#7 cheerful days of spring challenge
study-ja · 4 months
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🌼 7 cheerful days of spring challenge 🌼
i'm still in hospital but my medication works better. soon i'm going home and it has been a huge stress for me so far. how am i going to get back to work? how am i going to study and sit upcoming exams? that's why i decided to make my next week not only productive but cheerful. i'm going to pay attention to little details, communicate, take care of myself and get ready to live my normal life!
i like how blogs come up with themes for every day, so here are mine. each day i'm going to answer a question i've prepared in advance to notice more happiness around me! 💌 may 20 — who brought me joy today? 🍬 may 21 — what tasty snack cheered me up today? 🧑 may 22 — what did i like about myself today? 📚 may 23 — did i learn anything surprising and / or interesting? 🍵 may 24 — what kind of tea has been my favorite lately? 👩‍👧 may 25 — what story did my mom tell me today? 🎶 may 26 — what song is stuck in my head today?
i can't take ~aesthetic~ pictures here but i hope i'm going to enjoy this challenge anyway! see you tomorrow evening!
(header — x)
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not-so-bored · 4 months
25 May 2024, Saturday
Things I have done: 
📞 Phone call 
🏥 Pharmacy (I realized I’d never been to one alone before)
📚 Empuzjon by Olga Tokarczuk 
🏬 Work (8 hours 15 minutes)*
💫 Good luck wishes from one of my coworkers (whom I may have seen for the last time in my life today 🥺)
🦉 Duolingo: Dutch
*I know it was a long shift, but I didn’t feel tired when I left. Weird, but I’ll take it. Once again, good company - people I know less, but still cool. I had to work in a different department, which is lighter (white, while my usual department is black; tasks are pretty much the same, I’d even say the white department is more complicated) and there’s more air because the registers are closer to the entrance. Maybe that's why it wasn't that tiring. 
I made a very stupid mistake, while trying to text one person, which is not work-related, but fits the theme of random rambly notes at the end of my posts 🫠
🌼 7 cheerful days of spring challenge 🌼 
👩‍👧 may 25 — what story did my mom tell me today?
Do work stories count? If so, yeah, those, both past and present ✨
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 5 months
U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan: Day 4 Translations
This is Day 4 of Shonen Jump’s special commemoration of My Hero Academia reaching one hundred million copies worldwide, which is being rolled out daily across one-week in each prefecture’s newspaper.
The schedule:
April 4th, Day 1: Hokkaidō & Tōhōku regions
April 5th, Day 2: Kantō region
April 6th, Day 3: Chūbu region
April 7th, Day 4: Kansai region
April 8th, Day 5: Chūgoku & Shikoku regions
April 9th, Day 6: Kyūshū & Okinawa regions
April 10th, Day 7: Nationwide release
You can see the illustrations on their website here, where they are released digitally the day after the newspaper release.
Here we go!
Kansai Region
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Photo credit: twitter user Hrkn1500
Aoyama: "Sur-pri-se~!" Sero: "Amazing, Aoyama!" Satou: "Should we go look for the toilet?"
Nabana no Sato is a flower park situated within the absolutely massive Nagashima Resort. It has lovely blooms all year, and from October to May it claims to host Japan's biggest illumination event, including a 200-meter long light tunnel.
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Photo credit: twitter user smile_wk_26
Tokoyami: "Art of the Flying Squirrel Black Shadow!!!" Mineta: "Imitation Caltrop!!" Edgeshot: "Abscondance" Hagakure: "Nin-nin! Hidden Hagakure!!"
They are at the Kōga-ryū Ninjutsu Ninja Village in Kōka city, the birthplace of this school of ninja-arts. I visited the Tōgakure Ninjutsu House in Nagano -- Tōgakure, Iga, and Kōga are considered the three main families of ninjutsu. These kinds of attractions usually have museums dedicated to the style's history and showing off tons of unique historical artifacts, but the main draw is all the activities for visitors to try their hand at being a ninja, shuriken-throwing, wall-climbing, rope-walking, etc.. Hagakure is making a pun, because her surname means "hidden leaves" or "hidden by the leaves" so she is "hidden hidden-leaves." Tokoyami is doing his Black Fallen Angel move, but it's much funnier to make it a giant flying squirrel attack.
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Photo credit: twitter user sitatyan_dayo
Ashido: "You can't even see the sky through all the bamboo~!!" Yaoyorozu: "They say that the growing speed of bamboo is the fastest in the world. I've heard it can grow up to one meter in a single day." Mineta: "My whole height in a single day... I can't do this!!! Jirou: "Cheer up." Label on Mineta: "Mineta Minoru, Height: 1.08 Meters."
Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is a hugely popular tourist spot for its dense, soothing beauty. One meter is equivalent to 3 feet 3 inches; Mineta is just over 3 and a half feet tall.
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Photo credit: twitter user tomikomha
Shouji: "Hyah hyah hyah hyah!!!" Fat Gum: "He's... he's moving too fast, I can't even see his arms!" Kirishima: "No, actually, he's got lots of 'em!"
They are making takoyaki, a famous soul food created in Osaka in 1935. It requires a large griddle with rounded molds, and chefs use two metal rods to rotate the batter rapidly. It's really fun to watch them make it, and most stalls put the griddle up against a full-length window to show it off.
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Photo credit: twitter user NZM_101
Izuku: "Even cutting an onion... a hero... doesn't cry! WWUAAAH" Ochako: "What a shame! Challenge failed." Shouto: "No, even heroes cry when they have to."
Awaji Island is famous for its onions and produces some of the sweetest onions in the world. They have a spring crop of sweet but slightly spicy onion, and a fall-time harvest that they store and dry to further develop their sweetness. Shouto's line is from chapter 137 when Izuku insists heroes don't cry while crying into his food. What's funny is that sweet onions supposedly produce less of the chemical that produces tears in humans, so maybe Izuku is just being a lil' crybaby, hehe, but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's working with a particularly spicy spring harvest.
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Photo credit: twitter user yukanicoyomo
Iida: "Observance of traffic laws! OUTSTANDING, DEER-KUN!!" Kouda (thinking): "Iida-kun, you're making the deer suspicious..." Bakugou: "Don't talk to the deer!! Deer don't give a shit about rules!! Dammit!!"" Kouda (thinking): "Bakugou-kun, you're scaring the deer..."
They are in Nara Park, where you can buy special crackers to feed the very friendly and booming deer population. Deer in Nara have been protected and seen as important to local Shinto beliefs for at least a thousand years; in 2023, studies from three universities revealed that they actually make up a unique genetic group not found anywhere else. Apparently, the deer in Nara will exchange bows with people, especially if it means they get a snack~
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Photo credit: twitter user __sen_115
Ojiro: "A two-tone popular character... We have one of those." Hagakure: "We do, don't we. Just by being there, he creates a splendid atmosphere...!" Todoroki: "Huh? There's somebody like that?" Ojiro: "IT'S YOU!!!"
