#*& // skinner x leo.
popcat69 · 1 year
Heloow! may i request a youngest sibling! reader x rottmnt turtles(platonic) where the reader feels like shes fat cause someone in their class made fun of them and then they started starving themselves, then the turtles finally found out like after 2 days cause they arent hyper active per usual , then they start venting to their brothers about this and they try their best to show reader that shes perfect and she dosent need to starve their selves, Thank you!
Warning: eating disorder, starvation 
Notes: if anyone ever feels like this my messages are always open to anyone <3 please please don't ever try to starve yourself. You will never feel happier, you won't know when to stop. don't do it, it's not worth risking your happiness and freedom.
You would scroll through your socials always looking at others. How their life is more fun and how happy they look but they look better than you, skinnier than you. You like the way you look… well liked the way you look. You can't stand looking at yourself in the mirror anymore. You feel sick everytime. You're not overweight, you're perfectly average but it doest feel like that. You start saying up later watching makeup tutorials on how to do the perfect winged eyeliner or how to make your skin glow, as well as waking up hours earlier just to do your hair and make yourself look over the top. If you don't try enough you stand out but if you try hard you stand out. You keep getting called out on it at school and it's draining you at this point.
Your alarm goes off as you groan slowly, opening your eyes. 5 am… you sigh, grabbing your phone and scrolling through your socials looking at stalking every gorgeous, skinner, better looking girl from your year. Without noticing you realise half an hour has passed. You groan as you get out of your bed making your way to your bathroom and taking a shower before brushing your teeth. You pick out a mediocre outfit. Just some jeans and a hoodie. You can't help but stare at the mirror. Why can't I look like them? What am I doing wrong? You spend around an hour putting on makeup covering up every small thing you viewed as imperfect. You’ve got around 15 minutes left before you leave. You make your way to the kitchen seeing your brothers. Donnie is helping Mikey cook as Leo sleepy looks at the kitchen counter and Raph tries to wake him up.
Mikey perks up hearing your footsteps. You notice this. Am I that heavy to make such loud steps?
“Morning! I’ve made you your favourite! Pancakes with strawberries!” he says with a smile looking proudly at you. Your stomach drops hearing this. You can't eat that. You're supposed to be on a diet. Supposed to try to look better but you keep a smile on your face.
“I'm so sorry Mikey but I'm not really hungry” you say rubbing your arm hoping he would just brush it off. Donnie however looks at you confused and Leo slowly lifts his head up to Raph giving him a look.
“Dear sister, you must eat. How will you pay attention in class?”
“Really, i'm not hungry” 
“ok , just make sure you eat some lunch ok?” 
“I will Raph, don't worry” you give him a smile before leo looks at you squinting his eyes
“Hermana! Are you wearing makeup?” you freeze a bit. you didn't put a lot.
“Umm ya” leo looking suspiciously at you
“Not trying impress someone are you?” he grins mischievously and Donnie proceeds to fake a gag. Mikey thought he was actually going to puke and pushed him out the kitchen. You laugh.
“What? No! Just… wanting to try something different. Why? Does it look bad?”
“Of course not! If you start wanting to wear it more often you can ask April for some tips. That might be a good idea”
“Ok ya i will. I’ve got to go now or else i'll be late”
“See you later!”
You nod before making your way out the lair with your lunch that mikey had handed to you before you left. 
Shit. That's how you would describe your day, absolutely shit. You didn't eat your lunch because some of the girls decided to be asses today.
“Are you sure you want to eat today?”
“You know, if you lose a bit of wight you might be noticed”
You cried to yourself in the bathroom stall at lunch. What did I do? You're walking home and pass by a dumpster. You look at it for a few seconds before taking your lunch out the bag and throwing it in the bin without hesitation. You don't need mikey asking why you haven't eaten. It's not important. 
You make your way back to the lair and as you enter you see. No one. They must be out on patrol, you thought. You make your way to your room and you see a note on your door.
Hey sis! Your amazing brothers are out on patrol right now but there is some leftover lunch in the fridge. Help yourself!
You laugh to yourself and ignore it before walking into your room and closing your door. You feel so tired, so drained you just pass out on your bed.
Next day is the same but this time you had a bit of breakfast and counted the calories making sure to burn them after. You had also weighed yourself wondering what's the perfect weight. When you came home that day your brothers were out on patrol again. You sigh seeing the same note on your door but probably by Leo because you don't know how in hell you read that. The handwriting was interesting to say the least. This becomes a routine now until You start to feel dizzy all the time. Maybe just sleep it off. You do your nightly routine and pass out.
The door slowly opens. You whine covering your eyes from the light that seeps into your room.
“Hey ___”
You just close your eyes and sigh as Raph walks closer to your bed.
“You feeling ok? You’ve been falling asleep earlier than usual. School taking a toll on you?”
You just nod your head not knowing what to say
“Thought so, just rest up and we’ll make a good breakfast for you” your eyes shoot open at these words. Your stomach cramps up as you cry
“____! You ok?”
You run to the bathroom as Raph calls for donnie. You crouch over the toilet before throwing up. Your vision is blurry before looking up to see Donnie and Leo. your purple brother visibly cringes at the sight as Leo runs up next to you holding your hair up. You cry as you look up to see Mikey and Raph enter with worried eyes on you. Leo helps you up before Mikey helps you wash your face at the sink.
“What's wrong with her? Does she have food poisoning?” Mikey looks at his brothers as if he was about to cry
“No, she only vomited bile, her stomach is empty, it's not food poisoning” Leo said. You grip onto Mikey finding it hard to stand up by yourself.
“____? It's ok” Raph rubbed your back trying to calm you down.
“Only bile? ___ when was the last time you ate?” you freeze looking up at Donnie
“Answer! When was the last time you ate a full meal? A proper meal?” you burst into tears again
“I dont know!” you shout making mikey and leo flinch
‘I dont know…I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didnt think” you breath hitches as it speeds up. Your brother sighs as he crouches in front of you
“Breathe” you take a deep breath slowly calming down. Your brothers look at each other
“Raph will take you back to bed”
“I’ll get you some water”
Raph carries you back to bed as Leo comes back with a glass of water in his hand. He gives it to you as you accept it with shaking hands. You don't like this, you don't like the way they stare at you. You feel so helpless and so lost.
“____… what happened?” mikey starts
“I don't know..”
“Why haven't you eaten?”
“I…i don't know!”
“____.. Answer”
“I don't know! I just feel like shit! I hate the way I look, the way I talk, the way I act, the way I walk. I hate this body! I wanna be better, look better, look prettier! I don't know”
“W-what?” Mikey looks up at you with glossy eyes as you glance back at him with your own
“Hermana..you are absolutely perfect the way you are, ok?”
“Exactly, you don't need to change the way you are. We think you're perfect!”
“Ok but others Dont!”
“Stop thinking about what others think. And starving yourself isn't the right way to go about this! You can die!”
You don't know what to say, you just look at them helplessly.
“You can't keep doing this.”
“You need to get better. Promise us you’ll get better”
You hesitate you’ve grown to kind of like the feeling of being hungry now you crave it
“We will help you ok?”
“We will help you get better, feel better about yourself”
Before you know it your surrounded by your favourite people in the world hugging you tightly scared to let you go as if you’ll break
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seiryuuchan · 1 month
Back in December, re-reading some of Omega Red's older appearances, I started wondering about the name the Soul Skinner calls him here in this panel of X-Men 18:
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Vasyliev Arkady. His human name has been given alternatively as Arkady Grigorievich or Arkady Rossovich, but Russian names have three parts, not just two: Given Name, Patronymic, and Family Name. Technically, Grigorievich/Rossovich would not be equivalent to his last name. EDIT: I wasn't able to resolve the mystery of why the Soul Skinner would call Arkady "Vasyliev" Arkady. The closest I could figure out was that it might actually be Arkady's surname (third name), since it can be either a patronymic or a surname. It might also have been meant as an insult, since calling someone only by their surname is how inferiors were traditionally referred to, or how a teacher might address a student, or ironically as in some modern usage.
Which then led me to wondering how his first name would have been chosen?
Russian first names are, or often were, chosen from Greek Orthodox tradition or pre-Christian Slavic names. Arkady is from the Greek "Arcadia" and there was a Russian saint in the Greek Orthodox Church, Arkady or Arkadios of Novotorsk from the 1600s whose saint's days are June 11th, July 11th, and August 14th.
Now I started to get curious about what kind of natal horoscope would Arkady Grigorievich/Rossovich have?
Buckle in with your drinks and snacks, because this is going to be a bit of a ride...!
Given that his first appearance was in 1992 and it's been stated several times he was in cryogenic stasis for 30 years; that Wolverine stated his team's operation to sabotage Omega Red's program was in the early 1960s; and that Arkady would have likely been in his early-to mid 20s at the oldest the time (likely entered military service at 18 if not earlier - this wasn't uncommon back before networked records, and his abilities would have likely been discovered pretty soon thereafter) gave me a rough likely timeframe of 1936-1943ish to consider for his birth year.
Western astrology doesn't give much importance to, or assign characteristics to, the year of birth, but Chinese/Eastern astrology does. Here's the breakout of the animal zodiac signs for each year in that range:
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There's a lot of background I'm going to skip over here for the sake of brevity in what's already a long post, but from a thematic point as well as a likely age point, having a heavenly branch element of metal makes a certain amount of sense, not to mention the personality and characteristics usually ascribed to Dragon or Snake.
