#8 policemen
malacandrax · 6 months
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[edit! missed a whole segment!!!]
Sex worker/Charity worker Halstarion AU ---
*cottage- hook up spot, often public toilets- policemen would check under cubicles or dress in plain clothes to catch people cruising.
AU TAG To read them in order: [Part 1- Meeting] [Part 2-Embellish] [Part 3-Theory] [Part 4- Number] [Part 5- Bruise] [Part 6- Scenic (that's this one!)] [Part 7- Nice Things] [Part 8-Pizza]
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hiimbloblos · 10 months
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Everything that promotes LGBT will now be banned: a rainbow without a light blue stripe, all kinds of themed patches, badges on clothes, as well as parades, processions, rallies and themed parties.
For that - up to 12 years in prison.
Hi! What! Literal murder can get you 2 to 8 years in prison. Killing a man gives you less years! Hello! Can anybody fucking hear me!
Updating this post because. WELL. If anyone, ANYONE supports LGBTQIA in here. Even if they're the straightest people ever. THEY FALL UNDER THE SAME CATEGORY. LGBTQIA ALLIES ARE CONSIDERED EXTREMISTS TOO.
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Moreover, everyone could get in trouble - even if the person isn't an activist or part of LGBTQ, but speaks out that LGBTQ people must have equal rights with everyone else.
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You can get in trouble for a LGBTQ-symbolic repost from 10 years ago - if the policemen can capture it after Supreme Court's decision will take effect.
And another update: this "law" will only be valid after January 10, 2024
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The court decision will come into force on January 10 of the following year - unless an appeal is filed.
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writtenbyjeanofarc · 6 months
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◤ 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐥 ◥
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: eventual smut.
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Light Yagami X Reader.
𝖈𝖜: porn with plot, yandere! Light, office sex, boss/employee relationship, oral sex (you giving), dubcon, sexual tension, extreme power imbalance, power play, near death experience?
Being a private investigator sure had its perks the moment you stepped into the workforce as someone with a degree in criminology. Sporting a tough front, you got used to being dealt with the risks of being killed and tracked down by unlawful criminals. That is, if you weren’t that careful with the information you disclosed about yourself.
But wait, you did NOT just step into the workforce and attained a job on a whim. This wasn’t just any ordinary job. You were blessed with the opportunity to work under none other than Kira’s company of employed investigators. You heard it right, you were offered the privilege of working under the world’s most powerful judges of all time. You didn’t just let the opportunity slip by, so you accepted the job and started working with dignity.
After months of blood and sweat poured out on the heavy workload your job as a data analyst carried, you received a promotion from your one and only boss — Kira. Surprised and intimidated, you suddenly receive a call from his personal assistant who requests you to meet Kira at his private office.
This news alone puts a smile on your face, but at what cost?
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊: Shit’s about to get real hot. Just a heads up, the ending is sort of rushed since I haven’t written in a while. Hope this fic satiates your cravings for new content, and thanks for bearing with my absence.
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The buildings towered tall as its windows began to light up the night sky in just a heartbeat. It was about 6:30 PM in the evening, and while every citizen in Japan was rushing on their way back home, you had agreed to work a night shift under Japan’s most powerful organization of policemen, inspectors, and detectives.
Anticipating your next meeting with another business partner, you sipped a cup of coffee as you silently typed on your laptop and replied to e-mails. As you sat on your personal desk, you received an e-mail from a superior asking you to work on writing a report listing the number of criminals executed by Kira. As much as you wanted to bid the day goodbye, you can’t help but feel glued to accomplishing everything your job required in one sitting. You chugged your drink while contemplating on responding, your eyes focused on the laptop’s screen as you composed a message to your superior.
Much to your shock, your phone rang. You grabbed the phone without question and spoke through it.
“Hello? Who could this be?”
“This is Matsuda speaking.” a voice replied on the other end. “I’ve called to inform you that the records team of our organization has evaluated your progress in the company lately.”
“Oh? Is there a problem with the way with my work ethic, sir?” you asked, frowning in disbelief.
“No, no,” Matsuda let out a laugh as he stammered. “In fact, your work ethic is far from a problem. I called simply to notify you of good news. And I want you to listen carefully.”
“Sure thing.” you replied.
“The boss has made his final judgment on who he chose to promote to a higher position in our organization. As his personal assistant, I am pleased to announce that our future private investigator and detective-in-charge ....is you.”
“Wait, no way?!” you exclaimed, placing a hand over your mouth as your eyes widened in shock. “Is this…is this actually true, sir?”
“Sure is! The boss wishes to have a word with you tonight in his private office. At least, before the day you get recognized by our company’s fellow employees. Please be there at—”
“The….boss?” you paused. “B-but—”
“It’s a really urgent and important meeting to celebrate your success, [Name]. If I were you, I wouldn’t let this opportunity slip by.” Matsuda interjected. “Please drop by his office at 8:00 sharp. And remember to bring nothing with you.”
“B-but….wait!!! Matsuda!!”
The phone hung up, leaving you confused and lost at what you had to do next. Is it more convenient to issue a report due the following day and communicate with your company’s business partner, or should you reject your superior’s request and meet up with your boss? Decisions, decisions.
After minutes of overanalyzing your current situation, you texted everyone necessary for the meeting to ensue, stating you couldn’t make it due to an “urgent task.” You always felt guilty about having to turn down assignments from your superiors; however, the boss’ words were where it’s at, and you had to keep in mind that his plans were far more significant than what you were being bossed around to do by underlings.
You then made a decision to request a delay in submitting the necessary paperwork due to sudden change of plans. You typed carefully, ensuring that your refusal to accomplish the reports were in good faith and harbored no ill intent. To your satisfaction, you waited an hour before you could finally take an elevator to the top floor.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
Sweat dripped across your cheek as you anxiously waited fifteen minutes in advance. Something about your boss always fascinated, yet terrified you to an extent. His ability to hold the world’s most heinous criminals futile in his grasp and giving them a heart attack out of the blue (whether he had some sort of weapon or not) always remained a mystery to you. Yet, it so happens that you opted for the highest position in every area of your expertise. Not for power, not for personal gain, whatsoever. It was because you had a strong sense of justice, believing every problem deserves a solution. You truly cared for victims who fell prey under the hands of wrongful acts.
I guess that’s what set the both of you apart. The boss had his own ways of bringing justice to the table — and as a mere employee, you tried your very best to not doubt, question, or underestimate his abilities. You always reminded yourself to not fear authority, but rather, embrace it. But this time, knowing his eyes were set upon you made you shiver. It was his power, his prestige, that frightened you.
If knowing how he killed unlawful individuals was a game of curiosity killing a cat, you could’ve been lured into death this quickly. It wasn’t like you had any objections about how he chooses to kill, though. But you itched for a logical and concrete explanation on how he did it. You wanted evidence. You wanted a scenario. After all, you worked as a private investigator.
Checking your watch, the clock struck 7:45. You braced yourself, took a deep breath, and went for the exit of your office. As you stepped into the hallway, you were greeted with a colleague who smiled upon noticing you.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t our employee of the year!” the woman smiled. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks,” you replied. “It’s been a while. Well, I’m off now.”
“Wait!” she exclaimed. “Is the boss…..actually there to meet you?”
“Yes, why?” you asked.
“Oh, um…..it’s just because I observed that Sir Fujisaki…..uh, how do I put this? He had a heart attack the past week. I happened to see you two the other day, and he was perhaps being too friendly with you from my observation.”
“Mr. Fujisaki?! But he was such a sweetheart to me the other day!” your smile dropped. “Yes, he may have been too friendly, but how could he have a heart attack? Could this be….”
“Is it who you think it is?” your colleague asked. “Well, in that case, we need to stay silent. We can’t just falsely accuse our boss of actually killing Mr. Fujisaki, am I right? Perhaps we can talk to him about it?”
“Yumi….the boss almost never shows himself.” you sighed. “And if he heard what we were talking about just now, he’d have us in dead meat.”
“Right….but do take my guess with a grain of salt.” your colleague smiled. “I’d hate to blackmail the boss.”
“True.” you agreed. “Anyways, nice chatting with you! Gotta get back to work!”
“Sure thing!”
Ending your conversation, you walked towards the elevator and ensured you brought nothing with you. As it led all the way up, you practiced a simple smile at the mirror, fixing your office wear and arranging yourself to look presentable in front of your employer. As the doors opened, you made your way through the boss’ quarters, shaky and overwhelmed. You didn’t win any promotion at your previous job, so it was truly miraculous to actually land a decent position in your current career.
The doors were made of tinted glass while the floors were covered with red carpet. The hallways were lined with some vases and expensive furniture, making it comfy to sit on the velvet purple couches. One could have mistaken this floor to be that of a luxury hotel, the way all the lighting radiated a warm, golden tint. There were also paintings of what was known as a ‘shinigami’ in Japanese folklore, with some religious figures resembled in the images. So far, so good.
However, this was not the time to dwell on the floor’s aesthetically pleasing interior design—you had a meeting. An urgent one at that.