Visiting Adventure World in Shirahama which is home to a giant panda conservation area. A branch of Chengdu Giant Panda Research Base has bred 17 giant pandas there, which is the most success in breeding outside of mainland China.
That's all for Day 4. Next up is Day 5!
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lacasarosee · 11 months
About him and the fire that burns you alive.
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Tags: Fluff, angst. (1.3 Words)
Notes: This is basically about missing Portgas .D. Ace, in remembrance of him. I write this because I am still crying over him after 7 years, thus, I write what I can dedicated for him.
Link: Find my work here!
When it comes to fire, it's always about him. The colour of autumn, leaves fall and the soil starts to dry. It's always about him when it comes to oranges, both the fruit and the colour; fused with red, aflame in spark of fireworks and campfire. It's always him whenever the sun rises or sets, when the river flows, or when the first flower of spring blooms; both on the ground, or inside your throat that it clogs your air away, far away from your lungs and it flicks the fire inside you. The whole world is about him, who was born in Baterilla, South Blue. And this page too, is about him, who holds the name D.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
God's greatest archenemy, they said. But to you, he is nothing but the greatest gift ever alive. If God says that he is a wicked, sinful child, then you are bathed in wickery, bloodied in sin. And if the world says that he is a nasty, ugly child just because he is the son of the world's worst criminal, then your head is wanted by everyone. Because what child should bear the sin of his father? What child should be blamed for the sin he never did? And what child who was born from the womb of a brave warrior of a woman, should be oppressed by the belief that he has nothing but sinner's blood—? Thus, what is love if it's not tender; what if love, if it's not seeing him as the softest flower's petal in the dead tree branch.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
The friendliest sun on the face of earth. Kindness hurts sometimes, either sanity or pride, people can choose; yet his kindness feels so genuine that you can't even resent it. One said he was generally cheerful and outgoing all the time (though the same man said he was especially excited when he talked about his little brother). And that way, he manages to be your solemn embodiment of sun rays. Baterilla, oh, Baterilla—so far, so south, such a place to be blessed by the flickering candle. From one coast to another, corals and waves, rocks and salts, and maybe the shells of dead molluscs. But if darkness is the sky, then he is the star; and if darkness is the sea, then he is bioluminescent. And from coast to coast, river to river, waterfalls to canyons to the Grand Line, there is no one as soft as he is. Because it takes so much violence for him to be that tender, it takes so much insecurity to be that goofy, and foremost, it takes so much sadness to be that kind. Yet, even if life takes so many questions out of his lungs, still, he hasn't found the answer.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
From a metal pipe, into a dagger, then a fire fist. He who challenges warlords, he who challenges Gods. He who filled with love for his brother, he who filled with love for you. Round necklaces, as red as bravery and back to orange is his hat. Yellow somewhat suits him, the colour of jealousy that you didn't expect. However, despite how red he is, insecurity paints him better than all the myriad colours ever existed. Thus, one day, someone ask you:
"Who is he?"
They said, pointing at the raging flame on the sinking boat as you watched from the shore. And that time, you answered:
"The guy I love so dearly."
And whenever that conversation happened, no matter in between summer sky or winter blues, in between autumn shadows or grasses in spring—it's always about him.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Captain, glutton, a navigator he is. Treasure may be across the sea—yet he maps your body better than the ocean. From cheeks to cheeks, eyes to eyes, breast to breast, and limbs to limbs, he knows how to map you. The colour of your skin, the hue of your blush, the coldness of your fingertips, the softness of your breasts, he knows it so well. He knows where to press, when to press—either when you have seasickness, or when you are underneath him, pressed in between his flesh and his mattress, just like a flower in between book pages. He knows how to touch, what to touch—is it your bulging stomach or is it tears on your face, because no matter which one, his fingertips are warm enough to soothe away the pain. He knows why; why are you upset, why are you not eating; why are you angry; or why are you speaking his name over, and all over again. The latter is because everything in this world is about him, and just him only.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Listening is the last thing he can do, he is terrible at it. When you said: "Be careful it's still hot!" He ate it a second later and his tongue got burnt. It's weird how, because isn't he made of fire? When you said: "You should stop sleeping while eating." Which is impossible—he falls asleep right after the word leaves your mouth. When you said: "You should stop going on a mission alone and get hurt!" Yet, the moment he stepped back to your cabin, he was full of nothing but cuts and glories. Listening is hard when you are filled with so many quirks and beams, just like him. Yet he is somewhat good at listening to his own voice, either the one inside his heart, or the one swimming and saying bullshit inside his mind. The one that speaks: "The ocean is calling for you." Or the one that speaks: "Your presence is a whole abomination." And sometimes, he gets it mixed up inside his mind. Yet, all those voices speak to the same person, about the same person.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Lying is not his best friend, he is bad at telling lies. However, that happened because of how you are able to read him like a book too. Sometimes he gets too nervous, and too comical to even lie to your face. When you ask: "Who eats my last piece of cake?" around the dining room, every eye darted towards him—he got nervous, and his eyes were wandering here and there. When you ask: "Who spills ink on my book?" in the ship's deck, he quickly averts his eyes from yours. You can always tell when he lies, because he is so easy to read. Thus, when he said: "I will never die!" In front of you, it sounds so certain, so powerful, he is not lying. You keep that sentence in your mind.
Portgas .D. Ace will never die.
The news soared faster than the wind, and just like that, he lied.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Valhalla, he is the sanctuary of broken dreams. Maybe you are losing to death, it loves him more than you do—yet life loves you more than you expected it to be. Losing him is easy, but having your daily life imagining what if he was here is devastating. One said someone will never die if you keep them in your memory, yet, what torture they wish upon you? For you have to remember such a dead lover like he is, when all you want is for him to come back and admit that he lied to you, that fate is playing against you. He is the grave of roaring seas, waves and tides sink inside him. Yet you, somewhat even without someone asking not to, you will never forget about him. One day someone will ask: "Who is Portgas .D. Ace?" And people might say:
"A pirate."
"A brat."
"A brother of mine."
"A brother of mine."
"Someone's older brother."
"Someone that promised me to come back."
And when that question directed to you, you will say:
"Someone I loved so dearly."
Because it's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
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hp-flowers · 1 year
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It’s officially flower time! Week 1  (May 1 - 7)
Happy May Day! The 2023 Spring Round of HP Flowers kicks off today with Prompt Card #1, which has 4 lovely flowers/plant prompts to choose from. Prompts are photo and text based.
A reminder that creators have the option to choose: 1 prompt or a couple, all of the prompts (should you choose the bouquet or display route), or none of them from this prompt card. Feel free to add other flowers/plants if you think they pair well with the challenge prompts. And don’t forget, you can also use any prompts from previous rounds!
