#5 luxurious trains to travel
dsharma-world · 1 year
5 luxurious trains of India
India is home to some of the most luxurious trains in the world that offer an unforgettable travel experience. Here are the 5 best luxurious trains of India: Palace on Wheels: Palace on Wheels is one of the most luxurious trains in India that takes you on a journey through Rajasthan. The train offers 14 luxury cabins, each equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, attached…
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emperor1258 · 1 year
 Emperor Holidays is giving the open Travel Facility at the Negotiable Amount for exploring the India’s Best Golden Triangle Tour 4 Nights 5 Days, which is not enough long period and as well short period, this tour will cover the Delhi Agra Jaipur. All three places are the most historical Places. Top Monument of these City Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Amber Fort all are World Heritage Site, in which you can spend a Day on every site
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wardenparker · 10 months
Vampire Waltz - ch 13
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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A mysterious inheritance, sprawling mansion, eccentric roommates, friendly bat, and coven of New England witches are the newest chapter of your life after being unceremoniously dumped and kicked out by your boyfriend. For Max, the biggest change in his life is you, and what exactly he's going to do about the fact that he is stuck living with you as long as his sire continues to punish him for that incident at his last office...
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 7.7k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: deceased parents, cursing, food, blood and blood drinking, depictions and references to abusive relationships. Anxiety and trauma responses. Self-worth issues.* References to past sexual encounters, a dash of angst, light gambling (friendly wager on cards), Reference to the Civil War, family drama/angst, brief mentions of blood drinking, tooth rotting fluff. Summary: Off on an adventure to Gilded Age New York City, the train ride has as much excitement in store as you could possibly have expected from the entire trip. Notes: A short but emotionally impactful chapter this week, my loves! Please enjoy a glimpse at a Pullman sleeper car. They're honestly pretty beautiful and comfy and I'd love to travel in one 💚
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12
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Your breath is even, making your chest rise and fall slowly against his cool body. Wrapping around him as if you are afraid he would leave this bed while you rest. Even in sleep, your blissful sighs are soft and content, worn out by the endless hours Max had wrung orgasm after orgasm out of you. Learning your limits and everything that you like and dislike when a man has his tongue buried in your warmth. His own smirk is self-satisfied and slightly smug from the number of times you had called out to the gods because of the pleasure.
Hours later, after sleeping the morning and even some of the afternoon away and having an afternoon tea that is the equivalent of a Gilded Age light lunch, Mr. Taylor is loading your trunks onto the carriage that Emmanuel has arrived in to take you all to the train station. While your mother is saying a very sweet goodbye to her own mother, you and Max are standing just at the doorstep with Yayo.
“When you return we will discuss your intent to return home,” he tells you quietly, keeping his choice of words intentionally enigmatic. “For now, enjoy yourselves. I understand the Vanderbilts have offered you their guest rooms so you do not have to stay anywhere as impersonal as a hotel?”
Max smirks slightly and nods. “We have accepted the gracious invitation and will be a sterling example of the Brown name.” While Max is not using the same last name, he understands that his sire has vouched for him and any scandal would fall back on his reputation.
“Enjoy yourselves.” What Yayo has not told you is that he had given Max something of an allowance to be used while you are in New York, making sure that the group of you will be able to dine, shop, and travel as you see fit for your five-day trip. You’re even taking Renee with you, as you and Annie will doubtlessly need the help dressing for your many outings and dinners, and it would put a strain on the Vanderbilt’s staff if they had to supply two young ladies with a suitable maid for almost a week. Emmanuel’s valet has been instructed that he will also be dressing Max during the trip. It’s all…extraordinarily overdone, in your opinion. But as vacations go? It might be the single most luxurious one you’ll ever take in your life. So you intend to enjoy it.
“We intend to.” You assure your grandfather after he shakes Max’s hand and places a very paternal kiss on your cheek. “Thank you. I know this means the world to Annie.”
Max watches the exchange between you and your grandfather with soft affection. The knowing glint in the elder vampire’s eyes was telling and he had been subtly warned to take care of both you and your mother while off on this trip.
“And be sure to call on the Astors just to be polite.” He urges. The Astors and Roosevelts had been welcoming to you at the ball after finding out that you and Max were considered family.
“We’re having dinner there on Wednesday.” Getting that invitation had been thrilling as all hell. Just about as thrilling as when Max came to you seconds later to excitedly tell you that the Vanderbilts had offered you lodging. Max had been very popular last night.
“Very well.” Max’s sire nods seriously and glances at your soulmate. “We will see you when you return.”
Still in an extremely good mood from last night and from this morning, you lend your grandfather a smile before stepping away from the door to get into the carriage. "Enjoy having some peace and quiet."
Cookie slides up to her soulmate’s side and wraps her arm through his with a sly smirk. “We will.” She promises as she winks at you.
The carriage is large enough for the four of you to pile into, and the clear sky of the day means that Renee and Emmanuel's valet happily sit with the driver. The chilly October day is still sunny this afternoon and by the time you reach the train station and are loaded on board, the pinks and purples of sunset streak the sky through the windows of the Pullman car to light up the green and bronze colored interior brilliantly.
“This is niiiiiice.” Max knows none of the others will get the reference, but you will understand the tone as he examines the interior of the carriage with great enthusiasm.
Barely managing not to snort when you laugh, you have to cover your face and clear your throat to get your composure back when Emmanuel looks at you both quizzically. “It is exceptionally luxurious. And very kind of you to share your car with us.”
“This could feel like the elegant parlor in a home.” Max offers, reaching out and touching the pillow that it sitting in a cushioned chair.
“We have teased my mother that she spent more time styling the family’s car than she did choosing names for us all,” Emmanuel jokes, looking around the space with pride. “It is rather splendid though, is it not?”
“I think you could comfortably live in something like this.” Max is fully aware of the future, but it’s still a nice thought. Traveling by rail and touring the country is far more romantic than driving in an RV.
“Perhaps we should.” A squeeze of his hand makes him more than aware that you’re teasing, but you still wink playfully. “Travel the country in a Pullman car to decide where to live? It sounds positively luxurious.”
Max arches a brow at Emmanuel teasingly. “Happy wife, happy life, that’s my motto. Sounds like I might be ordering one from you. What all can go into one?”
The look of delight on Emmanuel’s face is like Christmas two months early, and you can’t help but laugh to yourself as your mother’s soulmate embarks on an obviously passionate listing of all the perks and practical benefits of long-term train travel in these cars specifically. “I think he enjoys talking about his family’s business,” you observe to Annie wryly.
“He is very proud of it.” She murmurs back, pride on her own face as she watches the two of them discuss business. “His dream to is run the company one day after his grandfather passes.”
“I’m sure they will be very proud to have him take over.” Knowing that the man will not survive that long makes you swallow your regret, but there is nothing you can do about it. History cannot be changed. If you interfere to spare your mother’s heartbreak, you will literally never be born.
"With the right woman by his side." She giggles quietly and bites her lip as she nearly vibrates with excitement. Emmanuel had asked to speak to her father just this morning and she's sure that a proposal is coming.
“Give him time.” Not having vampiric hearing, you’re unaware of what happened downstairs this afternoon while you were getting dressed to leave Newport. “Do not be disappointed if he takes a little time.”
"He spoke with father." She leans into whisper in confidence, breaking out into a large, happy grin. "I have a feeling that we will be engaged by the Astor's ball!"
“That will be quite the souvenir to return home with from the city.” It would be a wonderful thing for her right now, obviously, but you dread the idea that she might take your new found friendship so straight forwardly and do something like ask you to be in her wedding party. Something you would have to say no to.
"I think I might die!" She giggles dramatically and collapses against your arm. "He is just so perfect. And I've decided that I will ask him about his scars tonight."
“Then we might have a very eventful trip indeed.” She’s so happy and it’s intense and infectious and so very sweet — you can’t help but hug her as she stands beside you. “I would ask if you are excited to see the Vanderbilts again but I think you must have spent a lot of time with them.”
"Despite my father thinking little of their plans to tear down the cottages and build a bigger home, he quite likes them." She shrugs. "They have been very kind, especially when in social gatherings."
“With six children, I can only think the house must be very crowded.” There were so many times as a child that you had wished for that many siblings, but as an adult the idea of giving birth to six kids makes you want to carry a bottle of Advil out of fear.
"I cannot even imagine." Annie shakes her head and bites her lip. "I don't think I would want that many children myself."
“Neither do I.” Ah. Interesting to know after the fact that you were an only child because your mother very reasonably didn’t want to put her body through that. That sounds very much like your pragmatic mother.
"Although, mother assures me that father has the most delightful pain tonic to help with the pains." She sighs softly. "I was never lonely like some expected me to be as an only child."
“Then you were very lucky.” Before you can say more, which is probably for the best, the conductor comes around to ask the four of you to settle in for the beginning of the journey. There is a table and set of four chairs in the center of the car for you to sit together, and Emmanuel reaches into his pocket to pull out a deck of cards. “Shall we amuse ourselves before dinner?” He offers, putting the deck on the table before holding Annie’s chair out for her to sit comfortably
"Absolutely." Max has learned how gentleman play cards in this time and finds it fascinating.
"Shall I pour you ladies a sherry to enjoy?" Emmanuel asks, motioning to a bar cart set up in one corner.
“If we could have tea?” Annie quickly asks the gentleman before he leaves your car all together. He nods politely and exits. “I…have noticed that your wife does not often partake, Mr. Philips. I would not wish my dear friend to feel left alone.”
“It is true, my wife does not enjoy the taste of alcohol.” Max agrees. “It is not a bad thing, I find that the taste is rather bitter myself and dinners are far more reasonable with tea than a bottle of wine.”
“Then we will all have tea.” Emmanuel offers, once Max has you settled at the table. With the four of you sitting it’s a very happy atmosphere and Emmanuel begins to shuffle the deck.
Max shoots you a grin as he leans back and watches Emmanuel. “Aficionado, hmmmm? We’ll see. Perhaps we might have to make a wager if you are as good as you imagine you are.”
“How much?” The other man chuckles, feeling lively at the proposition.
“How about a nickel a hand?” Max asks, raising a brow playfully. When he had been a broke college kid, it had been quarter poker, but five cents is particularly generous in this time.
“That’s a very friendly wager, Max.” It makes the other man laugh again, and he nods. From the depths of his coin purse he is sure to unearth as many rounds’ worth of nickels as ever he should need. “A nickel a hand it is.”
Max grins and pulls out some bills to exchange for the nickels and divides them but between all of you.
"I'm afraid I'm not much of a card player, but I'm happy to try." Modern poker, or Go Fish, or even a game of hearts on your laptop while you were in college was all fairly standard. But bridge has proven difficult for you to pick up, if a few nights of sitting at the card table with you mother and grandmother are anything to go by.
“Don’t worry.” Max reaches out and pats your hand. “Why don’t we keep the rules simple?”
"Just regular poker will do." Annie's grin is mischievous and instantly you're back at the dining room table with your parents on Sunday afternoons while they played cards and you did homework or colored or read a book. It seemed to be the only time you weren't twirling around the house like a sugared up cyclone.
He arches a brow at your mother and grins. “Regular poker it is.” Emmanuel laughs as he starts to dole out the cards to everyone. “Aces high, Jokers bust.”
It might be the most relaxed and most pleasant way to pass an evening that you’ve had in ages. No television to sit around, not all of you sitting individually on your phones. Just a card game and a pot of tea and friends. Although, it is particularly entertaining to watch Max realize that your mother is an exceptional poker player, which is definitely not what he had anticipated.
