#8 counts for rita
sittidav · 2 years
This is clip 4 of our series Jam-min', approximately one minute of jamming. This is our version of 8 Counts for Rita by the great organist Jimmy Smith from the album Dot Com Blues.
It was recorded live, mixed, edited and filmed in my home studio with my Nikon D750 camera using Logic Pro and Final Cut. I hope you like it.
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azsazz · 4 months
Midnight Muse (Epilogue)
Azriel x Reader [Art School AU]
Summary: You and your best friend Feyre have just moved into a new apartment for your sophomore year of college at art school. What you didn't know when you signed the lease is that you'd be living next to three rowdy boys.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,783
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21] [Part 22] [Part 23] [Part 24] [Part 25] [Masterlist]
Notes: The end of an era 😭😭 Holy smokes I'm so happy and also sad I cannot believe it's over.
**Seven Months Later**
“Azriel,” you sing-song, bursting in through the open front door to their house. 
At the end of the spring semester Azriel’s father had bought 3rd Street apartments, and none of you had renewed your leases. His father hadn’t even tried to convince him to stay, but that didn’t matter to Azriel. The only thing that any of the five of you seemed to care about was that you’d no longer be living next to each other come summer.
Azriel, Rhysand, and Cassian had found a house to rent on the outskirts of campus. Of course, the place is gorgeous, a modern number that looks like it costs more than Rhysand is making it out to be. He’d been adamant about the three of them staying together, no matter what, and he’d tried to convince you and Feyre to move into another apartment nearby, but it wasn’t the right fit for either of you. 
You wanted something more homey than the new building, something walkable since you nor Feyre have cars. You already miss your old apartment dearly, saddened by what Azriel’s father is going to make it into. Sure, the elevator was a death trap that stuck, and sure, the walls were thinner than paper, but it was home, where you’d found love with your grumpy next door neighbor, though you’re sure in Azriel’s version of the story you were the grumpy one. 
The five of you had spent your last night at the building together, drinking and eating your heart content in waffles and ice cream from Rita’s. It was the perfect last night to end your time in the building, but also the semester. You passed your Drawing 101 final with flying colors, the half swan portrait you drew was something you’d never thought you’d be able to finish. Now, it’s one of your most treasured artworks. 
You’d chosen the swan because of their representation of the awakening of the power of self and self-esteem. When you’d started the semester you’d been unsure of your ability in the creative world, but after hearing the stories of so many around you, Azriel’s included, it awakened your inner artist, and your work only grows more confident by the day.
You’d also chosen to morph yourself with the swan because of their grace. Grace in dealing with others; Azriel’s gnarly attitude, Cassian’s cheekiness, Rhysand’s cockiness, Lucien’s snark, and Feyre’s hidden relationship, which didn’t last long, but still hurt your friendship.
You’ve come a long way since then, and are now in love with the neighbor that had been a thorn in your side for months. Azriel is as sweet as ever now, though he still distracts you from your work these days, but it’s no longer with rowdy music.
You turn towards the living room where you hear Azriel calling your name. You come to a screeching half at the sight of him and Cassian, chests bare as they carry a couch between them, moving further into the room. 
Your eyes zero in on Azriel, his tan chest glistening with effort. It’s move in day for them and they’ve been carrying boxes from 3rd Street apartments all morning. He looks godly in the light spilling in through the large glass windows overlooking the yard. The parties at this place are going to be insane this year, of that you know. It’s all Cassian has talked about since they’d signed the lease, commenting how their housewarming party is going to rival that of Project X. 
“Hey, princess,” Azriel winks at your wandering eyes and you can only beam. So what if he’s caught you admiring his chiseled torso? He’s all yours and you can stare if you please. Although, the sudden dampness between your legs has you shifting on your feet, Azriel’s smirk widening. 
“Can you two stop eye-fucking for one minute?” Cassian groans dramatically, acting like he’s struggling under the weight of the couch. You and Azriel both roll your eyes at the same time, which makes you burst into giggles. “This thing is fucking heavy.” 
“All right, let’s put it over here,” Azriel directs, guiding them a few more feet into the room. They place it in front of the giant TV Rhysand splurged one, and you know movie nights are going to be great in here. It’ll be just like you’re at a movie theater, without all of the extra bodies. 
You and Azriel still have yet to break in the couch, often choosing the privacy of his bedroom (as much as the thin walls give you) over the common rooms he shares with his roommates.
Speaking of, there’s a thump coming from upstairs and the sound of Feyre’s laughter drifting down the staircase. So maybe this new house isn’t that much more private than your old apartment.
As soon as he puts his end of the couch down you’re flinging yourself into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. Azriel laughs and swings you around before planting your feet back on the ground and leaning over to kiss you silly. 
The flooding warmth throughout your body only intensifies as he steps closer, pressing his body into yours and rolling his hips a little, allowing you to feel his interested cock in his pants. 
“Hi,” you grin when you part.
Azriel’s gold eyes glitter with amusement. “Hi, princess. How is your morning?” 
Your hands snake down his chest, brushing over his nipples as you go. You don’t miss his reaction to your touch and it makes you giddy all over again. Hooking your fingers into the waistband of his pants, your smile turns sultry, watching his eyes darken. “Much better now.” 
“Is that so?” Azriel quirks an eyebrow. He looks like he’s two seconds away from dragging you upstairs to his new room and breaking it in. You wouldn’t mind that one bit. “Do I want to know why you’re this cheery this early in the morning?”
“You already know,” you beam, rolling onto the tips of your toes to kiss him on the nose. When you try to pull away Azriel growls, tightening his grip on you. 
“You can’t say that and not want me to fuck you, princess,” he says roughly, leaning down to whisper in your ear. His breath is hot across the shell and you shudder in his arms, eyelashes fluttering at his words. You have to swallow back the moan threatening to escape.
You startle at the sound of a loud crash, turning to see Cassian all but glaring at the two of you, having just dropped a box of books to the ground purposefully. 
“I thought we were supposed to be moving,” Cassian tosses over his shoulder and yells up the stairs, “I can’t have both roommates fucking already. There’s still so much shit to move!”
“I’m coming,” Rhysand yells back and you crinkle your nose.
It makes Cassian crack, a smile twitching at his lips. He has his hands on his hips and is still staring at you and Azriel in a false stern manner. “I knew I made a good decision to befriend you, (Y/N).”
“More like forced yourself into my life,” you grumble playfully, following him out to his Bronco, stuffed full with boxes.
“Just for that, I’m giving you a heavy box,” he teases right back, but he wasn’t kidding because your breath is nearly knocked from your chest when he hands you one. It’s falsely labeled ‘Az’s room’ on it because it feels like there’s a pile of bricks in it. 
Azriel glares at his roommate as he rids you of the heavy box. You give him a smile in thanks, sneakily sliding out a box labeled ‘couch pillows’ instead. It takes you back to the day that you and Feyre moved into your last apartment, how the living room box had been the last one you’d brought inside before your very first—and terrible—run in with Azriel.
The smile you wander inside with is a nostalgic one.
“Are you ready?” 
“Then why are you acting like I’ve already put the needle to your skin?” Azriel argues, sitting back in his chair.
You’re laid up on the table, shirt pulled up to your neck, waiting for Azriel to put the tattoo gun to your skin. You keep squirming, not quite comfortable on the cold table top, but it’s the best he can do while he’s still waiting to hear back about his apprenticeship he interviewed for last week. It’s been a few long, grueling days, and you thought you’d distract him by finally allowing him to give you your first tattoo. It had taken you months to decide, and Azriel hadn’t pushed you once about the matter, no matter how badly he’d wanted to put ink on your skin.
Now, the sound of the gun is making you rethink your decision.
You sigh loudly and Azriel shuts the gun off, placing it on the table. He rips the gloves from his hands and helps you sit up, guiding your shirt back into place.
“Maybe we should wait,” he suggests softly, though you can see the hurt in his eyes.
It’s not that you don’t trust him. No, you trust Azriel with your life. It’s that you’re overthinking the design you’d thought you wanted so badly. 
“I want one,” you huff, sadly, “But I don’t think this is the one.”
Azriel soothes his hands up your thighs. “That’s okay, princess. There’s no rush. You don’t even have to get one, if you don’t want to.” 
“I do,” you whine in frustration. You had it planned for weeks, this idea, and now…you just can’t go through with it. It doesn’t feel right. 
You slide off of the table into Azriel’s lap, resting your head against his chest as he holds you tight. You let the soothing beat of his heart calm you down, the running of his hands up and down your back a relaxing gesture. It makes your heart swell, with the amount of love that you have for him. 
Azriel brushes some hair away from your face when you pull back. He’s studying you with those intense golden eyes you’ve come to adore. You can read everything in those eyes; his annoyance, his happiness, his anger, his lust, even his feelings for you, but right now, you’re not all too confident in what he’s thinking.
“I want to show you something,” he murmurs softly and you frown.
“Okay,” you answer tentatively, but his hand is sure in yours as he laces your fingers together after helping you off his lap. 
He guides you up the stairs and into his room.
“Azriel,” you tease, “I already know this room too well,” you say, alluding to his first night in the house where he fucked you over every surface in his room. It was pure bliss, one of the best nights you’ve shared.
Azriel puffs a breathy laugh and guides you to sit on the edge of his bed. You follow his instructions with obedience, covering your eyes when he tells you.
He waves a hand in front of your face to make sure you’re not looking. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Um,” your lips turn into the cutest pout when you think. “Two?”
He’s holding up none but he grumbles. “I was thinking two.” 
You bounce giddily on the edge of his bed and his cock twitches as he thinks of you bouncing on his cock just like that. 
“Easy, princess.” 
You stop your bouncing but not your grinning.
Azriel strides over to his closet, pulling out the canvas he’s been working on, when you aren’t around, of course. Well, he only dares pull it out around you when you’re fast asleep in his bed. It’s consumed him day and night, and finally, his masterpiece is finished.
“What is it?” you ask giddily, unable to rein in your excitement or the butterflies in your stomach.
You hear Azriel’s laughter as he moves closer. “If I told you, that would defeat the whole purpose of me asking you to close your eyes, princess,” he tuts and you swear you can hear him rolling his eyes. “But you can open them now, Miss Impatient.”
“That’s my middle name—” your words stick to your throat as you stare at the canvas he’s holding in front of you. 
You’re in awe, struck by the lines so confidently drawn. You’re transported back to the night of his exhibition, when he’d shown you the blackest parts of his soul, put on canvas. 
Similarly to the centerpiece of the show, the charcoal drawing he has in front of you are two hands intertwined. His, with his rough scars, clutching tightly to a flawless hand, a feminine hand. 
Your hand. 
Azriel shifts nervously on his feet. All you’re doing is staring, open-mouthed, and he’d normally take that as a good sign, but when tears well your eyes his heart pinches in his chest.
“It’s,” you choke, pressing a hand to your aching heart. “It’s so beautiful, Azriel.”
He breathes out a sigh of relief, only managing to move the canvas out of the way when you launch yourself into his arms, sobbing into his chest. He leans it against the edge of his bed and tucks you tightly into his arms, pressing soft kisses to your forehead. 
“Shhh, princess. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” 
“I’m crying because it’s perfect,” you pull away and he’s wiping softly at your cheeks. Your eyes are red-rimmed and he hates that but he loves the way it makes your eyes pop. He studies them for a little longer, committing it to memory, something to sketch for later. “You’re perfect. And I—I love you.” 
His attention snaps onto your words, holding onto them like they could slip away like a shadow. You haven’t said that before, neither have you. And he’s been wanting to say it for so long now, was going to so many times but it never felt like the right moment. 
And it’s now that he realizes that there was never going to be a better moment than any of the times his lips formed the words, only for nothing to come out. He should’ve said it when he felt it because he knows you don’t care about the moment being this perfect thing, for fucks sake you’re crying in his arms right now and you’re telling him that you love him for the first time. 
He is such an idiot sometimes.
“I love you too, princess,” he admits in a rasp, throat thick with the words. He’s never felt something this strongly for someone before. He wants to be around you all of the time, wants to hold you and touch you and taste you. You consume him, mind, body, and soul.
You’re there, tattooed on his fucking soul, inked in the love he hadn’t known he was missing until you met. The darkness that consumed him was a starless sky, a void waiting to be filled. You. You are the moon and the stars lighting him up, brightening his days.
He fucking loves you. So, so much.
“Yeah?” you ask, your soft crying turns to happy tears, ones he can’t help but to kiss as they roll down their cheeks. “You love me?” 
“I love you, (Y/N),” Azriel says, “I think maybe I always have.” 
“That’s so not true,” you laugh wetly, trying to swat at his chest. Azriel catches your hand in his and kisses your palm, golden eyes gleaming.
“Okay,” he concedes with a grin, “Maybe not always, but for a long time now.” 
You shake your head fondly. Your eyes dart away from him in your sudden nervousness. “Az?” 
“Yeah, princess?” 
You look at the picture once more, admiring it. It’s utterly perfect, just like him. 
Pointing at it, you say, “That. I want that as my first tattoo.”
Azriel stares, shocked. “Are you sure? You know I’ll give you any tattoo that you want, but I need you to be one hundred percent positive. I don’t want you to regret anything.”
“I won’t,” you shake your head in disagreement and the softness in his eyes makes your heart swell. He looks like he can’t believe you’re real and you’re his. You’ll make him believe it and more. Later, you want to hear him say those three magical words while he’s pinning you to his sheets. Now, you want a tattoo. “This has to be the tattoo, Az. It’s us. I want us.”
He kisses you firmly on the mouth. Desperate.
“I want us too.” 
“Then let’s do this thing, Az. I’m ready.”
MM Taglist Part 1: @justvibbinghere @nickishadow139 @going-through-shit @honeycries @natashachelsea @thisisew @kennedy-brooke @reiincarnatiion @ccucumbers @secret-ly-here @throneofsmut @cat-or-kitten @sourapplex @magical-mischief-makers @cami26cami @torchbearerkyle @a-frog-with-a-laptop @sevikas-whore @endless-worldss @vellichor01 @bangtans-jagiya @kalulakunundrum @pinksmellslikelove @bookishbroadwaybish @justdreamstars @i-am-infinite @whichwitchisthebitch @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @sia-r @ssmay123 @haivenhoule @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @bloodicka @acourtofbatboydreams @hannzoaks @judig92 @ilikefictionalmen @harrystylesfan2686 @dr4g0ngirl @helensophie @isa1b2h3 @viatorem-maris
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sarawritestories · 4 months
Unwavering Presence Chapter 9
Cassian X Archeron Sister (Reader)
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Summary: Cassian notices that Y/N skipped training after their night at Rita's. The group heads to the human realms and Y/N reunites with old friends...
Content Warning: Familial trauma/drama, degradation (Consensual), power imbalance, slight fat shaming, so much angst, mentions of death, Nesta being absolutely cruel. Foot stuff (Its quick I promise).
Word Count 4.5k
A/N: The sneak peak I put up for this chapter got cut and is getting moved to chapter 10 because I decided to end this chapter very differently.
Unwavering Masterlist Chapter 8 ACOTAR Masterlist
Feyre and Rhys left early the next day and I didn’t feel the need to get up for training. I laid in my bed reading my book when there was a knock on my door, “Come in.”
The door creaking open, and Cassian walked in, I glance up to see him in his leathers, “Your sister left with Rhys to go see the weaver.” He leaned against the door frame, and I made an effort to not watch his biceps contort in his uniform. He smirked and flexed his arm, and I rolled my eyes.
My gaze fell back over my book, and I flipped the page, “You know I don’t know the significance of that. I’m sure Rhys or Feyre will tell me what they’re up to. Why are you here?” I hadn’t meant for there to be a bite in my voice.
“You didn’t come to training.” His tone was soft, and I fought my instinct to look up at him, “I wanted to make sure you were, okay?”
The sound of the page turning was the only noise in my room for a moment, I sighed and closed my book, “Yesterday was a lot.”  I looked at him and shrugged, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Cassian remained silent, he moved to my armoire and my gaze shifted below to and took out my leathers and plopped them on the end of my bed. “Get dressed.”
“Cassian, I’m not in the mood.”
Cassian crossed his arms, “Tough.” The voice of a general talking to his subordinate, “We’re not training, we’re sparring. I expect you downstairs in five minutes.”
I crossed my arms, “What if I don’t come down?”
Cassian walked to the door, he turned back to me with a smirk, “I wouldn’t recommend it, you may not like what happens if you don’t.” He walked away, closing the door behind him. I glared at the door hoping the look seared into his back. I kicked the leathers of the bed and let myself lay back and let sleep consume me.
Cold water collided with my face shocking me up and out of my bed. Cassian stood in front of me with a bucket in his hand a cocky smile on his lips. The cold began to seep into my bones I had to clamp my teeth down to keep from chattering, “What was that for?”
Cassian bent down to pick up the leathers and pressed them into my chest focusing on my eyes and not the fact that my nipples had hardened from the cold and peeking out through my silk nightgown, “I gave you 10 minutes to come down, that was five extra minutes, and you still didn’t come down.”
I bared my teeth at him, and he only chuckled as if he wasn’t threatened by me, this male had seen the worst of humanity, went toe to toe with those people, I bet I barely posed as a threat to him. “I told you I don’t want to train.”
Cassian leaned down to my eye level the smile still lingering and his eyes gleamed with a challenge, “And I told you we’re not training, we’re sparring.” He rose back to his full height as his face softened. “Look, sometimes words don’t help, but you have energy and pent-up things you need to get out. Lucky for you I know someone who can take that on.”
I sighed, annoyed that he was right. I felt the water dripping from my hair and an idea formed in my head, I gave him a saccharine smile, “Alright, Cassie,” I purred as he tilted his head no doubt, confused by the nickname. I’ll give it a chance,” I took a step closer to him, and I could see his neck work as he swallowed. “I am going to need to dry off first.” I shake my head, letting the loose drops of water fly, spraying him in the process.
Cassian took a step back, laughing as the water landed on his skin and his leathers. Once I stopped, I grinned at him satisfied with my work, the hurt of his rejection the night before fading away. “Your trouble, Princess, you know that?” His voice was warm and made the butterflies in my stomach flutter.
Trying to ease those flutters, I shrugged, feigning calm and collected, “I’ll list it right under bad listener.” He laughed again and the sound was so joyous that a part of me would kill anyone who tried to take his joy away. I pressed my hand on his chest and could feel his heartbeat speed up. “Go on, General, I’ll be down in a minute.”
“I’ll have another bucket ready just in case.”  He winked and walked out once more, leaving me to change.
I met him in the backyard of the town house Cassian’s back was to me his wings relaxed the leather pants covering his ass perfectly. “I can feel you staring.” Cassian’s voice made me jump.  He turned to her with a knowing look on her face, “Enjoying the view.”
I crossed my arms and pooped a hip out, “I see an asshole, who threw water on me to get out of bed, I’m not sure if enjoying the view is what I would call it.”
Cassian raised his hand and motioned two fingers, “Come here, Princess.”
I took a step toward him, my neck straining as I had to look up to him. He opened his palms out a silent command. I placed my hands in his and he led me over to the seat. Taking out some white wrappings and he began wrapping one of my hands. I stared at his face and how there is a wrinkle that peaks through when he concentrates. His lips form in a tight line as he ties off my one hand and begins the other. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, though you did just ask me a question.” He looks up at me through his lashes.
I laughed, “I suppose I did.”
His smile remained on his face, finishing up wrapping my hand. “What’s your question?”     
“Did you always want to be a general?” I looked down and noticed that he was still holding my hand.
The little wrinkle returns as he thinks about the question. “No. I didn’t. I didn’t plan to be living the life I do now. When I was a child, I tried to make sure I survived the next day. I never allowed myself to dream of anything more. Not even when Rhys found me in my ratty tent.”
His eyes grew distant, and I pressed my hands against his cheek, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have pried.” His eyes met mine and that distant look disappeared as he twisted his head and lightly pressed his lips to the palm of my hand and my breath hitched.
“Don’t apologize, Princess. We can talk about my childhood at a later time. We’re focusing on you now.” He led me to the mat he had set up. He placed padded mittens on his hands. “Now remember what I taught you and just hit my pads as hard as you can.”
I held up my fist the way he showed me I didn’t move to throw a punch. “What if I hurt you?”
“I’ll live, Sweetheart. I’m not easily breakable.”
I glared, “And I am?”
“Did I say that? No. Now come on.” His voice was firm but still gentle. I threw the first punch,           “Good again!” I punched the other hand. He keeps praising me and encourages me to go harder. “Now tell me what’s bothering you.”
Continuing my punches, the words tumbled out “I’m anxious about going back to the human realm and seeing my sisters. I’m terrified about this impending war.” The words kept pouring out, “I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. I’m terrified that when Feyre outlives me, she’s going to forget about me. That everyone here will forget me when I die.” I dropped my fists.
“Sweetheart,” Cassian started reaching out to me and I stepped out of reach. His face fell slightly.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered and before I could run to my room, Rhys and Feyre winnowed to the backyard and Feyre looked ready to throttle Rhysand as she walked inside. Refusing to meet Cassian’s gaze, I followed after Feyre.
I walked into her room, and she was flinging various objects around her room. “Feyre? What happened?”
My twin paused and looked at me, “He almost had me killed. The weaver almost killed me. For a stupid ring!”
I felt the familiar scrape against my shield. I let him in. You almost killed my sister for a ring?
That’s a bit dramatic. The ring was an object to test if the sentiment of like calls to like. The ring is also very sentimental to me.
In what way?
It was my mother’s.
Before I could say anything to him, he left my mind and I put my shield back up. “He is insufferable. How do you enjoy his company? He looked smug when I met him out like he was surprised I survive.”
“He is kind, Fey. Also did he look smug or was he proud because not only did you get the ring, but you also got out using the skills that him and Cassian have been teaching you.” I paused, “Also, despite what you believe he is lovely to stare at.” I give her a wink.
She paused and sat on the bed with an exasperated sigh, and I took a moment to look at my sister. Feyre has gained some of the weight back that she lost after we came back from Under the Mountain. She had been sleeping the dark circles that had stained under her eyes were gone. She was finally healing. I smiled happy that life was coming back into those eyes. “I guess he is quite beautiful. Don’t tell him I said it though. He would never let me live it down,” She smiled.
I snorted and then sadness overtook me at my confession to Cassian. One day she will be walking this world alone, when my mortality takes me to whatever comes after death. Would she miss me? Would she find happiness here and be able to simply move on. Our relationship was not perfect but when her neck snapped, I wasn’t sure I was going survive this life without her. Hopefully, Cassian, Azriel and Rhys will take care of her and make sure she lives when I’m gone.
Feyre slammed me into her chest. “Stop that.” Her face was wet with tears. “Just stop. My life would be nothing without you.”
