terrorpenned · 1 year
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zurcnaaitsirhc · 8 months
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daily-ethoslab · 7 months
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[639] iskall? More like is killed! Lmao gottem
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day 1/639 of yoongi's military service
this selca was posted on 130312, his first selca posted on twitter, with the caption:
Oh, without even realizing it, we have over 1600 followers!! I'll give you a selfie to celebrate the breakthrough~~ ha
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aboutzatanna · 3 months
Ah, yes. Remember when Zatanna's expertise was so well regarded that even Batman had to put aside his anger so he can get her opinion on something?
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Source: Batman #639
This was around the time Jason Todd came back and Batman was looking to confirm his suspicions. He was also mad at Zatanna for wiping his memory during Identity Crisis, although they patched things up later during Dini's Detective Comics run.
(And yes, the Lazarus Pit originally could only revive the recently deceased. Its only much later on they were shown to be able to revive the long dead.)
Remember when Magog, whose personality is 'I'm such a huge arrogant asshole that I got kicked off the JSA-the same JSA that used to put up with Black Adam' and no longer having Dr Fate to consult, he went straight to Zatanna for mystical help?
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Source: Magog #7
I thought starting with Batgirls #13 we were getting back to Zee being the magical go to person for any magical related problems. But given September's solicits, I guess not. If the above comics came out today, writers wouldn't be able to help but make it about you-know-who and somehow have him upstage Zatanna and show/treat her as inferior to him.
Bonus: Superman going to Zatanna for help in dealing with Arion:
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Source: Superman #662
The Phantom Stranger appeared too in this story arc. He worked in concert with Superman and Zatanna. No attempted one up manship or edgelord bullshit. Or one character getting downgraded to show how much better the other is. Just folks who are good at their job showing how good they are at their job.
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
Hey Rosie! I don't know how many times I've rewatched the AYS eps. And I'm sure I'll do it again 3 hours before we get ep 4, but seeing how Jimin and Jungkook were trying to move fast and were so time conscious during the CT trip, probably wanting to make the best out of the time they have to do as much as they can, I can't help but be more grateful. I'd be more than happy with whatever they give us, but thinking about it now, what if we just had their US trip. No Jeju, no Sapporo 😭
That's why it's even easier for me to ignore and drown out paragraphs of vileness towards them individually or both (but continuing to report and block accounts), and the twisting of words, or those misleading and out-of-context screenshots. You can't fight stupidity and that level of delusion. That group can not be saved and will never acknowledge the truth or be sane for a decent discussion. They live in their own made-up world and fantasies. They pick what suits them and create a fakeass narrative and captions to keep living in delusion.
I'm looking forward to the Sapporo eps since they've confirmed the locations, I don't think we've had enough preview of activities from there.
Me wearing my tin hat and clown face *whispers*: you think we'll have one special ep of jikook in tokyo? I believe there were rumours of go pros or filming when they had dinner at that curry place. Either way, I'm happy to have 3 locations with Jikook 🥺
Oh, actually, the show’s director mentioned in an interview that they originally planned to only film in the USA—I wonder if that's why Jimin said at the beginning that the idea was to shoot a video unless the translation was wrong—but Jimin and Jungkook were sad that it was just that, so they decided to keep filming in other places.
“When they set off for the States, they had no plans for the second or third locations—Jeju Island and Sapporo,” said Park. “They were disappointed to end the trip in the States and also wanted to do something more as a gift to fans. With that in mind, they proposed the idea to continue the trip to Jeju Island and Japan. After starting with the States, they went on a trip to the other locations at intervals of two to three months.”
Anon, I totally agree with you, no matter what the haters and the insecure ones say, this show is for us Jimin and Jungkook fans, and it's a gift that I’ll always treasure and be grateful for. They filmed the show during a year when they were really busy, especially during the time they were shooting in each city or location, and while I still believe it was also for them, it’s definitely for us too.
You can't fight stupidity and that level of delusion.
Unless Jeju is going to have more than three episodes, I also wonder what else they did in Japan because they’ve only shown us the same clips or moments from different angles so far. I’m still hopeful that’s where they’ll talk a bit about everything, especially their military service.
Look, I’m not sure if we’ll get clips of them in Tokyo, but I do remember Jungkook arriving in Hokkaido filming with his GoPro, so maybe? We’ll see. I’m still super excited for each episode because my parents taught me to always be thankful for the things we’re given.
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Today's KAITO module of the day is:
The Sheltered World by sumi!
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mothaday · 3 months
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they're just standing there... menacingly
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SNW bothers me with who they picked to be in the show. Like Sam Kirk? What's the point in Sam Kirk? The show has plenty of reasons to randomly bring Jim Kirk into the show so they don't need Sam for that and his only interesting storyline about his dad/family is never actually addressed. Then you have M'Benga who doesn't make sense. Why is McCoy thd CMO over him on the Enterprise in TOS if he was the CMO in SNW? It's not like he moved ships, he's on the same ship, lower position. Did he step down? Did he get demoted? What's the logic here? And La'an just completely screws with the whole storyline. What's the point in her being a descendant of Khan? What's the storyline outside of a single episode? The Gorn thing is much more relevant. The Khan thing is pointless and honestly the time travel would have been more fun if she wasn't related as then the choice to save him would be even harder with no "wipe yourself from existence" consequence. If all they were going to do with Chapel was ruin her character even more than the 60s did, they shouldn't have used her and Ortegas is cool as a new character concept but they've done nothing with her either. Genuinely, what is this cast of characters? I mean Uhura's addition make sense and allows for good character exploration and they have such cool characters like Hemmer and Pelia so what is the deal with everyone else? Why are they fumbling these other characters so badly?