“Renee had a sweetheart in the war twenty years ago,” Annie explains through giggles at the table after she wins yet another hand. “He taught her the game after they played it at their camps so often, and she taught me.”
“Really?” Max has always been interested in the other vampire, wanting to know her story, but she’s surprisingly closed mouthed. “They must have had fun playing cards.”
“It was about one of the only fun things they did have.” Annie agrees, swallowing a sigh. “He was a part of a medical unit. The poor man survived the entire war and then succumbed to a fever barely a year after the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. She accepted being turned rather than continue to suffer, but her sweetheart refused.”
“That’s sad.” Max frowns slightly, not even able to imagine the loss of her lover. “Was he her soulmate? Or first love?”
“Renee’s soulmate was her sister.” Pausing at the appearance of the night’s second tea tray, Annie thanks the steward who brings it in and waits for them to leave before continuing. “He was her first love. But her family didn’t approve. She left home to be with him and still lost him, poor thing.”
“Her sister?” Max tilts his head curiously, knowing about platonic soulmates but he’s never heard of siblings who are soulmates. “Twins?”
“Indeed.” Annie nods, moving to pour tea out for everyone but you beat her to it. “It seems there was some sort of rivalry between her family and his, and except for her sister, they couldn’t see to forgive her for choosing him. They still exchange letters, but the post takes time.”
“Did her twin also become a vampire?” His eyes cut over to Emmanuel but the other man just looks up from his cards curiously. The subject of the undead obviously not phasing him at all.
“Martha wasn’t hit with the same fever that took Johnson and almost took Renee. She’s still back in West Virginia with their family.” Annie stops long enough to thank you for her cup, and fixes Emmanuel’s for him at the table. “They’re God-fearing people, Max. Renee still hasn’t told her sister how she survived the fever. She’s afraid Martha will cut her out, too.”
“No doubt, it would be better if a visit didn’t occur.” Max snorts, still bitter at the lack of relationship with his own parents.
“They would likely notice that she has not aged in twenty years.” This time Annie shakes her head, sipping her own tea to steady herself. “I am sure you know, but most vampires are forced to cut ties with their mortal families at one point or another.”
“Lucky for me, I cut ties before then.” Max huffs with a sardonic grin.
“And know you have a whole other family.” It’s very clear that Emmanuel sees only the silver lining as he sits back and smiles. “And it grows beautifully. Your sire, his family, and now your wife.”
“My wife is worth everything.” Max isn’t just playing to his audience, he means it. Taking your hand that isn’t wrapped around your card and kissing it softly.
While the ring is burning a hole in Emmanuel’s pocket, this is not the right time. He has already planned out when and where to ask Annie to be his bride, and a train car is not at all grand enough for such an important question. “You are very lucky to have found each other,” he observes instead. “To find one’s soulmate is a genuine blessing.”
“Yes.” Max winks at you and then glances at where Annie is fidgeting slightly, looking worried and eager all at the same time. “What about you, Mannie?” He asks, leaning back. “What kind of marks have you made to lead your soulmate to you?”
“Wherever she is, she has remained a mystery to me.” Which is a terrible disappointment, if he’s honest. He had always dreamed of something dramatic and romantic like seeing a shared mark on a lady’s arm at a ball. Since meeting Annie Brown, though, he has been glad that that never happened. The love he feels for her is far too deep to deny. “I have no marks from my soulmate. Only somewhere in the world, she wears the scar on her leg from when I fell off my horse as a boy.”
Max can feel the way Annie’s heart nearly leaps in her chest and your own hand squeezes his tightly. “Interesting. Which leg? I have to say that I am unfortunate enough that I don’t have scars either. Different circumstances, of course.”
“Of course.” Emmanuel chuckles lightly, not thinking anything of it. “It is my left leg. A rather unsightly mark, too. I ought to apologize to the lady for bestowing it on her if I ever were to meet her.” There is a deeply felt — a dearest hope — in his heart that it could be Annie. But he has been too afraid to ask and be disappointed.
She inhales sharply, eyes wide and hopeful and her cards are all but abandoned in her hand. “I am sure it’s not too bad.” She volunteers. “Just a mark slightly larger than the palm of my hand?”
“With a…” He swallows thickly, and suddenly Emmanuel cannot look away from the woman beside him for anything in the world. “A curve on one end…like the top of a cane…how could you…?”
Nodding almost frantically, Annie leans in and drops the cards to grab her beau’s hand. “Please tell me that this is the mark you are describing?” She begs. “Please tell me you are my soulmate.”
“It cannot be.” He has never thought that he could be this lucky. That the woman he had fallen in love with so quickly has found it in her heart to love him back is one thing. For her to truly be the other half of his soul is something truly remarkable. “Are we really to be twice blessed?” He clutches her hands tightly, knowing that to ask to see her bare leg is entirely out of the question but knowing that she recognizes his mark means the world.
Max smirks and looks over at you as you watch your mother look like the sun is shining just for her. “Should be in one of those romance books, hmmm?”
“We should give them some space.” If you don’t, there’s a chance that you might not be able to contain yourself, and that you might give something away by shedding tears instead of being happy for Annie. Watching your mother discover her soulmate is a gut punch that you hadn’t quite expected.
“Come.” Max senses how emotional you are and stands. “Shall we see our sleeping berth?”
You nod, trying your best to keep yourself composed while he helps you up and leads you to the two single-side beds on the far end of the car. Pullman cars aren’t equipped with doubles for married couples, but you’ll barely be a foot apart.
“Interesting sleeping arrangements.” Max ticks a brow up before he turns to you. “Are you alright, Queenie?” He asks, rubbing your arms gently. He knows this is a shock for you.
“I didn’t expect to be here for the reveal,” you admit, tucking into his side and letting yourself drop down onto one of the mattresses indiscriminately. “I’m okay. It’s a lot, though.”
“It’s okay to like Emmanuel.” He reminds you softly, dropping down beside you. “I hate that I would have loved to have him for the dreaded F. I. L.”
“He’s such a nice man.” A few tears break free as you bury your face in Max’s side. “And he makes her so happy.”
“And your father made her happy for the rest of her life.” Max wraps his arms around you and lets you cry. There’s no reason to chide you for it, considering that he feels emotional about it all too.
“I just wish there was a way for her to have it all,” you admit quietly. “Her soulmate, her second love, and her family. Everything that made her happy.”
“She gets to have you again.” Max comforts you softly. “Even if she doesn’t know that she should, she loves you. Just as you are.”
“I’m glad she doesn’t know everything that’s happened.” Knowing that Max will understand why, the best thing to do right now is just to stifle your tears with a handkerchief and try to recompose yourself. “And I’m glad that abuela doesn’t either.”
“I hate that we can’t tell them.” Max admits softly. “Let them change it.”
“I wouldn’t ever be born.” That is enough of a deterrent to keep you in line, but it still hurts your heart. “Or if I would be, I would be a different version of myself.”
“I love you, just as you are,” Max promises softly. “But if you could have not had the heartbreak, it would have been better for you.”
“It would have been better for you, too, love.” If you could have spared Max from suffering in any way you would have, but you squeeze his hands tightly and place a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “But I love you, too. Just as you are.”
The skipping beat of his heart is fleeting and he turns his head to kiss you again, addicted to the sensation. “Too bad kissing other places doesn’t have the same effect.” He murmurs with a teasing grin.
"I was kind of hoping it would," you admit, cheeks immediately burning hot with the reminder of this morning. "It certainly makes my heart beat faster, though."
“I know.” Max leers and his tongue swipes over his lips in satisfaction. “I felt it. Every stuttering, skipping pulse as it throbbed through your sweet little pussy.”
"Max!" You may be on the other side of the train car, but there is still a chance that Annie and Emmanuel might hear him if they ever come up from the way their heads are bowed at the card table.
“What?” He huffs, grinning broadly at your embarrassment. “We’re married.”
"Yeah..." Huffing right back at him, you glance over at the other couple seriously. "And my virgin mother is in the same room," you remind him as quietly as possible.
“She might not be by the time this train goes home.” Max reminds you. “Not the way those two smell right now.”
"Oh gods, I did not need to know that." You poke his side and all but shudder. "I know it's a hundred years too early but she's still...her."
“Mommy had to have some sex.” He teases softly. “She had you. And she’s really old to have been a hundred-year-old virgin.”
“It’s just not something I’ve ever thought about.” There was no need for you to. Not up to age eighteen. And then your parents became frozen in time in your mind’s eye. “You’re right, it’s just never something I’ve spent time on.”
“One day, our kids will have the same revelation.” Max hums. “Unless we are just freely sexual around them and they groan and roll their eyes, talking about horrible their parents are.”
“I know what Yayo said, but I’m trying not to get too excited about the idea of kids,” you admit, eyes dropping from his to your hands in his lap. “Just in case.”
“I know.” Max’s grin drops into a more serious expression and he covers your warm hands with a cool one. “If we don’t, we don’t. It’s not the end of the world. We’ll adopt a little shit and spoil them rotten if you want.”
“You’ve never mentioned having any vampiric children.” And you’ve never asked, so it’s not entirely on him. “I take it I’m not a stepmother?”
“I’ve—”Max frowns and blows out a useless sigh. “All but one was destroyed when— when I was.” He admits quietly. “But I don’t look at them like kids. Or I didn’t.” He snorts. “He’s in California for some fucking reason.”
“You have a son?” He may not look at his vampiric offspring as a child but you certainly do, and your eyes widen immediately. “I don’t even know where to start. I—tell me everything.”
“Okay….” He snorts and shakes his head. “It’s not a very long story, but I’ll tell you.”
“Short stories can still be interesting,” you remind him, finding yourself aghast that he just hadn’t mentioned it.
He shuffles slightly, embarrassed by his past behavior. “The guy who ruined my life? I got a job for the company he worked for.”
“Right.” Trying to conjure up every detail of information he has given you about that situation, you nod along with his explanation. “The telesales company.”
“Yep. I sold myself to management, using the vampirism as a business model. Convinced them sales would increase if they had a workforce of the undead. The company was going under and they were desperate for any Hail Mary.”
“So you…sired people at the office?” It seems more than slightly outrageous, but companies have surely done crazier things out of desperation.
“Yeah.” He huffs quietly. “I wanted to prove there was a better way, better reason to be a vampire.” He huffs. “And get revenge on that little annoying fucker.”
“So one of them is still alive?” The term makes you cringe, though, and you slump apologetically. “So to speak.”
“One, yeah.” He frowns slightly, bothered by all the people destroyed because of his selfishness more than he realizes. Maybe that was why he never truly fought against his punishment as he thought of his confinement to the Newport house. He felt as if he deserved much worse. Realizing now that you were all your grandfather had actually cared about.
“Hey.” One hand flat on his chest brings his attention back to you and you tilt your head at him quizzically. “What just happened in there?”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Max snaps back to you and bites his lip.
“You disappeared into your own head.” Unconsciously mirroring him, you bite your lip too. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry. I already pried.”
“No.” The best way to make Max open up is for you to blame yourself for something, even something small. “I just— I realized how many people died because of me.” He admits, wondering if that would change how you feel about him.
“You’re literally a different person than you were then.” You remind him gently. “And you’re living a completely different…afterlife.”
“Still…..” max closes his eyes. “It was seventy-three people.”
“Which is why you drink from donors now and make business deals in ink instead.” It isn’t much comfort, but at least you can show Max that he’s changed. He’s become a better man since his afterlife got upended. “Speaking of which…” You take his hand in yours and squeeze gently. “You haven’t had any blood since we got here.”