I blinked and hugged her back, “What?” Had I said those things outside?
She pulled away quickly, “Nothing.” She wiped her tears. I sighed, “So you were fighting with Cassian?”
I nodded, “Yeah.”
“You spend a lot of time with him?”
Another nod, “Yup.”
Feyre raises an eyebrow, “I assume you enjoy his company?”
I laughed, “Feyre, just ask what you want to ask.”
“What’s going on between you two, her eyes went doe eyed with curiosity that it reminded me of Elain.
“We’re friends, he helps me train and we hang out sometimes. Is that why he almost kissed you last night?”
“How?” I asked I thought about who would tell her Azriel wouldn’t have said anything.”
“Mor.” we said in unison. We made eye contact and began laughing.
“I don’t know Fey, he seemed relieved that Mor stepped in. As if he was going to make a grave mistake. Though I enjoy his company, talking with him is easy.”
Feyre nods, “And quite handsome.”
I began to think about his warm hazel eyes and his morning stubble or his raven hair. “Handsome doesn’t begin to cover it.” I look over to Feyre and there is a gleam in her eye and a smirk playing on her lips. “What?”
“You got it bad.” I threw the closest pillow at her, and she caught with, with a cackle. The laughter fades and Feyre leaned her head on the headboard. “Rhys says we’re going to the human realm tomorrow. You, me, Rhys, Cassian and Azriel.”
Dread hit me. The idea of seeing Nesta and Elain made my skin crawl. “It’s going to be a shit show.”
Feyre’s face grimaced as she nodded. “Indeed.”
The next day the five of us approached the edge of the forest and the manor my sisters were staying in was in view. Rhys is the first to speak, “I’ll put the glamour on us until you give us the okay to come in.” Feyre nodded, dressed in a fine black chiffon dress with silver lining the dress. I opted for A Black satin gown off the shoulder gown, A blood red belt wrapped around the waist with a bow on the back -compliments to Rhysand- kohl lined my eyes and there was a sheen to my lips.
A hand wrapped around mind the red siphon gleaming from the sun peaking through the trees. “You’re nervous.” It wasn’t a question.
“What makes you say that?” I questioned.
“You’ve been wringing your hands and tearing at your nails since we crossed the border. You were fidgeting in my arms the whole flight here.” He gave my hand a comforting squeeze. “A lot has happened since you last seen them it’s okay to feel these feelings.”
“Thanks, Cassian.” I smiled up at him and with the illumination of the sun behind him he looked like a deity.
He smiled back a full grin this time and kissed the top of my hand. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?”
My hear rate sped up and heat crawled to my cheeks. “I don’t think so.”
He smiles, “You look absolutely radiant, Princess.” He looked over to Feyre, “Now go, I’ll be right here should you need me.”
I nodded and I looked at Az and Rhys, Az gave a nod like he understood the challenges of visiting family, and Rhys gave a wink. I walked to Feyre, and we reached the front door, and I took a deep breath and felt the nice breeze and I could have sworn the scent of leather and sandalwood wafted through my nostrils and calmed me.
A maid had opened the door and her mouth fell, “The Archeron Twins,” She murmured in shock. She stepped out of the way for us to walk in. “Please follow me. Your sisters will be so pleased to see you.”
She walked us into a sitting room, Nesta sat on a lounge sofa reading a book, Her gray dress accentuated her curves, her face had a regal grace. Elain was in a chair working on some embroidery, in a pink tulle gown and her hair pinned halfway up with some flowers from her garden, no doubt. “Ladies, your sisters have come home.” The maid announced bowing and walking away from the foyer.
Our sisters’ heads snapped up. Nesta had a cool calculating stare assessing our attire and Elain’s face lit up with joy. She rose and ran, closing the space between us and pulling us both in her arms and I’m stunned by how tightly she hugged us. “Welcome!” She withdrew from the embrace and gripped out hands and Elain took note of the tattoos on our collar bones and the one on Feyre’s arm. “Those are beautiful.”
I smiled, Elain was always kind and always found beauty in everything. Her scent of wildflowers causes my eyes to water. “It’s good to see you, Elain.” Nesta rose and my eyes darted toward her, preparing myself for her to pounce if need be. She stuck her nose up as she approached every bit of the queen, she deemed she should be.
“I’m surprise you’re here.” Nesta said her standard Icy tone. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “I’m surprise you’re both alive.”
Feyre nodded, “We have a lot to tell you.”
Nesta held down a glare, “So speak.”
I was about to combat her command, but Feyre was the one to speak and she told them everything. Under the mountain, Tamlin sending me to my death, how he locked her up in the house, how we both ended up in the Night Court and all the details we know of the upcoming war.
“Why are you here?” Nesta asked not cutting corners and if she felt anyway of Feyre and I facing death she didn’t show it.
“We need you to open the manor to our friends. High Fae. They would like to have a meeting here with the Human Queens. However, they are stubborn gentlemen, who would like to ask you themselves and of course meet you and thank you for even consideration.” I said straightening my posture preparing myself for the verbal lashing.
“No.” Nesta said firmly not even looking at me. Here we go.
“Elain gets married in a month to the Lord’s son. I will not risk this wedding for your silly war.”
“We should help.” Elain spoke up and we all turned to look at her. “Nesta, if the wall comes down, there may not be a wedding.”
I smiled to Elain as Nesta mumbled, “Fine, we’ll send the servants out for the next two days.”
I leaned closer to Elain, “Who’s the lucky guy?”
Elain smiled and showed her ring and Feyre, and I noticed the Iron ring adorned her finger, “His name is Graysen.”
I took a sharp breath, “Lord Graysenn?” I asked and Elain nodded enthusiastically and began going into the details of the wedding.
“Look at our good little maid, Xavier.” Graysen’s voice chuckled as I was on my knees the black dress uniforms his family required for me rising, my tongue grazing against the leather of his boot. Bits of mud and gravel getting into my mouth. “She is working so hard for her family.” He shoves his boot farther into my mouth and I begin to suck as he chuckled. “So hard, tell me what your siblings would say if they found out that you were drooling all over yourself just to make sure food was on the table.”
Muffled noises came from my mouth as drool dripped down to my cleavage that my uniform exposed.
Xavier petted my hair, “So good, maybe if she’s really good, I’ll give her those kisses she craves.” An involuntary moan came out of me, “Oh she likes that idea.” He chuckled. Hands were around my waist pulling me back, as Graysen pulled the boot from my mouth, and had me leaning against his firm chest, “Go ahead and swallow for us, pretty girl.” I did what I was told, and Xavier sang praises in my ear. “How lucky that you got this new maid, Graysen.” I looked at the man’s sharp blue eyes, his blonde hair pulled back in a bun. His thumb grazed my hip in swiping motions. Having been together for a few months his beauty and sharp features
Graysen smirked, “Yes indeed,” Graysen lifted my chin, “Do you like working for me Y/N?”
I nod, “I appreciate you offering me work.”
“Anything for my best friend’s girl.” He patted my cheek. “You can go home, after the rest of my boots get a spit shine.”
“Yes, my lord.” I smiled as Xavier’s hands wandered up my thigh, his teeth nibbling the shell of my ear.
“Xavier, please don’t distract her like you did last week. I had to doc her some of her pay.” Xavier gave him a nod and with that the lord’s son left.
Xavier waisted no time leaving kisses up and down my neck, “Xavier, I need to get this work done.”
“Later,” He growled and kissed me passionately. I moaned into his mouth and his tongue slipped in his hand groping my clothed breast. “You are delicious,” He moves to my jaw and my ear, “I’m really glad I met you.”
I smiled, “Me too, Bab-“he silenced me with a growl and a searing kiss.
“Y/N,” I shook the memory from my head to face my twin concern schooling her features, “Where did you go?”
I shook my head burying the memory farther down. “Nowhere at all.” I smiled but Nesta looked at me, her head tilted as if she could sniff out my lie.
The servants were gone, and all three Illyrian warriors sucked up all the air in the room. When they entered, I naturally gravitated toward the General. And what has become a habit is his wing curved around me slightly. Nesta stared at us in silence, no detail going unnoticed about her new guests.
“Nesta, we can’t thank you enough, for your hospitality.” Rhysand bows and Nesta lifts her chin. “We come here to ask for a favor.”
“You want to have me host a meeting here with the human queens. My sisters did fill me in.” Nesta’s response was short. I glanced over at Elain and noticed that she was entranced with Azriel and his wings.
Rhys, Feyre and Nesta continued with their conversation when I felt a nudge.  I looked over to Cassian and he had an Orange in his hand and a slice held out for me chewing a slice of his own. I grab the slice and take a bite letting the citrus flavor consume me. He plops another slice in his mouth and picks a slice for me and he continued to do that until the fruit was gone. He threw the peels away and when he returned, he whispered in my ear, “The key to withstanding long meetings is bringing food.”
I stood on my tippy toes and whispered back, “Makes sense especially if each person in the room likes to hear themselves talk.”
He chuckled lowly, “I hope you never have to go to a High Lord’s meeting it’s a room full of people who like to hear themselves talk.”
“Sounds miserable.”
Cassian grinned, “Absolutely insufferable.”
I hadn’t even notice that Elain had left but her voice boomed, “Dinner is ready.”
Dinner had been tense. I was tucked between Rhys and Cassian, Feyre sat across from me. The males ate in silence and Elain was asking Azriel questions that he was kind enough to answer about his shadows. Eating my meal, I looked over to notice Feyre made a face as she bit into the food.
“Is our food not good enough for you now?” Nesta questioned with an accusatory look as if Feyre thought little of her. I groaned feeling the pain pulsing in my head.
“Just different than what we have back in Prythian.” Feyre muttered looking down at her plate.
Nesta turned a pointed look to me, “What about you? Is the food still good to you since you’re not them?”
“Can we not do this please.” I pleaded, “We haven’t seen either of you in a year. Please I’m begging. Drop it.”
Elain sat quietly, focusing on her own food, and Nesta clearly decided she wanted to lash out. “I will not. You come here, jeopardize our social standing here, and you two suddenly want to act better than us. I can tell you must enjoy the food, considering you're bigger than I saw you last. And even coming here in matching colors with this rabid beast, it's beneath you, really.”
I sighed and rolled my eyes, nothing new. Nesta was always the first to criticize my weight. She had been doing that for years. A hand gripped my knee and gave it a squeeze, I didn’t need to look to know it was Cassian.
“What are you looking at?” Nesta sneered her gaze meeting Cassian.
“A wicked, vile, woman, who would let her two baby sisters go out in the forest alone to help provide for the family. While she sat and did nothing. Feyre and Y/N were willing to lay down their life to save and protect my people. Both are willing to do it again, so you don’t have to go to war. So, excuse me if I’m not pleased that you are choosing to insult these two remarkable females in my presence. As for Y/N being in my colors. I haven’t made a claim against her. I didn’t even know she was going to wear it though the colors suit her beautifully. Also, there is nothing wrong with gaining weight and muscle, the more of her to love, the better.”
Nesta rose and crossed her arms, “You’re a fool. Do you know that? Aligning yourself with Feyre is one thing. She has excellent survival skills and those could be useful, but Y/N? Death follows her everywhere she goes. She killed our mother.” She gave me a pointed look and it felt like my lungs were going to give out. I couldn’t even feel Cassian’s grip tighten. “She killed a debt collector attacking our useless father. If you three are wise, you would leave her here in the human realm before she becomes your doom. And if you don’t than I wonder why the humans ever feared the fae in the first place.” She turns to me, and tears threaten to come down. “I wish it was you that died that day. Not mother.”
Elain and Feyre rose up from their seats, “NESTA,” they said in unison. My legs were not moving at my command as I jolted from my chair and ran out of the dining hall and out of the manor entirely, ignoring my name being called out.
My feet were moving of their own accord, ignoring the cold bite of the evening as I pushed hard and kept moving. Once I finally stopped and took a breath I looked up and found myself in our old cabin. The wood splintered from when Tamlin barged in, the chipped paint of Feyre’s work. The smell brought back memories of late nights, stiff necks, and pain. The depths I went to just to make sure we had some money on the days Feyre couldn’t catch game.
 I walked into our bedroom, the dresser calling out like a beacon. I sat in front of it and took in my sister’s work, flowers for Elain, Flames for Nesta and Feyre and I shared the third dresser which was painted with a night sky and a cabin with a shadow by the window. Nothing indicating where I belonged.
I wished you died instead of her. The emotions of the day took hold and deafening sobs unleashed from my body as I covered my face in my hands. Wondering what I ever did to cause Nesta that much pain. My sobs were so loud I didn’t hear the door creak open, but I heard footsteps. “Please go away, I don’t want to talk.”
“Well, that’s a shame,” My spine sat up straight at the familiar voice, “I so desperately want to talk to you, Baby.” I turned to find Xavier in the doorway. His hair cropped short, his white uniform pristine and four gashes scarred above and below his cold blue eyes. My breathing was coming in short rapid, spurts.
Another set of footsteps followed, and a hooded figure walked in. Lowering his hood the moonlight revealed another familiar face, Elain’s now fiancé, Graysen, his smile sinister, “Hello, Y/N.”
Chapter 10
Story Tags: @hellodarling1357 @hnyclover @waytoomanyteenagefeels @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @esposadomd @sleepylunarwolf @stressed-reader @kylaisra @marvelouslovely-barnes @magicstrengthandcourage @spideytingley @awkardnerd @donttellthecats @tastydewdrops @vermillionwinter @asweetblueberry2 @bunnyredgirl @homeslices @azriels-mate2 @oksloan3 @wallacewillow0773638 @fandom-crashlanding @writingstreetspirit @hannzoaks @minnieloo @tuggboatfishin @judig92 @atrxidxs @dustyinkpages @secretlyhers @mxblobby @blogforficslol @historygeekqueen @turtleshavesoulmates @scooobies @anuttellaa @earth-to-lottie @slytherintaco @fxckmiup @tinystarfishgalaxy @cheesebookgirl @oucereeng @st0rmyt @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @misslunatic1655 @azrielsmate3 @nebarious @tele86 @chelsiemp @fightmedraco @blackgirlmagicforever @fullmoon-94 @thehighlordishere @jenniferpendragon @ray4hotchner @phoenix666stuff
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lovexjoe · 2 days
how wwould armando react if he is in love with the reader, but she shows no sign of feeling the same way, (he's so devoted when it comes to the reader) And he'd like to know if she feels the same way, I wish it would end in a passionate way (you know what I mean) 🔥
New follower 💗💗♥️🌷
Amor Prohibido
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A/N: This was meant to be short, but I took the idea and ran with it. I hope you guys enjoy🤍 I also flip around with pov; sorry in advance.
Warning: Forbidden love, angst, violence, smut (idk what else im missing 😭)
Music to listen to while reading:
Fuck Love - XXXtentacion ft Trippie Redd.
SAD - XXXtentacion
John Redcorn - SIR
Y/N has been working with AMMO for 2 years now.
Kelly was the firecracker and you were the reserved sweetheart. Just don’t let nobody cross a line cause you’ll turn into an explosive real quick.
Mike and Marcus loved having you around, you brought the balance to the squad.
Being Kelly’s little sister, you were protected by everybody, including your least favorite person: Armando.
You didn’t understand him at all. Stone cold killer trying to turn a new leaf? I don’t think so
The moment Mike brought him into Kelly’s house unannounced was the first time ANYONE has seen you explode.
“What the fuck is he doing here?! He needs to leave NOW” Kelly points her gun directly at Armando.
Without even a hesitation you pulled your pocket knife out and slammed Armando against the wall. Shoving the knife up to his neck, close enough to draw blood.
“I know who you are and if you’re working with us. Do not make us regret it or you WILL be my first body count” Y/N spoke with venom. She couldn’t stand that Captain wasn’t here because of him. All the trouble he's caused. Everyone stops and stares at the two of you.
“Holy shit! Since when did Y/N turned into a Cobra?” Marcus jokes causing the air to lighten up a bit.
“Puedes confiar en mi” (you can trust me) Armando says as he takes in how beautiful her eyes are. He fully understood where she was coming from. He knew he had to show everyone that he wasn’t a stone cold killer: it was his mother who trained him.
From that day forward Armando could not stop thinking about you.
Kelly with hesitation moved Armando into the guest bedroom, across from Y/N room. Y/N wasn't too happy about it, but she gave him a chance to redeem himself.
He was quiet, respectable and kept to himself. Observing everyone like he always does. Observing his new favorite person, you.
8 months later
Armando was up late after a mission with AMMO. He was on standby as Y/N flirts with the drug dealer to distract him. She looked beautiful under the club lights. Her tan skin was glowing and her curly hair framing her face. The dress she was wearing took his breath away. He's never seen her in this light. She's usually in a tomboy attire just cause it was comfortable and convenient. This was the first time she wasn't on tech duty, Dorn's therapist recommended he took a rest from the action so Y/N volunteered herself. He was happy she was here, but it drove him crazy that she had to flirt with this old fuck. The man trailed his hands along her exposed back. It took everything in Armando not to put a bullet through his head and accept whatever consequences that came with it. Shortly Rita appeared along with Mike to arrest the drug dealer, putting an end to his torture. Y/N headed back into the van with Armando following behind her: watching her back just in case. Mike took notice that he never left her side. He knew his son, because they were exactly alike and hoped Y/N could bring a softer side out of him. Their friendship was forming, Y/N saw a side to Armando that nobody else did and she finally trusted him. She would never admit to it though, because with that trust comes with other feelings she wanted to lock away. It felt wrong to her. More like forbidden.
After they got home, everyone parted ways to their designated space. He's been thinking about her in that dress all night. It was 3am and sleep was definitely not in the air for tonight. He started to collect the dishes he had scattered around the room, irritated he let it get a bit messy. As he exits his room he notices the door to Y/N's bedroom was open. The kitchen light was on, the sink running as Y/N was clearing up the dishes that piled up the sink for over a week. The whole house was slacking on cleanliness.
"Can't sleep?" He asks as he sets his dishes on the counter next to her. Now leaning against it as she shook her head looking up at him. His heart skipped a beat taking in her nightly attire. A baby blue silk nightie that hugged her curves. Her curly mane was up in a messy bun and her glasses set low on her nose as she didn't bother fixing it.
"I've been so restless for the past two weeks" She shook her head, trying to make sense of why. She signals her head for him to put the dishes away as she washes; He complies. Armando would comply to anything that you said honestly. He loved that it was just the two of you right now with no interruptions. They never talked much, just enjoyed each other's presence. Maybe tonight could end differently he thought to himself.
"You did a great job tonight amor. It was nice having you away from the computer." He places the last dish in the cabinet and proceed to grab a bottle of alcohol walking over to the couch. Everything in you was screaming to go back to your room and not entertain this conversation further, but your body was already seated next to him. He took a sip from the bottle without even a struggle, handing the bottle off to you. You took a huge gulp knowing you need some liquid coverage if you're gonna stay up with him at these hours. You knew why you were restless for the past two weeks, it was the exact time when you started developing these other feelings for Armando. The best thing you can do is DENY DENY DENY. After all he's still a bad person right? A few months doesn't mean anything...right? Yet you trusted him entirely, none of this made fucking sense.
"Qué estás pensando?" (What are you thinking about?) He studies her worried face, deep in her thoughts; wishing she'd let him in. She turns her body to completely face him, her bare legs resting on his.
"Are you happy here?" Your eyes searched his, hoping to find something...a soul maybe? Some reassurance that he's on the path of making himself a better man.
" Happy? I don't know what that is fully. But I can say, when I'm here with you I'm at peace." He spoked openly for the first time, his hand grazing against your exposed leg. At this point you were just looking into each other's eyes, wishing one of you would make the move first. He took his whole being not to show you how much he worships you on this couch, but he does not want to disrespect you in any way. Your body felt so hot, yearning for his touch. Slowly your head was leaning in, both of you breathing uneasy, his hand resting on your cheek; lips so close but not touching just yet. You never felt this way about anyone before. Relationships, feelings all of that love bullshit was so new to you. Love? Do you love him? No it definitely can't be. You shoved the thought away as you pulled away.
"I-I have to go" You set the bottle down, hurrying to your room and locking the door. Armando curses to himself for even entertaining what had happened. You were curled up in bed when you heard the front door slammed. He had left to god knows where and you hugged your pillow wishing it was him.
1 week later
The two of you have not spoken a word to each other since the almost kiss.
Armando had returned at 10am that morning with no emotion towards Y/N at all.
She went back on tech duty until today.
The tension could be cut with a knife the whole team noticed.
"You two lovebirds are fighting aren't you?" Mike teased.
You rolled your eyes as you prep your ammo before you made it to your destination. This is something Armando already had done for you anytime you were on a mission with him; today was not that day.
He felt guilty as he watched you out of his peripheral but he felt like it was time he stop pursuing this. If you wanted him you would have kissed him that night: not run away.
Callie has been kidnapped along with Mike's wife. We received coordinates on where they were being held hostage.
As you reached the destination, both you and Armando scooped out the scene. You felt something off about the coordinates.
Once you two made it inside, you heard crying that sounded like Callie. Armando signals you to stay as quiet as possible as you guys make your way through the abandon building.
Once you guys got closer to the voice, you both realize it was just a recording.
"Its a TRAP!! BOTH OF YOU ABORT NOW" Mike and Marcus yelled over the intercom.
Before you could even try to escape there were already men surrounding you guys. Gunshots being the only sound that filled the air. The both of you, took as many men as you could, with the help of the drone assisting. Armando hated more than anything to see you shed blood, but those combat training days you two had was worth it. You could hold your own. Your surroundings got quiet, as you shove a knife through your enemy's neck. You turned around hoping to see Armando following you, but you froze in your steps. Mcgrath had his gun pointed at you ready to shoot. You guys were out of ammo, the drone gave out and any slight movement Mcgrath would kill you.
Everything slowed down, you felt your world stopped as Armando jumps in front of you causing Mcgrath to let out 3 shots. Armando taking the impact of all of them. You heard the rifle go off after, Mcgrath being taken down by a headshot. You immediately wrapped your arms around Armando, trying to find any way to stop the bleeding. This can't be happening right now. No no no no. You applied as much pressure as you could.
"Armando please stay with me, I can't lose you. Please" You cried and screamed for help. Mike and Marcus rushed in helping you take Armando into ambulance. You REFUSED to leave his side. The nurses had to pry you and Mike off of him so they could take him into surgery.
Armando started off hated by everyone, but over the past few months he truly became family. You sat down on the floor of the lobby, looking down at your bloodstain hands and your heart broke. Will you ever get a chance to tell him how you really feel? He jumped in front of a gun for you with no hesitation. Callie and Mike's wife was safe, the rest of Ammo took care of the mission while you and Mike were on standby waiting for Armando's results.
