#8 trigrams palm
rad-roche · 1 month
next warframe i'm aiming for: baruuk.
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i didn't have much interest until i played him a little in the circuit and figured out his gimmick is really, really funny. he's an old man who doesn't like violence, but all of his abilities fill up a big 'i'm getting mad' bar at which point he cracks and can do damage that scales into the billions. the gameplay loop is trying to keep your grandpa pissed off enough to do anything. if he's not sufficiently furious he can't
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ap-kinda-lit · 2 years
Neji: You cannot date Hinata, I forbid it.
Naruto, half jokingly: Fine, then I’ll date Tenten instead.
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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I’m very disappointed that a YouTube video of a subtitled Naruto filler episode blocked out my phone’s camera lens when I wanted to take screenshots yesterday. YouTube is supposed to be not as mean as other video streaming apps. And this video was available to watch for free.
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yoriataki · 6 months
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8 trigrams 64 palms
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p8567899754nhu · 1 year
@alexkh2108 @plumsaffron SASUKE AND THE FASCIST STATE
in this post ill respond to some queries regarding sasuke and konoha from the forementioned user
1."Btw, how Naruto failed Yame, Neji and the Branch? Another disinformation?"
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first off to ame and nagato he promised he will bring peace to the hidden rain village and subsequently to the world and infact it was because of this promise made with such confidence that Nagato ressurects every single hidden leaf ninja he killed during his attack on konoha which also gives naruto in turn the attention he always seeked (unlike sasuke, who wanted to become hokage to actually bring structural change to the system that caused his family's and his misfortune naruto wants to be hokage because he is an attention whore- not insulting naruto here just showing how important attention and validation of other people is to him and how nagato indirectly made him get that alongwith ressurecting everyone) ok and what does naruto do now with the trust that a dying nagato - who essentially commits suicide for naruto and Konan placed on him naruto had the moral obligation to do something about it even if he didnt become the hokage but despite being a homage having the milatry power, authority and literally being a reincarnation of a god along with a brainwashed ssasuke who is also super poweful , he shuns away from the rain village , the village is destroyed in boruto and also used for human experimentation . lulz
2 .how he failed neji and the branch hyuga
he did zilch to free the branch hyga as he promised neji in chunin exams and like naagato he got neji to comply even indirectly die for him becuase of that fudging promise . heck the slave owner hiashi who tortured the shit out of nejis dad (whio happens to be his sibling btw , one can only think the treatmentt he gave other branch family members if this is how he treats his own brother) for "looking at hinata a certain way " , we dont see him banning the cage seal he basically does nothing and after he explicity promised neji to change the hyuga in the chunk exams arc and what does he say to the dying slave neji "you were going to change the Hyuga". damn you naruto plus a branch hyuga(once in a generation prodigy) yet again died to protect a useless main branch(who is not even equal to chunin arc neji during the war arc, she is barely able to perform the 8 trigrams 64 palms despite it being a main family Jutsu) member what does he do? he holds that main branch members hand who also gets lubricated as she comments on how soft narutos hand is :| . tf.
oh and , he is not capable of empathasing with people whose expiriences differ from the reason he can understand Nagato-to some extent because nagato calls him out on his hypocrisy and does the same to him hence giving him the " experience" that he requires to even understand someones POV
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Naruto doesnt consider nejis problem as major as his-"trivial stuff" although neji very clearly suffers more thoughout the series (he dies a slave should -protecting the master ) than naruto and also has a more traumatic past and naruto says he should stop WHINING about TRIVIAL stuff like his dad being LEGALLY BUTCHERED or him being a slave whose life was at all times at mercy of a master.
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the-iron-fjord · 1 year
>Naruto and Sasuke turn out to be the reincarnation of God's Children and the child of destiny.
Neji is spinning in his grave harder than when he ever did 8 Trigrams 64 Palms.
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oddluver · 5 months
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
I said this over discord, and I forgot to bring it to tumblr, so I'll do that now. under the cut for more information!
So canonically, Chongyun knows martial arts. It's never specified what sort of martial arts Chongyun knows in game, but I looked more into his character more. Chongyun's very heavily based in Taoism. We have the yin and yang symbol that's already heavily associated with Chongyun, and we have this on Chongyun's pants:
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This is the Bagua, or the 8 trigrams. Without going into all of them (which would require a separate post), I have figured out that the martial arts Chongyun practices the most are Tai Chi and Baguazhong.
They are sister schools of martial arts. But Bagua is the one that more focuses on the 8 trigrams -- being translated to eight trigram palm. For a reference on what it looks like, reference the air bending in Avatar: The Last Airbender. The movements in both Bagua and Tai Chi are meant to be smooth motions with quick hand movements and footwork.
We don't see Chongyun use it in game, since he's a claymore user, but I'd also like to think that the footwork he uses is a part of that school of martial arts.
Chongyun's very incredibly skilled with his fighting, and is able to maneuver quickly around enemies, and without a weapon, he's still very strong and able to throw jabs out with expert precision.
He also practices Tai Chi, which is more meditation focused, but it goes hand in hand with Baguazhong, or bagua. Since Chongyun has to meditate often to keep his yang energy under control, these two are the perfect schools of martial arts for Chongyun to practice!
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metaru-lee · 2 years
part 1 neji did not have a successful 8 trigrams 64 palms yet every genin and their mom was talking about how dangerous it was.
rock lee didnt land a single lotus. ningame interrupted it on sasuke, dosu had his fall cushioned, gaara used a clone and cushioned his fall
and tenten had less screentime than fucking gamakichi
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env0 · 10 months
16. Want any more tattoos? What of?
I want a 10/6 behind my right ear
I want the memory feather from Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles that represent Sakura's memories on the back of my head under my hair. Just for me to know.