This was really a tough call, because with all the force of his personality, you might initially think Yang Metal Dragon is the logical choice for birth year. Both Metal Dragon and Metal Snake are ascribed similar traits of unyielding strength and resolve, really a lot similar between both of them for Arkady's observed traits. What really clinched it for me as his most likely birth year (again, following astrology's ascribed characteristics purely for fun) was the nature of Yin Metal Snakes being described as emotionally distant, suspicious, and absolutely undying in either loyalty or hatred for betrayal. THAT sounds like Omega Red to a T!
So 1941, likely in June, July, or August. Let's turn back to the Western zodiac for his sun sign - those mid-month dates give us the likely choices of Gemini, Cancer, or Leo:
Flexibility, balance and adaptability describe the Gemini personality. Their responses can be difficult to predict and they may be prone to mood swings, but they can also be generous, affectionate and imaginative.
Cancer people are traditionalists, loving a simple home life. They will usually be composed, but that hides a turmoil of moods going on under the surface. They are easily hurt and can be prone to depression, but they are loyal, sympathetic friends and carers.
Leo people are exuberant and powerful. Born leaders, they won’t hesitate to let you know what they think and that they are right. Which they usually are. They can be brave and intuitive, but may come across as pushy and overbearing. Their bossiness often hides a sensitive soul and an underlying insecurity.
Oh, our boy is HELLA a Leo, then. Hands down, no question!
So in combination with his official biography on Marvel.com giving his birthplace as Novorossiysk, with an assumed birthdate of August 14th, 1941, and after a little adjusting time of birth for rising sign, his natal chart looks like this, courtesy of Astrolabe:
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Rising Sign is in 15 Degrees Scorpio
You tend to be quiet, reserved, secretive and, at times, quite difficult to understand. Others notice your deep emotions and feelings and wonder how to draw you out. Stubborn and tough, you fight for any position you believe in. You are very resourceful and formidable when you become angered or upset about something. You enjoy living life at the cutting edge -- for you life must be experienced intensely and totally. Quite courageous, you are willing to take calculated risks. Easily hurt by others, you often strike back with bitter sarcasm. Sensitive and curious, you are concerned with the deeper mysteries of human psychology. Once you have become interested in any subject, you pursue it with total fanaticism.
Sun is in 21 Degrees Leo
More than a bit of a showoff, you love to be the center of attention! But others do not usually mind because they tend to enjoy your genuine warmth and affection. Very spirited and willful, proud and self-important at times, you demand your own way. You are quite honest, however, and the respect of others is very important to you. You never compromise yourself and you pursue your goals with persistence and dedication. Your regal presence and demeanor draws you to positions of leadership and authority. But beware of being overly hardheaded, domineering, ostentatious or patronizing or you will lose the goodwill and admiration that you enjoy. Very theatrical, you live life on a grand scale wherever and whenever possible. Your strength and energy vitalizes those who come in contact with you.
Moon is in 14 Degrees Taurus
Warmth, comfort, security and familiar surroundings are necessary for you to feel at ease. Very loving and affectionate, you prefer a steady, patterned way of life. Patient, calm and steadfast, you are not easily upset. Others look to you for support. You tend to be a slow starter and a slow mover -- others may try to rush you, but they will never succeed. Emotionally, you are quite stubborn -- your attitudes about people and things were firmly set in your youth and will change very little as an adult. You are also very cautious and conservative about spending money. It is not that you are selfish, you just need to feel secure. Beware of a tendency to become overly complacent and too self-satisfied.
Mercury is in 16 Degrees Leo
You are usually quite convinced that your own ideas are correct and you enjoy persuading others that they are. At times, you are very stubborn and proud of your beliefs and principles, and you get very defensive when they are challenged. You appreciate truth and honesty -- you practice it yourself and expect it in others. You have good talent for organizing, directing and planning. You delight in being asked for your advice and counsel.
Venus is in 22 Degrees Virgo
You express your love and affection through selfless service to people or causes. You have a tendency to underestimate yourself and doubt your self-worth. This is very demeaning and should be avoided -- learn to love yourself as well as you do others. Your standards of perfection are very high -- you are attracted to relationships based on duty and responsibility. You are supercritical of yourself and others and, at times, prefer to be alone rather than deal with any imperfections in yourself or in those with whom you might relate.
Mars is in 20 Degrees Aries
You are very independent and self-assertive, and you have lots of physical energy. You are not satisfied unless you can be the first to do something. As such, you are more comfortable in leadership positions than you are as an underling. When you are challenged by anyone for anything, you delight in the competitive process and will fight long and hard for your beliefs. You are bold and courageous and often act without thinking. At times, in your zeal to get ahead, you are tactless and offensive -- learn that cooperation with others can often bring you nearer to your goals quicker because of the support you will get.
Jupiter is in 16 Degrees Gemini
You have a logical, detached, objective view of most things. Your interests are wide-ranging and you are an avid student, with expertise in many different areas. You love to work things out in your mind -- everything you do is reduced to an exercise in logic and reason. You have the ability to grasp abstractions and to deal successfully with the larger issues of life. Your overemphasis on developing your powerful intellect can cause your emotional and intuitive abilities to atrophy unless you consciously choose to exercise them.
Saturn is in 27 Degrees Taurus
Complete freedom of choice makes you ill at ease. You must have a firm, ordered, secure foundation in your life in order to feel comfortable. You do not adapt easily and tend to fear the new and untried. You constantly fear that you do not have enough (love, property, material things, etc.) and this makes you tend toward being selfish, withdrawn and stingy. If you try to surround yourself with supportive people in your environment, you will become more emotionally self-supporting.
Uranus is in 00 Degrees Gemini
You, and your peer group as well, are attracted to new, unusual and revolutionary thoughts, ideas and lifestyles. You prefer abstract, idealistic solutions to practical, immediately useful answers. You delight in communications, the mass media, electronics, computers and all sorts of gadgetry.
Neptune is in 26 Degrees Virgo
You, and your entire generation, idealize work, duty and responsibility. You tend to be very fearful of anything that would force you out of the protective shell of your everyday routines. You place a high premium on personal pride in productivity and craftsmanship. But in your search for perfection in minor details, you sometimes lose track of the overall purpose of life.
Pluto is in 04 Degrees Leo
For your entire generation, this is a time when the relationship of the individual to society as a whole is being thoroughly re-examined. Major attempts will be made to find a balance between the need to be self-sufficient and the need to honor debts of social commitment.
Happy birthday (maybe?) Omega Red/Arkady Rossovich!
N. Node is in 23 Degrees Virgo
You're usually quite at ease in leaving leadership roles in the hands of others. You would rather tend to the thousand and one details that need to be accomplished to keep any group going. Although you're very fussy and high-minded when it comes to choosing your associates, once your loyalty is given you can be trusted with many of the practical aspects of any project that is being undertaken. Usually quite unselfish, you will toil long hours in the service of any worthy cause that demands your attention. But be careful that your perfectionist tendencies don't get in the way of making real progress. (In other words, don't waste your time dusting clean shelves!)
If you made it all the way to the end of this post, thanks for reading! This was a real labor of love for one of my favorite characters in any fandom, I hope you enjoyed the journey.
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identity-library · 5 months
Mental Health (Books)
All Our Broken Pieces (L.D. Crichton)
Lennon Davis (OCD)
A Step Toward Falling (Connie McGovern)
Belinda Montgomery (PTSD)
Lucas (Stage Fright)
Richard (Depression)
Blind Spot (Laura Ellen)
Tricia Farni (Addiction - Drugs)
Bruised (Tanya Boteju)
Daya Wijesinghe (Grief, Self-Harm)
Doctor Sleep (Stephen King)
Daniel "Danny" Torrance (Abuse, Addiction - Alcohol)
Exit, Pursued by a Bear (E.K. Johnston)
Hermione Winters (Sexual Assault, Trauma)
Fight Like a Girl (Sheena Kamal)
Trisha (Abuse, Guilt, Trauma)
Handle With Care (Jodi Picoult)
Amelia O'Keefe (Bulimia, Self Harm)
Icebreaker (A.L. Graziadei)
Mickey James (Depression)
I Hope You're Listening (Tom Ryan)
Delia "Dee" Skinner (Trauma)
Indian Horse (Richard Wagamese)
Saul Indian Horse (Abuse, Addiction - Alcohol, Racism, Sexual Assault, Trauma)
More Happy Than Not (Adam Silvera)
Aaron Soto (Depression)
Nothing but Life (Brent van Staalduinen)
Wendell "Dill" Simms (Trauma)
Power Play (Eric Walters)
Cody (Abuse, Addiction - Alcohol, Sexual Assault)
Punk 57 (Penelope Douglas)
Annie Grayson (Addiction - Drugs)
Manny Cortez (Addiction - Drugs, Depression)
Misha Lare (Depression, Grief)
Rush (Jonathan Friesen)
Jake King (Addiction - Adrenaline)
Sketches (Eric Walters)
Dana (Sexual Abuse, Trauma)
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo)
Inej Ghafa (Trauma)
Jesper (Addiction - Gambling)
Kaz Brekker (Trauma)
Nina Zenik (Addiction - Drugs)
Somebody Told Me (Mia Siegert)
Aleks/Alexis (Trauma)
The Agony of Bun O'Keefe (Heather Smith)
Bun O'Keefe (Abuse, Neglect, Trauma)
Chris (Abuse, Homophobia)
The Beauty of the Moment (Tanaz Bhathena)
Malcolm (Abuse, Trauma)
The Buried and the Bound (Rochelle Hassan)
Leo Merritt (Depression)
Tristan Drake (Abuse, Trauma)
The Good Hawk (Joseph Elliot)
Jaime (Anxiety)
The Immeasurable Depth of You (Maria Mora)
Brynn (Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts, OCD)
The Luis Ortega Survival Club (Sonora Reyes)
Ariana Ruiz (Sexual Assault, Trauma)
The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali (Sabrina Khan)
Rukhsana Ali (Abuse, Homophobia, Sexual Assault, Trauma)
The Mosaic (Nina Berkhout)
Gabriel Finch (PTSD)
Twilight - Series (Stephanie Meyer)
Isabella "Bella" Swan (Depression)
Warriors (Erin Hunter)
Bluestar (Depression)
What Unbreakable Looks Like (Kate McLaughlin)
Alexa "Lex" Grace (Abuse, Sexual Assault, Trauma)
Wings of Fire - Series (Tui T. Sutherland)
Cricket (Abuse)
Fathom (PTSD)
Indigo (PTSD)
Qibli (Abuse)
Sora (Anxiety)
0 notes
foxonfier · 2 years
thinking about how many fic ideas i have that i will probably never write or complete, but like y’know these are good ideas and i want to put them down somewhere so i never forget them in the future. who knows, maybe someone else will pick them up, or maybe i’ll try my hand at one of these plots in a couple years. anyway just dropping these off here for me. enjoy (morgan from like 2027)
THE FINDER & PSYCH. a the finder and psych crossover; after sustaining a head injury, shawn wakes up in miami to a man who says he can find anything. but what if shawn doesn’t even remember who he is?