3 hours later
You laid next to Armando's bedside, holding his hand waiting for him to wake up. Mike left a few minutes before, thanking you for staying with him as he returns to his wife.
"I love you so much" You whispered against his hand, placing a soft kiss against it.
"I love you too mi amor. Más de lo que jamás sabrás" (More than you will ever know) He says softly, squeezing your hand reassuring that everything is okay. With no hesitation you pressed your lips against his, both of you moaning into each other's lips.
"I had to get shot 3 times for you to finally kiss me mami" You both started laughing.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚:
4 months later
Armando was finally healed and better than ever. Rita released both of you on a well needed vacation. The two of you avoided any of "those" activities till the doctor cleared him. Everyone was finally relieved to see you two engulfed in each other; the angst was truly unbearable. You guys had the house to yourself after returning from your romantic dinner. His lips immediately on yours after he locks the front door. Melting into his touch as he pushes you against the hallway of your bedroom, leaving hickeys on your neck and he didn't give a fuck.
"Mando" You let out a soft cry as he sucks on your weak spot right below your ear.
"Recién estoy empezando princesa" (I'm just getting started princess) He whispers as he slips his fingers under your dress, rubbing you through your underwear. Your little cries only ignited his dominate side even more. He rips your underwear causing it to fall to your feet, teasing you with one finger.
"You're so wet" He works a second finger in causing your legs to weaken. He pumps his finger harder and faster till your pussy started to make a squelch sound.
"Baby! Im squirting I'm squirting please!" Your orgasm dripped down his hand, he smiles to himself taking in his view. His girl, completely weak in her knees for him and the night just started. He wraps your legs around his waist carrying you into the bedroom.
"You came like a good girl for me baby." He gives you your well deserve praise as he lays you down, removing your dress and his clothes. His size and length definitely matched his attitude. The kisses were hot and messy as you aligned him with your entrance. As he slips in, you both couldn't help the sounds escaping from your mouths. His thrusts were slow and deep causing your eyes to tear up from the intense pleasure. He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder for a better angle. The sound of pants and skin slapping was all that could be heard in that room.
"I love you" You both said in unison as you came as the same time. He collapse on your chest and you played with his hair. You didn't speak for a little bit, just enjoying each other's presence.
"Estoy feliz aqui" (I am happy here) He says as he kisses your chest.
The End
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animusrox · 1 year
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1.   The Batman 2.   Everything Everywhere All at Once 3.   Prey 4.   Triangle of Sadness 5.   Barbarian 6.  The Northman 7.   Bodies Bodies Bodies 8.   The Banshees of Inisherin 9.   Bones and All 10.   Avatar: The Way of Water
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11.   Turning Red 12.   The Menu 13.   Babylon 14.   Hit the Road 15.   Cow 16.   Watcher 17.   Funny Pages 18.   Mad God 19.   On the Count of Three 20.   Armageddon Time 21.   Terrifier 2 22.   Marcel the Shell with Shoes On 23.   Smile 24.   Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery 25.   Holy Spider 26.   Aftersun 27.   The Fabelmans 28.   Breaking 29.   Decision to Leave 30.   The Whale 31.   All Quiet on the Western Front 32.   Brian and Charles 33.   Piggy 34.   Saint Omer 35.   Thirteen Lives 36.   Men 37.   The Fallout 38.   Resurrection 39.   Causeway 40.  The Black Phone 41.   Official Competition 42.   Nope 43.  Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio 44.   Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood 45.   Till 46.   TÁR 47.   Happening 48.   A Love Song 49.   The Outfit 50.   The Innocents 51.   Jackass Forever 52.   BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths 53.   Montana Story 54.   Three Thousand Years of Longing 55.   You Won’t Be Alone 56.   The Sadness 57.   Halloween Ends 58.   Pearl 59.   X 60.   Vesper
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d1ana-m0nd · 10 months
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : It's a well known fact that Sir. Reginald Hargreeves adopted 7 children to save the world from it's impending doom. Though, the number of children will change from 7 to 8 once a close friend of his, Rita Rossweisse was on her death bed and requested him to take in her child, who fortunately was born on October 1st 1989.
➢ Word Count : 9,537
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
➢ Note : I just wanted to give a heads up for people who like Luther, he's going to be a bit antagonistic towards the reader because she's an accomplice. Also, in S1 of TUA, the writers' focused on his mission driven trait which led to a snowball effect on his decisions and how he treated others (ex: Vanya), though that does not mean I will be writing him off as an antagonist throughout the whole series, just this season since he is still learning and growing. I mean no harm Luther simps / stans / fans. 🏳️
Also, it's been three years since I have done Wushu (Chinese martial arts) so the fighting scene might be crappy. It will be inaccurate as well since I never reached orange belt lol, I just watched YouTube videos of Agatha Wong and other Wushu martial artists. ;-;
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Chapter 3: Extra Ordinary
Blue light streamed through the window as Allison sat on the windowsill, a cigarette in hand; she took in the scenery from the place she once considered home. The sound of car horns beeping accompanied the lively city atmosphere, whilst the lights of the streetlamps came off harshly. Oddly enough, this loud environment felt homely to her. The rumor inhaled the cigarette then exhaled it, letting the flares of the smoke blow out the window. She let herself be more immersed to the atmosphere, which led her unaware of someone else's presence in the room.
"Ah, Miss Allison." The advanced chimpanzee announced his arrival. Allison hurriedly put out the cigarette, leading it to fizzle out. She faced Pogo with a sheepish smile, as though she was not caught red-handed.
"I was looking for you." Pogo returned her smile, then took a small step towards her.
"How did you, uh… did you know I was up here?" The rumor scratched her nape. She really wasn't expecting anyone to walk in on her smoking and emoting to herself.
"Oh, it wasn't hard. This is always where you used to come when you were upset."
"Who told you I was…" The girl in curls paused, then sighed as a certain someone came to mind.
"Luther." She said fiddling with the aged locket that was given to her by the same person.
"Actually, it was Miss Vanya."
Allison was taken aback by his words. Vanya… cared about her? For a moment, she felt regret come over her because her sibling went out of her way to check on her… then she recalled the book. The rumor would have openly showed her grimace at the thought of her sister but, Pogo’s next words took her by surprise.
"She called to make sure you were okay and if it weren't for Y/N reminding me, I would have forgotten to check in on you." Pogo said with a small smile, as though he was silently thanking the girls for caring about Allison's well being.
The girl in curls stood up from the windowsill as she inhaled deeply, stuffing her hands into her pocket. "Yeah, I, um… said some pretty unkind things to her." Though it sounded like she said it out of defeat.
The well dressed chimpanzee frowned at her words, but tried to be optimistic. "She's your sister. She knows you didn't mean it."
Allison scoffed as she looked away. "Doubt it. She doesn't know anything about me, which is fine, cause I don't know shit about her either."
"Language." Pogo said which brought a small smile to the rumor's face followed by a soft chuckle. "Sorry."
"It's just…" The woman breathed through her nose. "It's been a while since we've all lived under the same roof."
"Almost 13 years." He added, which added onto the emotional baggage that Allison was carrying at the moment.
"How did you do it? Alone in this huge house for so long?"
"Well, one grows used to things, even if, sometimes… one shouldn't." The chimpanzee looked away, not wanting to give away the sadness in his eyes.
Wanting to divert the young lass’ attention to something else, Pogo decided it would be a great time to bring her over the CCTV room and to follow through with Master Hargreeves’ plan till the truth is finally revealed.
"Come with me. I want to show you something. It might just cheer you up." The advanced chimpanzee was about to head out the room but he suddenly turned to where Allison stamped out the cigarette earlier. "And make sure you fully extinguished that cigarette. Wouldn't want to start a fire."
The girl in curls chuckles to herself as she now recalled Pogo never lets his guard down, it’s almost like nothing goes under his radar, he acted more father-like than their own father. She then quickly extinguishes the fire and hurriedly catches up with Pogo. The two walked side by side towards the CCTV room, and entered the room together.
The chimpanzee approached the monitors and turned them on to show the familiar memories the academy created back in their youth. "Your father stopped recording years ago. But, I still come here from time to time. When I'm missing you kids."
"Pogo, this is…" The woman was too stunned to speak but she managed to choke out a few words. "Most families have home movies to look back on. We have surveillance footage."
"I hoped it might cheer you up."
"It does…" Allison laughed, letting her guard down and allowed her inner child to be lured in by the memories being replayed by the monitors.
Suddenly, Allison's gaze turns to a monitor of Vanya playing the violin as a smaller Y/N sat beside the violinist cheering her on, though it looked like Vanya wore a fake smile accepting every compliment you gave her.
"And Vanya…" Her smile fell. Vanya was telling the truth.
"Why didn't we include her? I mean, if anybody ever treated Claire like that, I can't even imagine…"
"You were a child, Miss Allison." Pogo pointed out but Allison rebutted. "Yeah… but I'm not anymore and neither is she."
"If you're not in a hurry. The rest of the tapes are in that cabinet." The advanced chimpanzee gestured to the nearby cabinet, while his other hand took out the keys and left it on the table. "Make sure you lock up when you go."
"Things have been disappearing lately. These are too important to lose." He added as Allison softly chuckled at his words. She has a feeling, she knows who might be responsible for it.
Whilst she was busy reminiscing, Pogo stood beside her, double checking at the breadcrumbs he left. He needed the secrets to be unraveled as soon as possible, he can only pray it wouldn’t be too late. The chimpanzee took one last look at Allison then left the room.
Once he left, the woman in curls rummaged through the tapes and found a tape that stood out. It was oddly placed, it even seemed like that it was purposely placed there. She played the footage not expecting much. To her surprise, her expectations were surpassed by the content of the footage.
Her eyes widened, then she straightened herself. "Oh, God. Dad…"
Allison paused the tape, without hesitation, she began to frantically look for Luther in the academy. She checked from door to door only to be frustrated that Luther wasn’t home. She was about to give up until she heard the front door open then ran - more like fast walking - to where the footsteps came from.
The woman in curls grabbed onto Luther’s arm. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."
"What are you still doing here? I thought you were gone." He raised his brow in her presence.
"No, I was gonna go, and then Pogo showed me this -"
"Well, listen…" The larger male interrupted her with a defeated sigh. "I was wrong about Dad's death."
The woman was astonished by his words, it wasn’t like him. "What?"
"Yeah. I was wrong about Diego. You know, to accuse my own brother of that is just-"
"No, I, I know, I get it." The rumor tried to cut in but got interfered once again.
"- Seeing all of you and being back here… I should be the one who's trying to bring us back together, not tear us apart." Spaceboy said but it more or less it sounded like he was talking to himself in the mirror.
"Would you shut up?!" Allison shouted angrily.
"You were right, about Dad." She stated, now it was the male’s turn to be confused by the sudden turn of events.
"Come on, I gotta show you something."
Even though the larger male was silent, she took his arm and guided him to the CCTV room. As they head to the CCTV room, they happen to passby Y/N and Five. Luther and Allison checked on you guys - since you guys looked kinda messed up - but Five had a sudden outburst and you had to make random excuses to bring him to his room, whilst juggling to not drop Delores. Once they were a bit far, Luther finally had the courage to speak up.
"Does Y/N having a mannequin have something to do with whatever you were going to show me?" He asked.
To which Allison threw a look at his direction. "No, and I have no idea where she got that. All I know is she's been glued to Five's side since he got back."
Once they had arrived, the rumor was quick to replay the footage. Luther couldn’t believe what he was watching. At first he was in denial but, as he replayed the clip again and again, he was able to digest the information but he still doesn’t understand… Why would their mother - er robot, rather, “Grace” kill their father? He kept replaying the scene trying to understand what occurred during the night of the murder but, got no answers in the end.
"Play it again." Number one ordered again…
Allison had to refrain herself from rolling her eyes because of how mind numbing it was to replay the same scene over and over again.
"We've watched it over and over, it's the same thing every time." She pointed out.
Luther sighs, she wasn’t wrong, they weren’t getting answers. Reluctantly, the rumor rewind the clip, the VCR whirred indicating it was being replayed.
"Er… what is she doing?" He asked, gesturing towards Grace on the monitor.
"The tea. Did she poison him?"
"Uh- I don't know." The woman in curly hair uncrossed her arms, unsure of what she was witnessing.
The larger male sighed exasperated then turned his gaze towards hers. "Where did you find this?" He gestured to the footage.
Allison stopped leaning against the cabinet then sat on the chair beside Luther's side, "I was looking at old footage of us as kids, and I just saw the footage sitting there."
"Yeah, Dad must have started using the security system again." There was a pregnant pause present in the room.
"He was getting more and more paranoid. He thought people were out to get him." He muttered, recalling the call he had with his dad a month prior.
Back then, He didn’t think much of it but it did worry him that Grace and Y/N weren’t taking care of him. However, after calling Y/N, he felt reassured by her words and assumed that their father was just becoming paranoid for nothing. Now, he regrets taking his words for granted.
"Well… I guess maybe he was right."
"But Mom?" Allison refused to accept this.
"I mean she's not capable of…" She gestured to the footage but as her eyes landed the footage she began to have second thoughts, she sighs. "Is she?"
Suddenly, a memory from the funeral played in Luther’s head.
"Then there's the issue of the missing monocle." The ape hybrid added to his conspiracy. Even though it was silent, you could hear the others internally groaning as more words came out of his mouth.
"Y/N, while you were cleaning up Dad's room, was the monocle still there?"
"Last night I wasn't assigned to give him medicine, it was Mrs. Grace's turn. So I can't be too sure if he wore the monocle. Though the crime scene cleaners and investigators did let me know that they made sure to keep everything in the same spot." You reported, as your thinking pose shifted into your default one.
"Make sure to check the cameras around the time they were cleaning." He commanded, you bowed in return to confirm you will do as he says.
Spaceboy’s eyes widened at the revelation… What if…
"Where was Y/N last night? Why didn't she inform me about the footage?" He bombarded.
"I already told you! Ever since Five came back she's been stuck to his side." The rumor answered not catching onto Luther’s wavelength.
"But, it doesn't make sense, she had the time to check the footage whilst they were preparing the funeral, and didn’t Pogo and her switch shifts in monitoring the CCTVs?”
Suddenly, Allison went silent, as she began to piece the puzzles and see where Luther was coming from, now that he pointed that out, Y/N could be a possible suspect and lately, she has been avoiding the academy for days, ever since Five came back, she could be using him as her alibi. Which makes her even more suspicious but she highly doubts she has something to do with it murdering their father.
After all, it is a well known fact that the servant has always been neutral, that’s why she is given a number that is neither a prime nor an odd number. It would be rare of her to step out of line. Plus, she only does what needs to be done, she wouldn’t do anything if it wasn’t under someone’s orders.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
It was silent as the duo- trio rather, headed to Five’s room. Five’s head was flooded with ways on how he should retrieve the information to stop the apocalypse with Delores’ assistance. While Y/N’s head was filled with questions for Five, you wanted to ask him questions about the masked people and the people who tried to shoot them down at the doughnut shop but it didn’t feel like the right time to do so.
If only Five was open with you as he was to Vanya then you wouldn’t be reluctant to ask him questions… The only good thing that came out of this was that he trusted you enough to keep you around which made it easier to monitor him.
Once the three entered his room, you placed Delores on a nearby chair as Five stumbled his way to the bed. He fell face first onto the pillow; It sounded like a fart but you had to keep your lips pressed into a thin line or he’d bark at you. To distract yourself from laughing, you glanced at the mannequin, expecting it to do something. Alas, it did nothing but look into where it was painted to look at.
"It might be of use later…” You told yourself but you highly doubted it would be more useful than you.
The servant sighed then turned her gaze towards the boy. “Master Five, let me patch you up.”
“No, I can deal with this myself, I’ll just sleep it off.” He shrugged you off.
Unfortunately for him, you were determined, the look on your face supported that notion. “I’m afraid I won’t allow that. Your wound might get infected if you neglect it. Plus, seeing as you are hell bent on avoiding others, I am the only one who you can order around who wouldn’t try to look over your shoulder.”
Five’s thin lips were ready to bare the teeth that were hidden underneath his lips but his mind intervened before he could do so. You had a point, even though you were unexpectedly dragged into this, you could be of use to him -
"Hey, you know, I've just now realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell!" He laughed then added, "All those years by yourself. It's gonna screw with your head being alone."
"If you want to let the stress out, why not ask Y/N for help?"
"Y/N seems like she'd be good in bed, if you're the type to have a corruption kink and all. I wouldn't be surprised if you have one because you seem the type-" Klaus snapped his finger, "And, andd~! She wouldn't get arrested for dating you."
Warmth creeped onto Five’s cheeks as he recalled Klaus’ words from earlier. He was lucky that his face fell first, you wouldn’t be able to see how much you - correction, how much Klaus’ words affected him. In case his ears were reddening as well, he decided to bury his face further into the pillow to hide it but it was a poor attempt on his part.
“Do whatever you want.” His words were muffled by the pillow.
“What?” You asked, unable to hear his words.
The brown haired boy sat up and glared at your direction, which made you regret your words. “Do whatever you want but don't even think of watching me sleep.”
You nodded then, left his room to go get the first aid kit from the infirmary. Which made the boy sigh in relief then returned to lying on the bed but, this time he made sure to avoid lying on his injured side. As he stared into space, he began to silently plan out how he would get more information only to be disturbed by his beloved, Delores.
“Others would take a rest the moment their body hits the mattress yet, here you are letting your thoughts consume you rather than exhaustion.” Delores mused as she laughed at Five's situation.
“I assumed you would be grateful that I took the time to take you out for a stroll. That was no easy task.” The boy retorted, he knew she was going to piss him off for fun, she’s always been like that since they got together.
“Yeah I am grateful but, I would rather get to know my in-laws than be stuck in this room all day.” The mannequin teased with a knowing smirk, she knew Five was easy to play with when he's needy for someone's attention.
“Getting tired of me already? I thought you loved me.” The brown haired boy joked with a grin on his face. It was a rare sight that only Delores got to witness more often than the others.
“I do love you but, I recall you numerous times telling me off that I shouldn’t disturb you when you’re at ‘work’.” She rebutted which made her beloved chuckle in response.
“Master Five is everything alright?” You tilted your head, confused by what you had just walked in. The brunette was talking to someone just earlier…
“Oh! Is she the one you mentioned that’s always stuck by Vanya’s side?” Delores was ecstatic to finally meet one of the people Five grew up with. Even though he wasn't fond of you, Delores grew to love you whenever you were brought up with Vanya. She thought you both had a cute dynamic.
The physically young man wordlessly nodded to Delores, which you mistook as him saying that everything was alright. Assuming that everything was alright, you were quick to settle down by his bed and prepared what you needed: bandages, a surgical needle, a synthetic suture, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a clean washcloth along with a small bowl of lukewarm water. Once prepared, you took care of his injured side. The room was silent as the boy let out small huffs and your breathing were the only thing audible but, Five was hearing other things besides your breathing.
"Sweetheart, why don't you introduce me to her? I'd love to get to know her. She seems like a nice girl." The mannequin requested.
The brunette could not tell if she was trying to press his buttons or not. They both knew perfectly well that Delores trying to interact with others would just cause confusion but, his beloved is quite a chatterbox. Five might as well play along, or she would make his ears bleed from constant pleading. The thought of doing so made him roll his eyes, which you caught.
Thinking you did something wrong, you raised a question. "Did I do something wrong, Master Five?"
"Nothing, Delores wants to get to know you." He reassured, as an imaginary grin on Delores’ face grew. If you were not so observant, he would have thrown a quick glare in the mannequin’s direction for her cheekiness.
The mannequin bursted out laughing which made the brown-haired male flustered. "AHAHAHA! We've been together for 31 years and I never knew you had this kink."
"Oh right!" The servant was weirded out by this. You knew that you had to play along if you didn’t want to be torn apart. "I didn't introduce myself. Hi Ms. Delores, I'm Y/N, also referred to as Number Zero."
"I won't lie, she is very adorable. I can see why you'd want to keep her around." Dolores added, a finger ghosting on her cheek that complimented that cheeky grin of hers.
"I'm not keeping her." He hissed at Dolores.
You didn't know what he meant by that so you ignored it, and decided to ask another question. "So uh, what did Ms. Delores say?"
"She said that you seem like someone she'd hang around." The boy lied through his teeth but the blush across his face said otherwise.
"That is a complete 180 from what I said Five~" The mannequin sang then giggled.
For a moment, the room went silent, you were busy with Five's wounds whilst the boy was busy keeping his eyes on the mannequin. Dolores watched from her chair, as though taunting the brunette. The silence was comfortable at first but then it began to grow awkward because it felt like you had to do something to fill in the silence.
Out of nowhere, you blurted out a stupid question. "So, Ms. Dolores, do you like cooking?"
The moment you were able to process what you just blurted out, you wanted to smash yourself into a bloody wall. How could you be so stupid? Who in their right mind would ask if a mannequin - a flammable object, mind you - if it loved to cook. Even if it did, how was it supposed to cook? It would make sense if you were asking a robot or an advanced mammal - actually, anything that is capable of mimicking human behavior - but, of all things you just had to ask, you asked a flammable object if it liked to cook!? You were on the verge of running away at this point and let Five deal with his injury.
"Is she serious?" Dolores asked, surprised by what she heard as well.
Five didn't know what to say to his beloved. Trying to look for confirmation of your sincerity, he turned to you and saw that you were covering your face out of embarrassment. It was kinda cute. Watching the usually blank-faced girl wear a different expression… it made you more human rather than a puppet that the other's usually claimed you to be.
To the other numbers (Five was no exception), the servant seemed inhumane, too perfect to be human, you were practically a doll. If we are talking about what kind of doll would describe you, then "barbie" would be a suitable description. A doll that every girl dreamed to be, a doll that was suitable for every job it came across.
However their assumption of you changed when they noticed the cracks you were trying to hide from them, like how you stiffened and forced yourself to smile despite the insults being hurled at you, how you did want to go against their father but decided against it because of hesitance, and how you try your best to not cry or scream whenever their father needed your blood or for experimentation.
You were just as messed up as them…
From that point on, they recognized that it didn't feel right to label you as a doll. Though it didn't diminish the fact that you acted like a puppet, how you wouldn't act unless someone pulled the strings, how you mimicked others to look natural, and how you spoke like it came out from a script instead of saying what you actually think or feel.
Though, Five supposes this is the reason why you were given the "Number 0", it is neither even or odd. A number that represents balance, you stood on neither side, you were just someone who’s responsible for neutralizing issues before things could escalate. Strangely enough, despite you trying to act normal, you were the one that stood out among the dysfunctional family, because of how mentally unaffected you were by the household. Even Vanya had difficulty expressing her anger for you in her memoir.