Pushing the glass door open, you were met with a lingering smell of musk, the fragrance entering your nostrils with its strong, manly scent. To your surprise, the quarters were dimly lit, which isn’t exactly what you’ve expected it to be. Normally, an employer’s corner would have vibrant lighting to enable productivity, but this time was a different story. The ambience of your boss’ room was rather eerie, lights flickering as a fragile candlelight would. But you paid it no mind, you just moved on and cleared your intrusive thoughts.
As you strolled closer to the main area, you knocked on the wooden door leading to the actual office of your boss.
“Come in.”
The room was filled with flickering lights as well, much to your disbelief. The office may look professional and minimalistic in terms of its design, but the way it was private and hidden within another glass door made you feel quite….uneasy. It was your first time visiting his office.
The creaks echoed as you were met with the gaze of your boss already setting his eyes upon you. His glare was sharp, yet smugly impressed by the looks of it. Your defenses were now broken down and torn to shreds, leaving you with no other choice but to actually face the brunette right in front of you.
“Ah, if it isn’t our employee of the year, [Name].” your boss, Kira, greeted you. “Have a seat.”
Obeying immediately, you eased yourself into the room’s air, trying to brush off the awkward silence that penetrated deep into your being. As he browsed through your documents, you felt your legs shake as you shamefully placed your hands near your thighs, trying to calm yourself from his presence. His authority always intimidated you. Browsing through your reports, you could hear the sounds of pages flipping as your eyes began to meet his stern gaze towards the document. You could spot your own name on the write-up, which confirms his assessment of your performance on the spot. You waited patiently for feedback.
“Hmmm…..” Kira hummed. “Very well.”
Your eyes widened, anticipating his next words.
Putting down the paper you wrote, he averted his gaze upon you on eye level. Without hesitation, he spoke.
“I’ve called Matsuda to inform you of your success in this industry, am I right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Now, come here.” Kira spoke.
“Next to me.”
You tried to stand up, only for your legs to wobble. You fell back on your seat, only to earn a laugh from your boss.
“There, there. No need to grow anxious. I just have something to clarify.”
As you slowly stood up once more, Kira beckoned a finger ushering you beside him.
“Tell me, [Name].” Kira asked as he looked up at your standing figure and placed a hand around your waist. You were surprised at his touch. Wishing to let go, the warmth lured you for more, but you dismissed it as an unintentional gesture. “What do you mean by these statements?”
Kira looked down at the report you wrote, pointing at significant sentences in it that stood out amongst every line of text. Lending the paper to you for further inspection, you received it reluctantly.
“That being said, to truly bring justice into life is to recognize that your intentions should not be for the sake of taking control, but out of sincere care for the people that surround us. I believe that by incorporating this as a motto to live by, we can become akin to what we call the ‘god of a new world.’”
“Oh, it’s my take on how to govern a society properly, good sir.” you replied.
“Fair point.” Kira nodded as his eyes narrowed at you condescendingly. “And what makes you think you can claim that title as your own, [Name]?”
“Oh, that’s not what I meant, good sir,” you panicked, growing more confused as to whether he was impressed or disappointed with your report’s content. “I meant that, IF we truly treated justice as something that should be mutually beneficial towards ourselves and the people around us…..instead of flaunting our sense of justice out of personal satisfaction…..we can….we can become a God of the New World.”
Kira chuckled lowly as he let go of your waist and stood up next to you. Meeting you from a close proximity, you tried taking steps backward in order to avoid his predatory gaze. You also took note of a small detail in his eyes; his pupils glinted a faint red, which threw you off immediately from your awkwardness.
“Now, now….” he smirked. “No running away.”
“Kira……what is it that you called me here for?”
“I was hoping we could have a civil meeting right here and now.” he continued as he crossed his arms. “Normally, I fire people who usually include blasphemous remarks in their reports.”
You felt a pang of guilt rush within your veins, worried and fretting that you may have done something wrong.
“However, it is worth noting that your loyalty and competence in this line of work are far too commendable for me to actually expel you from my company.”
You didn’t know what to feel about that statement.
“Here’s another thing I want to clarify.” Kira announced, taking the copy of your report into his hands and reading your essay aloud.
“However, there are certain rules that seem to almost break as we investigate the surge of people having heart attacks in Japan recently. If we find whatever is responsible for magically killing these heinous criminals, we will hold the suspect accountable and might as well imprison them.”
“Sir, that is my perspective on the news recently. There has been a couple of innocent people killed, like Mr. Fujisaki.”
Kira frowned. “Who entrusted you with this information, [Name]?”
“It’s…..just out of my pure observation, Sir.” you replied.
Kira let out a sigh as he closed his eyes. “Rather than getting angry, I’m going to move past your recent remarks on the assignments given to you.”
“Did I….do something wrong, sir Kira?” you asked out of the blue..
“Not necessarily,” he replied. “However, I’m going to ask you another question. Make sure to answer carefully and honestly. If you fail to convince me otherwise with your response, I have no other choice but to fire you.”
“But sir???” you asked, your eyes widening in shock as you were about to protest. “But…. but I thought I was about to be rewarded with a promotion?”
“As I said, you’re an exception to all those lowly employees out there.” Kira spoke, taking a few steps forward. “I was thinking of giving you a raise and a promotion, BUT I need to clear out some possible misinterpretations people may have about your work.”
“I see. I’m sorry.”
“Now, let’s get back to the topic at hand, shall we?” Kira announced. “You state in your report that showing sincere care towards people depicts true justice. However, that is not my problem. My issue here is that you go around, stating that doing so will make you the God Of A New World. What interesting wording. Let me ask you a question about that. Who do you think I am?”
Goosebumps were the only thing you felt as you found his question to be a threat. You couldn’t tell how he was feeling right now — was he furious? Annoyed? Offended?
“Well, I think you’re a fairly intelligent disciplinarian who aims to get things done.” you replied as you gulped in fear.
“To get things done, eh?” Kira followed up with a smug grin. “What kind of things do I aim to get done? Elaborate.”
“Um…..uh….the way you…..target potential criminals and have them accountable for the rotten things they’ve done.”
“I see.” Kira sighed. “I’m going to ask you a follow-up question. Do you look down on all these mere underlings and consider how many of them are envious of your position?”
“I do.” you replied. “In fact, I feel grateful I have a roof above my head thanks to this company.”
“Gratefulness, hm?” Kira hummed. “You don’t seem to possess that quality, I’m afraid.”
“How so, sir?”
“If you were truly grateful for what this company has given you, you’d show a bit of humility in the content of your assignments and missions. Something which I fail to see in you. You tend to claim on how there are still errors in my ways, questioning my authority like I lack the qualities a God Of A New World has.”
“Sir, I wasn’t—“
“Not only that, but you truly have the audacity to actually think you can overthrow my position.”
“But sir, that was not my intention—“
“Shut it.” Kira snapped. “Now tell me, what are the exact actions I get done that further catches your attention? What makes it stand out? Describe everything you’ve been observing in thorough detail.”
“It’s just that…..you….you…..!!!!”
“You may or may not have killed Mr. Fujisaki!” you cried out. “If our objective was to rid the world of heinous criminals, then why are innocent colleagues dying in your hands?”
“May or may not? There you go again with your uncertainty.” Kira sighed. “Do you have any evidence to support your claims?”
“Well…..I heard from a colleague that you may have had a notebook? I’m not sure…..”
“A notebook, huh?” Kira smirked. “What makes you think I possess a notebook that can possibly kill an innocent fool?”
“It’s everywhere, sir. There were rumors.”
“As usual, basing your conclusions on mere accusations and speculation.” Kira sneered condescendingly. “How pathetic.”
“Listen, please, I’m…..really sorry, sir.” you spoke. “I thought this was good news, but, since I may have offended you for what I’ve written……I would like to apologize if I ever—“
“You haven’t answered my first question.” Kira interrupted, cutting you off. “Who do you think I am?”
“Spit it out!”
“You’re….you’re the God of the New World.”
“See, it wasn’t that hard, was it? You’re making things more difficult for yourself.”
“No, I—“
“Come here.” Kira beckoned his finger once more.
“But sir, I have an urgent meeting at—“
“Cancel them.” Kira scoffed. “In fact, cancel all your meetings for tonight’s shift.”
“I’m…..I’m sorry? I can’t just—“
“Cancel them!” he snapped. “In fact, cancel all of your meetings for today.”
“Sir?” you asked innocently. “I’m sorry but—”
“Come here.”
Hesitantly complying with his request, you approached him as instructed.
“Next to me.”
Kira grabbed you by the waist, your efforts to let him go rendered futile.
“Um, sir? Let go, please….”
“I like you, [Name]. Of all the times you’ve been working in this company, you should be grateful I wasn’t contemplating on letting you go any longer ....”
“Sir, let go, I have—“
“While we’re at it, I have something to show you.”
You fell silent, not knowing what to do or say given the situation.
“On your knees.”
“What? But—“
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Complying with his request, you got down on one knee, trying to adjust your position gently so as to not hurt your kneecaps being latched onto the floor.
“There’s a black notebook on the shelves under my desk. Give it to me.”
You knew this was coming. So the rumors were true, right?
You spotted a peculiar notebook from the bottom shelves behind his chair, picking it up. A Death Note? What was that about?
“Give it to me.”
