Fiona, “Now if we’re talking body, you’ve got a perfect one so put it on me.” — Skinner
“Hm, well yours isn’t so bad either,” the blonde purred, her fingers playing along Skinner’s bottom lip. It was rare that she spent an entire day in the basement with him with no mention of going above. After all, slicing and dicing was her favourite past time, but every now and then she liked to indulge in her second favourite. “But your pick up lines could use some work. Maybe you should take some lessons from those nice frat guys. And hey, speaking of, they’ve got nice bodies too.” She smirked, feeling the possessive grip around her waist tightening as the cheap ploy for jealousy won out. Her eyes traveled over his face, taking in every detail as she moved closer, stopping barely an inch from his lips. Making him jealous always guaranteed a stellar performance as he tried to prove his worth over every guy within the house boundaries, the same way thinking of murder made her own performance gain a little extra spark. “You know, pretty sure I still have a blade or two tucked away in here somewhere,” she murmured seductively, taking his fingers and bringing them up beneath her shirt. “How about we make this interesting?”
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Greg, Sawyer, Harley, Skinner, Cas, Autumn.
do the sexy love™ with: Harley - do blondes really have more fun?
sacrifice myself for: Sawyer - but, I doubt either of us would actually sacrifice ourselves for one another.
kick: Skinner - he paints his nails.
take to prom: Cas - or maybe some place where she could get some sun.
abandon in jurassic park: Autumn - for comedic value.
push off a bridge: Greg - by ‘accident’, of course.
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Ria, Samantha, Skinner, Fiona, Casper, Spencer
do the sexy love™ with: Fiona. I don’t know her, but her name would be fun to scream whenever I finish. 
sacrifice myself for: Ria. Don’t tell her though. Give her way too much power over me and I’m not comfortable with that. 
kick: Spencer. Eh, any body really deserves to be kicked. 
take to prom: Samantha..not that I know who the bleeding hell she is, but anyone with the name Samantha has got to have something fun going on with her right? 
abandon in jurassic park: Casper…the friendly ghost? He’ll pop himself out in no time. 
push off a bridge: Skinner. Again, don’t know him, but hell anyone who goes by Skinner has got to be a prick right?
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@strxngemagic, @poltergeistisms, @yourfriendlyneighborhoodkiller, @basementthriller, @itscasperthehuman, @cockyhorrorshow
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don’t need the system we can kill them if we try shoot up everything we see and we’ll find it on the wall i hope you die
manipulation just to form an alibi you’re the one that’s right for me and if heaven wants to take us they can try
( @basementthriller )
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The bottle of whisky hit the wall with a CRASH, landing on the floor in pieces --- sixth down, seventh to go. Skinner was inebriated, blitzed out of his mind. For weeks it’d been this way, and for the weeks to come it’d remain… well, until he ran out of alcohol. Had he still a liver to damage it’d be abolished tenfold, lying pitifully at the bottom of his body cavity by now. He absolutely hated this time of year; the beginning of summer. ‘Just five more months until Halloween’, more like ‘five more months until he was free to really have some fun’. Like a bear, he’d stored up for winter; numerous bottles of alcohol sitting about the basement, he took them down one at a time. He’d drink… and drink… and drink some more, postponing the need to carve into someone for as long as he could… until Halloween.
The sadistic spirit hadn’t harmed a single hair on anyone’s… ‘living’ head since last year --- and that was on the mere fact that he hadn’t the desire to shackle yet another soul to this godforsaken house; the place was too fucking crowded as is. There was, however, a particular ghost that Skinner enjoyed taking all his anger out on… and that was one of an idiot who couldn’t remember the countless times he had. Oh! But that one time he’d stuck a screwdriver in the back of his head and jerked it about just to see if he could get him to raise his own hand; his favorite. It didn’t work, of course, but the way he twitched was a hoot. Skinner had to cope in other ways for the sixteen years before Spencer came along, but the moment that kid stepped foot in the basement, he knew the coming years were to be much less unbearable.
Not only was Spencer a joy to play with, but the boy tended to make friends rather quickly, bring them about… and one of them had just stumbled right into his web: Winnie, was it? A smirk gracing his features as he watched the girl make her way down, dance about the cold, moldy atmosphere. Feeling nostalgic, he could recall when her counterpart had done the very same before getting eaten alive by Thaddeus --- though it seemed, this time, she was looking for him rather than all his alcohol. The killer kept quiet, his own vision blurred; the darkness doing a well enough job at keeping him hidden that he needn’t a ghostly cloak. At the sound of ‘Bleach’ leaving her sweet, innocent lips, a dastardly grin took hold of his features. “ Done some research, have you? ” He allowed his voice to carry, deep tone coming from all directions so as she wouldn’t be able to depict a particular one. He’d done some research as well. Over time, he heard the arguments she seemed to have with Spencer, noted how protective the boy was of her, and of course, caught the show the two put on right in the house’s entryway. Like two horny rabbits, they went at it. Had they really expected no one would see them in a house so full? Oh, and the act meant more to her than it did to him, didn’t it? So sad.