Whilst the two numbers were busy with their own thoughts, someone was watching the scenery before her, amused by the silence that settled within the room.
The mannequin internally laughed at what she was witnessing. She found it rather ironic that despite Five being blunt about his distaste for you, you kept chasing him and made sure if he was alright. It was even more hilarious that he was beginning to open up to you but his hostility is still present. He hated you, you disliked him yet, you both cared for each other in your own way.
Even though she didn't have a heart, she felt envious of you. To be able to hold Five, to be able to run after him, to be able to stop him from overworking. You had everything Dolores wanted. But, alas, those are merely musings of a soulless husk.
Although this was an unspoken truth, Five knew his beloved "Dolores" wasn't real, she was merely something that manifested out of thin air because he wanted to keep himself sane during the apocalypse. She even recalled that time when some people from the commission found out about Dolores' existence, and they judged Five's mental state for it, even though Five acted like it was nothing, She was worried for him. They both knew it was the truth but he refused to acknowledge the reality of her existence.
Putting aside her jealousy, the mannequin was glad that despite all the weirdness Five carried, he found someone who did try to understand him. The thought of your open-mindedness and kindness warmed Dolores' non-existent heart.
"Thanks." Five broke the silence, his gaze elsewhere.
"Huh?" You tilted your head, not expecting his words.
"I know you heard me, don't make me say it twice or I'll give you a reason to be deaf." The brunette threatened, usually his threats would make you flinch but, this time it made you smile, not a forced one.
Your genuine smile went unnoticed but the tone of your voice didn't fail to express your sincerity. "You're welcome, Five."
The boy froze up as he realized you were calling him by his name again. He didn't know whether to call you out on it or just let it go… In the end, he failed to notice you had already left his side.
"I didn't think you'd warm up to her considering you told me how much you disliked her." The mannequin teased a knowing look on her face.
The brunette merely rolled his eyes at her then laid down on the bed, avoiding to ruin the stitches you made. "She's one of the tolerable ones, I have no choice."
Dolores smiled to herself knowing that was a lie.
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
The next day, both the boy and the girl exited the house through the fire exit, with Dolores carefully placed into the duffle bag along with alcohol. The seance noticed you guys sneaking out and tried to join in but Five declined his offer. As Klaus was busy whining about how much he loved his 'little brother', you managed to hijack a nearby van and let Five drive to his desired location while you sat at the back with Dolores.
The brunette parked the van in front of the prosthetics building, watching people come and go while he fiddled with the glass eyeball in his hand. He mindlessly watched as a woman walked past the stolen van whilst a group of children played ball.
Seeing normalcy made Five sigh, he was envious of those people. People who lived a normal life had it better than him. He could not stop the feeling of envy creeping up on him. After all, they didn't have to worry about putting their lives on the line for others. Unlike them, the boy grew up in a dysfunctional household and got thrusted into the apocalypse at a young age. He was forced to grow up early and prioritize his life over others, which went against the old man's teachings.
As Five was busy with his own demons, he didn't notice you had let in uninvited guests.
You were bored out of your mind, and began to look out the window in hopes of finding something interesting, until you saw a familiar lanky figure heading towards the van. It was Klaus heading towards the van with Luther in tow, you opened the back door and waved at them to come in.
The lanky man skipped his way to the backdoor and began conversing with Dolores. As you tried your best to stop him from harassing it - because you had a feeling Five would rip him to pieces.
"I didn't think I would find a beauty like you in here." The seance whispered into Dolores' ear.
"Master Klaus you shouldn't-"
"Shh shh, let her speak." He said as he caressed the mannequin's cheek, even though it didn't say a word, Klaus giggled and started cradling Dolores in his arms.
"Does everyone in the Hargreeves family like talking to non-living things or something?" You questioned yourself as you bit the inside of your cheek.
At the front of the truck, it seemed like Luther was planning to sit in the passenger seat but it was locked. You unlocked the door for him since Five was unresponsive. You silently watched as the larger male struggled to enter the van due to his frame.
Suddenly, the brunette in the driver's seat screamed.
“No!” Five's scream caught you and Spaceboy's attention, you hurriedly went to his side and rubbed the small of his back.
“Five.” You murmured not wanting to overwhelm him with loud sounds.
“Five!” Luther called out, the volume of his voice made you flinch and cover the ear he screamed at.
“Hey Five!” The male shouted once again yet, it wasn't effective.
“NO!” The younger male screamed as he grabbed onto his hair whilst his eyes widened in fear, his breathing becoming ragged.
“Five!” You shook Five awake as the larger male shouted his brother's name like a mantra, trying to bring back the boy into reality.
When the brunette finally calmed down, you continued rubbing his back, concern etched into your features. “Are you alright, Master Five?”
He disregarded your words as he began to process the uninvited guest that sat on the passenger seat, "You shouldn’t be… How did you find me?”
“Um…” Space boy gestured to Klaus, who sat at the back of the van, cradling Five's beloved in his arms.
The seance murmured, “Hey baby…”
Once the lanky man noticed everyone's eyes were on him, he shooed away their lingering gazes. “Hey, a little privacy, guys. We’re really hitting it off back here.”
Out of irritation, the boy throws the nearest object at Klaus. The lanky man screamed and used the mannequin as a shield, in an attempt to protect himself. Luckily, you caught the object before Klaus got injured and threw Five a side eye, which made him roll his eyes.
“Get out! You can’t be here! I’m in the middle of something." The physically younger male hissed at his barely sober brother.
The seance dismissed his threat and approached his brothers who sat at the front of the van. “Any luck finding out your one-eyed man?”
“No.” Five whispered, internally groaning at the fact he even trusted his idiot of a brother with the secret of the apocalypse.
“What’s he talking about?” Luther brought up with a raised brow.
“Does it matter? It’s Klaus.” The boy quickly shot down.
At first, Klaus looked hurt but, he redirected his gaze to the larger male as though silently asking Luther to defend him but, nothing came out of Spaceboy's mouth. Defeated, the seance breathed through his nose and acted as though he wasn't hurt. Out of pity, you rubbed his back.
The small brunette sighed, “What do you want, Luther?”
“So…” Dirty blond male cautiously glanced at you, “So, Grace may have something to do with Dad’s death.” He paused and glanced at you again trying to read if you have a reaction. “I need you to come back to the academy, all right? It’s important.”
"Is something on my face?" You asked yourself as you started to feel your face if there was a bloodstain you forgot to wipe away from Five's wounds.
“It’s important.” Five mocked his brother’s words then scoffed. “You have no concept of what’s important.”
“Hey!” Klaus interrupted, “Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?”
The lanky man laughed his stomach out, sadly, the others weren't laughing along with him. “It was so painful!”
Luther and Five grimaced at their brother's words, while you looked at the seance as though he had committed a sin. Despite everyone's obvious disgust, someone else - besides Klaus - managed to laugh because of his shenanigans, it was Five. You witnessed the boy turn his head then hid his giggle underneath his breath. It was oddly adorable.
“What are you still doing here?” The larger man scrunched up his brows, his gaze on Klaus.
“I- What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?” Klaus placed a hand on his chest, offended by the other male's choice of words.
“We’re trying to have a serious conversation here.”
“What, and I’m incapable of being serious? Is that what you’re saying?”
At this point, you couldn't help but frown and feel bad for Klaus. No one in the family took him seriously just like how they treated Vanya. He acts as though he isn't bothered but, you know it hurts him, just as much as how the others treated Vanya differently.
“Luther’s got a point, you should get out.” Five added.
Reluctantly, the lanky man crawls out of the van murmuring how it was unfair. Once he got out of the van, he screamed “FINE!” then slammed the door closed.
"I- I should go after Master Klaus…" You said quietly then followed Klaus to the convenience store. You had a feeling he'd cause trouble and it would be best someone would be there to prevent it.
Once you and Klaus left, the atmosphere in the van became tense. The unspoken rivalry, rather, the one sided rivalry between Luther and Five was becoming more evident to the naked eye. Since you left, Luther felt like he could finally bring up his suspicion of you to Five.
“What the hell are you up to?” Luther questioned whilst he observed the seance and the servant head to the convenience store together.
“You wouldn’t understand.” The younger male stated, his eyes narrowing at the prosthetics building across them.
“Try me. Last I checked, I’m still the leader of this family.”
“Well, last I checked. I’m 18 years older than you.”
The larger man inhaled deeply then turned to his 'younger' brother. “You know what your problem is?”
“Really hoping you’ll tell me.” Five sarcastically remarked, his hazel eyes never leaving the building across the van.
“You think you’re better than us. You always have. Even when we were kids. But the truth is, you’re just as messed up as the rest of us. We’re all you have and you know it.”
The brunette lets out a dejected sigh. “I don’t think I’m better than you, Number One. I know I am.”
Spaceboy chuckled at his words, Five just proved his point.
“I’ve done unimaginable things, things you couldn’t even comprehend.” the boy pointed out as his grip on the steering wheel tightened but it came off as an exaggeration to Luther, “Right…”
“Just to get back here and save you all.” Five added.
Unexpectedly, the convenience store from across the street was experiencing a commotion, catching the passersby's attention along with Five and Luther's. Out came Klaus carrying a huge amount of food in his arms followed by the security guard screaming for him to halt.
“Whoa!” The seance runs with the food he shoplifted as the security ran after him.
One of the security guards screamed with a baton in hand. “Stop!”
“Hey! Stop right now!”
The lanky man waves at the van, some of the food he stole fell behind. Due to his carelessness, he almost gets run over by a taxi, luckily it stopped halfway, though he managed to narrowly dodge the vehicle.
As for you, you were held back at the convenience store as you paid for the food your master shoplifted. You internally grumbled about regretting ever feeling pity for him and how you should have known he would have pulled a stunt like this.
After that whole fiasco, Luther was about to leave the van until he remembered something he had been planning to tell Five once you weren't around.
"Since you don't plan on showing up to the family meeting, I'll give you a heads up, Y/N might have something to do with dad's death." Luther said, his back against the boy.
Five's eyes widened and his grip on the steering wheel tightened as the puzzles in his head began to fall into pieces. "You have nothing to worry about. I've dealt with people like her."
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Luther and Allison gathered every family member in the living room, except Five since he was being stubborn. The monitor that he and Allison were playing with last night, currently sat on the bar, the video tape already in it. All he needed to do was play the footage…
The large male took in a deep breath then played it. The monitor replayed the night of the murder, Grace was taking care of the Monocle's needs, suddenly he started twitching and fell on his back, amidst him experiencing a heart attack, Ms. Grace did nothing but look down at him instead of doing what she was programmed to do.
The whole room went silent, Luther observed the other's reactions and noticed that only Vanya and Klaus were mortified. Number one expected that he and Allison were the only ones who wouldn't be surprised but you and Diego didn't seem surprised by the footage. Diego seemed a little too satisfied whilst you looked away from the monitor.
The dirty blond male narrowed his brows, "Suspicious."
“I mean, do you really think that mom would hurt Dad?”, Vanya broke the silence.
“You haven’t been home in a long time, Vanya. Maybe you don’t know Grace anymore.”
“If he was poisoned, it would have shown up in the coroner’s report.” Diego remarked with a matter of factly tone.
“Well, I don’t need a report to tell me what I can see with my own eyes.”
“Maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your head.” The lad in black leather approached the monitor and replayed the footage. “Dad has his monocle. Grace stands up. Monocle’s gone.”
Klaus laughed, “Oh, yeah!”
The Latino turns his back, “She wasn’t poisoning him. She was… taking the monocle, to clean it.”
“Then where is it?”
Everyone went silent not having an answer to that question. You, even as an accomplice, didn't even know where it was. You were pretty sure disposing of the monocle was not part of the plan…
“No, I’ve searched the whole house, including her things. She doesn’t have it.”
The kraken looked down as he took out his knife and fidgeted with it, till his eyes met Luther's. “That’s because I took it from her. After the funeral.”
“You’ve had the monocle this whole time? What the hell, Diego!” Allison exclaimed.
“Give it to me.” Luther commanded, taking a few strides towards Diego, his hand out awaiting for the monocle to be returned.
“I threw it away.”
The rumor scoffed at her brother's admission.
“You what? ” Number one’s voice boomed.
“Look, I knew that if you found it on Mom, you’d lose your shit. Just like you are doing right now.” The latino menacingly pointed at Spaceboy's direction with the pointed edge of his dagger.
“Diego, you son of a bitch.” Luther walks over to Number two but Vanya interrupts him before another fight starts, you mirror her actions as well and walk in front of Diego to prevent him from doing anything reckless.
“Hey. no. calm down.” Vanya said, “Look, I know dad wasn’t exactly an open book. But, I do remember one thing. He said Mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker but also as a protector.”
“Well, if her hardware is degrading, then… We need to turn her off.”
"Oh no." You thought. This was definitely not part of Mr. Hargreeves' plan.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. She’s not just a vacuum you can throw into a closet. She feels things, I’ve seen it.” The kraken angrily said as his glare hardened, along with the finger pointing becoming more abundant.
“She stood there, and watched our father die.” The dirty blond male pointed out as he gestured to the footage.
“I’m with Luther.”
“Surprise, surprise.” Diego sarcastically retorted.
“Shut up.” The rumor barked back.
Suddenly, the whole room looked at Vanya, expecting an answer out of her. “I- I don't-”
"Yeah, she shouldn't get a vote." Diego interrupted her before she could decide but Vanya snapped back at him. "I was gonna say that I agree with you."
"Okay. She should get a vote."
The Latino turned to Klaus, "What about you, stoner boy? What are you thinking?"
"Oh, so, what? Do you need my help now? Oh 'Get out of the van, Klaus!', 'Well, welcome back to the van.' -
"What van?" The woman in curls interjected, not following through with this whole van thing. Fortunately for her, she wasn't alone as Vanya didn't know what the van metaphor was for.
The large male released a sigh and changed the topic, "What's it gonna be Klaus?"
“I’m with Diego because screw you Luther! And if Ben were here, he'd agree with me." The lanky man replied while looking Luther in the eye, as though to intimidate him.
"So, that's three to two."
"Vote's not final yet." The actress stated which caused the whole room to raise eyebrows.
"Five's not here." She pointed out. You could hear everyone - except Luther who was silently thanking her - internally groan at her words. At this point, she was just stalling!
The lad in black leather scoffed and then argued, "You really think Five would show up to something as stupid as this?"
"Why don't we just let Y/N vote for him?" Klaus suggested as he pushed you forward like a sacrificial lamb.
"Master Klaus, I'm afraid I can't do that-"
"She doesn't have a say in this." You stiffened at Luther's words, "I don't like the sound of that."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? That she is not one of us? She is treated like an experiment and got traumatized because of that bastard! How is she any different from us?" Diego fought back on your steed, while you looked at him like he had grown another head.
"Because we-"
"Just you, Luther." Allison corrected, looking away from the scene before her.
"I think she might be an accomplice in Dad's death." The larger male finished her sentence which made the living room feel unwelcoming as dead silence followed.
The Latino scoffed then taunted the big man, "I'm surprised your mouth hasn't retired from carrying all that shit your ass couldn't handle."
"And here we go again." The rumor muttered under her breath.
Luther ignored his brother's taunts and began providing arguments, "During dad's funeral, Y/N was supposed to check on the footage and report to me if there was anything suspicious but she didn't inform me."
"That's because I was with Five, I'm supposed to be watching over him in case the effects of time traveling were kicking in." You hurriedly replied which unknowingly raised suspicion in Luther's eyes.
"Didn't you and Pogo switch shifts whilst monitoring the CCTVs?"
"Yes but, I didn't have time to check on the tapes-"
"You didn't have time yet the tape was conveniently placed on top of the cabinet." The dirty blond male pointed out, your eyes widened in fear because you didn't know how to defend yourself… You felt helpless.
You were well aware that you were not the one who placed the tape there, so it could have been Pogo. As much as you would love to defend yourself, you couldn't exactly speak out either since this would ruin the plan but you were itching to stand up for yourself. In the end, you sucked it up and didn't say a word.
"You even told me that I should 'broaden your scope, especially your list of suspects'. " Luther's eyes felt like lasers being burned through your skull.
You gulped, looking down at your feet as your tears were ready to cascade down your cheeks. You even regretted leaving those clues for him because you didn't think you would be put into this position, "I- I was… I was trying to cheer you up…"
"Is that the only excuse you can come up with?" Luther scoffed, he almost sounded like his father… It scares you.
"Vanya, please keep an eye on Y/N for now." The larger male ordered the petite woman.
Desperately, you walked up to him, "I know it looks bad but, Can I at least attempt to get Five back? His decision might help finalize what to do with Ms. Grace."
"His decision won't save you."
At this point, you were trembling. The ringing in your ears became louder, your mind zoning out until you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned to see it was Klaus wearing a reassuring smile though it didn't do much.
"That's enough Luther, you're scaring her." Allison finally stepped in.
The violinist approached your side cautiously then gently whispered, "Y/N, I believe it's best you listen to Luther for now."
"For now, let's wait for Five to return. The whole family has to vote. We owe each other that." The rumor ended the discussion and everyone began to part their ways.
Once Vanya finished conversing with Diego about Ms. Grace, she - gently - took you by your wrist and headed to your room. You were so busy in your head that you didn't realize that Vanya was the one taking you to your room.
The violinist wore a concerned look on her face, "Hey, Y/N, you alright? You seem so out of it? It's very unusual for you… I'm assuming you are bothered by what Luther said? You looked like you were about to cry earlier."
"I'm not bothered, just worried about Five. I was supposed to be by his side but I ended up getting house arrest instead." You answered jokingly but you could not bring yourself to fake a smile.
Vanya laughed, not noticing that your energy didn't match your tone. "If it helps, I don't think you would kill dad."
"You wouldn't know that…" You wanted to say that but kept it to yourself.
"So don't beat yourself up over this, if you're innocent you have nothing to lose."
You briefly replied with a fake smile, "Yeah. Thanks."
The petite brunette noticed the brief reply but shrugged it off then changed topics. "So, I've heard from the others that you and Five have been hanging out, is that true?"
You nodded.
"I didn't think he'd open up to you… with how he openly hates you and all- Not saying that it's a bad thing that you guys are getting along now! It's just… unexpected is all."
You relaxed for a bit and chuckled. You knew for a fact neither of you guys were getting along. At most, you guys were just tolerating each other because you all saw how you guys benefited from each other.
"That's one way of putting it." You murmured.
You and Vanya arrived in your room and sat on your bed. In sync, you guys laid down on your backs and stared at the ceiling above you guys.
"So how's Five doing?" The brunette questioned, probably worried about his mental state considering what happened the day before… or was it earlier?
"Well, from what I can tell, he's getting used to people…" you answered, trying to evade the topic of the apocalypse when answering her question.
Vanya exhaled through her nostrils, "I really should have insisted for him to get help."
"I understand your concern Miss Vanya but, you can't help someone who doesn't recognize they need help. You would only be wasting your energy."
"I'm sorry," She murmured, a habit of hers that she never got over.
You smiled then added, "You have nothing to be sorry about, you're just doing what you think is right."
"Y/N can I ask you something?"
You nodded giving her the go signal.
"Why would you try to comfort Luther by advising him to look into other people as well?"
You froze up. You couldn't lie to Vanya, something was telling you that you couldn't go against someone's orders. "I can't-"
Unexpectedly, a myriad of gunshots were coming from the hallway.
"Hide!" You shouted, before Vanya could protest, you urgently hid her in your closet as you hid under the bed.
Once the sound of gunshots and blades clanking simmered down, you got out of your hiding spot and readied your retractable bo staff. Vanya got out of the closet as well once she heard you got out of your hiding spot.
"Miss Vanya, I will be heading out to assist the others," You grabbed a ballistic shield you have been hiding behind the closet, "I'll be giving you this ballistic shield for your protection. Please don't make any sound."
"Wait, Y/N you shouldn't-" Number seven grabbed your wrist in an attempt to stop you but the determined look on your face made her grip loosen.
"I have to Miss Vanya, I'm sorry. It's my responsibility to protect you- I mean, protect the academy. I can't just stand by and watch them throw away their lives like that."
Vanya was left speechless with your words. You did not outright say anything about her being ordinary or not having powers but, it felt like the term "responsibility" became synonymous with the word “power”. It made her think that she didn't have the power to protect others nor herself, that's why other people had to get themselves hurt to protect her.
"Remember, do not open the door for anyone even if you know it's someone you think you can trust; We don't know what the intruder is capable of, so trust no one. I will let you know if the coast is clear so keep a lookout for my messages." You told her then left your room, unknowingly leaving Vanya to her thoughts.
You cautiously surveyed the hallway, you held the bo staff's body with high alert including your other senses actively looking for the intruders that entered the academy. When you reached the stairs, you witnessed Diego and Allison simultaneously attacking a familiar pink masked person. You were about to jump into the action until you heard Vanya's voice from the living room.
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"Hello?" Vanya went down the stairs, worry in her voice and facial features.
"Guys? Is everyone okay?"
"Hello? Guys?" She entered the living room unaware of the danger emanating from the lounge.
Once the violinist entered the room she tried to look for any signs of life but only saw the result of the fight, which was gun residue and bullet casings littering the area. As she was about to leave and investigate the other rooms, she heard chains rattling behind her.
The petite woman turned and was met with the intruder who wore a blue cartoony mask, who was wielding a morning star. He swung it towards Vanya but she ducked just in time. As he was about to hit her with his arm, a two-pronged spear stopped him midway, which created a distance between Vanya and the intruder.
The spear was a surprise to everyone in the living room except you, they turned their gaze and met your hues. Once the masked man's attention was set on you, Vanya quickly hid not wanting to be a liability.
"If you're looking for someone to fight, at least pick someone who can fight." You taunted the larger man.
With ease, you jumped from the second floor then dash towards the masked man, using the momentum you've picked up, you raised your foot and pushed kick his torso away. The impact made him stumble backwards and pause as he tried to gather his footing.
The spear that you threw at him earlier is now in your hands, you pressed the button that would retract the prongs and swung it towards the mask - his head was your main target - which made him stagger back again.
"This brat is too quick, I should've left her with Cha cha." Hazel grumbled to himself.
Despite the obvious large distance, you cautiously took a few steps backwards and used the staff as a boundary. An open hand supporting the head of the bo staff whilst a closed fist on the butt of the staff holding onto it with a strong grip.
Seeing as the double attack to his head was making him fall behind, you quickly withdrew from your defensive stance then, taunted the masked man by spinning your bo staff. Once he regained his footing, he swung the ball of spikes onto the body of the staff, so it would fall apart.
However, you decided to take a gamble and retract it. You dashed forward to tackle him but, due to the frame and weight differences, your attack didn't affect him. Unknown to him, this was all part of your plan, this was the distance you needed for your next move. You made the staff face upwards then unretracted it which propelled his chin thus leading him to fall backwards.