You lent the notebook up to Kira. As he got the notebook, you already had a clear assumption of what he used it for. Listing down the names of criminals and other people he deemed “rotten” to his eyes. Some colleagues spread a rumor saying he had the power to kill anyone with it provided you play by the notebook’s rules, and turns out, it may be true.
You attempted to stand back up, only for him to stop you by resting his hand on your right shoulder.
“But sir—“
“Under the desk.” he commanded.
“Huh? But why?”
“I personally think you owe me something.” Kira smirked. “Based on your current record of writing such exceptional, yet blasphemous remarks on the assignments I’ve given you, there’s no way you shouldn’t be held accountable for these things.”
You could only listen in terror as his hand rested upon his crotch, gripping it tightly without causing much pressure. He let out a deep sigh.
“Yes, the rumors are right.” Kira announced as he let go of the hand between his legs and took a ballpen from the stand beside the paperwork on the table. “I killed Mr. Fujisaki. Happy?”
“No…..Mr. Fujisaki was a nice man. He’d never commit a crime, let alone hurt someone intentionally. You killed someone innocent….”
“I kill whoever gets in my way.” Kira replied as he let his left hand rest on your head. “And he specifically got in mine.”
“How?” you asked.
“He kissed you. You weren’t his to kiss.”
“…..And just like that? Kira, you have no idea how he—“
“Not only did he kiss you, but he so happens to take what’s rightfully mine!”
“I’m not yours, you freak!” you cried as you attempted to stand up on one knee, only for him to lift his shoe up your chin.
“You’re not going anywhere.” Kira replied, a smug expression displaying through his face. “How do I put this, [Name]? As your boss, you must know that I am in charge of the rules here, and that whatever I say goes. That, of course, goes for who my underlings connect with.”
“Wrong.” you asserted. “Mr. Fujisaki was a good colleague. He didn’t deserve to die. You’re just disturbed.”
“And he didn’t deserve to kiss you. I’m not disturbed, I just know what I want.” Kira said as he used his shoe to tilt your chin up. “And I want you.”
You felt bewildered and frightened at his remarks, your legs shaking as your senses heightened. You could feel his predatory gaze cornering you as it glowed a bright red. He surely wasn’t at his normal, innocent and charismatic self that he presented to the public. Beneath this facade was something sinister, something with malicious intent. Following his look upon your writhing figure, his musky cologne wafted through your nostrils from distance.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I have to pa—“
“Ah, ah, ah. There’s absolutely no way you can object, right? Not when I have your first name written down in my Death Note.”
You gasped in shock.
“No, no, please!!! I’ll do anything, just please, don’t kill me!!!”
Amused and chuckling at your pleading expression, Kira laughed, looking away.
“So, [Name], what’s it gonna be? Are you going to give in to my desires of having you around? Know that I’m not a patient man.”
Without hesitation, Kira scribbled down two more letters of your last name, then stopped at the sight of your face begging for your life to be spared.
“N-NO!!! STOP!!!” you screamed, violently grabbing Kira’s arm and getting it out of the table.
“You’re really adorable, you know that?” Kira laughed. “Fine. I’ll spare your life. On one condition.”
You paused, not knowing what to say next. Kira readjusted his position, leaning closer to you.
“Let’s start with the basics, shall we? Since you’ve said so yourself that I’m the God of the New World, why not prove to me how much of a loyal underling you can be?”
“I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t know what you exactly meant—“
“Oh shut up.” Kira replied, slowly unzipping his pants as you could only stare in horror. “You’re going to take me as far as I could let you. And you’re going to be a good little servant for me, yes?”
You cleared your throat, nodding while giving a light yes.
“That being said, go on, take it out.”
The way he sounded made you feel anxious, not knowing how things would go afterwards. Regardless, you eyed the sight between his legs, closing your eyes as you took in a deep breath. You felt your hands reach for the zipper of his tented pants, slowly pulling it down and earning a sigh of frustration from your boss. It was obvious that he grew impatient, so you hurriedly reached inside the unzipped fabric, taking his cock out. It wasn’t fully hard yet, but you could see beads of precum leaking from the slit.
The next thing you did was reach out for his balls, pull them out, eyeing his length with reluctance and fear.
You heard sounds of scribbling which caused you to hurry the fuck up. Curious to see how far you can take it, you didn’t want to overwhelm yourself and gag at the feeling of his length shoved down your throat. Worst case scenario was you throwing up at it, and you knew he wouldn’t like that. So you took baby steps, sticking your tongue out and having it swirl around the head. You used your fingers to rub gently at the tip after letting go, then circling your tongue around it before taking it raw into your mouth. Your head bobbed up and down as you gave it around ten seconds before going down by at least two inches.
“See? It wasn’t so hard, was it?” Kira sneered as he laughed loudly. “You take me so well it would be a shame if I didn’t choose you.”
You didn’t respond, instead, you moaned around the length in arousal, your suckled growing rougher as you felt a hand grab you by the roots of your hair. So this was how it felt to be under the presence of a God—never his equal, but always by his company. Before you could even pull away, he pushed your face inward, your throat finding the urge to release a sputtering gag. You tried fighting over your gag reflex by focusing your mind over matter, holding your breath to suppress the urge to breathe. You let out a cough upon the release of your head from inward, leading Kira to “tsk, tsk” his way through.
He let go of you, which made you pull away quickly. You caught your breath, panting as you tried another take in deepthroating his throbbing length. You felt it harden, which gave you some sort of gratification and guilt, putting your lips together and diving right in. This time with your hands on, you twisted it while giving him head which was enough to earn a guttural grown from Kira, cursing to himself while they stifled the soundproof walls.
You began liking how it felt to pleasure your boss, your head twirling around to match the rhythm of your hands twisting altogether.
“Mmmm……that’s good…..” he moaned as you continued bobbing your head around, the lewd noises enough to stimulate his length as if something was about to pop. As his hand tried to write another letter of your last name, his hands grew shaky as he could barely contain himself. He chuckled while you sucked roughly.
“You know you’re not getting away with replacing me this time, are you?” he cooed and sneered like a hungry wolf.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as you kept sucking back and forth. All you could muster was a desperate nod, feeling a strange moisture form in your underwear.
“I’ll ask you one more time. Who do you think I am?” Kira asked.
Your muffled voice filled your wet mouth. A fistful of your hair got pulled, causing you to withdraw from his throbbing length with a string of saliva connecting from your lips and his cock’s head.
“You’re God.”
“That’s better. Now, back to work.”
But it wasn’t over yet, or so you thought. You returned to what you were doing, sucking his length and all.
“A little eager, are we?” cooed Kira. “Go on. Pleasure me like your life depends on it.”
You grabbed his length once more and darted to his balls, kissing and rubbing it gently with one hand. You suckled harder which was enough to make Kira throw his head back, hands pushing your head down until he couldn’t get enough of your performance.
As he got closer, you left a huge pop as your mouth left his balls, returning to his length and continuing to suck as the sounds grew sloppier.
“Shit….” Kira hissed. Grabbing a fistful of your hair, he sped up the pace as he grew bored of your normal, slightly slower pacing. You took this as a sign to bob your head faster, the job growing rougher as you looked up at him with doe eyes. Upon coating the length with your mouth’s saliva, you jerked him off while his eyes glinted towards your pathetic, desperate figure.
Without warning, Kira held your head sturdily and stopped you mid-head as ropes of cum spurted from his cock’s slit, filling your mouth with drenched discharge. You looked up with your mouth dripping with his slick and sticking your tongue out as he squeezed out more ropes of cum into your mouth. You licked your lips, feeling a moisture well up between your legs as you felt yourself grow increasingly aroused towards the sight of his length. You knew everything was over, until…
Doing as he instructed, you gulped as you pulled away.
“You did well.” Kira announced. “That being said, I think I’ll have to give you a raise. Not for this, but because I think your efforts for writing this report have been put to shame by your obedience.”
Kira wiped his dick with a handkerchief nearby, tucking it back into his pants.
“I better get going.” you said, getting up and attempting to unlock the door.
“No. Stay.” Kira commanded. “Spend the night.”
“Huh? Are we….sleeping here?” you asked.
“No, you idiot.” Kira replied. “I’m taking you home as a means of rewarding you. Trust me. It’s dangerous to be left alone during the night.”
“But, sir, I’m already used to—“
“Fix yourself up. You look pathetic.”
“Fine.” you agreed.
Wiping your cum-soaked mouth off, you walked towards the sofa and checked on your belongings. Making sure your files were complete, you proceeded to sit down.
You got promoted, alright, but at what cost?
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the-secret-garden1 · 5 months
School besieged by IOF
Men and women kidnapped, and forced some women and children to evacuate/displaced again.
IOF targeted a police vehicle, causing the killing of 8 policemen.
A psychological tactic used by Israel against the people of Palestine. To show that they decide whenever they allowed to leave or not. And if they don't like it, then don't ask for a ceasefire.
And as always, share and spread awareness to the situation. Your voice matters, no matter how small. - 🦢
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maryannecrimsworth · 2 years
You do need a friend
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Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Guide for tormented hearts
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Selectively mute reader
Warnings: I'm going for the slow burn and reader it's really traumatized, prepare for some angst scenes and a whole bullying session. The part two will be softer if anyone likes this.
