corvianbard · 9 months
Dreaming of the sunken city Beneath the blackest sea Is a mad prophet of old, His tongue loosening to unfold And release the great vision That will break the illusion, Reality be its name But is actually not tame. Yet, fear not the madness And embrace it with gladness.
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Lot 5906 長袖クルーネックT 無地 & Lot 5907 長袖ヘンリーネックT
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
2023 SS分の定番ロンTが届いております。
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 5906 長袖クルーネックT 無地 \7.590-(with tax)
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. . .
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 5907 長袖ヘンリーネックT \8.470-(with tax)
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. . .
Lot 4601等と同じ、旧式のローゲージ編み機で編まれたウエアハウスの定番ボディ。 独特の陰影が出るように編まれたこの生地を「シャドーボーダー」と我々は呼んでおります。
無地でありながらうっすらと横段のようなムラがあるので、 ポケT同様ロンTもプリント無しで人気のある一枚。
春のロンTって良いですよねぇ。 秋よりも春の気候に合う気がするんですよね~。
179cm,69kg SIZE:XL(NON WASH)
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無地だからかインナーでお考えの方が多いように感じますがロンT一枚でも楽しんで頂きたい定番アイテム。 既にサイズが欠けてますが是非御検討下さい。
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
平素よりウエアハウス直営店をご利用頂き有難う御座います。 ウエアハウス直営店では営業を下記の通り変更しております。
◎東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】無休 ◎阪急メンズ東京店 【営業時間:平日 12時~20時 土日祝 11時~20時】無休 ◎名古屋店【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休 ◎大阪店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎福岡店 【営業時間: 平日 12時~19時 土日祝 12時~19時】 無休 ◎札幌店 【営業時間: 11時~20時】  木曜定休
今後の営業時間等の変更につきましては、 改めて当ブログにてお知らせ致します。 お客様におかれましてはご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
☞ 『WAREHOUSE直営店の LINE公式アカウント開設』
LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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every-tome · 1 year
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0 notes
without-ado · 2 years
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Comet ZTF passing near Splinter Galaxy l Aleix Roig
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damnfandomproblems · 6 days
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Fandom Problem #5907:
Fun fact for everyone but do you know irl, friends who have said "x is like a sibling to me" in their childhood can grow up and develop feelings for each other and it still won't be incest? The same applies to fictional characters! Unless the characters are actually related by blood or married parents, calling ships incest because of that is absolutely absurd. Just say you don't like childhood friends to lovers tropes.
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quiltofstars · 1 year
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The Knife Edge Galaxy, NGC 5907 // Dionysus
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exotic-indians · 1 year
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Jacob Lee 230 Malop St, Geelong 3220 (03) 5907 5928
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0 notes
tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
Heyyyy, could you do a oneshot f!reader x Zestial nsfw pretty please ? 🙏
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Tea Salon ☆ One Shot
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Zestial x Salon Owner Sinner!Fem!Reader:
A young woman with big dreams ready to be achieve was what you were, after making a deal with Overlord Rosie you soon found out that your Salon wasn't the only thing that would bloom in your afterlife...
Warning: Mature Content, Explicit/Graphic Language, Honestly Nothing Kinky, Husband and wife, Praise kink, Creampie, Oral(Female receiving), Old English, NOT PROOFREAD.
Words: 5907
Note: okay if you know anything about business, I am so sorry cuz I don’t, I just did some quick research so if it just looks like a bunch of gibberish (Rosie and reader’s meeting), I am sorry! Also a lot of Rosie in the beginning, like zestial is mentioned but doesn’t show up until the shop is open for a little while.
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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In your living, you've always appreciated the simplicity of nature-oriented lifestyle reminiscent of earlier eras. It's not that you have anything against new technologies; you own a smartphone and laptop, after all. What irks you is the over-consumerism perpetuated by planned obsolescence.
Your expectation when purchasing something is that it should function and endure, offering value for the time and money invested. The capitalist mindset, with its overproduction and resulting overconsumption, is something you strongly dislike.
Capitalism inherently creates a class conflict between capital and labor. While capitalists aim for high profits, workers may endure exploitation, receiving wages consistently lower than the true value of their labor.
When you had finally passed away due to a malfunctioning smart car and had discovered that even in the afterlife, people still had to work tirelessly to meet end means, you couldn't deny that you felt disappointed.
With a background in restoration, you secured a position in a somewhat upscale restaurant – well, upscale for Hell's pride ring standards. Although you initially started as a garbage boy, you quickly ascended the ranks to become a server.
Devoting longer hours than your colleagues, by choice, you harbored a goal beyond mere survival in the hellscape. You held an ambition, a genuine dream – to establish a tea salon and sustain yourself through it.
Envisioning your own establishment, you aimed to offer freshly baked treats and brewed tea for guests to enjoy while engaging in lively conversations and gossip.
You were well aware of whose assistance was crucial for your project. Overlord Rosie served as your golden ticket to a thriving salon. You needed her help to secure a building in the border zone shared by her and Overlord Zestial, as both of their people were of interest when envisioning the kind of establishment you hope to open.
After three months of relentless work and an additional month of patiently waiting for an appointment on her end, you finally managed to secure a meeting with the elegant cannibal;
"So, what do you have for me today, darling?" she inquires.
"Well, Madam Rosie—" you begin, but you're promptly interrupted by the demon before you.
"Oh, dear, no need for all those 'madam' formalities for a sweet thing like you. Just call me Rosie. But if you insist on honorifics, then ‘Miss Rosie’ will do!" The leader of Hell's cannibal district and owner of the Rosie emporium cheerfully encourages you to address her casually. Despite the power difference, her amiable attitude eases any tension surrounding your sales pitch.
"Oh, very well then. Ahem, Miss Rosie, I'd like to seek your assistance for a passion project of mine," you pause, collecting your thoughts.
"I'm interested in opening a tea salon. It's been four months since I arrived in hell, and I've been searching extensively for the perfect building. Coincidentally, it's situated on your side of the shared border zone with Overlord Zestial. I understand it's not owned by you as part of the border zone, but being on the edge of your colony grants you some jurisdiction."
"Is that so," she replies, sipping her tea. "I appreciate the idea of a tea salon near my territory. Please elaborate more about the idea itself."
"Of course! I personally dislike the over-consumerism that existed on Earth and persists in hell. My goal is to establish one or two shops at most—something familial and local instead of a big chain. I aim to offer freshly baked and brewed drinks for my customers, who would come from all over the Pentagram. I do acknowledge that most of my clientele would be from your people, Overlord Zestial's, and those from the Radio Demon's territory. A simple analysis suggests that sinners from those areas may be more in tune with the concept, as they hail from eras when such establishments were more common," you explain.
"Well, that's all delightful, darling, but, as you rightly point out, the concept isn't foreign in these circles. Your salon is certainly not the first in these parts. No offense to your aspirations, but I'm struggling to see what sets you apart, something that would entice me to invest."
"As for standing out, I may or may not have direct access to products from the living world," you reveal, prompting Rosie to set down her cup.
"Well, isn't that interesting?" she remarks, now more intrigued.
"Yes, indeed it is. I can assure you that not only would my products be fresh, but they would exclusively feature ingredients from the living world – a culinary experience many down here yearn for. Additionally, I can promise you the highest quality of tea, such as Ceylon," you confidently declare.
"And how would someone like you, who sought an Overlord's assistance, have access to such materials? I'm not necessarily doubting you, but connecting the dots is a bit challenging," she says joyfully.
"Oh, I apologize, but I cannot disclose the identities of my procurers. I've signed an NDA as obtaining items from the world upstairs isn't their primary business. Additionally this avoids attracting requests from other companies, I'm afraid they'll have to remain nameless," you explain.
"Well, isn't that convenient for you, fufufu~ I suppose you'll have to prove your word in other ways," she remarks.
"Indeed, perhaps I have an idea on how to do so that you'd like to hear," you suggest.
"I'm all ears," she replies.
"I've noticed there's a kitchen in this building, so I was contemplating rescheduling another meeting soon after this one. During that meeting, I plan not only to bring in earthly ingredients but also to bake something for you. This would showcase my kitchen skills while simultaneously proving my capability to provide the desired products," you express.
"Well, that does seem feasible. I'll pencil you in for next Monday," she replies, jotting something down on her notepad that had been on the coffee table since the start of the meeting. "Now, shall we discuss payment?" she asks.
"Yes, please. As mentioned earlier, I'll handle the supply for my business. What I need from you is assistance in acquiring the building, help with renovations since it's a bit run-down, and perhaps some promotion to your people concerning work, as I'll still require staff when I eventually open. I've checked the listing for the building itself, and I have more than enough for the purchase. However, when renovations and promoting are considered, my budget becomes a bit tight. I was thinking of a BNPL for that part," you explain.
"Alright then, that doesn't seem too bad. How about this: I get 10% of the overall monthly revenue from your establishment. I still need to make some money, after all, fufufu~ Additionally, we can consider a 1-year BNPL plan to repay the renovation loan. And one more thing: to prove your establishment's worth, aim for a minimum 20% net profit by the end of the year since opening day. How does that sound to you?" she inquires.