“I know.” Max doesn’t want to admit that he’s starting to feel thirsty. “I’m alright.”
“You won’t be in another day or two.” And since the middle of that hunger and thirst will come during a trip away from the steady donor so helpfully supplied by your grandfather — under circumstances you absolutely don’t want to know about — you squeeze his hand again. “But I’m not going to let you go thirsty. I promise.”
Max shakes his head. “No, I’ll— I don’t want you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.” You had shown you were squeamish about it and Max has not brought it up again. You had flinched once when he was going down on you and that was enough to cross it off the list of things he would do with you.
“I’m more comfortable with you drinking from me than I am with the thought of you sharing something so intimate with a complete stranger,” you admit. “You said yourself how deeply the connection can be felt.”
“You flinched.” He reminds you softly, telling himself it’s ridiculous to be hurt by that when it’s a normal reaction to fangs.
“Because I was afraid it might hurt.” The sheepishness — the embarrassment — in your quiet confession is very clear, and your eyes drop down to your hands again because your fear hurt him and you don’t deserve to look him in the eyes. “Not because I don’t want to take care of you.”
“It doesn’t matter if you think you should.” Max sighs. “I don’t want you to ever do something you don’t want with me. If you’re afraid it will hurt, I won’t do it.”
“Max…” You hadn’t expected him to protest, honestly thinking he would been overjoyed at the offer. It just goes to show that you’re not quite as adjusted to this relationship as you thought you were. You had expected him to just take without any thought, but that isn’t Max. Or, at least, that isn’t Max anymore. “Will you at least consider it?”
“If you want me to.” He doubts he would, but your brow is knitted with worry and he hates that.
“I want you to. To consider it and to do it. But not until you’re ready.” And part of That sense to be showing him that you aren’t afraid anymore, so you will do everything you can.
“I love you, Dolly.” Max whispers, offering you his hand. “I just don’t want to fuck up and hurt you.”
“I’d rather have a little bit of hurt from a bite than be hurt because I’ve lost you,” you tell him honestly. Him not feeding is not an option, just like it’s not an option for you not to eat, either.
“You aren’t going to lose me.” Max promises. “If I had to eat someone, I would, just to stay with you.”
"You don't have to, though." Looking back up at him, your gaze is surprisingly steady. "And I can stay with you forever, too."
“Mrs. Phillips, are you proposing to me?” He’s grinning, but he sounds scandalized. “How terribly modern of you.”
“I suppose I am, in a way.” It wasn’t what you had meant to do — not strictly speaking — but at the heart of it is the same conversation. That you want to be with him. Just him. For as long as you possibly can.
“Makes sense.” Max tells you. “Since we are married.” He looks at you softly and reaches into his pocket. “You want to be with me? Forever?”
“I really do.” The certainty is extraordinary. Something you never truly thought would ever happen. It here you are, with his hand in yours, and you know in your heart that you will do anything in your power to stay with him.
Max decides that it might not be the most glamorous thing, but he slides off the bed and kneels down in front of you. “Dolly, Queenie, my soulmate…” He starts, his cockiness fading and there’s a naked, earnest expression in his eyes. “I never thought I would be able to have you. You are perfect, better than I ever dreamed and I am not even worthy of you, but for some reason, you want me.” He takes a small, leather box out of his pocket. “Will you roam the earth with me and experience eternity together?”
“Oh gods…” If someone had asked you the least likely things to happen to you in the entire world, this would have been on the list. Your soulmate, a happy relationship, engagement and marriage — all of these things. They were put on a shelf out a reach and you didn’t ever think your arm would stretch that far for the rest of your life. But here in this train car it’s Max that you reach for, tearing up and giggling softly and feeling your whole self light up brightly with “Yes!”
It’s pure relief that has Max grinning, thankful and happy that someone finally put him first. Someone, the most important someone, believed him — believed in him. “I want— here.” The normal suaveness completely leaves your soulmate and he opens the ring box nervously. Hoping you like your ring.
“Get up here,” you insist, pulling him up to sit next to you on the bed so you can kiss him before anything else happens. The little leather box holds a sparkling diamond set in gold and that is wonderful, but what you want more than ever is to hold onto this feeling of sweet, deep, honest love that’s pounding in your chest.
Like all the kisses before, Max feels his heart move and he knows that is because you love him, not because of the soulmate connection. He cups your face tenderly as he pours himself into the kiss, not putting on a facade for you, just being greedy for your affection.
In this moment it’s all you can do to be mildly cognizant of the fact that your mother is in the room, and even if she doesn’t know she’s your mother it’s still another two people who probably just heard you squeal at Max’s arms wrapping right around you. Thankfully the soft moan he drew out of you just seconds later was soft. Only for his ears.
You’re his. The realization makes his heart thump even more with your lips against his and he groans into your mouth. The scent of you utterly intoxicating and he will be able to have it forever.
It’s so easy to get caught up in him. Caught up in the way that you can always tell when he’s being playful, or teasing, or his most honest self with you just from the way he kisses you. His armor has been tossed by the wayside and all that is left for you to see is his whole heart — which is a privilege you never intend to squander. It’s only the sound of a throat clearing that brings you out of the moment, as Emmanuel glances across the train car with reddened cheeks.
“Oh.” Max is almost disappointed by the interruption, but he grins over at the other man. “I apologize. It’s wonderful kissing your soulmate, isn’t it?” He asks knowingly.
“Wonderful.” Emmanuel agrees immediately, knowing that you and Max are aware that he and Annie have shared more than dances. “We ought to celebrate.”
“Yes we should!” Max immediately agrees, popping up and reaching over and shaking the man’s hand. “How about I make the best hot chocolate you’ve ever had?” He knows the bar cart would have chocolate for the ladies and it will let everyone have something special without popping a bottle of champagne.
“Trust me. Say yes.” You assure them both when Annie looks to you curiously. You had mentioned this quirk of your husband’s before and it had intrigued her.
“Yes.” Annie agrees with authority, laughing all the while. She feels positively light as air and doesn’t want to waste a single moment of this joy.
“I’ll be back in a flash.” Max winks and shoots past all of you fast enough to make yours and Annie’s skirts sway.
“Forgive me.” You smooth your hands over her skirt before getting up and coming back over to the card table. “I seem to have gotten carried away.”
“You are married.” Annie scoffs, waving away your apologies. “I hope that I do not have a dull marriage. I want my husband, my soulmate, to wish to kiss me every chance he gets.” The eyes she makes at Emmanuel are not subtle.
“And I am sure he will. After you are married.” It’s obviously not something you care about — Twenty-first century dating being far different from nineteenth century courting — but you have to pretend. To act like a lady of this time and place. “If your parents found out that you anticipated your vows when I was supposed to be here to stop you, they would never trust us all out together again.”
Annie snorts and rolls her eyes. “I very seriously doubt my parents will mind. You are here to be a show of propriety, as well as dear friends.”
"My only thought is to make sure you are taken care of." Her hand finds yours as you reach across the table, and for a moment you just smile at each other. Just a small moment of sharing in each other's happiness means so much, and you end up shrugging as if you are dramatically giving in. When in fact you have no intention of intruding on whatever historically happened between your mother and her soulmate the first time around. "I'm glad that you're happy. Both of you."
“Thank you.” Annie tugs you close and pulls you in for a tight hug. “You have been such a dear friend so quickly. It feels as though we have always known each other.”
"Like family," you hum, holding yourself to just a smile and making sure your perceptive mother can't see past the necessary lies that have been told.
“Exactly like family.” She beams, happy you seem as like minded as she. “Perhaps we will be one day.” She muses. “Our children could marry.”
"Anything is possible." Is the enigmatic answer you go with, knowing full well that that particular scenario is not in the cards. But that's no reason to ruin your mother's joy. "Sometimes family can be the people you choose, too. Not only marriage and blood."
“Yes….blood.” Annie sighs slightly and then looks towards the soulmate she had just discovered. “My parents will be thrilled, absolutely thrilled.”
"Don't let anything steal your joy right now," you squeeze her fingers again before sitting back, hearing the sounds of someone walking toward the car and hoping that it's Max. "Not anything at all."
“Who is ready for the richest hot chocolate they have ever tasted?” Max asks as the door opens and a large tray is filled with a set of cups.
"I'm intrigued," Emmanuel laughs, watching your very proud soulmate come back inside with his tray. "Where did you learn such a particular skill?"
How does he explain baristas? Max grins. “My nanny taught me.” He decides. “She would make the most marvelous hot chocolate and I always wanted it, so she insisted I learn.”
“How marvelous.” Annie perks up enthusiastically and takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the thick, creamy drink. “Oh, it smells divine!” It is an indulgence to be sure, but that is only because of her own mother’s sensibilities. Chocolate is a treat, not to be overindulged in.
Smiling, Max looks like the pet student who is being recognized for their efforts. The fact that he is a praise seeker isn’t new, but this time, having the approval of your mother is rewarding. Even if she doesn’t know about the familial connection.
You already know it’s going to be amazing, but watching your mother and Emmanuel take their first sips and then light up like kids in a literal candy store is amazing. “Your nanny must have been a witch,” Annie declares, sighing openly at the divine taste. “Because this is obviously magic of the most wonderful sort.”
“She must have been.” Max winks at you and leans in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “My wife married me for the recipe, but I have not given it to her yet.” He jokes. “She might run away.”
“Even if I had the recipe, I don’t think I could make it as well as you.” Your first sip comes with a hum on contentment. The chocolate in this time has less sugar, making it taste deeper and richer than when he would make it at home. “Part of the recipe must be love.”
“You know it is.” He hums indulgently and bats his eyes at you playfully. “Only the best for my love.”
The extremely unladylike snort from you causes laughter all around the table. This atmosphere of playfulness so far has been pervasive, like a wonderful warm hug. Right now you want nothing more than for that to last. To last for however long it is that you’ll be stuck in the past — because as much fun as you’re having? You do have to go home.
Even though there are two beds provided for you and Max, as any upper class Gilded Age couple would expect, there is only a curtain to give you privacy for the night. So when you crawl into the same bed together in your chemise and Max’s silk pajamas — apparently brand new and all the rage in America — you almost feel scandalous about it. Maybe that’s coming from the fact that you’re all but certain Annie and Emmanuel have crawled in together on the other side of the car, but you’re telling yourself that that’s none of your business. For now, all your focus belongs to Max…and the glittering ring on your finger as it catches the moonlight coming in the open window.
“Do you like it?” He whispers softly. He had worried because modern rings are larger, more simplistic, but he had hoped you would like the elaborate filigree and design on the ring.
“It’s gorgeous.” Tucking yourself closer in his arms, you tip your head back to kiss him. “I love it. How did you even manage to go find one?”
“Your grandfather took me to his jeweler.” He hums, proud of the fact that you like it.
“Conspiring with my Yayo, I’m very impressed.” It doesn’t actually surprise you at all, but you’re glad that they’re getting along in this time as well as in your own. Max’s own family predicament makes you so grateful that your grandparents have welcomed him with open arms. “It’s perfect, baby. I—thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” His body slots against yours perfectly and he pulls you closer. “I know that we aren’t actually….you know.” He lowers his voice so only you can hear. “But I wanted you to have a piece of this time when we go back.”
“Can you imagine?” A little giggle escapes you and you muffle it against his chest. “If I actually manage to get us home again and we just roll up into the house legally married for 138 years?”
He snorts, grinning into the darkness as he ignores the sounds coming from the next bed. It’s too quiet for you to hear, so he pretends he doesn’t either. “Not like we wouldn’t be married for 138 more after we get back.”