By now he was outside the living room, you were out of breath and so the masked man. Your main objective was achieved, Vanya wasn't within his reach but, you were not sure if you could hold him off any longer.
"Hey, asshole." Luther greeted. Despite what he did to you earlier, you were thankful for his presence.
"Y/N go look for Pogo and Grace!"
You nodded and headed off to where you usually see Pogo and Grace. Once you have met up with the advanced chimpanzee you guided him to the basement and reassured him that everything was under control. You were planning to go out and look for Grace this time but, curiosity got the better of you.
"Did you hire those people?" You questioned as your grip on the retractable bo staff tightening.
"Master Hargreeves never hired an outside party to get involved… It must be someone who knows what he is planning, or people after his fortune." He replied but you were not satisfied with his answer, it was evident on your face.
You scoffed then exclaimed, "What the hell is he planning?! Vanya almost got killed out there!"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you. Master Hargreeves made me swear to not speak of it, unless the truth is finally revealed to the whole academy."
You were livid but walked away from him with a huff, to go look for Ms. Grace. At this point, you have given up on trying to find out the truth. Even though you were one of the Monocle's loyal servants, he treated you like the other numbers and kept you in the dark despite his hesitancy to trust you, he gave you little to no information, so you would be left to figure it out yourself.
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Once you received Vanya's text, you went out of the basement and surveyed the house if there were lingering intruders. Suddenly, you ran to where you heard the crash come from and saw a fallen chandelier along with the other numbers who looked like they were still processing what they witnessed.
"What happened?" You broke the silence, it seemed like they were hesitant to answer but Allison managed to speak. "A chandelier fell on Luther, please check on him."
You bowed to the rumor, as you were ready to leave Vanya, Allison and Diego to their own devices.
Suddenly, the violinist's question made you freeze, "Who were those people?"
You were well aware that the question was not directed towards you but, the instinct - a rumor - told you to answer her but, then you saw Diego narrowing his eyes at you, as though silently questioning why you haven't left. You tightened your lips into a line then silently went to the clinic to prep for Luther's wounds.
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➢ Taglist : @igotanidea @incapableofanything @kumioon @buuhsworld @stray-npc @sunsunhe @instabull @theredvelvetbitch @yoashh @keowthedino @danis-stuff-is-here @sol3chu @cxlynv @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n
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148 notes · View notes
cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 26
chapter 45:
1. bagels 100% count as breakfast. reg is right
2. why are these bagels destroying everyone?? i’m so upset! (i know why the bagels are upsetting everyone)
3. 😭😭 james cannot stay angry at reg. he’s now kissing him inside the lift
4. 😳😳😳 reg is bouta give james a blowjob in the lift
5. “”Sirius turns to James and flatly says, "Really?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"So, you hate him, but you just can't keep your hands off him, is that it?"”
LMAO sirius boo let them be. they’re working it out in the worst way possible
6. narcissa 💕💕💕
8. i love that the crowd is going apeshit. first interview and the tributes are already giving the hallow absolute hell
9. “Narcissa likely isn't even pregnant—Sirius is almost one hundred percent certain she's not, considering their last conversation—but the Hallows don't know that, and they're pissed.” LMAOOOOOOO
10. “Sirius is practically vibrating, because as much as he might not like her, Bellatrix is next, and she's fucking insane. There's no way Rita is equipped to handle her; no one is, really.”
any mention of bellatrix has me so excited 😊 i love her insanity so much
11. 😳😧 i’m surprisingly enchanted by bellatrix’s flirting with rita. like- omg 😳
12. i’m so glad that every last victor is giving the hallow/rita/riddle absolute HELL
13. “Augusta weaponizes it against Rita, and if Rita didn't have mother-related issues before, she certainly does now.” godDAMN
14. “”Why don't we start with your reaping then?" Rita asks.
"Which one?" Sirius replies, arching an eyebrow.”
😭😭 stop rita is already being demolished and it’s ten seconds into her interview with sirius
15. the crowd is going fucking insane. i love this
16. “”Did you know, Rita, that a mere five minutes before the Quarterly Memorial announcement, James and I stood together in a kitchen and shared hot cocoa? He held me. We laughed. We were happy." He glances out at the crowd, seeing multiple stricken expressions, and he just keeps going, fucking ruthless about it. "I think that was the last time we got to be truly happy together. After all that we went through, all that we fought for, and we still ended up nothing more than a great, big tragedy."”
i’m losing my shit over here. i’m so sad, but also like, YES! GIVE THEM HELL!! all the victors are giving them absolute HELL and the blacks are the best at doing it, what with Narcissa “im pregnant” malfoy, bellatrix “flirting with the host” black, sirius “which reaping and i’m committed to one lover in the hallow” black, and regulus “we’re a great big tragedy” black
17. 😭😭😭😭 i take it back. it’s regulus “if it wasn’t for the wedding” black. this is fucking phenomenal
18. “Regulus promised himself he was going to make them pay, and he meant it. That's the promise he's chosen to keep.” CORRECT
19. go emmeline. she’s also giving them hell. straight up says that riddle broke rules and traditions. straight up
20. i love that eli stumbled across stage, claimed to be lovers to alphard, the hallow kept them apart, and then eli started drinking once alphard died. even ELI is throwing fucking punches
21. 😳 marlene straight up told rita to, and i repeat, “shut the fuck up”. i love her
22. 😧 gunshots in the hallow. this is chaos and i’m living for it. but i’m also so worried
23. you know what, fuck that severus bitch. he doesn’t even hesitate to tell riddle about marlene’s family and have them killed. i’m pissed that severus got a pov. (not blaming zar)
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queen--of--shadows · 2 years
Healing Shadows: Part 11
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Reader is a gifted surgical healer and water bender. Rhysand needs her help when he finds out about Feyre’s risky pregnancy. Azriel finds out reader is his mate.
Warnings: smut
Word Count: 1,808
Notes: thank you all so much for all the love on my very first fanfic! 🥹 (and my first time writing smut 🫣) I hope I did the series justice and you all love this ending as much as I do 🥲 let me know what you think 🖤 ps I see all your requests and will get to them soon! thank you for sending them in 🫶🏼
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Part 11: Forever
Breathing became difficult. You slowly backed away from him, off the couch and into the kitchen.
“What?” Your voice trembled, barely above a whisper.  
Azriel opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out.
His shadows, once swirling around your arms and hands, were nowhere to be found.
The buzz from the wine wore off as your heart sank into your stomach and you were hit with cold sobriety. The familiar prickle of anxiety tingled its way down your arms and legs, into your fingers and toes.
“How am I your mate?”
“I don’t know how, Y/N. I just know that you are.” Azriel’s eyes were pleading, begging, searching yours for an answer. “I’ve known since the night of Solstice at Rita’s. That’s when it hit me.”
At Rita’s? When you were all over Lucien?
It made sense.
The way Azriel was glaring at you that night, his moodiness during training, how you heard his thoughts in your head as if they were your own.
He wasn’t a daemati. He was your mate.
It made sense, yes, but why didn’t you know? Why haven’t you felt anything?
You began pacing, cold sweat trickling down your back. The cabin suddenly became too hot.
“I don’t get it,” you said, your back facing Azriel as you ran to the kitchen window, desperate for fresh, cold air in your burning lungs. You shut your eyes, letting the cool breeze calm and center you. “If you’re my mate, why don’t I feel anything? Why hasn’t it hit me, too?”
You heard Azriel push off the couch and take a few tentative steps toward you. “Sometimes the bond clicks for one person and not the other. I’m not sure why it hasn’t for you yet.” A few steps closer. “But…you don’t feel anything? You haven’t felt any spark between us? I…I can’t stay away from you, Y/N. You drive me absolutely mad. I haven’t stopped thinking about you, day and night. You don’t feel even…a tiny bit of that?”
Your body was on fire from his confession. Of course, you felt the same. But you had suppressed all those thoughts, desires, feelings. You told yourself it was impossible. Until today, you thought Elain was his mate.
But it was you.
His equal, his match, his mate.
You whipped around to find Azriel standing closer than you had expected.
“Of course, I—“
You choked on your words—something tugged in your stomach so hard that you almost stumbled toward him.
You looked down, convinced there was a thread caught in your shirt that was pulling you, but…no. This was deeper, something visceral, hidden in your body and soul.
You slowly lifted your gaze to him, your heart stuttering at his achingly beautiful face.
There it was.
A thin golden thread, connected from your chest to his, glowing between you both.
Azriel’s shadows swarmed around you, wrapping you both in a frenzy of darkness as the rest of the cabin melted away. It was just you and him, Y/N and Azriel. He was suddenly the center of your universe, his breath becoming one with yours. You felt him in every fiber of your being, every beat of your heart, every breath of air in your lungs. You could hear his shadows chanting softly in the distance, mate mate mate, a beautiful, melodious song that was written in your soul. You were his and he was yours and nothing else mattered, not now, not ever. The stunning, kind, strong, patient, beautiful male standing before you was your mate.
Your breath caught as you reached for the bond and gave it a tug, and Azriel gasped in response.
The bond shone brighter, stronger.
“You see it?” His eyes were watery as he asked with a deep, soft laugh, the one that sent shivers along your bones.
“My mate,” you breathed, marveling at the bond, and within a second Azriel had you pinned against the kitchen counter, his strong arms wrapped around your waist as he leaned in and growled against your ear, “Say it again.”
Warmth pooled in your core at his intoxicating scent, stronger than ever. You tangled your fingers in his hair as you moaned again, “My mate.”
Azriel’s chest was heaving, his breathing uneven. He pulled back with a crazed look in his sparkling hazel eyes, studying your face. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you nodded, laughing and crying all at once.
“Do we have to do anything? To make it official?”
Azriel broke out in a feral grin. “You just have to feed me,” he murmured against your neck.  “And then I’ll be feasting on you.”
You shuddered at the thought, leaning to your side to grab an apple off the counter, bringing it up to Azriel’s mouth. He took a slow bite, your eyes fixating on the juice that escaped the corner of his mouth, dripping down his face and onto your fingers. The fruit dropped from your grasp, all you could focus on was his soft, plump lips as he leaned down, licking the juice off your fingers, never breaking eye contact. Fuck, you were barely breathing. You craned your neck in turn, licking the juice from the side of his mouth up to his lips. You waited, savoring the moment of being so close to him, drunk on his scent, unable to think about anything other than his hard body up against yours. Azriel grabbed the back of your head and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours, flicking his tongue across the seam of your mouth. His shadows swirled faster and faster around you, and all that was left was their sweet, soft darkness, cocooning you and your mate. You opened for him, your tongues instantly dancing and exploring each other.
Azriel’s restraint snapped at the sound of your moaning into his mouth.
You wrapped your legs around his muscled torso as he carried you effortlessly into the bedroom, tossing you onto the soft bed before ripping off his black sweater, his beautiful Illyrian tattoos on full display. Your mouth watered at the sight of him, his perfectly sculpted body, his massive wings, the bulge in his leathers.
“Az…” you groaned, needing his touch, his mouth on yours, his body against you.
Azriel stared at you, mouth open. “I haven’t heard you say my name since the first night we met.”
You held out your hand, guiding him into bed. “Again,” he commanded between kisses on your cheek, your jaw, your ear.
He whimpered at the sound of his name on your beautiful lips, kissing your neck as his hand trailed up your stomach, cupping your breast and rolling your nipple between his fingers. His touch was electric and you needed more.
Az stroked his way down the plane of your stomach until he reached the waistband of your leggings, slipping his hand underneath. A growl escaped him as he felt the wetness soaking you through the fabric. “Fuck, so wet already,” he ground out, barely coherent through his lust for you. You arched into his touch, grabbing a handful of his silky dark hair while he teased you, flicking his tongue across your nipples and trailing kisses down to your pelvis.
“Please, Az,” you begged, needing his mouth on you.
Azriel obliged, tearing your leggings off with one strong hand and pinning you down with the other. “Do you taste as sweet as you smell, pretty girl?” he purred against the inside of your thigh. You writhed under his touch, unable to bear his teasing.
Azriel began with a long, sweeping stroke of his tongue against you, his soft, warm fingers separating your slick folds, moaning into you, salivating at your taste. “Fuck, you taste even better than I dreamed.” You ran your fingers through his hair, over his massive shoulders, until you found his wings, now spread to their full, massive extent behind him.
His wings.
With a soft touch, you slid the pad of your finger across the inside of his wing, and Az released an animalistic growl in response. You continued playing with him as he feasted on you, sliding and pumping his fingers deep inside at a perfect, aching rhythm, until he was stroking that sensitive spot in your core.
“Az,” you rasped, and he knew you were close. He kept pumping inside, sucking your sensitive bud until you were screaming his name, arching off the bed and climaxing on his beautiful face.
You needed him still, desire coursing and aching through every vein.
“Come here,” you barely managed to get out through breathless pants, grabbing Az by the arm and pulling him towards you.
You looked down between you two, Azriel’s incredible length rubbing against your sensitive, soaked pussy. “Are you sure?” he asked, kissing and sucking on your neck. You had never been more sure of anything. You rocked your hips up to meet his in answer. Az immediately reached down, lining himself with your entrance and slowly inching in. With the first push of himself, you fell back, head slamming against the pillow, the sensation sparking fire through your body. Azriel kept going, inch by inch, until he was entirely inside. He fit perfectly, like he was made for you. You could barely breathe, barely think as you began rocking your hips again, letting Az know you were ready. He slowly pulled out, almost to the tip of his glorious cock before slamming his hips against yours. Az began pounding you at a devastatingly slow pace, climax building in your core.
Azriel pulled away from your neck to press his forehead against yours.
“My mate,” he breathed against your mouth. “I love you.”
His words were your undoing.
You cried out his name, over and over with each thrust, the bond shining brighter than ever between you two. Azriel locked his mouth around yours, moaning into you as his pace became wild, tears lining your eyes as you both became the stars and the moon and the sun and the sky, wind and fire and earth and breath and the entire universe, all at once as you both found your release together. You were his and he was yours until the end of time. Az drew out the maddening pleasure until every inch of your body was burning with desire and want.
“I love you,” you said back as he finally eased down, laying his head in the crook of your neck, his warm, muscular body heaving as you both tried to catch your breath.
Az pulled out slowly and rolled over to your side. “You’re mine,” he whispered, his hazel eyes burning with love and adoration. Your eyes welled up again at the sight of your beautiful mate. You traced a finger along the tattoos spanning his broad chest as you whispered back, “And you’re mine.”
taglist: @cute-baby-ducks @brekkershadowsinger @iangelofmusic @j-pendragonx @foggypeanutmongeroaf @luckypersonmentality @eddiesbixch696 @davinaclaire16 @lexie1o9 @thewarriormoon @halfmeltedcandles @cartoonnerdgirl @wrensical003 @abigailrose98 @cafe-inaaa @moonlightazriel @caosfanblr @redbleedingrose @lovebookie123 @sarahstone217 @minetticatinwonderland @jtargs @bookish-dream @blurredlamplight @rellik181 @simplywitchy @his-sweet-nightmare @theravenphoenix26 @icantthinkofanythingplease @sebby-staan @brooke3132 @azriels-angels @mrs-azriel @sparklymiraclecheesecake @cityofidek @dreambeliever13 @atlascorriganlovescookies @fo-cus @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @elenas-safe-spot @dreambeliever13 @mysticalcheescakemiracle @sarahstone217
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tokuxsenshi · 10 months
Sentai Body Swap Episodes rank
Okay so I finally done I watched all the body swap episodes. My favorite trope in all media so im an expert so this is the true ranking of them anyone else opinon is WRONG. (Also sorry so bad at words)
King-Ohger Episode 28. Shuffle kings
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this THIS RIGHT HERE is a MASTER PIECE OF BODY SWAP EPISODES full team no voice swaps and FULL of chaos. I love everything about it. I love that Gira Jeremy Hymeno and Kaguragi learned a lesson and Yanma and Rita just want to kill eachother. 100/10 episode ART in its purist form.
2. GOGO V Episode 37. The Beauty is a Saima Beast!?
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I'm honestly very surprised that I loved this episode as much as I do like I don't even remember it from watching Gogo I remember the season being very serious but honestly forgot how funny it could be. I love that this monster didnt even plan to do body swap and him going on the marriage interveiw and acting all weird but the fact he did that in Tsugumi body and the parents didnt react make me think shes just like that normally. Tsugumi is such a girl boss as well true QUEEN. 10/10 episode
3. Magiranger Episode 39. Inverse Brother and Sister and Episode 40. The Gorgon's Garden
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Honestly though this was gonna be my number 1 when I started this episode was one my favorites when I watched Magiranger (despite forgoring its a 2 parter) though RIP to Houka 15 man harem. And Kai sick burning his sister. this some great mid 2000s sentai. though it being a 2 parter kinda un imporant it could been done in one so the episode be counted as 1 and together their a 10/10
4. Gokaiger Episode 27. An Unusual Gokai Change.
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This another one I forgor but its a great episode and choosing Doc an Luca for it was perfect. some great sentai body swap shannies in it with doc running around from guys who think want to attack luka and being scared to hurt her body pure boi. 10/10 love Gokai so much
5. Go-Onger Episode 12. Sosuke Banki!?
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I just love Go on its one my favorite seasons and this episode some the best of how wacky this season is. even with a voice swap I actually genially love this episode. and the fact the monster couldnt even spend 10 mintunes with the team because their just to insane that they couldnt even tell that Sosuke was switched. only one bad thing its set before miu so for no miu I have to give it - 100 points so its a -90/10
6. Abaranger Episode 27. AbaRed is AbareBlue
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Another favorite season and this episode is not a low point honestly love that most of it just Yukito trying to be a dad and failing like dont let this man take care of kids again. like I think the only thing that bring this episode down is the voice swap again. 10/10 episode
7. Lupat Episode 16.Because You're A Friend
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Another BANGER. Choosing Touma to be the body swap for this as AMAZING dont think the comedy could been better with anyone else. and the fact the Patoranger saw the monster in Touma body and basically though he some kind of play boy peek comedy. and the way they trick the monster to switch back really good. 10/10
8.Zenkaiger Episode 32. kai! Sakasama Gets Angry! Is That a Monkey?
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I want to start with that the sub I watched the name the epiosde was freaky friday or is it monkey monday and like THAT WHAT IT SHOULD BE! this episode pretty alright I like Kaito running around Tojitendo Palace and completely failing at pretending to be stacy loud boy in quite boy body peek comedy. also love we get t see Flint do the Twokaizer dance even if its a body swap. 10/10 Episode
9. Dekaranger Episode 19. Fake Blue
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Alright this where my real opinion shine. I LOVE Dekarangr its one my top 10 seasons BUT this episode where it was good... WAS SO BORING compared to what I was watching like I like the epiosde but for what I was making thi slist for its just not that good. 6/10
10. Toqger Episode. 21. The Runaway Bride
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Another season I love but this episode so MEH. like honestly this did not have to have the boys body swap it just seemed really unessary and didnt really effect anything. The Gritta stuff was really sweet though I always felt bad for her in the show she deserved better. 5/10
11. Kyoryuger Episode 37. Revenge! The Ghost Deboth Army
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Honestly this episode so boring I could barely pay attention like this one 100% did NOT need to be a body swap epiosode like did that even effect anything. 4/10
12. Fiveman Episode 36. Super Twin Strategy
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I wont really reveiw this one like I did watch it and its alright but I've never seen Fiveman so I feel like maybe when I do eventually watch it i'll have an actual opinon ?/10
13. Kiramager Episode 19. Partner
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I'll start with saying the Juru and Fire stuff this episode ADORABLE I love that... but I CAN NEVER purely enjoy this episode because MACH IN IT IS FUCKING DIGUSTING. like the fact whoever wrote this thogh that was comedy A SHAME makes sense the same guy who wrote episode 11 of Lupat the worse epiosde of ANY sentai I hate this episode it makes me so uncomfortable even thinkig about it. fuck mach. -1000000000000000000000000000/10
an now here at the end I'll talk about my FAVORITE swap episode and episode in general that I just couldnt rank with this since I dont 100% think it counts but I love it so we talking about it.
Shinkenger Episode 27, Switched Lives
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I LOVE this episode its so funny and crazy. like taking the switch body trope but with furniture is so good. and the fact Genta turned into sushi and was almost eaten actually turned into an epiosde where he couldnt morph because he was to scared is so funny. and also Ryuunosuke the show punching bag of course gotta turn into little piss baby statue since thats what he is. this episode just great like honestly this one I feel like you can watch without even seeing the rest of shinkenger (Though why would you its the BEST SEASON) and the fact its a Chaiki and Kotaha episode just makes it even better. 10000000000000/10
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itscometothis · 3 months
Opening Lines
Tagged by @pia-bartolini! thanks babe :)
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
erm, one has a prologue so i'm including both because technically, the prologue is first but it feels like its own entity?
OLD AS YOUR OMENS: His throat burned, his shallow breaths causing sharp pains to rack his body as he flinched away from his mother and the poison she poured down his throat. (le prologue).
Regulus was positive he had ceased to exist. (le chapter one)
2. DRUMBEAT OF THE DAMNED: It didn’t happen all at once.
3. ALL THE STOPS: Harry wearily sank onto one of the barstools at the Leaky, joining the stragglers mostly known as the Pathetic Sods Who Have No Where To Go For Christmas.
4.. THE MAGIC OF MACARONS: Draco Malfoy eyed the cookie in front of him with narrowed, skeptical eyes.
5. IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE: “I’ll need you to repeat that.”
6. WE'LL ALWAYS HAVE PARIS: Hermione Granger, in order to avoid Azkaban, stalked her way down the streets of muggle London so she would not murder Rita Skeeter. 
7. A DIFFERENT SORT OF DREAD: Minerva McGonagall would never admit to having a favorite student. 
8. THE PLAN: Hermione Granger had had enough.
9. THE KNIFE: Merlin, this was awkward.
10. DARLING!: Kingsley Shacklebolt was a friend, Hermione reminded herself. She had to keep repeating this to herself as for some reason, Draco Malfoy was seated in the armchair across from her in the lounge next to the Minister’s office. 
So I left a couple things out: drabbles from LDWS, because they feel qualitiatively different as a style, and one of my fave fics of mine, Crime & Punishment, solely because the opening is a recitation of Draco's crimes in transcript form and it's a lot and played with medium. Innocent Monsters was, by that counting, number 11! That's wild, it doesn't feel like I post that much, but it's been 2.5 years since I posted that lil guy.