"10 percent isn't too stiff, but a 20% net profit may be a little challenging in only a year of business. However, I believe in my dream!" you cheerfully exclaim.
"I'm glad you agree, though I still need some collateral for your loan. But let's discuss that after I get to see your skills in action," she tells you a bit more seriously.
"Makes sense," you reply.
"I think that's all for today unless you still have something to talk about," she asks.
"No, that's all from my side," you tell her.
"Wonderful, darling! I hope to see you Monday at 12:35 a.m.," she says as she stands up and points to the door.
"Yes, so do I," you respond as you exit the room.
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Leaving her building, you were more than pleased that the meeting had gone well. Once home, as you collapsed on your couch, releasing all your stress, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter with that imp during your first month in hell;
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On that day, you had ventured to imp city for errands, finding Carmine products a bit too pricey for your liking. Seeking an alternative for self-defense, you visited a gun shop there.
Exiting the store, you witnessed a heartbreaking scene—an imp being beaten up by a group of sinners, degrading names thrown at him. While you refrained from intervening, as it wasn't your place, the revelation that they were targeting the imp simply because he was an imp, compelled you to approach and ensure he wasn't fatally harmed.
Before you could rouse his battered form with a shake, he uttered, "The hell you want."
"Oh, I just wanted to make sure you were okay," you reassure him.
"Bullshit," he retorts loudly. "Listen, fucking pickpocket, those assholes already took everything I had on me, besides my clothes. And I sure as hell won't be stroll down these motherfucking streets in my underwear. So, if you wanted anything, too bad, now you have until the count of ten before I blow a hole in your skull," he rudely warns.
"First of all, I'm not going to rob you. Second, how are you going to shoot me if you just said you had nothing on you? And thirdly, I was serious about checking on you. It's unfair that they beat you up just for being an imp. It's messed up, honestly. Since sinners don't have specific races like back on Earth, they just go after other beings to exercise their racist ideology," you say.
"Humans sure do love their racism," he remarks, still untrusting but more open to conversation.
"Sinners are down here for a reason, but hellspawns are different. They're currently living their lives, just like humans did back on Earth. And yet, the damned are considered superior? That's just messed up," you express sincerely. In your view, hell's hierarchy wasn't fair. ‘If this was the sinners' punishment, why categorize them as better than imps—creatures born here, not getting punished for misconduct.’
With that sentiment resonating in your words, the imp seemed more at ease as he responded to your next words. "Anyways, you need medical attention. Let's get to a hospital."
"Do you have the money for medical bills, or even the admission fee? 'Cause I sure don't," he replies, a grin on his face, strangely charming despite his black eye and cut lips.
"Yeah, sorry, pal. I can't afford the rates for treating you; I'm saving for something big," you convey with sadness in your voice.
He chuckles at your honesty. "Thought so," he replies, allowing his body to rest against the brick wall of the alley even more, as if surrendering.
"My place is far from here. Do you have any first aid supplies at yours?" you inquire, a slight panic setting in, concerned that if he fell asleep, he might not make it, even though he wasn't bleeding excessively. Yet, he didn't appear likely to stay conscious much longer.
"Yeah, but it's too far from here," he begins, heightening your anxiety. "Though my office isn't. There's some there too," he adds, his eyes glossy, appearing on the verge of passing out at any moment.
"Alright then, just give me the address, and I'll take you there," he somewhat reluctantly grumbled out the location before passing out.
Entering the address into your phone's search engine and hoisting the imp onto your back, you walked to the location.
Quite aware that cab drivers might attempt to take extort you, especially considering you were a human carrying an injured imp, you opted for the slower but more cost-effective walking route, reaching the destination in about 25 minutes.
Climbing the stairs to the seventh floor drained your energy, but your adrenaline surged upon encountering a hellhound and two imps inside the office.
The hellhound growled and barked aggressively, while the female imp simultaneously yelled and prepared for a fight. The only one not seeing red was the male imp, who was trying to make sense of the situation.
"What the hell happened to Blitzø!??" the hellhound demanded.
"Yeah, what the hell did you do to him!?!??" the female imp added, brandishing a knife.
"Millie, calm down. If they brought him here, they're most likely not the ones who hurt him," the male imp reasoned with the female.
"Yeah, it wasn't me. He got beaten up by a group of supremacist sinners," you explained as you gently placed him on the couch in the room. "He told me he had a first aid kit here, so I brought him here as neither he nor I could afford the hospital bills."
"And how can we be sure you aren't part of the jerks who hurt him, huh?" the female imp asked, her nerves still on edge, clearly showing concern for the imp. ‘Well, no, Millie showed concern a lot about Blitz.’
"You can just ask him when he wakes up, but right now, he needs help. So, can any of you bring the kit, and we'll get this over with."
With reluctance, the hellhound, whom you soon learned was named Luna, retrieved the kit and left the healing to the male imp, Moxxie. They preferred you not to touch him any further.
After briefly stepping out to grab some missing antiseptic, you observed as they took care of him. You had convinced your way into staying until he awoke; the thought that his injuries might be worse than you initially thought haunted you, and you couldn't bear the idea that he might have died if you hadn't brought him here fast enough.
After Blitzø had regained consciousness, he thanked you and offered a 50% discount on your first kill. Curious about the statement, you informed him that you weren't aware of what his company specialized in. He somewhat joyfully played their commercial for you.
Finding it all very intriguing, you inquired about the possibility of them visiting the living world for a different purpose, which he confirmed but clarified it wasn't their company's business.
Tugging a bit at their heartstrings, particularly after saving Blitzø, you divulged your ambitions. To stand out and make your dream a reality, you needed something unique, and they held the key to it. Your request was for them to procure ingredients from the human world.
Blitzø exhibited reluctance, but Millie underwent a 180-degree shift, genuinely eager to assist you, with her husband supporting her. After some persuasion, you struck a deal with I.M.P. In exchange for 5/7 of the usual kill price and keeping things on the down low, they agreed to provide you with a weekly shipment of the groceries.
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Returning to the present, it was now Monday, and you found yourself 10 minutes ahead of schedule, standing in front of Rosie's emporium with a large cooler containing your ingredients.
An employee inside noticed you through the sizable glass entry doors and came out to guide you to the kitchen. They assured you that they would inform Rosie of your arrival and gave you the green light to start setting up.
True to your word, you efficiently prepared the kitchen, and right on schedule, Rosie arrived to find a clean and ready-to-use workspace, along with the promised fresh and earthy ingredients;
"Looks like you're a woman of your word, aren't you, dear?" Rosie remarked as she grabbed some dairy products and checked the expiration dates on them.
"Of course, and I wouldn't even dream of lying to you in the first place," you assured her.
"Oh, how trustworthy you are, fufufu~" she teased.
"Of course, now should I begin?" you asked, and she replied affirmatively.
With that, the baking commenced. Your choice of treat for today was a Charlotte au fraise. In about 35 minutes, you finished the preparation.
The dessert needed to chill for 8 hours in the fridge, but anticipating such a wait, you had invested in a 'chill crystal' for today and the future. This crystal is essential for cooks and bakers alike in hell as it significantly reduces the time a dish needs to be refrigerated.
Using it, your 8 hours turned into 25 minutes. During that time, you cleaned your equipment and the kitchen and, of course, brewed some tea for Rosie.
Upon reaching the 25-minute mark, you brought out the cake, cut a slice for Rosie, and served her a cup of tea. She relished every last bit of it;
"This was all wonderful, y/n," she expressed. "I am sure of it now, I will definitely invest in your dream!"
"Oh, thank you, Miss Rosie! You don't know how much this means to me!" you exclaimed joyfully.
"I'm glad I can help. But now that we've agreed I'll lend my assistance to you on your adventure, I still need you to agree on the collateral for the BNPL I want."
"Oh, of course. What is it?" you asked.
"Well, it's elementary, dear. What I want is... your soul!" she told you.
"Oh, well, that's only until I pay you back, right?" You asked worriedly.
"Yes, of course. If everything goes well and you pay me back before the deadline, you'll get your soul back. But if you exceed the time limit, your soul will indefinitely belong to me. I hope you understand that," she explained.
With a gulp, you spoke up, "I understand, Miss. Rosie."
"Wonderful, then... 'It's a deal,'" she declared, and with those words, a bright pink contract materialized, altering the entire room's shade. Nervously, you picked up a pen from the table and signed your soul away.
As you pulled away from the contract, a pink chain momentarily appeared around your neck, then vanished in a flash along with the contract.
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The demonstration went well, and you got what you wanted. While having your soul signed away was nerve-racking, you believed that if you made your vision work in time, it would return to you.
You begin to double your efforts, working your ass off harder than before. On your days off from the restaurant, you checked on the renovations of your building, and about a month later, everything was completed. After a long time of sucking up to the influential guests of the restaurant, you earned enough money to quit and open your shop.
With Rosie's promotion to her people, you efficiently built a staff, even recruiting some from other districts. On the 7th of August, you finally opened the doors to your shop, and it turned out to be a tremendous success.