Summary: You did it, you stayed with your brother — you were finally free from your parents. Everything goes wrong one last time but after all the police investigation and doctor visits, you were back to Nevermore, not to your parents' Lycanthropy camp. You were at school for the very first time in your life and no one would actually speak with you. At least you thought no one would until your brother makes you meet his goth friend.
Some reader's characteristics: R has anxiety disorder, selective mutism, and is a really unique type of outcast. Reader's background it's derived from my Wednesday fic, The Hunt.
You couldn't remember a thing.
No, you remember one thing: laying down and blacking out for once, after spending three nights staring at the bedroom ceiling non-stop. Then you finally closed your eyes and when you opened them again, you saw your own brother painting above you, despair in his eyes and blood covering his red skin.
He shouted questions at you as an animal crawled behind him. You blinked a few times and did not reply, your attention was on the animal, on the beast now standing in front of you.
“Y/N!” Your brother made you sit up, completely unaware of the monster in his back, and asked again: “Who made you sleep? Who guided you?”
Your mouth dried and your stomach crunched as the monster kept getting closer. You knew that monster. The Hyde. Your parents talked about it in the last few months, it was why you came to Jericho in the first place. And it was about to hit you when your brother stood up.
Hank turned his back to you and pushed the monster away, his hands now turned into claws.
You hated when he transformed, and your hatred only grew as you realized what you have done.
While your brother was fighting the beast, you stood up from the ground and looked around the place. You have never been here before but you knew it from pictures. The Pilgrim World, The Outcast Convention. There were bleachers all over the grass and spotlights illuminating the stages your parents were sitting on a few minutes ago. Maybe hours. How long have you been asleep? And why was this place so empty? Where did the crowds go? And there are—Oh. You looked at the person on your feet. A werewolf, you guessed, as she was growling and sleeping peacefully in the grass. There were about five more teenagers in the same state as hers, blacked out on the floor. Then you understood. You understood what you have done.
You have ruined the Outcast Convention.
He covered you with a blanket as the policemen ran through the place. They were after Tyler, your brother told you, not you. You were sitting in the paramedics' triage line when your brother broke out from the mess and noise and sat beside you.
“I need you to answer me this time, okay?” He whispered in your ear before you could see more policemen emerging from somewhere behind you. You heard the alert on their radio. The Hyde was arrested. “Who made you sleep?” You finally looked at him. "Was it mother? You can shake your head.”
You nodded slightly. Yes, you remembered your mother ordering you to go to the bed and then singing a creepy lullaby for you. It was horrible — she was horrible, but it worked. Or maybe the stinky towel in her hand that worked very well.
Your brother’s whole expression stiffened as you replied. He already knew what your mother did to you. He used to help her with it.
“You can’t go back.” Hank mumbled and instantly regretted it. He shook his head before looking at you again. “I freed myself from them, Y/N.” He whispered. “I’m not going back to their camp, and you don’t have to go either. We..we can stay here. You can study and I can work here in Nevermore. I have friends now, they can’t make us leave. Not again.” You saw a tear running down his cheek. “Do you want to? Would you stay with me?”
You felt his strong grip softing around your shoulder, all the intensity in his behavior was clear but he would never risk hurting you. Not anymore. That’s why he needed you to say ‘yes’, he needed you to run away with him.
So you accepted it, you nodded your head convincingly, and you never saw your brother so happy. You never thought he would cry for joy — but he was crying and hugging you even with so many hurt people around him. Hank then stood up and asked you to follow him as he healed the wounded people. The people you hurted, you thought, even though he made no mention of it. Your brother's curse was the perfect risk control for yours: you wounded, he absorbed the wound. No one could ever prove your guilt — your parents' guilt, and the show kept on going. But not anymore.
Now you were a student at Nevermore.
You liked it at first. The school, not the people. Outcast or normie, teenagers were mean in any form. But no one really tried to talk to you after the Convention, and it made things way easier. Everyone knew your name — well, your L/N, but it worked nonetheless — and your brother talked with all the teachers about you. Which meant you didn’t have to sit in pairs nor speak to anyone in class. Even some of your exams were different so you didn’t have to present anything in front of a classmate.
“The teachers and the principal are very comprehensive” Hank told you after you came back smiling from your first day. “But you’ll have to speak to some students at some point. I can help you with it.”
“Why?” You replied immediately. “There’s no need.”
“You are in high school.” You rolled your eyes in response. “You do need a friend.” You walked straight to your room and did not utter another word to your brother for the rest of the day.
Then his schemes began. Well, he was the school advisor after all. And you were now his messenger.
Hank sent you a quest everyday: to deliver a letter, a note, a corrected exam, a chocolate box.
“Chocolate?” You asked as soon as he handed you the box.
“Well, she’s having a really bad time, she needs it.” You rolled your eyes again and walked after the poor girl.
You understood your brother’s strategy: he wanted you to knock on the door, greet the person and then deliver the package. Naive man. You actually only put the package in the hallway, knocked on the door and walked away. No speaking needed at all.
By far, you have barely spoken to anyone.
Some people tried: Xavier Thorpe and Enid Sinclair, your brother’s friends, tried to small talk with you a few times, but you only smiled awkwardly and shook your head until they gave up. There was also this goth girl with them, she was your brother’s friend too, but you could not make yourself look at her. It was hard enough to look at Xavier, who you knew for years, so imagine looking at someone who seems to be a wrong word away from murdering you. Nope. Not a chance.
But Hank — oh, how you hated him sometimes — has this “getting out of your comfort zone” obsession and would never leave you alone.
“No.” It was the first package you refused to deliver. You would not walk to Ophelia Hall to deliver a blank paper note to her. “No, Hank. Please, can’t we just go home? I’m exhausted.”
Your brother looked up from the papers on his desk and watched you with concern. He had noticed how the bags under your eyes had grown, but he had refused to put you to sleep.
“I won't lock you up.” Hank reminded you. “You have to learn to control it.”
“Whatever, Hank.” You sighed, your shoulders and eyes weighing a little more than usual. “Can we go home?”
“Wednesday is with the key to my bike. You have to meet her, wanting or not.”
“Why would she—?” Hank helped her with her creepy stuff, of course, they had a deal after all. You gave up questioning and grabbed the blank note from your brother’s desk. He wished you good luck before you slammed the door.
Yeah, sure, an elf definitely needs luck.
You stomped your way to Ophelia Hall. Ophelia, the girl who was driven mad by her family. How ironic.
The Housemaster didn't even bother with your presence at that point, he just let you pass. You silently strode through the halls, as you were getting used to doing, and no students really noticed you. At least that's what you thought until a shrill voice hurt your ears.
“Pretty L/N!” Was it even a human voice? “Come here, beautiful.” You obviously ignored her. “Oh, wait.” You heard laughter. “That’s the weird L/N.” Oh, fuck, like it's even possible to mistake you for your brother. “Will you reply if we growl?” The voice grew louder on your back. “I think we need to bring a fur to crawl and sniff your ass! This way you will be a good pet, won’t you?” Do not react. Do not react. Do not—you felt the paper scratching the palm of your hand. Your firsts were so strongly closed that your arms were trembling. Your whole body was trembling and they noticed.
The voice finally gained a face and a group of teenagers appeared in front of you. You didn't even notice that you had stopped walking.
“How ugly. You are even worse up close.”
As if you are a beauty.
“It is a pity that you have absolutely nothing to do with your brother.”
Of course I have not, we’re adopted, you stupid bitch.
“Piss off, Gwen, he’s trying to help Hanky. You know, he’s his messenger.”
“That’s why he keeps ghosting our dorm? No, I do not believe that.”
“Come on, you think he’s a perv or something?”
You watched the two girls talking. Did they always have to be this tall? Your neck was already hurt because of your exemplary posture, and looking up certainly didn't help.
“Look at him. He sure is.”
You felt a drop falling into your eyes and winched in reflex. Fuck. Your forehead was totally soaked, as was your clothes. You took a glimpse of the crushed paper in your hand: it was completely wet. You ruined the blank paper note. Pathetic.
“You suck at this.” The voice laughed again. “That’s your message?” The girl grabbed the paper from your hand before you could move away. “You can not speak, you can not deliver a single note, you can not look even me in the eye.” The girl leaned over you. “Is there anything you can do?” You could feel her scoff on your face. “You worthless piece of shit.”
You did not respond. You did not look up. You were barely breathing. Sweat kept running down your face as the girl gave up. She got tired of waiting for a slight response from your and turned back. She was about to finally step away when you moved your foot.
The girl was unexpectedly face down on the ground and her friends gasped at the ugly fall. Everyone looked at you. Oh, how satisfactorily angry they seemed.
“You did it on purpose, you asshole!”
“I can’t believe you’re laughing!” You were not laughing, only smirking a little bit.
“You’ll pay for this!”
A foot kicked your shin, which prevented you from running away. Then a fist hit your face and an elbow struck your back. You stopped recognizing what was hitting you once your knees touched the ground. Your vision turned into a blur and your ears heard nothing but a whirring as they slapped your head. It didn’t actually hurt: you were too numb to describe it as something uncomfortable, and you were used to beatings. But then a boot, somehow, managed to get between your crossed arms and sunk into your stomach. You could feel the weight getting deep in your gut, and the acid taste of your lunch emerged into your mouth. You did not hold it back.