This week’s prompts are:
1. Sweet Pea- Thank You for a Lovely Time
If paired with: >> Hyssop and orchid- thanks a friend for inviting you to their home OR >> Zinnia- a token of appreciation
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2. Tulip- I Declare My Love for You
If paired with: >> Buttercup- indicates affection for a charming new love OR >> Ivy- a gift for a newly engaged couple
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3. Fern- Magic or Secrecy
If paired with:
>> Foxglove- for a secret love
>> Poppy- shows the recipient you think of them in your dreams
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4. Jasmine- Amiability or Cheerfulness
If paired with: >> Iris- shows admiration for a friend’s strength of character OR >> Crocus- for a kind and generous loved one, or one with a particular zest for life
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Optional Bouquet or Display: Outdoor Events or Celebrations for Marking a Milestone or Being Social
Use all of the flowers/plants listed above for parties, get-togethers or weddings. Can be used as gifts, decor or whatever else.
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— All works can be posted to HP Flowers open AO3 collection. If you would like your work to be shared or reblogged, don’t forget to tag @hp-flowers and #hpflowers2023. Looking forward to seeing what everyone creates!
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marcmedia27 · 3 months
Racer's Reef: The Legend of Squirt and Baby Shark
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Chapter 1 - A Spectacular Beginning:
In the heart of the bustling underwater metropolis of Carnivore Cove, the young and adventurous Baby Shark and his loyal fish friend, William, find solace in the vibrant aquatic wonderland known as Racer’s Reef. Amidst the iridescent marine life and the kaleidoscopic coral formations, they share a mutual enthusiasm for the exhilarating sport of dolphin racing. The underwater landscape pulsates with energy, promising thrilling adventures at every turn. As they explore the nooks and crannies of Racer’s Reef, the anticipation of the upcoming races sends waves of excitement coursing through their veins.
Chapter 2 - The Gauntlet is Thrown:
In the heart of Carnivore Cove, the formidable Shadow, a seasoned racer, seeks a worthy challenger, igniting a spark in Baby Shark’s heart. Inspired by Shadow’s prowess, Baby Shark envisions himself overcoming daunting obstacles and achieving greatness. With determination burning in his eyes, Baby Shark sets his sights on victory. Bolstered by William’s unwavering support, Baby Shark firmly believes in the power of teamwork.
Chapter 3 - The Discovery of Squirt:
Undeterred by the skepticism of others, Baby Shark embarks on a quest to find his racing partner. Venturing into the labyrinthine kelp forest, he stumbles upon a timid dolphin trapped in a tangle of seaweed. With a heart full of courage, Baby Shark frees the dolphin, whom he affectionately names Squirt. Promising to train Squirt to become a champion racer, Baby Shark embraces the journey that lies ahead.
Chapter 4 - The Transformation of Squirt:
Drawing inspiration from epic training montages, Baby Shark and William embark on the arduous task of training Squirt. They navigate treacherous currents and challenging obstacles, their teamwork serving as their guiding light. Despite their fears and doubts, they provide unwavering support to Squirt, their faith in him never wavering. With each grueling session, Squirt grows stronger, and his confidence blossoms.
Chapter 5 - The Dawn of the Race:
As race day dawns, excitement permeates the air, the anticipation palpable. The racecourse, a winding path of underwater canyons and coral formations, promises a thrilling spectacle. Baby Shark and Squirt navigate the bubble tunnel with agility, their synchronized movements a testament to their hard work. Their impressive leaps and dives stun even Shadow, their formidable rival.
Chapter 6 - The Encounter with the Kelp Monster:
As they approach the dreaded kelp forest, Squirt hesitates, his old fears resurfacing. Despite the fear gnawing at him, Squirt ventures into the forest, only to come face-to-face with his worst nightmare - the seaweed monster. Seeing his friend in peril, Baby Shark springs into action. With a courage that belies his size, Baby Shark reassures Squirt, his words echoing in the silent forest.
Chapter 7 - The Grand Finale:
Emboldened by Baby Shark’s words, Squirt confronts the seaweed monster, clearing the path. The race resumes, and the tension is electric as Squirt and Shadow vie for the lead. Drawing on the encouragement of his friends, Squirt surges forward, his movements fluid and swift. In a thrilling finish, Squirt crosses the finish line first, proving that, with courage and determination, anything is possible. The crowd erupts in cheers, the echo of their applause a testament to Squirt’s incredible journey.
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lcs-library · 1 year
I heard something about a selfship creation challenge???
Safeshiptember Day 1: Autumn Weather
Lucille shuddered, squeezing Sakuya’s hand just a bit tighter as they finally approached the riverbank. The cool weather brought a cruel reminder that these days spent out here would be no more in a few weeks’ time, so the couple had to make the most of what they had left.
Once the two reached their usual spot, Sakuya tugged Lucille’s hand, pulling her down the hill with a giggle she soon joined, rushing after him.
They panted once they managed to get near the rushing stream, out of breath from the chill stabbing at their lungs, before bursting into another fit of giggles.
Sakuya set down his bag, with Lu doing the same, to pull out their scripts, Sakuya’s for a guest appearance with another troupe, Lu’s for the Autumn Troupe’s next performance, along with a short piece she was putting together for Hanasaki High’s drama club.
They glanced down at their booklets, then back up at each other, unsure of who’s to start on first, before deciding a game of rock-paper-scissors that Sakuya won.
Lu took his script, sitting down on a blanket the two of them had brought, to watch Sakuya get to work on their makeshift stage.
As expected, he had improved from their last rehearsal. His motions in the blocking were more fluid, and he hadn’t called for a line once. That, and he almost seemed prettier than the last time, too, his red hair starting to blend in with the scenery surrounding them.
The scene ended, and they moved to his next appearance, breezing through with little to no hassle. Knowing Sakuya, he might have been practicing nonstop to get it right, Lu presumed, slowly starting to relax and enjoy the show, as opposed to trying to find ways to critique it.
The more she relaxed, the more the world of the play formed itself around her love. A palace’s ballroom, a stable, a battlefield, all came into view as he strutted across the grass, with Lu becoming completely engrossed in the plot.
Before she knew it, he was finished and asking for feedback, to which she could only give compliments aside from a few small nitpicks.
Now, it was her turn to show her work.
She handed him her Autumn Troupe script with a kiss on his cheek, warming him up from the cool air around them.
She quickly found out after joining the troupe that Autumn Troupe was the hardest work with, not only because of the members themselves, but the blocking and stage choreography were something entirely foreign to her. She’d improved, sure, but trying to pull off the action scenes off without a partner was always an issue.
This one in particular, however, was the trickiest yet. So, after the millionth time of not getting it right, Sakuya stood up, offering to help out, and Lu happily agreed.
After teaching him the opposite part of the fight, the two sparred, fists clashing gently as Lu counted the steps, making sure they both got it down before increasing the speed.
1, 2, 3, 4, moves flew by in a second, 5, 6, 7, 8, they switched places, 1, 2, 3, 4, block, hit, block, 5, 6, 7, 8, and her character exited.