The turnout exceeded expectations, but you had trained your staff to handle it. Business was booming, meeting Rosie's conditions in about 5 months instead of a year.
Just as you had envisioned, people from all over the pentagram flocked to enjoy the services your establishment provided. Surprisingly, sinners from Zestial'd district emerged as your number 1 clientele, surpassing even Rosie's people.
With your salon becoming the hot topic of his district, it caught the interest of the governing overlord. Since his people were captivated by your establishment, he decided to pay a visit himself. And so he did.
Upon the first approach to the building, he was delighted by the overall aesthetic.
While he wasn't from the era when salons first became popular, being about two centuries older, the entire ambiance brought a sense of nostalgia, even though he wasn't alive when they gained popularity.
Another aspect that pleased him was the evident respect guests and staff showed to the establishment during a service. People were polite, and the quality of the food served was impeccable.
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He was currently enjoying a cup of tea with none other than Rosie, discussing the success of the establishment;
"You've madeth a valorous investment, mine lief friend. This salon is nothing but successful; you've hath found quite the gem,” Zestial complimented Rosie as he sipped his tea.
Setting her cup down, Rosie responded, "Oh, quite the contrary, Zestial. My dear little owner was the one who reached out. Sparkles in her eyes and a big dream in her heart. With hard work, she achieved those ambitions, beating my expectations and regaining her soul in less than half the time I expected."
"is yond so? Quite the guts and perseverance the lady hath,“ he replied, taking another sip of his tea.
"Yes, though I honestly didn't expect your people to enjoy this place so much. Really messed up my calculations," she said, playfully feigning frustration.
"well, sinners art inherently unpredictable creatures by nature. Plus," he paused to take a bite of a fruit tart on his plate, "with desserts like this, i don't expect anyone to intermit long ere coming to tryeth those folk for themselves. Speaking of which, i would love to compliment the owner and chef for such marvelous worketh, “ he said once he had swallowed his bite.
Rosie replied, "Well, that's the fun thing – they're both the same person. She works diligently as both showrunner and employee! But yes, I can get her if you truly wish to speak to her."
"yond would beest appreciated,“ he told her.
Meanwhile, you were on the phone with a decor company, trying to arrange something for Valentine's Day in a month – or more like Valentine's week, with new decor from the 7th to the 14th.
Once you hung up, Rosie entered the office and informed you of the situation. Without questions, you followed her into the main room of the salon, and let's just say you were nervous;
Gazing at your form, Zestial spoke out, "i wilt sayeth, miss y/n, i greatly enjoy thy establishment, and so doth mine people.”
"Oh— thank you so much, Zestial, sir, I- I mean, Mr. Zestial. Sorry, I meant Overlord Zestial! So sorry!" you stammer.
"quite the nervous one, isn’t the lady?" he did add with a bawbling chuckle. he said to Rosie, who only nodded in agreement. "well, nay needeth for worries. 'zestial' is quite fine, child." he added with a small chuckle.
"Oh, alright then. Thank you for your praise, Zestial," you said with a soft smile, which he returned. ‘Satan, was he handsome.’
"Hey, how come you call him by his name right away, and I'm still 'Miss Rosie'?" Rosie teased.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Rosie. I've just gotten used to it," you replied, and they both laughed at your flustered state.
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This soon became a common occurrence for you, and quickly after that, Zestial came more and more often to the point that your salon became Zestial's meeting spot when discussing business. Consequently, he had his own VIP room for such occurrences.
Simultaneously, you grew closer with the Overlord, becoming more comfortable around him. About a month later, you found yourself crushing on the man, giving him a fair amount of treats on the house to show affection.
And don't think said affection went unnoticed by him. Being an old soul like him brought wisdom, especially in the romance department.
Actually, Zestial himself found himself enamored with you, leading to him declaring his desire to court you;
You were tidying up the VIP room after one of Zestial's meetings, swiping down the table. As you prepared to leave the room, the Overlord spoke up.
"y/n, darling, may i hath't a word with thee?” he asked.
"Yes, of course, Zestial. What do you need?" you replied, your voice slightly quivering, because, 'fuck, did you love the fact he started calling you romantic pet names.'
"well, mine lovely business owner, i hath't to admit something to thee, so prithee did put the rag down and sitteth, " he requested. You obliged. "It seems that I have found mys"'t seemeth yond i hath't did find myself having fallen for thee,“ he began, making your breath hitch.
"i eke did notice yond thee seemeth to feeleth the same, or am i wrong?" he inquired, causing you to shake your head and answer with a weak, flustered 'no.' "did doth bethink so," he said with a chuckle. "then, as we both feeleth for one another, i'd like to court thee, unless thee hath't something 'gainst me doing so.”
"Yes— I mean no, well, um, shit," you stammered. Taking a breath, you spoke out again. "What I meant to say was, yes, I would love to be courted by you, more than anything, actually," you admitted.
Standing up, walking behind you, and wrapping his arm around your figure, he leaned down to your ear. "well, isn't yond perfect. I can't wait to hath't thee all to myself still,“ he whispered, somewhat sensually, leaving you in shock yet longing for more when he pulled away.
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And with that, the courtship began. You found yourself taken out for nights on the town to nice restaurants, sweet notes and love poems left in your office for you to see, and evenings spent at his castle in the fireplace room, listening as he serenaded you, oh so lovingly.
You honestly couldn't wait for you and him to become official. You might have thought that being spoken for after such a short time was idiotic in the past, but Zestial was just so perfect and all you needed in your afterlife. It was obvious that you would marry as soon as he asked you.
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About 5 months after your initial meeting, you found yourself dining with your suitor at quite the fancy restaurant, fancier than the one you used to work at actually.
"how art thee liking thy food, mine sweet y/n?” Zestial inquired.
"Yes, it's wonderful. What about yours, Zestial?" you asked back.
"everything is eke wonderful on mine end, " he replied, then added on, "Mine darling, would thee mind stopping thy meal for an instant? I'd like to break with an important matter with thee.”
"Oh, why, of course," you replied, putting down your utensils. You were now accustomed to Zestial and his ways, but his next move surprised you.
Zestial had stood up and got on his knees. "mine love, despite not having known thee for yond long did compare to mine long existence, i cannot see myself spending mine life beyond the grave without thee. Thou art high-sighted, talented, ingenious, and quite quaint, to a sir like me, and i would did bet many others, ye art quite literally breathtaking. Yond is accounting for thee as a whole, not just thy aesthetic attributes. So, y/n l/n, would thee doth me the honor of being thy husband for eternity?” He said as he pulled out a ring box, opening it to reveal a beautiful green diamond ring.
Overwhelmed with emotion, you gasped in surprise, your eyes widened at the stunning ring before you. The green diamond sparkled, capturing the essence of your feelings.
"Oh, Zestial..." You trailed off, a wave of happiness and love washing over you. Tears of joy glistened in your eyes as you nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes, a thousand times yes!" you exclaimed, your heart pounding with excitement. Zestial's face lit up with a radiant smile as he gently slipped the ring onto your finger.
As the dazzling gem adorned your hand, sealing the promise of eternity, Zestial rose from his kneeling position. You both shared a tender embrace, sealing the moment with a passionate kiss. The restaurant's ambiance faded away as you were immersed in the warmth of Zestial's affection.
The patrons and staff discreetly applauded, offering their congratulations to the newly engaged couple. Zestial held you close, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions.
"to our dateless love,“ he whispered, and you clinked your glasses together in a toast. The night continued, now infused with the magic of your commitment to each other.
From that moment forward, you and Zestial embarked on a beautiful journey, navigating the twists and turns of the afterlife hand in hand, bound by an eternal love that transcended time and existence.
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And so, your wedding unfolded in a splendid ceremony. Radiant in your role, you felt like a true queen that day, with Rosie officiating and injecting humor into the proceedings, eliciting laughter from you, Zestial, and your guests.
The day was a jubilant celebration, offering you the chance to become better acquainted with Zestial's fellow overlords, including Carmilla Carmine: Holy Arms Dealer and Alastor: The Radio Demon. Despite their contrasting personalities, they played nice for the sake of the occasion.
However, that was a few hours ago. Now, with the reception concluded, all the guests had departed, leaving you and Zestial in the intimate confines of his castle, specifically, his bedroom.
Following tradition, this was the night of your nuptials, the night where you and Zestial would come together as one for the first time;
Seated at the edge of the king-size bed in your now shared room, you adorned yourself in an exquisite, intricately embroidered transparent nightgown, awaiting Zestial.
The faint click of the door drew your attention, and your now-husband entered, pushing the door open with a subtle yet confident gesture.
"Well, mine dearest bride, “ Zestial said, his voice filled with an underlying lustfulness that sent shivers down your spine. "'t seemeth we finally hath't some time high-lone.” He stepped closer to you, his presence filling up the entire room.
You could feel his eyes roaming over your exposed body, drinking in every inch of you like a starving demon discovering a feast fit for a king. While you tried hard not to squirm or show any signs of discomfort, your heart raced faster than it ever had before as he spoke words of praise.
"T-thank you, Zestial," you managed to croak out, trying to maintain some semblance of composure despite the butterflies fluttering wildly in your stomach.