a fun little fic idea i had after watching the first couple seasons of psych. i realized how these two shows vibe so well with each other and both are so hysterical to me, literally some of the only shows that genuinely make me laugh. i can imagine leo finding shawn near the bar and bringing him in; then shawn wakes up to walter and leo peering down at him, pondering about who he might be. then shawn is like “gus?” and leo’s like “who’s gus?” then shawn pauses, says “i have no idea,” then passes out again. there could be a lot of fun stuff in this crossover.
NOMAD SPENCER REID. a criminal minds fic; a traumatic incident prompts spencer to quit the fbi, sell all of his possessions, and live life as a homeless nomad. three years later, when the bau tracks him down to assist on a case, he’ll have to come to terms with the trauma he endured and his own changes as a person—as will his old team.
this is a story that was heavily inspired by the movie into the wild. it’s actually one of my favorite movies, and the first time i watched it was a couple years ago, in the height of my criminal minds and spencer reid obsession. i loved the idea of reid having gone through something horribly traumatic, something that would be terrible enough to make him quit the bau. and living life as this lone wolf nomad, becoming comfortable amongst nature and animals, has made reid at this point realize how much of his life he’s missed out on, and how he truly wants to make the most of the time he still has left. so of course, introduce the team back in! :D
really though, the team would be hella concerned for reid, and bonus points if they have no idea why he quit or believe it was for a completely different reason (maybe he went through something traumatic but his mom also died? so they think it’s associated with his mother, not the other incident). i love that trope so much. scraggly looking and feral spencer …. i live for the image. i’ve written a bit for this au but most of it is honestly in my head. i still hold it dear to my heart though!
PROFILER FOX MULDER. a criminal minds and the x-files crossover; a year after the tragedy that ended with the death of dana scully and the subsequent closing of the x-files, fox mulder is sent to help the bau on a case that will not only affect the team, but also affect mulder and the carefully constructed life he’s built around himself.
maybe, possibly, one of my favorite aus ever. i’m a sucker for profiler!mulder and love the idea of exploring his grief, having lost scully during a case investigating a cryptid in oklahoma (iykyk). i’ve written a small amount for this au—about 5k words—and have a lot of ideas jam-packed into it, but basically the story is that, during an x-files case, scully is shot and killed in the woods by an unknown man. mulder is devastated and goes in and out of mental hospitals for the next year, before skinner lets him back in the fbi and lets mulder have his pick for reassignment, considering the x-files are now closed.
mulder chooses the bau (much to skinner’s chagrin), meets the criminal minds team, and is thrown into a case that will take him right back to his profiler days. the case could even be connected to past x-files or something to spice things up. but introducing krycek, skinner, the smoking man, and the lone gunmen to the world of criminal minds just sounds so fun. also, mulder torture! my favorite genre of xfiles fics! anyway, this is such a self-indulgent crossover but i absolutely adore it and hope to work on it a little more soon!
LOST SUPERPOWERED AU. a series of oneshots set in a superpowered universe of lost; no real story here, just connecting fics that somehow string together.
i came up with this idea a couple years ago after watching heroes, because oh my godddd the first season of that show is so much like lost it’s crazy!! anyway, i only have a couple of superpower ideas for the characters, but exploring those kinds of dynamics both on/off the island sounds super fun! i only recently remembered this au after finding an old doc about it, and i’ve come to realize that superpowered aus are my guilty pleasure…yeah. i just can’t help myself sometimes.
anyway, this is another one of those self-indulgent type stories and will probably forever remain an unfinished wip. still, i gotta add it to this list to share (alina) and also to remember for future me who would most likely forget if not.
WICKED BOARDING. a teen wolf and the maze runner au crossover; after getting rid of the nogitsune, stiles agrees with his father to be sent off to a boarding school far away from beacon hills. there, he rooms with a teen named newt, and together they begin to investigate and uncover the horrors at ‘wicked boarding.’
i wrote this idea down in the height of my teen wolf hyperfixation in early 2021. i’d recently watched the maze runner trilogy with my brother because it had dylan o’brien in it, who also, of course, plays my fav teen wolf character—stiles. anyway, i’d read a couple crossover fics between these two fandoms but really wanted to make my own thing, so i came up with wicked boarding!
the story would mainly center around stiles and his trauma, post-nogitsune. i kinda liked the idea of stiles’ middle name being thomas, bc then there would be a reason he’s called that by his friends at wicked. but it doesn’t really matter. anyway, it’s just a fun, angsty au at a suspicious boarding school with stiles and the maze runner characters. i have a doc about it but i haven’t actually written anything for the story. all i know is that stiles/newt is endgame.
OUTLAST AND ZOMBIES. an outlast and the walking dead crossover fic; after escaping from mount massive asylum, blake finds himself thrown into the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
after a failed roleplay, i kind of became absolutely hyperfixated with the idea of outlast and a zombie apocalypse. blake langermann is my favorite outlast character, and i have an au where outlast 2 actually takes place before the first game. that way, blake is sent to mount massive asylum after being found by the agents, held there for months until the incident we see in whistleblower.
mostly, i just think the idea of a very traumatized and mentally ill dude finally escaping his imprisonment, only to find that half the world has been turned into zombies, is so fun. also, i really like the walking dead, and so much could be done with either the shows or the game. i don’t really have much written for this au, but it definitely has a place in my heart, and is for sure something i’ll come back to every now and again to touch up on.
DARK HARRY POTTER. a harry potter au; kidnapped as a child due to a trauma caused by his abusive relatives, harry is raised as a ward to voldemort, told that dumbledore is out for him and actually framed voldemort for his parents’ deaths. as time goes on, harry slowly begins to piece together the abuse inflicted on him by the dursleys and the truth about dumbledore’s—and the order of the phoenix’s—agenda.
honestly, i kind of forgot about this au, but rediscovered it upon looking through my old docs. i really fell in love with this idea and absolutely love the thought of something traumatic happening to harry that would damage his magical core, thus damaging voldemort’s (in this au he has already been resurrected) as they are of course connected. somehow, voldemort would be able to kidnap / save harry from the dursleys and raise him as a ward, teaching him that their side is the good side, and that dumbledore wants to wrongly kill he and harry.
i have a bunch of ideas for this au, and honestly want to try to write it some day, but the thought of sitting down and planning a gigantic story such as this one makes me want to cry. also, i haven’t read the books in over ten years, and i have no idea if knowing the movie lore is enough to write an au about voldemort, horcruxes, and death eaters. like, where does voldemort even stay for most of the plot? does he have a castle? a secret underground bunker? i think i’d have to have someone help me with an undertaking such as this one. either way, harry potter means a lot to me, and i really really want to try to start this story some day. just...not today.
alright, well for now i think that’s all i’ve got to share! i’ll add anything else here when a new wip undeniably comes up, so stay tuned if you’re interested!
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Not For Him
Request: Yes / No  Hi please can I have a sweetpea x jones reader where I'm jughead & bettys little sister and I have an eating disorder and they all start picking up on it (jughead, betty, sweetpea, fangs, fp, alice, toni, cheryl,veronica and archie) and my excuses of not eating & one day my mum (alice) asks me to eat breakfast with them all & I get upset about it and start to cry and I tell them its be cause of my boyfriend & how hes horrible to me and then sweetpea confesses his love for me & we get together Anon
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Jones!Reader
Word count: 1301
Warnings: ANOREXIA (Will not be tagging anyone because of the possible triggering content) 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your NickName
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My family was a little weird. It started with my Dad, FP Jones and my Mom, Gladys Jones, my older brother, Jughead Jones, my little sister Jellybean Jones, and me. Then my Mother and sister left us and it was just me, my Dad, and my brother. But then they came back and we tried being a family again, it didn’t work out. Now my dad was married to Alice Cooper. So my sister was now Betty Cooper, my brother’s girlfriend, like I said weird family. But everyone was happy and no one in town really seemed to care. We all lived together and everything was pretty great actually, well all except my boyfriend. When we started dating he was so sweet to me, but then he started criticizing me and comparing me to other girls. He was always telling me how he wishes I was skinner like them. It got to me and now I have anorexia. It wasn’t that hard to hide from my family because we never really ate together anyway. They always assumed I ate before they got home and I didn’t need to deal with it. My friends were a different story, I was always making up excuses for not eating and they haven’t caught on yet. 