“And maybe more.” Who knows what will happen? You’re certainly not going to claim to be an expert on how the world works. Not after discovering that time travel is real.
“Maybe more.” Max nuzzles his nose against your cheek and smiles. “Are you having a good time with your mother, Dolly?”
“I am. I know it’s not the same but it’s so nice to just see her face and hear her voice again.” And if you could do the same for Max, you would do it in a heartbeat.
“I know, Dolly.” Max sighs sadly. “I wish I could have met your version of her.”
“She’s still her. Just less…Mom.” That doesn’t make any sense but you can’t articulate it any better so you shrug. “Though I guess I understand now why she always talked about going to the opera when she was little. That’s what people do in this time.”
“And you are going to get to experience that with her. In this time.” He reminds you, having already been informed that tickets will be waiting.
“If you get bored then just slip out of the box and go smoke cigars with Vanderbilt or something.” For all you know Max hates the opera. It hadn’t exactly been a point of debate when the Vanderbilts had announced their intention to takes you along to the brand new Metropolitan Opera House with them. “I won’t be offended, I swear.”
“No, I doubt I would be bored.” Max shakes his head. “It will be a fine study if the aristocracy in New York.”
“This is like the weirdest vacation in the world.” You snort at yourself slightly. At the odd memory that just popped into your head. “It’s Where in Time is Carmen Sandiago? the real game.”
“Now starring…Dolly.” He intones dramatically, like he’s an announcer. He grins in the darkness when you giggle.
“That will be your career if I can’t get us back,” you tease, light and laughing softly in the night instead of scared or worried. Somehow he makes you so sure that things will work out that you are able to breathe freely in moments like these. “A vaudeville announcer. And then we’ll get you into radio afterward.”
Max snorts softly. “Wouldn’t that be a hell of a note? Live a life back in time and reappear in our own timeline like nothing ever happened?”
“It’s all going to depend on how long it takes me to learn how to get us home,” you remind him gently. The fact is, this could be a very real problem to have, but at the moment it doesn’t seem like the worst sort of very real problem.
“Doesn’t matter how long it takes, my love.” He whispers, rubbing your back soothingly. “We have eternity and as long as I have you, I can live wherever, or whenever, we are.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04
VW: @haileymorelikestupid, @miraclesabound @nastiasnow @vabeachazn @oberynslady @grogusmum @kittenlittle24 @8-900 @survivingandenduring @ktmadden86 @inept-the-magnificent @missladym1981 @sweetnsaltyclussy
My Masterlist!
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luhafraser · 8 months
Let me be clear: although many think I don't have a real life, I do. I'm not just a Tumblr account... I have a family, dogs and a cat. I'm currently recovering from bronchitis 😮‍💨🫁, and dealing with the school holidays 👧🏼🛝 and lots to do at work. 🤯🤯🤯 That's why I'm not at all sorry for being MIA... I have my priorities, my family and my health...
I've said it a few times... Sam and Cait's shitshow is just a pastime for me... So back off, nasty Anons... You're wasting your time here🖕😜
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It's not a real timeline, but look at this amazing script... Brilliant... 😝🤣
1) Sam in London; 2) a "fan" says Sam was with a "female friend"; 3) Susie in London; 4) P's innuendos; 5) Susie posts latergrams in a hotel room and gym, it looks like one of rooms at the Firmdale hotels; 6) P says she won't publish without a real evidence 🤣; 7) Susie returns to her home; 8) Another "fan" says she saw Sam on a flight to Gran Canaria; 9) Sam shows himself in a mysterious room on IG Live; 10) Sam's small group of stalkers (surprisingly, they're not the evil shippers 😜🤣) certainly discover that it's not a room in a luxurious hotel (the kind Sam usually stays in) ***(Sam has people monitoring his online steps and who he follows on Instagram, etc... Nothing new there... But I'm curious how someone who isn't a fan gets "here"?! And this fandom have some here, they are not fans of Sam and Cait or Outlander. See below 😉); 11) P releases the name of the new blonde; 12) the current blonde posts several pics/videos showing some gym in Gran Canaria and an airbnb Villa; 13) Sam's voice appears in two of the blonde's videos; 14) B posts the blonde's airbnb Villa; 15) The war of the "queens of Mordor" begins (I don't believe anything about this war, but it's funny and keeps people entertained, just what SamCait and PR want); 16) B says that airbnb Villa is not the place where Sam did his Live; 17) B goes back on what she said, and shows that the male SH and the female SH are in the same Villa 🤣; 18) Chaos begins in the fandom; 19) Sam appears in Austria/Audi Ambassador stuff; 20) blonde posts with her son at her home (latergram... 🤦🏻‍♀️); 21) Ok... Susie, Sarah, who will be the next S? ⏰️
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Script to look like James Bond... Women and cars... ?! 🤦🏻‍♀️😬 No, you are not Bond, Mr. Heughan... Sorry! 😝😂
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But on the other hand...
You know.. I'm not on the "gay train", but hey... I can't blame anyone who thinks he's gay. And have you noticed how several women, linked to Sam, are always traveling to paradisiacal beaches or going to gyms with their gay friends... ?!? You don't even need to follow them on Instagram to know this, there are accounts here that posted everything about them... All that was missing was their blood type... 😝🤣
"Hawaiigate Oops Gran Canaria gate" didn't seem like a good script to prove that Sam occasionally has affairs with women... Even because the place is known for...
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But, it certainly moves things around here... Just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
OMG... Laughing a lot with #Samarah... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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And Sam/PR decided to fix a flaw in the script and his speech, something that became a joke in this fandom, at least among shippers...
There are women in Glasgow, people! After 10 years, he finally had time to meet a woman there...
Amen 🙌
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I find it very difficult for a taurus man, who calls himself a romantic, who is used to staying in hotels like those from the FS and Firmdale chains and who has already made this type of comment...
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Taking his supposed girlfriend to a place with these reviews... 🤔😬😂
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After 10 years, Sam knowing how this fandom is, being the guy who claims to preserve his loved ones, would he leave breadcrumbs for "fans" to create a new story if he was really dating this woman? I'm amazed that she, with a son, gets involved in this shitshow, but who will know her reasons.... Even Cait used her pregnancy and child in the Belfast promo.
Let's see if Sam will follow P's wishes and take Sarah to the TCND event... And let's pray 🙏.
I see THE RING 👰🏼‍♀️ #Samarah 🤣🤣🤣 This didn't even take 7 days, it seems! 🤣🤣🤣
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I still spend my free time looking at what SamCait shows and what this fandom says because I want to see the end of this shit, when Sam no longer has P or B and his onlys... One day Sam and Cait will fall into oblivion and that's why that they keep feeding this whole circus... What, or rather, who would Sam and Cait be without all this crap? I think it's funny that Sam pulls all this on himself... Except during promo, he's the one who moves things around here (right now Gran Canaria gate, Austria trip, Scottish Sun article, a new company with an enigmatic name... It could be SDFGINEEDTHISSHITSHOWCVBN 😝🤣, "Audi Quattro",...). But to me... This seems like something from someone protecting their loved ones, taking on all the shit for himself. Although, every now and then Cait needs to show that she is alive and with her husband by her side.
I watch and wait... And I know I'm not alone in this! 🧘🏻‍♀️😜
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pendarling · 1 year
💫AUs For Your OTP:💫
Vampire Slayer x Vampire 🔪
Angel 🕊️ x Demon 🔥 or Human🎈
Robot🔩 x Human
Military Personnel x Common Citizen
👾Monster and/or Beast x Human
🐉 Dragon-Human Hybrid x Knight ⚔️ who was there to do another mission but was just too awed at the beauty of this dragon...
Witch 🪄x Sorcerer 🔮
Princess/Prince x Bodyguard🛡️
Definetly in A Gang/Mafia/Secret Organization 🚬🫥 x Working 9-5
Ghost 👻 x Human
Pilot ✈️ or Train Conductor 🚂 x Mysterious Passenger🔍
🕰️Time Traveller x Non-Traveller
Long Distance 🗺️
Both are Hybrid Animals
🌟Actor/Actress x Behind The Scenes Manager or Employee
Both Working for Different Branches of the Same Company
🛟Sailor or 🏴‍☠️Pirate x Mermaid 🔱 or Siren🎶
Hates That One Loud Neighbour x Is That One Loud Neighbour
Strangers At A Party 🎊 (who may or may not meet again)
Bump Into Each Other at a Luxury Hotel 💸
Royals 👑
Spaceship Captain x Lieutenant 🌌🔭
Server x Customer☕️
Tourist x Local ☀️⛱️
Summoner x Summoned Ancient Spirit That is Stunningly Beautiful ESPECIALLY if it was an accidental summoning
🧐Detective x Suspect (who may or may not have done it)
School AUs: ~~~ Rivals Needs To Be Tutored x Tutorer Troubled Student x Student Council President Gentlest Kid At School x Toughest Person on The Block
Part 2
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growingstories · 1 year
Part 2: All inclusive
Meet Jacob, a handsome 23-year-old personal trainer who works in a luxurious 5-star hotel in Chicago. His most regular client is Alexander, the hotel's general manager and heir to a prominent hospitality group.
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Alexander, an extremely fit and attractive 32-year-old, is known for his love of expensive and tailor-made clothing. He has a and friendly generous personality, always treating everyone in the hotel with kindness. Little does Jacob know, he has developed a crush on Alexander.
Their daily routine consists of Jacob training Alexander every day. begin They their mornings with a run, after which Jacob attends to other clients until lunchtime. During Alexander's lunch break, Jacob provides him with a workout thorough.
Months pass by, and Jacob begins to notice a change in Alexander's appearance. Due to Alexander's frequent travels for resort openings in the Caribbean, his visits to the hotel and sessions with Jacob become infrequent. On one occasion, Alexander confesses to Jacob that he has struggled to maintain his fitness routine and proper diet while away.
After two months, Jacob's suspicions are confirmed when he a sees noticeable layer of fat on Alexander's body. It turns out that Alexander had gained 18 pounds of fat. Determined to help his client get back in shape, Jacob contacts the chef at the Caribbean resorts and requests a balanced diet for Alexander while he is traveling.
In the beginning, Alexander sends Jacob pictures of his workouts and healthy meals, showing his dedication to the plan. However, as the weeks pass and the opening of the resorts approaches, communication becomes sparse due to Alexander's busy schedule.
Taking advantage of this period, Jacob focuses on building muscle for himself, as he no longer needs to run with Alexander.
Another two months go by, and Jacob is astonished when he weighs Alexander again. Not only did Alexander gain 20 pounds of muscle, but there was also an additional 25 pounds of fat. It is clear that Alexander had not adhered to the plan.
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Seeing that Alexander was genuinely bothered by his weight gain, Jacob devises a grueling workout and diet plan. Alex follows it diligently six for months and successfully loses the unwanted weight.
Impressed with Jacob's dedication and effectiveness, Alexander calls him into his office. As Alex changes, his newly transformed body looks incredible. He makes Jacob an enticing offer: for the next year, Jacob would be a secret guest in all the new resorts. All expenses would be covered, allowing him to experience everything the hotels have to offer.
Unable to resist such an opportunity, Jacob agrees. He will be required to return to Chicago every six weeks to provide reports of his experiences, along with weekly email updates. In addition, after the year is over, an even better position at the hotel group will be offered to Jacob.
Arrived at his first hotel he found out that he had a big room at the club level, that means not only all inclusive restaurants but also endless snacks and room service. The hotel was amazing and all the experiences of the hotel were good. The staff was friendly and it had all the facilities he needs. He was very serious about his reportings every week. He thought of many ideas that could be implemented in the future.