His voice dripping with false surprise. "thee behold absolutely stunning in yond gown, y/n.”
He stepped closer, his hands reaching out to caress your exposed thighs, his touch sending electric shocks coursing through your entire body. You bit down hard on your bottom lip, fighting the urge to whimper aloud as he continued to tease you. ‘Were you always this needy?’
"art thee eft for me to claim what is rightfully mine?” he asked, his eyes flashing with hunger.
You nodded vigorously, as he slowly undressed himself, revealing his tall, imposing frame covered in black fabric that clung tightly to his lithe figure. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants.
As he stood before you, nude except for his dark briefs, you couldn't help but marvel at his imposing presence. He towered over you like a giant spider, his erect member straining against the thin fabric of his boxers.
Trembling slightly, you open your legs, inviting him to climb onto the bed and join you. Without hesitation, Zestial crawled onto the mattress, positioning himself between your spread legs. He leaned forward, his mouth hovering inches away from your pussy, his breath hot against your sensitive folds.
"Tell me, mine own lief jointress," he purred, his voice low and husky. "Would thee liketh me to gust thee first?”
A shiver ran down your spine as you replied, your voice cracking slightly. "Yes... please..."
Zestial's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he lowered his head, his lips brushing against your sensitive flesh. You let out a soft moan as he began to tease you, tracing light kisses along your thighs and inner thighs before finally reaching your wet, quivering entrance.
He sucked on your sensitive folds, causing your hips to buck and writhe involuntarily.
As he continued his lewd assault on your most intimate areas, his tongue darted out to lick and circle your clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
You arched your back, crying out his name, your nails digging into the sheets as he relentlessly pleasured you.
"Oh, Satan... Zestial!" You panted, your breath coming in short gasps. "I'm going to—I'm almost there!"
"Good girl," Zestial growled, his voice thick with desire. He increased the pace of his assault, sucking harder on your clit and thrusting his tongue deeper into your wetness.
Your moans turned into incoherent moans of pure ecstasy as he brought you closer to the edge of orgasm.
Just as you felt you were about to cum, he suddenly pulled away, leaving you craving more. "Not yet, mine own dram naughty bride," he purred. "We haven't begun yet. “
He stood up straight again, his hardened member now fully exposed, throbbing with anticipation. "do thee wanteth me to filleth thee up anon?” he asked, his voice husky with desire.
You panted heavily, your breath coming in ragged gasps. "Yes, please, Zestial," you pleaded, your voice hoarse from your intense arousal. "I need you inside me."
“Are thee sure mine own loveth, thy so bawbling i’m afraid i might breaketh thee. ” He teased, which only made whine pleadingly.
Without further ado, Zestial positioned himself between your spread legs once more. Slowly, he pushed himself into your tight, wet entrance, filling you up to the brim.
A mixture of pain and pleasure radiated throughout your body as he began to thrust rhythmically, his massive member stretching and stretching you further than you ever thought possible.
Each thrust was accompanied by a low groan from both of you, the sounds of your bodies slapping together filling the quiet room.
Your nails clawed at the sheets, leaving long, deep scratches in the fabric as he pounded into you relentlessly. Your orgasm built up faster than before, approaching its peak once more.
"Cum f'r me, mine own lief," Zestial growled, his eyes blazing with lust. "Let wend and releaseth all yond pent-up desire. “
You cried out his name, your body convulsing violently as you climaxed again, your juices coating his member and dripping down your thighs.
Your orgasm seemed to fuel him further, and he picked up the pace, thrusting faster and harder than ever before.
"Yes! More, give me more!" You begged, your voice barely recognizable from the pleasure that consumed you.
As your body continued to shake with each powerful thrust, Zestial groaned deeply, his fingers digging into your hips for support. Suddenly, he groaned loudly, his entire body tensing up before shooting his hot seed deep inside of you, filling you completely.
Finally, he pulled out of you, his cock still twitching as he collapsed beside you on the bed. Panting heavily, he reached over and brushed a strand of sweat-drenched hair from your forehead.
"That wast. quite wond'rful," he managed to croak out between heavy breaths. "Howev'r, i doubteth a single round shall suffice to satisfyeth mine own needeth, consid'ring i've been anticipating this moment f'r months. ”
“Oh.” Was all you had the time to say before your night of passion continues.
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"Thank you, Zestial," you panted, your own breath returning to normal. "That was... amazing."
You reached over and caressed his cheek, your fingers trailing down to his chin. "Could we... do it again sometime?"
He chuckled softly, his eyes softening slightly. "Of course, mine own lief jointress," he replied, chuckling at your somewhat innocent neediness, his voice still husky with satisfaction. "We has't all the timeth in this hellish w'rld togeth'r anon. "
You lay there for a while, basking in their post-coital bliss, their hearts racing in sync. Eventually, Zestial stirred, moving closer to you. "Do thee needeth aught else bef're we retireth f'r the night?” he asked, his hand trailing down your stomach to rest on your hipbone.
“No, I just want you close to me.” You answered,
“Of course.” he replied softly, placing a kiss on your forehead as you fell asleep in each other’s arms….
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Old English in order of apparition;
"You've madeth a valorous investment, mine lief friend. This salon is nothing but successful; you've hath found quite the gem, ” = "You've made a good investment, my friend. This salon is nothing but successful; you've found quite the gem,”
"is yond so? Quite the guts and perseverance the lady hath,“ = "Is that so? Quite the guts and perseverance she has,"
"well, sinners art inherently unpredictable creatures by nature. Plus," = "Well, sinners are inherently unpredictable creatures by nature. Plus,"
"with desserts like this, i don't expect anyone to intermit long ere coming to tryeth those folk for themselves. Speaking of which, i would love to compliment the owner and chef for such marvelous worketh, “ = "with desserts like this, I don't expect anyone to resist long before coming to try them for themselves. Speaking of which, I would love to compliment the owner and chef for such marvelous work,"
"yond would beest appreciated,“ = "That would be appreciated,"
"i wilt sayeth, miss y/n, i greatly enjoy thy establishment, and so doth mine people.” = "I must say, Miss Y/n, I greatly enjoy your establishment, and so do my people."
"quite the nervous one, isn’t the lady?" = "Quite the nervous one, isn’t she?"
"well, nay needeth for worries. 'zestial' is quite fine, child." = "Well, no need for worries. 'Zestial' is quite fine, child,"
"y/n, darling, may i hath't a word with thee?” he asked. = "Y/n, darling, may I have a word with you?"
"well, mine lovely business owner, i hath't to admit something to thee, so prithee did put the rag down and sitteth, " = "Well, my lovely business owner, I have to admit something to you, so please put the rag down and sit,"
"It seems that I have found mys"'t seemeth yond i hath't did find myself having fallen for thee,“ = "It seems that I have found myself having fallen for you,"
"i eke did notice yond thee seemeth to feeleth the same, or am i wrong?" = "I also noticed that you seem to feel the same, or am I wrong?"
"did doth bethink so," = "Thought so,"
"then, as we both feeleth for one another, i'd like to court thee, unless thee hath't something 'gainst me doing so.” = "Then, as we both feel for one another, I'd like to court you, unless you have something against me doing so."
"well, isn't yond perfect. I can't wait to hath't thee all to myself still,“ = "Well, isn't that perfect. I can't wait to have you all to myself forever,"
"how art thee liking thy food, mine sweet y/n?” = "How are you liking your food, my sweet Y/N?"
"everything is eke wonderful on mine end, " = "Everything is also wonderful on my end,"
"Mine darling, would thee mind stopping thy meal for an instant? I'd like to break with an important matter with thee.” = "My darling, would you mind stopping your meal for an instant? I'd like to discuss an important matter with you."
"mine love, despite not having known thee for yond long did compare to mine long existence, i cannot see myself spending mine life beyond the grave without thee. Thou art high-sighted, talented, ingenious, and quite quaint, to a sir like me, and i would did bet many others, ye art quite literally breathtaking. Yond is accounting for thee as a whole, not just thy aesthetic attributes. So, y/n l/n, would thee doth me the honor of being thy husband for eternity?” = "My love, despite not having known you for that long compared to my long existence, I cannot see myself spending my life beyond the grave without you. You're ambitious, talented, ingenious, and beautiful, to a man like me, and I would bet many others, you are quite literally breathtaking. That is accounting for you as a whole, not just your aesthetic attributes. So, Y/N L/N, would you do me the honor of being your husband for eternity?"
"to our dateless love,“ = "To our everlasting love,"
"Well, mine dearest bride, “ = "Well, my dearest bride,"
"'t seemeth we finally hath't some time high-lone.” = "It seems we finally have some time alone."
"thee behold absolutely stunning in yond gown, y/n.”= "You look absolutely stunning in that gown, y/n."
"art thee eft for me to claim what is rightfully mine?” = "Are you ready for me to claim what is rightfully mine?"
"tell me, mine own lief jointress," = "Tell me, my dear wife,"
"Would thee liketh me to gust thee first?” = "Would you like me to taste you first?"
"not yet, mine own dram naughty bride," = "Not yet, my little naughty bride,"
"We haven't begun yet. “ = "We haven't begun yet."