I woke up in the morning and got ready for school. My stomach ached from not eating, but I pushed through the pain. I walked downstairs to see everyone getting ready to eat breakfast and my heart started beating faster. 
“Y/N, come sit. We were just about to eat.” Alice said with a smile. 
“I’m not really very hungry…” I lied. 
“Come on honey, you need to eat breakfast.” My dad said. 
“Yeah, don’t you know it’s the most important meal of the day?” Jughead said with a laugh and tears started blurring my vision. I can’t give into the hunger that’s screaming at me. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Betty asked, concerned. 
“I-I’m fine. I’m just not hungry!” I insisted. 
“What’s up with you?” Jellybean asked confused. 
“I just said! I’m not hungry!” I said a little louder than needed. I felt tears fall down my face and I turned to run back up to my room, but someone grabbed my arm and stopped me. The person pulled me into them and I looked up to see my Dad looked down at me with worry in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong honey?” He asked and I just shook my head. I was crying hard now and I couldn’t speak. It felt like everything was crashing down on me and I didn’t know what to do. He took me over to the couch and Betty came to sit on my other side. Everyone was in the living room now, all staring at me with concern and confusion. 
“Just relax Y/N/N.” Jughead said as Betty rubbed my back. My Dad grabbed my hand and gently squeezed. I took a few deep breaths and managed to get myself under control. 
“Tell us what’s wrong.” Alice said and I tried blinking away my tears. 
“I-I just don’t want to eat…” I said. 
“We got that, why?” Jellybean asked. 
“JB!” My dad scolded her for her slight attitude. 
“Sorry.” She said and I looked down at my hands. 
“Leo is always comparing me to other girls…” I whispered. 
“What?” Betty asked shocked. 
“He’s always saying how he wishes I was skinner like them…” I said. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” Jughead growled. 
“You’re breaking up with that boy right now.” Alice said and took my phone. She sent him a text and broke up with him for me. 
“But he’s right! I’m not like them.” I cried and my Dad pulled me close to him. 
“Princess, you’re perfect. But if you want to lose weight you can’t do this to yourself, it’s dangerous. And you should only lose weight if you want to, not because someone else says you should.” He said and kissed my head. 
“When was the last time you actually ate a real meal?” JB asked. 
“I-I don’t know… Maybe a few months ago…” I answered. 
“Get your ass to that table right now.” My Dad said, pulling me up with him. He sat me at the table and started piling my plate with food. 
“Dad, you can’t expect her to eat all that right away…” Jughead said taking some off. 
“He’s right, we need to ease her into eating normally again.” Betty said sitting down next to me. I looked at the food and my stomach felt like it hurt more. 
“You’re not going to school today, I will be making you a doctors appointment.” Alice said and I sighed. 
“Eat up.” Dad said. 
As promised, Alice took me to the doctor. They measured my height and weight, checked my vital signs, some blood tests, they brought in a mental health specialist to talk to me for a bit, and finally did an x-ray just to be safe. Luckily they didn’t think I was bad enough to require hospitalization, but I did have to go to therapy until they thought I was better. It took most of the day and when we got home Jughead, Betty and JellyBean, were home with Sweet Pea. They all looked at me with such pity and I hated it. I just ran up to my room and shut my door. 
After an hour someone knocked on my door. I ignored them, but they wouldn’t stop. 
“Go away!” I called. I wasn’t in the mood to see anyone. 
“Y/N, please open the door.” Sweet Pea’s voice rang from the other side and I sighed. I got up and opened the door. He gently pushed his way inside and shut the door. 
“I heard what happened, why didn’t you tell me?” He asked and tears sprang to my eyes. 
“Because I didn’t want anyone to know! I stopped loving Leo a long time ago, but I just couldn’t leave.” I said with a few tears falling down my cheeks. Sweet Pea pulled me into a hug and he gently stroked my hair. 
“You deserve someone so much better than that asshole. Jughead and Fangs had to keep me from kicking his ass all day.” He said and I looked up at him confused. 
“Why would you care so much?” I asked. 
“He hurt you, of course I’m gonna care!” He said, confused. 
“But I knew why Jughead would want to kick his ass, but why you?” I asked. 
“I always hated him, because he was with you and I wasn’t.” He answered and my eyes widened. 
“W-what?” I asked. 
“Y/N, I’ve always been so hopelessly in love with you, I just never said anything because you seemed so happy with that dickhead. Now I wish I did, then you wouldn’t have to go through all this shit.” He said and I just stared at him. My best friend was in love with me? But he’s a player! He always said he would never fall in love and that’s why I gave up hope that he would ever love me back. 
“I love you too…” I whispered and a smile grew on his face. He leaned down and captured my lips in a sweet loving kiss, something I never got from Leo. This kiss actually had love in it. With Leo there was never love, I was just too naive to see it. 
“I’ll help you through all of this, because you’ve always been perfect, Y/N.” He said resting his forehead on mine. It was that moment that I knew I’d be able to get through anything that life threw at me. That I would be able to overcome this dark time in my life and it would be replaced by light. 
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Somewhere in Stockholm Chapter 2
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Word count:1,775
Chapter 1
Note: chapter 2 of Somewhere in Stockholm sorry this took awhile. I’m refreshed I took a holiday to Stockholm so I have some new inspiration. Ft Alex Nylander (sorry about the weird formatting I’m trying to fix it atm)
Maggie stood outside a yellow painted apartment block on a deserted quiet street. She stared at the buzzers until she found the one labelled Altelius . A small buzzer sounded, She pushed the door and found herself in a small but grand hallway with a large chandelier and a grand staircase. Damn this was fancy and this was his second home where he only came in the off season?
She hauled her suitcase up the flights of stairs Stopping on the fourth floor and a white doors with the numbers ninety written on it, she knocked on the door and waited. It was opened by a young blonde boy, he had a half asleep expression on his face, wearing only a pair of sweatpants and was mid way through brushing his teeth. “Hi, i’m Maggie?” she said unsure.
“Sorry wrong flat” he said or at least that is what she thought he said before slamming the door in her face.Maggie stood there stunned for a moment unsure what to think apart from she must have been at the wrong place, but Will had definitely text her flat ninety. She knocked again. This time she could hear from inside the flat two boys arguing in Swedish. The door eventually opened again but this time, a different blonde answered the door and Maggie swore her heart skipped a beat. This guy was handsome, tall, Blue eyes a flow of long blonde hair and was naked from the waist up and from what she could see this guy was ripped. Suddenly she understood Morgan’s warning. Oh boy she was in trouble. “Hi I’m Maggie,” She said a little unsure. Her cheeks burning. “Ah Maggie, Mo’s erm friend, hi,I’m Willy ” he said pulling her in for a hug and Maggie had never felt more awkward. Why had he said friend like that? Also she was hugging a topless stranger in a hallway and damn how ripped what this dude? “Come in,” he said grinning, he grabbing her suitcase and pulling it in.“You don’t have to do that, its ok, it’s kind of heavy,” she said trying to pull it off him but in the process losing the tug of war, I mean duh, he was a pro athlete. “It’s okay, hey Alex come say hey,” he yelled out. The younger boy from earlier returned into the hallway still only wearing his sweatpants. What was up with these boys? Was wearing clothes optional or something? If so she was not going to complain. “Eh?” the younger boy Alex asked.“We have a guest young Nylander,”Will said hitting his brother over the head. Alex turned to stare at Maggie “Oh hi, sorry I erm slammed the door in your face,” he said and she got the feeling Alex Nylander didn’t like her very much. “Its okay,” she spluttered still distracted by the two blondes. She could feel her cheeks flushing. “We’ve had a couple of fans turn up to our flat recently, so now we’re a bit wary,hence the name change on the buzzer to Altelius instead of Nylander,”. “Oh wow, people really do that,” “Yeah, I had a grandma chase me down the road last week,” Will joked at least she thought he was. She really couldn’t tell.“So you can take my room it’s just through here,” Will said pointing to the door “Oh,”. “Something wrong?” He asked running his hands through his hair. Something she found very distracting. “I mean I know Morgan said your a bit of a charmer but I think you got me a bit wrong,I can’t share a bed, with you I don’t know you and” Maggie blabbered nervously . He stopped her and laughed “Chill Maggie, I’ll sleep on the sofa, I’m not trying to, wait what did Mo say about me?” He asked with a cheeky grin and a laugh. “Oh nothing,” she said suddenly turning red as a tomato. He gave her the full tour of the place, kitchen, living room, a swish bathroom which was all in true scandivanian style and looked like it had come straight out of an ikea catalogue. He showed her Alex’s room which looked chaotic. Clothes all overspilling from his suitcase and cans of red bull dotted around any available surface, papers haphazardly piled on the desk in the corner.When Maggie was finally led into William’s room she was surprised at the contrast of the two brother’s rooms. She surveyed the room around her, double bed with grey sheets, a bedside cabinet, the room was clean and sparse like no-one really lived in this room apart from a few personal items. A blue maple leafs duffle bag identical to the one, she had seen at Morgan’s place. Beside the bed was a photo of she assumed his family given they all looked identical, blonde hair blue eyed, mum, sisters, Alex and a bald man who he guessed must of been his dad. Apart from that the room didn’t seem very lived in. Maggie flopped down on the bed, picking up her phone to text her family to let them all know she was safe.
To: Mom
From: Maggie
Hey Mom just telling you know, I arrived in Stockholm. I’ll call you in a couple of days love you! M x
Then she quickly typed out a message to Morgan.