You puked on the girl's shoes and got her socks to be soiled as well. Your throat was burning and dry coughs were already escaping from your dirty lips when you heard the screams distancing themselves.
They had run off.
You crawled on the floor, moving away from the vomit that slipped down the girl’s legs. You do not even know if you have thrown up in the right one.
You growled in anger as you grabbed the dirty paper note from the ground and stood up. Wednesday’s door was only a few feet down the hallway and you needed to go home. You quickly saw her room’s door and stormed in without even knocking.
You were met by a circular window, half colored, half blank. A girl shouted to your left, and a subtle movement came from the right.
You didn’t look at anyone, you didn’t speak to anyone: you simply targeted the key on Wednesday’s desk and rushed to it. You tripped on something on the way — on Thing — but that didn't stop you from taking the key and turning back to the door. You were about to slam the door shut when a cold voice reached you.
“My message.” You were still holding the paper. Fuck. You threw the squashed paper at her feet and left without saying anything.
You felt Wednesday's eyes following your movements — analyzing your soaked uniform, your bruised face and dirty lips, but none of that mattered.
The only thing that mattered was the cold metal between your fingers, the key to your escape, to your brother's motorcycle. Your blood flowed through your veins as the wind cut through your ears, and you ran through the school until you reached the parking lot and the motorcycle.
You started the engine and ran out of Nevermore without looking back.
The cold wind didn't cool your mind, but shivers ran down your skin as you jumped off the bike and left it in the driveway. You barely closed the door and ran into your bedroom. To the glass cell that opened only from the outside. You locked yourself in and threw yourself to the floor as the salty taste of tears mixed with the acidity of everything you had eaten during the day. You were still crying.
And you kept crying until your body got exhausted.
You fell asleep.
@tnnadia @stupendousbananajudgeshark @colezb @aroaceanxietylemon @elduster @iwkaaaaa @mikooooks @chaoticteenagetrash
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1976 Ford Gran Torino
Starsky and Hutch 1975-76 Ford Gran Torino  Starsky and Hutch was a television cop show created by William Blinn and played between 1975 and 1979 on ABC. The show featured two California policemen, the dark-haired David Starsky (Paul Michael Glaser) playing the driver and the blond Ken 'Hutch' Hutchinson (David Soul). Their radio handle was "ZEBRA-3" and their street car was an eye catching tomato red, 1975-76 Ford Gran Torino automobile with a wide white stripe. 
Ford Gran Torino Details  •Year: 1975-76  •Make & Model: Ford Gran Torino  •Engine: 351 c.i. Cleveland V-8 rated at 250 hp (400 c.i. and 460 c.i. V8s were optional and also used)  •Carburetor: Four barrel carb  •Transmission: XPL type C-6 Automatic Transmission  •Wheels: Magnum 500 with HR78 x 14/B Radial Firestone Tires  •Color: Bright Red (2B)  •Other Notables: Black vinyl interior with white trim, color-keyed sport mirrors, AM-FM radio with 8-Track, heavy duty suspension, air shocks on the rear end, special stripe, sport steering wheel, bumper protection and manual air conditioning.
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newsfrom-theworld · 4 months
Today's breaking news:
8 policemen were killed when their car was targeted by Isr@eli occupation forces in Deir al-Balah
Palestinian children were injured after the bombing of homes in the Braij refugee camp, central Gaza.
A Palestinian lost his brother in an Isr@eli air strike in Deir Al Balah city, central Gaza.
8 Palestinians were killed and others were injured in an air strike in Deir al-Balah
Palestinian Ministry of Health: The "isr@eli" occupation committed 7 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 71 martyrs and 182 injuries arriving at hospitals in the past 24 hours.
Palestinian children were injured by an Isr@eli air strike in the Maghazi refugee camp.
A series of Israeli air strikes following the Isr@eli announcement of a military invasion in Al Maghazi and Al Braij refugee camps.
A number of children were killed following a series of Isr@eli air strikes in the Braij and Al Maghazi refugee camps.
The journalist Mohammed Fayeq was injured by the ongoing Isr@eli air strikes in central Gaza.
IOF warplanes carried out an airstrike on Aita Al-Shaab and two airstrikes in Houla and Kfar Kila in southern Lebanon. IOF drones carried out strikes near Yater and Naqoura.
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bogusbyron · 2 months
Show notes from my double show day on 8th august 2024. 2nd show was largely very similar so any extra notes i took on that show are added onto the emds of the relevant scenes. Enjoy!!!
(Ignore the amount of times i mention jordan)
1) Stew snapping the book shut in the prologue real sharp will always make me giggle
2) fun little stolen time pause before stew delivers "do not forget me", makes it short and snappy (SHOW 2: stew threw the yellow slip so jvj would have to go collect it.)
3) valvert stare-down before javert's exit. Okay
4)  at this point i wrote "can't find harry. Worried" because i was scanning the ensemble for harry lake and he WASNT THERE mad as hell
5) verry good low note on "dirt beaneath" in the prologue .. milan❤ (SHOW 2: in that little bit when he steals the coin from the child they messed that the hell up girl you caught jackshit)
6) understudy bishop! Every other time ive been it was Adam Pearce . I think i prefer him but the u/s had a really nice rich voicr which i fw , not quite as deep as adam but i liked him. He was a lot more stern & firm as bishop, with bits like "remember this"  and "passion" being quite harsh.
7) valjean wincing when the bishop helps him stand (SHOW 2: when talking to the policeman after the robbery, valjean shakes his head at the bishop who then nods back at him. Heartbreakinf ohmy gyat)
8) "my life was a war" line being half-spoken, in a very distressed manner... quite liked that. Also he sobbed a bit after "allow this man" which got me in the feels.. let valjean cry 2024 (SHOW 2: harsh on "hate" in I had come to hate the world)
9) higher note on  "god above" which scratched the brain
10) jesus christ milan can hold a note . The whole "eye for an eye" crescendo drives me batty and milan does not disappoint
11) swallowed before "he told me that i have a soul" not sure if that was intentional like at all but considering his nervous delivery on future lines like "ill escape now" i thought it fitting
12) ENSEMBLE TIME🗣 tom is so hard NOT to spot, ginger ass hair. And also during At The End Of The Day he was hunched and staggering dramatically which made me giggle. Also bonnie langford spotted leftmost factory woman. Not important but i saw her. Also jordan was one of the workers and he cheers on the fight between fantine and the other woman but as soon as he sees valjean comes down the stairs he hurriedly goes back to looking busy writing at the desk. Again i giggled .
13) idk if its just me being stupid but katie's wig lookee different to how i remember it last time did she get a new one. ⁉️⁉️
14) "when i was young and unafraid" almost spoken.  Ate🗣
15) THE BRASS ON THE  I DREAMED A DREAM CRESCENDO UUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHH I ALWAUS GET GOOSEBUMPS ON "SHAME" UEGGGGHHH  goosebumps also on "i had a dream life would be"  katie's voice ao good ans clear ill go nuts
16)  i think jordan was the first  dude in lovely ladies  and he also got his arse  tapped by one of them so that was fun . It was harry lake last time but he really got his arse slapped like he stumbled offstage and everything
16) the woman with the hat in lovely ladies i forgot her actress' name but i LOVED her voice . I gotta know if she understudies anyone cause wowzer.
