
Fuck yes! Make me cum again Damon, make me scream your name, make the neighbours hear your name!
This threw him over the edge.
His body started shaking as well, and he had trouble keeping your legs in his arms but managed to hold on.
You came loudly just a few seconds before him.
Then he groaned loudly a few times and pulled out before he could spill inside you.
He let go of your legs and you both fell on the ground of the shower.
You managed to turn the water off, while you were both left panting and in total ecstasy.
And now? He asked, smiling
And now, it's as you wish. You answered the same
I have a few ideas. He smirked
Show me.
I won’t make you wait another time.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 3 years ago
Could you tell us in more detail exactly what rules yandere!alpha!Germany will make his omega!darling follow and what punishments he will give her, including nsfw ones?
Oh yeah Germany is very…. Very rigid.
❣️You must be up at 4am everyday to do training with me. You’ll only get 15 mins to get dresses and brush your teeth.
❣️No, electronics. You don’t need contact with the outside world when you have him and your books.
(He makes sure that none of that Omegas should be free movement.)
❣️You can only leave parameters of the house when he’s with you.
❣️The electrified collar you have must always be on. Even when you go to sleep.
❣️You won’t have a room to yourself. You share the bed with him while he’s pinning you down with his muscular arms at night.
❣️Either he or one of his special guards and maid must be with you at all times.
❣️You must make you omega medications everyday on time at the same time 8am & 8pm. These meds not only destroy your excess muscle tissue but it makes you unbearably horny. And makes you become much more subservient, just how your Oberst likes.
❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥Spicy Af❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
❤️‍🔥Ludwig when upset with your unruly behavior when you break one of his rules will go in a raw and rough. He won’t take how you feel or your pleasure in consideration. That’s the price you pay when you can’t obey.
❤️‍🔥When he sees that you’re not downstairs and by the door ready to do laps along side with him.
❤️‍🔥I hope you like rude awakenings. Because he’ll comeback to the room and rip your PJs off. He will force you to run naked. The only thing your allowed to have on is your tennis shoes.
❤️‍🔥If you try to escape you’re going to be tied to the Pilar in the bedroom standing upright in lingerie while pretty it’s uncomfortable. He won’t untie you for a week and all you’ll have is water. He’s going to make you crave being comfortable again.
❤️‍🔥The electrified collar is self-explanatory but if you back talk him too much in one day… he’s going to overstimulate you during sex. He uses a lower voltage so the pain isn’t excruciating but high enough to make sex uncomfortable and a laborious task for you to survive.
❤️‍🔥Fail to take your omega medications? And even if you’re only a minute late Ludwig will up your dosage that day by 2x what is the normal. And he’s going to make you a lot of aphrodisiacs to consume. You’ll be starving for his German sausage by then. But since he’s an incredibly sadistic Alpha he will tie you for a chair in your room all night while he takes off his boxers and let’s his erection tantalize you until he falls asleep. Your whines and cries for him to fill you to the brim lull him to sleep like a gentle lullaby. By morning still harden like a rock he will plow into you mercilessly and not let you release until he does. At this point also don’t expect that you’d come out of this not pregnant.
Because he fucks you brains out for 2hrs straight with no breaks. And he’s not gentle. He’ll only be gentle after he’s done ravishing you.
“Ich liebe dich y/n.”
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neon-junkie · 4 years ago
HCs on what the entire gang (or whichever members u feel comfortable with!) is doing for Halloween!! Are they trick or treating or are they parenting? What are they dressed up as?? :D
Let's say this is a modern setting for our gang! Every year a few of them go trick or treating and join the others at a house party. Jack is allowed to stay up past his usual 8pm bedtime until 9:30pm (it was 9pm but Jack manages to squeeze an extra 30 mins out of his parents.) 
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Goes trick or treating: Arthur, John, Abigail, Jack, Hosea, Sean, Lenny, Mary-Beth, Tilly, Uncle. Heads straight to the party: Dutch, Bill, Kieran, Charles, Strauss, Swanson, Karen. Rolls up late af to the party: Sadie, Susan, Javier, Molly, and Uncle (he got lost during trick or treating somehow.) 