To: Mo Bro
From: Maggie
Made it safely to Willy’s of course I’ve embarrassed myself already. Also does erm Willy think clothes are something optional?
Her phone pinged back immediately.
To: Maggie
From: Mo Bro
Oh no what did you do? I forgot to warn you about that, he is very liberal with clothing must be a European thing. He walks around half naked at lot at the rink. You get used to it. X
She was pulled out of her daze by Will wandering into the room, who was thankfully now wearing a t-shirt. “Hey,” he said smiling widely “So i’m not sure if you had anything planned whilst you were here but me and Alex were going to and watch the Eurovision later, if you want to come, there doing this big event in Kungsträdgården Park” Willy asked sitting down on the bed. “Sure I’ve never seen the eurovision before,”
“Your in for a treat then,” he said and she could have sworn he winked at her. Was William Nylander flirting with her? She sat on the bed, she had only just met this guy. She had met a fair few hockey boys growing up and being friends with one and she had sworn off dating hockey players after learning the hard way with Leo Mustang the star player for the Giants in Vancouver. She had met him through Morgan and despite his warning she had dated him anyway something which backfired massively on her later when he brutally dumped her for a hotter skinner blonde girl at a party in front of all of his friends. The only saving grace was that Morgan had been there to pick her up and defend her. Like the true best friend he was. He hadn’t ever once told her I told you so even though she knew he was thinking it. She loved Morgan for that. An hour later Maggie had showered, power nap and was ready to go out on a new adventure. William effortlessly weaved through the winding streets of the buildings were coloured white, yellows and reds. Maggie looked around in joy. There was nothing like this at home. This place was beautiful. “I don’t understand the deal with this Eurovision,” she sighed putting another mouthful of strawberry ice cream in her mouth. They had stopped off at what Alex had described as the best ice cream in Stockholm. “I didn’t either at first when I moved here from Canada, it’s weird, countries singing weird songs and perform in the strangest outfits then everyone gets angry when neighbouring countries vote for each other, for us it’s a night we watch tv and get drunk, it’s just even more hyped up this year because it’s in our city,”
“Ah well it sounds like fun so, Mo said you live out in Sweden during the off season you live here all the time you are here?”
“Some of the time, I spend a lot of time at my parents, this is just mine and Alex’s place,”
“Oh wow it’s so nice,” she said, nodding. In Seattle, she shared a tiny apartment with her best friend Molly and her boyfriend, Brad. She had become excellent at being third wheel to them. She could only dream of owning her own place.“So how did you meet Morgan? I thought a pretty girl like you he’s been showing you off?”
“Oh I live in Seattle but me and Morgs go way back we met at school in Couver,”
“Ah makes sense,” she said blushing.
“What brings you to Sweden apart from you know meeting me?” He asked with a playful grin. She laughed and pushed Willy.
“I’m interrailing around Europe,”
“And Mo didn’t want to come?”
“Nah he’d rather sit on his butt, see Maggie, his dog, play golf and go fishing,”
“Wait he named his dog after you?”
“Yeah well, he refuses to admit it,” she said with a shrug.
“So when he’s talking about Maggie,” he said, his eyes suddenly lighting up like it makes sense. “He was talking about you and not the dog?”
“Yes,” she said bursting out into laughter.
“That makes a lot more sense I wondered why he told me me and Maggie got dressed up and went for dinner,” he shrugged. “Did you have a bath with him?”
“Ew no” Maggie said with a laugh “that one was the dog,that is weird, I would never shower with him,”wrinkling her nose as she laughed.
“You and Morgan aren’t?” He asked his tilting head.
“God no he’s my best friend,”
“Oh okay good, I mean not good cool,” he said blushing and running through his hands through his hair again and awkwardly laughing. The pair went silent for a moment until Alex suddenly said goodbye turning to walk away.
“Where is he going? Are we not..” she trailed pointing to Alex walking up the hill
“Oh Alex is going to meet some of his friends, I said we’d meet back later, but I was thinking you might be hungry?”
It was that moment when Maggie’s stomach had decided to loudly gurgle. “Well I think that settles it and I know just the place,” he said with a wide grin.
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ibboard · 4 years
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Recently saw a huge long thread of “which character are you like”, and then Matt Mercer posted the link and his full results.
I was guessing some of the scores (”slovenly or stylish” or “disarming vs creepy”? What kind of scale are those?) but it’s probably not entirely wrong.
I don’t know the top ones, but Data, Simon Tam, C-3PO  and Ross Gellar probably isn’t far out, and I’m happy to see Giles in the top 25!
Everyone over 75% (which starts with Hermione)
Bernard Lowe (Westworld): 90%
Lane Pryce (Mad Men): 90%
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place): 90%
Filius Flitwick (Harry Potter): 89%
Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation): 89%
Amy Farrah Fowler (The Big Bang Theory): 88%
Simon Tam (Firefly + Serenity): 88%
Dr. Chan Kaifang (Space Force): 88%
Brian Johnson (The Breakfast Club): 88%
C-3PO (Star Wars): 87%
Dr. Marcus Brody (Raiders of the Lost Ark): 87%
Ross Geller (Friends): 86%
Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons): 86%
Felix Gaeta (Battlestar Galactica): 86%
Evan (Superbad): 86%
Peter (The Room): 86%
Thufir Hawat (Dune): 86%
Artie Abrams (Glee): 86%
Dr. Adrian Mallory (Space Force): 86%
Al Robbins (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation): 86%
Dr. Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor): 86%
Tom Hagen (The Godfather): 86%
Leonard Hofstadter (The Big Bang Theory): 85%
Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory): 85%
Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): 85%
Timothy McGee (NCIS): 85%
Count Alexei Karenin (Anna Karenina): 85%
David Rosen (Scandal): 85%
David Phillips (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation): 85%
Pope (Outer Banks): 85%
Odo (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine): 84%
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby): 84%
Raymond Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine): 84%
Jared Dunn (Silicon Valley): 83%
Ash (Alien): 83%
Jack Crawford (The Silence of the Lambs): 83%
Bruce Banner (Marvel Cinematic Universe): 82%
Abed Nadir (Community): 82%
Mycroft Holmes (Sherlock): 82%
Donald Mallard (NCIS): 82%
Jimmy Palmer (NCIS): 82%
Ray Ploshansky (Girls): 82%
Linus Caldwell (Ocean's 11): 82%
Severus Snape (Harry Potter): 81%
Dexter Morgan (Dexter): 81%
John Munch (Law & Order: SVU): 81%
Jasper Hale (Twilight): 81%
Michael Bluth (Arrested Development): 81%
Kimball Cho (The Mentalist): 81%
Dr. Aaron Glassman (The Good Doctor): 81%
Dr. Jennifer Melfi (The Sopranos): 81%
Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice): 80%
Charlie Carson (Downton Abbey): 80%
Miranda Hobbes (Sex and the City): 80%
Norman Wilson (The Wire): 80%
Peter Gregory (Silicon Valley): 80%
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine): 80%
Marty Byrde (Ozark): 80%
Geordi La Forge (Star Trek: The Next Generation): 80%
Dr. Eric Foreman (House, M.D.): 80%
Oliver Hampton (How To Get Away With Murder): 80%
Ellen Parsons (Damages): 80%
Preston Burke (Grey's Anatomy): 79%
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons): 79%
The Narrator (Fight Club): 79%
Billy Keikeya (Battlestar Galactica): 79%
Dana Scully (The X-Files): 79%
Walter Skinner (The X-Files): 79%
Henry Rearden (Atlas Shrugged): 79%
Johnny Rose (Schitt's Creek): 79%
Kenny Stowton (Killing Eve): 79%
Q (Tommorrow Never Dies): 79%
Brandon Stark (Game of Thrones): 78%
Cedric Daniels (The Wire): 78%
Alfred Pennyworth (The Dark Knight): 78%
Ray Arnold (Jurassic Park): 78%
Richard Hendricks (Silicon Valley): 78%
Donald Cragen (Law & Order: SVU): 78%
Randall Pearson (This Is Us): 78%
Jimmy Price (Hannibal): 78%
Caitlin Snow (The Flash): 78%
Capt. Oliver Queenan (The Departed): 78%
Varys (Game of Thrones): 77%
Principal Skinner (The Simpsons): 77%
Elsie Hughes (Westworld): 77%
Arthur (Inception): 77%
Dwight Schrute (The Office): 76%
Leo McGarry (The West Wing): 76%
Toby Ziegler (The West Wing): 76%
Jin-Soo Kwon (LOST): 76%
Dr. Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe): 76%
Richard Webber (Grey's Anatomy): 76%
Lucius Fox (The Dark Knight): 76%
Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): 76%
Betsy Heron (Mean Girls): 76%
Robert Fischer (Inception): 76%
Alan Harper (Two and Half Men): 76%
Jonah Byrde (Ozark): 76%
Dr. James Wilson (House, M.D.): 76%
Janet (The Good Place): 76%
Captain Jim Brass (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation): 76%
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scenes-in-between · 5 years
In the week after the explosion on the ship, Scully barely sleeps. When her fears about William aren’t keeping her awake, she is bolting upright at every little sound coming from the hallway outside her apartment. When she does sleep, her dreams are a parade of one calamity after another befalling Mulder, out there on his own.
Oddly, she takes some comfort in the fact that these dreams are always different; she still can’t explain the dreams she had when he was missing before, the ones Mulder quietly confirmed were somehow representative of what he had endured, but they were always the same. This time around, it is possible to convince herself that these are normal nightmares, mere products of stress and worry, nothing more.