Skinner was just a rat, an insect, basement dweller, the last you’d expect to notice any minor details --- which was what made this so delicious. This was a special one to Spencer, and Skinner knew that merely on the fact that he’d barely seen her around. The boy wanted to keep her safe, so he’d pushed her away. Fortunately for Skinner, it didn’t work. Finding his moment, out of the darkness he appeared behind her. A hand placed gently on her hip to keep her steady (though he used it to keep himself upright, as well), other hand finding her shoulder, and slowly, the large cold palm glided down the side of her arm as lips parted; quietly, he spoke. “ To what do I owe the pleasure? ”
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( @yourfriendlyneighborhoodkiller )
Perhaps she’d had a little too much to drink, or perhaps she’d spent a little too much time away from Spencer. Either way, she ended up at the Murder House, feeling reckless and angry as ever. Winnie had made her way through the foyer and down the hall, and (luckily) without fumbling and taking a nasty fall, right down into the basement. This was where most of the psychopathic assholes hung out, wasn’t it? She was bound to find that bleach-haired son of a bitch around the place somewhere.
She’d heard all about him over her time in and out of the house, the legends and stories of everyone in the house —- it was all a fumble of knowledge to her now, he wasn’t the cannibal, or the gun crazy teenager who shot up the school. He wasn’t the asshole who kept women in the basement and tortured them for days on end, but he was similar in his own ways. He was one of the dead, blood hungry crazies, and that’s all she really needed to know.
Blurred vision from substance abuse, Win squinted as she peered into the darkness of the damp, hot underground lair. “So is this where you hide?” She called out recklessly, loudly, drunkly. “Do I have to say your name three times for you to show your fucking face?” Her hands came out in question as she nearly tripped over herself, spinning about to see if she could see any sign of existence. “Skinner, Skinner, Skinner —- or should I say Bleach?”
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aidan, ricky, nanette, skinner, hugo, hannah
do the sexy love™ with: Ricky. Not gonna lie, he’s pretty good at it… for an old guy.
sacrifice myself for: Aidan. He’s the only one who might be worth it.
kick: Skinner. Nothing personal, though.
take to prom: Hannah. 
abandon in jurassic park: Nanette. But only if I can watch her get eaten alive.
push off a bridge: Hugo. That guy just creeps me the fuck out, so it might be night to get rid of him.
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Screwing the brunette at last? How will Fiona react?
ask my muse a question and i can only respond with a gif of them;
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( @sydneyreed-inthemurderhouse, @basementthriller )
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greg, christine, sawyer, ria, spencer, skinner
Send 6 characters/people and I’ll tell you who I would:
Do the sexy love™ with: Sawyer … I miss him, so I dunno… We were always best together when we were doing… things like that. Sacrifice myself for: Spencer. He gets into scrapes a lot, and he’s been killed too many times to count. He’s never deserved to die, he needs a break.Kick: Skinner, I guess. He can be a good guy, but sometimes he needs a foot up his ass.Take to prom: Greg. I never had a date for my prom, so it’d be nice… But I still hate him, so I guess I’d rather go alone.Abandon in jurassic park: Ria’s a witch and a badass. If anyone can handle dinosaurs it’s her.Push off a bridge: … Christine.
@rxpperofhearts @cockyhorrorshow @yourfriendlyneighborhoodkiller @wxywordsoul @strxngemagic @ofrcses
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The killer’s movement violent and sudden, he dug polished fingertips into her sides as she rolled her hips against his --- a snarl following in the desperate kiss as he awakened beneath her. Large, pale hands kept wrapped around her hips beneath the layer of clothing dancing so loosely upon her; he planted her close. Lips kept at hers, vigorous and lustful, until she pulled them apart. His response negative and controlling, he HARDENED his hold on her. No way would he allow her to leave. Not now. He was hers to take care of, hungry for more.
Though upon hearing her request, or… demand, rather, a dastardly look appeared. Lowering his brows, Skinner barred his teeth as thought first went to his own. An immediate transition from her hips to the belt of his solid black jeans, the demented soul went to unbuckling them --- a swift unbutton, quick unzip, and behind one last layer of clothing he’d be revealed... but the hard part had been dealt with, now he’d focus on her, and it was instant thereafter that his hands went her lock. Nimble fingers unbuckling the belt of her own jeans, he slipped it through the loop and YANKED the thing from around her.
All thought and reason left Sydney’s head the moment their lips finally touched. She needed to feel something, and Skinner could deliver. He probably needed this as bad as she did. She knew how lonely it could get, being cooped up in the basement all day and night- too stubborn and too angry to even attempt to talk to others. They were doing each other a favour.