They're a bit all over the place, but I think the unifying theme here is I usually am trying to establish character/relatability pretty quickly. Relatability and character aren't precisely separate: Hermione is trying not to commit murder, I mean, who hasn't, right? Hermione's at her wit's end. Dying of awkwardness. It strikes the tone and the character's mood while revealing a bit about them.
But, as you move up the list to my two most recent - these are a bit different. I know, as a writer, that I was trying to evoke something of Peter and his betrayal with, 'it didn't happen all at once.' In that sense, it's on brand. This is the tricky thing about fanfic - if itw as OF and we didnt' know anything, it's just a reaction of 'what didn't?' and maybe 'and why do i care that it didn't?" but in fanfic - WHY did this SOB turn from Marauder to Death Eater? And it's Peter's conversational tone I keep throughout.
OaYO reflects its genre - action! - in the prologue. In the opener of Chapter One - a bit of an insistence that, at least from Reg's POV, he really thought he died. (and he did, not a spoiler, it's on the tin of the fic), but it confirms that Regulus thinks so too. It also, I hope, hints at the confusion/disorientation of his return.
Tagging @orangecoluredsky @acanadianmuggle @thebemoon @alptraumdaydream and anyone else who wants to play and hasn’t, already :)
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angstbotfic · 7 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @waknatious
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
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4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
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5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes, every single one. even when it takes me months.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably Second Chance?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mean they kind of all have happy endings . . .
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have in the past during the height of anti-SQ sentiment in the fandom. not recently.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i am the prophet of smut, so yes. 113 of my stories are explicit.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
The Gardener took Emma Swan and put her in 1949 LA with Rita Castillo.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, though i did swap one of my fics out to be CS to see what they'd say with Emma being domme and several people saw it and reached out to tell me it had been stolen and i had to let them know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, A Recipe for Love, Or: Lesbians and Lasagna with @rowark
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i mean i am terrible saying i have a favorite of literally anything but i have definitely written the most Swan Queen
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i haven't given up hope on rewriting every episode of Gilmore Girls in my Paris/Lorelai verse but it's on indefinite hiatus right now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
smut, i think?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description. i just don't care about describing how anything looks.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
when it makes sense in context and the author knows the language well enough, by all means. but don't try to Google Translate!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Voyager in 2000.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i can't do favorites!
tagging nobody. do it if you wanna.
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azsazz · 4 months
Midnight Muse (Part 25)
Azriel x Reader [Art School AU]
Summary: You and your best friend Feyre have just moved into a new apartment for your sophomore year of college at art school. What you didn't know when you signed the lease is that you'd be living next to three rowdy boys.
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 2,507
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21] [Part 22] [Part 23] [Part 24] [Masterlist]
You fall into your bed with a breathy gasp that Azriel eats up as he follows.
His hands are everywhere, as they had been on your way back from Rita’s. He hadn’t been able to keep them off of you while you were there, shimmying and grinding your hips teasingly against his on the small dance floor at the diner.
You’re filled with sweet drinks and laughter, having enjoyed your night with your friends, even though Cassian had seemed unhappy for a reason unbeknownst to any of you. He’d abandoned you, Azriel, Rhys, and Feyre on the dance floor more than once tonight, and he’d reappeared right before you and Azriel could no longer ignore the burning tension between you. His hair had been mused and there was a definite change in his demeanor, eyes sated and lazy, lips cherry red, and his clothes disheveled. 
Speaking of clothes, yours are being pulled off of your body with a haste that makes you even wetter, thighs threatening to clamp closed with need. Azriel’s hips keep them pinned open, though, as he eyes your wet cunt, his chest heaving like he’s just run a marathon. 
A shiver carves up your spine from the intensity of his gold eyes as they devour every inch of your skin that’s on display for him. He sits back on his haunches, shirtless and with his pants unbuttoned, the bulge of his erection making you swallow thickly.
“Show me how you touched yourself that night I heard you through the wall,” he says, voice like gravel. 
You moan at his words, hissing when he reaches forward to roll one of your hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger. 
Surging forward, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into you. The move catches Azriel off guard, and he tries to catch his balance but you’re already attempting to roll the both of you over. He’s quick to catch on, his hands finding your hips as you come to a stop, him holding you steady as you’re now straddling him.
“I don’t think so,” you tease, dragging your fingers from his shoulders down to the waistline of his pants. He shudders in delight as you trail across his muscles, your touch featherlight. “I want what you promised me at the club, Azzy. I want to ride you.” 
He throws his head back into the pillows and you want to take a bite out of his throat when it bobs with your words. “Fuck, princess. You’re perfect.” 
With a smirk of your own you’re helping him remove his pants and briefs, watching how his hard cock springs from the confines of material and slaps heavily across his hips. A pearl of precum glistens prettily at the tip, encouraging you to lean down for a taste.
Azriel watches with an intensity that you feel all the way to your very core as you take him in hand, licking and sucking on his tip before your impatience runs out and the need for him inside of you is too great.
“So, so perfect,” he whispers as you roll the condom down his length before slowly pressing yourself onto his throbbing cock. You gasp at the feeling, the stretch of him, how his fingers dig deliciously into your hips as you ease yourself down. His grip is neither controlling nor demanding, but a firm reassurance to take the time that you need.
“Oh my Gods, Az,” you whine when he’s fully sheathed inside of you. It feels like he’s splitting you open all over again, and you can see how hard he’s gritting his teeth as he tries to keep from moving. He won’t until you’re ready, and your chest swells at the thought. You give a slow bounce, the both of you hissing at the feeling.
You all but collapse across his chest, reaching forward to kiss him again. You can’t keep away, with the way you’re drawn to him. Azriel’s hands slide up your hot skin to caress your face, keeping you still as he dips his tongue into your mouth, kissing you deeply. You don’t want this feeling to end, you never want it to, allowing yourself to fall deeper and deeper into him, your hips lifting and dragging against him once again.
You make a noise that he swallows. Your hands are pressed to his chest as you arch your body at the sensations of his cock nestled deeply in your cunt, keeping you full. You don’t want to part from his lips but you need to feel him moving inside of you.
Trailing kisses across his throat and collarbones, you finally sit up, thighs aching with pleasure as you begin riding Azriel. He looks gorgeous, spread out like this, strong, tan, torso on full display, his tattoos that you now know by heart stark against his tan skin. You can’t help but to brace your hands on his forearms as his hands find your thighs, sliding up to your hips again, guiding you as you bounce up and down on his cock.
Your head rolls back on your shoulders and you release a pleasured mewl as you shift your hips, searching for new angles, chasing the coiling in your gut.
“That’s it, Princess, take what you need. Take everything you need,” he pants like a desperate man. He is one, desperate for your touch, your mouth, your love.
“I need you,” you breathe, just as delirious with arousal as he is. Your nails scratch down his chest, leaving long lines of red in their wake. Azriel wonders for the first time if he should get a tattoo with color, because he loves the marks you leave on his skin. Ones made from affection and not hate.
Your words are all Azriel needs for him to take over, fingers becoming that demanding grip you love so much. You fall into his chest again as he plants his feet into the bed and starts fucking up into you, harsher and as deeply as he can go.
You cry out when he hits that spot inside of you that makes you see stars. You cling to him, rolling your hips and pressing back to meet his, thrust for thrust. Your bodies stick to each other and it only heightens your pleasure, your nipples dragging against his skin with every press of his cock into your soaked cunt.
“Mark me,” you beg. And he does. He rolls the both of you over once more and you cry out, before he’s bending down, marking you with his mouth, sucking bruises into your skin. Azriel bites into the meat of your shoulder, not hard enough to break skin, but long enough to leave an imprint of his perfectly straight teeth. This, coupled with his fingers sliding between your bodies, has you on the cusp of orgasm, his thumb circling your clit in tantalizing circles. “Right there!”
You mark him back, with your nails dragging long lines down his skin every time he presses into you, adding to his collection. In return he sucks marks into all of the spots he’s memorized, all of the ones that make you squirm, make your pussy constrict his cock. You arch into him, begging him for more. With your cunt wrapped around his cock, you mark each other in all of the ways that you can, but still, it’s not enough. 
Azriel dips down, kissing you roughly before he’s pressing his forehead against yours. He’s vibrating with pleasure, on the brink of his own orgasm, arms trembling as he holds himself above you.
“Mark me,” you beg again, voice wobbling with the pleasure threatening to push you into oblivion.
The words roll off of your tongue on their own, drawn forth by the burning coiling your core. “I need a tattoo that reminds me of this,” you pant, “of you. I—” You cum with a cry that drowns the rest of your pleas. It hits you like a wave, and paired with Azriel’s deep thrusting, more wild from your words than not, your orgasm is long and drawn out. You’ve never felt so good.
Azriel’s gold eyes are delirious with lust, more pupil than color as he watches you come apart beneath his cock. Your words rattle in his head. He has examined every single inch of your skin with his eyes, his tongue, his hands, and he knows that your skin is a blank canvas, void of tattoos. You want him to give you your first tattoo. Him. Even with his fucked beyond belief hands, even though you know how much they shake, how many times he’s been rejected apprenticeships. You—
He cums with a shout that would definitely have you pounding on the wall at the beginning of the semester. Now, you’re a writhing heap under him, begging for his touch, his tattoos, and it hits him so full on that the only thing he knows how to do is kiss you once more, pouring all of that emotion behind a kiss that feels so fucking needy that you hardly notice the emotion he’s begging you to feel from it.
He loves you. He really fucking loves you. 
“Did you mean it, Princess?” The softness of Azriel’s voice in the night rouses you from your drowsiness, as if he hadn’t meant to speak the words aloud.
He’d helped you clean up after the passionate sex you’d shared and you’ve been cuddling and talking since, not ready for the night to end yet. The warmth of him as he tucked you into his side had you feeling lax and comfortable, the safest you’ve ever been. 
The stroking of your fingers on his hips that was beginning to lull you into a light slumber pause as you shift, lifting your head to look into his eyes. He’s watching you, gleaming eyes serious, and it takes you a minute to dig through the utter bliss you were experiencing while having sex to pick out the words he’s asking you about.
“About me wanting you to give me a tattoo?” You ask, not breaking his gaze.
Azriel’s eyes shutter as if he’s thinking about it, and you don’t fail to notice the twitching of his cock beneath the sheet as he thinks about it. You force your smile back, enjoying the way he reacts to your words.
“Yes,” he answers, almost nervously.
You brush some hair from his forehead. It’s a little damp from your activities but still silky smooth, smelling like that shampoo you’ve come to know so dear. Azriel catches your hand, intertwining your fingers and pressing a chaste kiss to your wrist. You’d never thought that he could act like this, let alone in front of you, holding you, cherishing you like you’ve yearned for. 
“Yes, Azriel,” his smile in response makes your heart double in your chest. “I meant it.” 
You squeal as he suddenly rolls over you, caging you between his forearms. His cock is thick again where it’s pressing into your hip, but you don’t have the time to really appreciate it because he’s slanting his mouth over yours, distracting you with his lips. 
His tongue parts your lips and your fingers find his hair, keeping him close with an encouraging noise. Azriel rolls his hips against yours and your legs fall wider, welcoming him to nestle between.
“I’ll give you something good, princess,” he says against your mouth, rubbing his cock through your wetness. You melt back into the pillow in bliss. You’re just as ready for another round as he is, and at this rate, you won’t sleep tonight.
As long as you’re with Azriel, you don’t mind. 
You snort at his words shaking with laughter. “Yeah, right. You’d be more likely to tattoo a dick somewhere on me.”
“How about somewhere in you?” he asks, teasing your entrance with his tip. You gasp at the feeling, tugging him down for another desperate kiss.
“Yes, please,” you say, somewhere between breathing and kissing. Azriel removes himself to grab another condom. He rolls it on with ease and you take an appreciative glance down his body.
Azriel’s back on top of you within seconds, stealing a peck to your mouth before pulling away, eyes serious. “I’ll give you whatever you want, princess.” If he wasn’t talking about tattoos, you’d swoon. 
He loves it, the way your body comes alive like a work of art for him. Long, even breathes turn ruddy, your pretty colored eyes moving behind your eyelids as your brows strain together at just the right surge of his hips.
The noises you release are Azriel’s favorite song, much better than the rock he always used to play at all hours of the night, trying to drown out the thoughts driving him up the walls. You, you make everything better.
“Even if I want something silly?” you ponder, moaning loudly as he doesn’t hesitate to align his hips and shove forward. Your legs automatically wind around his waist, forcing him closer. 
Azriel’s hum against your throat sends shivers down your spine. “Even if you want something silly,” he says, taking little breaks between peppering kisses down your body. “I can see you with something more meaningful, too, if you want. Something that represents you as you are,” his mouth finds yours again and his hips roll sensually, slowing as he pulls back to look at you. His eyes are soft, determined, and proud. “Something that shows your grace, your beauty, your innocence,” he jokes, nipping at the tip of your nose. You giggle, but his words seem to settle something in your chest. 
“Azriel,” you gasp as it hits you. His compliments, how he’s described you like you’re his dream. 
He makes a noise of agreement, unaware of the sudden burst of an idea he’s given you. “That's it, princess, say my name just like that.” 
“Azriel,” you whine a little, “Baby, baby, wait a second,” you pant. You want him, and you’re absolutely planning on finishing this with your boyfriend but you need to tell him. Azriel pauses, pulling away. 
His brows are furrowed a little and you’re quick to soothe him, “Have I hurt you?” 
“No,” you shake your head, grinning up at him. “You’ve given me the best idea. I know what I’m going to draw for my project.” 
Azriel grins, kissing you excitedly. He looks between your bodies where you’re both connected, and you laugh at his slight grimace, the thought of parting from your right now sounds terrible. “Do you need to go right now?” 
You laugh and he groans at the feeling of your cunt tightening around his cock. He buries his face in your neck and you thread your fingers through his hair. “Oh no, Azzy, I’m not leaving until you’ve also given me the best orgasm.” 
He grins into your neck and you can’t help your own from spreading wide across your face.
“That,” Azriel pulls away with a wicked smirk, eyes gleaming. “I can do.”
MM Taglist Part 1: @justvibbinghere @nickishadow139 @going-through-shit @honeycriess @natashachelsea @thisisew @kennedy-brooke @cat-or-kitten @sourapplex @magical-mischief-makers @reiincarnatiion @ccucumbers @secret-ly-here @throneofsmut @cami26cami @torchbearerkyle @a-frog-with-a-laptop @sevikas-whore @endless-worldss @vellichor01 @bangtans-jagiya @kalulakunundrum @pinksmellslikelove @sakura-frost3-blog @inxnotxhere @bookishbroadwaybish @justdreamstars @i-am-infinite @whichwitchisthebitch @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @sia-r @ssmay123 @blackthorngirl @haivenhoule @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @bloodicka @wilmalovegood @jw83 @acourtofbatboydreams @hannzoaks @judig92 @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @ilikefictionalmen @harrystylesfan2686 @dr4g0ngirl @helensophie
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thelonelybrilliance · 6 months
2023 Reads: thelonelybrilliance
Final count 72! I set a goal of 52 originally but raised the bar when I realized that would only bring me into early November.
Decided it would be fun to share some stats and recommendations along with the full list.
First, ten recommendations:
The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner (best completed series)
Gregory Orr, The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write (best new poetry read)
Minka Kelly, Tell Me Everything (best memoir)
E.B. White, Here Is New York (best short read)
Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist (best journals)
Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family (best children's lit)
Laurie Halse Anderson, Shout (best poetry memoir)
George Eliot, Middlemarch (best classic)
Michelle Zauner, Crying in H Mart (best food writing)
Red Rising series by Pierce Brown (best sci-fi/ongoing series + best audio drama (Red Rising (Book 1))
Of my 72 reads, 31 were rereads, 41 new . Four were audiobooks, the rest print (primarily e-books). My longest read was David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. My shortest read (I think? A lot of poetry collections are short) was the longform essay, Here Is New York by E.B. White. I read the most books in December (15) and the least in June (2). 50 authors were women, 21 were men, and one poetry collection was multi-author. My most-read authors were as follows:
Megan Whalen Turner (7 books)
Lucy Maud Montgomery (6 books)
Louise Glück (5 books)
Elizabeth Wein (5 books)
Jane Austen (3 books)
Pierce Brown (3 books)
Full list organized by month under the cut!