They finally managed to get it right at full speed, at the cost of sore muscles and almost collapsing a few times. If these two had one thing in common, it was they were both stubborn, that was for sure.
Lu stumbled, falling to rest on the blanket, cheering out her victory as Sakuya joined her, lying down next to her with some praise. Looking up, only now did she realize the sun was setting. She sat up with a whine, not wanting to end their date-rehearsal-thing just yet.
Sakuya gave her a soft grin, offering to grab something to eat as a reward for their practice, and Lu immediately took it.
With that, they packed up, setting off into the orange, hazy, autumn glow, already excited for their return next spring.
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myarmsaretoolong · 6 months
20 questions (for fanfic writers)
cheers for the tag @sarah-sandwich <3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
mcu but mostly just irondad, though i stopped writing that for a bit when a small (large) marauders obsession hit so now i write both depending on the fic im working on. also taken a side step into parkner recently
4. top five fics by kudos:
A Different Future - peter snaps one-shot
Futures are Made to be Broken - more in depth follow up to peter snaps one shot
The Best Day of Harley's Life (and the worst of Peter's) - classic field trip fic only harley is like the tourguide and makes it his mission to ruin peter's day. not actually parkner but for sure the beginning of my growing love for harley
Not my First Time - part of webpril challenge one-shot, tony and peter are stuck under a building, conversation ensue
Where Do You Think You're Going - urrrmmmm good question. its a whumptober one-shot so peter must get beat up. pretty sure its by quentin beck and his drones, lets assume tony finds him and saves the day (its less than 2000 words i could read it and find out but im lazy)
5. do you respond to comments?
i do my best!
6. what is the fic your wrote with the angstiest ending?
ermmm *checks notes* Is This It? springs to mind first. you know the deleted scene of tony snapping and seeing morgan? well in this one he sees peter, only peter is a good few years older and has sorted his life out a bit. its sad obvi, but also kind of happy? the end lines are sad sad though :( so either that or 01/11/81 (if you're a marauders fan you already know that date) which basically very closely follows remus throughout the entire day after james and lily are killed etc. its very angsty all the way through, mary is a sweetheart, and at the end he's left all alone...
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most tbh. im going to say Past, Present, Yet to Come because that's my baby. (peter is the ghost of christmas present, tony is scrooge, only its like the ryan reynolds film spirited, very good)
8. do you get hate on fics?
nope! (and please dont :) )
9. do you write smut?
10. craziest crossover:
well ive only ever written one and it was mcu/glee and there's a reason i never finished it (nor am linking it [insert skull emoji])
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that ive noticed
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! im a solitary kinda guy
14. all time favourite ship?
what a question... wolfstar is a classic, ineffable husbands are precious to me, doctor/rose is nostalgic... i can't pick favourites
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
besides all of them? all of them.
no but really there are so many and i have this problem of thinking of idea -> getting excited -> writing beginning -> not knowing where to take it -> get excited by new idea -> repeat. im working on it though and do genuinely plan to finish them all
16. what are your writing strengths?
yknow i honestly think my general writing is at a pretty good level. defo room for improvement but there always it, int there? id say that's a general strength, but specifically i think im goooood at making things angsty. and i love doing it so win win
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
well... finishing anything. plotting out full stories is a big problem. (though ive recently started a notebook for random ideas for fics and its helping) um... tbh i can struggle with everything from time to time. i think getting characters voices right can be hard cos i often find people saying things they would never say and having to go back and and put them straight. er,,, action can be next to impossible if The Vision isn't there.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i dont have many. if its a language i cant read i just skim past and sometimes read an end note translation but if there's too much im just going to go with the flow
19. first fandom you wrote in?
20. favourite fic you've written?
again, Past, Present, Yet to Come is my babygirl. love him to pieces. can i say fics ive not finished yet? because parkner hunger games au and marauders doccy who are fire and one day will see the light of day (and get names)
tagging @winter-turtle @helloliriels erm ive forgotten everyone who has ever existed... @ anyone who i followed in the boopening who writes and @ anyone who just wants to (no pressure at all obvi)
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middymatthews · 6 months
With warmer weather finally here, it's the perfect time to get outside and explore all that Whitmore Lake has to offer! Here are my top recommendations for making the most of spring in 2024: Take in the scenic views while hiking the trails at Kensington Metropark. The park has over 6 miles of hiking trails for all skill levels. The peaceful Wilderness Trail loop is ideal for an easy hike, while the Mountain Bike Trail challenges experienced hikers with 13 miles of rugged terrain. Stroll through downtown Whitmore Lake and visit the local shops and restaurants. Grab an iced coffee, do some shopping, and enjoy the sunshine. Rent a kayak or canoe and spend a day paddling on the Huron River. There's no better way to experience the natural beauty of springtime than from the river. Check out the Spring Festival in May and the Summer Solstice Festival in June. These community festivals feature live music, crafts, food, and family-friendly activities. After being cooped up all winter, spring is the season to get outside in Whitmore Lake. I hope you'll take advantage of the hiking, boating, shopping, and festivals this area has to offer. Enjoy!​ Looking for ways to enjoy the spring weather in Whitmore Lake? Here are my top 10 things to do this spring: 1. Take a hike at Kensington Metropark. With over 6 miles of trails, you can't go wrong. The Wilderness Trail is perfect for beginners. 2. Rent a kayak or canoe and paddle along the Huron River. There's no better way to spend a sunny day than out on the water. 3. Check out the lineup at the Riverfront Park Amphitheater. They have live music all spring and summer long. 4. Explore the shops and restaurants downtown. Grab an ice cream cone and do some window shopping. 5. Visit the farmers market on Saturday mornings. Support local growers and find fresh produce, meats, cheeses, and other homemade goods. 6. Go biking on the recreation path. Rent a bike and cycle through the parks, wetlands, and neighborhoods. 7. Check out a show at the historic Dawn Theater. They feature musical guests, comedians, and other live acts. 8. Visit the Whitmore Lake Historical Society Museum to learn about the area's history. 9. Catch a baseball game at the Whitmore Lake High School field. Cheer on the local team! 10. Sit by the lake and enjoy a picnic in the sunshine. A perfect simple pleasure​ Now that spring has sprung in Whitmore Lake, there are so many fun activities to enjoy with family and friends. Get outside and breathe in that fresh spring air! Take a stroll through the blooming flowers at Kensington Metropark or rent a paddleboard and hit the water. Visit the farmers market to pick up some ingredients for a picnic lunch on the shores of the lake. And don't forget about the great live music and shows happening all around town. Springtime in Whitmore Lake is a wonderful time to reconnect with your community and make memories that will last all year long. Get out and explore - you won't regret it!