As the first days went by he did get in good workouts. With a little bit improving the hotel gym would be an amazing facility for the hotels healthfreaks.
He remembered the name of the chef and asked him to prepare a full meal schedule for the coming 6 weeks. He lied to the chef when asked about the purpose of his long trip. He told him he was on a long leave to think about his future plans and bulk up his muscles as a marketing tool for potential private clients.
He became friends with the chef that. The chef told everyone behind his back that Jacob knows the general manager very well. This meant that the rest of the weeks during his stay went well. All the staff members made sure he had an amazing stay.
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After the 6th week he went back to Chicago for his first report. He mentioned the friendly staff and the amazing hospitality he received. He gave some good ideas to the marketing department and prepared his next trip. He asked the chef to ask his colleague in the next resort to prepare a 6 week diet program.
Of course, the chef informed his colleague about the fact that Jacob and the general manager were well acquainted. Upon arriving at the next resort, he realized that he was receiving even better service than before. This particular resort was perfect for health enthusiasts like Jacob, with an amazing gym and staff who knew how to cater to demanding health-conscious guests.
Jacob could really focus on improving his physique and gaining muscle. In the first hotel, he managed to bulk up by 20lbs. Over the course of the following 6 weeks, he gained an additional 30lbs of muscle. Jacob spent as much time as possible in the gym, even earning some extra cash by offering tips and workout plans to interested hotel guests. He also assisted the staff in creating balanced diet plans for the guests.
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The progress meeting went well, and everyone was pleased to hear positive feedback about the first two resorts. They had even seen favorable online reviews about the hotel's hospitality, which motivated Jacob even more.
The third hotel was a bit different. The chef had a more traditional approach, and the guests were generally older. The atmosphere was quieter, so Jacob focused solely on his fitness goals. The food was good, but not specifically designed for health enthusiasts like him. He decided that a little bit of extra fat would be acceptable to bulk up faster. Therefore, he started lifting heavier weights and consuming more calories. After 6 weeks, he had gained about 18lbs of muscle and fat. Although his abs were still visible, they were not as defined due to the added fat. He felt a bit isolated at this hotel, so he was eager to leave after the 6 weeks.
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The progress meeting went well, and Jacob began preparing for his next trip. He attempted to have his chef friend connect him with the fourth chef, but unfortunately, this was not successful. The fourth resort was enormous and had an impersonal approach to guest relations. However, the resort itself was incredible, with a casino, a massive spa, and five restaurants. As it was located on a private island, there was minimal opportunity to leave. Jacob decided it was time for some relaxation. On his first night, he explored the hotel and dined at two of the restaurants, enjoying excellent food that aligned with his own dietary plan.
The next morning, he was slightly disappointed by the gym at the resort. It was one area that had not undergone a proper renovation. Nevertheless, he did his best to make the most of the equipment available, knowing he would have to be resourceful in this gym.
The first week went by, and Jacob was able to truly unwind and recharge. Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name – it was Tom and Jake, old college friends. They still looked as attractive as ever. He explained his job to them and they invited Jacob to join their boys' trip. Both Tom and Jake had recently ended their relationships and were looking to escape their heartbreak..
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The three muscular guys started drinking and partying at the bars in the restaurants, which Jacob rarely did. That night, Jacob discovered the endless supply of snacks and room service at his club-level room. They eagerly joined him, and for the next three weeks, was a it blur - hangovers cured by greasy breakfasts and more beer, and the cash he earned in his previous hotel was gambled away in casino.
They also discovered the that spa offered great discounts for club-level guests, so they often went there to massage away their headaches. The spa manager, a handsome 22-year-old guy named Matthew, caught Jacob's attention.
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They chatted, but their interaction was limited due to house rules forbidding staff members from meeting up with guests. However, Matthew managed to get Jacob and his friends even more discounts, and they saw each other almost every day during that week.
Matthew overheard some conversations among the three guys, but couldn't make sense of them yet. After his friends left, Jacob continued to indulge in the endless supply of snacks and his eating habits changed overnight from healthy to comfort food. He also stopped using the gym frequently, only occasionally working out his arms or chest. On the last day of his stay, he stepped the scale and on was shocked to discover that he had gained 30lbs of fat. He loved time with his friends but regretted what his followed. How could he get back to his routine like this?
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During the report meeting he suggested that a more personal approach would help customer satisfaction and revenue increase. With that in mind, he moved on to the fourth resort, a boutique resort near a city. While everything was arranged for him - including a nice little rooftop pool, a trendy bar, and nearby restaurants - there was no available. This hindered Jacob from restarting his fitness routine. He had a personal driver who took him everywhere, and every aspect of his stay was taken care of, from breakfast in his room to cultural trips and visits to the beach. Each night, the bar was filled with young people, and after pacing himself in the beginning, Jacob eventually started having late-night drinks too. Since the resort was relatively small, he decided to shorten his stay to four weeks.
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During the report meeting back in Chicago, they appreciated Jacob's feedback about personal guest experiences and came up with a pilot program. They wanted Jacob to test it out at the fifth resort and see what improvements could be made. Upon arrival, Jacob was pleasantly surprised to see Matthew again. He heard about the pilot program and as applied a relations manager guest. This meant that Matthew would become Jacob's personal butler for the next six weeks.
Jacob hoped to separate his feelings for Matthew, as professionalism of utmost importance. However was, Matthew ensured that Jacob had everything he needed, from unpacking his suitcase to placing a bottle of champagne in his. room Every morning, he brought Jacob breakfast took care of his and lunch and dinner preferences. He also became a nice companion as, the solitude of hotel life was starting to get to Jacob. After two weeks, Jacob offered Matthew a glass of champagne, explaining that he needed a friend that night as he missed his friends after much time traveling. Matthew didn't want to hurt Jacob's feelings, so he accepted the offer. What started one as drink turned into two, and three bottles. They both ended drunk. Matthew confessed that he had fallen in love with Jacob the moment they met, but he wanted to maintain professionalism. He also mentioned that he knew about Jacob being a secret guest.
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The next morning, Jacob and Matthew woke up with major hangovers, promising each other not to tell anyone about what happened. Matthew went straight to work and ordered a huge breakfast for Jacob, bringing in snacks all day. Everywhere Jacob went, Matthew made sure he had something to eat and drink, whether it was lunch at the beach, cocktails on the terrace, or snacks in the room.
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One night, Jacob started to complain about his weight and showed Matthew pictures of himself from a year ago. Surprisingly, Matthew told him that he didn't want Jacob to lose weight because he found him gorgeous as he was. Jacob was taken aback since he felt unattractive at that point. However, he thought to himself, "Yeah, okay, I may be manly, strong, and big." Matthew expressed his desire to gain muscle, confessing that he struggled to gain weight no matter what he tried. Jacob saw an opportunity to help him and suggested a deal - he would continue his stay at the resort for another 10 weeks, four at the current resort and six at the last one, with one week of report meetings in between. In return, Jacob would not lose weight, but he would push Matthew to reach a goal weight of 40lbs. Matthew accepted the challenge, thinking that even if he couldn't reach the goal, he would make Jacob as big as possible to make it harder for him to lose weight.
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Jacob wrote a rigorous program of workouts and meals for Matthew. The four weeks in the fifth resort were incredible, as they did everything together. Matthew made sure Jacob had enough fattening snacks, and Jacob continuously ordered protein-rich food for Matthew. As Jacob's personal butler, Matthew accompanied him everywhere.
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During the fifth report meeting, Jacob enthusiastically shared his experience with having a personal guest relations manager and expressed his desire to have the same arrangement in the last resort. They agreed to his request.
The sixth and final resort was a dream - an all-inclusive paradise. Jacob had grown so big that he doubted he would ever return to his fit days. Stepping on the scale, he discovered that he weighed 362lbs, effectively doubling his weight since he first started working as a fitness trainer for Alexander.
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Matthew did everything in his power to prevent Jacob from getting fit again. He adhered to the program Jacob created and constantly stuffed himself, even when he was already full or tired. Jacob ensured that Matthew reached his daily calorie goals, making it a painful intake and stressful endeavor. Nevertheless, both of them were excited for the last day - would Matthew reach his goal? 
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All of a sudden Jacob panicked, what will Alexander think of his new shape? What will his new in the company be? 
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rapha-reads · 3 months
IWTV book:
"It was Claudia's doing, that carriage, and I should have expected it; but then, things are always taking me unawares. From the first moment we arrived in Varna, I had perceived certain changes in her which made me at once aware she was Lestat's daughter as well as my own. From me she had learned the value of money, but from Lestat she had inherited a passion for spending it; and she wasn't to leave without the most luxurious black coach we could manage, outfitted with leather seats that might have accommodated a band of travelers, let alone a man and a child who used the magnificent compartment only for the transportation of an ornately carved oak chest."
IWTV AMC show: running around Eastern Europe on foot and by train, dressed in rags, starving, murderous, scrawny, beggars, silent.
I like this change. It's in keeping with going not only from White Blond Delicate Louis and Claudia to Creole Louis and Black Claudia, but also from how much more Claudia especially rejects Lestat and everything he represents to her in the show. And it's not like show!Claudia doesn't like luxurious things, she does (dresses, books, etc), but her experiences as a Black forever-teenager are different from blond-angelic-forever-5-years-old book!Claudia, which makes her able to sort of code switch from living on nothing with nothing to enjoying financial stability whenever she encounters it.
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1americanconservative · 8 months
Arab countries citizens are waking up
1. Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people… has 36 hospitals There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.
2. Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel. Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.
3. Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone, and $120 million a month from UNRWA, and $50 million a month from the European Union, and 30 million dollars a month from America. There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with one million dollars.
4. Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged, and all goods were entering it, as were foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were traveling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and Mr. Fafo is the biggest example.
5. Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries…and its people were living better than many Arab people.
6. Suddenly…we discovered that our minds were besieged by a programmed lie…by the (Muslim) Brotherhood media.”
7. Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually think, but children of terrorists with machine guns and suicide belts who underwent special training by Hamas.
8. Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals, and mosques in Gaza are organized terror headquarters and ammunition warehouses with Hamas’ underground tunnels.
9. Suddenly we discovered that in Gaza there is an underground “metro” of Hamas that stretches for 500 km, which Israel can only envy.
10. Suddenly we discovered that the supposedly doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists.
11. Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are kept in children’s rooms in Gaza homes.
12. Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book “Mein Kampf” were very popular in Gaza, and its translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza, or a portrait of the author.
13. Suddenly we discovered that Gazans live a life of luxury, with multi-story mansions with swimming pools and premium German cars.
14. Suddenly we discovered that there is no Israeli siege on Gaza because it still borders its Muslim sister Egypt.
15. Suddenly we discovered that most of the “citizens” in Gaza support Hamas and other terrorist groups, elected Hamas in democratic elections, and celebrated the massacre on October 7th.
16. Suddenly we discovered that what is called journalists in Gaza who work for Western media like CNN, AP, Reuters, and others turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.
17. Suddenly we discovered that what is called ‘peace activists’ and ‘workers of international human rights organizations’ of the UN, the Red Cross, and WHO, turned out to be terrorists and corrupt people of Hamas.
18. Suddenly we discovered that each of the leaders of Hamas is a billionaire and richer than President Trump, with a net worth of 4-5 billion dollars each.
