#60 bpm
eliserzilber · 2 months
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Box Breathing
This breathing exercise is great for de-stressing and grounding yourself for meditation.
To start, get into a comfortable seated position, straighten your spine, keep your hands relaxed by your sides or on your lap, and legs relaxed with your feet on the ground.
Inhale deeply, counting 4 beats.
Continue by holding that breath and counting another 4 beats.
Exhale slowly for another 4 beats.
Hold for another 4 beats.
Repeat 3 or 4 times.
*For help pacing, you can use a 60 bpm metronome, which can be found on any music streaming platform or Youtube.
*DBT guides here*
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seeksstaronmewni · 2 years
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Ooh... I could really use these love meter goggles...
Tweet version here
Caught this for the 2nd time in my life (I think) during Futurama on [as] last Sunday (01/08/2023), but for some reason it was barely shown and I saw not the bumper since 07/08/2017 during a rerun of Samurai Jack EPISODE XCIII. I took 66 months to see it again... though I recall the love meter goggle reading “DEFINITELY INTO YOU”, which apparently is not the case for this bump.
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merriclo · 2 years
i have an orchestra assignment that’s in D flat major i hate it here
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Had any doctor ever talked to you about CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia) or tested you for it.
Long term salt wasting is symptom that more common with amab people with CAH, but does happen to afab people too. the symptoms are any kind of stress on your body makes you sick, and also random and severe allergies, also bad acne. The treatment is cortisone (usually topical to start and then injections if you don't respond well enough to topical).
I'm not a doctor, just someone who has it.
I think I had a doctor mention it once, but I didn't have any symptoms in childhood, don't have issues with bad acne, and don't have...I forget the technical term. Dysmenorrhea? The part of the symptoms that like overlaps with PCOS So while I have random and severe allergies and stress makes me sick, the doc didn't think it likely it was CAH. As far as I know, I've never actually been tested for it though? And if any of the symptoms I listed that you didn't aren't actually part of CAH, I apologize. Those are the ones I remember from when I researched it, but it was a while ago, and I might be misremembering Edit: I forgot to say, as a fellow person with salt wasting, I had very like "same hat!" kind of feelings reading this ask. Thank you for reaching out and making sure I'd heard about this. I learned about POTS and MCAS on tumblr from posts and asks like this, and I genuinely believe the kindness of strangers like you sharing that info with me saved my life.
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
Io quando ho recuperato l'esibizione dei bubini a Sanremo:
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amerasdreams · 2 years
mom gave me a fitbit for Christmas. So far my average resting heartbeat is 78bpm. How normal is this
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internetfriend · 7 months
ok note to self propranonol at 40mg FUCKING SUCKS and i feel like my heart is going too slow . and my breathing is all weird because of it . im not taking these again fuck that
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canis-dies · 10 months
love having heart rhythm problems
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autistic-fairy · 1 year
I finally found a medication that really helps my mental state but guess what else it does?
Makes my heart go CRAZY
I’ll just be sitting here and the fitbit my dad gave me vibrates and says “Keep Going!” As in ‘you must be exercising hard!’
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zibah-ho · 1 year
don’t know if heart is going insane rn bc anxiety or anxiety is kicking off bc heart is going insane either way we are not having a good time rn
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ajarofpickledtears · 2 years
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tramp963 · 2 years
60 BPM Metronome Sounds - 60 bpm metronome free online sound for sleep ...
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #58 Part 6
Everything happened so fast that when Danny finally got to flop onto his bed at the Wayne manor he let himself sink into the covers with a heavy sigh. Everyone broke off into their own rooms to change into more comfortable clothing once they had arrived. Jazz and Danny both had rooms, they started out as guest rooms but were quickly personalized since they tended to spend a lot of time here. Danny even brought most of his models and other various precious items that he didn’t want broken accidentally by his parents (again). His and Jazz’s rooms were set up just like the other bedrooms in the manor, with an ensuite bathroom. They both had dressers, walk-in closets, queen sized beds with ornate nightside tables, and decent sized desks with windows looking out to the backyard garden. 
They were allowed to decorate it any way they chose so Jazz had her room painted a dark teal color with an extra shelf for some books she’d been studying, most being the field of Psychology. Danny meanwhile chose to paint his room a dark blue reminiscent of the night sky, complete with glow in the dark stars and some that didn’t glow, that were painted by Damian, they had all worked together to map it all out as accurately as they could. 
Danny briefly let his thoughts wander as he tried to process the day's events. Was he okay? He wasn’t even sure at the moment, he was pretty sure he was a ghost temporarily and the weirder part was the cool feeling he felt from his chest was still there. 
Danny with a change of clothes in hand went into the bathroom attached to his room. He looked at his reflection again and he looked rough, his eyes were red from crying and he looked exhausted. 