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embroidery-pro · 8 months
The 10 best embroidery machine designs for every occasion
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Embroidery Machine Designs: A Comprehensive Guide to Personalizing Your Projects
Embroidery, the art of decorating fabric with needle and thread, has captivated individuals for centuries. With the advent of embroidery machines, this time-honored craft has become more accessible and versatile than ever before. Embroidery machines allow you to create intricate designs with ease, from simple monograms to complex patterns, transforming everyday items into personalized masterpieces. Whether you're a seasoned embroiderer or just starting out, this blog post will guide you through the world of embroidery machine designs, empowering you to create personalized projects for every occasion. We'll explore the top 10 embroidery machine designs that are perfect for a variety of purposes, from gifting to decorating your home. 1. Monograms: A Timeless Classic Monograms, the elegant combination of initials, have long been a symbol of personalization and sophistication. Embroidering monograms onto various items, such as towels, bags, clothing, and accessories, adds a touch of class and individuality. 2. Name and Date Designs: Capturing Precious Moments Embroidering names and dates onto keepsakes, such as baby blankets, christening gowns, or graduation caps, creates cherished mementos that hold special significance. These personalized designs commemorate milestones and create lasting memories. 3. Seasonal Patterns: Celebrating Every Season Embroidery machines open up the door to creating festive designs that reflect the changing seasons. For Christmas, incorporate wintery motifs like snowflakes, reindeer, and wreaths. In the spring, adorn your creations with blooming flowers and cheerful butterflies. Summer calls for vibrant patterns of sun, seashells, and palm trees. And fall brings cozy designs with pumpkins, leaves, and a touch of autumnal warmth. 4. Patriotic Designs: Celebrating National Pride Show your patriotism with embroidery machine designs that showcase national symbols and colors. Embellish flags, hats, and accessories with stars and stripes for the Fourth of July, or celebrate Canada Day with maple leaves and red and white accents. 5. Quotes and Sayings: Inspiring and Thoughtful Messages Embroidery machine designs allow you to infuse your creations with motivational quotes, inspiring words, or meaningful messages. These personalized designs can serve as daily reminders to stay positive, embrace challenges, or cherish loved ones. 6. Animal Designs: Capturing the Spirit of Wildlife Embroider adorable animal designs onto children's clothing, backpacks, or play mats to bring a touch of whimsy and enchantment. From playful puppies and cuddly kittens to majestic lions and graceful giraffes, animal motifs add a touch of fun and personality to any project. 7. Floral Designs: Celebrating Nature's Beauty Floral embroidery designs are a timeless way to add elegance and sophistication to your creations. From delicate bouquets of roses and lilies to vibrant arrangements of sunflowers and poppies, floral motifs bring a touch of nature's beauty to any surface. 8. Religious Designs: Expressing Faith and Spirituality Embroider religious symbols and quotes onto prayer shawls, baptismal gowns, or other meaningful items to express your faith and spirituality. These personalized designs can serve as a reminder of your beliefs and connect you to your spiritual practices. 9. Personalized Gifts: Thoughtful Gestures for Every Occasion Embroidery machine designs make the perfect finishing touch for personalized gifts. Add a monogram to a friend's scarf, embroider a heartfelt message on a birthday card, or personalize a piece of clothing as a unique and thoughtful gesture. 10. Home Décor Ideas: Embellish Your Living Space Embroidered designs can transform your home décor, adding a touch of personality and warmth to every room. Decorate pillows, curtains, tablecloths, and throws with intricate patterns, or personalize towels, napkins, and table mats for a stylish and welcoming ambiance. Conclusion The world of embroidery machine designs is vast and ever-expanding, offering endless possibilities for creativity and personalization. With a little imagination and a steady hand, you can transform everyday items into personalized masterpieces that will bring joy and add a touch of elegance to your life and the lives of others. Read the full article
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study-ja · 4 months
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🌼 7 cheerful days of spring challenge 🌼
21.05.24 ✨ day 2/7
today i tried to rest more so it was pretty chill. i spent a lot of time with my hospital friends and talked to my family. i even got a handmade present for my mom made by a girl here and i can't wait to give it to her tomorrow when we meet!!
now, onto the question: 🍬 may 21 — what tasty snack cheered me up today? 🤗 my answer: i've attached a picture to this post! it's very sweet and the poppy seeds make it especially delicious. my mom bought us 4 boxes last week and we've already eaten them all... so looking forward to 4 more boxes tomorrow ^^
i haven't achieved very much today? but it felt good to relax a bit too. still, i've finished all my plans.
💻 work: — 🎓 university + english: ↳ completed exercises from English Grammar in Use, Unit 8 (Present Perfect). 💬 korean: ↳ revised and learnt 7 more words on the topic 집과 생활; ↳ had a 1.5-hour long lesson. 📖 reading: ↳ finished hamlet by william shakespeare. 🧶 hobbies: — 🤍 self-care: ↳ took all my medication; ↳ brushed my teeth twice; ↳ was open to making friends with my new hospital "roommate".
tomorrow is going to be a bit more stressful of a day, oof, because i need to prepare for my next tutoring sessions asap. but at least i'm going to see my mom and my lovely grandma!! so i'm still excited about tomorrow!
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not-so-bored · 4 months
26 May 2024, Sunday
Things I have done: 
🎈 Being very angry (🙃)
🪡 Embroidery (finished!)
🤯 Decision 
📚 Empuzjon by Olga Tokarczuk 
🌸 Family 
🌾 Walk (60 minutes) 
🔁 Unexpected changes in the schedule (😐🫥)*
👔 Job interview preparation 
📋 Planning 
💧 Drops: Dutch
🦉 Duolingo: Dutch
*I really hope the manager who was supposed to lead my shift tomorrow is still going to do that after those changes because there are a few things I wanted to discuss with her 😕
🌼 7 cheerful days of spring challenge 🌼 
🎶 may 26 — what song is stuck in my head today?
It is absolutely not cheerful but I was blissfully unaware of that for a long while because I don’t speak Finnish. Some parts sound like Polish words which is a bit funny. A man on the radio once read emails from listeners in which people said what phrases they heard there.
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lee-bella · 1 year
HP Fest Schedule: June 1 - June 17
Lots of HP fests are starting this month. Here's a list of start dates and end dates for current and upcoming HP fests from June 1 - June 17. For more dates, I got a 2023 HP Fest Schedule up on Google Docs. Cheers!
June 1
Harry Potter Fest (Taylor's Version): Claiming & sign-up ends.
Unleashed Fest (Drarry, rare pairs; animals): Claiming opens.
Rare Pair Shorts Summer Wishlist: Grant a wish begins.
The Three Broomsticks Pride Fest: Posting begins.
HP Pride Fest 2023:  Fic reveal begins.
Drarry Let's Play 2023 (gaming): Prompting opens.
Kill Your Darlings 2023 (major character death): Prompting opens.
Out of the Cupboard 2023: Challenge begins.
Nott-Your-Usual Flavors Fest: Claiming opens.
HP Summertime Prompt Challenge: Challenge begins.