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poupeesdecirque · 17 days
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Travel Blog - Connichi 2024 - Part 1
Thurday & (Pre-Con) Friday or: How Alu & I spend 5 hours taking photos of Cosplays that weren't planned at all
Welcome back to another travel blog, as I already mentioned before there is a lot to unpack, luckily a lot of positive things and sadly some negative as well. But I will start with my two favorite days of this trip. This entry is about traveling on Thursday, our Photoshoot and then the Friday Morning before the actual Convention. The Travel Blog will be divided into 4 parts this time.
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For the second time the Connichi took place in Wiesbaden, this time I shared an apartment with my friend @adragonstale as after last year's stressing events I didn't want to stay alone. The drive was long but for once not delayed by traffic and I somehow managed to get the sword into the car, I am still amazed I did.
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After we met up at the train station we fetched a snack and were able to get into our apartment, which was about 10 min from the event location if you walked slow. It was interesting to see how they already had build up a lot and changed a few things.
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Then we went to the Neroberg for Nea photos, as I didn't want to take Crown Clown with me to wear it with 30°C outside... Nea was the alternative.
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Have a sneak C:
I am very amazed how all the photos turned out, slowly I get warm with Nea and having the sword really helps to pose better for him aside than just randomly standing somewhere.
We then fetched some groceries for breakfast and our lunch boxes the next days, as we had the luxury of having a fridge. The day ended with dinner from a place that offered Buddha Bowls, mine was with Quinoa, Rice and I had added Pumpkin and a Sesame Soy sauce.
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Thursday started with some good old oat bowls for the both of us, but I was super excited as ...
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We went out to take photos with me as Bookman Jr. I had finished the wig before the Con and his Bookman outfit was existing already, one day I will do the new outfit buuut.. I just couldn't resist. And Wiesbaden is a city with super interesting spots and then there was the offering by the Museum that the first 500 visitors with tickets for the Con got free entrance and were allowed to take photos inside the Museum, I love museums and we just had to.
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Some interesting spots in Wiesbaden. Except the mural one we used them each for photos, I can tell the photos came out so amazing I love them all.
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And a little sneak for the Bookman Jr. Photoshoot we had in the city. We also went to fetch some Donuts and lunch .. I was asked if the white hair was my real hair and I was so happy. I felt really comfortable with Junior, I think this helps to digest the fact we got him instead of the character we thought pastAllen would be. According to the kids in the Museum I am now Zelda though :'D
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Some impressions from inside of the Museum, to be honest the whole Museum deserved an entry on its own but we will explore it more with the photos we took there of me as Bookman C:
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After the Museum we got the Donuts and the snack and headed back to the apartment as I needed to redress and get rid off the make up to get ready for the convention...
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... as Mana this time.
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msternberg · 2 months
Arab blogger Hoda Jannat (Hoda_jannat) felt that something is not right in the news she is being fed by the media. So she set herself for a real fact-checking mission. And here are the results, translated from Arabic:
1.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people… has 36 hospitals,” Jannat wrote.
“There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.
2.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel.
Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.
3.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone, and $120 million a month from UNRWA, and $50 million a month from the European Union, and 30 million dollars a month from America. There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with one million dollars.
4.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged, and all goods were entering it, as were foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were traveling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and Fafo is the biggest example.
5.Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries…and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.
6.Suddenly…we discovered that our minds were besieged by a programmed lie…by the (Muslim) Brotherhood media.”
7. Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually think, but children of terrorists with machine guns and suicide belts who underwent special training by Hamas.
8. Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals, and mosques in Gaza are organized terror headquarters and ammunition warehouses with Hamas’ underground tunnels.
9. Suddenly we discovered that in Gaza there is an underground “metro” of Hamas that stretches for 500 km, which Israel can only envy.
10. Suddenly we discovered that the supposedly doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists.
11. Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are kept in children’s rooms in Gaza homes.
12. Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book “Mein Kampf” were very popular in Gaza, and its translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza, or a portrait of the author.
13. Suddenly we discovered that Gazans live a life of luxury, with multi-story mansions with swimming pools and premium German cars.
14. Suddenly we discovered that there is no Israeli siege on Gaza because it still borders its Muslim sister Egypt.
15. Suddenly we discovered that most of the “citizens” in Gaza support Hamas and other terrorist groups, elected Hamas in democratic elections, and celebrated the massacre on October 7th.
16. Suddenly we discovered that what is called journalists in Gaza who work for Western media like CNN, AP, Reuters, and others turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.
17. Suddenly we discovered that what is called ‘peace activists’ and ‘workers of international human rights organizations’ of the UN, the Red Cross, and WHO, turned out to be terrorists and corrupt people of Hamas.
18. Suddenly we discovered that each of the leaders of Hamas is a billionaire and richer than President Trump, with a net worth of 4-5 billion dollars each.
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ctlightner · 9 months
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Hi! Finally saw this reply, and I will absolutely explain.
First of all, I want to be clear that I love Alva. She's a spiritual successor to Megara from Disney's Hercules, and I think she has a very well done arc in the movie. This is not me hating on a canon female character for the sake of gay shipping. I think she and Jesper have great chemistry... I just think Jesper and Klaus have even better chemistry.
Part of that is the nature of the flim: it's a buddy movie, so it's important for the two buddies to bounce off each other and make us believe they're good together--if not romantically, then platonically. I can't say I've watched a lot of buddy movies, but if I were writing one, one of my top priorities would be to make sure the leads worked well together on a base level.
However, if we look more closely at the language of film--how the scenes are laid out, the shots, the cuts, etc--I think the movie starts resembling a romance when it comes to Klaus and Jesper.
(warning, this turned into 3k of film analysis. very long and image heavy. spoilers for klaus, and the discussion assumes youve seen it at least once)
Exhibit A: The Touch
Step one is a base of good chemistry, but then we add in things like Jesper accidentally touching Klaus' broad chest and pulling away quickly (~43 min in):
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But that's not the beginning and end of this sequence, otherwise it would simply read more platonic. See, when Jesper firsts lays his hands on Klaus, his eyes travel to his hands. And then he realizes what he's done and glances up at Klaus:
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The shot lingers on this quiet moment between them, filled with nothing but touch. And if that was it, well, yeah you'd get people reading it as romantic, but it still could just be platonic as Jesper realizes he's breached the personal bubble of the man he thought was an axe murderer two nights ago. But something happens between Jesper realizing he fumbled over the touch barrier and him pulling away:
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A POV shot. Through Jesper's eyes.
When we shift into Jesper's head, we're privy to a full reaction from Klaus. We don't know exactly what's going on in his head, but he's not angry. If anything, he looks quizzical. Part of this is because Jesper doth protest too much about how much he cares about toy delivery, and this mountain man is re-learning social interaction after decades of isolation.
But again, the movie pauses here. It's not a long, long shot, but it is about one second long. That doesn't seem like a lot, but you can fit quite a bit of information in one second of a movie. Furthermore, the entire sequence, from the initial touch to pulling away is a solid 5 seconds. The movie purposefully delays us here, on this moment, to make sure we see them interact in this way.
Let's play Swap the Genders for a second. If Jesper was, idk, Jespina, how would this interaction be different? Theoretically, it's the same actions and the same, surrounding implications of plot context. But we as an audience have been trained to read "boy and girl share brief, awkward touch" as foreshadowing for a romantic future. In all genres, not just romcoms and dramatic romances, though you bet your butt they're extremely deliberate in those. And with how long the movie lingers here, it would absolutely read as romantic if this were m/f.
But Wait There's More!
Exhibit B: Jesper, The Light
At about the 55 minute mark, we get another interesting sequence. By this point, we know that Klaus' store of toys is drying up, and he hasn't been keen on making more. Jesper, meanwhile, is still a few letters shy of being able to go home to luxury, so he gets an idea on how to convince Klaus to make more toys for Christmas.
We see Klaus out chopping wood when the magic wind we saw earlier in the film (that convinced him to go on the initial deliveries), leads him up to his workshop. Once there, he's greeting by a curtain obscuring part of the shop. A lantern within exudes soft, comforting golden light, and we see a silhouette moving.
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The silhouette is feminine, from the look of hair pulled back, to the curvy spine, to the soft triangle of the lower body that implies a dress. We're to assume there is woman there, and as the sequence continues, we're led to assume this is a woman Klaus knows.
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He starts to approach, a look of surprise on his face. Then we get a close-up that further betrays his want and concern and hope. This is all portrayed without words, by the way. It's just a series of well-executed shots and poignant music. It's an excellent example of how to raise tension via shots when you have a very stoic character. Klaus doesn't really move his face much. He doesn't mug to the camera like a desperate Let's Player to illustrate that he's having Complicated Emotions. Instead, the shot changes intensify. By the time Klaus is ready to see who's behind the curtain, so are we.
And after all that buildup, the feminine figure reaches out and flings the curtain away to reveal...
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Twink Supreme.
Klaus is annoyed the silhouette wasn't who he thought it was and gets more annoyed the longer Jesper tries to pitch him on making toys for Christmas. Klaus tries to get him to stop, but he helps himself to the workshop and starts touching things he shouldn't. This culminates when Jesper yanks a sheet off a wall.
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He reveals a very dusty fixture with a familiar-looking masculine woodcut, and a less familiar, but notable feminine one. And underneath their slot are completely empty ones. This is the first time the scene has been shunted into darkness since Klaus entered the workshop.
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Klaus is horrified at this thing, even though we can surmise he made it himself. This is forbidden, even to him.
He orders Jesper to leave. Jesper obliges, and we follow him back to the post office where he meets up with absolute cinnamon roll Margú and finally decides to help her write a letter so she can get her own toy like the townies. Jesper goes to Alva for help and via the power of pop ballad montage, we see them get a little closer and end the sequence with the letter in hand.
Now, Jesper knows he can't ask Klaus for help making Margú her toy, so he sets off to make it himself despite not being qualified in the slightest. It's the thought that counts, right?
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As the ballad ballads on, we get a crossfade from Jesper working by candlelight to Klaus still sitting and brooding in his dark workshop. A crossfade is a type of transition from scene to scene where one picture gradually fades into the next. As we fade from Jesper to Klaus, we get an incredible image:
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Jesper is in the forbidden zone. His visage has replaced the dusty, hidden remnants that have been there so long. Moreover, once again, the movie heavily contrasts light and dark. Much like how the curtains obscuring Jesper earlier were the only light in the darkness of the workshop, now again is Jesper the beacon of warmth. A beacon that Klaus has turned away from, much like he did the tree carving before.
Now, I need y'all to put a pin in this. I swear I have a conclusion to this sequence, but I need to talk about something else first.
Exhibit C: The Porch Scene
Klaus eventually shows up to the post office and sees that Jesper made a mess of the woodworking for the gift. He starts fixing it, and the two head out into the night to the nearby Sámi camp/village to deliver Margú's toy. The ballad is still going, by the way, and it rises back up in lyrics and power as the young girl tests out her... snow-windsurfing board? It looks dope. Jesper seemingly for the first time understands the meaning of doing good deeds. Eventually, they return to Klaus' home, all excited from the escapade. Especially Jesper.
As they stable the reindeer, Klaus admits that it's been a long time since he's felt this way, and that "she" used to tease him when he got that doofy smile on his face. Who is "she," Jesper asks.
"My Lydia," he replies.
Klaus recounts how he and his wife found enjoyed their little mountain hideaway. But, he says, it wasn't going to be the two of them for long.
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Light blossoms again as we flash back to a younger Klaus and his wife, excited to start their lives together, and very excited to start a family, a large one. At least seven children judging by the niches on the tree. Unfortunately for them, no children came. And then Lydia got sick. And then she was gone. He supposes he lost his way after she died, making birdhouse after birdhouse because she loved birds.
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"Then," Klaus says, turning to gaze fondly at Jesper, "you showed up."