Arthur doesn't really get into Halloween too much, but Jack gives him puppy-dog eyes every year when he asks Arthur what he's dressing up as, so Arthur always puts together a last-minute costume but hey, it's better than nothing! This year he's dressing up as one of his favourite Western film characters, and he gets a lot of compliments as the "cowboy look really suits you!" John isn't one to celebrate Halloween either, but Abigail and Jack bug him about it every year. They're doing a family costume this year, so John is going as a big bad wolf, Abigail is going as Red Riding Hood, and Jack is going as a little wolf!!
Dutch likes to keep things 'classic' and decides to go as a vampire, but those stick-on fangs don't last very long. He gets irritated at them and takes them out within the first hour. Hosea and Lenny decide to do a joint costume and go as characters from Django Unchained. Hosea goes as Dr. Schultz, and Lenny goes as Django (but in that burgundy suit that he robs from Calvin Candie.) Dutch does get a little jealous because he and Hosea haven't done a joint costume in such a long time, but he thinks it's nice to see Lenny and Hosea dressing up together!! Bill doesn't really celebrate Halloween but decides to throw an outfit together last minute. He already owns a red plaid shirt, so he buys an axe and goes as a lumberjack. The axe is confiscated from him the second he walks into the party cause nobody trusts him with one. Javier does celebrate Halloween but also celebrates Día de los Muertos a few days later, so he likes to tie the two in together and go with a classic sugar skull look. He spends houurrsssss on his makeup and kills it!! And yes, he does show up a little late because he got carried away with getting ready. Charles is one of the last people to arrive and goes as Arthur!! The two of them live together, so when Arthur left to go trick or treating, Charles snuck into his room and picked out some of his clothes. Arthur thinks it's hilarious and a little hot as his clothes are slightly too small for Charles. Kieran helped set up the party and lost a bet with Sean, so he had to stick his head in a pumpkin to see if it'd fit. It did, but he couldn't get his head out, so he decided to roll with it and went as a headless horseman. He couldn't get the smell of pumpkin out of his hair for weeks afterward. Sean obviously goes as a leprechaun, which is what he goes as every single year. He approaches everybody and gives them the "kiss me, I'm Irish!" line, to which most people reject him. The only people who have ever kissed him back are Karen and Uncle. Swanson panicked and forgot that it was Halloween, so he ran to the store and brought a last-minute costume, which was an orange prisoner jumpsuit. But hey, at least he's trying! Uncle decides to make everybody uncomfortable by going as Tinkerbell, and his dress is a little too short, but thankfully he's wearing underwear. His wig falls off within the first hour and by the end of the night, Sean has found it and refuses to take it off. Strauss always goes in a suit and comes up with a lame idea as to what he is. Last year, he was a businessman. This year he's a banker. It's a little boring but at least he's smart with his idea. Sadie keeps with her badass theme and this year has gone with the classic Kill Bill yellow jumpsuit look. She brings a real sword with her but tells everybody it's a prop because she knows it'll get confiscated. She also offers to chop the pumpkin off Kierans head, to which he quickly rejects and runs away from her. Mary-Beth and Tilly wanted to do a joint costume again this year. Last year they went as Disney princesses, but they wanted to be a little bit spooky this year, so they went as the twins from The Shining. Susan likes to go down a different route for Halloween and this year went as the Mona Lisa. Her costume is very obvious, but if you ask her what she's dressed up as, she'll just reply "art." Karen goes down the sexy route every year, and this year decided to go as a sexy nun. Sean spent most of the night asking if he could "confess his sins" to her with a wink and a smile, and the two of them mysteriously went missing by the end of the night. Molly always goes as red-head characters. Last year she went as Merida to join in with Mary-Beth and Tillys Disney theme, but this year she's going as Daphnie. She falls in love with the go-go boots and now wears them with her daily outfits.
Micah finds Halloween cheesy, but you have to dress up to go the party, and for some reason, he wants to go. He already owns shirts so he pulls together a cliché mafia outfit. 
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