Sugarfest: A Sugar Daddy Harry Fest: Sign-up opens.
June 2
Bellatrix Fest 2023: Prompting opens.
June 3
Buck Moon 2023 (Remus/Sirius): AO3 collection opens for submission.
Draco's Den presents: Denopoly: First roll.
HP Soulmates Fest (Tumblr): Claiming opens.
HP Queer Villains Fanworks Fest: Posting begins.
HP Het Mini Fest: Self-posting ends.
June 5
Microfic May 2023: AO3 collection closes.
HP Wedding Fest: Posting begins.
June 7
HP Flowers Spring Round: Masterlist posted.
June 9
Nott-Your-Usual Flavors Fest: Claiming closes.
June 10
HP Saffics Summer Exchange (Discord members only): Matching done.
Harry Potter Fest (Taylor's Version): Works due.
Wolfstar Bingo 2023 (Discord members only): Sign-up ends.
Snarry AUctoberfest (alternate universe): Prompting opens.
June 11
Harry Potter Fest (Taylor's Version): Works revealed.
Wolfstar Bingo 2023 (Discord members only): Fills begin.
H/D Wireless (music-inspired): Works due.
June 15
R/S Big Bang 2023: Author sign-up closes.
Wolfstar First Date Challenge: AO3 collection closes.
Drarry Disability Fest: Claiming ends.
Drarry Let's Play 2023 (gaming): Prompting closes. Claiming opens.
Lights Camera Drarry 2023 (film, theatre, tv show inspired): Creators revealed.
Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Challenge: First day to request prompts.
June 17
Drarry Disability Fest:  Works due.
HP Bodice Ripper Fest (Drarry, HP femslash; romance tropes): Last day to claim.
HP Halloween Fest: Prompting opens.
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jainsuperstore · 2 years
7 most loved essential oils and their superpowers
What is the secret ingredient to unlocking your superpowers and abilities? You may wish you could summon alien rocks or a wand to overcome a slump. You can get a boost of energy and motivation by using essential oils.
1. Lavender Essential Oil
LavenderLook out! A huge to-do list is heading your way! Lavender essential oils are soothing and relaxing oil that can be used to soothe your skin.
It promotes calm feelings and combats occasional nervous tension
Minor skin irritations can be soothed and cleaned
Reduces the appearance and severity of skin blemishes
2. Peppermint essential oil
The minty freshness and energy of Peppermint essential oils will put a spring in your step. Our Vitality, which is labeled to be used internally, is a great option if you want a burst of flavor!
After physical activity, cools tired muscles
Peppermint Vitality
It improves gut function and keeps the digestive tract efficient.
Feels less uncomfortable after eating large meals
3. Lemon essential oil
The lemon essential oil has a cheerful, bright scent that is perfect for dark days. This oil has a cheerful scent that will give you the energy boost you need.
Use it in conjunction with your nighttime skincare routine to help reduce the appearance and signs of aging, resulting in a more youthful-looking complexion.
Remove adhesives
Lemon Vitality
* Supports the immune system
Due to the photosensitivity of citrus oils, it is important to avoid direct sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours.
4. Frankincense essential oil
Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed? It's time to get back on track and find your inner peace with Frankincense essential oil.
Promotes healthy skin and minimizes uneven skin tones
Relaxation and tranquility promoted
Frankincense Vitality
* Supports overall well-being and health
5. Lemongrass essential oil
Lemongrass essential oil is refreshing and fresh. This sweet fragrance can be used to combat sour scents and sentencing.
Has skin-cleansing properties
Cleanse the air of bad odors
Lemongrass Vitality
Keeps your circulatory system healthy
6. Cedar wood essential oil
Cedar wood essential oil can be used as a natural deodorizer. It is also a good choice for loyal companions due to its versatility. To give your blend a more earthy, sweeter aroma, you can add this familiar, timeless scent to any other botanical or blend.
Has skin-cleansing properties
Maintains the appearance of healthy hair and skin.
Is a natural deodorizer
7. Grapefruit essential oil
You need something to give you that second wind. Grapefruit essential oil is a powerful, uplifting scent that will help you conquer any challenge.
Has skin-cleansing properties
It is a stimulating and energizing scent.
Grapefruit Vitality
* Supports weight management
Antioxidant properties*
Do you want to reduce your oil wishlist to the essentials? To help you build your collection, check out our blog about the best 5 essential oils that you will never want to part with.
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obeythedemons · 3 years
Lucifer Masterlist
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Obey Me! Masterlist
Obey Me Masterlist By Character
MC is summoned to Devildom wearing a pride shirt
Young MC is Half Moth Demon - Platonic
MC summons them
MC uses a pet name for them
MC sees their ex
MC likes the brother back, but is worried they’ll disappoint them
Spotify Playlists + Barbatos
MC being bullies for being close to them
They receive a love letter from MC
MC has no survival instinct and talks to demons, wanders off, and asks all the questions
Pastel Goth FTM MC
MC is trying to become a demon to stay in Devildom
Blind MTF MC
MC has a low self-esteem
Parent MC
Short MC
Arguments He’s Started To Watch The World Burn
MC is Ruri-Chan’s VA
They React to Mammon Crying
They find out MC can read their chats
MC’s Heart Does Something Weird
How he builds IKEA furniture
MC is summoned to Devildom in laboratory PPE
MC is Injured
MC’s Attacked By Another Demon
What Crocs He Would Wear
MC Has An Allergic Reaction + Solomon
MC has a headache
Dad Jokes
MC’s D.D.D. gets a virus and sends flirty messages
Their Favorite Place in Tokyo
MC is in a gang
Supernatural MC
His Office
The Moment He Knew He Loved MC (minus Luke)
Tea Headcanons
When his heart first skipped a beat (minus Luke)
What He Tries To Hide (Minus Luke)
What Kid’s Movie Scares Him The Most
When the others know he loves them (minus Luke)
Gestures of Physical Affection (minus Luke)
What The Lesser Demons Say About Him
MC’s summoned to devildom with a plush of him (minus Luke)
When He Needs To Confess (minus Luke)
MC Has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Their Mask
Pokemon AU
MC’s Sick
They Take MC to the Doctor
They Play Video Games (Roblox)
They Catch MC Singing Once Upon A Dream
How they show affection/react to MC showing affection (minus Luke)
How he takes notes
MC gets tired when they’re out (minus Luke)
MC Slips on Ice
MC Receives Their First Binder
Their New Year’s Resolution
MC Pulls Their Hair Back
How He Proposes (minus Luke)
He learns MC’s his soulmate (minus Luke)
MC’s heart races when they see him (minus Luke)
Hanakotoba - His Flower
MC’s standing in the rain
He has a nightmare about MC (minus Luke)
MC hugs him for the first time
He Dances with MC (minus Luke)
Someone Else Confesses
Diavolo Plays Matchmaker (minus Luke)
Helping Lucifer
What They Daydream About (minus Luke)
He Asks MC To Become Immortal (minus Luke)