She forces herself to leave the apartment, once a day, to check her anonymous email account from an internet cafe in Georgetown. Her stomach knots tighter and tighter each time she accesses an inbox that is as empty as it was the day before. Sometimes, if William is asleep in the stroller, she finds herself ducking into the church on the way home, praying that tomorrow will be the day she finally hears from him.
It takes two and a half weeks for those prayers to be answered.
Her heart leaps to her throat at the sight of the bolded You have 1 new message notification. Tears of relief and longing spring to her eyes as she reads the single line of text within.
“Safe for now, though I can confirm the threat was genuine. Are you safe?”
She doesn’t know how to answer that. Between the incident with the mobile, what she found (and didn’t find) on the Navy ship, and everything that Shannon McMahon claimed, two weeks ago she had serious doubts about whether she and William were safe. However, looking over her shoulder constantly since then has revealed no indication of an imminent threat. That doesn’t mean there isn’t one, but if she shares her worries with him, he might try to return prematurely, and it is clear from his message that that would be a dangerous mistake.
Her fingers tremble as she taps out a reply.
“I cannot tell you what a relief it is to read your words. Not hearing from you for so long, I feared the worst. Please keep yourself safe, and do not worry about us. I miss you very much, but I am thankful beyond measure that you are alive.
Yours, D”
That night, for the first time since he left, her sleep is deep and dreamless.
Two months pass.
They manage to establish a delicate correspondence; there is no pattern or regularity to it, and each time she hears from him is a gift she does not take for granted. The ability to maintain this link with him, however tenuous, affords her a measure of strength through their separation that she might not otherwise have had. Life moves on in a way that could almost pass for normal. 
As her maternity leave nears its end, she finds herself feeling conflicted about returning to work. She misses it, without question, but she also knows too well the dangers that exist out in the field, and the thought of one day not making it home to William is utterly terrifying. (Never mind that the X-Files unit really only requires two agents, and she has no wish to displace Monica, who seems to be thriving in the assignment.) It comes as an unexpected relief, then, when AD Skinner hesitantly suggests, as though he’s afraid of offending her, that she might consider taking a position at Quantico.
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“Where are you going, Monica?” “This man Kobold can help us, John. I’m going to prove it to you.”
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Monica stalks out of the autopsy bay, and after a pause, John heaves a frustrated sigh and starts to follow.
“Agent Doggett?” comes a quiet voice from behind him when his hand is on the door.
He looks back over his shoulder. “Yeah?”
Agent Scully’s tongue touches the corner of her mouth, an obvious tell that she’s nervous about saying whatever she’s about to say. “I know you’re frustrated. That you feel like… like the answer here is obvious, only no one can seem to see it but you.”
“Gee, can’t imagine why I’d feel like that.” He releases the door, turning fully and crossing his arms over his chest. “Look, if you’re gonna try and tell me that I should ignore evidence, ignore what my gut is saying on this guy Kobold--”
“I’m not. I’m not suggesting that at all.”
“Well what, then?”
He can see her choosing her words carefully, and it irks him. He doesn’t need to be patronized, least of all by her. Once upon a time, they were comfortable enough with each other to forego all this dancing around and careful tending of egos.
“The cases in the X-Files… you know as well as I do that they often require… a different approach than a standard investigation.”
“The hell they do. I’ve been at this for almost a year and a half, and not once has a case required me to believe in voodoo, or demonic curses, or aliens in order to solve it.”
“That’s not what I mean, exactly.”
Well now he’s confused. “Okay. Well, what do you mean?”
“When I worked with-- When you and I worked together, we didn’t always share the same theories about whatever we were trying to solve.”
It’s not lost on him that she was about to start with a Mulder story and then course-corrected. 
“Right…” he says, not entirely sure where she’s going with this.
“And very often, those differing theories and perspectives were what kept the investigation moving forward, when it otherwise might have stalled out. In fact, that’s exactly why many of the cases became X-Files in the first place. The standard approach wasn’t enough to solve them.”
“Come on, I don’t buy that. Just because local LEOs, or even some other agent in the Bureau, couldn’t get the job done, doesn’t mean the approach is wrong.”
“Doesn’t it, though?” She’s giving him the full, earnest, Dana Scully Serious Face and goddamnit if his heart doesn’t skip a beat. “How many times did we get a break in a case just because one of us was looking in a direction the other one didn’t think of? Even if the final result was something completely ordinary.”
She’s not wrong. But…
“Yeah, and how many times did we waste days or even weeks barking up the wrong tree?”
“I guess my point, Agent Doggett, is that you get better results when you…  bark up as many different trees as possible.”
“Even when I’m damned sure my tree is the right one?”
“Yes. Even then.”
He sighs. “You can’t ask me to ignore the fact that Monica is being led around by her nose on this case. Being manipulated by someone who is definitely out of his mind and very possibly also a murderer.”
“Don’t ignore it, no. And keep watching her back. But don’t stop her from pursuing her own line of inquiry, either, even if whatever she’s pursuing doesn’t make sense to you right now.”
“I don’t like it,” he says with a scowl, shaking his head. “But all right. I’ll try to give her some room to do her thing. But if I think she’s putting us in danger listening to this guy, I’m pulling the plug.”
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thehonoraryamerican · 7 years
Okay then, do them all haha (or if you're less invested, do all the multiples of five!)
Ok, you didn’t fill in any blanks for me, so I’ll fill them in myself :D
1. The USA National Team competes in the Hunger Games. Who wins?Well, out of all the girls I can remember being on the team, I’m gonna say Ragan Smith or Jade Carey. Ragan because she be little, but she be mighty (also her guns in Kim’s Instagram video the other day PHWOAR!). And Jade because I still cant believe she was a level 10 a year ago and her double double looks like THAT!
2. Who would be the most fun to watch in a future season of Dancing with the Stars?Eythora Thorsdottir for sure. She has the most amazing expression.
3. Favorite Event Final Leo?I’ve always loved the leotard Lauren Mitchell wore in the 2012 floor final. I know it’s hot pink, but the pink and black actually worked so nicely, especially on her pale skin. And the stars of our flag on the back of the shoulder was a really sweet touch.4. Most intriguing gymnastics scandal?Sydney 2000. I was enthralled with it when I first found out. What a shitshow that was.5. 2016 Olympic Team for USA if the format was still 7-6-5. 7 members:Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Laurie Hernandez, Gabby Douglas, Madison Kocian, Mykayla Skinner, Ragan Smith (I know they were all technically part of the team anyway if you go team + alternates, my brain can’t remember much past them)
TF lineupVT: Smith, Hernandez, Douglas, Raisman, Skinner, BilesUB: Raisman, Smith, Hernandez, Biles, Douglas, KocianBB: Kocian, Raisman, Douglas, Smith, Hernandez, BilesFX: Douglas, Smith, Hernandez, Skinner, Raisman, Biles
6. Which gymnast would you not want to be stuck on a plane next to? McKenna Kelley. LOL.7. If your child was an elite gymnast, what gym would you send her to?If I lived in the US, I’d send her to World Champions. Not just because it’s the home of Simone Biles, but I feel like the Biles family have put together a great staff and a great program that really prioritizes the child’s health and happiness over any sort of medal.8. Which gymnast do you wish competed in another quad?Shannon Miller. I think she would’ve been a bomb ass beam specialist under the open ended code. 
9. What Olympic/Worlds Team selections do you disagree with?I was kind of ho-hum about Douglas last year (oops, 2016, not last year), but I mean, like Lauren has said 101 times, Marta literally could’ve justified anyone in that spot. I was also kind of gutted about Gabby Jupp last year, but I didn’t actually disagree with anyone who made the team, so it was a bit of a catch 22. I’m also still pissed that Australia didn’t send anyone to Worlds in 2013.10. Favorite gymnast’s makeup for competition?I really liked the blue touches in Aly’s for the Rio TF, I actually started copying it myself for a while. It’s a funky little thing to do!11. What’s the stupidest thing you ever heard anyone say about gymnastics/a gymnast?‘GYMNASTICS IS NOT A SPORT’12. Which elite gymnasts would make the best cheerleader, if she wanted to be one?Well, Simone got to be one, so she’s on my list, and definitely Laurie as well.13. Do you think fans should judge gymnasts for their opinions on political/moral issues? (e.g. Alec on Gay Marriage)It kind of depends. Like, if they have differing opinions but aren’t actually spewing hate about it, I kind of don’t care? I’ll use my Mormon friend as an example. She’s a devout Mormon, and has been brought to believe being gay is a sin. But she actually doesn’t have an issue with people being gay, and she never says anything hateful about it, the only thing she’s ever said to me about it is ‘my religion believes it’s wrong, but I don’t have strong views either way’, and I feel like if gymnasts are the same about political/moral issues, then just leave them be. If they’re actively spewing hateful shit and potentially upsetting or hurting people, absolutely call them out on it.14. What’s your favorite meet from before you were born? The 1996 team final. A whole six weeks before I was born.15. Do you think it’s distasteful for a gymnast to compete with a messy bun/half ponytail?No, because I often wear them myself. It actually is possible to make them look cute, trust me.16. What are your dream Olympic Podiums for 2012?In 2012, I was pretty happy with all the results, but I would change a few small things. I would’ve had Aly win the AA bronze tiebreak over Aliya, purely because even though she had a mistake, she actually stayed on all her events whereas Aliya fell. I’d have had McKayla win gold (without a fall obviously) on vault, and swapped out Maria Paseka for Janine Berger, and I would’ve snuck Lauren Mitchell in for floor bronze.17. If the IOC decided we had to get rid of one apparatus for the female AA, which would you choose?This is actually really hard... my very first instinct was bars. Not sure why, because I actually enjoy bars. Probably beam. Beam is the event where you could potentially lose an entire group and then the gymternet pitches a fit over the fact that all three medalists fell off beam and so X gymnast who came 18th with an FTY should’ve been the Olympic Champion. (I do love you all very much :D)18. What’s the worst leotard you ever saw?Some of Ferrari’s have been a little questionable (like the London one where she forgot to sew on a sleeve). And Adela Sajn is GREAT bad leotard fuel.19. Chill, Choreograph, Chuck? (Asker chooses 3 gymnasts)No-one gave me anything to fill these blanks so ahhhh, Simone Biles, Lauren Mitchell, Ellie DownieChill with Lauren, choreograph for Simone, chuck Ellie (I like Ellie, I do, she was literally one of the first three to pop into my head)20. Whose toe point gets on your nerves?Alyona. Lol.21. Favorite freshman to watch in NCAA Gymnastics this year?Kinda keen to watch Jazzy Foberg!22. What do you think Aly will do after she retires? I think she’ll keep doing what she’s doing. Speaking out against things that are valued to her, promoting safe and healthy sport, and just generally being a BAMF ally for women and athletes everywhere.