She allowed him to grab her hips, manoeuvring her on top of him without breaking the hungry, desperate kiss for a moment. With a groan she rolled her hips against his own, layers of denim separating them both from each other in a frustratingly teasing way. Syd couldn’t remember the last time she’d been with somebody like this- too upset, too caught up in the moment to think about anything except how good it felt to feel nothing at all. Her hands came up, cupping Skinner’s face as she gave him one last reminder of what they’d both been missing out on before she pulled back. “Take them off,” she breathed- though whether she was referring to her clothes or his was impossible to guess.
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A soft grip on his fist, it began to lower, and all Skinner could do was stare intensely into her eyes. Her derisive attitude about it all wasn’t getting her far, only pushing him further to the edge. It was clear she wasn’t taking this seriously, him seriously, and it was infuriating him. Both his hands now down as she’d set them, in a moment they were at her hips. Gripping, he twisted her around and rammed her pelvis into the pillar of concrete a few inches to his side. A single hand SLAMMING but an inch beside her head into the pillar behind her, knuckles began to bleed as he kept her pinned. For the longest time, the dark spirit simply peered into her eyes --- an unholy mixture of green and brown mere inches away from his solid blue. Like a disease, she was; and he was sick.
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Fiona was in his dry and dusty veins, she’d made a home; definitely held more power over him than he liked to admit, that was for sure. To give her any less of a reaction to her absence would be a mockery of his upstanding reputation. “ Don’t leave me again, ” he whispered --- his tone deep, threatening, sights drifting down to her lips briefly before they SHOT back up into her eyes. “ Are we clear? ” He’d leave her no space, both mentally and physically, as his gaze kept on hers. Truly Skinner had always been possessive… but not in awhile, and not over anyone like Fiona. She was his. He left the damp, moldy air between them to silence; an inch away but not even the slightest touch, and making no moves he’d further as he impatiently awaited an answer.
Skinner’s anger was well known, both to Fiona and the other residents of the house, but it still never failed to amuse her. She watched as he smashed up the basement, the slightest hint of a smile on her lips. She barely even flinched as he came towards her, looking like he was prepared to break her just as he’d broken the television. But she knew he wouldn’t. He didn’t have it in him. Every time Fiona entered a room she could see the way it affected him, and the ego boost wasn’t lost on her. He couldn’t break her any more than he could dye his hair brown.
With a quiet tut she gently took Skinner’s fist and lowered it, locking eyes with him. “If I knew I was missing all that I would’ve come back sooner. Come on, you know better than most how great a holiday feels every now and then. Don’t tell me you’re upset that I left you on your lonesome?” Fiona was a full few inches shorter than the furious man stood before her, but she still had the upper hand. “I’m back now. So how about we celebrate with some vodka, and you can quit breaking everything you own. Deal?”
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skinner, leo, violet, cole, ariel, spencer
Send me 6 characters/people and I’ll tell you who I’d:
Do the sexy love™ with: Cole. That tall, dark and handsome guy? Sure, he looked like he needed a little loosening up.Sacrifice myself for: Skinner [She refuses to explain this one]Kick: Leo. That’s the stoner’s bundle of joy, right? Should be fun.Take to prom: Speaking of Cheech, I’m sure he’d love a night out with me in a limo.Abandon in jurassic park: Violet. There’s nothing I’d love more than to see her chased by a Rex or two.Push off a bridge: The name rings a bell, pretty sure we’ve had a run in. And, if I remember right, the girl was a bit of a bitch, so Ariel’s going back to the ocean, via the bridge.
@blueeyeddxvil @yourfriendlyneighborhoodkiller @littlelionghost @cockyhorrorshow @thebrcwneyeddaughter @ariel-bradford
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Spencer, Autumn, Sydney, Leo, Elijah, Fiona
send 6 characters/people and i’ll tell you who i would;
do the sexy love™ with: hm… sydney, i s’pose. been there, done that, though. a bit of animal in bed, that one.
sacrifice myself for: fiona. not that that means anything. i’m a bloody apparition, who gives a flying fuck if i sacrifice myself? i’ll just come right back.
kick: tweedle dum’s offspring. clear across the property.
take to prom: autumn. she’d have the arm of the fairest bloke wrapped around her delicate little shoulder before he cracked her in two. fingers crossed it ends in pig’s blood, or… y’know, real blood.
abandon in jurassic park: elijah, i figure. merely because this is the first i’m hearing of him and hopefully the last. fare-bloody-well.
push off a bridge: with a noose wrapped around his neck? spencer. bloody twit. he’s like one of those stress balls you squeeze until they pop. and i could do with some popping about now.
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( @autumnclarke, @sydneyreed-inthemurderhouse, @elijahwebb, @basementthriller )
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hate you more;
a playlist for the psychotic lovers who’d rather fuck than fight after a fresh kill, the l u s t f u l and the blood-hungry
( listen )
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