"do thee wanteth me to filleth thee up anon?” = "Do you want me to fill you up now?"
“are thee sure mine own loveth, thy so bawbling i’m afraid i might breaketh thee. ” = “Are you sure my love, your so small I’m afraid I might break you.”
"Cum f'r me, mine own lief," = "Cum for me, my dear,"
"Let wend and releaseth all yond pent-up desire. “= "Let go and release all that pent-up desire."
"That wast. quite wond'rful," = "That was... quite wonderful,"
"Howev'r, i doubteth a single round shall suffice to satisfyeth mine own needeth, consid'ring i've been anticipating this moment f'r months. ” = "However, I doubt a single round will suffice to satisfy my needs, considering I've been anticipating this moment for months.”
"Of course, mine own lief jointress," = “Of course, my dear wife,"
"We has't all the timeth in this hellish w'rld togeth'r anon. " = "We have all the time in this hellish world together now.”
"do thee needeth aught else bef're we retireth f'r the night?” = "Do you need anything else before we retire for the night?"
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Thanks anon for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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srbachchan · 6 months
DAY 5907
Jalsa, Mumbai Apr 20/21, 2024 Sat/Sun 12:37 AM
My gracious gratitude first to all they that wish Abhishek and Aishwarya on their Wedding Anniversary .. they send their acknowledgement and thank you for it ..
the conveniences that one seeks as the years skip by in leaps and bounds, is the desire to have at arms length the needs that be essential in today's times ..
as the years pass by the flexibility that would have prevailed earlier seems to have been stolen or spent or merely given away to nature ..
others in similar, shall be the ones to give it compassion and result .. not any other .. when they get to the condition they shall perhaps relive the Blog post and be in belief ..
the other matter, is for the cerebrum to be up to the speed of communication and information in all its zillions of alternatives, so that there shall never be a lapse of thinking or thought .. for that is what now prevails often ..
So a basic 'old age' device has been designed ..
The moment that name that event that destination that .. whatever .. does not appear on the screen of HD times 100 intensity before you .. get to the browser - thank thee O Lord for these simple creature comforts - and search the information ..
AAHHHHH .. yes of course the detail was at the tip of the tongue, but refused to give it voice and correct choice ..
Relief .. phew !! as is often used .. these days ..
And then the old world technology seeps in .. and you use the good ol' pen and write the information down on that sheet of blank paper lying 3 mm, that's .. 3 millimeters - from your nose .. and keep looking at it as you think of the next line for the Blog .. 🤣 ..
I have no idea why , but writing it down seems to have the quality and properties of a marking open, reflected within the intricate traffic of the brain ..
Once written .. written .. obeyed and believed .. and of course informed ..
it's the adage .. पत्थर पे लिखी लकीर !!
Moses and the 10 came much after I would like to believe !!
शुभ रात्रि .. as they would say back home 🤣
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Amitabh Bachchan
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manfrommars2049 · 1 year
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Ship 5907 by Tom Hicks via ImaginaryStarships
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badlydrawnkankri · 1 year
0MG W4LK 1N 4 57R41GH7 L13N LM40000 W3LC0M3 7W0 MY 7W1573D WRLD
5907 7H3 3MP7Y H1V3 🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏚️🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠
🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🏿🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌 WH1CH 0N3 15N7 Y3LL0W????/?//?
W3LCUM 7W0 73H FUR7H357 R1NG NU7 UP 0R 5LU7 UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!! - 51GN3D DU71FULY, BDM
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warehouse-staff-blog · 11 months
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
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では本日は2023 AW Lot 4800 BASEBALL TEEの新デザインと2023 AW Lot 5907 LONG SLEEVES HENRYNECK TEE入荷の御案内です。
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4800 7分袖ベースボールT NOKOMIS CAMPS \8.130-(with tax)
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戦士感溢れる逞しい顔つき。 顔にこのようなペイント?しているインディアンに目新しさを感じます。
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173cm,60kg SIZE:XL(NON WASH)
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. . .
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4800 7分袖ベースボールT TIGERS \8.130-(with tax)
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2023AWのフットボールTEEにもプリントされていた《BLACK RIVER FALLS》。
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話が逸れますが、野球となんとかは。 という話があるので触れずにいこうと思いましたがあまりにもタイムリーな為、 ちょこっとだけ触れておきますね。笑
ファンとか関係無く、 いち野球フリークの方々は良い内容だったと仰る方が多く、 盛り上がってましたね~。
ベースボールTEEといい商品名といい旬なデザインですねぇ。 ファンの方も記念に如何でしょう?
173cm,60kg SIZE:L(NON WASH)
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. . .
WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 5907 長袖ヘンリーネックT \8.800-(with tax)
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11月の気候に合わず、 暖かい(なんなら暑い)日が長引いたので長袖や7分袖の引く手も多いですよ。
173cm,60kg SIZE:L(NON WASH)
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気温が下がり一枚でとはいかなくなってきましたが、 インナーに丁度良いですよ。
・東京店:2023年 11/3(金)祝~11/7(火)・・・サンプル展示終了
・名古屋店:2023年 11/10(金)~11/14(火)・・・サンプル展示中!(11/14(火)の15時頃迄)
・大阪店:2023年 11/17(金)~11/21(火) ・福岡店:2023年 11/24(金)~11/28(火) ・阪急メンズ東京店:2023年 12/2(土)~12/6(水) ・札幌店:2023年 12/10(日)~12/13(水)
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headfulloflettuce · 8 days
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian
25. An Iris and Her Pine Tree
Note: Viviane and Kallias matching each other’s crazy for 5907 words straight.
“By the Mother Eris is attractive.” 
“Attractive? The male is steaming!”
“Did you see how he danced with Lady Noel on the Winter Solstice?”
Viviane sipped her tea as the young ladies of her court gushed over Autumn Court men.
“I am sorry, but I have to disagree. Day Court is where it's at if you want a fling.” another young female jumped into the discussion, “The emissaries Helion brought…I have no words.”
Thank goodness I have Solene and Evelyn here to keep me company.
Viviane glanced at her sister who was nodding at one of the females rambling about the Vanserra brothers, maintaining an air of interest.
“Well, if one is looking at potential partnerships, they must also consider the in-laws.” Evelyn smiled politely behind her tea cup.
Evelyn please do not stir up unnecessary drama.
The younger ladies shared a knowing glance; no High Fae male worth his money would marry his child off to a Vanserra unless the deal being offered was extremely profitable. No one wanted to deal with Beron in a dynamic where they had the disadvantage.
The only exception to this being Eris, the heir, but he would most likely marry someone within Autumn Court.
“Yes, in-laws are an important aspect of marriage.” Olwen nodded in agreement, the cute bow in her light brown hair bouncing as she reached over to take a sweet from the platter, “But so is love!”
Viviane could see Solene restrain a snort.
It was a beautiful take, but a naive one.
“I only hope that my future partner is half of the male Kallias is to our Lady of Winter.”
Viviane smiled, “Thank you dear, me and my mate are truly fortunate to have such a partnership.”
“But what if the male you fell in love with was a nobody? Someone who brought no value to your family or society?” Noel spoke up.
“What if your mate was from the lowest circles of faeries? A criminal no one wanted to associate with?”
“Well, I am sure that wouldn’t happen…”
“But what if it did?”
Olwen laughed nervously, dropping the cookie she had grabbed, leaving crumbs in her puffy, pale blue dress. Flustered, the lady quickly tried to clean up the mess she had made.
This child had entered society fairly recently - within the past ten years. Perhaps it was the conflict with Amarantha or the war with Hybern that followed soon after but she clearly lacked the elegance required for these events.
Viviane didn’t judge too harshly though, the point was to make friends.
However, Olwen will need to learn to deal with pressure if she wants to do well here.
“I heard you recently got a new pet hare Lady Olwen.” Viviane spoke up, changing the conversation thread.
Noel backed off, crossing her legs, her simpler dark blue dress resting well along her legs.
“Yes, my father got me one as a gift for my birthday. She’s absolutely gorgeous!” Olwen beamed.
“I heard he got you one when you made your debut into society as well.” Evelyn said.
Olwen nodded, “The two of them are so different yet get along so nicely. What about you Lady Noel?” Olwen turned to the white haired fae, “What animal did your family get you when you made your debut?”
Viviane wanted to facepalm. 
Did you not get enough the first time?
Noel smiled, “A polar bear.”
“O-Oh.” Olwen tried to smile back, “Aren’t those used for the military mostly? Not the most friendly house pet is it?”
“Who said it was for the house? My father wanted me to be well defended and ready for the world outside our home. Hence, he gifted me a creature that could match me in strength and smarts.” Noel’s voice took on a mocking tone, “Though, I am sure a cute little white hare will strike fear into its enemies.”
Olwen tensed, “You…that hare was expensive and is of the highest quality!”
“So is my bear.”
“But it’s so unlady-like!”
“Ha…Lady Olwen, my family is in the military business, do you really think I am concerned about the ‘lady-like’ nature of a bear?”
“You…but that’s…”
Viviane did not step in to help the recently debuted female. 