He turned away and quickly got into the shower to wash himself.
The water felt hot on his skin but he marveled at the fact that he could still feel it. These thoughts helped ground himself as he finished up with his shower and got dressed in the comfy PJ’s he grabbed.
He found himself staring at himself in the mirror again. He couldn’t help it, his ghostly appearance from earlier had scared him and his normal looking reflection he now had was comforting. 
He looked like a normal person, like he always did, his bags were now gone. Some small part of him thought maybe it was all a dream? That small part was wrong and Danny knew it deep down, but that small part still hoped.
Did he still have a pulse? He was still breathing and he was sure his heart was still pumping so he probably had one. 
Going back over to his bed he picked his phone back up and after a quick Google search on how to check and what his rate should be he held two fingers to his other hand and counted.
He ran his hands through his hair and took a shaky breath. He counted his BPM at 29 BPM while the normal rate for him was around 60. So it was now less than half what it should be. He wasn’t sure how worried he should be about that or if he should tell anyone or keep his mouth shut. He couldn’t be a meta now either. Him and Jazz had spent hours discussing what it would be like to carry the meta gene and one day get powers.
He watched his reflection from the vanity above his dresser, would he turn back into that pulseless form? 
A knock startled him out of his thoughts as he let out a small yelp. He almost didn’t register his eyes that flashed green for just a moment as he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Danny! Alfred called us down for dinner, everyone else should be down soon as well…” Jazz called from the other side of his bedroom door, her voice sounding like she was trying to keep up a sense of normalcy. 
“Right… coming!!” Danny replied, his eyes lingered on themselves for a moment before he let out a small sigh and grabbed his phone and followed Jazz down the hall.
A few moments passed as they walked side by side in silence, Jazz kept sneaking glances at him, like she couldn’t believe he was here either. She hesitated for a few minutes before speaking, “...Danny? Are you… Okay?” She spoke slowly like she was scared he’d disappear and at that moment he wanted to do just that. 
He wasn’t sure exactly what he should tell her, he felt okay but he wasn’t exactly sure. Everything felt the same but different, everything was the same as it had been before his accident but now he felt a weird dissociation with the world around him, like he wasn’t really there. He couldn’t explain that feeling to Jazz so he shrugged.
“Honestly your guess is as good as mine as we know about the same.” Danny answered with a sigh.
Jazz gave him a look that he couldn’t quite decipher, “are you sure you should be up and around then?” Her voice was quiet again like she was afraid he’d disappear. Danny couldn’t help but stop in his tracks as he thought about it.
“I mean, nothing has happened yet? I can’t really explain it.” He rubbed the back of  his neck with his hand as he looked down and refused to meet her gaze again. 
He continued walking after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence and soon they arrived in the Dining room.
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ecile · 6 months
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 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀run from the runway; 60 bpm.
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sincerity--extreme · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me, @s-nebul0sa!
Nicknames: Ingy/Ivy (I don’t have many friends so Ivy is one that I picked because I don’t like my name so I ask to be called Ivy instead or maybe another nickname if the person prefers that)
Zodiac: Pretty sure it’s Scorpio
Height: 152.5 cm (some trashcans in my city are taller than me…)
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Last thing you googled: Stardew Valley Mods
Favorite music: Mostly Pop music
Song stuck in your head: Who We Are by Hozier
Following: 263
Followers: 312
Do you get asks: Maybe once a year, it’s really rare
Amount of sleep: 3/4 hours when I’m lucky, 6 hours sometimes when my body is truly exhausted and I pass out at 3 am and sleep throughout the morning
What you're wearing: Pajamas (it’s hot AF and this is the lightest option of clothes I have)
Dream job: Movie/TV show director but I don’t know if I’m actually capable of doing that
Languages: My birth language is Portuguese (Brazil) but I’m also fluent in English and Spanish (I'm better at English than any other tho, including Portuguese)
Random fact: A chicken’s heart rate is about 4 times higher than humans, for example, a healthy adult resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 bpm while a normal chicken has a resting heart rate of 200 – 300 bpm
Aesthetic: I’m honestly not sure how to properly describe it, it’s a colorful mess basically
I'm tagging (no pressure) @laurensxdeath, @seriously-poppins, @kai999 and anyone else who wants to do it!
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azurecanary · 8 months
Season 2 Daisy's badassery is massively underrated
Interrogating Ward with little sign of weakness
Picking off a threat while keeping her BPM in her 60s
And that's just in the first half
Then you have her struggling with destructive superpowers in the wake of her best friend's death
She escaped SHIELD
She fought the frickin Cavalry
She was willing to sacrifice her mother to save the world
And she had to face both her bio parents being terrible people
And at the end she still wanted to keep the world safe
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