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tmf-confessions · 3 months
"Oh look, it's your little freak friends! Let's go say hi."
"We really don't need to do that—"
"Hey DORKS! "
Will ALWAYS be the funniest lines to me, the timing is so good
confession #632
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unknownfrom34 · 11 months
For @muzzleroars
For Michael's Witch Form
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steddieficfind · 9 months
Okay this has been killing me because I've tried so many tags and keywords and can't re find this fic
I'm 95% sure it was on ao3 and multichapter, it was one of the shovel talk ones, but not the one where nancy robin steve and eddie do diner lunches and steve misses one for work and they all get angry with each other over the shovel talks.
Basically it's Steve gets a lot of shovel talks and Eddie doesn't get one, and it upsets Steve. It's one where Wayne tells off the kids too, and I remember a scene where Eddie doesn't understand why Steve is upset Eddie hasn't had a shovel talk but Steve got a bunch, that it's not because Steve wants people to threaten him it's just that nobody seems to care about him being hurt/or thinks Eddie is the only one who could be hurt. I think Eddie leaves or Steve asks him to and then later Wayne I think explains it to Eddie but it might have been off screen and eddie mentions it happening later when he apologises to Steve?
I'm slightly fuzzy on the exact details/order but I know which fics it isn't xD
Please oh great and powerful fic finders, put me out of my misery (or tell me if I'm squishing two fics together with the wayne telling off the kids and the Eddie not understanding why Steve is upset)
Request 639! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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chalkmon · 6 months
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Terrakion © Nintendo / Game Freak
Picture © Elik-Chan
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idknwhatputhere · 10 months
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We really went from "oh my god are you a single dad??!!😨" To "oh my god you are a single dad 😏"
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drowning-in-cacophony · 3 months
Count The Days
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial Prompt 257: Count The Days
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Count the days.
Go on. Count them. Flick your fingers down the calendar like rifling through a box of worn lovelorn letters, feel those moments slip under the tips like autumn leaves from a tree. There’s nothing to be done about them falling away: it’s gravity, it’s inevitability. The heat death of a universe: our universe. Neither you or I can halt the progression. Not even if you beg, promise or swear.
Count the days. Make the most of them.
               Early mornings, because why waste time sleeping when every hour is precious, a shining diamond cupped in our hands? The rising sun plays out against the walls, a golden stained glass. Beautiful, bittersweet. You hold me, I hold you, my tongue stuck. Glue against the top of my mouth; your hair perfume in my lungs. The sun traces a path across the paint.
                Late nights, because even these hours are dreadfully precious. Crossed legged, bending foreheads towards each other. Your skin, warm under mine. Your hands, delicate and wound in henna, cradled. So soft, the light tungsten and backlit, your eyes shadowing pools on mine. Assurances in the twist of your lips, sad understanding in the weight of your words.
               We wonder together, and wonder apart, but never wander away. Not yet, not when there are still days to be counted. A timer stitched into our hearts, a deadline bomb that no technician can defuse. Moments wasted to the shower, water thundering down, rain inside ceramic. Moments stolen by gritty eyes dropping shut, snatches of troubled darkness in between all this limited light. You drag a hand down the kitchen counter, I fry up an omelette, the eggs bubbling softly. Your hair, tumbling down one shoulder. To memorise it or enjoy it – that’s the question now.
               Walks through the neighbourhood, stories as numerous as the stars above on your lips. Filled to bursting, your throat, my mind, and our hands are intertwined and your shoes scuffed. The velvet above is probably beautiful yet it’s only you I’m staring at, basking in it all. The stars are millions of years old; even they have timers, hurtling towards their burn out. Maybe this is what we’re in, the moment of the supernova. Blinding bright, and blinding painful, before it all comes compressing down to explode again.
               Count the days. The calendar getting thin now, a line of neat blue crosses fluttering about like wishes in a fountain. I scoop the water in the sink, let it trickle between my fingers. You with your arms around my waist, lips pressed between my shoulder-blades. My heart throbs, a beat straight to you, a private demonstration of the reason I breathe. It’s you, you, you.
It’s always going to be you.
               Dawn, dusk, curled up in our bed. Dips on the covers where our bodies have dug in, permanent reminders of our flesh. Declarations that we were here, and you take us to the cliff’s edge to stare out at the wild sea and carve our names into stone. It won’t wither, won’t chip away like the scores we bore into the harsh grey. Our declaration, a vandalization to all that is natural.
You reach out, a little finger twisting. It fits to mine like the sea to the cliff’s face.
The sunset, all its vivid colours burning over the kitchen tiles. Leaning your head in my lap, gazing at the dust motes gently swirling through the air. Little molecules, all burst apart, and a stirring hand parts them only for them to fly together again. Your eyes are heavy, hard to meet. My fingers tangle in your hair, ropes to tie us together. As if that was all that’s needed to stand in face of this.
Count the days; we do nothing but count them until there’s nothing left to count at all.
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