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not-all-the-prayers · 7 years
the west wing, x files, stranger things, jane, greys anatomy, gilmore girls
The West Wing:
The first character I first fell in love with: LeoThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: JoshThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: Amy maybeThe character I love that everyone else hates: idkThe character I used to love but don’t any longer: I don’t think there is oneThe character I would totally smooch: DonnaThe character I’d want to be like: CJThe character I’d slap: HoynesA pairing that I love: Donna x JoshA pairing that I despise: Josh x Amy
The X-Files:
The first character I first fell in love with: ScullyThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: SkinnerThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: Doggett maybeThe character I love that everyone else hates: Krycek (only as a character)The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I don’t think there is oneThe character I would totally smooch: ScullyThe character I’d want to be like: ScullyThe character I’d slap: CSMA pairing that I love: Mulder x Scully of courseA pairing that I despise: Mulder x Diana
Stranger Things:
The first character I first fell in love with: Dustin probablyThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: HopperThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: apparently some people like Billy and I’m like wtf???The character I love that everyone else hates: I don’t think there is oneThe character I used to love but don’t any longer: noneThe character I would totally smooch: JoyceThe character I’d want to be like: Eleven (superpowers)The character I’d slap: Dr. BrennerA pairing that I love: JopperA pairing that I despise: umm idk
Gilmore Girls:
The first character I first fell in love with: LorelaiThe character I never expected to love as much as I do now: LukeThe character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don’t really care for ZackThe character I love that everyone else hates: umm idkThe character I used to love but don’t any longer: I like Rory less as I get older (just cause she makes bad decisions but I still love her)The character I would totally smooch: Lorelai or LukeThe character I’d want to be like: strong and independent like LorelaiThe character I’d slap: ChristopherA pairing that I love: Luke x LorelaiA pairing that I despise: Lorelai x Christopher
I’ve never seen Jane or Grey’s Anatomy.
Thanks for the ask!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
The MCU Files
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Odafn7
by AcidAngel21
The X Files have hosted a number of phenomena and strange occurrences. S.H.I.E.L.D. may have the official claim to all the strange things that plague Earth, but inter-agency co-operation is a necessary evil sometimes. As the world gets stranger and stranger and backs get stabbed more and more often, Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully get dragged (or dive into the deep end) into the world of gods and aliens, mutants and miracles, syndicates and conspiracies. The more they dig, the deeper it all goes. Between the public and the darkness stands the bridge of Unofficial Bureaucracy and the People that keep it all together by the skin of their teeth and their blood, sweat, and tears.
The rules are simple: Trust no one, trust nothing, keep your eyes open, keep your secrets close, and assume nothing is sacred, because nothing is.
Words: 1242, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The X-Files
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Walter Skinner, Nick Fury, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), John Byers, Melvin Frohike, Richard "Ringo" Langly, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Melinda May, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Matt Murdock, Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Erik Selvig, Wade Wilson, Scott Lang, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Erik Killmonger, Well-Manicured Man (X-Files), Cigarette Smoking Man (X-Files), Jeffrey Spender, Alex Krycek, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Peggy Carter, Alexander Pierce, Thaddeus Ross, Everett Ross, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Monica Rambeau, Diana Fowley, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz
Relationships: Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Mind Control, Winter Soldier typical warnings, Marvel has invaded the X Files, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, The Lone Gunmen Know All, HYDRA and the Syndicate are the same thing, Russian!Langly, Deaf Clint Barton, Odin (Marvel)'s A+ Parenting, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Mutant!Langly, Syndicate (X-Files), Ex-S.H.I.E.L.D.!Byers, Alternate Timelines, Specifically for the X Files, Alternate Universe, alexander pierce is a dick, Genius Shuri (Marvel), Anything you can do Shuri does better, BAMF Dana Scully, Dana Scully is so done, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Jewish Fox Mulder, Langly Has Issues, Protective Avengers, Fox Mulder wants the truth, Frohike knows people, Byers knows spies, Natasha Romanov Has Feelings, Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant, Thaddeus Ross is an awful human being, You know nothing Everett Ross, Anti-Sokovia Accords, Thor (Marvel) is Not Stupid, Immortal Scully, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Bucky Barnes Is a Good Bro, Thor (Marvel) is a Good Bro, T'Challa (Marvel) Is a Good Bro, Sweet T'Challa (Marvel), Precious Peter Parker, Human Experimentation, Alien Abduction, Implied/Referenced Torture, Starvation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Insomnia, Gaslighting, Assassins & Hitmen, Character Death, but not major character death, Romani Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Romani Pietro Maximoff, Jewish Wanda Maximoff, Jewish Pietro Maximoff, Mutant!Mulder, Comics Monica Rambaeu instead of MCU Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Odafn7
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jumpingcattlehockey · 7 years
OK, there may not be a lot of variation here, but X Files for the TV fandom ask.
HA! So true. So I’ll do my best to branch out here as much as I can.
Favourite Female: Dana Scully
Favourite Male: … Fox Mulder ;)
3 Other Favourite Characters: Maggie Scully, Albert Hosteen, and we’ll go with Marita because she always intrigued the hell out of me and I still can’t believe she wasn’t in the revival, but then… what WASN’T wrong with the revival?
3 OTPs: Mulder & Scully (duh), Doggett & his wife (I want to believe they eventually managed to work things out), aaaaand… Fluky and Krycek. Because the latter strikes me as someone who would let anyone suck his dick, and even Flukemen have needs. 😆
Notp: Mulder & Krycek. This was a more popular pairing back in the day, but always bugged me. Mulder belonging with Scully aside, Krycek was a whiney annoyance early on, then he freaking killed Mulder’s father, and WOULD have killed Scully. So just… no. It’s nice that Alex has such pretty eyelashes, but… to Fluky he goes!
Funniest character: Scully has a sick, understated sense of humor that should not be overlooked (bringing Mulder a liverwurst sandwich while on a stakeout to watch the guy going after peoples’ livers? COME ON!).
Prettiest character: Yeah, Scully. Gillian’s just too gorgeous for anyone else to fit here.
Most Annoying Character: Alex fucking Krycek. 
Most badass character: Okay, I know I said I’d try to branch out, but Scully has SEEN SOME SHIT. 
Character I’d like as my BFF: I’ll go hang out with the genie from Je Souhaite. Homegirl needs a friend and probably has great stories to tell. The main characters on this show would probably get me killed or something, so they can just stick to being friends with each other.
Female Character I’d Marry: Skinner’s assistant. Just to get all the gossip on M&S. Sorry I’d be using you, Kim, but it’s too good an opportunity to pass up.
Male Character I’d Marry: I won’t date LEOs because reasons, but I’ll make an exception here and take Kresge from the Emily arc. He was hot and seemed like a decent guy.
Character I hate/dislike/least like: CSM. Because they keep bringing him back because they changed their mind about killing him off and that’s just bad writing. 
Leave a fandom in my ask!
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bedlamfoundry · 5 years
Deep House Hits: Summer 2019 [OUT NOW] [Mini Mix]
Deep House Hits: Summer 2019 ▶ https://DeepHouseHits.lnk.to/Summer2019YA Listen the Armada Music Top 100 playlist: https://ArmadaMusicTop100.lnk.to/PLYA Subscribe to the Armada Music YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribeArmada Making the summer just that much more memorable with only top-quality Deep House tunes, ‘Deep House Hits – Summer 2019’ is your one-stop shop for the most gorgeous sun-tinged records. With thirty tracks from esteemed artists such as Armin van Buuren, Burak Yeter, Kidnap, Kokiri, Lost Frequencies and Mokita, this brand-new edition of the series brings the heat wherever you go. Tracklist: 01 00:00 Lost Frequencies feat. Aloe Blacc - Truth Never Lies 02 00:25 Jansons feat. Dope Earth Alien - Switch (Follow The Drum) 03 00:39 Kokiri - Adolescence 04 00:55 Win and Woo feat. Sara Skinner - Here U R 05 01:12 Armin van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down (Andrelli Remix) 06 01:29 Frank Pole feat. Cameron Forbes & Shannon - Have You Here 07 01:49 Burak Yeter - Move Like This 08 02:05 Goldfish x Cat Dealers - Colours & Lights 09 02:20 Mokita - More Than Friends 10 02:35 Kidnap feat. Leo Stannard - Grow 11 02:56 Leony - More Than Friends 12 03:14 Sebastian Davidson - Argument 13 03:32 Paige & Colton Avery - Always On Your Mind 14 03:48 Inner City feat. Steffanie Christi'an - Need Your Love 15 04:04 Youngr - Nightcrawling Connect with Armada Music ▶https://www.instagram.com/armadamusic ▶https://www.facebook.com/armadamusic ▶https://www.twitter.com/armada ▶https://www.soundcloud.com/armadamusic ▶https://www.armadamusic.com #ArmadaMusic #DeepHousHits #Summer2019 #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #DeepHouseHits #Summer2019 #DeepHouseHits: Summer 2019 [OUT NOW] [Mini Mix] #DeepHouseHits: Summer 2019
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
The MCU Files
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Odafn7
by AcidAngel21
The X Files have hosted a number of phenomena and strange occurrences. S.H.I.E.L.D. may have the official claim to all the strange things that plague Earth, but inter-agency co-operation is a necessary evil sometimes. As the world gets stranger and stranger and backs get stabbed more and more often, Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully get dragged (or dive into the deep end) into the world of gods and aliens, mutants and miracles, syndicates and conspiracies. The more they dig, the deeper it all goes. Between the public and the darkness stands the bridge of Unofficial Bureaucracy and the People that keep it all together by the skin of their teeth and their blood, sweat, and tears.