Favorites: Bold | Rereads: Underline
Fiction: Blue | Non-Fiction: Red | Poetry: Purple | Audiobook: *
Megan Whalen Turner, The Thief
2. Annie Chagnot & Emi Ikkanda (eds.), How Lovely the Ruins
3. Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen
4. Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice
5. Richard Siken, War of the Foxes
6. Jane Austen, Sense & Sensibility
7. Rita Dove, Playlist for the Apocalypse
8. Louise Glück, The Seven Ages
9. Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
10. Megan Whalen Turner, Moira's Pen
11. Megan Whalen Turner, The Queen of Attolia
12. Megan Whalen Turner, The King of Attolia
13. Megan Whalen Turner, A Conspiracy of Kings
14. Megan Whalen Turner, Thick as Thieves
15. Megan Whalen Turner, Return of the Thief
16. Elizabeth Wein, The Winter Prince
17. Elizabeth Wein, A Coalition of Lions
18. Elizabeth Wein, Sunbird
19. Elizabeth Wein, The Lion Hunter
20. Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
21. bell hooks, Applachian Elegy
22. Michael Gibney, Sous Chef: 24 Hours on the Line*
23. C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
24. Elizabeth Wein, The Empty Kingdom
25. Dorothy Dunnett, Spring of the Ram
26. Michael Bazzett, You Must Remember This
27. Lisa Ampelman, Romances
28. Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential
29. Natalie Diaz, Post-Colonial Love Poem
30. Jenny Han, The Summer I Turned Pretty
31. Jenny Han, It's Not Summer Without You
32. Natalie Diaz, When My Brother Was an Aztec
33. Ocean Vuong, Time Is a Mother
34. L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Windy Poplars
35. Ocean Vuong, Night Sky with Exit Wounds
36. Gregory Orr, The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write
37. E.B. White, Here Is New York
38. Minka Kelly, Tell Me Everything
39. P.G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves
40. Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist
41. Jonathan Stroud, The Screaming Staircase*
42. Tobias Wolff, Old School
43. Emi Nietfeld, Acceptance*
44. Charles Dickens, David Copperfield
45. R.F. Kuang, Yellowface
46. Louise Glück, Vita Nova
47. L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon
48. L.M. Montgomery, Emily Climbs
49. L.M. Montgomery, Emily's Quest
50. Ada Limón, The Hurting Kind
51. Ron Rash, Poems
52. Louise Glück, Meadowlands
53. Tom Perrotta, Election
54. L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea
55. Louise Glück, Averno
56. L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
57. Curtis Sittenfeld, Prep
58. Tom Perrotta, Tracy Flick Can't Win
59. Pierce Brown, Red Rising*
60. Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle
61. Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess
62. Pierce Brown, Iron Gold
63. Sydney Taylor, All-of-a-Kind Family
64. William Faulkner, As I Lay Dying
65. George Eliot, Middlemarch
66. Louise Glück, Ararat
67. Michelle Zauner, Crying in H Mart
68. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
69. Kate Baer, And Yet
70. Marguerite de Angeli, The Lion in the Box
71. Pierce Brown, Golden Son
72. Laurie Halse Anderson, Shout
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wqbytop100 · 7 months
Top 140 for the week ending November 26, 2023
Other Boys -Marshmello, Dove Cameron -1/10weeks ''peak 1x2 the weeks of 11/19, 11/26''
I'll Be There -Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -3/6weeks
See You Again -Vicetone, Anna Clendenning -2/9weeks ''1x2 the weeks of 11/5, 11/12''
Spend the Night -BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -7/10weeks
Strangers -Kenya Grace --4/6weeks ''peak3''
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -6/8weeks
One Last Dance -Imanbek, Ali Gatie -8/9weeks
Go Off -- Mike Candys -5/9weeks ''peak5''
^Good Morning --Timmy Trumpet, Alie Farber, YOU -12/7 weeks ''peak4'' ^
Summertime Friends --The Chainsmokers -10/10weeks '' peak1x2 the weeks of 10/22, 10,29''
More Baby --Chris Lake, Aluna -13/10weeks ''peak5''
Hangin' On - A R I Z O N A -11/13weeks ''peak1x4 the weeks of 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15''
Wanna Dance --Alie Farber, James Carter, VARGEN -9/8weeks ''peak9''
Nevada -Vicetone, Cozi Zuehisdorff -14/6weeks
AEIOU --PNAU, Empire of the Sun -28/6weeks
At Your Worst--Calum Scott -18/12weeks ''peak5''
Living In A Haze--Milky Chance -22/21weeks ''peak2x2''
Sorry Now --A R I Z O N A --15/7weeks ''peak5''
Jungle --Alok, The Chainsmokers, Mae Stephens -25/10weeks
One With the Wolves --Robin Schulz -23/13weeks ''peak7''
Stress You --Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -21/9weeks
Dark Skies --A R I Z O N A -31/7weeks
Dreaming --Marshmello, Pink, Sting -26/4weeks
Drums --James Hype, Kim Petras -24/7weeks
***Waiting --LP Giobbi, Redfield, DJ Rae - (new)
Dreamteam --Galantis, Neon Trees -64/3weeks
Get Dirty --Return of the Jaded, Tommie Sunshine -27/3weeks
Tension --Kylie Minogue -99/3weeks
Boyfriend --USHER -17/13weeks ''peak10''
Light On --Markus Schulz, Sarah de Warren -34/18weeks ''peak10x2''
Tied to You --Elderbrook -19/9weeks ''peak2''
Your Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -140/7weeks
Strangely Sentimental --Anabel Englund -16/24weeks ''peak1x1 the week of 9.3.23''
Jealous --Pascal Letoublon, IZKO, Jordan Rys -113/2weeks
From this Day On --Andrew Rayel, JES -30/22weeks ''peak1x2 the weeks of 9/10, 9/17''
Following The Sun --SUPER Hi, NEEKA -32/17weeks ''peak4''
Elevator Eyes --Tove Lo -33/13weeks ''peak9''
Body Count --Jason Derulo -35/13weeks ''peak12''
De Selby Part 2 --Hozier -36/17weeks ''peak5''
Moon --Locklead -41/12weeks ''peak26''
Lost & Found --Gorgon City, DRAMA -39/18weeks ''peak8''
Stranger On A Train --SUPER Hi -42/13weeks ''peak25''
The Beautiful Letdown -Switchfoot, Jonas Brothers -43/12weeks ''peak17''
It's In My Head --Provoker -44/8weeks ''peak19''
Smiley Water --Mike. -46/10weeks ''peak24
***You --Svidden, Seeb -(new)
We Could Be Love --Hayden James -47/11weeks ''peak38''
Dressed For A Funeral ---Groupthink, Sunday Scaries -38/25weeks ''peak 16''
eMtunzini --Muzi -37/15weeks ''peak12''
Jacare --Sofi Tukker -49/28weeks ''peak2''
Why You? --Adam Melchor -40/11weeks ''peak20''
Heat Rising--Pete Tong, Jem Cooke, Jules Buckley -117
Hip Trumpets ---Yolando Be Cool, KVISION -53/11weeks ''peak20''
Die For A Night --A R I Z O N A -55/27weeks ''peak1x3 the weeks of 8/13, 8/20, 8/27''
In My Zone --S.O. GIDI -122/11weeks
We Should Get Married --Dan & Shay -56
It's Euphoric --Georgia -45/29weeks ''peak19''
Vogue --NOIZE -58/8weeks ''peak35''
What We Know --Lucas & Steve, Conor Byrne -65/7weeks
All Night --Charlie Houston -60/9weeks
Padam Padam --Kylie Minogue -50/21weeks ''peak2''
Champagne Shit --Janelle Monae, Latto, Quavo -63/5weeks
Bite Marks --Ari Abdul -62/4weeks
Makeba --JAIN (Ian Asher remix) -48 /10weeks ''peak42''
Down Like That --Bryson Tiller -61/11weeks
What Do You Do? --Jess Glynne -124
Waiting 4 U --Laidback Luke, Ralphi, (Jake Silva Remix) -118/12weeks
Weird & Bizarre --Posh Chocolates -123/6weeks ''peak30''
Phone--MEDUZA, Em Beihold, Sam Tompkins (Lili Chan remix) -68/2weeks
Dress Code --Mau P -66/7weeks
Just Think --Video Age -72/3weeks
In The City --Charlie XCX, Sam Smith -70
Dare--Gorillaz -29 (throwback comeback)
Midnight Zone --Astrality, TAPE ANGEL -69
The Tower --Future Islands -97/2weeks
Run Free (Countdown) -- Tiesto, R3HAB -71
If Only I --Loud Luxury, Two Friends, Bebe Rexha -51/17weeks ''peak9''
Motive--Armin Van Buuren -52/19weeks ''peak8''
The Feeling--Lost Frequencies -54/7weeks
The Worst Person Alive --G Flip -57/15weeks ''peak38''
Subterranean --Miss Monique, AVIRA, LUNA -81/7weeks
Moonlight--Laidback Luke, GATTUSO f/Antrex -5915weeks ''peak15''
Joy (Up the Street) -Joy Anonymous -73/3weeks
Fight My Demons --Yung Bae, Barney Bones, Levan Kali -74/4weeks
Feel It (Club Edit) -Jazzy -75/7weeks
Ohh LALA --Idris Elba, Sasha Gigi -76/4weeks
Save My Love --Destiny Rogers -93/4weeks
To Love Someone --Benson Boone -20/2weeks
Blur ---KREAM, Marlo Rex -77/7weeks
Heartbeat Highway---Cannons -78/2weeks
Made Up My Mind ---Jonah Kagen, Lily Meola -79/2weeks
Killing Me ---Conan Gray-103/2weeks
Cheap Thrills --Walker & Royce, Barney Bones -100/2weeks
Fall Again ---Hayla -82/2weeks
Never Trust A Liar----Bae & Her Business -111/2weeks
Turn You Up ---Kaskade, Winn Winn -83/4weeks
Jaguar --Yaeger -98/2weeks
Stranger ---Thomas Day -106/2weeks
On My Way ---SIDEPIECE f/ Faouzia -88/7weeks
Overdrive ---Ofenbach, Norma Jean Martine -94/2weeks
Directions --Biskuwi -61/2weeks
Rinse It -Devault -80/3weeks
Rescue Me -Andrew Rayel -84/3weeks
Forever Gold -Siskin -85/7weeks
Can't Take It Slow -Citizen -86/4weeks
Shades -Andrew Rayel -87/2weeks
The Greatest Thing Alive --Mark Knight, Green Velvet, James Hurr -89/4weeks
Desire -Nicky Romero, TELYKAST, Linney -90/7weeks
It's Gone -Kaskade, Crayskool -91/4weeks
Alone -Andrew Rayel, Amanda Collis -92/4weeks
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -95/2weeks
Bigger Than the Song -Brittney Spencer -96/8weeks
Guarantee -Black Eyed Peas, J Rey Soul -101/8weeks (off next wk)
Alcohol -X Ambassadors, BRELAND -102/2weeks (off next weeks)
The Little Mushroom that Got Away -Sultan+Shepard, Lane8 -104/7weeks
Fever -Lewis Thompson, PUNCTUAL, HIGHT -105/7weeks
Collide -Nightlaspe, FABER -108/2weeks
Talk -Elly Duhe -109/2weeks
Houdini --Dua Lipa -110/2weeks
Memories -Sam Feldt, Sofiloud -112/4weeks
Closer -Fetish -114/2weeks
Stardust -Jazzy -115/3weeks
Strong Enough -Jonas Bros. & Bailey Zimmerman -116/2weeks
Simulation -Showtek -119/2weeks
Lighter -Steve Aoki, Paris Hilton -120/4weeks
Bitter -Freya Ridings -121/11weeks
Ecstasy -MEDUZA, GENESI -125/5weeks
My Own Advice --William Black, ILLENIUM, Aluna Springsteen -126/5weeks
Sad Forever -Lauren Spencer Smith -127/6weeks (off next weeks)
You're So High -Eli & Fur -128/7weeks
Preacher --Ownboss, Outflux, No/Me -129/4weeks
Better Off (Alone Part III) -Alan Walker, Dash Berlin, VIKKSTAR -130/5weeks
Me & My Guitar -Jax Jones, Fireboy DML -131/11weeks
Heard It Like This -ACRAZE, Joey Valence & Brae -132/4weeks
Sunday--Dermont Kennedy -133/4weeks
On My Love -Zara Larson, David Guetta -134/9weeks
One Of the Girls --Troye Sivan -135/4weeks
It Takes Two --Camila Cabello, Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake -136/4weeks
Location -Lost Frequencies, A7S -137/5weeks
Dancing at the Disco -J Worra, Cherry Tooth -138/6weeks
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
mutuals marching pt. 2
part one can be found here
this second part goes out to the real ones
ali was one of the first people to speak to me on here, and she was also one of the first people who found my fics and started reading-- i vividly remember her and @squintclover finding Carry Me Away and gushing about it in the comments and here on tumblr. since then ali has adopted me into several discords, and has proven to be an excellent friend to chat with about shopping addictions, sparkly shoes and overpriced bags; conference woes and perks; family trials and tribulations and so much more. she is incredibly smart and kind and a queen of second chances, even to people who don't always deserve them. ali has also continued to be a cheerleader of mine for my writing and has pimped out ten reasons more than i can count. she also works incredibly hard and takes her time to rec-fics and show support to those around her. some of my favs? Thats Not My Name (a hysterical raising harry oneshot); Lost and Found (a heartbreaking grief one-shot ft. our fav sad boy Remus); and uhm BAR REVIEW (come on yall, if you haven't read this, what are you doing? i mean, really).
you know when you try to sum up how much you adore someone into like a paragraph and you just like...can't without getting choked up and misty and gushy about truly how much you love this person? yah. that's imp. my chaos brain twin. my favorite person on this hell-site. ALSO one of the first persons to come into my DM's and start shouting at me about raising harry hc's. imp is responsible for probably 50% of my fics at this point-- her creativity and prompt well is infinite. i would've never written fault lines without her prompt, nor some of the other raising harry drabbles sprinkled in my tumblr. Imp is still one of my fav people to chat headcanons-- i still chuckle about how many times we have ended conversations with and therefore harry should just have 8 dads. In addition to being a force of creativity and novelty and queen of rarepairs (starking is all HER fault), Imp is also just a joy to talk with. I trust her with my secrets and my scaries and she has kept them. I trust her with my good news and great news and tiny silly reasons i have to celebrate. we have bonded over our mutual love of Tall Sirius and bones in the human body and teeth jewelry and I will never not be grateful for her ambush in my DM's and never leaving (plot twist: you are never getting rid of me either). Finding Home is a must read for Raising Harry fics. I cannot count the amount of times i have read it and re-read it and circled back to it like its some kind of index for raising harry fics. Also, I have read Sirius/Rita hate sex for her and I wasnt' mad about it. And also, moonchaser. Moonchaser. The Trouble with Quidditch is the jock/nerd romance we all needed . But also-- imp doesn't miss. she simply doesn't. every thing imp does is done with intention (and one of my favorite parts about Finding Home is the care and backstory developed for Lyall-- how does one world build???). all this to say. i simply love you.
bestie andie! @femme--de--lettres
i don't know how we started talking. but i do know that it took approximately 10 minutes (or one all to well (taylors version (10-minute version))) for us to become obsessed with one another. from 0-10000000 in less than 24hours, which is so us, thinking back on it. Two people who have no chill magically run into each other on tumblr? Fate. here's our meet cute. From sharing personal writing to voice memos about our days; to the time you let me hear your music and I listened to it on a road trip the entire way; to co-modding a fest with you (something i wouldn't want to do with ANYONE ELSE), from work stories you would share around a water cooler to academia stressors to morning tea parties and sunday moaning sessions. in the words of Christina Yang from Greys Anatomy-- you are my person. you are my favorite. you are one of the only reasons i am still on tumblr and still occasionally write things. i am indebted to andie, i think. thank you for being 100% yourself all the time. for your silliness and your enthusiasm and excitement and your understanding. for screaming over taylor swift with me and being indignant with me (even if I'm wrong). I am excited for us to write a fic together one day based on reputation and i am excited to ruin everyone with it. Things Everyone Should Read by Andie:
Arsenic and Old Lace "murder, coffee shops, cozy sweaters" really sums up all of it. i am consistently inspired by Andies dialogue, and remus's inner dialogue steals the show here.
867-5309 (For a Good Time Call) fucking hysterical and also so sweet? the true ruler of meet uglies., and sirius's personality is so good here and we love when someone does our boy justice (also love the tribute to pizza rolls in this tbh i think about it far too often).
and i wouldn't be me if i didn't mention Grieving in D-Flat (which like first of all, how clever is andie to create musical movements and wrap it in a bow with the fic??? HOW. CLEVER.) but also this one broke me in half , and i love a good grief fic, and how andie depicts it in every stage of this fic is so cautious and careful and not without moments of levity.
one day i will read fearless liabilities and one day i will read amicus curae, and i am vastly looking forward to it (but until then i will blindly pimp them out because i know they're fantastic because it was made by the hands of one of the great ones).
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d1ana-m0nd · 1 year
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╭─► ❝The Servant: Umbrella Academy's Servant❞
Five Hargreeves × Female! Reader || Written by Diana (d1ana-m0nd)
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➢ Description : It's a well known fact that Sir. Reginald Hargreeves adopted 7 children to save the world from it's impending doom. Though, the number of children will change from 7 to 8 once a close friend of his, Rita Rossweisse was on her death bed and requested him to take in her child, who fortunately was born on October 1st 1989.
➢ Word Count : 8,098
➢ Links : Masterlist && Character Profile
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Chapter 2: Run Boy Run
Today was a day like any other, you were double checking the number of plates, meals, and utensils on the table, in case Miss Grace missed something. Though that rarely happens since she is a robot and all. Although she never said it out loud, you knew that she gave you this task to give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. After all, you couldn’t really help around the house because you were too small - you could easily be mistaken as an eight year old thanks to your height - so you could not help around the house as much as you would like to, the only way you could help around the house was through little things.
As you were busy prepping the table and double checking, Grace carefully placed a vinyl CD on a record player. It whirred and spun the disc for a few seconds till the narrator began voicing a detailed guide on how one must carefully trek a mountain.
"Have you double checked everything Y/N?" The robot asked with a smile, which you reciprocated with both a nod and a smile.
"Yes, Ms. Grace, everything is in order."
"Alright, I'll be calling the others over for breakfast, don't hesitate to join them if you are hungry." She offered whilst she gestured to the vacant seats on the front row seats, enough seats for you and Pogo.
"It's alright Ms. Grace, I already had my fill earlier." You politely declined, as you silently shivered at the idea of sitting besides Mr. Hargreeves; you would most likely lose your appetite before you could open your mouth.
Grace acknowledged your words with a nod and proceeded to ring the bell. In a hurry, you rush to the right side of Mr. Hargreeves’ chair to set it in place before he sits down. On cue, the numbers came flooding into the dining room, they all stood behind their assigned chairs awaiting for the head of the household's orders.
As the Monocle showed up followed suit by his unnerving presence, though everyone was used to it at this point. He then stood before the table, barely glancing at his children nor uttering a greeting instead his lips uttered a command, "Sit."
In synchrony, they sat down then chowed down on their breakfast. However, the others were busy with other things besides eating like: how Allison and Luther were making googly eyes at each other, Diego carving something on his chair's armrest, Klaus secretly making a blunt, Ben reading a book as he ate, and then there was Five who looking at his father, voicelessly requesting his attention - this mere action alone caused you to raise a brow, it was odd - though you knew one thing, you and Vanya knew that something was about to go down.
In your attempt to intercept, you were about to go to Five’s side to ask what was wrong but before you could take another step, he stabbed the table followed by the sound of ceramics and utensils jumping in surprise, catching the attention of the other numbers and the head of the household himself.
"Number Five?"
"I have a question." He stated with a smile, that smile always brought trouble and everyone knew that. In spite of everyone knowing that look, the others continued on with whatever they were doing, as though Five's concern was merely a leaf among the piles of leaves bound to be blown away by the wind.
“If you have a question… wouldn’t it be better you ask the Monocle after breakfast? He will only increase the punishment and training you have to endure if you don’t obey the rules.” You mused to yourself.
"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules," Reginald gestures for you to reiterate the rules for the numbers - especially for Five - but, as you were about to open your mouth, Five talked over you. Albeit, it is annoying that he acts as though you didn’t exist but you already knew that was bound to happen… You just didn’t understand why he didn’t like you.
"I want to time travel."
“Ah, that makes more sense.” You internally groaned as the puzzles began to fall into place, he’s always been the impatient type. Of course he would ask for guidance in the most inconvenient times…
"No." The eccentric billionaire firmly declined as he went on with his meal.
"But, I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said," Five abruptly stands up then teleports to his father's side. "See?"
"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." The head of the household spoke in riddles but anyone who liked metaphors or riddles knew what he meant, you can never know the other side of the unknown.
“I’d be damned if he didn’t understand this.” You rolled your eyes at the thought of the brown-haired boy with how openly arrogant he is in everything he does.
Five looks away momentarily trying to process his words but his shoulders dropped indicating he gave up. "Well, I don't get it."
"Hence the reason you're not ready." This remark made the younger male’s face scrunched up in fury. Why was the old man so against time traveling? Was it because no one knew what would happen? Is it because no one was brave enough to face the future we set ourselves up with?
You notice from the corner of your eye that Vanya is shaking her head. Although you did not have telepathy, you can base from her facial expressions and body language that she was begging Five to not do anything reckless. The angry boy in school shorts saw his sister’s attempt but disregarded it.
"I'm not afraid." The boy stood his ground, his way of showing that he was not going to falter to his father’s wishes.
"Fear isn't the issue." The Monocle stated as he paused himself from eating, "The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable."
Five scoffs silently in response to his father’s words. The boy hated how he was right but he’s not going to listen to him anymore, he’s not going to be a puppet like everyone else here in this family.
"Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore." The old man said as he resumed eating his meal.
From Vanya’s seat, she looks at Five desperately, as if silently begging him to follow through with his father’s orders but he walks away instead. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing because they were shocked, unsure of how to react, they had never thought or acted upon the idea of opposing their father’s wishes.
"Number Five!"
"You haven't been excused!"
"Number Zero I order you to go after him, make sure to remind him that the punishments he will be facing for his misdemeanor will be severe." You nodded and bowed to the head of the household, then ran after Five.
You ran for the door before it could fully close and hastily opened the gate. The person you were after was a few steps away from you, ready to experiment with his powers. Before the boy could activate his powers, you grabbed onto the sleeve of his blazer, which stopped him from whatever he was doing.
"Master Five, your father is requesting for you to finish your breakfast. Now isn't the time for you to experiment with your abilities. You will have more time to explore them after the meal." You repeated the head of Hargreeves household's words, though they weren't the exact wording since you paraphrased it, because you believed his original phrasing was harsh.
The boy in school shorts slowly turned to you with a familiar scowl on his face, almost mirroring his father's signature look. "You infuriate me."
He took slow steps towards your direction, his eyes not leaving your figure. It felt like you were a deer in headlights willingly awaiting for your death to come. Oddly enough, you kept your composure, externally unbothered but internally dreading what will happen next.
"All you ever do is follow that old man like a puppet, you can't even think for yourself and you speak as though you are following a script." He spat, his words seething with anger but for what?
"I have no use for you, so go back to your box." Five ended with a glare and walked away as though he was satisfied with the damage he had done to you.
Tears lurked the corner of your eyes, every time he opens his mouth you always find yourself crying. Were you the problem? You didn't understand why he was so mean to you and why Vanya cared for him so much. However, you knew you couldn't cry, you didn’t deserve to cry. Plus, you'd give him the satisfaction of hurting you, so it was best to keep it all in. Bottling it up is the only way...
Reluctantly, you came back to the house empty handed.
Unbeknownst to you as you walked away, the satisfaction Five would have in hurting you would be short-lived. Five took huge steps to time travel, with each time he used his powers, the atmosphere and environment of the street he walked upon changed with every step of the way.
"Not ready my ass." Five sneered as he walked away from the mess of a household he used to live in.
For once, he felt like he was free from the shackles his father placed onto him, just because he had finally proven the old man wrong and he could live life how he wanted it to be. The old man was only preventing him from reaching his full potential. He can only hope that from this point on that he continues to prove him wrong.
However, the third time he traveled to the future, he was presented with a different future he had in mind. Everything he once knew lay in ruins, a wasteland of rubble and debris. Remnants of what was once a home or a business are what was left of the city. A once-great civilization now reduced to nothingness.
Five stood amongst the rubble devastated by what the future had become. It was now a world of despair, a place where hope had been lost and the future was uncertain. Out of desperation, Five ran to where he once came but all he saw was rubble, no sign of salvation within sight.
"Y/N!" No one responded.
"VANYA!" Silence.
"BEN!" Not a word was uttered.
"DAD!" Quiet, except for the sounds of fire crackling.
"ANYONE!" The deafening silence was making the child mentally mad, the sound of his own heart beating in his ears and erratic breathing made it difficult to focus.
Frenzied by the future he encountered, he tried to use his powers to undo his mistake, "Come on!"
The boy's powers fizzled as blue energy spilled out of his hands but it didn't work, he was still stuck, "Shit."
He didn't understand why, but the brown-haired boy immediately lost hope. The realization of him being stuck in this future caused his knees to buckle. Five watched the house as he grew up in flames, as the voice of his father saying "I told you so," echoed in his head.
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"I survived on scraps, canned food, cockroaches, and anything I could find." Five chuckles at the thought of his hardships while you on the other hand couldn't imagine living life like that. You don't even think the others would have what it takes to survive that kind of environment.
"You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life? Well, it's total bullshit." He added.
Vanya frowned, "I can't even imagine."
"You do whatever it takes to survive, or you die." The boy said, you could even hear a smidge of sadness in his tone, "So, we adapted. Whatever the world is, we found a way to overcome it."
"We?" You and Vanya questioned at the same time.
Every time Five brought up the apocalypse, he always made it a point that no one survived. So who was this other person? If he says that no one survived then why would there be another survivor? Was he experiencing the effects of time travel or was he that desperate to be sane that he had to project a human onto something?
The brown-haired boy brought the mug up to his lips, but he looked displeased by the lack of taste. "You got anything stronger?"
"Why is Five avoiding mentioning the other person? " You hummed to yourself as you downed the drink. It didn't make sense why he'd hide the other person's identity unless they are detrimental to him in some way, but how?
Obediently, Vanya refills the drink with Vodka and Five effortlessly downs it in one go. From one glance, he already knew what was going on inside your heads.
"You both think I'm crazy." He accused you guys, which caught you off guard and stopped your line of thinking.
"No," Vanya stammered as more words came out of her mouth. "It's just… it's a lot to take in."
"Quantum physics is difficult to understand especially if it hasn't been put into study so it would be understandable we would still be digesting this information…" You tried to reason with Five, which he somehow deemed as reasonable.
Frustrated, Five's nostrils flared as he inhaled plenty of air. "Exactly what don't you understand?"
"Why didn't you just time travel back?" The violinist repeated the question others used earlier.
Five scoffs then sighs, "Gee, wish I'd thought of that. Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice and never acorn-ed."
"You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family?" Everyone in the room went silent, especially you.
You felt guilty for assuming he didn't want to go back home. After all, everyone in the household had no problem saying they would leave the house and it would be a dream come true if they did. You presumed that Five felt the same way, like he had attained freedom the moment he shook you off his trail but, apparently he didn't… Maybe if you had been persistent in pursuing him, then he wouldn't be suffering right now. By any chance, did he secretly wish you had stopped him from time traveling to the apocalypse?
"If you grew old there, you know, in the apocalypse, how come you still look like a kid?" The petite girl reiterated one of the questions that was asked earlier.
The boy in school shorts scoffs, "I told you already…" He sighs then begins to refill the mug with more alcohol. "I must have got the equations wrong."
"I mean, Dad always used to say that time travel could mess up your mind. Well, maybe that's what's happening?"
Your eyes widened at Vanya's words; the fact she was ballsy enough to say that Five had gone mad right to his face was something you didn't hear everyday nor even witness. From the looks of it as well, the boy himself was offended by his sister's statement but tried to hide it from her.
"This was a mistake, you're too young." He walks away from both you and Vanya, "Too naive."
Before he could walk out the door, the violinist grabbed his wrist, coincidentally recreating a past memory you had with Five, "No, Five… Five, wait!"
The boy in school shorts stopped by the door as he slowly turned his attention to his sister. On the other hand, you felt like a leftover, something that's meant to be given attention later, what the hell were you supposed to do?
"I haven't seen you in a long time, and I don't want to lose you again." The petite girl pleaded, her grip on his small wrist tightened, "That's all."
"And you know what, it's getting late, and I have lessons early and I need sleep, and I'm sure you do, too." She excused but you all knew no one was buying it.
Vanya then began to prep the couch for you guys, whilst helping her gather pillows and blankets for you and Five. Though you doubt that you would be able to stand sharing a couch to sleep on with Five.
"We'll talk in the morning again. Okay? I promise." Vanya pleaded before she began heading to her room. "Night."
"Night." Five reciprocated her greeting, his eyes following Vanya as she headed to her room.