I want a cross/wings or something on my back
I want more alchemical circles down my arm and into my chest/back
I want a tusba/pommel on my left palm
I kind of like how the taeguk trigrams look on knuckles and i could get 8 of them and then half of each taeguk on the thumb.
I want to get "To live will be an awfully big adventure beneath my left pec.
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saintbarou · 2 years
feel like a freak but i feel like the 8 trigrams 64 palms on some level would feel good
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primnroses · 2 years
hanabi doesn't need the tlf if she already has 64 palms and the heavenly rotation
Yeah you're right. The 8-Trigrams 64-Palms is already the highest level main branch technique meant for offense while the 8-Trigrams Revolving Heaven is the highest level main branch technique meant for defense. Hanabi has mastered both of them so as a Hyūga she has the absolute offense and defense of her clan.
It's also true that nobody knows what the Twin Lion Fists do. If it weren't for the Fourth Databook we wouldn't even know what it does. It's just words without solid proof behind them. It also says that they can be used to increase the power of the Palms so in itself the jutsu serves the same purpose.
However, I said that she should be able to use it because it's a main branch technique that is passed down as a secret technique, very common in clans. She must know it because she's the highest ranked member of her clan who is going to become the head. She doesn't necessarily need to use it if she's a master of the best Gentle Fist techniques, but she must know it because it's the role of the clan head.
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hyugahell · 6 months
My question is everyone’s surprise at Neji’s genius….people do realize Neji is Hiashi’s nephew right?? Even more, since Hiashi and Hizashi are identical twins, with identical DNA presumably, technically speaking: Neji can count as Hiashi’s biological son, and even Hinata and Hanabi’s half brother.
[Admin]: I think everyone's surprise in terms of his genius is a mix of some things. I mean at the start of Neji's chunin fight, Hiashi himself is telling Hanabi to pay attention to him and was praising his skill. So he himself (along with his teammates and I'm assuming some other Hyuga like Hinata) were aware that Neji at the very least was talented. I think much of their surprise with him came more from just how skilled he was proving himself to be. I mean this kid, who was in a "lesser" branch of the family, had taught himself how to perfom a jutsu considered a secret main household technique. Kid was over here casually demonstrating his ability to recreate secret jutsus and showcase his skill (ie Hiashi's reaction to seeing Neji also performing the 8 trigrams 64 palms), so to me at least the surprise was moreso from witnessing the true potential this kid had.
Another part of the surprise, though I kinda mentioned it already, was that he's just...from the side branch of the family. That's kinda it. I'm sure to people who were at least a little aware of the household structure (hokage, feudal lords), you don't expect so much out of someone who was born into a position with the purpose of serving the main household. Basically just a form of classism.
Also anon you are correct about that: since Hiashi and Hizashi were twins, their kids are basically half-siblings! Their DNA would test like that of siblings from how identical they would be iirc (RIP Neji, Hiashi is too related to him for his liking)
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zeromarker · 1 year
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Chan Lee + Pyrus Fourtress = Battle Striker Sazer.
When Chan Lee activates her Splicer & sets her Bakugan into its core the energy build trigger release unleashes a powerful fire transformation. Making the two into one whole new being.
Sazer Málika is one of the three individuals who make up the Pyrus BSS Tribe. She represents the Warrior of the trio, being the most skilled in hand to hand combat, incredible fighting prowess & firepower. Using her abilities such as, 8 Trigram palm thrust, Asura Rage & The Four Saints.
Málika is a paladin’s nightmare.
8 Trigram Palm Thrust: Allows a single strike to deal damage x8 by, focusing the power into a focus point. This weakens an enemies defense by 80 for each strike the total effectiveness of This ability can be extremely useful against higher defensive bringing their power down by 640.
Asura Rage: Creates an aura around Málika increasing the attack strength by 400. This can also be used as a combo with other ability’s to add 200 power while decreasing Opponent’s power level by 400 and prevents them from using abilities to increase their own power levels.
The Four Saints: Sazer Málika;s signature move and most effective. This ability allows the heroine to instantly switch into four different modes.
Saint of Flames- Allows Málika greater firepower. She can fire-bend flames from her body.
Saint of Blades- Use four sword-style to deal 4x damage in quick fury.
Saint of Wrath- Nullifies power decreasing abilities. Additional damage done to enemies but releases backlash from impacts.
Saint of Rebirth- Málika can create a number of arms to unleash a brutal attack from all directions.
Málika is Arabic for queen.
Unlocking the B.S.S genetic code can allow some Bakugan to evolve into forms they were unaware of.
The Four Saints ability allows her to change her helmet to show a new power. Fire mode, Sword Berserker & Hana (flowers).
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naurtos · 1 year
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it’s the 30th ninja world face off in shinobi striker and boy I forgot how rough these can be
it’s a 6 person pvp in the chuunin exam finals area where you just try to get enough knockouts to win (or just have the most knockouts within 5 mins)
currently got my character as a defense main. been working well so far, I’ve essentially got neji’s moves (8 trigams hazan strike and 8 trigrams palm rotation) for my ninjutsu, deidara’s exploding clay clones for my substitution, and indra’s arrow as my ult. I keep a healing spray on me as my special ninja tool
this particular fight in the screenshot was super intense, I was neck and neck with asterusOtsutsuki, I think I surpassed them at the actual genuine last second of the match. they were a max level (XXV) healer. for the record I’ve got a friend who plays the game almost everyday and has 1,471 hours on it and he’s currently XVI
Naruto tumblr has gotta get on shinobi striker man it’s an underrated game
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mafubrah · 4 years
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Baguazhang - Application and Appropriation
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