“Perhaps you think I would like a little canary or another fancy dress?” Noel pushed even more, “Truly, with all the time you’ve spent renewing your wardrobe Lady Olwen, I would have hoped you’d have the decency to study up on the interests of your fellow ladies.”
Olwen looked tearful, her hands made into fists as she stared dejectedly down, unable to come up with any counter argument.
A shame, I had high hopes for Olwen. Her family consisted of quick witted scholars, but this was just embarrassing.
“Ahem…I heard there were quite a few intriguing new vendors during the solstice.” Solene spoke up, returning the conversation flow.
With an older fae having spoken, some of the younger females calmed, smiling once more. Olwen’s expression remained a scowl.
“The new perfumery was there too!”
“What was it called again?”
“Serene Fragrances.”
“Did you get a chance to try out the perfume they released for the solstice?”
“They released a new perfume?!”
“Wow, you’re really out of the loop.”
“I heard the perfumer was spotted walking in the Forge district with Amelio.” one of the other ladies leaned in, whispering. 
Not that any secret mentioned here would remain a secret for long.
“Forge district?”
“Why would she go there?”
“Perhaps…you know…she has a thing with him?”
“With whom?”
The ladies gasped at such news.
“But he’s with Lady Solene!”
“So?” Olwen spoke up, “Birds of a feather flock together. It only makes sense that two Lesser Fae would date. They can’t understand what an honor it is to be married to a lady like Solene, so they go and pull a stunt like this.”
Viviane smiled.
Olwen smiled back brightly.
Wow, truly not a thought in that pretty head of hers.
A couple ladies had the self awareness to be nervous and embarrassed by Olwen’s statement, glancing at Solene to gauge her reaction to the rumors. 
Solene however remained calm, elegantly trying one of the cookies dusted with white sugar.
The idea that Amelio would ever cheat was stupid. Is there something wrong with our water supply? How could you even have such a thought?
“On the topic of the Forge district,” Noel spoke, her voice overpowering the general chatter, “What is the administration's progress regarding the food shortages, Lady of Winter?”
There it was.
“We are currently working on programs to ensure improvements to our internal food supply.”
“What of external food sources?” Noel tilted her head, “How are negotiations with Autumn?”
“I am afraid I cannot disclose a state secret like that.”
Not even to Kallias’s close family.
“I see, however I am still curious,” Noel continued, “If negotiations are taking so long do you require additional help?”
“I can assure you that we can handle it. The best thing you can do to help us is do what you do best and continue helping your family’s business.”
The ladies present watched the two as if it were a duel in a Day Court stadium - who would win?
“I would but even there you have given us orders that some would argue to be counterintuitive.”
“Are you questioning the instructions we have given you?” Viviane leaned back in her armchair.
“Of course not Lady of Winter.” Noel’s tone was serious, “I would never think of doing such a wretched thing, but I must ask how much longer things will go on like this?” 
Viviane had to admit Kallias’s cousin was a master of pissing her off and walking the border of respect - just like his uncle.
“We are working towards resolving all these issues.”
Noel nodded, but looked unsatisfied with that answer.
I wish I could tell you that eventually we will stop letting Night Court pass through with no consequences, or that I have a definitive solution for the food shortage, but I can’t.
A grandfather clock sounded as it struck 2pm..
“Well, it seems our time here together is over unfortunately.” Evelyn pipped in, cutting through the tension that had settled over the group.
Everyone began getting up, curtseying before Viviane as they left.
“Thank you for the invitation.” Noel bowed.
“I appreciate your attendance.” Viviane nodded in acknowledgement, watching the fae disappear down the hallway.
Viviane relaxed in her armchair as all the guests left, leaving just her sister and Solene.
“Well Your Majesty, any of the new ladies catch your eye? Olwen seems like such a joy, no?”
“Please save your tone Solene.” Viviane ran a hand down her face, “Did etiquette tutors die out, or has gossip always been this bad?”
I am not about to bring someone into my close circle of supporters who actively wants to belittle those who keep our economy running.
“Gossip always has been this bad,” Evelyn said, setting down her teacup, “You’ve just been so busy with Kallias’s duties that you haven’t gotten to see it as much as us. Welcome to the club sister.”
“That is concerning.”
“In their defense, most kept their mouths shut during Amarantha’s rule of fifty years,” Evelyn muttered.
“It’s because nobody wanted their head on a spike, or worse.” Solene retorted.
Or worse - the fate that befell those younglings.
“Noel did well, as always.” Viviane said.
Regardless of her feelings towards the fae Viviane had to acknowledge her prowess in the social circles; since, that was exactly what made her so dangerous to their rule. 
Granted, I’d rather deal with Noel than her uncle or any other members of Kallias’s distant family.
Solene nodded in agreement, “Surprising none of us of course. What about the others, any thoughts?”
“Well, I wasn’t particularly impressed by the rest, but we’ll make do. We’ll reach out to those who were staying quiet during the major disputes.”
Their silence could be an indicator of smarts. Not every fae can remain quiet in such an environment after all.
“Later I’ll look over in more detail again who came and select a few of the gossipers for closer observation.”
Even if I don’t like faeries that needlessly spout nonsense, that ‘nonsense’ is what keeps our social circles busy and defines family relations or even a faerie’s status for centuries to come.
“Sounds good.” Evelyn said.
“How is Cosette’s project coming along?” Viviane looked at Solene.
We need to get Noel off our back as soon as possible.
“It’s coming along well. According to Amelio they sent out the first shipment of prototypes to be tested yesterday.”
“Good.” Viviane played lazily with the fur of the blanket on the armchair, “Say Solene, what do you make of Cosette?”
“Smart girl.”
“Anything else?”
We’re not having you and Amelio watch her to only get ‘smart’ as feedback.
Solene smirked, “The girl undersells herself. I honestly don’t know if she does it on purpose or if she’s really that naive. She claims to ‘have little experience with business management’ and that she has ‘a minimal understanding of the inner workings of the Winter Court’, while her actions scream otherwise.”
Unless she just got extremely lucky, however, that fae’s idea to improve our farming system didn’t seem like a mindless attempt at striking gold. It was planned and well thought out.
“How is her relationship with Amelio?”
“Wary, but you know my husband.” Solene smiled darkly, “He has the ability to calm even the jumpiest of fae. They’re getting along just fine.”
Good, I do not need her acting up right now.
To put it frankly, at the moment, Cosette was a wild card. Either one that turned out to be a golden goose, or one that could cause more problems than good later down the line if not taken care of.
Viviane was hoping it was the former.
“Amelio would adopt the girl if he could.” Solene confessed.
“Really? Adoption? Forgive me, your husband never struck me as the type for such noble acts.” Evelyn, just like Viviane, was surprised.
The male who was the star example of a vicious and cruel Winter Fae? The one who would throw an innocent to Autumn’s notorious hounds and smile as they were torn to shreds? That male wanted to adopt a complete stranger?
“Oh trust me I reacted the same way as you’re looking at me now.” Solene laughed dryly, “He says she has the drive and instincts he wished he saw more of in his students or fellow entrepreneurs. He’s practically itching to mold her into the perfect little business fae. Claims it would be easier to accomplish such a task if the female was within the family. Makes it easier to manipulate and control her.”
That sounded more like the Amelio we know and love.
Seeing Viviane’s tense expression Solene raised her hands placatingly, “Don’t worry Viv, he hasn’t done anything yet. Amelio is waiting patiently for yours and Kallias’s command.”
Viviane nodded.
“Are you still trying?” Evelyn looked at Solene, her eyes soft.
“Casually, it would be nice to have an heir eventually. Additional layer of security, you know?” Solene answered, standing up, “But we’re not holding our breaths.”
Evelyn followed suit, helping Viviane stand up.
“When is your due date?” Solene looked at the Lady of Winter.
“It should be any day now.” Viviane smiled, patting her stomach.
“It’s best that you have the healers on site, just in case.” Solene noted.
“We have already summoned a team to stay in the palace.”
“How long until we get a response from the farms about the prototype?”
“A couple weeks.”
Not horribly long.
“Thank you for your work, both of you.” 
Viviane dragged herself out of the room, bidding goodbye to Solene and Evelyn, making her way to the private area of the palace reserved for herself, Kallias and Briar.
The Lady of Winter took her duties seriously. From the smallest details in how plates were set up during official dinners, to the big picture of where trade routes were located and their subsequent impacts on their economy and relations with other courts.
This tea party was just another one of those duties. Listening to her fellow noble ladies' plights and concerns. Their dramas and intrigues. It might seem trivial, but it was vital in order to maintain an image and an understanding of their court’s current ongoings. No matter how…annoying the conversations could get. 
Looking out the window overlooking the training ground she could see Briar chatting with a few soldiers, all of them dressed in training gear.
Viviane smiled. 
It’s nice to see her happy.
She knocked on a large oak door, painted in various shades of blues, with little detailed ice shards and crystals decorating the edge of it.
“Come in.”
Viviane entered, making her way over to Kallias who was pouring over paperwork, as always.
“Love?” Kallias frowned upon seeing his wife, “Are you alright?”