MC’s Cold (minus Luke)
He Sees MC In Wedding Wear (minus Luke)
MC Puts His Cold Hands On Him (Minus Luke)
Someone Sends Him A Nude By Mistake (Minus Luke) - 18+
Cheering Him Up (Minus Luke)
How He Plays The Sims
What Videos MC Posts of Him
Who Gives the Best Massages
MC’s Immortality is Wrong (Minus Luke)
His Favorite Form of Transportation
What He’s Insecure About (Minus Luke)
Shipping Wars
Warmth of Melancholy
100 Days
Drunk Texting
His Heart
Broken Vase
Cold Walk
More Time
Pride and Joy
A Dance
Just In Case
Gray Hair
Blind [Lucifer/MC, Barbatos/MC]
Spotify Song Challenge
17. Le Bien Qui Fait Mal – Mozart l’Opéra Rock - Lucifer
54. Reverie - ATYYA - Lucifer
90. Genghis Khan - Miike Snow - Lucifer
Winter Themed Drabbles
13. Ice skating - Lucifer
22. Pine Trees - Lucifer
Spring Themed Drabbles
7. Spring Cleaning - Lucifer
Alphabet Drabbles
E - Escape Lucifer
N - Name - Lucifer
Friend Corner
Approval Ratings [Fantastic Three & Lance]
The Mark [Lucifer & Lance]
Grades [Lucifer & Lance]
Date Night
Coffee Shop - Lucifer
Picnic -  Lucifer
Valentine’s Day 2022
Lucifer Valentine’s Day Card
Before MC: What They Think About Valentine’s Day
What He Gets MC For Valentine’s Day
His Ideal Valentine’s Day Date - Headcanons
How Fast He Falls In Love, How Fast He Admits It - Headcanons
What Valentine’s Day Gift He Wants - Headcanons
After MC: What He Thinks About Valentine’s Day - Headcanons
Mood Board
Quick Drawing
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songwriteoc · 3 years
The Sims 4 Challenge - The Pack(age) Challenge - 10 Gen Version
Ever wanted to explore other aspects of the game, but never had the will to do so? Well with this challenge… you can!
You can use whatever mod you want – it is a fun challenge that you can add your own twists to if you follow the guidelines given!
Recommended Settings:
-        Normal or Long (does not matter)
-        MCCC (for certain generations if needed, but you do not really need it)
-        Do NOT use the More Trait Slot Mod. I will update to add more traits once complete.
You do NOT need to stay with one pack for Create-a-Sim. I understand some of these may require other packs to fit the aesthetic :P
The generations will span over 10, however you can stop at ANY generation if you want to stop.
You can also skip a generation if:
1.    You really dislike the Expansion/Game Pack
2.    If you do not have the Expansion/Game Pack
Generation 1 – The Comedic Genius (Base Game)
You have always dreamed of becoming a comedian. Ever since that one knock, knock joke as a toddler. Your first sentence was even knock, knock! Your dream is become the best comedian in Willow Creek, Newcrest and/or Oasis Springs! You also wanted to create the best comedy household, wanting a large family full of kids to explore all the arts of comedy! Although you were not always down for marriage, you still wanted to act like a happy family even through the comedy home life.
Being raised in an orphanage and finally finding a home once you aged up into a young adult is where your story starts.
 -        Traits: Childish, Family-Orientated & Cheerful
-        Aspiration: Joke Star
-        Create Young Adult (YA) Sim of Any Gender!
-        Reach Lvl.10 of Entertainer Career (Comedian Branch)
-        Max. Comedy Skill
-        Max. Mischief Skill
-        Have a boyfriend/girlfriend, NEVER MARRY!
-        Have 3 to 4 Children.
 Generation 2 – A Serious Detective (Expansion Pack: Get to Work)
You hated the way your family made you do clown behaviour, forced to make jokes that did not even impress you, but made you mad! On a day like no other during high school, you helped a classmate get their money back from their bully, making you best friends till the end of time, with possibly more feelings later? (This is your choice). To get out of your home, you spent majority of your life of high school going to the gym on the weekends to get away from the chaotic life of a comedy home.
You never understood why your family gave you siblings, making you feel overwhelmed with the number of kids your parents naturally had, making you feel bad for the children put up for adoption and left alone with no parents.
-        Traits: Hot-Headed, Ambitious & Athletic
-        Aspiration: Professional Athlete
-        Generation starts as Young Adult (YA)
-        Reach Lvl.10 in Detective Career.
-        Have One Best Friend Forever
-        Max. Logic Skill
-        Max. Athletic Skill
-        Adopt One Child
-        Somehow with science, become abducted by an alien. (if it leads to a alien pregnancy, that is fine!)
 Generation 3 – Cooking is the Heart (Game Pack: Dine Out)
As a child, you always enjoyed watching your parent cook you fabulous meals – making them as perfect as you could imagine. Even for your own birthday, you always asked for cookbooks to read upon them so you could learn the recipes to start your own restaurant and teach your children to cook and hopefully take over the restaurant empire you want to build for your family!
Due to how your parent raised you, you were always keen on marrying before woohoo, which is exactly what you will do!
As a Young Adult (YA) this is when your story starts.
 -        Traits: Foodie, Perfectionist & Creative
-        Aspiration: Successful Lineage
-        Generation Starts as Young Adult (YA)
-        Gain 5 Stars in your Restaurant!
-        Max. Cooking Skill
-        No Woohoo before Marriage!
-        Marry before you reach Adulthood!
-        Have 2 Children! (If triplets, that is fine too!)
-        Max. Baking Skill (Requires Get to Work)
-        Read Every Week (As if you are reading a cookbook every week)
 Generation 4 – The Unflirty Critic (Expansion Pack: City Living)
You have seen people fall in love, hated that your parent spent more times cooking in the restaurant with your sibling than taking care of you. They may of gave you attention, but what was it for? So, you could critic the food they make? You seemed to also help your parent cook amazing foods with your own critical thinking. Was this a career path for you? Seems so!
In school, nobody wanted to be friends with you due to how brutal honest you were with their gifts and how they acted. Everybody hated you, and the only friend you had was your own sibling who stayed beside you, telling you to do what you can with the goals you want in life, making you flee to the city of San Mychuno! Yours was to be a food critic. With no friends, you never learned to love, apart from that one hook-up one night at a high school party your sibling brought you to after you graduated. You despised love. You despised the very thought of it. You were the Agnes Crumplebottom of love, whacking people with your clipboard of critic responses.
 -        Traits: Unflirty, Vegetarian & Loner
-        Aspiration: City Native
-        Starts as a Teenager (Teen)
-        Lvl. 10 of Critic Career (Food Critic Branch)
-        Max. Charisma Skill
-        Never Marry!
-        Become Pregnant at a Party As soon As You Age Up!
-        Never Talk to Child till they are a Teenager.