The rules are simple: Trust no one, trust nothing, keep your eyes open, keep your secrets close, and assume nothing is sacred, because nothing is.
Words: 1242, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The X-Files
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Walter Skinner, Nick Fury, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), John Byers, Melvin Frohike, Richard "Ringo" Langly, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Melinda May, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Matt Murdock, Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Erik Selvig, Wade Wilson, Scott Lang, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Erik Killmonger, Well-Manicured Man (X-Files), Cigarette Smoking Man (X-Files), Jeffrey Spender, Alex Krycek, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Peggy Carter, Alexander Pierce, Thaddeus Ross, Everett Ross, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Monica Rambeau, Diana Fowley, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz
Relationships: Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Mind Control, Winter Soldier typical warnings, Marvel has invaded the X Files, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, The Lone Gunmen Know All, HYDRA and the Syndicate are the same thing, Russian!Langly, Deaf Clint Barton, Odin (Marvel)'s A+ Parenting, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Mutant!Langly, Syndicate (X-Files), Ex-S.H.I.E.L.D.!Byers, Alternate Timelines, Specifically for the X Files, Alternate Universe, alexander pierce is a dick, Genius Shuri (Marvel), Anything you can do Shuri does better, BAMF Dana Scully, Dana Scully is so done, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Jewish Fox Mulder, Langly Has Issues, Protective Avengers, Fox Mulder wants the truth, Frohike knows people, Byers knows spies, Natasha Romanov Has Feelings, Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant, Thaddeus Ross is an awful human being, You know nothing Everett Ross, Anti-Sokovia Accords, Thor (Marvel) is Not Stupid, Immortal Scully, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Bucky Barnes Is a Good Bro, Thor (Marvel) is a Good Bro, T'Challa (Marvel) Is a Good Bro, Sweet T'Challa (Marvel), Precious Peter Parker, Human Experimentation, Alien Abduction, Implied/Referenced Torture, Starvation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Insomnia, Gaslighting, Assassins & Hitmen, Character Death, but not major character death, Romani Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Romani Pietro Maximoff, Jewish Wanda Maximoff, Jewish Pietro Maximoff, Mutant!Mulder, Comics Monica Rambaeu instead of MCU Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Odafn7
0 notes
ao3feed-janefoster · 5 years
The MCU Files
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Odafn7
by AcidAngel21
The X Files have hosted a number of phenomena and strange occurrences. S.H.I.E.L.D. may have the official claim to all the strange things that plague Earth, but inter-agency co-operation is a necessary evil sometimes. As the world gets stranger and stranger and backs get stabbed more and more often, Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully get dragged (or dive into the deep end) into the world of gods and aliens, mutants and miracles, syndicates and conspiracies. The more they dig, the deeper it all goes. Between the public and the darkness stands the bridge of Unofficial Bureaucracy and the People that keep it all together by the skin of their teeth and their blood, sweat, and tears.
The rules are simple: Trust no one, trust nothing, keep your eyes open, keep your secrets close, and assume nothing is sacred, because nothing is.
Words: 1242, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The X-Files
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Walter Skinner, Nick Fury, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), John Byers, Melvin Frohike, Richard "Ringo" Langly, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Melinda May, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Matt Murdock, Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Erik Selvig, Wade Wilson, Scott Lang, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), T'Chaka (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Erik Killmonger, Well-Manicured Man (X-Files), Cigarette Smoking Man (X-Files), Jeffrey Spender, Alex Krycek, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Peggy Carter, Alexander Pierce, Thaddeus Ross, Everett Ross, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Monica Rambeau, Diana Fowley, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz
Relationships: Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Mind Control, Winter Soldier typical warnings, Marvel has invaded the X Files, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, The Lone Gunmen Know All, HYDRA and the Syndicate are the same thing, Russian!Langly, Deaf Clint Barton, Odin (Marvel)'s A+ Parenting, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Mutant!Langly, Syndicate (X-Files), Ex-S.H.I.E.L.D.!Byers, Alternate Timelines, Specifically for the X Files, Alternate Universe, alexander pierce is a dick, Genius Shuri (Marvel), Anything you can do Shuri does better, BAMF Dana Scully, Dana Scully is so done, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Jewish Fox Mulder, Langly Has Issues, Protective Avengers, Fox Mulder wants the truth, Frohike knows people, Byers knows spies, Natasha Romanov Has Feelings, Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant, Thaddeus Ross is an awful human being, You know nothing Everett Ross, Anti-Sokovia Accords, Thor (Marvel) is Not Stupid, Immortal Scully, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Bucky Barnes Is a Good Bro, Thor (Marvel) is a Good Bro, T'Challa (Marvel) Is a Good Bro, Sweet T'Challa (Marvel), Precious Peter Parker, Human Experimentation, Alien Abduction, Implied/Referenced Torture, Starvation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Insomnia, Gaslighting, Assassins & Hitmen, Character Death, but not major character death, Romani Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff Lives, Romani Pietro Maximoff, Jewish Wanda Maximoff, Jewish Pietro Maximoff, Mutant!Mulder, Comics Monica Rambaeu instead of MCU Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Odafn7
0 notes
scenes-in-between · 8 years
“I’m gonna call Skinner, Mulder.” “Okay.” “I’m sure he’s going to want to say a few words about this. Guys, give it a rest, huh?”
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It’s 10:30pm on a Saturday night, and he’s just sat back down on his couch after grabbing another beer from the fridge when the phone rings. The caller ID only shows the number for the Hoover Building switchboard, but somehow he already knows who it is. (Who else would be calling him via the switchboard this late on a Saturday?) He lets it ring a couple more times while he takes a swig of his beer and steels himself for whatever nonsense is about to be dropped in his lap.
“Good evening, sir. I apologize for calling you at home so late.”
“What is it, Agent Scully?”
“Well, sir, as you’re aware, Agent Mulder and I are currently in Los Angeles. And, as it happens, the LA County Sheriff’s Department is also looking into the series of incidents we’re out here investigating.”
“Let me guess. Agent Mulder failed to properly liaise with the local LEOs, and now we’ve got an inter-agency pissing match on our hands?”
“No, that’s… that’s not it at all, actually.”
“He didn’t get himself arrested again, did he?”
“No, sir!”
“Well, get to the point, agent. I know you know what time it is here.”
“Sir, they’re filming an episode of COPS tonight. Here. With the LASD.”
He doesn’t know what he was expecting her to say, but it sure as hell wasn’t that. Inexplicably, he finds himself stifling a laugh; he turns it into a cough. Dear god, Mulder running his mouth about aliens and what-have-you on national TV… he should not be finding this funny at all, and yet…
“Assistant director? Are you all right?”
“I’m fine.” He clears his throat. “So am I to understand that because the LASD is working cooperatively with you on this investigation, their film crew shadows are now yours as well?”
“That’s correct, yes. And Agent Mulder… well, his working hypothesis for the case is, as you might guess, paranormal in nature, and–”
“Yes, Scully, I’ve met him.”
“Uh… right. So, they can’t use any of the footage they’ve already gathered unless we sign off on it. I assume you want us to refuse?”
Skinner pulls his glasses off and rubs his eyes. On the one hand, the probability of Mulder saying something that will make himself (and possibly also the Bureau as a whole) look foolish is incredibly high. On the other hand, Skinner’s got a friend in that industry; he knows that rather than waste the film, the show’s producers will insist on simply blurring his agents’ faces and garbling their voices instead, and he won’t be able to get around that without a big legal fight. And if they do that, it’ll just look like the Bureau’s hiding something, which will end up an even bigger PR mess on balance. Plus, he has no doubt that Scully will do her usual thing of tempering Mulder’s eccentricity and countering his more bizarre theories. And also, despite everything, Mulder is ultimately a good agent. It probably won’t be that bad.
Fuck it. Let them get filmed. If everything goes to shit and Mulder does something even more ridiculous than usual, they can always change their minds before the show goes to air.
“Nah. Cooperate with the film crew. Keep me posted if things totally go belly-up, but short of an emergency, I don’t need to hear from you again until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Are we clear on that?”
“Sir? A-are you sure that’s wise?”
“The FBI has nothing to hide, Agent Scully. That’ll be all.”
He hangs up the phone and shakes his head, then replaces his glasses and reaches for his beer. Those two are going to drive him to an early retirement, he has no doubt.
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