You did not know what to do… After you had just digested the information he gave, you had the sudden urge to hug Five but; you knew that you couldn't because he would probably find it awkward and you were not his sibling; you were not obligated to comfort him if he practically deems you as a stranger. Though at the back of your mind, something was nagging you to comfort him somehow.
As your thoughts of comforting the boy were internally eating you away, in the midst of your panic you incidentally saw that one of his hands rested beside his thigh as he restlessly drummed his fingers against the couch. Out of instinct, you placed a hand on top of his, his muscles became tensed at the gesture.
"What are you doing?" Five looked you in the eye, trying to figure out what you were up to.
You gulped then avoided his gaze, "I'm sorry…"
"For what?"
"For not stopping you."
His once tensed muscles relaxed at your words followed by his signature scoff, "That's one way of driving yourself crazy."
"I should have been there to stop you like your father told me but the moment you told me I was just a puppet… I- I stopped thinking and let you go instead. If I had continued acting like one, none of this would have ever happened… you wouldn't be suffering right now."
"I used to do that." Five said with a sad smile as he looked out the window, "I used to blame myself for not listening to the old man or for not letting you drag me back into the house but, then I reminded myself that I made that choice. It's a learning experience now, it's not something I can undo. The only thing I can do now is prevent the apocalypse."
Your clammy hands found themselves playing with the frills of your dress, unsure what to do with them. You didn't expect - actually, never expected - him to comfort you nor for him to accept the past. It felt so weird hearing something mature come out of Five's mouth, especially knowing how arrogant he is.
Out of nowhere, the boy took out an object wrapped in cloth from his pocket, he carefully unraveled the cloth and revealed a glass eye. He rotated it to the back to show the serial code, the batch number and the company it came from.
"I'm guessing that this eye belongs to the person responsible for the apocalypse?" You quipped more at ease after you opened up your feelings.
"Possibly, it's the only lead to the mastermind." He said, stood up then quickly shoved the eye back into his pocket.
"You're leaving? What about Vanya?" You asked, not wanting to leave her hanging by a thread, unaware of you and Five's departure.
The boy in school shorts merely rolled his eyes at your words; Vanya was the only thing that you could think of even after he told you the apocalypse was nearing. Back then, he would have found this habit of yours annoying, considering how you always doted on the violinist but, after what he went through, it felt like your doting felt refreshing and nostalgic for him.
"We'd only be wasting our time here. Unless you want to stay behind?"
In the end, you guys end up leaving Vanya's apartment through the front door this time. After asking around, purchasing a map, splitting up numerous times and almost getting lost, you guys finally managed to find the company where the glass eyeball came from. From the outside, it looked like a sleek corporation office. Whilst from the inside, the building follows the same vibe as the exterior. It was mostly white, and the walls were made of glass, nothing out of the ordinary, it's what most people considered “modern'' in this day and age.
You stood by the boy in school shorts who was holding onto the glass eye like it is his lifeline; To be fair, it is humanity’s lifeline. If you guys do not identify what caused the apocalypse nor end it then it is the end for everyone. So you could not blame him for carrying it with utmost care. While at it, Five is taking paces back and forth as his eyes wander around the lobby until a doctor that was passing by finally took notice of you guys’ presence.
"Uh, can I help you?"
Five smiled then showed the eyeball to the older man, "I need to know who this belongs to."
"Where did you get that?" The doctor’s eyebrows furrowed as his tone changed. Which took you by surprise, “Why’d he lose his composure all of a sudden? ”
"Why do you care?" The boy shot back, which made you internally slap yourself because you knew his response just arose suspicion from the doctor. You had to make an excuse quickly!
"He… I mean, we found it at a playground, actually." You said with a sheepish smile, but the doctor didn’t seem to buy it.
"Uh, it must have just…" Five clicks his tongue, "Popped out." He ended with a smile. To everyone, that smile seemed harmless but you knew that smile was anything but harmless.
"We want to return it to its rightful owner." You added with a smile, but it became more sheepish instead. You can only pray that the doctor and the receptionist just thought you were the awkward one.
"Aw… You kids are so thoughtful." The receptionist wore a small smile.
"Yeah, look up the name for me, will ya?" The boy dismissed the compliment, wanting to get to the point immediately.
"Uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you-"
"Yeah, I know what it means." Five butted in as his eyes narrowed at the doctor.
"But, I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm sure the owner of the eye will be very grateful, so if I can just -" The doctor's hand is out in the open, ready for Five to place the eye on but, the boy beside you merely glared at the hand.
"Yeah, you're not touching this eye." He threatened, his eyes hinting the peak of his anger was on the verge of pouring out.
"No, you listen here, young man-" Before the doctor could finish speaking, Five grabbed him by the collar which made him grunt, his eyes widening at the “young” man’s actions, "No! You listen to me, asshole. I've come a long way for this. Through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way."
Before the older man could speak, Five interrupted him, "And if you call me 'young man' one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn' wall."
"Oh, dear." Both you and the receptionist mutter, though you more or less expected this from Five.
Despite the fear coursing through the doctor’s veins, he softly requests for the receptionist to call security to which she complies to.
Not wanting to cause anymore trouble, you approached Five and patted his shoulder and whispered, "We should get going…"
Five reluctantly let the man go then leave the building with you in tow. You both head back to the Umbrella Academy to try and find another way to get information on the lead. Leaving behind a confused receptionist and a doctor terrified of the 'younger' generation.
As you guys headed back home, Vanya woke up to find her apartment lacking you and Five’s presence, panic filled her then she began looking for you guys everywhere in her apartment building but found no one. Despite her uneasiness to return to the academy, it was the only place she could think of as to where you guys would return.
In the end, she sucked it up and went back, the violinist arrived at the academy, only to find it empty. She found it rather ironic because of how loud the decorations were compared to what she was hearing. The petite girl couldn't even hear Grace nor Pogo, where the hell was everyone?
Out of desperation, she heads upstairs whilst screaming. "Are you upstairs?"
"Five? Y/N?" The petite girl takes a turn to go to where their old bedrooms were located.
As she arrives at Five's room, she met a familiar face, relief washes over her. "Oh, thank God."
"I was worried sick about you guys." She admitted a hand ready to be placed on Five's shoulder but she noticed something odd. "Where's Y/N?"
"Sorry, we left without saying goodbye."
Vanya raised a brow at this, it was rare for Five to acknowledge Y/N's presence. Even when he talks, the boy usually goes out of his way to exempt her, it's usually the servant who bothers to use pronouns like 'we' or corrects him but this time, he acknowledged her presence. It was rather odd… perhaps they were getting closer?
"No, look, I'm the one that should be sorry." Vanya sighs a hand on her chest. "Yeah, I was dismissive, and…"
The boy in school shorts walks closer showing to his sister that he is willing to listen.
"I- I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying like Y/N said. And I still can't, to be honest." She added, her gaze elsewhere most likely ashamed to show the regret in her eyes.
"Maybe you were right to be dismissive." Five exhales through his nose, "Maybe it wasn't real after all."
He turns and approaches his dresser to examine the decoration he had left behind years ago. "It felt real. Well… like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind."
"Then maybe I'm not the right person for you to be talking to. Look, I used to see someone. A therapist. I could give you her information." Vanya suggested, as she rummaged through her sling bag ready to write down the number but she stopped midway through when Five gestured for her to not continue further.
"Thanks, but… I think I'm just gonna get some rest. It's been a long time since I got a good sleep." Five declined her offer.
"Okay." The violinist sighs as she retreats her hand from her sling bag then walks away.
The boy was about to follow her to check if she was going to leave the academy. Unfortunately, he was interrupted by items clattering, followed by you falling on your knees while Klaus comes out of the closet, take that as you will.
"Remind me again why I had to be shoved into a closet?" You muttered, wiping away the sweat that accumulated on your forehead. "Especially with Klaus."
"That's so… touching, all that stuff about family and Dad and time. Wow!" Klaus rejoiced with his hands up, though it was hard to tell if he was being sarcastic.
"Master Klaus, we just got Vanya off of our trail. I'd suggest lowering your voice if you don't want her coming back." You suggested but your suggestion only fell into deaf ears.
"I'm moist." The Seance declared, you guys were unsure if he was declaring that he was moist from sweat.
The arrogant boy took one look at Klaus' outfit, only for a displeased look to settle on his face. "I thought I told you to put on something professional."
"Unfortunately, that's the closest we can get to something professional with Master Klaus' closet." You sadly admitted, as you silently helped yourself up, since everyone seemed to be busy with themselves.
Five sighs then checks to the hallway to see if Vanya was still there. "We'll raid the old man's closet."
The curly haired male rolled his eyes, "Whatever, as long as I get paid."
"When the job is done, you'll get paid." You reassured him.
"Okay, but just so we're clear with the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?"
"Yeah, something like that." Five confirmed about to make his way to Master Hargreeves room but Klaus' next question made everyone stop in their tracks.
"What's our cover story?"
"Master Klaus, I don't think a cover story is necessary for this scenario…" You muttered knowing full well your words would fall into deaf ears again.
"I mean, was I really young when I had you and Rosey? Like, 16? Like, young and… terribly misguided."
"Master Klaus, whatever roleplaying ideas you have is best to be kept behind closed doors for now because this is not the time for your shenanigans." You said firmly this time, but your words were not heeded.
"Your mother! That slut... Whoever she was, We met at the disco." Klaus chuckles, then he proudly looks at you both. "Okay? Remember that."
Five played along with Klaus' antics with a simple nod, though it was clear he wasn’t taking Klaus’ shit seriously. On the other hand, you felt like this was only the beginning of hell for you. Albeit you were more used to being surrounded by tamed people like Luther, Allison, Ben, Vanya and Five. Klaus was a different case… the walking contradiction of a man, who flew higher than the icarus yet he never reached the sun.
Suddenly, an idea popped into the seance’s head followed by him snapping his fingers. "Oh, my god, the sex was amazing."
"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain." The boy remarked with a revolted look on his face.
Klaus placed a hand on his chest, his face laced with an offended look. "Don't make me put you in time-out."
Once Klaus was finished with his shenanigans, you three headed to Reginald Hargreeves’ room and raided Reginald's closet - though it was mostly you and Five doing the work. You were the one responsible for looking for a decent outfit whilst Five was in charge of looking for the dress shoes. Klaus was mostly responsible for filling in the silence with his usual “outrageousness”, as Five would kindly put into words.
Out of nowhere, Five's heart raced as his mind began playing tricks on him, blending the boundaries between reality and illusion. In his perception, he observed the chaotic scene before him, the world had transformed into a desolate wasteland, reminiscent of the apocalypse. Amidst the devastation, he witnessed a familiar (H/C) young girl in a Victorian maid outfit, your body convulsing as you reached out desperately, attempting to grasp the sky itself.
Fear and urgency surged through the boy's veins as he rushed to your side. Ignoring the dangers that surrounded them, he knelt down beside your trembling form, his hands trembling as well. Out of desperation, he shook you gently, attempting to snap you out of whatever trance you seemed to be trapped within.
As you slowly turned your gaze towards him, your eyes filled with worry, the Five's heart sank. He could see the pain and confusion reflected in your eyes, mirroring his own inner turmoil. The sight of the steel piercing your abdomen only made his stomach twist.
Worried etched onto your facial features as your voice awakened Five from his hallucination. "Are you alright Five?"
The whole room went silent at your words. That was the first time you called him by his name without an honorific, even the usually head-in-the-clouds Klaus caught onto your slip up and started giggling like a little girl. On the other hand, the boy was shell shocked.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but we have better things to do! Which is me getting my 20 bucks." Klaus interjected but a wide smile engraved itself into his features, it's a common sight to see a smile on his face but, this time it felt like it was alluding to something you didn't like.
"There was no 'moment' I was going to ask Y/N about the villains the academy used to face while I was gone." Five excused but Klaus knew otherwise, the way his 'little' brother reacted just now was similar to how he reacted when he wasn't high: Scared, desperate, and depressed.
"Are you sure? You looked pretty startled." You placed both of your hands onto Five's shoulders, asking for his reassurance.
"You called me by my name without an honorific. Of course I would be startled." He lied whilst he redirected your attention to your slip up.
"I… I did?"
Klaus sat up straight then placed a hand on his chest, "I'm wounded and betrayed by you, Rosey! To think we've been together since childhood, I didn't even leave your side for the last 17 years yet, you called him -" The Seance points to Five. "- without an honorific first! Instead of me! Oh, the world is truly coming to an end."
"I don't think you should be joking about that after what Five told you…" You muttered but the boy beside you pats your shoulder as though to tell you it was alright.
"As I was saying," Five adjusted his clothes then sat on an armchair, acting as though he didn't experience an episode. "While I was gone, did a villain named White V show up? Or something along the lines of that?"
You tilted your head, this name didn't feel familiar whatsoever. "I don't recall a villain named White V… maybe they will show up soon?"
"Same here but I do remember most of the villains being different colors besides white." Klaus mused.
"You know I didn't mean it literally Klaus."
"Just thought it would help!"
Trying to change the subject, Five turned his head to you and then asked, "Did you find something decent for this lunatic brother of mine?"
Once you raised a thumbs up, it was everyone's go signal to get ready then head back to the doctor's office to pester him once again.
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At the moment, you three were back in the office. Klaus sitting down with a bored look on his face while you sat beside him patiently. Five, on the other hand, is standing impatiently pacing back and forth, whilst the doctor kept up a professional facade right in front of you three despite what occurred earlier.
"Like I said to your son, earlier. Any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you." The doctor reiterated.
"Well, we can't get the consent if you don't give us a name." Five tries to keep his cool by gritting his teeth to prevent any unsavory words from flowing out.
"Well, that's not my problem." The man in lab coat merely shrugged which irked Five even more to go through with his promise earlier.
"Sorry, Now, there's really nothing more I can do, so-"
From this point on, your attention is taken away because you heard your phone ring. You look down and read who the notification was from and immediately open your phone.
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Just as you finished chatting to Vanya, you heard the impact of a fist coming into contact with skin and Five grunting in pain. Without warning, Klaus tried kicking you in the stomach as well, but you narrowly dodged it but, in the process of trying to dodge it, you were sent rolling backwards. Whilst you two were busy groaning in pain, Klaus decided it would be a good idea to hit himself with a snow globe.
The curly haired male groaned then yelled, "God, that hurt!"
Doctor hastily grabs the telephone. "I'm calling security-" But the seance wrestled it out of his hand.
"What are you doing?"
Klaus gasps dramatically. "There's been an assault in Mr. Big's office, and we need security, now. Schnell!" The phone clatters as Klaus slams it carelessly back into place, his gaze now focused onto the doctor.
"Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant."
"It's… Lance."
"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder, 'What the hell happened?' and we're gonna tell them that you… beat the shit out of us." Klaus explains as he manipulates his voice and face to look as though he was appalled and scared of what Lance had 'done'.
You were oddly impressed and scared of Klaus acting skills, while Five seemed proud he chose the right person. Either way, it felt like things were going to turn out how Five wanted it to be but, it seemed like this was too easy for your opinion…
"You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh my God, you're gonna be passed around like a…" Klaus rotates his hips. "You're just- You're gonna do great. That's all I'm saying."
"Jesus, you are a real sick bastard." Lance grimaced at the curly haired man who claimed to be you and Five's Father.
"Thank you." He accepts the compliment as he spat out the glass that was in his mouth.
Once the whole mess was somehow covered up, the Doctor began skimming through the files to look for the glass eyeball. In the end, he couldn't find the glass eye including the information of the owner. He concluded the search by stating the glass eye isn't even manufactured yet, then asked how you guys managed to get the eye.
"I knew it was too good to be true…" You thought to yourself, as you all went back to square one… "Where to now? " Is what you'd ask Five but you doubt he knows what his next lead is since the glass eye was all he had.
"Well, this is not good." Five muttered, his disappointment becoming more prominent on his face.
"I was pretty good, though, right? Yeah. What about my consent, bitch?" Klaus chuckled proudly, you would have cheered on Klaus if it weren't for the fact that you knew now was not the time for that. Five would probably wring you and Klaus' necks just because he's in a bad mood.
"Klaus, it doesn't matter." The boy snapped, his hands stuffed into his school boy shorts.
"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye, anyway?"
"Master Klaus, we already told you, there is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days." You reiterated as Five added. "They're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it."
The boy in school shorts was about to walk away with you in tow to try and find another lead but, your strides to the different direction were put to a stop by Klaus' words.
"Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like, now or what?"
"Your 20 bucks? " Five repeated as he slowly turned to Klaus, his rage on the verge of exploding as more words came out of Klaus' mouth.
"KLAUS READ THE ROOM FOR ONE SECOND! " You internally screamed as you hastily went to Klaus' side ready to shield him from getting punched.
"Yeah, my 20 bucks."
"The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?" Five was seething while you were on the verge of slamming your face onto the pavement.
"Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a-rumblin'." Klaus imitates a stomach growling then smiles at Five but, the boy isn't too pleased about it.
"You're useless."
"You're all useless!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. You knew that he said it in the heat of the moment but, you were all trying your best to help him…
Klaus noticed your change of demeanor then tried to shift the subject. "Oh, come on. You need to lighten up, old man."
Five sits on the stairway in front of the prosthetics building. Trying to silently think of a plan B but, the seance just had to open his mouth. Five swore if he brought a stapler he would staple Klaus' lips closed.
"Hey, you know, I've just now realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell!" He laughed then added, "All those years by yourself. It's gonna screw with your head being alone."
"If you want to let the stress out, why not ask Y/N for help?"
"Y/N seems like she'd be good in bed, if you're the type to have a corruption kink and all. I wouldn't be surprised if you have one because you seem the type-" Klaus snapped his finger, "And, andd~! She wouldn't get arrested for dating you."
You wanted to die on the spot as more words came out of Klaus' mouth. Even though talking about sex should be normalized, you weren't used to the exposure of it. Neither were you taught on how it works besides the basics.
"Well… I wasn't alone." Five admitted, a rare smile on his face becoming more visible as he reminisced about his significant other.
"Oh?" Klaus looks surprised as you, both numbers - you and Klaus - looked at Five in disbelief.
"Pray tell."
"Her name was Delores." Five looked longing into the distance, as he fidgeted with his ring finger. "We were together for over 30 years."
"Thirty years? Oh, wow!" The curly haired man chuckled. "God, the longest I've been with someone was… I don't know, three weeks. And that's only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep."
"We need to find Delores… She could be of help in figuring out what caused the apocalypse. But, is she even in this time period? How do we get in contact with her? " You pondered, your head was clouded with questions.
You didn't notice Five spontaneously grabbed your wrist then you guys are suddenly teleported inside a taxi. Surprised by the turn of events, you and the taxi driver gasp in unison.
"Don't stop, just keep going." Five commanded as he rolled down the taxi window and mockingly saluted Klaus.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What about my money?!" Klaus screamed running after the taxi you guys were in.
Against Five's will, you threw a 10 dollar bill outside the window. "That should be enough for food! Don't waste it on drugs!"
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You and Five stood right in front of Gimbel brothers whilst it rained. The droplets stain your clothes and make the clothing cling onto your skin. As you were about to pick the lock, Five stopped you midway through, to which you raised a brow at his actions.
"Are we going to use your powers? Shouldn't you be resting with how much you've used them?" You expressed your concern, only for your concern to be thrown out the window by the person who you expressed your concern for.
Five's brows were stitched together. "What do you mean we? I'm the only one going in."
"I… but why?"
"For starters, I already told you yesterday that I'd be the one dealing with the mess but you didn't listen to my orders. You could've been killed!"
You flinched at his words but tried to defend yourself. "You were about to be killed as well, that's why I intervened."
"Stay here. If anything else happens, call the police then go home by yourself, I don't need to lug around your weight." The boy stated as he teleported into the building before you could even interject.
Reluctantly, you wait for him from a nearby building whilst waiting, you witness two people enter the store. You were about to follow them as Five's back up when you heard gunshots but, you recalled Five's orders, and instead chose to rush to the nearest telephone booth to call the police. Once the police arrived, you wait for Five to exit the store and met up with him in the next corner then escorted him back home.
Unbeknownst to you guys, Allison and Luther were busy talking about Grace and Y/N until you guys show up and pass by them. They stop to see that Five looked beaten up whilst you carried the top half of a mannequin. Hopefully, they don't ask where you got it and what you intended to do with it.
"What the hell happened to you guys?" Allison voiced her concern as she went to your side to check if you had any bruises as well.
"Thank god, they aren't asking about the mannequin." You sighed in relief, grateful that they didn't question if you guys committed theft. To be fair, if you would have known Delores was a mannequin you would have just bought her or bought a look alike and dressed it up as her, rather than being chased by the police.
"Are you okay? Can we help?" Luther tries to put a hand on Five's shoulder but the boy caught Spaceboy's wrist midway.
"There's nothing you can do."
"There's nothing any of you can do."
ㅤㅤㅤ❲ T H E ☕ S E R V A N T ❳
As the boy in school shorts began investigating the remnants of the Umbrella Academy, he saw a gloved hand holding onto something round. He ran over to where the hand was poking out and grabbed it. It was a glass eyeball, freshly taken out of someone's eye socket. Five tried to remove some of the rubble to see if the person underneath it was someone he knew, and he was right. It was Luther.
Whilst trying to look for any more clues, Five stumbles upon other familiar faces, one by one he sees his dead siblings: Allison, Diego, and Klaus. Everyone he grew up with was dead, he had lost all hope for mankind. However, amidst the devastation, he witnessed a familiar (H/C) young girl in a Victorian maid outfit, your body convulsing as you reached out desperately, attempting to grasp the sky itself.
Fear and urgency surged through the boy's veins as he rushed to your side. Ignoring the dangers that surrounded them, he knelt down beside your trembling form, his hands trembling as well. Out of desperation, he shook you gently, attempting to snap you out of whatever trance you seemed to be trapped within.
As you slowly turned your gaze towards him, your eyes filled with worry, the boy's heart sank. He could see the pain and confusion reflected in your eyes, mirroring his own inner turmoil. The sight of the steel piercing your abdomen only made his stomach twist.
He hurriedly and carefully removes you from the steel that pierced you. When your eyes landed on him, you wore a small smile.
"Five… Huh, I must be dreaming." You said chuckling though, it turned into a coughing fit instead.
"No, this is the real me, I'm not dead." The boy reassured you by touching your cheek, which led you to cry. The warmth of seeing someone in your last moments made you want to be greedy and hold onto life just a little longer but, you knew you didn't have the strength to do so.
"What happened? Who did this to you?" Five wanted answers quickly, he wanted to save his family somehow, knowing who did this might relinquish the pain he feels right now.
"White V…" Those were the last words that trailed off your lips. In the end, the pain he felt was going to last for 46 years in isolation.
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