She groaned, collapsing into his arms.
Kallias gently hummed, holding his mate close, “Did the tea party not go well?”
“It went how it always does.”
“Which member of the family did my uncle send now?”
“Seems like she’s becoming more and more active within society recently.”
“She’s always been active.”
“So you’re used to dealing with her then.”
“Ehh…more desensitized and overly prepared.” Viviane smiled.
“What’s the most recent drama that is plaguing our dear court now?” Kallias gently stroked her hair, lowering his voice.
“They were gossiping about how Cosette is stealing Amelio away from Solene.”
Kallias snorted, “Not a brain shared between half of them I see.”
“That or they are all pretending to be stupid.”
“Are they smart enough to do that though?”
Viviane giggled, “Probably not the younger ones.”
“How are the older ladies?”
“I have a separate tea party with them planned later this week. Though, I suspect we’ll all spend more time looking over business contracts rather than drinking tea and chatting.”
Kallias nodded, tracing patterns on Viviane’s shoulder with a finger, “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Viviane giggled, a comfortable silence settling over them as they enjoyed each other’s company.
“Was my family really that bad when I was gone?”
“Absolutely. They’re practically angels now that you’re here.”
“Well, I wouldn’t call them angelic…”
“By comparison Kallias, they absolutely are.”
Kallias admitted defeat by giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“My uncle is loyal though.”
“I know, that’s why I didn’t get rid of them like I did with some of the other families who were acting up. Your close relatives at least played nice and were willing to work together during Amarantha’s rule, instead of being hell-bent on destroying the court from the inside.” she exhaled, leaning against his chest, “How much longer do you think they’ll wait for results?”
Kallias sighed, “Until the problems we’re dealing with start impacting the flow of money into their pockets.”
“It already is.”
“Then we’re beginning to run out of time.” Kallias gently stroked Viviane’s stomach, trying to feel for the kicking babe, “Speaking of time, aren’t you due already?”
Everyone was asking the same questions.
“The healers said that the baby might come a bit late but we don’t have reason to worry yet.”
Kallias hummed, his worries not soothed. 
“Perhaps you should be resting then.” Kallias bit his tongue upon seeing his mate’s thunderous expression.
“Resting? With all the issues our court is facing?”
“Forgive me my lady for even suggesting such a bizarre notion.”
Viviane huffed.
“Please consider it Viv. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you or the child.” he kissed her neck, cupping her face carefully, holding his whole word in the palms of his hands, “You have looked more tired lately.”
She looked away from her mate, knowing he spoke the truth, “Fine, I’ll clear out the rest of my schedule for the evening.”
“Thank you.”
“However, I am not skipping Cosette’s visit.”
“Guess I cannot make you sit that out.”
“We both ordered a perfume, I want to receive my purchase in person too.”
“Of course.” Kallias kissed her hair.
This male has been desperate since they made their agreement to hold off on anything since the middle of her pregnancy.
Viviane got off his lap before they made any decisions they would regret.
“Cosette is going to be here at around 3. We should get going.”
Kallias nodded, standing up and taking Viviane's hand, beginning to lead them to the throne room when Viviane gently pulled on his arm, stopping him.
“Love?” he looked at her with a confused expression.
“We should meet her somewhere more casual.”
Kallias raised an eyebrow, following his mate to one of the rooms they used for meeting with emissaries or important guests, “Any particular reason?”
“Do you want to spook her by sitting on your throne?”
“Then we meet her here.”
“Fair enough.” Kallias smirked, following Viviane’s lead he ordered one of the nearby guards to bring Cosette here instead of the throne room.
Viviane sat down on the couch, wrapping a blanket around herself.
This was much more comfortable than a throne.
“You know…you’re quite the manipulator when you want to be.”
“Whatever do you mean my love?” Viviane’s eyes narrowed mischievously.
“Easing the poor girl into a sense of security? Permitting Briar to be friends with her?”
“Oh please, Briar wanted to be friends with her long before we had a vested interest in that fae.”
“Yet you’re actively encouraging her to meet up with Cosette.”
“Just like you do too! Kal, don't call me out when you have tightened security around the streets that perfumer frequents.”
“Well I can’t have a visiting emissary try to steal a new talent away, can I?”
Viviane rolled her eyes.
An upbeat knock sounded on the door.
“Come in.” Kallias permitted.
Cosette stepped in, bowing “I greet the High Lord and Lady of Winter.”
“Please sit down.” Viviane gestured to the couch across them.
Neither ruler missed the way the fae’s eye scanned the room, taking in its icy opulence. Cosette quickly caught herself staring at the scenic paintings on the walls, and ornate furniture along the sides. 
She walked over to the couch Viviane had pointed to and sat down, the large window to their right made her blonde hair shine slightly. The fae wasn’t beautiful like many individuals Viviane had to interact with on a daily basis. Not that she wasn’t pretty. The term ‘cute’ might be a better way to describe her.
Cosette pulled off her cloak and sweaters before placing, and unwrapping before them a small, neatly packaged box, 
“I finished your custom orders. I apologize for the wait but I wanted to make sure that the scents were perfect before I presented them to you.”
Viviane’s eyes widened, the bottles were gorgeous. The first was a round bottle with the top designed like an iris flower, its petals curving outward, a few melting into the bottle’s body. The second bottle was taller, with the top being a pine tree, the branches of which were designed to look like ice shards.
If Viviane wasn’t confident in Cosette’s perfumery skills she would have been nervous. The perfumery street’s expensive stores were notorious for their gorgeous bottles and designs. It was a nice way of distracting the viewer from the atrocious smell for enough seconds to get them to make a purchase.
Noticing the presence of only two bottles, Viviane spoke up, “Will you be giving Briar’s perfume in person?”
“I am sorry, I haven't quite completed Briar’s perfume yet. I want to spend a bit more time with her before I decide what perfume would fit her best.”
Viviane was satisfied with that answer.
As long as Briar was happy and Cosette kept visiting them, this arrangement was acceptable.
“Did you commission a glassmaker for these?” Kallias picked up the pine tree bottle, examining it closely.
“Yes, there is this one glassworks shop in the center of the city. The first time I explored the capital I was enamored by the demonstrations they were doing in the window.”
“I assume the iris flower is for me?” Viviane picked up the other bottle.
“It is.” Cosette confirmed.
Viviane spritzed the perfume on her wrist. The scent was gentle, the primary note being iris but she could smell the subtle presence of the aster flower.
Kallias leaned over to take a small whiff, a smile spreading across his face.
“It smells good.”
Viviane hummed in agreement, “Cosette, may I ask why you selected the scents you did for this perfume?”
Kallias made eye contact with Viviane for a split second as he sat up straight again.
“Well, I wanted something that would compliment you visually, and the purple iris is perfect due to its regality. I also believe you to be a wise ruler that strikes hope and trust into the hearts of the Winter Court’s citizens. Hence, the usage of iris as the primary scent note.” Cosette spoke, “You are also the image of elegance and patience within Winter Court society that many ladies strive to learn from, so I included aster as an additional scent flavor.”
Viviane smiled.
Perfect answer.
Kallias tried his own cologne - a fresh musky, pine-like scent filling the air, with an undertone of rosemary. He nodded in approval, looking to Cosette for an explanation.
“During your visit you mentioned liking the smell of forests so I thought of Winter Court’s infamous snowy forests for inspiration, which led to me selecting cypress as the perfume’s primary scent due to its smell being reminiscent of a pine or cedar. I included rosemary for a eucalyptus undertone that contrasts the cypress's sweetness. With cypress representing eternity or specifically everlasting life, combined with rosemary being a symbol for remembrance, I believed them to be a good fit for the High Lord of eternal winter.”
Kallias hummed appreciatively, “You put a lot of thought into your work.”
“I want to deliver the best product I can.” Cosette smiled.
“We can see that.” Viviane said, “Your efforts are not going unnoticed.”
Whether they are in perfumery or other things. If the goal was to remain discreet you have failed. But, that’s okay, discretion is a skill we can teach you.
“Cosette, how is the farming project coming along?” Kallias set down his perfume bottle, leaning back on the couch.
“It’s going well. We sent out the first round of prototypes for testing to a farm yesterday.”
As we were told.
“Do you have enough people working on production? We have good artisans within the palace, and others that we can recommend inside the Forge district.” Kallias questioned.
“His father is assisting whenever he can but he’s currently ill, so no, not really.” Cosette hurriedly added, “I do plan on hiring more people personally once we get results back from this first test run.”
Solene was right, she is a smart girl. If she were to agree to our, or Amelio’s offers of assistance she would risk losing the extent of ownership she currently has over her little project. However, there is only so far she will get on her own.
Eventually, she will require the help of High Fae more and more. Something akin to a patron. I wonder when she will realize this?
Viviane brushed that question off.
She won’t need to realize anything if we’re smart about this.
“Would you like to stay for tea?” Viviane offered.
“I am afraid I can’t. I left the perfumery in Ophelia’s hands and I am worried about her having to handle everything by herself.” Cosette pulled on one of her sweaters, “Not that Ophelia isn’t competent, it’s just that it’s hard to handle a bunch of customers all by yourself.”