He says that he never thought he'd feel this again--"this" of course being the joy of seeing children's faces when they got a new toy he worked hard on. No, "this" doesn't refer to romance, but again, if Jesper were Jespina, we would absolutely be expected to take this as, if not foreshadowing, then barely-subtextual confirmation that there are romantic feelings somewhere in the mix.
But that's not just looking too hard through a queer lens at this interaction. Remember that pin from the previous section? Pull it out and let's discuss. See, the movie, through film language alone, equates Jesper to Lydia.
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We were expected to believe the silhouette from earlier was a woman's. A woman who we understood to be important to Klaus. Now, we know that she wasn't just important, he loved her, was married to her. To see her silhouette in Jesper's positions the two as equals if they can so easily be mistaken for each other. Essentially, something about Jesper reminded Klaus of Lydia.
But of course, the movie didn't do this just once.
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The movie equates Jesper to Lydia when it crossfades between the post office and the workshop during the breakup sequence. I mentioned that Jesper is the light in the darkness here, but superimposing him over something so important and devastating to Klaus places him squarely within the field of those feelings as well. And once we learn that the carved tree was Klaus and Lydia's wish for family, suddenly Jesper being there in the frame puts him as family.
Now, could you read this as just platonic "found family?" Yeah, absolutely, and the film does a great job doing that later on when the Sámi enter the workshop. But I argue that the movie has gone out of its way several times to specifically equate Jesper and Lydia. These two people are both lights in the darkness for Klaus. They tease him good-naturedly. But most importantly, the porch scene recontextualizes a much earlier scene from being merely mysterious to Lydia outright endorsing Jesper's presence in Klaus' life.
Back around the 30 minute mark, Jesper approached Klaus after a successful day of getting the kids to write letters for toys. He implores Klaus to give away his myriad of toys that're just collecting dust in the workshop. Klaus is seemingly less than impressed, until a strange wind blows in. We see this odd wind several times throughout the movie, and Klaus seems to understand what it wants, despite it not speaking. During the porch scene, we learn that he believes the strange wind is Lydia's spirit keeping him company and giving him a nudge in the right direction if he needs it. At the end of the movie, the wind tells him it's time to let go and to move on. At the point where Jesper is trying to persuade Klaus to do deliveries...
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The strange wind circles him in a halo, forcing Klaus to pay attention. The wind's approval--Lydia's approval--is what makes Klaus decide to help deliver the toys beyond the first one.
Essentially, not only does the movie equate Jesper to Lydia through imposing their likenesses over each other and through similar light/dark contrasts, it has her appear in the beginning and straight-up endorse Jesper's entry into Klaus' life.
Exhibit D: "Ah, Young Love!"
This next section is not so much about the homoeroticism as is it why, despite my love for Alva, her canonical romantic entanglement with Jesper pales in comparison to the accidental (?) homoeroticism of Jesper and Klaus.
There's a line that the boatman says about 39 minutes into the film after Alva has a very public, very angry confrontation with Jesper. At this point, the kids are very reward-driven, attending the school-turned-fish shop purely so they can learn to write so they can send a letter so they can get a toy. Alva yells at Jesper about how the violent, constantly feuding families won't stand for their children attending school together. She views his sending the kids to her as a threat to her ability to save up enough money to get away from Smeerensburg forever and pursue her dreams somewhere she'll be useful and appreciated.
After Alva leaves, the smug trickstery boatman says:
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"Ah! Young love."
I have always found this line incredibly grating because it's a classic example of Telling rather than Showing. Now, people in recent years have pushed back against that old adage, but there are times you want to show something to the audience rather than just stating it in a straightforward manner. Romantic relationships, for one thing.
As I mentioned at the top of this post, this is a buddy movie between Jesper the Postman and Klaus the future Santa Claus. They are the main characters of the film. Both of them need to carry this movie equally, and the best way to do that is to make sure they have excellent chemistry with each other. The film succeeds at this, and then some.
Alva, on the other hand, is not the main character. She is a major supporting character, and I think the movie would be lesser if she were absent, but her and Jesper's romantic relationship was always doomed to be Told rather than Shown. Because theirs is not the most important relationship in the movie.
I think the film could have done better about this, though. Getting rid of that young love line, for one thing. It's the sort of line you have someone say in the hopes that you can sneak in some romantic foreshadowing for the canonical couple. Unfortunately, it's about as subtle as a brick to the face.
The film seems to be going for a Bad First Impressions/Enemies-ish to Lovers thing with Jesper and Alva, but it really falls flat. They just don't spend enough time with each other for me to believe they're falling in love. Not to say they don't have cute moments. The montage where they help Margú write her letter is really nice, and the film shows Alva scooting closer and closer to Jesper as they hang out more and get to know each other. However, it's a montage, one with a song covering the bits of dialogue we get from them as they work. If the movie wanted to make me believe that Alva and Jesper had as much, if not more, chemistry together than Jesper and Klaus, then they probably should have changed the scene to be less focused on the montage and more focused on them playfully bantering back and forth.
But again, I think the relationship was doomed from the start, purely because Alva is not a main character. They probably would have had to make Jesper the eventual Santa Claus and nix Klaus in order to give Alva the proper amount of room.
(However, I think that would have ended up making the movie a bit too much like Rankin-Bass' stop-motion Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. Think about it: that special starts with a postman narrating about letters; it emphasizes that the question "Why do people write letters to Santa?" will be explored and answered; the main setting is a depressing, grungy town headed by a cartoonishly evil leader; there's a jaded ginger-haired schoolteacher who learns to loosen up and love life again, etc.)
I wish things had been different with Alva, or maybe that they had been allowed a longer runtime to really sell the relationship. As it is, it's fine. It works for what it is. But Jesper and Klaus' relationship is simply deeper, more subtle, and more meaningful.
Thank you for coming to my post about why Klaus is an extremely gay movie despite not being a gay movie. I wish I could wrap this up more academically, but I've made my thesis obvious and I have work at 7:30am tomorrow.
Hope this answers your question!
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script-a-world · 6 months
Submitted via Google Form:
Is it possible for a country to not have any private road vehicles unless you belong to government (but then they are still government vehicles loaned to government employees even if you're allowed a certain amount of private use as a perk)? There is a massive network of public transportation everywhere so there is little need of private vehicles. Also taxis are only run by the government and not private companies. Also how much would this help at with congestion on the road/gas prices?
Tex: I would hesitate to create a social hierarchy that depends on official permission to own and/or operate certain things that will likely end up being perceived as luxury goods, as historically it doesn’t end up well for the people with the special permissions. This seems like an attempt to solve a perceived problem by creating an incidental environment that will engender a culture of nepotism and corruption. This is a debate that has been going on in the real world for many, many years, and one of the products of this is alternative energy sources and incentivizing everyone (and I do mean everyone) into using public transportation more often. A government, as a general rule, likes to advertise their cost-cutting measures because it makes them look good and ensures fewer people are upset with them, so it seems politically more feasible to invest in public infrastructure for public transportation and give government employees stipends/bus passes/etc than designating them special permission to be the only ones to drive a personal vehicle.
Addy: Your world is set up such that only government employees (and maybe buses and taxis) have road privileges. What kind of city infrastructure will develop with those restrictions?
Public transit (of various forms) is only economically feasible if you have a high enough population density that people can walk to and from your public transit in a reasonable timeframe without having an absurd number of stops. That means that you'll have a moderate-to-high population density - think of the rows of townhouses you see on BBC. When you have a moderate-to-high population density, you also (generally, following natural development patterns) get a higher density of shops*. If you have shops close by, you can reach them by walking, without needing to use public transit at all. Following this chain of logic, when you have shops interspersed with residential homes, most everyday needs are fairly accessible by walking.
* Say a brand wants to have 5000 people in the region for each store. If you have 100 people per square mile, that means you have one store per 50 square miles. If you have 1000 people per square mile, you have one store per 5 square miles. If you have 5000 people per square mile, you can have one store per square mile.
So you've got walking (or wheelchair, etc) for most travel, and then buses/trains/subways/etc for going longer distances. Most people don't have access to cars, so your infrastructure is going to be based around foot travel. If you're a government employee, will a car really be a benefit to you? It'd be convenient for going between different cities and the like, but I imagine that it wouldn't be very efficient for traveling around town. Why does a foot-travel-based town need parking lots?
It doesn't.
Motorcycles and pickups could be useful in rural areas (hauling around animal feed and the like), but those aren't being used on public roads, so the restrictions wouldn't apply there.
For congestion… you design your roads based on the amount of traffic you see. If you don't have traffic, why would you have congestion? I'd recommend looking into light rail systems. England, Germany, Austria, etc – light rail is pretty useful.
For roads… I imagine them being similar to fire lanes and emergency access roads. Firetrucks need to be able to get anywhere in a reasonably fast manner, after all. Same for ambulances and police vehicles and whatever else might apply in your world (something something hospital helicopters). If you have buses, then you'll also have some kind of infrastructure for that. You'll also have some form of transportation for people traveling between cities (could be rail, could be road, depending on the purpose. Think of semi trucks, for example).
Gasoline. That's a bit trickier. What are petroleum products being used for in this country? How developed is the petrochemical industry? Supply and demand, yes, but you also get issues of economies of scale.
I'd really recommend looking at pre-car societies and their layouts. Also light rail and the history of petroleum (also Standard Oil). But to answer your question: congestion would be miniscule and gasoline would be a little complicated but probably doable.
Licorice: Is it possible? Yes, it’s perfectly possible. There are several islands around the world which have banned cars. One, which I have visited, is Hydra is Greece. Public transport is mostly conducted by mules and donkeys. Another is the channel island of Sark. 
A society in which only government employees are allowed to use cars would be an oppressive society, an  us-and-them society. It also begs the question of who counts as a government employee? Nurses and doctors? Train drivers? And why would most of them need a car?
If you want this imaginary society to be a utopia rather than a dystopia, you could allow private car ownership on a need basis. Emergency services workers need cars. Public transport drivers need cars, unless the public transport runs round the clock. Farms may sometimes need cars. For some disabled people and their carers, a car can transform their quality of life. So perhaps it is these people who should be granted a licence to own a car, rather than civil servants? 
Presumably people without cars will still be allowed to own bicycles, motorbikes, electric bicycles, scooters, segways, and other personal motorised methods of getting about. You’re going to need a good road infrastructure for these things and for the public buses and trams. 
If your country is self-sufficient in oil and gas, drastically reducing the number of cars on the road might have a local impact on gas prices. If it imports gas, then it may have less effect. Here’s an NPR article on how the price of gas is determined.
But remember, gas is used for many purposes beside driving cars, so a rise or fall in demand from private car owners may not have the impact on gas prices that one might expect. 
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maristelina · 1 year
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Kotoko Harrow Themes
I noticed that there seems to be a...vague take of Kotoko's Themes in Harrow that I sort of don't agree with. To summarize based on what the MV showed us, Kotoko's entire deal is about:
🔸Preying/exploitation of the weak (Children and Elderly). 🔸Exploitation of Power (Serial Killer's rich dad, the apartment towers) 🔸Cannibalism of the Weak / Parasite (Mikio Oshii, Paper bag robbery couple). 🔸Exploitation and Objectification of Women and Repressed Desires (Pervert at the Train Station taking Pictures).
Let's get more in-depth of the scenarios playing out.
You can read more about the articles in detail over here.
Kotoko's family dynamic and implications. Wolves travel in packs to support each other. As mentioned in Kotoko's interrogation, her family structure is as follows. Grandmother, father, mother and older brother. You will notice there is 4 Wolves and Kotoko. Meaning 5 family members!