17) bambatabois was pissed as hell he was screaming his head off like a toddler
18) here i wrote "JORDAN POLICEMAN ON DA STAIRS🔥🔥🔥" handwrote the fire emojis and everything. He was playing one of the policemen and he climbed the stairs. I liked that
19) little fantine sob after javert says "i have heard such protestations" which BROKE my heart ohmy gah. Also katie always  eats the crescendo on "you let your foreman send me away"  that whole bit drives me crazy the music and strings bruh ohmy
20) javert's "monsieur le maire"  very curt and sharp almost a hiss which i dont think ive delivered like that before ? Looove snappy javert
21) like when i saw stew & milan on the 14th they have homo moment at the cart when javert holds valjeans bicep for far too long and his voice even goes up higher on "a memory stirs" as he stares into his eyes for Way too long
22) low note on "comes to court" which scratched the brain
23) valjean snatching his coat from javert LMFOAOAOO
24) his whole mini-monologue was so funny cause he was REALLY pronouncing his "k"s so it was just like  traCK🗣ed him down through thICK🗣 and thin. And to maK🗣e the matter certain theres the brand upon his sK🗣in. He will bend. He will breaK🗣 this time there is no mistaK🗣e
25) slight pauses between the last "i am damned" in who am i like  I. Am. Damned
26) i feel like milan is a lot more determined and deliberate and sure of himself as compared to chris' much softer and "mature"? valjean. Which i find interesting
27) katie somehow so good at singing even when "frail"  helloooooooo shes actually cracked  Get out
28) valjean so soft with fantine though  godbless she makes my heart ache. He had her face against her cheek which i thought sweet
30) Valjean scoffing before "men like you can never change" made me giggle hes so sick of his shit
31) gay as fuck fight. Will never get over stewart's insane gagging coughing and whimpering when hes thrown to the ground after being strangled. What the hell. I have a slur to say (SHOW 2: as javert was knelt down in front of valjean (🧐), when he pulled back his fist to fight back it looked like he was about to punch valjean in the balls but luckily valjean knocked him oit before he could do this)
32) BONNIE LANGFORD🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 shes really witchy as mme thenardier kind of obsessed. I like her a lot . Her naturally high pitched voice creates a very interestinf tone when singing as mme thenardier which i LOOOOVE
33) when cosette asks her not to be sent out alone she kind of like steps back almost like shes afraid of cosette . Dont know whether this was fear or her being taken aback that cosette would reply but still made me laugh
34) JOOOOORDDAAAAAANN🗣🗣🗣 FUCK YALL KNOW ABOUT THE DUDE IN THE RED JACKET , hes the one who shouts  "over here landlord" or some shir and "this place has gone to hell" before the song properly starts. The WHOLE song he was such a delight to watch, hes so camp and did the gayest of walks and dances and whatever the fuck , ohmy god he was so funny . If anyone goes to see the show soon and jordans ensemble please watch our for him in master of the house, tall bloke in the hat and red jacket. You cant miss him hes camp as hell. Im obsessed with him deeply and i wish i couldve watched master of the house on repeat PURELY so i could see the bloke in the red jacket. (SHOW 2: he did a kind of silly gay walk in which he did the wallace (like from wallace and gromit) hands) Here are some doodles i did of him:
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35) tom was on as thenardier BTW (ginger thenardier gang) i like the way he shakes his epaulettes on "content to be". I loved tom & bonnie's rapport as the thenardiers too, so good . Tomardier on top . They were dancing together and shit during the  chorus they were fun. Apparently thenardier put mme thenardier in a headlock at some point as well which is funny
36) bonnie did a little r roll on "regular voltaire". Not impoerant at all but i liked it. Also did a low note on "master and a half" which i also liked
37) kept the bit where mme thenardier says "where the fu" before realising valjean is there . And the bit where she sprays perfume up her skirt. Always a good gag (cause like i get it)
38) bonnie's pretending to be worriwd abt cosette was so good . Her comedy acting genuinely endearing and im hype
39) tom, like last time i saw him, goes really high pitched on "like our own, monsieur" which is SO funny god i love tomardier
40) on "treacherous people about" they kind of advance on valjean but then immediately cower away when he stands up to challenge them LMFAOAO
41) marius appears. Jac yarrow has a  GREAT voice , but Is he better than harry lake ? 🤫 maybe im just biased . Harrius sweep
42) jordan as claquesous (which is the only character of his that gets a name) is so funny . Hes swinging around his little corner of the set a lot . Swinging from the beams and shit. I do not  blame him id do the same
43) Ok first of all yaz eponine was AMAZING  her "ITS JAVERT!" is so chilling. Shes awesome godbless WHAT  a voice. Javert also keeping it curt and snappy and hissing "square"  in Another brawl in the square. Hilarious
44) i love the way tomardier tries to escape being held by the policemen on "HE'S ---! THE ONE YOU SHOULD  ARREST!" it always makes me laugh. Also voice crack on "chest" in Brand upon his chest. The way he and bonnie strut offstage after being freed is SO funny
45) OK TIME FOR THE STARS INFLECTION NOTES.  Sharp & curt on "there" which i dont usually hear. Soft on "fugitive". Pronounced "god" like  god-uh which was funny. Soft on "yield". Slight stolen time hold on "mine" ("is the way of the lord" as a result came out sharper). Soft on "scarce" rather than the usual hiss i hear. Dribbling a bit . Growled on "returns". VERY clear note on "bars". Sounded a bit like he struggled with "then" on Until then, but delivered as usual on the final Stars. Hoo boy go stew (2ND SHOW: only one i got was "exasperated "Always"" on  And is always the same. I cannot remember what i meant by this but usually my inflection notes are somewhat accurate so let ur imaginaton run wild)
46) for some reason i noted how gavroche had really long eyelashes. I have no idea if i was just seeing things or what but yeah
47) jac has really solid vibrato honestly . His voice is GREAT . I will refrain from comparing him to harry cause i think we all know how much i like him already . But i have things to say .
48) JORDAN UNNAMED STUDENT NO1 WITH THE GLASSES 😭😭😭😭😭😭 half moon glasses he ate that. Cafe scene started off with him arguing with enjolras which i thought funny. He seemed really prim and bitchy with i loooved, dont ask me what anyone else was doing for this scene cause my eyes did not leave him
49) grantaire shouting *YOU* talk of battles to be  won  while pointinf at enjolras made me giggle
50) jordan scoffing off to the side @ grantaire  as he starts playing catch with his bottle. Im obsessed with him. Maybe id be a les amis fan if he was there. Also he's the one who chimes in "OUR WORLD !🗣" so whatever
51) grantaire spinning around across the stage on "red" during marius' verse
52) jordan did NOT need to stand on that  chair at the red & black crescendo girl you are tall Enough
53) enjolras did a silly little "HA-HA!!" I think after "blaze in their eyes"
54) jordan helping move the big staircase setpiece during do you hear the people sing... hashtag stagehands represent BIG UP STAGE MANAGEMENT🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣💥
55) Lulu may not have my favourite voice ever but she is cute as  cosette i cannot  lie she does little toe bounces every now and then i like that .
56) milan had a little stray loose hair that fell over his face and i couldnt take my eyes off it
57) jac quite harsh on the "burst" in She has burst like the music which was fire. Spit yo shit marius
58) yaz has SUCH  powerful voice it was always so shocking everytime she sang GET HER ON PRINCIPAL NEEOOOWWW!!!!!!
59) marius did a little awkward ass wave to cosette after she comes out on the balcony to see her, like he just lifts his hand up a little, DIDNT EVEN SMILE? just ✋😦 looking slightly startled. So good. He also did a deep ass bow to her when she comes down which made me giggle
60) so jordan had like, a stick  as a weapon as claquesous in the attack on rue plumet and as he runs onstage he kinda fumbled with it. Whether this was intentional or not i dont know but regardless yes i laughed. (2ND SHOW: thenardier tries to get up onto the balcony twice, instead of the usual once. The first time, claquesous gets down on hands and knees like a stool. Thenardier steps on him and claquesous immediately collapses under the weight.)
61) i dont seem to remember this happening in other shows  does thenardier always hit eponine after "you'll scream alright"? Or am i insane. Because he did this show (2ND SHOW: marius blows a kiss through the fence to cosette before he runs off.)
62) YAZ DURING ONE DAY MORE BEUHHHH ohmy days.... so sosososoop good so strong... djavan also as usual strong, the way his voice always rips through the theatre is just amazing godbless (2ND SHOW: bonnie sticking her leg up in the air as she's carted off.)
64) Grantaire was kinda creeping up behind enjolras for whatever reason at some point. Was funny as hell
66) Yaz was so delightfully gentle as Eponine i liked it . Made her powerful voice a lot more standout for me . As for on my own inflection: short on "silver" in Shines like silver. The string pickup as it builds up to the crescendo on "and i know its only in my mind" is always insane ohhumy gyat. Harsh on "the trees" in the trees are bare and everywhere. Harsh and almost spoken on the final "without me". The last crescendo was utterly gorgeous . Yaz eat yuor heart out❤
67) on jod theres usually fog for the barricade reveal. No fog this show. Disappointing..  i love fog
68) army general's bit .. as usual harsh on "you" which i like but i think he skipped a beat . Didmt note where but i remember there being a missed beat and it was a bit fast (2ND SHOW: this might have been for the 2nd attack but regardless, when theyre shouted to get down, jordan's student who was way downstage (audience) left he almost fell over when he went to kneel down . Very clumsy job there boss. Obsessed)
69) stew's baker boy matches jordan's now... last time i saw stew he was in brown. Hes in the green/red now ‼️⁉️
70) yaz's eponine seemed content to submit herseld and die in marius' arms which was so heartbreaking . The key up. Also voice break on "her name was" which made me want to punch a wall
71) gavroche hands marius eponines hat :-(((((
72) i think milan was struggling to get off the barricade he almost stumbled and had to be helped down ajdhdifhd
73) javert just kinda admitting defeat and slumping to his knees with a haunted look in his eyes ❤ getting his lapels grabbed until "youre free" will always fuck hard as well. Theway hes grabbing onto valjeans wrists though I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE (2ND SHOW: during drink with me milan and jordan were off to the side next to each other chatting away. Jvj starts to chug whatevers in his cup. Jordan goes to take the cup from him but jvj turns away so that he cant take it. Jvj alcoholism era. Additionally jvj puts his arm around jordan's character just before the final battle.... ouff... Here are some sketches i did of them:)
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73) milan's vocal range is sooogood. His whole Bring Him Home just scrumptious. Plus the crescendo on the strings UGGHHHHHHH. It SOUNDED like he struggled a tad on that final "him" but Home came out GREAT ... godbless
74) final attack. I noticed jordan's student wedged away in the crevice to the (audience) left and everytime hed fire his gun hed turn away and scrunch his face up. Obsessed. I did NOT see where he died though. This tells me he did not actually die and hes alive and well❤
75) javert kissing the cross over gavroche 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 (i THINK valjean does this too earlier? Possibly he did this in the 2nd show)
76) tomardier holding the dead body's jaw and making it say "breath away from hell" in a stupid voice". He also did a silly posh voice on "thankyou sir im in your debt". "And god in his heaven" almost spoken i think. I alsofind it funny how he kicked over marius' body and stepped up on his arse
77) Javert seemed to almost miss & run past valjean ans marius LMFAAOOO i had a little giggle.