-        You may use MCCC to get your sim pregnant as a Teenager instead of as soon as they age up! (Still at a party!)
 Generation 5 – It is Nothing Like Twilight, I Swear! (Game Pack: Vampires)
Your parent always shoved you away. You always loved studying upon the supernatural and embraced the feeling once as a teenager, you befriended a vampire, only to have a teenager brain and ask to of been turned. Your now stuck as a vampire and need a way to find a cure for your offspring you want to produce.
You do not want your future child to live through the same fate as you, as you turn other sims into vampires like yourself, before falling in love with another vampire, making it a love for eternity. However, you always adored your grandparents cooking, its as if they gave you heaven for food.
Your sims story starts as a teenager!
 -        Starts as a Teenager (Teen)
-        Traits: Kleptomaniac, Bro & Jealous
-        Aspiration: Good Vampire
-        Purchase Almost Every Vampire Perk!
-        Be Turned as a Teenager (or early Young Adult)
-        Have 1 – 3 Children!
-        Find a Cure for Vampirism Before child(ren) reaches Teen stage(s)
-        Marry Your Vampire Love
-        Have HORRIBLE relationship with parent, but GREAT relationship with grandparent.
-        You can rebuild your relationship with your parent before they die, if your Sim wants to anyway!
 Generation 6 – I will adopt one, no two… No, all six! (Game Pack: Parenthood)
Your grateful for what your parent did for you, creating a cure for the vampirism you were born with. Although, you feel as if you need to prove to your parent that you can be the best parent in the world! Unfortunately, you were born unable to have children yourself (can be edited in CAS, or through mods).
You make it your mission to adopt as many kids as you want and making sure to spoil them with your video game greatness and parenting skills! Making them feel loved and adored!
 -        Traits: Family-Oriented, Good & Geek
-        Aspiration: Super Parent
-        You Start Once they reach Young Adult (YA)
-        Max. Parenting Skill
-        Max. Video Gaming Skill
-        Adopt 6 Toddlers Between Your Young Adult and Adult stage!
-        Never Get a Job! (Paint, Write… etc. for money!)
-        You can marry if you want. Requirements: MUST share ONE trait your SIM has!
-        Adopt to Max. Household Limit Between your Young Adult and Adult Stage!
-        Youngest Child is Next Gen!
 Generation 7 – Time to Meow to this Howling! (Expansion Pack: Cats & Dogs)
You were raised with a lot of adoptive siblings, making you feel tired of being surrounded by older siblings that rushed around you taking care of your parent(s). The only love you felt, was from that one cat you found on the streets on that one visit to Brindleton Bay.
Once you became a Young Adult, you moved to Brindleton Bay and decided to start your passion for having your own Veterinary and surrounding yourself with stray animals you found on the street or adopting cats & dogs from the computer and/or phone! Maybe also falling in love with your own co-worker you hired?
 -        Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover & Loves the Outdoors
-        Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
-        Max. Animal Training Skill
-        Max. Veterinary Skill
-        Own a 5 Star Veterinary
-        Adopt any Number of Cats & Dogs! (e.g., 3 cats, 3 dogs… 2 cats, 3 dogs… etc.)
-        Marry a veterinary co-worker!
-        Have child(ren) with co-worker! (Does not matter on how many)
  Generation 8 – Spring All Year! (Expansion Pack: Seasons)
With your family adoring animals, you adored them too! But there is something you always asked for winterfest and your birthday, and that was your own private greenhouse to grow your own flowers to build your own store to grow flowers and sell them!
Your own way of doing so, was getting yourself a job as a gardener, and helping to design flowers for your friends, family and customers that wanted their own flowers done as a hobby while you worked, which lead to your own romantic destiny… but was it a fling, or did you unknowingly become the serial romantic and had/got someone else’s child that wasn’t your lover’s?
 -        Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Non-Committal & Romantic
-        Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
-        Reach Lvl.10 of Gardener Career (Floral Designer Branch)
-        Max. Gardening Skill
-        Max. Flower Arranging Skill
-        Marry Your Highschool Sweetheart
-        Have One Child with Another Sim that ISN’T Your Lover!
-        Get Divorced from your Highschool Sweetheart!
-        Have One Child with your Highschool Sweetheart!
-        As a Teenager before gen starts, you can start with the Serial Romantic Aspiration!
 Generation 9 – “You love me! You really, really love me!” (Expansion Pack: Get Famous)
You loved the silver-screen as a toddler, looking at the beautiful actors/actresses performing on-screen and knowing instantly that is what YOU wanted to do.
Always laughed at for loving the arts in the countryside, you moved out of Brindleton Bay with your family so you could start your dreams of slowly becoming the best actor/actress the sims world has ever seen and seeing them raise their children to be just as famous as them in Del Sol Valley! The generation starts once you are a teenager!
 -        Traits: Creative, Self-Absorbed & Snob
-        Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
-        Reach Lvl.5 of Acting Club (Teen)
-        Reach Lvl.10 of Acting Career
-        Reach 5 Stars as a Celebrity!
-        Max. Acting Skill
-        Max. Charisma Skill
-        Befriend a 5 Star Celebrity
-        Marry a Celebrity Same, or Higher Star Level
-        Get Money Worth of: $300,000
-        Have Three Children with Lover.
-        Max. Singing Skill (City Living Required)
 Generation 10 – Mother Nature is That You?! (Game Pack: Strangerville)
A sudden village has recently come back into the news after centuries of being forgotten and put through protection. You were invested in wanting to figure out what was going on while balancing your own military career.
Before then being sent to Strangerville to see what was going on in the village itself! You got told you could bring one person with you for security, and safety. However, once your friend eats a forbidden fruit found in a plant – things suddenly go south, making you know what you had to do, but all this chaos has made you more paranoid and scared for what could happen if you fail.
 -        Starts as a Young Adult (YA)
-        Traits: Athletic, Paranoid & Clumsy
-        Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
-        Reach Lvl.10 Military Career (Officer Branch)
-        Max. Fitness Skill
-        Max. Charisma Skill
-        Have One Child once The Mother is defeated (if twins or triplets, that is fine too!)
-        Live with your Best Friend in Strangerville
-        Find love once The Mother is defeated!
-        You can bring a co-worker to live with you in Strangerville if you don’t have a best friend!
Part Two: Not Released Yet
Other Information:
There is a 2nd Part of this challenge going to be available once it is complete, in case you want to continue the generation for another 5 or so generations! Depending on the packs that are released that have careers, or something interesting to add.
Have suggestions for other packs that were realised before Strangerville? Say and I’ll put them into the part 2 of this challenge!
P.S. This is the first challenge, and it is in trial run. So there maybe some problems. If there is, please message me through here, or through my other social media:
Twitter: /@SongWriteOC  https://twitter.com/SongWriteOC
If you do the challenge, please use the hashtag #SimsThePackChallenge on all social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr... etc. Even YouTube! <3 
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