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I think it's interesting that grandma is living with Kotoko's family. Because this could imply something about their financial structure family-wise!
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When grandparents and grandchildren live together usually means their grandparents are well-off.
But! people's lifestyles in Tokyo are kind of complex, it's also possible that the family has no choice but to live in the grandparent's house. Like the children had problems with their family relationships/needed to care for their frail grandparents etc.
The reason I brought up Tokyo is because in Kotoko's Prisoner HD card sent to Premium App users, it's said that she lives in Akasuka, Tokyo. However, it's most likely that they're rich considering Kotoko has money to burn to bribe a journalist.
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There are 2 major crimes that I believe is a great clue to their own family life. Kotoko places great interest in the warning sign which says a person has been dropped near the vicinity of their home.
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If you check the first minute of Kotoko's MV as she is waking up, you will see a wolf paw for a split second, A wolf's pelt on the ground, before the lighting strikes, a flash of its eye (important for later) and shows the wolf alive again. The pelt is gone from the ground and replaced.
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I think Kotoko used to have a little sister. The black haired girl wearing pink clothes in particular because we see the shots as if they were from her memories as the MV goes on.
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This girl is visible as a flashback despite having a different victim on the last part of the video as seen here:
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Some of the details of the murder are shown as if they're from Kotoko's memories. If you read the previous articles from the other blog post, none of the articles talk about how the Serial Killer killed his victims aside from throwing them on the street nearby the vicinity of their houses.
Meaning she's intimately aware of the Killer's modus operandi because their family was a victim of this serial killer.
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You will also notice a lady in white dress lying down after being hit by the hammer. I believe this is Kotoko's grandmother / monster because of the body physique. None of the articles talk about this as far as I can remember.
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These memories keep flashing by as Kotoko goes solo. Then, when finally given the chance, his is the wolf that is with her in the shelter and the one that eggs her on to kick this serial killer's ass. You will also notice they put great emphasis on the wolf's eye at the beginning of the video. Giving them a strong link.
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To recap, the reason we have so much emphasis on two exact crimes:
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🔸The Serial Killer killed the little sister and possibly the grandmother. The Serial killer also keeps getting away with it because his father is a politician. His face is fully visible in one of the frames.
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🔸Mikio Oshii scammed the elderly and stole "luxury" bikes. It's likely that their family was scammed as well. Kotoko killed him while wearing men's clothing to get away with it. It is one of the news articles talking about her vigilante activities.
Kotoko losing her pack one by one could be a financial ruin because of the scams and the death of the little sister.
What's interesting is what happens near the end. Kotoko's chair is replaced with a pelt...Is she...still alive?
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That is all for now. Thank you!
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spookyactiongames · 3 months
The Sweet Adeline and Sassy Arista
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The Sweet Adeline is the height of luxury travel. Get to your destination in style by renting a room on this beautiful air ship. All rooms come with large windows to view the skies and land below while you relax on your flight. The main deck features a sky bar and shuffle board area as well as a chance to take in the open air. Enjoy a fabulous dinner atop the balloon with a once in a lifetime view. Also included are a crew level where the crew sleeps and the food is prepared, as well as a level for powering and piloting the ship. Although all levels are accessible with stairs or narrow ladders, teleporters are located throughout the ship to make movement within easy. Yellow to staff areas, Red to guest areas.
I have also created a sister ship, The Sassy Arista, which I designed to be used more as a team headquarters for traveling adventures. This ship has a training area, a library and meeting area, storage and treasure vault area, and quarters for up to 5 people, as well as a living room/lounge area. And of course the powering and piloting levels. This ship also features teleporters for ease of movement within the ship.
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fiction-box · 1 year
Hi there! I found your blog through your Claude x Asexual!reader fic, and I loved it so much! (Both as an asexual myself, and a Claude lover 😅) You write for FeTH(ouses) right? Would you do three hopes as well or not? I don't want to force you to play the game, or anything I just wanted to know since the character's appearances outfits and potentially personalities are changed between the two.
But all that aside, could I possibly get a Claude x Fem!reader that were separated during the time skip for whatever reasons and are reuniting during/after battle?
Also, is it okay with you if I go by Ace anon?
Hello, lovely Ace anon! I have not consumed enough material from FEWTH to reliably create material for the game, and I am not likely to play the game in the near future either. That said, I will happily write for the games I have already played. I have been moving backward rather than forward in the Fire Emblem series; the game I am currently playing is FE Echoes: SoV.
Hopefully, this doesn't hold you back from sharing your ideas with me. It is always exciting to hear from others and indulge both them and myself in material that we love.
The story will be continued under the cut. Requests are open!
Following Professor Byleth’s disappearance, the Golden Deer became more of an idea than an army. There was no need for such a force when the Church and Kingdom were already deploying all of their troops against the Empire. To top it off, the Leicester Alliance couldn’t come to a decision on which side of the war they would support.
The Leicester Alliance’s system was doomed to fail from the start; this was simply the push it needed.
In any case, your sister, a renowned animal doctor, had funded your education at Garreg Mach in hopes you would grow to become a pegasus knight in the Alliance’s Guard of Derdriu. No doubt the pay would be more than enough to set you for life.
…but you technically never graduated.
That took quite the toll on your family. Tuition had been expensive, to say the least. Not only did Garreg Mach not give you a title that would land you anywhere in this world, but they also denied refunds in the name of the war effort. The very war effort that strained mountains of commoner households across Fodlan, specifically.
So your family had settled on the next best thing. You would become an apprentice under your sister, studying what you had not already picked up just from being around her and supporting her dream in your youth.
You were surprised to learn that business was booming during the war. Your sister practically toured the continent, going wherever safety was guaranteed and money was abundant to train, strengthen, and heal all types of war creatures. Wyverns, pegasi, horses, dogs, falcons…and you were along for the ride.
Just being around such a renowned practitioner allowed you to come to truly appreciate both her work and her dedication. She was intelligent, compassionate, witty, and ethical; any time you had a question, she was right next to you with an answer. There was just no parallel for the amount you learned in such a short time.
The money went back to your family, for the most part. There was enough to go around and then some, though the two of you urged your parents to do whatever they could to help your community with the funds. No reason to be stingy when higher salaries came with every job.
It went on like this for years. Your sister would be called, you would follow, and the animals would find themselves in peak condition after about a month. Then the two of you would move on, your travel accommodated in advance by your next patrons.
Such repetition was easy to fall into, especially when it meant luxury for you and the ones you loved. It almost made you forget about something important.
A promise you had made to your friends 5 years ago.
Discussing your plan with your sister, she was at first adamant that you remain with her. Any affiliation that wasn’t strictly neutral with a territory would certainly lead to you being marked for the war effort, after all.
But you assured her that you had been training for this. She had sent you off to become a knight, so why was it wrong to follow through?
In the end, your place was on the front lines while hers was to play support. No amount of playing doctor could change your mettle.
So when she reluctantly let you go, releasing you to carve your own path, the two of you prepared for it to be your final goodbye.
“Please, be safe,” she enveloped you in a hug, “and don’t forget resolutions forged in the hour of fear. You are who you are; this war must never change that, you understand?”
“I do. I’m going to miss you more than you could know.”
“I’ll write often, I promise.”
Finally, you mounted the saddle of your pegasus. You had enough rations to get to Garreg Mach, according to one of the knights, and your weapon was sharp and ready should you need it.
“No holding back out there. Don’t let anyone forget who you are, no matter what.”
Neither of you had the heart to say you loved each other.
“Make the world a better place.” Goodbye, sister.
Off you went, wind blowing past your face into your hair. You would not look back, and you would not look down. This would be the path to your future.
The trip lasted what felt to be an eternity. Eventually, your rations lowered to a dangerous level, and you weren’t quite sure how far you had yet to travel. Geography was not your strong suit, despite your travels, and you landed your pegasus near a stream before dismounting.
Your steed, built differently than a horse and needing to use far more strength to carry you and your equipment, would require more food than just grass. Not to mention you were hungry for something fresh, tired of the bits of meat preserved by copious amounts of salt.
Naturally, your mind had come to fish as its conclusion. Meat without much fuss, and you would always know where to find it.
There was another reason.
After all your work these past several years, you doubted you had the gall to kill an animal outright. A fish was the furthest removed thing on the food chain from what you worked with in terms of meat, from the top of your head anyway.
So you primed your spear, peaking into the stream. Today’s meal would be perch if you were skilled enough.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered, just off the top of your breath.
It was repeated like a mantra as you tried to think of a way to kill the animal as painlessly as possible. No way you could stomach watching it flop around in its final moments.
“Please forgive me, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t want to do this.”
Even your horse, it seemed, was giving you a judgemental look. Really it was just a fish, right? You could do so much more good to the world than a-
“Well, I never thought I’d see the day.”
Quickly, you spun on your heel to face the new voice. It was one you hadn’t heard in half a decade, but you could never forget that tone.
“Claude? How did you end up out here?”
He chuckled, moving in closer, “We all met back at Garreg Mach the day of the Milennium Festival. Unlucky for us, a group of bandits beat us to the punch, and we had to clear them all out. I came out here looking for stragglers in a haphazard perimeter check when I saw something strange by this stream.”
Your pegasus, moved by its stomach, approached Claude after observing your reaction to your previous house leader. It sniffed at its bag before nipping at it impatiently.
“Woah, easy there!” he grinned. “You two must have been on quite the journey if you’re this demanding. That, or maybe you’re just a spoiled little thing.”
Grinning, you watched as Claude gave in, opening the bag on his hip and holding out bits of meat for your companion.
“Won’t your own wyvern be jealous?”
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. We landed yards away to be stealthy, so she shouldn’t come snooping around here if she’s being good-”
“Wait a minute!” you interrupted, “I missed the Milennium Festival? But how? I was told I had enough rations to get to Garreg Mach, and that I’d be in the area the day before.”
Claude sighed, petting the pegasus with his now-empty hand, “We wondered where you were; I’ll admit there were rumors something had happened to you since you’d last been with us, but I held onto hope.”
Still, that didn’t answer your question.
“Based on the direction I think you’ve been heading, you probably would have passed your destination too far to the east. It’s a good thing I caught you- otherwise, that would be a one-way trip to Enbarr. If the soldiers or the starvation didn’t take you first, that is.”
Your steed pulled away, approaching you before pawing at the ground.
The archer’s eyes met yours, “I could take you back to Garreg Mach the fast way. I’m sure both you and your friend would have an easier time eating whatever Leonie caught today.” He grinned, “Unless, of course, the whole Enbarr-trip thing sounds like something more your speed.”
Laughing in response, you mounted and followed Claude through the bushes to his wyvern.
“By all means, lead the way.”
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caminotravels · 30 days
August 29th
Today is trains and more trains . 🚂🚂
It was an early start , mainly because I could not sleep and woke up at 4:30 am . Finally at 5:30 I got up and showered, that way we could go for coffee and start our day.
We decided to get the 7:30 am shuttle to airport, as once there we can take a train to the train station where we get the train to Astorga. It all went very smoothly. It was a little confusingly at times , but we figured it out and made our train with no problems . I am sitting now in first class , a little luxury. The train will go to Leon , and we then change trains to Astorga. This is what I mean about being many trains today . We should be in Astorga by 2pm . This way we have lots of time to investigate the town .
We arrived, gosh I have been traveling since 6am Monday 26th when I took a train to Tacoma to get the plane from Seattle. So many trains and planes. Anyway , I am finally in Astorga, which means we can finally start the Camino tomorrow .
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