“Didn’t you have a male working for you as well?” Kallias raised an eyebrow.
“Theo? Yeah, but he’s currently working on the farming project, so he has no time to help us out at the moment.” Cosette smiled awkwardly, “I really need to hire more workers but I haven’t had the time to.”
“Well, good luck at the perfumery then.” Viviane didn’t pressure. They would be seeing more of each other soon anyways.
“Here is the payment for the perfumes.” Kallias pushed forward an envelope.
“Thank you.” Cosette said, pocketing the money.
“Are you cold?” Viviane tilted her head, watching Cosette as she pulled on yet another sweater.
The poor thing is as bundled up as Day or Summer Court emissaries whenever they visited.
“Yeah, I have a weak constitution so I dress warmly.” the blonde explained, putting on her hat and scarf.
“I presume you’re not from Winter Court then?” Viviane asked.
Solene had mentioned that the girl was from a village in the Faerie Lands.
“No, I am from a village in a central forest of the Faerie Lands.”
“What’s the weather like there?” Kallias smiled.
“Warmer.” Cosette smiled, the expression slightly stiff, “It’s not snowing all year round.”
Kallias chuckled, “Well, don’t freeze on us.”
“Yes, please take care of your health.” Viviane agreed.
“I am trying to Your Majesties.”
Cosette bowed, leaving the meeting room, with one of the guards escorting her away.
“Well, thoughts?” Viviane leaned back as well, matching her husband’s energy.
Kallias responded after a minute of thinking, a hand resting on his chin, “She has the behavior of a business fae that I would like on our side. Not only does she have good ideas, but she’s calm and collected when questioned. Many fae would get too nervous before giving as eloquent an explanation as she gave.”
Well, let’s give our faeries some credit here. It’s not that they don’t know things, they just have stage fright before their literal rulers. Cosette wasn’t from Winter Court and thus didn’t feel the same way towards us. It hardly seemed fair to be so harsh in the assessment.
“She’s adamant on refusing help or relying on resources from others though.”
“Not adamant enough. She hasn’t pushed Amelio, or us away.” Kallias argued, “Cosette is keeping a respectable distance but that’s just because she’s wary. Wariness is a good thing in business. It keeps a fae smart. Wouldn’t you be disappointed if she was a pushover?”
“I guess that’s true.” Viviane agreed.
“Sooner or later she will need to accept our help, or one of our close supporter’s help as otherwise she won’t be able to grow.” Kallias stood up, pacing the room, “Alliances are key to success within such work. We offer her the perfect connections to expand her business.”
Viviane let her husband ramble, her eyes tracking his fluid movements. 
“I shall invite her to the palace personally. If we are planning on truly bringing her into High Fae society we will need to prepare her not only to handle the conniving words of politicians but the behavior of business fae.” Kallias thought aloud, “We have quarterly meetings with the trades faeries of our court. I can teach her the basics of our economy and commerce over lunch. Then, invite her to said meeting which gives her the opportunity to create new connections due to our help.”
“Who’s the manipulator now?”
“Oh hush, you’re scheming just as much as I am.”
“Of course I am.” Viviane confirmed, sitting up, the blanket previously wrapped around her falling down slightly, “I will invite her over for tea with my close friends, but before that she will need to be taught etiquette. I am sure Briar will not mind having a friend join her in her studies.”
Kallias walked back over to Viviane, kissing her, “I love your mind.”
“And I love yours.”
Viviane found her appetite lacking as she stared down at the delicious spread before her. Kallias kept casting glances at her as he ate the pork on his plate, and Briar nearly devoured the plate as well, hungry from all the training earlier that day.
“Viv,” he stared gently, “Can you try to eat at least a couple bites?”
“I am really not hungry, Kallias.” she sighed, putting her head in her hands. She felt so tired, wanting nothing more than to collapse into bed and hopefully sleep. The baby in her stomach had decided that his mother did not require sleep as he kept kicking her awake in the middle of the night yesterday.
“What about some juice then?” he offered her a glass of apple juice, which she reluctantly took and began sipping.
Briar nodded, her expression concerned, “Are you okay Viviane?”
“Yeah I am fine, just need to rest.” Viviane gave the human a smile, following Kallias’s lead out of their private dining room.
Her mate carefully supported her as they walked to their shared bedroom, the walk taking a lot more out of Viviane then she would have liked to admit.
Seeing her exhaustion, Kallias winnowed them straight onto the bed.
“Kal, you didn’t have to.” Viviane sighed, tugging off her dress.
“You look like you were about to collapse if you walked another step.” Kallias murmured, giving her a nightgown and helping her change into it, “What kind of male do you take me for? To allow my partner to walk in that state?”
Viviane rolled her eyes, snuggling up to him, “You should save your energy.”
“Ha, for what?” Kallias chuckled, “For paperwork?”
“Exactly, or a number of other courtly duties.”
“Well, if I am banned from using my magic, then I shall have to carry my beautiful lady like I did on the night of our mating ceremony.”
“You’re impossible.”
“No, I am persistent.” Kallias smiled, leaning over and capturing Viaine’s lips, “Let me take care of you love, please.”
“But I am okay.” she kissed back, sighing as his hands wrapped around her, playing with her hair, his body hovering inches above hers.
“You ran this court all by yourself for fifty years, let me be here for you now.” Kallias moved his kisses down her neck to her collarbone.
Viviane wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him closer so they were now touching.
“We agreed to not do anything until the baby was born.” Kallias whispered, moving his kisses back up her neck.
“Well the baby has decided to stick around for longer, so why do-” Viviane gasped.
“Viv? What is it? What’s wrong?” Kallias immediately sat up, trying to see what caused her reaction.
“My water broke.” she stared at her mate, “The baby is coming.”
“Holy shit.” Kallias quickly got off the bed, before rushing back into bed to fix the blankets and pillows around Viviane to make her more comfortable, “I am going to call for the healers, I will be right back. Alright?”
Viviane simply nodded, countless thoughts racing through her mind. Kallias winnowed away leaving her alone.
Was the baby going to be healthy? Was it a boy or girl? Was her not eating that evening going to be bad? Who was going to change the sheets? 
Wait, Kallias. I want him here. 
Why was he not here?
As soon as the thoughts of panic had begun to creep up the familiar presence returned along with a couple others. 
She grabbed for the familiar hand that gently squeezed hers. Soft lips pressing against her fingers.
“I am back. I am here.” Kallias reassured her as the healers busied themselves around her, checking her vitals.
“Everything seems in order.” the older healer spoke, looking at his rulers, “Now we just wait.”
“How long?” Viviane asked.
“A while.”
As soon as Viviane heard the baby’s cries she relaxed against the pillows, Kallias wiping away her tears.
“You did it. You’re okay.” he murmured softly, not letting go of her hand.
Viviane nodded, unable to stop smiling at the small body that was being carried away to be wrapped up.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl.” the head healer smiled, taking the child to a changing table.
Viviane tensed when the child disappeared from view.
Where did she go?
She gripped the sheets of the bed, ice covering the top slightly.
“Bring her back!” she cried.
“Love, they’re just putting her in a blanket.” Kallias tried to calm his mate through gritted teeth. It didn’t help that he himself was restraining the urge to deck the healer for taking the child away but he knew it was necessary. 
The two only relaxed when the doctor returned with the child in his arms.
Viviane snatched the baby back, practically growling at the healer who took a step back for his own safety. Kallias waved a hand dismissively, the healer and his assistants getting the message and disappearing out the door.
The babe sniffled as Viviane shushed and soothed her, gently rocking her back and forth.
“Hi little one.” Viviane felt tears in her eyes, “It’s me. Do you recognize me?”
The baby cried.
“Please don’t cry, or I’ll cry too.”
Kallias wiped Viviane’s tears away, settling in on the bed beside his mate.
“You’re so beautiful.” Viviane gently stroked the child’s cheek as she slowly calmed.
The fireplace crackled, while the wintry winds howled outside, beginning to paint the large windows of their bedroom.
“Her name is Lumi.” Viviane stated, brooking no argument.
Kallias reached out to gently stroke the child’s head, “Hello Lumi. Welcome home.”
That night the winds in Winter Court picked up, and snow covered every inch of open space; celebrating the arrival of a new fae child. 
Next: Chapter 26 - Toxic Tea
Back: Chapter 24 - Pointy Stick of Doom
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weirdsatellites · 29 days
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IMINT #5907 from GPS III-SV05 (USAP) 1. Mystic Ninja Anti-Matter Facility 2. Crystal Tent 3. Buried Skunkworks Opera House
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damnfandomproblems · 5 days
To 5907
Let's not muddy the waters any with "married parents" as a parameter, because blended families, even those from when the children are very young, 99.999% of the time grow up knowing they're not genetically related. The Westermarck effect seems to largely be an after effect of modern life, and the amount of consensual incest the world still participates in counters the aversion argument.
Long story short: incest is by definition close genetic relatives only, and it varies from culture to culture who that actually applies to.
Anyone not a close relative is either "pseudo incest" because of feelings essentially or just...some media trope about something-close-to-lovers
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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