78) Jvj looking so sick of javert will never not be funny hes sooooo fucking done
79) I very much liked the slight distant stare like a moment of reflection before he sings "take him valjean!" adds a little to that bit i think. Yum. Thanks stewart
80) Soliloquy inflections.  "Who is this man/what sort of devil is he" GROWLED rather thsn the usual scream he does . Liked it i cant lie. He was quite shaky especially on "caught in a trap" which was LAAAVELY...... spat "back" in Gave me back my life . Harsh  on "mocked" which is always delightful to hear, a classic . Absolutely delectable tone shift  and becoming quite weak and almost croaky for "how can i now allow this man". He was even hoarse for "gave me freedom", and weak on "die as well". As per the Stewart Clarke Special there was a tremendous glob of spit escaping him on "sins"  in Shall his sins be forgiven . Absolutely delightful voice crack on "begin to doubt". Another glob of spit in "lost in shadow".  SUPER shaky "i am reaching". Yet another glob of spit on "stars are black". Low note on "escape now". And, as per, hit that shit (2ND SHOW: voice crack on "he" in "devil is he". Whimpered "gave me my life". Snarled "it was his right". Another glob of spit on "sins" like the first show. Whimpered "and must i now". Another glob of spit for "escape now".)
81) anyway , empty chairs time. Quite short on "on and on". Lovely and rich delivery of "never came" (thats a hard note to hit comfortably!).. again jac's vibrato was very notable to me !!!!! He delivered "phantom shadows" very upset like a half-sob. The following "empty chairs" very harsh. SHOUTED "don't ask me".
82) i liked his distant & haunted stare during every day ughhh mawius...
83) lulu as usual hitting those insane notes Go girl!!!
84) i really liked milan's acting during the confession - i personally preferred chris' performance but both absolutely stellar. His expressions were wonderfully desperate
85) i think someone (djavan?) almost missed their cue as ome of the servants during the wedding i saw them jogging onstage to help with the table LMFAOAOOO
86) if you didnt know already, bonnie langford does the splits when she curtsies when she appears. She also seems more interested in the drinks djavan servant has to offer than the plan to scam marius . She keeps trying to set thenardier right and then tiptoes off to take a swig of wine. Giggled
87) when marius tells them to go away thenardier turns around and says "for god's sake" LMFOAOAOAO
88) after thenadier is punched by marius (does his classic 270° spin) he falls over and gets stuck on his back, flailing around like a tortoise while mme thenardier cackles like a witch
89) they do the littlw pointy toe gay dance together hashtag true love (2ND SHOW: tomardier blowing a kiss at the lord.)
90) milan during the epilogue always heartbreaking he is wonderfully frail. Absolutely lovely  gentle low notes . He was almost sobbing on "on this page" which made me want to start killing. Sniffed before "its a story". Very shaky voice on "to my keeping". ... suicide tomorroeeeeee
BONUS) since i had nothing more to note down in the epilogue i drafted the next chapter of my fanfiction.
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confessbeatles · 4 months
Wait so…
Help!: Paul gets chased by a thief and almost falls off the Eiffel Tower. His friends just sing.
Penny Lane: Paul gets chased by some firemen/policemen. His friends just sing.
Another episode I can’t remember: Paul gets kidnapped by a bear. His friends just sing.
8 Days a Week: Paul gets chased by a woman who tries to kiss him without his consent. His friends just sing AND laugh.
My poor baby Paulie can’t catch a break in these toons 😭😂😭😂
Justice for pol 😔
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
🔶 Sun morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️MASSACRE STATS GROW HOURLY.. from last nights rescue, the latest Hamas numbers are now 220 killed, 700 injured as of 8:00 AM.  (( Standard cultural practice - divide by 5 to 10. ))
▪️THE BUILDINGS THE RESCUED HOSTAGES WERE HELD IN.. were bombed and destroyed from the air - AFTER a warning “knock” was given.  
▪️HEZBOLLAH SAYS.. Saudi Al-Hadath reported last evening from its sources: following the high death toll (( fake numbers )) in the (rescue) operation in Nusirat, Hezbollah is expected to expand its attacks along the border with Israel. "The IDF violated the rules of confrontation.”
▪️HEZBOLLAH TO TRY.. per a Lebanese source: Hezbollah will raise the level of air-to-ground attacks against the warplanes flying over Lebanon's airspace.  Major goal to take down an Israeli jet.
▪️GERMAN FOREIGN MINISTER.. "There is new hope for ending the Gaza war, and the proposed agreement may mark the beginning of the end of the war."  (( Delusional. ))
🔹HERE’S WHAT THE GAZANS ARE SHARING.. (some horror! Avoid if sensitive.)
A truck arrived with aid and suddenly 10 soldiers got out and fired three bullets, one in my chest and two in my feet. The random shelling began and I looked around. I saw dozens of citizens on the ground, including people with their heads blown off.  The truck came from the American seaport that the occupation established and it helped the (Israeli) terrorist forces carry out the terrorist attack against the defenseless Palestinians in Nuseirat.”
Via video, though you can watch the ‘injured’ persons eyes showing them reading this ‘testimony’.
▪️AID PIER.. 492 tons of aid were brought into Gaza yesterday through the pier. But the Americans are very worried about attacks as Gazans on social media believe the pier was used in yesterday’s rescue.
▪️KAPLAN PROTEST ARRESTS.. 33 arrested.  A doctor providing treatment to injured at the protest was “attacked by policemen while he was providing medical treatment. He was beaten and arrested.”  The Min. Of Health has filed a protest.
▪️HIGH COURT ACCEPTS PETITION AGAINST AL JAZEERA CLOSURE LAW.. court: “the respondents must come and give a reason why it should not be determined “the Law on Preventing a Foreign Broadcasting Organization's Harm to State Security” is null and void.”
The government will today extend the orders to close Al Jazeera activity in Israel by another 45 days.
▪️US ALLOWS PROTEST IN FRONT OF WHITE HOUSE DEMANDING ISRAELIS BE KILLED.. apparently publicly calling for murder death and mayhem is now permitted in the U.S. 
♦️COUNTER-TERROR FIREFIGHT - BALATA.. near Shechem overnight.
⭕HOUTHIS HIT 2 SHIPS.. cargo ships in the Gulf of Aden.  Fires onboard.
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Events In The History And Of The Life Of Elvis Presley Today On September The 1st In 1957.
Elvis Presley Seattle, WA. Sick's Stadium (eve) September 1st, In 1957. September 1st, during Labor Day weekend after performing in Vancouver, BC the previous evening and a matinee show in Tacoma that day, Elvis Presley Scotty, Bill, DJ and the Jordanaires performed to a crowd of over 16,000 fans at Sick's Stadium, 90% of them teenage girls. Tickets sold for $1.50, $2.50, and $3.50 and the show was supposed to begin at 8:30 p.m. but it was well past 10 p.m. before a cordon of policemen appeared around the stage and Elvis Presleywalked out from the dugout as the crowd began to scream in earnest. rare b/w candid photo with press journalists reporters and on stage here at this show.
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chaplinlegend · 1 month
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Alain Delon, the last of the giants of French cinema, has died; actor, director and producer, born on November 8, 1935 in Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine) He passed away this morning - August 18, 2024 in Douchy-Montcorbon (Loiret). He was 88 years old. May he rest in peace!!!
Alain Delon took his first steps on screen in films such as "When a Woman is Involved" (1957) and "Be Beautiful and Silent" (1958), where he met Jean-Paul Belmondo. His career gained momentum thanks to roles in the films "Rocco and His Brothers" (1960) and "The Full Sun" (1960). He collaborated with such outstanding directors as Luchino Visconti, Michelangelo Antonioni and Jean-Luc Godard, creating characters of lonely gangsters and policemen. His most famous roles include playing in the films "Rocco and His Brothers", "Full Sun", "Eclipse", "The Leopard" and "Samurai". Throughout his career, Delon has won numerous awards, including the honorary Palme d'Or at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival and the César Award for his role in the film "Our Story" (1984). His image has become a brand, and he has appeared on the covers of prestigious magazines such as "Elle" and "Paris Match".
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cutest-silly-nb · 2 months
my take on the fnv factions if anyone tries to start an actual discussion using this post please go launch yourself off the side of the dam/lh/silly
the ncr: they're trying their best but they're also bureaucratic and also trying to be america again which didn't work out last time
the legion: this is a shoddy remake of rome led by a guy who is completely misunderstanding old world philosophy, speaks an okay amount of latin, and has a brain tumor. they also do slavery and that's not very based of them
mr. house: he's like caesar but he has a better grasp of old world philosophy on account of him being from the old world. now unlike the others he actually has some depth to his motivations (well caesar does too but again i think caesar was mostly misunderstanding old world philosophy and is also fucking insane. he talks big shit but he's fucking bonkers). unlike caesar, good old bobby homestead is of sound mind and-- okay scratch that. sound mind and frail body but his motive for preserving humanity appears to be so that he can have something to dictate. as a dictator.
yes man: if i was in charge of new vegas i'd be freaking awesome at it. here's what i'd do if i was in charge of new vegas in descending order of priority
1. wipe every fucking trace of the legion off the map
2. establish diplomatic relations with the ncr. also, rig the next election.
3. make myself immortal. i'm the best ruler. nothing will go wrong if i do this
4. adopt the name of mr. house because that's a baller motif
5. as the new mr. house, try my best to improve the lives of the people of the newly christened free economic zone of new vegas by using all those fucking resources i've acquired to make freeside not an absolute dump.
6. maybe don't give the policemen rocket salvos
7. design a flag for new vegas. probably something cool
8. make sure my missile defenses are up to par in case someone tries to nuke me
9. relax with a bottle of sunset sarsaparilla
10. alright enough relaxing. deploy forces to arizona (also, make an army. should have put that somewhere in there make a volunteer army that isn't robots. robots are bad for the image)
11. right. deploy human forces into arizona and inform them that the legion is gone. maybe expand into arizona.
12. check on the ncr. if the new president doesn't suck major balls, establish diplomatic relations. otherwise, arrange his death.
13. withdraw into the shadows. extend my cloud of influence over the rest of nevada. make the californian government uncomfortable.
14. disappear. ensure new vegas prospers. never talk to anyone ever again. rule from the shadows.
15. i forgot what point i was making. basically i'd be frickin awesome as the ruler of vegas
16. oh i forgot this one. send victor back to goodsprings. conveniently arrange for the death of any raiders who set their sights on it. my point is my main method of attack is convenient deaths. my secondary method is SECURITRON ATTACK 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖
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Warning: the first photo of the five below shows a dead body. If you do not want to see it, either scroll past it quickly or skip this post.
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On April 8, 1947, investigators finally found the body of Langley Collyer in his house on Fifth Avenue and 128th St. in Harlem. He had lived there for decades with his brother Homer, whose body had been found some two weeks earlier. Homer had apparently died of starvation. Because the ground floor was completely filled with 50 tons of debris, policemen had to enter through the upper floors. It took them several days to clear the ground floor.
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The four-story building was crammed to the rafters with sewing machines, the body of a Model T, weapons, baby carriages, busts, mangled Christmas trees, thousands of books, 14 pianos, an organ, newspapers packed in boxes, and other items. The total came to 120 tons.
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The brothers had lived there since 1909, when Langley, a lawyer, was 28. After the death of their mother 20 years later, they lived there alone. They were notorious for their extreme thrift—Homer walked to work on paper-thin soles to save money for the subway, they canceled their phone service in 1917 and, after disputes with utility companies in 1927, they went without water or electricity.
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Some time in the early 1930s, they stopped working and became recluses. Langley left the house only at night, leading neighbors to call him "Ghost." Homer went blind and also suffered from severe rheumatism. The two became paranoid, convinced that thieves were out to get them, and installed traps all over the house. It is thought that Langley fell into one of his own traps.
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Because the brothers had no heirs, their property passed to the state. The city had the brownstone demolished.
Over the years the Collyer story has inspired films, plays, and books. There have been off-Broadway stage productions such as Mark Saltzman's Clutter and Richard Greenberg's The Dazzle, a nonfiction book, Ghosty Men, by journalist Franz Lidz, Richard Finkelstein's series of drawings of the Collyer house, a Glasgow musical called "Tunnel Visions," which set the brothers' story to a music and light show, and, in 2009, the novel Homer and Langley by E.L. Doctorow.
All photos from the AP via Der Spiegel. Anthony Camerano took all but the top, which was taken by Jacob Harris, and the bottom, which was the work of Harry Harris.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi!!! I love your blog so much, especially your weekly summaries-- they are just so helpful! I was wondering if you know of any Bls with the military/policemen/fire fighters? I know military service is mandatory in thailand and south korea so I was wondering if there were any Bls that have one the main characters in the military (or police, firefighters etc.) Thanks so so much!
Hi!!! Thank you!
Sure thing. There are a few, not many. Countries with conscription policies (e.g. Korea & Thailand) usually have a defacto ban on realistic/non-positive representation of military service in their media. In other words, BL by its nature (gay in military) stays away from this setting.
BLs in uniform (featuring military/policemen/fire fighter romances)
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A Tale of Thousand Stars Thai 2021 YouTube (ranger) - With great casting and cinematography this drama nods at BL tropes but manages to elevate them (and itself) with a strong mature story concept about a spoiled rich kid who gets a heart transplant and becomes a teacher it order to pay out survivor’s guilt. On the way he falls in love with a local park ranger and contends with his own classism and escapist tendencies. Everyone seemed to perfectly suit their roles and GMMTV made the most out of its stable. Combined with excellent production (and post production) values, 1000 Stars is without question GMMTV’s most mature, charming, and smart BL series. I think it should go down as one of the top BLs of all time. I feel safe recommending this one to friends and non BL watchers. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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HIStory 3: Trapped Taiwan 2019 Viki (cop) - Basically the definition of enemies to lovers from Lin Pei Yu. This is a cop + the mafia man he is chasing but WAIT, they fall in love. Added bonus side couple: assassin and nerd cop ALSO falling in love. It’s great. All the leads are stellar. Its high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but… amorphous ending. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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Your Name Engraved Herein Taiwan 2020 Netflix? (army, recent history) - This movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. MIXED REC, NOT FOR SPECIFICALLY BL FANS
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S.C.I. AKA SCI Mysteries China/Hong Kong 2018 YouTube? (censored bromance, cops) - This is a police procedural with a censored main couple of police investigators who live together basically as husbands, it’s just not talked about. This is one of the first BLs I ever saw (I found their relationship very confusing). RECOMMENDED
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Guardian China 2018 grey (censored bromance, cop) - Episodic urban fantasy meets police procedural, one of the most epic long term pinings in the history of long term pinings. RECOMMENDED
Light Taiwan 2021 Gaga (cop) - Ironically titled movie about a street hustler (incest, rape, abuse survivor - all depicted on screen) who falls in (and in love with) an undercover cop. TRIGGERS
Shorts & Sides
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A First Love Story Korea 2021 YouTube & Gaga (military service) - Strongberry are true masters of their craft and yet A First Love Story is still one of the best things they have ever produced. It’s the only microfilm ever to make one of my year end top ten list. It’s two episodes of about 8 minutes each that manage to perfectly portray the sweetest friends-to-lovers confession ever. It’s joyful, and gentle with its characters, and a little hot. How on earth do they manage to leave us yearning for more yet completely satisfied at the same time? It’s like the perfect amuse-bouche, that one finger food at that one cocktail party that you will never forget. You are a ridiculous human if you haven’t spent 16 minutes with these two boys. Go watch it now. Or go watch it again. It’s time VERY well spent. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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Just Friends? Korea 2009 Gaga (military service) - Boyfriends, one of whom is on military leave, trying to decide on coming out and the future. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
(also one of Korea's first BLs, they would NOT stick to this style, it's way more Taiwan feeling.)
The Immeasurable Taiwan 2021 Gaga (cop) - Police officer falls in love with a student who turns out to be an anti-establishment activist. MIXED REC
DanYok side couple in Not Me (cop)
I've left out bodyguards and historicals (or both).
I've left out the super dark, unhappy, violent, rapey, and pinks, because... I don't like 'em, and you asked me... so...
Now you know why the BL adaptation I want more than ANYTHING is Decedents of the Sun, soldier+healer but GAY? Come on, it writes itself!
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tomoeakatsuki · 4 months
Title: 괴물(Goemul) - Monster/Beyond evil
"I killed someone."
"How?" A pause. "How did you kill her?"
2000, Manyang.
One morning, in front of the Lee's door, are found ten fingertips.
In the reed fields, a body.
Twenty years later, a new series of murders brings to light an old unsolved case.
Lee Dong-sik used to be a great detective. But now he's only a nutjob, a policeman of Manyang going berserk more than he should, seeking revenge and his sister's body.
Han Joo Won is the son of the man who will soon become the most powerful in Korea. He wants at all costs to catch the killer on the loose.
Astonishing truths, old secrets, deaths, the true demonstration that blood isn't thicker than water, and how the human mind can change so radically its opinion.
Probably the strong point of this series are the characters themselves. Because the story is something classic - two policemen, a murder, a killer to catch - that can work with other characters, but the characters won't be themselves in another story. It's the story, what they live, who made them like that.
And, all is narrated with a good cinematic - once you're in, it's hard to return to reality.
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1. A bunch of posters of the series
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2. Han Gi-hwan and Nam Sang-bae
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3. Oh Jihwa and Park Jung-je
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4. Kang Jin-mook and his daughter, Min-jung
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5. Lee Chang-jin and Park Jung-je's mother, Do Hae-won
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6. The Manyang's crew
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7. Some shots of Han Joo Won and Lee Dong-sik staring at them, talking about trust and being partners
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8. Han Joo Won's desperation
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9. "The night" by Choi Baek Ho, my favourite part of the soundtrack
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10. An edit from two different photoshoots
(It's not clear how much I love this series, right?)
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